I’m sure the family and loved ones will be really pleased to see the BBC put this page up seeing as it was their pathetically incompetent left-wing ‘News’night ‘investigation’ that probably finished the poor mann off –
Dateline London is promoting Ed Milliband as the real PM of the Uk regards his Marxist bent regards the banks. All I am hearing from the young prick in the blue shirt is…thatcher this, thatcher that. The French woman ..the people who buy the DM, the paki…big banks are evil. For fucks sake
Now they are defending Hollande’s dalliance as nobody’s business , the young prick is defending him by saying the French are more grown up….errr dick splash it was a French mag which exposed this, funny enough the same French mag which took topless pictures of the future queen of England which the bBC defended as not an issue
Now the subject is Syria and according to the Muslim , Syria has been betrayed by the…….West.
Yes always the west, never Russia, China,Iran , the Islamic world. Or even the not in my name left in the west who don’t want us bombing anybody no to the left wing pricks on bBC dateline it is only the fault of the west
Beeboids apparently unconcerned with President Hollande’s deep deceit, and unconcerned that it was days before he visited his ill ‘partner’ in hospital.
Still what was good enough in President Clinton’s morality, is good enough for Hollande’s?
Dateline London’s panel consisted of:
1)Owen Jones – needs no introduction.
2)French woman from “Marianne” – a leftwing magazine in France.
3)An American from “Globalpost.com” – leftwing media site.
4)An Arab from “Gulf News”
Hardly balanced and indeed with Jones dominating the conversation it condensed into one big agreement on leftwing matters.
Was Gavin in chair?
That tends to make it 5-0.
I still recall the Falklands one where they all accused the Islands and UK Government of sabre-rattling over a few penguins and that little invasion last time was so silly to fo to war over and the Islanders should really accept that Ms. K is the sensible choice of rule… representative and stop making such a fuss about democracy and rights.
Sadly Lord Mc Alpine has died !
Bet a few champagne corks will be popped at the BBC !as Craig has already noted over on http://isthebbcbiased.blogspot.co.uk/
the BBC are already purging their involvement in making this old mans life hell for his last years with lies and smears !
Yes, be very interesting to see the “Last Word” programme that dares to mention him and his story.
And in particular the role of the BBC..Bercow..Davis axis of nasties that hastened his death, or at least made his last couple of years truly evil for a dying man(and family).
Hope his family go to town on them-be grat to see the Bercow cleaned out of the system and put Davies back on the streets abusing tramps.
Best of all-the BBC that carried Savile around on his rhinestone commode for fifty years is the same venal incompetent/out of control monster that crucifies an old Tory without any reason whatsoever(except to do to MacAlpine what they didn`y dare do to their boy).
The MacAlpine Estates greatest gift to us all from Tuscany would be to stick the BBC into Saviles coffi,…and pray in thanks to both of them for ridding us of these leeching,leching evil toxic priests of Pan/Ariel/Baal/Nike etc.
How does it feel to have blood on your hands Beeb?
(phone in and tell us, charges at Ant n Dec rates from 2006)
Yes, be very interesting to see the “Last Word” programme that dares to mention him and his story.
And in particular the role of the BBC..Bercow..Davis axis of nasties that hastened his death, or at least made his last couple of years truly evil for a dying man(and family).
Hope his family go to town on them-be great to see the Bercow cleaned out of the system and put Davies back on the streets abusing tramps.
Best of all-the BBC that carried Savile around on his rhinestone commode for fifty years is the same venal incompetent/out of control monster that crucifies an old Tory without any reason whatsoever(except to do to MacAlpine what they didn`y dare do to their boy).
The MacAlpine Estates greatest gift to us all from Tuscany would be to stick the BBC into Saviles coffi,…and pray in thanks to both of them for ridding us of these leeching,leching evil toxic priests of Pan/Ariel/Baal/Nike etc.
How does it feel to have blood on your hands Beeb?
(phone in and tell us, charges at Ant n Dec rates from 2006)
RIP and condolences to the family.
Noticing there has been at least one Anon on station to spread the charm around, with a snide allusion and what appears yet another attempt to point at a BBC retroactive stealth edit as negating what was seen and commented upon initially.
As here, that has rather resulted in blowback with Craig pointing this out (hopefully having captured the page in case newsniffer misses out).
The BBC really is to be known by those who serve it.
It seem incredible that whoever first drafted this suppressed one of the most significant aspects of his later life for such obvious reasons. The conversation at hive central subsequently, must have been interesting too.
We should never forget how keen the Broadcasting Donkey™ was to broadcast false allegations about this man while being oh-so reticent about their own resident paedophile(s) and sexual predators.
We can now see from current and pending court cases that there was likely an epidemic of sexual assault on-going within the corridors of the BBC, much of it involving very young victims. It is quite obvious that the BBC, Britain’s national broadcaster, is an organisation where paedophilia and sexual assault are institutionalised. The fact that there has never been a full and truly independent enquiry into the BBC’s cover up of the disgusting activities of their “talent” is truly shocking.
I would certainly not allow my own 12 year old daughter anywhere near the low-life on-air “talent” of this dangerous and corrupt organisation.
Nice bit of marxist Critical Theory on this morning’s breakfast news.
They ran a piece on Osborne’s wish to raise the minimum wage in which they had both an unemployed young lad who was a bit rabbit in headlights and not offering much up and some bloke from a group who had concerns about what it would do for employment and small businesses.
Strange though isn’t it, that when it’s Millibands “living wage” narrative it’s all good and it’s nasty tories keeping people poor. Now it’s on the Tory radar its time to introduce “balance” to properly test it for whole.
Same policy, opposing parties and one has to get attacked for it with context going out of the window.
The BBC is basically the marketing arm of Labour; it’s now blatant to see and beyond doubt. And the most depressing and disturbing fact is this: we’re having to pay for this Marxist propaganda. It’s ludicrous!
Look a Squirrel!
How strange that when another alleged BBC sex predator is in court the BBC coincidently find a celebrity(?) sex assault story that, luckily (amazingly!) didn’t take place on BBC premises or involve BBC personnel (that we know of….).
And I’m not talking about Ken Barlow.
I remember when BBC children’s TV stalwart Sir James Savile was in the news. There seemed to be a great deal of emphasis on the adventures that took place outside of BBC property, such as in hospitals and schools. The fact Sir Jimmy’s BBC endorsed credibility (enabled by the silence of his BBC friends) was his passport to enter these institutions, continues to be studiously ignored by the BBC in news reports. Look, Another Squirrel! which also includes a list of 32 hospitals under investigation. The NHS response is criticised for being somewhat tardy but what about the BBC’s own response?
What about the BBC’s own culpability?
There is no other employer in the UK with such a record of allowing sexual predators to thrive within its working environment as the BBC, Britain’s national broadcaster.
Looks like Any Answers is fast becoming an amplification of any prejudices, lazy lefty tropes from last nights Any Questions.
Todays was a disgrace-I use the word as if the BBC would be( but they`ll be pleased at my noticing their bias)
Some public sector troughers from the Health Food Shop tore into Mars, Pepsi as Evil Big Sugar…to be banned, legislated against with EU/Jamie Oliver party bags by way of threat.
The women simply talked over the Beeboid, loudly and without listening to any kind of interest to the host…Mars and Pepsi, Big Food are evil.
Their tome was sheer Owen Jones…how the hell has it got to this that the likes of Jones, Labour scum and self-selecting lefties on phone-ins can just yell over opponents, let alone anybody with a contrary point to make.
Bunch of sociopathic Judge Frieslers coming through…does the BBC or some Union Leftyu firm train them all in these show trail tactics?
Really creepy-they need someone to threaten them if they do it. No chance of reasoning with these bigots that only listen to their own feedback.
‘The women simply talked over the Beeboid, loudly and without listening to any kind of interest to the host….’
But, but, but…. the BBC will understand their “anger”
Having watched Lord Hall and Mandarin Patten perform before the committee of MPs, I was struck that every Labour criticism of the BBC (too London-centric, too many ‘BBC accents’, too middle class…) was met with
‘Yes Sir, we are adressing that, watch this space”.
Whilst every Conservative criticism (too pro-EU, too anti-Tory) was met with a shriek of
“Oh no it isn’t” or “I think you’ll find….”
There’s no chance the BBC/Leftist terracotta army will ever break ranks or contemplate retreat – they smell victory is close now.
A spokesman for the Muslim Council of Britain said: ‘We rely on the police to protect our communities and this can be only done through full co-operation and partnership.
Co-operation is particularly important for Muslim communities who have experienced a rise in Islamophobic hate crimes.’
Notice the TOTAL deflection. The MCB was called for comment on the Sharia no-go zones, said something vague about the police and then started talking about “Islamophobic hate crimes.”
erm … Sharia no-go zones? ……. Left unaddressed”
bit like the BBC then – type in “sharia no go zone”
and get …………………………… left unaddressed
Yes, it’s all part of the Islamic transitional government, an integral part of the Islamisation of Britain, which is currently being imposed by British political class.
That photo-caption for PM CAMERON, and unelected Muslim, Minister for Faith, Baroness WARSI, with imam-
PM Saturday. HMI Constabulary reports that some communities are ignoring British law and taking the law into their own hands according to their own values and customs. A lady who runs a charity for victims of forced marriages and, has lots of experience of working with these types of ethnic minority communities, confirmed what was reported and gave plenty of examples. She herself is from one of these communities and must be a brave lady to be so frank.
The Chief Inspector of the West Midlands denied that this could be true and continued to push his head further into the sand. His shoulders are now below ground level. He, of course, has the typical mind set of the liberal left.
What is remarkable about this report is, firstly that the BBC reported it all, and secondly, that they didn’t accuse HMIC of being racist, and thirdly, that they didn’t allow these communities to respond.
Perhaps a penny has dropped for at least a few in the BBC, that multiculturalism isn’t going to be a great party where we all get on well together, and become a new sort of Britons, who remain true to traditional British customs of tolerance, fairness and rule of law for all.
I found it strange how the bBC can go all out to rebut this allegation when it took great please in reporting this story a couple of years back: Growing use of Sharia by UK Muslims
When you have one segment of the population using an alternative form of law to the law of the land, it will only be a matter of time before people are punished according to that law and that is what this story is all about.
“Revealed: how Jimmy Savile abused up to 1,000 victims on BBC premises.
“Executives turned a blind eye to attacks, according to former judge’s ‘shocking’ finding.”
I am truly shocked by the above and this below in complement, not least because each one of those damning paragraphs has been penned by the Guardian. http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/jan/18/bbc-whistleblowers-newsnight-savile-scandal?INTCMP=ILCNETTXT3487
If every member of the BBC is not chilled to the bone about the culture they inhabit, and the rot pervading the whispering corridors at the top, with still installed key protagonists from Boaden to Patten, they must be truly living in a dreamworld, if one that surely must be turning into a nightmare. Watch your backs. This does not seem a safe place. Even for adults.
