Radio 2 12 o’clock news and Miliband is the lead item with a clip from his speech on banking reform.
A bit different from the usual approach when any government announcement is summarised by the BBC and immediately followed by “…but Labour says..”.
Interesting to contrast this with what happened during the run up to the 2010 General Election.
On the Today programme a Labour (Government) announcement would be reported without any balancing comment from the Conservatives or Liberal Democrats. Yet when the Conservative opposition made an announcement the BBC helpfully provided a Labour comment on said announcement.
“THE share price of Lloyds and RBS fell this morning as Ed Miliband’s plan to break up the retail banks began to look like a full-blown political debacle for the Labour leader. It could cost the taxpayer billions of pounds.”
‘look like a full-blown political debacle for the Labour leader’
Which may start to reflect on those facilitating his efforts in this regard.
Today for instance was pretty much the ‘Labour show’ with little if any reference to any other party, or indeed objective 3rd parties (Humph utterly steamrollered when trying to counter some smug BS, oddly. Though he did nail him at the end on not actually having any numbers to back up his claims). The Today Programme shared a link.
6 hours ago Chuka Umunna discusses Labour’s proposal to create more competition in the banking sector.
That would be Mr. Umunna handed the mic more than a discussion.
And Mr. Peston (or ‘Robert’ to Mr. Umunna) seems to feel, or thinking wishfully they are already in power. Robert Peston @Peston 17h Labour to force bank break-ups …
Top rated comment: 9. 20 Cent
16TH JANUARY 2014 – 22:17 Well done Miliband, you have just undermined the chance of privatising the government owned banks at a sensible price. How much money have you just cost the taxpayer?
Labour managing finances – what an oxymoron!
To be fair, in clearing their schedules to promote this, the national broadcast system has played a major part too.
Not sure crippling the nation’s finances to suck up to the guy who’ll keep the gravy boat afloat once they get him reinstalled is really within their remit. Or ethical. Or professional. Or…
If I thought Labour had the brains to scupper any chance of selling the banks that Brown caused to be taken into public ownership, I might have suggested that Ed had done this deliberately, thus preventing £7 billion being available to ‘bribe’ the electorate. Labour only think in terms of bribery and politics; what is good for Labour not what is good for the country. But like Paddington bear, Ed is a bear of very little brain. However Chuka and the other Ed are more like the weasels in the wood (Wind in Willows) and they are just plain nasty. And the bias in the BBC is that its news programmes don’t just ignore the weaknesses in Labour’s plans, they praise them.
Humphrys (paraphrased): ‘And we have two people in the studio who are qualified to talk about this’.
And they would be Robert Peston and Chukkabutty The Mooner.
No opposition in sight.
No City expert in sight.
So no political debate on what is one of the crassest and most hypocritical political moves yet from Miliband.
And no challenges by Humphrys on Labour’s disastrous shotgun marriage of Lloyds and HBOS and why was that acceptable then but not now and no challenge as to why Chukabutty thought the inevitable drop in share prices and delay to selling off the huge government stake was ‘a price worth paying’.
The truth is Labour doesn’t give a shit about the savers and the pension funds who hold these shares – never have and never will.
I have noticed a tendency with the bbc that when the Conservatives are in power, they justify all the Labour airtime as being needed to understand what the opposition thinks about the government’s performance. But, when the Conservatives are in opposition, they justify the Labour airtime by saying that they need to have Labour MPs on air to explain what the government is doing. Heads I win tails you lose.
Have you forgotten 1995? In that year Labour were quiet about their policies, would say nothing and the BBC did not press them. Instead they joined in the attack on the Tories – much of which were policy free personal smears. No matter what the Tory minister came on to discuss the latest smear would be introduced to push them off topic. No Tory policy was allowed any air time without immense criticism. This continued until 1996 when, at last, some of Blair’s lies were trotted out. The attacks on the Tories were ramped up, Labours policies were repeated but not examined.
It’s how they operate – cut & paste Labour policy hand outs with no critical analysis then join in the attacks on the Tories. All of which is interspersed with smears.
They’ve been doing this for years but now they are getting brazen and people are starting to notice.
I think Mr Cameron is marked for a Mandelson; ie. elevated to the Upper House and then given a sinecure within the EU to reward him for his stoicism in the face of opposition to his wicked support of the EUSSR.
Naa… A jobsworth teat-sucker like Clegg will go down the EC highly-salaried, generously-expensed, long-holidayed, well-staffed, non-jobbed route.
I fancy Wavy Davy sees himself as Blair Mark 2. – bit of private equity here, bit of American bank there, topped up with a hefty dose off oiigarch/ dictator bunce.
‘Purely in economic terms the honest answer is that subsidies bring nothing. The result is that here everybody has become completely dependent on them so there is no spirit of innovation and no desire to modernise or even produce more.’
Now this quote, bleeding obvious to some, comes from the socialist – yes socialist – mayor of a couple of peasant villages in Portugal. He’s talking about EC (ie our) subsidies to his peasants to pay for the upkeep of their donkeys.
Anyone think of a broadcasting donkey with 22,000 employees and a £4 billion p.a subsidy to which the mayor’s dictum could equally be applied.
And even (wile yer on) a country not too far from here and to the north.
This year will be an interesting one indeed when it comes to BBC bias. A general election less than 18 months away and the stakes could not be higher – both for the Progressive Elite and the BBC itself.
Over the last year the BBC (and the rest of the progressive media) have really talked up the truly inept Milibandwagon, giving him as much air time as possible with generally easy going questioning. Purpose – to make him look electable. Yet he remains a dud in the eyes of most voters. His party are still held accountable for the economic mess they left and with Ed Balls on the front bench and the economy picking up Labour’s poll lead looks totally unconvincing.
Will Labour have to rely on the undemocratic unreformed constituency boundaries to win? It might not be enough.*
So, if the Conservatives do win, and win a working majority, the BBC and progressive left face a referendum on EU membership with a prospect of the UK getting out. Shock horror! Even worse they could be faced with a Conservative Government at a time when they are seeking a Charter renewal. A government whose backbenchers are more aware of the BBC’s left wing bias and are more anti BBC than ever before.
The stakes are high.
So expect more Labour favouritism than ever.
* PS: As an aside, can you imagine the BBC’s attitude if a failure to reform boundaries was to the detriment of Labour not the “Tories”. They would be on about it day and night with moral outrage.
‘johnnythefish’ is right. If Labour get back in with a workable majority they will open the floodgates to third world voterstock. They have seen work in the US and believe ,rightly, that it will work here.
The BBC will support and encourage them at every step
Please do not call them ‘progressive’! It is a FAR too positive description! Globalist is my preferred choice, but tyrannical, repressive, despotic, monocratic might all do!
I refer to them as “progressive” in a sarcastic sense – for they are nothing of the sort yet the likes of Miliband and the rest on the left have usurped the word as a label for their vacuous attitudes.
Now I cold think of other words like idiotic, bankrupt, etc etc
The Miliband Broadcasting Corporation saw the adoption of a new tactic during the Humphrys “interview” with Chuka Umunna on Today.
As per usual Humphrys enabled a Labour mouthpiece to spew his propaganda more or less unchallenged (favourite unremarked quotes from the Labour songbook “the £x trillion spent by the taxpayer on rescuing the banks is ALL the fault of the banks”, “this [breaking up the banks] will help the middle class”). However, as Humphrys cleared his throat for another helpful comment (or just cleared his throat), Chuka paused in his delivery of nonsense to demand “please let me answer your question” as if Humphrys would have had the gall, let alone the intention, to interrupt. The sole reason for Chuka’s demand was to create an impression that Humphrys was giving him a hard time.
It’s an analogous tactic to the one by which Labour (and other organisations including warmists or anti-semites academics demanding the boycott of Israel) “complain” to the BBC about perceived bias: there’s no substance to such complaints but they help the BBC to claim that since it gets complaints from both sides of a “debate” it – the BBC – “is getting it about right”.
By setting up a demand for “time to respond” Chuka and Humphrys colluded in the deception that the BBC is fearlessly pressing Labour to give chapter and verse on the reasons for and effects (including possible unintended consequences) of its policies. It isn’t.
They (the BBC and Labour) are shameless.
Labour have, for years, been well trained in the art of controlling the interview. The Tories however are always trying to come across as “nice” and thus never dare to challenge the inevitable interruptions for fear of appearing arrogant and rude. Or the Tories are just too fecking stupid to realise that every interview with the BBC is going to be hostile. Either way, they’ve left it far too late to do anything about it. (They should have spotted it around the Thatcher/Major crossover period because that’s when the BBC really wanted the knife stuck into Mrs T).
Did anyone catch the “abortion” piece on Newsnight yesterday evening?
Why were the two guests both pro-abortion advocates? I thought the BBC had an obligation to present opposing voices on contentious issues like this?
Although the whole section was depressing, it was especially sad to see Ann Furedi trying to dictate to Northern Ireland how it should govern its own child murder/abortion laws. Typical BBC.
A woman’s right to choose, no it isn’t. A rare frog or insect has more rights than a fetus.
The femiNazi’s don’t know which way to turn on this one. A woman’s right or a cultural right ?
While I have no problem with abortions in some cases (e.g. rape, genetic illnesses/disabilities noticeable pre-birth etc), and find it hypocritical that many in the US who oppose abortions also support the death penalty, I hate the way it’s seen only as a woman’s right to choose the fate of their child yet the father’s voice is usually disregarded completely. The vapid, intellectually lazy reasoning behind this is that the woman’s the one who carries the child (which is also the asinine reasoning as to why women are heavily favoured in family court laws) but the last I checked there’s two parties involved in conception and children tend to be raised better with both parents present, so you’d think society would want to urge both mothers and fathers to play an active part in their children’s upbringing instead of being heavily biased in favour of one. Instead, fathers get far less parental leave than mothers and being a house husband is looked down on, not to mention the ingrained myths about paedophiles on every street corner and sexual assault/domestic violence being almost entirely one-way means men are often treated with suspicion if they like or interact with children however harmless it actually is. And then we’re then told that fathers are ‘feckless’ when the laws and cultural stigmas are designed to neuter their ability to parent their own child.
Of course, the same liberals who claim to have empathy because they blindly support all feminist/minority issues have a hypocritical lack of empathy when it comes to the issues of white men.
“The second item in the liberal creed, after self-righteousness, is unaccountability. Liberals have invented whole college majors–psychology, sociology, women’s studies–to prove that nothing is anybody’s fault. No one is fond of taking responsibility for his actions, but consider how much you’d have to hate free will to come up with a political platform that advocates killing unborn babies but not convicted murderers. A callous pragmatist might favor abortion and capital punishment. A devout Christian would sanction neither. But it takes years of therapy to arrive at the liberal view.”
Under the law they are accepted to be viable foetuses (but not quite babies) after 24 weeks, this is usually when the spinal column of the foetus is formed and there is a possibility of survival outside the womb.
So does the law allow women to claim to be pregnant with child before 24 weeks? Perhaps that’s where the phrase ‘expecting a baby’ comes from: unless the incidence of mutations is higher than the press is letting on surely the women is expecting a baby as soon as the pregnancy ‘is held’, it is an organism that is human not a cat or a dog or a pig and as such must be viable as it is forming.
The site is being developed with backing from the trade unions GMB, Unite and CWU’
Keith loves his BBC… He would just like it to be a bit more Lefty…
Keith Barham @Ezquid Jan 15
@jamer99 @NickyAACampbell @PutneyDebates @bbc5live that’s Murdoch speaking. Although bbc dropped the ball on #nhs still think bbc valuable
You see this is the problem :
Conservatives may agree that the BBC still has some value – but they will cite great drama or wildlife documentaries etc.
Meanwhile the Left are 100% clear that the BBC is their strongest campaigning tool.
