Good economic news! Quick, raise doubts and pour water on it so that “cost of living crisis” meme is unaffected! Over to you gang! A new Mark Carney approved Open Thread!
Paddy O Connell is a real Backstairs Billy isn`t he these days
Clearly he doesn`t like e-cigarettes, and tried to get all sly and shirty with a manufacturer of them-but went down on his science and waved his white bloomers where the pirate flag of the BBC once flew…doing a Monty when your basic science is found to fail as publicly as this.
Send OFSTED in to the BBC, seeing as they claim to “educate”
Billy then discussed whether Charles should finally get a job and help his old mum out…he asked what his “press panel” all thought of Tony Blair( we think of nothing else in Handsworth)…and was generally a bitchy old roue who thinks he`s the fag end of Virginia Woolfs e-ciggie!
OFSTED should take this BitchHaus slot on Sundays-and refuse to leave the premises until he actually HEAR what science and maths has been taught and assessed through the last weeks output-Quadrilla can examine it.
BBC luvvie in an ‘election’ around a cause dear to the BBC narrative? Say it ain’t so.
Still, at least he’ll be assured scrupulously impartial coverage.
Lots of it.
Funny how a comedian and stage actor who works more on stage than on TV these days, and who talked about his possible political intent on an ITV chat show, can’t help being a “BBC luvvie” in the blinkered minds of the usual suspects.
Anybody’d think this site were overrun with unthinking prejudiced idiots.
“Anybody’d think this site were overrun with unthinking prejudiced idiots.”
Is that you raising the tone or engaging in dialogue Scott?
on the subject of Rufus Hound ,a quick scan of Internet would confirm that the BBC is the biggest customer for his talent
Sometimes prejudice is based on experience i.e. The BBC institutionally leftist ( isnt that why you like it so much?) and employs many more people the confirm with its world view than don’t.
Actually Scott, if you listen to the News Quiz episode broadcast on Saturday the 14th of December last, you’ll hear Rufus Hound deviate from his role as a panellist on a comedy show to give a straight out, and immensely partisan political viewpoint on the NHS.
Given today’s announcement it is clear he used the BBC to attempt to launch his political career, and they – perhaps unknowingly, let’s be generous – allowed him to do so.
It seems Hound’s free political statement was potentially pre-planned for his own career advancement. It would be interesting to know when Hound made the decision to stand and if it pre-dates the NQ broadcast.
Toby Young has taken an interest in some of his claims.
The result so far is less than edifying.
Mr Hound is already spiraling into deranged abuse of any who may call into question his stated aims and stances taken. He’s also claiming that as the twitterati are behind him anyone with a counter view has no case.
No wonder the BBC and its fellow travellers are smitten.
Not sure boosting anti-establishment rabble-rousers should really be the BBC’s remit, but they do have form. Guest editing ‘Today’ next, for Rufus?
A top comment:
John Moss • 3 hours ago
This from a man paid by a regressive poll tax which takes more income (by percentage) from poor households than rich ones.
Funny how all this is inspired by a comedian and stage actor who works more on stage than on TV these days, apparently, and some would try and claim has little or nothing to do with the BBC or the overt political advocacy of its staff. And whose definition of ‘unthinking prejudiced idiots’ may need recalibrating again.
No that was so long ago I’ve forgotten. Who would have expected import programs like Big bang to be way ahead of BBC ‘comedy’ That Ginge whatever & whatever they were touting was seriously crap it could have been written by a 12 year old, well 1 12 year old that can write. Just because the BBc tells us something is funny doesn’t make it so.
BBC 1 – TBQs
is war just? – uh oh!
ever felt an AL BBC narrative coming on.
before long we have a Guardinista given looong
airtime, on to Muslim spokesman, on to Tom Holland
oh dear … lots of finger pointing, lots of unjust/oppressed blabbering on about the Crusades …
which somehow flips to the spirituality of Jihad? the greater Jihad? the lesser Jihad? … the admiration for Jihad??? hmm narrative fulfilled, and no audience participation allowed …
quickly on to WW1.
The usual orchestrated, bias fest from the BBC.
anyone would think, that 22,332 Islamic fascist
atrocities just since 9/11 never happened?,
these brainwashed genocidal deathwishers,
believe they are at war?
Holy war NOW! … not ancient history “Crusade s”
thousands and thousands of them?
and their book tells them they are?
so they will continue?
It would appear that Linda Yueh thinks that her life in Davos is hard. Rather than cover the business issues at Davos she has given readers of a BBC blog a day in her life there! Good value for the ~£20,000 it cost to send her there?
‘…replies to her blog do not seem to think so! Although of course it is now closed for comment…’
Not many in not much time. But things were going off piste.
And it seems like only yesterday a new Flokker was raising censorious behaviour by site owners as a bad thing.
“Another bully at the BBC:
“MoS reveals that senior editor who left his radio star wife for talkshow host bullied staff and faces probe over sexual harassment and expenses.
“Mark Sandell said to be bullying staff, faces claims of sexual harassment and his expenses are being scrutinised.
“Is a senior editor and partner of Radio 5 Live presenter Victoria Derbyshire.
“Comes as bosses were accused of ‘fudging’ Rod McKenzie’s case.
“BBC Radio 1’s Newsbeat editor moved job after he was found to have bullied several staff.
What a delightful insight into the relativist world of Radio 5, it explains much.
But perhaps the most revealing accusation is this-
“Among the allegations against him, first revealed in The Mail on Sunday in October last year, Mr McKenzie allegedly told one mixed-race member of staff that ‘he had made a mistake hiring me’ and that ‘your voice is not black enough’.”
McKenzie is clearly a devout follower of the new faith.
‘Mr McKenzie allegedly told one mixed-race member of staff that ‘he had made a mistake hiring me’ and that ‘your voice is not black enough’.”’
Would be very tempted to do a skit on that theme – however, it would be bound to come over as in bad taste and as rather racist. So let’s leave that sort of ugly nonsense to our liberal-minded oafs at the BBC.
Coincidently, I found myself on this site this morning reading about Gadhafi and the WRP. I thought this would make a great political drama on TV. Shame it would never get made, even with the names changed to spare the guilty.
What a shock that he turns out to be an abusive slob. There was plenty of sexual harrassment and questions about use of funds among his darling Occupiers as well. I’m sure there’s no connection between that kind of ideology and this kind of abusive behavior.
And yet another married Beeboid who cheated on their spouse (in this case another Beeboid) with another Beeboid. Why, it’s almost as if there’s some kind of Corporate culture or something.
Hi everyone, As you can imagine this is a very important day in my life, and with these lines I would like to express the memories and emotions that come to me as I write.
This letter is written from my heart, and first of all I would like to say that I will never forget all the licence fees given by me to the BBC. From the very first day until the last. With your support and affection I have grown up as a listener and I have had an amazing time both on and off the radio. I will always feel the gratitude towards you. Always. No words are enough to give back all the things I have received.
