Clegg’s pronouncements on the inability of UKIP to deal with the EU being given plenty of airtime this morning.
He’ll get his chance to debate that with Farage, when they have that face-off.
Cant wait to see albeeba’s edited highlights.
You mean from a programme that will have a biased, hand-picked audience, a biased chairman on a biased channel?
As soon as Farage starts speaking sense, The audience will boo, Clegg will roll his eyes in exasperation and Dimbleby will interrupt and move the question on. Dimbleby will also allow Clegg to witter on uninterrupted, to great applause, or only interrupting to offer him assistance, whilst Clegg will lie with impunity, bring up dodgy statistics and false arguments (like 3 million British Jobs depending on the EU)
Farage will need to be on top form, with a LOT of detailed rebuttals with EU directive names and agency policies and the detail of how such things effect every day people in the UK. He will have to succinctly link EU => policy => impact on real peoples lives with specific examples if necessary.
What worries me, is that Farage is not always a master of detail, as Brillo exposed when he asked Farage about UKIP policies on the UKIP website.
He will not be able to afford such cock-ups in this much higher profile debate.
This will be a bear pit for Farage, with everything possible stacked against him in order to prop-up Clegg.
If Farage keeps on repeating the fact that we are being ruled by an unelected socialist bureaucracy whose budget hasn’t been signed off by its auditors for nigh on 20 years whilst we pay a net £10 billion contribution(?), a £54 billion trading deficit whilst at the same time involuntarily solving Eastern Europe’s unemployment, health and education problems then he will have scored a significant point with the voting public.
Hope he mentions the Somerset Levels floods and the EU wildlife directives and the EU agency wilfull neglect of the area to deliberately allow the levels to flood on purpose. AND refers to what the BBC last night called “a wishlist” of measures to rectify that criminal neglect.
The BBC hinted that the price tag is prohibitive, so would not likely be implemented due to tory austerity. (the truth of the situation being that any of those measures could be blocked by the EU for being in breach of category 6 flood plain wildlife directives)
AND further I hope that Farage states clearly that as it was due entirely to EU measures, (yes and a lot of rain), zealously implemented by the EA and DEFRA, that the 100 million price tag, could easily, and should easily, come from our EU budget, considering that it is the equivalent of only 2 days worth of our EU contributions.
I don’t know if Mr Putin is our enemy but I feel certain that the likes of Mr Obama, Mr Kerry, Ms Clinton and all the socialists/ communists here in the UK and in the US are our enemies, with the treacherous bbc cheerleading their actions at every turn.
The Media Industrial Complex has gone into overdrive smearing Putin. If it wasn’t for Russia blocking it, Britain and America would be dropping bombs on Syria right now, supporting the muslim rebels. 10 % of Syria is Christian, Assad protects them, they can’t understand what the west is doing, but then an oil pipe line runs through that country as well !!!
Why is our news organisations so keen to take sides? Should they not be impartial and report both sides and keep a neutral stance? Matt Frei on Channel 4 over the last few weeks has been absolutely shockingly biased towards the stone-throwing neo-nazi mob in Ukraine. Linsey Hilsum also spat out the words ‘Russian’ like she had dog shit in her mouth…………….these 2 would fit right in at our national broadcaster.
Funny how lefties usually jump very loudly on any link to far right groups, no matter how tenuous, to denounce any tory or UKIP policy…
Yet when an extreme far right nationalist group with a direct lineage to the actual and real NAZIs was involved in this Ukrainian coup? Utter silence from the left. So long as their EU ambitions are being satiated, the left will accept ANY foe within their gates.
There is nothing so guaranteed to drive nikki’n’rache to Sion heights of full howl, cod piety, and lookatme sanctimoniousness as a man referring to wimmin as ‘the girls’.
Nice then to hear ‘Rache’, Sony Radio Award Winner for Tit of the Year, sign off a drear piece on wimmin’s football (aka The Great Unwatched) with…
‘Good luck to the girls out in Cyprus then…’
Bee tee dubs, I should point out that the Sony Radio Award for Tit of the Year, was actually awarded jointly to ‘Rache’, Adrian Goldberg, Hoiareyenoi, Booooooooom!!!!! Bacon, John Pinhead, Jane Garvey-Chiles, Drearyshire, Tonight On The Big Wheel, Sinn fein Paddy O’ Connell, and anyone else I’ve missed.
There is nothing so guaranteed to drive nikki’n’rache to Sion heights of full howl, cod piety, and lookatme sanctimoniousness as a man referring to wimmin as ‘the girls’.
Nice then to hear ‘Rache’, Sony Radio Award Winner for T*t of the Year, sign off a drear piece on wimmin’s football (aka The Great Unwatched) with…
‘Good luck to the girls out in Cyprus then…’
Bee tee dubs, I should point out that the Sony Radio Award for T*t of the Year, was actually awarded jointly to ‘Rache’, Adrian Goldberg, Hoiareyenoi, Booooooooom!!!!! Bacon, John Pinhead, Jane Garvey-Chiles, Drearyshire, Tonight On The Big Wheel, Sinn Fein Paddy O’ Connell, and anyone else I’ve missed.
Something else for the beeboids to flush down the pipe.
“Britain could be forced to hand an extra £2.5billion to Brussels to help plug a massive black hole in the EU budget, it emerged last night.
In a dramatic admission, EU Budget Commissioner Janusz Lewandowski said Brussels overspent its budget by an astonishing £20billion last year.
Mr Lewandowski, who blamed the situation on late invoices, said the cash would be taken from this year’s budget in the short term. But officials conceded it was almost certain to lead to a request for a bailout later this year, making a mockery of claims that the EU budget has been brought under control.”
Ukraine is way behind on their payments for the natural gas they get from Russia. Ironic that some of the EU 9 billion will be sent to Putin for a delinquent gas bill.
Or, as the Lyndon Johnson-era Republican (i.e., Opposition) Leader in the US Senate, Everett Dirksen, put it: “A billion here, and a billion there– and pretty soon, you’re talking REAL money…”
Cameron and Kerry ” We got to protect the independence and sovereignty of Ukraine !! ”
It would be nice if they started with their own countries first, instead of flooding them with Third Worlders and Mexicans. The hypocrisy borders on the supernatural.
If I hear those two jokers talking about democracy and sovereignty one more time – or the MSM – I’ll swing for it.
Those two precious commodities have been sold down the river by a succession of lying governments and the current one – lead by “spineless” Dave – is as bad as the others.
Quite right. One rule for us and another for the rest of the world. But I forgot..There are no such people as the English.
One thing I suspect. Putin may well be all the liberals say he is but he is, I believe, a real conservative. A believer in a nation and a nation state and a conservative approach to life and morality.
That is why the liberal Westerners hate him so much.
Russia will one day surprise us all.
I recall that Solzenitsyn regarded himself as an exile when in the US and in no way an emigrant. . His love for his people and his country never wavered. It was the communist system he loathed. He also was not enamoured of our way of life and our lack of courage and morality.
Must have escaped your notice, Dez, that we’ve got the worst of both worlds in Britain thanks to thirteen years of overweening socialism and our continuing membership of the EU.
Scameron, witless Woolly Vague traitors to our people
Clueless Clegg? … another Tory perv caught out reported yesterday, hmmm I wondered why the smear campaign was so vociferous last week.
Shameful self serving liars, all in No10, who have the dubious double whammy of failure in running the country, and are hopeless at managing it.
Heard on the radio, driving back this morning that N Clegg is bleating about N Farage not doing enough?
……… no words ……….
I remember when Ukraine was a dependency of the Soviet Union, so for an upper class twit, who wants Britain to remain a dependency of the European Union, to consider protecting the independence and sovereignty of Ukraine from a future union with either the EU or Russia, would seem very demoralising for our military, especially considering that most patriotic people want a referendum for Britain to leave the EU.
I think that even if Putin is as corrupt as any pro EU politician or bureaucrat. As long as Britain remains a member of the EU, I think we should side with Putin on this issue.
On Today this morning Evan gave the head of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, Christiana Figueres a friendly welcome and an unchallenged platform to spout her “climate change/global warming” propaganda. Then, in a mock-balance exercise, on came Gareth Stace, head of climate and environment policy at EEF who, instead of telling Christina what to do with her instructions to British industry leaders that “they have to do more to reduce carbon emissions”, agrees with her that we’ll all be fried in our beds by 2020 unless the West (effectively) spends $1 trillion+ to de-carbonise our economies. To be fair I think I heard Gareth whimper about relatively high energy costs in the UK.
Christina is an outstanding example of the crap nomenklatura that seek to rule the world – actually do rule the world. Meanwhile Gareth and his employers, the EEF, rather than opposing Christina’s nonsense, seek ways of placating her. And the BBC carves a notch in its metaphorical bedpost to note another screwing of its audience.
For the time being, the decisions made by environmental activists at that BBC seminar, continue to influenced the censorship of science, scientists and scientific debate.
At the BBC, the policy of journalistic censorship is more important than any scrutiny of the IPCC. But that is the problem with this scientific subject, scientists are having to start doing their own journalism, because left-wing journalism seems to be about censorship of information, so journalists who do not censor information like James Delingpole are by default, right-wing.
But then, God knows what the intellectually inferior morons at the BBC think about the Labour MP and scientist Graham Stringer. He is probably the most intelligent MP in Parliament, even more intelligent than Mensa member John Whittingdale, but since the days of Churchill, there does not seem to have been much recognition of quality by those in charge.
Evan was particularly sycophantic to this unelected dangerous fool, and abdicated his journalistic responsibilities. It put me in mind of the way Anthony Eden was ‘interviewed’ by the bbc back in the fifties ‘Thank-you so much for taking the time to talk to us Prime Minister, now what would you like to say about your policies?’
The BBC says a “reputable polling organisation” will be chosen to select the audience. What are the odds it’s YouGov, run by Peter Kellner – husband of EU foreign affairs high representative Catherine Ashton?
MP Rob Wilson asks Ian Katz on Twitter:
Are you saying Govt planned never to publish? You haven’t accused Govt of this but is that your allegation?
The fact that Katz can’t give a straight answer is telling:
Why have you not published the report?
Rob Wilson follows up:
Surely a rep commissioned by the Govt shld be published when it’s ready? Why shld Newsnight decide?
Again, Katz gives the kind of answer that an evasive politician might give Paxo:
Are you saying it wasn’t ready for publication? In what way wasn’t it ready?
On the matter No 10 aide (Cameron ‘sacked’ his miscreant, Miliband didn’t) and on this immigration report the BBC are in full attack mode, obviously getting their retaliation in following that little embarrassment last week. A little story, BTW, that the BBC found no difficulty (like Ken Livingstone’s tax arrangements) in loosing interest in.
