A bus full of workers wearing gas masks and NBC suits .
The BBC sneerers caption ; UKIP go to meet ethnic minorities .
Why UKIP ? Why not ” Labour go to meet working class people ?
Or ; BBC sneerers drive outside London chic areas .
Sorry, off topic and I really shouldn’t watch Channel 4 news either. Around 7.30 this evening (Tuesday) was a 5 minute piece on the dreadful siege of Gaza by the Israelies. Cue small child with brain tumour whose operation in Israel was delayed because his mother was not allowed to go with him. An application for his grandmother to go was granted but no explanation of why; of course it was added this was the lucky child because other children had died waiting. No information given but likely that the medical aid is paid for by Israel. Switch to youths playing football; one wants to be a doctor but we are not told if he has the academic ability. Of course he and his friends, they told us, live under permanently stressful times because the Israelis are always attacking them. Other youths shown playing in sand dunes, well away from the town; but I thought this was the most densely populated area on earth, so how come this large open ground. I am seething, do I put in a complaint or is Channel 4 so pro Muslim that it is a complete waste of time.
Israel accepts medical patients from Gaza for treatment on a regular basis, often as many as 70 patients per day. But that begs the question of why Israel is obliged to allow even one? Gaza is a hostile entity, attacks from across the border are frequent, they have threatened Israel with genocide and since Israel left in 2005 there have been two brief wars. It also ignores the question why Egypt which also shares a border with Gaza doesn’t open it even for medical cases.
There are many reasons permission is not granted. One is the recent trend to play bureaucratic games with Israel. They intentionally marked their documents as “State of Palestine” instead of “Palestinian Territories.” Israel rejects the documentation and then they reapply on documents of the Palestinian Authority and are admitted. Some severe cases are admitted even with the wrong documents.
Another possible reason for rejecting the mother is that she has been placed on some form of a watch list, perhaps for terrorist connections, perhaps anti Israel activities. She may be much more than the mother of a sick child.
Well it appears he’s done an about turn, as in today’s article about statements he’s made to the Guardian he now says: He has repeatedly argued the BBC is right to pay its stars high salaries to allow it to compete with its commercial rivals.
And in his latest interview, he said the same principle meant the publicly funded organisation should not always be transparent about the way it operates.
He said: ‘[The BBC] can’t compete with its hands tied behind its back and being told: “You can’t pay the talent this and you’ve got to disclose everything you do”. The BBC has to be as open as it can possibly be but it also has to be able to operate.’
Naturally he still defends his own 2 salaries totalling £330,000 though he has the arrogance to consider it ‘half a salary’.
Perhaps the worst of his statements that highlight this scum for what he truly is, is the following: Asked about the Savile fiasco, he said people needed credit for ‘owning up’
Just who did he see ‘owning up’ to anything?
Lying is what the BBC see as ‘creative’.
I doubt he truly understands why people might take the ‘p**s’ out of him.
The inflation falls to below 2% cause for celebration you might think? Maybe just congratulations for the governot of the BoE ?
No such thing from the BBC ! They find a company which has managed to give its workforce a 3% pay rise, and then finds some worker who talks about her monthly budget, and then changes the entire good news story into a Labour party political broadcast about the ‘cost of living crisis’.
Mind you seeing as leftie Dave doesn’t want to be re elected then he’s not going to do anything about the bias no matter how obvious it is.
Robert Spencer, ‘Jihadwatch’ comments, from above report:-
“They’re in prison, but nothing is being done there to disabuse them of their jihadist sentiments. To take any action of that kind would be ‘Islamophobic,’ and would be denounced by Britain’s
‘moderate’ Muslim leaders. Consequently, these men waged jihad before being imprisoned, and they’re waging jihad in prison, and they will wage jihad after they’re released from prison — all while British authorities concentrate on shutting down foes of jihad.
“Inmates ‘took prison guard hostage and demanded the release of Abu Qatada just days after the murder of Lee Rigby,’” by John Hall for the Daily Mail”
“The truth about Labour apologists for paedophilia:
Police probe child sex group linked to top party officials in wake of Savile.
“Harriet Harman, Jack Dromey and Patricia Hewitt linked to vile group.
“They were key figures at National Council for Civil Liberties (NCCL).
“The NCCL was an ‘affiliate’ of the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE).
“PIE members may have abused children on an ‘industrial scale.'”
And these so called Intelligent people just couldn’t see why this pedophilic group which called for more underage sex with minors called themselves PIE.
