You would have needed a heart of stone NOT to laugh at Evan Davis this morning when he was advised by Ed Davey re the floods “It’s been 300 years since there were floods like this, it’s unprecedented” Haha! New open thread for you.
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“BBC should only produce news, says former chairman Lord Grade”
-And we know how politically biased BBBC-NUJ ‘news’ is.
Oh no: more of D.G Tony HALL, plugging for we licence tax-payers to continue to finance Beeboid political propaganda on a global scale via World Service, INBBC Arabic TV, etc, etc, etc.
“Tony Hall: The BBC World Service’s funding may change – standards will not”–standards-will-not-9120279.html
““Tony Hall: The BBC World Service’s funding may change – standards will not”
Telling it often enough usually works better if told to more than a dozen people.
Why chose the Indy for this?
Ah, a clue may be in the first line we see:
“The BBC has a clear set of values wherever it operates – impartiality, accuracy, diversity of opinion and fairness”
Yes, that looks like impartial editorial and not pure propaganda.
Interesting this topic has solicited, so far, zero comments on the page in question. Nobody has a view? Nobody there? Nobody knew?
A new UK law today (I though we had voted Labour out) supported by those chain-smoking Lib-dems have enabled a new law to prosecute drivers who smoke with children in the car. It does not take a leap of the imagination that smoking in your own home (with or without children) is the next step. It has already been suggested that even an ‘open top’ sports car will lead to prosecution. Sky news (avoiding BBC).
But I speak as a non-smoker. I am aware that smoking is not a heathy option but it keeps the pubs open. Smoking is a far better option than prescription ‘tranquilisers’ and ‘anti-depressants (supplied in bulk to the BBC and NHS). What is an ‘acceptable risk’ to children ignores the far greater risk of ‘recreational ‘drugs’ abuses by adults in cars. Smoking is on balance a lot less harmful than other drug habits found to be used at the BBC.
M.P.s will have to have a pay rise. Clearly they can’t afford cars with windows that open.
I can’t wait to see the new signs in the back window of cars:-
“Smoker inside – children banned”
On a hand with the churchillian salute.
Mind you, it could solve the child obesity crisis:-)
All the points you make could be applied to the legalisation of other drugs !
The point is that nicotine is a deadly drug, highly addictive and damaging to health in the drive to get it banned further steps will be needed. Seeing as the worst offenders for selling cigarettes to kids are Pakistani shop keepers then it would be imagined they might restrict the outlets, but there’s no chance of them doing that & liebour even changed the law to make it more difficult to prosecute them!
So the only people who can be cracked down on are the drug users themselves – the main dealers I’m afraid are untouchable.
“Smoking is a far better option than prescription ‘tranquilisers’ and ‘anti-depressants.”
Is it? Says who? I would like to see the evidence that backs up that claim.
“Smoking is on balance a lot less harmful than other drug habits found to be used at the BBC.”
Even if that is the case those drug habits found to be used at the BBC (and elsewhere) are already illegal.
Surely the point of this legislation is that we recognise the vulnerability of children in cars already in legislation (mandatory carseats and the wearing of seat belts, the restrictions on sitting in the front)? As such if it is accepted that secondary smoke causes children harm, then there is a logic to the legislation.
There are many pieces of legislation that restrict our activities in our own vehicles often to protect just ourselves (seat belts, crash helmets for bikers etc). Each time they are brought in there is a pushback against them before they become norms.
“Each time they are brought in there is a pushback against them before they become norms”
That’s point (and the plan) each time a liberty is taken from us ,it is gone for good ,it cant not be restored.
A good example is hand gun ownership. The confiscation of hand guns from upright , honest law-abiding gun owners ( they had to be so to obtain an FAC, unless of course they had some relation ship with the local police)
has done nothing to stop gun crime. In fact it has exploded on our streets .But will that ineffectual law be repealed? Would you Mr Howard support the restoration of those rights?
Slowly, inch by inch, the liberal Inquisition constructs its new perfected man, and facts play no part in.There is less evidence for ‘passive smoking’ than there is for AGW, but that doesn’t matter as it is about faith alone. How else would explain that the same voices that so shrilly call for the prohibition of smoking advocate the legalisation of illegal drugs
How, as a matter of interest ,do feel about the legalisation of cannabis?