I reckon that the betting would show that the disclosure of this report came from chief mischief maker Cable, probably through his usual conduit to the BBC.
In answer to Katz, perhaps Wilson should tell him that the Government will publish it, when the secretive creatures at the BBC publish Balen.
‘The fact that Katz can’t give a straight answer is telling’
As one who savours institutional semantics from establishment hypocrites who claim trust and transparency often enough, this one is a classic.
But it is also pervasive…
The BBC faithfully trots out a Cameron claim and a reader heads to the source, wisely bypassing CECUTT and using FoI. Of course, even then, there are ways to get ‘handled’ by first the attrition run-around, and even then… what the heck is that sentence supposed to actually mean?
‘Seeing’ is, evidently, believing. And that’s all that’s needed to get from an opinion to a ‘quote’ to a ‘story’.
It’s beginning to look as if President Obama and his Secretary Kerry have over played the invasion rhetoric just a tad. Sergei Lavrov, the Russian Foreign Minister, has this morning insisted there are no additional troops in the Crimea and no tanks have crossed the border but they have increased their guards around the port where their war ship are based. Based there of course under a very long standing agreement.
Lavrov also said that the illegal take over by the mob in Kiev has un-stabilised the Ukraine. Only a troll would disagree with that of course. Mr Lavrov also said that pro-Russian armed groups operating in Crimea were “self-defence” forces who do not answer to Moscow.
It is Gordon’s gofer the wicked Baroness Ashton, the one who hands out poison sweeties along with promises of my hard earned cash to the rabble, who has stirred up this mess. She was not on her own of course there is the nasty smell of US$ (all borrowed from the Chinese) behind this too. A couple of Human Rights groups, probably agitators from Chicago, were apparently dishing out cash to keep the campers in Kiev going on booze, burgers and smokes. And someone had to pay for the petrol for the Molotov cocktails.
I hope this can now blow over but what has happened should be a lesson to the EU and to the US, as well as our daft lot in Westminster, not to meddle in the affairs of other countries. It is the ordinary folk of the Ukraine who will now be left to suffer. The impact of the financial excesses or corruption of the runaway President Viktor Yanukovych will be as nothing to the hardship they will now have to suffer.
The hypocrisy of the EU and USA governments in this incident has been unbelievable. Just ask the families of those bombed in Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan and Serbia. The even bigger shame is that, if asked, the ordinary people of America and Europe, including Britain, would not ever have voted for this interference and loss of life in other counties. Not ever never. When will we get governments of the people who listen to the people?
Nearly forgot this is biasedbbc website and I haven’t mentioned the BBC. Simple, scrap it!
‘Sergei Lavrov, the Russian Foreign Minister, has this morning insisted there are no additional troops in the Crimea ‘
But overnight, major installations were taken over by Russian military with the insignia removed from their uniforms and vehicles. Putin knows nobody is going to fall for this but its still deniable. I say nobody….
There is no comparison with Iraq, Afghanistan or Kosovo. I’d disagree with your point about those having public support as well.
For many young people, India is a land of opportunity. Male or female, if you’re well educated and resourceful there’s the chance of a well-paid career.
Just one problem, says Suruchi Sharma – if you’re a woman, you must marry by your mid-20s.
What do you think? Are you a single woman in India? #Freedom2014
I remember having a chat with a Cathay Pacific exec – he praised the standard of their Indian flying dinner ladies/ trolley dollies who all had university degrees.
He then wandered off-topic and mused how the dollies each had a choice of three uniforms. The Indians always chose the one with the longest skirt, the Hongkong dollies always went for the mid-length, and the Pilippinas chicas, gotta lurve em, always made a grab for the shortest skirts
Immigration report story still running as second most important of the day on the website down from No. 1 from midnight last night. The Beeb knows when to give a story legs. That on the huge increase in immigration was sedated rapidly. The displacement one merited two goes on Today, one admittedly included an interview with Nigel Farage where he performed so well Humphreys tried to cut across him several times.
If 200,000 more people arrive each year and they don’t go on benefits and they don’t take jobs that locals would otherwise do, how do they live?
Are they all self-employed news vendors or what?
Is it just me, or does this have a Lord of the Rings feel to it, with Russia portrayed as a powerful empire who threaten to crush Ukraine (rather than save it)?
‘If 200,000 more people arrive each year and they don’t go on benefits and they don’t take jobs that locals would otherwise do, how do they live?’
Can someone please ask this question of all the political parties.
The British wanted to do these jobs because they where once worth doing because the wages where much higher than the dole money.
This was because of supply and demand, a labour shortage forces wages up, while on the other hand a plentiful supply of cheap immigrant labour, forces wages down. It is called “The Market”.
At the moment, it seems that only UKIP supporters are intelligent enough to understand this.
There is also a matter of EU law, which allows employers in this country, to use foriegn employment agencies to recruit staff from abroad, on temporary contracts, at a wage which pays the minimum wage of the country that the labour comes from.
This means that a British employer, looking for staff for unskilled work, can employ a team of Bulgarians on 95p per hour each, (the Minimum wage in Bulgaria is 95p per hour) completely legally.
How on earth are our young and unskilled workers supposed to compete with that?
Ah, yes, they do the menial, low-paid ‘jobs the British won’t do’ (copyright Jacqui Smith), send money home to the few relatives who haven’t already joined them, presumably pay their fair share of infrastructure costs and still manage to bring a net financial benefit to the UK.
Wow, what’s that? Its maths ‘Hitchhiker’s Guide to the galaxy’ style, folks.
But if they go onto the minimum wage, readily trained, then they are more competitive than our young people, because employers no longer need to pay the costs of training young people. Also it is far easier to pay immigrants below the minimum wage, without the fear of scrutiny, even by the Trade Unions.
You would have thought the Makers of Family guy / American Dad would have joined this campaign as that seems to be always on normally with the same episode. No loss here it’s mostly rubbish. Wonder what the people who do the crap links / voiceovers and inconsequential info bites will be doing if it gets binned?
If Jack ‘Pavlik Morozov’ Whitehall and friends allowed for a bit more ‘diversity’ of political opinion BBC 3 ( and the BBC in general ) might have a more secure future.
However I suspect this is more ersatz outrage orchestrated by the BBC themselves. Allowing them to keep BBC3 as is while cutting more ‘traditional’ programing, if they can find any.
Sorely missed.
Maybe the latest DG can see his way clear to finding a way to prop it up down the line?
Programming like this clearly fills a need.
And Danny Cohen’s legacy must be preserved, or he’ll be writing to the Graun to moan again.
Why was the story of the BBC closing one channel leaked? The Trust will not want any channel closed as it may reduce the BBC empire (even if no-one watches). By leaking in advance they allow a campaign to form with lots of publicity about all the marvellous programmes that BBC3 produces (sarcasm intended) – although if they really want to close one channel they will be giving lots of support to the Save BBC3 campaign behind closed doors and then end BBC4 which doesn’t do the ‘cool’ programmes so liked by the London Lefties.
I am pretty sure that the government are looking at an online media tax to replace the licence fee. They will be much more able to check via internet logs who has been watching media online, than checking if we are watching live TV or not.
Just you wait, the “internet tax” bill will be dropping through a letterbox near you.
Yes the BBC are going to make as big a meal out of the cutz as possible, And with any luck another fake campaign by a handfull of beeboids pretending to be outraged viewers will save these unwatched channels (it worked last time with those minority radio channels). They could start by paying themselves a lot less but that won’t even be on the list. The evil empire must survive and grow at all costs.
Surprised the BBC thread on this is still open, as looking at the top comments, the public are again not playing ball.
Still, the cubicle warriors are kicking in, as the ratings for this one can testify: 799. Martina
Which dodo wrote this totally incorrect headline,which actually says the exact opposite of what it is supposed to say? BBC3 is not “axed as an online channel” but axed as a terrestrial Freeview channel. It will still exist as an online channel in iPlayer.
It is an insult do Dodos, mind.
Maybe there was no room for accuracy again?
Wonder what the people who do the crap links / voiceovers and inconsequential info bites will be doing if it gets binned
Don’t worry about them – plenty of six-figure jobs needing filled in archiving and suchlike.
“Former Newsnight editor Peter Rippon is take on the “significant challenge” of BBC Online Archive editor four months after he was forced to step aside over his role in the Jimmy Savile documentary scandal,.
Labour ran Birmingham council to sell off NEC. Council leader in favour of private ownership and management skills, but BBC find a Professor who doubts the virtues of privatisation. Richard Taffler, professor of finance at Warwick Business School, said jobs could be put at risk.
“One can’t trust private sector businesses to see the West Midlands economy as an important goal,” he said.
“Ukip must be treated like any major party, Ofcom rules.
Nigel Farage’s party must be given the same coverage as the Tories, Labour and the Liberal Democrats in the run up to the European elections, the regulator says.”
Beeboids make every day an election broadcast for Labour Party.
For example, in Beeboid reports on PMQs today, they aim to boost Miliband’s political standing by suggesting that his contribution was ‘statesman-‘like’ and set the agenda for PM Cameron on Ukraine; with Beeboids giving the false impression that Cameron was merely responding to national leader Miliband.
Miliband was totally out of his depth, running to catch up.
Everything that he asked or mentioned in his ‘agenda setting’ questions (oh how the BBC repeatedly like to give the impression that Miliband is ahead of the game) had already been done or was under way.
Once again, Miliband was left struggling to climb aboard a bandwagon that was already rolling.
The BBC loved UKIP when it looked like UKIP could have taken 5 – 7% from the tories. The coverage was soft and generally honest.
Then when they got to about 10% the BBC started to get spooked. Now they are much closer to 20% (according to honest polls which prompt for UKIP alongside tory, labour and libdems), and taking a big chunk of that growth from labour… The BBC don’t like UKIP anymore.
Farage is bonkers to let the BBC stage-manage this.
Agreeing to the debates, but insisting on neutral turf, and this would exclude the BBC and its ‘productions’, would have been a brilliant stroke.
Clegg is on Farage’s turf and already low in the public’s esteem (unlike the debate prior to the last general election)
There will be huge interest at prime time (unlike the backwaters of Question Time and Any Questions) and the public will be able to comp[are and contrast the treatment of pro-EU and anti-EU advocates – and the reaction of a supposedly represtative audience
I wonder if the ‘representative audience’ will be representative of the UK at large or just the self-appointed denizens of SE England (within the M25)
The audience will be representitive of a Yougov selected audience. Yougov being the polling organisation headed by the husband of Baroness Ashton, high representative of the European Union for foreign affairs.
It will be like an edition of Question Time, but with their audience filtered for only one topic.
It will be overwhelmingly pro EU, with a token sceptic or two in for effect.