Rather pleased to see this is appalling, and getting noted across a lot more places this morning and, as the BBC ‘news’ aggregators must dread, twitter especially.
More than interesting beyond the origin, again such as that right wing rag The Mirror & Media Lens weighing in.
This is not ‘balance’ because all sides are are doing so. This is cross-industry condemnation of institutional failure at the highest levels, ongoing.
The BBC cannot exist as a claimed entity that holds power to account when it deems itself above such challenge.
Can someone explain this to me? You see I can’t work out how Savile managed to abuse ‘1000’s’ of people at the BBC when he could only have had regular access to members of the public for shows like Jim’ll Fix It’ and TOTP’ neither of which would give him a thousand appearances, never mind thousands. Is this all hyperbole or were they forming a queue? The last credible figure I saw was in the 400’s, and that seemed high, so where have all the rest come from?
He did a lot of radio shows too – and the abuse didn’t have to correspond to a radio or TV appearance. For instance:
“Hello little girl, I’m Sir James Savile OBE and valued BBC TV and radio personality. Would you like a tour of TV centre?”.
That’s right he did but is there evidence of him turning up to each with a child to fondle? I find it very hard to believe that even the BBC could keep that quiet for long. If only 1 in 100 complained that would be a substantial number of complaints. By today’s figures at least 20
over as many years.
If, for example, as has been stated he would offer tours of TV Centre to lasses and then molest them in a cupboard, did no one ever think to ask why Savile was parading kids around the place and why so many of them left distressed?
I know the BBC are bad but are they truly that evil?
He may not have had 1000 shows, but he would have visited the bBC more than that. Then there would be the parties , open days and outside broadcasts 10 years comes up as 3650 days not that hard to divide 1000 into that figure. But he worked for over 21 years at the bBC ( that’s what I come up with) so 1000 isn’t that hard a figure.
But what nobody has thought of is how the NHS is offering up to £50k to his rape victims increasing the pressure on the bBC to do like wise , while the bBC can afford £50k to 1000 people. It’s status can’t and pressure will mount on it to change and become accountable to the taxpayer . Hopefully it will crash, 1000s of bbc staff will lose their jobs and the bbc tax will go.
Until this report is released it is very difficult to know what to think about this. I keep reading stuff that is sickening if true and other stuff which throws a completely different complexion on the whole affair. I have no idea what the ‘truth’ is about this.
I would like to see the BBC humbled and, if not closed down, then privatised but not like this. If only a tenth of the allegations are true then it is going to take a miracle to save them from the wrath of the public. The suffering of those children being ignored by the BBC like that would be just too much for many people to accept. I really can’t see how they could survive such a scandal but the loss of the BBC would be at too high a cost in that case.
Then again even if the allegations are not true the BBC has behaved in a scandalous manner and for that alone heavy penalties need to be applied.
As to the numbers I’m still not convinced but then one is one child too many. Which in itself is a quandary. Does the greater the number of allegations mean more likely guilt or just more greedy people?
A fair question too.
The answers illuminating also.
Totally the wrong place for it, but by coincidence I just read about a number at the other end of the BBC pinhead angel spectrum, which also has inspired many a worthy comment: http://wattsupwiththat.com/2014/01/19/bbc-runs-6-excellent-minutes-on-quiet-sun-and-past-correlation-with-little-ice-age/
Frankly, with £4Bpa and 20,000 staff, if the BBC is trying to sell its value as a trusted educator and informer I’d really prefer the abuse figures, however inaccurate, to a small percentage. Demanding evidence of everything, the absence of which negates anything, is an all or nothing avenue best left to those who think this extinguishes all fires even as smoke still billows.
Along with the BBC devoting so much effort to cover ups, patronising guff or serial default FOI-exempting and redactions if serious about trust and transparency.
I’d expect the false accusations to start again soon now he can’t sue. The BBCs ‘comedians’ are no doubt under orders.
In the comments on the Telegraph obituary there are a number of people stating that he was a purchaser of child porn disguised as ‘art’. No evidence given naturally.
So it’s started already and he’s been dead how long?
Maybe “Panto” Campbell, S Foglegity or even V Drearybyshire can pull a special out of the bag?
on BBC Radio, at least.
There s always Sayeeda Warsi eager to join hands with Mughal to tell us all about rampant “Islamofauxbia”?
That’s on top of the £900 million already switched into the pension scheme from the licence fee. But to the public sector and, strangely, the world this is an unremarkable entitlement.
The people no longer think independently of how the BBC tells it and this one was only posted on Ariel, its in-house web page.
The BBC will naturally blame US foreign policy. We keep surrendering and withdrawing our evil illegal Crusader troops from Muslim lands, yet this doesn’t seem to end. Curious.
Poll just out says UKIP are the most “popular” party in Britain. ITV and the Independent are on to it. What is taking the Beebs’s time?
And why hasn’t the Beeb made a documentary on WHY people are turning to UKIP once regarded as a silly side-line party? Would Joe Public’s views be aired at last? And by default would the question of the Beeb’s part in disregarding, for years, the view of millions on mass immigration and the EU come to light? Its an important story. Why are we waiting?
BBC giving maximum airtime to the ridiculous letter by a single UKIP activist that the floods were God’s punishment for gay marriage or some such. All in all a ridiculous story of no consequence or significance, but showing how desperate al Beeba is for any ammunition to fire at UKIP.
I think most Beeboids, like Cameron, believe that only racists and loons could support UKIP. In a few months time the BBC will have to start seriously sticking it into UKIP in an attempt to portray UKIP’s imminent Euro election success as a ‘protest’ vote, and that UKIP is not fit to form a government.
Incidentally, which British political party leaders have had a proper job outside politics or PR? Salmond and Farage?
Quite right. I think UKIP is going to do very well indeed. This is the right way to really upset the liberal elite. It could be the beginning of the end of theirt reign.
Last question on Any Questions got every panelist applauded for castigating Puin’s Russia, which they think persecutes homosexuals and groups them with paedophiles. No mention of any of those ‘religious’ countries which really do persecute (and execute) homosexuals.
Oh dear. The BBC have re-made the Three Musketeers and their “interpretation promises a modern take on the story”
With Porthos being portrayed by a black man, we can now expect to have long 17th century discussions on the environment, the evil of capitalism and for a grand finale a big gay gang-bang on the alter of a church.
These are just speculations…..but I bet I’m not far wrong.
Maybe a little underage abuse in the Musketeer coach park, with Athos trying to make a report and being redeployed in the dungeons? At which point the series closes.
Lady de Winter would make a great Head of News and Complaints, Cardinal Richelieu as DG and as for a clueless Unaccountable Sun God King in theory at the top…
Posted this yesterday but seems to have disappeared for some reason.
Lovely bit of marxist Critical Theory on the BBC Breakfast yesterday in the news story about George Osborne’s thoughts about raising the minimum way.
In the studio they had some young lad who wasn’t really very coherent in putting the argument for it, but for “balance” we had someone from Chamber of Commerce (I think). He discussed all the risks involved and their concerns about what it would do to employment statistics and how it not be such a good idea.
Strange that because when Milliband gets on about his “living wage” it’s largely a good thing. So we seem to have a policy activley being discussed by two seperate parties and when one mentions it – it’s good and when the other mentions it – it’s flawed.
Raising the minimum wage is just another stealth tax, as the main beneficiary will be the treasury who won’t need to pay as much in tax credits. The poor sods who work for the minimum wage are in the main unlikely to be any better off at all.
Last night Yasmin Alibhai-Brown a disgusting example of the intolerant bullying left who cannot stand for anyone to have an opinion different to hers, and prepared to silence any voices with her self important pompous ‘I’m offended’ faux outrage, was a guest ‘On the papers’
I wouldn’t mind so much if she actually had an idea what she was talking about, or didn’t engage in the casual anti white racism which would cause her apoplexy if someone dared say the same things about a different race.
So she’s absolutely outraged over the fact the UK will not translate benefit claim forms into every language under the Sun, and then claims that British people would be outraged if the Spanish government did the same ! This is blatent anti white racism! It went unchallenged of course, but it isn’t true either ! Having been in Spain for a while absolutely nothing official is translated into any language and they expect non speakers to pay for translation if the can’t understand what is written.
The papers then moved on to the hand over of more powers from the Queen to Prince Charles, and she refused to even discuss it because she’s ‘a Republican’ and not interested and it shouldn’t be on the front page because she’s not interested.
Yet another hate filled intolerant left wing bigoted bully who believes only she has the right to have her opinions heard.
Just take a look at her home page where she’s taking a swipe at Nick Robinson and claiming the BBC shouldn’t allow him to broadcast because of his Tory background.
This is exactly the sort of person beloved of the BBC, but who should not be allowed near a microphone until they moderate their views.
Another BBC liberal/ left meme , rich British people buy property abroad , so all the world , no matter what , should be allowed to come here (and mainly detract from the poorer sections of society’s living standards ) .
“Belgium: Afghan migrants protest again; ‘we are not dangerous'”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“In one photo accompanying the story in Al Jazeera, protestors (mostly men) seeking asylum carry a sign that says they are not ‘dangerous.’ Then here is another photo in the same spread that surely doesn’t look like they are exactly meek and neighborly either—why the raised fists? Is it the pose of Islamic conquerors?”
“Somalian grandmother allowed in to Britain to live in a council house with her jobless mother-of-three daughter who is on benefits.
“Halima Jimale, 68, came to Britain to be reunited with her daughter.
“Her daughter Fadumo Mohamed claims £310 a week in state handouts.
“Ms Jimale was allowed to come to Britain after judge rules she won’t be a drain on taxpayer’s money.
“But relative who promised to give family £100 a week financial support had just £1.15 in his bank account.”
So pleased that in these times of scarce resources and when we are constantly reminded how stretched are our public sector workers we can rest assured that the Police are juggling their priorities so sensitively.
This mornings news spent 17 minutes on this story, they even had some silly cow reading the messages people had left outside the poor childs home, yet for all that open out poring of grief, the bBC hasn’t yet decided to do a story on the family, the mother or even the poor child. If i want to find that, i have to go to the so called racist bigoted DM
Beeboids keep up their daily propaganda for their Labour Party leader, Ed Miliband, as he sensationally says he will support consumers, and ‘Which’ magazine.
I notice that Which? have suddenly become regular contributors to the BBC’s coverage of the ‘cost of living crisis’ (the BBC dutifully being on message). Surely it has to be a coincidence…no-one at the BBC would surely be coordinating the messaging.
Just flicking through the channels, I found Billie Piper on Dr Who and thought I’d treat the eyes to some candy. But poor ol’ Billie is upset because her dad died in 1987 and she can’t remember him. Such sad lil’ eyes Allowable God the Doctor decides to let her watch him die (?Odd choice of timing don’t you think? Surely a happier moment would be more appropriate?) .
Still 1987 it is.