Take an existing “right”, turn it into a “privilege”, then withdraw the privilege. As long as you keep the people frightened of something they can pull the same trick over and over again.
You wouldn`t think so, judging by the BBCs bleating about legal highs on Radio 4 this morning.
Poor Mishal Hussein would have needed counselling after the sob stories of druggy boozehounds who then add “not for human consumption drugs” by way of legal highs.
Then they die or go all tardy on us, leaving us with a lifetimes care bills.
The cretin had cocaine in his bloodstream too-and that`s illegal, but the BBC would rather we concentrate on “headshop highs” as opposed to their own particular relishes like coke.
Oh why, oh why, oh why….?clues in that phrase “not for human consumption” , but if some blame can be followed by some more laws we`ll not bother with-then Mishal has done her job…and as a Muslim, she surely isn`t happy about druggies prospering.
No-Russell Brand may want to raise this clown up from his wheelchair…I happen to think that the gene pool looks a bit better today.
Hate Crime-how do I turn myself in?
‘I would like to see the evidence that backs up that claim’
Me too. Seems pretty important, so beyond the #2wrongs aspect should be easily located and shared.
Or maybe, like much BBC coyness on sources to the point of #foiexclusions on justifying much they come out with, Philip will bring the shutters down or simply ignore our pleas.
Don’t you just feel so vexed when that happens?
These disgusting antics by fascists supporting the Labour party against UKIP in the Wythenshawe by election seem to have gone completely unreported by the BBC.
“UKIP call police after by-election HQ in Sale daubed with obscene graffiti and pelted with stinkbombs
11 Feb 2014 19:43
Officers have attended the office on School Road, Sale, on four occasions since the start of the campaign, according to the party ”
I have no doubt what so ever that the BBC is aware of this and has made a decision not to cover the vile behaviour, intolerance and downright hatred of left wing activists who are the true fascists.
bBBC reporters have excelled themselves today. Filming a day in a typical English street, now flooded, within a couple of minutes they managed to interview Mr Puja Bedi, Mrs Seema Mesih and Mrs Anne-Marie Osei. And, to top it all, this evening, they have found 71-year-old Mrs Khan who needs to be taken to hospital.
Yet the Daily Mail is campaigning for international aid money to be spent in Britain instead!
Our local Beeb also doing sterling work. Yesterday they were on the burst banks of the river doing a ‘there there’ job with a local publican. Seems they do not know how they’ll cope with the mess and loss of custom. Oddly the BBC didn’t seem to know what anyone local does, that the pub has flooded through time immemorial as it’s perched on the edge of a river. Does awesome business in summer, gets wet in winter and cleans up in spring.
There was also huge praise for the EA and their vast efforts ‘to keep us informed’. Yesterday their auto-triggered Floodline told us it was all clear; just now it has chirped up that we should head for the hills again. Utterly useless.
They of course are engaged in more tangible works, and were proudly showing the new flood defences being erected upstream, which should do a grand job of shunting what used to disperse across a flood plain but now affordable housing development… down here.
Twas the same on Monday’s Panorama about fake student visa’s, only the presenter was indigenous. The supposed experts, those supposed to be on ‘our side’ were all immigrants even the guy from the UKBA…..
Pakistan: –
Islamic jihad mass murders of civilians continues.
Two reports to compare-
1.) ‘Jihadwatch’:-
“Pakistan: Islamic jihadists throw grenades into crowded movie theatre, murdering eleven people”
By Robert Spencer.
2.) INBBC:-
“Peshawar cinema hit by deadly Pakistan blasts”
Liebour cheating in elections again ! They just can’t help themselves !
As the BBC climate change fantasists continue to ride on the flooding bandwagon and preach the green gospel the reality of the benefits we are about to reap from the promised land slowly but surely weave their way towards us.
I see the BBC have been bigging up Wallace’s performance as a flood rubbernecker today.
I bet the don’t show this!
Try again!

Why I like this photo is that the water must have gone over the top of the millipede’s wellies. Soggy feet and soggy brain.