The microphone levels will be changed for the cheers for clegg and reduced if Farage gets any cheers, but up full for any rehearsed boos. Dimbleby will be overtly biased, allowing any waffle from Clegg, whilst interrupting Farage constantly, with petty, irrelevent questions to take Farage off on a tangent, thos restricting the time available to answer the actual questions.
The departure of BBC3 from the airwaves to an on-line life is plainly part of the strategy to justify extending the licence fee to those who only watch BBC on their computers (by catch-up etc).
Not that anyone watches the channel.
Does the Beeb give audience figures? If so, I suppose they are like the World Service’s which are plainly a colossal invention.
In truth, BBC3 which eats up £100m a year has to be scrapped to pay for the BBC Staff Pension Scheme’s deficit which has oddly required an extra £100m. p.a. subsidy this very year.
Yeah! One down, seven to go (BBC1, BBC2, BBC4, CBBC, CBeebies, News, Parliament). Parliament channel only costs pocket money but no need to give the BBC false respectability by having their moniker on it.
How the bBC writes up a story about the smuggling of weapons of war into a country which while is heavily promoted as a victim of the nasty Jew, goes well out of its way in which to murder as many people from the much larger country next door as it can. Israel halts ‘weapons shipment from Iran’
Nice headline, if I didn’t know better i would have presumed that Israel was importing weapons from Iran. anyway lets read what the bBC’s so called defence experts have to say on the matter:
The bBC writes: “Israel says it has seized a ship carrying advanced Iranian weapons made in Syria that was heading towards Gaza…They found M-302 surface-to-surface missiles that were flown to Iran before being loaded onto the ship, it added.”
So just what is a 302 surface to surface missile, seeing as the bBC doesn’t tell you: “M-302 rockets were used against Israel during the 2006 war, fired by Hezbollah against targets in Central Israel. The basic model first appeared during the early 1990s carrying a 170kg warhead over a range of 90-100 km (55-60 miles). It have since evolved into different variants offering strike ranges between 100 to 215 km and warhead weight of 175 – 125 kg.
So a much bigger missile than what the bBC usually refers to as home made rockets than the Islamic terrorists in Gaza use, with a warhead of around 175Kgs with a range of around 60 miles (meaning most of inhabited Israel can be hit) with an extended range. it means a faster and higher trajectory, which I suppose the peaceful Muslims are hoping will allow them to bypass the Iron dome anti missile system..
The bBC writes: “Israel tightly controls its border with Gaza, restricting what is allowed in for what it says are reasons crucial to its security…Critics say the blockade is tantamount to collective punishment.”
And yet the arse bandits at the bBC just can’t see that what the Jews say is a statement based on fact, this shipment of heavy missiles justifies that, but they still blow the skin flute of allah in which to promote the view that Islamic terrorists can only be victims.
The bBC, the propaganda arm for Islamic terrorists in the UK , the reason why Anti-Semitism is rife and why they are traitors to the British people.
Nothing to do with the BBC but I just watched an excellent doc called The Gatekeepers, featuring interviews with six former heads of Shin Bet.
All a bit surreal. Having discovered that the Hamas dream team were having a meeting Shin wanted to put a one ton bomb through the roof. A heated debate started with some worrying about ‘collateral’. Eventually an ‘Israeli compromise’ was reached and they settled on a quarter-ton bomb. Sadly all the dream team walked, apart from Sheik Yassin who wheeled.
His chair eventually came into collision with a Hellfire missile so all’s well etc.
Sugar tax anyone?
Of course this is another stealth tax which is just going to make life more difficult for the poor of the country. We know that the ignorant fools who we laughingly describe as a ‘government’ will not use any revenue to subsidise healthier foods, but just simply keep it for what ever strange reason they have.
But there’s a problem. It isn’t sugar which is the cause of obesity. Researchers at Boston Uni have found that the real cause is – yes you guessed it ! RACISM !!!!
Sugar Tax. Well as I’ve documented over the past few years BBc Breakfast is at the vanguard trying to rid the world of the evils of fags, fizzy, fat and alcohol. A constant drip drip of articles on these subjects. Oh as I speak Bruce has just mentioned new guidelines of less than the equivalent of 1 can of Coke a day, see what I mean.
So many on this site seem to admire Vlad the Impaler. He runs a gangster state. Perhaps we need to be reminded that the Ukrainians gave up the nuclear arsenal they inherited from the USSR (how I miss this defunct shithole, it did a good job of keeping the Russians penned in so that they could not sully every tourist spot the world over with their coarse, brutal, drunken vulgarity), in return for a guarantee from the USA, EU and Russia of its territorial integrity. More fool them. I hope Israel is taking note.
So what does Vlad do at the first opportunity, co-operated with the other guarantors to ensure that the rights of the Russian speakers are respected. No. Send in the thugs.
Agree in so many ways, but the BBC are so biased that our natural default position is to defend the indefensible….much as the BBC do at our expense 24/7
Putin is nothing if not a Russian patriot who would not be here now, had we backed Yeltsin…flawed as he was, as the Soviets imploded in 1989-92 etc.
Putin is all you say and more-but if he were gay-compliant and persecuted the Christians who were disgusted at the antics of Pussy Riot( and not the talentless, self-serving “band” itself!)…then he could now be ripping the Ukraine apart and the BBC would see it as ” a little local difficulty”…and nothing for the West to bother itself about.
Tell you what JP….when we finally lose the BBC( not just the foreskin that BBC3 is)…then many of us will revert to normal and being fair-years of “psychic and cultural abuse” of us all by the BBC has rather made us victims and grievance hustlers, and surely due for lots of compo.
Cultural Abusers…the BBC…think we need a class action against them…I believe myself to be a victim, have Radio Times incidents highlighted, and am ready to be the first “BBC Survivor”.
Anybody know Phil Shiners Compovan registration no…not Jimmy Saviles though!…that was a Camper van!
You will be only the first of ex-BBC3 “comedy writers” to come here to make us smile with your “Brigstocke writes Pramface” riffing Conor.
cBBC require a dom for their dick…give it a polish eh?
I’ve just looked up after sending off an E-mail. Sport relief’s top dog is on. WTF? I think my brain is melting. Gaby saying “On your Barks” is not funny no matter how many times you say it. OFF BUTTON.
‘It is truly unimaginable that monsters exist and walk among us with the purpose of victimizing our most precious citizens,’ Sheriff Wayne Ivey said at the time of his arrest. I want this message to be absolutely crystal clear: We will use every lawful resource we have in our possession to find and remove you from society if you try to harm a child, no matter where you may be on this planet.’
I want this message (Keighley), to be absolutely (Blackburn), crystal clear, (Rotherham),with the purpose,(Birmingham) of victimizing (Peterborough),our most precious citizens,(Bolton), to use every available,(Nottingham), power, (Bradford) resource, (Derby). to find you (Oxford) and remove you (Rochdale) …
now that is a policeman … my! how we need this guy over here! instead of political correct deniers of reality.
My local evening paper The Express & Star has an excellent columnist named Peter Rhodes. In tonight’s edition he wrote this little gem.
“WHEN someone is charged with an offence, there are rules governing what may and may not be reported. In particular the media avoid any disclosure of the accused’s criminal record, or lack of it, which could prejudice a fair trial. That’s why you won’t hear a broadcaster telling its audience that someone recently charged with an offence is a serial killer or, for that matter, a man of unblemished character. Yet in the case of Moazzam Begg, remanded in custody on terrorism charges, the BBC repeatedly and pointedly reported that Begg “has never previously been charged with an offence.” I cannot recall a single remand hearing when such information was reported. Was it an isolated error in the newsroom or is Auntie Beeb quietly letting us know that she has joined the Moazzam Begg defence team?”
‘David Miliband is being challenged to make public the report he commissioned on the Falkirk scandal, where Unite were accused of fraudulently recruiting new Labour members then using their votes to elect a Unite-sponsored Parliamentary candidate.’
Oh, silly me, I misheard!
The BBC were reporting that it’s David Cameron who is being challenged to publish a report – but on some kind of rosier picture of immigration.
‘Course, that’s not to say the BBC wouldn’t have run an item on Ed’s Falkirk report – y’ know, if they’d thought it worth reporting. Only they can judge, really, being so impartial an’ all.
As I never watch any catch up TV from any channel on the PC I shan’t be watching any of the output, for a ‘digital’ only BBC.
Again as I stated I while ago with the BBC DVDs why are/will we paying for something we’ve paid for. Certainly won’t miss BBC3 and I assume anything made for BBC3 will eventually migrate onto BBC1 or BBC2. Taken for a ride you have been.
Sir Andrew Green is founder and chairman of MigrationWatch. He picked up on how Newsnight ran a story yesterday and points out in their enthusiasm to undermine Government policy they were fast and loose with the truth.
‘Between the first quarter of 2004 (the last quarter before the accession) and the first quarter of 2008 (the last quarter before the onset of recession) foreign nationals accounted for 78 per cent of the 1.1 million total rise in employment.’
With the BBC still paying themselves even more, not to mention the cost for legal fees defending their actions, and wasted millions on various projects and building works that the licence fee payer will never benefit from, something has to give.
So they will be axing one of their channels – BBC3.
This could be the start of something good. Let’s hope it’s the first of many.
Former BBC producer Mark Mason has this to say about it.
‘Tough Young Teachers’ has been quite good and has proved what an impossible job they have with today’s self-centred, self-regarding, arrogant, disrespectful, rude, misbehaved and often violent teenagers. Only a minority seem interested in getting an education.
Being one of those that immediately raises curiosity to see just how the BBC covered it. You know the corporation that reckons their a world class media organisation, and wants to compete with local media services until they put them out of business. The organisation that opened offices in Salford, just down the road from where this incident happened.
The last related article is from a year ago. I had to read it several times just to make sure it was the same story. You’ll probably guess what’s going to be missing from it even before you read it.
‘In a speech due to be delivered in the City of London tomorrow, Walley will insist that millions of pounds should be wiped off the values of companies listed on the stock market, on the basis that “oil, coal and gas reserves cannot be burnt without further destabilising the climate”.
And she’s an MP.
Does she not realise, the stupid cow, that money trees won’t grow without CO2?
Well I have just watched 5 minutes of BBC3 just to see what I will be missing (assuming that the faux ‘save’ campaign isn’t successful.) 5 minutes of a man dressed as a schoolgirl in ‘Jaime, private school girl’ is the biggest load of dross, complete with lots of jokes about a schoolgirl playing with her breasts on Skype whilst a black boy played with his genitals. 5 minutes was enough. Not bias just a waste of my license money. What the justification of putting such rubbish in I player is hard to imagine. Just as an aside, in Tony Hall’s talk to BBC employees on his vision of the future was his explanation that he had watched Glastonbury on his iPhone. How sad, lonely old gray man so keen to watch Glastonbury that he has to watch on his phone. He must be lonely as it is impossible for phone viewing to be anything other than a solitary occupation.
