Half of food bank referrals ‘due to benefit changes’
Apart from it being just another chance to bash the government on the apparent ‘Standard of Living Crisis’ one little claim stood out made by Justin Webb….he told us that it was ‘fair enough to politicise foodbanks‘ if it meant we got answers about the issues…issues of course as defined by the likes of Justin Webb.
‘Fair enough to politicise’? Not a phrase you hear often, or at all on the BBC normally…..it is usually the other way round, the BBC complaining bitterly about ‘politicisation’.
For instance…when Eric Pickles said the Government had been wrongly advised by the Environment Agency he was instantly vilified for allegedly starting a ‘blame game’…Victoria Derbyshire said it was ‘puerile point scoring’….the claim being that we should be looking at dealing with the floods first and then look at who was to blame.
No such qualms about foodbanks though. (And remember this: The Foodbank Is Born)
And indeed no such qualms when it comes to people who point the finger of blame the other way concerning the floods.
This morning, and indeed all day, a letter from a ‘group of leading environmental and planning experts’ made headlines on the BBC.
Wonder if they were co-ordinating with anyone?
‘In an open letter, they urged the prime minister to adopt a clear strategy for future flood prevention.
The call came as shadow chancellor Ed Balls said a Labour government would make investment in defences a priority.’
We were told this morning that the floods were a ‘legacy of not addressing the problems…and that we need long term sustainable investment….and that there was too much finger pointing.’
Justin Webb then finger pointed, wondering ‘Should this Government should have behaved differently?’
Which is odd…because that is precisely the issue Pickles was addressing when he said they had been badly advised by the Environment Agency…and should have acted differently…and you will note the Environment Agency doesn’t get a name check in Webb’s blame game.
Curiously the Landscapers etc say:
‘In the Environment Agency are people experienced in addressing these problems, as there are among the members of all our organisations. We need to mobilise that joint expertise.’
Weren’t the EA the problem?
So who is to blame? Government or an agency run by a Labour peer who advised Government?
It looks like the BBC is only interested in finger pointing when the finger points in a certain direction.
It’s only ‘fair enough to politicise an issue‘ when it helps their case.
it doesnt seem that long ago that the BBC and the rest of the left wing fascists were complaining about the 2p sausage and that food was too cheap. Any remember that? Maybe al beeb just wanted to ban the sausage beacuse its offensive to you know who
According to a recent newspaper report, those using the charitable status of food banks, have to be referred by someone in *authority* such as doctors. Doctors are now complaining that too much of their valuable time is taken up with dealing with these referrals, referrals asked for by the patient. Now it doesn’t take much of a brain to work out that if there is a chance of free food, that pretty much anyone and everyone will grab it. Food Banks are big business in the USA and those running them are doing very nicely thank you, when you realise that not only food is donated but government cash as well. Yet another *charity* to suck from the teat of the government? You can see why on so many levels the BBC just love this subject.
If you believe that you are truly ignorant.
Do you have any idea how demeaning it is to be so desperate that you have to go almost literally begging to be referred to a food bank? Do you even realise most food banks only supply a maximum of three days’ worth of food, and only three times a year? That is nine days’ worth of off per client, per year. Also it must be said food bank use has skyrocketed in the last three years. That alone should be a national scandal.
Look, I am as pissed off about the BBC’s biases as anyone here, but if we are to start calling out the BBC on its biases and inaccuracies we’d better start by getting our own facts straight.
I must also state I find the line in the article “another chance to bash the government” slightly troubling; in a free democracy with a free media that media “bashing the government” should be a non issue even amongst its fiercest critics.
Forgive me Englishman, not only was the report in the newspaper correct (I have a friend who is a G.P.) that folk ARE asking for referrals and as it happens my local church in the village runs a food bank to which I have contributed. Please just stop and think why the food bank use has skyrocketed in the last three years? If you saw a pound coin in the street, would you step over it or for that matter, how many do you think would? And just who is bashing the government here? Not I. A government of the day will do what it sees fit, what I object to is a charity using its clients to make a political point by using emotional blackmail.
Your pissed off about the bias? but then go on to shove a load of Labour’s friends in the trussle trust and Red crosses spam!
who are these people where can i get figures that show why they are in need where they are from and what other help could be offered ?
P/s I have to live on £72 a week and I still think food banks are a scam run by the church [non tax paying multi billion £2 largest UK land owners ] as a recruiting ground !
Mat you are so right in what you say. I will say that there are some in my community who really do need assistance when circumstances turn against them, I should know for I have been there myself, living in an ex-GPO van for eleven days at the M5 Exeter services within the truckers park. But what these *do-gooders* will not admit to is that there are many of their clients, who indeed have their Sky Television, wide screen T.V., smoke and regularly pi** their money up the nearest public house urinal and because I donate to the genuine needy through the local community, I do know who these people are. The church are anything but Right Wing and with the recent changes to cash handouts for charities from local government, the church have to do what ever it can to procure funding for these charities of which in many cases the church is the major benefactor, and at the same time, spread the word about its ideology, which can only be at best, Liberal.