Anthony Wegwood Benn vey ill in NHS hospital. “I feel your pain brother”, well he does now.
What will the left think if there is dancing in the streets when he snuffs it.
A life of hypocrisy, and I bet the bbc will bombard us with hours and hours of crap about this talker not doer, A classic case of an empty can making the most noise.
Funny though in that nearly everything he wanted is now coming to pass….he is very much the Lefts influence in all things, and his views and instincts are theirs too.
The temptation would be to gloat at his death….but it would be wrong, despite the evil provocations of the BBC and convenient miners old dosshouses from last year that they seemed to suddenly pop up like magic toadstools.
He looked ill at Tolpuddle as I told them last year.
Thatcher remoulded the financial system democratically in the main(for good and bad)…Benn has won the culture wars, squashing Wilson and Callagham in the process-and undemocratically, via entryism of the Left.
Our lives are more Benn-infested than Thatcherite, so imagine she`ll have the kettle on for him.
He was right on the E.U and was a true democrat, but only in theory…in practice, he was happy enough to get the results via the bootboys and students.
Still-have argued with him, he is courteous…and in a previous era would have been a dotty eccentric.
He is dangerous now in that his views have won…
Benn did more than any other person in the UK to ruin the country. A fucking toff who hated everything about what he saw in the mirror he preached about how everybody should be equal, but proceeded to live like a Lord. Your typical champagne socialist , he nationalised all the great British car firms into..British Leyland and just like the Russians we found that State owned firms just didn’t make any money or even produce anything that people actually…wanted.
He spread the lie we armed Saddam (err we didn’t)
and now that he is on his deathbed (won’t be NHS I tell you) he will be lauded as a great man.
I for one will dance when this fuckwit dies.
All true Pounce, but in the few low-grade jobs that they gave him-Postmaster General, Meriden and workers co-ops, Energy before we had oil-were so badly handled by this inept incompetent of a Socialist Czar that he put the cause back of practical socialism at least 30 years…well enough time for Thatcher to rescue what the unions hadn`t already destroyed or infested.
For that alone, we should be grateful-had he been even the slightest bit competent and ungulled by the last Kite he met-we`d now be in a sodden useless steeped pickle of a PC World gone rancid. And a truly shit country.
Somehow I doubt very much that he, unlike Maggie, will be desribed as “divisive”
Sorry should read “described”. (Senior moment!)
Linda Yueh is supposed to be covering business for the BBC but in fact her updates seem to be obsessed instead with Linda Yueh!
not on the BBC anytime soon,
and not on Scameron s to watch list,
“BBC – the bomber was “probably British” but the Foreign Office was unable to confirm this without DNA evidence”
hmmm “educated” university bod –
gets the old muslim “blood lust”
aaaahh! … what could go wrong eh!
more acidic critique
“hmmm “educated” university bod”
Not chemistry then?
Ed Millband visits Wraysbury. 5 Live’s Lesley Ashmall asks him why he’s there.
Miliband : I think that there are extraoridinay people doing extraordinary things, and I thinks it’s really important to hear their voices and to listen to them, know what they’re saying about what needs to be done because I had this in my own constituency in 2007 – I had terrible flooding. And what I learned from that experience was that people themselves have real knowledge that should be used to be used to tackle the problems and to deal with the crisis.
Ashmall : They do feeel that it took quite a while before they got sandbags down here?
Miliband : And that… and that’s why, and that’s why it’s good that the response is now happening, but it was too late and too tardy. I’m going to talk to that lady if you don’t mind.
Ashmall ( to woman) : Do you not want to speak to him?
Woman (emphatically) : No I don’t.
Ashamall : Can I just ask you why you don’t want to speak to him.
Woman : Because he’s an idiot , basically. And it is about time. We’ve been like this for a week.
Credit to 5 Live for not burying that. I look forward to it doing the circuit of BBC comedians. 0:12 here to listen to it.
On sky news yesterday, they showed people doing likewise to Milliband and when the female journalist asked the fat-ish male presenter why, he said that all the locals blamed the past policies of Labour (when they were on power) for the flooding and not Millibands school boy utterances of blame the Tories.