There has been plenty of good moments: the Olympics (if you like that sort of thing) 1997 General Election night in London when I was so very pleased for all you with your victory and I could almost feel the pleasure you conveyed to the listener. And then your successful European campaigning that has brought millions of talented people to these shores and nearly gave us the Euro… On the other hand, I have experienced with you some complicated situations from an economic and fiscal point of view, mainly during the last five years.
Every message you seem to get through the social media, every nice word you receive from callers – who are probably simply ordinary people on the street (not activists or campaigners), and of course, your presenters in the studio, has made me feel incredibly optimistic for Labour’s hopes; they deserve a team like the one you’ve got, with so many fantastic players.
I won’t forget the effort Nicky Campbell put in to change the rules for Sports Personality of the Year to make the shortlist much more PC.
Thank you Tony Livesey so much for the way you have treated me, you have been unbelievable. I am thinking of course of your ‘English by default’ remark.
I believe no longer listening to your station is the best choice in order to carry on and to keep enjoying the radio. Before last summer, my intention was to stay here for a long time; as long as the BBC wanted me to, and to keep with the BBC.
This is how happy I was with the station. However, as you all know, things changed especially after the move to Salford. From feeling like an important Licence Payer, I started to experience some difficult situations and I felt unable to enjoy to the extent that I wanted and was used to. Obviously, I fully respect the circumstances.
The BBC is a tax funded public sector organisation and it’s not easy to pay staff regularly in such large amounts without an increase in the Licence Fee.
I have always tried my best to understand your left-liberal point of view. I would like to emphasise the affection, admiration and respect that I’ve had for my former station and mates since the first day. I want to thank the presenters for their help and understanding at all times. They dumbed-down and made me feel comfortable when I arrived as a political refugee from Radio 4 and they have supported me with news-lite throughout the difficult times.
You learn from everything, and certain situations make you think. I must express admiration to Nicky Campbell for his handling of the awkward Jimmy Savile situation which should give inspiration to the mates and colleagues of all those arrested under operation Yew Tree investigations who are coping with similar situations more regularly. Thank you for your ‘he left as I joined’ line, for your ‘we thought he was a sex-less eccentric’ and most of all thank you for your ‘I thought he might have been gay’.
To Rachel Burden (good luck with her property speculation) and Victoria Derbyshire, for her unlimited trust in sob stories and victimhood. And to Nicky again, for making me a develop a stronger stomach, because in difficult moments, I have learnt to remain positive and to keep working hard. Lastly, I want to thank the station, and in particular its owner, (Myself?), for trusting me and making an important investment in serving my interests.
Although many of you, like myself, never thought this moment would come, this is broadcasting and a new chapter is about to begin. I would have liked to say good bye to all of you in Salford, or through your complaints system, but it has not been possible.
I look forward to being happy and to enjoy what I like the most: listening to the radio. I will never forget my time with 5 Live and the affection I take with me, I will keep forever. I wish you the best. A big (Helen Boaden) hug to all of you.
Oh dear where would you start with that article?
Being kind I will say only that I thought the BBC’s position was that ‘race doesnt matter’ and nationalism is bad
Didn`t Enoch get blasted for suggesting this repatriation of our darker community members?
And at least he was prepared to offer them an actual COUNTRY to go back to!
Ground Control to Uncle Toms!
Racist maan…and the BBC “celebrate” this forced removal of an innocent black person?
See you in the Hague ,Branson or whoever!
I’ve only just noticed which organisations the panel on the “Sunday Politics” come from. They are “The Guardian”, “New Statesman” and “Financial Times”
How utterly pathetic! Vance now referring to the anonymous collection of losers who post here (under at least 3 identities each) as a “gang”. What age are you again…and would one of them even piss on you if you were on fire.
Watch them disappear when you really need them….your gang is just a little fantasy inside your head as you’ve discovered in a couple of elections!
At least you got one recommend, would have been more had you been able to do more than one ‘selfie’, which disproves what you say, where do you think all the recommenders come from?
Does it count when one side of your brain likes what the other side of it has produced…whether in a potty, a commode…or a blog such as Dr Stupids?
It’s worth reading to take the information as to how people are thinking on key issues and how the BBC is failing to represent those views in any real way. It also shows how far away from mainstream views they are.
On the leader good job/bad job ratings Cameron’s net score is minus 12 (up 3), Miliband’s is minus 38 (down 3), Nick Clegg’s is minus 58 (down 7). 75% now think Clegg is doing a bad job as Lib Dem leader, just 17% a good job. It represents Clegg’s worst score since last May.
44% of people now think the government are managing the economy well, 48% badly – their best score since 2010.
On balance people are opposed to Britain accepting refugees from Syria, but not by a vast amount. 47% think we should not accept any, 39% think we should.
There is of course a whole lot more including a rather prescient question “about what people’s reaction to Labour having a agenda that was criticised by big business”.
The Royal family, and the Scottish referendum.
I have seen OFCOM ‘reluctantly’ in the frame as the white knight that resolves all the BBC’s oversight conflicts in one fell swoop.
This has never felt too reassuring given how much of BBC affairs revolves around personal connections and integrity (more so given levels of uncuriosity and forgetfulness around mysteriously unminuted senior level exchanges: ‘In the red corner Ofcom boss (and failed DG candidate) Ed Richards; in the blue, Lord Hall, most other broadcasters, and Caroline Thomson (failed DG candidate, now, amongst other things, Chair of Digital UK)
In this case it sounds like an Ed v. the BBC (for once), but I still have concerns at anyone so keen to be BBC DG getting the prize of arbitrating on when the BBC strays.
The BBC can change ‘why you only have to look at the BBC radio 3’ – it’s copied Classic FM format (again). I am always reminded by the BBC executive who predicted imminent failure on a classical music commercial station. I am also old enough to remember North Sea International ‘pirate broadcasters’ who were copied (and closed down) by the home office for doing what the BBC now does legally on ‘pop’ Radio 1. (The BBC then employed the same DJ’s and in exactly the same radio format). It’s a wonderful monopoly to be employed in. No wonder staff are paid well.
Call the Midwife
Season 3 Episode 2 of 8
‘Trixie’s feathers are ruffled when Jenny is promoted, but the new Acting Sister has more to worry about after a mother-to-be reveals the baby she is carrying was not fathered by her husband – and to complicate matters, the real father is black. Cynthia is inspired by a lecture on natural childbirth, convinced it will help an overly anxious patient, while Alec and his friends try to persuade Jenny to join them on a CND march.’
More bias on BBC Points West, in a 5 minute evening bulletin. Just one minute was given to the serious subject of the flooding on the Somerset Levels, one to local sport, one to the local weather forecast but two minutes were given up to the completely non topical story of a local UKIP MEP who’s attendance at the European Parliament has been somewhat below average.
