Radio 4 last night devoted its half-hour programme “Thinking Allowed” to a tribute to Marxist academic Stuart Hall who died recently. This on top of a gushing tribute by fellow Marxist Robin Blackburn on the World at One the other day. Hall had the dubious distinction of inventing the concept of multiculturalism.
I don’t recall similar treatment being given to influential right-wing academics (eg Ken Minogue, who died last year).
BBC-NUJ’s Marxist ‘cultural studies’, Laurie Taylor, of the permanent Radio 4 slot, ‘Thinking Aloud’ is of the same political, ideological persuasion as was Stuart Hall.
I purchased the book and DVD of the BBC TV series “The Story of England” by Michael Wood about the village of Kibworth in Leicestershire, because many of my ancestors lived in that area. At one point they show a Will by one of my direct ancestors.
In many ways it is the BBC at its best (it is full of little gems – too many to mention here) and I know the script backwards, but what has struck me on repeated viewings is its pervasive Leftism that completely overwhelms its positives.
Firstly it is anti-Christian (the only time Christianity is mentioned is as a context for political dissent) because its vision is wholly materialist. Secondly it relies on a fixed cake vision of wealth, in which if you have to work hard it is because somebody else has the wealth. This leads to its final assumption, that with political agitation the State can remake the world as an equal society.
The notion that people had spiritual beliefs which gave a meaning to their lives, that wealth is not fixed but is created in free societies, and that this wealth creation and individualism occurred in England (unlike the rest of the world) because it had Maggie Thatcher not Ed Miliband beliefs, is completely ignored.
The “condescension” he talks about (he quotes without mentioning his name the Marxist historian E.P.Thompson – who by the way lived in a country pile surrounded by a deer park) is by historians such as himself who patronise my ancestors by imposing on them his crass Leftism. His vision of Britain is a vision in which everything that made this Country great is destroyed, and we return back to the historical norm. Wood ends with a peroration is favour of multiculturalism and mass immigration.
In other words these days even the BBC at its best is lazy Leftist propaganda, whose entire purpose is to attack the attitudes which created England.
Wealth was fixed at the time, as usury was banned, the money supply was finite and there was not the facility for growth.
All of the assets were owned by the aristocracy and were rented to their peasants, some of whom in Medieval times were owned by the feudal lords.
I do remember the story of a man who however did manage to make himself wealthy as a mercer, and finally moving to London. He was asked to be Mayor of Coventry, but turned down the offer.
I remember the story of the church whose parishioners processed to the mother church once a year, where there was a fight with one man who had taken an axe to settle a grudge!
Sure it was Kibworth Harcourt they were talking abour
“Wealth was fixed…there was not the facility for growth. All of the assets were owned by the aristocracy”
Precisely. What is significant is how the system which existed everywhere and at all times in human history (call it feudalism or socialism or collectivism – Wood seemed to think that protection rackets and stealing were invented by the Normans!) changed into a property owning entrepreneurial society in which people created wealth and passed it on (instead of having it stolen from them) improving the lives of their descendents. There was not the slightest sense in any of the programmes of how a free society creates wealth, all Wood focused on was how the Black Death reduced overpopulation and increased demand for labour, not how a free society allowed people to keep the wealth they created instead of having it stolen by the State.
It was created not because of beliefs about redistribution and “the community of the realm” but because a society was created which allowed people to keep the fruits of their labour, and spend it as they wished. That is the story of England.
“I do remember the story of a man who however did manage to make himself wealthy…finally moving to London”
Indeed. You are talking about the Brown family. Yes but how did they do that I wonder? Did it happen by magic? Why did the Industrial Revolution happen in England? It was not the State but private enterprise which created the wealth of England.
“I remember the story of the church whose parishioners processed to the mother church once a year, where there was a fight with one man who had taken an axe to settle a grudge!”
That was not about religion that was about the pro and anti Simon de Montfort forces. Wood wants us to see anti-royal despotism as proto-socialist, but it was the exact opposite, it was people resisting the power of the State.
In his patronising way Wood likes to see himself as on the side of the people, but he is on the side of the collectivist State (which he sees as the end product of years of class struggle) Wood is not on the side of the Sun reader or Daily Mail reader and their aspirations.
We have had a myriad of explanations for why ‘global warming’ has stopped – sadly not covered by the BBC, so thank God for The Global Warming Policy Foundation.
‘Every few weeks along comes another explanation or contributing factor to the post-1997 global surface temperature pause. The list of factors is now a long one, which is curious considering that often the pause is dismissed as non-existent. We now have stratospheric water vapour variations, the Sun’s low activity, lack of wind in the Pacific, the oceans absorbing more heat, aerosols both from small-scale volcanic eruptions and from burning stoves in India and China, the cyclical patterns in the Pacific or is it the Atlantic, lack of data coverage in the polar regions, and Stadium waves not forgetting the all-purpose, hand-waving explanation that it’s down to vague natural climatic variability. The increasing number of explanations for the pause has revealed much about our level of understanding of the climate. The pause is now a well-established phenomenon requiring an explanation, although some still think it doesn’t exist, most scientists do.’
Ah, no, you see – it hasn’t ‘stopped’, it’s ‘paused’. That’s how it’s characterised. Warmists imply that the temperature will continue to rise once this dastardly and unhelpful ‘pause’ is over with. To say it had ‘stopped’ would be to admit defeat. That’s how it works.
I’m sure I’ve heard the allegation on the biased BBC that the Tories do not appeal to women – however, that is not true and is based on perhaps a single poll. In addition it appears that Liebour are not attracting young male voters which is never mentioned.
Here’s the extract:
“The second, with no modesty whatsoever, is something I have written over on the YouGov website using the same aggregate YouGov data, in this case looking at the Conservative gender gap or, perhaps, its absence. This is something that will not go away, every couple of months a journalist pops up writing a column about how the Conservatives are doing worse amongst women, normally illustrated by ripping one single poll out of context that appears to show a gender gap. Looking at the wider polls, it doesn’t actually seem to exist. The aggregated monthly YouGov data in recent months has had the Conservatives on a solid 33% amongst men, and an equally solid 33% amongst women. No difference. The gap amongst women is bigger, but that appears to be because Labour do better amongst women and UKIP do worse.
At first site all the fuss about the Tory women problem is complete nonsense, but dig a little deeper and the Conservatives do appear to have a problem with some women. Specifically the Conservatives do worse amongst women than men amongst under 40s (and Labour the other way round). The reason the Tories don’t do any worse with women overall is that as you move up the age ranges the pattern reverses, so that amongst over 60s the Conservatives do better amongst women than amongst men. I’m guessing the latter is because of UKIP (who seem to appeal to men more than women, and whose support is heavily skewed towards older people), while the former is presumably because the Tories do have some sort of problem appealing to younger women (or… logically equally likely… Labour have some sort of problem appealing to younger men).”
In addition it seems that the Fib Dems have completely imploded in terms of the general election, many of their voters are switching to Liebour which might be regarded as no surprise so if the campaign management at Liebour HQ have picked up on that, then I expect to see a certain attack on the Fib Dems to attract more voters away from them to Liebour.
Attacking a left of centre party might not appear as bias and I’m sure that the BBC would use that to claim that they have a balanced output, while all the time knowingly assisting their political allies.
Wife of chief of Yougov is Cathy Ashton – aka Mrs EU Foreign policy Empress. So Yougov specialises in positive Liebour / LimpDim polls, and always rate UKIP support lower than the other polls do.
Almost a new aristocracy of liberals. I suppose that is what they are. Ruling and living well .And like any previous elite hardly likely to abandon their position.
It’s Scotland, Scotland, and more Scotland on the CBC. Not just the propaganda News channel but Radio 5 Live too.
Scotland is obviously the CBC’s favourite country, and the CBC never passes over an opportunity to promote and propagate Scottish identity, culture and history. That is ironic, given the fact the CBC is so obsessed with telling the rest of us – particularly the English – just how great it is to be “British”, and how “Britain” is a single, united nation and always has been.
I personally can’t wait for the Scots to vote for independence, and for the time the Celtic Broadcasting Corporation gives some credit and acknowledgement to England, and the English nation.
I too wish the Scottish would hurry up and piss off out of the UK. They won’t though. They’re well known for being canny and they like the colour of our money. I reckon this is what the BBC thinks too. For the Beeb bigging up the Scots and The Salmond is about getting even more devolution powers after the referendum. Screw the English some more because too many of us have non BBC approved political opinions. BBC folk get guaranteed high pay and have secure pensions so they don’t care what happens to the rest of us.
The arrogant Englishman followed by the arrogant Another Englishman.
That he BBC covers a statement by Scotland’s First Minister in response to the statements made by Westminster’s gang of 3 is evidence of bias – this blog becomes more like a work of fiction with every passing day.
‘this blog becomes more like a work of fiction with every passing day’
I fly no flag for intemperate ‘isms, but slack can surely be cut for teasing still?
However, that statement from a poster called ‘Let us Troll’ does take the irony bar to a new level.
And what’s with the raft of new names. Extra daft ops budget been found?
The fact is the CBC is so pro-Scotland it should give the people of England a remittance for the licence fee.
You, like Salmond, probably expect people in England – as well as the rest of the UK – to simply sit back and watch the Scots not only decide Scotland’s future (which is fine) but the future of the rest of the UK too and not even express a thought or an opinion on the matter. Well I’ll just say this – the CBC, the Scottish government and the British government might be content to silence the English on what is the biggest constitutional change to ever face the UK, but I’m not content to be silent at all.
“I too wish the Scottish would hurry up and piss off out of the UK. They won’t though. They’re well known for being canny and they like the colour of our money.”
The McCrone report – An embarrassment of riches?
The McCrone report shows that the UK government has known since 1974 that North Sea Oil completely changed the arguments against an independent Scotland. It shows that Scotland would not just be viable, but would in fact be a wealthy country with a very strong economy. It is clear that successive UK governments hid this information from the people of Scotland and the whole United Kingdom.
UK government figures estimate that the remaining North Sea Oil is worth over £1 trillion. An independent Scotland would earn as much as £300 billion from the remaining oil.
The Scottish Government has suggested that
Scotland could save about a billion pounds a year, building up a fund of £30 billion within a generation.
“What sort of country is it that only wants independence if they have oil? ”
Now, exactly where did I say that? I was responding to the claim that Scotland could not survive without “our [English] money”.
Taking into account how successive Westminster governments have squandered the UK’s oil revenues one might equally ask how will the rUK manage without them.
With proper management look where we could have been:
Certainly was a crap film and no one seriously thinks it will have any effect on voting intentions. After its release the SNP vote actually went down!!
Oh for shame but then it was utter crap and even I wouldn’t wish that bilge on any wannabe state ! ‘Restless natives’ was so much better and honest !but you lot do sod all to build on that film?
Scotland with lots of oil and open door immigration will soon become a failed nation like Pakistan. If Dave is still PM English taxpayers will send aid to that place and the BBC will ensure that the English will feel guilty for the wrongs they once did to the Scotch.
I am sorry, but discussion of Scottish independence always seems to be framed around “their” oil. If there was no North Sea oil, the SNP would still be a bunch of fringe cranks as they were in the 50s and 60s. If Scots really wanted independence, they should have been clamouring for it even if it meant poverty. As it stands, modern Scottish nationalism seems to have been born out of a disinclination to share a natural resource with their partners in a 300 year old union.
So why is support for independence still hovering between 30-40%? Perhaps it would be best for the cause if you told the rest of your fellow Scots this…
Relying on a natural resource that is going to be finite is hardly sensible.
More seriously , whatever you think of the EU, it is not going to be an automatic entry for Scotland.
The whole independence thing seems driven by emotion over reality.
My odds are 20 to 1 it wll never happen.
But as an English woman, the more i hear the arrogance of The Scottish Leader and his cronies on the CBC the more I am hoping they vote for independence, get it and fall into the mire (and hope BBC funding gets caught up in the mess).
If by arrogance you mean a politician who has followed the mandate upon which he was elected; a politician who fights to get the best for his country; a politician who follows policies which enhance education and looks to protect the ill, young and vulnerable then Alex Salmond “and his cronies” are no doubt guilty as charged!!
Just a pity the rUK do not have a Leader with such arrogance!!
Well, I for one certainly can see no hint of arrogance in Mr Salmond telling everyone who dares to put a reality stick into the spokes of his fast-crumbling handcart heading for hell that they are just big bullies, and that he will tell them precisely how they ought to think.
Mr Barroso did not claim that it was his decision to make – he was merely observing that, with the advice he has been given in his EU role as President of the European Commission, and his knowledge of how the EU works, and his knowledge of how certain European Nations will greet Mr Salmond if he tries to take an independent Scotland into the EU.
Unfortunately, these ‘facts’ are certainly not going to change any time soon.
But, of course, all of Mr Barroso’s experience and knowledge of the field must surely bow down to Mr Salmond’s views on the matter ?
Quite right,quite right. Given that Scottish desire for Independence is driven by a desire for sovereignty, guided by vision of a sunlit future of self determination.And has nothing to do with a resentment of the English or mercenary consideration of economic gain, then Independence from the EU gravy train would have no bearing on the vote
What freedom loving Scot would voluntarily cede national political power to a powerful neighbour for monetary gain?
Yet it seems that Scotland was only too happy to take English money after their failed attempt at colonising Panama and bankrupting themselves in the process. I am sick to death of all the English bashing that goes on from our Celtic cousins. Maybe we should occupy Scotland and remind them just what their actual status is on this island. Tartan barstewards!!
Clutching at straws if you think something that happened in 1699 has any relevance to today.
Then again maybe there is a similarity:
“The English colonies in the West Indies and North America were forbidden to communicate with them or send them help by order of the government in London, which had its foreign policy and its relations with Spain to consider.”
Colonising Panama – a part of the world that had already been claimed by the Spanish.
Raising a quarter of their national wealth, sticking it all in a great big box, and transporting it by ship across the Atlantic.
Taking with them a load of heavy woollens to trade with the natives there – who lived in an equatorial paradise.
Basing the whole scheme on the theory they could build a canal across the isthmus – yet failing to conduct any type of adequate survey, a survey that would have shown the mountains to the west presented am obstacle that would make it impossible to build a canal now, let alone in the late 17th century.
And they expected the Spanish, English, Dutch, French and others to not compete with them while they were trying to build their own New World colonial venture.
And then, once the scheme failed, they scapegoated three innocent English sailors, eventually hanging them despite there being no evidence against them…
Canny Scots?
Apparently Arrogant Englishman (formerly known as Another Englishman) says:
Keep telling yourself that Albaman. If you have a vote please vote Yes. And please try to convince as many Scots to vote Yes as you can. Keep up the good work.
Remember: England expects every man to do his duty.
The Shetlanders by all accounts are not to keen on being dragged into the socialist republic of Skintland the y may even declare independence in their own right .
Good grief – not the McCrone report again, Albaman. You bring this up almost any time there’s a question about an independent Scotland’s finances. It’s 40 years old and was discredited ages ago. I can’t be bothered to again find the references you have been given many times in the past.
Loads of independent assessments over the last year or so (i.e. NOT 40 years old) – Institute for Fiscal Studies and the well-respected Centre for Public Policy Research at Glasgow University are just two which pop out of a quick Google search – all say North Sea Oil tax revenues are dwindling and very quickly. This was supported by the government’s own assessment last year.
Also – regarding the ‘Oil Fund’ – the Scottish government has suggested a lot of things – for instance that they had taken legal advice which clearly showed that EU membership would be automatic for an independent Scotland – which have later turned out to be lies, of course….. this one has just been blown out of the water again by Mr Barroso….but of course, Mr Barroso knows nothing about the workings of the EU, according to the ‘well-advised’ First Minister.
The Scottish Government’s ‘suggestion’ about the ‘Oil Fund’ may well turn out to be another of those which have no relationship with reality.
I have to say that the BBC has been the very model of an impartial commentator on the Scottish Question over the past week. They have given the minority SNP position plenty of air time and have remained impartial in their comments. They have gone out of their way to find some folks who would speak for the SNP position, even though these must be increasingly hard to find. They have also refrained from making any snide remarks about the increasingly obvious incongruities of the SNP position.
In other words they have done the job that they are supposed to do, presenting us with facts and allowing a wide range of views to be aired, so informing the democratic debate. The obvious question is why don’t they remain impartial on all other issues, instead of ramming the liberal left view down our throats at every opportunity.
Tonight on Radio 4 – Nick Clegg the Liberal who came to power.