But why choose 1987 over, say 1986 or 1988 as it wouldn’t effect the story much? Ah, but then they couldn’t display the Socialist Worker ‘No third term for Thatcher’ posters for over 15 seconds in consecutive shots couldn’t they?
The BBC politicising children’s programmes. It’s what they do.
That’s the episode where the camera pans some posters, in a wind-swept alley, which tell us that “Thatcher wins General Election.” Accompanied by melancholy music, of course.
The problem with the early Nu Doctor Who episodes is that they were penned by the “right on and politically correct” leftie fans who wrote the books during the period Doctor Who was off our screens.
To be fair the Beveridge report, advocating the welfare safety net, was concocted during wartime and a national government. Although lefties decided to take ownership of it after the war. In truth (or from wiki):
While the Liberal Party and the Conservative Party quickly adopted Beveridge’s proposals, the Labour Party was slow to follow. Labour leaders opposed Beveridge’s idea of a National Health Service run through local health centres and regional hospital administrations, preferring a state-run body.[7] Beveridge complained about the opposition of Labour leaders, including that of Ernest Bevin: “For Ernest Bevin, with his trade-union background of unskilled workers… social insurance was less important than bargaining about wages.” Bevin derided the Beveridge Report as a “Social Ambulance Scheme” and followed the Coalition Government’s view that it should not be implemented until the end of the war (he was furious in February 1943 when a large number of Labour back-benchers ignored their leaders and voted against delay in implementing Beveridge).
“For Ernest Bevin, with his trade-union background of unskilled workers… social insurance was less important than bargaining about wages.”
More likely Bevin was keen to encourage work-place health insurance schemes that were administered jointly by employer and trade union. This would have ensured maximum trade union membership
Similarly German post war employment law (that would eventually become the social chapter) was designed ,in large part, by the labour party. The British trade unions opposed its adoption in UK ,fearing it would dilute their power
I suppose Beeboids could have mentioned that Chris Chataway was a Tory who worked on BBC ‘Panorama’, and who later became a Tory MP, opposing apartheid sport in South Africa.
I suppose Beeboids could have mentioned that Chris Chataway was a Tory who worked on BBC ‘Panorama’, and who later became a Tory MP, opposing apartheid sport in South Africa.
Copied from previous thread – now way down page and think not seen::
January 19, 2014 at 11:06 am
Ah, I should’ve read down before my last comment. So now that the BBC has reported it, they’re not biased now? using the same logic.
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Tell em when they wrong. says:
January 19, 2014 at 12:37 pm
Marvin – you need to open your eyes, you really do not get it and possibly allowing your own prejudices, bias or denial to affect your judgement. Evidence is all over the BBC networks daily and a lot of it spotted and highlighted on here, the national press and numerous net forums like Guido Fawkes. The BBC are institutionally affected on radio TV and the web, in my view. You want evidence, they admit it, like the following:
Only last week I got the following reply to my last bias complaint. The BBC admitted to me they got it wrong again and altered their website page to rectify the bias within an hour of me sending them the complaint:
Many thanks for your email and for drawing this to our attention.
“We have a policy to always list the political affiliation, space allowing, of publicly-elected officials. The fact the affiliations were not in these stories was an oversight and they have been amended accordingly.
Best wishes
Mark McGregor
Mark McGregor | Assistant Editor | BBC News Online (England)
* Mailbox I BBC Birmingham I B1 1AY
8 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/england
15 Jan 14 BBC & Biased BBC websites
I would please like to ask you why the BBC appears to announce Political affiliations for any Conservative misdemeanor but does not do the same for Labour? Could you please explain why?
BBC: “space allowing”.
That’s hilarious!
If the BBC use the word “Labour” too many times, all of those ASCII coded bytes will fall off the bottom of my laptop screen never to be seen again. Of course, this only applies to stories that my reflect negatively on our glorious, socialist chums.
The BBC has an odd problem with space.
They seem to feel that the demands of modern media allow for the fact that when there is not enough for accuracy, some odd BBC-reconciled ‘next best thing’ will do.
I beg to differ.
If they can’t write it right, simple: don’t write it at all, or until they can.
Of course, things can get rather further complicated when they do trot out even this sad-ass excuse for supposedly professional journalistic standards having been nailed, and then get nailed even more when it’s..
a) clear there was plenty more space for context and/or clarity
b) they chose not to use it
c) right next door often is why, namely they are boosting their mates and stiffing their mutual enemies.
Whatever is in their DNA, it’s now corrupted to a mutant level.
They’ll be playing banjos soon.
The World At One tells me that the police are bracing themselves for criticism over some report about them sometime later this week.
Cue a “have we all lost faith in the police” piece that the BBC have so helpfully prepared in advance for us all…stay tuned!
Funnily enough, there`s also another report coming up later this week by Dame Janet Smith in regard of the BBC senior management knowing of all of Saviles travels as he did themn…but doing F..all about it at that time.
But no mention of the BBC “bracing itself” for this.
And-of course-NO chance of any accompanying preparative piece on the show….”have we lost faith in the BBC?”
No a chance-“zees eez not allowed!”…Got that copper?
And here`s the coming turd in the jacuzzi for the BBC
Do note in the article Tony Hall speaks to the anti-abuse charity before the Christmas break just gone…in order to “seek their help before the Smith Report is published”.
Oh-I see-it`s the BBC that needs help-as if Savile didn`t give them enough “help” for forty years.
Typical…me, me me…stuff the kids, there`s BBC careers to defend here!
Rennard rules apply…no comment , no apology for er…”legal reasons”!
Good old Beeb eh?
Unfortunately, the BBC already has their get-out and acquittal written into the goals of the Dame Janet Smith review on this. The “how” isn’t going to be a problem for the current BBC management. It was a different time, you see. The important thing is to find out if the BBC has put into place measures to ensure this will never happen again. And, of course, they have. They have loads of official policies now on sexual harassment and bullying, etc. The only result from this will be another round of outrage columns while the Beeboids feign humility and deep introspection. Then everyone moves on, with no real consequences to the BBC.
‘BBC already has their get-out and acquittal written’
Very likley.
Thing is, the era of the BBC writing their own anything and then waving it around as having any credibility is rather over.
Look at the Nick Cohen complementary article to the one above.
None of them trust each other any more, and with reason.
A news medium where actually adhering to professional, accurate, ethical, high integrity, objective, honest journalism or reporting will see you shafted by your superiors and shunned by your colleagues.
With even sister media going beyond looking aghast to saying so.
They can feign humility and deep introspection, even move on, but while they still are vast enough to be insulated from any real consequences still, the rivets on the Beebtanic are popping one by one as they don’t learn lessons and keep running down the side of every iceberg that can’t be there because they can’t admit they exist.
Ask Alok.
This in complement may add further concern, especially when the BBC feels ‘moving on’ is the only route: http://tradingaswdr.blogspot.co.uk/2014/01/dark-arts.html ‘they try to suggest closure, but it’s clear there are a number of active cases. ‘
Not too bad a Press review on BH today…despite desperate attempts by the boys upstairs and Paddy to rein it in!
Johnny Vaughan( obviously one of the Golden bad boys like Wossy-Talksport , so he said)
a) was able to tell us how to go “off the records” re avoiding taxes if we choose to work solely in the cash economy-Greece had been doing it for some time.
b) is about to send his kid to Wellington possibly(£20,000p.a).
Indeed, his boy had only just met Anthony Seldon( the head in the Sunday Times article being discussed) only yesterday-and was open about tax arrangements he`d be needing to afford it!
Wow-private education AND financial creativity…if there`s two buttons any self-preserving Beeboid will NOT want mentioned live on air, it`ll be these two.
Paddy had a word yelled down-we all were steered well away from this…wrong messages to the stupid faithful suckers at the BBCs extended sponge of vinegar!
Thank you Johnny Vaughan-finally able to claim that title of “Loafer” he once gave himself in an advert.
Gove and Redwood 1….Miliband, Crosland, Benn, Fraser 0
A result we may yet learn to see as mattering.
The Big Questions just debated benefits street. Half a dozen of the usual suspects got 80% of the time and ONE fella tried his best to respond but was constantly interrupted while the other side got carte blanche. It was so bad that you’d have to be a complete idiot not to see the flagrant bias, so on reflection perhaps it was a good thing.
Another big q was ‘Is there any evidence for Satan?’ Yep, that’s what the BBC thinks religion really comes down to.
On the Andrew Marr Show this morning, Putin said that homosexuality (or some aspect of it, I cannot remember which) is still illegal in parts of the US.
Is this true? If so, it demonstrates the most appalling hypocrisy by Obama, and people like Ian McKellen and Elton John.
At risk of the Candyman incantation being used too many times and bringing out those who need to be accorded more delicate treatment when they barge in, this interested me enough to google: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_the_United_States
Seems clear not. But it’s possible Mr. Putin was not just having a punt unchallenged like too many guests handed a pulpit by the nation’s market rate softballing squad, and may have been twisting the #6 answer (pretty fair one TBH) qualifier here: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20091006163342AAW9oEz
No, it isn’t true. if Marr let the claim stand, he’s complicit in promoting a lie. The Supreme Court ruled in 2003 that State sodomy laws (used to persecute homosexuals) were unconstitutional. Homosexual activity in private is not illegal anywhere.
I was beginning to think I’d imagined it but, there it is on iPlayer, at 30.08.
He was being interviewed by a panel, which included a journalist from the US, but Marr also had a few exclusive words with him afterwards. It would appear that he only agreed to the interview on the condition that no difficult questions were asked. Almost pointless.
The one good thing about Islam is that, like Gaul, it is divided into three and fortunately most of the efforts are concentrated in wiping each other out.
According to today’s Sunday Telegraph (p. 13) the Beeb’s Westminster studio walls are decorated with anti-Tory newspaper clippings. Tory MP Rob Wilson has raised the matter with DG Lord Haw Haw Hall. A Beeb spokesman comments “…whatever it is, it won’t have anything to do with the BBC’s output.” Nah! Course not.
Rob Wilson MP seems to be particularly interested in the BBC’s failure to inform viewers/listeners of the political bias of an interviewee, something we know very well. I suggest we make him aware of any further instances of this via michelle.bass@parliament.uk
‘Two men have been arrested after racist comments about the disappearance of three-year-old Mikaeel Kular were posted on Twitter’
….in rounding up the perpetrators of offensive comments, that is.
Meanwhile amid muck talk of ‘community’ and ‘MSPs’ etc. BBC News Channel inform us that the nursery (which the poor young child had not attended for some time) are in full crisis mode and calling in grief councillors.
That’s the modern (post-Diana) way I guess. Fair enough if children and adults are upset.
What does cause disquiet is the fact that the nursey are ‘getting help from the local council’s press department’
And what really annoys is the BBC news presenter – Martine Croxall (?) editorialising : “that’s understandable considering….”
The BBC seem to have spoken.
Jolly well done everyone up there – you have the approval of BBC central.
You can write these now.
