I wonder if Beeboids censored out today’s ‘Daily Mail’s front page from its newspaper previews and reviews because of the subject matter?:
‘Daily Mail’s front page for Wednesday-
“The truth about Labour apologists for paedophilia:
Police probe child sex group linked to top party officials in wake of Savile.
“Harriet Harman, Jack Dromey and Patricia Hewitt linked to vile group.
“They were key figures at National Council for Civil Liberties (NCCL).
“The NCCL was an ‘affiliate’ of the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE).
“PIE members may have abused children on an ‘industrial scale.’”
Ah yes, like those legal issues that prevented the BBC having a hyperventilated frenzy of excitement when some spiteful (or possibly mentally ill) woman made up some allegations about the Hamilton’s – but then were not on the Left which is all that counts for the BBC.
BBC news is essentially pro-Labour Party spin and Guardian reading agenda pushing, which given its (taxpayer funded) dominance in our television news and current affairs is nothing less than a direct attack upon our free society.
Yes, indeed. The culture has changed post-Saville, lessons have been learned and they’re moving on, but it’s noticeable that every time something like this comes up, they always without exception take exactly the same position as a bunch of pedophile apologists would take.
Meanwhile, if it was a Tory MP accused of having supported the National Front…..
It is also quite possible that Savile was targeted because they could link him to senior Tories, no matter how tangentially.
The more I read about the way child abuse prosecutions are run the more confusing the picture seems. The Police and the CPS are going hell bent for leather to uncover and prosecute abusers and are finding them in virtually every children’s home in the country. Yet they produce no evidence and rarely convict those they accuse.
British Justice used to demand that a conviction required evidence of wrong doing. Now all that is required is an allegation and a suitably malleable jury. And yet the they still can’t convict because the juries are seeing how thin the evidence is. So what is the response of our dear leaders. Abolish jury trials for ‘certain’ cases…
At the risk of going all UKIP this is indeed a result of the movement towards the standardisation of Justice across the EU. Naturally the EU won’t bring Portugal or Italy up to British standards, we have to descend to theirs.
Meanwhile children are being abused by gangs and lone perverts whilst the state looks the other way for political reasons.
‘They had no problem with that’
Watertight oversight, BBC-style, does seem a variable construct, and only applying it to themselves or their mates when the spotlight turns hardly seems designed to boost their credibility or reputation. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-the-papers-26251527
I do see they are aware that the Mail has been published today: “In his analysis, the Daily Mail’s James Slack says: “Justice Secretary Chris Grayling can now rely on the judgment in his ongoing battles with the European Court.”
“Mail cartoonist Mac isn’t taking it too seriously,”
Plus, there’s what’s Making people click
Daily Mail: ‘Mum’s letting me go’: With breathtaking dignity bucket-list boy, 11, who has been battling cancer for six years, reveals he and family have taken heartbreaking decision to stop life-prolonging treatment”
One is sure A. Journalist can explain how such priorities are arrived at.
Stories about Harman have been doing the rounds for years. From The Daily Telegraph, 2009:
“The Daily Telegraph obtained documents showing that she called on ministers to make sexually explicit photographs or films of children legal unless there was evidence that the subject had been harmed.
Would this strory have remained under the radar (i.e. the BBC which effectively sets the nation’s news agenda) had Harman been a Tory? I think we all know the answer to that.
Agree,this latest mail story is struggling to get traction because the BBC is protecting its Labour friends. You are quite right if this were the Tories the BBC would have as the number one story and keep it there until these three were forced to resign all public offices and run for cover.
This again shows the power of the BBC to dictate the country’s news agenda and its massive bias in favour of the liberal left.
The BBC is simply far too big for the good of the country.It has a dominant position , a monopoly , and it exploits this to the massive advantage of Labour. It must be closed down for the good of democracy in Britain.
Barely a day goes by without Jack Dromey being interviewed on BBC radio WM in the West Midlands. Funnily enough I haven’t heard him today so far ….. how very odd.
It would seem the Daily Mail my well have had a phone call! The comments have stopped about 3 hours ago……..shameful. Now the lid has been lifted on the cesspit I just hope the turds aren’t allowed to float away.
Our future king, future Defender of the Faiths (plural), is going down well with the BBC, celebrating Saudi Culture. I wonder if he will take in a stoning or be-heading during the visit?
If he stays until Friday he`ll have no shortage of chances to celebrate their exciting cultural practices…if there`s any big town or city in Saudi without said celebrations, then there is a twin package to Pakistan to enjoy a stoning or fifty.
Oh the joys of Islam…
Plenty of historical precedence for royal dynasties being replaced when they’ve out lived their usefulness.
With the secession of Scotland looming, perhaps now would be the time to scan around for a descendant of Harold Godwinson, last true Bretwalda, of course any candidate for Aetheling would need the ratification of the Witen.
In the event of no candidate coming forward may I point out that I consider myself to be a Wuffinga
Just a thought
If and when he is crowned, as Charles is married to a divorcee, shouldn’t he follow the excellent example of Edward VIII and abdicate? He would be at peace to talk to his plants, and we would have a Head of State that we can be proud of.
I agree Dave, i predict he will be an embarrassment as King, he ‘aint no Alfred or HenryVII or Edward Ist. Then again those monarchs operated with a subservient layer of officials and council, the main decision maker being the King. Imagine that power invested in Charles?…….god forbid.
I suppose BBC-NUJ doesn’t appreciate this particular political comment of ‘Daily Mail’ which relates Jimmy Savile issues, and the ‘liberal Left’:-
“Today the paper publishes an exposé of the frankly disgusting views on paedophilia held in the 1970s and 1980s by people who rose to the highest ranks in the modern Labour Party.
“Though it makes deeply disturbing and often shocking reading, it should be studied as an object lesson in the way the liberal Left offered moral underpinning to a group that validated the vile crimes of monsters like Jimmy Savile.”
One of the liberal left’s targets is the traditional family. Mother, father and children in a marriage. Traditional morality has always been a target for the progressive left.
The family is the major obstacle to the new world of the fantasists. Break the family and you can do what you want with the people.
Nothing would surprise me. The modern left is degenerate and sociopathic.
Quite right Dave the problem is that the old socialist movement of my fathers day has long ago been corrupted by what we used to call ‘the bourgeois intelligentsia’.
Even Orwell warned about degenerates and malcontents gravitating toward the movement.
I wish I could find the quote it was prescient.
Yes, I suspect that’s what’s behind the promotion of homosexuality.
After all, who really cares – so long as they don’t do it in the street and frighten the horses. But the left have to constantly try to put the new-fangled sin of ‘homophobia’ on a par with racism etc. Why?
Perhaps you might find this blog and it’s reference to the Grauniads support for the legalisation of Paedophilia enlightening as to the real reasons why the BBC has failed to report the ‘alternative’ view.
The BBC also does not report anything of this report below either. Where is the outrage from all the so called “human rights” groups, nothing, just deathly silence.
Unemployment is down… but the BBC tell us that the rate is up and that, troublingly, the rate of reduction in the numbers is slowing down.
Reminding me that on BBC Midlands News last week, they covered the opening of the new 2,600 worker Jaguar engine plant in Staffordshire…but went on to say that there is disappointment that only 50% of the components were being made in the UK. To support their story they identified that the cam shaft was being imported and so went to a local foundry ‘that could have produced it’…could have produced it, but were never ever going to….because they didn’t bid for the work (err ?)
The BBC. Wherever there’s a silver lining, they’ll find a cloud.
“Tyrants are using UK press controls to justify repression:
Freedom groups call on Cameron to scrap media regulation law.
“Freedom groups have urged David Cameron to ‘safeguard press freedom.’
“Described Royal Charter on press regulation as ‘incomprehensible arcana.’
“Warned ‘autocratic’ foreign leaders are already using it to justify repression.
“Charter was approved by the Queen in October in wake of Leveson Inquiry.”
It seems that Beeboid repression of press freedom is already being applied to the ‘Daily Mail,’ given Beeboid censorship of the ‘Daily Mail’s existence this Wednesday.
Nice of Sheela Fog on 5dead to host a discussion on the Archbishops recent comments on welfare and the Prime Minister’s reply, on the archbish’s side we had some geezer from the trussle trust and a gp from inner city Liverpool, to put forward the case for reform we had………………….. err, no one.
Interestingly, in reporting our ultra dhimmi prince, Charles, in a ‘sword’ dance’ with his Islamic chums of the House of Saud, INBBC does not mention any political criticism of him or of Islamic Saudi Arabia, but ‘Guardian’ does:-
“Amnesty International has called for him to raise the issue of human rights during the tour. Saudi Arabia has been criticised for its treatment of women, restrictions on freedom of speech and the lack of a fair and open legal system.
“The Guardian has recently highlighted the deaths of Nepalese and Indian migrant workers building the infrastructure for the 2022 World Cup in Qatar.”
Did anyone see the Peston programme last night on 2, “How China fooled the world”?
Quite interesting I thought, on a number of levels.
1. The programme did not answer the question inherent within its title. It is not immediately obvious or clear from the programme that China has fooled the world or indeed has tried to.
2. It focused on the building/ property sector which, admittedly, would appear to have been built on debt.
3. The programme focused on one city, Wuhan, which seems to have aspirations to challenge Shanghai to be the second largest city in China.
What it didn’t mention was the asset side of the balance sheet (if you like), the reality that China is acquiring most of the precious metal market (including Gold) and that none of its own gold ever comes to the market.
It didn’t mention China’s strategic investments around the world (there was a one liner, paying lip-service to China’s investment in Africa, but nothing beyond that).
Peston dragged in some of the great and the good (Paulsen and Adair) to support his case, but the case wasn’t really made. The programme title suggested that the world has been fooled, the programme didn’t provide much evidence of that and it didn’t provide the answer either.
What was interesting, though, when he was discussing it on Jeremy Vine was the fact he laid the blame for rising living costs in the UK squarely at China’s door because their rapidly escalating demand for foodstuffs and energy has (unsurprisingly) led to rocketing prices here.
So, I wonder why the BBC have never challenged Miliband with that one along the lines of ‘You have promised us Labour will address the ‘cost of living crisis’ you keep telling us about. How will you do that when it is clearly beyond your control?’.
Did he also ‘blame’ China for previously keeping UK living costs down with cheap manufactured goods? Or did he share the Bank of England’s delusion that it’s monetary policy was working?
This is the kind of programme that, a few years ago, I would have sat down and watched the whole way through.
But nowadays I have no faith in the BBC to present a proper view on the situation, especially with Robert Peston as the host, knowing his links to the Labour Party and his role in the financial crisis (breaking the news of the Lloyds takeover of HBOS before it had been officially announced).
Next month’s new book Is The BBC In Crisis? looks likely to provide lots of useful material before the TV tax review in 2016. The BBC Trust has been an “indefensible failure” and should be scrapped, according to a City grandee.
Sir Howard Davies, the former head of the Financial Services Authority and the London School of Economics, compared the BBC’s governance to that of the hapless banks that failed during the financial crisis and said that a lack of accountability had made recent scandals worse.
You see the BBC can do it if necessary. Last night’s analysis on BBC2 by Robert Peston (adherent of Common Purpose and founder-trustee of the Media “Standards” Trust) on the probable upcoming financial collapse in China “How China Fooled the World” was, well, unbiased. Sure, it was dumbed-down (this is TV after all where image is everything) and could have been done in a 30 minute discussion between knowledgeable commentators in the studio (and might have already been undertaken in such a format on Radio 4) but, for all that, it got the salient info across. Moreover, there wasn’t one mention of “climate change” although why, of all people, the serially incompetent Lord Turner was one of the financial seers chosen for comment only Peston could tell us.
Is that right – Peston is a founder/trustee of the Media Standards Trust (which is umbilically attached to Common Purpose). Isn’t that a conflict of interest?
“Newsnight’s McAlpine scandal – 13 days that brought down the BBC’s chief”
2The unfolding of the day-by-day drama that ended with George Entwistle’s resignation.”
Interesting to see the Guardian running this, if quite taken with the word ‘appeared’ to report on what others had run with. ‘This appeared to be corroborated by another victim who had appeared anonymously’
So, watertight to run with, then.
What follows is a masterclass in what shouldn’t have/wasn’t intended to happen… but apparently did anyway. ‘It never occurred to them that Overton might have told him.’
Uh-huh. A BIJ tribal ‘journalist’ and a recently ex-BBC Newsnight political editor. Whispers and allusions over on-record facts.
Good job they crashed on regardless to avoid looking like idiots. The biggest, richest, supposedly most professional, impartial, trusted and transparent ‘news’ monopoly on the planet saw: ‘A director-general under siege had allowed a convoluted and confusing leadership structure in the news division. That caused blurred lines of accountability and put a huge strain on relationships. Knowledge that existed internally was not shared. It was put to air too quickly. The legal advice was flawed.
And the result of this politically-motivated stitch up attempt to ruin someone?
‘In conclusion, Van Klaveren and Gibbons faced disciplinaries and were moved to different jobs.
Ouch. That must have hurt. There was also, if one recalls, a bit more side-stepping around the top floor resulting in more staff and more of those lovely Lucy negotiated contract deals.. ‘The BBC paid Lord McAlpine £185,000 in damages.’
Plus a bit, Roy. And the BBC merely handed over yet more licence fee payers’ money.
And Entwistle was ‘spent’, eventually to the tune of how much again?
No comments so far.
Maybe no one wants to bring the might of that 147+ strong PR department down on them in public, or see a forgettably quiet word be passed on off the record about what mutual back-scratching can involve.
The new Breitbart London site carried a story today about the Mail’s detailed revelations about previous backing for paedophilia groups by senior Labour figures. It has now drawn attention to the way the BBC is deliberately avoiding any mention of the Mail’s story :
Radio 4 Media Show had a piece about the World Service taking adverts. The interviewee, some big wig in the World Service called Horrocks, said that taking adverts represented NO threat to the editorial independence of the content.
So why do we bother with the License Fee if the BBC can preserve its much vaunted independence when taking adverts. Surely, if the BBC themselves are saying their independence is not threatened by adverts, why can’t we scrap the License Fee immediately and fund the BBC by adverts only.
Why can’t the BBC support itself by adverts? The world service doesn’t support itself solely by adverts. It receives taxpayer money directly through the Commonwealth and Foreign office; sells programmes, auxiliary marketing and itself for a profit (if it can) and has a sweetheart agreement with the BBC where it can pick and chose what it buys (unlike the package deal forced on outsiders if they chose to broadcast the BBC). I’d love to know if the price it pays for what it does buy isn’t also discounted.
One interesting titbit from the 2011/12 annual review*. The BBC receives its estimated expenses in advance as Grant-in-Aid from CFO but doesn’t have to return the surplus if the expenses are over estimated! The World Service received £253m as Grant-in-Aid for 2011/2012 but only earned £20.5m from operations. In 2013 that was a £30m deficit, described as unusual.
With a business plan like that no wonder it is a success.
* I couldn’t access the complete URL for a link, due to its length, only download the PDF. If you Google BBC World Service Annual Review you should have no difficulty finding them.
I really don’t care whether it can or can’t support its self by adverts. I am just pointing out that one of the ‘fundamentals’ of the BBC is claimed to be its editorial independence. Most visitors to this site realise this means that it is free to criticise anything and everything the Tories do, but never feels the need to criticise Labour because they think just like the BBC does. But defenders of the License Fee always claim that this independence is critical to the BBC and would be eroded if the BBC was financed by adverts. Yet here we have a BBC executive claiming that editorial independence is not threatened by adverts . So one of the key pillars of the License Fee argument has just been demolished by the BBC itself.
the pro soviet biased presenters of the bbc and radio 5 live have decided to launch a smear campaign against the anti communist,anti stalinist revolutionary protesters in ukraine by labelling them with the usual term far right.peter allen on the drive time show tonight used the term far right and extreme right wings groups as a smear to describe the good decent people ukraine who are out there tonight risking death and injury in the most brutal ways at the hands of this corrupt pro putin communist goverment who are oppressing and killing there own people,you disgust radio 5 live and the bbc with your smears against the peacefull protesters and revolutionays in ukraine,you really disgust me.