Marcus Chown @marcuschown Jan 14
David Cameron warns that, if we are not nice to our crooked bankers, they’ll all leave the country. RT if you are not that bothered.
Keith Barham @Ezquid Jan 14
@marcuschown it’s a threat thy won’t carry out but those who do threaten to leave should be immediately deported & thr business nationalised
And remember folks this Keith ‘still think(s) the BBC is valuable’
Nicki Campbell is a very strange fellow, he appeared in that genealogical programme ”Who do you think you are ?” He’s actually Irish not Scots, his Irish mother put him up for adoption. ( I’m not surprised )
He boasted ” My grandfather was in the IRA at the time of Michael Collins, my father was an Irish republican !!!” said Campbell, His natural mum said ”Nicki, stop telling lies.”
So was Tony Blair…so is Hilary Clinton?
Anybody see the links?
Serial fantasists, who invent crap to fill their own greedy empty lives.
And we elect `em!
Leo Abses book on Blair summed him up perfectly-funnily enough, it`s not often quoted-but he`s a liar who is sincere only for the time he`s at your face…and he sincerely believes what he says until the next Zelig/Forrest comes along
Sociopathetic!…and dangerous for all that too!
I think Campbell’s fantasy is an example of the deep psychological sickness that drives the bourgeois liberal left.
It echos the obvious distress show by David Tennant, on ‘Who Do You Think You Are’ when he discovered that his grandparents were not Republicans but Ulster Covenantors
I have said before that the new religion ( that Campbell exemplifies) has more to do with unresolved father issues than Marxist economic theory , and I wasn’t being humorous
In the final analysis , I don’t care if they hate themselves or are jealous of their fathers relationships with their mothers. It is their projection I object to.
Yes. Tony Bliar of course remembered seeing, 20 years after his retirement, wor Jackie playing in a league match at St James’ Park. Tony then headed off to Newcastle Airport to take a flight to a Caribbean island no-one has ever heard off using an airline that has never existed.
And as for Gameshow – where to begin… where to begin.
He (rather ridiculously) likes to describe himself as a songwriter, even more ridiculously tells interviewees ‘there’s three million listeners out there, and of course he blows to the twitterati that he’s a great mate of David Miliband.
Er they won`t.
That`s your answer.
Under Beebrules, one victim group can`t possibly be racially challenging to another.
So it` s not racist-got that Lobsta mate?
Peace an luv…Foocing BBC complaints bin!
Ooh, ooh! Seems to be an excellent case wherein to search for ‘root causes’! May I suggest, perhaps the cashier has a relative or friend who has been, ahem, ‘groomed’…?
Or perhaps somehow it’s still the fault of ‘whitey’?
TWATO this lunchtime had 20 minutes of Milibands “big oidea” apropos nothing.
To be fair, a BBC reporter did say that the number of banks HALVED over their time in office ,somewhere in the mix of “news and comment”. And that was all we`d be getting.
For Balls was allowed to chunder on about His Masters Voice-all said without notes, so bravely( and in front of Labour hacks and supporters only!)…oh, how brave indeed!
And-like with Mandelson earlier in the week-Balls was given nobody to argue with…these Labour types clearly don`t like to debate anymore, the BBC seem to think that`s OK.
Unlike any passing Tory who`ll get media opponents, charity whingers, quangocrats, unions and Labour MPs, councillors etc thrown up and at them…a gag reflex of the lefty liberal media, I expect.
But-to be fair to Shaun Ley this time-he reduced Balls to the fat blinkered bully by the jelly trolley to a slobbering bug-eyed wreck…for he actually knows nothing…only how to cast a McBride adrift or dive for a penalty against Guardian hacks.
Absolute tosser-even by himself and with no-one to oppose him.
His Bisto kid of a wife gives me the creeps as well-she still selling HIPs from Labours last attempts to shaft the country?
I too heard the admiration on WATO for Milliband speaking without notes in front of Labour supporters (tested the theory that if the tone of voice said this was admirable then it becomes so…you have to stop and think whether this makes the speech any better). I am afraid I didn’t stay to listen to what Bully Balls had to say, All this news about Milliband and the banks, wasn’t he part of the government that merged banks? Why doesn’t the BBC ask him about it? OK the last question is rhetorical because the BBC really doesn’t ask Labour politicians those sort of questions.
Merge the Banks into one eh Gromit? (Millband voice-over), what a grand (day out) idea that is. We could call it the Wallace Post Office Bank and print money like stamps. Free stamps for everyone. No stamps for Anglo-Saxons who refuse our soup rations. Plenty of soup for the weedy needy who come to our shores begging. That’s the people we need, eh Gromit lad – they do like our soup – one soup for one vote. It’s very democractic that is.
Meet the FOOCers then!
Liz Douchette has managed to give us all a name for busted colonial BBC stiffies that like to muse with Auntie Kate for our edification at the weekend .
Polly and the kettle on, a cheeky Umbrian red recommendation for tonights soiree…and the Guardian Review to be mulled and mooched.
Brave Billy Bragg, top hole Owen Jones, my son!
These From Our Own Correpsondents are indeed FooKers!
German planes, comedy crapola that would rather we NOT get wind of what Syrians REALLY think of their bleeding hearts and potted palm trees at the Damascus Hilton.
There are a few good `uns…but Liz Douchbag is not one of `em.
No doubt we`ll be getting her take on why Syrians live the BBC, hate Kelvin McKenzie and why Leveson is needed for the world.
Load of Foocers then…ta Douchie!
This little Labour/BBC bank-bashing concoction today seems to have perhaps sailed a bit close to the wind for comfort.
Especially as this is in progress prior to some questions being asked about how the BBC ‘fits’ into the UK in terms of democracy, policy-shaping, etc:
Purely by coincidence I also just had a chance to scope these, which could almost form key parts of some submission contents: ‘Circumstances in which TV Licensing enquiry officers have visited a property to find that it does not exist: I can confirm that in the 2012-13 financial year there have been 32,358 instances where this outcome has been recorded’
Looking at the detail FOI the BBC could not get exempted, it would seem that an awful lot of times their fee collection representatives don’t have a clue but operate more on a ‘throw enough mud and see what sticks’ basis.
Panorama should investigate. Or try to. Preferably without a whisper in a corridor stopping it. As that seldom ends well. “It’s too big. We could take out a third of it I think.”
Nice one, Jon. Which bit? Guessing the 33% that gets back from the 133% ‘BBC research shows the BBC is right’ to an actual number that adds up in the funny farm? ‘Leaving around seven weeks for any public discussion’
Not such a long time in politics, media or anything else really. Especially when it seems that almost nobody even knows these things are in train.
That font of information and education that is the BBC edit suite will surely ensure you don’t know if it isn’t serving their interests for you to.
The bBC the mouth piece for the liberal so called Political elite: Row over ‘agonising’ Ohio execution of killer Denis McGuire US lawyers are preparing to challenge Ohio’s choice of death-penalty drugs after a murderer took 25 minutes to die from a new cocktail of chemicals. Dennis McGuire, 53, suffered an “agonising” death in violation of his constitutional rights, lawyers said.
How inhumane this poor innocent man took so long to die during a state execution. On that matter, why did the US decide to murder this man, all I can find at the bBC is: McGuire, who raped and killed a pregnant woman in 1989,
Wow bBC is that all? Virtually nothing about 23 year old Joy Stewart who was 8 months pregnant and who was kidnapped, raped and then stabbed to death by this evil person. Instead you shed tears over this evil evil person , I wish he suffered for 15 hours instead of 15 minutes. Oh hang on, he was unconscious within minutes, so the cunt didn’t actually suffer. unlike his poor victim.
And all because ofthe idiotic E.U embargo on the traditional sedative that was a decent export from Denmark, UK etc.
A successful EU export banned to salve the consciences of Piers or Sean Penn.
That it adds to the “cruel and inhumane” treatment of evil bastards like this bloke seems to have escaped the BBCs reporting.
Big Pharma to the rescue eh?…bet the BBC won`t like that offer.
Just as well there`s a few guns still in the US…why not just do a Gilmore on them…or is being cruel and inhumane the sole prerogative of the criminal and liberal elites only!
There will always be ” a row” about someone who is sentenced to death or when the sentence is carried out , because the BBC and liberal/ left will row about it .
There’s never a row about lenient sentences given to killers or when they are let out of jail after a ridiculously short time in their “”life “” sentences , presumably because their lives are more equal than victims lives .
Only Labour would name their new banks, after the ill-fated NASA catastrophe that blew up on 28/1/86; killing all on board.
And all because the cameras and the O-ring manufacturers wanted a quick result for Reagan.
An apt metaphor for Labour-who have no knowledge of history or or meaning since before 1997.
The BBC have no records of anything since 2010 apparently.
The bBC, the mouth piece which remakes Islamic intolerance as Islamic victimhood. Central African Republic lynch mob seeks sectarian revenge
Read how the bBC follow a Christian mob who seek out poor Islamic victims I quote: As we meet the imam at his house the morning after, he explains that his quick call to the AU soldiers saved him and his family. “In 40 years here, I have never seen that,” he says. “But the violence is out of control, we don’t have a choice, we must leave or get killed.”More than 1,000 Muslims were evacuated this week. Those, like imam Mohamed, who had thought they could stay, now say there is no more alternative. They are waiting for a military convoy – organised by the Chadian army most likely – to come and escort them all the way to Chad.
So according to the bBC, only Muslims are the victims in C.A.R. Funny enough they don’t elaborate on why these Christian gangs are all based in refugee safety camps next to churches. In fact Christianity is the majority religion in C.A.R
80% as a matter of fact, Muslims constitute 10%. So when a bunch of Islamic rebels took power by the bullet and the bomb you can see why the Christians were concerned and then when the rebels had a fall within their ranks, those not aligned to the new Islamic president decided to go on a shootathon and murdered thousands of people, 200,000 Christians are internally displaced and the bBC paints the image that the Christians are to blame for all this.
Err no like Muslims everywhere their inability to live in peace and their penchant for murder, rape and torture is the reason why the majority Christian population has said enough is enough.
I too noticed the BBC (8am news Radio 4) refer to Christians in the process of attacking someone from the…er “largely Muslim” group that (let me guess) had been somewhat brusque with Christians thus far.
Ah, you see where religions gets you?
Bad as each other mate.
Just as well we`ve got Socialism and the EU to speak for us, while it saves us from such reactionary elements.
And let`s thank the BBC and the Guardian for the hymnsheets and stained glass windows for the New Faith.
The BBC were hardly interested in the CAR when the Chrisitans were being slaughtered and now that the Chrisitans have had enough and have started fighting back the BBC simply can’t help themsleves in portraying the Muslims as the victims of genocide. In fact I’m sure the report on Radio 5 likened it to Bosnia i.e poor poor Muslims being slaughtered.
The BBC 75% news monopoly will rise significantly as it kills off ever more local and national newspapers who cannot compete with a ‘free’ £200m website.
You heard it here first as it is unsayable in the gliberal world.
