Grahame Morris MP announced as new Chair of Labour Friends of Palestine and the Middle East
Wonder if the BBC has any comment about this Labour fruitcake (via Harry’s Place):
Grahame Morris’s ill judged ‘Nazis’ tweet
Wonder if the BBC has any comment about this Labour fruitcake (via Harry’s Place):
That flag looks like the RAF standard, as well as the Israeli flag. It’s hard to say which is more offensive, comparing the RAF or Israel to the Nazis. Perhaps he thought it was the Soviet Union flag he saw?
And what has the murder of Del Singh (murdered by Islamists) got to do with ‘Zionists’?
Spot on. I was just going to point that out myself. Just goes to show how twisted and messed up the modern lunatic left’s logic is, how ignorant they are of history, and how they’ve twisted the meanings of so many words to mean the exact opposite. Not least referring to themselves as ‘liberals’.
Have to laugh at the last post, wasn’t he killed by the Taliban.
yes probably ‘attending a relatives wedding’ no doubt
Will Labour boot him out? Of course not – they’re allowed to have racist/uneducated morons in their party, ask Diane Abbot.
Now, if he’d been in UKIP, it would have been a different story.
Israel Nazi ? Strange that a fascist should choose to call someone else one !
Here’s some photos of Palestinians:–620×311.jpg×311.jpg
But then Socialism is all about ignoring reality, history, and fact, so no surprises here !
They can’t al have been reaching for mobile phones could they ?
They were all testing if their Sure deodorant was still working.
Not wishing to nit-pick can I ask what this has to do with the bBC?
I rather took it to be the difference in reaction of the BBC to various elected officials’ words & deeds depending on their party affiliation.
Especially when one may simply be a minor, if barking, councillor having a bad faith day and another an MP actively promoting hate.
Look at the reaction of the BBC to the ‘fruitcake’ UKIP councillor who said the recent floods were a consequence of Cameron legalising Gay marriage !
Ah, but he could well have a point.
Most bad things now are attributable to Global warming, Gay marriage, UKIP, or the BBC.
Funny how the popularity of UKIP is growing by the day. Interesting times ahead (I hope).
We just need Marine le Pen to make a little more headway here in France (and with the way the current pillock of a leader is behaving, both nationally, and socially, she doesn’t need to try very hard), and BREX and FREX coukd well be on the cards. About time, too.
‘a bad faith day’ is a ‘unique’ way to put it. Seems its been a long day for him.
‘a ‘unique’ way to put it’
Why, thank you Benjin.
As but a lone forum poster that is quite the compliment, especially from, if not mistaken, a new friend to the site.
Of course I’m taking it as a positive, and not how some monitoring lurkers have seen me and others apply the term to £4Bpa propagandising and censoring, distrusted and opague media monopolies, their funding models, and oddly selective editorial.
Which, as I am sure you’ll agree, is hard to reconcile with trust or transparency in a supposedly impartial state broadcaster serving the nation and not the established, broken, party political orders.
It has everything to do with the BBC.
Fruitcakes would not get any attention if their views were not acceptable, and the body chiefly responsible for the disinformation that makes them acceptable is the BBC.
The BBC hasn’t reported it yet, at least not on the website. The tweet was two days ago, and the BBC follows all politicians, some obviously more than others. This won’t be seen as anything controversial, though. Most at the BBC agree with Morris wholeheartedly.
Criticism is one thing, but demonization is another. Nobody objects to criticism of Israel, but some of us do object to the constant demonization like this. The BBC aids and abets anti-Semitism by tacitly condoning this sort of behavior when it happens on their broadcasts, and by refusing to make a fuss about it in instances like this.
