Well folks, a new week dawns. And the BBC is meticulous as ever in making sure that EVERY Conservative announcement is balanced with a Labour statement. Hence Cameron’s “bonfire of regulations” for small business is balanced by Chukas “let’ set up a new quango”. Anyhoo, the day beckons me and I bid you adieu and leave this new open thread for you to complete!
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Another angry actor reveals something interesting:
Actor Shaw blasts BBC over shrinking budget for North-East-based cop drama George Gently
It’s not the budget issues that caught my eye – it was this:
To-ing and fro-ing with scripts?
Doesn’t the BBC claim that they don’t interfere in story-writing with shows from third-party production companies? Their official guidelines say they merely ensure these shows adhere to BBC editorial and legal rules, but we know that can include forcing certain ideologies in as well (Warmism, diversity/multiculturalism). So much for yet another facet of the BBC’s impartiality facade. Restructuring the management will not fix this.
‘Doesn’t the BBC claim that they don’t interfere in…
Another ‘unique’ from those flexible ‘trust us’ written, spoken and whispered-in-corridors guidelines… with a few caveats to hand when circumstances dictate.
I’d just be interested in how much meddling is ideological and how much simply thanks to the vast, ongoing hiring spree creating legions of titles who would only be window watchers if they didn’t get accorded the chance to view & comment to justify their existences.
Or ‘vet’ the supporting actors.
George Gently scripts are relentlessly pc before their time. The endless rewriting explains that.
I see BBC News spent some minutes on the death of Pete Seeger. Who is Pete Seeger? I asked.
From wiki:
That explains the coverage.
It can also be partly explained by the BBC’s lust for US eyeballs and the associated ad revenue. The website can lean heavily at times on stories appealing to United Statesians. I wonder how many people under the age of 40 at the BBC have ever heard of Pete Seeger?
Hmm wonder if the ‘anti war’ song writers like Seeger will ever get their head round the fact that no war was ever stopped by singing at it! if that was the case then the Welsh lot a Rorke’s Drift wouldn’t have had to shoot anyone after the sing along would they !
Hollywood mythology, I’m afraid. There were only about 12 Welshmen at Rorke’s Drift.
And they didn’t sing.
Expect a tsunami from the BBC. Seeger was a notorious communist agitator – one of the darlings of the far Left.
Oh the storm of BBC grief is already swellingy
Lauren Laverne @laurenlaverne 8 hrs
Still thinking abt Pete Seeger’s amazing century on earth. Loved & hated by precisely the right people. What a guy. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/01/29/arts/music/pete-seeger-songwriter-and-champion-of-folk-music-dies-at-94.html …
Lauren Laverne BBCRadio 6 – just her own views I’m sure but nailed to the lefty mast nonetheless.
Funny how we never read of a BBC reporter/presenter nailing their colours to the right-wing mast.
Coincidence or magic? You decide.
Another one for the list.
As for Seeger’s “amazing century”, here’s a little something he prepared earlier, in 1941:
But once Hitler broke his promise and invaded Uncle Joe’s territory, Seeger was singing a different tune:
Most at the BBC probably won’t care about this startling hypocrisy and will hate those who question it.
Pete Seeger was rumbled for having stolen the song Mbube, a song composed by a Zulu man, Solomon Linda in 1939. Seeger and the Weavers released it as Wimoweh in 1951, even as the song had just appeared in the film Cry The Beloved Country, a recording by Linda’s vocal group, the Evening Birds, used as background music in a scene.
Seeger paid no royalties for years (as neither did a man named George Weiss, who wrote English lyrics to it as The Lion Sleeps Tonight). Seeger had taken a US copyright for it as “Paul Campbell,” claiming it was a new arrangement of a “traditional Zulu melody,” and entitled to a copyright on that basis.
He was shocked– SHOCKED!– to find out later that Solomon Linda had sold the SA copyright to Gallo records for the short-end money upfront, as was the custom for black performers in SA, and barely saw a rand thereafter. But it didn’t seem to bother Seeger that he took a record from his label’s “world music” catalogue, from a nation which was at that time becoming a pariah state because of apartheid, and “stickin’ it to the Man!” by not paying the royalties to the South African record company. All a “misunderstanding,” you see, said Seeger, once a white South African journalist publicised the story, decades later.