No reference was given to the attendance of those from other parties other than the average attendance of other local MEP’s is better than this particular chaps, one wonders if it were a Labour MEP would such have been broadcast? I know the answer (research needed!)
It begs the question why bring this story up now? its not news and its not current and certainly doesn’t belong in a 5 minute bulletin other than of course of an agenda that needs needs pushing….
Very late in the day, post-Blair, post-LSE, post-Chakrabarti, INBBC has a TV critique of Gaddafi-
‘Mail on Sunday’:-
“Uncovered: The macabre sex chamber of Libya’s Colonel Gaddafi where he raped girls – and boys – as young as 14.
“Colonel Muhammar Gaddafi kept several ‘sex dungeons’ at his palaces.
“Libyan tyrant forced hundreds of young girls to become his sex slaves.
“Gaddafi also had a ‘harem’ of young men called ‘the services group’
“Dictator visited schools and ‘chose’ his victims with a pat on the head.
“Gaddafi was killed in October 2011 after 42 years of dictatorship.
To be fair, and having read the report, I think Moneybox was absolutely right to go for HSBC over this. In fact I wouldn’t be surprised if the bank wasn’t acting illegally by restricting customers’ access to their own funds.
For once, this was the BBC doing proper consumer journalism.
If you find Call the Midwife far too tilted toward a leftist agenda try BBC2
The Coffee Trail with Simon Reeve
‘In the second of two This World documentaries examining the stories behind the nation’s favourite beverages, adventurer and broadcaster Simon Reeve looks at the production of coffee. He heads to Vietnam, which is the UK’s biggest supplier, and travels to the remote central highlands where he meets some of the millions who grow, pick and pack the beans for instant coffee brands. The boom in the industry has made some people very rich, but Simon learns that the rapid success has come at a cost to both the locals and the environment’
It’s Sunday evening, and as usual, there’s bugger all on television, so I thought I’d watch This World – the Coffee Trail, with Simon Reeve.
What a mistake-a-to-a-make. Foolishly, I’d forgotten I’d watched the programme about tea, a week or so ago.
We’d just got past the bit about the Vietnamese way, and they were travelling along a road through an area which had just suffered the effects of a passing tropical storm.
Then it started. “The worst storm in years” “storms are getting stronger, and more extreme” ” …and it’s all down to” – wait – for it – “global warming and climate change” the scientists said so, apparently. My, more believable information, is that the facts indicate the opposite.
For fuck’s sake, I only wanted to watch a programme about coffee, and I have this political dogma thrust down my throat, and worst of all, utter, lying drivel “supporting” it. Reeve clearly doesn’t know what the fuck he’s talking about, but, of course, he has an agenda, as do the BBC, and they make it their business to promote it at EVERY sodding opportunity.
I’m sick of it, and sick of them, too.
Needless to say, the programme came to an end there and then, in château Goat.
Sadly, my partner can’t understand why I get so angry. “It’s only a programme” quoth she. The point, I gently inform her, is that she and others are swallowing this rubbish as if it were Gospel, and so the “message” is imparted to the gullible public, who remember it when they automatically place their “X” against Labour on the voting slip, then wonder why the dimwits they elect into power dump on them.
And that is exactly how the BBC does its work. People absorb this agitprop nonsense without even noticing it. To use a cliche, it allows the BBC to make the political weather in this country.
The BBC’s latest on the IAEA heading into Iran to enforce the restrictions on Iran continuing to develop weapons-grade unranium, as part of the infamous wonderful agreement to ease collective punishment on innocents sanctions on the country.
The head of the UN’s nuclear watchdog says the interim deal reached with Iran on its nuclear programme is an important step forward, but that “there is still a long way to go”.
Yukiya Amano of the IAEA appealed to member countries for more money to fund increased inspections in Iran.
The IAEA has been asked to verify that Iran is keeping to the agreement.
The deal offers some relief in the sanctions on Iran in exchange for curbing uranium enrichment.
ZAKARIA: Do you believe that it will be possible to bridge this gap by allow – by allowing Iran to have a small enrichment capacity, but, for the most part, to forego enrichment?
ROUHANI: Iran will not accept this. And the peaceful nuclear technology, including enrichment, is part and parcel of the inalienable rights of states. We are only willing to move forward within legal context. If somebody wants to talk with us outside these legal contexts, that’s – that tells us that they don’t want to have an agreement. When it comes to nuclear technology, the Iranian people are very sensitive. It is a part of our national pride and nuclear technology has become indigenous. And recently, we have managed to secure very considerable prowess with regards to the fabrication of centrifuges. So in the context of R&D and peaceful nuclear technology, we will not accept any limitations and in accordance with or parliament law, in the future, we are going to need 20,000 megawatts of nuclear power. We are determined to provide for the nuclear fuel of such plants inside the country, at the hands of local Iranian scientists. We are going to follow on this path.
ZAKARIA: So there will be no destruction of centrifuges, of existing centrifuges?
ROUHANI: No. No, not at all.
Not even a single sentence in the BBC news brief about how “Iran disputes this” or something. As usual with certain stories, the BBC decided there’s no need for relevant information or background context. That’s important only for stories about Israel or other enemies of the BBC.
BBC-NUJ continues its soft political line on socialist President Hollande’s distasteful behaviour.
And can find no space to report this:-
“Faked Hate: Imam in France who faked hate crime against his own mosque fined $1,350 and ordered to leave the country”
“Muslims fake ‘hate crime’ to bolster the islamophobia myth. The media anxiously eats up and blares the alleged “hate crime,” but when it is discovered that the perp is Muslim (or in this case, as in others, an imam) the media silence is deadly.”
Oh look what’s back on the BBC’s news website: There’s no problem with immigration
It links to last November’s BBC article (the UCL report by Dustmann and Frattini) which was criticised by other institutions. But they haven’t included that in their “updated” January article.
The BBC’s far-Left, Pro Obamessiah At All Costs ideological agenda continues apace. The President is going to give this year’s State of The Union lecture on Tuesday, and has been letting the world know that the latest issue on which He will organize the community is “Income Inequality”. Naturally the BBC is all over it, as it’s one of their pet issues as well.
Opinions are irrelevant. But in addition to showing you that there are some crazy, heartless United Statesians who don’t care about the poorest and most vulnerable (Most. Polarized. Ever.), the BBC is doing something much more insidious:
The BBC’s David Botti breaks down the numbers to see how the US compares to the rest of the world and how Americans are reacting to the income gap.
This is all utter sh!t. The only thing that matters is WHY there’s an income gap, and WHO benefits most. In the case of the US, it’s down to crony corporatism, where the government is in bed with a select oligarchy. We now have the bosses of Google and GE working directly with the President, and all the top mega-corporations are Democrat donors and supporters of far-Left organizations like the Center for American Progress.