Funny how when Labour are in power they only ruin the country
The (justifiable) contempt shown for Miliband in that interview strikes me as a very encouraging sign – not because it expressed contempt for him in particular but because it seems to be a common theme in media vox pops . People are sick to death of our self-appointed masters and express contempt for them all, equally. It has been really very noticeable in recent flood reporting.
The only way we will ever get change, real change, in this country is if we take power back from the parasitical political class. I’m not anticipating a physical revolution but, perhaps, a truly shocking result for what I’ve called the ‘new Normans’ in the next election.
The Swiss set us a fine example, a few days ago.
I strongly suspect that the BBC will repress any such popular uprising as it threatens its power, too.
I agree, I am going to vote UKIP in which to show these wankers that their tax payer funded life of luxury is at an end, now all we need is a peaceful person who butchers a load of MPs (And their families) while uttering “God is great” in which to drive that message home.
The BBC will try but fail. Ukip will get a real result . Down my way it looks solid UKIP. The Tories are scared and well they should be.
Cameron lost the election on the Somerset levels. We all saw the elite literally floundering.
We have all seen the fanatsy politics of the liberal world view literally overwhelmed by the floods.
The UKIP line of “a plague on all their houses” certainly seems to apply to the floods. In the case of the Somerset Levels – crazy EU-imposed green policies rigorously applied year after year by Labour apparatchiks at the Environment Agency, Tory Ministers in London failing to listen to what the Somerset locals have been telling them for years, now the blame-game between the parties.
My impression is that the policies that have been so damaging to Somerset have also been applied to the River Thames – with dredging being much reduced over recent years, A few more weeks of TV pictures of flooded towns and villages will play to UKIP’s favour – us plebs being let down by the governing classes – ALL the governing classes – and the EU being mixed up with it all as well as the devil behind the scenes!
Lord Smith, Cameron, wet Miliband and Clegg – they all look as clueless as each other, they will all be held to account ?
Farage could not have written a better script for the May elections – just 3 and a bit months away now. Stir in some bad figures for the ACTUAL inflow from Romania and Bulgaria and Nigel will be holding a strong hand.
For the past two weeks the BBC has banged on about “da cutz” and not enough money for the floods.
Yesterday the Government announced no limit to the money available to sort the problem out.
This morning, on R5L Dame Nikki “The floods. Is more money the answer?”
It boggles my mind!!
The BBC seems to be getting a bit hysterical about the floods, at least in the figure of Sophie Long, the reporter and newsreader who is doing a stint in Worcester. She is saying it’s getting ‘scary’ and ‘frightening’. These are the words some of us might use when talking to each other, ie. our language being a bit loose, but we shouldn’t get it from reporters who are meant to be measured. I got the distinct feeling also when she was talking a man from the EA that she didn’t understand the subject at all. But then these are the journalistic standards we seem to have face the whole time.
Yesterday I posted a link concerning the hate filled intolerant vile Labour activists and the hate campaign they are waging against UKIP involving verbal abuse, graffiti, stink bombs, and worse.
The BBC are refusing to report any of this and are posting bland homilies on the fact there is an election:
This however is what they are refusing to report:
How much proof is needed before certain people will acknowledge that the BBC is not only biased, but working on behalf of the Liebour party and its supporters.
O/T but must share this heart warming little tale of brass-necked hypocrisy and comeuppance of some Labour voters…
‘The Labour-backing relatives of a rich widow yesterday branded her “wicked” after she gifted the Tories £769,000 in her will.’
Perhaps they should think of it as a 100% inheritance tax?
Oh shit I’ve just learned that Viscount Stansgate is ‘seriously ill’ in hospital. It doesn’t take much imagination to envisage the BBC reaction if & when he finally does shuffle off this mortal coil !
Yes and the resident pro BBC chorus line will rush in to condemn our lack of sackcloth and ashes for the old rich man when he falls of this mortal coil into where ever dead socialists go [probably the BBC basement in a filing cabinet with a sign saying ‘beware of the labourlord’ !] strangely in a reverse of exactly the way they ran about parading their glee at another real politicians death ?