Poor kid dies-but it brought everybody together, fine community spirit…media and local church self-congratulations-and(of course) not a chance of retribution.
(April Jones a case study)
Name change , different town-and wait for the next excuse to wear pink or light a candle…coming sometime soon.
Lady Di opened the floodgates to this grief hopping self-indulgence-and the “community cohesion” agenda moves along with a few more dead kids.
But the BBC replace the church as the mediating forum…which is what it`s all about….
Just heard Tam Fry from the National Obesity Forum tell us that his grant bandits were entitled to grossly exaggerate their figures re obesity for us all in the UK.(More Or Less, 17/1/14…Radio 4)
For exaggerating the figures, as well as relying on “observations” from their self-referring clinics to pad out their “soft data” got the necessary publicity and raised awareness.
Would the Press have cared had he given us harder figures?…well his quango make no apologies for bending the data to get bigger headlines, and more beeboids yelling that “something must be done”….and who better to do it, monitor it and get grants and BBC supporting churnalists than the Fat Figures Forum-and Tam gets a few years more in his motility scooter eating doughnuts with an assistant to hold his clipboard.
For Obesity-read sugar, climate, drinking…but NOT social drugs, anti-depressants or anything that Lennon or Brand rate as “creativity-enhancing”.
Quack science-fat figures-padded wallets all round…and a chance to mither on and neb in your pantry!…dreamland for the BBC and the nosy neighbours/stakeholding partners from County hall
‘An MP has written to the Home Office asking why a “dangerous criminal” had been rehomed in south Wales.’
‘….the leader of a gang in Croydon, south London, and had served a prison sentence for robbery’
Cor blimey, me ol’ china, who’s this well tasty villain from up the smoke?
What d’yer reckon… one of the ol’ faces from Bethnal Green..? Some oppo of the Krays?
Nah, some chancer from dawn sowff..? Of the river I mean. One of the old Richardson mob?
‘”This person presents a problem for London and the rest of England. What was the process that determined that he, and the danger he represents, should be re-located to Wales and Newport?’
‘”He will be subject to rigorous monitoring, including an electronic tag’
Sounds like a right nutter!
‘Mr Flynn said Joland Giwa, 24, who claims to be from Sierra Leone, should be deported.’
Sierra Leone… where’s that then? Proably in Spain. Course.. the costal del crime. Yeah thought so. He’s an old time London villain for sure.
“‘”This person presents a problem for London and the rest of England. What was the process that determined that he, and the danger he represents, should be re-located to Wales and Newport?””
Wales sent us Prescott: it’s payback time ! Feel our wrath, Newport !:)
At least Giwa isn’t one of the ‘toffs’ he’s obsessively angry about, so two penn’orth of chips on each shoulder Flynn should be slightly pleased about that at any rate.
Giwa, who is thought to be 24, arrived at Heathrow with his twin brother in 1999 on a flight from Nigeria.
He had no parent or guardian and no passport or identity documents. He claimed asylum, telling officials he was a ten-year-old from Sierra Leone whose parents were killed in its civil war.
His asylum claim was refused but he was given permission to stay for four years, before being given a permanent right to stay in 2005.
Now all Beeba can start covering events in the CAR. Reacting to the coup and the depredations of jihadists there is a Christian backlash which will catch innocent Muslims. Abandoning the mealy mouthed euphemisms it would use for Muslim attacks the BBC reports “A Christian mob in the Central African Republic capital Bangui has killed and burned two Muslims in the street, in the latest sectarian clash.” (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-25802780)
Compare that for example with “The forces of the Seleka rebels are largely Muslim and they have been accused of attacking Christian civilians since they took over. This has led to some Christian groups carrying out revenge attacks on Muslims, raising fears of widespread communal violence.” (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-24796875). You see what the BBC did there, the ‘largely’ Muslim rebels are ‘accused’ of attacks, while it’s stated as a bald fact that the Christians did carry out attacks. The BBC overlooked that in describing the Christian attacks as ‘revenge’ they give the game away. Al Beeba’s use of words allows you to interpret accounts like “more than 100 people have been killed in fighting in the capital of Bangui.” (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-25247088).
It was a while coming, but the BBC can now report the CAR and portray the Muslims as victims. Wait and see.
Hopefully the Syrian peace conference will achieve something but whatever the outcome the ‘West’ including Britain will get blamed by someone. Peace also means we’ll welcome back a flood of indoctrinated Islamists ready to die and kill the kaffir. Still, as the PM says it’s got nothing to do with Islam and the police can tackle any Islamophobia.
Last night BBC News Channel gives prominence to a report from Ukraine.
Now even Alex Crawford, Guardianista and Bon Pensant – who happens to work for Sky at present – has recently admited that news editors do like stories “with lots of bang bang”
The pictures, however, appear somewhat off-message.
Rioters attacking rather passive looking police with fire bombs. This is awkward when the accepted narrative of the story is supposed to be about pro-EU progressive protesters versus a nasty undemocratic government which is pro-Putin’s Russia.
So a little unsubstantiated comment is voiced over the alarming pictures. “Violence is said to have been caused by ‘Far right groups'”
All comfy round the BBC breakfast sofa and the murder/robbery of a British holidaymaker in the Caribbean is a tricky one give a Lefty gloss – or so you might think…
‘Anywhere where there are such differences between the rich and poor these things are inevitable’
Like others hereabouts I was a little concerned when I heard that the BBC were ‘doing’ the Three Musketeers.
For some inexplicable reason the Alexandre Dumas novels were some of the first lengthy reading matter that I recall tackling as a kid. Not for me the ‘modern (lack of) family’ and right on feminised world of Tracy Beaker.
So it was with a degree of trepidation that I prepared to buckle my swash for this latest instalment of BBC mass Sunday evening TV re-education.
I needn’t have worried. It was fairly inconsequential.
Therer was a brief comment on behalf of animal rights campaigners when the King was bird shooting – yeah that would have happened in 17th Century France!
My only real complaint would be that there now seems to be an action drama rule that all women must be ‘feisty’
Which rather negates the damsel in distress point of the chivalry.
We came close to the point when the BBC may as well have done away with the guys and called this the Three Corseteers.
By the way, just me or did anyone else think Peter Capaldi’s Richelieu, the great éminence grise, had just a hint of Mandelson to the rather vapid French King’s Tony Blair?
I did snigger when Capaldi insisted on calling ‘an inquiry’ into matters. How very New labour.
Whoops – Ban ki Moon appears to have screwed the Syrian talks. That’s the UN, for you.
He, I think, also believes that any climate change is down to us, and must be stopped, whilst paying third world dictatorships countries loads of cash, to ‘help’ to stop it.
What is the point of him? (And what was the point of his predecessor?). What a loud-mouthed, toothless bunch of twerps.
The UN is one organisation we should quit. There is now a permanent anti Western majority.
The major Western nations need to go now. It will only do us harm if we stay.
As All. Editors at the BBC triage what is and isn’t news, at least as far as BBC interests are concerned, in the real world: http://www.theguardian.com/media/2014/jan/19/call-to-end-bbc-culture-of-secrecy? ‘his behaviour had been recognised by BBC executives who took no action’
Certianly a lot of the market rate talent are getting in their ‘wasn’t me’ arse covers already.
Unsure how a culture of secrecy, rather clearly still backed by a default #foiexclusion addiction to anything, and redacting even the milk bill if the guy in charge of supplies can’t recall ordering it and his astoundingly uncurious supervisor is off at her new shake fountain, can be equated to claimed ‘trust & transparency’. At all.
Had to laugh at the banner ad on my browser, for the BBC, suggesting one ‘Joins the best’.
Given the story below, it may have been better to specify at what.
Unless it still isn’t any different at this time.
Fedup2Mar 10, 13:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Yeah – whatever – give her the TTK 2 year prison penalty – she is obviously not ‘approved ‘…
harry142857Mar 10, 13:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Commission is commission. ——————————————- Mother convicted of not paying TV Licence after death of unborn son. mother who did not…
Fedup2Mar 10, 13:17 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two days running the DT has done a long piece on BBC news / funding – the first one is…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 13:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I completely agree with you . But what puzzles me is , if those of us who are of a…
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 12:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Tower Bridge has been shut down after a man has climbed the railings. Emergency services at to the scene. Ban…
Terminal MoraineMar 10, 12:50 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dorset, 3 weeks after Southport — “Man ‘obsessed with Southport killings’ stabbed girl, 9, in the neck as she played…
Terminal MoraineMar 10, 12:44 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Party atmosphere on R5 just now — Naga, whose real name is Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah, is away but Leila Nathoo…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “41% of London residents were born outside the UK, according to the 2021 Census. This is much higher than the…
I’m sure the family and loved ones will be really pleased to see the BBC put this page up seeing as it was their pathetically incompetent left-wing ‘News’night ‘investigation’ that probably finished the poor mann off –
Dateline London is promoting Ed Milliband as the real PM of the Uk regards his Marxist bent regards the banks. All I am hearing from the young prick in the blue shirt is…thatcher this, thatcher that. The French woman ..the people who buy the DM, the paki…big banks are evil. For fucks sake
Now they are defending Hollande’s dalliance as nobody’s business , the young prick is defending him by saying the French are more grown up….errr dick splash it was a French mag which exposed this, funny enough the same French mag which took topless pictures of the future queen of England which the bBC defended as not an issue
Now the subject is Syria and according to the Muslim , Syria has been betrayed by the…….West.
Yes always the west, never Russia, China,Iran , the Islamic world. Or even the not in my name left in the west who don’t want us bombing anybody no to the left wing pricks on bBC dateline it is only the fault of the west
Beeboids apparently unconcerned with President Hollande’s deep deceit, and unconcerned that it was days before he visited his ill ‘partner’ in hospital.
Still what was good enough in President Clinton’s morality, is good enough for Hollande’s?
Dateline London’s panel consisted of:
1)Owen Jones – needs no introduction.
2)French woman from “Marianne” – a leftwing magazine in France.
3)An American from “Globalpost.com” – leftwing media site.
4)An Arab from “Gulf News”
Hardly balanced and indeed with Jones dominating the conversation it condensed into one big agreement on leftwing matters.
Awful biased programming from the BBC.
Was Gavin in chair?
That tends to make it 5-0.
I still recall the Falklands one where they all accused the Islands and UK Government of sabre-rattling over a few penguins and that little invasion last time was so silly to fo to war over and the Islanders should really accept that Ms. K is the sensible choice of rule… representative and stop making such a fuss about democracy and rights.
Not Owen Chav Jones AGAIN!!!!
Jesus Navas! That spotty eleven year old has taken over from St Polly of Toynbee Hall as the MVP of the Beeb Pundits.
Sadly Lord Mc Alpine has died !
Bet a few champagne corks will be popped at the BBC !as Craig has already noted over on http://isthebbcbiased.blogspot.co.uk/
the BBC are already purging their involvement in making this old mans life hell for his last years with lies and smears !
