What the BBC doesn’t report is often as telling as what and how it reports other news stories.
It does seem that if for instance you are Muslim, or someone positioned to influence government policy on climate change, you are pretty safe from critical BBC investigation.
Andrew Gilligan has spent a long time investigating and reporting on the extremely dodgy happenings in Tower Hamlets where Muslim extremists look to have the whip hand…and a £1 billion budget to spend on their favourite prejudices.
The BBC downplayed and often ignored totally all such serious events….had the council been run by, oh say a UKIP mayor, you can guarantee the BBC would have been in Tower Hamlets turning the place upside down looking for dirt.
In order not to give viewers the impression that any Muslim could in any way be associated with criminal or unseemly behaviour, and thereby give rise to the possibility that people might then associate all Muslims with that kind of behaviour, the BBC censors the news and edits out the uncomfortable bits in the interests of community cohesion….ala Rochdale before the **** hit the fan.
In a similar way the BBC has long ignored the copious evidence gathered by Guido on Tim Yeo, now the de-selected Tim Yeo.
Yeo is of course the chair of the highly influential Energy and Climate Change Committee which informs and guides government policy on climate change…and of course Yeo is fully on board the AGW bandwagon, as well as having numerous, and highly lucrative, green industry business interests, and so the BBC has looked to protect his position and not expose him to any charges that might get him removed as chairman of that committee and thereby lose their green champion.
News, just not all the news.
There again the BBC isn’t too keen on accountability and openness in its own affairs:
Former BBC executive given £680,000 pay off says ‘I did a big job’
Good how Mark Thompson won’t admit he knew about Savile and now won’t admit he knew the IT disaster was on the cards.
Maybe all those big payoffs were ‘hush’ money…just don’t spill the beans!
Didn’t know very much did he, this Mark Thompson. Incompetent pillock. It’s amazing that the bastion of journalism that is the New York Workers Revolutionary Press, sorry, the NY Times, would want to hire such a fool!
The NY Times hired Thompson to help them transform into digital media and gain revenue there, and to guide them with his global media expertise (think “ever-expanding tentacles”). Nothing to do with his journalistic or personal integrity.
Presumably there will be other, more competent and surely more accountable people at the NY Times supervising development, so no DMI-type fiascos. At least if Thompson wastes money now it won’t be at the expense of a general public who are forced to fund his destructive behavior.
The key point is that the NYT has shareholders, so someone cares.
Why is it that we are advised by the BBC to not judge all Muslims by the actions of a few lunatics (after all it REALLY is only a tiny minority of raving nuttery), but we are encouraged through the BBC’s every organ to judge all right wing people by the actions of a few thugs or lunatics.
Too true. But that is the left’s mindset for you
Yes, I too have had a look on the BBCs channels and news output.
Thomson gets a mention 9th out of 11 stories…and, of course , Gove/Morgan and that dead actor we`ve not heard of-the next Brando now apparently.
Looked even on BBC Parliament…but no clips or comments about the BBC pissing 100million on nothing much. And nothing on Lord Thomsons daugther and her £700,000 pay off(she say`s she was worth every penny-but no BBC comments, lest we get a bit grumpy).
The Media is the Massage, and you learn much about the Beeb black holes where no light must fall… £100million would have bought Jim a lot of porn sites, and the BBC need to get asked where the moneys gone.
Oh-and the EU are stinkingly corrupt too-but again didn`t make the Editors cut…far better to concentrate on dead actors, Gove and the unions, and the Arabic Google handle…no, nor me!
“…On his disagreements with activists, he told BBC Radio 4’s PM: “There were a number of individual issues where I took a very strong view on principle and will continue to do so.”
Mr Yeo, who is in favour of the UK remaining in the European Union and a strong believer in climate change, said some of his opinions were “not widely supported”.
With a happy sense of karma I for one will not miss this buffoon one bit. His recent execrable performance at the Energy and Climate Change Committee hearing was a disgrace; bullying, patronising and so thoroughly signed up to the CAGW doctrine so beloved of his fellow travelers in the BBC, it was a stark reminder just how nasty and plain dishonest True Believers can be when faced with informed scientific evidence that dares to contradict their carefully protected ‘consensus’ against any form of criticism.
Bye, bye, Mr Yeo and good riddance to bad rubbish. Chalk another one up for the climate sceptics – more hopefully to follow as this travesty of ‘science’ continues to unravel.
Went well, then.
Good link.
Talking of BBC-NUJ political selectivity, its current campaign for Labour Party quangoists, and against Minister Gove, is yet another case in point.
Take this latest Beeboid ruse today: they got another ex-quangoist. Ms Zenna Atkins, on ‘Daily Politics’ TV today’ to stir things on much ado about nothing, OFSTED.
But Beeboids omit this:
‘Sunday Times’ (£), ( Feb 2013).
“Schools boss accused of misconduct”
“A former head of Ofsted, the schools watchdog, has been suspended as chief executive of an education consultancy for setting up companies with similar names.
“Zenna Atkins, chairwoman of Ofsted for four years until 2010, is accused of abusing her position at Wey Education, a listed education specialist. Atkins, who is also a member of the Navy Board, denies any wrongdoing.
