Carrying on from the last post where I suggest the BBC is merely regurgitating the climate change lobby’s press releases you can see a particularly blatant example of that in their reporting of the ‘Anthropocene Era’.
It is a newly coined phrase to describe the era in which man’s influence on the planet changed it…for the worse.
Climate lobbyists would like to claim it began 200 years ago with industrialisation or even as late as the 1940’s….but more honest scientists would put man’s influence thousands of years before that:
Many scientists are now using the term and the Geological Society of America entitled its 2011 annual meeting: Archean to Anthropocene: The past is the key to the future. The Anthropocene has no precise start date, but based on atmospheric evidence may be considered to start with the Industrial Revolution (late eighteenth century).
Other scientists link the new term to earlier events, such as the rise of agriculture and the Neolithic Revolution (around 12,000 years BP). Evidence of relative human impact such as the growing human influence on land use, ecosystems, biodiversity, and species extinction is controversial; some scientists believe the human impact has significantly changed (or halted) the growth of biodiversity.
Those arguing for earlier dates posit that the proposed Anthropocene may have begun as early as 14,000 to 15,000 years before present, based on lithospheric evidence; this has led other scientists to suggest that “the onset of the Anthropocene should be extended back many thousand years”; this would be closely synchronous with the current term, Holocene.
This BBC report allows the scientist promoting the theory to swiftly dismiss the claim that the era began with man’s development of agriculture (deforestation and domestication of cattle etc) and places it firmly in modern times…
Anthropocene: Have humans created a new geological age?
That’s bad enough but what of this?…..
The Anthropocene: Welcome to the Age of Modern Man
It’s on the BBC’s international site so you (me at least) have to access it using a proxy server like this:
Insert this:
Who is the reporter?
One Gaia Vince….no, that’s her real name.
She also did a radio 4 series on this which you can hear here.
It is an extraordinarily alarmist portrayal of the future:
Climate Apocalypse…mass extinction…on a scale comparable to worst event in history such as the dinosaurs.
And the main causes…fossil fuels….domestication of animals…cows, sheep, pigs, goats etc and modern science inventing synthetic nitrogen which is flooding the natural ecosystem which has powered the mass rise in population (rampant materialsim plundering the world’s resources) whilst also poisoning the natural environment.
Cities roar and blaze with the energy of fossil fuels….but not for long…millions of years from now the fossil record will show…global seas levels rose…mighty cities were abandoned, others drowned as the sea invaded.
Hair shirt time!
Gaia Vince has worked for Nature, still does in fact…the science publication which is the gatekeeper for the climate change lobby….so if her name didn’t give you an inkling of what her beliefs might be there’s plenty of other evidence….
‘I am the opinion, analysis and features editor for the journal Nature Climate Change, which publishes the latest research in the field. I also write for a variety of different outlets, including the BBC, The Guardian, New Scientist, Australian Geographic, Science, Seed, and I do pieces for radio. Before I set off on this journey, I was the news editor of the science journal Nature.’
Here she isn’t reporting but advocating for the global warming alarmists….
‘Progress on addressing the most critical global challenges, such as climate change, has reached a farcical level in which time spent arguing over punctuation and grammar of lengthy documents have stymied any real action on greenhouse gas emissions. Meanwhile, global warming has increased, with the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere already hitting 400 parts per million in the Arctic, and new data show that the rate of climate change could be even faster than thought.’
Presumably that’s all being pumped out to and targeted at the ‘developing world’…encouraging them to parcel out the blame..and where there’s blame there’s a claim.
Nice to know our license fee is paying for climate propaganda designed to put us in the stocks, destroy industry and impoverish us.
I think the core of what the environmental movement has done is it has taken sin, guilt and fear from religion and has used those very strongly. The problem is that in good religion – if I can put it that way – that is always combined with a sense of hope, a sense of liberational salvation and a sense of personal responsibility but not the kind of responsibility that makes you feel you are a victim of the weight of your sins and guilt. ROWLATT: I don’t have a problem with people campaigning for those other agendas for their vision of a better society – for me the problem comes if the fear of the consequences of climate change is used as cover to smuggle in other objectives for social and political change. That’s because many people already have a sense that there’ s something suspicious about the campaign to tackle global warming; they instinctively distrust the science and if they feel that the solutions people are proposing are less to do with carbon than pushing through a hidden agenda that will only serve to confirm their scepticism.
Gaia Vince, making a name for herself, by making a name for herself. One to watch.
OT, but the name rang a bell.
Probably no relation, but if this wiki is for real, the notion of controlling the diet of football players sounds quite progressive, if slightly authoritarian.
Maybe one of them has a cousin called Con?
Her presence on the journal tells you everything about the miserable state of Nature these days.
But climate change did wipe out most life on earth at a time known as ‘the great dying’. The only thing is, and that the climate change supporters won’t tell you is that it took a volcanic eruption that lasted a million years and covered Siberia and elsewhere in a blanket of molten lava over an area estimated to be 7 million square kilometres.
At the same time the eruptions set fire to all the earths coal deposits adding to the global warming experience.
Carbon dioxide levels rose to 2000ppm todays level is less than 400ppm. All this massive volcanic activity over a million years plus the burning of the worlds entire coal stocks simultaneously only managed to raise the temperature by 8 deg C.
Of course this wiped out most of life on earth and it took 10 million years to recover, but that’s the whole point! The levels of thermal input required to do this are so unimaginable that man could not possibly manage it. 100 nuclear bombs exploded every day for a million years still wouldn’t be enough!
Yet this is what mankind’s paltry activities are being compared with. A volcano covering an area 3 times the size of Europe with molten lava for a million years !
Absolute insanity ! It’s only when you find the truth behind their lies that you begin to realise just what a thin veneer of academic respectability their theories have. Theories which if disproved will cost them all an awful lot of money !
“…Theories which if disproved will cost them all an awful lot of money !…” – and a good many of us, our lives…
‘Progress on addressing the most critical global challenges, such as climate change, has reached a farcical level in which time spent arguing over punctuation and grammar of lengthy documents have stymied any real action on greenhouse gas emissions.’
Er, not quite, Gaia. Last I read countries like Germany were arguing that any references to the 16-year lack of warming should be deleted from the IPCC report (the one I assume you’re referring to). Hardly an argument over dotting ‘i’s and crossing ‘t’s, eh?
‘Meanwhile, global warming has increased, with the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere already hitting 400 parts per million.’
Er, no again – see ref to last 16 years above. Unless you’re confusing CO2 concentrations with warming, of course – easily done, I suppose when you’re writing for Nature magazine.
Carbon Monoxide or Dioxide, that is the question:
From her website – warning – this may make you want to be sick, but it gives you an idea of who we are dealing with here;
Hello. my name is Gaia Vince. I am a journalist specialising in science, the environment and social issues. I am travelling the world meeting the people, plants and animals that make up our unique living planet.
This is a uniquely critical time in our planet’s history, in which climate change, globalisation, communications technology and increasing human population are changing our world as never before. The developing world is experiencing these impacts more obviously and sooner than the rich West – they are already feeling the effects of biodiversity loss, erratic weather patterns, glacial melt and forced migrations, for example – and I am documenting these impacts, talking to ordinary people, scientists and heads of state as I travel in the Anthropocene
Bbc, as always advertising help, for trading in the carbon market, inducing the typical fear factor it spurts.