Sorry to hijack new OT, but I can’t access the site from my iphone. It starts to open but then disappears and just has a smiley in the top left of the screen. Someone suggested I change the settings to normal site but the screen isn’t on for long enough.
The setting on the browser to get the desktop site is on the phone. It’s.not.something you change on the site. If the iPhone won’t let you do it then I suggest you get a real phone.
Some of the views from a teacher were just communism. If you aren’t allowed to spend what you earn on your children’s future then what’s the point in working?
The other issue was his determination to reduce all children to the lowest common denominator, he showed absolute revulsion at attempts to raise standards.
All schools should be privatised with the ability to raise funds from parents, then we might see fewer teachers attempting to indoctrinate children with their hideous nutcase left wing views.
I read earlier today on another site an interesting article. It touched upon the fact that the progressive (sic) left spent most of the 1980s and then the Blair years populating the public sectors – Health, Education and (of course) the BBC. How can it be dealt with?
Well, just remember these are generally publically funded. And there is the solution. Turn off the taxpayers life support machine. One can certainly use that on the BBC and Universities. There are free schools. What is needed is a politician with some guts (not many around these days) but Michael Gove shows some spine that is lacking in limp handshakes like Jeremy Hunt and Theresa May (two contenders for a post Dave Conservative party according to pundits). The fact that so many on the left hate Gove shows he is doing something right.
With reference to the BBC they need to strangle the life out of it via funding. And the sooner the better.
But they won’t because they are frit.
Just as I am frit of having the gestapo like goons of the BBC hammering at my door and demanding: “WHY? WHY? WHY?” are you refusing to pay the BBC television tax?”
I am afraid. I am now seventy years old. I have not grown bolder with age. I need desperate help to give me courage and try to renew the principals I once held as a younger man when I would face any single thing this cruel world might attempt to throw at me.
The BBC is much mightier than me.
I need help! (As do many, many others who do not even have the slight resources I have).
You might want to try this site Henry which may empower you about your rights concerning TVL.
TVL have no more rights than a door to door salesman, and you can tell them to get off your property. If they harass you you can send a letter to TVL demanding they cease bothering you under threat of being sued. The only thing is if you have a Sky dish visible, or you watch TV where it can be seen from the street, they can get a court order and come back with the police.
What they are doing contravenes the article 12 of the UN Declaration of Human Rights .
Withdraw the Implied Right Of Access to your front door to any BBC employee or their agents . That includes TVL .
There will hardly be a teacher alive and working that has not been captured by the National Curriculum, brainwashed(not that much to wash mind, being mainly low grade refugees from life), not nipped chipped pinned and tucked by the Beat Generation of Lennon, Baader-Meinhoff etc…and have been fed by the States maw ever since they left college.
Flat pack Guardian solutions, slaverers to anything the BBC say and wholescale toadies to the slimy Times Ed Supplement.
They have towed Labours party line now since 1983…and if you ever meet an independent minded teacher who thinks for himself, who actually has to put knowledge into practice, and who is a role model worthy of the bother…you`ll be in a private school.
Teachers are supine drivellers of Marxist dilution diktat-had they an original thought or any pride in themselves, then they`d not have let Thatcher and Baker impose a National Curriculum, not let Major force OFSTED on them, not let Morris force CRB checks and a GTC on them all…and let Balls boot the word “education” out of the States brief, and abolish the beloved Key Stage shite because he could even run it.
Basically, a debauched seriously thick public sector ponce platoon that hardly would make railway sleepers or sandbags in the current crisis.
The plonker on Question Time was at least honest in saying that he`s on permanent holiday and we pay them to be so…they do far less damage to our kids when they ARE on furlough.
Failed childrens TV presenters-and when you think that Richard Bacon and Edd the Duck are THAT threshold, you can only despair of who we`ve saddled our kids with to dole out State worksheets, Tell Frank, Ask Big Mama or get help in putting a condom on a banana by way of sex education.
I`m a teacher-I know these things from the inside…when I`m let in to weave my one person counter culture magic!
People who pay for private education are reducing the demand on resources in the state sector, even though they contribute to it’s resourcing via taxation.
No, the extreme weather is very localised upon the area that includes Britain at the moment, due to a stable and continuous delivery of warm weather with low pressure fronts by the Gulf stream. Very ordinary really, but maybe the contrast between the currant eleven year thermal inertia trend before a Global cooling trend predicted by past correlations to start in 2018, means that an increase in the rate of climate change, causes greater temperature contrasts in the system until a thermal equilibrium is met.
BBC comedy shows are now indistinguishable from Party Political broadcasts, they make you switch off after the first sentence. I happened to leave the Radio on Radio 4 at 12.30, the first sentence was a joke about people who deny that the Climate Changes due to extreme weather, I do not think that the moron was trying to put on a bit of surreal comedy, but to understand how moronic the comedy became after that was that he then went on to mention Michael Gove not Owen Paterson, so I switched off.
âThe most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly – it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over.â â Joseph Goebbels
The BBC understand this exactly. You are beginning to notice.
Funny you should mention Goebbels, there was a programme on Radio 3 Saturday lunchtime where a women was being interviewed about the use of radio for propaganda. It focused on Nazi Germany and Goebbels naturally. But I waited in vain for mention of the BBC, a bigger poropagandist than Goebbels could even imagine. I caught the tail of the BBC1 TV news last night and there was a young woman described as the political correspondant, hardly old emnpough to know anything. She totally exonerated Smith from any guilt at all although he in his arrogance was responsible for carrying on the work of some socialist Barroness, she who stopped the dredging of the rivers. Socialist propaganda all through.
I noticed the same.
Listening to Radio 4 in the car around 12:30 today I was unfortunate enough to catch a few minutes of the Now Show. It’s what the BBC claim is a comic run through the week’s news. The only comical thing about it is the BBC calling it comic. Basically left wing would be comedians are used to convey the usual political bias to the public in a supposed light hearted manner, for what the BBC must regard as subliminal.
It can be heard for the next 7 days via the link above, and it’s not necessary to listen to more than a few minutes in to get the ‘message’. Just as I reached my destination and shut the radio off I heard one of these ‘comedians’ saying words to the effect that ‘Michael Gove thought he was cleverer than everybody else’, which some at least in the audience found funny. đ
The following 2 articles will explain the particular insidious agenda of the BBC in this example, as well as show a clear example of what the left are trying to achieve generally.
âMichael Gove thought he was cleverer than everybody elseâ
This is evidence for the thought processes of the left-wing moron, like children, they confuse wishful thinking with the unknown.
This is the core problem BBC censored scientists have with the left-wing moron when it comes to Climate Change.
The left-wing moron thinks that speculation, assumptions, belief, scepticism and consensus are more important than facts, evidence, proof, correlations, observations and the results from experiments.
It is unknown, but I am sure Michael Gove thinks left-wing comedians must vote the same way as all intellectually inferior people do, the whole remit of the Labour Party was founded to represent these people, even if the Grammar Schools culled Labour of its intelligent working class vote (Both my Granddads where working class Grammar School lads).
The legacy of 28-Gate. Actually, the sad (or amusing) thing is that in this case the BBC didn’t need to bother with that very real conspiracy to get the agenda infused into all programming, because all the comedians think the same way about the issue already.
I’m not watching any Olympics anything from anyone. But I am wondering if the Beeboids who have been so snarky about the Russians (I bet they’re having fun finding hotel rooms for the battalion of BBC staff they sent over there) said anything about the big hammer and sickle in the opening ceremonies. NBC apparently went the full crazy and praised Communism as a “pivotal experiment” and called Putin a peacemaker, so I wonder if any Beeboids tweeted similar sentiments about their shared ideology.
Isn’t it interesting how the BBC never raved about the 12bn we urinated against the wall for a three week party in 2012. rather we got “Danny fu**ing Boyle/NHS ” well worth 12,000,000,000 pounds apparently
The atrocious and biased coverage of the Russian winter Olympics just goes to show the power of the gay lobby. Don’t get me wrong (Scott you will no doubt comment as soon) no one should suffer any discrimination for their sexuality – my issue is one of proportion. The coverage is hysterical and unremitting. Every report has to contain a ritualised abuse of Russia’s ‘human rights record’ – of course they never abused ‘human rights’ when they were the USSR. Putin may be a sinister strong man but he is popular in Russia but I am not sure about the constant litany of catty jibes about his ‘homoerotic’ pictures of him on horseback without a shirt etc. I find the constant sneering by the BBC depressing and frankly risible. Russia and the Russian population do not conform to modern Orthodoxy – “get over it!”
I mistakenly watched some of the snowboarding yesterday. Apart from thinking that the BBC had been overrun by 15 year-olds doing the commentating, the other thing that struck me afterwards when Balding was interviewing a young British snowboarder was how often she asked whether he thought funding for new snowboarding facilities would be a good idea. He’s hardly going to say ‘no’ is he? She seemed quite insistent that the government should spend lots of money on new facilities, and are a bunch of rotters if they don’t.
I find it almost impossible to watch any programs made by the BBC any more for the same reasons as Richard stated, it is all a left wing political rant, dressed up as comedy, entertainment, factual, drama, and even sport.
Yet I still have to pay for this shit, under threat of imprisonment.
Has anyone seen or heard anything from the BBC about Labour MPYasmin Qureshi saying that what Israeli is doing to Gaza is just like the Holocaust? She’s apologized for it after party pressure. Has the BBC mentioned it all? In a paper review? Anyone on R5? Today? A blink on the website?
I realize, of course, that what Qureshi said won’t be seen as controversial or even slightly questionable to the BBC, as most BBC staff agree with what she said. So perhaps it’s a non-story to them.
The comments over at Guido Fawkes on the story are full of sneers about the “Holohoax” and how she “touched the third rail”. But that doesn’t represent a wider sentiment in Britain, no, sir.
In much the same way the left today conveniently forget that the Nazi Party – the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSDAP) – has that ‘s’ word in its title and that when Hitler co-founded the party he was still very much an angry socialist.
Another of history’s inconvenient little facts for the left to airbrush out of our contemporary consciousness.
Dave, Leftie trolls seem to be pretty busy and working overtime on Guido’s site this weekend. There have been some disgusting posts since yesterday, one in particular making fun of David Cameron’s disabled, and now deceased son. It clearly shows that leftie ideology is the product of a diseased mind.
We should beware the same sick people visiting this site in the next couple of days.
Yet the usual harsh critics of this blog aren’t over there condemning Paul Staines for running a hate site and making dire warnings about legal ramifications. Weird. It does make one question their moral and intellectual integrity.
Worse than this ignorant token muslim MP was OOooona (now baroness) King, who on a visit to the middle east compared Gaza with the Warsaw ghetto.
You know OOooona sometimes she’s black sometimes she’s Jewish, but at all time she’s a victim. Lost an easy labour seat to Galloway, rewarded by labour with a seat in the HoL’s for life.
Talking of all these anti-Semitic sainys, my Jewish socialist antecedents would be turning in their graves if they new how their old labour party has turned out. And this with Milliband leader. Have some chalones and sack Qureshi
There is now no home for the Jew’s on the left anymore and don’t even mention the Lib-Dems.
Antisemitsm does not now come from the knuckle dragging skinhead but liberals and our new arrivals which will be a demographic nightmare for everyone.
Controversial for 5 Live is when you are a retiring Tory MP and you say that people in standard class rail carriages are different to the people who travel in first class. That gets you days of blanket coverage on 5 Live and across the BBC.
Back in 2009 Liebour Baroness Scotland employed a cleaner who was an illegal immigrant. Although she did the checks a forged passport was used, but she was still fined ÂŁ5000 as a result.
Gordon Brown the then Prime Minister said the following:
‘Gordon Brown decided that Baroness Scotland (who was fined ÂŁ5,000 for employing someone illegally) has done nothing seriously wrong, and can remain in her post. ‘
You wouldn’t mind so much but it was Baroness Scotland who had steered the bill through parliament to it’s becoming law!
So it’s an interesting contrast the way that the biased BBC news programs are reporting the resignation of the immigration minister Mark Harper who found himself in very similar circumstances.
At least he did the honourable thing and resigned, when Liebour thought their minister had done nothing wrong at all despite her being fined for it!
Now listen to Liebour MPs lining up to attack the Tories, and of course the BBC vipers assisting them in their cause.
This is a rare opportunity to compare the treatment of the two parties who find themselves in very similar circumstances.
And no comparison given…but she was Black and Labour, so the usual get out of pickle jar rules apply.
And-when you think that we had to drag Brown from No 10, had to boot out Blunkett and Mandelson twice from their revolving door of access to our fat wallets(it was a different time then…Savile Rules apply here)…at least this nonentity Harpic showed some honour.
Labour scum left dragged fingernail scratches on the door lintls when they eventually had to go-ground elder like!
“I’ve invented a new game. It’s called ‘Six Degrees of Shami Chakrabarti.’
“It links together Sally Morgan and Philip Seymour Hoffman.”
By Rod Liddle.
[Opening excerpt]:-
“Can someone please explain to me why the BBC newsreaders were not wearing black armbands last weekend when reporting the tragic story of Sally Morgan being given the boot from Ofsted? In all other manners the coverage was adequately respectful and the reporters, rightly, allowed their anguish to bleed through the fraying bandage of impartiality. Not enough, mind â I could have done with some real weeping and tearing at the hair: how could this brilliant and exciting woman be so traduced? The Tories are trying to take over everything! Youâd have thought theyâd won an election, or something. How dare they.
“I wonder which public institution will be the next grateful harbour for Baroness Morgan?”
Funny how no lurking journalists have posted a comment on Liddle’s blog expressing their exasperation at his seeing something that isn’t there, imagining that he can tell what their opinions are.
A point on Labour and ‘quangos’, which BBC-NUJ does not admit:-
[Excerpt from today’s Charles Moore article] –
“When the present Coalition came into office, the Conservatives made a strategic error. Reacting against the excesses of Brown-Blair, they declared how bad it was that everything had been âpoliticisedâ. David Cameron and George Osborneâs strange way of dealing with this problem was to leave in place precisely those politicised appointees they should have cleaned out.
“Dame Suzi Leather, for example, continued for more than two years as chairman of the Charity Commission, pursuing her own policy of trying to force independent schools out of existence. The Environment Agency, under a former Labour minister (see above), managed to spend huge sums without dredging our rivers or maintaining our sea defences.”
Now that the whole of the SouthWest is cut off from Rail, Services – largely through river flooding eg at Bridgewater – the economic costs of Lord Smith’s arrogance and idleness have greatly increased.
Will the BBC tell us that virtually no-one accepts his present decision not to resign ? If the Tory Minister for immigration resigns, surely there are far stronger grounds for Lord Smith to depart ?
With all 3 routes into the West Country now blocked, they haven’t spotted the chance yet, but they will …… to blame today’s problems on that Doctor Beeching who was appointed by the Tories to make recommendations to save the railways by removing many duplicate routes. Even though most of the closures were actually done by Harold Wilson and Barbera Castle of course. But BBC, there’s a huge chance to blame the ‘Tories’ and we all know you just love going back 20, 30, 40, 50 years if there’s a chance to blame something on them.
Beeboids’ politicised view of Russia’s Winter Games at Sochi, as ‘sports’ coverage:-
Excerpt from ‘Daily Mail’:-
“She [Beeboid Ms Balding] spoke pretty much from the off of âuncomfortable questionsâ, âmassive strides…for progress, understanding and equalityâ, and the âwatershed momentâ we were about to be part of.
“They [Beeboids] even had their political correspondent Daniel Sandford on hand to address these questions. Pretty much before an ice skate or curling stone had even been mentioned. And he didnât dodge the fundamentals of the story behind these games.”
There’s also a report about Balding receiving abusive and threatening tweets from militant gays accusing her of “selling out” by going to the Winter Olympics.
It just shows how intolerant the Gay Mafia has become. Anyone who upsets them, and I’m thinking in particular of the Christian B & B owners who declined a double room to a gay couple and the devout Christian cake makers in the US who declined to make a wedding cake for a Lesbian couple, who receive the most abusive and threatening e-mails. It seems the tolerance the Gay mafia demand is only one way.
Why is it that two nerds, who looked to me to be “special needs” individuals, can be dragged through the courts for the abusive tweets they sent to that feminist activist and Stella Creasey (I think) who demanded Jane Austin be put on the new banknotes, yet Plod seem to drag their collective feet when “victimised minorities” do exactly the same thing?
Colin Murray ex BBC said of Clare Balding ” If I could spend 20 minutes alone with Clare, I think I could turn her.” He’s now at Talksport, a station which he slagged off while working at the BBC.