That would be this nasty creep Lauren Latrine then
‘Laverne is a supporter of the Labour Party, she called the Spice Girls “Tory scum” for their support for the Conservatives in the 1997 general election Laverne’s mother, Celia Gofton, was elected a councillor for the Pallion ward in the City of Sunderland in 2006, and sought nomination as Labour candidate in 2008 in the Sunderland Central constituency but was defeated by Julie Elliott, who went on to win the seat for Labour in the 2010 general election.’
Kenicke were shite as well. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenickie
The connections are deeper yet and possibly deserve a thread of their own.
Pete Seeger’s half sister was the Marxist harpy, Peggy Seeger, whose US passport was withdrawn by the US State Department when she visited Communist China in the 1950s. To say she was a Communist sympathiser, like her brother, would be a serious understatement.
It gets better. Peggy Seeger was married for 30 years to the Scottish communist agitator and Soviet ‘property’ Ewan MacColl.
MacColl was a darling of the BBC during the 1960s, working closely with his wife and the BBC’s Charles Parker – another of the Corporation’s favourite sons and another far-Left activist and propagandist – and was intimately involved in promoting the then burgeoning British ‘Folk music’ scene, which he used as a vehicle to promote the aims of his Soviet masters.
The links between CND, the British ‘Folk’ scene and the Soviet Union’s attempts to subvert the UK have still to be fully revealed but even what is already on record is a damning indictment of MacColl’s influence.
Readers with a strong stomach are invited to read the Leftist tripe written about all of them (both Seegers, McColl and Parker) by their fans on Wikipedia. Thankfully, those who police Wikipedia are so dim they actually praise their idols for just the sort of information that would make a saner person wince, so, the evidence is all there for anyone to see.
The malign influence of the Segeers (Pete and his awful half sister and her husband MacColl) are very relevant today. The BBC has been complicit in their propagandising since the 1950s and the work goes on.
And Ewan MacColl (real name: Jimmy Miller) was born in (ta-de-dah!): Salford.
“It’s the circle, the circle of life ! “
Seeger eventually admitted regret for supporting Stalin, but remained committed to Communism in general. Just like many Beeboids.
One small piece of deserved credit, though, was his involvement in getting the Hudson River cleaned up.
One small piece of deserved credit, also, some might say (emphatically not me), taking an axe to the electric cables providing amplification to Bob Dylan at the 1965 Newport folk Festival. He failed both to cut the power or electrocute himself. The rest, as they say is history.
The downside of Seeger’s death is that it gave the BBC the excuse to drag Lord Billy Bragg from his country estate in order to lead the words of praise
Oh now Billy lefty mates is a real star I mean anyone who can with a straight face talk about the song he wrote about our waste and climate change !
While on a four hour chauffeured drive to Heathrow to fly to New York to play a gig ?
All of which meant that Seeger’s death was the lead story on the Toady programme’s 8am news this morning.
It was all too self indulgent for me…all of those Beeboid editors re-living their activist youth.
It was as though the evil Hobsbawm had slipped his mortal once again.
Just be thankful Seeger wasn’t black and South African.
“Sexy women should not be allowed on children’s TV, says BBC commissioning editor”
It’s a distraction from the ideological indoctrination. Young boys won’t be thinking about Warmism or the glories of the NHS or learn to hate Margaret Thatcher if they’re staring at cleavage or something. Impressionable girls will be thinking more about clothes and makeup rather than learning the approved thoughts the BBC wants them to have.
~I have fond memories of “Auntie Jean and
Tinger & Tucker”
…what s wrong with that?
ps … and having to put 10 Bob in the back of the telly!
Replace the *T* with an *F*, indeed I too have fond memories of “Auntie Jean”
Don’t forget Willy Wombat and Katy Kookaburra!
I thought Helen Skelton was sexy. What exactly does that Beeb representative mean by “sexy”, if she says Skelton isn’t?
Not quite sure what this blonde bombshell thinks she’s on about either if the phrase ‘not be allowed’ passed her lipstick-free smackers, but methinks the Telegraph picture ed was ‘avin a larf if the image I’m looking at is meant to convey ‘not sexy’.
However, to get pulses racing from boy to man, if Google has been one’s friend it’s possible a bit of slap may on occasion get deployed elsewhere to better effect…
“The older end of our six to twelve age groups are very interested in relationships, and we have to show positive role models and the correct way of going about having relationships.”
Who decides what the “correct way” is?
More social engineering from your impartial BBC, aka The Conscience Of The Nation.
“BBC bosses ‘did not have a grip’ on doomed IT project which wasted £98million in licence fee payers’ money”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2547385/BBC-bosses-did-not-grip-doomed-IT-project-wasted-98million-licence-fee-payers-money.html#ixzz2ri4UYnR4
Sounds a lot like the ObamaCare website. That wasn’t the fault of anyone in charge either, apparently.
