The BBC is up to its old tricks….’educating’ us on the delights of immigration…but oh so subtly.
Yesterday we had ‘Reimagining the City’…
Musician Soweto Kinch offers a different vision of a city he’s loved all his life – Birmingham.
It is in fact a good listen, if you can get over the fact that confusingly he sounds just like Lenny Henry. However the subtext is obvious….. immigrants are loveable and British….you have nothing to fear from immigration. This of course is a rather rose tinted view of things that neglects the hard nosed political issues….such as religion and race. Sure immigrants bring with them music, food and other different experiences to enhance our appreciation of life and it’s a delight I’m sure to have all these new cultural imports….but you can’t just look at the good and sweep the bad, sometimes the very bad, consequences under the carpet….Islamic terrorism for instance and the riots of 2011…kicked off on racial grounds.
We are told how important identity is…and how that identity is formed by the community around you….something that the Left always denies of course when it suits…then there is no ‘British’ identity…there is no such thing as a ‘British person’ shaped and formed by the culture, society and history…..when of course there is…a very individual British identity. If there is no ‘British’ identity then you can’t complain that Britishness is being lost as the land is colonised by mass immigration.
A slightly less subtle, but still coming from a tangent, is a programme about immigration to Germany….clearly meant to ‘inform’ the so-called debate here…..
We are told that without immigration the Germans will die out and the country will become an empty, economic wasteland.
No alarmism there then on behalf of the immigration lobby by the BBC.
It is odd how immigration is all one way from the BBC’s point of view…it is all one big rosy picture of a beneficial inflow of people…no reference to the massive downsides that also come with all these mass, uncontrolled immigration.
John Laurenson explores the flaw at the heart of the German economic miracle…. the Fatherland can make the euros but it can’t make the babies.
Business leaders and some politicians say the current high-level of immigration into their country is a God-send for Germany.
What might raise eyebrows but doesn’t?
The UK will have the biggest population in Europe by 2050…and immigration of course means emigration from somewhere…all those ‘highly trained, expensively trained professionals’ that are boosting our economy or the NHS are being plundered from developing nations….they are hit by a double whammy…the costs of training are lost…and then the people and their skills are lost to their own community.
Poland for instance is now suffering a labour shortage. Who are they going to import?
The Sunday Times tells us that the government’s apprenticeship scheme is being exploited by foreigners so rather than Brits getting the training and the jobs as intended we are paying for unskilled people from abroad to come ere and yet again take their jobs.
Where’s the outrage at this exploitation of the scheme that is supposed to help get Brits onto that icon of the left..the social mobility ladder? That ladder that we are told, again and again by Poly Toynbee sound alikes, has been pulled out from under the working class.
The Sunday Times last week told us that migrant voters are being recruited to ‘rise up against the Tories’.
Did you see that story on the BBC? No of course not.
Migrants mobilised for British European Parliament vote
They are sending letters to Polish migrants stating: “This may be your last chance to vote in Britain” and “Your future and that of your family, community and friends may depend on it”.
We always knew that Labour imported a new voting base…and indeed African newspapers even urged immigrants to vote Labour. One reason for allowing in so many East Europeans unnecessarily early was to allow time for them to become UK citizens and therefore entitled to vote…the fact that as Europeans they were likely to vote to stay in Europe in any likely referendum, and for Labour in a national election, must have been a big consideration in Labour’s thoughts.
Apparently 450,000 Poles in the UK are entitled to vote.
Turn out at these European elections is often small…so mobilising even a small number of pro-voters can swing, or steal, the election and therefore have an enormous impact on British policies and sovereignty.
You might have an argument to say that in effect Britain has been politically taken over by European or other growing communities who don’t necessarily have any loyalty to Britain.
But the BBC makes no investigation of that aspect of immigration…preferring instead to tell us that economically we are all better off…despite study after study suggesting that isn’t true…and ignoring the fact that most Brits and indeed many immigrants themselves think immigration is too high.
Your Country Needs You…just which country?
There is a word for it – gerrymandering.
There is another word – treason – and it is high time that the Blair junta was brought to book for the calculated sabotage it inflicted on this country. Searching investigations into the extent of the conspiracy are urgently needed before what happened is swept under the carpet of history. Needless to say, they won’t be conducted by the BBC.
It is treason using a traditional definition. Which is precisely why the Blair regime abolished and changed much of the legislation relating to treason as soon as it gained power in 1997. No point in leaving themselves open to prosecution…
Before committing “pen to paper” perhaps Alan should have investigated the legal entitlement of migrants and immigrants to vote in UK elections.