“What an extraordinary few years it’s been for the LibDem leader, Nick Clegg, and his party. Once frequently dismissed as peripheral, even irrelevant, in May 2010 Britain’s third party was suddenly propelled into the centre of power. At its helm: a man with only five years’ experience as an MP who became Deputy Prime Minister in the first peacetime coalition for 80 years.
In this series Steve Richards talks to Nick Clegg himself and other senior LibDem figures about their rollercoaster ride in government, and assesses the party’s prospects for the future.
Through in-depth interviews with insiders, we trace the key moments in this dramatic story:
The meteoric rise of Clegg himself, who went from MEP to DPM in little more than a decade. The abrupt transition from “Cleggmania” to becoming one of the most pilloried figures in public life.
The highs and lows of the UK’s first experiment with coalition in modern political history. The heady first days, tuition fees debacle, AV referendum campaign, health reforms, election results, Lords reform row, and the increasingly bitter, fractious relationship between the coalition partners.
We explore Nick Clegg’s leadership through turbulent times, assessing his political beliefs. How was a left-leaning party able to partner up with Conservatives with such apparent ease? What was the cost? And, with a hung parliament still very much in prospect in 2015, we show how Nick Clegg’s politics and character could matter hugely to the future of British politics.”
I’m sure that the BBC will be working this over to take apart any support which the Fib Dems might have remaining.
The Britain under water special. You just know where this one is going, and given the time needed to create such a programme and bring it to air, it is bound to be short on detail and fact and long on climate change if only to maintain a narrative. Up to date it is unlikely to be.
Got to love how the bBC always downplays the bloodlust of Islamic terrorists. Nigeria’s Boko Haram ‘in village massacre’ Suspected Islamist militants have raided a Nigerian village and murdered dozens, according to witnesses.
Dozens bBC? here is what the bBC says constitutes Dozens: The senator for Borno state, where the attack took place, told the BBC’s Newsday programme that 106 people – 105 men and an elderly woman trying to protect her grandson – were killed in the latest attack.
105, using the bBC’s own method of adding up, (Especially if the victims are Muslims) you’d think they would be referring to the death toll as… ‘Hundreds’. But no they don’t as in doing so would highlight how Allah’s fav killers are totting up a pretty heavy death toll.
Yes, Islam Not BBC seems to see it as its duty to relegate the increasing threat from Islamic Jihadists to British people.
In contrast, the ‘Daily Mail’ has these two very pertinent reports today:-
1.)Terrorist jailed for UK suicide bomb plot is caught trying to go to Syria: Man stopped by officials as he attempted to leave Britain for Turkey
Convicted terrorist stopped by officials as he tried to leave UK for Turkey
Route often taken by extremists heading to Syria to fight with al-Qaeda
Fanatic – part of suicide bomb plot – had only recently been freed from jail
Believed to be first time ex-British prisoner caught trying to enter Syria
Minister says threat of Britons trained in war-torn country is ‘big problem’
Follows suicide attack by Abdul Waheed Majeed outside prison in Aleppo
2.)”The British female terror groupies queuing up marry jihad fighters in Syria.
“Dozens of British women are thought to have travelled to Syria to marry.
“Some believe English-speaking jihadists are leading the ‘perfect life.'”
Although British society is now infiltrated by Islamic jihadists and Sharia supremacists, it is a logical conclusion for non-Muslim majority of British people to oppose any more immigration from Islamic countries. But Beeboids, who are inclined to be pro-Islamic, want mass immigration and virtual ‘open-door’ entry into Britain.
“The U.K. has a very serious problem with jihad activity. Like the U.S. government of Barack Obama, the British government is in complete denial about the nature and magnitude of the jihad threat, and also like the U.S. government, it is under pressure from Leftist and Islamic supremacist groups to end all counter-terror activity as ‘Islamophobic.’ In response, it is following a policy of near-total appeasement, pretending that ‘right-wing extremists’ pose just as much of a threat as jihad terrorists, and working to drive all opposition to jihad terror and Islamic supremacism out of British public life. This will not, indeed cannot, end well for them.”
“UK: Muslim accused of possessing al Qaeda magazines and posting jihad videos on Facebook”
According to that scion of truth and impartiality Wikipedia it is based on a memoir of the same name by a free black man who was kidnapped in the US and sold into slavery.
I think that makes it a ‘true’ story.
It is however a divisive one and one can only speculate as to why it was made and why it is getting such air time.
Based on and true are two different things. There are significant differences, apparently between the film and the writings it was based on. Therefore it should be better described as “based on a true story” which would have been fine. But that is not
what was said.
I haven’t seen this film and I don’t particularly want to. It is, however, a given that when Hollywood says ‘true’ it means it in the widest sense. The test of this film will be is it Saving Private Ryan true (i.e. loosely based on real events) or U571 true i.e. fictional.
Suppose the BBC types won`t be commissioning anything in regard of our current slavery scandals.Usually to be found around the Horn of Africa, the Yemeni coastline…as well as Rochdale basements and South London political movements involving Chairman Mao.
Maybe a line of enquiry might be that Saudi Arabia and that lovely religion of theirs ,seems to sanction women or low grade kaffir being used as “voluntary labour”…as the BBC have named it in the past.
Most of the comments to that piece certainly show what a charming and welcoming bunch of free speech champions exist on the good Prof’s blog.
He did rather ‘set the scene’, mind.
Should any not sharing his and his acolyte’s views dare to offer a counter view, I wonder how long before the Graun’s ‘community standards’, ‘comment is only free if you agree’ shutters descend?
Last week was ”World Radio Day !!! ” I was so excited, I love the New World Order, I just can’t get enough of it.
”13 February is World Radio Day — a day to celebrate radio as a medium; to improve international cooperation between broadcasters; and to encourage major networks and community radio alike to promote access to information, freedom of expression and gender equality over the airwaves.
As radio continues to evolve in the digital age, it remains the medium that reaches the widest audience worldwide. It is essential to furthering UNESCO’s commitment to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment.
Through World Radio Day celebrations around the world, UNESCO will promote gender equality by: ”
1. Sensitising radio owners to develop gender related policies for radio.
2. Eliminating stereotypes.
3. Building radio skills ( indoctrination ) for the youth and young women.
Anyone else wondering why the BBC are giving so much weight and airtime to that ineffable Caledonian windbag, Salmond, and his school boy economic claims? First he was lecturing the EU on it having to accept an independent Scotland into the EU, now he is lecturing the UK on how it must accept a currency union with it, for its own sake. It would seem that this blabber mouth wants to take all of the good bits of the UK with him on his puerile journey back to 1745… In other words, what part of independence doesn’t this lying, anti-English prat understand? Independence means just that… not pinching parts of the security net that is the UK.
Tricky one for the BBC, given that Barroso says that Scotland won`t automatically be able to get back into the EU if they choose to leave the United Kingdom.
When the E.U and the Braveheart tendency at the BBC come into conflict…all we see is tumbleweed and a quick burial of any debate.
The British public can always surprise and, sadly, disappoint, but this new set of alliances on the horizon I can only hope will see all chastened at the polls (the BBC will escape by being above silly things like democratic mandate).
Given his and his party’s performance before and since being catapulted into a position of spoiler, few in my sphere would go anywhere near a chalice so poisoned by Nick and his disagreeable collection on talents, even with a barge pole.
Scotland : the partner that says ‘give me more of the cake, or I’ll leave’.
To which ultimatum the only sensible reply is ‘there’s the door’.
It is widely recognised by most sensible commentators that Salmond’s real game is ‘Devomax’
For how long into the future can England sustain a Scotland that votes Labour at UK elections and returns theb SNP for further future plebicites on the same tired issue? Because – don’t be fooled – a narow-ish ‘No’ vote won’t be the end of this problem.
Hey come on, this long running comedy is the gift that keeps giving.
English Premier league gets a billion quid a year for the domestic TV rights alone. Scottish football’s entire product gets twelve million quid in total.
Just to put things in perspective is all.
O wad some Power the giftie gie us
To see oursels as ithers see us!
A typically even handed climate change segment on Today this morning.
In the warmist corner – Chris Huhne, the celebrity ex-jail bird and Roland Grzybek a consultant for CH2M Hill, a company selling flood prevention systems.
In the deniers corner – no one.
And Evan Davies refereeing – just to make sure that everyone was on message.
Evan even interrupted them to point out that the Arctic was warming faster than anywhere else.
And in other news…
Larks. At least she managed a different version of people in politics going in and our of doors to justify the market rate wedge. But not by much. ‘Out and about’, eh? Cutting edge.
Like the notion of ‘Yentob View of Appropriate Public Service Broadcasting Transparency’ from the £6M pension man. ‘reinforcing a view about Yentob’s continued employment expressed by a shrewd observer – “He knows where the bodies are buried”.’
Sounds charming.
Got to love that public sector meritocratic trust in values.
But at least the whole rotten head isn’t vying for sack of rat status, surely?
Seems, yes, it is.
Still, those millions can ease the hurtful words. And the FoI exclusions can make much else go away. Ask Hugs.
‘Just ten days before HR Director Lucy Adams leaves the BBC. She told the FT last week she was on a five-year contract,’
What tf were they doing doling out ‘five-year contracts’.
In the 1975 referendum we the people agreed to only the free movement of goods and services. We did NOT agree to the other 3 freedoms Reding talks about – especially the freedom of movement of ALL European workers. And she is a clown to suggest that the huge influx of people from elsewhere in Europe has not caused problems for services in Britain such as education, health, and social welfare.
I notice there is no Have Your Say oin Reding’s nonsense.
Eh ?? !! do you honestly think the masses have any say, it’s what the establishment, ruling elite want, that goes, the Dutch, French and Irish voted against the Lisbon Treaty, we’re still getting it, they just changed the name.
Talking of the EUSSR, look at their parliament building, it’s an exact copy of Brueghel’s Tower of Babel painting, coincidence or deliberate ? very sinister.
”The Europeen Union is a superstate that currently includes 27 countries (more in the future). The same faith awaits American and Asian countries, who are bound to unite under the same flag and currency to create other superstates. Those are the building blocks towards a Single World Government, a goal actively sought by the world elite. The EU Parliament is the first monument representing a superstate and reveals, through its intense symbolism, hatred of religion, plans for a New World Order and their subtle endorsement of tyranny.”
Because I expect ( and so also do the BBC) there would have been a plethora of comments along the lines of
‘Mind your own ( add expletive of preference) business.
my head is spinning,just watched 40 minutes of the big immigration row on channel 5 before i had to switch channels,it was horrific garbage with left wing panelists and biased hand picked left wing audience packed with far left types like lee jasper and his mates shouting down and at screaming at anybody who dared to have a alternative view on immigration,it was horrific rubbish,but it gets worst,i then switched to channel 4 and benefits britian the live debate was on hosted by of all people richard bacon from radio 5 live,i watched 10 minutes of that left wing biased garabage before i switched channels,it was also left wing garbage,i think i will go down in a dark room now to try and recover from watching this garbage on channel 4 and channel 4.
They like diversity but not of diversity of thought. A nation or a people that doesn’t stick up for themselves, becoming liberal, effete and decadent, deserves to die out and vanish from the face of the Earth, like the Ancient Romans and Greeks.
David Frost interviews Enoch Powell in 1969, it’s like a 10 year old interviewing Plato, now with hindsight we now know Enoch was wrong, mass immigration is truly wondrous !!
Didn’t watch the immigration debate. You know exactly what it’s going to be like. I also doubt representatives from some political parties will have been invited. They don’t want a debate on immigration. Remember the joke that was the BBc White series. It has now been some considerable time since I wrote to my MP asking questions I had about “the most vulnerable Syrians” that are being dumped on us, this being in addition to the couple of thousand that are already here. As there was zero chance of the BBc touching on my questions. Have I had a reply yet…nope. BBc mentioned anything else about it..not to my knowledge. I very rarely watch channel 4 in fact I had a market survey about them a few days ago, I think my views were probably classed as negative.
Look on it as a positive. The liberal media is pushing panic buttons big time. I lasted about as long as you.
Remember the only argument they have got is an economic one. They have lost all the others and they know it. You only had to listen to Kelvin Mckenzie to realise that.
Any discussion on what exactly a nation is and what exactly England is and who are the English is avoided. The liberal cannot accept that the English should have the same rights as any other people. Remember we do not exist. A nation of immigrants over the last 1000 years and all those old lies.
Any discussion on whether the indigenous people should have the last word on the future of their country is a real no no.
Rubbish from start to finish and it tells you just how afraid they are of what might happen at the EU and the next General Elections.
Rule number one. The liberal elite is afraid of the English.
Like you I never watched it, my gut feeling was it was going to be a dog and pony show.
Strange thing, people who don’t have television sets or watch very little, know what’s really going on in society ( for example 6 million abortions have taken place in the UK, it’s never mentioned by the media, this has a knock on effect towards our demographics, ‘effniks’ don’t have abortions ) instead of being brainwashed by that little box in the corner.
Bill, That was outstanding. Whilst they will never admit you were right. I had an ongoing complaint about the anti-English bias they continue to produce. It went on for some considerable time, of course I was wrong. You can feel assured that you will undoubtedly pissed off several BBc employees.
Bill, you did better than I. Even my two complaints didn’t rouse them to provide any specific comment about their excessive national and regional (northwest) Mandelathon.
Dear Sir Arthur
Reference CAS-2462638-F2GXD1
Thank you for taking time to contact us again. We’re sorry to hear you were dissatisfied with our previous reply.
We’d like to apologise for the delay in responding to your further concerns. We know our correspondents appreciate a prompt response and we regret this has not been the case on this occasion.
We believe we have outlined the editorial reasons for the widespread coverage of Nelson Mandela’s death. With regard to the specific point about weather coverage, the Director of BBC News, James Harding, has explained what had been reported and apologised if viewers or listeners felt this did not inform them fully at the time. We feel we have explained the position as clearly as we could and do not have more to add.
With regard to the cost of reporting on the death of Nelson Mandela, we would like to say over a ten-day period we deployed around 120 journalists, technicians and support staff to work on this huge international story. They provided coverage of events from a number of different locations across TV, radio and online. We started scaling back significantly following the memorial service. As always we have sought to ensure maximum value for money for the Licence Fee payer in planning the deployment.
We do appreciate that you feel strongly enough to raise further points, but we do not believe this has suggested potential breaches of BBC standards or other significant issues and so will not respond to further correspondence about this. We hope you recognise why we are not able to take your complaint further but if you remain dissatisfied you can appeal to the BBC Trust, the body which represents licence fee payers.
I have given up. But all the bBBC staff who worship the dead terrorist should have read the truth in their print version
So that must have touched a raw nerve for them to state that they will just ignore you and will not add any more. It’s all rather defensive. I must admit I haven’t complained for a while but that is more related to the fact that I watch so little from the BBc these days. But the straightforward we won’t talk to you approach from a company using a third party to enforce it’s fee is a bit unprofessional. Again as I’ve said in the past any other company acting like that would be a prime target for coverage on watchdog. I’ll be interested to see how any future complaints I may make would be treated.
February 17, 2014 at 5:31 pm
Most of the comments to that piece certainly show what a charming and welcoming bunch of free speech champions exist on the good Prof’s blog.
A few buttock-clenching examples..
“I supposed it’s nice that all the pricks are gathering in the same room. Makes it much easier to aim the meteor strike.”
“What to we need another one for? We already have shitloads of them, plus the Guardian are happy to give right-wing polemicists space to air their hateful nonsence” [sic].
“Ah Delingpole, the English graduate claiming an authority in climate change.
‘Skeptics’ or ‘denialists’ should be treated with the same contempt as creationists – like lunatics.”
It’s good to know the broadcasting media, legal profession, education system… are in safe hands!
“The media class is the wall that we have to climb over for our voices to be heard. Once our voices are heard, then democracy will happen.” – Andrew Breitbart.
Oh how that applies to the UK too. There are remarkable similarities in the way the Progressive cancer is eating into democracies around the world – it’s almost as if they were working to the same plan….
Good to see start to extend beyond the US. And with people as good as Raheem Kassam and James Delingpole here in the UK.
History re-written before your eyes… continued Top of the pops The story of 1979. Yes it’s been on at least once already. Apparently Elvis Costello uses an “unspeakable” word on Oliver’s Army. Of course this word was widely used at the time. Does anyone really think the BBc at the time would have let anything go on air with an “unspeakable word”. This being the same year that the Gang of four were booted off for refusing to change the lyric “rubbers” to “Rubbish”. Lucky that never went out or I would have kicked the f**k out of the f***ing TV ****, ****. BBc you **** , **** *****.