They have 4.8 Billion to waste each year – so no surprise on a 98 million IT loss. They still managed to eke out a modest move to a luxury villa-media complex on the Salford Quays (which has cost millions). I do seem to remember a report stating that it (DAM) was totally ‘unusable’ by the BBC staff (who were never involved in the project and couldn’t use it at all). i.e. not fit for purpose. Hard to think of ANY commercial venture prepared to ‘loose’ that amount of money – without testing it first. But then there is still money for ‘Mark Byford’ 1 million pound payoff (one of 25 million pounds signed off by (former DG) Mark Thompson; who stated that a very large ‘Byford’ payment was needed to keep him ‘focussed’. So they all need very expensive ‘bifocals’ at top-table BBC management. Heck do they care, it’s the ‘focus’ which counts. The ‘Byford’ payment was needed to keep him ‘focussed’. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2487718/Sacked-BBC-deputy-director-general-Mark-Byford-defends-1m-pay-off.html
The BBC may have mentioned that labour would be setting up a new Quango to administer government schemes to help small businesses twice on their early Radio 2 New Bulletins (but avoided naming Umunna by name…) but it seems once Cameron started to outline the number of Quango’s and red tape the Government had done away with or simplified they decided not to highlight Umunna returning to the dark ages with his pledge to create a totally useless Quango anywhere on the web or ceefax pages thus yet again airbrushing an embarrassing labour commitment from the public (the question is would the running of such a Quango be handed to yet another one of labours family or friends as they usually did when previously in power)
“Time for GCHQ to come out of the shadows.
As it advertises this week for a new director, GCHQ is facing an unprecedented problem – thanks to Edward Snowden – of making public the value of its work, but not how it goes about it.”
By Charles Moore.
2.) BBC-NUJ-
“Snowden leaks: GCHQ ‘spied on Facebook and YouTube'”
By Leo Kelion.
Shhhh – don’t tell the BBC.
Despite relentless propaganda from our politicians, most of the mainstream press and, most of all, the nations public broadcaster which has 70% of the country’s news and current affairs coverage, only one third of people in the UK believe in man-made climate change.
Better up your game, BBC. You and your 28gate mates, that is.
Jeremy Vine today piece about being prosecuted for taking cocaine.
However of all the people he mentioned I think he forgot this one.
A propos an earlier off-topic (off-website) discussion on anti-semitism in Trollope… I have finally come across a sheeny in Orley Farm, but it’s alright as Trollope assures us…
‘He was not a dirty old Jew with a hooked nose’.
Oh and bee tee dubs Droids, it is ‘anti-semitic’ not ‘anti-semetic’.
Be nice if even one of you could get that right.
‘You can’t mess with the BBC’: Dave Lee Travis denies pinching girl’s bottom on Top of the Pops and getting staff to edit footage
Having seen this clip of Savile abusing a girl in the TOTP audience before the cameraman realised what he was doing and panned away, it’s a fair assumption that had the show not been live the scene would have been edited out completely.

It’s clear from this, and the multitude within the BBC that knew of the ongoing abuse perpetrated by Savile but looked the other way, that this is how the BBC regarded these ‘goings-on’.
Now Travis wants us to believe that he never groped a girl in front of the camera that was subsequently edited out. His defence is that if he would have asked for it it would have created too much of an upheaval. Fact is, he wouldn’t have had to ask for it, the BBC did it on their own.
Especially as he acknowledges the ‘hugs and kisses’ were commonplace in those times, and he considers himself fairly tactile, but he never abused any girls or women.
He claims the women who have come forward to accuse him have only done it to get money for selling their story. So why should all these women, who didn’t know each other, have picked on him? Considering the names of those BBC ‘celebrities’ that have faced similar accusations following Operation Yewtree, when one considers how many celebrities there have been over the years, why these select few?
Like the VILE in Savile, we have the TRAVESTY in Travis.
I don’t think any of that shower come out of this very well.
I’m not defending Savile for one minute, but I don’t see much outrage either. Retrospective outrage only.
Interesting picture from the bBC of a Roma girl from a Roma family from Kosovo (didn’t they get the right to form their own country a few years back) who has been refused the right to bring her (Kicked out of France) family to France. Expect a case where the left will demand that they be given British status.

The BBC squandered £100m on their failed digital storage scheme. It was used by five people.