And the cry on today’s news that the Mighty Boosh could only be on BBC3 is just plain wrong. Until tonight BBC3 was alien territory so Boosh must have been on 2 in an earlier time.
‘Mighty Boosh could only be on BBC3 ‘ ?
Utter B/S the commercial lot have come up with ‘this is Jinsy’ ‘Pycho bitches’ ‘Hunderby’ + much more and C4 has commissioned so much comedy that appeals to few but still works like ‘Jam ‘ ! the BBC has just lined up loads of more stuff desperate to be either the new ‘ Two pints’ or ‘open all ‘ they stopped doing edgy when they realized edgy means never having control !!
Last thing the BBC did that was even close to Boosh was ‘Zimbani ‘ and they killed that after the pilot !!
Beeboids: supporters of Al Jazeera-Qatar-Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt today, BUT not supporters of a free press in Britain , where e.g. Beeboids censor ‘Daily Mail.’
While supporting Islamic Al Jazeera, Beeboids show no interest in supporting counter-jihad American writers, Geller and Spencer, who are still banned from entering Britain.
It is a rare example of the BBC World Service telling listeners something about Britain. Normally the BBC sees it as its task to tell people in Britain about the 3rd World as nobody is listening despite their faked audience figures.
The BBC in the name of Graham Satchell is reporting on the flooding in Somerset.
They are rubbishing the idea of dredging. Their attempt at balance is false if you listen to the questioning.
And dont forget, if you dredge the mud to form the river bank, it prevents kingfishers from nesting there.
So, Somerset, up yours, the wild birds are more important.
Just turned on the TV a few minutes ago. It’s Ukrainian Republic TV. Oh no it’s not it’s the BBc in Sevastopol. Why do they keep referring to ‘Snipers’ if there were snipers they aren’t doing a very good job if you can see them. I applied to go on the snipers course when I was in the Army. They told me there was no need for a sniper in an armoured Regiment. Oh good now they have a story about St. Stephen of Lawrence. Just another day at the BBc.
Because they have sniper rifles. And maybe they want to be seen as a deterrent to the Ukrainians?
The story about Stephen Lawrence is the announcement of a public inquiry into the original murder investigation.
I see the army gave you the old ‘need for a sniper in an armoured Regiment’ line….when what they really meant was ‘We’d be made to give this moron a loaded weapon’.
Did they have sniper rifles? didn’t look like SVDs to me. Of course I suppose you are a weapons expert as well. Looked like AK74 and derivatives all of which fire intermediate calibre rounds. Sorry to disappoint you I had access to lots of loaded weapons whilst I was on active service I was also in the Regimental shooting team so try not to get to upset Vlad you hippie.
‘Friend of the BBC’ Dame Tessa Jowell (Labour) popped in to tell us how the original channel content proposal from then DG Greg Dyke was very poor but as Culture Secretary in the naughties after a quick re-jig she rubber-stamped it anyway – hardly a ringing endorsement. And – dare I say – an insight into Labour’s cosy relationship with their BBC pals.
Of course an eye-catching ‘cut’ is a classic Labour tactic. If the borough is profligate and you don’t want to trim your wastage then threaten to close a library and blame the Tories.
Then the next line of attack is that suddenly Newsnight/BBC worries about ‘the kidz’. …
Contrary to BBC thinking if you revamp The Archers and make it into a One Direction concert you have not really achieved your aim of getting 14 year olds to listen to The Archers.
I’m sticking with my slogan..
Pod… what do you advise?
Sh*t, Scrap it, Avoid.
Well if Tessa Jowell has anything to do with tax she will make a cock up of it.
Remember she was the Olympics Minister who didn’t know that there would have to be 17.5% VAT on the construction of the Olympic Venues and Infrastructure.
And the poor poppet seemed not to know a thing about her husband paying off the mortgages c/o Berlusconis brown envelopes of cash at the breakfast bar.
Those Shredddies had clearly been working out-and taking steroids.. and money is mens stuff…so Tessa got off…if only Vicky Pryce had left the driving of horrid smelly cars to HER man…
And of course she was adamant he was innocent but still left him anyway. Why did none of her pals in he media ask ‘ Hey Tessa if you think he’s innocent WTF are you leaving him ?”
Newsnight attracting attention to itself around poorly performing BBC stock that has a less than stellar reputation for dumbing down the old slipway, seems brave.
Especially if the number crunchers are looking at the market and ratings.
Adding new expensive staff as the viewership drops can arrest the slide or accelerate the deeper problems around the faces onscreen.
For some reason I received an Email yesterday from a company trying to flog me ‘burkinis’ and other ‘modest’ school sports wear.
Goodness only knows where they got my Email from or why they think I’ll be interested in their oppressive garments! I expect that since some Muslim run Liebour council has forced schools to accept these bags, then the BBC will soon be taking up this story. This company obviously believes that schools and sports centres should be supplying them free of charge is even worse!
Todays daily service on Radio 4 Long Wave is being led by a Fr Phil Sumner, a name which rang a bell for me, and I’m sure there can’t be that many of them, but this guy fits the BBC bill so well it must be him !
In addition to his duties as chair of the Oldham Race Equality Partnership, a role he has held for 18 months, he is a leading figure in the Inter Faith Forum, working with Christians, Jews, Hindus and Muslims — in fact, every religious calling the borough has to offer — to help make a better Oldham
He chairs a diverse group known as the Community Cohesion Advisory Group, which helps shape the town’s integration plans.
He also warned of the composition of influential groups and bodies in Oldham, claiming there were still too few Asian faces involved in making crunch decisions.
He said: “The Ritchie and Cantle reports said participation and engagement were essential. Unless Asian, Muslim, afro-Caribbean and Hindu communities get to be affected decision-making then we are not responding to the needs of the borough.
“I doubt there will be any Asian faces around the table and that worries me for the future.”
This man is a total Dhimmi. He knows little of Islam, and his idea of ‘cohesion’ (hate that weasel word) is giving Muslims everything they ask for.
Well, how about this for some ‘Interfaith Outreach and Community Cohesion’? Published yesterday by the Law and Freedom Foundation, a massive report about muslim rape gangs in the UK. Incredible:
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Michael Savage ” It’s all about an oil pipe line running through Ukraine, and who has control of it, the globalists and the EUSSR or Russia ?”
Clegg’s pronouncements on the inability of UKIP to deal with the EU being given plenty of airtime this morning.
He’ll get his chance to debate that with Farage, when they have that face-off.
Cant wait to see albeeba’s edited highlights.
You mean from a programme that will have a biased, hand-picked audience, a biased chairman on a biased channel?
As soon as Farage starts speaking sense, The audience will boo, Clegg will roll his eyes in exasperation and Dimbleby will interrupt and move the question on. Dimbleby will also allow Clegg to witter on uninterrupted, to great applause, or only interrupting to offer him assistance, whilst Clegg will lie with impunity, bring up dodgy statistics and false arguments (like 3 million British Jobs depending on the EU)
Farage will need to be on top form, with a LOT of detailed rebuttals with EU directive names and agency policies and the detail of how such things effect every day people in the UK. He will have to succinctly link EU => policy => impact on real peoples lives with specific examples if necessary.
What worries me, is that Farage is not always a master of detail, as Brillo exposed when he asked Farage about UKIP policies on the UKIP website.
He will not be able to afford such cock-ups in this much higher profile debate.
This will be a bear pit for Farage, with everything possible stacked against him in order to prop-up Clegg.
If Farage keeps on repeating the fact that we are being ruled by an unelected socialist bureaucracy whose budget hasn’t been signed off by its auditors for nigh on 20 years whilst we pay a net £10 billion contribution(?), a £54 billion trading deficit whilst at the same time involuntarily solving Eastern Europe’s unemployment, health and education problems then he will have scored a significant point with the voting public.
Hope he mentions the Somerset Levels floods and the EU wildlife directives and the EU agency wilfull neglect of the area to deliberately allow the levels to flood on purpose. AND refers to what the BBC last night called “a wishlist” of measures to rectify that criminal neglect.
The BBC hinted that the price tag is prohibitive, so would not likely be implemented due to tory austerity. (the truth of the situation being that any of those measures could be blocked by the EU for being in breach of category 6 flood plain wildlife directives)
AND further I hope that Farage states clearly that as it was due entirely to EU measures, (yes and a lot of rain), zealously implemented by the EA and DEFRA, that the 100 million price tag, could easily, and should easily, come from our EU budget, considering that it is the equivalent of only 2 days worth of our EU contributions.
and Clegg will state again that immigration has been good for this country.
I don’t know if Mr Putin is our enemy but I feel certain that the likes of Mr Obama, Mr Kerry, Ms Clinton and all the socialists/ communists here in the UK and in the US are our enemies, with the treacherous bbc cheerleading their actions at every turn.
The Media Industrial Complex has gone into overdrive smearing Putin. If it wasn’t for Russia blocking it, Britain and America would be dropping bombs on Syria right now, supporting the muslim rebels. 10 % of Syria is Christian, Assad protects them, they can’t understand what the west is doing, but then an oil pipe line runs through that country as well !!!
Yes, there are always sinister undertones apparent when those names crop up.
Piss off to Russia then.
Hmm well we could but sadly the place is full up with Ralph Milliband memorabilia !
Why is our news organisations so keen to take sides? Should they not be impartial and report both sides and keep a neutral stance? Matt Frei on Channel 4 over the last few weeks has been absolutely shockingly biased towards the stone-throwing neo-nazi mob in Ukraine. Linsey Hilsum also spat out the words ‘Russian’ like she had dog shit in her mouth…………….these 2 would fit right in at our national broadcaster.
Matt Frei was of course the BBC man in the US
Funny how lefties usually jump very loudly on any link to far right groups, no matter how tenuous, to denounce any tory or UKIP policy…
Yet when an extreme far right nationalist group with a direct lineage to the actual and real NAZIs was involved in this Ukrainian coup? Utter silence from the left. So long as their EU ambitions are being satiated, the left will accept ANY foe within their gates.
Back to Leftie Top Trumps.
There is nothing so guaranteed to drive nikki’n’rache to Sion heights of full howl, cod piety, and lookatme sanctimoniousness as a man referring to wimmin as ‘the girls’.
