BBC have been allocating a lot of airtime today to this:
More children on adult mental wards
An increasing number of young people with mental health problems in England are being treated on adult psychiatric wards, it emerges.
Note that link to ‘Mental health services ‘in crisis’… old story from last year…however not so keen to link to more recent news…….
…… just been listening to 5Live Drive (17:37) and LibDem Health Minister Norman Lamb talking about the lack of attention given to mental health issues.
He raised the fact that the BBC had ignored an important government announcement about care for mental health patients from a couple of days ago.
Presumably this is the one he was referring to:
A new agreement between police and the NHS seeks to improve mental health crisis care
Emergency support for people in mental health crisis is set to see dramatic improvements across the country as part of a far-reaching new agreement between police, mental health trusts and paramedics.
The agreement – called the Crisis Care Concordat – has been signed by more than 20 national organisations in a bid to drive up standards of care for people experiencing crisis such as suicidal thoughts or significant anxiety.
The Concordat, announced today by Care and Support Minister Norman Lamb, will help cut the numbers of people detained inappropriately in police cells and drive out the variation in standards across the country.
Odd that the BBC would ignore such ‘good news’ and only go for the ‘bad’…especially odd as if you have listened to Victoria Derbyshire you will know that this is an issue that comes up a lot….how police treat and care for people with mental health issues.
Peter Allen on 5Live Drive didn’t want to know and seemed quite put out that someone should dare to criticise the BBC saying ….never mind that, shouldn’t you, Norman Lamb, be providing more beds for patients?
Love it when they get the hump….as they always do when someone tries to hold them to account…the Beeboids don’t like the treatment they mete out to others being used against them.
And of course- children will now be extended to 25 or so in due course.
So why are teenagers and vulnerable young students getting Salmond round to bully them into voting?
So complex being a liberal Beeboid…
Six foot tall 18 year old black ‘ yoots ‘ are now classified as children!
innit, blood
I heard them banging this story out when I was driving to work, and when I was driving back home again, one quote that annoyed me was the said “The government promised to fix the care system by 2010, but have failed to do so…..”
Shouldn’t that have been “The former Labour government promised to fix the system…”
No, the blame is squarely on the coalition, in particular, the Conservatives, just how “Auntie” likes it.
Mental health care is at a crisis because more and more young people are becoming mentally ill ( either temporarily or long term ) as a result of the stronger forms of cannabis and other drugs that they are taking They require help from these services that were not set up for this and simply cannot cope with this. The BBC never talks about that.
Some can require intensive help to begin with but could then be “cured” by taking medication all their life and preventing getting ill.
“The BBC never talks about that.”
28 October 2013: Dangers of skunk must be reinforced, warn health experts
10 December 2012: Decriminalising drugs: Voices
27 August 2012: Young cannabis smokers run risk of lower IQ, report claims
6 June 2012: Health risks of cannabis ‘underestimated’, experts warn
17 November 2011: Self-harm common in teenagers, Australian study shows
20 June 2011: BBC probe finds South East cannabis danger
2 March 2011: Cannabis use ‘raises psychosis risk’ – study
14 September 2010: License cannabis sales, expert says
25 May 2010: Opinions toughen on cannabis users and illegal drugs
1 December 2009: Skunk ‘riskier type of cannabis’
NEVER she said, NEVER!
Actually Alan this is a cause which is near the Heart for the bBC. You see they (As well as Labour) care for the young inside hospitals unlike this nasty government . The evidence behind all this is how bBC DJs went out of their way in which to visit these vulnerable young children and offer them all the love and care in the world.
Labour MPs gave their backing to a NGO which unlike this government believes that every child in the UK should be given that extra care and attention (As well as lessons in sharing that love)
And lets not forget how the bBCs favourite religion loves ‘children’ especially by how they hand out free fast food, beer and drugs to these vulnerable children in which to show them just how much they care.
It doesn’t seem ‘odd’ to me at all, not if you have any understanding of news values.
It’s not ‘odd’ either that your good news story doesn’t seem to have been covered anywhere else…..except on some medical websites.
‘news values’
LOL so we no longer have news we have value judgments!
Yes, otherwise the news would report everything that ever happens…everywhere….like what I had for breakfast.
My local news was full of this story showing a co-ordinated attack with the main news; having found a local girl who had to go into a hospital many miles from here. The finger could be pointed at the last government who handed borrowed money out like sweeties with no care that spending would have to be curbed otherwise the country would go bankrupt (even Greece and Spain have had to reduce their profligate ways). Decisions on generous handouts before the 2010 election (tax credits, benefits to migrants, schooling for migrants’ children, etc) have to be paid for somehow and maybe there just isn’t enough money to pay for a lot of extra beds waiting empty in an area in case a young person needs one of them.
Here at the Uni of Wessix, we are hoping that we can link the increase in “vulnerable mental elfs” to
a) the start of cBeebies
b) the drugs habit of Richard bacon and what that meant to the value of the Blue Peter badge
c)Teletubbies as a operant code restricter so kids grew up to end up like like Owen Jones and Laura Penny
d) Dick and Dom
e) Lies over their fixed phone ins, doggie deaths whilst in the BBC Garden, employing Ant and Dec
f) Their introducing half the nations youth to Sir James Savile of Wood Lane, Shepherds Bush and White City-and then terrifying THIS generation about his rising again if we don`t vote Labour or pay our dhimmi Licence of £145.50
g) Grange Hill and all other liberal vehicles of skip slurry like Waterloo Road….
Need to put them into some order for my BBC Trust Grant…or John Peel Bursary as I believe we are to call it.
The BBC are seriously bad for your mental elf…have an e ciggie and slap a BBC stooge should one deign to visit our benighted hellholes to ask re Shannon Matthews or Jimmy Carrs accountant…
Still-as long as the Beeb silo Russell Brands wish that we all take drugs as he does, so we can be as funny and edgy….and they promote that exciting Belgian idea of letting kids require a euthanasia chit from Dr Nick or Hook, before they head off to Vampire Heaven….it should all be fine.