The Stimulus benefited them, not the economy, and not the rest of us. The President’s Green Energy program benefited them, not the economy, and not the rest of us. The President’s bailout of GM and Chrysler benefited them (and the powerful unions), not the economy, and not the rest of us.
Katty Kay is a die-hard fanatic about promoting the horrors of income inequality:
Growing Inequity between rich and poor is not just a social injustice, it creates economic problems.
Yet she directly contributes to it regularly. She’s already wealthy, and married to someone wealthy. Yet every time she supplements her fat BBC (freelance, natch) income by giving a speech at $15 – 25K a pop, or gets paid for one of her regular stints as guest host on NPR, she is directly increasing the income gap between herself and the poorest and most vulnerable.
If, that is, one takes the BBC/extreme-Left interpretation.
If the majority of the public are seeing increases in wage and wealth, it doesn’t matter if the wealthiest are getting wealthier as well. Unfortunately, that’s not what the President’s and Democrats’ policies have been doing. Instead, everyone else is worse off, and getting worse still. Despite Katty’s ignorant ideological whining, the economic problems are creating the situation, not the other way around. And her beloved Obamessiah is the one causing the social injustice by using the power of the government to punish He enemies and help His moneymen. The poorest and most vulnerable don’t get a look in.
By ignoring this and presenting income inequality as some abstract zero-sum game, the BBC is not only being dishonest about the reality, but giving real support – as usual – to the domestic policy of the leader of a foreign country. At your expense.
This is nothing new, though. Like so many of His tired old talking points, He played the income inequality game in His 2012 STFU address. And the BBC played right along in loving support. Any bets that the BBC will be sneering at Him for repeating Himself?
They actually used the term ‘ethnic Germans’.
They even mentioned their ‘bloodlines’.
So credit where credit is due. But when are they going to describe the indigenous of our islands as ‘ethnic British’ rather than the demeaning term ‘white British’ and denying we are an ethnic group, describing us as ‘mongrels’ or a ‘nation of immigrants’?
Germany is also multicultural and has loads of immigrants,
so very interesting that they are not described as ‘white German ‘.
The beeboids would sooner eat their hats than admit we Brits are an ethnic group with our own ‘bloodlines,’ or that we are in danger of dying out and being ethnically replaced too.
The BBC asked the executive director of the Quilliam Foundation, an anti-extremist thinktank, on to a discussion show. Two atheist members of the audience wore T-shirts showing Jesus saying: “Hey” and Muhammad saying: “How ya doing?” I beg you to keep the innocuous nature of the cartoon at the front of your mind as we descend into a modern Bedlam.
The BBC decided that extreme Wahhabi and Salafi Muslims, who would ban all images of Muhammad, represented all Muslims. It ordered its producers not to show the offending T-shirts.
ItJustMakesSense : If he were a WASP he’d be getting a call from the Old Bill. But the spineless UK authorities are all terrified of being accused of racism and also terrified of organised violence from ‘outraged’ Islamist.
I saw the episode. Nawaz was mostly solid, as usual. There are of course going to be quite a few areas where I disagree with him, but he’s not the Mehdi Hasan-type phony from what I can tell. I could complain about a few aspects of that episode, but only a couple things are worth mentioning in this context.
First, the theme of this episode was essentially whether or not religious belief should take precedence over law, or vice versa. Other belief issues were covered, including the niqab. The producers sat two Mohammedan women, one wearing the full veil, front and center, next to the young non-British man wearing the t-shirt. The whole thing was a set-up to start a debate about what other people shouldn’t be allowed to do or say lest they offend Mohammedans.
Nawaz was there to be the closest thing possible to a moderate Mohammedan (yes, I know, let’s not get into that, please), and of course he’s going to say that didn’t offend him and people need to grow up. His tweet was a follow-up to a debate instigated by the BBC in the interests of obeying the first item in the Charter’s definition of the BBC’s Public Purpose: “sustaining citizenship and civil society”.
The only other thing worth mentioning here is that Nicky Campbell was an absolute disgrace. He basically talked down to the black Christian minister lady about how her decision to follow what Jesus said in Matthew 19:1 or what Paul said in Romans 1:26-27 was essentially no longer acceptable. Things have “chaaaaaanged”, he mooed at her. (He was right to call her on hypocrisy later on, but that doesn’t excuse him lecturing her on religious belief and taking sides.)
However, when he caught himself letting the discussion about the niqab slip into similar “modern interpretation” territory, he stepped on it and said he wasn’t interested in discussing that. He also refused to call out the EU fascist for his deceitfulness. I’d bet nobody at the BBC thought there was anything wrong with what he was saying.
The bBC now ranks British people living in London as Migrants: What do London migrants miss about home?
Yet any Islamic terrorist from say: Ethiopia, Libya,Pakistan or even Saudi Arabia locked up by anybody else is always deemed a Londoner, yup nothing foreign about those who were born elsewhere , who lived in the UK for a week of two before buggering off to to live in a pure Islamic land (Afghanistan) and kill the Kaffa. The bBC, the traitors within our midst.
Panto Nikki on 5live this morning … the wide ranging question – is offending ahem! religion ok? … (hint hint) every other caller is Muslim
why the question? aloha snackbar and surprise surprise
M Nawaz tweeted an ahem “offensive” cartoon … and got death threats … who by?
Now wants to get on the political gravy train … hey ho over 20,000 “offended” want to character assassinate him and get him dropped … who are these “offended”
What erm “religion” are we talking about? any ideas?.
calling in to the BBC to ask the obvious questions? …
asking why violence/threat/character assassination has been seen, to be the immediate retort? … the instant reply?
why the question of the phone in itself is so ambiguous?
what is less offensive than a cartoon, or any drawing, or even a teddy bear etc
but sadly, the Al BBC inquisition on Your Call, are not interested, they have an “orchestrated” comedian in house
… once again … appalling BBC bias
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Paddy O Connell is a real Backstairs Billy isn`t he these days
Clearly he doesn`t like e-cigarettes, and tried to get all sly and shirty with a manufacturer of them-but went down on his science and waved his white bloomers where the pirate flag of the BBC once flew…doing a Monty when your basic science is found to fail as publicly as this.
Send OFSTED in to the BBC, seeing as they claim to “educate”
Billy then discussed whether Charles should finally get a job and help his old mum out…he asked what his “press panel” all thought of Tony Blair( we think of nothing else in Handsworth)…and was generally a bitchy old roue who thinks he`s the fag end of Virginia Woolfs e-ciggie!
OFSTED should take this BitchHaus slot on Sundays-and refuse to leave the premises until he actually HEAR what science and maths has been taught and assessed through the last weeks output-Quadrilla can examine it.
BBC luvvie in an ‘election’ around a cause dear to the BBC narrative? Say it ain’t so.
Still, at least he’ll be assured scrupulously impartial coverage.
Lots of it.