The BBC do seem to be in a spin about the floods and climate change. It seems that the Today program is sceptical that the floods have anything to do with CC and more than that, that CC is caused by mankind’s actions.
Very schizophrenic, evidence that they aren’t all singing off the same hymn sheet on this, or that a message hasn’t come down from the top instructing them what to think?
A world exclusive from Eleanor Oldroyd in Sochi. The Team GB womens’ curling team is actually Team Scotland. Wow. Now that’s news.
Of course, what she means is that the members of Team GB curling team are Scottish, so also those who represent Team Scotland in Curling. Except… there is no Team Scotland curling team, any more than there is a Team England bobsleigh team.
This is the second time in a few days I’ve heard Oldroyd make reference to Team Scotland. She seems to have it on what passes as her brain for some steange reason. Perhaps she too has fallen under the thrall of Salmond’s fantasy.
You’re just desperate for albaman to start his shift early today aren’t you ? 😉
Anyway, the skip has been referring to them as “Team Muirhead” – if Eleanor Oldroyd needs something other than ‘Team GB’ to make herself happy then why not use that ?
Also Union Jack earrings have been in evidence on Vicki Adams.
It seems a curious distinction to make at an Olympics, this year more than any other. I certainly don’t recall similar distinctions at the London Olympics. Bradley Wiggins was not “England’s Bradley Wiggins” and nor should he have been.
During the Commonwealth Games, then of course, but now it is a nonsense.
In her later report it was Team GB, Britain and British, so perhaps she was just being controversial for the hell of it, and has decided to be accurate instead.
As for me, I’m rooting for the Team GB womens’ curling team today, just like any other day they are competing.
Womans hour perhaps it would be better renamed far leftie liberal hour! Has a piece on how the cuts have affected single mothers – the poor loves!
Of course they’ve been one of the groups hardly affected at all, and most of the program came down to the dreadful cases that there weren’t enough social rentals for them in central London, and they were being offered housing in Hastings or in some cases Birmingham.
This was all the fault of not enough houses being built! There was no mention that under Liebour house building fell to an all time low, nor that the mass immigration they started meant more people chasing fewer properties, and no mention that Liebour prioritised immigrants in the housing queue ahead of the nasty white people.
All in all a ridiculous attempt to blame the Coalition for not going to the money tree and making everything nice for the scroungers who have got themselves deliberately pregnant to claim the massive state benefits which aren’t available to childless people looking for work.
Victoria Derbyshire is on the “da yoot am demonised” meme today. The first half an hour of her show consisted of s group of cookie cutter NUT approved, state sponsored liberal teenagers telling us, at some considerable length, that no-one evah listens to them. I’m not surprised, Saffron, my dear, but good luck with the House of Commons internship mummy and daddy are helping you secure.
Meanwhile the vast majority of our youth are eschewing half an hour of free moan time to instead work, search for work and volunteer, because the vast majority of our youth are rather wonderful.
I’ve often wondered what it is about the liberal left credo that assumes if, for example, it is reported a young person stabs someone, then it means we believe all youngsters go around stabbing people?
It is the same tactic employed with benefits. If you say Fungi from Benefits Street is a drunken, drugged up prick, apparently you mean all people on benefits are the same.
It’s a lazy, untrue attack, created from a work shy lying belief system.
Given the stances taken by Hatty, Patty and Jack-based on their PIE support when they creamed it at the NCCL in the late 70s( so they had no drug-induced 60s excuses)…I think we can see why the Left likes to keep its fingers on the nub of youth…
Of course, if BBC-NUJ didn’t spot what was on ‘Daily Mail’ front page today, here is some supplementary material on the same subject as ‘Mail’ front page, on ‘Mail’ inside pages-
“How three of the party’s most senior figures campaigned for a vile paedophile group now being probed by police for ‘abusing children on an industrial scale.'”
“The Labour elite who gave succour to paedophiles.”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“Today the paper publishes an exposé of the frankly disgusting views on paedophilia held in the 1970s and 1980s by people who rose to the highest ranks in the modern Labour Party.
“Though it makes deeply disturbing and often shocking reading, it should be studied as an object lesson in the way the liberal Left offered moral underpinning to a group that validated the vile crimes of monsters like Jimmy Savile.
“Inevitably, we will be accused of dredging up the past.
But today, hundreds of police are engaged in investigating historic sex crimes from that era – many of which (though not all) will be regarded by most as less grievous than the kind of offences these politicians sought, at the outset of their careers, to legitimise.”