This report of our Tony of Tolpuddle reads like a trial run at his obituary. The picture shows his beard too. Now I know he supports the Pallies but has be converted to the Religion of Peace?
Yes, and they’ve got in their obligatory link to the bBBC’s favourite terrorist, Saint Nelson Mandela.
Jeremy Vine rushes to join the BBC’s left-wing comedy circus before the all-left-wing-female edict comes into effect.
It is one thing to mock the government after it fails to deliver but Cameron’s “money is no object” is giving him plenty of fun before the ink is hardly dry.
And he deserves mockery for such a meaningless statement!
Here’s what he said:
“Money is no object in this relief effort. Where money is needed it will be spent. We will take whatever steps necessary.”
A statement so vague that it is utterly meaningless and could be fulfilled without him spending anything at all! Note that there is no commitment to spend anything on flood defences which might prevent future flooding.
This lunchtime Conservative controlled councils have asked for clarification as to what Cameron actually meant and how he will deliver this.
Already government minister Patrick McLoughlin has cast doubt on any money at all being available, and refused to discuss spending any new cash at all !
All in all it’s looking like a typical meaningless government soundbite – utterly meaningless with no commitment behind it !
This lunchtime
“Money is no object in this relief effort. Where money is needed it will be spent. We will take whatever steps necessary.”
I don’t think this statement is vague at all, indeed it is exactly what is expected and what usually happens. All governments set aside contingency funds for exactly this type of event. One of the good things about central government/military operations is that once the green light is given things do happen ‘money no object’. By comparison the private sector dithers around because it doesn’t have ‘cost centres’, ‘charge codes’ or budgets. The bad side is that usually after the event it is found that money has not been well spent or effort best deployed but it is easy to be wise after the event.
My point still stands though that this Vine mockery went way beyond anything that the usual suspects like Mitch Benn would come up with on The Now Show where at least he has the excuse that the comment is post-event.
thoughtful –
you are “bang to rights” there.
how much more incompetence?
from this ship of “tory boy” halfwits
can t govern, can t manage,
and is patently obvious … can t cope
Not looking good I am afraid
Can we expect some sort of muted tribute from the Beeb
Perhaps something like the understated reportage on Mr Mandela
Or perhaps some objective review of his life and works like the ‘divisive’ Mrs Thatcher?
Anyone care to predict?
see two posts earlier
In an NHS hospital I hope.
No evidence he isn’t, just wondering.
Not sure whether this one has been picked up previously.
It seems to me to highlight an important aspect of the Left’s attitude toward the BBC : publicly to accuse it of being ‘right wing’ but to defend the BBC to the hilt because – in their heat of hearts – they know it is actually Leftist.
‘O’Hare has described Britain’s Conservative Party as “scum” and publicly mocked the BBC for allowing him to appear as a “neutral” party. He wrote on his Facebook page: “I made a fleeting appearance on the [BBC] Sunday Politics show today as a ‘neutral commentator’ on a piece about young people and independence… nae laughing!'”‘
“…It seems to me to highlight an important aspect of the Left’s attitude toward the BBC : publicly to accuse it of being ‘right wing’ but to defend the BBC to the hilt because – in their heat of hearts – they know it is actually Leftist.
Otherwise known as a ‘false flag operation’. Happening all the time. They think we don’t notice. It’s all very entertaining.
A tale of enrichment from down under that the self-appointed world’s greatest broadcaster seems to have missed:
I wonder why it s that the BBC so rarely gives the Green Party any airtime, yet seem keen to give UKIP as much as possible. Could it be that the place is not run by rabid tree-hugging Islamist Communist perverts after all? Surely not.
‘I wonder why it s that the BBC so rarely gives the Green Party any airtime, yet seem keen to give UKIP as much as possible..’
BBC Poll of Polls
Date 20/1/2014
CON : 32% LAB : 39% LIBDEM : 9%
UKIP : 13% OTHERS : 7%
Percy, see above for my comments re the Left’s attitude to the BBC : claim it is biased to the right but love it anyway.