Talksport lost all credibility as far as I was concerned the moment they fired Jon Gaunt, one of the only people on radio who would ask probing questions of ALL politicians, ethnic groups and religious nutcases, not just anyone to the right of Labour.
A priceless moment on BBC R4 news at 5 on Saturday. Apparently, a group of Sikhs who run an international aid organisation have gone to the West Country to help the natives.
Dripping with sycophancy, the wet (literally) BBC reporter couldn’t resist sneaking in a loaded question at the end of his piece. How, he asked, did the Sikh aid worker leading the party feel about politicians calling for the diversion of foreign aid so that it could be spent at home?
Oh dear. The aid worker said that he agreed with them. Why should we be sending millions of pounds in foreign aid to a nuclear power like India when people here are suffering?
So distracted was our hapless Beeboid that moments later he missed his footing and found himself up to his waist in freezing water.
I do hope the kindly Sikh gentleman didn’t offer to hold his head under the water, as he so richly deserved.
My BBC moment of the wek. I was driving and it was just hilarious.
It does show just how the bodysnatchers have taken over the media.
What an idiot that Beeboid is.
I was working up a ladder and had it not been for consideration towards the man on the ground holding it I would have pissed myself. A glorious moment.
I hope the moment is not captured on video in a way capable of being circulated on YouTube.
The possible reaction of colleagues and the public may prove problematic for inept public sector managers, tempting for greedy lawyers and ultimately another non programming expense borne by licence fee payers.
Isn`t this great?
I have respect for the Sikhs…and they`ve really gone up in my book for this.
No helicopter stunts, no wristbands or cheridee awareness shite as the BBC do things…just “drive down, do something for your countrymen”.
As for Angus Crawford and his willingness to dunk himself in someones house…only to avoid a chat with his editor re THAT question that went so wrong…I envisage Auntie NOT allowing him his eggy bread and soldiers after this…and lots of pursed lips at the High chair too!
Comedy Gold…and I remember Coogan when he too did things like this!
Crawfie is our new Partridge! last!
[swp] Well it’s dem nasty Joooooooos Israelis innit.
Dey jus allows dem pallywotsits to eat dirt and McDonalds an stuff. It’s a block aid innit? There’s no organic lentils an’ shit an’ stuff gettin’ through.
Why don’ we jus’ get a ship load of stuff an’ send it to ’em an if dem Israelis do anytin’ we can attack ’em and claim it was dem dat started it. [/swp]
Not about BBC bias but Channel 4 ( it’s still part financed by public money, though).
Last night the Channel continually showed ad/trailer/blurb they made entitled “Gay Mountain” which showed a camp singer and chorus line singing on stage ,obviously set in a gay club which showed the audience celebrating their lifestyle and close-ups of men shoving their tongues down each others’ throats. A title at the end of the short film said “We wish the athletes at the Winter Olympics the best.”
I thought ” what the **** was all that about?” My wife, who’s normally pretty laid back about most of the stuff that’s shown on TV was really disgusted and offended by the film.
Gay propaganda at its most blatant and pushed out in the ad-breaks. (Cue Scott expressing his offence at my temerity for pointing this out)
It looks like the BBC has been out thought by Channel 4 in the LGBT propaganda stakes this time.
And Channel 4 News spoke at some length to some Dublin drag queen about homophobia…but what else?
No reason really, as far as I could tell-only to rub our noses in liberal diversity before they contacted Paul Flowers for the weekend stashes.
“âŚclose-ups of men shoving their tongues down each othersâ throats.”
There’s one kiss. No tongues visible, and not particularly close up. As usual, Biased BBC commenters resort to lying to justify their own prejudices. Sad, really, to have to be dishonest in order to try and convince yourselves and others that you’re somehow superior.
Still, at least Andy S has mentioned his wife to prove how hetero he is. Poor woman. Does she know she’s married to a liar?
oops! do I hear a the militant and irate rustling of a tutu
hi Scott … a bit late kid?
are you just back from protesting the rampant homophobia at the mosque?
Actually, Scott, Noggin made his point very clearly, but as a gay man myself I’ll ask you again the same question in another way: Do you get anywhere near as exercised about the BBC’s blatant cowardice towards Islamic homophobia (in several places state-mandated, at that) as you do about a few commenters here having a dig at the BBC?
It’s a fair question, Scott, so I;’m sure you can give us an honest answer. Or is your sneering criticism reserved for soft, easy targets only?
I get exercised about all homophobia. However, I do not target it in the way that Biased BBC wants me to, to reinforce their own nasty, petty little bigotries. I refuse to have my life and opinions ruled by a tiny group of sad little men who whine on this website because they have no ability to treat the world with sense and maturity.
The tiny minority that you’re a part of, you mean? Zero substance to anything you say, nothing more than ad hominem attacks on the actual contributors for having different views from yours.
The saddest thing is that you’re obsessed with what we think and spend so much of the only life you’ll ever have trying to convince us otherwise, while none of us could give enough of a tinker’s toss about your website to bring it above single-digit hits.
Scott, I have watched the fascist left turn a blind eye to Muslim Shariah law regarding homophobia for quite some time.
It seems that it’s OK to attack Russia – a Christian country, because it passed a law outlawing the promotion of homosexuality to children. It has not killed anyone or imprisoned them simply because they are gay in the way Islamic countries have.
So when the World Cup goes to Doha where being gay carries criminal sanction, it will be FIFA which is criticised not Qatar which is above any kind of criticism from the fascists.
So it’s fine for anti Semitism, and homophobia, and the belief that one group of people are superior to all others.
Tell me Scott in what way are you any different to the Fascists of the 1920s ?
I just feel sorry for Scott to be honest, imagine what he could have done if he actually had a skill. The amount of time he wastes posting intellectually benign, spiteful, childish and often self-contradicting drivel aimed at an audience that doesn’t care could have been much better applied if he was good at something.
Sorry, are you some sort of supraintellectual overachiever, that you deign to decide that I’ve achieved nothing with my life?
Odd that someone of such prowess as you must surely should instead choose to show the world the persona of a repugnant little man who contributes nothing to debate other than to slag me off. Still, as long as you think you’re clever, what does the truth matter, eh.
I don’t think it is a personal thing Scott. Nobody is denying that you can do your own thing in the privacy of your own space but the vast majority of people don’t want to keep hearing about your lifestyle.
Anybody who can read can see his point quite clearly, Scott. It’s only the intellectually bankrupt and ideologically blinkered that couldn’t understand it, but then you don’t exactly disguise your failings in every single pathetically attention-seeking and banal comment you insist on posting.
Scott, you may call me a liar, but I’m a damn sight more honest than those homosexuals who marry women for career reasons, have sexual relationships with other men behind their wives’ backs and then run off with a bloke after years of marriage.
“It’s only one kiss, no tongues, and not particularly close up…” That sounds like a complaint from you. Being a militant gay, you were obviously aware of the short film. I bet you were eagerly anticipating its broadcast.
I’ve told you before, Scott, I couldn’t give a tinker’s tit about folks’ sexuality. I DO object to having that sexuality triumphantly shoved in my face and having my nose rubbed in it by the intolerant and militant gay lobby.
Tell me Scott, why do people like you always flaunt your sexuality as a way of throwing down the gauntlet, as though you want a negative reaction? I think that shows it is YOU who has the problem, not the people you routinely accuse of being “homophobes”.
I go to a gay church…I visit every so often and like the people there.
Trouble is that there is no gospel…the gay label definitely precedes the Christian one.
Their gayness trumps their faith, so it`s identity with as flimsy a theological excuse to exist, as is possible.
I`m afraid that when being gay is seen as superior state as being a believer in Jesus Christ…it`s not church.
For gay, read women, sport, health…and you`ve got classic segmentation and identity bollox beloved of Gramsci and Rudi Dutchke.
Hence absolutely no theorlogical discussion of an angry God having the right to flood fools who don`t even dredge the rivers.
I mean-if we blame the floods on Gaia being pissed off with obestity or unsustainable packaging-we get our own f***in TV series and the goodwill of all the liberal effete scum who massage our necks for Islams sword.
It’s a neat way for the left to identify minorities so that when they have enough power to open up the camps again the self-defining idiots will be known and easily located.
In fact they’ll probably march in singing songs like ‘Gay Mountain’ expecting a holiday resort. Poor sods.
Oh lovely! The little man wants to play on the internets!
But first what type of BBBC poster are you?;
Racist lonely pensioner?
Racist lonely ex-pat?
Racist lonely weirdo with a mail order bride?
Racist lonely fantasist?
Racist with a small dick? Who lives with his mother?
Incidentally I’m intrigued by your repeated use of the term ‘racist’
Is it because it is the worst sin you can think of and consequently the most abusive personal attack you can make?
Or are you exorcising some internal demons?
Genuinely interested you understand genuinely interested.
I’m a working class engineer with ÂŁ20.00 in my bank and a collie who lives with me in a broken down farm house in Wales along with my partner a bisexual woman who has more qualifications and history [her dad gave Ricky ‘Union’ Tomlinson his first job in the north Wests most historic plasterers for a start ] then you have brains cells you sad little troll, I have the ex royal consul from Jamaica in the family one transgender and a gay oh and my mother died a couple of months ago from complications brought on by years of suffering with dementia !
So little closet Nazi what do you do to justify your use of space resources and air on this planet ?
Please everybody go easy on Scott. We all know he/she/it is vile, disgusting, obnoxious little fart, and a wimp of a “man”and he/she/it must also know it too at a sub conscious level, thats why Scott always wants to kill himself/herself/itself.
Scott, please dont take offence from the comments here and run a bath and threaten to slash your wrists. Have you given any consideration to the people you leave behind? Some poor bastard would have to clean up all your blood from the bath. Have you thought about the harm you do that person? No you havn’t because youre just a selfish drama queen.Try hanging yourself, its easier for the clean up team
What an absolutely abhorrent post. What ever the views anyone holds about the BBC there is no need for this sort of comment – it is utterly contemptible.
Quite right ( If a tad histrionic) that’s bad form.
I know I’ll be told that Scott regularly resorts to abuse of a personal nature. But, other than looking forward to our deaths of old age, he does not advocate personal harm.
In any case ,two wrongs and all that.
No context is not all. That was a contemptible post by David Kay. I would hope that the site owners purge it. I wonder if David Vance really wants that sort of comment on a site with which he is associated.
No not at all. Whatever one’s views there is no place for that kind of comment. I have no ulterior motive. We can disagree, robustly, without stooping to that kind of post.
The motive of my outrage is that I lost a very close family member to suicide.
I’m sorry for your loss and now understand the seeming hyperbole of your original comment
But I still don’t see how that makes accessories others not equally distressed by or condemnatory of David Kay’s post.
It doesn’t and if that was the impression I gave, then I phrased myself badly. To be clear I am not suggesting that by allowing the comment to remain in anyway is the site’s owner (or indeed anyone else) endorsing the view.
Within reason, people must be free to express their views as robustly as they like. If you don’t like the views or the tone, then don’t come to the site.
But that comment went far beyond a robust expression of a viewpoint. It was gratuitously offensive.
I haven’t deleted it because that was how I was feeling at the time. Three months on, things are very different. The people around me, my friends and family, genuine people who matter to me, know that.
I’m not going to delete an old post just because some small-minded, grubby little troll on the internet shows himself up by attempting to make some sort of capital out of it. If those sort of people want to expose their adolescent inhumanity, let them. The more people who know that they’re not to be trusted, the better.
You are the grubby little troll, Scott. You don’t contribute anything on here and don’t even try to. It’s not about being factually correct for people like you, it’s just about going against the status quo to try and stand out.
I have on many occasions been quite vocal in criticising what others have said on here. But the difference is I try to actually open a dialogue. You, on the other hand, come along with nothing more than pitiful and infantile straw man arguments and ad hominem attacks.
Nobody gives a shit about your disgusting, prejudiced nonsense and nobody trusts a word you say because it’s quite demonstrably the ramblings of a desperately lonely little shite who can only express themselves through bitterness, jealousy, and repeated use of the word ‘bless’ in sad attempts to try and seem superior while claiming others are doing the same.
You are the lowest form of scum, and you always will be.
OT – BBC Bias
however bad, or wrong anyone s views are, it can do no harm to read them, and challenge them, if you are wrong yourself you ll learn something, if not it will be evident quickly and, your position will only be made stronger.
So you admit that your description was a lie? And yet somehow I’m the bad guy. Go you. Still, at least upstanding moral individuals like someone who calls himself “F*** the Beeb” are keeping you company.
But by all means carry on trying to pretend you’re superior to everyone else. It’s hilarious.
Or perhaps Albie, heâs had the job lately.
Hey hey lay off West Albania Man – he was glued to the rugby on the telly yesterday arvo waiting for the money shot with Wee Nappy Salmond and the saltire.
Poppy appeal for the British fallen then?
Citizen/ origin/extraction…but clearly as British as
…well dare I say, Anjem Choudhury(PBUH)?
My burqa is at half mast as we speak.
I believe the report says the bomb was inside a book made to look like the Koran so not actually a copy of the Koran itself. That is how they will justify it.
We need to stick to the reported facts. I must say though I am not defending Jihadists in any way as I deplore them.
Lots of obvious jokes come to mind involving why he would need the paper. But in the non British culture which now holds sway amongst those in power, but not of course the rest of us, they would probably be deemed unacceptable. The BBC is trying very hard to persuade, bully and brainwash the rest of us into following the lead of the elite towards their multicultural Utopia.
Good old Polly.
Seems to want your vote for Islamophobe of the Year…possibly the first one to win the award twice even?
That fourth paragraph is great isn`t it?…imagine Griffin being horrid and saying that Muslim men have a problem with underage white girls in council “care” eh?
Is there a Prophet of the Year award?…
The Spectator has done an excellent article on the flooding of the Somerset Levels. Some of the information contained in the article was spoken about on this very forum prior to publication in the Spectator. When you consider how quiet the Labour Party have been, and the clear will of the BBC not to look into that silence, it really is a no brainer to think that the BBC are not biased or impartial, (which ever way you want to paint the picture) in their reporting on news stories, which is in direct conflict with their charter to broadcast. A very well written article, where just the facts are stated.
wait just one moment – Baroness Young of the “limpet mine on every pumping station” quote has a string of public/charity appointments under her belt; currently Chief Exec of Diabetes UK, formerly of the Care Quality Commission, English Nature, the RSPB and various NHS jobs.
what really confuses me is this documentary on sunday on radio 5 live at 9pm called from kabul to kent,what is the miindset of these radio 5 lives producers where they would have this 1 hour special that by the way has been plugged just about every 15 minutes on radio 5 live of this illegal immigrant muslim from afghanistan called ali who broke into this country illegally in the back of of lorry after travelling through 8 safe european countrys to get here,why are radio 5 live and there journalists supporting illegal immigration by having this documentary tommorow night at 9m,also.why is this coallition goverment making a mockery of are immigration system by not kicking out this iilegal immigrant that should not be here in the first place,this to me is proof that the immigration system is in a tolal mess and is no better than when new in labour was in power,shame on you radio 5 live for encouraging illegal immigration into england by having this kabul to kent tommorow night on radio 5 live at 9pm.
Because despite the obvious illegal nature of his asylum claim the case has to be heard by a Judge to satisfy the treaty obligations, only then can he be removed.
The fact that it will probably take the Home Office two years plus to bring the case, and then an interminable time to actually return him to Kabul there after means that he’ll be here for 5 years at least.
The thing to watch for in the bias of the BBC is the unquestioning acceptance of the asylum seekers story, despite the facts that the Home Office and a Judge has found it to not be true. The reality is that every time they do this it is contempt of court. Imagine a situation where the BBC interviewed one of the women complainants against Bill Roache and reported her story as fact despite the facts of the recent court case. It just doesn’t happen because they know they’d be sued to high heaven.
I’ve pulled them up about this and they have admitted that they should not unquestioningly accept an asylum seekers story after a judgement finding it ‘not credible’ but it doesn’t seem to have filtered down to the fascists on the ground. All we can do is keep complaining, and a report to the Police of contempt might not go amiss either, if someone really wants to stir it.
The Met Office have been on the back foot somewhat over the recent weeks when pushed by the BBC to confirm all this wet weather is due to Climate change. I can understand why they have decided to sit on the fence:
Apparently Ms Slingo (or is it Dame Slingo?) is now saying that it might just possibly be down to climate change. they don’t really know, but how anything unusual in any particular year can be ascribed blandly to climate change defeats logic. The climate, as we all know, is constantly changing – that’s what it does. Are they saying that it’s changing much faster these few last years (in fact, ever since “scientists” and others discovered they could make a fast buck out of alarmism), than it ever did before in the last 4.5 billennia? How convenient.