Pile of crap too.
Costello wrote it about the Angolan conflict and its use of proxies armies featuring British mercenaries-some of who were executed…both Cuba/USSR and the Right/BOSS were using “Olivers Armies” to do their fighting for them.
Given that Costello is a seedball these days he`ll deny this now…but at the time we all knew it, and the telly was full of it…MPLA even get an mention in the Sex Pistols classic (Anarchy in the UK).
You`re quite right-this ongoing cultural revanchism and reflections by eejits who` weren`t there…or who simply need beer money to read the new approved BBC scripts…is an ongoing disgrace..if they left it for cBBC they`d get clear way with it…but we were there in most cases.
Newsnight tonight have a comment from insider Chris Huhne, arguing that the Government cut spending on flood defences when he was at the Cabinet table in 2010.
(NB: When HE was at the Cabinet table and accepted collective responsibility).
But the big question is; Is this convicted criminal, serial liar and someone who has shown that he, his loyalty and integrity cannot be trusted, TELLING THE TRUTH?
Dennis MacShane was Immigration at some point wasn`t he?
Oh if only we could get along…
Tell you what…why not ban all immigration until we`ve set up a global assessment of their swimming abilities?…no bronze “stiff`kit” saving a drowning badger in its pyjamas?…no entry…unless you`ve a doctors certificate that enables you to free water wings on the NHS….
Not thought this out have I?
Yes, what the hell was that Huhne soundbite put on at the start of Newsnight?…he wasn`t even on the show, so why did they use it?
Never seen Newsnight do that before…
Bet they`re Jictaring or whatever to see if anybody threw up on seeing his smug creeping face…and if not, they`ll get him an audition to replace that petrolhead Jeremy Clarkson who seems to give them bother on occasion…
“I`ve grown accustomed to his face”…the BBC are in the rehabilitation industry, and poor Huhne needs those oily feathers degreased…bloody Amoco Cadiz you see!
Despicable-and well woth asking the BBC what the intention was in putting Huhne out as a trailer at the start of their show., when he was not to feature in any way on it.
Why so BBC…Katzshit stinks dunnit?
I’ve noticed something of late, that people are using the net in which to speak out against the leftwing dogma which is used by the political elite in which to straitjacket people. Be it immigration, education,power generation,foreign aid or even CC, the fact remains anybody who airs an opposing voice is silenced by being castigated as a bigot a denier and in a number of cases lies are spread that he is a paedophile in which to shut him up for good. Armed with such an aegis of righteousness, the left have steam-rolled their way into every aspect of our lives. Think I’m kidding, go into a shop and ask for a Blackboard, a gollywog, a 100w bulb or even take your child to the local hospital with a bruise they received whilst playing as children do (meanwhile in Hackney, lessons are still being learnt)
People are finding a voice into saying enough is enough, Oh the left still garner enough support in which to protest against; the EDL,UKIP, the Church, Arms,The British army, anything Jewish, (But nothing that a jew has invented) The US (but not apple products)
The old adage that you can fool some of the people some of the time , but not all the people all of the time has never wrung true. Which is why with so many liberals telling us all that Islam is a religion of peace, that Muslims can only be victims, that FGM in the Uk can be found across the whole ethnic makeup of the population, that rape gangs are not common amongst Pakistani Muslims and all the evidence to the contrary, people no longer listen to these so called champions of free speech and instead after years of bad news are seeing that they have been lied to. The same applies to Climate change and how by only taxing the British can the world be saved, the same applies to those health experts who cried out that testing immigrants for diseases was against their human rights .
Those and many more so called worthwhile causes of the left (FFS, I was collecting silver foil for Africa during the 70s) which have all been expensive failures is the reason why the Uk is turning to the right and how do the left respond. By calling anybody who doesn’t subscribe to their mindset as a bigot ,a racist and a denier. Yes the people who demand we talk to terrorists (As if talking nice to somebody who murders for pleasure will make them change their mind) refuse to do likewise with the EDL,UKIP and anybody who supports Nuclear power. Instead they scream and scream and scream in which to try and drown out everybody else from the equation.
The bBC is guilty of all of the above and I can’t wait for the day when they are found guilty of treason and made to pay the price. Think I’m kidding Just look across the Northsea and see what Breivik did to the left in Norway.
I`ve noted a lot of this too.
Most encouraging-and when I go to other places now, I`m getting no trouble as of old when I say pretty much what I say here.
No matter how much I bait the liberal lefty tendency in schools and health, religion and music…can only hope I`m not worth arguing with anymore…and may even be seeping in at times, “Insh`allah”.
I`d say
1. ClimateChange scandal of 2009 at the UEA
2. The media sadness at the death of Bin Laden
3.Occupy bollox
4. The riots lies of Mark Duggangate as portrayed by the BBC in 2011
5.Jimmy Savile
6.Margaret Thatcher
7. The media hushup and edits over Lee Rigby being butchered by Islamist psychos
8. Those Islam Paedo gangs getting the omerta from the media re that faith fo theirs that exudes such …er…”passions”
9. Mandela
As well as the usual slews of pay offs cock ups, digital scams, tax hypocrisies and the like from the ever impartial dispassionate voice of truth and reason that is our F888ing Haw Haw(Whore whore, more like).
Feel free to put those 9 in order of einfluence for the British people…am working on it myself…any be more to add…but needs a critique…for it`s all going swimmingly(with apologies to all flooded by New Labour and Brussels)
Superb one Pounce. The fervour of the left and their belief in their moral superiority, as with religions, is a matter of faith , not fact. Pose a fact against them and they resort to screamings and rantings. They are very much like religious extremists. Puritans springs to mind.
A few weeks ago someone (I forget who, and where) described these as “weaponised words” designed to silence discussion. A good way of putting it I think.
I would add “bully” – very popular in the public sector to silence people who are upset because of something trivial, like a doctor or nurse killing their granny.
I have been waiting for one of our American regulars to pick up the BBC’s lack of coverage of the Senate confirmation hearings for Obama’s latest selection of cronies as US ambassadors. I haven’t seen anything on biased-BBC – apologies if I’ve missed it – so …
The BBC hasn’t found space to report that Obama’s recent nominees to be ambassadors thought that Argentina was a mature democracy, Norway is a republic, and so on. Crucially, as the Times (£) notes The display has led to accusations that Mr Obama, who once pledged to curtail the practice of handing top diplomatic posts to rich donors, is instead willing to overlook talent in favour of wealth. Mr Mamet, Mr Tsunis and Ms Bell each made contributions of at least $500,000 towards Mr Obama’s re-election campaign.
About 37 per cent of his appointments have gone to political allies, compared with 30 per cent for George W. Bush and 28 per cent for Bill Clinton. The proportion rises to 53 per cent for Mr Obama’s second term.
A couple have been stoned to death for adultery in the remote southwest of Pakistan on the orders of an Islamic cleric.
While stoning is legal in Pakistan, it is only allowed if the sentence is passed by a federal or provincial court. In this instance, the sentence was decreed by local tribal elders. No one has ever been stoned to death legally in Pakistan.
Stoning is legal in 15 Muslim countries. Supporters of the practice argue that it is legitimised by the Hadith — the deeds and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad — though there is no mention of it in the Koran. Stoning is set out as a specific punishment for adultery under several interpretations of Sharia law.
Interesting thing the hadiths. When Mohammed was on his death bed he stated that the Koran should not be changed or added to. So how did the Islamic world get around that? Why they invented the hadiths. Which is why hundreds of years after he died we have idiots proclaiming that this is what Mohammed said. In fact when the Islamic world clamped down on Sufi Islam. ( which is when is turned into the bigoted cult it is) in order to prevent a civil war they started the trend of banning things, they also got rid of thousands of hadiths .
Funny that?
No, that`ll all be the fault of George Bushes drones..Obama only uses then for his shopping.
You fly those noisy, carbon-emitting monsters flying on red diesel near to vulnerable if challenging persons under the Jewish lash…OF course we`ll see stress and PTSD breaking out in the food chain, especially when its processed pate from bloody Asda or something cheap and chavvy like it.
And-no Surestart, no Womans Hour, bedroom taxes and insults from Katie Hopkins…well I myself would go out and stone somebody…certainly give them the gear to roll their won anyway!
This has been Sir Nicholas Stern, BBC Harrabin…Al Quds!
Yet another example of the bbc assisting the psni in their softly softly..dont upset the republicans agenda.
Now i wonder how the script would go if it was a Loyalist district ? Every evening Loyalist areas are flooded with psni vehicles and the money burning heli-teli yet not a word from the republican appeasing bbc ni.
I don’t suppose we’ll be hearing or seeing Katie Hopkins again on the BBC after last nights performance on Channel Five’s shabby immigration debate, career over!
When she was allowed to speak she made some excellent points, particularly about ‘Auntie’ it was refreshing to hear such truths.
So according to the Channel Five poll 70% are against further immigration yet just like QT the audience appeared to be 90%pro and why was that gobby Muslim at the back allowed his own personal microphone who effectively closed down any debate.
The liberal media cannot help itself. Own goals galore. Should have hardened a view hearts amongst the Indigenous. The presenters had an agenda that was so obvious. And that guy with the mike. Very odd as you say.
When He asked Katie Hopkins her opinion about some tenuous link between Nigel Farage and Anders Breivik, she should have asked him his opinion on Homosexuals, Jews or women.
Last nights telly at this time-immigration, Benefits St, Panorama crap, floods and insurance on You and Yours, child abuse in Oxford from those men again( a review) is , was and from now on will be a desperate attempt to flood our minds now the brainwashing only has its limits.
Absolute tripe, failures falling dog shit on white carpets, nursery De Villes wanting more mums sticking their kids under OFSTEDS beak for compulsory Hbv vaccinations and FGM wristbands as sponsored by the local duty solicitors chain.
Look at the country as the MSM wish it to be seen…oh, if only Brown could have cleared the streets, Miliband could get those ID cards through and have a national emergency over “climate change catastrophes”…and we could get a troika in to sort us all out from Brussels, with Leveson blue pencils determining what we might know or dare to say to loved ones.
All working for the clampdown…huh, gitalong, gitalong.
Are you ready for the struggle?…the BBC would rather you weren`t, but thankfully there are plenty here I read most days…maybe we need something a bit bigger than Biased BBC…Statewatch perhaps?
The BBC News Channel suddenly (for some reason) have an interest in this chap’s promotion to the rank of Cardinal in the Catholic Church.
‘We’ve already just now been hearing your views on the benefits system….. there’s so much we could ask you….. what message have you got for people who have had their homes flooded and are struggling to get insurance?’
God preserve us! Ever get the impression that the BBC has a very narrow daily agenda/
And the next question is….
‘…. so what are your views on the welfare system now?’
Christ, Mary and all the Saints!
After he returns from Rome this guy could be BBC gold.
I suppose he didn`t link the flood concept of nasty old Genesis with Gods righteous judgement on Sodom and Gommorah in any theological exposition , now did he?
David Silvester tried as a UKIP local councillor near Oxford-didn`t come out scripturally sound, but may well have been onto something about God being angry with the E.U. the BBC and its Savile Travellers.
Thinking IS Allowed isn`t it?…Laurie Taylor seems to say so.
And who better to “Think Allowed” than a Scouse Catholic Archbishop who`s been to Oxford and (I would imagine) might yet know his Pentateuch from his Pentagrams and Pentathalons…would `t he?
You may say I`m a dreamer…
Yes AslSeelt, what a surprise that his holiness is shunted up to a major story. The usual BBC drip drip of ‘bad news’ for the Government will played out to its death.
But as you say, when he is eventually defrocked, he will get a nice cushy job on Radio 4’s ‘Saturday live’ like that nice Richard Coles.
Oh wait a minute, if he is not an uphill gardener he has no chance!
That well-known Beeboid ‘economist’, and Obama-supplicant, K.KAY, will be going to Rio de Janeiro (at our expense) with her predictable political agenda of-
“looking at how a slowdown in the economy might affect income inequality.”
In Rio I'll be looking at how a slowdown in the economy might affect income inequality. The Economist
Enjoyed the interesting Jonathan Meades BBC4 prog ‘Bunkers, Brutalism and Bloody-mindedness: Concrete Poetry’. I didn’t agree with him, but it was enjoyable, nonetheless.
Something I found rather intriguing, though. When talking about the Nazis, he used the term ‘National Socialist’ rather a lot. The issue of whether the Nazis were socialists is highly contentious (especially for the Left). Who in the BBC allowed him to use a phrase historically accurate but so poisonous to the liberal/socialist left?
I really like this bloke and will be looking this up.
His stuff on France, the French was excellent…and he did a beauty on Essex too.
The nearest thing to a polymath with attitude we have ….our Adam Curtis as far as I can tell.
He definitely WOULD say National SOCIALIST…
After the BBC s galling obsession with “gay rights” re Russia/Putin /Sochi
After BBC1 TBQ s “Pantofest” on how bad bad BAD!, Christians are towards “gay marriage”
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly.
But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men.
He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.”
David, the suicidal talk from those two ignorant shills above, shows the contempt they have for our nation …
any (and the odious Warsi is a perfect example) muslim in any position of power, doesn t have the good of the nation, the government, or even the party at heart … there is one aim only
forwarding an Islamic agenda that is it, by any means possible.
In case it has not been posted before, here is Delingpoles list of the ten leftie lies about the floods. The lies the BBC has been parroting for weeks now :
Useful little discussion on “climate change” in the US – where all the farming land in central California is stricken with drought caused by deliberate failure use available water in the mountains to irrigate – because this might harm the poor smelt fish. As with the UK floods – much or indeed most of the problem is man-made, a result of wacky environmental policies.
I like George Will’s line – when people (such as BBC clowns) say “the science is settled” you can be sure of 2 things. Firstly, there is a raging debate about the validity of the “science”. Secondly – the clowns are losing the debate (so they want to suppress it) :
BBC’s Inside Out West last night treated us to the horrors of FGM, the sufferers of which were referred to as British, or British kids….
The Somali ‘community’ (I hate that word) was featured with a ‘cool’ street talking hijab clad teenager ‘presenting’ (remember that 73% of Somalian households are on benefits) the program highlighted that the NHS has to supply specialist ‘FGM midwives’ for such. Teachers are being trained to ‘spot the signs’ such as long absences from school, and all this at even more cost to the tax payer, I’d also wager that the parents are not charged for said absences as you or I now would. A school in Bristol was highlighted (yes it is Bristol) I just feel sorry for the white kids…..
Of course in typical BBC they treated the subject as if it were possible any ‘British’ girl may suffer such and a school stuffed with scarfed pupils is completely run of the mill for the majority of the UK, it ain’t yet, and I’d guess most really don’t give a ****!
The NHS is a bit more honest about who is really at risk of FGM. Note the number of “African ” or “Ethnic” Women’s clinics – I count at least ten on this link:
English culture and Somalian culture have nothing in common. Reality.
Answer. Somalian immigrants must abandon their culture and accept ours. As a minority this is the only way.
Reality. Politically incorrect .
The body snatched liberal cannot get this.
Wants to be “inclusive and reasonable”
Short term the liberal gets to feel good about things.
Long term we all suffer in particular the Somalian immigrants and their families.
Both cultures have evolved over centuries in completely different ways. There cannot be room for both on our streets and in our cities.
-And, re-the Islamic threat from PAKISTAN which has infiltrated Britain, thanks to the laxity and ignorance of the British political class, inc INBBC-
“Why Pakistan Produces Jihadists.
“Carved out of the Muslim-majority areas of British India in 1947, it was the world’s first modern nation based solely on Islam.”
Little bit of self-deprecatory fun from Nice-bit-of-work-if-you-can-get-it Eddie.. Telegraph TV & Radio (@Telegraph_TV)
18/02/2014 Eddie Mair: how to have a BBC meeting
Those that can, do. Those that are uniquely-funded, meet.
Not quite sure what categorises the current collection of hangers-on who, for love alone (claimed), are currently packing out this little site no one pays attention to with their OT one-liners.
Early entry for BBC Knobhead Of The Year Award 2014 by Gameshow, talking to some cleric.
‘Zpoveri zbad in Rio aziz in London’.
F me, the pretrendy left actually believe their own Bullshit?
Yer Nikki, four generations living in a ten foot by ten foot cardboard shack in the favela are raising a petition to stop the Brazilian government capping their benefits at £29 thou.
