Oh dear another Labour fiddler uncovered ! not really BBC bias as yet , unless the BBC ignore this story but still run like hell with the Tory ? hmmhttp://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-London/2014/03/05/Labour-Party-Official-Suspended-After-Secretly-Filming-Men-Urinating
Oh no… (yet) another Stephen Lawrence report has just been published. I doubt the BBC will cover much other news today.
To be clear: what happened to Stephen Lawrence was terrible. It is the relentless coverage of the case which annoys me. There have been many other racist crimes in the UK since them, but few that many have ever heard of. Kriss Donald, anyone? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Kriss_Donald
How do you know the crime was racist? There’s only Duwayne Brooks account of what happened, and he’s hardly what can be described as a reliable witness, not being trusted by either the Lawrence family or the Police.
His testimony has never been examined under oath, and for all we know it might have been him who stabbed Stephen Lawrence or a drug deal which went wrong, or someone owed money to, or maybe something which the pair of them started not expecting it to end that way.
The real fact is that we just don’t know and it’s unlikely that we ever shall, the way the fascist left have jumped onto the ‘racism’ bandwagon over it though is sickeningly predictable.
Agreed, on all counts; in fact I have yet to be convinced Brooks wasn’t to blame, all the evidence fits just as much if not more than the ‘accepted’ “facts”.
Caught a piece on this mornings Toady programme about the barbarity of kosher & halal slaughter practices….given the far larger UK Muslim population (2.7 million is it, versus Jewish population of approx. 290,000 ?), you’d think the searching questions would be better put to the larger of those two groups, wouldn’t you ? You’d be wrong…..
Well given nearly all UK halal meat IS stunned but absolutely no kosher meat is there’s probably more unpleasant animal slaughter caused by Judaism rather than Islam in the UK.
Panto Dame N Campbell, is all ears and “very interested”, in listening to some bod from the
muslim excuse organisation and his “fascinating insights” into a religious, “rights” issue? ….
hmm why? (not asked)
I m sorry, forgive me … are we still talking about inhumane treatment pain and suffering in animals. … hello
As on we go to Adnan … who states quite openly that Muslims “will just, have to find a way around” any further legislation? ….
hmm why? (not asked)
So on we go to …. Nizar s viewpoint on how slaughter will HAVE … to conform to Islamic, ie Sharia Law ……………..
hmm why? (not asked)
sheesh! … on goes Panto bleating “the Quran IS … the unmediated word of god” ? waffling
on, the importance of ,”The sayings of THE prophet” … “such lovely stories” we want to hear more etc.
A farmer gets on, states why Panto s advocating pandering to an Ideology, not native to this country, whilst ordinary farmers would be fined or even jailed.
whoops stern multikulti PC rebuke .. and our farmer disappears into the ether
42 mins in, that’s it …. off switch
‘Looking forward, some of the abattoir owners suggested that
one alternative might be ‘post stick stunning’ as a way of
bridging the gap between Halal requirements and animal
welfare concerns. This means stunning animals immediately
after their throat is cut in order to reduce any perceived
Well sheeps, the adherents of Judaism, as you say may eat Kosher, but they sure as hell dont force them into the rest of us, as Muslims do.
Muslims hate our ways, detest the kuffar, so why dont they stay in their desert sandpits and be happy ever after?
Oh no, they want to come to countries into which they wont assimilate, and become permanent victims.
Why the fuck our politicians are unable to engage with this simple thought process never ceases to amaze me.
Yes there was a discussion this morning on 5Live where someone said that the Animal immediately goes unconscious when its throat is slit and 9% of animals stunned are apparently done incorrectly therefore less humane.
Other person who the presenter said was a vet came back with the easy retort that there is still blood in the head and that the brain can operate without oxygen from 9 to 20 seconds depending on the animal. Also he said that a small artery not in the same position in the neck would still supply some blood.
Mr Ignorant then said that who would know whether an animal would feel anything (after a few seconds ago saying it would immediately go unconscious if knifed) and the vet wouldn’t be able to tell.
The interviewer then realising that Mr Ignorant had blown his own argument out of the water rapidly cut the discussion short.
I heard the same BS. I’ve seen some appalling videos from the ME, with children stabbing cows in the eyes while the adults stand around laughing before they cut its throat, or the butcher himself slitting the hamstrings of the animal so it can’t get away.