After reading this perhaps Alan can tell us which entitlement to vote was available to those immigrants that “the African newspapers” urged to vote Labour.
yep you’re right as always…no immigrant can vote in the UK…er unless you are a comonwealth or european citizen…or register as a UK citizen to vote nationally…so what’s your point Albaman?
This is what the link you provided says….did you not read it before ‘putting pen to paper’? Obviously not.
You can register to vote if you are:
16 years old or over and a British citizen or an Irish, qualifying Commonwealth or European Union citizen who is resident in the UK
European Union countries
Czech Republic
United Kingdom
Commonwealth countries
Antigua and Barbuda
The Bahamas
Brunei Darussalam
Fiji Islands**
The Gambia
New Zealand
Papua New Guinea
St Kitts & Nevis
St Lucia
St Vincent & The Grenadines
Sierra Leone
Solomon Islands
South Africa
Sri Lanka
Trinidad & Tobago
United Kingdom
United Republic of Tanzania
British Overseas Territories
British Antarctic Territory
British Indian Ocean Territory
British Virgin Islands
Cayman Islands
Falkland Islands
Pitcairn Island
St Helena and dependencies (Ascension Island and Tristan da Cunha)
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
Sovereign base areas on Cyprus
Turks and Caicos Islands
British Crown Dependencies
Isle of Man
The Channel Islands (including Jersey, Guernsey, Sark, Alderney, Herm and the other inhabited Channel Islands).
Game, set and match to Alan.
Only if you ignore the fact that the right of Commonwealth citizens to vote is a legacy of the Representation of the People Act 1918. In addition, to qualify to appear on the Electoral Register, applicants who are Commonwealth citizens must either possess leave to enter or remain in the UK or not require such leave on the date of their application. Hardly fits in with Alan’s assertion that “we always knew that Labour imported a new voting base” bearing in mind that the post 1997 Labour governments made no changes to the legislation around voter eligibility apart from reducing the period during which British expatriates can vote, from 20 years after they emigrate to 15.
“After reading this perhaps Alan can tell us which entitlement to vote was available to those immigrants that “the African newspapers” urged to vote Labour. ”
The entitlement that comes with being given british citizenship perhaps?
No, all these people are bizarrely entitled to vote, even though we have NO automatic entitlement to vote in Commonwealth countries – all part of British ‘decency’ of course , being the ‘mother country’ and all that!
But why do the Conservatives encouragemass immigration?
A death Wish?
Post the details of anybody you know works at the BBC and make their life a misery
BAD IDEA! we may actually ‘know’ someone – but they are also mind ‘warped’ by the process – and do not know the harm they do. They are only following ‘BBC directives and ‘orders’ (and they do exist on the edge of darkness and madness). All things being ‘equal rights’ they do suffer from a lack of ‘discrimination’ between right and wrong. BBC staff get bullied into submission) :
“if you can get over the fact that confusingly he sounds just like Lenny Henry.”
Apart from Henry’s pronounced Dudley accent, as opposed to Koweto’s, which if anything sounds more London than Brum.
But hey, they’re both black, so they blur together in Alan’s mind.
“you can’t just look at the good and sweep the bad, sometimes the very bad, consequences under the carpet”
However, in Biased BBC-land, it’s OK to concentrate on the negatives from a minority, and weep and wail as soon as someone presents a view which isn’t relentlessly pessimistic and antagonistic.
“But hey they`re both black” eh?
A typical ad hominem nasty little sideswipe at what the man may, or may not have been saying.
Pretty racist, patronising little leap into a discussion isn`t it?
“Sounds more London that Brum” does it?
Hope you`re able to back that up quantitatively….and you seem to be saying that you`d know a Dudley accent from a Brum one.
Proof please-or else you`re the aimless controversist that your last Pollyanna vapidities make you appear to be.
No need to reply now…give it some thought, see you in a few weeks time.
If I were you I`d take back that nasty little slur of yours…only you have said that -and believe it or not, trolls visit this site and may wish to make an issue out of your lazy racist allegation borne of patronage and nothing else to be getting on with.
Ah Scott! The Capo-Di-Tutti-Frutti of the BBC’s gay mafia coming along to denounce perceived “isms” to attack the messenger and not the message. Your attempts to discredit the argument by deliberately perverting its meaning are as predictable as they are tiresome.
Oh, and by the way, Lenny Henry has, in the past ,imitated not only the African accent but also the Jamaican accent in his laboured efforts to raise a laugh, so Alan isn’t as wrong as you insist.