If you think that is a peaceful demonstration then you are well and truly in cuckoo land. If you think that what is happening would be tolerated in London (Tottenham), Paris, Berlin, think again. Most informed commentators recognise a coup d’état, and a fascist insurgence of sorts developing, it’s not a “velvet revolution”. We have nationalists of the worst kind out there lauding Ukrainian “heroes” who sided with the Nazis. Even the so called 3 leaders Klitschko, Yatsenyuk and Tyagnibok are really not in control of the hard rioting kern. Klitschko himself was attacked only a few weeks back by “the peaceful ones”, but of course after the revelation of the leaked telephone conversation between Victoria Nuland and Geoffrey Pyatt, the ambassador of the US to Ukraine about who they wanted as the next PM and not wanting Klitscho to play a role, etc. , and Obama’s remarks, we know exactly who are pulling some of the strings.
Biased BBC was very informed during the Syrian crisis and the concerted chorus of opinion about who was responsible for actually using chemical weapons- an open mind was a prerequisite for an informed opinion. It upsets me to see so many supporting this banal view and attacking the BBC for its so called “communism”! So only the “government” is responsible for the violence? Of course! How would you like somebody to make out after the Tottenham riots with, say, 9 policemen killed, or hostages taken, and the torching of buildings in the city, that the government was actually responsible for the violence. They just released those who were arrested and gave them an amnesty for christ’s sake. These rioters are not interested in a “truce” they want a revolution and one can’t help thinking that a dangerous cold war logic is being played out here (US & Europe)
Actually, the BBC news was quite loyal to the biased interpretation this evening (BBC World 18:00) Sky news was a little more discerning, maybe because their journalist team had been shot at by the rioters! The sky reporter saying also that she didn’t think the leaders were in control! But you just go on believing that the true representatives of the Ukrainian population are peacefully demonstrating. Maybe it’s a linguistic turn and in future “peaceful demonstrations” will never be the same again.
It’s not Tiananmen Square, it’s more like Pussy riot with violent neo-nazi psychopathic attitude. Usually the Biased BBC blog is also quite modern with anti-Semitism, but how far can the “peaceful” Ukrainian protestors (who, it is claimed here, “are not of the far right”) tally with the words of Oleh Tyahnybok (Tyagnibok), the leader of the Svoboda movement, blaming the “Muscovite-Jewish mafia”. Oh yes, the attacks on synagogues by these peaceful protestors, we won’t mention that.
Or the fact that January 27th the annual commemoration of International Holocaust Remembrance Day was cancelled in Kiev out of fear of anti-Semitic attacks from the Euromaiden protesters.
Peace be with you! Such wonderful peaceful protestors, next you will be saying that these Ukrainian protestors embrace “ a religion of peace”. But then Islamic fascism does have something in common here.
How the facts from the bBC about immigrant workers in the UK, don’t correspond with the whitewash they call the news.
Hoards of migrants from Romania and Bulgaria not true screams the bBC. However here is a picture taken from a news article about the rise in what EU immigrants have to earn before being allowed to claim benefits. Now the 8 accession countries from Eastern Europe in 10 years account for (|So the bBC tells me) 683K 8 countries over 10 years and they come out with that figure. Yet the figure of Romanian and Bulgarian workers who have only been allowed in (legally) to work for just under 50 days is 141K
I wonder why nobody appears to have noticed that figure yet?
‘Romanians and Bulgarians have taken one in 10 new jobs in the past year as the number working in Britain has risen by 40 per cent.
In the final three months of last year, shortly before immigration restrictions were lifted, 144,000 people born in the two countries were working in Britain — and they took 41,670 of the 424,503 jobs which were created last year.’
Still, never seems to tempt the BBC into making some obvious points every time the unemployment figures are published…..
After years of silence from the BBC on the persecution, murder and cleansing of ancient Christian communities in Islamic countries we at last have a prominent piece on ‘PM’ tonight.
Oh, hang on, no we don’t. It’s about persecuted Muslims fleeing those nasty Christians in the Central African Republic.
Open Doors USA, which assists the persecuted church around the world, compiled the World Watch list and reports 2,123 Christians were killed for their faith last year, compared to 1,201 in 2012. For example , the killings in Syria alone (1,213) trumped the total from a year earlier.
“The target of violence is mainly taking place mainly from rebel groups who are Islamic extremists, so these are jihadists practicing extreme Islam and are targeting Christian areas,” said Emily Fuentes, communications director at Open Doors USA. “Many of these Christians have had to flee, and these towns have essentially become ghost towns because they’ve cleared Christians out. In October of last year, there was a massacre in one of these towns where more than 45 people died and hundreds were injured just because it was a Christian-dominated town.
“Syria is experiencing a whole new level of persecution and violence of Christians,” said Fuentes, noting that Syria is now the third worst persecutor of Christians, skyrocketing from the 36th spot it held just two years ago.
BBC News must think it’s Xmas come early when they lead with Tony BLiar offering to advise Rebecca Brookes and the Murdoch family + news international and Cameron’s ex communications head Andy Coulson. And in goes the knife and it’s twisted around with such glee that it’s obvious !
Can you remember when the PM (Cameron) was found to personally know Brooks, the media (including the bBC) had a field day in which to try and link him to the hacking carried out by the Murdock press: Rebekah Brooks reveals ‘LOL’ texts from Cameron David Cameron ended some text messages to Rebekah Brooks with the letters LOL, she has told the Leveson Inquiry.
and then we have the bBC reporting: “former deputy prime minister Lord Prescott sent a Twitter message to Number 10 saying he would put in an Freedom of Information (FOI) request to see all texts between Mr Cameron and Mrs Brooks.”
And “former Lib Dem MP Evan Harris claimed that he had texted the prime minister after the birth of his daughter Florence in August 2010. In a tweet, Mr Harris, who is a spokesman for the Hacked Off campaign which is seeking justice for victims of phone hacking, wrote: “He replied. Without an “lol” or even an “x”.
Lets not forget how the bBC bigged up the use by the PM of Brooks (Loaned) horse. Yet the bBC (Along with its lairbour bumchums) banged its little tin drum
I forgot to mention, why did the PM text Brooks and borrow her horse. Not becasue as the bBC tried to imply becasue they were as thick as thieves, but becasue they were neighbours. Blair lives where?
At the end of the ‘Believe’ thread Thoughtful added a useful link to a Delingpole article on 28gate. Within that article were several other cracking links, including this one to Jo Nova’s website:
“The BBC has held a high-level seminar with some of the best scientific experts, and has come to the view that the weight of evidence no longer justifies equal space being given to the opponents of the consensus [on anthropogenic climate change].”
From Seesaw to Wagon Wheel, BBC, June 2007 Page 40
“I assume that this is why the BBC’s coverage of the issue abandoned the pretence of impartiality long ago.”
Jeremy Paxman, Newsnight Homepage 02/02/2007
And this is what happened afterwards:
‘In mid 2007 Tony Newbery of Harmless Sky started asking who was at the seminar, but the BBC wouldn’t give up the names. In fact the BBC thought the names were so significant that when Newbery sent them an FOI, they not only refused to hand over the list, but they used six lawyers against him (see The Secret 28 Who Made BBC ‘Green’ Will Not Be Named). The BBC, improbably, argued they weren’t “public” and even more improbably, they won the case. Who knew? The BBC could be considered a “private organisation”. Where are the shareholders?’
And the reason the BBC wouldn’t let the cat out of the bag (in case we needed reminding)?
‘Most of the list of “climate experts” advising the BBC were activists, advocacy directors, charities, or were involved in sustainable (green) investments……..How many unskeptical climate scientists were there? Three. How many skeptical scientists? Zero…..So basically, the BBC made out this was its own mini IPCC conference, where they got experts from both sides, thrashed out the science, decided on the most honest way to convey all the risks, costs and benefits to their paying public — in the impartial manner mandated by their charter. A “clear summary” of the state of knowledge?’
The point is in all this is: how the hell did they get away with a) a monumental breach of their commitment to impartiality b) lying on a grand scale.
Little wonder at their shameless leftist bias and arrogance – they know they are totally unaccountable.
Yes, following on from John Anderson’s link to ‘BREITBART London’ (4:50 pm above), Beeboids will not like Breitbart’s questioning on their apparent censorship of ‘Daily Mail’ on Labour leadership:-
By Raheem Kassam.
[Opening excerpt]:
“The BBC has refused to acknowledge the Mail’s front page today, hiding it away from their Twitter feeds, their newspaper reviews, and even their website’s newspapers section. This was obviously a conscious and concerted effort, and willingly or not, it is shielding the accused. ”
Start of report “Unemployment falls again by 125,000”
Middle of report: interviews with usual suspects who “struggled to find work ”
End of report “However, unemployment is not falling as fast as previously”
Eh ? And your World class news point is what exactly ?
Nice advert for centre Parc all day on the BBc . Of course not answering the questions I want to know the answer to. How much do they pay? I couldn’t find anything specific but a brief internet search brings up £6.31ph, that may not correct but what could minimum wage be? (£6.31ph for over 21s). Full or part time work? Again a not very intense search flags up part time again this may not apply. Did I hear them say at the end due to a statistical quirk the unemployment figure is higher than last month, or did I imagine that. Also a report so brief if you blinked you would have missed it about Bulgarians and Rumanians working here.
Thursday’s Daily Mail leads again with the scandal about the 3 key Labour figures. 1000 to 1 the BBC fails to include this in their reviews of the press.
Some thing that I doubt the BBC would touch with a bargepole:
“An Obama administration plan that would get researchers into newsrooms across the country is sparking concern among congressional Republicans and conservative groups.
The purpose of the proposed Federal Communications Commission study is to “identify and understand the critical information needs of the American public, with special emphasis on vulnerable-disadvantaged populations,” according to the agency.”
Following on from that, White House control of news reporting rears its head again.
Press banned from photographing Obama playing on lush golf course in drought stricken Arizona.
‘An Obama administration plan that would get researchers into newsrooms’
‘Researchers’, eh? Bet they know where the kids go to school, too. http://acienciala.faculty.ku.edu/hist557/lect16_files/26VII1944.jpg ‘That’s right… er… no… guys… joking…. That’s left. See what I did there? And… smiley face. Hold the front page!
Islam Not BBC ♥ Al Jazeera & ♥ Muslim Brotherhood.
While Beeboids censor ‘Daily Mail’ out of existence in U.K, they gives much political propaganda (in soft voice) for Islamic Al Jazeera, and to its journalists detained in Egypt on suspicion of supporting the Muslim Brotherhood,etc (as aired at length on Radio 4, ‘The World Tonight’ last night).
INBBC issues no disclaimer, but Beeboids have a technical agreement with Al Jazeera; and many ex-Beeboids are employed by the Islamic Qatar propagandist, now with its London operation based in The Qatar-owned Shard-
“Tenants shun Shard – leaving Europe’s first vertical city up in the air.
“London skyline’s £1.5bn addition remains all but empty year on from opening, with flats designed to pull in super-rich unsold.”
Perhaps they mean “massaging the news”? The initial report of Facebook’s acquisition of WhatsApp describes it as a massaging rather than messaging service (see http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2014/02/20/whatsapp-facebook-bbc_n_4821021.html). Sloppy journalism, Freudian slip or other things on their collective mind?
Is BBC-NUJ political censorship of the ‘Daily Mail’ now permanent?
Is the BBC fulfilling the terms of its Charter?
Will BBC’s application for Charter renewal in 2017 make specific reference to excluding reference to the ‘Daily Mail’ in line with the BBC’s new definition of freedom of the press?
“Now say sorry! Ex-Yard chief calls on Labour trio to admit backing paedophilia was a ‘huge mistake.’
“Harriet Harman, Jack Dromey, and Patricia Hewitt all held key roles in the National Council for Civil Liberties.
“The left-wing human rights organisation built extraordinary links with the notorious Paedophile Information Exchange.
“The trio refuse to comment on the NCCL’s activities or apologise for them.
“Mike Hames, former head of Scotland Yard’s Paedophile Squad, said they made a huge mistake.”
More for Beeboids, ‘led’ by Tony Hall and Labour’s James Purnell to censor:-
‘Daily Mail’-
“Vital questions these Labour apologists for child sex MUST now answer.
“Mail published major exposé revealing how three senior Labour Party figures gave their support to Paedophile Information Exchange.
“Harriet Harman, Patricia Hewitt and Jack Dromey held key roles in the National Council for Civil Liberties.”
BBC censors the Mail cover again and ignores the PIE/NCCL story totally. How much lower can these people stoop? The BBC is an affront to the concept of journalism; they are propagandists, pure and simple.
You know our political system is badly broken when none of the three supposedly independent main parties will even consider BBC reform or break-up.
The last time albeeba censored out a particular newspaper in a similar manner, it was the Sunday Mirror, and look how effective their actions were, it was the prelude to the shit hitting the fan about a certain J Savile.
Ah, McBowie. The return of the thin white Duke, throwing darts in Salmond’s eyes, & coming out in support of the Union. A slippery one for the beeboids to handle, given their abiding love for the man who gave a Nazi salute at Victoria station in ’76, but nothing compared to the revelations about Harman & her paedophilephiles – now that really warrants a thundering silence. Bias by omission? Nah, course not. Perish the thought.
Fine quoting of Mr Bowie!
“Station to Station ” is the greatest single track I know…and most of the LP is brilliant too.
“Where are we now?”…shite?…but like Stevie W getting his one No1 record with that awful single of 1983…it`s OK!
Mr. Bowie’s short statement was a key plank of the Today FaceBook topic roster.
The comments at the BBC’s rush to ‘analyse’ and reach the conclusions they wanted were robust and often funny. I sometimes wonder if the editors actually read what their interactive, unmodded audience thinks of their topics and treatments.
“After yesterday’s Mail investigation, the former head of Scotland Yard’s Paedophile Squad has called on three senior Labour figures to consider apologising for their ‘huge mistake’ in backing a vile group that campaigned to legalise sex with children as young as ten.
“‘At least they should acknowledge publicly that they got it wrong,’ says Mike Hames. ‘That would be a great help to victims of child sex abuse.’
“Yet there’s silence from Harriet Harman, Patricia Hewitt and Jack Dromey.
“Ed Miliband has been quick to tell others to clean up their ‘culture and practices’.
“As police investigate ‘industrial scale’ child abuse by the group those three championed, what about the culture and practices of the Labour Party?”
The BBC has been making much of a racist attack on a homeless Angolan immigrant busker in Glasgow. It’s been put on face book and viewed by 384 000 people.
The question is however how the BBC came to be there, and it’s yet another tale of their sickening bias and anti white racism.
The BBC were actually following this guy for a documentary sob story on how hard it is to be a homeless immigrant in the UK. No chance of a documentary on how hard it is to have your country stolen from you by the hordes of lefties who have allowed so many immigrants into the country and prioritised them for housing ahead of the native population.
If this attack had been two black guys or ‘Asians’ then even if the BBC had caught it on film, it would not have made a broadcast – much less a special cut on you tube. The BBC has plenty of past form on this just look up Kriss Donald or Ross Parker, where they were forced to apologise for deliberately not giving any coverage to the racist murders of white people by ethnic gangs – far far worse than this racist attack.
After all we all know that you can’t be racist against white people, and they deserve everything they get, don’t they?
The programme is called The Street – filming events on Sauchiehall Street in Glasgow. It wasnt a ‘documentary sob story on how hard it is to be a homeless immigrant ‘:
When you say the BBC is ‘makng much’ of it, do you mean they’re forcing people to watch the clip on Facebook, or forcing the newspapers to report it?
Re. Kriss Donald: the BBC was not ‘forced’ to apologise and nor did it, for not covering the case. It was reported extensively, right after the verdicts came in and the reporting restrictions were lifted.
You can be racist against white people. Some people are just plain racist though.
Others argue that the BBC is biased against the white population in its output, for example being reluctant to report racist murders perpetrated by ethnic minorities such as the murder of Ross Parker, and the murder of Kriss Donald. The BBC later acknowledged it was “a mistake not to report the case of Ross Parker more extensively” noting that “by any standards […] it was worthy of coverage”.[25] Similarly, the organisation agreed it “got it wrong” in relation to its coverage of the Donald case.[26][27]
An acknowledgement you got it wrong is also known as an apology !