Do I even need to detail how rubbish this is? Any comment that begins with ‘wah wah wah’ is immediately discredited as being emotionally blinkered and intellectually dishonest. Criticism and complaining are not the same thing. But then he actually has the balls (or the stupidity, whatever) to link to a NEW STATESMAN article as ‘proof’ that the BBC is not biased. This is the same New Statesman that is openly far-left leaning. Unbelievable.
The news at lunchtime reported that the Crimean Parliament has voted to become part of Russia and will hold a referendum in 10 days time. The Eu spokesperson has said that the referendum would require to be of the whole of the Ukraine and not just the Crimea as this would be in violation of international law.
Does this mean that the Scottish referendum is required to be across the whole of the UK?
OT, unless the BBC’s prop…er… reporting is shown to be ‘selective’ and then vanish, as with snipers, 3am naval bombardments, etc.
Maybe both ‘sides’ can simply move boundaries and insist on ever more referendums until ‘they’ get the result ‘they’ all like?
But that can often raises questions on which ‘they’ likes what.
Or lead to madness. How about a nice game of chess instead?
I happened to see an article on bbc scotland news today talking about school meals, cue the camera view of a primary school where the children were all eating their meal with disposable plastic gloves on..
wtf is all that about?
Some shades of gray about Ukraine that you won’t get from the BBC. It is remarkable what a hair cut will do!
Yesterday, on PM, Lord Williams caught the BBC out on what it doesn’t report when he was asked about the term ‘Contact Group’. He said that the BBC had omitted to say that the current diplomatic talks were being carried out by a Contact Group on Lebanon! [12:25]
As an aside before I begin I note they are using the cropped picture of Stephen lawrence. So binned BBc 3 will make space for BBc 1 +1. Perhaps I don’t get the concept of +1. So basically as I understand it you watch a program you missed an hour later. My question is why would you and how many people use this feature. In the unlikely event that anything I couldn’t possibly miss is shown on BBc1 and I was going to miss it wouldn’t I just set my underused PVR or if I ever used the I player watch it on the I player. Alternatively I could wait a couple of days before it was repeated again. So in summary I could watch things that I probably won’t watch an hour later but not watch anyway. Sorted.
And a bumper crop in other news… http://tradingaswdr.blogspot.co.uk/2014/03/style-over-content.html ‘Of course, the BBC Trust could reject the saving, and that’s where the Twitter campaign will go.’
Of course. Stuart Hughes, start up your ‘it’s not campaigning, it’s reporting to make people protest’ engines. ‘the death knell… for not “reaching its target audience effectively’
Kalm down Katz, that doesn’t have to apply to you. ‘I’m not sure if the Teen Tsar had his salary reduced at this stage’
Probably FoI excluded if one wanted to find out.
But of course this is the BBC, where from pensions to promotions, what goes up can also only go upper.
It’s the unique fiscal thing they do. http://tradingaswdr.blogspot.co.uk/2014/03/re-calc.html ‘It’s all getting a bit casual with figures’
At the BBC? Shocked I tells ya. Shocked!
Luckily, we’re only talking the odd millions.
Just when I thought it might be safe to look at the news the Stephen Lawrence case has made a comeback. I didn’t think there was anything else they could possibly squeeze out of the story, but here we are, 20 years later and it’s got top billing on the Beeb. It seems it’s more important than the Ukraine crisis and even the high profile the Pistorius trial has been demoted. As for the murder trial involving a black man suspected of being involved in the near decapitation of PC Blakelock the dear old Beeb has remained silent. Why?
In years to come when Blakelock and Rigby are faded memories Stephen Lawrence will still be mourned and tearful family members will be invited on the telly to chat about him. It’s the perfect way to remind us that the white working class are violent, racist murderers and the police aren’t much better. And the widows of Blakelock and Rigby will be forgotten.
‘The Eu spokesperson has said that the referendum would require to be of the whole of the Ukraine and not just the Crimea as this would be in violation of international law.’
EU spokesperson commenting, nay lecturing on the desirability of referenda? Total irony completely lost on the eurocrats and the BBC.