The Capo-Di-Tutti-Frutti of the BBC’s gay mafia
Oh, such a shining wit. If you’ll excuse the Spoonerism.
Oh, and by the way, Lenny Henry has, in the past ,imitated not only the African accent but also the Jamaican accent in his laboured efforts to raise a laugh, so Alan isn’t as wrong as you insist.
This makes no sense. Because Henry has created comedy characters with different accents, Alan can get away with making assertions that anybody with a brain and the intelligence to listen to the programme could easily hear aren’t true?
Listen to the programme. Spot how easy it is to tell that the programme is not presented by Lenny Henry. Realise that defending Alan just makes you look as foolish as he insists on making himself look.
He sounded like Idris Elba to me.
OK Scott , tell us why today’s immigration is so good .
Try not to use the usual patronising platitudes .
Did you actually listen to the programme, Scott? If not it should still be available online.
The reason I ask if you listened is because in my earlier post (below) I ask, nay DEMAND, of the BBC *and* their cheerleaders like yourself, why are there never, ever, ever programmes broadcast in the very same vein but from say, a *WHITE BRUMMIE’S* point of view?
I am sure there are still many WHITE BRUMMIES – even now! – who can also tell stories which are not “relentlessly pessimistic and antagonistic”. In fact, I am sure there may be thousands upon thousands of WHITE BRUMMIES who also remember times just like your hero Soweto does, when life was “good” and nosy old (white) ladies in the street poked their noses into naughty young (white) boys business and helped keep them on the straight and narrow.
Why does the BBC – and *YOU* – seem to think it always of more import to hear the black/immigrant tales and *NEVER, EVER* broadcast a story from a native?
I am now waiting a sensible answer. (I never, ever got one from the BBC as yet, Scott, so I really do hope *you* can enlighten me.)
As usual, Scott contributes nothing except straw man, personal attacks and vapid comparisons. In other words, he contributes nothing of substance and only serves to draw attention towards himself, hence why he chooses to use an avatar of his own gormless face on a site that he keeps claiming he doesn’t respect or care about.
It would be funny if it wasn’t a real human being, presumably with a family and friends, behaving like this and repeatedly shaming himself in front of an audience of cogent adults.
Scott, I understand your point. However the reason the press and those on here rail against immigration is perhaps that there needs to be a balance to the endless diet of multiculti media soup ladled out by auntie.
Auntie represents a much more serious and damaging monopoly than Murdoch could ever aspire to.
The left have their viewpoint and they are entitled to it. Freedom should allow a diversity of views. However when the monolith that is the beeb broadcasts views which all conform to one side it is no wonder folk get irratated and’relentlessly pessimistic.
1) large numbers of people are worried. These people are not extremists , not racists, from a gobal perspective extremely liberal and open, yet they are worried that the current rate of incoming people will swamp their country and their identity.
2) the BBC ignores/belittles them. Pats them on the head and says dont worry.
3)3 times as many immigrants come from outside the eu as inside, a huge proportion Muslim.
4) if we get Muslim majorities in towns will we see the politics of North Africa? Women 2nd class citizens? Gay people oppressed?christians and Jews attacked.
All legitimate concerns. Think about Kosovo . 100 yrs ago Orthodox now majority Muslim. As a gay man where would you rather live? In a Christian or a Muslim country?
Demographic suicide. That’s what it is.
Although it’s the small body politic who want to wash the white British away as opposed to the white British themselves.
If immigration is so good for a country why don’t the liberal/ left and BBC encourage it into Africa and other third world countries ?
And as ever the irony is that we are all forced to pay the TV tax for the bBBC’s loony lefties to campaign against us.
And then there’s the other thing: if there’s no such thing as ‘Britain’ or ‘British Culture’, who needs a ‘British Broadcasting Corporation’?
Why not just buy in programmes from abroad? Don’t we need more diversity in our viewing choices?
Re: “Reimaging The City”
I did honestly think that it was Lenny Henry speaking when I came across this programme and I almost kept spinning the dial, then I thought, “Wait a moment, isn’t Lenny a bit Uncle Tom for the BBC these days?” so I continued listening.
More fool me.
Yes/No, it was not good old Lenny, but it may as well have been. As Alan explains, it was a typical Brummie called “Soweto Kinch”, and so I listened.