Saw that Roy Hodgson was out there in the Amazon rain forest yesterday-and a fair few BBC/ITV camp followers seemed happy enough to get down in Rio.
And none of that Amazon Rain Forest crap about the trees going so we can have a pointless new stadium there.
Not a peep about how many workers have died in the rush to give the pigmies(and of course the other diverse types like the Sting tribe of CD Lip Playas) that oh-so funky Richard Rodgers Stadium.
Nah, this is the Great God Sport-trumps teenage prozzies, atrocious murder rates and f*** the bleeding “lungs of the world with its gorgeous microclimate and parrots”.
All that binge drinking in the early hours in June too…any thoughts from the booze police at the BMA?
Nah, course not mate…too passionate about Tottenham Wanderers am I not Quentin?
Don’t know enough about the chap to comment, but I do know he was good in my fav episode of Only Fools and Horses where Del & Co visit Boycie’s Cornish cottage to do some poaching. He played the mad axeman well.
Oh God…suspenders at half mast, stockings to be worn a la Norah Batty!
Lucy Arnez puppy died in 1974…this very day!
Forty Years on…the L.A Pets that wore leather leashes…Rosie Millard presents…
Another from the “never heard of” pile, I’m afraid.
Still, “He name-checked Paul Scofield, Ian Holm, Diana Rigg, Helen Mirren, Frances De La Tour and Malcolm McDowell, with whom he shared a flat”. Which is good enough for me.
Whilst clearly topical and interesting, I was going to avoid the possible OT until I noticed a few BBC favourites seem to have cropped up cross-channel (one presumes Ch4 has no hosts on their roster to match Mr. Bacon for gravitas), and not in a good way. ‘the presenter Richard Bacon pulled up something I had written about an entirely different case, last year (about the irresponsibility of having children you cannot afford to keep), and implied I had written it about Benefits Street. He then, strangely, asked which of the children of the people opposite shouldn’t have been born. To say this is a low way to do things probably does not need to be pointed out.
Low way? Out of context? Shocked, one tells you. Shocked. 7 of H will be beside itself. ‘Having become the only remaining token right-winger*, Richard Bacon seemed strangely keen to elicit my personal feelings’
This must surely trouble the Flokkers here who are so dedicated to objectivity and fact. It will be interesting to see how their concerns get fielded should they care to raise them.
*The circumstances behind that were interesting too on a variety of apparently acceptable ‘ism bases. By coincidence I caught a new QI on iPlayer the other night, and it seems they were struggling with the new quota, to the extent of reaching out to NZ to fill only 50% of the 50% diverse slot. Actually the young lady was a fun and feisty choice, but one has to wonder if there will now be dark mutterings that if not a local lass at least they could field a Maori.
Noted VD on the execrable Newsnight hound some Tory MP in regard of HIS personal story about his dad once being on benefits.
“Yet you don`t understand their plight” was VDs mantra said long, hard and often-and over the MP who was trying to talk about the policy of cutting benefits to those who don`t bother to seek work.
In the light of what you`re saying above ,Guest Who-may well be the new tactic to simply want us all to emote…and not bother with figures, policies and stuff…
Creepy…but I expect we`ll be seeing this tactic develop now the thickshit that do these progs can`t handle a fact or policies any more…just Kylebile by way of “anal ee sis “
‘I might be shocked if I had any idea what you were talking about’
What has kept you in such a state of bliss can only be guessed at.
But at least you know how to respond to call signs.
Some things about the floodings have seemed very clear for weeks now, however much the BBC disguises it. There has been no global warming for 17 years so that is not the cause. The rain in December was not unduly heavy – and the floods started in early January. Yes, the rain is January has been heavy, but not on an unprecedented level – it was heavier in the winter of 1929/30, for example.
The root cause of the flooding is lack of dredging. Where dredging has been implemented as usual – for instance in the large areas of Norfolk below sea level, in the Romney Marshes of Kent, and of course in Holland, just over the water, there have been no serious floods. Not a single home has been flooded in Holland.
There is documentary evidence that the European Community was pushing for policies that would reduce dredging – and there is documentary evidence that the Environment Agency under Labour peer Baroness Young enthusiastically adopted this approach. Young is quoted as believing “if you want wildlife, just add water” – and of wishing she could attach a limpet mine to every water pumping station. The EA stopped dredging the rivers of the Somerset Levels years ago, and also sold off a lot of the pumping equipment that took water out of the flood plain into the banked rivers to flow out to sea. It also appears that sluice gates have been kept closes when they should have been opened to allow water to escape.
All the locals in the Somerset Levels agree that this is the root cause of the problem, We now find that the Environment Agency has also neglected to dredge the Thames except where navigation was impeded. Again – this reduces the ability of the river to take excess water out to sea.
There should be an almighty public protest about all this. Heads should have rolled. But our politicians and the Agency have been able to confuse the issues – because we have a dumb or biased media, led by an especially biased BBC. Lord Smith is able to get away with claims that it is all down to climate change and we have years more floOding to come. The chief scientist at the Met Office (which had forecast a relatively dry winter) is allowed to put the blame on “climate change” when even the IPCC s
Some things about the floodings have seemed very clear for weeks now, however much the BBC disguises it. There has been no global warming for 17 years so that is not the cause. The rain in December was not unduly heavy – and the floods started in early January. Yes, the rain is January has been heavy, but not on an unprecedented level – it was heavier in the winter of 1929/30, for example.
The root cause of the flooding is lack of dredging. Where dredging has been implemented as usual – for instance in the large areas of Norfolk below sea level, in the Romney Marshes of Kent, and of course in Holland, just over the water, there have been no serious floods. Not a single home has been flooded in Holland.
There is documentary evidence that the European Community was pushing for policies that would reduce dredging – and there is documentary evidence that the Environment Agency under Labour peer Baroness Young enthusiastically adopted this approach. Young is quoted as believing “if you want wildlife, just add water” – and of wishing she could attach a limpet mine to every water pumping station. The EA stopped dredging the rivers of the Somerset Levels years ago, and also sold off a lot of the pumping equipment that took water out of the flood plain into the banked rivers to flow out to sea. It also appears that sluice gates have been kept closes when they should have been opened to allow water to escape.
All the locals in the Somerset Levels agree that this is the root cause of the problem, We now find that the Environment Agency has also neglected to dredge the Thames except where navigation was impeded. To defend the habitat of some bloody mussel. Again – this reduces the ability of the river to take excess water out to sea.
There should be an almighty public protest about all this. Heads should have rolled. But our politicians and the Agency have been able to confuse the issues – because we have a dumb or biased media, led by an especially biased BBC. Lord Smith is able to get away with claims that it is all down to climate change and we have years more flooding to come. The chief scientist at the Met Office (which had forecast a relatively dry winter) is allowed to put the blame on “climate change” when even the IPCC says there is no clear link.
For the first time it looks as though there will be an online corner of the media that wilol not put up with this nonsense :
… and now, I hear from David Shmuckman on the 10 O’clock news that these sinkholes that have started to appear (6 in the last month or so) can be attributed to the floods also.
Yes, you heard it here first folks, even the sinkhole that occurred in Ripon earlier is down to the floods. Ripon of course, for those who are unsure, is in Yorkshire only just up the road from Somerset where the worst of these floods have occurred.
Breitbart is good. He does not see the point of arguing with body snatched liberals. Neither do I.
The culture war is exactly that. My side is fighting for the future of the English way of life to hand on into the future..The liberal side is fighting to destroy it. No meeting of minds or compromise is possible.
I use the present tense as I still like to think of him as part of the fight. Good that Delingpole is now on board,
Along with the Sultanknish blog it is required reading.
the clip is 3mins long, pay attention from the 1 min 40 mark. Listen how the Islamic apologist refers to Malcolm X as a militant in his pursuit of freedom. Really?
Here is what Malcom X stood for as a follower of the nation of Islam:
From his adoption of the Nation of Islam in 1952 until he broke with it in 1964, Malcolm X promoted the Nation’s teachings. These included the beliefs:
that black people are the original people of the world
that white people are “devils”
that blacks are superior to whites, and
that the demise of the white race is imminent.
Gee, and the bBC refer to Islam as a religion of peace and victims of…racism.
As for Malcom X being a Militant fighting for freedom here is how he met his end: On February 21, 1965, Malcolm X was preparing to address the Organization of Afro-American Unity in Manhattan’s Audubon Ballroom when someone in the 400-person audience yelled “Nigger! Get your hand outta my pocket!” As Malcolm X and his bodyguards attempted to quiet the disturbance, a man who was seated in the front row rushed forward and shot him once in the chest with a double-barreled sawed-off shotgun. Two other men charged the stage and fired semi-automatic handguns, hitting Malcolm X several times. He was pronounced dead at 3:30 pm, shortly after arriving at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital.The autopsy report showed 21 gunshot wounds to the chest, left shoulder, and arms and legs, of which ten were buckshot wounds from the initial shotgun blast.
One gunman, Nation of Islam member Talmadge Hayer (also known as Thomas Hagan) was seized and beaten by the crowd before the police arrived minutes later; witnesses identified the others as Norman 3X Butler and Thomas 15X Johnson, also Nation members.Hayer confessed at trial to being one of the assailants, but refused to identify the others except to assert that they were not Butler and Johnson.[167] All three were convicted.
So the paragon for this Muslim, is Malcon X who if you listen to him speak fought for his freedom . Yet the irony here is, the man was the biggest racist bigot going and he was murdered by….3 Muslims.
He`s in dispute with the BBC over what Jimmy Savile did to him when Harry Corbett was at diversity training( that`s how we got the useless Sue!).
Harry only put his hand up Sootys fundament…
Says it all really. Socialist Scotland and an anti-American, anti-British agenda. Trump also now pulling out of building another hotel at his golf resort in Aberdeenshire as Scottish Parliament pushed through the construction of a windfarm off the coast of it.
At risk of more of Mordor’s top floor types hiring a few extra goblins off the books to maintain a watching brief, in other news:
Seems like a case of ‘you tickle my tummy, I’ll..’:)
Heftier fare next, where the uniqueness of BBC executive HR is again in the frame.
No actual job? No real problem!
Can’t quite see how if a bloke had a job, but then didn’t when another was brought in, that doesn’t count as constructive dismissal, but one is sure Mr. Purnell need to be back in at any cost.
But nice to see heaven, earth and clearly much else was deployed to prolong and then ease his removal if not his dignity.
But other than scale, detail remains elusive, as there still seem many men whose jobs involve tasks nobody appears able to quite nail down on deals that one is sure an FoI exemption is on standby to address.
Hard not to feel that despite Lord Hall Hall’s oft told PR mantras to the contrary, the BBC is still taking the mickey.
The academy’s website has lots of stuff on a variety of topics. For “Reporting : Describing the scene” they have chosen a gory piece from Jeremy Bowen in Gaza :
ScrobleneMar 5, 19:27 Midweek 5th March 2025 I sometimes wonder whether the poor/weak sort of politicians we have to bear here have any idea about proper negotiation…
Lucy PevenseyMar 5, 19:06 Midweek 5th March 2025 I can’t speak or understand Ukranian so can’t be certain but it’s being reported that Zelensky has backed out of…
vladMar 5, 18:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 2 -tier Justice to be enshrined in law. “Starmer Moves To PUNISH ‘White’ British People”
atlas_shruggedMar 5, 18:35 Midweek 5th March 2025 Definitely a loony, but German???
tomoMar 5, 18:32 Midweek 5th March 2025 Turdeau won’t just resign…
atlas_shruggedMar 5, 18:22 Midweek 5th March 2025 ‘extremely vulnerable’ girls is code for girls removed from their parents and raised by socialist services. Out of the frying…
tomoMar 5, 18:20 Midweek 5th March 2025 Let’s remember the BBC was on USAID payroll.
tomoMar 5, 18:17 Midweek 5th March 2025 Didn’t go far enough but still an all too rare piece of push back. Just Stop Oil (and others) are…
DoublethinkerMar 5, 18:11 Midweek 5th March 2025 Freddy Gray of the Spectator usually gives a fair assessment of US affairs and has only the faintest trace, almost…
Richard PinderMar 5, 18:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 [img][/img] Flag of the Dominion of Ukraine Mandatory conscription for those who put a little yellow and blue Ukrainian flag…
Radio 4 last night devoted its half-hour programme “Thinking Allowed” to a tribute to Marxist academic Stuart Hall who died recently. This on top of a gushing tribute by fellow Marxist Robin Blackburn on the World at One the other day. Hall had the dubious distinction of inventing the concept of multiculturalism.
I don’t recall similar treatment being given to influential right-wing academics (eg Ken Minogue, who died last year).
BBC-NUJ’s Marxist ‘cultural studies’, Laurie Taylor, of the permanent Radio 4 slot, ‘Thinking Aloud’ is of the same political, ideological persuasion as was Stuart Hall.
I purchased the book and DVD of the BBC TV series “The Story of England” by Michael Wood about the village of Kibworth in Leicestershire, because many of my ancestors lived in that area. At one point they show a Will by one of my direct ancestors.
In many ways it is the BBC at its best (it is full of little gems – too many to mention here) and I know the script backwards, but what has struck me on repeated viewings is its pervasive Leftism that completely overwhelms its positives.
Firstly it is anti-Christian (the only time Christianity is mentioned is as a context for political dissent) because its vision is wholly materialist. Secondly it relies on a fixed cake vision of wealth, in which if you have to work hard it is because somebody else has the wealth. This leads to its final assumption, that with political agitation the State can remake the world as an equal society.
The notion that people had spiritual beliefs which gave a meaning to their lives, that wealth is not fixed but is created in free societies, and that this wealth creation and individualism occurred in England (unlike the rest of the world) because it had Maggie Thatcher not Ed Miliband beliefs, is completely ignored.
The “condescension” he talks about (he quotes without mentioning his name the Marxist historian E.P.Thompson – who by the way lived in a country pile surrounded by a deer park) is by historians such as himself who patronise my ancestors by imposing on them his crass Leftism. His vision of Britain is a vision in which everything that made this Country great is destroyed, and we return back to the historical norm. Wood ends with a peroration is favour of multiculturalism and mass immigration.
In other words these days even the BBC at its best is lazy Leftist propaganda, whose entire purpose is to attack the attitudes which created England.
BBC = Marxist Trash
See what Michael Wood did with another programme for the BBC in December 2003 and the unusual admission by the BBC at the complaints procedure.
Wealth was fixed at the time, as usury was banned, the money supply was finite and there was not the facility for growth.
All of the assets were owned by the aristocracy and were rented to their peasants, some of whom in Medieval times were owned by the feudal lords.
I do remember the story of a man who however did manage to make himself wealthy as a mercer, and finally moving to London. He was asked to be Mayor of Coventry, but turned down the offer.
I remember the story of the church whose parishioners processed to the mother church once a year, where there was a fight with one man who had taken an axe to settle a grudge!
Sure it was Kibworth Harcourt they were talking abour
“Wealth was fixed…there was not the facility for growth. All of the assets were owned by the aristocracy”
Precisely. What is significant is how the system which existed everywhere and at all times in human history (call it feudalism or socialism or collectivism – Wood seemed to think that protection rackets and stealing were invented by the Normans!) changed into a property owning entrepreneurial society in which people created wealth and passed it on (instead of having it stolen from them) improving the lives of their descendents. There was not the slightest sense in any of the programmes of how a free society creates wealth, all Wood focused on was how the Black Death reduced overpopulation and increased demand for labour, not how a free society allowed people to keep the wealth they created instead of having it stolen by the State.
It was created not because of beliefs about redistribution and “the community of the realm” but because a society was created which allowed people to keep the fruits of their labour, and spend it as they wished. That is the story of England.
“I do remember the story of a man who however did manage to make himself wealthy…finally moving to London”
Indeed. You are talking about the Brown family. Yes but how did they do that I wonder? Did it happen by magic? Why did the Industrial Revolution happen in England? It was not the State but private enterprise which created the wealth of England.
“I remember the story of the church whose parishioners processed to the mother church once a year, where there was a fight with one man who had taken an axe to settle a grudge!”
That was not about religion that was about the pro and anti Simon de Montfort forces. Wood wants us to see anti-royal despotism as proto-socialist, but it was the exact opposite, it was people resisting the power of the State.
In his patronising way Wood likes to see himself as on the side of the people, but he is on the side of the collectivist State (which he sees as the end product of years of class struggle) Wood is not on the side of the Sun reader or Daily Mail reader and their aspirations.