A little bit of praise for something I found today on bbc news website called ‘The far flung British Islands of the South Atlantic’ by photographer Jon Tonks.
Went to the cinema last night and watched ’12 Years A Slave’. I just couldn’t comprehend the horror, cruelty and exploitation that a man could inflict on a fellow man. Fucking nine quid for popcorn and a coke!
Question Time is, for once, getting interesting. Some White English people are actually speaking out about immigration. Of course they are being shouted down by the immigrants and their supporters. But at least some are speaking out – for once.
I had to laugh when the appalling, pathetic Rachel Reeves, essentially said (in response to Labour being held to account for opening the floodgates), ‘I’ve only been an MP since 2010’ (so don’t blame me!).
Actually a couple of Labour airheads used exactly the same defence (on the economy this time) a few months back, when being grilled by Brillo.
Question Time – another diversity-fest.
Fortunately the hard-right were represented by Lord Heseltine – and Amanda Platell, who addressed the question raised by ‘…a beautiful young black man, as Stephen Lawrence was…’. I thought she was going to leap into the audience and shag him on the spot.
One audience member actually left mid programme, but that was ok because his perceptions of the situation (re: immigration) in his local area were wrong according to David Aaronovitch.
Its interesting that even so called right of center panelists are now immigrants, thus shutting down debate even more. Platell and the Mail are a curates egg, they love to raise anti immigration based stories, yet are very selective in the comments they allow on line, which are often skewed against the story.
Rosemarie Holdcroft @raholdcroft Mar 5
I’ve just bought @NickyAACampbell book for my tablet after hearing about it on @bbc5live this morning! Looking forward to reading it!
Nicky Campbell @NickyAACampbell Mar 5
@raholdcroft @bbc5live jolly good! let me know
They may as well drop the pretence and openly take advertising
‘I trained in all aspects of dance and drama at Pattison’s Dancing Academy and College in Coventry and I think my family often thought I would end up with a career on the stage.
I did get the chance to appear in Andrew Lloyd Webber’s production of Joseph and His Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat with a rather naughty donkey…..’
I’m sure Brummies are eagerly awaiting our Sara’s insights at that familiar moment after the BBC Weather Forcast when the news anchor muses ‘ Well Sara, do you think this weather we’ve been having is all caused by Climate Change?’
She can’t help her name tbh and seems sound enough in the Q & A section (must be the only BBC face who wouldn’t instantly bark out “Nelson Mandela !” on the “Favourite Historical Figure” question).
Worried that she’s outed herself as anti-wasp, though. Too much casual hating on our little black ‘n’ yellow (‘Or, barry sable’ if you prefer) allies going on these days. Up with wopses and down with Auntie ! Wopses forevah !
Ms Blizzard has been reading the NorthWest weather occasionally for the last few months and I had hoped she would replace the Nigerian who can’t say words like ‘clouds’ or ‘snow’. But of course racist box-ticking is more important than competence and it seems we are stuck with Eno Eruotor, whose qualifications as a weather-girl are that she was one of the first designers to produce concessions for Topshop nationwide and she also showed collections at London Fashion Week! http://www.bbc.co.uk/northwesttonight/content/articles/2008/11/05/eno_eruotor_feature.shtml
i can’t quite understand the furore over the police ‘spying’ on the Lawrence family during the murder investigation – aren’t the police under obligation to investigate every avenue especially as in most cases the victim is killed by someone that they know?
From memory, there was talk of extreme groups trying to use the murder for their own ends, although I believe the Lawrence family severed connections with these groups at some stage.
Agree with your point though. When does investigation become “spying” or “smearing”?
But then this is the Lawrence case, so the country’s entire GDP has to be allocated to keeping Doreen happy.
It’s just the same with another of the bBBC’s pet subjects, ‘Hillsborough’. Any investigation is now labelled ‘spying’ and the bBBC keep using the NorthWest ‘news’ as a front for the whingeing Scousers’ propaganda. Hillsborough ‘spy’ claims: Two more families complain to IPCC
More alarmist screaming this morning with the fright of malaria spreading because of climate change.
The study is based on infomation from highlands of Africa and South America and
“We have estimated that, based on the distribution of malaria with altitude, a 1C rise in temperature could lead to an additional three million cases in under-15-year-olds per year,” said Prof Pascual.