The death of the Press may be exaggerated – it’s the fall in ‘advertising revenue’ that hurts the bottom line. The Labour party get ‘free’ BBC advertising whilst just about everybody else has to pay for it. Marxist education policies always look for an ‘easy’ option. So they think the ‘internet’ is somehow ‘free’ when it certainly isn’t – it’s subsidised and paid for by (Google) advertising and the previous goodwill of ‘techies’ who built it, (not to replace Books or the free Press. Labour plans will close Libraries (based on the premise) that nobody is now capable of reading the long words at legnth. I enjoy reading (and buying) newspapers but the less newspaper that get printed will mean that they will go up in price (leaving the BBC appear to the only ‘free’ alternative). It’s not free – it costs us all (UK) 4.8 billion a year!
bBC reports on relgious intolerance and ensures that its favourite intolerant faith is promoted as only a…victim: Where religious hostility is on the rise
Watch the bBC informs you how Muslims can only be victims and how the UK is a nasty place to live. (according to social hospitality that is)
The thing is, if the UK is such a nasty place to be if you have brown/black skin, why do so many of my fellow pigmented human beings risk all to come here. But the thing is is the above list is perception, according to lietomama non British hatred on the internet can only be classed as British which is why the UK finds itself in the same league as: Saudi Arabia/Iran/Central African Republic/Bosnia-Herzegovina/China and Libya. where not belonging to the same clan as the locals finds you in the gutter stabbed,shot,raped and finally dead. Makes you wonder just where these pricks get their info from. However hidden away is the official government sponsored relgious hatred list and for some reason the Uk doesn’t do as good as it should. Gee I wonder which relgious group is behind the UK’s low score there which has the Palestinian territories as having a better rating than the UK.
I’m getting sick and tired of gay/lesbian/transgender fascists imposing their ways on everyone else, and the BBC are all to ready to spread the word of homosexuality. I, for one, do not agree with homosexuality but respect the right for people to do their own thing so long as it doesn’t impact o others. I agree with Putin on this one. He’s standing up for traditional relationships and the BBC/Left/gay rights gestapo squad is throwing a hissy fit.
One can’t even get away from the homosexual propaganda on the sport pages of their website either. Last week, according to the BBC, two of the biggest stories in football were a “rainbow lace” campaign spearheaded by some gay rights group, and the coming-out of a second rate German midfielder. Alas, it’s the world according to the BBC…
What about a TG synchronised swimming contest?
If Thailand gave us their famous Ladyboys for the Olympics…surely we could compete with Jo Brand, Angela Eagle, Claire Balding, Sandi Toksvig and all our other equivalents in sport, media, politics and “entertainment”.
I`m not saying I`d watch it, but our gay-friendly community could give us reason to cheer.
Better than rolling spliffs, shanking, hounding police and army personnel anyway-and the lovely girls above seem to regard cop hunting, squaddie shaming as THEIR Olympic sports.
There must be an increasing number of people who have had more than enough of the BBC and ditched it for good. Internet radio is the future . With a tablet, smartphone or Personal Computer, you can listen to nearly every radio station on the planet. You have two choices – listen to the live “streamed” programs or download recorded programms “podcasts” For tablet or smartphone, a simple free podcast downloader and player is “podkicker” (free from google playstore). To get you started with some non lefty programs that will make beeboids blush, – from the GCN radio network in the USA , try these three daily podcasts – “Alex Jones”, “The Power Hour” and “Radio liberty”. On a PC , a google search will take you to the website for GCN or search for the individual program..
“Tunein Radio” is another option, probably easier to use if you are new to internet radio . You can get Alex Jones on this, not sure about other podcasts, but for general listening to most stations around the globe it is perfect.
Tunein Radio
It is a free app on google playstore or
I await the day on which there is not at least one story about gay people on the front of the BBC website.
I don’t care about
gay people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Was always a mystery to me how the exceedingly grim ‘Grimmers’ was given a prime slot on Radio 1. Discovered yesterday that he has just split up with his boyfriend – all became so clear.
Tickled me when Scott Mills, not quite confident vis-a-vis his teen and pre-teen audience, would coyly reference his male *flat-mate*
Nothing here against gays, Asians, or the ladies; but everything against the Droid half-wit management who think they deserve a tick, vg, and gold star for hiring from any of these constituencies.
Whilst driving I heard the Now Show on R4.
It would be only considerate if it was preceded by an announcement along the lines that when dealing with issues like immigration only the approved liberal line was being followed.
That those liberals listening need not worry. The only offence would be to Daily Mail readers and being edgy but nice middle class commedians we don’t care for them much.
Even our parents are nice middle class liberals so we don’t really upset them.
The show is drivel .The performers are predicatable middle class wanna be rebels. Out of time and out of talent.
They are the establishment and don’t really get it.
Dave, I too caught the Now Show tonight and I have to say, it will have been my last. It is puerile, vindictive, nasty and simply a Far Left 30 minute love fest. A truly dreadful 30 minutes of crap.
Might not be the best week to mention Top Of the Pops what with DLT following Savile into the dock of public opinion.
But Milibands “hit”…”On the Banks”…went straight to the Top of the BBCs charts this morning…with copious bullets and payola ligging all day.
Well up until 5pm.
And now Milibands “Hit On the Banks-Balls Remix/reheat”…seems to have exited the charts…sunk like a stone as far as the BBCs 24/7 mithering is concerned.
Do you think Balls execrable performance on TWATO prevented the needed soundbites for the rest for todays running dogs agenda?
Dead in the water…and no-one even got time to attack it!
Mind you, when your A Team is Miliband, Balls, Leslie, Reeves and Chuckie….you`re probably best being a conference 5-a-side tribute act…time for Denis Healey to get his boots on maybe?
I switched on 6pm BBC 1 news and Channel 4 7pm news to hear what effect Milliband’s plans had on share prices, I could have dreamt his speech because there just was no mention; yet the damage has been done.
“Miliband accused of vandalising British economy as his plans to curb banks’ powers wipe £1 BILLION off shares in a morning.
“Tory MP tells MailOnline Labour leader’s outburst was ‘very irresponsible.’
“Robin Walker says it’s akin to vandalising the UK economy.
“Treasury minister David Gauke says £1 billion wiped off shares.
“Miliband insists he’s not out for retribution, but reform of banks.”
Even by BBC standards the Radio Four 6.30 comedy slot is blatant,/i> propaganda!
Tonight’s ‘Now show’ though was a cruder exercise than most!
They were ‘talking about’ immigration, actually coming out with the usual stale old attempts to mock everyone opposed to immigration and repeating the same stale old lies – immigrant numbers are tiny, we are a ‘nation of immigrants’etc.
As I have previously pointed out, a frequent target for racist sniping are the French, well tonight they made it official, apparently ‘the French are the one ethnic group its OK to mock’! Really? Who decided this?
The Queen Celebrates another Great Grandchild. Maybe not headline news granted but maybe relegated to the skateboarding duck/ and finally section of the news…..BBC 6’O Clock……nah!
Hope the Labour commentariat will have a word with Burnham re his slating of Russia re the Olympics and gays(did Putin say something then to upset them?).
Time was when the Russians were Labours friends.
Is Putin not paying the BBC enough?
Or are the BBC pink socialists without the spartan wish for cabbage soup and Kalashnikovs these days…and will do Riyadhs bidding now that Moscow seems not to like gays anymore( er, don`t ask!)
As for Saudi views on gays…have the BBC ever asked them?
By the way, a disgraceful biased Any Questions…is there any other kind these days?
I don’t think Putin’s Russia has much in common with our liberal elite. In fact they are very much opposites.
The more I see of Putin the more I like him. We should ditch the useless EU and Nato and form an alliance with Russia. Long term it is in both countries interests.
News at ten:………Fiona Bruce looked as if she had just seen a dog turd under her desk when she had to announce that Putin has said that gays are welcome at the winter Olympics as long as they “leave the kids alone” ………keep them coming son, just love it. Ha Ha Ha ha Ha.
Andrew Marr [18:55] thinks that ‘the rest of the world’ isn’t interested in the games but corruption, release of political prisoners and above all “a bitter, bitter row between the West and Russia over gay rights..” I guess the third of the world’s population that claim to be Muslim aren’t bothered.
Later on Newsnight a named individual is bullied and ridiculed [20:12] because his mates took a picture of him sleeping on a plane and applied their own caption.
This is a major issue because unspecified individuals, who might just come across his twitter feed, might just be offended or feel compelled to remain in their cupboards. The solution to this crisis is the public stoning of the sleeping individual and yet more Marxist indoctrination of our children to see that this sort of thing doesn’t happen again in the future.
I see that the BBC have headlined the trial of William Roche again, even though the evidence against him looks extremely dodgy (why would you go back after you’d been raped once for it to happen again?). While the DLT trail where the case looks like going the other way is reduced to the very last story.
Obviously the BBC is trying very hard to play it down.
Friend down south is telling me of a taxi driver who said he used to procure young boys for a certain pop singer who likes a whiter than white image & his tennis. Just a rumour of course.
There might be more to come on this story as the boys were delivered to the BBC and private homes.
“..[A] certain pop singer who likes a whiter than white image & his tennis…” Oh, dearie me– mention no names, please! Pearls will be clutched, and swooning will take place! Best we let the subject rest. Those rumours were a long time ago! I haven’t heard them since before Victoria was a secret!
It’s so funny, how we don’t talk any more– about him?
Should how you think the trial is going really be a factor? If it turned out that the prosecution had little or no case, would that be a factor too then?
Don’t believe it for a minute. That sounds like the sort of smear Labour produce after asking a pop star to pony up some cash or give some vocal support; and getting knocked back.
The chap you allude to has all the things Labour hate. He’s a successful Christian who may well be gay but doesn’t want to ‘sin.’ He also has said he votes Tory.
Of course, the following will not deter BBC-NUJ (and rest of U.K political class) from propagandising for entry of 80 million Muslim Turks into the E.U:-
“Third of marriages in eastern Turkey involve child brides: NGO.”
this business about that alleged liberal democrat pervert and toucher up of women lord rennard sickens me and we are paying him to sit in the house of lords,anyway ,that a is a debate for another time,what has really wounded me up last night was question time on bbc1,yes another pro mass immigration lover and liberal was on it and his name is tim farron,yes he is the one that looks like and sounds like owen jones older brother,did you hear him last night and i quote he said= mass immigration has been a blessing to england and has enriched all are lifes with diversity,really tim,explain to me how you know doubt timmy boy you do not get much if any mass immigration down leafy yeovil where you live but you think the rest of us cant get enough of it,how out of touch are these liberals and labour party types when it comes to immigration,nobody i know asked for mass immigration and it was imposed on us by the lefties and liberals,why dont these liberals and socalists never seem to understand that,anybody watching question time last night will be in no doubt about one thing,if the labour party win the next election and liberals form a coalition with them they will open the borders even more to countrys outside the eu and countrys like turkey within the eu,that is a very worrying prospect indeed.
Stuart, Uncle Bup can’t help it. He used to be an Air Traffic controller and his working life was made up of creating neatly piled strips of paper, one above the other, and then telling us pilots what to do and all hell would break loose if we didn’t do as he suggested. 😎
Don’t you believe in self-improvement? I don’t intend to slide down to your level. I don’t – can’t – read, or understand your ramblings. I might if you tried harder.
I must confess I was intrigued enough at what a measure of religious hostility may constitute, despite the source I clicked the link…
I really should have known better.
The production values, from b/g music to the vo, on top of a cretinously simplistic analysis, took me back to cheap 70s promo videos.
Not in a good way. If the BBC thinks efforts like this will crack paying markets like the USA, good luck with that.
This was never going to end well and you didn’t need to be Sherlock to guess the outcome, given the child’s background.
The money, coverage and peoples time given to the search amazes me, after all kids go missing every day, why all the concern over this child? The cops almost certainly knew from hour one of the investigation.
It’s a tactic – they shake the tree and see what falls out. Remember Soham?
If that doesn’t work they put the parents on TV for a grief filled appeal in the hope that someone will recognise one of them and give evidence that puts their alibi into question.
They are beneath contempt the must have known how this was going to end, but they stood by and watched as hundreds of people were misled into undertaking a pointless search !
If they suspected murder they have to find the body. They don’t tell the searchers, I imagine but that’s what they are looking for.
Like I said it’s a tactic to flush out the guilty party. Now whenever I see parents appealing for help I’m inclined to think ‘one of them’s done it.’ More often than not it’s true but is dreadful when the parents are innocent.