I wonder when someone of import will have the cojones to pronounce:
“We are truly sorry – we were wrong, from the very start – it’s not getting any warmer, and in fact it’s likely to get a lot cooler. It wasn’t CO2 after all, but the sun, all along, as most people correctly suspected, and we have erroneously caused a lot of unnecessary expenditure and panic – you’d better get drilling and mining before it’s too late”.
The vote just shows how thick the students are. They hear a succession of speakers uttering the dreaded words ‘ racist, islamophobic’ and instantly, thought processes become unnecessary. Those words throw a switch in their tiny brainwashed minds, and it’s all over.
Can you imagine those morons having to actually earn a living in the future?
from the english poor in the big citys to the rural english poor in flooded out somerset etc these politicians from the 3 main partys could not give a @@@@ about there suffering
The contempt for the English and English feelings is one of the big mistakes of the liberal left. iI is noticed and as is the English way quietly held close.
Liberalism in it’s current manifestation is opposed to nearly everything that has gone to make us English what we are.
Collision time is not just inevitable but to be welcomed.
Never argue with them and never listen to them.
Had to admire the careful framing of this:
@BBCNews: Met Office says evidence suggests UK storms linked to climate change
…says… suggests… linked…
Inspires confidence not only in the scientific establishment, but the media estate serving it.
There’s also no doubt a weather/climate debate to be had around the claim too.
The comments were made by Dame Julia Slingo, the Met Office’s chief scientist (yes, the one that founded the Walker Institute for Climate System Research at Reading, intended to address “cross disciplinary challenges of climate change and its impacts”). She said: “There is no evidence to counter the basic premise that a warmer world will lead to more intense daily and hourly rain events.” Is this a basic premise, even amongst True Believers? The primary cause of extreme storms (hurricanes, cyclones etc) is stated to be the temperature differential between the polar and equatorial regions, causing a mass movement of air between the two. Global warming theory/theology states that the polar regions will warm up more quickly than the equator, meaning the temperature differential is decreased. Ergo, less storms.
Love that name…she any relation to the Pingu family who still slip all over the melting ice on cBeebies?…and it`s all our fault.
You bastards…and me too of course!
Well not quite. A higher temperature implies a higher partial vapour of all substances below their critical point, in particular more water vapour in the air, and thus more rain when the air carrying the water vapour cools, as it eventually will. That much is undeniable. What is less clear is that anything substantial has changed. The average temperature hasn’t changed in the last 15 years and yet 2 years ago we had some of the driest winters on record.
“There is no evidence to counter……”
Interesting reversal of the scientific method by this alleged “scientist”.
Hey, Julia, there is no evidence to counter that Uranus is populated by little brown smelly beings called the the Winnits.
Using the Slingo and BBC interpretation of science someone must prove that my hypothesis is wrong – otherwise it is true and everyone must pay a Winnit tax.
I understand that ‘My little Trot’ and BBC favourite Owen Jones has made onto Marr’s sofa to do the paper review this morning. I suspect that after a brief reading of a headline he will be straight into his one dimensional class war polemic. (Can I bear to watch?).
It would be interesting to know just what exposure the BBC have given Jones over the past year and how much they have paid him – he says he only gets ÂŁ20k from the Independent – and a pittance from his book’s royalties (believable). That’s not enough to keep him in Islington (?) His main income surely has come from the BBC. Someone there must be bankrolling him
And it would be interesting to know, who on the right of politics has had the most exposure and as a comparator, just how much?
And if you were unable to get out of bed to put on the telly, you could get your ten minutes Thought Chip from the B.H bunch on Radio 4.
Ex TUC head-the Lady Prosser(yes,THE Lady Prosser)…ex black footy bloke who wants racism gone(you may say he`s a dreamer!)…and some City woman who stuck it to Farage lately( so let`s call her Jack shall we?.. the Guardians catch-all name for their kind of rebellady).
No, didn`t stick around to listen-suffice to say that Charles Clarke saying that the Ed Millie Band are a shower of shite( The Tablet/Mail etc) won`t have got under Paddy O Connells tender nostrils…his mum was a toff at Bletchl;ey doncha know?
Nor-I imagine-was the resignation of a noMark called Mark (Harper was it?) being seen at least, as an improvement of us being unable to lose Baroness Scotland who did pretty much the same thing…but she was Labour,and too busy finding a vein to draw our moolah from.
Ditto Mandelson and Blunkett( times two no less!)…but no mentioning of such.
BBC hypocrites…and no thoughts about an f***in giraffe, a long way from his house getting “euthanised” by a Danish zoo because the f***in EU says so!
Oh yes, the Climate Change escape route. If you see my previous post concerning the Met office’s Three Month Forecast, using their computer modelling and climate variation tables, we were supposed to have a drier than normal three months from December to February. They can put anything they like into a computer model to get the answer they believe in. We live under the influences of a Maritime Climate, which is notoriously difficult to predict the weather patterns contained within the climate structure. Europe is having a normal winter and erring on one that has been colder than normal, so no Global Warming just across the North Sea. It would appear to the met Office that Climate Change now only happens in an area below the M4, that being Southern England. Amazing.
BBC TBQ s – Nikki s on fire
… damning reports on the Vatican …
… the UN against the Catholic church …
but Nikki 100s organised Muslim Paedo
child rape gangs? just as many evading the law?
… get that church organisation to confess! …
Nikki over 90 cases in the last 2yrs?
… force the Vatican, to come clean!
Nikki … still going on today?
… betrayed, dirty secret, Catholic church crisis?
but Nikki … clearly mandated in Muslim texts?
… force action now, paedophile priests!
…. something wrong, church spreading disease!
…. obvious psycho sexual issues, with Catholic priests!
…. enraged, fury, with Vatican!
…. something wrong with that church!
… disgust with Pope!
… climate of fear because of that Church.
do we next have big question on rampant Muslim
child rape gangs?
… bbc bias
Yes the pervy big elephant in the room is Islamic abuse and it should have a spotlight trained on it forthwith. However I’m not in this instance going to criticise the bbc or anyone else for highlighting the disgusting culture of child abuse within the Catholic church.
ahhh! moving swiftly on …
lets listen (uninterrupted) to ….
wait for it … an Islamic law? consultant about?
how “offended” she is about a cartoon?
about comedy?
…. you literally couldn t make it up
good old Aquil/and the BBC,
like that they are (crosses fingers).
not criticising the bbc for that at all ….
but for blatant bias depending on the perpetrators
… and shamefully the host giggling to a muslim paedo grooming gang gag! only 10 mins later.
Pienaar’s Politics on Five Live at 10am. No surprise as to the topic. Demonisation of benefit claimants, just in case the cosy left felt somehow underrepresented on Five Live.
But it wasn’t politics that made me bristle, it was sport. It is often the unguarded asides of Five Live’s presenters that say so much, and Pienaar is no different. Having to hand over the Sochi to see if a British snowboarder would win a medal he mused “Is it OK to show bias towards Britain at the Olympics?” There’s the Five Live mindset in a nutshell.
Pienaar is one of many Five Live Labour luvvies, and he doesn’t have too much concern showing bias there, so perhaps, perhaps he could root for Britain just the once, should it be positively unavoidable.
My New Year Revolution was boycott 5 Live. I’m still holding fast and, to judge from comments hereabouts, the BBC continue daily to provide plenty of incentive for me to stay that course.
I think your observation above puts the finger on the nub of the problem with 5 Live. It is the presenters themselves who are biased within what can only really be described as the office culture – ie institutional Leftism.
You are also spot on to highlight the little off-the-cuff asides as the give aways. The poker ‘tells’ as it were. The instinctive reactive comments. The off-guard handovers to fellow presenters with the pally little greetings phrases and matey casual observations that say ‘Comrade, I’m in your gang’.
Oddly as 5 Live became determindly more parochial (ie the BBC New Labour sop metroplitan Lefty counter detox flavour move to Salford) so London became demographically anything but English and the 5 Live office culture went down with an (officially) undiagnosed red white and blue alergy.
And when the question is about nationality or, in reality, the kind of petty sideline Brit-bashing of the type that prompts an English born young Lefty to don a Brazil shirt as some post-modern form of ironic rebellion – well, BBC 5 Live fatally nailed their colours to the mast as far as I was concerned with Tony Livesey’s ‘We’re only English by default’
Can there be a worse line-up anywhere on British radio than 5 Rusting Iron Lung’s roster of dross. It’s basically a sink-estate for those ‘the bosses’ don’t want to house anywhere else on the network.
Though in terms of dreadfulnessosity of line-ups Radio Two (a glorified pension plant for former Radio 1 ‘talent’) runs it close.
Adrian Goldberg interviews a sex offender who admits he might offend again as he has not received sufficient treatment.
The usual patty-cake “poor you” nonsense, but a gob-smacking final comment by Goldberg. “Frank there, a sex offender whose life has been blighted for the last eight years by not having received treatment.”
Offenders as victim. Victims not mentioned. Very nice.
Coming up to the nineteenth anniversary of the murder of James Bulger.
I`m reminded again of what the arch-do gooder and highly rewarded “academic”-Gitta Sereny(ex Nazi stormtrooper who parachuted in to fame following her books on Mary Bell and the like-and she did well financially out of it all too)-once said.
In effect, the victims of crime don`t matter a damn, and less so if they`re actually dead and unavailable for researchers interview…for grants, sociology awards and the compassionate interview by the BBC and the Guardian.
Hence why they`re so quick to piss on James grave…but equally quick to try and love/understand/get some bad boy adrenaline medals/kudos for caring…from the Home Office or the likes of Laurie Taylor.
Serenys truths don`t redeem her…but Goldberg “Asked Frank” and got the answer that pays-and keeps on giving too.
Don’t knock the idea of understanding those two. Once their motives and actions are understood then there is a hope that it can be prevented from happening in others. Unfortunately that prevention invariable is morphed into excusing thanks to PC thinking.
Tesco potentially breaching Data Protection Act, by continuing to send confidential customer information to BBC TV Licensing despite no legal requirement to do so.
Which is why a huge UKIP vote will be necessary. It will cause liberal confusion and back to hive central they will go for instructions.
It is not necesary to agree with Farage but it is necessary to stop the elite. If the Tory party is smashed then so be it.
Do you think UKIP are going to do well in the General Election?
I am sure they are going to do pretty well in the Euro elections where UKIP does well in getting its members out to vote and plenty of non-members like the idea of stirring things up in Brussels.
However I see less evidence of any kind of UKIP strength in the polls about GE2015.
The area has not been dredged – a process which removes silt from river channels so that water can flow through – since the late 1990s, according to Prime Minister David Cameron who visited the area on Friday.
Funny how the BBC won’t enlarge on that comment – join the dots, name the Government that was in power in the late 90’s and throughout the whole of the 00’s. No, the BBC can only remember the name of the Government from 2010 onwards.
Sunday Politics today: the regional section started by covering the “Labour’s front benches are full of women” stunt. A foregone conclusion when the question: “Do the Conservatives have enough women MPs” is concerned (the Tories can’t win this debate unless some wholesale quota policy is idiotically applied).
Does the idiot BBC imagine that because Labour is perceived to be full of women it is going to galvanise the electorate to vote for them . It won’t go down so well in their new muslim heartlands.
The Big Questions: how many times can they re-phrase the question: “Are some topics too sacred for comedy?”
The current tactic seems to be to have some Muslims in the audience who perform comedy (but say nothing, in their routine, about the blessed Prophet, of course!) as if to say: “Look, they do have a sense of humour after all!”
The BBC again completely miss the important issue of violence against those who make the jokes.
You seen Citizen Khan?
All well and good Oxbridge lilies in their linen suits commissioning that sewerage…but no Muslim actually had to appear in it…utterly haram I`d have said!
Crime against Comedy…the Desmonds Award.
I reckon Felix Dexter would be alive today had Allah not smitten him for appearing in Citizen Khan….
Next weeks Big Question d`ya reckon?
The show was created, written and starts Adil Ray – not sure if he’s a practising Muslim, but sif not I suspect there’s a Muslim or two in it at least.
I googled Adil Ray, seems his first TV project was a documenatry about grooming, and he’s favoured a ban on the veil.
Ember … you even had some numpty vicar bleating about he offence to Islam s – THE! prophet (shakes head). ,,, lawd save us! …
how about “Panto” Nikki chuckling along to the Muslim erm comedian??? rib tickler about muslim paedo grooming gangs? … hmmm
Correct me if i m wrong, but had we not just listened to 20 minutes of rabid Vatican/Pope bashing? over instances of child abuse.
… wot no Savile gags? … young man young man.
I can identify with the likes of Janet Daley and Peter Hitchens.
Having been a Lefty loon myself way back. these people-like Melanie Phillips coming to think of it-speak for me, and many like me.
We KNOW what the BBC,Guardian and the political elites, academics and their ilk are up to. It`s all well-known to most of us, we know what the EU are up to, and who`s paying for the Lime green, pastel pink indoctrination too….that`ll be us via the licence fee and the EU subsidiarity and solidarity budgets.
No wonder they want a Leveson to shut down the Internet or access to the truth…the BBC hate that.
‘Having created the problem, Labour then gets mileage out of its opponentsâ need to unravel it.â ‘.
That pretty well goes for every single thing that Labour managed to screw up in its 13 years.
That BTW includes the mess on the Somerset Levels. That the BBC refuse to even mention the widely documented evidence that critical decisions were made and wrong directions taken by Labour appointed people on Labour’s watch, preferring to point the finger at the coalition, is as clear proof as you can find of the BBCs left wing activism.
The instruction must have gone out from Labour’s high comment for the BBC to defend Miliband at all costs
If you were asked “What is it you most would like to see throughout the Islamic world?”, what would you answer?
I’ll hazard a guess that any person familiar with the agenda that seems so prevalent throughout that world, and what we know has been going on as a result, that it would be pretty much along the lines of what Egyptian General Abdul Fateh al-Sisi said around the 15th January:
According to Egyptian media, during his recent speech at the Dept. of Moral Affairs for the Armed Forces, Gen. Abdul Fateh al-Sisiâthe man who ousted former President Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood in response to the June Revolution and who is seen as the nation’s de facto rulerâdeclared that “Religious discourse is the greatest battle and challenge facing the Egyptian people, and pointed to the need for a new vision and a modern, comprehensive understanding of the religion of Islamârather than relying on a discourse that has not changed for 800 years.”
Sisi further “called on all who follow the true Islam to improve the image of this religion in front of the world, after Islam has been for decades convicted of violence and destruction around the world, due to the crimes falsely committed in the name of Islam.”
That works for me. It’s actually music to my ears, and long awaited.
So should we expect that our national broadcaster, who have their own journalists based in Egypt, and follow the daily goings on there and must be familiar with the internal dynamics, would be happy to broadcast this development?
We would if they served the values of our society, but if they follow a very different agenda, they’ll simply bury it. Even worse, is they would present the extremist Muslim Brotherhood as moderate, to continue the agenda of these Islamic scum.
The BBC had the opportunity in their profile of General Sisi, last updated on the 30th January, to report the great words stated by this man, but they clearly don’t think it worthwhile.
” Sisi further âcalled on all who follow the true Islam to improve the image of this religion in front of the world, after Islam has been for decades convicted of violence and destruction around the world, due to the crimes falsely committed in the name of Islam.â ”
Folk who espouse this kind of message inevitably end up very dead very quickly.
Hopefully the strength he has behind him up will keep him safe. If Western nations backed him up and further supported him then there’s a possibility others would come forward in more of these regimes.
Which is precisely why one would think any genuine media organisation that pretends to be fair and balanced would report it.
But then again, we’re talking about the BBC đ
Which is precisely why one would think any genuine media organisation that pretends to be fair and balanced would report it.
But then again, weâre talking about the BBC đ
Jeremy “The Muslim Brotherhood Are Moderate and Conservative” Bowen probably hates Sisi and most BBC journalists will now have to think the general is an Islamophobe. All kidding aside, this shows the intellectual failure at the BBC on this issue. They’re so trapped in the internal struggle between fear and the need to oppose any idea that they think is nominally of the Right that they simply can’t deal with it rationally.
Critics of Christianity point to the violence between the Catholics and the Protestants – but this was mostly over after 200 years or so. Yes there were times when it erupted again – but this was localised, and usually the death rate was not horrendous.