In other words this is hypothetical scenario but nowhere in the bbc report did they say so – no they report it as a given fact.
I wonder how the researchers feel about the FACT that malaria was endemic in many parts of Europe up until the beginning of the 20th century. Malaria is not in the more hospitable area of the planet because the use of powerful insectisides wiped out the mosquittoes that spread the disease.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Oh dear another Labour fiddler uncovered ! not really BBC bias as yet , unless the BBC ignore this story but still run like hell with the Tory ? hmmhttp://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-London/2014/03/05/Labour-Party-Official-Suspended-After-Secretly-Filming-Men-Urinating
Oh no… (yet) another Stephen Lawrence report has just been published. I doubt the BBC will cover much other news today.
To be clear: what happened to Stephen Lawrence was terrible. It is the relentless coverage of the case which annoys me. There have been many other racist crimes in the UK since them, but few that many have ever heard of. Kriss Donald, anyone? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Kriss_Donald
How do you know the crime was racist? There’s only Duwayne Brooks account of what happened, and he’s hardly what can be described as a reliable witness, not being trusted by either the Lawrence family or the Police.
His testimony has never been examined under oath, and for all we know it might have been him who stabbed Stephen Lawrence or a drug deal which went wrong, or someone owed money to, or maybe something which the pair of them started not expecting it to end that way.
The real fact is that we just don’t know and it’s unlikely that we ever shall, the way the fascist left have jumped onto the ‘racism’ bandwagon over it though is sickeningly predictable.
Agreed, on all counts; in fact I have yet to be convinced Brooks wasn’t to blame, all the evidence fits just as much if not more than the ‘accepted’ “facts”.
Caught a piece on this mornings Toady programme about the barbarity of kosher & halal slaughter practices….given the far larger UK Muslim population (2.7 million is it, versus Jewish population of approx. 290,000 ?), you’d think the searching questions would be better put to the larger of those two groups, wouldn’t you ? You’d be wrong…..
Well given nearly all UK halal meat IS stunned but absolutely no kosher meat is there’s probably more unpleasant animal slaughter caused by Judaism rather than Islam in the UK.
Panto Dame N Campbell, is all ears and “very interested”, in listening to some bod from the
muslim excuse organisation and his “fascinating insights” into a religious, “rights” issue? ….
hmm why? (not asked)
I m sorry, forgive me … are we still talking about inhumane treatment pain and suffering in animals. … hello
As on we go to Adnan … who states quite openly that Muslims “will just, have to find a way around” any further legislation? ….
hmm why? (not asked)
So on we go to …. Nizar s viewpoint on how slaughter will HAVE … to conform to Islamic, ie Sharia Law ……………..
hmm why? (not asked)
sheesh! … on goes Panto bleating “the Quran IS … the unmediated word of god” ? waffling
on, the importance of ,”The sayings of THE prophet” … “such lovely stories” we want to hear more etc.
A farmer gets on, states why Panto s advocating pandering to an Ideology, not native to this country, whilst ordinary farmers would be fined or even jailed.
whoops stern multikulti PC rebuke .. and our farmer disappears into the ether
42 mins in, that’s it …. off switch
the link is there ….
Where there is evidence for the above statement please ?
Oops….where IS there evidence, I mean ?
Knock yourself out.
Click to access p_cp_eblex_halal_meat_final_111110.pdf
‘Looking forward, some of the abattoir owners suggested that
one alternative might be ‘post stick stunning’ as a way of
bridging the gap between Halal requirements and animal
welfare concerns. This means stunning animals immediately
after their throat is cut in order to reduce any perceived
Yes, that sorts it.
look! …the link is there …. listen to it
and there is more, but the point is made clear enough.
ps – a little more for your listening pleasure
Yes, I am sure 100% of halal pork is from stunned animals.
Well sheeps, the adherents of Judaism, as you say may eat Kosher, but they sure as hell dont force them into the rest of us, as Muslims do.
Muslims hate our ways, detest the kuffar, so why dont they stay in their desert sandpits and be happy ever after?
Oh no, they want to come to countries into which they wont assimilate, and become permanent victims.
Why the fuck our politicians are unable to engage with this simple thought process never ceases to amaze me.