As always classic “nail head hitting” from across the pond re the BBC
as yet more examples of the many 100 s engaging in “extreme holidaying” emerge.
‘Syria terror’ arrests: Two men charged, police say”
police say? … well the BBC won t!
News – Islamophobia outbreak in UK:
Two Muslims charged with traveling to Syria to wage jihad
“The BBC, true to its constant practice and standard journalistic form, never identifies what kind of terrorism these two men were traveling to Syria to engage in. It is left to the reader to know, and of course, most will, though some of the leading lights in the British intelligentsia no doubt believe the Syrian anti-Assad “rebels” to be plucky freedom fighters”
“Anyway, it’s a good thing that British authorities banned Pamela Geller and me from entering the U.K., eh? If we had gone there, Muslims might have become so enraged by our “Islamophobia” that they would have gone to Syria to engage in jihad and then returned to Britain to wage more jihad.”
And as Beeboids don’t report Australia any more (it’s now subsumed under ‘Asia’ in Beeboid world, and only gets a mention for sport and weather), tg
here’s no report on this:-
“Australia: Muslima killed in Syrian jihad scrawled graffiti on apartment door ‘referencing Osama’ and was ‘rude to other residents and abusive'”
And as Beeboids don’t report Australia any more (it’s now subsumed under ‘Asia’ in Beeboid world, and only gets a mention for sport and weather),
there’s no report on this:-
“Australia: Muslima killed in Syrian jihad scrawled graffiti on apartment door ‘referencing Osama’ and was ‘rude to other residents and abusive'”
So watching the morning news and the bBC are talking about the new male coach for the England girls football team and they then cut away to Birmingham to show a load of girls dressed in black with their heads covered in hijabs , why?
Can somebody please explain to me how people like Islamic terrorists with just a postcard from London are classed as British by the bBC , yet when people from the west are murdered in Islamic countries they are deemed….foreigners
The BBC’s attitude to nationality has always been inconsistent. A 2nd generation immigrant in Britain must be British but a 2nd (or more) generation immigrant of European origin in, say, Africa, shouldn’t be there at all.
(By 2nd generation, I mean the first generation to be born here.)
Your claim was that the BBC suggests they ‘shouldn’t be there at all’, not that the BBC doesn’t refer to them as African or South African. I believ there are plenty of white South Africans, and I’ve heard th BBC refer to them as such lots of times.
Your 2nd point isn’t related to the other. But I think I get what you’re hinting at.
The 10 pm news last night was outrageously biased. Mr E Miliband was shown giving his speech about banking for an extended spot. There was no critique of what he said , no mention of the reservations of many politically neutral authorities , eg the Governor of the Bank of England and the coalition was allowed 10 seconds to reply. It was basically just a party political broadcast.
This is in contrast to the Daily Politics when the policy was shown to be full of holes and basically unnecessary. But of course the 10 pm News is watched by many millions more than the Daily Politics.
Clearly the BBC are doing their utmost to promote red Ed and persuade voters that he is capable of being the next PM. They abandoned any impartiality long ago and are firmly tied to Labour’s bandwagon. The reason is obvious because, as well as their leftist politics, they know that Labour will look after the BBC, after all its their most important weapon. The publicity Mr Miliband received last night would have cost many thousands to buy.
If we are lucky enough to have a Tory majority at the next election then they must make getting rid of the BBC , at least in its present form , their number one priority. Not just because its politically sensible for them to do so, but because it is necessary to save British democracy from being further undermined by the BBC.
So the vested interests of climate change have decided that the sun going to sleep in a second Maunder minimum. The last time this happened the whole of Europe was gripped in a ‘mini ice age’ which lasted between 300 – 500 years depending on definitions.
But all this history – all the facts can be completely disregarded by the climate change lobby or dismissed as having no relevance.
It’s an interesting article by the BBC, different to the usual pro climate change bias. It seems to be giving credence to the theory that the Sun does have a major influence on our climate, and the CC professors outburst is such obvious nonsense that it might be supposed they put it is to show people just how far from sense they have become.
Even programs as innocuous as the piano series show the BBCs bias!
Interviewees such as Alan Rusbridger guardian editor, is followed by a trip to Northern Ireland where the choice of a song is ‘Fields of Athenry’ which the presenter in his ignorance hadn’t heard of, but is in fact an Irish republican song. Surely someone back at the mothership must have known?
Don’t know if it’s republican, but it’s for a certainty nothing to do with NORTHERN Ireland, is it ?
Goes all the way back to the 1970’s (according to wiki), just like that other drearsome dirge which spectators at sporting events like to sing to show they’re enjoying themselves : Flower Of Scotland.
“Golly, I’m enjoying this game far too much ‘cos Ireland are winning ! Oh, bugger: that can’t be right, I should be miserable as sin………..Inspiration! I’ll sing about the Great Famine: that’ll cheer me up.”
“Murders and rapes going unreported in no-go zones for police as minority communities launch own justice systems.
“Rise in ‘community justice’ in Midlands cutting number of police calls.
“Forces warn genital mutilations and honour killings are being kept hidden.
“Follows conviction of Muslim Patrol group last year for ‘enforcing sharia law.'”
Just watching the bBC coverage of the attack on a restaurant in Kabul. I see the bBC in in full flow on trying to push their own Walter Cronkite moment. This they do by promoting the view that the Taliban are all present and just like their promotion of the Labour Party in the UK are the peoples government , by pointing out that foreigners are targeted , then the Islamic terrorists are somehow justified in their murderious bent. Expect more in depth coverage from the bBC this year over how the Taliban are justified in murdering people because of the huge number of….foreigners in their country.
Yes, the bBC brought her out in which to report she had eaten there, that the owner who had lived in Afghanistan for years was actually Lebanese and not afghan. ( unlike British Binyan Mohammed , who only lived in the uk for a couple of years before leaving for the same country, like that other British resident still in Cuba )
All this trout had to say was the Taliban are great and it was well planned.
Just heard that Mr Singh one of the two British people killed was a labour candidate expect the bBC to blame everybody bar the religious bigots who carried out this attack.
The BBC are experts at justifying terrorist acts when they are really completely irrational and have little to with the victims actions. They are the direct result of incitement to hatred and until the BBC wakes up to this reality its reporting represents a real danger to the British public..
No doubt, INBBC is politically enthusiastic about this:-
‘Telegraph’ (£)-
“Terror suspects to remain anonymous despite controls on them lifted.
“Seven men who pose threat to national security to be freed from court restrictions but their identity remains a secret.”
By Tom Whitehead, and David Barrett.
[Opening excerpt]:-
“Britain’s most dangerous terror suspects who are being freed from strict court controls will be allowed to live anonymously in communities – to protect their human rights.
“Seven Islamist fanatics, including two allegedly linked to the 2006 plot to blow up transatlantic airliners, will have lifetime anonymity when restrictions on their activities expire next week.
“It means the public cannot be told who they are or where they are living even though the men, considered a threat to national security, will be free to walk the streets with impunity and associate with whoever they wish.”
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Radio 2 12 o’clock news and Miliband is the lead item with a clip from his speech on banking reform.
A bit different from the usual approach when any government announcement is summarised by the BBC and immediately followed by “…but Labour says..”.
Beeboids are in full pro-Labour Party propaganda mode from now up until the General Election.
Interesting to contrast this with what happened during the run up to the 2010 General Election.
On the Today programme a Labour (Government) announcement would be reported without any balancing comment from the Conservatives or Liberal Democrats. Yet when the Conservative opposition made an announcement the BBC helpfully provided a Labour comment on said announcement.
Doing their friends and preferred party a favour.
It is in their DNA.
No mention on Beeb of the effect this speech has had on bank shares!
“THE share price of Lloyds and RBS fell this morning as Ed Miliband’s plan to break up the retail banks began to look like a full-blown political debacle for the Labour leader. It could cost the taxpayer billions of pounds.”
‘look like a full-blown political debacle for the Labour leader’
Which may start to reflect on those facilitating his efforts in this regard.
Today for instance was pretty much the ‘Labour show’ with little if any reference to any other party, or indeed objective 3rd parties (Humph utterly steamrollered when trying to counter some smug BS, oddly. Though he did nail him at the end on not actually having any numbers to back up his claims).
The Today Programme shared a link.
6 hours ago
Chuka Umunna discusses Labour’s proposal to create more competition in the banking sector.
That would be Mr. Umunna handed the mic more than a discussion.
And Mr. Peston (or ‘Robert’ to Mr. Umunna) seems to feel, or thinking wishfully they are already in power.
Robert Peston @Peston 17h
Labour to force bank break-ups …
Top rated comment:
9. 20 Cent
16TH JANUARY 2014 – 22:17
Well done Miliband, you have just undermined the chance of privatising the government owned banks at a sensible price. How much money have you just cost the taxpayer?
Labour managing finances – what an oxymoron!
To be fair, in clearing their schedules to promote this, the national broadcast system has played a major part too.
Not sure crippling the nation’s finances to suck up to the guy who’ll keep the gravy boat afloat once they get him reinstalled is really within their remit. Or ethical. Or professional. Or…
If I thought Labour had the brains to scupper any chance of selling the banks that Brown caused to be taken into public ownership, I might have suggested that Ed had done this deliberately, thus preventing £7 billion being available to ‘bribe’ the electorate. Labour only think in terms of bribery and politics; what is good for Labour not what is good for the country. But like Paddington bear, Ed is a bear of very little brain. However Chuka and the other Ed are more like the weasels in the wood (Wind in Willows) and they are just plain nasty. And the bias in the BBC is that its news programmes don’t just ignore the weaknesses in Labour’s plans, they praise them.
Humphrys (paraphrased): ‘And we have two people in the studio who are qualified to talk about this’.
And they would be Robert Peston and Chukkabutty The Mooner.
No opposition in sight.
No City expert in sight.
So no political debate on what is one of the crassest and most hypocritical political moves yet from Miliband.
And no challenges by Humphrys on Labour’s disastrous shotgun marriage of Lloyds and HBOS and why was that acceptable then but not now and no challenge as to why Chukabutty thought the inevitable drop in share prices and delay to selling off the huge government stake was ‘a price worth paying’.
The truth is Labour doesn’t give a shit about the savers and the pension funds who hold these shares – never have and never will.
Ed Miliband: causing an economic mess even when in opposition!
Does anyone know what the criteria are for getting someone certified (insane that is!)
Not you Ember! That ludicrous, incompetent, hair brained, bandwagon chasing idiot Miliband
I have noticed a tendency with the bbc that when the Conservatives are in power, they justify all the Labour airtime as being needed to understand what the opposition thinks about the government’s performance. But, when the Conservatives are in opposition, they justify the Labour airtime by saying that they need to have Labour MPs on air to explain what the government is doing. Heads I win tails you lose.
And Radio 4 also had Labour’s banking reform’s as headline news. How can they possibly justify this when labour is not the government ?
Have you forgotten 1995? In that year Labour were quiet about their policies, would say nothing and the BBC did not press them. Instead they joined in the attack on the Tories – much of which were policy free personal smears. No matter what the Tory minister came on to discuss the latest smear would be introduced to push them off topic. No Tory policy was allowed any air time without immense criticism. This continued until 1996 when, at last, some of Blair’s lies were trotted out. The attacks on the Tories were ramped up, Labours policies were repeated but not examined.
It’s how they operate – cut & paste Labour policy hand outs with no critical analysis then join in the attacks on the Tories. All of which is interspersed with smears.
They’ve been doing this for years but now they are getting brazen and people are starting to notice.
The conservatives must enjoy it becaase they just let the BBC get away with it year after year.
Meanwhile Cam the Sham sits in Downing St and repeats to himself… ‘I love the BBC’.
Going to cost him his job unless he gets off his idle arse.