Nice then to hear ‘Rache’, Sony Radio Award Winner for Tit of the Year, sign off a drear piece on wimmin’s football (aka The Great Unwatched) with…
‘Good luck to the girls out in Cyprus then…’
Bee tee dubs, I should point out that the Sony Radio Award for Tit of the Year, was actually awarded jointly to ‘Rache’, Adrian Goldberg, Hoiareyenoi, Booooooooom!!!!! Bacon, John Pinhead, Jane Garvey-Chiles, Drearyshire, Tonight On The Big Wheel, Sinn fein Paddy O’ Connell, and anyone else I’ve missed.
This is a completely new language to me, though apparently distantly related to English. Does anyone understand it.
As they say in the Glasgow halls…
‘therr’s nuthin wurrss than a heckler wi nae pa’er’
There is nothing so guaranteed to drive nikki’n’rache to Sion heights of full howl, cod piety, and lookatme sanctimoniousness as a man referring to wimmin as ‘the girls’.
Nice then to hear ‘Rache’, Sony Radio Award Winner for T*t of the Year, sign off a drear piece on wimmin’s football (aka The Great Unwatched) with…
‘Good luck to the girls out in Cyprus then…’
Bee tee dubs, I should point out that the Sony Radio Award for T*t of the Year, was actually awarded jointly to ‘Rache’, Adrian Goldberg, Hoiareyenoi, Booooooooom!!!!! Bacon, John Pinhead, Jane Garvey-Chiles, Drearyshire, Tonight On The Big Wheel, Sinn Fein Paddy O’ Connell, and anyone else I’ve missed.
Something else for the beeboids to flush down the pipe.
“Britain could be forced to hand an extra £2.5billion to Brussels to help plug a massive black hole in the EU budget, it emerged last night.
In a dramatic admission, EU Budget Commissioner Janusz Lewandowski said Brussels overspent its budget by an astonishing £20billion last year.
Mr Lewandowski, who blamed the situation on late invoices, said the cash would be taken from this year’s budget in the short term. But officials conceded it was almost certain to lead to a request for a bailout later this year, making a mockery of claims that the EU budget has been brought under control.”
And the EU have just announced a 9 Billion loan to Ukraine. (not that we will see a penny of that back again.)
Ukraine is way behind on their payments for the natural gas they get from Russia. Ironic that some of the EU 9 billion will be sent to Putin for a delinquent gas bill.
‘In a dramatic admission, EU Budget Commissioner Janusz Lewandowski said Brussels overspent its budget by an astonishing £20billion last year.’
Easily done I suppose. A billion here, two billion there. It’s easy to lose track…
Or, as the Lyndon Johnson-era Republican (i.e., Opposition) Leader in the US Senate, Everett Dirksen, put it: “A billion here, and a billion there– and pretty soon, you’re talking REAL money…”
And I bet Putin will insist on installing a pay-as-you-go meter, the bastard.
Cameron and Kerry ” We got to protect the independence and sovereignty of Ukraine !! ”
It would be nice if they started with their own countries first, instead of flooding them with Third Worlders and Mexicans. The hypocrisy borders on the supernatural.
If I hear those two jokers talking about democracy and sovereignty one more time – or the MSM – I’ll swing for it.
Those two precious commodities have been sold down the river by a succession of lying governments and the current one – lead by “spineless” Dave – is as bad as the others.
Quite right. One rule for us and another for the rest of the world. But I forgot..There are no such people as the English.
One thing I suspect. Putin may well be all the liberals say he is but he is, I believe, a real conservative. A believer in a nation and a nation state and a conservative approach to life and morality.
That is why the liberal Westerners hate him so much.
Russia will one day surprise us all.
I recall that Solzenitsyn regarded himself as an exile when in the US and in no way an emigrant. . His love for his people and his country never wavered. It was the communist system he loathed. He also was not enamoured of our way of life and our lack of courage and morality.
Vladimir Putin on cultural self preservation of European nations, traditions, religion and race.
” We see in western nations, they’re denying they’re Christian roots.”
Never thought I’d see the day when a Russian leader looked like the best bet for the preservation of western values.
“…the best bet for the preservation of western values.”
Hell Yeah! No more Nanny State – More Authoritarian Dictatorships!
”Yeah! No more Nanny State.”
I’m glad you agree.
Must have escaped your notice, Dez, that we’ve got the worst of both worlds in Britain thanks to thirteen years of overweening socialism and our continuing membership of the EU.
But then, you are an avid supporter of both, yes?
Scameron, witless Woolly Vague traitors to our people
Clueless Clegg? … another Tory perv caught out reported yesterday, hmmm I wondered why the smear campaign was so vociferous last week.
Shameful self serving liars, all in No10, who have the dubious double whammy of failure in running the country, and are hopeless at managing it.
Heard on the radio, driving back this morning that N Clegg is bleating about N Farage not doing enough?
……… no words ……….
So the BBC are allowing Clegg to get in plenty of opening salvos against Farage in the weeks leading up to the debate.
Did they allow Farage to answer these ridiculous allegations?
I remember when Ukraine was a dependency of the Soviet Union, so for an upper class twit, who wants Britain to remain a dependency of the European Union, to consider protecting the independence and sovereignty of Ukraine from a future union with either the EU or Russia, would seem very demoralising for our military, especially considering that most patriotic people want a referendum for Britain to leave the EU.
I think that even if Putin is as corrupt as any pro EU politician or bureaucrat. As long as Britain remains a member of the EU, I think we should side with Putin on this issue.
On Today this morning Evan gave the head of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, Christiana Figueres a friendly welcome and an unchallenged platform to spout her “climate change/global warming” propaganda. Then, in a mock-balance exercise, on came Gareth Stace, head of climate and environment policy at EEF who, instead of telling Christina what to do with her instructions to British industry leaders that “they have to do more to reduce carbon emissions”, agrees with her that we’ll all be fried in our beds by 2020 unless the West (effectively) spends $1 trillion+ to de-carbonise our economies. To be fair I think I heard Gareth whimper about relatively high energy costs in the UK.
Christina is an outstanding example of the crap nomenklatura that seek to rule the world – actually do rule the world. Meanwhile Gareth and his employers, the EEF, rather than opposing Christina’s nonsense, seek ways of placating her. And the BBC carves a notch in its metaphorical bedpost to note another screwing of its audience.
For the time being, the decisions made by environmental activists at that BBC seminar, continue to influenced the censorship of science, scientists and scientific debate.
At the BBC, the policy of journalistic censorship is more important than any scrutiny of the IPCC. But that is the problem with this scientific subject, scientists are having to start doing their own journalism, because left-wing journalism seems to be about censorship of information, so journalists who do not censor information like James Delingpole are by default, right-wing.
But then, God knows what the intellectually inferior morons at the BBC think about the Labour MP and scientist Graham Stringer. He is probably the most intelligent MP in Parliament, even more intelligent than Mensa member John Whittingdale, but since the days of Churchill, there does not seem to have been much recognition of quality by those in charge.
Evan was particularly sycophantic to this unelected dangerous fool, and abdicated his journalistic responsibilities. It put me in mind of the way Anthony Eden was ‘interviewed’ by the bbc back in the fifties ‘Thank-you so much for taking the time to talk to us Prime Minister, now what would you like to say about your policies?’
‘….and abdicated his journalistic responsibilities.’
BBC business as usual, then.
BBC to host Nick Clegg and Nigel Farage TV debate
No doubt in front of the usual loaded QT-type audience.
The BBC says a “reputable polling organisation” will be chosen to select the audience. What are the odds it’s YouGov, run by Peter Kellner – husband of EU foreign affairs high representative Catherine Ashton?
It will probably be “blue state digital”….I.E. Mandelson, Nick Lolwes, Hope not Hate, etc, etc..
LBC are doing it first on on the 26th of March .
That will be the only one worth listening to.
The BBC will use that to guage how to filter and shut down whatever argument Farage uses.
If you want tweeted updates of the Oscar Pistorius trial the BBC’s got it covered:
Tweets by forbeesta
Tweets by nkosi_milton
Tweets by Pumza_Fihlani
Tweets by KarinBBC
Tweets by Jonny_Hallam
Tweets by peterbiles
I think that it’s worth bringing this forward, posted last night by Jeff.
Jeff Waters says:
March 4, 2014 at 11:47 pm
Immigration report ‘held back by Downing Street’ –
MP Rob Wilson asks Ian Katz on Twitter:
Are you saying Govt planned never to publish? You haven’t accused Govt of this but is that your allegation?
The fact that Katz can’t give a straight answer is telling:
Why have you not published the report?
Rob Wilson follows up:
Surely a rep commissioned by the Govt shld be published when it’s ready? Why shld Newsnight decide?
Again, Katz gives the kind of answer that an evasive politician might give Paxo:
Are you saying it wasn’t ready for publication? In what way wasn’t it ready?
On the matter No 10 aide (Cameron ‘sacked’ his miscreant, Miliband didn’t) and on this immigration report the BBC are in full attack mode, obviously getting their retaliation in following that little embarrassment last week. A little story, BTW, that the BBC found no difficulty (like Ken Livingstone’s tax arrangements) in loosing interest in.
I reckon that the betting would show that the disclosure of this report came from chief mischief maker Cable, probably through his usual conduit to the BBC.
In answer to Katz, perhaps Wilson should tell him that the Government will publish it, when the secretive creatures at the BBC publish Balen.
‘The fact that Katz can’t give a straight answer is telling’
As one who savours institutional semantics from establishment hypocrites who claim trust and transparency often enough, this one is a classic.
But it is also pervasive…
The BBC faithfully trots out a Cameron claim and a reader heads to the source, wisely bypassing CECUTT and using FoI. Of course, even then, there are ways to get ‘handled’ by first the attrition run-around, and even then… what the heck is that sentence supposed to actually mean?
‘Seeing’ is, evidently, believing. And that’s all that’s needed to get from an opinion to a ‘quote’ to a ‘story’.
Is it just me?
Or can everyone else not tell the difference between Newsnight and The One Show as well.
Katz – take a flier, mate.
It’s beginning to look as if President Obama and his Secretary Kerry have over played the invasion rhetoric just a tad. Sergei Lavrov, the Russian Foreign Minister, has this morning insisted there are no additional troops in the Crimea and no tanks have crossed the border but they have increased their guards around the port where their war ship are based. Based there of course under a very long standing agreement.
Lavrov also said that the illegal take over by the mob in Kiev has un-stabilised the Ukraine. Only a troll would disagree with that of course. Mr Lavrov also said that pro-Russian armed groups operating in Crimea were “self-defence” forces who do not answer to Moscow.
It is Gordon’s gofer the wicked Baroness Ashton, the one who hands out poison sweeties along with promises of my hard earned cash to the rabble, who has stirred up this mess. She was not on her own of course there is the nasty smell of US$ (all borrowed from the Chinese) behind this too. A couple of Human Rights groups, probably agitators from Chicago, were apparently dishing out cash to keep the campers in Kiev going on booze, burgers and smokes. And someone had to pay for the petrol for the Molotov cocktails.