Yes, be very interesting to see the “Last Word” programme that dares to mention him and his story.
And in particular the role of the BBC..Bercow..Davis axis of nasties that hastened his death, or at least made his last couple of years truly evil for a dying man(and family).
Hope his family go to town on them-be grat to see the Bercow cleaned out of the system and put Davies back on the streets abusing tramps.
Best of all-the BBC that carried Savile around on his rhinestone commode for fifty years is the same venal incompetent/out of control monster that crucifies an old Tory without any reason whatsoever(except to do to MacAlpine what they didn`y dare do to their boy).
The MacAlpine Estates greatest gift to us all from Tuscany would be to stick the BBC into Saviles coffi,…and pray in thanks to both of them for ridding us of these leeching,leching evil toxic priests of Pan/Ariel/Baal/Nike etc.
How does it feel to have blood on your hands Beeb?
(phone in and tell us, charges at Ant n Dec rates from 2006)
Yes, be very interesting to see the “Last Word” programme that dares to mention him and his story.
And in particular the role of the BBC..Bercow..Davis axis of nasties that hastened his death, or at least made his last couple of years truly evil for a dying man(and family).
Hope his family go to town on them-be great to see the Bercow cleaned out of the system and put Davies back on the streets abusing tramps.
Best of all-the BBC that carried Savile around on his rhinestone commode for fifty years is the same venal incompetent/out of control monster that crucifies an old Tory without any reason whatsoever(except to do to MacAlpine what they didn`y dare do to their boy).
The MacAlpine Estates greatest gift to us all from Tuscany would be to stick the BBC into Saviles coffi,…and pray in thanks to both of them for ridding us of these leeching,leching evil toxic priests of Pan/Ariel/Baal/Nike etc.
How does it feel to have blood on your hands Beeb?
(phone in and tell us, charges at Ant n Dec rates from 2006)
RIP and condolences to the family.
Noticing there has been at least one Anon on station to spread the charm around, with a snide allusion and what appears yet another attempt to point at a BBC retroactive stealth edit as negating what was seen and commented upon initially.
As here, that has rather resulted in blowback with Craig pointing this out (hopefully having captured the page in case newsniffer misses out).
The BBC really is to be known by those who serve it.
It seem incredible that whoever first drafted this suppressed one of the most significant aspects of his later life for such obvious reasons. The conversation at hive central subsequently, must have been interesting too.
We should never forget how keen the Broadcasting Donkey™ was to broadcast false allegations about this man while being oh-so reticent about their own resident paedophile(s) and sexual predators.
We can now see from current and pending court cases that there was likely an epidemic of sexual assault on-going within the corridors of the BBC, much of it involving very young victims. It is quite obvious that the BBC, Britain’s national broadcaster, is an organisation where paedophilia and sexual assault are institutionalised. The fact that there has never been a full and truly independent enquiry into the BBC’s cover up of the disgusting activities of their “talent” is truly shocking.
I would certainly not allow my own 12 year old daughter anywhere near the low-life on-air “talent” of this dangerous and corrupt organisation.
Had he already managed to extract money from that awful woman that married an oompa-loompa?
I bet George Moonbat is relieved!
Nice bit of marxist Critical Theory on this morning’s breakfast news.
They ran a piece on Osborne’s wish to raise the minimum wage in which they had both an unemployed young lad who was a bit rabbit in headlights and not offering much up and some bloke from a group who had concerns about what it would do for employment and small businesses.
Strange though isn’t it, that when it’s Millibands “living wage” narrative it’s all good and it’s nasty tories keeping people poor. Now it’s on the Tory radar its time to introduce “balance” to properly test it for whole.
Same policy, opposing parties and one has to get attacked for it with context going out of the window.
The BBC is basically the marketing arm of Labour; it’s now blatant to see and beyond doubt. And the most depressing and disturbing fact is this: we’re having to pay for this Marxist propaganda. It’s ludicrous!
Has INBBC reported this?:-
“Is there more of this sort of alleged corruption in our justice system?”
Look a Squirrel!
How strange that when another alleged BBC sex predator is in court the BBC coincidently find a celebrity(?) sex assault story that, luckily (amazingly!) didn’t take place on BBC premises or involve BBC personnel (that we know of….).
And I’m not talking about Ken Barlow.
I remember when BBC children’s TV stalwart Sir James Savile was in the news. There seemed to be a great deal of emphasis on the adventures that took place outside of BBC property, such as in hospitals and schools. The fact Sir Jimmy’s BBC endorsed credibility (enabled by the silence of his BBC friends) was his passport to enter these institutions, continues to be studiously ignored by the BBC in news reports.
Look, Another Squirrel! which also includes a list of 32 hospitals under investigation. The NHS response is criticised for being somewhat tardy but what about the BBC’s own response?
What about the BBC’s own culpability?
There is no other employer in the UK with such a record of allowing sexual predators to thrive within its working environment as the BBC, Britain’s national broadcaster.
Looks like Any Answers is fast becoming an amplification of any prejudices, lazy lefty tropes from last nights Any Questions.
Todays was a disgrace-I use the word as if the BBC would be( but they`ll be pleased at my noticing their bias)
Some public sector troughers from the Health Food Shop tore into Mars, Pepsi as Evil Big Sugar…to be banned, legislated against with EU/Jamie Oliver party bags by way of threat.
The women simply talked over the Beeboid, loudly and without listening to any kind of interest to the host…Mars and Pepsi, Big Food are evil.
Their tome was sheer Owen Jones…how the hell has it got to this that the likes of Jones, Labour scum and self-selecting lefties on phone-ins can just yell over opponents, let alone anybody with a contrary point to make.
Bunch of sociopathic Judge Frieslers coming through…does the BBC or some Union Leftyu firm train them all in these show trail tactics?
Really creepy-they need someone to threaten them if they do it. No chance of reasoning with these bigots that only listen to their own feedback.
‘The women simply talked over the Beeboid, loudly and without listening to any kind of interest to the host….’
But, but, but…. the BBC will understand their “anger”
Having watched Lord Hall and Mandarin Patten perform before the committee of MPs, I was struck that every Labour criticism of the BBC (too London-centric, too many ‘BBC accents’, too middle class…) was met with
‘Yes Sir, we are adressing that, watch this space”.
Whilst every Conservative criticism (too pro-EU, too anti-Tory) was met with a shriek of
“Oh no it isn’t” or “I think you’ll find….”
There’s no chance the BBC/Leftist terracotta army will ever break ranks or contemplate retreat – they smell victory is close now.
“Murders and rapes going unreported in no-go zones for police as minority communities launch own justice systems,” S Smyth.
A spokesman for the Muslim Council of Britain said: ‘We rely on the police to protect our communities and this can be only done through full co-operation and partnership.
Co-operation is particularly important for Muslim communities who have experienced a rise in Islamophobic hate crimes.’
Notice the TOTAL deflection. The MCB was called for comment on the Sharia no-go zones, said something vague about the police and then started talking about “Islamophobic hate crimes.”
erm … Sharia no-go zones? ……. Left unaddressed”
bit like the BBC then – type in “sharia no go zone”
and get …………………………… left unaddressed
Yes, it’s all part of the Islamic transitional government, an integral part of the Islamisation of Britain, which is currently being imposed by British political class.
That photo-caption for PM CAMERON, and unelected Muslim, Minister for Faith, Baroness WARSI, with imam-
PM Saturday. HMI Constabulary reports that some communities are ignoring British law and taking the law into their own hands according to their own values and customs. A lady who runs a charity for victims of forced marriages and, has lots of experience of working with these types of ethnic minority communities, confirmed what was reported and gave plenty of examples. She herself is from one of these communities and must be a brave lady to be so frank.
The Chief Inspector of the West Midlands denied that this could be true and continued to push his head further into the sand. His shoulders are now below ground level. He, of course, has the typical mind set of the liberal left.
What is remarkable about this report is, firstly that the BBC reported it all, and secondly, that they didn’t accuse HMIC of being racist, and thirdly, that they didn’t allow these communities to respond.
Perhaps a penny has dropped for at least a few in the BBC, that multiculturalism isn’t going to be a great party where we all get on well together, and become a new sort of Britons, who remain true to traditional British customs of tolerance, fairness and rule of law for all.
‘The Chief Inspector of the West Midlands .., of course, has the typical mind set of the liberal left.’
How do you think he got the job in the first place.. 😉
When multiculty values are challenged the BBC can be guaranteed to lead its coverage of the story with a firm rebuttal. Its the way they tell ’em.
Story as it appeared in the Times
I found it strange how the bBC can go all out to rebut this allegation when it took great please in reporting this story a couple of years back:
Growing use of Sharia by UK Muslims
Is rapid rise in UK Sharia law cases a cause for concern?
When you have one segment of the population using an alternative form of law to the law of the land, it will only be a matter of time before people are punished according to that law and that is what this story is all about.
“Revealed: how Jimmy Savile abused up to 1,000 victims on BBC premises.
“Executives turned a blind eye to attacks, according to former judge’s ‘shocking’ finding.”
By Daniel Boffey.
I am truly shocked by the above and this below in complement, not least because each one of those damning paragraphs has been penned by the Guardian.
If every member of the BBC is not chilled to the bone about the culture they inhabit, and the rot pervading the whispering corridors at the top, with still installed key protagonists from Boaden to Patten, they must be truly living in a dreamworld, if one that surely must be turning into a nightmare. Watch your backs. This does not seem a safe place. Even for adults.
Rather pleased to see this is appalling, and getting noted across a lot more places this morning and, as the BBC ‘news’ aggregators must dread, twitter especially.
More than interesting beyond the origin, again such as that right wing rag The Mirror & Media Lens weighing in.
This is not ‘balance’ because all sides are are doing so. This is cross-industry condemnation of institutional failure at the highest levels, ongoing.
The BBC cannot exist as a claimed entity that holds power to account when it deems itself above such challenge.
Can someone explain this to me? You see I can’t work out how Savile managed to abuse ‘1000’s’ of people at the BBC when he could only have had regular access to members of the public for shows like Jim’ll Fix It’ and TOTP’ neither of which would give him a thousand appearances, never mind thousands. Is this all hyperbole or were they forming a queue? The last credible figure I saw was in the 400’s, and that seemed high, so where have all the rest come from?
Genuine question BTW.
He did a lot of radio shows too – and the abuse didn’t have to correspond to a radio or TV appearance. For instance:
“Hello little girl, I’m Sir James Savile OBE and valued BBC TV and radio personality. Would you like a tour of TV centre?”.
That’s right he did but is there evidence of him turning up to each with a child to fondle? I find it very hard to believe that even the BBC could keep that quiet for long. If only 1 in 100 complained that would be a substantial number of complaints. By today’s figures at least 20
over as many years.
If, for example, as has been stated he would offer tours of TV Centre to lasses and then molest them in a cupboard, did no one ever think to ask why Savile was parading kids around the place and why so many of them left distressed?