I think Mr Cameron is marked for a Mandelson; ie. elevated to the Upper House and then given a sinecure within the EU to reward him for his stoicism in the face of opposition to his wicked support of the EUSSR.
Naa… A jobsworth teat-sucker like Clegg will go down the EC highly-salaried, generously-expensed, long-holidayed, well-staffed, non-jobbed route.
I fancy Wavy Davy sees himself as Blair Mark 2. – bit of private equity here, bit of American bank there, topped up with a hefty dose off oiigarch/ dictator bunce.
They never give up.
Global warming (what warming?) is in trouble because the sun has gone to sleep.
So the sun can only ever have a cooling effect.
Now I understand.
Extra! Extra! The sun has nothing to do with global warming. This pic proves it!
‘Purely in economic terms the honest answer is that subsidies bring nothing. The result is that here everybody has become completely dependent on them so there is no spirit of innovation and no desire to modernise or even produce more.’
Now this quote, bleeding obvious to some, comes from the socialist – yes socialist – mayor of a couple of peasant villages in Portugal. He’s talking about EC (ie our) subsidies to his peasants to pay for the upkeep of their donkeys.
Anyone think of a broadcasting donkey with 22,000 employees and a £4 billion p.a subsidy to which the mayor’s dictum could equally be applied.
And even (wile yer on) a country not too far from here and to the north.
I think “Broadcasting Donkey” is the perfect description of our extreme left wing, paedophile enabling, national broadcaster.
This year will be an interesting one indeed when it comes to BBC bias. A general election less than 18 months away and the stakes could not be higher – both for the Progressive Elite and the BBC itself.
Over the last year the BBC (and the rest of the progressive media) have really talked up the truly inept Milibandwagon, giving him as much air time as possible with generally easy going questioning. Purpose – to make him look electable. Yet he remains a dud in the eyes of most voters. His party are still held accountable for the economic mess they left and with Ed Balls on the front bench and the economy picking up Labour’s poll lead looks totally unconvincing.
Will Labour have to rely on the undemocratic unreformed constituency boundaries to win? It might not be enough.*
So, if the Conservatives do win, and win a working majority, the BBC and progressive left face a referendum on EU membership with a prospect of the UK getting out. Shock horror! Even worse they could be faced with a Conservative Government at a time when they are seeking a Charter renewal. A government whose backbenchers are more aware of the BBC’s left wing bias and are more anti BBC than ever before.
The stakes are high.
So expect more Labour favouritism than ever.
* PS: As an aside, can you imagine the BBC’s attitude if a failure to reform boundaries was to the detriment of Labour not the “Tories”. They would be on about it day and night with moral outrage.
The BBC will go shit or bust on this – plus they know there’s a very good chance that with the BBC’s help Labour, once elected, will stay there.
Stay there? Hardly, they’ll make yet another mess, and get unelected after 5 years.
‘johnnythefish’ is right. If Labour get back in with a workable majority they will open the floodgates to third world voterstock. They have seen work in the US and believe ,rightly, that it will work here.
The BBC will support and encourage them at every step
Please do not call them ‘progressive’! It is a FAR too positive description! Globalist is my preferred choice, but tyrannical, repressive, despotic, monocratic might all do!
I refer to them as “progressive” in a sarcastic sense – for they are nothing of the sort yet the likes of Miliband and the rest on the left have usurped the word as a label for their vacuous attitudes.
Now I cold think of other words like idiotic, bankrupt, etc etc
The Miliband Broadcasting Corporation saw the adoption of a new tactic during the Humphrys “interview” with Chuka Umunna on Today.
As per usual Humphrys enabled a Labour mouthpiece to spew his propaganda more or less unchallenged (favourite unremarked quotes from the Labour songbook “the £x trillion spent by the taxpayer on rescuing the banks is ALL the fault of the banks”, “this [breaking up the banks] will help the middle class”). However, as Humphrys cleared his throat for another helpful comment (or just cleared his throat), Chuka paused in his delivery of nonsense to demand “please let me answer your question” as if Humphrys would have had the gall, let alone the intention, to interrupt. The sole reason for Chuka’s demand was to create an impression that Humphrys was giving him a hard time.
It’s an analogous tactic to the one by which Labour (and other organisations including warmists or
anti-semitesacademics demanding the boycott of Israel) “complain” to the BBC about perceived bias: there’s no substance to such complaints but they help the BBC to claim that since it gets complaints from both sides of a “debate” it – the BBC – “is getting it about right”.By setting up a demand for “time to respond” Chuka and Humphrys colluded in the deception that the BBC is fearlessly pressing Labour to give chapter and verse on the reasons for and effects (including possible unintended consequences) of its policies. It isn’t.
They (the BBC and Labour) are shameless.
Great comment – I’m so glad other people are noticing this kind of thing.
Labour have, for years, been well trained in the art of controlling the interview. The Tories however are always trying to come across as “nice” and thus never dare to challenge the inevitable interruptions for fear of appearing arrogant and rude. Or the Tories are just too fecking stupid to realise that every interview with the BBC is going to be hostile. Either way, they’ve left it far too late to do anything about it. (They should have spotted it around the Thatcher/Major crossover period because that’s when the BBC really wanted the knife stuck into Mrs T).
Its much easier for Labour to ‘control the interview’ though surely when interviewer and interviewee are acting in cohort?
Did anyone catch the “abortion” piece on Newsnight yesterday evening?
Why were the two guests both pro-abortion advocates? I thought the BBC had an obligation to present opposing voices on contentious issues like this?
Although the whole section was depressing, it was especially sad to see Ann Furedi trying to dictate to Northern Ireland how it should govern its own child murder/abortion laws. Typical BBC.
A woman’s right to choose, no it isn’t. A rare frog or insect has more rights than a fetus.
The femiNazi’s don’t know which way to turn on this one. A woman’s right or a cultural right ?
Yes I did…appalling, but predictable.
I posted on the BBC-Neo Newsnight thread.
While I have no problem with abortions in some cases (e.g. rape, genetic illnesses/disabilities noticeable pre-birth etc), and find it hypocritical that many in the US who oppose abortions also support the death penalty, I hate the way it’s seen only as a woman’s right to choose the fate of their child yet the father’s voice is usually disregarded completely. The vapid, intellectually lazy reasoning behind this is that the woman’s the one who carries the child (which is also the asinine reasoning as to why women are heavily favoured in family court laws) but the last I checked there’s two parties involved in conception and children tend to be raised better with both parents present, so you’d think society would want to urge both mothers and fathers to play an active part in their children’s upbringing instead of being heavily biased in favour of one. Instead, fathers get far less parental leave than mothers and being a house husband is looked down on, not to mention the ingrained myths about paedophiles on every street corner and sexual assault/domestic violence being almost entirely one-way means men are often treated with suspicion if they like or interact with children however harmless it actually is. And then we’re then told that fathers are ‘feckless’ when the laws and cultural stigmas are designed to neuter their ability to parent their own child.
Of course, the same liberals who claim to have empathy because they blindly support all feminist/minority issues have a hypocritical lack of empathy when it comes to the issues of white men.
“find it hypocritical that many in the US who oppose abortions also support the death penalty”
And many in the US who oppose the death penalty also support abortions.
Reminds me of this P J O’Rourke quote :
“The second item in the liberal creed, after self-righteousness, is unaccountability. Liberals have invented whole college majors–psychology, sociology, women’s studies–to prove that nothing is anybody’s fault. No one is fond of taking responsibility for his actions, but consider how much you’d have to hate free will to come up with a political platform that advocates killing unborn babies but not convicted murderers. A callous pragmatist might favor abortion and capital punishment. A devout Christian would sanction neither. But it takes years of therapy to arrive at the liberal view.”
They are not ‘unborn babies’ they are partially developed foetuses!
At what point, in your opinion, are they ‘babies’?
When the foetus becomes viable.
Under the law they are accepted to be viable foetuses (but not quite babies) after 24 weeks, this is usually when the spinal column of the foetus is formed and there is a possibility of survival outside the womb.
So does the law allow women to claim to be pregnant with child before 24 weeks? Perhaps that’s where the phrase ‘expecting a baby’ comes from: unless the incidence of mutations is higher than the press is letting on surely the women is expecting a baby as soon as the pregnancy ‘is held’, it is an organism that is human not a cat or a dog or a pig and as such must be viable as it is forming.
“find it hypocritical that many in the US who oppose abortions also support the death penalty”
And many in the US who oppose the death penalty also support abortions.
I think that is what he meant otherwise IMHO, there is no hypocrisy.
Keith Barham is an anti-Conservative campainger
Tweets by Ezquid
The site is being developed with backing from the trade unions GMB, Unite and CWU’
Keith loves his BBC… He would just like it to be a bit more Lefty…
Keith Barham @Ezquid Jan 15
@jamer99 @NickyAACampbell @PutneyDebates @bbc5live that’s Murdoch speaking. Although bbc dropped the ball on #nhs still think bbc valuable
You see this is the problem :
Conservatives may agree that the BBC still has some value – but they will cite great drama or wildlife documentaries etc.
Meanwhile the Left are 100% clear that the BBC is their strongest campaigning tool.
Take the weapon out of their hands.
And in common with so many Leftists Keith Barham’s arguments are often hate-fuelled and ad hominem
Keith Barham @Ezquid Jan 15
#AskBoris Have you ever contemplated jumping off the Tower Bridge or shooting yourself? Well you should !
Or is this just ‘edgy comedy’ as the BBC might term it.
Marcus Chown @marcuschown Jan 14
David Cameron warns that, if we are not nice to our crooked bankers, they’ll all leave the country. RT if you are not that bothered.
Keith Barham @Ezquid Jan 14
@marcuschown it’s a threat thy won’t carry out but those who do threaten to leave should be immediately deported & thr business nationalised
And remember folks this Keith ‘still think(s) the BBC is valuable’
Listening to game show Nicki this morning and the coverage of the missing child Mikaeel Kular.
Game show introduces his guest as LABOUR councillor Cammy Day.
Why on God’s green Earth and in the context of the story matter one iota what party Mr Day represents??
Is it so ingrained into the beeboid mentality that they must, whenever possible, give the LABOUR LABOUR LABOUR party a mention?
Especially when it shows them in a warm fuzzy light ie pulling out all the stops to find a missing 3 year old – LABOUR = good, humane, caring
And to those who’d argue, well what does it matter?………..that is exactly my point
ps – I sincerely hope the lad is found safe and well
Yet the “Labour” prefix seems to disappear when expense fiddles and imprisonment come into the equation. How very odd.
Nicki Campbell is a very strange fellow, he appeared in that genealogical programme ”Who do you think you are ?” He’s actually Irish not Scots, his Irish mother put him up for adoption. ( I’m not surprised )
He boasted ” My grandfather was in the IRA at the time of Michael Collins, my father was an Irish republican !!!” said Campbell, His natural mum said ”Nicki, stop telling lies.”
He’s a real Walter Mitty.
So was Tony Blair…so is Hilary Clinton?
Anybody see the links?
Serial fantasists, who invent crap to fill their own greedy empty lives.
And we elect `em!
Leo Abses book on Blair summed him up perfectly-funnily enough, it`s not often quoted-but he`s a liar who is sincere only for the time he`s at your face…and he sincerely believes what he says until the next Zelig/Forrest comes along
Sociopathetic!…and dangerous for all that too!
Gerry Adams likes the ‘effniks’, just as long as they’re not white British. At 1.05 in ten years time, that’ll be a crime wave.
You mean this fantasy, Hilary Clinton flew into Bosnia under sniper fire !!!
Comedy gold, All lies.
I think Campbell’s fantasy is an example of the deep psychological sickness that drives the bourgeois liberal left.