Yes there was a discussion this morning on 5Live where someone said that the Animal immediately goes unconscious when its throat is slit and 9% of animals stunned are apparently done incorrectly therefore less humane.
Other person who the presenter said was a vet came back with the easy retort that there is still blood in the head and that the brain can operate without oxygen from 9 to 20 seconds depending on the animal. Also he said that a small artery not in the same position in the neck would still supply some blood.
Mr Ignorant then said that who would know whether an animal would feel anything (after a few seconds ago saying it would immediately go unconscious if knifed) and the vet wouldn’t be able to tell.
The interviewer then realising that Mr Ignorant had blown his own argument out of the water rapidly cut the discussion short.
I heard the same BS. I’ve seen some appalling videos from the ME, with children stabbing cows in the eyes while the adults stand around laughing before they cut its throat, or the butcher himself slitting the hamstrings of the animal so it can’t get away.
One of the most unintentionally hilarious comments I’ve ever read on the BBC website, for the article on the Farage/Clegg debate:
521. DeadMike
5th March 2014 – 16:10
Wah wah wah..BBC is baised toward the left wing etc etc
Is it? Really? Let’s look at the facts.
Do I even need to detail how rubbish this is? Any comment that begins with ‘wah wah wah’ is immediately discredited as being emotionally blinkered and intellectually dishonest. Criticism and complaining are not the same thing. But then he actually has the balls (or the stupidity, whatever) to link to a NEW STATESMAN article as ‘proof’ that the BBC is not biased. This is the same New Statesman that is openly far-left leaning. Unbelievable.
The news at lunchtime reported that the Crimean Parliament has voted to become part of Russia and will hold a referendum in 10 days time. The Eu spokesperson has said that the referendum would require to be of the whole of the Ukraine and not just the Crimea as this would be in violation of international law.
Does this mean that the Scottish referendum is required to be across the whole of the UK?
OT, unless the BBC’s prop…er… reporting is shown to be ‘selective’ and then vanish, as with snipers, 3am naval bombardments, etc.
Maybe both ‘sides’ can simply move boundaries and insist on ever more referendums until ‘they’ get the result ‘they’ all like?
But that can often raises questions on which ‘they’ likes what.
Or lead to madness. How about a nice game of chess instead?
Is this site being blocked? I couldn’t access it for a while in the normal way, but had no problem if I went via hidemyass.
I happened to see an article on bbc scotland news today talking about school meals, cue the camera view of a primary school where the children were all eating their meal with disposable plastic gloves on..
wtf is all that about?
Some shades of gray about Ukraine that you won’t get from the BBC. It is remarkable what a hair cut will do!
Yesterday, on PM, Lord Williams caught the BBC out on what it doesn’t report when he was asked about the term ‘Contact Group’. He said that the BBC had omitted to say that the current diplomatic talks were being carried out by a Contact Group on Lebanon! [12:25]
‘Some shades of gray about Ukraine that you won’t get from the BBC.’
And some you will…
Our Man in Kiev clearly in the frame.
As an aside before I begin I note they are using the cropped picture of Stephen lawrence. So binned BBc 3 will make space for BBc 1 +1. Perhaps I don’t get the concept of +1. So basically as I understand it you watch a program you missed an hour later. My question is why would you and how many people use this feature. In the unlikely event that anything I couldn’t possibly miss is shown on BBc1 and I was going to miss it wouldn’t I just set my underused PVR or if I ever used the I player watch it on the I player. Alternatively I could wait a couple of days before it was repeated again. So in summary I could watch things that I probably won’t watch an hour later but not watch anyway. Sorted.
Don’t get it either, in my mind its a hour behind so surely itshould be BBC1 -1?
And a bumper crop in other news…
‘Of course, the BBC Trust could reject the saving, and that’s where the Twitter campaign will go.’
Of course. Stuart Hughes, start up your ‘it’s not campaigning, it’s reporting to make people protest’ engines.
‘the death knell… for not “reaching its target audience effectively’
Kalm down Katz, that doesn’t have to apply to you.
‘I’m not sure if the Teen Tsar had his salary reduced at this stage’
Probably FoI excluded if one wanted to find out.
But of course this is the BBC, where from pensions to promotions, what goes up can also only go upper.
It’s the unique fiscal thing they do.