We have had a myriad of explanations for why ‘global warming’ has stopped – sadly not covered by the BBC, so thank God for The Global Warming Policy Foundation.
‘Every few weeks along comes another explanation or contributing factor to the post-1997 global surface temperature pause. The list of factors is now a long one, which is curious considering that often the pause is dismissed as non-existent. We now have stratospheric water vapour variations, the Sun’s low activity, lack of wind in the Pacific, the oceans absorbing more heat, aerosols both from small-scale volcanic eruptions and from burning stoves in India and China, the cyclical patterns in the Pacific or is it the Atlantic, lack of data coverage in the polar regions, and Stadium waves not forgetting the all-purpose, hand-waving explanation that it’s down to vague natural climatic variability. The increasing number of explanations for the pause has revealed much about our level of understanding of the climate. The pause is now a well-established phenomenon requiring an explanation, although some still think it doesn’t exist, most scientists do.’
Never mind, one day the science will be ‘settled’.
Ah, no, you see – it hasn’t ‘stopped’, it’s ‘paused’. That’s how it’s characterised. Warmists imply that the temperature will continue to rise once this dastardly and unhelpful ‘pause’ is over with. To say it had ‘stopped’ would be to admit defeat. That’s how it works.
A point to watch for from the Polling website
I’m sure I’ve heard the allegation on the biased BBC that the Tories do not appeal to women – however, that is not true and is based on perhaps a single poll. In addition it appears that Liebour are not attracting young male voters which is never mentioned.
Here’s the extract:
“The second, with no modesty whatsoever, is something I have written over on the YouGov website using the same aggregate YouGov data, in this case looking at the Conservative gender gap or, perhaps, its absence. This is something that will not go away, every couple of months a journalist pops up writing a column about how the Conservatives are doing worse amongst women, normally illustrated by ripping one single poll out of context that appears to show a gender gap. Looking at the wider polls, it doesn’t actually seem to exist. The aggregated monthly YouGov data in recent months has had the Conservatives on a solid 33% amongst men, and an equally solid 33% amongst women. No difference. The gap amongst women is bigger, but that appears to be because Labour do better amongst women and UKIP do worse.
At first site all the fuss about the Tory women problem is complete nonsense, but dig a little deeper and the Conservatives do appear to have a problem with some women. Specifically the Conservatives do worse amongst women than men amongst under 40s (and Labour the other way round). The reason the Tories don’t do any worse with women overall is that as you move up the age ranges the pattern reverses, so that amongst over 60s the Conservatives do better amongst women than amongst men. I’m guessing the latter is because of UKIP (who seem to appeal to men more than women, and whose support is heavily skewed towards older people), while the former is presumably because the Tories do have some sort of problem appealing to younger women (or… logically equally likely… Labour have some sort of problem appealing to younger men).”
In addition it seems that the Fib Dems have completely imploded in terms of the general election, many of their voters are switching to Liebour which might be regarded as no surprise so if the campaign management at Liebour HQ have picked up on that, then I expect to see a certain attack on the Fib Dems to attract more voters away from them to Liebour.
Attacking a left of centre party might not appear as bias and I’m sure that the BBC would use that to claim that they have a balanced output, while all the time knowingly assisting their political allies.
Follow the money.
Wife of chief of Yougov is Cathy Ashton – aka Mrs EU Foreign policy Empress. So Yougov specialises in positive Liebour / LimpDim polls, and always rate UKIP support lower than the other polls do.
Almost a new aristocracy of liberals. I suppose that is what they are. Ruling and living well .And like any previous elite hardly likely to abandon their position.
It’s Scotland, Scotland, and more Scotland on the CBC. Not just the
propagandaNews channel but Radio 5 Live too.Scotland is obviously the CBC’s favourite country, and the CBC never passes over an opportunity to promote and propagate Scottish identity, culture and history. That is ironic, given the fact the CBC is so obsessed with telling the rest of us – particularly the English – just how great it is to be “British”, and how “Britain” is a single, united nation and always has been.
I personally can’t wait for the Scots to vote for independence, and for the time the Celtic Broadcasting Corporation gives some credit and acknowledgement to England, and the English nation.
I too wish the Scottish would hurry up and piss off out of the UK. They won’t though. They’re well known for being canny and they like the colour of our money. I reckon this is what the BBC thinks too. For the Beeb bigging up the Scots and The Salmond is about getting even more devolution powers after the referendum. Screw the English some more because too many of us have non BBC approved political opinions. BBC folk get guaranteed high pay and have secure pensions so they don’t care what happens to the rest of us.
The arrogant Englishman followed by the arrogant Another Englishman.
That he BBC covers a statement by Scotland’s First Minister in response to the statements made by Westminster’s gang of 3 is evidence of bias – this blog becomes more like a work of fiction with every passing day.
‘this blog becomes more like a work of fiction with every passing day’
I fly no flag for intemperate ‘isms, but slack can surely be cut for teasing still?
However, that statement from a poster called ‘Let us Troll’ does take the irony bar to a new level.
And what’s with the raft of new names. Extra daft ops budget been found?
“Arrogant Englishman”…
Is that the best you can come up with?
The fact is the CBC is so pro-Scotland it should give the people of England a remittance for the licence fee.
You, like Salmond, probably expect people in England – as well as the rest of the UK – to simply sit back and watch the Scots not only decide Scotland’s future (which is fine) but the future of the rest of the UK too and not even express a thought or an opinion on the matter. Well I’ll just say this – the CBC, the Scottish government and the British government might be content to silence the English on what is the biggest constitutional change to ever face the UK, but I’m not content to be silent at all.
“I too wish the Scottish would hurry up and piss off out of the UK. They won’t though. They’re well known for being canny and they like the colour of our money.”
The McCrone report – An embarrassment of riches?
The McCrone report shows that the UK government has known since 1974 that North Sea Oil completely changed the arguments against an independent Scotland. It shows that Scotland would not just be viable, but would in fact be a wealthy country with a very strong economy. It is clear that successive UK governments hid this information from the people of Scotland and the whole United Kingdom.
UK government figures estimate that the remaining North Sea Oil is worth over £1 trillion. An independent Scotland would earn as much as £300 billion from the remaining oil.
The Scottish Government has suggested that
Scotland could save about a billion pounds a year, building up a fund of £30 billion within a generation.
What sort of country is it that only wants independence if they have oil?
“What sort of country is it that only wants independence if they have oil? ”
Now, exactly where did I say that? I was responding to the claim that Scotland could not survive without “our [English] money”.
Taking into account how successive Westminster governments have squandered the UK’s oil revenues one might equally ask how will the rUK manage without them.
With proper management look where we could have been:
Behind albertman all the way on this one alber go for it bud and find the ‘freedom ‘ the jew hater sold you in that crap film !
Please go !
Certainly was a crap film and no one seriously thinks it will have any effect on voting intentions. After its release the SNP vote actually went down!!
Oh for shame but then it was utter crap and even I wouldn’t wish that bilge on any wannabe state ! ‘Restless natives’ was so much better and honest !but you lot do sod all to build on that film?
Scotland with lots of oil and open door immigration will soon become a failed nation like Pakistan. If Dave is still PM English taxpayers will send aid to that place and the BBC will ensure that the English will feel guilty for the wrongs they once did to the Scotch.
I am sorry, but discussion of Scottish independence always seems to be framed around “their” oil. If there was no North Sea oil, the SNP would still be a bunch of fringe cranks as they were in the 50s and 60s. If Scots really wanted independence, they should have been clamouring for it even if it meant poverty. As it stands, modern Scottish nationalism seems to have been born out of a disinclination to share a natural resource with their partners in a 300 year old union.
Yet the same SNP that loves to shout “Scotland’s Oil” is also demanding to keep using “our” (as in theirs too) UK pound after they leave the UK…
You can’t have it both ways surely…
So why is support for independence still hovering between 30-40%? Perhaps it would be best for the cause if you told the rest of your fellow Scots this…
Because most of us see the fat bastard and wee krankie for the shysters they are.
Relying on a natural resource that is going to be finite is hardly sensible.
More seriously , whatever you think of the EU, it is not going to be an automatic entry for Scotland.
The whole independence thing seems driven by emotion over reality.
My odds are 20 to 1 it wll never happen.
But as an English woman, the more i hear the arrogance of The Scottish Leader and his cronies on the CBC the more I am hoping they vote for independence, get it and fall into the mire (and hope BBC funding gets caught up in the mess).
Please god yes !!! all the world needs is another spit hole bog fest with 600+
year old grievance against a long dead enemy led by utter whelps !!
Stunning argument which completely misses the point that Independence is not about the past but about the future.
Cool you lot stop ref the past and we will stop reminding you, you do sod all but !!
Guess you missed the FACT that the Scottish Government White Paper was titles “Scotland’s Future”
…and is widely regarded as containing about as much factual and helpful information as a toilet roll.
If by arrogance you mean a politician who has followed the mandate upon which he was elected; a politician who fights to get the best for his country; a politician who follows policies which enhance education and looks to protect the ill, young and vulnerable then Alex Salmond “and his cronies” are no doubt guilty as charged!!
Just a pity the rUK do not have a Leader with such arrogance!!
That is so funny you should be on the stage.
I’m not with those who say that Salmond is a Hitler. To me he’s more of a Hermann Göring figure. A laughable clown. A dangerous laughable clown.
You forgot the money trees, albaman.
Well, I for one certainly can see no hint of arrogance in Mr Salmond telling everyone who dares to put a reality stick into the spokes of his fast-crumbling handcart heading for hell that they are just big bullies, and that he will tell them precisely how they ought to think.
Nope – no sort of arrogance there. /sarc
Because most of us see the fat bastard and wee krankie for the shysters they are.
The professionals seem to disagree with you as the odds are shortening all the time:
What Boddie and doyle ?? well guys and dolls that’s us fecked !!!!
I wonder how this will effect those odds?
Or as they have it on page 94 , other parish news.
Two things:
1. It is not Barroso’s decision to make; and
2. He will not even be in position when a decision requires to be made.
Apart from that it will make no difference!!
Then why did the BBC report it ?
Mr Barroso did not claim that it was his decision to make – he was merely observing that, with the advice he has been given in his EU role as President of the European Commission, and his knowledge of how the EU works, and his knowledge of how certain European Nations will greet Mr Salmond if he tries to take an independent Scotland into the EU.
Unfortunately, these ‘facts’ are certainly not going to change any time soon.
But, of course, all of Mr Barroso’s experience and knowledge of the field must surely bow down to Mr Salmond’s views on the matter ?
Quite right,quite right. Given that Scottish desire for Independence is driven by a desire for sovereignty, guided by vision of a sunlit future of self determination.And has nothing to do with a resentment of the English or mercenary consideration of economic gain, then Independence from the EU gravy train would have no bearing on the vote
What freedom loving Scot would voluntarily cede national political power to a powerful neighbour for monetary gain?
Yet it seems that Scotland was only too happy to take English money after their failed attempt at colonising Panama and bankrupting themselves in the process. I am sick to death of all the English bashing that goes on from our Celtic cousins. Maybe we should occupy Scotland and remind them just what their actual status is on this island. Tartan barstewards!!
Pretty good summing up of the biased BBC view on democracy.
No inaccuracies in his first sentence, though?
Which is where you end up again if you get your independence – bankrupt and crawling on your knees begging us to bail you out.
Clutching at straws if you think something that happened in 1699 has any relevance to today.
Then again maybe there is a similarity:
“The English colonies in the West Indies and North America were forbidden to communicate with them or send them help by order of the government in London, which had its foreign policy and its relations with Spain to consider.”
What on earth are you drivelling on about?
Colonising Panama – a part of the world that had already been claimed by the Spanish.
Raising a quarter of their national wealth, sticking it all in a great big box, and transporting it by ship across the Atlantic.
Taking with them a load of heavy woollens to trade with the natives there – who lived in an equatorial paradise.
Basing the whole scheme on the theory they could build a canal across the isthmus – yet failing to conduct any type of adequate survey, a survey that would have shown the mountains to the west presented am obstacle that would make it impossible to build a canal now, let alone in the late 17th century.
And they expected the Spanish, English, Dutch, French and others to not compete with them while they were trying to build their own New World colonial venture.
And then, once the scheme failed, they scapegoated three innocent English sailors, eventually hanging them despite there being no evidence against them…
Canny Scots?
Keep telling yourself that Albaman. If you have a vote please vote Yes. And please try to convince as many Scots to vote Yes as you can. Keep up the good work.
Remember: England expects every man to do his duty.
If in doubt………..’the Tories, the Tories, the Tories, the Tories…’
The Shetlanders by all accounts are not to keen on being dragged into the socialist republic of Skintland the y may even declare independence in their own right .
And doesn’t most of the oil belong to The Orkneys anyway, in theory? And aren’t they making noises about joining up with Norway?
That’s not very socialist . “Their oil ” etc .
It’s a common EU resource .
Good grief – not the McCrone report again, Albaman. You bring this up almost any time there’s a question about an independent Scotland’s finances. It’s 40 years old and was discredited ages ago. I can’t be bothered to again find the references you have been given many times in the past.
Loads of independent assessments over the last year or so (i.e. NOT 40 years old) – Institute for Fiscal Studies and the well-respected Centre for Public Policy Research at Glasgow University are just two which pop out of a quick Google search – all say North Sea Oil tax revenues are dwindling and very quickly. This was supported by the government’s own assessment last year.
Also – regarding the ‘Oil Fund’ – the Scottish government has suggested a lot of things – for instance that they had taken legal advice which clearly showed that EU membership would be automatic for an independent Scotland – which have later turned out to be lies, of course….. this one has just been blown out of the water again by Mr Barroso….but of course, Mr Barroso knows nothing about the workings of the EU, according to the ‘well-advised’ First Minister.
The Scottish Government’s ‘suggestion’ about the ‘Oil Fund’ may well turn out to be another of those which have no relationship with reality.
There is not a snowball’s chance in hell that the Scots will vote for independence, and there never has been. Everyone can relax.
To watch Salmond and his pro-indie people is excruciatingly embarrassing.
Having said that, Reuters says that independence “could weaken London’s claim to a permanent seat on the United Nations” so I’m all for it!
I have to say that the BBC has been the very model of an impartial commentator on the Scottish Question over the past week. They have given the minority SNP position plenty of air time and have remained impartial in their comments. They have gone out of their way to find some folks who would speak for the SNP position, even though these must be increasingly hard to find. They have also refrained from making any snide remarks about the increasingly obvious incongruities of the SNP position.
In other words they have done the job that they are supposed to do, presenting us with facts and allowing a wide range of views to be aired, so informing the democratic debate. The obvious question is why don’t they remain impartial on all other issues, instead of ramming the liberal left view down our throats at every opportunity.
With all that is going on in Scotland right now, a story the BBC saw fit to print on their webpage, and how a website has decided to take the piss outta them:
Didn’t take long !
Tonight on Radio 4 – Nick Clegg the Liberal who came to power.
“What an extraordinary few years it’s been for the LibDem leader, Nick Clegg, and his party. Once frequently dismissed as peripheral, even irrelevant, in May 2010 Britain’s third party was suddenly propelled into the centre of power. At its helm: a man with only five years’ experience as an MP who became Deputy Prime Minister in the first peacetime coalition for 80 years.
In this series Steve Richards talks to Nick Clegg himself and other senior LibDem figures about their rollercoaster ride in government, and assesses the party’s prospects for the future.
Through in-depth interviews with insiders, we trace the key moments in this dramatic story:
The meteoric rise of Clegg himself, who went from MEP to DPM in little more than a decade. The abrupt transition from “Cleggmania” to becoming one of the most pilloried figures in public life.
The highs and lows of the UK’s first experiment with coalition in modern political history. The heady first days, tuition fees debacle, AV referendum campaign, health reforms, election results, Lords reform row, and the increasingly bitter, fractious relationship between the coalition partners.
We explore Nick Clegg’s leadership through turbulent times, assessing his political beliefs. How was a left-leaning party able to partner up with Conservatives with such apparent ease? What was the cost? And, with a hung parliament still very much in prospect in 2015, we show how Nick Clegg’s politics and character could matter hugely to the future of British politics.”
I’m sure that the BBC will be working this over to take apart any support which the Fib Dems might have remaining.
…and to beat up the Tories
Steve Richards eh.
I can hardly wait.