I hope this can now blow over but what has happened should be a lesson to the EU and to the US, as well as our daft lot in Westminster, not to meddle in the affairs of other countries. It is the ordinary folk of the Ukraine who will now be left to suffer. The impact of the financial excesses or corruption of the runaway President Viktor Yanukovych will be as nothing to the hardship they will now have to suffer.
The hypocrisy of the EU and USA governments in this incident has been unbelievable. Just ask the families of those bombed in Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan and Serbia. The even bigger shame is that, if asked, the ordinary people of America and Europe, including Britain, would not ever have voted for this interference and loss of life in other counties. Not ever never. When will we get governments of the people who listen to the people?
Nearly forgot this is biasedbbc website and I haven’t mentioned the BBC. Simple, scrap it!
‘Sergei Lavrov, the Russian Foreign Minister, has this morning insisted there are no additional troops in the Crimea ‘
But overnight, major installations were taken over by Russian military with the insignia removed from their uniforms and vehicles. Putin knows nobody is going to fall for this but its still deniable. I say nobody….
There is no comparison with Iraq, Afghanistan or Kosovo. I’d disagree with your point about those having public support as well.
From the BBC World News’s FB feed, a bit of Guardian-style feminism:
“If you’re 28 and unmarried. You’re looked upon as a big failure”
#India- No country for single women?
For many young people, India is a land of opportunity. Male or female, if you’re well educated and resourceful there’s the chance of a well-paid career.
Just one problem, says Suruchi Sharma – if you’re a woman, you must marry by your mid-20s.
What do you think? Are you a single woman in India? #Freedom2014
How very strange , a woman being married in her mid twenties who’d have thunk it , like millions of others I am truly amazed!!
I remember having a chat with a Cathay Pacific exec – he praised the standard of their Indian flying dinner ladies/ trolley dollies who all had university degrees.
He then wandered off-topic and mused how the dollies each had a choice of three uniforms. The Indians always chose the one with the longest skirt, the Hongkong dollies always went for the mid-length, and the Pilippinas chicas, gotta lurve em, always made a grab for the shortest skirts
So did some of the drivers up front, uncle bup.
Immigration report story still running as second most important of the day on the website down from No. 1 from midnight last night. The Beeb knows when to give a story legs. That on the huge increase in immigration was sedated rapidly. The displacement one merited two goes on Today, one admittedly included an interview with Nigel Farage where he performed so well Humphreys tried to cut across him several times.
If 200,000 more people arrive each year and they don’t go on benefits and they don’t take jobs that locals would otherwise do, how do they live?
Are they all self-employed news vendors or what?
Military power: Russia vs Ukraine in 60 seconds – BBC News –
Is it just me, or does this have a Lord of the Rings feel to it, with Russia portrayed as a powerful empire who threaten to crush Ukraine (rather than save it)?
‘If 200,000 more people arrive each year and they don’t go on benefits and they don’t take jobs that locals would otherwise do, how do they live?’
Can someone please ask this question of all the political parties.
Ah you see
‘They Do The Jobs The British Won’t Do’.
(of course if you’re on out of work benefits there aren’t supposed to be Jobs You Won’t Do)
‘They Do The Jobs The British Won’t Do’.
Who did them before? -(those that aren’t made necessary by mass immigration that is)
The British wanted to do these jobs because they where once worth doing because the wages where much higher than the dole money.
This was because of supply and demand, a labour shortage forces wages up, while on the other hand a plentiful supply of cheap immigrant labour, forces wages down. It is called “The Market”.
At the moment, it seems that only UKIP supporters are intelligent enough to understand this.
There is also a matter of EU law, which allows employers in this country, to use foriegn employment agencies to recruit staff from abroad, on temporary contracts, at a wage which pays the minimum wage of the country that the labour comes from.
This means that a British employer, looking for staff for unskilled work, can employ a team of Bulgarians on 95p per hour each, (the Minimum wage in Bulgaria is 95p per hour) completely legally.
How on earth are our young and unskilled workers supposed to compete with that?
Ah, yes, they do the menial, low-paid ‘jobs the British won’t do’ (copyright Jacqui Smith), send money home to the few relatives who haven’t already joined them, presumably pay their fair share of infrastructure costs and still manage to bring a net financial benefit to the UK.
Wow, what’s that? Its maths ‘Hitchhiker’s Guide to the galaxy’ style, folks.
Only UKIP would give you an intelligent answer.
But if they go onto the minimum wage, readily trained, then they are more competitive than our young people, because employers no longer need to pay the costs of training young people. Also it is far easier to pay immigrants below the minimum wage, without the fear of scrutiny, even by the Trade Unions.
You would have thought the Makers of Family guy / American Dad would have joined this campaign as that seems to be always on normally with the same episode. No loss here it’s mostly rubbish. Wonder what the people who do the crap links / voiceovers and inconsequential info bites will be doing if it gets binned?
If Jack ‘Pavlik Morozov’ Whitehall and friends allowed for a bit more ‘diversity’ of political opinion BBC 3 ( and the BBC in general ) might have a more secure future.
However I suspect this is more ersatz outrage orchestrated by the BBC themselves. Allowing them to keep BBC3 as is while cutting more ‘traditional’ programing, if they can find any.
Sorely missed.
Maybe the latest DG can see his way clear to finding a way to prop it up down the line?
Programming like this clearly fills a need.
And Danny Cohen’s legacy must be preserved, or he’ll be writing to the Graun to moan again.
Why was the story of the BBC closing one channel leaked? The Trust will not want any channel closed as it may reduce the BBC empire (even if no-one watches). By leaking in advance they allow a campaign to form with lots of publicity about all the marvellous programmes that BBC3 produces (sarcasm intended) – although if they really want to close one channel they will be giving lots of support to the Save BBC3 campaign behind closed doors and then end BBC4 which doesn’t do the ‘cool’ programmes so liked by the London Lefties.
They did it with a DAB channel a while back. 6 Music. Stirred up a false “consumer” reaction.
Similarly with Beeboid apartheid radio station, Asian Network which is for the so-called ‘British Asian communities.’
D.G. Thompson scheduled it for closure, but inevitably backtracked three years ago, under pressure from ‘multicultural’ political interest groups.
Maybe they’re throwing it at IPlayer as a ploy to get IPlayer included within the TV licence or chargeable at any rate as a part of the new Charter?
This way, they give something up short-term as a way of keeping it under the umbrella long term?
I hope this isn’t the case, but you just never know.
“Make viewers pay to watch the iPlayer:
BBC boss Tony Hall makes cash grab for popular catch-up service”
Read more:
“How iSpend your licence fee:
Outrage as BBC lavish £2.5million on 4,000 iPhones, 400 iPads and 800 MacBooks for staff in just two years”
Read more:
I am pretty sure that the government are looking at an online media tax to replace the licence fee. They will be much more able to check via internet logs who has been watching media online, than checking if we are watching live TV or not.
Just you wait, the “internet tax” bill will be dropping through a letterbox near you.
Yes the BBC are going to make as big a meal out of the cutz as possible, And with any luck another fake campaign by a handfull of beeboids pretending to be outraged viewers will save these unwatched channels (it worked last time with those minority radio channels). They could start by paying themselves a lot less but that won’t even be on the list. The evil empire must survive and grow at all costs.
Surprised the BBC thread on this is still open, as looking at the top comments, the public are again not playing ball.
Still, the cubicle warriors are kicking in, as the ratings for this one can testify:
799. Martina
Which dodo wrote this totally incorrect headline,which actually says the exact opposite of what it is supposed to say? BBC3 is not “axed as an online channel” but axed as a terrestrial Freeview channel. It will still exist as an online channel in iPlayer.
It is an insult do Dodos, mind.
Maybe there was no room for accuracy again?
Only BBC 1 & 2 to go now – see it as a victory!
Wonder what the people who do the crap links / voiceovers and inconsequential info bites will be doing if it gets binned
Don’t worry about them – plenty of six-figure jobs needing filled in archiving and suchlike.
“Former Newsnight editor Peter Rippon is take on the “significant challenge” of BBC Online Archive editor four months after he was forced to step aside over his role in the Jimmy Savile documentary scandal,.
I don’t remember the EU and the USA getting so bothered about Gibraltar when the Spaniards started their shite last year?
Labour ran Birmingham council to sell off NEC. Council leader in favour of private ownership and management skills, but BBC find a Professor who doubts the virtues of privatisation. Richard Taffler, professor of finance at Warwick Business School, said jobs could be put at risk.
“One can’t trust private sector businesses to see the West Midlands economy as an important goal,” he said.
Last sentence translates as ‘I believe the public sector is one big wonderful job creation scheme with no financial limits’.
“Ukip, democracy and a biased BBC”
Read more:
‘Telegraph’ (£)-
“Ukip must be treated like any major party, Ofcom rules.
Nigel Farage’s party must be given the same coverage as the Tories, Labour and the Liberal Democrats in the run up to the European elections, the regulator says.”
By Hayley Dixon.
Well, I hope the BBC treat UKIP like they treat the Labour Party
Would make a nice change
Beeboids make every day an election broadcast for Labour Party.
For example, in Beeboid reports on PMQs today, they aim to boost Miliband’s political standing by suggesting that his contribution was ‘statesman-‘like’ and set the agenda for PM Cameron on Ukraine; with Beeboids giving the false impression that Cameron was merely responding to national leader Miliband.
Miliband was totally out of his depth, running to catch up.
Everything that he asked or mentioned in his ‘agenda setting’ questions (oh how the BBC repeatedly like to give the impression that Miliband is ahead of the game) had already been done or was under way.
Once again, Miliband was left struggling to climb aboard a bandwagon that was already rolling.
The BBC loved UKIP when it looked like UKIP could have taken 5 – 7% from the tories. The coverage was soft and generally honest.
Then when they got to about 10% the BBC started to get spooked. Now they are much closer to 20% (according to honest polls which prompt for UKIP alongside tory, labour and libdems), and taking a big chunk of that growth from labour… The BBC don’t like UKIP anymore.
Farage is bonkers to let the BBC stage-manage this.
Agreeing to the debates, but insisting on neutral turf, and this would exclude the BBC and its ‘productions’, would have been a brilliant stroke.
Not sure
Clegg is on Farage’s turf and already low in the public’s esteem (unlike the debate prior to the last general election)
There will be huge interest at prime time (unlike the backwaters of Question Time and Any Questions) and the public will be able to comp[are and contrast the treatment of pro-EU and anti-EU advocates – and the reaction of a supposedly represtative audience
I wonder if the ‘representative audience’ will be representative of the UK at large or just the self-appointed denizens of SE England (within the M25)
The audience will be representitive of a Yougov selected audience. Yougov being the polling organisation headed by the husband of Baroness Ashton, high representative of the European Union for foreign affairs.