‘It’s all getting a bit casual with figures’
At the BBC? Shocked I tells ya. Shocked!
Luckily, we’re only talking the odd millions.
Just when I thought it might be safe to look at the news the Stephen Lawrence case has made a comeback. I didn’t think there was anything else they could possibly squeeze out of the story, but here we are, 20 years later and it’s got top billing on the Beeb. It seems it’s more important than the Ukraine crisis and even the high profile the Pistorius trial has been demoted. As for the murder trial involving a black man suspected of being involved in the near decapitation of PC Blakelock the dear old Beeb has remained silent. Why?
In years to come when Blakelock and Rigby are faded memories Stephen Lawrence will still be mourned and tearful family members will be invited on the telly to chat about him. It’s the perfect way to remind us that the white working class are violent, racist murderers and the police aren’t much better. And the widows of Blakelock and Rigby will be forgotten.
‘The Eu spokesperson has said that the referendum would require to be of the whole of the Ukraine and not just the Crimea as this would be in violation of international law.’
EU spokesperson commenting, nay lecturing on the desirability of referenda? Total irony completely lost on the eurocrats and the BBC.
As mentioned previously – does this mean the Scottish referendum is in violation of international law as it is not the whole of the UK?
A little bit of praise for something I found today on bbc news website called ‘The far flung British Islands of the South Atlantic’ by photographer Jon Tonks.
Went to the cinema last night and watched ’12 Years A Slave’. I just couldn’t comprehend the horror, cruelty and exploitation that a man could inflict on a fellow man. Fucking nine quid for popcorn and a coke!
Here’s a side of slavery you’ll never see made into a Hollywood screenplay…
Slaves had to pay £9 for their popcorn and coke?
Wow!…..Obviously the BBC aren’t in the slightest bit interested though…..Shock, horror…
Click to access Easy-Meat-Multiculturalism-Islam-and-Child-Sex-Slavery-05-03-2014.pdf
Have you read the whole thing? It is simply staggering…everyone on here should read it as a matter of urgency.
Question Time is, for once, getting interesting. Some White English people are actually speaking out about immigration. Of course they are being shouted down by the immigrants and their supporters. But at least some are speaking out – for once.
I had to laugh when the appalling, pathetic Rachel Reeves, essentially said (in response to Labour being held to account for opening the floodgates), ‘I’ve only been an MP since 2010’ (so don’t blame me!).
Actually a couple of Labour airheads used exactly the same defence (on the economy this time) a few months back, when being grilled by Brillo.
Whatever happened to collective responsibility?
Utterly pathetic and disreputable
BBC try to re-open old front… one of the old chestnuts that the Warmists like to return to on a regular basis is the supposed spread of malaria due to man-made Global Warming – see http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-26470755. For instance, it was promoted in Al Gore’s sci-fi movie An Inconvenient Truth. It is based on the notion that malaria is a tropical disease and that as the world warms (sic) then the tropical regions will spread. Problem is, it’s a misconception, as malaria isn’t actually a tropical disease at all. The parasites and mosquitoes that carry them are found throughout the world, from the equator to the north pole. For instance, there were malaria outbreaks in the UK as recently as 100 years ago (see http://malaria.wellcome.ac.uk/doc_WTD023991.html) and the largest recorded epidemics in recent history were in Siberia, not exactly known for its tropical climate (see http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=hSUfzyxZRuwC&pg=PA244&lpg=PA244&dq=malaria+outbreak+in+siberia&source=bl&ots=vjklEqCAce&sig=GfAG-WDuVK7qprDfRUj-pUwdytU&hl=en&sa=X&ei=IGsZU76KEYKS7Aa-kYHADA&ved=0CDoQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=malaria%20outbreak%20in%20siberia&f=false). Still, expect this one to run and run as research grants are at stake…
As if this is of interest in a world which isn’t warming, and hasn’t done so for seventeen and a half years…
…and had they not banned the use of DDT, malaria would be far less of a problem now, anyway.
But there is an agenda to be thrust in our faces, at every opportunitty, and the BBC wastes no time in thrusting it.
Question Time – another diversity-fest.
Fortunately the hard-right were represented by Lord Heseltine – and Amanda Platell, who addressed the question raised by ‘…a beautiful young black man, as Stephen Lawrence was…’. I thought she was going to leap into the audience and shag him on the spot.
