The papers are full of the outrage that businessmen and industrialists are expressing at Balls’ class war tax hike.
But you’d almost never realise the extent of that anger if you relied upon the BBC.
Here is the BBC investigation of the issue:
Balls insists Labour is not ‘anti-business’ after 50p tax pledge
Sounds sort of promising…the headline perhaps hinting at the level of anger at Balls but there the promise stops.
Who are claiming that Labour is ‘anti-Business’? The BBC tells us it is just the same old Tories and a nebulous they name ‘Critics of Labour’.
‘Critics of Labour’?…oh…they mean:
Labour’s City guru savages Ed Balls for 50p tax pledge
Economics behind Labour’s plan to bring back 50p top rate of income tax would not even get “a pass at GCSE”, says the party’s own former City minister
Lord Myners, who served as City minister in Gordon Brown’s government, attacked the policy, saying it would take the party back to the days of “old Labour”.
“The economic logic behind his [Mr Balls’s] thinking would not get him a pass at GCSE economics,” he said. “By contrast to Ed Miliband’s recent interventions on energy and banking, which tried to reconcile competitive markets with Labour principles, Ed Balls takes us back to old Labour and the politics of envy.”
And that of course is just one of many ‘critics of Labour’.
A FTSE 100 boss said: ‘Ed Miliband doesn’t give a toss about business. He will say anything to get elected. It is economic vandalism.’
Don’t hear much of that kind of denouncement of Labour on the BBC for some reason.
The politics of envy….that is of course what the 50p hike is all about…it has nothing to do with the real economy and everything to do with Labour’s class war…they see a chance to paint the Tories as the friends of big business, regardless of facts, and they produce a policy, regardless of facts, to encourage that image, with Labour of course as the champions of the downtrodden and dispossessed….never mind that Gordon Brown in speeches to Bankers told them this was ‘the golden age’ of Banking.
Addressing the bow-tied ranks of money-changers, he paid lavish homage to ‘your unique innovative skills, your courage and steadfastness’. They had his personal thanks ‘for the outstanding, the invaluable contribution you make to the prosperity of Britain’.
‘A new world order has been created,’ he proclaimed. Britain was ‘a new world leader’ thanks to ‘your efforts, ingenuity and creativity’. He congratulated himself for ‘resisting pressure’ to toughen up regulation of their activities. Everyone needed to follow the City’s ‘great example’, emulate this ‘high value-added, talent-driven industry’. ‘Britain needs more of the vigour, ingenuity and aspiration that you already demonstrate.’
Thanks to their ‘remarkable achievements’, we had the huge privilege to live in ‘an era that history will record as the beginning of a new Golden Age’.
This is all to do with politics and an election…just as it was when they raised the rate to 50p just before an election in 2010…after the rate beuing 40p for all of their time in office.
We are told Ed Miliband is ‘channeling’ Teddy Roosevelt as his guiding voice from the past.
Unfortunately Roosevelt might not be impressed with Miliband’s ‘them and us’ rhetoric as in a BBC programme yesterday we heard that Roosevelt believed that the politics of class war would be the rock upon which society floundered.
I haven’t watched the Marr show but if he didn’t raise the matter and ask Balls if he is just a political opportunist prepared to wreck the economy once again for party political reasons I would be surprised…possibly.
The BBC’s approach to Balls and his claims demonstrates perfectly their bias.
On Friday we had a day of forensic examination of Cameron’s claim that wages were inching ahead of inflation.
Every news bulletin led, not with Cameron’s claim, but with Labour’s own claim that Cameron was ‘misleading’ us….so what was the big news? The so called ‘cost of living crisis’ was over…or Labour’s smear?
Contrast that with yesterday…Balls had the favourable headline that he was going to save the economy and put it back into surplus….the Tories were left with the claim that it was just back to Old Labour and tax and spend…Balls often then was given a long soundbite pushing his policy.
Friday night…you might expect Cameron’s wage claim would be top of the agenda on Newsnight…..but no…Balls’ policy was the main talking point….Cameron didn’t even get mentioned.
Strange when the BBC spent a day ripping into the government announcement….and Balls hadn’t even made his speech yet.
The BBC did mention once yesterday that at Davos businessmen were saying Labour were ‘demonising’ business…..but it doesn’t seem to have been repeated at all.
Not saying the BBC is biased in favour of Labour but it clearly bloody well is.
‘Should Gordon Brown Be Sent To Prison?’
London Mayor Johnson was answering a question on the issue of dodgy city workers being jailed for criminal banking acts.
“I think you should jail anybody who is guilty of criminal behaviour.
“You could probably frame a law for bankers, but what about the Labour government who were in power in the period leading up to the crisis?