I have no problem with food banks as long its those that need them who get the help, not those who put their 50″ TV’s, Sky subs, fags, facial meatalwork, tattoos and food for their Staffies ahead of their weekly food shop…
How about only people with a Body Mass Index below the recommended level of 25 or so ( I have long ago abandoned the attempt to get down to that figure) . I mean as the BBC’s own web site points out, if you are above that then you are too fat and likely to do damage to yourself! So access to the BBC’s own BMI calculator should be provided and anyone scoring above 25 should be refused food on the grounds that they are overweight and as the BBC says damaging their health.
This has probably been posted before but it is worth repeating:-
The food banks are a disgrace,CLOSE THEM DOWN NOW !!!
Agree. Yet to find one with a decent Bordeaux.
Exactly , full of Frey Bentos pies and tinned peas.
This may be a very unscientific observation, but I think those people who are at the lowest economic band are more likely to be overweight, than malnourished. Debate !
Fat FoodBankers Cats?
Let`s hope THESE bankers get a few years of panning now!
2.5 million unemployed in Britain, job seekers allowance is around £65 a week, what happens when they need a new pair of shoes?
Probably by talking to someone:
Other benefits while you are on Jobseeker’s Allowance
If you are getting Jobseeker’s Allowance, you may be able to get other benefits or help with other costs. If you are on income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance, you will be able to get maximum Housing Benefit (to help with rent) and you should be able to get some Council Tax Reduction (which reduces your Council Tax bill). You will also be entitled to other help, for example, free prescriptions, free school meals for your children, and help with the costs of a new-born baby. If you are on contribution-based Jobseeker’s Allowance, you may be entitled to some of these benefits and help, depending on your income.
For more information on Adviceguide about other benefits while you are on income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance or on a low income, see What benefits can I get?
What benefits can I get?
The Department for Work and Pensions has produced an online guide which can help you check if you qualify for certain benefits. It can also give you an estimate of how much you may be able to get. It covers the main benefits including:
•Attendance Allowance
•Carer’s Allowance
•Child Benefit
•Child Tax Credit
•Disability Living Allowance
•Housing Benefit
•Income Support
•Jobseeker’s Allowance.
To see the online guide, go to the GOV.UK website at http://www.gov.uk.
Wrong £72 a week which I live on and you buy cheap off ebay or local selling sites jezzus it ain’t rocket science
Wrong £72 a week which I live on and you buy cheap off ebay or local selling sites jezzus it ain’t rocket science I get army boots they last for about 2 years [and I’m a biker and air-softer so they get huge abuse !] and yet only cost me£ 20 delivered ! so why cannot others find similar deals ? oh that’s right they have to have the same as the wealthy or that would be forcing relative poverty on them wouldn’t it !!pmsl
In my little village, there are TWO charity shops. I always have a look when passing and picked up a Flight Simulator package the other day for £1.50. I also noted some very nice and very little used shoes for £2.00
This from The Guardian..
My visit to the food bank showed that our leaders’ ignorance has become a deliberate refusal to face a social crisis. Of course, the volunteers help working families and students as well as the unemployed and pensioners. Everyone apart from ministers knows about in-work poverty. As preposterous is the Tory notion that the banks are filled with freeloaders.
The clients, when I met them, reinforced her point that they were not the brazen freeloaders of Tory nightmare. They trembled when they told me how they did not know how they would make it into the new year.
Wow well that’s me sold an article from the BBC’s pet rag proving everyone at a food bank is a refugee from evil Tory baby eaters and the proof? well er? they say they are and the left never lie about anything ever !!
Ah, the sort of person who takes a free holiday in North Korea and comes back with glowing reports. After all they were taken around the place and allowed to ask questions of everyone they met, via translator. Were the people they questioned stooges by any chance? Did the translator faithfully translate, at all? Better not ask eh?
Perhaps food vouchers for the big supermarkets for food only instead of the main bulk of the benefit payment to prevent abuse. The same could probably be done with gas/electric/water/etc.
Within days there would be thriving black market in these same vouchers , who will be the first line of defence the teenagers on the checkouts ?
People who are needy and struggling have another solution in sight – not foodbanks, but a job. Make or do something others will pay money for, and you create wealth and earn your keep. “Foodbanks” undermine the motivation of others to improve their lot, which is of course their purpose – entirely political.
Charity funded by government isn’t charity, it is the forced redistribution of wealth, in a word, arguably Communism, less arguably, Narcissism.