‘We got this one wrong’ said Diana Coyle.
How she has the nerve to continue in her BBC Trust job as vice-chair and give part-time help to Labour’s Chuku Umunna defeats me.
1990 BBC Joy Johnson became Labour campaigns Media director.
1997 BBC Joy Johnson was also rehired by the BBC after the election.
1997 Nine Labour MP’s were previously employed by the BBC
Anybody know why the bBC isn’t opening a HYS for how the wankers in power are going to settle Syrians into the UK.
The only good news for me is that many more people will vote UKIP
I find it amazing that we have pensioners (many war heroes) who can’t afford to heat their homes, they being the ones that had fed the NHS since day one. Strangely we can always find £millions for foreign aid and homes and healthcare for these refugees, most, I would hazzard a guess being beyond working age.
Would others be so accommodating if the boot were on the other foot?
Apparently we are donating more cash aid than all the rest of the EU put together. That is ALL we should be doing.
Britain is apparently giving 600million the second highest behind America. Still apparently we have no money. I will be writing to my MP today on various questions surrounding this. Questions I’m sure will not be asked by the media. When and if I get a reply I’ll post it. I say if because once upon a time I wrote to an MP after he had splashed how he thought the immigration debate should be opened up. Turned out he wasn’t so keen on talking to me about as he refused to answer my letters, as he had several thousand other constituents to look after and couldn’t spend the time entering into a debate with me.
So the UK is taking “venerable” persons from Syria despite the Government saying we wouldn’t. Queue Interview with vested interest bloke we tells us this is “wonderful”. Host communities will be prepared in advance. Just like in Wrexham?http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/wales/3517406.stm the version I was told of this incident being somewhat different to this BBc report. (I moved near Wrexham not long after this, so I have had conversations with locals concerning this. Of course the local authority will be involved. So these being the “most venerable” it’s fair to assume that they will need a fair amount of support. No mention who will be lumbered with this cost -of course. A quick look around the internet reveals that we have apparently taken 2,000 asylum seekers already anyway. As usual a one sided story.
‘Asylum immigrants’ =MASS WELFARE IMMIGRATION into UK.
Yes, BBC-NUJ joins the political class in propagandising for unlimited numbers of ‘asylum seekers’ to enter Britain.
Experience in e.g. Norway, Sweden and Austria indicates that such a commitment is inclined to be open-ended; and that once high-cost, benefit ‘asylum seekers,’ culturally unassimilated, get in, they are, in effect, here as part of a permanent inward, unstoppable flow. After three years they will not be expelled, because ‘human priority rights’ for ‘asylum’ immigrants (not only from Syria), will ensure their permanent residence, as shown by what is happening in Europe and U.S.
I love the part where the Government have said they are taking in around 500 women who are victims of Islamic torture on a 3 year contract. Of course we all know that in 3 years time, that 500 will be allowed to remain, bring in their immediate family and so from 500 we will come to around 2500 at the least. Got to love how the Tories are trying to shed their image of the nasty party by trying to outdo Labour in the number of Muslims they allow into the country. Meanwhile the bBC is telling everybody that we should be like Germany and take in 10,000, yet the UK has given 3 times as much in Aid (£900Million bBC and not £600 Million) Which kind of explains the HYS where the bBC presents the image that everybody is so happy about letting in more Muslims into the county, funny enough the most fav posts all say the say thing, NO More. Tell you what take in 500 Christians and I will have no problem,
Tony Abbott: Broadcaster ABC on ‘everyone’s side but Australia’
As anyone knows who’s ever watched it on a trip Down Under, the ABC is in every way the Antipodean counterpart to blessed Auntie. No telly tax but, since it’s funded by the federal gov’t, Aussies are paying for it anyway.
Can someone please explain to me why Sky, Channel 4, ITV and almost every other msm and online UK political news resources are so far behind the BBC, when it comes to the very important Labour launch today of ‘justice for coalfields’ campaign.
Why have not these other very important National Broadcasters so far not put a full page prominent article aside for such an important national issue?
The BBC have got their priorities right can do it. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-25930172
So why can’t every other news media keep us informed about such a massive socialist perceived injustice inflicted upon such decent British miners led by an upstanding democratically (?) elected Miners Union Leader. Surely everyone except the BBC have got it wrong?
The other channels do not even mention it never mind give it such prominent exposure, it seems so unfair?
At least they tell you that Labour closed more pits than the Tories.
However the premise is laughable – an illegal strike called for political ends with communist agent provacateurs instigating violence, intimidation of those wanting to continue working etc etc etc.