Described as a former stand up comic. Anybody remember when bbc comedians were actually funny?
Funny how a comedian and stage actor who works more on stage than on TV these days, and who talked about his possible political intent on an ITV chat show, can’t help being a “BBC luvvie” in the blinkered minds of the usual suspects.
Anybody’d think this site were overrun with unthinking prejudiced idiots.
Top redirection attempt there, Scott.
‘Anybody’d think this site were overrun..’
And look, it’s the weekend.
About three, maybe four on station today.
“Anybody’d think this site were overrun with unthinking prejudiced idiots.”
Is that you raising the tone or engaging in dialogue Scott?
on the subject of Rufus Hound ,a quick scan of Internet would confirm that the BBC is the biggest customer for his talent
Sometimes prejudice is based on experience i.e. The BBC institutionally leftist ( isnt that why you like it so much?) and employs many more people the confirm with its world view than don’t.
Actually Scott, if you listen to the News Quiz episode broadcast on Saturday the 14th of December last, you’ll hear Rufus Hound deviate from his role as a panellist on a comedy show to give a straight out, and immensely partisan political viewpoint on the NHS.
Given today’s announcement it is clear he used the BBC to attempt to launch his political career, and they – perhaps unknowingly, let’s be generous – allowed him to do so.
Just in case you don’t believe me, here is a Youtube link…
Check out the single comment while you are there.
Probably bad form to reply to oneself, but a lack of an edit function means it is the only way to group these posts together.
The NHA are using that free News Quiz minute and fifteen seconds to promote themselves.
It seems Hound’s free political statement was potentially pre-planned for his own career advancement. It would be interesting to know when Hound made the decision to stand and if it pre-dates the NQ broadcast.
@RufusHound Did your decision to stand for the NHA predate your News Quiz appearance of Friday, December 13th last?
Reply from @RufusHound: No. The NHAs offer to put me on their list came as a semi-direct result of it.
@RufusHound So you had no contact with the NHA before that date?
Nice work Milv.
Toby Young has taken an interest in some of his claims.
The result so far is less than edifying.
Mr Hound is already spiraling into deranged abuse of any who may call into question his stated aims and stances taken. He’s also claiming that as the twitterati are behind him anyone with a counter view has no case.
No wonder the BBC and its fellow travellers are smitten.
Not sure boosting anti-establishment rabble-rousers should really be the BBC’s remit, but they do have form. Guest editing ‘Today’ next, for Rufus?
A top comment:
John Moss • 3 hours ago
This from a man paid by a regressive poll tax which takes more income (by percentage) from poor households than rich ones.
Funny how all this is inspired by a comedian and stage actor who works more on stage than on TV these days, apparently, and some would try and claim has little or nothing to do with the BBC or the overt political advocacy of its staff. And whose definition of ‘unthinking prejudiced idiots’ may need recalibrating again.
No that was so long ago I’ve forgotten. Who would have expected import programs like Big bang to be way ahead of BBC ‘comedy’ That Ginge whatever & whatever they were touting was seriously crap it could have been written by a 12 year old, well 1 12 year old that can write. Just because the BBc tells us something is funny doesn’t make it so.
‘”I’m going to run for the NHA because the NHS is being privatised.”
Another Chicken Licken. Bet he’s an eco-fascist in his spare time.
BBC 1 – TBQs
is war just? – uh oh!
ever felt an AL BBC narrative coming on.
before long we have a Guardinista given looong
airtime, on to Muslim spokesman, on to Tom Holland
oh dear … lots of finger pointing, lots of unjust/oppressed blabbering on about the Crusades …
which somehow flips to the spirituality of Jihad? the greater Jihad? the lesser Jihad? … the admiration for Jihad??? hmm narrative fulfilled, and no audience participation allowed …
quickly on to WW1.
The usual orchestrated, bias fest from the BBC.
anyone would think, that 22,332 Islamic fascist
atrocities just since 9/11 never happened?,
these brainwashed genocidal deathwishers,
believe they are at war?
Holy war NOW! … not ancient history “Crusade s”
thousands and thousands of them?
and their book tells them they are?
so they will continue?
Just out of interest why is trying to save cookies on my PC when I change pages on this site?
It would appear that Linda Yueh thinks that her life in Davos is hard. Rather than cover the business issues at Davos she has given readers of a BBC blog a day in her life there! Good value for the ~£20,000 it cost to send her there?
Well the replies to her blog do not seem to think so! Although of course it is now closed for comment…
‘…replies to her blog do not seem to think so! Although of course it is now closed for comment…’
Not many in not much time. But things were going off piste.
And it seems like only yesterday a new Flokker was raising censorious behaviour by site owners as a bad thing.
“Another bully at the BBC:
“MoS reveals that senior editor who left his radio star wife for talkshow host bullied staff and faces probe over sexual harassment and expenses.
“Mark Sandell said to be bullying staff, faces claims of sexual harassment and his expenses are being scrutinised.
“Is a senior editor and partner of Radio 5 Live presenter Victoria Derbyshire.
“Comes as bosses were accused of ‘fudging’ Rod McKenzie’s case.
“BBC Radio 1’s Newsbeat editor moved job after he was found to have bullied several staff.
Read more:
“Bullying at the BBC:
“Allegations made against World Have Your Say editor Mark Sandell.”
By Dominic Ponsford
What a delightful insight into the relativist world of Radio 5, it explains much.
But perhaps the most revealing accusation is this-
“Among the allegations against him, first revealed in The Mail on Sunday in October last year, Mr McKenzie allegedly told one mixed-race member of staff that ‘he had made a mistake hiring me’ and that ‘your voice is not black enough’.”
McKenzie is clearly a devout follower of the new faith.
‘Mr McKenzie allegedly told one mixed-race member of staff that ‘he had made a mistake hiring me’ and that ‘your voice is not black enough’.”’
Would be very tempted to do a skit on that theme – however, it would be bound to come over as in bad taste and as rather racist. So let’s leave that sort of ugly nonsense to our liberal-minded oafs at the BBC.
Warning: Detox in Dettol after following link!
Coincidently, I found myself on this site this morning reading about Gadhafi and the WRP. I thought this would make a great political drama on TV. Shame it would never get made, even with the names changed to spare the guilty.
You mean this Mark Sandell?
What a shock that he turns out to be an abusive slob. There was plenty of sexual harrassment and questions about use of funds among his darling Occupiers as well. I’m sure there’s no connection between that kind of ideology and this kind of abusive behavior.
And yet another married Beeboid who cheated on their spouse (in this case another Beeboid) with another Beeboid. Why, it’s almost as if there’s some kind of Corporate culture or something.
I note this…
‘Mata posted a letter on his official website thanking Chelsea fans for their support since moving to Stamford Bridge two years and five months ago.’
… and couldn’t resist posting my goodbye open letter to BBC 5 Live.