It echos the obvious distress show by David Tennant, on ‘Who Do You Think You Are’ when he discovered that his grandparents were not Republicans but Ulster Covenantors
I have said before that the new religion ( that Campbell exemplifies) has more to do with unresolved father issues than Marxist economic theory , and I wasn’t being humorous
In the final analysis , I don’t care if they hate themselves or are jealous of their fathers relationships with their mothers. It is their projection I object to.
Yes. Tony Bliar of course remembered seeing, 20 years after his retirement, wor Jackie playing in a league match at St James’ Park. Tony then headed off to Newcastle Airport to take a flight to a Caribbean island no-one has ever heard off using an airline that has never existed.
And as for Gameshow – where to begin… where to begin.
He (rather ridiculously) likes to describe himself as a songwriter, even more ridiculously tells interviewees ‘there’s three million listeners out there, and of course he blows to the twitterati that he’s a great mate of David Miliband.
This was also linked into a news segment on this mornings AM programme. Labour councillor etc etc etc.
I thought exactly the same as you Will’
I’m just dying to see how the BBC report this one! Whitey doesn’t appear to be involved.
Er they won`t.
That`s your answer.
Under Beebrules, one victim group can`t possibly be racially challenging to another.
So it` s not racist-got that Lobsta mate?
Peace an luv…Foocing BBC complaints bin!
The BBC’s worst nightmare.
Were ‘Whitey’ involved her P45 would have arrived home before her, I guess this woman will just be receiving a warning.
I have to ask why it was being filmed is Mr Muslim looking for some compensation from Lidl?
‘why it was being filmed’
Fair question.
Not the usual day-to-day activity one tends to preserve for posterity.
As with Emma West ‘tape’ what is missing is what lead up to womens out burst.
It would seem, from her comments, that some personal slur was made
Ooh, ooh! Seems to be an excellent case wherein to search for ‘root causes’! May I suggest, perhaps the cashier has a relative or friend who has been, ahem, ‘groomed’…?
Or perhaps somehow it’s still the fault of ‘whitey’?
TWATO this lunchtime had 20 minutes of Milibands “big oidea” apropos nothing.
To be fair, a BBC reporter did say that the number of banks HALVED over their time in office ,somewhere in the mix of “news and comment”. And that was all we`d be getting.
For Balls was allowed to chunder on about His Masters Voice-all said without notes, so bravely( and in front of Labour hacks and supporters only!)…oh, how brave indeed!
And-like with Mandelson earlier in the week-Balls was given nobody to argue with…these Labour types clearly don`t like to debate anymore, the BBC seem to think that`s OK.
Unlike any passing Tory who`ll get media opponents, charity whingers, quangocrats, unions and Labour MPs, councillors etc thrown up and at them…a gag reflex of the lefty liberal media, I expect.
But-to be fair to Shaun Ley this time-he reduced Balls to the fat blinkered bully by the jelly trolley to a slobbering bug-eyed wreck…for he actually knows nothing…only how to cast a McBride adrift or dive for a penalty against Guardian hacks.
Absolute tosser-even by himself and with no-one to oppose him.
His Bisto kid of a wife gives me the creeps as well-she still selling HIPs from Labours last attempts to shaft the country?
I too heard the admiration on WATO for Milliband speaking without notes in front of Labour supporters (tested the theory that if the tone of voice said this was admirable then it becomes so…you have to stop and think whether this makes the speech any better). I am afraid I didn’t stay to listen to what Bully Balls had to say, All this news about Milliband and the banks, wasn’t he part of the government that merged banks? Why doesn’t the BBC ask him about it? OK the last question is rhetorical because the BBC really doesn’t ask Labour politicians those sort of questions.
Merge the Banks into one eh Gromit? (Millband voice-over), what a grand (day out) idea that is. We could call it the Wallace Post Office Bank and print money like stamps. Free stamps for everyone. No stamps for Anglo-Saxons who refuse our soup rations. Plenty of soup for the weedy needy who come to our shores begging. That’s the people we need, eh Gromit lad – they do like our soup – one soup for one vote. It’s very democractic that is.
Meet the FOOCers then!
Liz Douchette has managed to give us all a name for busted colonial BBC stiffies that like to muse with Auntie Kate for our edification at the weekend .
Polly and the kettle on, a cheeky Umbrian red recommendation for tonights soiree…and the Guardian Review to be mulled and mooched.
Brave Billy Bragg, top hole Owen Jones, my son!
These From Our Own Correpsondents are indeed FooKers!
German planes, comedy crapola that would rather we NOT get wind of what Syrians REALLY think of their bleeding hearts and potted palm trees at the Damascus Hilton.
There are a few good `uns…but Liz Douchbag is not one of `em.
No doubt we`ll be getting her take on why Syrians live the BBC, hate Kelvin McKenzie and why Leveson is needed for the world.
Load of Foocers then…ta Douchie!
This little Labour/BBC bank-bashing concoction today seems to have perhaps sailed a bit close to the wind for comfort.
Especially as this is in progress prior to some questions being asked about how the BBC ‘fits’ into the UK in terms of democracy, policy-shaping, etc:
Purely by coincidence I also just had a chance to scope these, which could almost form key parts of some submission contents:
‘Circumstances in which TV Licensing enquiry officers have visited a property to find that it does not exist: I can confirm that in the 2012-13 financial year there have been 32,358 instances where this outcome has been recorded’
Looking at the detail FOI the BBC could not get exempted, it would seem that an awful lot of times their fee collection representatives don’t have a clue but operate more on a ‘throw enough mud and see what sticks’ basis.
Panorama should investigate. Or try to. Preferably without a whisper in a corridor stopping it. As that seldom ends well.
“It’s too big. We could take out a third of it I think.”
Nice one, Jon. Which bit? Guessing the 33% that gets back from the 133% ‘BBC research shows the BBC is right’ to an actual number that adds up in the funny farm?
‘Leaving around seven weeks for any public discussion’
Not such a long time in politics, media or anything else really.
Especially when it seems that almost nobody even knows these things are in train.
That font of information and education that is the BBC edit suite will surely ensure you don’t know if it isn’t serving their interests for you to.
Why should anyone be legally obliged to fund an organisation like this?
BBC edited out DLT groping footage, court is told
Currently, it is simple.
Of course, all things can change.
This, more like:
Love the photo of Millipede, Joshaw. He looks rather like a Donkey.
He haw, he haw, he hawlways looks like that. Sorry, i’ll get me coat.
Oops, it was supposed to be an ass, as in “the law is …”.
In that case, profound apologies to all ass fanciers at the BBC.
Aren’t they all on trial?
The bBC the mouth piece for the liberal so called Political elite:
Row over ‘agonising’ Ohio execution of killer Denis McGuire
US lawyers are preparing to challenge Ohio’s choice of death-penalty drugs after a murderer took 25 minutes to die from a new cocktail of chemicals. Dennis McGuire, 53, suffered an “agonising” death in violation of his constitutional rights, lawyers said.
How inhumane this poor innocent man took so long to die during a state execution. On that matter, why did the US decide to murder this man, all I can find at the bBC is:
McGuire, who raped and killed a pregnant woman in 1989,
Wow bBC is that all? Virtually nothing about 23 year old Joy Stewart who was 8 months pregnant and who was kidnapped, raped and then stabbed to death by this evil person. Instead you shed tears over this evil evil person , I wish he suffered for 15 hours instead of 15 minutes. Oh hang on, he was unconscious within minutes, so the cunt didn’t actually suffer. unlike his poor victim.
And all because ofthe idiotic E.U embargo on the traditional sedative that was a decent export from Denmark, UK etc.
A successful EU export banned to salve the consciences of Piers or Sean Penn.
That it adds to the “cruel and inhumane” treatment of evil bastards like this bloke seems to have escaped the BBCs reporting.
Big Pharma to the rescue eh?…bet the BBC won`t like that offer.
Just as well there`s a few guns still in the US…why not just do a Gilmore on them…or is being cruel and inhumane the sole prerogative of the criminal and liberal elites only!
The Executioner’s Song by Norman Mailer -cf Gary Gilmore – top book.
” Let’s do it!”
There will always be ” a row” about someone who is sentenced to death or when the sentence is carried out , because the BBC and liberal/ left will row about it .
There’s never a row about lenient sentences given to killers or when they are let out of jail after a ridiculously short time in their “”life “” sentences , presumably because their lives are more equal than victims lives .
Only Labour would name their new banks, after the ill-fated NASA catastrophe that blew up on 28/1/86; killing all on board.
And all because the cameras and the O-ring manufacturers wanted a quick result for Reagan.
An apt metaphor for Labour-who have no knowledge of history or or meaning since before 1997.
The BBC have no records of anything since 2010 apparently.
The bBC, the mouth piece which remakes Islamic intolerance as Islamic victimhood.
Central African Republic lynch mob seeks sectarian revenge
Read how the bBC follow a Christian mob who seek out poor Islamic victims I quote:
As we meet the imam at his house the morning after, he explains that his quick call to the AU soldiers saved him and his family. “In 40 years here, I have never seen that,” he says. “But the violence is out of control, we don’t have a choice, we must leave or get killed.”More than 1,000 Muslims were evacuated this week. Those, like imam Mohamed, who had thought they could stay, now say there is no more alternative. They are waiting for a military convoy – organised by the Chadian army most likely – to come and escort them all the way to Chad.
So according to the bBC, only Muslims are the victims in C.A.R. Funny enough they don’t elaborate on why these Christian gangs are all based in refugee safety camps next to churches. In fact Christianity is the majority religion in C.A.R
80% as a matter of fact, Muslims constitute 10%. So when a bunch of Islamic rebels took power by the bullet and the bomb you can see why the Christians were concerned and then when the rebels had a fall within their ranks, those not aligned to the new Islamic president decided to go on a shootathon and murdered thousands of people, 200,000 Christians are internally displaced and the bBC paints the image that the Christians are to blame for all this.
Err no like Muslims everywhere their inability to live in peace and their penchant for murder, rape and torture is the reason why the majority Christian population has said enough is enough.
The bBC, the mouth piece for Islamic Terrorism
I too noticed the BBC (8am news Radio 4) refer to Christians in the process of attacking someone from the…er “largely Muslim” group that (let me guess) had been somewhat brusque with Christians thus far.
Ah, you see where religions gets you?
Bad as each other mate.
Just as well we`ve got Socialism and the EU to speak for us, while it saves us from such reactionary elements.
And let`s thank the BBC and the Guardian for the hymnsheets and stained glass windows for the New Faith.
The BBC were hardly interested in the CAR when the Chrisitans were being slaughtered and now that the Chrisitans have had enough and have started fighting back the BBC simply can’t help themsleves in portraying the Muslims as the victims of genocide. In fact I’m sure the report on Radio 5 likened it to Bosnia i.e poor poor Muslims being slaughtered.
Another case, a la Israel, of “It all started when the Christians decided to retaliate”?
Beeboid political chums not popular, and in financial trouble:-
“The Independent’s future in jeopardy as sales fall to alarming level”
Will Greenslade soon have to be reporting similarly about ‘Guardian’?
It will, as the price has risen to £1.60 this week. Kind of explains why I purchased the Telegraph today. (£1.20)
Even medium term the press as we know it is finished. Just a matter of time. The full extent of the internet revolution has yet to be understood.
The BBC 75% news monopoly will rise significantly as it kills off ever more local and national newspapers who cannot compete with a ‘free’ £200m website.
You heard it here first as it is unsayable in the gliberal world.