Quite right,quite right, the BBC’s hostile treatment of Caroline Lucas is nothing short of a disgrace and they way they pack those QT audiences with vicious hecklers I’m sure you would join us in wishing the abolition of the telly tax and the eventual deconstruction of the BBC ,wouldn’t you?
Perhaps the BBC are reluctant to direct too much attention to the Greens because their economic policies are in disarray, as seen in Brighton. However, the chirpy Caroline (MP for Brighton, Hove and Gaza) got attention, when arrested at an anti fracking demonstration. Has her trial taken place yet?
Indeed, there’s no better barometer of the chaos in Brighton than that the BBC has suddenly given the whole town the Unperson treatment.
All of which proves that bias is as much about what doesn’t get reported as what does.
Oh, look! A contribution from someone who doesn’t listen to BBC radio, or watch BBC television – both filled with more or less unadulterated ‘Green’ twaddle at every opportunity.
Hello; new user here.
I just came over to tell you that the BBC has completely destroyed the Radio listing page. They had a thing saying “radio is changing – take me there” for months and everybody seems to have been saying “no thanks” over and over again. It didn’t make any difference though.
They really have ruined it not only looking ugly and annoying but also impossible to actually use in any sensible way. It’s pretty much no longer possible to find out what programmes there are on the radio anymore beyond a handful of shows that THEY want you to watch.
There are 100+ comments on this blog and nearly everyone is annoyed. You may be surprised to hear it but the BBC doesn’t seem to care what the people are saying(?!) Most people on there just want to be able to access the old system.
I am planning on making a complaint to BBC as well as Ofcom if I can. Do any of you have any advice on what else can be done about this? Or can they just ride roughshod over our rights?
I agree with you. Checking R4’s schedules to find the odd programme a week that isn’t propaganda for the liberal elite has been made even more difficult.
I hate to sound like a doom monger but I predict no one at the BBC will pay the slightest attention to you, or anyone else’s complaint.
BBC staff always know best. Or so they think.
BBC staff know what is best for themselves.
I think that the same inward looking characteristic that defines the BBC’s left wing group think, afflicts it’s ‘techies’. They aren’t at all interested in the end user or its ease of use…or the fact that the public are paying for it.
Interested in sport for e.g.? Take a look at the BBC Football website. Loudly trumpeted on its launch a couple of years ago it is widely derided by football fans looking for score updates. Hundreds upon hundreds of compalints were received by the BBC and were met with a huge raspberry. They don’t care a toss.
At the begining of the season, the BBC didn’t even ‘publish’ some football results on its site (but managed to find space for the results from the women’s league).
One BBC sport phone-in, some months back encouraged football fans to phone in with their stories of the most unusual place they had obtained their ‘desperate to hear’ team’s result (on a plane, on Everest!). I offered the Sky Sports Website. I didn’t get past the telephone sifters sadly. I wonder why?
#88 wrote:
“Interested in sport for e.g.? Take a look at the BBC Football website. Loudly trumpeted on its launch a couple of years ago it is widely derided by football fans looking for score updates. Hundreds upon hundreds of compalints were received by the BBC and were met with a huge raspberry. They don’t care a toss.
I have tried on a number of occasions to chase down a sports score:
Rugby,Football etc.. and the number of hoops you have to jump through in which to find the score is bloody unbelievable.
“the number of hoops you have to jump through”
That would be none in the case of football, and one in every other sport.
I am a big sports fan and on every sport home page the results are under the “results” link which is in the header. The only difference is Football in which the results are also on the Football home page itself.
They are on the home page (on the right — in fact they are more obvious on the BBC page than on Sky where you have to scroll down)
They are one click off the home page – this is the same for every sport listed across the top.
And you can’t fault the BBC for the lack of local coverage. Apparently Crusaders FC beat Ballinamallard United by 2-1 with M.Stafford scoring in the 68th minute to pull one back for the home team.
Haaaang on just a minute.
You want to know the footy scores? You have to get to the Football site. Select, you division, then enter, the ‘done’, then ‘enter’. Not a great chore, I grant you but not as user friendly as it used to be when you were able to see all of the scores for all of the divisions in front of you.