“There they were sitting there deregulating. Gordon Brown went to the City of London in June 2007 and said we are entering a golden age of banking in the City of London. What kind of signal did that send? Now, should Gordon Brown be send to prison?” he asked to shouts of “yes” from the studio audience.
“Tessa Jowell (also on the panel) was part of that government – should she be sent to prison? I sincerly hope not. I would come and visit her in prison.”
…Brown and all those who aided and abetted in the crime that broke the Banks of England….that includes his cheerleading Media groupies perhaps.
Off subject but your readers might be interested in the BBC featuring in two entries of VFC most viewed Blog Postings of ALL TIME
There were obvious signs in 2000 that Crash Gordon’s policies would lead to ruin. By 2005 it was bloody obvious and there were plenty of people saying so. Not just on blogs or right wing sites but across the board. There was no way such mental borrowing could be sustained and the longer it went on the worse the crash would be.
Did the BBC listen to these voices? No. If it ever allowed them to be heard then it chose the more extreme elements to give it voice. That way the truth is always devalued.
If Brown is to be gaoled, and there have been many reports of him promising to destroy England’s economy when he was a student, then so should those that run the BBC.
They were all in it together.
My recollection is that the Conservative party at that time was still pledging to match the clearly mad Labour government spending and that both parties’ leaderships believed in ‘sharing the benefits of growth’.
Labour has no interest in real socialism. The only reason they introduced the 50p tax band in the last few months was because they knew if or when they were voted out that the new government would reverse it and Labour could claim they were the ‘nasty party’. I’d have some respect for Labour if they actually tackled those that have caused problems, but instead they ignored them or, in some cases, gave them public bailouts. They’re only interested in curtailing those with modestly high incomes because they hate aspiration.
It was pure politics to give the Coalition a poison pill. I don’t think Labour even believe it would raise more tax, as there’s a disincentive effect from raising tax rates and I think the consensus is that a 45% rate will raise more tax overall after the immediate effects.
The BBC has only two modes 1) Promoting whatever line the Labour Party is pushing that week 2) Downplaying the importance of whatever cock up the Labour Party has made that week.
BBC News and Current Affairs in a nutshell.
Top headline at the BBC isn’t (as it would be for Tory announcements) “Labour defends….” but “Balls insists..”
Like with the series of photos, shown by the BBC last week, of Miliband pointing an accusative finger, the BBC wants to paint Labour on the attack rather than being defensive.
Surely Brown’s greatest crime against the country , along with all his cabinets colleagues ,was to have an open door immigration policy to the rest of the world. This decision has had far reaching consequences that were entirely forseeable. Such a decision should only have been made after a full referendum of the British people. Not to have done so was to deny us our democratic right and consequently I do not believe that any immigrants to this country from outside the EU have any right to be here.
If the BBC was not the mouth piece of the liberal left, but did the job it was supposed to do then, there would have been so much public outcry that the immigration policy would have had to be drastically revised. By keeping silent and indeed lying to us about immigration for years on end, the BBC is complicit in the crimes committed by Labour.
As the racial and religious tensions continue to escalate I hope that the Brits remember who was responsible for all the problems and make them pay an appropriate price.
Labour are all Balls
Balls is only doing what Len told him to.
BBC News at 10 was very keen to point out that a number of the business leaders writing to a newspaper are “Tory supporters.”
The corollary to Rule #1.
I wonder why (no I don’t) no-one on the BBC has asked Ed Balls or Labour exactly how the 50 pence tax rate will benefit the poor or promote equality. The truth is that it I will raise a fairly insignificant amount which will disappear into the government void. I can guarantee that no poor person will see a penny of it. It is all about that great Holy Cow of equality, and the politics of envy and reducing everyone and everything to a Leftist Utopia where the lowest common denominator is king. I thought we defeated communism, but it seems to have crept in by the back door. Any business or individual who does well for themselves is quintessentially evil in the eyes of the Beeb.
Ms Kearney-‘World at One’-sells Labour’s 50p income tax rate.
Today, as usual, the political bias of ‘World at One’ for Labour was as dominant as ever.
In a typical ‘censored by exclusion’ line-up for the topic of its Labour Party’s 50p income tax intent, ‘World at One’ excluded Tories and Lib Dem from participating, and had on for a consecutive 20 mins or so, the leading Labour Party donor, John Mills, followed by Labour Party MP, Chuka Umunna, as the only speakers.
This is politically necessary for BBC-NUJ ‘World ar One’ to do, so as to boost its Labour Party’s chances in this pre-General Election period.
On Mr Mills:-
“Donor John Mills’s gift to Labour avoided tax bill of £1.5m.
The Labour Party has helped its biggest financial backer avoid tax worth up to £1.5 million on its largest donation so far this year.” (2013.)