The fact that they chose to upload an attack by drunken louts – one of which made racist comments, when they don’t even bother to report the racist murders of several white people shows a degree of racism which is frankly disgusting.
You might not believe that you can’t be racist against white people, but there are plenty of left wing nutters, as the Jo Brand clip illustrates who do believe that! Welcome to seeing just how biased to the lunatic liberal left extreme fringe the BBC is !
The reality is that ethnic minorities are 10 times more likely to be the attacker rather than the victim!
Most of the offenders (57%) in the racially motivated crimes identified in the British Crime Survey are not white. White victims said 82% of offenders were not white.
This is despite white people at the time being around 90% majority!
Among black victims of race crime, a quarter of offenders were identified as not white. Among Asian victims, the non-white proportion rises to a third.
Then there’s the ridiculous left wing blowing up of statistics to make them racially motivated crimes when they clearly aren’t:
How else can one explain the British Crime Survey finding that 3,100 car thefts from Asians were deemed to be racially motivated?
So far from ‘every word being wrong’ I think my point is well made and it is you that are wrong, desperate to cling to any straw to support the vision that the nasty white people are always to blame for everything !
The BBC is the National Broadcaster and charged with reporting news and current affairs in an unbiased manner and in the interests of the people it serves.
It does not do this. Rather it’s coverage is extremely biased to the Left . Many people watch the BBC because it is an institution with all the credibility that accrues. People trust it sometimes without question , though in recent time less so, nevertheless due to this trust, which is strongly engendered by the vastness of it’s output, the BBC broadcasts it’s own extreme leftwing doctrine. so extreme that it is a betrayal of the views and norms of the British people a a whole.
1. Did anyone help the African once the attack started?
2. Were the film crew passive observers and if so why?
3. Is there any evidence that the two thugs, who were stupid enough to attack someone when a film crew was about, were paid by agents unknown to add colour to their film?
4. Were the two thugs SNP supporters?
Baring in mind I haven’t seen the programme or the film.
Brought on to Today to discuss the clerical “cry me a river” assault on benefit changes, Giles Fraser was introduced by Mishal as “a parish priest”. That’s like describing Ed Miliband as “a concerned householder from Primrose Hill” in a discussion of the cost of living (non-)crisis. Meanwhile Mishal (despite his requests) refused not to talk over Frank Field in this “discussion” comprising 3 lefties (2 loonies and 1 vaguely realist) with no government spokesman in sight.
There is a cost of living crisis, however the biggest part of it has been caused by Tony BLiars Nu Liebour years.
Council tax more than doubled as they sought desperately to find money without raising the income tax rate.
Now for a band A property it’s gone from less than £500 to over £1000, and that’s after tax! To offset the effects on the poor BLiar brought in ‘tax credits’ which are now being removed by the coalition.
Electricity now carries over 30% stealth tax, and it’s set to double by 2020 meaning that the poor will not be able to afford to light their homes. Well it’s one way to cut down on emissions and to crow about on an international stage that Millipede has reduced the countries energy consumption by XX%
The problem is that politicians of all parties are so out of touch – so removed from reality that they honestly believe gas & electric can be tax in the same way petrol & diesel are. After all no matter how much they tax it, people still fill their cars up, so they’ll still heat & light their homes even if the annual bill goes to £10 000 !
A salary of £35000 will attract income tax of just £5112 pa. less than the stealth taxes the recipient will pay during the year!
Now I know that there’s a specious argument that people should keep more of what they earn, but it’s this misguided thinking which allows the politicos to get away with stealth taxes – even encourages them to do it !
Just because you don’t see the tax doesn’t mean you’re not paying it !
There is little point in taxing the working poor to the point where they are worse off than those on benefit, which is exactly what has happened. This is the reason why we hear that ‘British people don’t want to work’, so it’s an excuse for further immigration to prop up the corrupt system, by those who don’t realise that work in the UK is penalised.
It’s anathema for politicians to suggest that income tax should be raised and other taxes lowered, because greed and ignorance of the populace gets in the way, but the alternative is so destructive that it is responsible for many of todays ills.
I don’t disagree with much of what you write: high taxes, stealthy or otherwise, kill an economy. Unfortunately it has little to do with this particular example of BBC bias (although it is part of the chorus the BBC generally sings to the Labour tune that increased employment is actually bad news). Cost of living crisis or non-crisis, introducing Fraser as a “parish priest” was clearly misleading.
And loads of happy-clapped out clergy sent a carefully balanced selection of altar boys to Maxwell House to deliver their paean to White D and Fungis suffering at the hands of the Channel 4 FoodBank cuts….or whatever you choose to construct out of these pastel pipe cleaners of rage, sadness, injustice and passions…
FFS…where`s the Green Crescent then Mishal?…why`s the BBC chain of freebie canteens not being opened up 24/7 so the vulnerable challenging children(up to 25 as it stands for now, will be 35 by the time the EU have corrected us) can choose between being lead miners or match girls…or lead match consultants if otherly-gendered!
The f***in church will do ANYTHING to get a favourable coo from their one true God…Jictar, the medai ratings God.
The BBC is the best Temple to holler out from, until the Muezzins shout them into silence -or chuck them off the minarets…
Giles Fraser-`umble Kennington Priest eh?…but of course.
He IS a Kennington priest though, if your Ken is Livingston…give Fraser his SNP vote and send him up there on missionary work…worrawanka!
badassday @badassday 19 hrs
.@NickyAACampbell Or.. why not actually say BBC is legally advised not to comment on Mail front page? But pretending it never happened? No..
Nicky Campbell @NickyAACampbell 19 hrs
@badassday we could have. It is a great story and all were chomping at the bit contrary to other conspiracy theorists. Lawyers v cautious
La la cocker
No proof + Tory =BBC campaign which ends in personal injury/libel of an old man in his last few years and huge pay out by BBC !
Proof + 3 Labour/ BBC regulars = cover up under the guise of ‘legal’ even though no action has been taken by the fiddler 3 against the evidence in these cases ?
Yet you stand by huge media corporation line? sad very sad !
That’s the thing ,so many of these BBC apologists ,with their self-congratulatory pseudonyms.present themselves ( and presumably see themselves ) as fearless enemies of an imagined right wing establishment .when they are in fact the foot soldiers of true establishment ,dutifully reciting their learned benedictions without considering what they actually mean.
Which is why they are in fact (knowingly or otherwise), conspirators with those self appointed ,censorious ,inquisitors of the BBC.
They know the BBC is biased towards the Left, otherwise they would not support it. The Labour Party will NEVER campaign for the dismantling of the BBC.
superb description of the
” foot soldiers of true establishment ,dutifully reciting their learned benedictions without considering what they actually mean..”
If this was a story about Tories back in the 70’s and 80’s being allegedly involved in an organisation that carried on as they did, one can imagine the BBC response. They are so obvious in their bias it would be laughable if it wasn’t so serious. If the daily mail can run this story with it appears no legal hitches then why can’t the BBC. In my view Harman has done a lot of damage with her equalities agenda and therefore should be a target for the media. Live by the sword…
According the Nicky Campbell (he is a useful weather vane of BBC management opinion) the Corporation’s mighty battalion of world class journalists seem to have failed. This story has been around for years and the key elements in the Daily Mail report are in fact not disputed but a matter of record.
badassday @badassday 22 hrs
.@nickyaacampbell why is only front page not on @BBCNews paper review the Mail? Cos of Harman story? You’re a SERIOUS news broadcaster?! lol
Nicky Campbell @NickyAACampbell 21 hrs
@badassday @bbcnews legal advice. Lack of sources this Mornin. Would have been one to go big on of we could stand up. What I say is True
Of course one tends not to stand up those stories one doesn’t really want to stand up.
“What I say is true”…
Cue the song then
No wonder these BBC tossers are so thick-they probably DID “Listen to Marvin all night long” and think they were the Kray twins whilst doing so….
Spandex Ballet wankerati all…
‘“What I say is true”…
Rather surprised he didn’t add in postscript: FACT.
Is that a spoof account? It reads more like Uncle Bup pulling a Mike Yarwood.
If not, then of course, Nicky, if you say so, it must therefore be. Does he moonlight as an ECU Director?
Can just see a Paxo or Humph letting some hapless CEO or Minister conclude a FUBAR crisis management waffle with those words.
“Oh…OK, mate… it’s true? In that case, moving on….”.
After Newsnight/McAlpine, I was also erring on watertight oversight, if not to BBC levels of astounding delu… uncuriosity, as the DM is not unknown to push boundaries and has a political agenda almost at the same extreme as the BBC and its fellow travellers. On the latter at least, the DM of course can do what it likes. It’s not a force-funded state media monopoly supposedly charter-bound to be impartial.
But from the look of it, the DM has done its investigative and legal homework a wee bit better than the BIJ branch of Katz’ slipshod empire, with even the Graun grudgingly admitting there is a story there with questions to be asked.
The BBC obliterating it is therefore entirely typical if hardly helping that genetic trust and transparency reputation again.
In other news, by sheer coincidence: http://bbcwatch.org/2014/02/20/one-hundred-and-sixteen-stories-the-bbc-chose-not-to-tell/
I saw ‘Lack of sources this Mornin’ and it looked just like one of your ‘homages’.
He writes as he speaks, no doubt, but does seem in danger of self-parody.
Especially as, despite protestations, events seem to be bearing out those less sure the BBC’s caution has been so honourably motivated.
‘we could have. It is a great story and all were chomping at the bit contrary to other conspiracy theorists. Lawyers v cautious’.
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
Hush, what’s that sound.
Ah yes, it’s the sounds of bits *not* being chomped. And the sound of Gameshow believing his own bullshit again.
Anyway – hello fellow *conspiracy theorists*. Makes a change from being a *denier* I suppose.
‘I can, of course, grasp the anti-Labour (and anti-leftist) agenda that underlies this assault on the trio. It could be said to be a hatchet job, as my emailing friend contended in knee-jerk fashion. I also accept that it was a long time ago.’
‘But I’m with the Mail on this. On the basis of the paper’s evidence, I think Harman, Dromey and Hewitt do need to address this matter seriously.’
It is funny to watch this explode in the lefts face ,even more funny then seeing all those who rushed to destroy McAlpine based on nothing now rushing to defend the fiddler 3 in the face of a huge pile of evidence !!
I think that the comments, above, about BBC silence (including my own) are a little unfair.
After all it does take time for the BBC to get together with Harman, Dromey and Hewitt…and their spin doctors (and Weird Ed), to come up with a strategy to explain this, or better still deflect people’s attention. They’re just waiting for a good day to bury bad news.
In the meantime I suspect that BBC archives are being trawled to ‘disappear’ the tapes of the interviews that the BBC did with those from PIE, at the time, promoting their campaign and their links with Harman and co.
If they can lie through their rotten teeth about 28gate and spend hundreds of thousands of licence-payers money on an FOI defence trying to ensure their lies don’t come out, they will lie about anything.
I can imagine Harman, Hewitt and Dromey were squirming a little when Tom Watson started that attack on Tories, back in 2012, by insinuating there were links between Tory-led No. 10 and paedophile rings (albeit decades ago).
‘A 19-year-old Briton believed to have travelled to Syria with a friend who was later killed in a gun battle, has gone missing in the country. ‘
What a baffling work of prestidigitation.
‘Mohammad Azzam Javeed, from Levenshulme, Manchester, is thought to have travelled at the same time as suspected jihadist Anil Khalil Raoufi.’
Ah, I think I just spotted the slight of hand.
‘He had been due to start a chemical engineering degree but went to Syria.’
Yeah, don’t bother calling Penn & Teller… I think I’ve sussed this how it was done.
‘Counter-terrorism police confirmed a search had been carried out at a property in Levenshulme in December.’
Now everyone has noticed.
‘It is believed Raoufi, 20, of Didsbury, Manchester, who has family links in Afghanistan, was killed in a gun battle with Syrian government forces earlier this month.’
Come on admit it, it’s no fun when you know exactly how it was done.
‘You can can hear more on BBC Asian Network Reports at 13:00 GMT and 17:00.’
Waste of time watching the show when it’s just all the same old tricks.
19 you say?
Now that`ll all be the fault of the Tories and their cuts to “Children Adolescent and Mental`elf” Services” ,as bequeathed them by the “Lovely Levenshulme Labour Lollipops” -that golden era of State Compassion from 1997-2010, when we was fab…and “awwwwright”( Book of Kinnock).
Heard it on Today after 8.30 this morning-so no further questions “yer honour”…yer Ono!
Wasn’t it Levenshulme where they had a Muslim Labour councillor who couldn’t speak English? – translation services dutifully paid by the moonbat leftie Manchester council, of course.
Yes, and the same one where Islamic charities mushroom like fun…then get mysteriously closed down when MI5 remember to call by and see jus what they`re doing with all those “cheridible” donations…2004-2008 and those Ricin Appeals seemed to be particularly fascinating…and hardly a pub in sight any longer.
Yes. Can I add to that that he was an asylum seeker and was elected on the strength of belonging to Pakistani clan, who therefore controlled voting amongst their own nationals.
The BBC loves to describe them as British yet the likes of Anjem would never call himself British (see Channel 5 on Monday) yet they love to suck on the British teat …
‘Religious sectarianism is causing “tension, turmoil and terrorism” in the Middle East and is starting to be seen in Britain, a Cabinet Minister has warned.
Baroness Warsi, the Foreign Office minister, said that violence between Sunni and Shia Muslims is a “great danger” to the world and must be confronted.’
Presumably previous matches in the competition have ended in draws, so the tie is now having to be replayed on neutral ground. It could work out ok though if we provide the ref and he decides to send them all off.
An interesting “In Our Time” today(9.00 am Radio 4, repeated tonight-edited in an interesting way!).
It was about a hairy subject for the Left…Social Darwinism…involving Eugenics and other Lefty efforts at engineering the human soul since Darwins day.
Boy did these four tiptoe through the tulips.avoiding all manner of landmines, preferring to get a cowpat splash or two instead.
So Darwins views on the black man were “culturally normative at that time”…ahem, cough, nervous laughter and the lilac handkerchief and cravats mopped delicate brows, as required.
Marie Stopes?…HG Wells, the Webbs, other serial lefties like Mussolini and Mosley were either sideglanced or binned.
Melvyn signed off very tired what with all those cherry bombs he and his diversity-aware,lefty-educated ,progressive liberal had to dance around….with the lead shill even able to risk Marx and the Commies as possibly the wrong side of the line in these sensitive areas.
As fair an effort as publicly-funded Hampstead Sociologists could manage-can only assume the pension tape will soon be reached in their race to the bottoms.
My biggest gripe was our lead Officer for Diversity in Action on the panel insisting on saying that the whole political spectrum(Right-Left) was equally guilty….not true at all.
The panel was happy to create Zinns narrative as this being a “Capitalist” thing…a “literary thing”…but funnily enough only the National SOCIALIST under Adolf Hitlers Progressive Coalition of the Talents…and the COMMUNISTS under Lenin and Stalin…and the fellow goons at the Observer, Labour and the BBC who agreed with most of both, when fashions dictated-were able to “capture the Zeitgeist and deliver on their passionate commitment to The people”…i.e make it a “political thing”
And one we still live with today…but Melvyn and seminarians at his table seemed reluctant to dig troo deep into.
Still-they tried…a bit!
Yes one of the most glaring contradictions of the BBC’s new faith ( what organised religion does not have them?) Is there beatification of Darwin.Apart from his quite clear views on racial supremacy
(A quote from “The Descent of Man”, in a chapter called “The Races of Man.”, in which Darwin wrote:
“At some future period not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilised races of man will almost certainly exterminate and replace the savage races throughout the world. At the same time the anthropomorphous apes…will no doubt be exterminated. The break between man and his nearest Allies will then be wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilised state, as we may hope, even than the Caucasian, and some ape as low as the baboon, instead of as now between the Negro or Australian and the gorilla” (1874, p. 178). )
and the irrefutable link ,through eugenics, to the Nazi gas chambers is the fact that a belief in ‘evolution through process of natural selection’ contradicts any notion of equality either among races or individuals
Still for the BBC it is enough that he offended the old state religion (Christianity) an the rest can be pushed down the memory hole.