I can understand their reticence, but isn’t there a paper trail a mile long on Harman’s love of PIE? I assume Five Live have their best investigative journalists on it and it’ll be lead story later today. Uh-huh.
I first raised this at 11.41pm yesterday night – predicting 100 to 1 that the BBC would not report this front page in its reviews of the newspapers. I should have put the odds at Infinity to 1.
Well done to the others who have pursued this issue. And yes – it does look to be worth a separate post, as an example of how the BBC covers for Labour.
So – the copout by the BBC is that there are legal issues that prevent the story being mentioned – even an anodyne reference to “The Mail is carrying a story making claims about senior Labour figures and their past attitude to paedophilia”? That would not specifically mention the details – so it should avoid any legal problem.
The same legal issues will have been thoroughly examined by lawyers at the Daily Mail. Yet they have published – in great detail.
This is potentially a huge story, casting great discredit on some very senior Labour figures. If it is all true – they should all resign from public life, Harman from Deputy-Leadership of Labour and Hewitt from her nice little earner at BT. (What possible experience does she bring to BT’s affairs that is worth £160K a year part-time ?)
The BBC with its army of “reporters” should have a whole team on this story – whether or not there are some legal issues. First find the facts – or check the apparent facts the Mail has provided. Then take it up to D-G level together with legal advice.
But no – I expect the BBC will try to muzzle the story, spike it straight away. Altogether too close to home.
And they will continue to spike any further stories the Mail produces.
Won`t work though..this one is going to bleed Labour to death, if there is any justice.
As for what Hewitt brings to BT for her £160,000( two days work/week?)…all those phone chat sex lines I`d imagine…with child sex a niceh speciality…and with Home Office interpreters on call for translating into Urdu or Bengali….Yemeni or Pashtun…
splendid job Hatty, Jack and Patty…sounds like a Kashmiri starter eh?
JohnCMar 6, 04:16 Midweek 5th March 2025 ‘They try to pitch Muslims against Hindus’. Nobody does that more than the BBC. They hate the Hindus. Every report…
JohnCMar 6, 04:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 One day, three crises and Trump’s free-wheeling foreign policy on display https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cwyd5xn98yno And another outrageously lop-sided from the BBC’s Zurcher.…
Yasser DasmibehbiMar 6, 04:12 Midweek 5th March 2025 I hear tell that down In deepest Windsor in the hall of the muslim King, that the call to prayer…
vladMar 6, 04:07 Midweek 5th March 2025 Dave Rubin: “Sadiq Khan is a Jihadist in sheep’s clothing and Britain is f*cked.” Here’s weasel Khan celebrating ‘diversity’. That’s…
JohnCMar 6, 02:20 Midweek 5th March 2025 Europe ‘at turning point in history’, French president warns https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c3w14gw3wwlo ‘Europe was facing a “clear and present danger on a…
taffmanMar 6, 00:36 Midweek 5th March 2025 pugnazious The blame lays with the EU’s open borders.
pugnaziousMar 6, 00:31 Midweek 5th March 2025 Why is it possible to come on Campbell’s show and say the most outrageous anti-Trump or Musk things and Campbell…
pugnaziousMar 6, 00:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Woke up to Today pushing the Robinson interview with Sunak [Campbell ejaculated on his show…’What a scoop!’…lol…no] and getting very…
taffmanMar 6, 00:25 Midweek 5th March 2025 My often posted message to the BBC….. “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all…
pugnaziousMar 6, 00:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 BBC… ‘He [Trump] also appeared to threaten civilians: “Also, to the People of Gaza: A beautiful Future awaits, but not…
Have I Got News For You last night .
A bus full of workers wearing gas masks and NBC suits .
The BBC sneerers caption ; UKIP go to meet ethnic minorities .
Why UKIP ? Why not ” Labour go to meet working class people ?
Or ; BBC sneerers drive outside London chic areas .
Sorry, off topic and I really shouldn’t watch Channel 4 news either. Around 7.30 this evening (Tuesday) was a 5 minute piece on the dreadful siege of Gaza by the Israelies. Cue small child with brain tumour whose operation in Israel was delayed because his mother was not allowed to go with him. An application for his grandmother to go was granted but no explanation of why; of course it was added this was the lucky child because other children had died waiting. No information given but likely that the medical aid is paid for by Israel. Switch to youths playing football; one wants to be a doctor but we are not told if he has the academic ability. Of course he and his friends, they told us, live under permanently stressful times because the Israelis are always attacking them. Other youths shown playing in sand dunes, well away from the town; but I thought this was the most densely populated area on earth, so how come this large open ground. I am seething, do I put in a complaint or is Channel 4 so pro Muslim that it is a complete waste of time.