Want to watch the scores as they happen? Go to the scores…select the ‘videprinter’…then watch scores as the goals go in, but not just the British scores…the German ones, the Italian ones, the other European ones and the Wimmins ones if they are also playing. Then the vidiprinter goes all tits up…after 5 minutes – it goes mental – returns to the start of the games and reporting goals that it reported an hour or so ago, including the Wimmins, German Italian etc etc etc. AND IT DOES THIS EVERY ‘EFFIN FIVE MINUTES. User friendly?
As I say, the BBC is a self congratulatory, inward looking cult. Arrogant and indifferent to complaints.
I confess that I have never used the live scores thing – and that does sound like a pain in the arse.
But to get the footy results they are either on the footy home page, or you click on the results tab and they are there – and lots of them too.
‘I am planning on making a complaint to BBC as well as Ofcom if I can. Do any of you have any advice on what else can be done about this? Or can they just ride roughshod over our rights?’
What synergy. Only just now the matter of how the BBC handles questions, feedback and concerns had come up, and here it does again.
Pulling an Eric Morley, to answer in reverse order, of course the BBC can and will ride roughshod over anything that enters via the portal of attrition.
That’s not to say it isn’t still worth doing, as the log will be there, and one day the person who default blew it off as a matter of corporate policy may be asked to explain.
Give it a go. They may surprise and respond positively. Or they may revert to type, in which case share here (leave out names). That may see a flight of BBC PR types pretending to be Nazi Simpsons characters appearing to say that they are taking notes and want your name for their ‘list’ of people who didn’t keep things their little secret. Don’t tell ’em Pike!
Next, OFCOM. Forget them. Anything BBC they will bounce you straight back to the BBC, and The Trust. That is the BBC Trust. You can see how this works (or doesn’t, on purpose), by now?
‘There are 100+ comments on this blog and nearly everyone is annoyed.
Well at least there is still a blog, and it’s maybe even still open. If most are annoyed that may see a closing soon. The Editors posts by such as Helen ‘Hugs’ Boaden often hit the 200 mark of mostly unhappy campers before her minions pulled the plug. Now they seem to have pulled the plug on ‘The Editors’ anyway.
Let me check…
Yup, no change.
‘You may be surprised to hear it but the BBC doesn’t seem to care what the people are saying(?!)’
This comes as a shock. The aforementioned Hugs and fellow top floor Alzheimers sufferers are still telling licence fee extorteees how they love hearing from them, want their views and are hence loved back.
Mind you, they are saying this a lot, using edit suites and transmitters they control using a lot of uniquely provided money. So it may not be quite accurate.
Much the same as when they replaced Wogan with Evans. At the time there was a Radio 2 Messageboard which was filled with anti Evans postings asking them to replace like with like, quickly such posts were removed, only pro Evans ones left, the moderation was both heavy, rude and discriminatory.
The messageboard was closed not long after, how dare licence payers be able to have their say….
Welcome aboard *Sick of the Beeb*. I’m sure we are all looking forward look forward to further newbie posts.
I only caught a bit of it but did anyone see The Agenda on ITV on Monday? The fragrant Stephanie Flanders was on it and she seemed far more open-minded towards George Osborne than she ever did when she was at the BBC. Interesting.
This could have something to do with that:
EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE: Flanders to cause a stir as she eyes Bank of England post
I defy anybody not to listen to the first five minutes or so of Thinking Allowed (4pm, 12/2/14 ,Radio 4) and not get the roll call of any and every worthless weasel word, every non-job, every non academic excuse to watch telly and smoke dope at our expense…and every pretension of class warfare from superannuated hippies on the BBC/Poly payroll.
Bloody Owen Jones…Dianne Abbott…all quoted by way of Godless eulogy…only Billy Bragg and Linton Kwesi Johnson missing.
Anyway-get your Cultural Studies for Dummies vocabulary from the back…the Guardian on a Wednesday can be substituted…and count those buzzwords and horseflies on the tail by the arse of our culture.
You`ll find it hyperphagic, yet strangely fascinating in a regurgitated corduroy kinda way!
Marc Bolan probably crashed his car as Laurie talked the lyric of Children of the Revolution.