I know the BBC are bad but are they truly that evil?
He may not have had 1000 shows, but he would have visited the bBC more than that. Then there would be the parties , open days and outside broadcasts 10 years comes up as 3650 days not that hard to divide 1000 into that figure. But he worked for over 21 years at the bBC ( that’s what I come up with) so 1000 isn’t that hard a figure.
But what nobody has thought of is how the NHS is offering up to £50k to his rape victims increasing the pressure on the bBC to do like wise , while the bBC can afford £50k to 1000 people. It’s status can’t and pressure will mount on it to change and become accountable to the taxpayer . Hopefully it will crash, 1000s of bbc staff will lose their jobs and the bbc tax will go.
Until this report is released it is very difficult to know what to think about this. I keep reading stuff that is sickening if true and other stuff which throws a completely different complexion on the whole affair. I have no idea what the ‘truth’ is about this.
I would like to see the BBC humbled and, if not closed down, then privatised but not like this. If only a tenth of the allegations are true then it is going to take a miracle to save them from the wrath of the public. The suffering of those children being ignored by the BBC like that would be just too much for many people to accept. I really can’t see how they could survive such a scandal but the loss of the BBC would be at too high a cost in that case.
Then again even if the allegations are not true the BBC has behaved in a scandalous manner and for that alone heavy penalties need to be applied.
As to the numbers I’m still not convinced but then one is one child too many. Which in itself is a quandary. Does the greater the number of allegations mean more likely guilt or just more greedy people?
Whatever the truth is the whole affair stinks.
A fair question too.
The answers illuminating also.
Totally the wrong place for it, but by coincidence I just read about a number at the other end of the BBC pinhead angel spectrum, which also has inspired many a worthy comment:
Frankly, with £4Bpa and 20,000 staff, if the BBC is trying to sell its value as a trusted educator and informer I’d really prefer the abuse figures, however inaccurate, to a small percentage. Demanding evidence of everything, the absence of which negates anything, is an all or nothing avenue best left to those who think this extinguishes all fires even as smoke still billows.
Along with the BBC devoting so much effort to cover ups, patronising guff or serial default FOI-exempting and redactions if serious about trust and transparency.
Mea Culpa or an knife in the inter departmental back?
There’s a lot of headline news at the death of Lord McAlpine, and almost every one talks about the wrongful accusations by BBC Newsnight.
So are they doing penance or are they taking the opportunity to stab a different department in the back ?
I’d expect the false accusations to start again soon now he can’t sue. The BBCs ‘comedians’ are no doubt under orders.
In the comments on the Telegraph obituary there are a number of people stating that he was a purchaser of child porn disguised as ‘art’. No evidence given naturally.
So it’s started already and he’s been dead how long?
“go to guy” for the BBC in its Islamophillia, F Mughal,
Gobshite for that thoroughly discredited outfit “Tell Mama”
yep! … he s at it again.
anyone recall how a penchant for “nose growing whoppers” ended last time?
apparently, in an Islamic, “eureka moment” (wait for it!) … restrictions on free speech are the answer?
does copious airtime loom re the BBC?
Maybe “Panto” Campbell, S Foglegity or even V Drearybyshire can pull a special out of the bag?
on BBC Radio, at least.
There s always Sayeeda Warsi eager to join hands with Mughal to tell us all about rampant “Islamofauxbia”?
joking aside … I envisage there will be a BBC representation of this “crock” of half truths, at some time in the not to distant future.
Not sure if this has been mentioned before, it’s been in The Mail and Telegraph, but the BBC certainly aren’t publicising it, but they are stealing money from the licence fee to fill the BBC pension pot http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/tvandradio/bbc/10570964/BBC-to-pump-740m-of-licence-fee-payers-cash-into-pension-scheme-deficit.html
That’s on top of the £900 million already switched into the pension scheme from the licence fee. But to the public sector and, strangely, the world this is an unremarkable entitlement.
The people no longer think independently of how the BBC tells it and this one was only posted on Ariel, its in-house web page.
It’s one of those men again:
The BBC will naturally blame US foreign policy. We keep surrendering and withdrawing our evil illegal Crusader troops from Muslim lands, yet this doesn’t seem to end. Curious.
Poll just out says UKIP are the most “popular” party in Britain. ITV and the Independent are on to it. What is taking the Beebs’s time?
And why hasn’t the Beeb made a documentary on WHY people are turning to UKIP once regarded as a silly side-line party? Would Joe Public’s views be aired at last? And by default would the question of the Beeb’s part in disregarding, for years, the view of millions on mass immigration and the EU come to light? Its an important story. Why are we waiting?
BBC giving maximum airtime to the ridiculous letter by a single UKIP activist that the floods were God’s punishment for gay marriage or some such. All in all a ridiculous story of no consequence or significance, but showing how desperate al Beeba is for any ammunition to fire at UKIP.
I think most Beeboids, like Cameron, believe that only racists and loons could support UKIP. In a few months time the BBC will have to start seriously sticking it into UKIP in an attempt to portray UKIP’s imminent Euro election success as a ‘protest’ vote, and that UKIP is not fit to form a government.
Incidentally, which British political party leaders have had a proper job outside politics or PR? Salmond and Farage?
I am voting UKIP next time if only to send the message enough is enough.
Quite right. I think UKIP is going to do very well indeed. This is the right way to really upset the liberal elite. It could be the beginning of the end of theirt reign.
Last question on Any Questions got every panelist applauded for castigating Puin’s Russia, which they think persecutes homosexuals and groups them with paedophiles. No mention of any of those ‘religious’ countries which really do persecute (and execute) homosexuals.
Oh dear. The BBC have re-made the Three Musketeers and their “interpretation promises a modern take on the story”
With Porthos being portrayed by a black man, we can now expect to have long 17th century discussions on the environment, the evil of capitalism and for a grand finale a big gay gang-bang on the alter of a church.
These are just speculations…..but I bet I’m not far wrong.
D’Artagnan will be the excluded one who is oppressed and exploited by the others.
Maybe a little underage abuse in the Musketeer coach park, with Athos trying to make a report and being redeployed in the dungeons? At which point the series closes.
Lady de Winter would make a great Head of News and Complaints, Cardinal Richelieu as DG and as for a clueless Unaccountable Sun God King in theory at the top…
You do realise that Alexandre Dumas who wrote the story was a black man.
The PR seems already laying the foundations.
But some seem less keen.
Can’t be as bad as Atlantis (can it?), so if that’s what iPlayer serves up…
Anyway, the great man looks like he’d appreciate any giggles inspired, though he seems a tricky cove to picture.
Dad sounds like quite the dashing dude and his life well worthy of a movie. Maybe Spielberg could get Obama to play him?
Wasn’t Alexandre Dumas Pere an quadroon rather than black? I was under the impression that his father was a half-caste …
Posted this yesterday but seems to have disappeared for some reason.
Lovely bit of marxist Critical Theory on the BBC Breakfast yesterday in the news story about George Osborne’s thoughts about raising the minimum way.
In the studio they had some young lad who wasn’t really very coherent in putting the argument for it, but for “balance” we had someone from Chamber of Commerce (I think). He discussed all the risks involved and their concerns about what it would do to employment statistics and how it not be such a good idea.
Strange that because when Milliband gets on about his “living wage” it’s largely a good thing. So we seem to have a policy activley being discussed by two seperate parties and when one mentions it – it’s good and when the other mentions it – it’s flawed.
Perculiar indeed.
That would be “wage” not “way”. – damn sausage fingers.
Raising the minimum wage is just another stealth tax, as the main beneficiary will be the treasury who won’t need to pay as much in tax credits. The poor sods who work for the minimum wage are in the main unlikely to be any better off at all.
Last night Yasmin Alibhai-Brown a disgusting example of the intolerant bullying left who cannot stand for anyone to have an opinion different to hers, and prepared to silence any voices with her self important pompous ‘I’m offended’ faux outrage, was a guest ‘On the papers’
I wouldn’t mind so much if she actually had an idea what she was talking about, or didn’t engage in the casual anti white racism which would cause her apoplexy if someone dared say the same things about a different race.
So she’s absolutely outraged over the fact the UK will not translate benefit claim forms into every language under the Sun, and then claims that British people would be outraged if the Spanish government did the same ! This is blatent anti white racism! It went unchallenged of course, but it isn’t true either ! Having been in Spain for a while absolutely nothing official is translated into any language and they expect non speakers to pay for translation if the can’t understand what is written.
The papers then moved on to the hand over of more powers from the Queen to Prince Charles, and she refused to even discuss it because she’s ‘a Republican’ and not interested and it shouldn’t be on the front page because she’s not interested.
Yet another hate filled intolerant left wing bigoted bully who believes only she has the right to have her opinions heard.
Just take a look at her home page where she’s taking a swipe at Nick Robinson and claiming the BBC shouldn’t allow him to broadcast because of his Tory background.
This is exactly the sort of person beloved of the BBC, but who should not be allowed near a microphone until they moderate their views.
Alibhai Brown – the unpleasant and unacceptable face of multicultural, politically correct Britain.
PS Come to think of it I cannot think of anyone who is the acceptable face of MC/PC Britain anyway
PPS But she sure is an unpleasant face
Another BBC liberal/ left meme , rich British people buy property abroad , so all the world , no matter what , should be allowed to come here (and mainly detract from the poorer sections of society’s living standards ) .
Beeboids assume political role of lobbying for Afghan ‘asylum seekers’ in Belgium.
“Belgium’s Afghan asylum seekers fear being sent home”
The above ‘report’ reads as though Belgium is a rich country where the millions of indigenous Belgians have no rights in the matter.
Alternative report:-
“Belgium: Afghan migrants protest again; ‘we are not dangerous'”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“In one photo accompanying the story in Al Jazeera, protestors (mostly men) seeking asylum carry a sign that says they are not ‘dangerous.’ Then here is another photo in the same spread that surely doesn’t look like they are exactly meek and neighborly either—why the raised fists? Is it the pose of Islamic conquerors?”
Meanwhile in England, unreported by BBC-NUJ:-
“Somalian grandmother allowed in to Britain to live in a council house with her jobless mother-of-three daughter who is on benefits.
“Halima Jimale, 68, came to Britain to be reunited with her daughter.
“Her daughter Fadumo Mohamed claims £310 a week in state handouts.
“Ms Jimale was allowed to come to Britain after judge rules she won’t be a drain on taxpayer’s money.
“But relative who promised to give family £100 a week financial support had just £1.15 in his bank account.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2539194/Somalian-grandmother-allowed-Britain-live-council-house-jobless-mother-three-daughter-benefits.html#ixzz2qs3Vrnjh
So pleased that in these times of scarce resources and when we are constantly reminded how stretched are our public sector workers we can rest assured that the Police are juggling their priorities so sensitively.
‘Police are investigating an offensive social media comment made in relation to the Mikaeel Kular case.’