Whereas the bloody schism between Sunni and Shia has been going on for 1300 years ? – and shows no signs of abating. Why on earth we should be importing such awful divisions into our own country is beyond belief.
Very seldom I give any credit to the BBC, but on the ground, BBC reporters were really scathing of Chris Smith on Friday. Unfortunately, the proper BBC came out to manage the situation, so if you didn’t see these live or on Guido or Youtube, you would never have seen them on the news.
And so when all the organisations follow the same agenda the basic counter questions are ignored. The BBC reports:
Climate change is likely to be a factor in the extreme weather that has hit much of the UK in recent months, the Met Office’s chief scientist has said.
Dame Julia Slingo said the variable UK climate meant there was “no definitive answer” to what caused the storms.
“But all the evidence suggests there is a link to climate change,” she added.
“There is no evidence to counter the basic premise that a warmer world will lead to more intense daily and hourly rain events.”
Considering Dame Julie has a PhD (1989) she seems to have forgotten some basic science: if the global termperatures haven’t risen in 15 years then how can this year’s extreme weather (compared to, say, three years ago) be due to warming?
The BBC is usually quick to bleat out a report when a law or an effort to get one requiring a photo ID to vote in the US is defeated. They always make sure to remind you of the idea that requiring a photo ID disenfranchises minorities, especially black people. In reality, this only ensures that black people and other minorities remain disenfranchised from important things they need in every day life, like having a bank account or getting a legal job.
Yet now we have absolute silence from the BBC when the NAACP holds a rally to protest voter ID laws, and requires photo IDs to attend it.
Where are Jonny Dymond and Mark Mardell or Daniel Nasaw or any of the other dozens of Beeboids in the US? Don’t want to expose the lie, do you, boys and girls of the BBC?
And the irony on top of this is that the black community is “taking one for the team,” as the law is not directed against them in the main, but rather at Latins/East Asians– immigrant populations with sizable numbers ineligible to vote due to alienage. Except perhaps for the election a few years back in Minnesota, in which Al Franken (for those who may not know, a rather obnoxious unfunny television comedian) was elected as Senator by a margin in the low three digits in a seven-figure electorate, counting the dodgiest of ballots, an African immigrant population citizen or alien is rarely large enough to tip the balance one way or another. Ditto Caribbean and South Asian.
Most American-born black citizens DO have the voter-requisite ID necessary, simply in virtue of having the sort of ID they must obtain to get many other things accomplished in the course of living in the US in 2014. Such voter ID laws barely affect them, if we’re being honest. But we’re not. America’s shameful record in regard to pre-1960’s black voting in the old “Confederate” states is still a sore spot in people’s memories, and any cynical mendacious claim that laws such as these will curb black voter participation spurs a bent-over-backwards-till-our-palms-are-flat-on-the-floor response from those who wish not to relive the bad old days.
It is the willingness of the hard-Leftie black activists to play along with this charade, in a Mau-Mau’ing the Flak Catchers scenario, using the cannon fodder of Low Info Joe voters in the black community, that has made this a specious-at-best, spurious-at-worst claim that this is aimed at blacks primarily.
Nobody from the Beeb would say any of this, of course, because it doesn’t fit the America-hates-black-people Narrative that says that however much Barry-O is thoroughly well and truly “screwin’ the pooch,” as the expression goes, it cannot be his ill-conceived and ill-executed policies and programmes people “not of colour” are objecting to– only his skin hue.
Titter ye not… Media Guardian (@mediaguardian)
08/02/2014 BBC chief: no more comedy shows with all-male panels Media Guardian (@mediaguardian) Danny Cohen: ‘TV panel shows without women are unacceptable’
Front benches… TV panel shows. Same diff really.
Not sure even the Graun crew are entirely convinced a grown market rate talent isn’t speaking a load of anti-meritocratic, box-ticking diversity cobblers to please a few loons he dines with.
Speaking of market rates:
Well golly, should Susanna’s blood group BBC prove open to a transfusion as she approaches that difficult fourth decade that seems to see BBC moppets bite the dust almost as quickly as political parties hoover up anything with ovaries to meet leadership quotas, one is sure she will be sorely missed.
But…. wait? What if there’s a bidding war? The kind that sees canny agents floating ‘I’moffism’ in a deniable form such that lazy execs lose bladder control and ask Luce for a few more mill from the bottomless pit to make thinking about alternatives go away.
Because I am pretty sure there may well be a few not inarticulate, easy-on-the-eye, readerouterettes around who would literally do anything to score her slot. As it were.
And, frankly, once the shock has worn off around the sitting room sofas of Britain, if a brain dead chav can secure a career in telly world by being seen picking their nose on Big Bruv, the exposure of being beamed into every TV set in the land may seem quite the opportunity to make a modest salary appear generous considering the inevitable knock-on goodness.
But throwing money at her to maintain the status quo seems more likely. If not, the BBC’s loss will be Helen and the ITV shareholders’ gain, one is sure. Just as Nat Kerplunk was.
The annual ‘Which One Of Us Gets Strictly?’ must be just the biggest b*tch fight at the BBC.
BBC has plenty of dim noisy thickettes to take Susanna Reid’s place. And cf Adrian Chiles, the door will be ever open for her to slink back thru’ when ITV discover that the ‘market rate talents’ are neither ‘market rate’ nor ‘talents’.
” a prominent albeit colourful Muslim whom Tim (Burton-Liberty GB) called âa mendacious grievance-mongering taqiyya-artistâ on Twitter, is Fiyaz Mujhal, founder and director of Tell MAMA (Measuring Anti-Muslim Attacks)
“The media, ESPECIALLY THE BBC, have accepted the claims without question. A presenter on Radio 4âs influential Today programme stated that attacks on Muslims were now âon a very serious scaleâ.
Talk of a âmassive anti-Muslim backlashâ has become routine. And it is that figure issued by Tell Mama â of, to date, 212 âanti-Muslim incidentsâ since the Woolwich murder â which has formed the basis of nearly all this reporting.
But when journalist Andrew Gilligan investigated a bit further, it turned out that 57 per cent of the 212 reports referred to activity occurring just online, like postings on Twitter and Facebook, a further 16 per cent of the 212 reports had not been verified and not all the online abuse even originated in Britain”
In actual fact, the government informed Tell Mama in June last year that funding would end because their figures were magnified out of proportion. Muslim hate monitor to lose backing Ministers end funding for body that claimed ‘wave of attacksâ against Islam.
By Andrew Gilligan7:00AM BST 09 Jun 2013
However, the BBC carry on reporting stories with the claims made by Tell Mama without letting the public know of their disrepute and discrepancies.
The police are failing to investigate hundreds of cases of anti-Muslim hate messages on the internet, according to a government-funded monitoring group.
From the bbc report; ‘A Yes vote means Swiss ministers will have some tricky explaining to do in Brussels, our correspondent says.’
All together now – Awwww!
To the extent that anyone in Britain had a vote back in the 1975 referendum – the vote was essentially “Do we want to be in a common market with Europe”. This concerned the free trade of goods and services – which is still a beneficial idea. Probably supported by most Brits.
The vote was NEVER for “free movement of populations across borders”. That is the essence of the Swiss vote – they want proper border controls, as do most Brits.
Over the years, the EC has imposed this free movement to our great disadvantage – while still expecting us to subsidise poorer nations in Europe, and requiring us to sink under a sea of EC regulations and alien unchallengeable judgments from the European judges. We have had a serious loss of freedom, but many in Britain still do not recognise how grievous this steady loss has been.
Yes John, but don’t forget the issue that we were already in when the vote was offered us.
Who knows what would be the result if we were voting about entering?
The vote was NEVER for âfree movement of populations across bordersâ. Free movement of labour
Under the Community regulations, nationals of one member country may enter another to look for or take up work. The Community as a whole has been regularly short of labour. The Six have attracted large numbers of workers from outside, while the movement of workers within the Six has diminished. When we join, the pattern is likely to be similar.
[Britain & Europe- A short version of the Government’s White Paper – 1971]
Notice once again how the only argument the BBC/Liberals can muster is economic. I doubt money was the reason the Swiss said enough is enough.
It will also not be about money primarily when we say enough. . Which is why discussion is surpressed by the media and why the liberals are in such a state over UKIp.
Farage said a few weeks ago – “This is not about economics, it is about our culture” I have not heard the argument since then, and of course it would not be a BBC view – but I found the argument very telling.
Basically, I believe there is net economic damage from uncontrolled immigration – GDP PER HEAD is damaged – but others such as BBC-favoured academics and think-tanks can confuse the issue by counting aggregate GDP and leaving a lot of stuff out. The culture argument is the clincher.
We van’t put the country back like it was – but we should certainly stop any further serious encroachment.
Just watched Countryfile. Tim Collins from Natural England stood there and told us that coastal erosion was due to Climate Change. Mr D thought that 2 metres a year was quoted but that may have to be confirmed. Then Countryfile presenter looked at to sea and said that in Roman times the coast was 3 1/2 miles out, we worked that out at 3 metres a year, so rather more than presently happening with climate change. The BBC and environmental quangos really don’t care.
Great post, Deborah. Personally, I cannot force myself to watch the execrable CAGW-promoting Countryfile any more; it’s just too depressing and leaves a very bad taste in my mouth, so thanks for highlighting their ongoing, self-willed journey into the land of Stupid.
On a more positive note, decades from now clips from Countryfile will find a whole new life as fairly entertaining comedy in a more enlightened and far less scientifically bankrupt, superstitious time.
“Arabic is more than a language. It is explicated the language of Islam, so in that sense it is part of the Islamic religious imperial project. Radical Islam advances through the Arabic language. And you go all kinds of places that arenât in the Arab world now, like Pakistan, Indonesia, Central Asia, the Balkans, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and Canada and the United States, and you will here those Imams preaching in Arabic. Arabic is not just another language like French or Italian, it is the spearhead of an ideological project that is deeply opposed to the United States.”
By Mark Steyn.
– See more at:
The Arabic of the Qur’an is as dead a language as Latin is. Around 500 years ago it became illegal in the UK to hold services or teach from the Bible in anything other than the vernacular, but Muslims learn to recite the Qur’an, they do not (thank goodness) learn what the language they are reciting means.
So if a preacher today stood up and started preaching in Latin or in any foreign language it is unlikely many people would be able to understand it no matter how passionate the delivery.
There are only around 10 countries which have Arabic as their official language mostly North Africa and the Middle East, their populations are not large and they are not noted for their high numbers of refugees.
I think this is a scare story to be honest with little substance behind it.
i see that nick witchell’s irrelevant, gratuitous, `davespart` attack on prince william’s leisure pursuits has been taken down from the website, leaving no trace.
no doubt they decided that they had jumped the gun this time, couldn’t get away with leading the charge and would have to wait for useful idiot to start the bandwagon before putting the boot in.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called âfirst among equals â which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I donât know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Sorry to hijack new OT, but I can’t access the site from my iphone. It starts to open but then disappears and just has a smiley in the top left of the screen. Someone suggested I change the settings to normal site but the screen isn’t on for long enough.
Can anyone give the definitive solution?
The setting on the browser to get the desktop site is on the phone. It’s.not.something you change on the site. If the iPhone won’t let you do it then I suggest you get a real phone.
I get the same issue on my Android so you’re not alone in your suffering.
I had this problem witih Firefox on my Android tablet and the web browser on my Android phone. Chrome on my Android tablet works fine,
I’m sure Any Answers today only mentioned views that were anti-private education. Outright bias.
Any Questions audience was stuffed with teachers, booing when Goves name was mentioned. Were ehtre any right wing panellists at all?
Some of the views from a teacher were just communism. If you aren’t allowed to spend what you earn on your children’s future then what’s the point in working?
The other issue was his determination to reduce all children to the lowest common denominator, he showed absolute revulsion at attempts to raise standards.
All schools should be privatised with the ability to raise funds from parents, then we might see fewer teachers attempting to indoctrinate children with their hideous nutcase left wing views.
I read earlier today on another site an interesting article. It touched upon the fact that the progressive (sic) left spent most of the 1980s and then the Blair years populating the public sectors – Health, Education and (of course) the BBC. How can it be dealt with?
Well, just remember these are generally publically funded. And there is the solution. Turn off the taxpayers life support machine. One can certainly use that on the BBC and Universities. There are free schools. What is needed is a politician with some guts (not many around these days) but Michael Gove shows some spine that is lacking in limp handshakes like Jeremy Hunt and Theresa May (two contenders for a post Dave Conservative party according to pundits). The fact that so many on the left hate Gove shows he is doing something right.
With reference to the BBC they need to strangle the life out of it via funding. And the sooner the better.
But they won’t because they are frit.
Just as I am frit of having the gestapo like goons of the BBC hammering at my door and demanding: “WHY? WHY? WHY?” are you refusing to pay the BBC television tax?”
I am afraid. I am now seventy years old. I have not grown bolder with age. I need desperate help to give me courage and try to renew the principals I once held as a younger man when I would face any single thing this cruel world might attempt to throw at me.
The BBC is much mightier than me.
I need help! (As do many, many others who do not even have the slight resources I have).
You might want to try this site Henry which may empower you about your rights concerning TVL.
TVL have no more rights than a door to door salesman, and you can tell them to get off your property. If they harass you you can send a letter to TVL demanding they cease bothering you under threat of being sued. The only thing is if you have a Sky dish visible, or you watch TV where it can be seen from the street, they can get a court order and come back with the police.
Check out that site above đ
If you live on your own simply don’t answer the door to them, and don’t reply to any letters.
Unfortunately, people who live with others find this approach difficult as they can’t stop somebody else opening the front door.
What they are doing contravenes the article 12 of the UN Declaration of Human Rights .
Withdraw the Implied Right Of Access to your front door to any BBC employee or their agents . That includes TVL .
There will hardly be a teacher alive and working that has not been captured by the National Curriculum, brainwashed(not that much to wash mind, being mainly low grade refugees from life), not nipped chipped pinned and tucked by the Beat Generation of Lennon, Baader-Meinhoff etc…and have been fed by the States maw ever since they left college.
Flat pack Guardian solutions, slaverers to anything the BBC say and wholescale toadies to the slimy Times Ed Supplement.
They have towed Labours party line now since 1983…and if you ever meet an independent minded teacher who thinks for himself, who actually has to put knowledge into practice, and who is a role model worthy of the bother…you`ll be in a private school.
Teachers are supine drivellers of Marxist dilution diktat-had they an original thought or any pride in themselves, then they`d not have let Thatcher and Baker impose a National Curriculum, not let Major force OFSTED on them, not let Morris force CRB checks and a GTC on them all…and let Balls boot the word “education” out of the States brief, and abolish the beloved Key Stage shite because he could even run it.
Basically, a debauched seriously thick public sector ponce platoon that hardly would make railway sleepers or sandbags in the current crisis.
The plonker on Question Time was at least honest in saying that he`s on permanent holiday and we pay them to be so…they do far less damage to our kids when they ARE on furlough.
Failed childrens TV presenters-and when you think that Richard Bacon and Edd the Duck are THAT threshold, you can only despair of who we`ve saddled our kids with to dole out State worksheets, Tell Frank, Ask Big Mama or get help in putting a condom on a banana by way of sex education.
I`m a teacher-I know these things from the inside…when I`m let in to weave my one person counter culture magic!
Well written Chris H
People who pay for private education are reducing the demand on resources in the state sector, even though they contribute to it’s resourcing via taxation.
No, the extreme weather is very localised upon the area that includes Britain at the moment, due to a stable and continuous delivery of warm weather with low pressure fronts by the Gulf stream. Very ordinary really, but maybe the contrast between the currant eleven year thermal inertia trend before a Global cooling trend predicted by past correlations to start in 2018, means that an increase in the rate of climate change, causes greater temperature contrasts in the system until a thermal equilibrium is met.
BBC comedy shows are now indistinguishable from Party Political broadcasts, they make you switch off after the first sentence. I happened to leave the Radio on Radio 4 at 12.30, the first sentence was a joke about people who deny that the Climate Changes due to extreme weather, I do not think that the moron was trying to put on a bit of surreal comedy, but to understand how moronic the comedy became after that was that he then went on to mention Michael Gove not Owen Paterson, so I switched off.
âThe most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly – it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over.â â Joseph Goebbels
The BBC understand this exactly. You are beginning to notice.