Except you can pick and chose what of Darwin’s work you choose to believe. When its dictated by God you have to take it all….even the bits about genocide, slavery, witch burning etc
‘So Darwins views on the black man were “culturally normative at that time”…’
Ha-haaaa! That’s so funny. One can only assume in BeebWorld Darwin’s views on creationism give him enough moral authority for his views on ‘savage races’ to be trumped (see stewart’s post below).
Now let’s wait for the BBC to apply that unique little bit of wordplay next time they give us another finger-wagging lecture on the West’s role in African slavery.
In other news (usually the variety the BBC errs on the coy with): http://tradingaswdr.blogspot.co.uk/2014/02/whats-in-name.html ‘…how, within the mighty News, the new “World Service” balances its books with its targets.’
The history of BBC book balancing being so good so far.
Especially given the calibre of oversight. http://tradingaswdr.blogspot.co.uk/2014/02/homework.html ‘..joined the Trust in November 2006, makes the case that, crisis or not, the Trust at least has been doing a bang-up job.’
That’s ‘it is ‘cos I say so’ on par with Nicky Campbell right there. So it must be true.
Shouldn’t that be ‘bang-on’? I thought ‘banging-up’ had slightly different connotations?
‘… yet he still has an instinct that, on more everyday, mundane assignments, BBC reporters tend to be less alert to the unexpected within their locations than their rivals at Sky, ITV or Channel 4; he puts this down to an over-oppressive newsgathering desk in London – fine as long as it retains a sense of strategy in the deployment of public funds, not so fine if it stifles reporters’ initiative, and the output with it.’
‘Over oppressive’ – would that be code for ‘controlling the agenda’?
Or maybe, a bit more ‘mundanely’, as one observer of the Beeboids at their 28gate meeting put it:
‘Though they purported to be aware that this was an immensely important topic, it seemed to me that none of them had shown even a modicum of professional curiosity on the subject … I spent the day discussing the subject and I don’t recall anyone showing any sign of having read anything serious at all.’
Let’s not mince words, eh? How’s about ‘a lazy, incurious, intellectually-challenged, biased and overpaid waste of licence-fee payers’ money’…..?
Emir Charles III of the Islamic Republic of Anglistan, protector of the Islamic faith, looks on from the balcony of his palace, as soldiers of the Salladin Division (formerly The Household Division) march past. Their green regimental standards are caught by the wind and the sun glints off the golden battle honour (in Arabic) “Palestine 2028”.
In their barracks the soldiers cry into their soft drinks. They have returned from the middle east following the reconquest of Palestine. Cry is all they can do now to erase images of the slaughter of women and children from their minds. To speak out against atrocity is to bring the wrath of their Muslim officers, who regularly behead men of the ranks for disobeying orders. As they rounded up and killed the remaining Jewish inhabitants of the former Israel, the former Grenadier Guards could see their own demise as much as those they murdered.
In Parliament the only two parties admitted into the House of Righteous (formerly House of Commons) by the Guardian Council, sit opposite each other. The Conservative and Liberal Alliance Party is all that remains of the Mother of Democracies. Opposite them is the snarling UK Muslim Brotherhood (formerly The Respect Party), which joined the rump of the Labour Party and coerced its junior partner to elect George Galloway as leader in 2020.
Those members of the Labour Party who had realised the error of their ways joined the Liberal Party in protest over Galloway’s election but it was too late. The old Labour Party won the election in 2020 by a landslide. Voted in by a burgeoning Muslim population and by a deluded self-loathing liberal élite who thought they could control the Labour Party as before.
Long gone were the days when the indigenous working-class voted Labour. Life for those working class people was one of subsistence, fearful of speaking out for fear of losing what little work was available to them. The banks and the corporations had conspired to steal every last penny the workers had. Enslaved, the workers could do nothing. Their sons taken from them and bribed to join the police, army and security forces whose only task was to make complete their own annihilation.
As with Hitler in 1933, who was voted in and abetted by industrialists and an élite who thought they could control the monster they were to create, the Labour Party soon turned against the élite. The party was renamed. Immediately, anyone standing in the way of Islam was arrested throughout the land on trumped up charges of racism, slander, paedophilia and the new Law of Disrespect to the Prophet. By morning, the coup was complete.
The easily corruptable police force took to their new role with glee. Well-used to arresting people who stood in the way of corporations and bankers, the renamed Sharia Police began interning anyone deemed un-Islamic. First there was the clearout of gay and feminist members from the old Labour Party. Then came the pogrom, the roundup of Jews, allowed to “go home to Israel”. But the Jews knew their fate, as the armies of Islam began to roll towards the Jewish homeland.
The Royal family was next. Secretly Prince Charles had done a deal with the brotherhood. He was desperate to be king and didn’t trust his sons as he knew they would side with the army. He had always been keen on Islam and often thought of Islamic texts whilst sitting through dull church services with his mother. The Queen and most of the Royal Family were given an ulitmatum to cooperate with the regime so they left for Canada. With Charles as monarch the armed forces were soon brought to the Islamic heel with the arrest of an untrusted general staff.
There were many political arrests of those who tried to stand up for democracy; a few members of the old Labour Party who were against such rapid changes to society and obdurate members of the new Conservative and Liberal Alliance who were totally against this alien culture. What is left of party politics creates the semblance of democracy, as in the Arab Spring of 2012. A necessity so as to remain a member of the EU and beg for handouts from the IMF.
The country is bankrupt. A policy of banishing women to their homes to produce babies has left the economy broken. Government finance is frittered away on childcare as the population exceeds 80 million.
The Great European Migration of 2019 saw millions of Europeans leave Europe for North America. And with that the work ethic of Europe was gone. God would see things right, just smoke some more drugs and let Allah do the rest.
Throughout Europe during the 1990s the lunatics had taken control of the asylum. Fearful of a new Hitler ever since 1945 the liberals would hand Europe on a plate to anyone to avoid a return to the 1930s. Unfortunately, the liberals chose Islam and got millions of Hitlers instead.
During the early 2000s many areas in UK inner cities became no-go areas for non-Muslims. The inhabitants had set up their own Sharia police to govern these Muslim areas. Non-Muslim women were attacked for not covering up and non-Muslim men were attacked for not having beards or beaten up outside pubs after having drunk alcohol. Many non-Muslims started to adopt Islamic dress codes whilst others joined temperance movements or changed their lifestyles to “show respect” to their neighbourhood overlords. They tried to give an inch but ended up giving more than a mile.
The former liberal and socialist parties of Europe could never understand when told that Islam is more than a religion. Islam is a complete social system that not only comes with a religion but its own system of justice, finance and education. The old political parties of Europe were used to social engineering and bending society to its aims. But Islam was just never interesed in anything of what Europe had to offer, except for living space and of that, it took it all.
A new Cold War has begun with European nuclear weapons now facing west and across the Atlantic Ocean, targetting the Great Satan, the USA. Unlike the Soviets before them the Islamic fingers on the button regard nuclear weapons not for defence but as a way to accelerate armageddon and judgement by Allah.
One institution that suffered no reprisals is the BBC. Long filled with European admirers of Islam, the transition from mouthpiece of the old LibLabCon-trick to trumpeter of the virtues of Mohammed comes easily. Positive virtues mind, not the negative ones that are plain to see in the book of hate, the Koran.
Skilled in the art of adding Islam to any genre of television programme you could imagine, the BBC now openly televises Islamic propaganda, 24 hours a day. “How to Spot a Jew and What to Do About It?”, “The Holocaust Never Happened and How To Inform on Those Who Believe It.”, “USA – The Great Satan.” and daily sermons from the former Saint Paul’s Cathedral, now renamed The Great Bin Laden Mosque after its minarets were added. Of course there were fewer women on television and those that were allowed to be on television were covered from head to toe. No more were the plethora of gay and Jewish television celebrities.
What of the liberals who thought that Islam is peaceful and that they could happily live in an Islamic Britian? After all, there would be no need for Sebastian and Tiffany to go on holiday to Egypt or Tunisia anymore. Well, those who realised that they had made a serious mistake and had important positions in society are now dead. Others, who were too weak to resist, have converted to Islam. And the more cowardly liberals, ashamed to be seen, ran off to North America during the mass migration and pretended they were never liberals at all.
And what of the writer of this blog? Some say he was tracked down by police before the coup and arrested on a false charge. That he was in gaol at the time of the coup and executed with many others to make room for political prisoners. Others say that he escaped to North America and has joined the armed forces to fight in the coming war to reconquer Europe.
Well done but…. North America will not be the haven you envisage. With Barry of the Brotherhood still in power in 2020, having managed to engineer a little bit of martial (and Sharia) law after the Affordable Care Act fiasco killing of millions of Americans and the riots following the dramatic crash of the once mighty dollar, Barry will not be behind us in moving the USA over to the RIP, sorry RoP, he will be in front of us.
And, when he can get time off from his golf, Barry will then set about converting the rest of the world over to Islam. The fun will not start until Barry and his Brotherhood mates try getting clever with Russia and China.
It will then be time to buy a little plot in the Outer Hebrides with a few chickens and start growing carrots I think.
Barry is only allowed 2 terms as Pres ,unless you know something we don`t . It would`nt surprise me if he managed to stay on a bit longer however , but I think the men in white cloaks might have him removed before then .
An excellent read, but I`m much more hopeful.
Despite your scenario being wished, or even willed upon us by the craven elite as personified by “The Emir”-there`s far more of us than there is of them.
They have the media, the courts and their useful academics and idiots…but we all saw what happened to Lee Rigby, with Jimmy Savile and the like….these things slowburn, and I`m sure that the people I meet who do NOT get their steer from the BBC, nor work for “The State” haven`t spoken yet.
Jesus plus me = Victory…”insh`Allo/allo”
Interesting but fanciful. Nasty people the English. Slow to anger, slower to start but they know how to finish things.
Liberals are but a passing phase.
Nice piece of fiction , however nearly everything you say actually happened in CAR , while the bBC reports on how Muslims are being wiped out. What they don’t tell you is why. It’s a backlash against Allah. The same will happen in the Uk and I will personally ensure that Muslims are taught a bloody lesson.
Old BBC was a merry old soul
And a merry old soul was she;
She shilled for progressives, and she called for shilled for permissives
And she covered for the fiddlers’ three.
StewGreenFeb 24, 23:44 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Youtube pushed this video at me. He’s a young Youtuber so his stance is more mild than ours. He talks…
JohnCFeb 24, 23:15 Start the Week 24th February 2025 From my earlier video: https://youtu.be/TjzrjsyUZSc?t=127 Hits the topical nail on the head.
JohnCFeb 24, 23:07 Start the Week 24th February 2025 lol – and it was often a speedboat for 2 steelwork welders in Birmingham to share between them.
StewGreenFeb 24, 22:29 Start the Week 24th February 2025 quote : Two Tier Kier made inflammatory comments yesterday and now violence erupts outside a Reform Convention?? Are the Police…
FlotsamFeb 24, 22:05 Start the Week 24th February 2025 I can’t agree. I understand where you’re coming from, OK for the man on the street but not for the…
diggFeb 24, 22:04 Start the Week 24th February 2025 There are lots of very evil people mentoring these children…. And they are always lefties….
Philip_2Feb 24, 21:47 Start the Week 24th February 2025 More here: The BBC is turning into a megaphone for Hamas https://www.spiked-online.com/2025/02/23/the-bbc-is-turning-into-a-megaphone-for-hamas/
I wonder if Beeboids censored out today’s ‘Daily Mail’s front page from its newspaper previews and reviews because of the subject matter?:
‘Daily Mail’s front page for Wednesday-
“The truth about Labour apologists for paedophilia:
Police probe child sex group linked to top party officials in wake of Savile.
“Harriet Harman, Jack Dromey and Patricia Hewitt linked to vile group.
“They were key figures at National Council for Civil Liberties (NCCL).
“The NCCL was an ‘affiliate’ of the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE).
“PIE members may have abused children on an ‘industrial scale.’”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2562518/The-truth-Labour-apologists-paedophilia-Police-probe-child-sex-group-linked-party-officials-wake-Savile.html#ixzz2tiiUj9aA
Beeboid, Mr C. Myrie, on BBC News Channel in video preview of Wednesday’s newspaper front pages (except for the ‘Daily Mail’):-
(video clip)
BBC presenters on Twitter are blaming ‘legal reasons’
Interesting excuse – I mean explanation.
Look forward to :
‘And here is the BBC news…’
‘…. in sport today….’
Although they referred to potential legal issues and would need to be circumspect, it didn’t stop the Sky newspaper review covering the story.
The worlds most trusted broadcaster once again demonstrates that it is corrupt.
Ah yes, like those legal issues that prevented the BBC having a hyperventilated frenzy of excitement when some spiteful (or possibly mentally ill) woman made up some allegations about the Hamilton’s – but then were not on the Left which is all that counts for the BBC.
BBC news is essentially pro-Labour Party spin and Guardian reading agenda pushing, which given its (taxpayer funded) dominance in our television news and current affairs is nothing less than a direct attack upon our free society.
Yes, indeed. The culture has changed post-Saville, lessons have been learned and they’re moving on, but it’s noticeable that every time something like this comes up, they always without exception take exactly the same position as a bunch of pedophile apologists would take.
Meanwhile, if it was a Tory MP accused of having supported the National Front…..
…and not that long ago that a Tory peer was lined up by the BBC’s flagship Newsnight as being a nonce.
They had no problem with that.
Just a shame they did no homework in their rush to smear. We are all paying for that.
It is also quite possible that Savile was targeted because they could link him to senior Tories, no matter how tangentially.
The more I read about the way child abuse prosecutions are run the more confusing the picture seems. The Police and the CPS are going hell bent for leather to uncover and prosecute abusers and are finding them in virtually every children’s home in the country. Yet they produce no evidence and rarely convict those they accuse.
British Justice used to demand that a conviction required evidence of wrong doing. Now all that is required is an allegation and a suitably malleable jury. And yet the they still can’t convict because the juries are seeing how thin the evidence is. So what is the response of our dear leaders. Abolish jury trials for ‘certain’ cases…
At the risk of going all UKIP this is indeed a result of the movement towards the standardisation of Justice across the EU. Naturally the EU won’t bring Portugal or Italy up to British standards, we have to descend to theirs.
Meanwhile children are being abused by gangs and lone perverts whilst the state looks the other way for political reasons.
‘They had no problem with that’
Watertight oversight, BBC-style, does seem a variable construct, and only applying it to themselves or their mates when the spotlight turns hardly seems designed to boost their credibility or reputation.
I do see they are aware that the Mail has been published today:
“In his analysis, the Daily Mail’s James Slack says: “Justice Secretary Chris Grayling can now rely on the judgment in his ongoing battles with the European Court.”
“Mail cartoonist Mac isn’t taking it too seriously,”
Plus, there’s what’s Making people click
Daily Mail: ‘Mum’s letting me go’: With breathtaking dignity bucket-list boy, 11, who has been battling cancer for six years, reveals he and family have taken heartbreaking decision to stop life-prolonging treatment”
One is sure A. Journalist can explain how such priorities are arrived at.
Stories about Harman have been doing the rounds for years. From The Daily Telegraph, 2009:
“The Daily Telegraph obtained documents showing that she called on ministers to make sexually explicit photographs or films of children legal unless there was evidence that the subject had been harmed.
At the time she made the official submission, she was a senior figure in a civil liberties organisation that wanted the age of consent to be lowered to 14 and incest decriminalised. It also defended self-confessed paedophiles in the press and allowed them to attend its meetings. ”
Would this strory have remained under the radar (i.e. the BBC which effectively sets the nation’s news agenda) had Harman been a Tory? I think we all know the answer to that.
Agree,this latest mail story is struggling to get traction because the BBC is protecting its Labour friends. You are quite right if this were the Tories the BBC would have as the number one story and keep it there until these three were forced to resign all public offices and run for cover.