I have listened to such programmes over and over for the past ten/fifteen/twenty years on the BBC. They all say the same thing:
“Immigration good – multicultural even better – oh, how dese old ladies who were just dem street gossips really, actually looked out for me and young lads like me!” I am NOT being facetious when I quote that patois. That is what the man said and how he said it.
But what I would like some cretin from the BBC (or its supporters!) explain to me is this: Why cannot we have a programme about the old, real true Brummies, of white stock, born-and-bred Brummies, who also *MOST CERTAINLY KNEW* old ladies down their street who were also gossips but who also kept an eye out for the local lads?
Why do such programmes never, ever happen?
Almost every single time I switch on to BBC Radio 4 the sound that comes out of the speaker now seems to be foreign to me. I am FED UP of listening to stories from the sub-continent, usually with a Muslim bent to them; it goes on, morning, noon and night, all around the clock – news and stories of immigrants. The afternoon theatre, the book at bedtime, the Thought for The Day. I am sick to the back teeth of hearing about how unfortunate other races are in this world. A message for you broadcasters in your bloody ivory towers: Life is not exactly a bed of roses for the average working (or retired) person in this now blasted country! I am fed up of hearing about the “Hard Times” immigrants to the UK are supposed to be experiencing.
What about the true HARD TIMES that UK citizens have experienced over the past twenty years as a result of the Labour governments open door policy which was absolutely supported at all levels by the BBC? For any person to claim otherwise put them immediately outside the boundaries of discussion:
Racist! Islamophobe!
The BBC continually telling us about the problems experienced by strangers “born under other skies” (as a Chief Police officer described them last week) does not make life any easier for Britons born under British skies.
It is time this pernicious broadcasting stopped. It is time to halt the BBC Telly Tax. If the Poll Tax was so unfair, how come those left wing bods have not latched on to the absolute unfairness of the BBC Telly Tax?
“We are told that without immigration the Germans will die out and the country will become an empty, economic wasteland”.
Strange how the only solution we can think of to a declining population is immigration. Has anybody considered actually having some children…?
One of the most marked traits of liberalism is the selfishness it induces in people.
Me myself and me and my desires and me again.
Such people seem to see no need for children. I suppose they think they are the peak of human achievement.
There is a growing and real gulf in this world between those who have children and grandchildren and those who do not.
Increasingly they have less and less in common.
This morning I stopped reading this article when I saw the words “Now the initial FURORE…..”. You can see how far into the article the words are by clicking the link.
I glanced over some of the article just now for submitting this post and it’s pure, undilutted bias in favour of immigration.
A worthless piece of garbage. It is as I have said.
The liberal left has only one way of discussing immigration. That is about the money aspect of it. They rabbit on about statistics for this and that.
Ignore all of it. The real argument must be over whether what is looking like colonisation by stealth is going to produce a disaster on the scale never seen in these lands before and whether the indigenous people of these islands have the right to maintain their culture and identitiy.
Anybody who is not concerned at the white flight from London and other cities ( soon to be a majority minority city) is either a complete moron or refusing to face reality.
Actually, if mass immigration and homogenisation means the end of twats like Scott, maybe we should be supporting it after all.
How blessed Biased BBC must feel to have someone of your intellectual prowess. Still, at least Alan has less chance of coming across as the site dunce…
I’m still waiting, Scott.
Just in case you missed it first time:
Did you actually listen to the programme, Scott? If not it should still be available online.
The reason I ask if you listened is because in my earlier post (below) I ask, nay DEMAND, of the BBC *and* their cheerleaders like yourself, why are there never, ever, ever programmes broadcast in the very same vein but from say, a *WHITE BRUMMIE’S* point of view?
I am sure there are still many WHITE BRUMMIES – even now! – who can also tell stories which are not “relentlessly pessimistic and antagonistic”. In fact, I am sure there may be thousands upon thousands of WHITE BRUMMIES who also remember times just like your hero Soweto does, when life was “good” and nosy old (white) ladies in the street poked their noses into naughty young (white) boys business and helped keep them on the straight and narrow.
Why does the BBC – and *YOU* – seem to think it always of more import to hear the black/immigrant tales and *NEVER, EVER* broadcast a story from a native?
I am now waiting for a sensible answer. (I never, ever got one from the BBC as yet, Scott, so I really do hope you can enlighten me.)
Beeboids: forever promoting ‘black’ Britain, via propaganda for mass immigration, mass asylum seekers, and the commissioning of programmes promoting ‘black’ identity.
On the latter, currently in the ‘black’ Beeboid arts works:-
“Steve McQueen to make epic BBC drama about black British experience”