‘The remark, which was made on Twitter, originated from the Greater Manchester area and was brought to police attention by an Edinburgh resident.’
Gosh I’ll sleep more soundly in my bed knowing the public are now so well protected from exposure to offence.
And to a large extent we have the BBC to thank for this great new boon.
Can’t abide this faux grief.
This mornings news spent 17 minutes on this story, they even had some silly cow reading the messages people had left outside the poor childs home, yet for all that open out poring of grief, the bBC hasn’t yet decided to do a story on the family, the mother or even the poor child. If i want to find that, i have to go to the so called racist bigoted DM
Beeboids now plug ‘Which’ Ed.
Beeboids keep up their daily propaganda for their Labour Party leader, Ed Miliband, as he sensationally says he will support consumers, and ‘Which’ magazine.
Strange that.
I notice that Which? have suddenly become regular contributors to the BBC’s coverage of the ‘cost of living crisis’ (the BBC dutifully being on message). Surely it has to be a coincidence…no-one at the BBC would surely be coordinating the messaging.
But take a look at this from the Speccie:
HookesLaw (about 7/8 comments down)
And this:
realfish (halfway down the comments)
And this:
(Clearly Which? are very keen on Miliband’s intervention too)
As HookesLaw says, The Consumer Association is a charity which must be above politics.
Bet they’re on the BBC again, anytime soon.
Just flicking through the channels, I found Billie Piper on Dr Who and thought I’d treat the eyes to some candy. But poor ol’ Billie is upset because her dad died in 1987 and she can’t remember him. Such sad lil’ eyes
Allowable Godthe Doctor decides to let her watch him die (?Odd choice of timing don’t you think? Surely a happier moment would be more appropriate?) .Still 1987 it is.
But why choose 1987 over, say 1986 or 1988 as it wouldn’t effect the story much? Ah, but then they couldn’t display the Socialist Worker ‘No third term for Thatcher’ posters for over 15 seconds in consecutive shots couldn’t they?
The BBC politicising children’s programmes. It’s what they do.
That’s the episode where the camera pans some posters, in a wind-swept alley, which tell us that “Thatcher wins General Election.” Accompanied by melancholy music, of course.
The problem with the early Nu Doctor Who episodes is that they were penned by the “right on and politically correct” leftie fans who wrote the books during the period Doctor Who was off our screens.
It shows.
our resident troll is one of them people. Appatently, he wrote “the Short Trips story Tell Me You Love Me” Sounds gay to me
excuse my dodgy spelling, Apparently
In the episode of ‘The Empty Child’ at the end of the series Chris Ecclestone shouts before leaving in WWII ‘and don’t forget the welfare state’
In the episode ‘New Earth’ the supposed symbol all over the universe is not the usual red cross, but a green crescent, the symbol of Muslims.
Although the loons who wrote it probably didn’t realise the reality of the universal take over by ‘the religion of peace’.
To be fair the Beveridge report, advocating the welfare safety net, was concocted during wartime and a national government. Although lefties decided to take ownership of it after the war. In truth (or from wiki):
“For Ernest Bevin, with his trade-union background of unskilled workers… social insurance was less important than bargaining about wages.”
More likely Bevin was keen to encourage work-place health insurance schemes that were administered jointly by employer and trade union. This would have ensured maximum trade union membership
Similarly German post war employment law (that would eventually become the social chapter) was designed ,in large part, by the labour party. The British trade unions opposed its adoption in UK ,fearing it would dilute their power
“Sir Chris Chataway: Former British athlete dies”
I suppose Beeboids could have mentioned that Chris Chataway was a Tory who worked on BBC ‘Panorama’, and who later became a Tory MP, opposing apartheid sport in South Africa.
“Sir Chris Chataway: Former British athlete dies”
I suppose Beeboids could have mentioned that Chris Chataway was a Tory who worked on BBC ‘Panorama’, and who later became a Tory MP, opposing apartheid sport in South Africa.
Copied from previous thread – now way down page and think not seen::
January 19, 2014 at 11:06 am
Ah, I should’ve read down before my last comment. So now that the BBC has reported it, they’re not biased now? using the same logic.
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Tell em when they wrong. says:
January 19, 2014 at 12:37 pm
Marvin – you need to open your eyes, you really do not get it and possibly allowing your own prejudices, bias or denial to affect your judgement. Evidence is all over the BBC networks daily and a lot of it spotted and highlighted on here, the national press and numerous net forums like Guido Fawkes. The BBC are institutionally affected on radio TV and the web, in my view. You want evidence, they admit it, like the following:
Only last week I got the following reply to my last bias complaint. The BBC admitted to me they got it wrong again and altered their website page to rectify the bias within an hour of me sending them the complaint:
Many thanks for your email and for drawing this to our attention.
“We have a policy to always list the political affiliation, space allowing, of publicly-elected officials. The fact the affiliations were not in these stories was an oversight and they have been amended accordingly.
Best wishes
Mark McGregor
Mark McGregor | Assistant Editor | BBC News Online (England)
* Mailbox I BBC Birmingham I B1 1AY
8 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/england
15 Jan 14 BBC & Biased BBC websites
I would please like to ask you why the BBC appears to announce Political affiliations for any Conservative misdemeanor but does not do the same for Labour? Could you please explain why?
Conservative or Tory mentioned 4 times:
Omission Labour not mentioned:
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BBC: “space allowing”.
That’s hilarious!
If the BBC use the word “Labour” too many times, all of those ASCII coded bytes will fall off the bottom of my laptop screen never to be seen again. Of course, this only applies to stories that my reflect negatively on our glorious, socialist chums.
The BBC has an odd problem with space.
They seem to feel that the demands of modern media allow for the fact that when there is not enough for accuracy, some odd BBC-reconciled ‘next best thing’ will do.
I beg to differ.
If they can’t write it right, simple: don’t write it at all, or until they can.
Of course, things can get rather further complicated when they do trot out even this sad-ass excuse for supposedly professional journalistic standards having been nailed, and then get nailed even more when it’s..
a) clear there was plenty more space for context and/or clarity
b) they chose not to use it
c) right next door often is why, namely they are boosting their mates and stiffing their mutual enemies.
Whatever is in their DNA, it’s now corrupted to a mutant level.
They’ll be playing banjos soon.
The World At One tells me that the police are bracing themselves for criticism over some report about them sometime later this week.
Cue a “have we all lost faith in the police” piece that the BBC have so helpfully prepared in advance for us all…stay tuned!
Funnily enough, there`s also another report coming up later this week by Dame Janet Smith in regard of the BBC senior management knowing of all of Saviles travels as he did themn…but doing F..all about it at that time.
But no mention of the BBC “bracing itself” for this.
And-of course-NO chance of any accompanying preparative piece on the show….”have we lost faith in the BBC?”
No a chance-“zees eez not allowed!”…Got that copper?
And here`s the coming turd in the jacuzzi for the BBC
Do note in the article Tony Hall speaks to the anti-abuse charity before the Christmas break just gone…in order to “seek their help before the Smith Report is published”.
Oh-I see-it`s the BBC that needs help-as if Savile didn`t give them enough “help” for forty years.
Typical…me, me me…stuff the kids, there`s BBC careers to defend here!
Rennard rules apply…no comment , no apology for er…”legal reasons”!
Good old Beeb eh?
Unfortunately, the BBC already has their get-out and acquittal written into the goals of the Dame Janet Smith review on this. The “how” isn’t going to be a problem for the current BBC management. It was a different time, you see. The important thing is to find out if the BBC has put into place measures to ensure this will never happen again. And, of course, they have. They have loads of official policies now on sexual harassment and bullying, etc. The only result from this will be another round of outrage columns while the Beeboids feign humility and deep introspection. Then everyone moves on, with no real consequences to the BBC.
‘BBC already has their get-out and acquittal written’
Very likley.
Thing is, the era of the BBC writing their own anything and then waving it around as having any credibility is rather over.
Look at the Nick Cohen complementary article to the one above.
None of them trust each other any more, and with reason.
A news medium where actually adhering to professional, accurate, ethical, high integrity, objective, honest journalism or reporting will see you shafted by your superiors and shunned by your colleagues.
With even sister media going beyond looking aghast to saying so.
They can feign humility and deep introspection, even move on, but while they still are vast enough to be insulated from any real consequences still, the rivets on the Beebtanic are popping one by one as they don’t learn lessons and keep running down the side of every iceberg that can’t be there because they can’t admit they exist.
Ask Alok.
This in complement may add further concern, especially when the BBC feels ‘moving on’ is the only route:
‘they try to suggest closure, but it’s clear there are a number of active cases. ‘
Not too bad a Press review on BH today…despite desperate attempts by the boys upstairs and Paddy to rein it in!
Johnny Vaughan( obviously one of the Golden bad boys like Wossy-Talksport , so he said)
a) was able to tell us how to go “off the records” re avoiding taxes if we choose to work solely in the cash economy-Greece had been doing it for some time.
b) is about to send his kid to Wellington possibly(£20,000p.a).
Indeed, his boy had only just met Anthony Seldon( the head in the Sunday Times article being discussed) only yesterday-and was open about tax arrangements he`d be needing to afford it!
Wow-private education AND financial creativity…if there`s two buttons any self-preserving Beeboid will NOT want mentioned live on air, it`ll be these two.
Paddy had a word yelled down-we all were steered well away from this…wrong messages to the stupid faithful suckers at the BBCs extended sponge of vinegar!
Thank you Johnny Vaughan-finally able to claim that title of “Loafer” he once gave himself in an advert.
Gove and Redwood 1….Miliband, Crosland, Benn, Fraser 0
A result we may yet learn to see as mattering.
The Big Questions just debated benefits street. Half a dozen of the usual suspects got 80% of the time and ONE fella tried his best to respond but was constantly interrupted while the other side got carte blanche. It was so bad that you’d have to be a complete idiot not to see the flagrant bias, so on reflection perhaps it was a good thing.
Another big q was ‘Is there any evidence for Satan?’ Yep, that’s what the BBC thinks religion really comes down to.
“Afghanistan Taliban ‘confident of victory’ over Nato”
“Obviously the BBC has no idea what is going on in Afghanistan.”
On the Andrew Marr Show this morning, Putin said that homosexuality (or some aspect of it, I cannot remember which) is still illegal in parts of the US.
Is this true? If so, it demonstrates the most appalling hypocrisy by Obama, and people like Ian McKellen and Elton John.
At risk of the Candyman incantation being used too many times and bringing out those who need to be accorded more delicate treatment when they barge in, this interested me enough to google:
Seems clear not. But it’s possible Mr. Putin was not just having a punt unchallenged like too many guests handed a pulpit by the nation’s market rate softballing squad, and may have been twisting the #6 answer (pretty fair one TBH) qualifier here:
No, it isn’t true. if Marr let the claim stand, he’s complicit in promoting a lie. The Supreme Court ruled in 2003 that State sodomy laws (used to persecute homosexuals) were unconstitutional. Homosexual activity in private is not illegal anywhere.