AsISeeIt beginning his boycott says good bye to 5 Live in an emotional letter
“Hola, adiós”
Hi everyone, As you can imagine this is a very important day in my life, and with these lines I would like to express the memories and emotions that come to me as I write.
This letter is written from my heart, and first of all I would like to say that I will never forget all the licence fees given by me to the BBC. From the very first day until the last. With your support and affection I have grown up as a listener and I have had an amazing time both on and off the radio. I will always feel the gratitude towards you. Always. No words are enough to give back all the things I have received.
There has been plenty of good moments: the Olympics (if you like that sort of thing) 1997 General Election night in London when I was so very pleased for all you with your victory and I could almost feel the pleasure you conveyed to the listener. And then your successful European campaigning that has brought millions of talented people to these shores and nearly gave us the Euro… On the other hand, I have experienced with you some complicated situations from an economic and fiscal point of view, mainly during the last five years.
Every message you seem to get through the social media, every nice word you receive from callers – who are probably simply ordinary people on the street (not activists or campaigners), and of course, your presenters in the studio, has made me feel incredibly optimistic for Labour’s hopes; they deserve a team like the one you’ve got, with so many fantastic players.
I won’t forget the effort Nicky Campbell put in to change the rules for Sports Personality of the Year to make the shortlist much more PC.
Thank you Tony Livesey so much for the way you have treated me, you have been unbelievable. I am thinking of course of your ‘English by default’ remark.
I believe no longer listening to your station is the best choice in order to carry on and to keep enjoying the radio. Before last summer, my intention was to stay here for a long time; as long as the BBC wanted me to, and to keep with the BBC.
This is how happy I was with the station. However, as you all know, things changed especially after the move to Salford. From feeling like an important Licence Payer, I started to experience some difficult situations and I felt unable to enjoy to the extent that I wanted and was used to. Obviously, I fully respect the circumstances.
The BBC is a tax funded public sector organisation and it’s not easy to pay staff regularly in such large amounts without an increase in the Licence Fee.
I have always tried my best to understand your left-liberal point of view. I would like to emphasise the affection, admiration and respect that I’ve had for my former station and mates since the first day. I want to thank the presenters for their help and understanding at all times. They dumbed-down and made me feel comfortable when I arrived as a political refugee from Radio 4 and they have supported me with news-lite throughout the difficult times.
You learn from everything, and certain situations make you think. I must express admiration to Nicky Campbell for his handling of the awkward Jimmy Savile situation which should give inspiration to the mates and colleagues of all those arrested under operation Yew Tree investigations who are coping with similar situations more regularly. Thank you for your ‘he left as I joined’ line, for your ‘we thought he was a sex-less eccentric’ and most of all thank you for your ‘I thought he might have been gay’.
To Rachel Burden (good luck with her property speculation) and Victoria Derbyshire, for her unlimited trust in sob stories and victimhood. And to Nicky again, for making me a develop a stronger stomach, because in difficult moments, I have learnt to remain positive and to keep working hard. Lastly, I want to thank the station, and in particular its owner, (Myself?), for trusting me and making an important investment in serving my interests.
Although many of you, like myself, never thought this moment would come, this is broadcasting and a new chapter is about to begin. I would have liked to say good bye to all of you in Salford, or through your complaints system, but it has not been possible.
I look forward to being happy and to enjoy what I like the most: listening to the radio. I will never forget my time with 5 Live and the affection I take with me, I will keep forever. I wish you the best. A big (Helen Boaden) hug to all of you.
THANK YOU so much,
I wish I’d written that!
Is it cos I is black that Beeboids push it with headline?:-
“Mandla Maseko: The first black African heading into space”
Is it cos I is black that Beeboids push it with headline?:-
“Mandla Maseko: The first black African heading into space”
Is it cos I is black that Beeboids push it with headline?:-
“Mandla Maseko: The first black African heading into space”
Oh dear where would you start with that article?
Being kind I will say only that I thought the BBC’s position was that ‘race doesnt matter’ and nationalism is bad
Didn`t Enoch get blasted for suggesting this repatriation of our darker community members?
And at least he was prepared to offer them an actual COUNTRY to go back to!
Ground Control to Uncle Toms!
Racist maan…and the BBC “celebrate” this forced removal of an innocent black person?
See you in the Hague ,Branson or whoever!
The African Space Program, It’s just wrong on so many different levels, isn’t it ?
I’ve only just noticed which organisations the panel on the “Sunday Politics” come from. They are “The Guardian”, “New Statesman” and “Financial Times”
And it seems to be the same people every week.
How utterly pathetic! Vance now referring to the anonymous collection of losers who post here (under at least 3 identities each) as a “gang”. What age are you again…and would one of them even piss on you if you were on fire.
Watch them disappear when you really need them….your gang is just a little fantasy inside your head as you’ve discovered in a couple of elections!
Bye then oh and I post under my name f£$%^ face where’s yours?
At least you got one recommend, would have been more had you been able to do more than one ‘selfie’, which disproves what you say, where do you think all the recommenders come from?
Does it count when one side of your brain likes what the other side of it has produced…whether in a potty, a commode…or a blog such as Dr Stupids?
Todays Sunday polling is available on the excellent polling site
It’s worth reading to take the information as to how people are thinking on key issues and how the BBC is failing to represent those views in any real way. It also shows how far away from mainstream views they are.
On the leader good job/bad job ratings Cameron’s net score is minus 12 (up 3), Miliband’s is minus 38 (down 3), Nick Clegg’s is minus 58 (down 7). 75% now think Clegg is doing a bad job as Lib Dem leader, just 17% a good job. It represents Clegg’s worst score since last May.
44% of people now think the government are managing the economy well, 48% badly – their best score since 2010.
On balance people are opposed to Britain accepting refugees from Syria, but not by a vast amount. 47% think we should not accept any, 39% think we should.
There is of course a whole lot more including a rather prescient question “about what people’s reaction to Labour having a agenda that was criticised by big business”.
The Royal family, and the Scottish referendum.
I have seen OFCOM ‘reluctantly’ in the frame as the white knight that resolves all the BBC’s oversight conflicts in one fell swoop.
This has never felt too reassuring given how much of BBC affairs revolves around personal connections and integrity (more so given levels of uncuriosity and forgetfulness around mysteriously unminuted senior level exchanges:
‘In the red corner Ofcom boss (and failed DG candidate) Ed Richards; in the blue, Lord Hall, most other broadcasters, and Caroline Thomson (failed DG candidate, now, amongst other things, Chair of Digital UK)
In this case it sounds like an Ed v. the BBC (for once), but I still have concerns at anyone so keen to be BBC DG getting the prize of arbitrating on when the BBC strays.