This again shows the power of the BBC to dictate the country’s news agenda and its massive bias in favour of the liberal left.
The BBC is simply far too big for the good of the country.It has a dominant position , a monopoly , and it exploits this to the massive advantage of Labour. It must be closed down for the good of democracy in Britain.
Barely a day goes by without Jack Dromey being interviewed on BBC radio WM in the West Midlands. Funnily enough I haven’t heard him today so far ….. how very odd.
It would seem the Daily Mail my well have had a phone call! The comments have stopped about 3 hours ago……..shameful. Now the lid has been lifted on the cesspit I just hope the turds aren’t allowed to float away.
Its doubtful if anyone inside Broadcasting House has a copy of the Fascist Mail and so unless it appears in the Guardian they won’t know about it.
Our future king, future Defender of the Faiths (plural), is going down well with the BBC, celebrating Saudi Culture. I wonder if he will take in a stoning or be-heading during the visit?
If he stays until Friday he`ll have no shortage of chances to celebrate their exciting cultural practices…if there`s any big town or city in Saudi without said celebrations, then there is a twin package to Pakistan to enjoy a stoning or fifty.
Oh the joys of Islam…
Yes, Charles will politically fit in well with unelected Muslim, Government Minister for Faith, Baroness Warsi, in extending an Islamised Britain.
Yes, Charles will politically fit in well with unelected Muslim, Government Minister for Faith, Baroness Warsi, in extending an Islamised Britain.
Yes, Charles will politically fit in well with unelected Muslim, Government Minister for Faith, Baroness Warsi, in extending an Islamised Britain.
We have been saddled with some dreadful monarchs in the past. Charles looks on course to be one of them. May the Queen live long and prosper!.
Plenty of historical precedence for royal dynasties being replaced when they’ve out lived their usefulness.
With the secession of Scotland looming, perhaps now would be the time to scan around for a descendant of Harold Godwinson, last true Bretwalda, of course any candidate for Aetheling would need the ratification of the Witen.
In the event of no candidate coming forward may I point out that I consider myself to be a Wuffinga
Just a thought
If and when he is crowned, as Charles is married to a divorcee, shouldn’t he follow the excellent example of Edward VIII and abdicate? He would be at peace to talk to his plants, and we would have a Head of State that we can be proud of.
I agree Dave, i predict he will be an embarrassment as King, he ‘aint no Alfred or HenryVII or Edward Ist. Then again those monarchs operated with a subservient layer of officials and council, the main decision maker being the King. Imagine that power invested in Charles?…….god forbid.
Scenic visit to Makkah (Mecca)?
Scenic visit to Makkah (Mecca)?
I suppose BBC-NUJ doesn’t appreciate this particular political comment of ‘Daily Mail’ which relates Jimmy Savile issues, and the ‘liberal Left’:-
“Today the paper publishes an exposé of the frankly disgusting views on paedophilia held in the 1970s and 1980s by people who rose to the highest ranks in the modern Labour Party.
“Though it makes deeply disturbing and often shocking reading, it should be studied as an object lesson in the way the liberal Left offered moral underpinning to a group that validated the vile crimes of monsters like Jimmy Savile.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2562621/DAILY-MAIL-COMMENT-The-Labour-elite-gave-succour-paedophiles.html#ixzz2tlnfcD00
One of the liberal left’s targets is the traditional family. Mother, father and children in a marriage. Traditional morality has always been a target for the progressive left.
The family is the major obstacle to the new world of the fantasists. Break the family and you can do what you want with the people.
Nothing would surprise me. The modern left is degenerate and sociopathic.
“The modern left is degenerate and sociopathic,” Spot on Dave S. good one.
“The modern left is degenerate and sociopathic.”
…. and they are different to the old left… how?
Read the history of the old Socialist movement in Britain. It will be quite clear to you.
The modern liberal left is completely different.
Quite right Dave the problem is that the old socialist movement of my fathers day has long ago been corrupted by what we used to call ‘the bourgeois intelligentsia’.
Even Orwell warned about degenerates and malcontents gravitating toward the movement.
I wish I could find the quote it was prescient.
Yes, I suspect that’s what’s behind the promotion of homosexuality.
After all, who really cares – so long as they don’t do it in the street and frighten the horses. But the left have to constantly try to put the new-fangled sin of ‘homophobia’ on a par with racism etc. Why?
Perhaps you might find this blog and it’s reference to the Grauniads support for the legalisation of Paedophilia enlightening as to the real reasons why the BBC has failed to report the ‘alternative’ view.
More expansion of Beeboid global broadcasting empire to provide programmes for all the people of the world, paid for British licence-payers.
“BBC unveils £8 million investment plan for World Service”
Egypt, where INBBC has a Cairo Bureau, and supports Muslim Brotherhood, but doesn’t report this-
“Egypt: Christian Syrian family slaughtered”
By Raymond Ibrahim .
The BBC also does not report anything of this report below either. Where is the outrage from all the so called “human rights” groups, nothing, just deathly silence.
The top 12 countries persecuting Christians are North Korea, Somalia, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Maldives, Pakistan, Iran, Yemen, Sudan and Eritrea
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2014/01/top-50-list-of-christian-persecutors/#aSZCLulJX4LOaelr.99
Unemployment is down… but the BBC tell us that the rate is up and that, troublingly, the rate of reduction in the numbers is slowing down.
Reminding me that on BBC Midlands News last week, they covered the opening of the new 2,600 worker Jaguar engine plant in Staffordshire…but went on to say that there is disappointment that only 50% of the components were being made in the UK. To support their story they identified that the cam shaft was being imported and so went to a local foundry ‘that could have produced it’…could have produced it, but were never ever going to….because they didn’t bid for the work (err ?)
The BBC. Wherever there’s a silver lining, they’ll find a cloud.
And wherever they find a Labour turd they’ll polish it.
plenty of choice then!
For Harrabin and co-
“Why the Met Office has hung its chief scientist out to dry”
By Andrew Montford.
“Tyrants are using UK press controls to justify repression:
Freedom groups call on Cameron to scrap media regulation law.
“Freedom groups have urged David Cameron to ‘safeguard press freedom.’
“Described Royal Charter on press regulation as ‘incomprehensible arcana.’
“Warned ‘autocratic’ foreign leaders are already using it to justify repression.
“Charter was approved by the Queen in October in wake of Leveson Inquiry.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2562568/Press-freedom-groups-call-David-Cameron-scrap-media-regulation-law.html#ixzz2tmAppSNe
It seems that Beeboid repression of press freedom is already being applied to the ‘Daily Mail,’ given Beeboid censorship of the ‘Daily Mail’s existence this Wednesday.
Nice of Sheela Fog on 5dead to host a discussion on the Archbishops recent comments on welfare and the Prime Minister’s reply, on the archbish’s side we had some geezer from the trussle trust and a gp from inner city Liverpool, to put forward the case for reform we had………………….. err, no one.
more pish from the bBC
I forgot the vinegar.
Interestingly, in reporting our ultra dhimmi prince, Charles, in a ‘sword’ dance’ with his Islamic chums of the House of Saud, INBBC does not mention any political criticism of him or of Islamic Saudi Arabia, but ‘Guardian’ does:-
“Amnesty International has called for him to raise the issue of human rights during the tour. Saudi Arabia has been criticised for its treatment of women, restrictions on freedom of speech and the lack of a fair and open legal system.
“The Guardian has recently highlighted the deaths of Nepalese and Indian migrant workers building the infrastructure for the 2022 World Cup in Qatar.”
Did anyone see the Peston programme last night on 2, “How China fooled the world”?
Quite interesting I thought, on a number of levels.
1. The programme did not answer the question inherent within its title. It is not immediately obvious or clear from the programme that China has fooled the world or indeed has tried to.
2. It focused on the building/ property sector which, admittedly, would appear to have been built on debt.
3. The programme focused on one city, Wuhan, which seems to have aspirations to challenge Shanghai to be the second largest city in China.
What it didn’t mention was the asset side of the balance sheet (if you like), the reality that China is acquiring most of the precious metal market (including Gold) and that none of its own gold ever comes to the market.
It didn’t mention China’s strategic investments around the world (there was a one liner, paying lip-service to China’s investment in Africa, but nothing beyond that).
Peston dragged in some of the great and the good (Paulsen and Adair) to support his case, but the case wasn’t really made. The programme title suggested that the world has been fooled, the programme didn’t provide much evidence of that and it didn’t provide the answer either.
All in all, it was a bit disappointing.
What was interesting, though, when he was discussing it on Jeremy Vine was the fact he laid the blame for rising living costs in the UK squarely at China’s door because their rapidly escalating demand for foodstuffs and energy has (unsurprisingly) led to rocketing prices here.
So, I wonder why the BBC have never challenged Miliband with that one along the lines of ‘You have promised us Labour will address the ‘cost of living crisis’ you keep telling us about. How will you do that when it is clearly beyond your control?’.
Did he also ‘blame’ China for previously keeping UK living costs down with cheap manufactured goods? Or did he share the Bank of England’s delusion that it’s monetary policy was working?
This is the kind of programme that, a few years ago, I would have sat down and watched the whole way through.
But nowadays I have no faith in the BBC to present a proper view on the situation, especially with Robert Peston as the host, knowing his links to the Labour Party and his role in the financial crisis (breaking the news of the Lloyds takeover of HBOS before it had been officially announced).
Next month’s new book Is The BBC In Crisis? looks likely to provide lots of useful material before the TV tax review in 2016.
The BBC Trust has been an “indefensible failure” and should be scrapped, according to a City grandee.
Sir Howard Davies, the former head of the Financial Services Authority and the London School of Economics, compared the BBC’s governance to that of the hapless banks that failed during the financial crisis and said that a lack of accountability had made recent scandals worse.
Weak boards, unclear responsibilities and overpaid chief executives were a feature of the banking crash, and “these points sound horribly familiar when applied to the BBC”, he said.
(£) http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/news/medianews/article4009665.ece
” Is the BBC in crisis?”
following up from this on BBC news Muslims demands/threats/menaces and kidnap in prison.
200% increase in muslim inmates? the cause? any ideas?
eh! … “islamofauxbia” made me do it?
increasing influence? what could that be ? … demands/threats/menaces in prison perhaps?
hmm …travelling to Syria to marry UK jihadists , some seeing them leading a ‘perfect life’?
better get Imam Cameron to explain that one?
You see the BBC can do it if necessary. Last night’s analysis on BBC2 by Robert Peston (adherent of Common Purpose and founder-trustee of the Media “Standards” Trust) on the probable upcoming financial collapse in China “How China Fooled the World” was, well, unbiased. Sure, it was dumbed-down (this is TV after all where image is everything) and could have been done in a 30 minute discussion between knowledgeable commentators in the studio (and might have already been undertaken in such a format on Radio 4) but, for all that, it got the salient info across. Moreover, there wasn’t one mention of “climate change” although why, of all people, the serially incompetent Lord Turner was one of the financial seers chosen for comment only Peston could tell us.
Is that right – Peston is a founder/trustee of the Media Standards Trust (which is umbilically attached to Common Purpose). Isn’t that a conflict of interest?
Any proof would be welcome.
Well, if you accept the BBC as a reliable source, look at the second paragraph of this item.
Nice one.
Common Purpose – like the Masons but with massive communist knobs on.
He’s the son of a Labour peer, for goodness sake. That is enough for a claim of conflict of interest without anything else on top.
“Newsnight’s McAlpine scandal – 13 days that brought down the BBC’s chief”
2The unfolding of the day-by-day drama that ended with George Entwistle’s resignation.”
By Roy Greenslade.
Interesting to see the Guardian running this, if quite taken with the word ‘appeared’ to report on what others had run with.
‘This appeared to be corroborated by another victim who had appeared anonymously’
So, watertight to run with, then.
What follows is a masterclass in what shouldn’t have/wasn’t intended to happen… but apparently did anyway.
‘It never occurred to them that Overton might have told him.’
Uh-huh. A BIJ tribal ‘journalist’ and a recently ex-BBC Newsnight political editor. Whispers and allusions over on-record facts.
Good job they crashed on regardless to avoid looking like idiots. The biggest, richest, supposedly most professional, impartial, trusted and transparent ‘news’ monopoly on the planet saw:
‘A director-general under siege had allowed a convoluted and confusing leadership structure in the news division. That caused blurred lines of accountability and put a huge strain on relationships. Knowledge that existed internally was not shared. It was put to air too quickly. The legal advice was flawed.
And the result of this politically-motivated stitch up attempt to ruin someone?
‘In conclusion, Van Klaveren and Gibbons faced disciplinaries and were moved to different jobs.
Ouch. That must have hurt. There was also, if one recalls, a bit more side-stepping around the top floor resulting in more staff and more of those lovely Lucy negotiated contract deals..
‘The BBC paid Lord McAlpine £185,000 in damages.’
Plus a bit, Roy. And the BBC merely handed over yet more licence fee payers’ money.
And Entwistle was ‘spent’, eventually to the tune of how much again?
No comments so far.
Maybe no one wants to bring the might of that 147+ strong PR department down on them in public, or see a forgettably quiet word be passed on off the record about what mutual back-scratching can involve.
More on ‘Breitbart’ here, as BBC-NUJ will be inclined to politically censor it, as it does with ‘Daily Mail’-
The new Breitbart London site carried a story today about the Mail’s detailed revelations about previous backing for paedophilia groups by senior Labour figures. It has now drawn attention to the way the BBC is deliberately avoiding any mention of the Mail’s story :
Radio 4 Media Show had a piece about the World Service taking adverts. The interviewee, some big wig in the World Service called Horrocks, said that taking adverts represented NO threat to the editorial independence of the content.
So why do we bother with the License Fee if the BBC can preserve its much vaunted independence when taking adverts. Surely, if the BBC themselves are saying their independence is not threatened by adverts, why can’t we scrap the License Fee immediately and fund the BBC by adverts only.
Good find ! Peter Horrocks is indeed a big bigwig.
A holier-than thou knight of that liberal inquisition if ever there was
Why can’t the BBC support itself by adverts? The world service doesn’t support itself solely by adverts. It receives taxpayer money directly through the Commonwealth and Foreign office; sells programmes, auxiliary marketing and itself for a profit (if it can) and has a sweetheart agreement with the BBC where it can pick and chose what it buys (unlike the package deal forced on outsiders if they chose to broadcast the BBC). I’d love to know if the price it pays for what it does buy isn’t also discounted.
One interesting titbit from the 2011/12 annual review*. The BBC receives its estimated expenses in advance as Grant-in-Aid from CFO but doesn’t have to return the surplus if the expenses are over estimated! The World Service received £253m as Grant-in-Aid for 2011/2012 but only earned £20.5m from operations. In 2013 that was a £30m deficit, described as unusual.
With a business plan like that no wonder it is a success.
* I couldn’t access the complete URL for a link, due to its length, only download the PDF. If you Google BBC World Service Annual Review you should have no difficulty finding them.
I really don’t care whether it can or can’t support its self by adverts. I am just pointing out that one of the ‘fundamentals’ of the BBC is claimed to be its editorial independence. Most visitors to this site realise this means that it is free to criticise anything and everything the Tories do, but never feels the need to criticise Labour because they think just like the BBC does. But defenders of the License Fee always claim that this independence is critical to the BBC and would be eroded if the BBC was financed by adverts. Yet here we have a BBC executive claiming that editorial independence is not threatened by adverts . So one of the key pillars of the License Fee argument has just been demolished by the BBC itself.
the pro soviet biased presenters of the bbc and radio 5 live have decided to launch a smear campaign against the anti communist,anti stalinist revolutionary protesters in ukraine by labelling them with the usual term far right.peter allen on the drive time show tonight used the term far right and extreme right wings groups as a smear to describe the good decent people ukraine who are out there tonight risking death and injury in the most brutal ways at the hands of this corrupt pro putin communist goverment who are oppressing and killing there own people,you disgust radio 5 live and the bbc with your smears against the peacefull protesters and revolutionays in ukraine,you really disgust me.
