Yesterday the BBC, in the shape of Victoria Derbyshire, was plugging the Mumsnet campaign for compulsory sex education in schools….targeting Free Schools and Academies…which immediately raises some suspicions as to what is really behind this….no mention of Labour…just a ‘group of campaigners’.
Justine Roberts, founder of Mumsnet, was leading the charge. Here is Justine Roberts, with Labour’s Yvette Cooper in September last year co-ordinating Labour’s childcare policies:
At this Resolution Foundation and Mumsnet event Yvette Cooper MP (Shadow Home Secretary and Shadow Minister for Women and Equality) discussed the Labour agenda for the future of childcare. Vidhya Alakeson (Resolution Foundation), Anand Shukla (Family and Childcare Trust) and Justine Roberts (Mumsnet) responded, providing insights into the potential policy responses Labour might choose to pursue. Yvonne Roberts (The Observer) chaired this event.
Labour: ‘Make sex and relationships education compulsory in schools and update teaching guidance’
By Yvette Cooper, MP for Normanton, Pontefract and Castleford
7:00AM GMT 28 Jan 2014
Co-ordinating with Mumsnet? Note the date of Cooper’s meeting with Justine Roberts….
The future of childcare with Yvette Cooper MP
Date: 23 September 2013
Then look at this announcement
Yvette Cooper: Labour would update sex education to include ‘zero tolerance’ of violence in relationships
2:59PM BST 25 Sep 2013
Yesterday Justine Roberts is kicking off her campaign and today Labour are on board.
Not a coincidence I’d suggest.
Nice of the BBC to provide a platform for a Labour policy announcement, though forgetting to announce that it is a Labour Party policy.
And yesterday we also had a Labour front ‘think tank’, the Centre for Cities’, given priority in the news for its misleading story of ‘unbalanced’ growth as London booms and the regions bump along….this morning strangely enough the BBC was looking at how the regions are doing economically.
No doubt we can expect a Labour policy announcement on regional development and growth shortly.
These creeps make Saviles efforts to groom the nations kids even more creepy
We have figures for underage sex, STDs, abortions and sextexting /bullying that are among the worst in the western world…yet Labour(following the Frankfurter School of dismantling the termite nest from within) demand yet more compulsory bathing in the Paedophile Exchange pool that the likes of Harman and Hewitt got paid to defend back in the 70s.
Yet they go for Savile and DLT…these sistas won`t be happy until we all “Tell Mama” about whos grooming who…and then the Musselmen will ensure our silence, before Harman etal slip quietly back into Anjems burka until the next time.
This Red/Green ..Islamic/Socialist Alliance of convenience is truly creepy-and the BBC won`t stop until they get it…and a pardon for Savile no doubt, him being a pioneer and prisoner of some little boys genes that he swallowed in the 60s.
One sexaddicted agenda coming down the track..time to derail it.
Didn’t hear the discussion, but I expect that this was not presented. Academies, by law, cannot be compelled to do sex education. Guess who made the law so, you guessed it Labour.
Be interesting if Newsnight, by sheer happenstance, runs this down the Katz slipway…
This is something defenders of the indefensible can’t dismiss as whining that the BBC is merely reporting something we don’t like.
The silence from them on this will be deafening.
I have just signed a campaign on this, well actually two (EU) initiatives that are behind this Labour front of respectablility (cough) of so called ‘womans rights’ are bound up in a disturbing EU initiative legalising (or redefining) sexuality bo be taught in primary schools to be ‘explicit’ and ‘detailed’ (read gay rights) for children aged four to ‘experiment’. Parents could then be ‘arrested’ for objection (discrimination against Labour) and children (under new powers of social services) being outlined by these two EU key proposals. It is a reminder that whatever is going on, it is certainly is NOT going to end well for children (or parents) here in the UK under Labour or (EU).
Not long before parenting becomes a thing of the past, and babies become the preserve of the state, produced from the bottom of a long glass tube (Woah, Woh).*
*Apologies to Zager and Evans, 1969.
“Not long before parenting becomes a thing of the past”
This is part of Agenda 21 – not just another conspiracy theory but our future as planned by the United Nations.
Agenda 21 revealed –
Could be: except one US State has already successfully campaigned against UN Agenda 21. I expect there will be more stateside soon. Meanwhile the BBC follows this to it’s logical (EU) conclusion i.e. world marxism.
Every time you hear the word Compulsory bandied around you just know it has been uttered by some socialist, it just rolls off their tongues.
Schools should not be in the business of ‘sex education ‘ it has now become a cover to push every kind of perversion imaginable as normal , clause 28 which was designed to protect the young and vulnerable from the depredations of predatory homosexuals was repealed after pressure from these perverts to much rejoicing, they then reduced the age of consent to 16 thus making it legal to sodomise school children.
Schools should just get on with teaching proper school subjects instead of turning out semi literate unemployables with their heads full of pseudo scientific trash
As for having a policy on child care , since when is the business of government to dictate to people how to care for their own children .
Behind all this is the unmistakable stench of the EU,something that their friends at the BBC never seem to mention.
Number three on the list of things the Frankfurt schhol of Marxism required to destabilise the country and to bring about ‘cultural Marxism’:
3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children
Every time Yvette Cooper comes onto TV (which thankfully doesn’t seem to happen too often) the feminist shreek/ whine button on the TV gets adjusted to mute – strangely she can still be heard but thankfully only in the distance.
I thought she was the Shadow Home Secretary? Since when has education come within that brief. More megalomania from the party that loves to megalomane.
Worth noting that ordinary housewife Justine Roberts is an Oxbridge PPE grad and is married to Ian Katz of BBC’s Newsnight (and former deputy ed of the Guardian)
And the beat goes on.
Heard just a few minutes about “Bringing Up Britain” with Mariella Frostrup and fellow quaffers at the liberal feminist trough.
She of course would have had no problem paying for childcare-and now doubt cBBC doubles as a creche, as long as they avoid the Jimmy Savile Suite…and we`ll be paying.
But still-her little heart bleeds for working class mums who only have a DAD to share the load…poor sods, no Surestart, no Norland Nannies.
Bloody men-who needs `em?…all those Babyfathers on Beneifts St clealt love Mumsnet and Mariellas Radio 4 take on child rearing.
Hate Israel-but something tells me they rather like the kibbutz idea-as long as its cBeebies 24/7, and Thatcher is the Demon Queen when they commission it-as they will.
No folks-more nurseries, more Big Business stumping up for women not to have to do work ever again, no dads…but lots of Womens Hour, turkey basters and Angela Eagles.
F***Off BBC…why do we pay them to subvert and never shut up-let alone look around and see what a world without dads is coming too.
I don`t include the Muslim types who spent too much time in care homes and not enough in their own houses…
Another amazing coincidence (about Yvette Cooper) is that she married Ed Balls (which in itself is not a crime). Young Yvette must have been one of complete admiration and convenience:…/Ed-Balls-Yvette-Cooper-proudly-showed-babies-despite-shadow-chancellors-claims-use-family.html
Yvette was obviously impressed with the size of Ed Balls ‘socio-economic’ policies (at the Treasury) applied to (renamed DCSF) ‘Minister of Education’ – creating the ‘doomed’ state educational policies we still have today. It was Ed Balls (then minister of education) that introduced the ‘non-subject’ subject called ‘PHSE’ (along with Baroness Walmsley – Liberal) as a ‘new’ ‘National Curricullum’ subject. Kenneth Baker – Conservative (who invented the National Curricullum) was appalled (as it would lead to state ‘indoctrination’).