The BBC can change ‘why you only have to look at the BBC radio 3’ – it’s copied Classic FM format (again). I am always reminded by the BBC executive who predicted imminent failure on a classical music commercial station. I am also old enough to remember North Sea International ‘pirate broadcasters’ who were copied (and closed down) by the home office for doing what the BBC now does legally on ‘pop’ Radio 1. (The BBC then employed the same DJ’s and in exactly the same radio format). It’s a wonderful monopoly to be employed in. No wonder staff are paid well.
Who says BBC drama is agenda driven?
Call the Midwife
Season 3 Episode 2 of 8
‘Trixie’s feathers are ruffled when Jenny is promoted, but the new Acting Sister has more to worry about after a mother-to-be reveals the baby she is carrying was not fathered by her husband – and to complicate matters, the real father is black. Cynthia is inspired by a lecture on natural childbirth, convinced it will help an overly anxious patient, while Alec and his friends try to persuade Jenny to join them on a CND march.’
I’ll make a point of missing that.
Look at it this way: as it’s a show about midwives, at least the BBC won’t be promoting abortion.
Dont count on it
Can somebody please explain why those 49 people shot dead in Egypt yesterday are no longer reported at the bBC?
I’ve noted that the death of 49 people inside Egypt has disappeared yet the fact that Israel shot a couple of thugs the other day is still extant.
The BBC values lives according to who kills them.
Is the something wrong with this website? my posts are posted in the middle rather than at the end.
Somebody deleted a comment or two, and all replies get orphaned.
More bias on BBC Points West, in a 5 minute evening bulletin. Just one minute was given to the serious subject of the flooding on the Somerset Levels, one to local sport, one to the local weather forecast but two minutes were given up to the completely non topical story of a local UKIP MEP who’s attendance at the European Parliament has been somewhat below average.
No reference was given to the attendance of those from other parties other than the average attendance of other local MEP’s is better than this particular chaps, one wonders if it were a Labour MEP would such have been broadcast? I know the answer (research needed!)
It begs the question why bring this story up now? its not news and its not current and certainly doesn’t belong in a 5 minute bulletin other than of course of an agenda that needs needs pushing….
LIBYA and Muslim Gaddafi.
Very late in the day, post-Blair, post-LSE, post-Chakrabarti, INBBC has a TV critique of Gaddafi-
‘Mail on Sunday’:-
“Uncovered: The macabre sex chamber of Libya’s Colonel Gaddafi where he raped girls – and boys – as young as 14.
“Colonel Muhammar Gaddafi kept several ‘sex dungeons’ at his palaces.
“Libyan tyrant forced hundreds of young girls to become his sex slaves.
“Gaddafi also had a ‘harem’ of young men called ‘the services group’
“Dictator visited schools and ‘chose’ his victims with a pat on the head.
“Gaddafi was killed in October 2011 after 42 years of dictatorship.
Read more:
Don’t expect the INBBC sympathisers of Muslim Brotherhood to report this:-
“Christians in Egypt murdered for failing to pay the jizya (Islamic tax on non-Muslims).”
Read more:
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Is BBC’s Money Box programme trying to cause a run on the banks? Some left sources seem to think the crisis is imminent.
To be fair, and having read the report, I think Moneybox was absolutely right to go for HSBC over this. In fact I wouldn’t be surprised if the bank wasn’t acting illegally by restricting customers’ access to their own funds.
For once, this was the BBC doing proper consumer journalism.
If you find Call the Midwife far too tilted toward a leftist agenda try BBC2
The Coffee Trail with Simon Reeve
‘In the second of two This World documentaries examining the stories behind the nation’s favourite beverages, adventurer and broadcaster Simon Reeve looks at the production of coffee. He heads to Vietnam, which is the UK’s biggest supplier, and travels to the remote central highlands where he meets some of the millions who grow, pick and pack the beans for instant coffee brands. The boom in the industry has made some people very rich, but Simon learns that the rapid success has come at a cost to both the locals and the environment’
Oh dear, more of the same.
Caution – mega-rant:
It’s Sunday evening, and as usual, there’s bugger all on television, so I thought I’d watch This World – the Coffee Trail, with Simon Reeve.
What a mistake-a-to-a-make. Foolishly, I’d forgotten I’d watched the programme about tea, a week or so ago.
We’d just got past the bit about the Vietnamese way, and they were travelling along a road through an area which had just suffered the effects of a passing tropical storm.
Then it started. “The worst storm in years” “storms are getting stronger, and more extreme” ” …and it’s all down to” – wait – for it – “global warming and climate change” the scientists said so, apparently. My, more believable information, is that the facts indicate the opposite.
For fuck’s sake, I only wanted to watch a programme about coffee, and I have this political dogma thrust down my throat, and worst of all, utter, lying drivel “supporting” it. Reeve clearly doesn’t know what the fuck he’s talking about, but, of course, he has an agenda, as do the BBC, and they make it their business to promote it at EVERY sodding opportunity.
I’m sick of it, and sick of them, too.
Needless to say, the programme came to an end there and then, in château Goat.
Sadly, my partner can’t understand why I get so angry. “It’s only a programme” quoth she. The point, I gently inform her, is that she and others are swallowing this rubbish as if it were Gospel, and so the “message” is imparted to the gullible public, who remember it when they automatically place their “X” against Labour on the voting slip, then wonder why the dimwits they elect into power dump on them.
Vietnamese “way” should, of course, have been “war”…
…I do SO wish we could edit our comments….
And that is exactly how the BBC does its work. People absorb this agitprop nonsense without even noticing it. To use a cliche, it allows the BBC to make the political weather in this country.
Which is precisely why the BBC needs to go.
The BBC’s latest on the IAEA heading into Iran to enforce the restrictions on Iran continuing to develop weapons-grade unranium, as part of the
infamouswonderful agreement to easecollective punishment on innocentssanctions on the country.UN nuclear chief: Long way to go on Iran nuclear deal
Iranian President Rouhani on Iran’s Nuclear Technology
Not even a single sentence in the BBC news brief about how “Iran disputes this” or something. As usual with certain stories, the BBC decided there’s no need for relevant information or background context. That’s important only for stories about Israel or other enemies of the BBC.
BBC-NUJ continues its soft political line on socialist President Hollande’s distasteful behaviour.
And can find no space to report this:-
“Faked Hate: Imam in France who faked hate crime against his own mosque fined $1,350 and ordered to leave the country”
“Muslims fake ‘hate crime’ to bolster the islamophobia myth. The media anxiously eats up and blares the alleged “hate crime,” but when it is discovered that the perp is Muslim (or in this case, as in others, an imam) the media silence is deadly.”
Read more:
Full link:-
Oh look what’s back on the BBC’s news website:
There’s no problem with immigration
It links to last November’s BBC article (the UCL report by Dustmann and Frattini) which was criticised by other institutions. But they haven’t included that in their “updated” January article.
The BBC’s far-Left, Pro Obamessiah At All Costs ideological agenda continues apace. The President is going to give this year’s State of The Union lecture on Tuesday, and has been letting the world know that the latest issue on which He will organize the community is “Income Inequality”. Naturally the BBC is all over it, as it’s one of their pet issues as well.