Funny you should mention Goebbels, there was a programme on Radio 3 Saturday lunchtime where a women was being interviewed about the use of radio for propaganda. It focused on Nazi Germany and Goebbels naturally. But I waited in vain for mention of the BBC, a bigger poropagandist than Goebbels could even imagine. I caught the tail of the BBC1 TV news last night and there was a young woman described as the political correspondant, hardly old emnpough to know anything. She totally exonerated Smith from any guilt at all although he in his arrogance was responsible for carrying on the work of some socialist Barroness, she who stopped the dredging of the rivers. Socialist propaganda all through.
Should of course read “propagandist than…..”
I noticed the same.
Listening to Radio 4 in the car around 12:30 today I was unfortunate enough to catch a few minutes of the Now Show. It’s what the BBC claim is a comic run through the week’s news. The only comical thing about it is the BBC calling it comic. Basically left wing would be comedians are used to convey the usual political bias to the public in a supposed light hearted manner, for what the BBC must regard as subliminal.
It can be heard for the next 7 days via the link above, and it’s not necessary to listen to more than a few minutes in to get the ‘message’. Just as I reached my destination and shut the radio off I heard one of these ‘comedians’ saying words to the effect that ‘Michael Gove thought he was cleverer than everybody else’, which some at least in the audience found funny. đ
The following 2 articles will explain the particular insidious agenda of the BBC in this example, as well as show a clear example of what the left are trying to achieve generally.
Why Gove MUST keep on caning the Left
I’ve invented a new game. It’s called ‘Six Degrees of Shami Chakrabarti’
It links together Sally Morgan and Philip Seymour Hoffman
âMichael Gove thought he was cleverer than everybody elseâ
This is evidence for the thought processes of the left-wing moron, like children, they confuse wishful thinking with the unknown.
This is the core problem BBC censored scientists have with the left-wing moron when it comes to Climate Change.
The left-wing moron thinks that speculation, assumptions, belief, scepticism and consensus are more important than facts, evidence, proof, correlations, observations and the results from experiments.
It is unknown, but I am sure Michael Gove thinks left-wing comedians must vote the same way as all intellectually inferior people do, the whole remit of the Labour Party was founded to represent these people, even if the Grammar Schools culled Labour of its intelligent working class vote (Both my Granddads where working class Grammar School lads).
The legacy of 28-Gate. Actually, the sad (or amusing) thing is that in this case the BBC didn’t need to bother with that very real conspiracy to get the agenda infused into all programming, because all the comedians think the same way about the issue already.
I hope everyone is enjoying ‘themostexpensiveolympicsever’, as the BBC repeatedly calls them.
I’m not watching any Olympics anything from anyone. But I am wondering if the Beeboids who have been so snarky about the Russians (I bet they’re having fun finding hotel rooms for the battalion of BBC staff they sent over there) said anything about the big hammer and sickle in the opening ceremonies. NBC apparently went the full crazy and praised Communism as a “pivotal experiment” and called Putin a peacemaker, so I wonder if any Beeboids tweeted similar sentiments about their shared ideology.
Isn’t it interesting how the BBC never raved about the 12bn we urinated against the wall for a three week party in 2012. rather we got “Danny fu**ing Boyle/NHS ” well worth 12,000,000,000 pounds apparently
The atrocious and biased coverage of the Russian winter Olympics just goes to show the power of the gay lobby. Don’t get me wrong (Scott you will no doubt comment as soon) no one should suffer any discrimination for their sexuality – my issue is one of proportion. The coverage is hysterical and unremitting. Every report has to contain a ritualised abuse of Russia’s ‘human rights record’ – of course they never abused ‘human rights’ when they were the USSR. Putin may be a sinister strong man but he is popular in Russia but I am not sure about the constant litany of catty jibes about his ‘homoerotic’ pictures of him on horseback without a shirt etc. I find the constant sneering by the BBC depressing and frankly risible. Russia and the Russian population do not conform to modern Orthodoxy – “get over it!”
I’ve always thought that Putin’s pictures were designed to project a classical masculine style, which I am sure is how they are intended to be viewed.
Have you seen that awful “Gay Mountain” claptrap advert they keep showing on Channel 4?
The decent vast majority have been usurped by the leftie-gay lobby. Humanity has lost the plot.
The Winter Olympics are “Hideously White” something the BBC must campaign to correct.
I mistakenly watched some of the snowboarding yesterday. Apart from thinking that the BBC had been overrun by 15 year-olds doing the commentating, the other thing that struck me afterwards when Balding was interviewing a young British snowboarder was how often she asked whether he thought funding for new snowboarding facilities would be a good idea. He’s hardly going to say ‘no’ is he? She seemed quite insistent that the government should spend lots of money on new facilities, and are a bunch of rotters if they don’t.
Remember this moment guys as this is the worlds first ‘whinger Olympics’ !
I find it almost impossible to watch any programs made by the BBC any more for the same reasons as Richard stated, it is all a left wing political rant, dressed up as comedy, entertainment, factual, drama, and even sport.
Yet I still have to pay for this shit, under threat of imprisonment.
Why will no one rid us of this canker?
Has anyone seen or heard anything from the BBC about Labour MPYasmin Qureshi saying that what Israeli is doing to Gaza is just like the Holocaust? She’s apologized for it after party pressure. Has the BBC mentioned it all? In a paper review? Anyone on R5? Today? A blink on the website?
I realize, of course, that what Qureshi said won’t be seen as controversial or even slightly questionable to the BBC, as most BBC staff agree with what she said. So perhaps it’s a non-story to them.
The comments over at Guido Fawkes on the story are full of sneers about the “Holohoax” and how she “touched the third rail”. But that doesn’t represent a wider sentiment in Britain, no, sir.
It’s called fascism and it’s been a product of the left wing ever since the 1920s.
People seem to conveniently forget that prior to forming the British Union of Fascists, Oswald Moseley was a Labour party minister.
In much the same way the left today conveniently forget that the Nazi Party – the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSDAP) – has that ‘s’ word in its title and that when Hitler co-founded the party he was still very much an angry socialist.
Another of history’s inconvenient little facts for the left to airbrush out of our contemporary consciousness.
Dave, Leftie trolls seem to be pretty busy and working overtime on Guido’s site this weekend. There have been some disgusting posts since yesterday, one in particular making fun of David Cameron’s disabled, and now deceased son. It clearly shows that leftie ideology is the product of a diseased mind.
We should beware the same sick people visiting this site in the next couple of days.
Yet the usual harsh critics of this blog aren’t over there condemning Paul Staines for running a hate site and making dire warnings about legal ramifications. Weird. It does make one question their moral and intellectual integrity.
Worse than this ignorant token muslim MP was OOooona (now baroness) King, who on a visit to the middle east compared Gaza with the Warsaw ghetto.
You know OOooona sometimes she’s black sometimes she’s Jewish, but at all time she’s a victim. Lost an easy labour seat to Galloway, rewarded by labour with a seat in the HoL’s for life.
Talking of all these anti-Semitic sainys, my Jewish socialist antecedents would be turning in their graves if they new how their old labour party has turned out. And this with Milliband leader. Have some chalones and sack Qureshi
There is now no home for the Jew’s on the left anymore and don’t even mention the Lib-Dems.
Antisemitsm does not now come from the knuckle dragging skinhead but liberals and our new arrivals which will be a demographic nightmare for everyone.
5 Live was a Quershi free zone.
Controversial for 5 Live is when you are a retiring Tory MP and you say that people in standard class rail carriages are different to the people who travel in first class. That gets you days of blanket coverage on 5 Live and across the BBC.
See Richard Millet’s blog
Back in 2009 Liebour Baroness Scotland employed a cleaner who was an illegal immigrant. Although she did the checks a forged passport was used, but she was still fined ÂŁ5000 as a result.
Gordon Brown the then Prime Minister said the following:
‘Gordon Brown decided that Baroness Scotland (who was fined ÂŁ5,000 for employing someone illegally) has done nothing seriously wrong, and can remain in her post. ‘
You wouldn’t mind so much but it was Baroness Scotland who had steered the bill through parliament to it’s becoming law!
So it’s an interesting contrast the way that the biased BBC news programs are reporting the resignation of the immigration minister Mark Harper who found himself in very similar circumstances.
At least he did the honourable thing and resigned, when Liebour thought their minister had done nothing wrong at all despite her being fined for it!
Now listen to Liebour MPs lining up to attack the Tories, and of course the BBC vipers assisting them in their cause.
This is a rare opportunity to compare the treatment of the two parties who find themselves in very similar circumstances.
And no comparison given…but she was Black and Labour, so the usual get out of pickle jar rules apply.
And-when you think that we had to drag Brown from No 10, had to boot out Blunkett and Mandelson twice from their revolving door of access to our fat wallets(it was a different time then…Savile Rules apply here)…at least this nonentity Harpic showed some honour.
Labour scum left dragged fingernail scratches on the door lintls when they eventually had to go-ground elder like!
“I’ve invented a new game. It’s called ‘Six Degrees of Shami Chakrabarti.’
“It links together Sally Morgan and Philip Seymour Hoffman.”
By Rod Liddle.
[Opening excerpt]:-
“Can someone please explain to me why the BBC newsreaders were not wearing black armbands last weekend when reporting the tragic story of Sally Morgan being given the boot from Ofsted? In all other manners the coverage was adequately respectful and the reporters, rightly, allowed their anguish to bleed through the fraying bandage of impartiality. Not enough, mind â I could have done with some real weeping and tearing at the hair: how could this brilliant and exciting woman be so traduced? The Tories are trying to take over everything! Youâd have thought theyâd won an election, or something. How dare they.
“I wonder which public institution will be the next grateful harbour for Baroness Morgan?”
Funny how no lurking journalists have posted a comment on Liddle’s blog expressing their exasperation at his seeing something that isn’t there, imagining that he can tell what their opinions are.
A point on Labour and ‘quangos’, which BBC-NUJ does not admit:-
[Excerpt from today’s Charles Moore article] –
“When the present Coalition came into office, the Conservatives made a strategic error. Reacting against the excesses of Brown-Blair, they declared how bad it was that everything had been âpoliticisedâ. David Cameron and George Osborneâs strange way of dealing with this problem was to leave in place precisely those politicised appointees they should have cleaned out.
“Dame Suzi Leather, for example, continued for more than two years as chairman of the Charity Commission, pursuing her own policy of trying to force independent schools out of existence. The Environment Agency, under a former Labour minister (see above), managed to spend huge sums without dredging our rivers or maintaining our sea defences.”
By Charles Moore, ‘Telegraph’ (ÂŁ).
Now that the whole of the SouthWest is cut off from Rail, Services – largely through river flooding eg at Bridgewater – the economic costs of Lord Smith’s arrogance and idleness have greatly increased.
Will the BBC tell us that virtually no-one accepts his present decision not to resign ? If the Tory Minister for immigration resigns, surely there are far stronger grounds for Lord Smith to depart ?
ÂŁ500 Million pounds of tax payers money given to Syria, as the old saying goes ‘charity begins abroad.’
Actually its ÂŁ900 million allocated, ÂŁ600 million is what has ended up over there as of the other month.
With all 3 routes into the West Country now blocked, they haven’t spotted the chance yet, but they will …… to blame today’s problems on that Doctor Beeching who was appointed by the Tories to make recommendations to save the railways by removing many duplicate routes. Even though most of the closures were actually done by Harold Wilson and Barbera Castle of course. But BBC, there’s a huge chance to blame the ‘Tories’ and we all know you just love going back 20, 30, 40, 50 years if there’s a chance to blame something on them.
We should be well aware that the route through Okehampton was closed long after beeching had left B.R.
Just wait for the ill- informed to forget this.
Beeboids’ politicised view of Russia’s Winter Games at Sochi, as ‘sports’ coverage:-
Excerpt from ‘Daily Mail’:-
“She [Beeboid Ms Balding] spoke pretty much from the off of âuncomfortable questionsâ, âmassive strides…for progress, understanding and equalityâ, and the âwatershed momentâ we were about to be part of.
“They [Beeboids] even had their political correspondent Daniel Sandford on hand to address these questions. Pretty much before an ice skate or curling stone had even been mentioned. And he didnât dodge the fundamentals of the story behind these games.”
But, of course, the following threat of Islamic jihad massacre at Sochi is not an articulated INBBC concern-
“Sochi terror threat shows the truly global nature of modern jihad”
By Con Coughlin .
There’s also a report about Balding receiving abusive and threatening tweets from militant gays accusing her of “selling out” by going to the Winter Olympics.
It just shows how intolerant the Gay Mafia has become. Anyone who upsets them, and I’m thinking in particular of the Christian B & B owners who declined a double room to a gay couple and the devout Christian cake makers in the US who declined to make a wedding cake for a Lesbian couple, who receive the most abusive and threatening e-mails. It seems the tolerance the Gay mafia demand is only one way.
Why is it that two nerds, who looked to me to be “special needs” individuals, can be dragged through the courts for the abusive tweets they sent to that feminist activist and Stella Creasey (I think) who demanded Jane Austin be put on the new banknotes, yet Plod seem to drag their collective feet when “victimised minorities” do exactly the same thing?
Colin Murray ex BBC said of Clare Balding ” If I could spend 20 minutes alone with Clare, I think I could turn her.” He’s now at Talksport, a station which he slagged off while working at the BBC.
For the first time in 5 years I went back to Talksport and heard Colin Murray, then I switched off….
Talksport lost all credibility as far as I was concerned the moment they fired Jon Gaunt, one of the only people on radio who would ask probing questions of ALL politicians, ethnic groups and religious nutcases, not just anyone to the right of Labour.
“It just shows how intolerant the Gay Mafia has become.”
Perhaps Ms Balding should be glad she’s not a christian
A priceless moment on BBC R4 news at 5 on Saturday. Apparently, a group of Sikhs who run an international aid organisation have gone to the West Country to help the natives.
Dripping with sycophancy, the wet (literally) BBC reporter couldn’t resist sneaking in a loaded question at the end of his piece. How, he asked, did the Sikh aid worker leading the party feel about politicians calling for the diversion of foreign aid so that it could be spent at home?
Oh dear. The aid worker said that he agreed with them. Why should we be sending millions of pounds in foreign aid to a nuclear power like India when people here are suffering?
So distracted was our hapless Beeboid that moments later he missed his footing and found himself up to his waist in freezing water.
I do hope the kindly Sikh gentleman didn’t offer to hold his head under the water, as he so richly deserved.
My BBC moment of the wek. I was driving and it was just hilarious.
It does show just how the bodysnatchers have taken over the media.
What an idiot that Beeboid is.
I was working up a ladder and had it not been for consideration towards the man on the ground holding it I would have pissed myself. A glorious moment.
I hope the moment is not captured on video in a way capable of being circulated on YouTube.
The possible reaction of colleagues and the public may prove problematic for inept public sector managers, tempting for greedy lawyers and ultimately another non programming expense borne by licence fee payers.
Isn`t this great?
I have respect for the Sikhs…and they`ve really gone up in my book for this.
No helicopter stunts, no wristbands or cheridee awareness shite as the BBC do things…just “drive down, do something for your countrymen”.
As for Angus Crawford and his willingness to dunk himself in someones house…only to avoid a chat with his editor re THAT question that went so wrong…I envisage Auntie NOT allowing him his eggy bread and soldiers after this…and lots of pursed lips at the High chair too!
Comedy Gold…and I remember Coogan when he too did things like this!
Crawfie is our new Partridge! last!
Just a reminder of the prosperity of the BBC’s beloved Gaza – the 8th most obese area in the world :
Can we divert half the UK aid money that goes to Gaza (endlessly, 65 years now and counting) to the folks in Somerset ?
65 years? Since even before 1967? Sorry, no.
[swp] Well it’s dem nasty
JoooooooosIsraelis innit.Dey jus allows dem pallywotsits to eat dirt and McDonalds an stuff. It’s a block aid innit? There’s no organic lentils an’ shit an’ stuff gettin’ through.
Why don’ we jus’ get a ship load of stuff an’ send it to ’em an if dem Israelis do anytin’ we can attack ’em and claim it was dem dat started it. [/swp]
ÂŁ1.95bn EU aid lost in Palestine
Now in secret Swiss bank accounts.
Not about BBC bias but Channel 4 ( it’s still part financed by public money, though).
Last night the Channel continually showed ad/trailer/blurb they made entitled “Gay Mountain” which showed a camp singer and chorus line singing on stage ,obviously set in a gay club which showed the audience celebrating their lifestyle and close-ups of men shoving their tongues down each others’ throats. A title at the end of the short film said “We wish the athletes at the Winter Olympics the best.”