The death of the Press may be exaggerated – it’s the fall in ‘advertising revenue’ that hurts the bottom line. The Labour party get ‘free’ BBC advertising whilst just about everybody else has to pay for it. Marxist education policies always look for an ‘easy’ option. So they think the ‘internet’ is somehow ‘free’ when it certainly isn’t – it’s subsidised and paid for by (Google) advertising and the previous goodwill of ‘techies’ who built it, (not to replace Books or the free Press. Labour plans will close Libraries (based on the premise) that nobody is now capable of reading the long words at legnth. I enjoy reading (and buying) newspapers but the less newspaper that get printed will mean that they will go up in price (leaving the BBC appear to the only ‘free’ alternative). It’s not free – it costs us all (UK) 4.8 billion a year!
bBC reports on relgious intolerance and ensures that its favourite intolerant faith is promoted as only a…victim:

Where religious hostility is on the rise
Watch the bBC informs you how Muslims can only be victims and how the UK is a nasty place to live. (according to social hospitality that is)
The thing is, if the UK is such a nasty place to be if you have brown/black skin, why do so many of my fellow pigmented human beings risk all to come here. But the thing is is the above list is perception, according to lietomama non British hatred on the internet can only be classed as British which is why the UK finds itself in the same league as: Saudi Arabia/Iran/Central African Republic/Bosnia-Herzegovina/China and Libya. where not belonging to the same clan as the locals finds you in the gutter stabbed,shot,raped and finally dead. Makes you wonder just where these pricks get their info from. However hidden away is the official government sponsored relgious hatred list and for some reason the Uk doesn’t do as good as it should. Gee I wonder which relgious group is behind the UK’s low score there which has the Palestinian territories as having a better rating than the UK.

Here’s the link for the Pew Article.
The bBC, the traitors within our midst
INBBC doesn’t report Canada, so here’s some news it won’t want to know about:-
“Canadian Arab Federation stripped of funding for supporting jihad terrorism.”
(video clip).
Read more:
Follow us: @Atlasshrugs on Twitter | pamelageller on Facebook
I’m getting sick and tired of gay/lesbian/transgender fascists imposing their ways on everyone else, and the BBC are all to ready to spread the word of homosexuality. I, for one, do not agree with homosexuality but respect the right for people to do their own thing so long as it doesn’t impact o others. I agree with Putin on this one. He’s standing up for traditional relationships and the BBC/Left/gay rights gestapo squad is throwing a hissy fit.
One can’t even get away from the homosexual propaganda on the sport pages of their website either. Last week, according to the BBC, two of the biggest stories in football were a “rainbow lace” campaign spearheaded by some gay rights group, and the coming-out of a second rate German midfielder. Alas, it’s the world according to the BBC…
What about a TG synchronised swimming contest?
If Thailand gave us their famous Ladyboys for the Olympics…surely we could compete with Jo Brand, Angela Eagle, Claire Balding, Sandi Toksvig and all our other equivalents in sport, media, politics and “entertainment”.
I`m not saying I`d watch it, but our gay-friendly community could give us reason to cheer.
Better than rolling spliffs, shanking, hounding police and army personnel anyway-and the lovely girls above seem to regard cop hunting, squaddie shaming as THEIR Olympic sports.
There must be an increasing number of people who have had more than enough of the BBC and ditched it for good. Internet radio is the future . With a tablet, smartphone or Personal Computer, you can listen to nearly every radio station on the planet. You have two choices – listen to the live “streamed” programs or download recorded programms “podcasts” For tablet or smartphone, a simple free podcast downloader and player is “podkicker” (free from google playstore). To get you started with some non lefty programs that will make beeboids blush, – from the GCN radio network in the USA , try these three daily podcasts – “Alex Jones”, “The Power Hour” and “Radio liberty”. On a PC , a google search will take you to the website for GCN or search for the individual program..
Genesis Communications Network (GCN)
click on “listen now””
“Tunein Radio” is another option, probably easier to use if you are new to internet radio . You can get Alex Jones on this, not sure about other podcasts, but for general listening to most stations around the globe it is perfect.
Tunein Radio
It is a free app on google playstore or
on a PC go to –
Who’d have thunk it.
BBC edits out DLT groping young girl on Top of the Pops.
“BBC edited out DLT groping footage, court is told
Teenager ‘groped’ during Top of the Pops was shocked when footage was edited to remove the incident, DLT trial is told”
Surely not. I mean weren’t they so timely and assiduous in dealing with the paedophile Saville ??? (For those who don’t get sarcasm – I jest)
I await the day on which there is not at least one story about gay people on the front of the BBC website.
I don’t care about
gay people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You lack empathy . Go for re education. You will be a better person afterwards.
Was always a mystery to me how the exceedingly grim ‘Grimmers’ was given a prime slot on Radio 1. Discovered yesterday that he has just split up with his boyfriend – all became so clear.
Tickled me when Scott Mills, not quite confident vis-a-vis his teen and pre-teen audience, would coyly reference his male *flat-mate*
Nothing here against gays, Asians, or the ladies; but everything against the Droid half-wit management who think they deserve a tick, vg, and gold star for hiring from any of these constituencies.
Whilst driving I heard the Now Show on R4.
It would be only considerate if it was preceded by an announcement along the lines that when dealing with issues like immigration only the approved liberal line was being followed.
That those liberals listening need not worry. The only offence would be to Daily Mail readers and being edgy but nice middle class commedians we don’t care for them much.
Even our parents are nice middle class liberals so we don’t really upset them.
The show is drivel .The performers are predicatable middle class wanna be rebels. Out of time and out of talent.
They are the establishment and don’t really get it.
Dave, I too caught the Now Show tonight and I have to say, it will have been my last. It is puerile, vindictive, nasty and simply a Far Left 30 minute love fest. A truly dreadful 30 minutes of crap.
I call it the socialist sneering show .
I clicked the comment button by mistake.
Might not be the best week to mention Top Of the Pops what with DLT following Savile into the dock of public opinion.
But Milibands “hit”…”On the Banks”…went straight to the Top of the BBCs charts this morning…with copious bullets and payola ligging all day.
Well up until 5pm.
And now Milibands “Hit On the Banks-Balls Remix/reheat”…seems to have exited the charts…sunk like a stone as far as the BBCs 24/7 mithering is concerned.
Do you think Balls execrable performance on TWATO prevented the needed soundbites for the rest for todays running dogs agenda?
Dead in the water…and no-one even got time to attack it!
Mind you, when your A Team is Miliband, Balls, Leslie, Reeves and Chuckie….you`re probably best being a conference 5-a-side tribute act…time for Denis Healey to get his boots on maybe?
Chuckie 😀
I switched on 6pm BBC 1 news and Channel 4 7pm news to hear what effect Milliband’s plans had on share prices, I could have dreamt his speech because there just was no mention; yet the damage has been done.
Not for BBC-NUJ to mention?;-
“Miliband accused of vandalising British economy as his plans to curb banks’ powers wipe £1 BILLION off shares in a morning.
“Tory MP tells MailOnline Labour leader’s outburst was ‘very irresponsible.’
“Robin Walker says it’s akin to vandalising the UK economy.
“Treasury minister David Gauke says £1 billion wiped off shares.
“Miliband insists he’s not out for retribution, but reform of banks.”
Read more:
Ed Miligimmick picking of the FTSE sector by sector and he ain’t even in power.
Of course having someone in Number 10 who’s even more clueless than Wavy Davy is hardly going to be viewed positively by markets.
Even by BBC standards the Radio Four 6.30 comedy slot is blatant,/i> propaganda!
Tonight’s ‘Now show’ though was a cruder exercise than most!
They were ‘talking about’ immigration, actually coming out with the usual stale old attempts to mock everyone opposed to immigration and repeating the same stale old lies – immigrant numbers are tiny, we are a ‘nation of immigrants’etc.
As I have previously pointed out, a frequent target for racist sniping are the French, well tonight they made it official, apparently ‘the French are the one ethnic group its OK to mock’! Really? Who decided this?
And hear is the link if any masochists want to subject themselves to the BBC’s tired old nonsense.
The Queen Celebrates another Great Grandchild. Maybe not headline news granted but maybe relegated to the skateboarding duck/ and finally section of the news…..BBC 6’O Clock……nah!
Another three of the usual suspects whose stories will never be reported on the BBC
Hope the Labour commentariat will have a word with Burnham re his slating of Russia re the Olympics and gays(did Putin say something then to upset them?).
Time was when the Russians were Labours friends.
Is Putin not paying the BBC enough?
Or are the BBC pink socialists without the spartan wish for cabbage soup and Kalashnikovs these days…and will do Riyadhs bidding now that Moscow seems not to like gays anymore( er, don`t ask!)
As for Saudi views on gays…have the BBC ever asked them?
By the way, a disgraceful biased Any Questions…is there any other kind these days?
I don’t think Putin’s Russia has much in common with our liberal elite. In fact they are very much opposites.
The more I see of Putin the more I like him. We should ditch the useless EU and Nato and form an alliance with Russia. Long term it is in both countries interests.
Good for her. Only one national treasure left in this nation.
Who the hell wrote that piece? John Humphrys, a national treasure? Deluded or what? More like sunken treasure rotting at the bottom of the BBSea.
INBBC censors Islam out of these latest reports.
1.)”Birmingham man held over ‘Syria terror training camp’
2.)”Suicide bomb attack on Kabul restaurant ‘kills 14′”
For BBC-Democrats to report?:-
“Jihadis training U.S. Muslims to carry out jihad attacks when they return home from Syria”
Read more:
Follow us: @Atlasshrugs on Twitter | pamelageller on Facebook
And this?:-
“New Jersey: Muslim freed from pipe at water treatment plant, faces criminal charges”
News at ten:………Fiona Bruce looked as if she had just seen a dog turd under her desk when she had to announce that Putin has said that gays are welcome at the winter Olympics as long as they “leave the kids alone” ………keep them coming son, just love it. Ha Ha Ha ha Ha.
I’m really beginning to like this Putin bloke. I know I shouldn’t but what is the alternative? Miliband?
Putin has said that the BBC are welcome at the winter Olympics as long as they “leave the kids alone”
Andrew Marr [18:55] thinks that ‘the rest of the world’ isn’t interested in the games but corruption, release of political prisoners and above all “a bitter, bitter row between the West and Russia over gay rights..” I guess the third of the world’s population that claim to be Muslim aren’t bothered.
Later on Newsnight a named individual is bullied and ridiculed [20:12] because his mates took a picture of him sleeping on a plane and applied their own caption.
This is a major issue because unspecified individuals, who might just come across his twitter feed, might just be offended or feel compelled to remain in their cupboards. The solution to this crisis is the public stoning of the sleeping individual and yet more Marxist indoctrination of our children to see that this sort of thing doesn’t happen again in the future.
I see that the BBC have headlined the trial of William Roche again, even though the evidence against him looks extremely dodgy (why would you go back after you’d been raped once for it to happen again?). While the DLT trail where the case looks like going the other way is reduced to the very last story.
Obviously the BBC is trying very hard to play it down.
Friend down south is telling me of a taxi driver who said he used to procure young boys for a certain pop singer who likes a whiter than white image & his tennis. Just a rumour of course.
There might be more to come on this story as the boys were delivered to the BBC and private homes.
Careful – Silly Sally thought she was safe with
‘Why is Lord McAlpine trending? – Innocent face’.
I’m still waiting for Gameshow Nikki to get his collar felt for…
‘Yerveonly gorragoogle Thatcher ‘n’ paedophile’.
“..[A] certain pop singer who likes a whiter than white image & his tennis…” Oh, dearie me– mention no names, please! Pearls will be clutched, and swooning will take place! Best we let the subject rest. Those rumours were a long time ago! I haven’t heard them since before Victoria was a secret!
It’s so funny, how we don’t talk any more– about him?
Didn’t he have a “thing” with Russ Conway?
I think you’re all skating on thin ice here.
i dont like skating on thin ice. Far to cold. I do like summer holidays though
I wonder if “Side Saddle” was a euphemism?
Should how you think the trial is going really be a factor? If it turned out that the prosecution had little or no case, would that be a factor too then?