If you think that is a peaceful demonstration then you are well and truly in cuckoo land. If you think that what is happening would be tolerated in London (Tottenham), Paris, Berlin, think again. Most informed commentators recognise a coup d’état, and a fascist insurgence of sorts developing, it’s not a “velvet revolution”. We have nationalists of the worst kind out there lauding Ukrainian “heroes” who sided with the Nazis. Even the so called 3 leaders Klitschko, Yatsenyuk and Tyagnibok are really not in control of the hard rioting kern. Klitschko himself was attacked only a few weeks back by “the peaceful ones”, but of course after the revelation of the leaked telephone conversation between Victoria Nuland and Geoffrey Pyatt, the ambassador of the US to Ukraine about who they wanted as the next PM and not wanting Klitscho to play a role, etc. , and Obama’s remarks, we know exactly who are pulling some of the strings.
Biased BBC was very informed during the Syrian crisis and the concerted chorus of opinion about who was responsible for actually using chemical weapons- an open mind was a prerequisite for an informed opinion. It upsets me to see so many supporting this banal view and attacking the BBC for its so called “communism”! So only the “government” is responsible for the violence? Of course! How would you like somebody to make out after the Tottenham riots with, say, 9 policemen killed, or hostages taken, and the torching of buildings in the city, that the government was actually responsible for the violence. They just released those who were arrested and gave them an amnesty for christ’s sake. These rioters are not interested in a “truce” they want a revolution and one can’t help thinking that a dangerous cold war logic is being played out here (US & Europe)
Actually, the BBC news was quite loyal to the biased interpretation this evening (BBC World 18:00) Sky news was a little more discerning, maybe because their journalist team had been shot at by the rioters! The sky reporter saying also that she didn’t think the leaders were in control! But you just go on believing that the true representatives of the Ukrainian population are peacefully demonstrating. Maybe it’s a linguistic turn and in future “peaceful demonstrations” will never be the same again.
It’s not Tiananmen Square, it’s more like Pussy riot with violent neo-nazi psychopathic attitude. Usually the Biased BBC blog is also quite modern with anti-Semitism, but how far can the “peaceful” Ukrainian protestors (who, it is claimed here, “are not of the far right”) tally with the words of Oleh Tyahnybok (Tyagnibok), the leader of the Svoboda movement, blaming the “Muscovite-Jewish mafia”. Oh yes, the attacks on synagogues by these peaceful protestors, we won’t mention that.
Or the fact that January 27th the annual commemoration of International Holocaust Remembrance Day was cancelled in Kiev out of fear of anti-Semitic attacks from the Euromaiden protesters.
Peace be with you! Such wonderful peaceful protestors, next you will be saying that these Ukrainian protestors embrace “ a religion of peace”. But then Islamic fascism does have something in common here.
How the facts from the bBC about immigrant workers in the UK, don’t correspond with the whitewash they call the news.

Hoards of migrants from Romania and Bulgaria not true screams the bBC. However here is a picture taken from a news article about the rise in what EU immigrants have to earn before being allowed to claim benefits. Now the 8 accession countries from Eastern Europe in 10 years account for (|So the bBC tells me) 683K 8 countries over 10 years and they come out with that figure. Yet the figure of Romanian and Bulgarian workers who have only been allowed in (legally) to work for just under 50 days is 141K
I wonder why nobody appears to have noticed that figure yet?
Of all those on the list the only ones who need to jump through hoops for visas are of course our own people from Australia and New Zealand.
Pounce – I think the 141,000 includes those who were already here.
‘Romanians and Bulgarians have taken one in 10 new jobs in the past year as the number working in Britain has risen by 40 per cent.
In the final three months of last year, shortly before immigration restrictions were lifted, 144,000 people born in the two countries were working in Britain — and they took 41,670 of the 424,503 jobs which were created last year.’
Still, never seems to tempt the BBC into making some obvious points every time the unemployment figures are published…..
After years of silence from the BBC on the persecution, murder and cleansing of ancient Christian communities in Islamic countries we at last have a prominent piece on ‘PM’ tonight.
Oh, hang on, no we don’t. It’s about persecuted Muslims fleeing those nasty Christians in the Central African Republic.
And what was it that got those CARers worked up about Muslims? The BBC myth seems to be that religious strife just sort of happened.
Open Doors USA, which assists the persecuted church around the world, compiled the World Watch list and reports 2,123 Christians were killed for their faith last year, compared to 1,201 in 2012. For example , the killings in Syria alone (1,213) trumped the total from a year earlier.
“The target of violence is mainly taking place mainly from rebel groups who are Islamic extremists, so these are jihadists practicing extreme Islam and are targeting Christian areas,” said Emily Fuentes, communications director at Open Doors USA. “Many of these Christians have had to flee, and these towns have essentially become ghost towns because they’ve cleared Christians out. In October of last year, there was a massacre in one of these towns where more than 45 people died and hundreds were injured just because it was a Christian-dominated town.
“Syria is experiencing a whole new level of persecution and violence of Christians,” said Fuentes, noting that Syria is now the third worst persecutor of Christians, skyrocketing from the 36th spot it held just two years ago.
BBC News must think it’s Xmas come early when they lead with Tony BLiar offering to advise Rebecca Brookes and the Murdoch family + news international and Cameron’s ex communications head Andy Coulson. And in goes the knife and it’s twisted around with such glee that it’s obvious !
Can you remember when the PM (Cameron) was found to personally know Brooks, the media (including the bBC) had a field day in which to try and link him to the hacking carried out by the Murdock press:
Rebekah Brooks reveals ‘LOL’ texts from Cameron
David Cameron ended some text messages to Rebekah Brooks with the letters LOL, she has told the Leveson Inquiry.
and then we have the bBC reporting:
“former deputy prime minister Lord Prescott sent a Twitter message to Number 10 saying he would put in an Freedom of Information (FOI) request to see all texts between Mr Cameron and Mrs Brooks.”
“former Lib Dem MP Evan Harris claimed that he had texted the prime minister after the birth of his daughter Florence in August 2010. In a tweet, Mr Harris, who is a spokesman for the Hacked Off campaign which is seeking justice for victims of phone hacking, wrote: “He replied. Without an “lol” or even an “x”.
Lets not forget how the bBC bigged up the use by the PM of Brooks (Loaned) horse. Yet the bBC (Along with its lairbour bumchums) banged its little tin drum
So why was I not surprised by this very civilized coverage of this story from the bBC:
Phone-hacking trial: Blair ‘advised Brooks before arrest’
LOL I wonder why the bBC haven’t got 2 shags?Jabs/Jabs Prescott to come out with a scurrilous (but whitty) remark, never mind finding a Tory MP?
I forgot to mention, why did the PM text Brooks and borrow her horse. Not becasue as the bBC tried to imply becasue they were as thick as thieves, but becasue they were neighbours. Blair lives where?
Civilised reporting indeed.
Unlike this, after the BBC produced a spiders web with Cameron enmeshed (according to them) in phone hacking.
Smith with a face like slapped arse.
What a horrible trot
Two stories that have failed to make it onto the BBC news, today… I wonder why?
Sorry, George R… I see you’ve these already mate.
At the end of the ‘Believe’ thread Thoughtful added a useful link to a Delingpole article on 28gate. Within that article were several other cracking links, including this one to Jo Nova’s website:
This is what Paxman had to say:
“The BBC has held a high-level seminar with some of the best scientific experts, and has come to the view that the weight of evidence no longer justifies equal space being given to the opponents of the consensus [on anthropogenic climate change].”
From Seesaw to Wagon Wheel, BBC, June 2007 Page 40
“I assume that this is why the BBC’s coverage of the issue abandoned the pretence of impartiality long ago.”
Jeremy Paxman, Newsnight Homepage 02/02/2007
And this is what happened afterwards:
‘In mid 2007 Tony Newbery of Harmless Sky started asking who was at the seminar, but the BBC wouldn’t give up the names. In fact the BBC thought the names were so significant that when Newbery sent them an FOI, they not only refused to hand over the list, but they used six lawyers against him (see The Secret 28 Who Made BBC ‘Green’ Will Not Be Named). The BBC, improbably, argued they weren’t “public” and even more improbably, they won the case. Who knew? The BBC could be considered a “private organisation”. Where are the shareholders?’
And the reason the BBC wouldn’t let the cat out of the bag (in case we needed reminding)?
‘Most of the list of “climate experts” advising the BBC were activists, advocacy directors, charities, or were involved in sustainable (green) investments……..How many unskeptical climate scientists were there? Three. How many skeptical scientists? Zero…..So basically, the BBC made out this was its own mini IPCC conference, where they got experts from both sides, thrashed out the science, decided on the most honest way to convey all the risks, costs and benefits to their paying public — in the impartial manner mandated by their charter. A “clear summary” of the state of knowledge?’
The point is in all this is: how the hell did they get away with a) a monumental breach of their commitment to impartiality b) lying on a grand scale.
Little wonder at their shameless leftist bias and arrogance – they know they are totally unaccountable.
Yes, following on from John Anderson’s link to ‘BREITBART London’ (4:50 pm above), Beeboids will not like Breitbart’s questioning on their apparent censorship of ‘Daily Mail’ on Labour leadership:-
By Raheem Kassam.
[Opening excerpt]:
“The BBC has refused to acknowledge the Mail’s front page today, hiding it away from their Twitter feeds, their newspaper reviews, and even their website’s newspapers section. This was obviously a conscious and concerted effort, and willingly or not, it is shielding the accused. ”
It looks as though ‘Breitbart London’ will be worth reading daily.
‘Breitbart London’: a political breath of fresh air.
(Beeboids breathe it in):-
The defenders of the indefensible are a bit quiet today, aren’t they?
The pubs haven’t thrown out yet.
Don’t you mean wine bars.
Too young for either?
Certainly too young to remember ‘the coming ice age’ scare
They will need a staff meeting to decide a line to take, after those other ” lines” they msy take.
Ten o clock news:
Start of report “Unemployment falls again by 125,000”
Middle of report: interviews with usual suspects who “struggled to find work ”
End of report “However, unemployment is not falling as fast as previously”
Eh ? And your World class news point is what exactly ?
Obviously a “fall in unemployment crisis” as Millipede might put it. Wrong type of fall I expect.
Nice advert for centre Parc all day on the BBc . Of course not answering the questions I want to know the answer to. How much do they pay? I couldn’t find anything specific but a brief internet search brings up £6.31ph, that may not correct but what could minimum wage be? (£6.31ph for over 21s). Full or part time work? Again a not very intense search flags up part time again this may not apply. Did I hear them say at the end due to a statistical quirk the unemployment figure is higher than last month, or did I imagine that. Also a report so brief if you blinked you would have missed it about Bulgarians and Rumanians working here.
11.30pm news: All the news papers shown EXCEPT the Daily Mail. They will not show the story about Labour and paedophiles.
On the same review the BBC presenter was incredulous at the suggestion that Tony Blair might not be popular
I understand a Chinese woman is quite keen.
Thursday’s Daily Mail leads again with the scandal about the 3 key Labour figures. 1000 to 1 the BBC fails to include this in their reviews of the press.
1000 to 1 is very good odds on this; you mean 1-1000.
Tho… any serious bookmaker just wouldn’t give odds at all.
Some thing that I doubt the BBC would touch with a bargepole:
“An Obama administration plan that would get researchers into newsrooms across the country is sparking concern among congressional Republicans and conservative groups.
The purpose of the proposed Federal Communications Commission study is to “identify and understand the critical information needs of the American public, with special emphasis on vulnerable-disadvantaged populations,” according to the agency.”
This is quite sinister and needs watching carefully by all respectable news outlets. Well that excludes the BBC doesn’t it.
Following on from that, White House control of news reporting rears its head again.
Press banned from photographing Obama playing on lush golf course in drought stricken Arizona.
‘An Obama administration plan that would get researchers into newsrooms’
‘Researchers’, eh? Bet they know where the kids go to school, too.
‘That’s right… er… no… guys… joking…. That’s left. See what I did there? And… smiley face. Hold the front page!
Islam Not BBC ♥ Al Jazeera & ♥ Muslim Brotherhood.
While Beeboids censor ‘Daily Mail’ out of existence in U.K, they gives much political propaganda (in soft voice) for Islamic Al Jazeera, and to its journalists detained in Egypt on suspicion of supporting the Muslim Brotherhood,etc (as aired at length on Radio 4, ‘The World Tonight’ last night).
INBBC issues no disclaimer, but Beeboids have a technical agreement with Al Jazeera; and many ex-Beeboids are employed by the Islamic Qatar propagandist, now with its London operation based in The Qatar-owned Shard-
“Tenants shun Shard – leaving Europe’s first vertical city up in the air.
“London skyline’s £1.5bn addition remains all but empty year on from opening, with flats designed to pull in super-rich unsold.”
By Simon Goodley.
Perhaps they mean “massaging the news”? The initial report of Facebook’s acquisition of WhatsApp describes it as a massaging rather than messaging service (see http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2014/02/20/whatsapp-facebook-bbc_n_4821021.html). Sloppy journalism, Freudian slip or other things on their collective mind?
Is BBC-NUJ political censorship of the ‘Daily Mail’ now permanent?
Is the BBC fulfilling the terms of its Charter?
Will BBC’s application for Charter renewal in 2017 make specific reference to excluding reference to the ‘Daily Mail’ in line with the BBC’s new definition of freedom of the press?
What Beeboids censor:-
‘Daily Mail’ today –
“Now say sorry! Ex-Yard chief calls on Labour trio to admit backing paedophilia was a ‘huge mistake.’
“Harriet Harman, Jack Dromey, and Patricia Hewitt all held key roles in the National Council for Civil Liberties.
“The left-wing human rights organisation built extraordinary links with the notorious Paedophile Information Exchange.
“The trio refuse to comment on the NCCL’s activities or apologise for them.
“Mike Hames, former head of Scotland Yard’s Paedophile Squad, said they made a huge mistake.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2563377/Now-say-sorry-Ex-Yard-chief-calls-Labour-trio-admit-backing-paedophilia-huge-mistake.html#ixzz2tqdmeGzM
More for Beeboids, ‘led’ by Tony Hall and Labour’s James Purnell to censor:-
‘Daily Mail’-
“Vital questions these Labour apologists for child sex MUST now answer.
“Mail published major exposé revealing how three senior Labour Party figures gave their support to Paedophile Information Exchange.
“Harriet Harman, Patricia Hewitt and Jack Dromey held key roles in the National Council for Civil Liberties.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2563440/Vital-questions-Labour-apologists-child-sex-MUST-answer.html#ixzz2tqi6wkys
On Beeboid, ex-Labour, Purnell –
‘Daily Mail’-
“Former Labour minister lands £300,000 BBC job:
James Purnell faces accusations of bias.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2278944/Former-Labour-minister-lands-300-000-BBC-job-James-Purnell-faces-accusations-bias.html#ixzz2tqj9qXzC
BBC censors the Mail cover again and ignores the PIE/NCCL story totally. How much lower can these people stoop? The BBC is an affront to the concept of journalism; they are propagandists, pure and simple.
You know our political system is badly broken when none of the three supposedly independent main parties will even consider BBC reform or break-up.
The last time albeeba censored out a particular newspaper in a similar manner, it was the Sunday Mirror, and look how effective their actions were, it was the prelude to the shit hitting the fan about a certain J Savile.
Of course we can expect a question on QT tonight about the Mail’s NCCL claims…….can’t we?
More likely a question about David Bowie’s views on Scotland and should he get a knighthood?
Ah, McBowie. The return of the thin white Duke, throwing darts in Salmond’s eyes, & coming out in support of the Union. A slippery one for the beeboids to handle, given their abiding love for the man who gave a Nazi salute at Victoria station in ’76, but nothing compared to the revelations about Harman & her paedophilephiles – now that really warrants a thundering silence. Bias by omission? Nah, course not. Perish the thought.
Fine quoting of Mr Bowie!
“Station to Station ” is the greatest single track I know…and most of the LP is brilliant too.
“Where are we now?”…shite?…but like Stevie W getting his one No1 record with that awful single of 1983…it`s OK!
that awful single of 1983
The Laughing Gnome? Classic.