Answer to my own question: why I am not putting in a complaint to Channel 4; they reserve the right to publish my name and location!
Israel accepts medical patients from Gaza for treatment on a regular basis, often as many as 70 patients per day. But that begs the question of why Israel is obliged to allow even one? Gaza is a hostile entity, attacks from across the border are frequent, they have threatened Israel with genocide and since Israel left in 2005 there have been two brief wars. It also ignores the question why Egypt which also shares a border with Gaza doesn’t open it even for medical cases.
There are many reasons permission is not granted. One is the recent trend to play bureaucratic games with Israel. They intentionally marked their documents as “State of Palestine” instead of “Palestinian Territories.” Israel rejects the documentation and then they reapply on documents of the Palestinian Authority and are admitted. Some severe cases are admitted even with the wrong documents.
Another possible reason for rejecting the mother is that she has been placed on some form of a watch list, perhaps for terrorist connections, perhaps anti Israel activities. She may be much more than the mother of a sick child.
There are certain things besides the obvious to note in this story.
Last October, the Mail was running the story:
I deserve my £330,000 BBC salary, say Yentob: Executive defends his pay packet and admits he feels uneasy about salaries paid to top stars
Well it appears he’s done an about turn, as in today’s article about statements he’s made to the Guardian he now says:
He has repeatedly argued the BBC is right to pay its stars high salaries to allow it to compete with its commercial rivals.
And in his latest interview, he said the same principle meant the publicly funded organisation should not always be transparent about the way it operates.
He said: ‘[The BBC] can’t compete with its hands tied behind its back and being told: “You can’t pay the talent this and you’ve got to disclose everything you do”. The BBC has to be as open as it can possibly be but it also has to be able to operate.’
Naturally he still defends his own 2 salaries totalling £330,000 though he has the arrogance to consider it ‘half a salary’.
Perhaps the worst of his statements that highlight this scum for what he truly is, is the following: Asked about the Savile fiasco, he said people needed credit for ‘owning up’
Just who did he see ‘owning up’ to anything?
Lying is what the BBC see as ‘creative’.
I doubt he truly understands why people might take the ‘p**s’ out of him.
My £183,000 is only half a salary, says BBC’s ‘two jobs’ Yentob: Executive says he is only criticised because he is ‘easy to take the p*** out of’
The inflation falls to below 2% cause for celebration you might think? Maybe just congratulations for the governot of the BoE ?
No such thing from the BBC ! They find a company which has managed to give its workforce a 3% pay rise, and then finds some worker who talks about her monthly budget, and then changes the entire good news story into a Labour party political broadcast about the ‘cost of living crisis’.
Mind you seeing as leftie Dave doesn’t want to be re elected then he’s not going to do anything about the bias no matter how obvious it is.
Two reports on same Muslim prison riot case:-
“UK: Muslim inmates took guard hostage, demanded release of jihad leader, days after jihad murder of soldier”
2.) For Islam Not BBC (INBBC), a Humberside matter, apparently:-
“HMP Full Sutton inmates ‘held prison guard hostage'”
Robert Spencer, ‘Jihadwatch’ comments, from above report:-
“They’re in prison, but nothing is being done there to disabuse them of their jihadist sentiments. To take any action of that kind would be ‘Islamophobic,’ and would be denounced by Britain’s
‘moderate’ Muslim leaders. Consequently, these men waged jihad before being imprisoned, and they’re waging jihad in prison, and they will wage jihad after they’re released from prison — all while British authorities concentrate on shutting down foes of jihad.
“Inmates ‘took prison guard hostage and demanded the release of Abu Qatada just days after the murder of Lee Rigby,’” by John Hall for the Daily Mail”
Front page headline of the Mail tomorrow links senior Labour politicians with paedophile pressure groups.
100 to 1 that is not mentioned on the Today programmes’s review of the newspapers. Different odds if it had been Tory politicians, of course.
Yes, ‘Daily Mail’s front page for Wednesday-
“The truth about Labour apologists for paedophilia:
Police probe child sex group linked to top party officials in wake of Savile.
“Harriet Harman, Jack Dromey and Patricia Hewitt linked to vile group.
“They were key figures at National Council for Civil Liberties (NCCL).
“The NCCL was an ‘affiliate’ of the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE).
“PIE members may have abused children on an ‘industrial scale.'”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2562518/The-truth-Labour-apologists-paedophilia-Police-probe-child-sex-group-linked-party-officials-wake-Savile.html#ixzz2tiiUj9aA
How will Labour Party supporting BBC-NUJ react?