One audience member actually left mid programme, but that was ok because his perceptions of the situation (re: immigration) in his local area were wrong according to David Aaronovitch.
Its interesting that even so called right of center panelists are now immigrants, thus shutting down debate even more. Platell and the Mail are a curates egg, they love to raise anti immigration based stories, yet are very selective in the comments they allow on line, which are often skewed against the story.
Aaronovitch was an arrogant ass last night,
carefully Al BBC screened that gentleman, could raise the point, but not quite quick enough to tie those shills in the panel up
in a knot
Aaraonovitch complete sell out …
yet another contemptible Government traitor
S Hughes? … yep! that s this one
Rosemarie Holdcroft @raholdcroft Mar 5
I’ve just bought @NickyAACampbell book for my tablet after hearing about it on @bbc5live this morning! Looking forward to reading it!
Nicky Campbell @NickyAACampbell Mar 5
@raholdcroft @bbc5live jolly good! let me know
They may as well drop the pretence and openly take advertising
You REALLY couldn’t make it up
BBC East Midlands Today have signed up a weather girl named… wait for it…. Sara Blizzard
‘I trained in all aspects of dance and drama at Pattison’s Dancing Academy and College in Coventry and I think my family often thought I would end up with a career on the stage.
I did get the chance to appear in Andrew Lloyd Webber’s production of Joseph and His Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat with a rather naughty donkey…..’
I’m sure Brummies are eagerly awaiting our Sara’s insights at that familiar moment after the BBC Weather Forcast when the news anchor muses ‘ Well Sara, do you think this weather we’ve been having is all caused by Climate Change?’
She can’t help her name tbh and seems sound enough in the Q & A section (must be the only BBC face who wouldn’t instantly bark out “Nelson Mandela !” on the “Favourite Historical Figure” question).
Worried that she’s outed herself as anti-wasp, though. Too much casual hating on our little black ‘n’ yellow (‘Or, barry sable’ if you prefer) allies going on these days. Up with wopses and down with Auntie ! Wopses forevah !
Ms Blizzard has been reading the NorthWest weather occasionally for the last few months and I had hoped she would replace the Nigerian who can’t say words like ‘clouds’ or ‘snow’. But of course racist box-ticking is more important than competence and it seems we are stuck with Eno Eruotor, whose qualifications as a weather-girl are that she was one of the first designers to produce concessions for Topshop nationwide and she also showed collections at London Fashion Week!
i can’t quite understand the furore over the police ‘spying’ on the Lawrence family during the murder investigation – aren’t the police under obligation to investigate every avenue especially as in most cases the victim is killed by someone that they know?
From memory, there was talk of extreme groups trying to use the murder for their own ends, although I believe the Lawrence family severed connections with these groups at some stage.
Agree with your point though. When does investigation become “spying” or “smearing”?
But then this is the Lawrence case, so the country’s entire GDP has to be allocated to keeping Doreen happy.
Did anyone notice the banner they were holding had Lawrence spelled wrong as ‘Lawrance’
And its not even an alternative spelling, like Laurence.
Says he, missing out the apostrophe.
It’s just the same with another of the bBBC’s pet subjects, ‘Hillsborough’. Any investigation is now labelled ‘spying’ and the bBBC keep using the NorthWest ‘news’ as a front for the whingeing Scousers’ propaganda.
Hillsborough ‘spy’ claims: Two more families complain to IPCC
More alarmist screaming this morning with the fright of malaria spreading because of climate change.
The study is based on infomation from highlands of Africa and South America and
“We have estimated that, based on the distribution of malaria with altitude, a 1C rise in temperature could lead to an additional three million cases in under-15-year-olds per year,” said Prof Pascual.
In other words this is hypothetical scenario but nowhere in the bbc report did they say so – no they report it as a given fact.
I wonder how the researchers feel about the FACT that malaria was endemic in many parts of Europe up until the beginning of the 20th century. Malaria is not in the more hospitable area of the planet because the use of powerful insectisides wiped out the mosquittoes that spread the disease.
For more info see –
bbc report on line is at
radio 4 morning news does not make it clear that this is a theory of malaria spreading.