I thought ” what the **** was all that about?” My wife, who’s normally pretty laid back about most of the stuff that’s shown on TV was really disgusted and offended by the film.
Gay propaganda at its most blatant and pushed out in the ad-breaks. (Cue Scott expressing his offence at my temerity for pointing this out)
It looks like the BBC has been out thought by Channel 4 in the LGBT propaganda stakes this time.
And Channel 4 News spoke at some length to some Dublin drag queen about homophobia…but what else?
No reason really, as far as I could tell-only to rub our noses in liberal diversity before they contacted Paul Flowers for the weekend stashes.
“âŚclose-ups of men shoving their tongues down each othersâ throats.”
There’s one kiss. No tongues visible, and not particularly close up. As usual, Biased BBC commenters resort to lying to justify their own prejudices. Sad, really, to have to be dishonest in order to try and convince yourselves and others that you’re somehow superior.
Still, at least Andy S has mentioned his wife to prove how hetero he is. Poor woman. Does she know she’s married to a liar?
oops! do I hear a the militant and irate rustling of a tutu
hi Scott … a bit late kid?
are you just back from protesting the rampant homophobia at the mosque?
Bless. Do you actually have a point, or are you just content to prove that Biased BBC is a haven for adolescent idiots?
Actually, Scott, Noggin made his point very clearly, but as a gay man myself I’ll ask you again the same question in another way: Do you get anywhere near as exercised about the BBC’s blatant cowardice towards Islamic homophobia (in several places state-mandated, at that) as you do about a few commenters here having a dig at the BBC?
It’s a fair question, Scott, so I;’m sure you can give us an honest answer. Or is your sneering criticism reserved for soft, easy targets only?
I get exercised about all homophobia. However, I do not target it in the way that Biased BBC wants me to, to reinforce their own nasty, petty little bigotries. I refuse to have my life and opinions ruled by a tiny group of sad little men who whine on this website because they have no ability to treat the world with sense and maturity.
The tiny minority that you’re a part of, you mean? Zero substance to anything you say, nothing more than ad hominem attacks on the actual contributors for having different views from yours.
The saddest thing is that you’re obsessed with what we think and spend so much of the only life you’ll ever have trying to convince us otherwise, while none of us could give enough of a tinker’s toss about your website to bring it above single-digit hits.
You lose, again.
Some people are homophobes; get over it.
Scott, I have watched the fascist left turn a blind eye to Muslim Shariah law regarding homophobia for quite some time.
It seems that it’s OK to attack Russia – a Christian country, because it passed a law outlawing the promotion of homosexuality to children. It has not killed anyone or imprisoned them simply because they are gay in the way Islamic countries have.
So when the World Cup goes to Doha where being gay carries criminal sanction, it will be FIFA which is criticised not Qatar which is above any kind of criticism from the fascists.
So it’s fine for anti Semitism, and homophobia, and the belief that one group of people are superior to all others.
Tell me Scott in what way are you any different to the Fascists of the 1920s ?
I just feel sorry for Scott to be honest, imagine what he could have done if he actually had a skill. The amount of time he wastes posting intellectually benign, spiteful, childish and often self-contradicting drivel aimed at an audience that doesn’t care could have been much better applied if he was good at something.
Sorry, are you some sort of supraintellectual overachiever, that you deign to decide that I’ve achieved nothing with my life?
Odd that someone of such prowess as you must surely should instead choose to show the world the persona of a repugnant little man who contributes nothing to debate other than to slag me off. Still, as long as you think you’re clever, what does the truth matter, eh.
I don’t think it is a personal thing Scott. Nobody is denying that you can do your own thing in the privacy of your own space but the vast majority of people don’t want to keep hearing about your lifestyle.
The inference is clear, Snotty
even to someone with eyes as tightly closed to harsh reality as you.
I ll leave you yet another example
“the large crowd (Muslim) outside was disappointed, as the judge recalled: The penalty for gay sex under local Islamic law is death by stoning”
only one question remains then?
if not down at the mosque protesting?
why not?
is that one clear enough … cupcake!
Anybody who can read can see his point quite clearly, Scott. It’s only the intellectually bankrupt and ideologically blinkered that couldn’t understand it, but then you don’t exactly disguise your failings in every single pathetically attention-seeking and banal comment you insist on posting.
You know only hate, we have only pity.
Scott, are you watching any of the Winter Olympics ? I love snow, white is my favourite colour. I could write a whole book on the subject !!
Scott, you may call me a liar, but I’m a damn sight more honest than those homosexuals who marry women for career reasons, have sexual relationships with other men behind their wives’ backs and then run off with a bloke after years of marriage.
“It’s only one kiss, no tongues, and not particularly close up…” That sounds like a complaint from you. Being a militant gay, you were obviously aware of the short film. I bet you were eagerly anticipating its broadcast.
I’ve told you before, Scott, I couldn’t give a tinker’s tit about folks’ sexuality. I DO object to having that sexuality triumphantly shoved in my face and having my nose rubbed in it by the intolerant and militant gay lobby.
Tell me Scott, why do people like you always flaunt your sexuality as a way of throwing down the gauntlet, as though you want a negative reaction? I think that shows it is YOU who has the problem, not the people you routinely accuse of being “homophobes”.
I go to a gay church…I visit every so often and like the people there.
Trouble is that there is no gospel…the gay label definitely precedes the Christian one.
Their gayness trumps their faith, so it`s identity with as flimsy a theological excuse to exist, as is possible.
I`m afraid that when being gay is seen as superior state as being a believer in Jesus Christ…it`s not church.
For gay, read women, sport, health…and you`ve got classic segmentation and identity bollox beloved of Gramsci and Rudi Dutchke.
Hence absolutely no theorlogical discussion of an angry God having the right to flood fools who don`t even dredge the rivers.
I mean-if we blame the floods on Gaia being pissed off with obestity or unsustainable packaging-we get our own f***in TV series and the goodwill of all the liberal effete scum who massage our necks for Islams sword.
It’s called ‘Identity Politics.’
It’s a neat way for the left to identify minorities so that when they have enough power to open up the camps again the self-defining idiots will be known and easily located.
In fact they’ll probably march in singing songs like ‘Gay Mountain’ expecting a holiday resort. Poor sods.
Andy S: Insists people shouldn’t have sexuality “shoved in my face”
Mentions “wife” in original post.
*cough* hypocrite *cough*
Also, I’m not sure it’s Scott who’s the one “eagerly anticipating” the broadcast of a gay kiss. You seem a little… over excited by the whole thing.
AWW bless Scotts moms turned up !
Oh lovely! The little man wants to play on the internets!
But first what type of BBBC poster are you?;
Racist lonely pensioner?
Racist lonely ex-pat?
Racist lonely weirdo with a mail order bride?
Racist lonely fantasist?
Racist with a small dick? Who lives with his mother?…
Incidentally I’m intrigued by your repeated use of the term ‘racist’
Is it because it is the worst sin you can think of and consequently the most abusive personal attack you can make?
Or are you exorcising some internal demons?
Genuinely interested you understand genuinely interested.
Sorry wrong link hope this works
I’m a working class engineer with ÂŁ20.00 in my bank and a collie who lives with me in a broken down farm house in Wales along with my partner a bisexual woman who has more qualifications and history [her dad gave Ricky ‘Union’ Tomlinson his first job in the north Wests most historic plasterers for a start ] then you have brains cells you sad little troll, I have the ex royal consul from Jamaica in the family one transgender and a gay oh and my mother died a couple of months ago from complications brought on by years of suffering with dementia !
So little closet Nazi what do you do to justify your use of space resources and air on this planet ?
Please everybody go easy on Scott. We all know he/she/it is vile, disgusting, obnoxious little fart, and a wimp of a “man”and he/she/it must also know it too at a sub conscious level, thats why Scott always wants to kill himself/herself/itself.
Scott, please dont take offence from the comments here and run a bath and threaten to slash your wrists. Have you given any consideration to the people you leave behind? Some poor bastard would have to clean up all your blood from the bath. Have you thought about the harm you do that person? No you havn’t because youre just a selfish drama queen.Try hanging yourself, its easier for the clean up team
What an absolutely abhorrent post. What ever the views anyone holds about the BBC there is no need for this sort of comment – it is utterly contemptible.
Quite right ( If a tad histrionic) that’s bad form.
I know I’ll be told that Scott regularly resorts to abuse of a personal nature. But, other than looking forward to our deaths of old age, he does not advocate personal harm.
In any case ,two wrongs and all that.
Really no need for that is there?
Context is all. is Scott’s own description of his suicide attempt. I am amazed that he has not deleted it.
No context is not all. That was a contemptible post by David Kay. I would hope that the site owners purge it. I wonder if David Vance really wants that sort of comment on a site with which he is associated.
So if you don’t condemn the witch you are one?
I’m beginning to wonder what the true motive of your outrage is.
No not at all. Whatever one’s views there is no place for that kind of comment. I have no ulterior motive. We can disagree, robustly, without stooping to that kind of post.
The motive of my outrage is that I lost a very close family member to suicide.
I’m sorry for your loss and now understand the seeming hyperbole of your original comment
But I still don’t see how that makes accessories others not equally distressed by or condemnatory of David Kay’s post.
Thank you.
It doesn’t and if that was the impression I gave, then I phrased myself badly. To be clear I am not suggesting that by allowing the comment to remain in anyway is the site’s owner (or indeed anyone else) endorsing the view.
Within reason, people must be free to express their views as robustly as they like. If you don’t like the views or the tone, then don’t come to the site.
But that comment went far beyond a robust expression of a viewpoint. It was gratuitously offensive.
That dont make it any better
I haven’t deleted it because that was how I was feeling at the time. Three months on, things are very different. The people around me, my friends and family, genuine people who matter to me, know that.
I’m not going to delete an old post just because some small-minded, grubby little troll on the internet shows himself up by attempting to make some sort of capital out of it. If those sort of people want to expose their adolescent inhumanity, let them. The more people who know that they’re not to be trusted, the better.
You are the grubby little troll, Scott. You don’t contribute anything on here and don’t even try to. It’s not about being factually correct for people like you, it’s just about going against the status quo to try and stand out.
I have on many occasions been quite vocal in criticising what others have said on here. But the difference is I try to actually open a dialogue. You, on the other hand, come along with nothing more than pitiful and infantile straw man arguments and ad hominem attacks.
Nobody gives a shit about your disgusting, prejudiced nonsense and nobody trusts a word you say because it’s quite demonstrably the ramblings of a desperately lonely little shite who can only express themselves through bitterness, jealousy, and repeated use of the word ‘bless’ in sad attempts to try and seem superior while claiming others are doing the same.
You are the lowest form of scum, and you always will be.
You “try and open a dialogue”? Really? How does repeatedly â and falsely â accusing me of posting under multiple identities open a dialogue?
Please explain how lying like that is justifiable.
OT – BBC Bias
however bad, or wrong anyone s views are, it can do no harm to read them, and challenge them, if you are wrong yourself you ll learn something, if not it will be evident quickly and, your position will only be made stronger.
Scott, have you been watching the curling ?
So you admit that your description was a lie? And yet somehow I’m the bad guy. Go you. Still, at least upstanding moral individuals like someone who calls himself “F*** the Beeb” are keeping you company.
But by all means carry on trying to pretend you’re superior to everyone else. It’s hilarious.
Says the little twat who posts repeatedly trying to convince everyone he’s better than everyone else.
Endless hypocrisy from someone so desperate for attention they post their face in the avatar – and again, you claim to not care what we think.
You have no idea just how pathetic and feeble you actually are.
Dishonest? Thats almost you liberals default.
INBBC: silent on military threat to West from Islamic Republic of IRAN.
“AP reporting Iran sending warships close to US borders”
And, another development which appears secondary to INBBC:-
“Video: London Muslim is first Briton to carry out Syria suicide bombing”
When albeeba carry a report on their main bulletin, or indeed an obscure link, Dez will tell us.
Or perhaps Albie, he’s had the job lately.
Or perhaps Albie, heâs had the job lately.
Hey hey lay off West Albania Man – he was glued to the rugby on the telly yesterday arvo waiting for the money shot with Wee Nappy Salmond and the saltire.
Take a heart of stone etc.
Poppy appeal for the British fallen then?
Citizen/ origin/extraction…but clearly as British as
…well dare I say, Anjem Choudhury(PBUH)?
My burqa is at half mast as we speak.
Will BBC-NUJ/Chakrabarti give as much political support to Mark Stephenson as they gave to Muslim, al-Qaeda trainee, Binyam Mohamed?:-
“Sharia in action in the UK:
Man charged for ripping pages of Qurâan at soccer match.”
By Robert Spencer.
charged for tearing pages … pah!
these muslims show him how to really do it!
but holy jihadi hotpages Ahmed …
I thought it was supposed to be “offensive”
…. just a minute đ
As I posted on Jihad watch
I believe the report says the bomb was inside a book made to look like the Koran so not actually a copy of the Koran itself. That is how they will justify it.
We need to stick to the reported facts. I must say though I am not defending Jihadists in any way as I deplore them.
Lots of obvious jokes come to mind involving why he would need the paper. But in the non British culture which now holds sway amongst those in power, but not of course the rest of us, they would probably be deemed unacceptable. The BBC is trying very hard to persuade, bully and brainwash the rest of us into following the lead of the elite towards their multicultural Utopia.
Good old Polly.
Seems to want your vote for Islamophobe of the Year…possibly the first one to win the award twice even?
That fourth paragraph is great isn`t it?…imagine Griffin being horrid and saying that Muslim men have a problem with underage white girls in council “care” eh?
Is there a Prophet of the Year award?…
‘men have a problem with underage white girls in council’
That’ll be the Harriet Harman, PIE award then.
The Spectator has done an excellent article on the flooding of the Somerset Levels. Some of the information contained in the article was spoken about on this very forum prior to publication in the Spectator. When you consider how quiet the Labour Party have been, and the clear will of the BBC not to look into that silence, it really is a no brainer to think that the BBC are not biased or impartial, (which ever way you want to paint the picture) in their reporting on news stories, which is in direct conflict with their charter to broadcast. A very well written article, where just the facts are stated.
wait just one moment – Baroness Young of the “limpet mine on every pumping station” quote has a string of public/charity appointments under her belt; currently Chief Exec of Diabetes UK, formerly of the Care Quality Commission, English Nature, the RSPB and various NHS jobs.
Oh, and she’s a former Vice Chair of the BBC.
what really confuses me is this documentary on sunday on radio 5 live at 9pm called from kabul to kent,what is the miindset of these radio 5 lives producers where they would have this 1 hour special that by the way has been plugged just about every 15 minutes on radio 5 live of this illegal immigrant muslim from afghanistan called ali who broke into this country illegally in the back of of lorry after travelling through 8 safe european countrys to get here,why are radio 5 live and there journalists supporting illegal immigration by having this documentary tommorow night at 9m,also.why is this coallition goverment making a mockery of are immigration system by not kicking out this iilegal immigrant that should not be here in the first place,this to me is proof that the immigration system is in a tolal mess and is no better than when new in labour was in power,shame on you radio 5 live for encouraging illegal immigration into england by having this kabul to kent tommorow night on radio 5 live at 9pm.
Because despite the obvious illegal nature of his asylum claim the case has to be heard by a Judge to satisfy the treaty obligations, only then can he be removed.
The fact that it will probably take the Home Office two years plus to bring the case, and then an interminable time to actually return him to Kabul there after means that he’ll be here for 5 years at least.
The thing to watch for in the bias of the BBC is the unquestioning acceptance of the asylum seekers story, despite the facts that the Home Office and a Judge has found it to not be true. The reality is that every time they do this it is contempt of court. Imagine a situation where the BBC interviewed one of the women complainants against Bill Roache and reported her story as fact despite the facts of the recent court case. It just doesn’t happen because they know they’d be sued to high heaven.
I’ve pulled them up about this and they have admitted that they should not unquestioningly accept an asylum seekers story after a judgement finding it ‘not credible’ but it doesn’t seem to have filtered down to the fascists on the ground. All we can do is keep complaining, and a report to the Police of contempt might not go amiss either, if someone really wants to stir it.
He will make a woman pregnant and have kids, then he can resist being deported on the grounds that it would infringe his family life.
