“Silence from the BBC over claims R4 star bullied staff: Petition signed by 15 employees accused Mark Lawson of ‘appalling behaviour.’
“Front Row host, 51, has stepped down from his Radio 4 programme.
£Petition accused him of ‘browbeating junior staff’ and ‘appalling behaviour.’
“He can not be fired by the BBC as he works as a self-employed freelancer.
“New series Mark Lawson Talks To… will go ahead as scheduled.”
Is this anything we care about? I have no doubt staff relations at the BBC are not very happy. It is that sort of organisation. Vast pay at the top and everyone else just getting by.
I had heard Mark lawson was, how to put this gently?, very much the alpha male in the Front Row office. But I remember his interview with another ‘very alpha male’ – Russell Crowe – which ended badly for him. A lesson: never put two entertainment/arts alpha males in the same room alone. Unless you want fireworks.
My old Judo teacher (ah’m tha’ ‘ard) was one win away from a bronze medal at the Olympics at heavyweight.
A perfect gent in all his dealings with everyone.
I could not begin to describe the contempt I have, therefore, for soft fat middle-aged men on stents who strut around offices playing at ‘tough’. Ed Balls, Mark Lawson, Tom Watson, Bob Crowe looking at you. Andrew Mitchell for that matter.
Pathetic individuals.
Poor old Barry. He has really thrown his toys out of the pram this time. Cancelling visas, confiscating other peoples cash. He has even sent some planes to Poland. He really knows how to lay it on thick doesn’t he?
Just a little aside. Did you know that the Ukraine is about to become very rich from fracking for oil & gas? So if the East of Ukraine and the Crimea goes its own way and becomes part of Russia again Barry and the EU will miss out. No connection at all with Barry’s tantrum of course, no, no, no, not at all.
No it’s all about sovereignty, and rule of law, and respecting other countries, and democracy and…. I WANT YOUR OIL.
They, the EU and the US have engineered this coup and it’s backfiring.
The most telling picture of all to me was Herman Van Rumpuy, the unelected President of the European Union with José Manuel Durão Barroso, the unelected President of the European Commission, and Arseniy Yatsenyuk the new unelected Prime Minister of the Ukraine. They were very happy and smiling as they were pictured together in Brussels yesterday. Oh, and I nearly forgot Baroness Ashton was there to, the unelected Head of Foreign affairs for Europe. And how many unelected Prime Ministers have appointed by Brussels in Europe over the last couple of years?
Anyone else think there might be a pattern emerging. What do you think will happen here if we vote to leave the EU in 2017 or UKIP get a lot of parliamentary seats next year?
The BBC asks today on its web site “are you in the affected region, email us and have you say”?
I think we just might be in the affected region sooner than we think.
Fotunately Russia is strong enough to give two fingers to the EU. Also it is nation still and proud to be so.
If we look like rejecting the EU at the election and that is fervently to be hoped we will have to be re-educated and made to think again.
I have always said it. We leave the EU collapses. It just will and that is why Cameron and all the rest cannot be trusted to give us a vote.
Our only hope is a resouding UKIP victory in May. They prattle on about democracy these liberals . When it suits them. They will not be so keen after the EU election.
Anybody read the latest from Venezuela via the bBC: Venezuela expels Panama ambassador over ‘conspiracy’
Now unlike a lot of people here I have lived in Central America and understand a little more on the subject than most people. The above bBC article is a disgrace, for example when I first read this, i presumed incorrectly that V had called a meeting of OAS after booting out a number of Panamanian diplomat’s : “Venezuela has expelled Panama’s ambassador and three other diplomats amid growing tensions over opposition protests. It comes a day after Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro broke diplomatic relations and froze economic ties with Panama. Mr Maduro has accused Panama of conspiring to bring down his government. The latest fallout comes after the Central American nation requested a meeting at the Organization of American States (OAS) to discuss Venezuela’s crisis. “
Then I read this from the Not so world renowned Denver post:There have been protests in Venezuela for a little over a month.
Demonstrations are taking place across the country, with protesters angry over inflation, crime, and other issues in the post-Chavez era.
Here is what has been happening lately:
The UN wants answers from Venezuelan government
Six experts with the U.N.’s top human rights body wrote to the administration of President Nicolas Maduro about allegations of protesters being beaten and in some cases severely tortured by security forces, and taken to military facilities, cut off from communication and denied legal help, U.N. officials said.“The recent violence amid protests in Venezuela need to be urgently and thoroughly investigated, and perpetrators must be held accountable,” the experts said in a joint statement.