Yeh-heh, Panorama this evening, cannot wait 🙂–britain-underwater-panorama
The Britain under water special. You just know where this one is going, and given the time needed to create such a programme and bring it to air, it is bound to be short on detail and fact and long on climate change if only to maintain a narrative. Up to date it is unlikely to be.
Yes, one can see it coming:
BBC-NUJ’s usual diatribe against Tories (who didn’t stop the storms), and for global warming propaganda.
….whilst exonerating fat cat Smith and his overpaid, over-managed, over-expensed eco-socialist army at the proxy Labour quango the EA.
The most hilarious part was their introduction of the Moonbat (George Monbiot – Grauniad columnist) as an Environment Expert.
Mrs 7 was very surprised at my atypical response to his appearance of “B*ll*cks”.
Apparently I normally respond with “F**k Off Moonbat”.
I couldn’t possibly comment.
Got to love how the bBC always downplays the bloodlust of Islamic terrorists.
Nigeria’s Boko Haram ‘in village massacre’
Suspected Islamist militants have raided a Nigerian village and murdered dozens, according to witnesses.
Dozens bBC? here is what the bBC says constitutes Dozens:
The senator for Borno state, where the attack took place, told the BBC’s Newsday programme that 106 people – 105 men and an elderly woman trying to protect her grandson – were killed in the latest attack.
105, using the bBC’s own method of adding up, (Especially if the victims are Muslims) you’d think they would be referring to the death toll as… ‘Hundreds’. But no they don’t as in doing so would highlight how Allah’s fav killers are totting up a pretty heavy death toll.
Sorry that should read 106
Yes, Islam Not BBC seems to see it as its duty to relegate the increasing threat from Islamic Jihadists to British people.
In contrast, the ‘Daily Mail’ has these two very pertinent reports today:-
1.)Terrorist jailed for UK suicide bomb plot is caught trying to go to Syria: Man stopped by officials as he attempted to leave Britain for Turkey
Convicted terrorist stopped by officials as he tried to leave UK for Turkey
Route often taken by extremists heading to Syria to fight with al-Qaeda
Fanatic – part of suicide bomb plot – had only recently been freed from jail
Believed to be first time ex-British prisoner caught trying to enter Syria
Minister says threat of Britons trained in war-torn country is ‘big problem’
Follows suicide attack by Abdul Waheed Majeed outside prison in Aleppo
Read more:
2.)”The British female terror groupies queuing up marry jihad fighters in Syria.
“Dozens of British women are thought to have travelled to Syria to marry.
“Some believe English-speaking jihadists are leading the ‘perfect life.'”
Read more:
Although British society is now infiltrated by Islamic jihadists and Sharia supremacists, it is a logical conclusion for non-Muslim majority of British people to oppose any more immigration from Islamic countries. But Beeboids, who are inclined to be pro-Islamic, want mass immigration and virtual ‘open-door’ entry into Britain.
Page 1, ‘Daily Express’ today:-
“Public fury ahead of TV debate as 70 per cent of Britons says we MUST ban new migrants”
Worth a view/listen even if from BBC.
I would guess these are the same Britons who ‘can’t be trusted with a vote on Europe’ (P. Mandelson).
Robert Spencer:-
“The U.K. has a very serious problem with jihad activity. Like the U.S. government of Barack Obama, the British government is in complete denial about the nature and magnitude of the jihad threat, and also like the U.S. government, it is under pressure from Leftist and Islamic supremacist groups to end all counter-terror activity as ‘Islamophobic.’ In response, it is following a policy of near-total appeasement, pretending that ‘right-wing extremists’ pose just as much of a threat as jihad terrorists, and working to drive all opposition to jihad terror and Islamic supremacism out of British public life. This will not, indeed cannot, end well for them.”
“UK: Muslim accused of possessing al Qaeda magazines and posting jihad videos on Facebook”
106 is hundreds!??
Breakfast this morning bigging up 12 years a slave as a “true story”.
According to that scion of truth and impartiality Wikipedia it is based on a memoir of the same name by a free black man who was kidnapped in the US and sold into slavery.
I think that makes it a ‘true’ story.
It is however a divisive one and one can only speculate as to why it was made and why it is getting such air time.
Based on and true are two different things. There are significant differences, apparently between the film and the writings it was based on. Therefore it should be better described as “based on a true story” which would have been fine. But that is not
what was said.
I haven’t seen this film and I don’t particularly want to. It is, however, a given that when Hollywood says ‘true’ it means it in the widest sense. The test of this film will be is it Saving Private Ryan true (i.e. loosely based on real events) or U571 true i.e. fictional.
Suppose the BBC types won`t be commissioning anything in regard of our current slavery scandals.Usually to be found around the Horn of Africa, the Yemeni coastline…as well as Rochdale basements and South London political movements involving Chairman Mao.
Maybe a line of enquiry might be that Saudi Arabia and that lovely religion of theirs ,seems to sanction women or low grade kaffir being used as “voluntary labour”…as the BBC have named it in the past.
The BBC are good at mixing fiction with fact but the “true ” story can be a lie.
Slavery of blacks never happened. Its all made up to make us whites feel guilty.
Not for BBC-NUJ:-
English white boy (and man): 23 years a slave of Islam:
“White Gold: The Extraordinary Story of North Africa’s One Million European Slaves”
By Giles Milton.
Also: Thomas Pellow’s words-
Strange, in all the historical documentaries I’ve seen on the BBC over the years I’ve never seen this mentioned once.
Funny that, the BBC seeming to have an agenda about slavery an’ all.
Bob Crowe…. well sorted by Andrew Neil at the weekend…
Credit where credit is due
Not ‘The Big Issue’, so off BBC-NUJ’s political radar?:-
“James Delingpole and Raheem Kassam head Breitbart’s new London team”
By Roy Greenslade.
Most of the comments to that piece certainly show what a charming and welcoming bunch of free speech champions exist on the good Prof’s blog.
He did rather ‘set the scene’, mind.
Should any not sharing his and his acolyte’s views dare to offer a counter view, I wonder how long before the Graun’s ‘community standards’, ‘comment is only free if you agree’ shutters descend?
Last week was ”World Radio Day !!! ” I was so excited, I love the New World Order, I just can’t get enough of it.
”13 February is World Radio Day — a day to celebrate radio as a medium; to improve international cooperation between broadcasters; and to encourage major networks and community radio alike to promote access to information, freedom of expression and gender equality over the airwaves.
As radio continues to evolve in the digital age, it remains the medium that reaches the widest audience worldwide. It is essential to furthering UNESCO’s commitment to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment.
Through World Radio Day celebrations around the world, UNESCO will promote gender equality by: ”
1. Sensitising radio owners to develop gender related policies for radio.
2. Eliminating stereotypes.
3. Building radio skills ( indoctrination ) for the youth and young women.
You can read the rest of the garbage here.
”freedom of expression”
Unless you’re white male heterosexual Christian against the EUSSR and mass immigration, you’re looked upon as a crank.
Anyone else wondering why the BBC are giving so much weight and airtime to that ineffable Caledonian windbag, Salmond, and his school boy economic claims? First he was lecturing the EU on it having to accept an independent Scotland into the EU, now he is lecturing the UK on how it must accept a currency union with it, for its own sake. It would seem that this blabber mouth wants to take all of the good bits of the UK with him on his puerile journey back to 1745… In other words, what part of independence doesn’t this lying, anti-English prat understand? Independence means just that… not pinching parts of the security net that is the UK.
Tricky one for the BBC, given that Barroso says that Scotland won`t automatically be able to get back into the EU if they choose to leave the United Kingdom.
When the E.U and the Braveheart tendency at the BBC come into conflict…all we see is tumbleweed and a quick burial of any debate.
Scotland won’t be a part of the EU? – where do I sign up?
It was said in a interview with Barroso on a BBC programme, and was the headine on their website.
Because there’s a referendum coming up later this yea.
As opportunist Clegg politically warms to Labour, so BBC-NUJ politically warms to Clegg.
BBC-NUJ and Clegg certainly concur politically on such basics as:
1.) open-door, mass immigration into Britain;
2.) support for U.K membership of a federalising E.U;
3.) belief in man-made global warming, subsidies for wind farms.
The British public can always surprise and, sadly, disappoint, but this new set of alliances on the horizon I can only hope will see all chastened at the polls (the BBC will escape by being above silly things like democratic mandate).
Given his and his party’s performance before and since being catapulted into a position of spoiler, few in my sphere would go anywhere near a chalice so poisoned by Nick and his disagreeable collection on talents, even with a barge pole.
Scotland : the partner that says ‘give me more of the cake, or I’ll leave’.
To which ultimatum the only sensible reply is ‘there’s the door’.
It is widely recognised by most sensible commentators that Salmond’s real game is ‘Devomax’
For how long into the future can England sustain a Scotland that votes Labour at UK elections and returns theb SNP for further future plebicites on the same tired issue? Because – don’t be fooled – a narow-ish ‘No’ vote won’t be the end of this problem.
Hey come on, this long running comedy is the gift that keeps giving.
English Premier league gets a billion quid a year for the domestic TV rights alone. Scottish football’s entire product gets twelve million quid in total.
Just to put things in perspective is all.
O wad some Power the giftie gie us
To see oursels as ithers see us!
as the fellow said.
A typically even handed climate change segment on Today this morning.
In the warmist corner – Chris Huhne, the celebrity ex-jail bird and Roland Grzybek a consultant for CH2M Hill, a company selling flood prevention systems.
In the deniers corner – no one.
And Evan Davies refereeing – just to make sure that everyone was on message.
Evan even interrupted them to point out that the Arctic was warming faster than anywhere else.
And in other news…
Larks. At least she managed a different version of people in politics going in and our of doors to justify the market rate wedge. But not by much. ‘Out and about’, eh? Cutting edge.
Like the notion of ‘Yentob View of Appropriate Public Service Broadcasting Transparency’ from the £6M pension man.
‘reinforcing a view about Yentob’s continued employment expressed by a shrewd observer – “He knows where the bodies are buried”.’
Sounds charming.
Got to love that public sector meritocratic trust in values.
But at least the whole rotten head isn’t vying for sack of rat status, surely?
Seems, yes, it is.
Still, those millions can ease the hurtful words. And the FoI exclusions can make much else go away. Ask Hugs.
‘Just ten days before HR Director Lucy Adams leaves the BBC. She told the FT last week she was on a five-year contract,’
What tf were they doing doling out ‘five-year contracts’.
Something wrong with three months-notice?
Nothing more, nothing less.
Here’s a view that the BBC loves to hear:
In the 1975 referendum we the people agreed to only the free movement of goods and services. We did NOT agree to the other 3 freedoms Reding talks about – especially the freedom of movement of ALL European workers. And she is a clown to suggest that the huge influx of people from elsewhere in Europe has not caused problems for services in Britain such as education, health, and social welfare.
I notice there is no Have Your Say oin Reding’s nonsense.
”we the people agreed ”
Eh ?? !! do you honestly think the masses have any say, it’s what the establishment, ruling elite want, that goes, the Dutch, French and Irish voted against the Lisbon Treaty, we’re still getting it, they just changed the name.
Talking of the EUSSR, look at their parliament building, it’s an exact copy of Brueghel’s Tower of Babel painting, coincidence or deliberate ? very sinister.
”The Europeen Union is a superstate that currently includes 27 countries (more in the future). The same faith awaits American and Asian countries, who are bound to unite under the same flag and currency to create other superstates. Those are the building blocks towards a Single World Government, a goal actively sought by the world elite. The EU Parliament is the first monument representing a superstate and reveals, through its intense symbolism, hatred of religion, plans for a New World Order and their subtle endorsement of tyranny.”
Because I expect ( and so also do the BBC) there would have been a plethora of comments along the lines of
‘Mind your own ( add expletive of preference) business.
See what I mean
my head is spinning,just watched 40 minutes of the big immigration row on channel 5 before i had to switch channels,it was horrific garbage with left wing panelists and biased hand picked left wing audience packed with far left types like lee jasper and his mates shouting down and at screaming at anybody who dared to have a alternative view on immigration,it was horrific rubbish,but it gets worst,i then switched to channel 4 and benefits britian the live debate was on hosted by of all people richard bacon from radio 5 live,i watched 10 minutes of that left wing biased garabage before i switched channels,it was also left wing garbage,i think i will go down in a dark room now to try and recover from watching this garbage on channel 4 and channel 4.
They like diversity but not of diversity of thought. A nation or a people that doesn’t stick up for themselves, becoming liberal, effete and decadent, deserves to die out and vanish from the face of the Earth, like the Ancient Romans and Greeks.
David Frost interviews Enoch Powell in 1969, it’s like a 10 year old interviewing Plato, now with hindsight we now know Enoch was wrong, mass immigration is truly wondrous !!
” Too many white Christian faces in Britain.” David Cameron.
Didn’t watch the immigration debate. You know exactly what it’s going to be like. I also doubt representatives from some political parties will have been invited. They don’t want a debate on immigration. Remember the joke that was the BBc White series. It has now been some considerable time since I wrote to my MP asking questions I had about “the most vulnerable Syrians” that are being dumped on us, this being in addition to the couple of thousand that are already here. As there was zero chance of the BBc touching on my questions. Have I had a reply yet…nope. BBc mentioned anything else about it..not to my knowledge. I very rarely watch channel 4 in fact I had a market survey about them a few days ago, I think my views were probably classed as negative.
Look on it as a positive. The liberal media is pushing panic buttons big time. I lasted about as long as you.
Remember the only argument they have got is an economic one. They have lost all the others and they know it. You only had to listen to Kelvin Mckenzie to realise that.
Any discussion on what exactly a nation is and what exactly England is and who are the English is avoided. The liberal cannot accept that the English should have the same rights as any other people. Remember we do not exist. A nation of immigrants over the last 1000 years and all those old lies.
Any discussion on whether the indigenous people should have the last word on the future of their country is a real no no.
Rubbish from start to finish and it tells you just how afraid they are of what might happen at the EU and the next General Elections.
Rule number one. The liberal elite is afraid of the English.
Like you I never watched it, my gut feeling was it was going to be a dog and pony show.
Strange thing, people who don’t have television sets or watch very little, know what’s really going on in society ( for example 6 million abortions have taken place in the UK, it’s never mentioned by the media, this has a knock on effect towards our demographics, ‘effniks’ don’t have abortions ) instead of being brainwashed by that little box in the corner.
channel 4 and channel 5
Here’s part of the exchange I’ve had with the BBC about excessive Mandela coverage on Look North. This letter also went to the BBC Trust.
Click to access Mandela%2001.pdf
Bill, That was outstanding. Whilst they will never admit you were right. I had an ongoing complaint about the anti-English bias they continue to produce. It went on for some considerable time, of course I was wrong. You can feel assured that you will undoubtedly pissed off several BBc employees.
Bill, you did better than I. Even my two complaints didn’t rouse them to provide any specific comment about their excessive national and regional (northwest) Mandelathon.
Dear Sir Arthur
Reference CAS-2462638-F2GXD1
Thank you for taking time to contact us again. We’re sorry to hear you were dissatisfied with our previous reply.
We’d like to apologise for the delay in responding to your further concerns. We know our correspondents appreciate a prompt response and we regret this has not been the case on this occasion.
We believe we have outlined the editorial reasons for the widespread coverage of Nelson Mandela’s death. With regard to the specific point about weather coverage, the Director of BBC News, James Harding, has explained what had been reported and apologised if viewers or listeners felt this did not inform them fully at the time. We feel we have explained the position as clearly as we could and do not have more to add.
With regard to the cost of reporting on the death of Nelson Mandela, we would like to say over a ten-day period we deployed around 120 journalists, technicians and support staff to work on this huge international story. They provided coverage of events from a number of different locations across TV, radio and online. We started scaling back significantly following the memorial service. As always we have sought to ensure maximum value for money for the Licence Fee payer in planning the deployment.
We do appreciate that you feel strongly enough to raise further points, but we do not believe this has suggested potential breaches of BBC standards or other significant issues and so will not respond to further correspondence about this. We hope you recognise why we are not able to take your complaint further but if you remain dissatisfied you can appeal to the BBC Trust, the body which represents licence fee payers.
I have given up. But all the bBBC staff who worship the dead terrorist should have read the truth in their print version
So that must have touched a raw nerve for them to state that they will just ignore you and will not add any more. It’s all rather defensive. I must admit I haven’t complained for a while but that is more related to the fact that I watch so little from the BBc these days. But the straightforward we won’t talk to you approach from a company using a third party to enforce it’s fee is a bit unprofessional. Again as I’ve said in the past any other company acting like that would be a prime target for coverage on watchdog. I’ll be interested to see how any future complaints I may make would be treated.