I was beginning to think I’d imagined it but, there it is on iPlayer, at 30.08.
He was being interviewed by a panel, which included a journalist from the US, but Marr also had a few exclusive words with him afterwards. It would appear that he only agreed to the interview on the condition that no difficult questions were asked. Almost pointless.
I meant to add, Putin used the word “criminalised”.
Not that one would know it, from Beeboids’ political spin:-
“Ukip tops Independent on Sunday poll as the nation’s favourite party”
-Not for ‘don’t blame Islam’ INBBC:-
“Muslim Terrorist States Argue Over Which of Them is Distorting Islam”
By Daniel Greenfield.
The one good thing about Islam is that, like Gaul, it is divided into three and fortunately most of the efforts are concentrated in wiping each other out.
According to today’s Sunday Telegraph (p. 13) the Beeb’s Westminster studio walls are decorated with anti-Tory newspaper clippings. Tory MP Rob Wilson has raised the matter with DG Lord Haw Haw Hall. A Beeb spokesman comments “…whatever it is, it won’t have anything to do with the BBC’s output.” Nah! Course not.
Link to above Telegraph story.
Rob Wilson MP seems to be particularly interested in the BBC’s failure to inform viewers/listeners of the political bias of an interviewee, something we know very well. I suggest we make him aware of any further instances of this via michelle.bass@parliament.uk
Wow, the Police demonstrate some old-fashioned swift forensic efficiency…
‘Two men have been arrested after racist comments about the disappearance of three-year-old Mikaeel Kular were posted on Twitter’
….in rounding up the perpetrators of offensive comments, that is.
Meanwhile amid muck talk of ‘community’ and ‘MSPs’ etc. BBC News Channel inform us that the nursery (which the poor young child had not attended for some time) are in full crisis mode and calling in grief councillors.
That’s the modern (post-Diana) way I guess. Fair enough if children and adults are upset.
What does cause disquiet is the fact that the nursey are ‘getting help from the local council’s press department’
And what really annoys is the BBC news presenter – Martine Croxall (?) editorialising : “that’s understandable considering….”
The BBC seem to have spoken.
Jolly well done everyone up there – you have the approval of BBC central.
You can write these now.
Poor kid dies-but it brought everybody together, fine community spirit…media and local church self-congratulations-and(of course) not a chance of retribution.
(April Jones a case study)
Name change , different town-and wait for the next excuse to wear pink or light a candle…coming sometime soon.
Lady Di opened the floodgates to this grief hopping self-indulgence-and the “community cohesion” agenda moves along with a few more dead kids.
But the BBC replace the church as the mediating forum…which is what it`s all about….
Just heard Tam Fry from the National Obesity Forum tell us that his grant bandits were entitled to grossly exaggerate their figures re obesity for us all in the UK.(More Or Less, 17/1/14…Radio 4)
For exaggerating the figures, as well as relying on “observations” from their self-referring clinics to pad out their “soft data” got the necessary publicity and raised awareness.
Would the Press have cared had he given us harder figures?…well his quango make no apologies for bending the data to get bigger headlines, and more beeboids yelling that “something must be done”….and who better to do it, monitor it and get grants and BBC supporting churnalists than the Fat Figures Forum-and Tam gets a few years more in his motility scooter eating doughnuts with an assistant to hold his clipboard.
For Obesity-read sugar, climate, drinking…but NOT social drugs, anti-depressants or anything that Lennon or Brand rate as “creativity-enhancing”.
Quack science-fat figures-padded wallets all round…and a chance to mither on and neb in your pantry!…dreamland for the BBC and the nosy neighbours/stakeholding partners from County hall
Seems Welsh Labour MP Paul Flynn is getting upset about a London low-life being dumped onto the streets of Newport – isn’t it?
‘An MP has written to the Home Office asking why a “dangerous criminal” had been rehomed in south Wales.’
‘….the leader of a gang in Croydon, south London, and had served a prison sentence for robbery’
Cor blimey, me ol’ china, who’s this well tasty villain from up the smoke?
What d’yer reckon… one of the ol’ faces from Bethnal Green..? Some oppo of the Krays?
Nah, some chancer from dawn sowff..? Of the river I mean. One of the old Richardson mob?
‘”This person presents a problem for London and the rest of England. What was the process that determined that he, and the danger he represents, should be re-located to Wales and Newport?’
‘”He will be subject to rigorous monitoring, including an electronic tag’
Sounds like a right nutter!
‘Mr Flynn said Joland Giwa, 24, who claims to be from Sierra Leone, should be deported.’
Sierra Leone… where’s that then? Proably in Spain. Course.. the costal del crime. Yeah thought so. He’s an old time London villain for sure.
“‘”This person presents a problem for London and the rest of England. What was the process that determined that he, and the danger he represents, should be re-located to Wales and Newport?””
Wales sent us Prescott: it’s payback time ! Feel our wrath, Newport !:)
At least Giwa isn’t one of the ‘toffs’ he’s obsessively angry about, so two penn’orth of chips on each shoulder Flynn should be slightly pleased about that at any rate.
Labour let some shit into the country and then complain about it. Sounds about right.
Giwa, who is thought to be 24, arrived at Heathrow with his twin brother in 1999 on a flight from Nigeria.
He had no parent or guardian and no passport or identity documents. He claimed asylum, telling officials he was a ten-year-old from Sierra Leone whose parents were killed in its civil war.
His asylum claim was refused but he was given permission to stay for four years, before being given a permanent right to stay in 2005.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2540682/Violent-gang-leader-Britains-streets-Government-moves-deported-ended-failure-work-hes-from.html#ixzz2qtCUueSL
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Remind me who was in power again in 1999 and 2005.
Now all Beeba can start covering events in the CAR. Reacting to the coup and the depredations of jihadists there is a Christian backlash which will catch innocent Muslims. Abandoning the mealy mouthed euphemisms it would use for Muslim attacks the BBC reports “A Christian mob in the Central African Republic capital Bangui has killed and burned two Muslims in the street, in the latest sectarian clash.” (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-25802780)
Compare that for example with “The forces of the Seleka rebels are largely Muslim and they have been accused of attacking Christian civilians since they took over. This has led to some Christian groups carrying out revenge attacks on Muslims, raising fears of widespread communal violence.” (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-24796875). You see what the BBC did there, the ‘largely’ Muslim rebels are ‘accused’ of attacks, while it’s stated as a bald fact that the Christians did carry out attacks. The BBC overlooked that in describing the Christian attacks as ‘revenge’ they give the game away. Al Beeba’s use of words allows you to interpret accounts like “more than 100 people have been killed in fighting in the capital of Bangui.” (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-25247088).
It was a while coming, but the BBC can now report the CAR and portray the Muslims as victims. Wait and see.
Hopefully the Syrian peace conference will achieve something but whatever the outcome the ‘West’ including Britain will get blamed by someone. Peace also means we’ll welcome back a flood of indoctrinated Islamists ready to die and kill the kaffir. Still, as the PM says it’s got nothing to do with Islam and the police can tackle any Islamophobia.
Last night BBC News Channel gives prominence to a report from Ukraine.
Now even Alex Crawford, Guardianista and Bon Pensant – who happens to work for Sky at present – has recently admited that news editors do like stories “with lots of bang bang”
The pictures, however, appear somewhat off-message.
Rioters attacking rather passive looking police with fire bombs. This is awkward when the accepted narrative of the story is supposed to be about pro-EU progressive protesters versus a nasty undemocratic government which is pro-Putin’s Russia.
So a little unsubstantiated comment is voiced over the alarming pictures. “Violence is said to have been caused by ‘Far right groups'”
BBC : Normal service has been resumed.
Death in Paradise
All comfy round the BBC breakfast sofa and the murder/robbery of a British holidaymaker in the Caribbean is a tricky one give a Lefty gloss – or so you might think…
‘Anywhere where there are such differences between the rich and poor these things are inevitable’
To the barricades mon amis! Equality or death!
It’s Monday morning it’s business as usual. Energy drinks & children. And they are full of SUGAR!!!!!
Like others hereabouts I was a little concerned when I heard that the BBC were ‘doing’ the Three Musketeers.
For some inexplicable reason the Alexandre Dumas novels were some of the first lengthy reading matter that I recall tackling as a kid. Not for me the ‘modern (lack of) family’ and right on feminised world of Tracy Beaker.
So it was with a degree of trepidation that I prepared to buckle my swash for this latest instalment of BBC mass Sunday evening TV re-education.
I needn’t have worried. It was fairly inconsequential.
Therer was a brief comment on behalf of animal rights campaigners when the King was bird shooting – yeah that would have happened in 17th Century France!
My only real complaint would be that there now seems to be an action drama rule that all women must be ‘feisty’
Which rather negates the damsel in distress point of the chivalry.
We came close to the point when the BBC may as well have done away with the guys and called this the Three Corseteers.
By the way, just me or did anyone else think Peter Capaldi’s Richelieu, the great éminence grise, had just a hint of Mandelson to the rather vapid French King’s Tony Blair?
I did snigger when Capaldi insisted on calling ‘an inquiry’ into matters. How very New labour.
Personally I’ve always looked upon Mandelson/Blair as Piers Gaveston and Edward II.
And yes, that included.
Now then, where can I find a couple of Irish mercenaries ?
“I did snigger when Capaldi insisted on calling ‘an inquiry’ into matters.”
Does it mean that Keith Vaz will be appearing in episode 2? Can he be trusted not to shoot himself?
He appears everywhere else, and it ticks another box.
So… Repackaging into benefits such as holiday pay and a BBC pension.
One can see why they are not taking this lying down, other than laughing.
Whoops – Ban ki Moon appears to have screwed the Syrian talks. That’s the UN, for you.
He, I think, also believes that any climate change is down to us, and must be stopped, whilst paying third world
dictatorshipscountries loads of cash, to ‘help’ to stop it.What is the point of him? (And what was the point of his predecessor?). What a loud-mouthed, toothless bunch of twerps.
The UN is one organisation we should quit. There is now a permanent anti Western majority.
The major Western nations need to go now. It will only do us harm if we stay.
I remember it being described many years ago as “a third world playpen”.
As All. Editors at the BBC triage what is and isn’t news, at least as far as BBC interests are concerned, in the real world:
‘his behaviour had been recognised by BBC executives who took no action’
Certianly a lot of the market rate talent are getting in their ‘wasn’t me’ arse covers already.
Unsure how a culture of secrecy, rather clearly still backed by a default #foiexclusion addiction to anything, and redacting even the milk bill if the guy in charge of supplies can’t recall ordering it and his astoundingly uncurious supervisor is off at her new shake fountain, can be equated to claimed ‘trust & transparency’. At all.
Had to laugh at the banner ad on my browser, for the BBC, suggesting one ‘Joins the best’.
Given the story below, it may have been better to specify at what.
Unless it still isn’t any different at this time.