It will be like an edition of Question Time, but with their audience filtered for only one topic.
It will be overwhelmingly pro EU, with a token sceptic or two in for effect.
The microphone levels will be changed for the cheers for clegg and reduced if Farage gets any cheers, but up full for any rehearsed boos. Dimbleby will be overtly biased, allowing any waffle from Clegg, whilst interrupting Farage constantly, with petty, irrelevent questions to take Farage off on a tangent, thos restricting the time available to answer the actual questions.
Godd predictions
Hold that thought and we can play BBC -Bingo as the programme runs!
The departure of BBC3 from the airwaves to an on-line life is plainly part of the strategy to justify extending the licence fee to those who only watch BBC on their computers (by catch-up etc).
Not that anyone watches the channel.
Does the Beeb give audience figures? If so, I suppose they are like the World Service’s which are plainly a colossal invention.
In truth, BBC3 which eats up £100m a year has to be scrapped to pay for the BBC Staff Pension Scheme’s deficit which has oddly required an extra £100m. p.a. subsidy this very year.
Yeah! One down, seven to go (BBC1, BBC2, BBC4, CBBC, CBeebies, News, Parliament). Parliament channel only costs pocket money but no need to give the BBC false respectability by having their moniker on it.
Apparently according to bbc evening news, there are a lot of comedians who are up in arms about bbc3.
Altogether now…’Awwww’.
U.K has more Shale Gas: ‘bad news,’ suggest biased Beeboids:-
“Shale gas estimate in North West ‘bigger’ than previously thought”
By Matt McGrath.
“The crisis in Ukraine shows the case for shale gas”
By Harry Phibbs
BBC coverage of the shale gas issue will continue to be dictated by their eco-socialist 28gate mates.
How the bBC writes up a story about the smuggling of weapons of war into a country which while is heavily promoted as a victim of the nasty Jew, goes well out of its way in which to murder as many people from the much larger country next door as it can.
Israel halts ‘weapons shipment from Iran’
Nice headline, if I didn’t know better i would have presumed that Israel was importing weapons from Iran. anyway lets read what the bBC’s so called defence experts have to say on the matter:
The bBC writes:
“Israel says it has seized a ship carrying advanced Iranian weapons made in Syria that was heading towards Gaza…They found M-302 surface-to-surface missiles that were flown to Iran before being loaded onto the ship, it added.”
So just what is a 302 surface to surface missile, seeing as the bBC doesn’t tell you:
“M-302 rockets were used against Israel during the 2006 war, fired by Hezbollah against targets in Central Israel. The basic model first appeared during the early 1990s carrying a 170kg warhead over a range of 90-100 km (55-60 miles). It have since evolved into different variants offering strike ranges between 100 to 215 km and warhead weight of 175 – 125 kg.
So a much bigger missile than what the bBC usually refers to as home made rockets than the Islamic terrorists in Gaza use, with a warhead of around 175Kgs with a range of around 60 miles (meaning most of inhabited Israel can be hit) with an extended range. it means a faster and higher trajectory, which I suppose the peaceful Muslims are hoping will allow them to bypass the Iron dome anti missile system..
The bBC writes:
“Israel tightly controls its border with Gaza, restricting what is allowed in for what it says are reasons crucial to its security…Critics say the blockade is tantamount to collective punishment.”
And yet the arse bandits at the bBC just can’t see that what the Jews say is a statement based on fact, this shipment of heavy missiles justifies that, but they still blow the skin flute of allah in which to promote the view that Islamic terrorists can only be victims.
The bBC, the propaganda arm for Islamic terrorists in the UK , the reason why Anti-Semitism is rife and why they are traitors to the British people.
I wonder why the bBC didn’t air this video which for some strange reason the Guardian did:
No comments section tho.
Nothing to do with the BBC but I just watched an excellent doc called The Gatekeepers, featuring interviews with six former heads of Shin Bet.
All a bit surreal. Having discovered that the Hamas dream team were having a meeting Shin wanted to put a one ton bomb through the roof. A heated debate started with some worrying about ‘collateral’. Eventually an ‘Israeli compromise’ was reached and they settled on a quarter-ton bomb. Sadly all the dream team walked, apart from Sheik Yassin who wheeled.
His chair eventually came into collision with a Hellfire missile so all’s well etc.
Sugar tax anyone?
Of course this is another stealth tax which is just going to make life more difficult for the poor of the country. We know that the ignorant fools who we laughingly describe as a ‘government’ will not use any revenue to subsidise healthier foods, but just simply keep it for what ever strange reason they have.
But there’s a problem. It isn’t sugar which is the cause of obesity. Researchers at Boston Uni have found that the real cause is – yes you guessed it ! RACISM !!!!
You just couldn’t make it up.
Sugar Tax. Well as I’ve documented over the past few years BBc Breakfast is at the vanguard trying to rid the world of the evils of fags, fizzy, fat and alcohol. A constant drip drip of articles on these subjects. Oh as I speak Bruce has just mentioned new guidelines of less than the equivalent of 1 can of Coke a day, see what I mean.
So many on this site seem to admire Vlad the Impaler. He runs a gangster state. Perhaps we need to be reminded that the Ukrainians gave up the nuclear arsenal they inherited from the USSR (how I miss this defunct shithole, it did a good job of keeping the Russians penned in so that they could not sully every tourist spot the world over with their coarse, brutal, drunken vulgarity), in return for a guarantee from the USA, EU and Russia of its territorial integrity. More fool them. I hope Israel is taking note.
So what does Vlad do at the first opportunity, co-operated with the other guarantors to ensure that the rights of the Russian speakers are respected. No. Send in the thugs.
Agree in so many ways, but the BBC are so biased that our natural default position is to defend the indefensible….much as the BBC do at our expense 24/7
Putin is nothing if not a Russian patriot who would not be here now, had we backed Yeltsin…flawed as he was, as the Soviets imploded in 1989-92 etc.
Putin is all you say and more-but if he were gay-compliant and persecuted the Christians who were disgusted at the antics of Pussy Riot( and not the talentless, self-serving “band” itself!)…then he could now be ripping the Ukraine apart and the BBC would see it as ” a little local difficulty”…and nothing for the West to bother itself about.
Tell you what JP….when we finally lose the BBC( not just the foreskin that BBC3 is)…then many of us will revert to normal and being fair-years of “psychic and cultural abuse” of us all by the BBC has rather made us victims and grievance hustlers, and surely due for lots of compo.
Cultural Abusers…the BBC…think we need a class action against them…I believe myself to be a victim, have Radio Times incidents highlighted, and am ready to be the first “BBC Survivor”.
Anybody know Phil Shiners Compovan registration no…not Jimmy Saviles though!…that was a Camper van!
So its the BBC’s fault you’re a dick?
Nah, that’s just who you are.
Another rebranded same old?
And it’s not BBC’s fault that you’re one as well.
Such enlightened and informed contributions are always most welcome.
Peace be upon you, oh my brothers.
You will be only the first of ex-BBC3 “comedy writers” to come here to make us smile with your “Brigstocke writes Pramface” riffing Conor.
cBBC require a dom for their dick…give it a polish eh?
I’ve just looked up after sending off an E-mail. Sport relief’s top dog is on. WTF? I think my brain is melting. Gaby saying “On your Barks” is not funny no matter how many times you say it. OFF BUTTON.
Well hello Pod… what do you advise?
Sh*t, Scrap it, Avoid.
Has anybody seen any BBC coverage of this story?
‘It is truly unimaginable that monsters exist and walk among us with the purpose of victimizing our most precious citizens,’ Sheriff Wayne Ivey said at the time of his arrest. I want this message to be absolutely crystal clear: We will use every lawful resource we have in our possession to find and remove you from society if you try to harm a child, no matter where you may be on this planet.’
I want this message (Keighley), to be absolutely (Blackburn), crystal clear, (Rotherham),with the purpose,(Birmingham) of victimizing (Peterborough),our most precious citizens,(Bolton), to use every available,(Nottingham), power, (Bradford) resource, (Derby). to find you (Oxford) and remove you (Rochdale) …
now that is a policeman … my! how we need this guy over here! instead of political correct deniers of reality.
If our Police were even half the calibre of the US Police and esp southern US we would be a lot better off.
Oh dear. Climate Change and Global Warming all within one minute on tonights Archers. The BBC must be getting worried.
Crikey, are they two different things again or was it just a BBC cock-up?
My local evening paper The Express & Star has an excellent columnist named Peter Rhodes. In tonight’s edition he wrote this little gem.
“WHEN someone is charged with an offence, there are rules governing what may and may not be reported. In particular the media avoid any disclosure of the accused’s criminal record, or lack of it, which could prejudice a fair trial. That’s why you won’t hear a broadcaster telling its audience that someone recently charged with an offence is a serial killer or, for that matter, a man of unblemished character. Yet in the case of Moazzam Begg, remanded in custody on terrorism charges, the BBC repeatedly and pointedly reported that Begg “has never previously been charged with an offence.” I cannot recall a single remand hearing when such information was reported. Was it an isolated error in the newsroom or is Auntie Beeb quietly letting us know that she has joined the Moazzam Begg defence team?”
On this morning’s Today.
‘David Miliband is being challenged to make public the report he commissioned on the Falkirk scandal, where Unite were accused of fraudulently recruiting new Labour members then using their votes to elect a Unite-sponsored Parliamentary candidate.’
Oh, silly me, I misheard!
The BBC were reporting that it’s David Cameron who is being challenged to publish a report – but on some kind of rosier picture of immigration.
‘Course, that’s not to say the BBC wouldn’t have run an item on Ed’s Falkirk report – y’ know, if they’d thought it worth reporting. Only they can judge, really, being so impartial an’ all.
BBC Three’s Greatest Hits
This wonderful programming brings to mind the BBC mission statement:
“To enrich people’s lives with programmes and services that inform, educate and entertain.”
As I never watch any catch up TV from any channel on the PC I shan’t be watching any of the output, for a ‘digital’ only BBC.
Again as I stated I while ago with the BBC DVDs why are/will we paying for something we’ve paid for. Certainly won’t miss BBC3 and I assume anything made for BBC3 will eventually migrate onto BBC1 or BBC2. Taken for a ride you have been.
Sir Andrew Green is founder and chairman of MigrationWatch. He picked up on how Newsnight ran a story yesterday and points out in their enthusiasm to undermine Government policy they were fast and loose with the truth.