The Met Office have been on the back foot somewhat over the recent weeks when pushed by the BBC to confirm all this wet weather is due to Climate change. I can understand why they have decided to sit on the fence:
Click to access A3_plots-precip-DJF-2.pdf
Apparently Ms Slingo (or is it Dame Slingo?) is now saying that it might just possibly be down to climate change. they don’t really know, but how anything unusual in any particular year can be ascribed blandly to climate change defeats logic. The climate, as we all know, is constantly changing – that’s what it does. Are they saying that it’s changing much faster these few last years (in fact, ever since “scientists” and others discovered they could make a fast buck out of alarmism), than it ever did before in the last 4.5 billennia? How convenient.
I wonder when someone of import will have the cojones to pronounce:
“We are truly sorry – we were wrong, from the very start – it’s not getting any warmer, and in fact it’s likely to get a lot cooler. It wasn’t CO2 after all, but the sun, all along, as most people correctly suspected, and we have erroneously caused a lot of unnecessary expenditure and panic – you’d better get drilling and mining before it’s too late”.
Maybe we need to rename our kiddies armbands that they`ll be needing for the coming deluges and floods…as Slingo wings!
Works for me!
Speaking about Universities & far left socialism, how about this for turkeys voting for Christmas ? – Salmond’s Scotland in operation.
The vote just shows how thick the students are. They hear a succession of speakers uttering the dreaded words ‘ racist, islamophobic’ and instantly, thought processes become unnecessary. Those words throw a switch in their tiny brainwashed minds, and it’s all over.
Can you imagine those morons having to actually earn a living in the future?
They go into the media or teaching (unless they are particularly stupid then they become alternative comics).
Is the definition of an alternative comic one who gives us right-on student poilitics as an ‘alternative’ to jokes?
Sounds right.
Usually the alternative comic joke book consists of:
“The Tories Eh? F**king Bastards”
(Cue deranged howls of student laughter)
â racist, islamophobicâ Those words throw a switch in their tiny brainwashed minds, and itâs all over.
Astute and concise Dysgwr. Da Iawn.
Its all Islam’s fault.
Thatcher! Grrr.
Cubicle Boy is back!
Could it be Earls Court ?
from the english poor in the big citys to the rural english poor in flooded out somerset etc these politicians from the 3 main partys could not give a @@@@ about there suffering
The contempt for the English and English feelings is one of the big mistakes of the liberal left. iI is noticed and as is the English way quietly held close.
Liberalism in it’s current manifestation is opposed to nearly everything that has gone to make us English what we are.
Collision time is not just inevitable but to be welcomed.
Never argue with them and never listen to them.
Good one Dave S.
Had to admire the careful framing of this:
@BBCNews: Met Office says evidence suggests UK storms linked to climate change
…says… suggests… linked…
Inspires confidence not only in the scientific establishment, but the media estate serving it.
There’s also no doubt a weather/climate debate to be had around the claim too.
The comments were made by Dame Julia Slingo, the Met Office’s chief scientist (yes, the one that founded the Walker Institute for Climate System Research at Reading, intended to address “cross disciplinary challenges of climate change and its impacts”). She said: “There is no evidence to counter the basic premise that a warmer world will lead to more intense daily and hourly rain events.” Is this a basic premise, even amongst True Believers? The primary cause of extreme storms (hurricanes, cyclones etc) is stated to be the temperature differential between the polar and equatorial regions, causing a mass movement of air between the two. Global warming theory/theology states that the polar regions will warm up more quickly than the equator, meaning the temperature differential is decreased. Ergo, less storms.
Love that name…she any relation to the Pingu family who still slip all over the melting ice on cBeebies?…and it`s all our fault.
You bastards…and me too of course!
It’s certainly possible. Penguins eat fish and there is a website called Big Fish Games featuring a game called Slingo (see
Well not quite. A higher temperature implies a higher partial vapour of all substances below their critical point, in particular more water vapour in the air, and thus more rain when the air carrying the water vapour cools, as it eventually will. That much is undeniable. What is less clear is that anything substantial has changed. The average temperature hasn’t changed in the last 15 years and yet 2 years ago we had some of the driest winters on record.
“There is no evidence to counter……”
Interesting reversal of the scientific method by this alleged “scientist”.
Hey, Julia, there is no evidence to counter that Uranus is populated by little brown smelly beings called the the Winnits.
Using the Slingo and BBC interpretation of science someone must prove that my hypothesis is wrong – otherwise it is true and everyone must pay a Winnit tax.
Yes, Beeboids/Met Office can’t kick their ‘global warming’ addiction; and the ways they push their drug!
I understand that ‘My little Trot’ and BBC favourite Owen Jones has made onto Marr’s sofa to do the paper review this morning. I suspect that after a brief reading of a headline he will be straight into his one dimensional class war polemic. (Can I bear to watch?).
It would be interesting to know just what exposure the BBC have given Jones over the past year and how much they have paid him – he says he only gets ÂŁ20k from the Independent – and a pittance from his book’s royalties (believable). That’s not enough to keep him in Islington (?) His main income surely has come from the BBC. Someone there must be bankrolling him
And it would be interesting to know, who on the right of politics has had the most exposure and as a comparator, just how much?
And if you were unable to get out of bed to put on the telly, you could get your ten minutes Thought Chip from the B.H bunch on Radio 4.
Ex TUC head-the Lady Prosser(yes,THE Lady Prosser)…ex black footy bloke who wants racism gone(you may say he`s a dreamer!)…and some City woman who stuck it to Farage lately( so let`s call her Jack shall we?.. the Guardians catch-all name for their kind of rebellady).
No, didn`t stick around to listen-suffice to say that Charles Clarke saying that the Ed Millie Band are a shower of shite( The Tablet/Mail etc) won`t have got under Paddy O Connells tender nostrils…his mum was a toff at Bletchl;ey doncha know?
Nor-I imagine-was the resignation of a noMark called Mark (Harper was it?) being seen at least, as an improvement of us being unable to lose Baroness Scotland who did pretty much the same thing…but she was Labour,and too busy finding a vein to draw our moolah from.
Ditto Mandelson and Blunkett( times two no less!)…but no mentioning of such.
BBC hypocrites…and no thoughts about an f***in giraffe, a long way from his house getting “euthanised” by a Danish zoo because the f***in EU says so!
Oh yes, the Climate Change escape route. If you see my previous post concerning the Met office’s Three Month Forecast, using their computer modelling and climate variation tables, we were supposed to have a drier than normal three months from December to February. They can put anything they like into a computer model to get the answer they believe in. We live under the influences of a Maritime Climate, which is notoriously difficult to predict the weather patterns contained within the climate structure. Europe is having a normal winter and erring on one that has been colder than normal, so no Global Warming just across the North Sea. It would appear to the met Office that Climate Change now only happens in an area below the M4, that being Southern England. Amazing.
Oldbloke, I would appreciate a link to the referenced Met office forecast for this winter. Thanks in advance.
Click to access A3_plots-precip-DJF-2.pdf
BBC TBQ s – Nikki s on fire
… damning reports on the Vatican …
… the UN against the Catholic church …
but Nikki 100s organised Muslim Paedo
child rape gangs? just as many evading the law?
… get that church organisation to confess! …
Nikki over 90 cases in the last 2yrs?
… force the Vatican, to come clean!
Nikki … still going on today?
… betrayed, dirty secret, Catholic church crisis?
but Nikki … clearly mandated in Muslim texts?
… force action now, paedophile priests!
…. something wrong, church spreading disease!
…. obvious psycho sexual issues, with Catholic priests!
…. enraged, fury, with Vatican!
…. something wrong with that church!
… disgust with Pope!
… climate of fear because of that Church.
do we next have big question on rampant Muslim
child rape gangs?
… bbc bias
Yes the pervy big elephant in the room is Islamic abuse and it should have a spotlight trained on it forthwith. However I’m not in this instance going to criticise the bbc or anyone else for highlighting the disgusting culture of child abuse within the Catholic church.
ahhh! moving swiftly on …
lets listen (uninterrupted) to ….
wait for it … an Islamic law? consultant about?
how “offended” she is about a cartoon?
about comedy?
…. you literally couldn t make it up
good old Aquil/and the BBC,
like that they are (crosses fingers).
not criticising the bbc for that at all ….
but for blatant bias depending on the perpetrators
… and shamefully the host giggling to a muslim paedo grooming gang gag! only 10 mins later.
Child Abuse
Think of a large organisation
Sexual abuse on its premises
Sexual abuse by its employees
Turn a blind eye to it.
Cover it up for years
Sounds familiar
Not just the Catholic Church……….
Pienaar’s Politics on Five Live at 10am. No surprise as to the topic. Demonisation of benefit claimants, just in case the cosy left felt somehow underrepresented on Five Live.
But it wasn’t politics that made me bristle, it was sport. It is often the unguarded asides of Five Live’s presenters that say so much, and Pienaar is no different. Having to hand over the Sochi to see if a British snowboarder would win a medal he mused “Is it OK to show bias towards Britain at the Olympics?” There’s the Five Live mindset in a nutshell.
Pienaar is one of many Five Live Labour luvvies, and he doesn’t have too much concern showing bias there, so perhaps, perhaps he could root for Britain just the once, should it be positively unavoidable.
My New Year Revolution was boycott 5 Live. I’m still holding fast and, to judge from comments hereabouts, the BBC continue daily to provide plenty of incentive for me to stay that course.
I think your observation above puts the finger on the nub of the problem with 5 Live. It is the presenters themselves who are biased within what can only really be described as the office culture – ie institutional Leftism.
You are also spot on to highlight the little off-the-cuff asides as the give aways. The poker ‘tells’ as it were. The instinctive reactive comments. The off-guard handovers to fellow presenters with the pally little greetings phrases and matey casual observations that say ‘Comrade, I’m in your gang’.
Oddly as 5 Live became determindly more parochial (ie the BBC New Labour sop metroplitan Lefty counter detox flavour move to Salford) so London became demographically anything but English and the 5 Live office culture went down with an (officially) undiagnosed red white and blue alergy.
And when the question is about nationality or, in reality, the kind of petty sideline Brit-bashing of the type that prompts an English born young Lefty to don a Brazil shirt as some post-modern form of ironic rebellion – well, BBC 5 Live fatally nailed their colours to the mast as far as I was concerned with Tony Livesey’s ‘We’re only English by default’
Can there be a worse line-up anywhere on British radio than 5 Rusting Iron Lung’s roster of dross. It’s basically a sink-estate for those ‘the bosses’ don’t want to house anywhere else on the network.
Though in terms of dreadfulnessosity of line-ups Radio Two (a glorified pension plant for former Radio 1 ‘talent’) runs it close.
LBC coming to a DAB mast near you on tuesday .
BBC = rope lampost
Oh dear, false flag operation in cubicle number 7……
More Five Live shenanigans at 11.10am.
Adrian Goldberg interviews a sex offender who admits he might offend again as he has not received sufficient treatment.
The usual patty-cake “poor you” nonsense, but a gob-smacking final comment by Goldberg. “Frank there, a sex offender whose life has been blighted for the last eight years by not having received treatment.”
Offenders as victim. Victims not mentioned. Very nice.
Coming up to the nineteenth anniversary of the murder of James Bulger.
I`m reminded again of what the arch-do gooder and highly rewarded “academic”-Gitta Sereny(ex Nazi stormtrooper who parachuted in to fame following her books on Mary Bell and the like-and she did well financially out of it all too)-once said.
In effect, the victims of crime don`t matter a damn, and less so if they`re actually dead and unavailable for researchers interview…for grants, sociology awards and the compassionate interview by the BBC and the Guardian.
Hence why they`re so quick to piss on James grave…but equally quick to try and love/understand/get some bad boy adrenaline medals/kudos for caring…from the Home Office or the likes of Laurie Taylor.
Serenys truths don`t redeem her…but Goldberg “Asked Frank” and got the answer that pays-and keeps on giving too.
Don’t knock the idea of understanding those two. Once their motives and actions are understood then there is a hope that it can be prevented from happening in others. Unfortunately that prevention invariable is morphed into excusing thanks to PC thinking.
Tesco potentially breaching Data Protection Act, by continuing to send confidential customer information to BBC TV Licensing despite no legal requirement to do so.
More here:
Tesco Continues TV Licensing Dealer Notification, Despite Change in Law
Makes you wonder who else they might be feeding confidential information to, without legal justification.
This is quite good, but nothing we don’t already know:
The Leftâs long march will be hard to stop
BBC rightly gets a mention.
Which is why a huge UKIP vote will be necessary. It will cause liberal confusion and back to hive central they will go for instructions.
It is not necesary to agree with Farage but it is necessary to stop the elite. If the Tory party is smashed then so be it.
Do you think UKIP are going to do well in the General Election?
I am sure they are going to do pretty well in the Euro elections where UKIP does well in getting its members out to vote and plenty of non-members like the idea of stirring things up in Brussels.
However I see less evidence of any kind of UKIP strength in the polls about GE2015.
It’s the nasty Tories’ fault (not the the environment agency ubder labour) –
UK floods: Government ‘made a mistake’ by not dredging
The area has not been dredged – a process which removes silt from river channels so that water can flow through – since the late 1990s, according to Prime Minister David Cameron who visited the area on Friday.
Funny how the BBC won’t enlarge on that comment – join the dots, name the Government that was in power in the late 90’s and throughout the whole of the 00’s. No, the BBC can only remember the name of the Government from 2010 onwards.
Sunday Politics today: the regional section started by covering the “Labour’s front benches are full of women” stunt. A foregone conclusion when the question: “Do the Conservatives have enough women MPs” is concerned (the Tories can’t win this debate unless some wholesale quota policy is idiotically applied).
Does the idiot BBC imagine that because Labour is perceived to be full of women it is going to galvanise the electorate to vote for them . It won’t go down so well in their new muslim heartlands.
The Big Questions: how many times can they re-phrase the question: “Are some topics too sacred for comedy?”
The current tactic seems to be to have some Muslims in the audience who perform comedy (but say nothing, in their routine, about the blessed Prophet, of course!) as if to say: “Look, they do have a sense of humour after all!”
The BBC again completely miss the important issue of violence against those who make the jokes.
You seen Citizen Khan?
All well and good Oxbridge lilies in their linen suits commissioning that sewerage…but no Muslim actually had to appear in it…utterly haram I`d have said!
Crime against Comedy…the Desmonds Award.
I reckon Felix Dexter would be alive today had Allah not smitten him for appearing in Citizen Khan….
Next weeks Big Question d`ya reckon?
The show was created, written and starts Adil Ray – not sure if he’s a practising Muslim, but sif not I suspect there’s a Muslim or two in it at least.
I googled Adil Ray, seems his first TV project was a documenatry about grooming, and he’s favoured a ban on the veil.
If you turn out to be my wife I`ll not be happy MrsH!
You`re meant to be behind a burqa, so Anjem tells me.
Ember … you even had some numpty vicar bleating about he offence to Islam s – THE! prophet (shakes head). ,,, lawd save us! …
how about “Panto” Nikki chuckling along to the Muslim erm comedian??? rib tickler about muslim paedo grooming gangs? … hmmm
Correct me if i m wrong, but had we not just listened to 20 minutes of rabid Vatican/Pope bashing? over instances of child abuse.
… wot no Savile gags? … young man young man.
Good article in the Daily Telegraph (ÂŁ) yesterday (08/02) by Janet Daley. For some reason the BBC came to mind:
“ Because the Left has politicised so much of public life, particularly in areas that affect mass opinion, such as the broadcasting media and education, the dismantling of that process itself becomes a political act: appointments that might once have been non-partisan and politically neutral must now be part of a campaign to counteract a deliberate manipulation of public influence. Having created the problem, Labour then gets mileage out of its opponentsâ need to unravel it.“
I can identify with the likes of Janet Daley and Peter Hitchens.
Having been a Lefty loon myself way back. these people-like Melanie Phillips coming to think of it-speak for me, and many like me.
We KNOW what the BBC,Guardian and the political elites, academics and their ilk are up to. It`s all well-known to most of us, we know what the EU are up to, and who`s paying for the Lime green, pastel pink indoctrination too….that`ll be us via the licence fee and the EU subsidiarity and solidarity budgets.
No wonder they want a Leveson to shut down the Internet or access to the truth…the BBC hate that.
‘Having created the problem, Labour then gets mileage out of its opponentsâ need to unravel it.â ‘.
That pretty well goes for every single thing that Labour managed to screw up in its 13 years.
That BTW includes the mess on the Somerset Levels. That the BBC refuse to even mention the widely documented evidence that critical decisions were made and wrong directions taken by Labour appointed people on Labour’s watch, preferring to point the finger at the coalition, is as clear proof as you can find of the BBCs left wing activism.