What do Americans think of their country’s income inequality?
Opinions are irrelevant. But in addition to showing you that there are some crazy, heartless United Statesians who don’t care about the poorest and most vulnerable (Most. Polarized. Ever.), the BBC is doing something much more insidious:
This is all utter sh!t. The only thing that matters is WHY there’s an income gap, and WHO benefits most. In the case of the US, it’s down to crony corporatism, where the government is in bed with a select oligarchy. We now have the bosses of Google and GE working directly with the President, and all the top mega-corporations are Democrat donors and supporters of far-Left organizations like the Center for American Progress.
The Stimulus benefited them, not the economy, and not the rest of us. The President’s Green Energy program benefited them, not the economy, and not the rest of us. The President’s bailout of GM and Chrysler benefited them (and the powerful unions), not the economy, and not the rest of us.
Katty Kay is a die-hard fanatic about promoting the horrors of income inequality:
Yet she directly contributes to it regularly. She’s already wealthy, and married to someone wealthy. Yet every time she supplements her fat BBC (freelance, natch) income by giving a speech at $15 – 25K a pop, or gets paid for one of her regular stints as guest host on NPR, she is directly increasing the income gap between herself and the poorest and most vulnerable.
If, that is, one takes the BBC/extreme-Left interpretation.
If the majority of the public are seeing increases in wage and wealth, it doesn’t matter if the wealthiest are getting wealthier as well. Unfortunately, that’s not what the President’s and Democrats’ policies have been doing. Instead, everyone else is worse off, and getting worse still. Despite Katty’s ignorant ideological whining, the economic problems are creating the situation, not the other way around. And her beloved Obamessiah is the one causing the social injustice by using the power of the government to punish He enemies and help His moneymen. The poorest and most vulnerable don’t get a look in.
By ignoring this and presenting income inequality as some abstract zero-sum game, the BBC is not only being dishonest about the reality, but giving real support – as usual – to the domestic policy of the leader of a foreign country. At your expense.
This is nothing new, though. Like so many of His tired old talking points, He played the income inequality game in His 2012 STFU address. And the BBC played right along in loving support. Any bets that the BBC will be sneering at Him for repeating Himself?
Labour’s 50p tax ‘not anti-business’
So said the link to this story from the BBC News main page.
That’s sounds rather like a declaration to me.
“Ethnic Germans” are dying out!
Crikey what an admission from the BBC!
This is due to their very low birth rate.
They actually used the term ‘ethnic Germans’.
They even mentioned their ‘bloodlines’.
So credit where credit is due. But when are they going to describe the indigenous of our islands as ‘ethnic British’ rather than the demeaning term ‘white British’ and denying we are an ethnic group, describing us as ‘mongrels’ or a ‘nation of immigrants’?
Germany is also multicultural and has loads of immigrants,
so very interesting that they are not described as ‘white German ‘.
The beeboids would sooner eat their hats than admit we Brits are an ethnic group with our own ‘bloodlines,’ or that we are in danger of dying out and being ethnically replaced too.
The BBC asked the executive director of the Quilliam Foundation, an anti-extremist thinktank, on to a discussion show. Two atheist members of the audience wore T-shirts showing Jesus saying: “Hey” and Muhammad saying: “How ya doing?” I beg you to keep the innocuous nature of the cartoon at the front of your mind as we descend into a modern Bedlam.
The BBC decided that extreme Wahhabi and Salafi Muslims, who would ban all images of Muhammad, represented all Muslims. It ordered its producers not to show the offending T-shirts.
A commenter makes an interesting point :
ItJustMakesSense :
If he were a WASP he’d be getting a call from the Old Bill. But the spineless UK authorities are all terrified of being accused of racism and also terrified of organised violence from ‘outraged’ Islamist.
I saw the episode. Nawaz was mostly solid, as usual. There are of course going to be quite a few areas where I disagree with him, but he’s not the Mehdi Hasan-type phony from what I can tell. I could complain about a few aspects of that episode, but only a couple things are worth mentioning in this context.
First, the theme of this episode was essentially whether or not religious belief should take precedence over law, or vice versa. Other belief issues were covered, including the niqab. The producers sat two Mohammedan women, one wearing the full veil, front and center, next to the young non-British man wearing the t-shirt. The whole thing was a set-up to start a debate about what other people shouldn’t be allowed to do or say lest they offend Mohammedans.
Nawaz was there to be the closest thing possible to a moderate Mohammedan (yes, I know, let’s not get into that, please), and of course he’s going to say that didn’t offend him and people need to grow up. His tweet was a follow-up to a debate instigated by the BBC in the interests of obeying the first item in the Charter’s definition of the BBC’s Public Purpose: “sustaining citizenship and civil society”.
The only other thing worth mentioning here is that Nicky Campbell was an absolute disgrace. He basically talked down to the black Christian minister lady about how her decision to follow what Jesus said in Matthew 19:1 or what Paul said in Romans 1:26-27 was essentially no longer acceptable. Things have “chaaaaaanged”, he mooed at her. (He was right to call her on hypocrisy later on, but that doesn’t excuse him lecturing her on religious belief and taking sides.)
However, when he caught himself letting the discussion about the niqab slip into similar “modern interpretation” territory, he stepped on it and said he wasn’t interested in discussing that. He also refused to call out the EU fascist for his deceitfulness. I’d bet nobody at the BBC thought there was anything wrong with what he was saying.
The bBC now ranks British people living in London as Migrants:
What do London migrants miss about home?
Yet any Islamic terrorist from say: Ethiopia, Libya,Pakistan or even Saudi Arabia locked up by anybody else is always deemed a Londoner, yup nothing foreign about those who were born elsewhere , who lived in the UK for a week of two before buggering off to to live in a pure Islamic land (Afghanistan) and kill the Kaffa.
The bBC, the traitors within our midst.
Have just emailed the Beeb to complain about this racism towards ethnic British.
Panto Nikki on 5live this morning … the wide ranging question – is offending ahem! religion ok? … (hint hint) every other caller is Muslim
why the question? aloha snackbar and surprise surprise
M Nawaz tweeted an ahem “offensive” cartoon … and got death threats … who by?
Now wants to get on the political gravy train … hey ho over 20,000 “offended” want to character assassinate him and get him dropped … who are these “offended”
What erm “religion” are we talking about? any ideas?.
calling in to the BBC to ask the obvious questions? …
asking why violence/threat/character assassination has been seen, to be the immediate retort? … the instant reply?
why the question of the phone in itself is so ambiguous?
what is less offensive than a cartoon, or any drawing, or even a teddy bear etc
but sadly, the Al BBC inquisition on Your Call, are not interested, they have an “orchestrated” comedian in house
… once again … appalling BBC bias