Don’t believe it for a minute. That sounds like the sort of smear Labour produce after asking a pop star to pony up some cash or give some vocal support; and getting knocked back.
The chap you allude to has all the things Labour hate. He’s a successful Christian who may well be gay but doesn’t want to ‘sin.’ He also has said he votes Tory.
Of course they smear him!
Of course, the following will not deter BBC-NUJ (and rest of U.K political class) from propagandising for entry of 80 million Muslim Turks into the E.U:-
“Third of marriages in eastern Turkey involve child brides: NGO.”
this business about that alleged liberal democrat pervert and toucher up of women lord rennard sickens me and we are paying him to sit in the house of lords,anyway ,that a is a debate for another time,what has really wounded me up last night was question time on bbc1,yes another pro mass immigration lover and liberal was on it and his name is tim farron,yes he is the one that looks like and sounds like owen jones older brother,did you hear him last night and i quote he said= mass immigration has been a blessing to england and has enriched all are lifes with diversity,really tim,explain to me how you know doubt timmy boy you do not get much if any mass immigration down leafy yeovil where you live but you think the rest of us cant get enough of it,how out of touch are these liberals and labour party types when it comes to immigration,nobody i know asked for mass immigration and it was imposed on us by the lefties and liberals,why dont these liberals and socalists never seem to understand that,anybody watching question time last night will be in no doubt about one thing,if the labour party win the next election and liberals form a coalition with them they will open the borders even more to countrys outside the eu and countrys like turkey within the eu,that is a very worrying prospect indeed.
Paragraphs, Stewie. I’m not telling you again 🙁
cant help it, my grammar and spelling i admit is terrible.just have to put up sunshine.
Stuart, Uncle Bup can’t help it. He used to be an Air Traffic controller and his working life was made up of creating neatly piled strips of paper, one above the other, and then telling us pilots what to do and all hell would break loose if we didn’t do as he suggested. 😎
I don’t remember him…
Tis very true – I did indeed used to be an Air-traffic Controller.
Meh… one little mid-air to mid-air 🙁 🙁
Don’t you believe in self-improvement? I don’t intend to slide down to your level. I don’t – can’t – read, or understand your ramblings. I might if you tried harder.
I must confess I was intrigued enough at what a measure of religious hostility may constitute, despite the source I clicked the link…
I really should have known better.
The production values, from b/g music to the vo, on top of a cretinously simplistic analysis, took me back to cheap 70s promo videos.
Not in a good way. If the BBC thinks efforts like this will crack paying markets like the USA, good luck with that.….coming next door to you and you dont even know if they are terrorists
More BBC feminist sexism
They automatically assume (without any evidence) that someone arrested in connection with the death is a child is male.
When it emerges that the mother has been arrested, they then “correct” this to say a “person” has been arrested.
At no time do they actually report reality, only something totally false, and them something ambiguous.
This was never going to end well and you didn’t need to be Sherlock to guess the outcome, given the child’s background.
The money, coverage and peoples time given to the search amazes me, after all kids go missing every day, why all the concern over this child? The cops almost certainly knew from hour one of the investigation.
It’s a tactic – they shake the tree and see what falls out. Remember Soham?
If that doesn’t work they put the parents on TV for a grief filled appeal in the hope that someone will recognise one of them and give evidence that puts their alibi into question.
Devious buggers the Rozzers.
They are beneath contempt the must have known how this was going to end, but they stood by and watched as hundreds of people were misled into undertaking a pointless search !
I wouldn’t deprecate them that much.
If they suspected murder they have to find the body. They don’t tell the searchers, I imagine but that’s what they are looking for.
Like I said it’s a tactic to flush out the guilty party. Now whenever I see parents appealing for help I’m inclined to think ‘one of them’s done it.’ More often than not it’s true but is dreadful when the parents are innocent.
As always classic “nail head hitting” from across the pond re the BBC
as yet more examples of the many 100 s engaging in “extreme holidaying” emerge.
‘Syria terror’ arrests: Two men charged, police say”
police say? … well the BBC won t!
News – Islamophobia outbreak in UK:
Two Muslims charged with traveling to Syria to wage jihad
“The BBC, true to its constant practice and standard journalistic form, never identifies what kind of terrorism these two men were traveling to Syria to engage in. It is left to the reader to know, and of course, most will, though some of the leading lights in the British intelligentsia no doubt believe the Syrian anti-Assad “rebels” to be plucky freedom fighters”
“Anyway, it’s a good thing that British authorities banned Pamela Geller and me from entering the U.K., eh? If we had gone there, Muslims might have become so enraged by our “Islamophobia” that they would have gone to Syria to engage in jihad and then returned to Britain to wage more jihad.”
And as Beeboids don’t report Australia any more (it’s now subsumed under ‘Asia’ in Beeboid world, and only gets a mention for sport and weather), tg
here’s no report on this:-
“Australia: Muslima killed in Syrian jihad scrawled graffiti on apartment door ‘referencing Osama’ and was ‘rude to other residents and abusive'”
And as Beeboids don’t report Australia any more (it’s now subsumed under ‘Asia’ in Beeboid world, and only gets a mention for sport and weather),
there’s no report on this:-
“Australia: Muslima killed in Syrian jihad scrawled graffiti on apartment door ‘referencing Osama’ and was ‘rude to other residents and abusive'”
So watching the morning news and the bBC are talking about the new male coach for the England girls football team and they then cut away to Birmingham to show a load of girls dressed in black with their heads covered in hijabs , why?
Launch of the new away kit ?
Can somebody please explain to me how people like Islamic terrorists with just a postcard from London are classed as British by the bBC , yet when people from the west are murdered in Islamic countries they are deemed….foreigners
Excellent question.
The BBC’s attitude to nationality has always been inconsistent. A 2nd generation immigrant in Britain must be British but a 2nd (or more) generation immigrant of European origin in, say, Africa, shouldn’t be there at all.
(By 2nd generation, I mean the first generation to be born here.)
Wild guess, but it’s probably their passport. And so not a ‘BBC attitude’ at all.
Are you saying that 2nd generation white Africans don’t have African passports?
Why does the BBC never report the treatment of white farmers and their families in southern Africa?
Your claim was that the BBC suggests they ‘shouldn’t be there at all’, not that the BBC doesn’t refer to them as African or South African. I believ there are plenty of white South Africans, and I’ve heard th BBC refer to them as such lots of times.
Your 2nd point isn’t related to the other. But I think I get what you’re hinting at.
No Marvin. Joshaw is quite correct in what he states. Take the trouble to look at the BBC reporting.
The 10 pm news last night was outrageously biased. Mr E Miliband was shown giving his speech about banking for an extended spot. There was no critique of what he said , no mention of the reservations of many politically neutral authorities , eg the Governor of the Bank of England and the coalition was allowed 10 seconds to reply. It was basically just a party political broadcast.
This is in contrast to the Daily Politics when the policy was shown to be full of holes and basically unnecessary. But of course the 10 pm News is watched by many millions more than the Daily Politics.
Clearly the BBC are doing their utmost to promote red Ed and persuade voters that he is capable of being the next PM. They abandoned any impartiality long ago and are firmly tied to Labour’s bandwagon. The reason is obvious because, as well as their leftist politics, they know that Labour will look after the BBC, after all its their most important weapon. The publicity Mr Miliband received last night would have cost many thousands to buy.
If we are lucky enough to have a Tory majority at the next election then they must make getting rid of the BBC , at least in its present form , their number one priority. Not just because its politically sensible for them to do so, but because it is necessary to save British democracy from being further undermined by the BBC.
Yes I got the impression it was a party political broadcast
Rather than repeat see
Who needs the sun when you have ‘global warming’?
So the vested interests of climate change have decided that the sun going to sleep in a second Maunder minimum. The last time this happened the whole of Europe was gripped in a ‘mini ice age’ which lasted between 300 – 500 years depending on definitions.
But all this history – all the facts can be completely disregarded by the climate change lobby or dismissed as having no relevance.
It’s an interesting article by the BBC, different to the usual pro climate change bias. It seems to be giving credence to the theory that the Sun does have a major influence on our climate, and the CC professors outburst is such obvious nonsense that it might be supposed they put it is to show people just how far from sense they have become.
But then it might just be my reading of it !
Even programs as innocuous as the piano series show the BBCs bias!
Interviewees such as Alan Rusbridger guardian editor, is followed by a trip to Northern Ireland where the choice of a song is ‘Fields of Athenry’ which the presenter in his ignorance hadn’t heard of, but is in fact an Irish republican song. Surely someone back at the mothership must have known?
Don’t know if it’s republican, but it’s for a certainty nothing to do with NORTHERN Ireland, is it ?
Goes all the way back to the 1970’s (according to wiki), just like that other drearsome dirge which spectators at sporting events like to sing to show they’re enjoying themselves : Flower Of Scotland.
“Golly, I’m enjoying this game far too much ‘cos Ireland are winning ! Oh, bugger: that can’t be right, I should be miserable as sin………..Inspiration! I’ll sing about the Great Famine: that’ll cheer me up.”
Will INBBC continue to censor this?:-
“Murders and rapes going unreported in no-go zones for police as minority communities launch own justice systems.
“Rise in ‘community justice’ in Midlands cutting number of police calls.
“Forces warn genital mutilations and honour killings are being kept hidden.
“Follows conviction of Muslim Patrol group last year for ‘enforcing sharia law.'”
Read more:
Well there was a short piece on this mornings news about it.
Good on The Mail reporting this, they’ve also given us some background on Mikaeel Kular’s mother which the bBC wouldn’t dare mention.
Thankfully the Mail is the country’s most read news website, its a shame that the people who really need to read it can’t read ….
Just watching the bBC coverage of the attack on a restaurant in Kabul. I see the bBC in in full flow on trying to push their own Walter Cronkite moment. This they do by promoting the view that the Taliban are all present and just like their promotion of the Labour Party in the UK are the peoples government , by pointing out that foreigners are targeted , then the Islamic terrorists are somehow justified in their murderious bent. Expect more in depth coverage from the bBC this year over how the Taliban are justified in murdering people because of the huge number of….foreigners in their country.
No doubt Beeboid, Lyse ‘the humanity of the Taliban’ Doucet, has dined there often.
Yes, the bBC brought her out in which to report she had eaten there, that the owner who had lived in Afghanistan for years was actually Lebanese and not afghan. ( unlike British Binyan Mohammed , who only lived in the uk for a couple of years before leaving for the same country, like that other British resident still in Cuba )
All this trout had to say was the Taliban are great and it was well planned.
Just heard that Mr Singh one of the two British people killed was a labour candidate expect the bBC to blame everybody bar the religious bigots who carried out this attack.
The BBC are experts at justifying terrorist acts when they are really completely irrational and have little to with the victims actions. They are the direct result of incitement to hatred and until the BBC wakes up to this reality its reporting represents a real danger to the British public..
Well said Lynette
No doubt, INBBC is politically enthusiastic about this:-
‘Telegraph’ (£)-
“Terror suspects to remain anonymous despite controls on them lifted.
“Seven men who pose threat to national security to be freed from court restrictions but their identity remains a secret.”
By Tom Whitehead, and David Barrett.
[Opening excerpt]:-
“Britain’s most dangerous terror suspects who are being freed from strict court controls will be allowed to live anonymously in communities – to protect their human rights.
“Seven Islamist fanatics, including two allegedly linked to the 2006 plot to blow up transatlantic airliners, will have lifetime anonymity when restrictions on their activities expire next week.
“It means the public cannot be told who they are or where they are living even though the men, considered a threat to national security, will be free to walk the streets with impunity and associate with whoever they wish.”
I just hope that it’s only the judge who made this ruling, or a member of his family, become the next casualties of a terrorist attack .