President Maduro went on CNN
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro blamed the month-old unrest shaking his country on a “minority” that has left the opposition in a difficult situation.
“Those who have started the violence are in the minority,” Maduro said.”It’s a tiny group belonging to the opposition and they have put the rest of the opposition in a dire situation.”
Maduro also renewed his call for establishing a new level of relations with the United States after years of frosty relations. CNN released only excerpts of the interview hosted by Christiane Amanpour, which it said would air in full Friday.
Venezuela severs ties with Panama, expels ambassador
The Venezuelan government ordered Panama’s ambassador Pedro Pereira, charge d’affaires Jaime Serrano and two other embassy officials to leave the country within 48 hours, a Panamanian official said Thursday, a day after Caracas broke ties with Panama City.
“We received a note from the foreign ministry of Venezuela that was delivered to our embassy in which it declared four diplomats working in our embassy as ‘persona non grata,’” Panama’s Deputy Foreign Minister Mayra Arosemena told reporters.
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro announced Wednesday he was breaking diplomatic ties with Panama after the country called a meeting of North and Latin American nations over weeks of sometimes violent protests in Caracas. Maduro also said he was freezing all trade and economic ties with the Central American nation.
Want to know more? Here’s a look at what’s already taken place.
The end of Carnival was marked with more protests. The government had been pushing for citizens to enjoy the holiday, in hopes it would diminish tension. (March 4, 2014)
An opposition leader turned himself in, with hopes it would spur the protests on. Things got heated after Leopoldo Lopez’s jailing, and a beauty queen was killed. (Feb 18, 2014)
There was a meeting with the UN and Venezuelan Foreign Minister Elias Jaua met with U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and defended the government’s actions before the U.N. Human Rights Council. Jaua said only three of those killed were due to illegal acts by the police. (March 3, 2014)
The basics
Who: Many of the protesters were originally students, but middle-class Venezuelans have also joined up.
Where: Protests have been happening all over Venezuela, with much of it focused on Caracas.
The origins: While the anger has been around awhile, a early February incident at University of the Andes in San Cristobal where students protested after a recent assault on campus may have been the spark. Local authorities responded to the protest, and furor was ignited at the harsh response.
Why: Food shortages, rising crime, and incredible inflation have made things rough for the country.
The players: President Nicolas Maduro, who was close to Hugo Chavez; Leopoldo López, a mayor and opposition leader; Maria Corina Machado, an opposition parliament member
For information the UK left charmers have set up a Solidarity Campaign in support of the oppressed regime in Venezuela. Yes. It is Kate Hudson, CND, and our freedom loving Trades unions like Unite. See the list, pick out the BBC favourites who will be there to put the case for socialism in Venezuela.
I note that the idiot called G. Monbiot was on radio4 Today programme (7 March 2014). This delusionalist was holding forth on the Somerset Levels farmers not doing what is best for the planet.
The bbC ran with something like that last night regards that farmers are to blame for the flooding , something about digging channels in peat in which to funnel water is counter productive. The irony here is those eco policies been promoted now, don’t dig,dredge etc is exactly what the EA was doing .
However one huge salient fact is during WW1 a huge explosives factory was built in the area because the making of explosives demanded a huge amount of water , that factory closed down a few years ago and since then, the water levels have risen. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ROF_Bridgwater
Somerset has turned into the rural version of Benefits Street. Farmers want, and get, billions of pounds of our money, no strings attached, and use it to wash soil into the rivers. They, and a handful of stupid people who chose to live in the flood plain, then demand more of our money to dig their soil from the rivers and put it back on their fields.
Pure socialism in action: people take no responsibility for their actions and expect the state to pay for their stupidity. But why does the Conservative MP, and a Conservative government, and many right-leaning people, go along with this socialist view? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-26466653
Ditch forty-odd Scottish Labour MPs at Westminster (they already have their own Parliament don’t they?) and there would be a Conservative majority in the English parliament. Oh dear Cameron wouldn’t like that. I wonder why?
As I said, it’s socialism in action: the people choosing to live below the level of the rivers assume they can call on us to pay for the dykes, ditches and pumping stations to absolve them of any personal responsibility for their decisions.
But the poor old bBBC doesn’t know which way to turn. Support a natural environment (good)?; or government handouts (good)?; and state control (good)?; to help a few Conservative voters (bad)?
7/3/2014 Radio 4 ‘Today’ programme news –
More alarmist screaming this moring with the fright of malaria spreading because of climate change.