And these so called Intelligent people just couldn’t see why this pedophilic group which called for more underage sex with minors called themselves PIE.
True to form, at 7.40 the Today programme read the headlines from 8 UK newspapers. But they missed this one out. I wonder why ?
The BBC do seem to be in a spin about the floods and climate change. It seems that the Today program is sceptical that the floods have anything to do with CC and more than that, that CC is caused by mankind’s actions.
Very schizophrenic, evidence that they aren’t all singing off the same hymn sheet on this, or that a message hasn’t come down from the top instructing them what to think?
A world exclusive from Eleanor Oldroyd in Sochi. The Team GB womens’ curling team is actually Team Scotland. Wow. Now that’s news.
Of course, what she means is that the members of Team GB curling team are Scottish, so also those who represent Team Scotland in Curling. Except… there is no Team Scotland curling team, any more than there is a Team England bobsleigh team.
This is the second time in a few days I’ve heard Oldroyd make reference to Team Scotland. She seems to have it on what passes as her brain for some steange reason. Perhaps she too has fallen under the thrall of Salmond’s fantasy.
Miss Oldroyd has kindly tweeted me a reply to my question regarding the fantastical Team Scotland Olympic curling team…
“They compete at world champs as Scotland and at Olympics as GB as Scotland don’t have a national Olympic committee.”
My response…
“Exactly. There’s no Team Scotland Olympic curling team, any more than there’s a Team England Olympic bobsleigh team. #TeamGB”
You might think, bearing in mind the impending referendum, a sensible broadcaster might avoid such partisan comments like the plague.
You’re just desperate for albaman to start his shift early today aren’t you ? 😉
Anyway, the skip has been referring to them as “Team Muirhead” – if Eleanor Oldroyd needs something other than ‘Team GB’ to make herself happy then why not use that ?
Also Union Jack earrings have been in evidence on Vicki Adams.
Wake up, Eleanor.
It seems a curious distinction to make at an Olympics, this year more than any other. I certainly don’t recall similar distinctions at the London Olympics. Bradley Wiggins was not “England’s Bradley Wiggins” and nor should he have been.
During the Commonwealth Games, then of course, but now it is a nonsense.
In her later report it was Team GB, Britain and British, so perhaps she was just being controversial for the hell of it, and has decided to be accurate instead.
As for me, I’m rooting for the Team GB womens’ curling team today, just like any other day they are competing.
following up from this on BBC news Muslims demands/threats/menaces in prison.
200% increase in muslim inmates? the cause? any ideas?
eh! … islamofauxbia made me do it?
increasing influence? what could that be ? … demands/threats/menaces in prison perhaps?
travelling to Syria to marry UK jihadists , some seeing them leading a ‘perfect life’? better get Imam Cameron to explain that one?
There is one paper missing from the BBC’s website this morning.
Daily Mail. Negative Labour headline.
Probably worth a post on its own.
Womans hour perhaps it would be better renamed far leftie liberal hour! Has a piece on how the cuts have affected single mothers – the poor loves!
Of course they’ve been one of the groups hardly affected at all, and most of the program came down to the dreadful cases that there weren’t enough social rentals for them in central London, and they were being offered housing in Hastings or in some cases Birmingham.
This was all the fault of not enough houses being built! There was no mention that under Liebour house building fell to an all time low, nor that the mass immigration they started meant more people chasing fewer properties, and no mention that Liebour prioritised immigrants in the housing queue ahead of the nasty white people.
All in all a ridiculous attempt to blame the Coalition for not going to the money tree and making everything nice for the scroungers who have got themselves deliberately pregnant to claim the massive state benefits which aren’t available to childless people looking for work.
Victoria Derbyshire is on the “da yoot am demonised” meme today. The first half an hour of her show consisted of s group of cookie cutter NUT approved, state sponsored liberal teenagers telling us, at some considerable length, that no-one evah listens to them. I’m not surprised, Saffron, my dear, but good luck with the House of Commons internship mummy and daddy are helping you secure.
Meanwhile the vast majority of our youth are eschewing half an hour of free moan time to instead work, search for work and volunteer, because the vast majority of our youth are rather wonderful.
I’ve often wondered what it is about the liberal left credo that assumes if, for example, it is reported a young person stabs someone, then it means we believe all youngsters go around stabbing people?
It is the same tactic employed with benefits. If you say Fungi from Benefits Street is a drunken, drugged up prick, apparently you mean all people on benefits are the same.