Len McCluskyArthur Scargill must be proud.So according to the bBC, the Tories should appologise for thinking about closing down 72 pits (They didn’t) and yet remain silent how under Labour twice as many pits were clsoed down. Ironcally the same people (Labour/bBC) keep on telling me that Coal is nasty and we should just leave it in the ground, as we all know that
Global Warmingclimate Change is going to kill us all off and with that in mind shouldn’t we suing the Coal industry for the damage they did to mother Earth?Today’s example of the gaping chasm between BBC news editors and the people that pay for their agreeable lifestyle:
Lead story: “Obama promises action on inequality”
Position on “Most Read”: ….er…….nowhere.
Mandela’s death dropped out of the “Most read” top ten within a couple of days. Didn’t stop the BBC grieveanaught from leading with it for most of December.
Weird suggestion from Ed West here:
A solution to the BBC problem – break it in two
“Split the BBC into two entirely separate broadcasters, both of which have a charter to run a high-brow service with all the usual commitments to quality and impartiality; the BBC cannot achieve impartiality, whatever they claim, but even by attempting to do so they reduce bias.
Then abolish the license fee and have the two media groups, BBC and the Other One, supported by income tax (which is fairer).”
Whilst his initial swipe (see our Rufe’s profile being upped nicely still by the BBC) the historical concept of the Hydra seems to have passed our Ed by.
As DavidP has pointed out, no matter what lessons learned, deckchairs shuffled and fine words muttered from Hugs to Lords Tone & Chris and every suck-up pol in the House, if the entire place is institutionally set-up and programmed for inaccuracy, lack of objectivity and zero integrity from rotten top through bent middle to hapless bottom, chopping it up is like using shredded knotweed compost in your garden.
Especially if uniquely funded by an invisible skim from the taxman.
OT-ish, but as the BBC’s new BFF Rufus has stressed, facts are all, and the BBC does seem to operate its one degree of separation ‘reporting’ an awful lot on what the Graun claims and sticks in semantic twists and/or ‘quotes’ too…
Can’t wait for the next Newsnight/BIJ/Graun ‘investigation’ or ‘joint research’ or ‘poll’.
Rev Richard Coles on Radio 4 going on about how he hates his congregation because they are white and middle class & middle age, and that doesn’t sit well with his desire for a ‘multi cultural’ society.
This far left thinking is the reason I have left the church of England, if I wanted to hear their beliefs I’d go to a Socialist Workers Party meeting although they’re probably a fair bit more moderate than most of the CoE.
It makes me wonder what kind of fantasy world Coles is living in, he wants his congregation to consist of all faiths? Just shows how far detached from reality he really is!
If he wants to see younger people in his congregation then he needs to get out and start evangelising, which he can’t do because it might offend someone!
Typical left wing hate filled bullying – telling everyone else how they should live their lives without having to cully his hands by doing any kind of work himself.
He really is the wanker’s wanker – he and Brigstocke.
Two reports on Obama’s speech:
1.) Critical:-
“Obama’s Tired Song and Dance”
By Daniel Greenfield.
2.) Sympathetic:-
“State of the Union: Obama promises action on inequality”
* On ‘inequality’:
Of course, on initial entry into the United States, an ‘asylum seeker,’ or an ‘immigrant without papers’ will have much less income and wealth than an average income, or top income range indigenous American citizen.
The political left (from Obama to his BBC-Democrat supplicants) immediately term this situation as unacceptable ‘inequality,’ and politically campaign to get taxes increased on ‘rich,’ and benefits increased for new entrants (legal and illegal), with amnesty/citizenship given to unceasing flow of mass immigrants.
“Amnesty: A Disaster for the American Worker”
Australian prime minister Tony Abbott says that the Australian Broadcasting Corporation seems to be “on everyone’s side but Australia’s”. Is this true of every state broadcasting corporation? It is certainly also true of the BBC. I wish our PM had enough courage to say so though!
At least the Aussie’s get live free to air cricket from ABC, the BBC seems to prefer to promote the woman’s equivalent, a 2nd rate XFactor, if such a thing is possible (The Voice) and wall to wall cookery programs….
Don’t forget the antiques shows. Plus the rich people look at big houses in nice places but never actually buy, but look at what they can afford. Someone correct me if I’m wrong but I’m sure a while ago I read the BBc were going to cut the number of antique & housing shows. I think I watched two minutes of ‘The Voice’ it sounded like it was being put through autotune.