You really socked it to em Bill. Great to see.
George R says:
February 17, 2014 at 3:58 pm
Not ‘The Big Issue’, so off BBC-NUJ’s political radar?:-
“James Delingpole and Raheem Kassam head Breitbart’s new London team”
By Roy Greenslade.
Guest Who says:
February 17, 2014 at 5:31 pm
Most of the comments to that piece certainly show what a charming and welcoming bunch of free speech champions exist on the good Prof’s blog.
A few buttock-clenching examples..
“I supposed it’s nice that all the pricks are gathering in the same room. Makes it much easier to aim the meteor strike.”
“What to we need another one for? We already have shitloads of them, plus the Guardian are happy to give right-wing polemicists space to air their hateful nonsence” [sic].
“Ah Delingpole, the English graduate claiming an authority in climate change.
‘Skeptics’ or ‘denialists’ should be treated with the same contempt as creationists – like lunatics.”
It’s good to know the broadcasting media, legal profession, education system… are in safe hands!
“The media class is the wall that we have to climb over for our voices to be heard. Once our voices are heard, then democracy will happen.” – Andrew Breitbart.
Oh how that applies to the UK too. There are remarkable similarities in the way the Progressive cancer is eating into democracies around the world – it’s almost as if they were working to the same plan….
Good to see start to extend beyond the US. And with people as good as Raheem Kassam and James Delingpole here in the UK.
@ stuart,your 100% right mate,channel 5s immigration debate tonight must be seen to be believed,it was awful
History re-written before your eyes… continued Top of the pops The story of 1979. Yes it’s been on at least once already. Apparently Elvis Costello uses an “unspeakable” word on Oliver’s Army. Of course this word was widely used at the time. Does anyone really think the BBc at the time would have let anything go on air with an “unspeakable word”. This being the same year that the Gang of four were booted off for refusing to change the lyric “rubbers” to “Rubbish”. Lucky that never went out or I would have kicked the f**k out of the f***ing TV ****, ****. BBc you **** , **** *****.
Pile of crap too.
Costello wrote it about the Angolan conflict and its use of proxies armies featuring British mercenaries-some of who were executed…both Cuba/USSR and the Right/BOSS were using “Olivers Armies” to do their fighting for them.
Given that Costello is a seedball these days he`ll deny this now…but at the time we all knew it, and the telly was full of it…MPLA even get an mention in the Sex Pistols classic (Anarchy in the UK).
You`re quite right-this ongoing cultural revanchism and reflections by eejits who` weren`t there…or who simply need beer money to read the new approved BBC scripts…is an ongoing disgrace..if they left it for cBBC they`d get clear way with it…but we were there in most cases.
Newsnight tonight have a comment from insider Chris Huhne, arguing that the Government cut spending on flood defences when he was at the Cabinet table in 2010.
(NB: When HE was at the Cabinet table and accepted collective responsibility).
But the big question is; Is this convicted criminal, serial liar and someone who has shown that he, his loyalty and integrity cannot be trusted, TELLING THE TRUTH?
Just asking.
His ex-wife was on the Channel 4 or Channel 5 lefty fest last night telling us how brilliant immigration is.
Dennis MacShane was Immigration at some point wasn`t he?
Oh if only we could get along…
Tell you what…why not ban all immigration until we`ve set up a global assessment of their swimming abilities?…no bronze “stiff`kit” saving a drowning badger in its pyjamas?…no entry…unless you`ve a doctors certificate that enables you to free water wings on the NHS….
Not thought this out have I?
Yes, what the hell was that Huhne soundbite put on at the start of Newsnight?…he wasn`t even on the show, so why did they use it?
Never seen Newsnight do that before…
Bet they`re Jictaring or whatever to see if anybody threw up on seeing his smug creeping face…and if not, they`ll get him an audition to replace that petrolhead Jeremy Clarkson who seems to give them bother on occasion…
“I`ve grown accustomed to his face”…the BBC are in the rehabilitation industry, and poor Huhne needs those oily feathers degreased…bloody Amoco Cadiz you see!
Despicable-and well woth asking the BBC what the intention was in putting Huhne out as a trailer at the start of their show., when he was not to feature in any way on it.
Why so BBC…Katzshit stinks dunnit?….communist nazis,what say you agent smith ?
I’ve noticed something of late, that people are using the net in which to speak out against the leftwing dogma which is used by the political elite in which to straitjacket people. Be it immigration, education,power generation,foreign aid or even CC, the fact remains anybody who airs an opposing voice is silenced by being castigated as a bigot a denier and in a number of cases lies are spread that he is a paedophile in which to shut him up for good. Armed with such an aegis of righteousness, the left have steam-rolled their way into every aspect of our lives. Think I’m kidding, go into a shop and ask for a Blackboard, a gollywog, a 100w bulb or even take your child to the local hospital with a bruise they received whilst playing as children do (meanwhile in Hackney, lessons are still being learnt)
People are finding a voice into saying enough is enough, Oh the left still garner enough support in which to protest against; the EDL,UKIP, the Church, Arms,The British army, anything Jewish, (But nothing that a jew has invented) The US (but not apple products)
The old adage that you can fool some of the people some of the time , but not all the people all of the time has never wrung true. Which is why with so many liberals telling us all that Islam is a religion of peace, that Muslims can only be victims, that FGM in the Uk can be found across the whole ethnic makeup of the population, that rape gangs are not common amongst Pakistani Muslims and all the evidence to the contrary, people no longer listen to these so called champions of free speech and instead after years of bad news are seeing that they have been lied to. The same applies to Climate change and how by only taxing the British can the world be saved, the same applies to those health experts who cried out that testing immigrants for diseases was against their human rights .
Those and many more so called worthwhile causes of the left (FFS, I was collecting silver foil for Africa during the 70s) which have all been expensive failures is the reason why the Uk is turning to the right and how do the left respond. By calling anybody who doesn’t subscribe to their mindset as a bigot ,a racist and a denier. Yes the people who demand we talk to terrorists (As if talking nice to somebody who murders for pleasure will make them change their mind) refuse to do likewise with the EDL,UKIP and anybody who supports Nuclear power. Instead they scream and scream and scream in which to try and drown out everybody else from the equation.
The bBC is guilty of all of the above and I can’t wait for the day when they are found guilty of treason and made to pay the price. Think I’m kidding Just look across the Northsea and see what Breivik did to the left in Norway.
I`ve noted a lot of this too.
Most encouraging-and when I go to other places now, I`m getting no trouble as of old when I say pretty much what I say here.
No matter how much I bait the liberal lefty tendency in schools and health, religion and music…can only hope I`m not worth arguing with anymore…and may even be seeping in at times, “Insh`allah”.
I`d say
1. ClimateChange scandal of 2009 at the UEA
2. The media sadness at the death of Bin Laden
3.Occupy bollox
4. The riots lies of Mark Duggangate as portrayed by the BBC in 2011
5.Jimmy Savile
6.Margaret Thatcher
7. The media hushup and edits over Lee Rigby being butchered by Islamist psychos
8. Those Islam Paedo gangs getting the omerta from the media re that faith fo theirs that exudes such …er…”passions”
9. Mandela
As well as the usual slews of pay offs cock ups, digital scams, tax hypocrisies and the like from the ever impartial dispassionate voice of truth and reason that is our F888ing Haw Haw(Whore whore, more like).
Feel free to put those 9 in order of einfluence for the British people…am working on it myself…any be more to add…but needs a critique…for it`s all going swimmingly(with apologies to all flooded by New Labour and Brussels)
Superb one Pounce. The fervour of the left and their belief in their moral superiority, as with religions, is a matter of faith , not fact. Pose a fact against them and they resort to screamings and rantings. They are very much like religious extremists. Puritans springs to mind.
“bigot ,a racist and a denier”
A few weeks ago someone (I forget who, and where) described these as “weaponised words” designed to silence discussion. A good way of putting it I think.
I would add “bully” – very popular in the public sector to silence people who are upset because of something trivial, like a doctor or nurse killing their granny.
I have been waiting for one of our American regulars to pick up the BBC’s lack of coverage of the Senate confirmation hearings for Obama’s latest selection of cronies as US ambassadors. I haven’t seen anything on biased-BBC – apologies if I’ve missed it – so …
The BBC hasn’t found space to report that Obama’s recent nominees to be ambassadors thought that Argentina was a mature democracy, Norway is a republic, and so on. Crucially, as the Times (£) notes
The display has led to accusations that Mr Obama, who once pledged to curtail the practice of handing top diplomatic posts to rich donors, is instead willing to overlook talent in favour of wealth. Mr Mamet, Mr Tsunis and Ms Bell each made contributions of at least $500,000 towards Mr Obama’s re-election campaign.
About 37 per cent of his appointments have gone to political allies, compared with 30 per cent for George W. Bush and 28 per cent for Bill Clinton. The proportion rises to 53 per cent for Mr Obama’s second term.
Latest news from the religion of peace, sadly too unimportant for the bBBC to report it.
‘Adulterous’ couple illegally stoned to death in remote Pakistan (£)
A couple have been stoned to death for adultery in the remote southwest of Pakistan on the orders of an Islamic cleric.
While stoning is legal in Pakistan, it is only allowed if the sentence is passed by a federal or provincial court. In this instance, the sentence was decreed by local tribal elders. No one has ever been stoned to death legally in Pakistan.
Stoning is legal in 15 Muslim countries. Supporters of the practice argue that it is legitimised by the Hadith — the deeds and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad — though there is no mention of it in the Koran. Stoning is set out as a specific punishment for adultery under several interpretations of Sharia law.
Interesting thing the hadiths. When Mohammed was on his death bed he stated that the Koran should not be changed or added to. So how did the Islamic world get around that? Why they invented the hadiths. Which is why hundreds of years after he died we have idiots proclaiming that this is what Mohammed said. In fact when the Islamic world clamped down on Sufi Islam. ( which is when is turned into the bigoted cult it is) in order to prevent a civil war they started the trend of banning things, they also got rid of thousands of hadiths .
Funny that?
Yes, Islam Not BBC keeps up its daily censorship of Islamic practices.
“Pakistan: Couple stoned to death for adultery after Muslim cleric issues fatwa”
By Robert Spencer.
“Couple stoned to death for adultery by a mob led by the woman’s husband and brothers in Pakistan”
By Kate Lyons.
Read more:
No, that`ll all be the fault of George Bushes drones..Obama only uses then for his shopping.
You fly those noisy, carbon-emitting monsters flying on red diesel near to vulnerable if challenging persons under the Jewish lash…OF course we`ll see stress and PTSD breaking out in the food chain, especially when its processed pate from bloody Asda or something cheap and chavvy like it.
And-no Surestart, no Womans Hour, bedroom taxes and insults from Katie Hopkins…well I myself would go out and stone somebody…certainly give them the gear to roll their won anyway!
This has been Sir Nicholas Stern, BBC Harrabin…Al Quds!
Yet another example of the bbc assisting the psni in their softly softly..dont upset the republicans agenda.
Now i wonder how the script would go if it was a Loyalist district ? Every evening Loyalist areas are flooded with psni vehicles and the money burning heli-teli yet not a word from the republican appeasing bbc ni.
I don’t suppose we’ll be hearing or seeing Katie Hopkins again on the BBC after last nights performance on Channel Five’s shabby immigration debate, career over!
When she was allowed to speak she made some excellent points, particularly about ‘Auntie’ it was refreshing to hear such truths.
So according to the Channel Five poll 70% are against further immigration yet just like QT the audience appeared to be 90%pro and why was that gobby Muslim at the back allowed his own personal microphone who effectively closed down any debate.
The liberal media cannot help itself. Own goals galore. Should have hardened a view hearts amongst the Indigenous. The presenters had an agenda that was so obvious. And that guy with the mike. Very odd as you say.
When He asked Katie Hopkins her opinion about some tenuous link between Nigel Farage and Anders Breivik, she should have asked him his opinion on Homosexuals, Jews or women.
Last nights telly at this time-immigration, Benefits St, Panorama crap, floods and insurance on You and Yours, child abuse in Oxford from those men again( a review) is , was and from now on will be a desperate attempt to flood our minds now the brainwashing only has its limits.
Absolute tripe, failures falling dog shit on white carpets, nursery De Villes wanting more mums sticking their kids under OFSTEDS beak for compulsory Hbv vaccinations and FGM wristbands as sponsored by the local duty solicitors chain.
Look at the country as the MSM wish it to be seen…oh, if only Brown could have cleared the streets, Miliband could get those ID cards through and have a national emergency over “climate change catastrophes”…and we could get a troika in to sort us all out from Brussels, with Leveson blue pencils determining what we might know or dare to say to loved ones.
All working for the clampdown…huh, gitalong, gitalong.
Are you ready for the struggle?…the BBC would rather you weren`t, but thankfully there are plenty here I read most days…maybe we need something a bit bigger than Biased BBC…Statewatch perhaps?
The BBC News Channel suddenly (for some reason) have an interest in this chap’s promotion to the rank of Cardinal in the Catholic Church.
‘We’ve already just now been hearing your views on the benefits system….. there’s so much we could ask you….. what message have you got for people who have had their homes flooded and are struggling to get insurance?’
God preserve us! Ever get the impression that the BBC has a very narrow daily agenda/
And the next question is….
‘…. so what are your views on the welfare system now?’
Christ, Mary and all the Saints!
After he returns from Rome this guy could be BBC gold.
If he wanted he could be on the panel of QI
I suppose he didn`t link the flood concept of nasty old Genesis with Gods righteous judgement on Sodom and Gommorah in any theological exposition , now did he?
David Silvester tried as a UKIP local councillor near Oxford-didn`t come out scripturally sound, but may well have been onto something about God being angry with the E.U. the BBC and its Savile Travellers.
Thinking IS Allowed isn`t it?…Laurie Taylor seems to say so.
And who better to “Think Allowed” than a Scouse Catholic Archbishop who`s been to Oxford and (I would imagine) might yet know his Pentateuch from his Pentagrams and Pentathalons…would `t he?
You may say I`m a dreamer…
Yes AslSeelt, what a surprise that his holiness is shunted up to a major story. The usual BBC drip drip of ‘bad news’ for the Government will played out to its death.
But as you say, when he is eventually defrocked, he will get a nice cushy job on Radio 4’s ‘Saturday live’ like that nice Richard Coles.
Oh wait a minute, if he is not an uphill gardener he has no chance!
Five Live phone-in is back on the feminist bandwagon this morning.
The big question is always the same. Which screaming socialist harpy will be on to scream and shout at us, Bindel or Smurthwaite?
Today Five Live outdid themselves. Both!
That well-known Beeboid ‘economist’, and Obama-supplicant, K.KAY, will be going to Rio de Janeiro (at our expense) with her predictable political agenda of-
“looking at how a slowdown in the economy might affect income inequality.”
Enjoyed the interesting Jonathan Meades BBC4 prog ‘Bunkers, Brutalism and Bloody-mindedness: Concrete Poetry’. I didn’t agree with him, but it was enjoyable, nonetheless.
Something I found rather intriguing, though. When talking about the Nazis, he used the term ‘National Socialist’ rather a lot. The issue of whether the Nazis were socialists is highly contentious (especially for the Left). Who in the BBC allowed him to use a phrase historically accurate but so poisonous to the liberal/socialist left?
Did anyone else notice?
I really like this bloke and will be looking this up.
His stuff on France, the French was excellent…and he did a beauty on Essex too.
The nearest thing to a polymath with attitude we have ….our Adam Curtis as far as I can tell.
He definitely WOULD say National SOCIALIST…
Meades also did a show some years ago about architecture in the Third Reich “Jerrybuilding” which is available on Youtube. Worth watching.
Deff and his ‘Joe Building ‘ which shows up the left for the conceit it has become he is a small bit of impartiality in a sea of bias at the BBC !
Meades also did a programme on architecture in the Third Reich called “Jerry Building”. It is available on Youtube.
Sorry for the repeated message. All you get these days are bloody repeats…
After the BBC s galling obsession with “gay rights” re Russia/Putin /Sochi
After BBC1 TBQ s “Pantofest” on how bad bad BAD!, Christians are towards “gay marriage”
BBC erm ……. its all gone quiet over there?
… don t know whose worse BBC or our Judas Government?
BBC News – member of “Pussy Riot” arrested at Olympics
but but! BBC –
India – stone them to death – burn them alive?