The study is based on infomation from highlands of Africa and South America and
“We have estimated that, based on the distribution of malaria with altitude, a 1C rise in temperature could lead to an additional three million cases in under-15-year-olds per year,” said Prof Pascual.
In other words this is hypothetical scenario but nowhere in the bbc Radio 4 report did they say this is so – no they report it as a given fact.
I wonder how the researchers feel about the FACT that malaria was endemic in many parts of Europe up until the beginning of the 20th century. Malaria is not in the more hospitable area of the planet because the use of powerful insectisides wiped out the mosquittoes that spread the disease.
Tom, it’s just the BBC’s CAGW agitprop department slipping in a ‘CAGW ‘nudge’ into the headlines. It’s no more than a propaganda piece designed solely to keep the CAGW agenda alive in an ever more indifferent population’s subconscious.
The BBC fully subscribe to the Dr Goebbels school of propaganda: if you repeat the same thing often enough, eventually it somehow becomes perceived as ‘fact’. This is what the BBC does with CAGW alarmism – despite the latest GSS satellite data recently revealing that for 17.5 years now (and still counting) there has been no ‘global warming’ of any significance at all:
But – hey – the actual observable science be damned! The BBC has a political agenda to serve and it won’t let anything like the actual scientific facts of the matter get in the way.
It doesn’t make much sense, given that one of the biggest outbreaks of malaria last century happened in the cold north – Siberia, I seem to recall – which is a tad chilly.
Interestingly the Bill Gates Foundation is at the forefront of eradicating malaria basing it’s funding and investment decisions on success – setting milestones and targets and bringing a results based approach to it’s work. Strong resistance to this ‘impure’ approach has come from parts of the ‘scientific community’ yet more progress has been made in this area than ever before and more money spent on research. The scientific establishment has become little more than a socialist propaganda machine that would rather people suffered rather than question their own self regarding mindsets and credo.
A typical short sighted approach. Gates sees a problem and wants to fix it, but sees no further than that. The problems which his fix creates (unintended consequences), are someone else’s problem to solve.
So he provides vaccination against various childhood diseases, but then fails to provide any contraception or family planning advice to a populace which are largely Muslim and forbidden to use it.
So the mother who has 10 kids of which only 4 survive will now have all 10 surviving, and they in their turn will have 10 more each. For each couple in two generations will produce 50 more mouths to feed, resulting in famine and death unless the West intervenes to keep the overpopulation alive.
It might seem like kindness. and I’m sure the fascists in their usual intolerant bullying way would attack anyone who speaks against it.
One reason for the 10 kids is due to the high mortality – need to ensure enough to provide for old age.
Second more sinister is the love of socialists from Wells onwards for Social Darwinism leading ultimately to eugenics and the deaths of millions being secondary and ‘a price worth paying’ to secure their precious system ant their hegemony over the little people under the guise of caring.
erm so often that pap about infant mortality is trotted out by people either too ignorant to know, or those attempting to disguise the truth.
Why is it that when these people are brought to the UK they carry on having families of 10 or more when the child mortality is very low and there’s a whole state there to care for them in old age?
This is the crap trotted out by the NUT inspired far left wing indoctrination squad of teachers of the 1970s before they realised that ‘waycism’ was a more powerful lie.
The reason lies squarely with certain religions banning the use of contraception, and that is just about the entire story I’m afraid.
‘To celebrate 50 years of comedy on BBC Two the original cast of the award winning Goodness Gracious Me are back for a special one off edition of the ground-breaking British Asian sketch show featuring new characters alongside some favourites from the original series in a wealth of brand new sketches.’
I have to say that I used to laugh at “Going for an English” and greatly enjoyed Mr “Everything Comes From India” (‘Superman? Indian! Two jobs and a bad haircut -see Indian!) and then there was “Smita Smitten, Showbiz Kitten”
However the mind boggles as to what will constitute the ‘wealth of new sketches’. Any thoughts about the ‘new characters’?
How about these ideas – straight off the top of my turban…
Mr Khan you get me out of this appaling BBC Asian sitcom?
Mr Everything is British : ‘Mahatma Gandhi? British! Well he once visited London and he spoke some English – see British!’
This time it was the turn of radio bods to say their piece.
On a quick scan, I noted this from one of the impartial committee: Q159 Mr Bradshaw: You go on about the things that you think the BBC should be doing, but do you not at least acknowledge the argument that the only way the BBC can do these things—the public value, the distinctiveness—is because of its funding through the licence fee, which is only justified because of its universal appeal, including Radio 1 and Radio 2? You are nodding, so you do agree with that.