It was amusing to hear Laurie Taylor’s lack of self-worth right at the start. He asked Stuart Hall why he wasn’t dancing, a perfectly reasonable question at a party, and Hall revealed himself to be the racist he was by flinging ‘black rhythm’ stereotypes back at him!
Taylor describes this as ‘humour’ but of course Hall was just revelling in the embarrassment that he could so easily and freely invoke in these self-loathing lefty ‘honkies’.
P.S Casper and Lola from East London Uni/Madrassa tell me that Thatchers vote was due to racism and a hankering for authoritarianism.
Laurie purred and stroked his borrowed beard…what`s not to argue with?
1979-1990 done.
Yet Laurie got the sweetest email from that darling land of rum and demerera…Jamaica..we`ll miss ya dude!
Oh, how sweet-and Laurie and team will blather on about white chavs patronising blacks by way of lazy stereotypes.
Go on Laurie…tell us more, and maybe a bit of Bob Marley in the background…oh, you`ve done it!
An update on the gay free Winter Olympics.
Muslims as victims, BBC reports. Amnesty International calls it ethnic cleansing.
Where has the BBC been while events were spiralling out of control in CAR?
“Human Rights Watch said Seleka rebels left their bases in Bangui, the CAR capital, and resettled in the northwest of the country with Chadian assistance. The organization said there were signs Seleka rebels “tortured and killed” civilians in parts of the region in January.” link
“In December 2013, France took the lead to try to end the violence in the Central African Republic (CAR) that had originally been started by Islamic armed groups.” link
“80-90% of the Country is in the hands of Seleka, 5-6 guerrilla groups gathered under this symbol. They consist largely of jihadists who speak Arabic and who after conquering other areas of the Country are also taking the east, where they have killed and raped civilians, looted homes and Christian missions, but not mosques” link
While this was going on the BBC wasn’t interested. Now that its side is being targetted the BBC is interested.
fixed 3rd link
PM, with the ever-willing Eddie Mair, in full Stormageddon™ mode, as only the BBC know how. Lots of soundbites of the ‘never seen anything like it in my life™’ type, just to reinforce the unspoken, but clearly implied, CAGW meme underlying all of the BBC’s Stormageddon™ coverage.
Every little helps.
The thing is Phil, with the one dimensional thinking that infiltrates the *Left*, if we take it that the current weather pattern in G.B. is Climate Change, then what will the Left Brigade say, if, next year, we have a cold and dry winter? By simple deduction, if the weather isn’t as it is in this period, then it is the end to Climate Change. *They* cannot have all ways. They might think they can but, sorry, no sireee.
Later on I heard them all discussing the parallells between the city riots and the floods.
Very cosy. Did I not realise that the youth who rioted were all in need of expensive interventions whatever that is. And did I not realise that the floods are due to man made global warming?
All can be put right with taxpayers money and a lot of highly paid useless lefty nonjobs.
There is an unbridgeable gulf between state lovers who see it as the solution and the rest of us who see the state as part of the problem. The BBC cannot but support the former.
Found myself catching all of two minutes about yet another luvvie wandering around Scandinavia(Book Of The Week 9.45a.m Radio 4).
Apparently the Norwegian equivalent of the Tories were supported by Breivik and did well in the elections…no context, no evidence.
And then Brook Clinics came on a few minutes later on Womans Hour-apparently pro-life types insist on giving women seeking abortion the facts about possible problems…and then some, for all I know.
Jenni Murray spent an age on playing recordings of it-so all that guff last year showing self-certifying abortion consent forms from lazy doctors is cancelled out.
Welcome to Beebworld…racist sexists aren`t we all?
Thankfully the History of Maths with Marcus de Sautoy didn`t give us the BBCs take on bloody facts getting in the way of feelings.
Would the BBC have been so focussed on reporting weather events as news if Labour was in government?
They may not get a pound of flesh from the Tories but they can imprint the idea in viewers’ minds that the “Tory-led” government is just not doing enough.
I’m not sure what they can do other than provide relief. Every video of a wave crashing the coastline is meaningless but good propaganda.
The BBC struggled when the economy improved so this is a desperate attempt to besmirch.