I think he was thinking of I Just Called To Say I love You by SW, which was 1984 (where’s my anorak?)
Mr. Bowie’s short statement was a key plank of the Today FaceBook topic roster.
The comments at the BBC’s rush to ‘analyse’ and reach the conclusions they wanted were robust and often funny. I sometimes wonder if the editors actually read what their interactive, unmodded audience thinks of their topics and treatments.
And more for Beeboids to politically censor:-
‘Daily Mail’ Comment (scroll down):-
“Labour’s secret shame.”
“After yesterday’s Mail investigation, the former head of Scotland Yard’s Paedophile Squad has called on three senior Labour figures to consider apologising for their ‘huge mistake’ in backing a vile group that campaigned to legalise sex with children as young as ten.
“‘At least they should acknowledge publicly that they got it wrong,’ says Mike Hames. ‘That would be a great help to victims of child sex abuse.’
“Yet there’s silence from Harriet Harman, Patricia Hewitt and Jack Dromey.
“Ed Miliband has been quick to tell others to clean up their ‘culture and practices’.
“As police investigate ‘industrial scale’ child abuse by the group those three championed, what about the culture and practices of the Labour Party?”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2563482/Cut-migration-young-chance.html#ixzz2tqtEiDPN
The BBC has been making much of a racist attack on a homeless Angolan immigrant busker in Glasgow. It’s been put on face book and viewed by 384 000 people.
The question is however how the BBC came to be there, and it’s yet another tale of their sickening bias and anti white racism.
The BBC were actually following this guy for a documentary sob story on how hard it is to be a homeless immigrant in the UK. No chance of a documentary on how hard it is to have your country stolen from you by the hordes of lefties who have allowed so many immigrants into the country and prioritised them for housing ahead of the native population.
If this attack had been two black guys or ‘Asians’ then even if the BBC had caught it on film, it would not have made a broadcast – much less a special cut on you tube. The BBC has plenty of past form on this just look up Kriss Donald or Ross Parker, where they were forced to apologise for deliberately not giving any coverage to the racist murders of white people by ethnic gangs – far far worse than this racist attack.
After all we all know that you can’t be racist against white people, and they deserve everything they get, don’t they?
Of course you can’t be racist against whites – bBBC pin up girl Jo Brand said so.
Robert Mugabe anyone? I understand he has a bit of political clout . . . .
She may be an odious individual with unpleasant Trotskyist views but phwoarr, eh? What red blooded man with a pulse wouldn’t jump at the chance.
Nurse! My tablets!
You are wrong in just about every word.
The programme is called The Street – filming events on Sauchiehall Street in Glasgow. It wasnt a ‘documentary sob story on how hard it is to be a homeless immigrant ‘:
When you say the BBC is ‘makng much’ of it, do you mean they’re forcing people to watch the clip on Facebook, or forcing the newspapers to report it?
Re. Kriss Donald: the BBC was not ‘forced’ to apologise and nor did it, for not covering the case. It was reported extensively, right after the verdicts came in and the reporting restrictions were lifted.
You can be racist against white people. Some people are just plain racist though.
Taken from Wikipedia complete with references:
Others argue that the BBC is biased against the white population in its output, for example being reluctant to report racist murders perpetrated by ethnic minorities such as the murder of Ross Parker, and the murder of Kriss Donald. The BBC later acknowledged it was “a mistake not to report the case of Ross Parker more extensively” noting that “by any standards […] it was worthy of coverage”.[25] Similarly, the organisation agreed it “got it wrong” in relation to its coverage of the Donald case.[26][27]
An acknowledgement you got it wrong is also known as an apology !
The fact that they chose to upload an attack by drunken louts – one of which made racist comments, when they don’t even bother to report the racist murders of several white people shows a degree of racism which is frankly disgusting.
You might not believe that you can’t be racist against white people, but there are plenty of left wing nutters, as the Jo Brand clip illustrates who do believe that! Welcome to seeing just how biased to the lunatic liberal left extreme fringe the BBC is !
The reality is that ethnic minorities are 10 times more likely to be the attacker rather than the victim!
Most of the offenders (57%) in the racially motivated crimes identified in the British Crime Survey are not white. White victims said 82% of offenders were not white.
This is despite white people at the time being around 90% majority!
Among black victims of race crime, a quarter of offenders were identified as not white. Among Asian victims, the non-white proportion rises to a third.
Then there’s the ridiculous left wing blowing up of statistics to make them racially motivated crimes when they clearly aren’t:
How else can one explain the British Crime Survey finding that 3,100 car thefts from Asians were deemed to be racially motivated?
So far from ‘every word being wrong’ I think my point is well made and it is you that are wrong, desperate to cling to any straw to support the vision that the nasty white people are always to blame for everything !
Not so Thoughtful…
The BBC is the National Broadcaster and charged with reporting news and current affairs in an unbiased manner and in the interests of the people it serves.
It does not do this. Rather it’s coverage is extremely biased to the Left . Many people watch the BBC because it is an institution with all the credibility that accrues. People trust it sometimes without question , though in recent time less so, nevertheless due to this trust, which is strongly engendered by the vastness of it’s output, the BBC broadcasts it’s own extreme leftwing doctrine. so extreme that it is a betrayal of the views and norms of the British people a a whole.
The questions I would ask about this clip are:
1. Did anyone help the African once the attack started?
2. Were the film crew passive observers and if so why?
3. Is there any evidence that the two thugs, who were stupid enough to attack someone when a film crew was about, were paid by agents unknown to add colour to their film?
4. Were the two thugs SNP supporters?
Baring in mind I haven’t seen the programme or the film.
Brought on to Today to discuss the clerical “cry me a river” assault on benefit changes, Giles Fraser was introduced by Mishal as “a parish priest”. That’s like describing Ed Miliband as “a concerned householder from Primrose Hill” in a discussion of the cost of living (non-)crisis. Meanwhile Mishal (despite his requests) refused not to talk over Frank Field in this “discussion” comprising 3 lefties (2 loonies and 1 vaguely realist) with no government spokesman in sight.
There is a cost of living crisis, however the biggest part of it has been caused by Tony BLiars Nu Liebour years.
Council tax more than doubled as they sought desperately to find money without raising the income tax rate.
Now for a band A property it’s gone from less than £500 to over £1000, and that’s after tax! To offset the effects on the poor BLiar brought in ‘tax credits’ which are now being removed by the coalition.
Electricity now carries over 30% stealth tax, and it’s set to double by 2020 meaning that the poor will not be able to afford to light their homes. Well it’s one way to cut down on emissions and to crow about on an international stage that Millipede has reduced the countries energy consumption by XX%
The problem is that politicians of all parties are so out of touch – so removed from reality that they honestly believe gas & electric can be tax in the same way petrol & diesel are. After all no matter how much they tax it, people still fill their cars up, so they’ll still heat & light their homes even if the annual bill goes to £10 000 !
A salary of £35000 will attract income tax of just £5112 pa. less than the stealth taxes the recipient will pay during the year!
Now I know that there’s a specious argument that people should keep more of what they earn, but it’s this misguided thinking which allows the politicos to get away with stealth taxes – even encourages them to do it !
Just because you don’t see the tax doesn’t mean you’re not paying it !
There is little point in taxing the working poor to the point where they are worse off than those on benefit, which is exactly what has happened. This is the reason why we hear that ‘British people don’t want to work’, so it’s an excuse for further immigration to prop up the corrupt system, by those who don’t realise that work in the UK is penalised.
It’s anathema for politicians to suggest that income tax should be raised and other taxes lowered, because greed and ignorance of the populace gets in the way, but the alternative is so destructive that it is responsible for many of todays ills.
I don’t disagree with much of what you write: high taxes, stealthy or otherwise, kill an economy. Unfortunately it has little to do with this particular example of BBC bias (although it is part of the chorus the BBC generally sings to the Labour tune that increased employment is actually bad news). Cost of living crisis or non-crisis, introducing Fraser as a “parish priest” was clearly misleading.
And loads of happy-clapped out clergy sent a carefully balanced selection of altar boys to Maxwell House to deliver their paean to White D and Fungis suffering at the hands of the Channel 4 FoodBank cuts….or whatever you choose to construct out of these pastel pipe cleaners of rage, sadness, injustice and passions…
FFS…where`s the Green Crescent then Mishal?…why`s the BBC chain of freebie canteens not being opened up 24/7 so the vulnerable challenging children(up to 25 as it stands for now, will be 35 by the time the EU have corrected us) can choose between being lead miners or match girls…or lead match consultants if otherly-gendered!
The f***in church will do ANYTHING to get a favourable coo from their one true God…Jictar, the medai ratings God.
The BBC is the best Temple to holler out from, until the Muezzins shout them into silence -or chuck them off the minarets…
Giles Fraser-`umble Kennington Priest eh?…but of course.
He IS a Kennington priest though, if your Ken is Livingston…give Fraser his SNP vote and send him up there on missionary work…worrawanka!
(Don’t) Getcha Daily Mail !
BBC (apparently) ‘Chomping at the bit’
badassday @badassday 19 hrs
.@NickyAACampbell Or.. why not actually say BBC is legally advised not to comment on Mail front page? But pretending it never happened? No..
Nicky Campbell @NickyAACampbell 19 hrs
@badassday we could have. It is a great story and all were chomping at the bit contrary to other conspiracy theorists. Lawyers v cautious
Obviously far more cautious than the Daily Mails?
Telegraph, too. http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/damianthompson/100185799/how-hatties-friends-defended-paedophilia/
The dame doubtless hoping it’ll all go away. Double prick.
conspiracy theorists = you
& you = conspirator
La la cocker
No proof + Tory =BBC campaign which ends in personal injury/libel of an old man in his last few years and huge pay out by BBC !
Proof + 3 Labour/ BBC regulars = cover up under the guise of ‘legal’ even though no action has been taken by the fiddler 3 against the evidence in these cases ?
Yet you stand by huge media corporation line? sad very sad !
‘No proof + Tory =BBC campaign’
One can only regard the BBC’s attitude in such sensitive matters as ‘right bitten, left shy’
That’s the thing ,so many of these BBC apologists ,with their self-congratulatory pseudonyms.present themselves ( and presumably see themselves ) as fearless enemies of an imagined right wing establishment .when they are in fact the foot soldiers of true establishment ,dutifully reciting their learned benedictions without considering what they actually mean.
Which is why they are in fact (knowingly or otherwise), conspirators with those self appointed ,censorious ,inquisitors of the BBC.
They know the BBC is biased towards the Left, otherwise they would not support it. The Labour Party will NEVER campaign for the dismantling of the BBC.
superb description of the
” foot soldiers of true establishment ,dutifully reciting their learned benedictions without considering what they actually mean..”
If this was a story about Tories back in the 70’s and 80’s being allegedly involved in an organisation that carried on as they did, one can imagine the BBC response. They are so obvious in their bias it would be laughable if it wasn’t so serious. If the daily mail can run this story with it appears no legal hitches then why can’t the BBC. In my view Harman has done a lot of damage with her equalities agenda and therefore should be a target for the media. Live by the sword…
According the Nicky Campbell (he is a useful weather vane of BBC management opinion) the Corporation’s mighty battalion of world class journalists seem to have failed. This story has been around for years and the key elements in the Daily Mail report are in fact not disputed but a matter of record.
badassday @badassday 22 hrs
.@nickyaacampbell why is only front page not on @BBCNews paper review the Mail? Cos of Harman story? You’re a SERIOUS news broadcaster?! lol
Nicky Campbell @NickyAACampbell 21 hrs
@badassday @bbcnews legal advice. Lack of sources this Mornin. Would have been one to go big on of we could stand up. What I say is True
Of course one tends not to stand up those stories one doesn’t really want to stand up.
“What I say is true”…
Cue the song then
No wonder these BBC tossers are so thick-they probably DID “Listen to Marvin all night long” and think they were the Kray twins whilst doing so….
Spandex Ballet wankerati all…
‘“What I say is true”…
Rather surprised he didn’t add in postscript: FACT.
Is that a spoof account? It reads more like Uncle Bup pulling a Mike Yarwood.
If not, then of course, Nicky, if you say so, it must therefore be. Does he moonlight as an ECU Director?
Can just see a Paxo or Humph letting some hapless CEO or Minister conclude a FUBAR crisis management waffle with those words.
“Oh…OK, mate… it’s true? In that case, moving on….”.
After Newsnight/McAlpine, I was also erring on watertight oversight, if not to BBC levels of astounding delu… uncuriosity, as the DM is not unknown to push boundaries and has a political agenda almost at the same extreme as the BBC and its fellow travellers. On the latter at least, the DM of course can do what it likes. It’s not a force-funded state media monopoly supposedly charter-bound to be impartial.
But from the look of it, the DM has done its investigative and legal homework a wee bit better than the BIJ branch of Katz’ slipshod empire, with even the Graun grudgingly admitting there is a story there with questions to be asked.
The BBC obliterating it is therefore entirely typical if hardly helping that genetic trust and transparency reputation again.
In other news, by sheer coincidence:
‘Smash the evil mail !
justice for the fiddler 3’
Anyone do T-shirts ?
‘Anyone do T-shirts ?’
Ed M will stand by them if they do.
‘Is that a spoof account? It reads more like Uncle Bup pulling a Mike Yarwood.’
Not guilty yer honour. Gameshow is such an arse that you couldn’t make a lampoon sound any more stupid than the real thing.
What he says is True eh.
What like when he used to tell guests…
‘There’s three million listeners oot there’.
That wasn’t True, Gameshow, was it. Eh…eh.
I saw ‘Lack of sources this Mornin’ and it looked just like one of your ‘homages’.
He writes as he speaks, no doubt, but does seem in danger of self-parody.
Especially as, despite protestations, events seem to be bearing out those less sure the BBC’s caution has been so honourably motivated.
‘we could have. It is a great story and all were chomping at the bit contrary to other conspiracy theorists. Lawyers v cautious’.
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
Hush, what’s that sound.
Ah yes, it’s the sounds of bits *not* being chomped. And the sound of Gameshow believing his own bullshit again.
Anyway – hello fellow *conspiracy theorists*. Makes a change from being a *denier* I suppose.
Like they couldn’t wait to cover Labour’s Falkirk fiasco.
Not a direct BBC connection but appropriate. Hot stuff

We might laugh, but not for long in Monty Pythonland Britain.
H/T to Guido Fawkes for this link – I do not routinely read the Guardian
‘I can, of course, grasp the anti-Labour (and anti-leftist) agenda that underlies this assault on the trio. It could be said to be a hatchet job, as my emailing friend contended in knee-jerk fashion. I also accept that it was a long time ago.’
‘But I’m with the Mail on this. On the basis of the paper’s evidence, I think Harman, Dromey and Hewitt do need to address this matter seriously.’
Wakey wakey BBC!
It is funny to watch this explode in the lefts face ,even more funny then seeing all those who rushed to destroy McAlpine based on nothing now rushing to defend the fiddler 3 in the face of a huge pile of evidence !!
I think that the comments, above, about BBC silence (including my own) are a little unfair.
After all it does take time for the BBC to get together with Harman, Dromey and Hewitt…and their spin doctors (and Weird Ed), to come up with a strategy to explain this, or better still deflect people’s attention. They’re just waiting for a good day to bury bad news.
In the meantime I suspect that BBC archives are being trawled to ‘disappear’ the tapes of the interviews that the BBC did with those from PIE, at the time, promoting their campaign and their links with Harman and co.
If they can lie through their rotten teeth about 28gate and spend hundreds of thousands of licence-payers money on an FOI defence trying to ensure their lies don’t come out, they will lie about anything.
Experience tells them they are untouchable.
I can imagine Harman, Hewitt and Dromey were squirming a little when Tom Watson started that attack on Tories, back in 2012, by insinuating there were links between Tory-led No. 10 and paedophile rings (albeit decades ago).
‘the anti-Labour (and anti-leftist) agenda that underlies this assault on the trio’
As opposed to the pro-Labour (and pro-leftist) news and current affairs agenda which 24/7 is the default position of the BBC.
BBC: We just wave the magic wand and say the magic words… Ali Bongo’s Old Snackbar, Shazam! Abracadabra! He’s disappeared folks!