BBC News – Clare Balding grandma’s gay revelation disgust
but … UK. Kill the gays – Throw them off the mountain?
BBC News – Stephen Fry calls for Olympics ban over Russia’s anti-gay laws
but … Nebraska: Muslim crowbars sister for being lesbian?
BBC News – Sochi 2014: Gay rights protests – target Russia’s games
but! ….
France “By the Quran, we will kill you all, you faggots!”
Muslims attack gays in Paris, beating patrons and spraying them with tear gas
BBC News -Hayley Atwell highlights gay rights in “The Pride”
BBC is trending – Panti Bliss homophobia speech goes viral
but but …Seattle USA : Muslim tries to burn down crowded gay nightclub “homosexuals should be exterminated”
Muslim soldiers beat transgender workers -The Qur’an says kill a homosexual go to heaven
Judas government?
What’s the Cicero quote ?
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly.
But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men.
He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.”
David, the suicidal talk from those two ignorant shills above, shows the contempt they have for our nation …
any (and the odious Warsi is a perfect example) muslim in any position of power, doesn t have the good of the nation, the government, or even the party at heart … there is one aim only
forwarding an Islamic agenda that is it, by any means possible.
“If we are not ashamed to think it, we should not be ashamed to say it.”
“Politicians are not born; they are excreted.”
― Cicero
In case it has not been posted before, here is Delingpoles list of the ten leftie lies about the floods. The lies the BBC has been parroting for weeks now :
Useful little discussion on “climate change” in the US – where all the farming land in central California is stricken with drought caused by deliberate failure use available water in the mountains to irrigate – because this might harm the poor smelt fish. As with the UK floods – much or indeed most of the problem is man-made, a result of wacky environmental policies.
I like George Will’s line – when people (such as BBC clowns) say “the science is settled” you can be sure of 2 things. Firstly, there is a raging debate about the validity of the “science”. Secondly – the clowns are losing the debate (so they want to suppress it) :
BBC’s Inside Out West last night treated us to the horrors of FGM, the sufferers of which were referred to as British, or British kids….
The Somali ‘community’ (I hate that word) was featured with a ‘cool’ street talking hijab clad teenager ‘presenting’ (remember that 73% of Somalian households are on benefits) the program highlighted that the NHS has to supply specialist ‘FGM midwives’ for such. Teachers are being trained to ‘spot the signs’ such as long absences from school, and all this at even more cost to the tax payer, I’d also wager that the parents are not charged for said absences as you or I now would. A school in Bristol was highlighted (yes it is Bristol) I just feel sorry for the white kids…..
Of course in typical BBC they treated the subject as if it were possible any ‘British’ girl may suffer such and a school stuffed with scarfed pupils is completely run of the mill for the majority of the UK, it ain’t yet, and I’d guess most really don’t give a ****!
10.40 on
The NHS is a bit more honest about who is really at risk of FGM. Note the number of “African ” or “Ethnic” Women’s clinics – I count at least ten on this link:
I was truly shocked to see that such clinics actually existed – i.e. clinics set aside for one racial or “cultural” group. How enriching.
English culture and Somalian culture have nothing in common. Reality.
Answer. Somalian immigrants must abandon their culture and accept ours. As a minority this is the only way.
Reality. Politically incorrect .
The body snatched liberal cannot get this.
Wants to be “inclusive and reasonable”
Short term the liberal gets to feel good about things.
Long term we all suffer in particular the Somalian immigrants and their families.
Both cultures have evolved over centuries in completely different ways. There cannot be room for both on our streets and in our cities.
-And, re-the Islamic threat from PAKISTAN which has infiltrated Britain, thanks to the laxity and ignorance of the British political class, inc INBBC-
“Why Pakistan Produces Jihadists.
“Carved out of the Muslim-majority areas of British India in 1947, it was the world’s first modern nation based solely on Islam.”
By S. Dhume (2010).
Little bit of self-deprecatory fun from Nice-bit-of-work-if-you-can-get-it Eddie..
Telegraph TV & Radio (@Telegraph_TV)
Eddie Mair: how to have a BBC meeting
Those that can, do. Those that are uniquely-funded, meet.
Not quite sure what categorises the current collection of hangers-on who, for love alone (claimed), are currently packing out this little site no one pays attention to with their OT one-liners.
Early entry for BBC Knobhead Of The Year Award 2014 by Gameshow, talking to some cleric.
‘Zpoveri zbad in Rio aziz in London’.
F me, the pretrendy left actually believe their own Bullshit?
Yer Nikki, four generations living in a ten foot by ten foot cardboard shack in the favela are raising a petition to stop the Brazilian government capping their benefits at £29 thou.
Saw that Roy Hodgson was out there in the Amazon rain forest yesterday-and a fair few BBC/ITV camp followers seemed happy enough to get down in Rio.
And none of that Amazon Rain Forest crap about the trees going so we can have a pointless new stadium there.
Not a peep about how many workers have died in the rush to give the pigmies(and of course the other diverse types like the Sting tribe of CD Lip Playas) that oh-so funky Richard Rodgers Stadium.
Nah, this is the Great God Sport-trumps teenage prozzies, atrocious murder rates and f*** the bleeding “lungs of the world with its gorgeous microclimate and parrots”.
All that binge drinking in the early hours in June too…any thoughts from the booze police at the BMA?
Nah, course not mate…too passionate about Tottenham Wanderers am I not Quentin?
Top news story on the BBC website:
Luvvie alert!!!!
Don’t know enough about the chap to comment, but I do know he was good in my fav episode of Only Fools and Horses where Del & Co visit Boycie’s Cornish cottage to do some poaching. He played the mad axeman well.
Oh God…suspenders at half mast, stockings to be worn a la Norah Batty!
Lucy Arnez puppy died in 1974…this very day!
Forty Years on…the L.A Pets that wore leather leashes…Rosie Millard presents…
Another from the “never heard of” pile, I’m afraid.
Still, “He name-checked Paul Scofield, Ian Holm, Diana Rigg, Helen Mirren, Frances De La Tour and Malcolm McDowell, with whom he shared a flat”. Which is good enough for me.
Whilst clearly topical and interesting, I was going to avoid the possible OT until I noticed a few BBC favourites seem to have cropped up cross-channel (one presumes Ch4 has no hosts on their roster to match Mr. Bacon for gravitas), and not in a good way.
‘the presenter Richard Bacon pulled up something I had written about an entirely different case, last year (about the irresponsibility of having children you cannot afford to keep), and implied I had written it about Benefits Street. He then, strangely, asked which of the children of the people opposite shouldn’t have been born. To say this is a low way to do things probably does not need to be pointed out.
Low way? Out of context? Shocked, one tells you. Shocked. 7 of H will be beside itself.
‘Having become the only remaining token right-winger*, Richard Bacon seemed strangely keen to elicit my personal feelings’
This must surely trouble the Flokkers here who are so dedicated to objectivity and fact. It will be interesting to see how their concerns get fielded should they care to raise them.
*The circumstances behind that were interesting too on a variety of apparently acceptable ‘ism bases. By coincidence I caught a new QI on iPlayer the other night, and it seems they were struggling with the new quota, to the extent of reaching out to NZ to fill only 50% of the 50% diverse slot. Actually the young lady was a fun and feisty choice, but one has to wonder if there will now be dark mutterings that if not a local lass at least they could field a Maori.
Noted VD on the execrable Newsnight hound some Tory MP in regard of HIS personal story about his dad once being on benefits.
“Yet you don`t understand their plight” was VDs mantra said long, hard and often-and over the MP who was trying to talk about the policy of cutting benefits to those who don`t bother to seek work.
In the light of what you`re saying above ,Guest Who-may well be the new tactic to simply want us all to emote…and not bother with figures, policies and stuff…
Creepy…but I expect we`ll be seeing this tactic develop now the thickshit that do these progs can`t handle a fact or policies any more…just Kylebile by way of “anal ee sis “
Also had the slimy Chris Huhne on at which point I switched off.
I might be shocked if I had any idea what you were talking about.
‘I might be shocked if I had any idea what you were talking about’
What has kept you in such a state of bliss can only be guessed at.
But at least you know how to respond to call signs.
Radio 2 2pm news chooses to close with the news of the release of two members of Pussy Riot.
It begs the question why bother with a 5 hour old non story and who gives $£%& anyway (that is apart from the agenda pushing metrosexuals at the BBC)?
Some things about the floodings have seemed very clear for weeks now, however much the BBC disguises it. There has been no global warming for 17 years so that is not the cause. The rain in December was not unduly heavy – and the floods started in early January. Yes, the rain is January has been heavy, but not on an unprecedented level – it was heavier in the winter of 1929/30, for example.
The root cause of the flooding is lack of dredging. Where dredging has been implemented as usual – for instance in the large areas of Norfolk below sea level, in the Romney Marshes of Kent, and of course in Holland, just over the water, there have been no serious floods. Not a single home has been flooded in Holland.
There is documentary evidence that the European Community was pushing for policies that would reduce dredging – and there is documentary evidence that the Environment Agency under Labour peer Baroness Young enthusiastically adopted this approach. Young is quoted as believing “if you want wildlife, just add water” – and of wishing she could attach a limpet mine to every water pumping station. The EA stopped dredging the rivers of the Somerset Levels years ago, and also sold off a lot of the pumping equipment that took water out of the flood plain into the banked rivers to flow out to sea. It also appears that sluice gates have been kept closes when they should have been opened to allow water to escape.
All the locals in the Somerset Levels agree that this is the root cause of the problem, We now find that the Environment Agency has also neglected to dredge the Thames except where navigation was impeded. Again – this reduces the ability of the river to take excess water out to sea.
There should be an almighty public protest about all this. Heads should have rolled. But our politicians and the Agency have been able to confuse the issues – because we have a dumb or biased media, led by an especially biased BBC. Lord Smith is able to get away with claims that it is all down to climate change and we have years more floOding to come. The chief scientist at the Met Office (which had forecast a relatively dry winter) is allowed to put the blame on “climate change” when even the IPCC s
sorry – full post is below
Some things about the floodings have seemed very clear for weeks now, however much the BBC disguises it. There has been no global warming for 17 years so that is not the cause. The rain in December was not unduly heavy – and the floods started in early January. Yes, the rain is January has been heavy, but not on an unprecedented level – it was heavier in the winter of 1929/30, for example.
The root cause of the flooding is lack of dredging. Where dredging has been implemented as usual – for instance in the large areas of Norfolk below sea level, in the Romney Marshes of Kent, and of course in Holland, just over the water, there have been no serious floods. Not a single home has been flooded in Holland.
There is documentary evidence that the European Community was pushing for policies that would reduce dredging – and there is documentary evidence that the Environment Agency under Labour peer Baroness Young enthusiastically adopted this approach. Young is quoted as believing “if you want wildlife, just add water” – and of wishing she could attach a limpet mine to every water pumping station. The EA stopped dredging the rivers of the Somerset Levels years ago, and also sold off a lot of the pumping equipment that took water out of the flood plain into the banked rivers to flow out to sea. It also appears that sluice gates have been kept closes when they should have been opened to allow water to escape.
All the locals in the Somerset Levels agree that this is the root cause of the problem, We now find that the Environment Agency has also neglected to dredge the Thames except where navigation was impeded. To defend the habitat of some bloody mussel. Again – this reduces the ability of the river to take excess water out to sea.
There should be an almighty public protest about all this. Heads should have rolled. But our politicians and the Agency have been able to confuse the issues – because we have a dumb or biased media, led by an especially biased BBC. Lord Smith is able to get away with claims that it is all down to climate change and we have years more flooding to come. The chief scientist at the Met Office (which had forecast a relatively dry winter) is allowed to put the blame on “climate change” when even the IPCC says there is no clear link.
For the first time it looks as though there will be an online corner of the media that wilol not put up with this nonsense :
Yes, Breitbart comes to U.K, and many leftist Beeboids wont appreciate it, politically.
By James Delingpole.
… and now, I hear from David Shmuckman on the 10 O’clock news that these sinkholes that have started to appear (6 in the last month or so) can be attributed to the floods also.
Yes, you heard it here first folks, even the sinkhole that occurred in Ripon earlier is down to the floods. Ripon of course, for those who are unsure, is in Yorkshire only just up the road from Somerset where the worst of these floods have occurred.
Breitbart is good. He does not see the point of arguing with body snatched liberals. Neither do I.
The culture war is exactly that. My side is fighting for the future of the English way of life to hand on into the future..The liberal side is fighting to destroy it. No meeting of minds or compromise is possible.
I use the present tense as I still like to think of him as part of the fight. Good that Delingpole is now on board,
Along with the Sultanknish blog it is required reading.
The bBC and its promotion of violent Jihad during this morning pause for thought:
the clip is 3mins long, pay attention from the 1 min 40 mark. Listen how the Islamic apologist refers to Malcolm X as a militant in his pursuit of freedom.
Here is what Malcom X stood for as a follower of the nation of Islam:
From his adoption of the Nation of Islam in 1952 until he broke with it in 1964, Malcolm X promoted the Nation’s teachings. These included the beliefs:
that black people are the original people of the world
that white people are “devils”
that blacks are superior to whites, and
that the demise of the white race is imminent.
Gee, and the bBC refer to Islam as a religion of peace and victims of…racism.
As for Malcom X being a Militant fighting for freedom here is how he met his end:
On February 21, 1965, Malcolm X was preparing to address the Organization of Afro-American Unity in Manhattan’s Audubon Ballroom when someone in the 400-person audience yelled “Nigger! Get your hand outta my pocket!” As Malcolm X and his bodyguards attempted to quiet the disturbance, a man who was seated in the front row rushed forward and shot him once in the chest with a double-barreled sawed-off shotgun. Two other men charged the stage and fired semi-automatic handguns, hitting Malcolm X several times. He was pronounced dead at 3:30 pm, shortly after arriving at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital.The autopsy report showed 21 gunshot wounds to the chest, left shoulder, and arms and legs, of which ten were buckshot wounds from the initial shotgun blast.
One gunman, Nation of Islam member Talmadge Hayer (also known as Thomas Hagan) was seized and beaten by the crowd before the police arrived minutes later; witnesses identified the others as Norman 3X Butler and Thomas 15X Johnson, also Nation members.Hayer confessed at trial to being one of the assailants, but refused to identify the others except to assert that they were not Butler and Johnson.[167] All three were convicted.
So the paragon for this Muslim, is Malcon X who if you listen to him speak fought for his freedom . Yet the irony here is, the man was the biggest racist bigot going and he was murdered by….3 Muslims.
The bBC, the propaganda arm for radical Islam.
“The Real Malcolm X?”
Gosh I need to check what I read:
Snowden elected Glasgow Uni rector
I thought it read:
Snowden elected Glasgow Uni rectum
Toilet humour I know, but that is what I thought it said.
”Snowden elected Glasgowgrad University rector”
They’re children, so what do you expect ? at least they didn’t elect Sooty, then again a glove puppet is about their level.
He`s in dispute with the BBC over what Jimmy Savile did to him when Harry Corbett was at diversity training( that`s how we got the useless Sue!).
Harry only put his hand up Sootys fundament…
Says it all really. Socialist Scotland and an anti-American, anti-British agenda. Trump also now pulling out of building another hotel at his golf resort in Aberdeenshire as Scottish Parliament pushed through the construction of a windfarm off the coast of it.
At risk of more of Mordor’s top floor types hiring a few extra goblins off the books to maintain a watching brief, in other news:
Seems like a case of ‘you tickle my tummy, I’ll..’:)
Heftier fare next, where the uniqueness of BBC executive HR is again in the frame.
No actual job? No real problem!
Can’t quite see how if a bloke had a job, but then didn’t when another was brought in, that doesn’t count as constructive dismissal, but one is sure Mr. Purnell need to be back in at any cost.
But nice to see heaven, earth and clearly much else was deployed to prolong and then ease his removal if not his dignity.
But other than scale, detail remains elusive, as there still seem many men whose jobs involve tasks nobody appears able to quite nail down on deals that one is sure an FoI exemption is on standby to address.
Hard not to feel that despite Lord Hall Hall’s oft told PR mantras to the contrary, the BBC is still taking the mickey.
Even more expansion of Beeboids’ global broadcasting empire-
The academy’s website has lots of stuff on a variety of topics. For “Reporting : Describing the scene” they have chosen a gory piece from Jeremy Bowen in Gaza :
Always on message, pushing the agenda !