“Wey said in an extraordinary stock market announcement that Atkins ‘had breached her fiduciary duties’ and that ‘her conduct was not commensurate with her duties and responsibilities’.
“The company claimed she had taken up a directorship at a client firm without Wey’s permission, and had set up businesses with names similar to that of Zail Enterprises — a subsidiary that sponsors new academies.
“Zail Global and Zail Education are registered under Atkins’s name at her home…”
Also something on Ms Atkins’ history (from ‘Guardian’, 2010), which BBC-NUJ doesn’t have-
“Former Ofsted head takes on private education provider.
Zenna Atkins, former chair of Ofsted, has taken the helm at Gems, the world’s biggest private education provider. And her sights are set firmly on Gove’s free schools and academies.”
This payoff is absurd. Roughly what the PM earns in 4 years!. Who are these people? The Thompsons with or without the p. Yeo and so very many more.
I saw Yeo preening himself on the news. A typical upper class bully. Written all over his face. His contempt for the little people.
And that ex BBC unshaven one. What can you say.
Meanwhile the BBC was having yet another go at UKIP.. over some Asian member. I suppose being a UKIP member makes even Asian preferential status problematical.
Just vote UKIP. It is the only real way to put the fear of God into our vicious ,vindictive and incompetent ruling elite.
Selective, that is what the bBC is all about. It has just been released a report on corruption in different countries. There is an article on their web site, but on the News, not a mention. It shows the high levels of corruption in certain EU states, surely not that would spoil the image the bBC is trying to inbed in your psyche
‘What the BBC doesn’t report is often as telling as what and how it reports other news stories’
Please explain today’s news then?
‘No doubt’ union rigged Labour vote
Thompson ‘sorry’ for project failure
Corruption across EU ‘breathtaking’ – EU Commission
‘‘No doubt’ union rigged Labour vote.’
Don’t make me laugh.
This got about 2 minutes on Today and was treated with such lightness you wouldn’t have believed a serious abuse of our democratic system, involving what appeared to be fraud, had taken place in Labour’s back yard and Miliband had tried his utmost to stop the results of Labour’s own internal investigation from being published. It was like: ‘Shit, someone’s leaked this to the Guardian we’d better give it some coverage’. Coverage? It was all about ‘Labour have moved on’ and ‘she claimed there was no evidence’.
So why was this not headline news? Will the BBC be crawling all over it and keeping it in the headlines for the next 3 days like they did with Gove? Will they eventually get round to interviewing Miliband or a senior colleague to ask why they tried to cover it up?
We know the answers: no, no and forever no when it comes to giving Labour the forensic examination it deserves on a whole host of its misdemeanours – past and present.
Think we need a weekly digest of the news that the BBC would NOT bother itself with.
1. House of Lords conniving to talk a bill out that would allow us to remove crims back to their EU bases.
2. This Falkirk story-which shows that McClusky lied at the time, and that Miliband hushed up the report into this gerrymandering and lying.
3. The BBCs DMI fiasco that cost us all £100 million-and the very man who appeared in Parliament to say it would work, now saying that he wasn`t wrong really( and as for Savile?)
4. Ex BBC grandee-daughter of Labour time server of the EU George Thomson-saying that she was cheap to lose at only £650,000 and-no-we`d not be seeing a penny of it back!
God knows how many others there have been-but we need to collate them and put them out somehow.
It`s an outrage that these stories get banished to the sidelines…how the hell do we scorch the BBCs lies and cant unless we provide some true independence where we all live.
Sorry ChrisH, but there are far more important stories to cover. Things like gaffes by UKIP councillors which were made when they were Tories, and drug related deaths of actors who no f**ker has heard of.
I may have to offer an apology.
The other day I referred to a recycling german drug addict Borg, when it’s possible the drug addict box has yet to be plundered in favour of recycling german Simpson character Borg.
We’ll have to see whether a new friend called Kurt or Rainier next emerges triumphant from the BBC archive basement with a bowlful of freshly harvested cherries.
The BBC had no problems with showing Jerry Springer the Opera which offended lots of Christians but failed to show us those cartoons of Mohammed the prophet.
the touchy feely ultra liberal vicky derbyshire has been plugging this interview she is having this week on radio 5 live with a muslim asylum seeker from afghanistan called ali,no big deal you might think there,but oh no there is a catch,this flipping asylum seeker is a illegal immigrant who broke into this country in the back of a lorry after going through 8 safe european countrys just to get into england and turn up in kent,why is this man getting the pleasure to go on radio 5 live vicky derbyshires show to boast about how he broke into england and as far as i know he has not even been deported yet,this man is a illegal immigrant and a criminal and should be kicked out of this soft touch country, but oh no the bbc and radio 5 live sees him as some kind of hero that warrants a full interview on soppy politacaly correct vicky derbyshires show,this just makes me sick,damm sick you radio 5 live.
I had to travel to Manchester the other day, which was nice. Now I am up to speed and well informed, but several stories down the local BBC news was the story of an old couple who kept a 10 year old girl from Pakistan in the cellar as a slave. So why hasn’t his been a national news story? I’ll blame the BBC obviously plus all the other cowardly news agencies for not making this a front story, unlike Mrs Bercow kissing someone.