‘Mohammad Azzam Javeed, UK student. missing in Syria’
‘By Rahila Bano BBC Asian Network’
‘A 19-year-old Briton believed to have travelled to Syria with a friend who was later killed in a gun battle, has gone missing in the country. ‘
What a baffling work of prestidigitation.
‘Mohammad Azzam Javeed, from Levenshulme, Manchester, is thought to have travelled at the same time as suspected jihadist Anil Khalil Raoufi.’
Ah, I think I just spotted the slight of hand.
‘He had been due to start a chemical engineering degree but went to Syria.’
Yeah, don’t bother calling Penn & Teller… I think I’ve sussed this how it was done.
‘Counter-terrorism police confirmed a search had been carried out at a property in Levenshulme in December.’
Now everyone has noticed.
‘It is believed Raoufi, 20, of Didsbury, Manchester, who has family links in Afghanistan, was killed in a gun battle with Syrian government forces earlier this month.’
Come on admit it, it’s no fun when you know exactly how it was done.
‘You can can hear more on BBC Asian Network Reports at 13:00 GMT and 17:00.’
Waste of time watching the show when it’s just all the same old tricks.
19 you say?
Now that`ll all be the fault of the Tories and their cuts to “Children Adolescent and Mental`elf” Services” ,as bequeathed them by the “Lovely Levenshulme Labour Lollipops” -that golden era of State Compassion from 1997-2010, when we was fab…and “awwwwright”( Book of Kinnock).
Heard it on Today after 8.30 this morning-so no further questions “yer honour”…yer Ono!
Wasn’t it Levenshulme where they had a Muslim Labour councillor who couldn’t speak English? – translation services dutifully paid by the moonbat leftie Manchester council, of course.
Yes, and the same one where Islamic charities mushroom like fun…then get mysteriously closed down when MI5 remember to call by and see jus what they`re doing with all those “cheridible” donations…2004-2008 and those Ricin Appeals seemed to be particularly fascinating…and hardly a pub in sight any longer.
Yes. Can I add to that that he was an asylum seeker and was elected on the strength of belonging to Pakistani clan, who therefore controlled voting amongst their own nationals.
For all the gnashing of teeth about these bastards in some quarters in the line of fire is easily the best place for them.
Every death is a victory for the UK.
The most galling thing is that such are described as ‘British’ the £@<& are they…
Well it’s another savage who won’t be returning to spread his violence around our corrupt immoral shit hole of a third world country huh?
The BBC loves to describe them as British yet the likes of Anjem would never call himself British (see Channel 5 on Monday) yet they love to suck on the British teat …
Wish I could agree, DC. Reckon it’s only a matter of time before we are ‘culturally enriched’ by a Muslim civil war in the UK:
‘Religious sectarianism is causing “tension, turmoil and terrorism” in the Middle East and is starting to be seen in Britain, a Cabinet Minister has warned.
Baroness Warsi, the Foreign Office minister, said that violence between Sunni and Shia Muslims is a “great danger” to the world and must be confronted.’
Presumably previous matches in the competition have ended in draws, so the tie is now having to be replayed on neutral ground. It could work out ok though if we provide the ref and he decides to send them all off.
Oh I didn’t say there wont be others, there surely will, as sure as night follows day.
The handwringing excuses by albeeba will be amazing to see.
Someone, somewhere has to wake up and smell the coffee!
An interesting “In Our Time” today(9.00 am Radio 4, repeated tonight-edited in an interesting way!).
It was about a hairy subject for the Left…Social Darwinism…involving Eugenics and other Lefty efforts at engineering the human soul since Darwins day.
Boy did these four tiptoe through the tulips.avoiding all manner of landmines, preferring to get a cowpat splash or two instead.
So Darwins views on the black man were “culturally normative at that time”…ahem, cough, nervous laughter and the lilac handkerchief and cravats mopped delicate brows, as required.
Marie Stopes?…HG Wells, the Webbs, other serial lefties like Mussolini and Mosley were either sideglanced or binned.
Melvyn signed off very tired what with all those cherry bombs he and his diversity-aware,lefty-educated ,progressive liberal had to dance around….with the lead shill even able to risk Marx and the Commies as possibly the wrong side of the line in these sensitive areas.
As fair an effort as publicly-funded Hampstead Sociologists could manage-can only assume the pension tape will soon be reached in their race to the bottoms.
My biggest gripe was our lead Officer for Diversity in Action on the panel insisting on saying that the whole political spectrum(Right-Left) was equally guilty….not true at all.
The panel was happy to create Zinns narrative as this being a “Capitalist” thing…a “literary thing”…but funnily enough only the National SOCIALIST under Adolf Hitlers Progressive Coalition of the Talents…and the COMMUNISTS under Lenin and Stalin…and the fellow goons at the Observer, Labour and the BBC who agreed with most of both, when fashions dictated-were able to “capture the Zeitgeist and deliver on their passionate commitment to The people”…i.e make it a “political thing”
And one we still live with today…but Melvyn and seminarians at his table seemed reluctant to dig troo deep into.
Still-they tried…a bit!
Yes one of the most glaring contradictions of the BBC’s new faith ( what organised religion does not have them?) Is there beatification of Darwin.Apart from his quite clear views on racial supremacy
(A quote from “The Descent of Man”, in a chapter called “The Races of Man.”, in which Darwin wrote:
“At some future period not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilised races of man will almost certainly exterminate and replace the savage races throughout the world. At the same time the anthropomorphous apes…will no doubt be exterminated. The break between man and his nearest Allies will then be wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilised state, as we may hope, even than the Caucasian, and some ape as low as the baboon, instead of as now between the Negro or Australian and the gorilla” (1874, p. 178). )
and the irrefutable link ,through eugenics, to the Nazi gas chambers is the fact that a belief in ‘evolution through process of natural selection’ contradicts any notion of equality either among races or individuals
Still for the BBC it is enough that he offended the old state religion (Christianity) an the rest can be pushed down the memory hole.
Except you can pick and chose what of Darwin’s work you choose to believe. When its dictated by God you have to take it all….even the bits about genocide, slavery, witch burning etc
‘So Darwins views on the black man were “culturally normative at that time”…’
Ha-haaaa! That’s so funny. One can only assume in BeebWorld Darwin’s views on creationism give him enough moral authority for his views on ‘savage races’ to be trumped (see stewart’s post below).
Now let’s wait for the BBC to apply that unique little bit of wordplay next time they give us another finger-wagging lecture on the West’s role in African slavery.
A small cheer from me when Gravity beat 12 years a Slave at the BAFTAs this week.
In other news (usually the variety the BBC errs on the coy with):
‘…how, within the mighty News, the new “World Service” balances its books with its targets.’
The history of BBC book balancing being so good so far.
Especially given the calibre of oversight.
‘..joined the Trust in November 2006, makes the case that, crisis or not, the Trust at least has been doing a bang-up job.’
That’s ‘it is ‘cos I say so’ on par with Nicky Campbell right there. So it must be true.
Shouldn’t that be ‘bang-on’? I thought ‘banging-up’ had slightly different connotations?
‘… yet he still has an instinct that, on more everyday, mundane assignments, BBC reporters tend to be less alert to the unexpected within their locations than their rivals at Sky, ITV or Channel 4; he puts this down to an over-oppressive newsgathering desk in London – fine as long as it retains a sense of strategy in the deployment of public funds, not so fine if it stifles reporters’ initiative, and the output with it.’
‘Over oppressive’ – would that be code for ‘controlling the agenda’?
Or maybe, a bit more ‘mundanely’, as one observer of the Beeboids at their 28gate meeting put it:
‘Though they purported to be aware that this was an immensely important topic, it seemed to me that none of them had shown even a modicum of professional curiosity on the subject … I spent the day discussing the subject and I don’t recall anyone showing any sign of having read anything serious at all.’
Let’s not mince words, eh? How’s about ‘a lazy, incurious, intellectually-challenged, biased and overpaid waste of licence-fee payers’ money’…..?
Londonistan 2030
Emir Charles III of the Islamic Republic of Anglistan, protector of the Islamic faith, looks on from the balcony of his palace, as soldiers of the Salladin Division (formerly The Household Division) march past. Their green regimental standards are caught by the wind and the sun glints off the golden battle honour (in Arabic) “Palestine 2028”.
In their barracks the soldiers cry into their soft drinks. They have returned from the middle east following the reconquest of Palestine. Cry is all they can do now to erase images of the slaughter of women and children from their minds. To speak out against atrocity is to bring the wrath of their Muslim officers, who regularly behead men of the ranks for disobeying orders. As they rounded up and killed the remaining Jewish inhabitants of the former Israel, the former Grenadier Guards could see their own demise as much as those they murdered.
In Parliament the only two parties admitted into the House of Righteous (formerly House of Commons) by the Guardian Council, sit opposite each other. The Conservative and Liberal Alliance Party is all that remains of the Mother of Democracies. Opposite them is the snarling UK Muslim Brotherhood (formerly The Respect Party), which joined the rump of the Labour Party and coerced its junior partner to elect George Galloway as leader in 2020.
Those members of the Labour Party who had realised the error of their ways joined the Liberal Party in protest over Galloway’s election but it was too late. The old Labour Party won the election in 2020 by a landslide. Voted in by a burgeoning Muslim population and by a deluded self-loathing liberal élite who thought they could control the Labour Party as before.
Long gone were the days when the indigenous working-class voted Labour. Life for those working class people was one of subsistence, fearful of speaking out for fear of losing what little work was available to them. The banks and the corporations had conspired to steal every last penny the workers had. Enslaved, the workers could do nothing. Their sons taken from them and bribed to join the police, army and security forces whose only task was to make complete their own annihilation.
As with Hitler in 1933, who was voted in and abetted by industrialists and an élite who thought they could control the monster they were to create, the Labour Party soon turned against the élite. The party was renamed. Immediately, anyone standing in the way of Islam was arrested throughout the land on trumped up charges of racism, slander, paedophilia and the new Law of Disrespect to the Prophet. By morning, the coup was complete.
The easily corruptable police force took to their new role with glee. Well-used to arresting people who stood in the way of corporations and bankers, the renamed Sharia Police began interning anyone deemed un-Islamic. First there was the clearout of gay and feminist members from the old Labour Party. Then came the pogrom, the roundup of Jews, allowed to “go home to Israel”. But the Jews knew their fate, as the armies of Islam began to roll towards the Jewish homeland.
The Royal family was next. Secretly Prince Charles had done a deal with the brotherhood. He was desperate to be king and didn’t trust his sons as he knew they would side with the army. He had always been keen on Islam and often thought of Islamic texts whilst sitting through dull church services with his mother. The Queen and most of the Royal Family were given an ulitmatum to cooperate with the regime so they left for Canada. With Charles as monarch the armed forces were soon brought to the Islamic heel with the arrest of an untrusted general staff.
There were many political arrests of those who tried to stand up for democracy; a few members of the old Labour Party who were against such rapid changes to society and obdurate members of the new Conservative and Liberal Alliance who were totally against this alien culture. What is left of party politics creates the semblance of democracy, as in the Arab Spring of 2012. A necessity so as to remain a member of the EU and beg for handouts from the IMF.
The country is bankrupt. A policy of banishing women to their homes to produce babies has left the economy broken. Government finance is frittered away on childcare as the population exceeds 80 million.
The Great European Migration of 2019 saw millions of Europeans leave Europe for North America. And with that the work ethic of Europe was gone. God would see things right, just smoke some more drugs and let Allah do the rest.
Throughout Europe during the 1990s the lunatics had taken control of the asylum. Fearful of a new Hitler ever since 1945 the liberals would hand Europe on a plate to anyone to avoid a return to the 1930s. Unfortunately, the liberals chose Islam and got millions of Hitlers instead.
During the early 2000s many areas in UK inner cities became no-go areas for non-Muslims. The inhabitants had set up their own Sharia police to govern these Muslim areas. Non-Muslim women were attacked for not covering up and non-Muslim men were attacked for not having beards or beaten up outside pubs after having drunk alcohol. Many non-Muslims started to adopt Islamic dress codes whilst others joined temperance movements or changed their lifestyles to “show respect” to their neighbourhood overlords. They tried to give an inch but ended up giving more than a mile.
The former liberal and socialist parties of Europe could never understand when told that Islam is more than a religion. Islam is a complete social system that not only comes with a religion but its own system of justice, finance and education. The old political parties of Europe were used to social engineering and bending society to its aims. But Islam was just never interesed in anything of what Europe had to offer, except for living space and of that, it took it all.
A new Cold War has begun with European nuclear weapons now facing west and across the Atlantic Ocean, targetting the Great Satan, the USA. Unlike the Soviets before them the Islamic fingers on the button regard nuclear weapons not for defence but as a way to accelerate armageddon and judgement by Allah.
One institution that suffered no reprisals is the BBC. Long filled with European admirers of Islam, the transition from mouthpiece of the old LibLabCon-trick to trumpeter of the virtues of Mohammed comes easily. Positive virtues mind, not the negative ones that are plain to see in the book of hate, the Koran.
Skilled in the art of adding Islam to any genre of television programme you could imagine, the BBC now openly televises Islamic propaganda, 24 hours a day. “How to Spot a Jew and What to Do About It?”, “The Holocaust Never Happened and How To Inform on Those Who Believe It.”, “USA – The Great Satan.” and daily sermons from the former Saint Paul’s Cathedral, now renamed The Great Bin Laden Mosque after its minarets were added. Of course there were fewer women on television and those that were allowed to be on television were covered from head to toe. No more were the plethora of gay and Jewish television celebrities.
What of the liberals who thought that Islam is peaceful and that they could happily live in an Islamic Britian? After all, there would be no need for Sebastian and Tiffany to go on holiday to Egypt or Tunisia anymore. Well, those who realised that they had made a serious mistake and had important positions in society are now dead. Others, who were too weak to resist, have converted to Islam. And the more cowardly liberals, ashamed to be seen, ran off to North America during the mass migration and pretended they were never liberals at all.
And what of the writer of this blog? Some say he was tracked down by police before the coup and arrested on a false charge. That he was in gaol at the time of the coup and executed with many others to make room for political prisoners. Others say that he escaped to North America and has joined the armed forces to fight in the coming war to reconquer Europe.
Goodbye and good luck.
Well done but…. North America will not be the haven you envisage. With Barry of the Brotherhood still in power in 2020, having managed to engineer a little bit of martial (and Sharia) law after the Affordable Care Act fiasco killing of millions of Americans and the riots following the dramatic crash of the once mighty dollar, Barry will not be behind us in moving the USA over to the RIP, sorry RoP, he will be in front of us.
And, when he can get time off from his golf, Barry will then set about converting the rest of the world over to Islam. The fun will not start until Barry and his Brotherhood mates try getting clever with Russia and China.
It will then be time to buy a little plot in the Outer Hebrides with a few chickens and start growing carrots I think.
Barry is only allowed 2 terms as Pres ,unless you know something we don`t . It would`nt surprise me if he managed to stay on a bit longer however , but I think the men in white cloaks might have him removed before then .
An excellent read, but I`m much more hopeful.
Despite your scenario being wished, or even willed upon us by the craven elite as personified by “The Emir”-there`s far more of us than there is of them.
They have the media, the courts and their useful academics and idiots…but we all saw what happened to Lee Rigby, with Jimmy Savile and the like….these things slowburn, and I`m sure that the people I meet who do NOT get their steer from the BBC, nor work for “The State” haven`t spoken yet.
Jesus plus me = Victory…”insh`Allo/allo”
Interesting but fanciful. Nasty people the English. Slow to anger, slower to start but they know how to finish things.
Liberals are but a passing phase.
Nice piece of fiction , however nearly everything you say actually happened in CAR , while the bBC reports on how Muslims are being wiped out. What they don’t tell you is why. It’s a backlash against Allah. The same will happen in the Uk and I will personally ensure that Muslims are taught a bloody lesson.
Old BBC was a merry old soul
And a merry old soul was she;
She shilled for progressives, and she called for shilled for permissives
And she covered for the fiddlers’ three.