I don’t care if Mark Thompson was married to a Jewess, or if Robert Peston and a few others are genetically Jewish. There is rampant, extremist anti-Israel sentiment at the BBC, which they occasionally project on to all Jews everywhere, or at least allow that projection to be done without challenge. No impartial or intellectually honest news organization would have someone as their Middle East editor who has a personal traumatic experience which has given him a personal vendetta against Israel. Every once in a while they have a moment of sanity thrust upon them, but in general it’s extremist anti-Israel all the way.
The perception of some people though is that the media is controlled by Jews and that because of that the BBC is pro Israel. This, of course, is far from the truth but it is what people are brought up to think and that means they can’t fathom the idea that the BBC is anti Israel.
Yea, the victory of concepts over reality. I should think this applies to quite a few issues besides.
Knowing the cynicism of Labour this is probably a put up job to try and neutralise the impact of E Miliband’s origins on a certain section of the electorate.
Strange… I’m struggling to find even a hint of the fuss made about the UKIP councillor on either the BBC or the Mail.
Can’t imagine why…
Interesting BBC response to UKIP councillor’s remarks on gays and floods. As expected, the BBC news website majors heavily on the story, it being conventionally leftist, almost ultra-left, especially at weekends when the metropolitan kids get to play.
‘Today’ however chose to play it as a joke with lots of tittering and squealing from Evan Davis. Does this suggest a shift in the BBC response to UKIP who might be the next government the way the polls are going?
Stage 1: Mocking instead of ceaseless knifing?
Ironically then the fairy cake was laughing at the fruitcake ?
The left have hidden behind “anti-Zionism” for far too long. It is time we started taking a leaf out of the gay and Islamist lobby and called this Jewphobia.
Agreed. If all criticism of and opposition to the US President is based on racism, then all criticism of and opposition to Israel is based on anti-Semitism. How about it, BBC?
Nazis in his village? Yes, the fascist little twat Grahame Morris himself.
I think Morris actually represents some bold and original thinking. I mean, comparing Israel to the Nazis… I don’t think _anyone’s_ done that before. With new and interesting ideas like this Morris clearly has a great future, and I’m sure we’ll be hearing a lot more from him.
A bit of Israel bashing is fine by the BBC.
i just call them the freinds of the islamo fascists,have you noticed that these labour fruitcases and socalist oddballs always seem to form alliances with the people who hate us and want to do us so much harm,i cant work out why they always pick on isreal but never call for boycotts or protest against china or north korea who torture,murder and starve there citixens to death on a daily basis,that just baffles me.
OR Saudi Arabia, for that matter.
Amazingly wired brain. Someone who wants the eradication of another 6 million Jews calls those he wants wiped out “Nazis”. The left’s weirdest attribte is to call things by their opposite and hope the stupid people won’t notice. After all, there must be a lot of stupid people if left-wing governments keep being voted in, with their track records.
“Never Again” was the quote after 1945 and I stand shoulder to shoulder with that.
Sir Gerald Kaufmann, now there is a fruitcake, with the emphasis on fruit.
Nazi is short for national SOCIALISM.
SOCIALISM is the ideology of hypocrisy.
Before1941 the Nazi’s where left-wing socialists, that’s why the Tory, Winston Churchill was a lone anti-nazi voice in the 1930’s, what happened in 1939 confused the socialists, but then the Nazi’s attacked the Soviet Socialists, so ever since 1941, the Nazi’s have been right-wing.
The Communists and Fascists were violently opposed to one another, for instance the fighting in Brick Lane. However, it was really more like Stalinist/Leninists vs. Trotskyites. Not so much a difference in ideology as much as details. They hated one another as they were going after the same support (i.e. Working Class) with much the same message and ideals.
The left were fervently against the war until their precious USSR was invaded!
Three times I have asked various shows on 5L why they haven’t mentioned this, the last time being this morning on Pantos show where they are actually discussing Twitter. I even sent the tweet as an attachment for them to see but still nothing but tumbleweed. If it had been a UKIP or Tory politician you can bet your bottom dollar it would have been all over the news. A level playing field is all I ask, naive of me I know.