The BBC’s immigration scare story
‘Between the first quarter of 2004 (the last quarter before the accession) and the first quarter of 2008 (the last quarter before the onset of recession) foreign nationals accounted for 78 per cent of the 1.1 million total rise in employment.’
Where’s that Danny Wotsisname when you need him?
With the BBC still paying themselves even more, not to mention the cost for legal fees defending their actions, and wasted millions on various projects and building works that the licence fee payer will never benefit from, something has to give.
So they will be axing one of their channels – BBC3.
This could be the start of something good. Let’s hope it’s the first of many.
Former BBC producer Mark Mason has this to say about it.
An announcement for Tony Hall: BBC3 was already dead
“…they will be axing one of their channels – BBC3.”
…And nothing of value was lost. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
‘Tough Young Teachers’ has been quite good and has proved what an impossible job they have with today’s self-centred, self-regarding, arrogant, disrespectful, rude, misbehaved and often violent teenagers. Only a minority seem interested in getting an education.
Wonder what Alex Ferguson makes of it….
“BBC presenter Mark Lawson quits Radio 4’s Front Row after 16 years citing ‘personal reasons’… as unit is embroiled in bully row”
By Alasdair Glennie.
Read more:
I remember seeing him on telly some time ago agonizing over whether or not subtitles in films were racist.
I first read this story in the Mail
‘Jealous husband stabbed his Westernised Muslim wife 19 times in the neck after affair… leaving her six-year-old son to find her body and dial 999’
Being one of those that immediately raises curiosity to see just how the BBC covered it. You know the corporation that reckons their a world class media organisation, and wants to compete with local media services until they put them out of business. The organisation that opened offices in Salford, just down the road from where this incident happened.
The last related article is from a year ago. I had to read it several times just to make sure it was the same story. You’ll probably guess what’s going to be missing from it even before you read it.
Farkhanda Younis stabbing: Oldham man on murder charge
Hampstead Harrabin political territory:-
By Raheem Kassam.
‘In a speech due to be delivered in the City of London tomorrow, Walley will insist that millions of pounds should be wiped off the values of companies listed on the stock market, on the basis that “oil, coal and gas reserves cannot be burnt without further destabilising the climate”.
And she’s an MP.
Does she not realise, the stupid cow, that money trees won’t grow without CO2?
Well I have just watched 5 minutes of BBC3 just to see what I will be missing (assuming that the faux ‘save’ campaign isn’t successful.) 5 minutes of a man dressed as a schoolgirl in ‘Jaime, private school girl’ is the biggest load of dross, complete with lots of jokes about a schoolgirl playing with her breasts on Skype whilst a black boy played with his genitals. 5 minutes was enough. Not bias just a waste of my license money. What the justification of putting such rubbish in I player is hard to imagine. Just as an aside, in Tony Hall’s talk to BBC employees on his vision of the future was his explanation that he had watched Glastonbury on his iPhone. How sad, lonely old gray man so keen to watch Glastonbury that he has to watch on his phone. He must be lonely as it is impossible for phone viewing to be anything other than a solitary occupation.
And the cry on today’s news that the Mighty Boosh could only be on BBC3 is just plain wrong. Until tonight BBC3 was alien territory so Boosh must have been on 2 in an earlier time.
‘Mighty Boosh could only be on BBC3 ‘ ?
Utter B/S the commercial lot have come up with ‘this is Jinsy’ ‘Pycho bitches’ ‘Hunderby’ + much more and C4 has commissioned so much comedy that appeals to few but still works like ‘Jam ‘ ! the BBC has just lined up loads of more stuff desperate to be either the new ‘ Two pints’ or ‘open all ‘ they stopped doing edgy when they realized edgy means never having control !!
Last thing the BBC did that was even close to Boosh was ‘Zimbani ‘ and they killed that after the pilot !!
Beeboids: supporters of Al Jazeera-Qatar-Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt today, BUT not supporters of a free press in Britain , where e.g. Beeboids censor ‘Daily Mail.’
While supporting Islamic Al Jazeera, Beeboids show no interest in supporting counter-jihad American writers, Geller and Spencer, who are still banned from entering Britain.
For BBC-NUJ to report?:-
“Police name jihad ‘mastermind’ in China railway massacre as three suspected attackers are arrested”
– See more at:
Abdurehim Kurban … hmmm
old ahem … “Chinese” name?
Funny, the BBC’s report on this seems to be missing a few of the details… A private event at Legoland this weekend, organised by the “Muslim Research and Development Foundation” has been cancelled due to safety reasons. Here’s the BBC version – And now here’s the version from the Daily Mail – Also take a look at the Wikipedia entry for the man behind the event to learn more about his “interesting” views:
This item was reported on the BBC World Service.
WTF does someone in China, Africa, etc. need to know this?
It is a rare example of the BBC World Service telling listeners something about Britain. Normally the BBC sees it as its task to tell people in Britain about the 3rd World as nobody is listening despite their faked audience figures.
The BBC World Service did not report the rapes by Muslim men in Rochdale, Oxford or Peterborough.
In the report about Legoland they said that it was closed because of right wing threats. No mention why the threats were made.
The BBC in the name of Graham Satchell is reporting on the flooding in Somerset.
They are rubbishing the idea of dredging. Their attempt at balance is false if you listen to the questioning.
And dont forget, if you dredge the mud to form the river bank, it prevents kingfishers from nesting there.
So, Somerset, up yours, the wild birds are more important.
Indeed, are there lots of kingfishers there now? We need to know. He didn’t say.
Just turned on the TV a few minutes ago. It’s Ukrainian Republic TV. Oh no it’s not it’s the BBc in Sevastopol. Why do they keep referring to ‘Snipers’ if there were snipers they aren’t doing a very good job if you can see them. I applied to go on the snipers course when I was in the Army. They told me there was no need for a sniper in an armoured Regiment. Oh good now they have a story about St. Stephen of Lawrence. Just another day at the BBc.
With reference to snipers:
so perhaps it’s not the former president Viktor Yanukovich who is to blame but the BBC/EU backed opposition coalition. Hang on … doesn’t that sound familiar to what was going on in … oh yes, I think it was Syria.
Because they have sniper rifles. And maybe they want to be seen as a deterrent to the Ukrainians?
The story about Stephen Lawrence is the announcement of a public inquiry into the original murder investigation.
I see the army gave you the old ‘need for a sniper in an armoured Regiment’ line….when what they really meant was ‘We’d be made to give this moron a loaded weapon’.
Did they have sniper rifles? didn’t look like SVDs to me. Of course I suppose you are a weapons expert as well. Looked like AK74 and derivatives all of which fire intermediate calibre rounds. Sorry to disappoint you I had access to lots of loaded weapons whilst I was on active service I was also in the Regimental shooting team so try not to get to upset Vlad you hippie.
Vlad impales the truth as he goes – he works for the BBC y’ know.
Taken for a ride you have been. Did anyone believe migrants didn’t affect British workers by taking jobs vacancies.
I notice that Newsnight spoke up for BBC3.
‘Friend of the BBC’ Dame Tessa Jowell (Labour) popped in to tell us how the original channel content proposal from then DG Greg Dyke was very poor but as Culture Secretary in the naughties after a quick re-jig she rubber-stamped it anyway – hardly a ringing endorsement. And – dare I say – an insight into Labour’s cosy relationship with their BBC pals.
Of course an eye-catching ‘cut’ is a classic Labour tactic. If the borough is profligate and you don’t want to trim your wastage then threaten to close a library and blame the Tories.
Then the next line of attack is that suddenly Newsnight/BBC worries about ‘the kidz’. …
Contrary to BBC thinking if you revamp The Archers and make it into a One Direction concert you have not really achieved your aim of getting 14 year olds to listen to The Archers.
I’m sticking with my slogan..
Pod… what do you advise?
Sh*t, Scrap it, Avoid.
Undoubtedly the BBC would really wish to shift their income stream from the outmoded tax on TV ownership model towards an internet access poll tax.
Perhaps Tessa had a chat about theirplans with old pal James Purnell while she was in the building last night.
Well if Tessa Jowell has anything to do with tax she will make a cock up of it.
Remember she was the Olympics Minister who didn’t know that there would have to be 17.5% VAT on the construction of the Olympic Venues and Infrastructure.
And the poor poppet seemed not to know a thing about her husband paying off the mortgages c/o Berlusconis brown envelopes of cash at the breakfast bar.
Those Shredddies had clearly been working out-and taking steroids.. and money is mens stuff…so Tessa got off…if only Vicky Pryce had left the driving of horrid smelly cars to HER man…
And of course she was adamant he was innocent but still left him anyway. Why did none of her pals in he media ask ‘ Hey Tessa if you think he’s innocent WTF are you leaving him ?”
Newsnight attracting attention to itself around poorly performing BBC stock that has a less than stellar reputation for dumbing down the old slipway, seems brave.
Especially if the number crunchers are looking at the market and ratings.
Adding new expensive staff as the viewership drops can arrest the slide or accelerate the deeper problems around the faces onscreen.
For some reason I received an Email yesterday from a company trying to flog me ‘burkinis’ and other ‘modest’ school sports wear.
Goodness only knows where they got my Email from or why they think I’ll be interested in their oppressive garments! I expect that since some Muslim run Liebour council has forced schools to accept these bags, then the BBC will soon be taking up this story. This company obviously believes that schools and sports centres should be supplying them free of charge is even worse!
Todays daily service on Radio 4 Long Wave is being led by a Fr Phil Sumner, a name which rang a bell for me, and I’m sure there can’t be that many of them, but this guy fits the BBC bill so well it must be him !
In addition to his duties as chair of the Oldham Race Equality Partnership, a role he has held for 18 months, he is a leading figure in the Inter Faith Forum, working with Christians, Jews, Hindus and Muslims — in fact, every religious calling the borough has to offer — to help make a better Oldham
He chairs a diverse group known as the Community Cohesion Advisory Group, which helps shape the town’s integration plans.
He also warned of the composition of influential groups and bodies in Oldham, claiming there were still too few Asian faces involved in making crunch decisions.
He said: “The Ritchie and Cantle reports said participation and engagement were essential. Unless Asian, Muslim, afro-Caribbean and Hindu communities get to be affected decision-making then we are not responding to the needs of the borough.
“I doubt there will be any Asian faces around the table and that worries me for the future.”
This man is a total Dhimmi. He knows little of Islam, and his idea of ‘cohesion’ (hate that weasel word) is giving Muslims everything they ask for.
Perfect material for the BBC.
Well, how about this for some ‘Interfaith Outreach and Community Cohesion’? Published yesterday by the Law and Freedom Foundation, a massive report about muslim rape gangs in the UK. Incredible:
Does he know the Rev Paul Flowers ?