It’s a lazy, untrue attack, created from a work shy lying belief system.
Given the stances taken by Hatty, Patty and Jack-based on their PIE support when they creamed it at the NCCL in the late 70s( so they had no drug-induced 60s excuses)…I think we can see why the Left likes to keep its fingers on the nub of youth…
Of course, if BBC-NUJ didn’t spot what was on ‘Daily Mail’ front page today, here is some supplementary material on the same subject as ‘Mail’ front page, on ‘Mail’ inside pages-
“How three of the party’s most senior figures campaigned for a vile paedophile group now being probed by police for ‘abusing children on an industrial scale.'”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2562555/Labours-child-sex-apologists-How-three-partys-senior-figures-campaigned-vile-paedophile-group-probed-police-abusing-children-industrial-scale.html#ixzz2tlW6ffiv
“The Labour elite who gave succour to paedophiles.”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“Today the paper publishes an exposé of the frankly disgusting views on paedophilia held in the 1970s and 1980s by people who rose to the highest ranks in the modern Labour Party.
“Though it makes deeply disturbing and often shocking reading, it should be studied as an object lesson in the way the liberal Left offered moral underpinning to a group that validated the vile crimes of monsters like Jimmy Savile.
“Inevitably, we will be accused of dredging up the past.
But today, hundreds of police are engaged in investigating historic sex crimes from that era – many of which (though not all) will be regarded by most as less grievous than the kind of offences these politicians sought, at the outset of their careers, to legitimise.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2562621/DAILY-MAIL-COMMENT-The-Labour-elite-gave-succour-paedophiles.html#ixzz2tlXG0KlO
What no Daily Mail Today ?
Don’t blame us BBC gov.. it’s the lawyers what done it!
Nicky Campbell is a useful weather vane of BBC thinking…
Steevie @halfbob 2 hrs
@bbc5live @NickyAACampbell @rachelburden No coverage of Daily Mail front page story this morning then? Or did I miss it?
Nicky Campbell @NickyAACampbell 2 hrs
@halfbob @bbc5live @rachelburden Legal reasons
I can understand their reticence, but isn’t there a paper trail a mile long on Harman’s love of PIE? I assume Five Live have their best investigative journalists on it and it’ll be lead story later today. Uh-huh.
BBC News Channel preview of today’s newspapers with a glaring, and unexplained Beeboid censorship of one newspaper:-
(which newspaper is omitted from Beeboid video preview?)
“The papers: Wednesday’s front pages”
But ‘Sky News’ preview of today’s newspapers included the ‘Daily Mail’ front page.
-Go to ‘Wednesday’s Newspaper Front Pages’ on right-hand side of above ‘Sky News’ web page.
Different laws at the BBC, apparently.
I first raised this at 11.41pm yesterday night – predicting 100 to 1 that the BBC would not report this front page in its reviews of the newspapers. I should have put the odds at Infinity to 1.
Well done to the others who have pursued this issue. And yes – it does look to be worth a separate post, as an example of how the BBC covers for Labour.
So – the copout by the BBC is that there are legal issues that prevent the story being mentioned – even an anodyne reference to “The Mail is carrying a story making claims about senior Labour figures and their past attitude to paedophilia”? That would not specifically mention the details – so it should avoid any legal problem.
The same legal issues will have been thoroughly examined by lawyers at the Daily Mail. Yet they have published – in great detail.
This is potentially a huge story, casting great discredit on some very senior Labour figures. If it is all true – they should all resign from public life, Harman from Deputy-Leadership of Labour and Hewitt from her nice little earner at BT. (What possible experience does she bring to BT’s affairs that is worth £160K a year part-time ?)
The BBC with its army of “reporters” should have a whole team on this story – whether or not there are some legal issues. First find the facts – or check the apparent facts the Mail has provided. Then take it up to D-G level together with legal advice.
But no – I expect the BBC will try to muzzle the story, spike it straight away. Altogether too close to home.
And they will continue to spike any further stories the Mail produces.
Won`t work though..this one is going to bleed Labour to death, if there is any justice.
As for what Hewitt brings to BT for her £160,000( two days work/week?)…all those phone chat sex lines I`d imagine…with child sex a niceh speciality…and with Home Office interpreters on call for translating into Urdu or Bengali….Yemeni or Pashtun…
splendid job Hatty, Jack and Patty…sounds like a Kashmiri starter eh?
I’m sure I just heard Milipede demanding a judge-led public inquiry?