The instruction must have gone out from Labour’s high comment for the BBC to defend Miliband at all costs
“Flooding: Somerset Levels disaster is being driven by EU policy.
“EU directives actually require certain plains to become flooded.”
By Christopher Booker.
-For pro-E.U. Beeboids not to discuss?
BBC favourites Owen Jones and Ed Balls, who would you like to punch in the face more ?? I feel physically sick when I see these putrid people.
Owen Jones. Though I know it’s wrong to pick on 10 year olds no matter how obnoxious they are.
PS: Besides Ed Balls is married to Yvette Cooper-Balls which is punishment enough.
Couldn`t you use Owen Jones as a kind of glove to hit Balls with ,on the bridge of his pudgy nose?
Worth a try anyway!,,,and energy efficient too.
Owen Jones…….no Ed Balls……no Owen Ed Balls………..damn it I can’t decide. Can I punch both of them several times and miss my next turn
If you were asked “What is it you most would like to see throughout the Islamic world?”, what would you answer?
I’ll hazard a guess that any person familiar with the agenda that seems so prevalent throughout that world, and what we know has been going on as a result, that it would be pretty much along the lines of what Egyptian General Abdul Fateh al-Sisi said around the 15th January:
Gen. Sisi: “Religious Discourse Greatest Challenge Facing Egypt”
by Raymond Ibrahim
January 15, 2014
According to Egyptian media, during his recent speech at the Dept. of Moral Affairs for the Armed Forces, Gen. Abdul Fateh al-Sisiâthe man who ousted former President Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood in response to the June Revolution and who is seen as the nation’s de facto rulerâdeclared that “Religious discourse is the greatest battle and challenge facing the Egyptian people, and pointed to the need for a new vision and a modern, comprehensive understanding of the religion of Islamârather than relying on a discourse that has not changed for 800 years.”
Sisi further “called on all who follow the true Islam to improve the image of this religion in front of the world, after Islam has been for decades convicted of violence and destruction around the world, due to the crimes falsely committed in the name of Islam.”
That works for me. It’s actually music to my ears, and long awaited.
So should we expect that our national broadcaster, who have their own journalists based in Egypt, and follow the daily goings on there and must be familiar with the internal dynamics, would be happy to broadcast this development?
We would if they served the values of our society, but if they follow a very different agenda, they’ll simply bury it. Even worse, is they would present the extremist Muslim Brotherhood as moderate, to continue the agenda of these Islamic scum.
The BBC had the opportunity in their profile of General Sisi, last updated on the 30th January, to report the great words stated by this man, but they clearly don’t think it worthwhile.
‘If you were asked âWhat is it you most would like to see throughout the Islamic world?â, what would you answer?’
How about a thermonuclear explosion?
” Sisi further âcalled on all who follow the true Islam to improve the image of this religion in front of the world, after Islam has been for decades convicted of violence and destruction around the world, due to the crimes falsely committed in the name of Islam.â ”
Folk who espouse this kind of message inevitably end up very dead very quickly.
Hopefully the strength he has behind him up will keep him safe. If Western nations backed him up and further supported him then there’s a possibility others would come forward in more of these regimes.
Well Teddy, hope you’re correct, but it hasn’t happened yet in 1400 years.
Which is precisely why one would think any genuine media organisation that pretends to be fair and balanced would report it.
But then again, we’re talking about the BBC đ
Which is precisely why one would think any genuine media organisation that pretends to be fair and balanced would report it.
But then again, weâre talking about the BBC đ
Jeremy “The Muslim Brotherhood Are Moderate and Conservative” Bowen probably hates Sisi and most BBC journalists will now have to think the general is an Islamophobe. All kidding aside, this shows the intellectual failure at the BBC on this issue. They’re so trapped in the internal struggle between fear and the need to oppose any idea that they think is nominally of the Right that they simply can’t deal with it rationally.
Critics of Christianity point to the violence between the Catholics and the Protestants – but this was mostly over after 200 years or so. Yes there were times when it erupted again – but this was localised, and usually the death rate was not horrendous.
Whereas the bloody schism between Sunni and Shia has been going on for 1300 years ? – and shows no signs of abating. Why on earth we should be importing such awful divisions into our own country is beyond belief.
Very seldom I give any credit to the BBC, but on the ground, BBC reporters were really scathing of Chris Smith on Friday. Unfortunately, the proper BBC came out to manage the situation, so if you didn’t see these live or on Guido or Youtube, you would never have seen them on the news.
Enjoy –
I assume the reporter in question will be attending the Jobcentre in the morning clutching his P45.
Blah blah can’t say definitively blah blah evidence points blah blah strange to assume no connection…
Even these clowns must realise how lame their musings are.
Is it me, or does that Smith idiot have the look of someone stuck in a wind tunnel?
And so when all the organisations follow the same agenda the basic counter questions are ignored. The BBC reports:
Considering Dame Julie has a PhD (1989) she seems to have forgotten some basic science: if the global termperatures haven’t risen in 15 years then how can this year’s extreme weather (compared to, say, three years ago) be due to warming?
Just because she says so and so does the bbc, you extremist Nazi denier, you.
The BBC is usually quick to bleat out a report when a law or an effort to get one requiring a photo ID to vote in the US is defeated. They always make sure to remind you of the idea that requiring a photo ID disenfranchises minorities, especially black people. In reality, this only ensures that black people and other minorities remain disenfranchised from important things they need in every day life, like having a bank account or getting a legal job.
Yet now we have absolute silence from the BBC when the NAACP holds a rally to protest voter ID laws, and requires photo IDs to attend it.
Where are Jonny Dymond and Mark Mardell or Daniel Nasaw or any of the other dozens of Beeboids in the US? Don’t want to expose the lie, do you, boys and girls of the BBC?
And the irony on top of this is that the black community is “taking one for the team,” as the law is not directed against them in the main, but rather at Latins/East Asians– immigrant populations with sizable numbers ineligible to vote due to alienage. Except perhaps for the election a few years back in Minnesota, in which Al Franken (for those who may not know, a rather obnoxious unfunny television comedian) was elected as Senator by a margin in the low three digits in a seven-figure electorate, counting the dodgiest of ballots, an African immigrant population citizen or alien is rarely large enough to tip the balance one way or another. Ditto Caribbean and South Asian.
Most American-born black citizens DO have the voter-requisite ID necessary, simply in virtue of having the sort of ID they must obtain to get many other things accomplished in the course of living in the US in 2014. Such voter ID laws barely affect them, if we’re being honest. But we’re not. America’s shameful record in regard to pre-1960’s black voting in the old “Confederate” states is still a sore spot in people’s memories, and any cynical mendacious claim that laws such as these will curb black voter participation spurs a bent-over-backwards-till-our-palms-are-flat-on-the-floor response from those who wish not to relive the bad old days.
It is the willingness of the hard-Leftie black activists to play along with this charade, in a Mau-Mau’ing the Flak Catchers scenario, using the cannon fodder of Low Info Joe voters in the black community, that has made this a specious-at-best, spurious-at-worst claim that this is aimed at blacks primarily.
Nobody from the Beeb would say any of this, of course, because it doesn’t fit the America-hates-black-people Narrative that says that however much Barry-O is thoroughly well and truly “screwin’ the pooch,” as the expression goes, it cannot be his ill-conceived and ill-executed policies and programmes people “not of colour” are objecting to– only his skin hue.
Titter ye not…
Media Guardian (@mediaguardian)
BBC chief: no more comedy shows with all-male panels
Media Guardian (@mediaguardian)
Danny Cohen: ‘TV panel shows without women are unacceptable’
Front benches… TV panel shows. Same diff really.
Not sure even the Graun crew are entirely convinced a grown market rate talent isn’t speaking a load of anti-meritocratic, box-ticking diversity cobblers to please a few loons he dines with.
Speaking of market rates:
Well golly, should Susanna’s blood group BBC prove open to a transfusion as she approaches that difficult fourth decade that seems to see BBC moppets bite the dust almost as quickly as political parties hoover up anything with ovaries to meet leadership quotas, one is sure she will be sorely missed.
But…. wait? What if there’s a bidding war? The kind that sees canny agents floating ‘I’moffism’ in a deniable form such that lazy execs lose bladder control and ask Luce for a few more mill from the bottomless pit to make thinking about alternatives go away.
Because I am pretty sure there may well be a few not inarticulate, easy-on-the-eye, readerouterettes around who would literally do anything to score her slot. As it were.
And, frankly, once the shock has worn off around the sitting room sofas of Britain, if a brain dead chav can secure a career in telly world by being seen picking their nose on Big Bruv, the exposure of being beamed into every TV set in the land may seem quite the opportunity to make a modest salary appear generous considering the inevitable knock-on goodness.
But throwing money at her to maintain the status quo seems more likely. If not, the BBC’s loss will be Helen and the ITV shareholders’ gain, one is sure. Just as Nat Kerplunk was.
The annual ‘Which One Of Us Gets Strictly?’ must be just the biggest b*tch fight at the BBC.
BBC has plenty of dim noisy thickettes to take Susanna Reid’s place. And cf Adrian Chiles, the door will be ever open for her to slink back thru’ when ITV discover that the ‘market rate talents’ are neither ‘market rate’ nor ‘talents’.
” a prominent albeit colourful Muslim whom Tim (Burton-Liberty GB) called âa mendacious grievance-mongering taqiyya-artistâ on Twitter, is Fiyaz Mujhal, founder and director of Tell MAMA (Measuring Anti-Muslim Attacks)
“The media, ESPECIALLY THE BBC, have accepted the claims without question. A presenter on Radio 4âs influential Today programme stated that attacks on Muslims were now âon a very serious scaleâ.
Talk of a âmassive anti-Muslim backlashâ has become routine. And it is that figure issued by Tell Mama â of, to date, 212 âanti-Muslim incidentsâ since the Woolwich murder â which has formed the basis of nearly all this reporting.
But when journalist Andrew Gilligan investigated a bit further, it turned out that 57 per cent of the 212 reports referred to activity occurring just online, like postings on Twitter and Facebook, a further 16 per cent of the 212 reports had not been verified and not all the online abuse even originated in Britain”
I wonder how long it will be before he is back on 5Live or Radio4 or turning up on the TBQ s
In actual fact, the government informed Tell Mama in June last year that funding would end because their figures were magnified out of proportion.
Muslim hate monitor to lose backing
Ministers end funding for body that claimed ‘wave of attacksâ against Islam.
By Andrew Gilligan7:00AM BST 09 Jun 2013
However, the BBC carry on reporting stories with the claims made by Tell Mama without letting the public know of their disrepute and discrepancies.
Here’s one of the last from the BBC in November last year where the BBC outright lie:
Police ‘failing to investigate anti-Muslim abuse’
The police are failing to investigate hundreds of cases of anti-Muslim hate messages on the internet, according to a government-funded monitoring group.
“Switzerland votes in favour of capping immigration into the country”
BBC-NUJ won’t like Swiss for this.
Beeboid ‘thinking’: why can’t Swiss let immigrants take over their country, as immigrants are doing in Britain?
The BBC will be quietly hoping that the EU punishes Switzerland through tariffs. Thus making Switzerland an example to that unruly EU member: the UK.
One can almost sense the dismay at the BBC over this decision…
Liked this comment..
” In Switzerland the voters’ word is final, and the government will now have to inform the European Union that it wants to “renegotiate.”
Shame in the rest of the EU and Britain the voters word is not final.
I can just imagine the EU Commission plotting to tell the Swiss: go back abd ask them again, after we have had time to bullshit them.
From the bbc report; ‘A Yes vote means Swiss ministers will have some tricky explaining to do in Brussels, our correspondent says.’
All together now – Awwww!
To the extent that anyone in Britain had a vote back in the 1975 referendum – the vote was essentially “Do we want to be in a common market with Europe”. This concerned the free trade of goods and services – which is still a beneficial idea. Probably supported by most Brits.
The vote was NEVER for “free movement of populations across borders”. That is the essence of the Swiss vote – they want proper border controls, as do most Brits.
Over the years, the EC has imposed this free movement to our great disadvantage – while still expecting us to subsidise poorer nations in Europe, and requiring us to sink under a sea of EC regulations and alien unchallengeable judgments from the European judges. We have had a serious loss of freedom, but many in Britain still do not recognise how grievous this steady loss has been.
Well done the Swiss.
Yes John, but don’t forget the issue that we were already in when the vote was offered us.
Who knows what would be the result if we were voting about entering?
The vote was NEVER for âfree movement of populations across bordersâ.
Free movement of labour
Under the Community regulations, nationals of one member country may enter another to look for or take up work. The Community as a whole has been regularly short of labour. The Six have attracted large numbers of workers from outside, while the movement of workers within the Six has diminished. When we join, the pattern is likely to be similar.
[Britain & Europe- A short version of the Government’s White Paper – 1971]
âDo we want to be in a common market with Europeâ
Cheap wine and cigarettes, that was the deception and our treacherous ruling elite did a brilliant job.
Enoch Powell making a prophecy on the EUSSR in 1976
This is a better sound quality, Enoch Powell, from a Nation to a Province.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
‘One can almost sense the dismay at the BBC…’
Agreed. Poor BBC. Sounds as though someone in Europe just shot their giraffe.
Notice once again how the only argument the BBC/Liberals can muster is economic. I doubt money was the reason the Swiss said enough is enough.
It will also not be about money primarily when we say enough. . Which is why discussion is surpressed by the media and why the liberals are in such a state over UKIp.
Farage said a few weeks ago – “This is not about economics, it is about our culture” I have not heard the argument since then, and of course it would not be a BBC view – but I found the argument very telling.
Basically, I believe there is net economic damage from uncontrolled immigration – GDP PER HEAD is damaged – but others such as BBC-favoured academics and think-tanks can confuse the issue by counting aggregate GDP and leaving a lot of stuff out. The culture argument is the clincher.
We van’t put the country back like it was – but we should certainly stop any further serious encroachment.
The BBC tone in reporting the Swiss referendum has been about “dark times ahead” rather than “new dawn.”
Just watched Countryfile. Tim Collins from Natural England stood there and told us that coastal erosion was due to Climate Change. Mr D thought that 2 metres a year was quoted but that may have to be confirmed. Then Countryfile presenter looked at to sea and said that in Roman times the coast was 3 1/2 miles out, we worked that out at 3 metres a year, so rather more than presently happening with climate change. The BBC and environmental quangos really don’t care.
They are just slapdash and woefully ignorant. When an agenda takes over from reality this happens.
Great post, Deborah. Personally, I cannot force myself to watch the execrable CAGW-promoting Countryfile any more; it’s just too depressing and leaves a very bad taste in my mouth, so thanks for highlighting their ongoing, self-willed journey into the land of Stupid.
On a more positive note, decades from now clips from Countryfile will find a whole new life as fairly entertaining comedy in a more enlightened and far less scientifically bankrupt, superstitious time.
But Rye, in East Sussex, is a Cinque Port which is now 2 miles from the sea.
That’s in spite of isostatic adjustment causing the southern half of the UK to sink.
For INBBC: Christianophobia and beyond –
“Pew study shows that Christians are worldâs most oppressed religious group”
“Arabic is more than a language. It is explicated the language of Islam, so in that sense it is part of the Islamic religious imperial project. Radical Islam advances through the Arabic language. And you go all kinds of places that arenât in the Arab world now, like Pakistan, Indonesia, Central Asia, the Balkans, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and Canada and the United States, and you will here those Imams preaching in Arabic. Arabic is not just another language like French or Italian, it is the spearhead of an ideological project that is deeply opposed to the United States.”
By Mark Steyn.
– See more at:
We should all be very very grateful for Arabic !
The Arabic of the Qur’an is as dead a language as Latin is. Around 500 years ago it became illegal in the UK to hold services or teach from the Bible in anything other than the vernacular, but Muslims learn to recite the Qur’an, they do not (thank goodness) learn what the language they are reciting means.
So if a preacher today stood up and started preaching in Latin or in any foreign language it is unlikely many people would be able to understand it no matter how passionate the delivery.
There are only around 10 countries which have Arabic as their official language mostly North Africa and the Middle East, their populations are not large and they are not noted for their high numbers of refugees.
I think this is a scare story to be honest with little substance behind it.
“Does the Arabic Language Encourage Radical Islam?”
i see that nick witchell’s irrelevant, gratuitous, `davespart` attack on prince william’s leisure pursuits has been taken down from the website, leaving no trace.
no doubt they decided that they had jumped the gun this time, couldn’t get away with leading the charge and would have to wait for useful idiot to start the bandwagon before putting the boot in.