Getting the impression the future of the BBC is pretty golden already.
Am I the only one imagining the discussions in bBBC editorial meetings, trying to decide how to cover the Ukraine/ Crimea? The Crimean parliament has voted to hold a referendum on independence, without the rest of the Ukraine having a say. Remind you of anywhere closer to home? It’s a good thing if the Scots break up Britain because we’re anti-British. But the Crimeans …? Oh dear, what line shall we take on that?
The ‘ethnic’ Crimeans, Russian-speaking and of Russian stock, don’t want to be over-run with non-ethnic Ukrainians. Oooh, ‘ethnic’ purity. We’re definitely against that. Diversity, enrichment, Russian tanks, errr … hang on …
Obama is black, therefore he must be right, but he doesn’t even know where the Crimea is. We’d better wait until he finds a map and reads his history book.
Etcetera …
Into the valley rode the six hundred …
Anyone see question time? Aaronvitch insufferable as ever, berating the (ex) Ukraine leadership for going against the people’s wishes on the EU deal but advocating mass immigration against the will of the British people. Unfortunately the person in the audience speaking out aginst immigration was an easy strawman for the panel to deal with.
Yes a common thing now is to have all panelists proudly declaring that they are the off spring of immigrants regardless of where in the political spectrum they are, topic killed stone dead….
Well, i think she redeemed herself somewhat in standing up for the homeless guy in the audience and saying his voice is relevant as well. DA was atrocious, apart from needing a shave, [what is it with this stubble crap?] he was insensitive to that guy, and was just grandstanding to the audience ah la Galloway. The middle-class, leftist probably, comfortable, morons who clapped and cat-called the homeless guy were the scum of the earth.
Unfortunately the person in the audience speaking out aginst immigration was an easy strawman for the panel to deal with.
Although Aaronovich telling the man that his life experiences were mere “perceptions” was a prize example of the arrogance of our ruling class.
Aaronvitch also mentioned his ancestors from the early 1900s.
In the early 1900s Britain wasn’t a member of the “borderless” European Union. In the early 1900s a journey from India or Asia took weeks in a boat and was too expensive for the vast majority of people.
BBC Kiev correspondent David Stern considers the importance of Ukraine’s far right.
Amid the ocean of candles and flowers, at one of the dozens of shrines to dead anti-government protesters, shot during Kiev’s horrific violence, there was a small plastic Israeli flag.
It was for Alexander Scherbatyuk, a Jewish-Ukrainian Afghan war veteran.
Inside the columned central hall of Kiev’s city council, an activist base of operations, hung a giant banner with a Celtic cross, a symbol of “white power,” and an American confederate flag.
Over the doorway was an immense portrait of Stepan Bandera, the Ukrainian nationalist partisan leader during World War Two, who at one point was allied with the Nazis.
These two images illustrate how complex and contradictory is the subject of the far right in Ukraine’s mass protest movement, the Euromaidan.
Their role in ousting the president and establishing a new Euromaidan-led government should not be exaggerated.
But, as the second image shows, nor should their involvement be played down, especially now they have assumed key ministerial posts.
Euromaidan officials are not fascists, nor do fascists dominate the movement. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-26468720
What is the reason for the inclusion of the reference to the Israeli flag?
Is it because to the BBC: White people, Nazis, Israelis, Nationalists and Confederates are all manifestations of the same wickedness that killed that poor Stephen Lawrence, doesn’t like mass immigration, deny Global Warming and want to slaughter Palestinians attending wedding parties and funerals?
I guess the point is that the flag has remained there unmolested – In fairness an Israeli flag would probably not last that long as part of a street shrine in this country. the trotsckyite/islamofacist axis would not tolerate it
I think the Ukrainian situation is far to complex for the BBC to impose its usual narrative on. Early on they thought they had a dog in the fight ,now thier not so sure. As a result their reporting has become increasingly confused.
If they simply stuck to reporting the facts and gave the perspective of both sides we ,the paying public, might have a better understanding of whats going on .
And not just in the Ukraine
Sheeeeela Foglegity on 5Live ….
Is shocked SHOCKED I tell you over Qatar
and its treatment of virtual slaves … oops! sorry I mean
migrant workers, for the World Cup …
Shut up in “labour camps” between 8 and 12 in a room, squalid, cramped, unsanitary conditions, searing heat, open or broken sewerage pipes, lack of decent food, virtually non existent cooking facilities, working overlong hours
and dubious pay.
hello … what did she expect? … is she totally ignorant?
she needs to get out more, wake up and smell the coffee.
Funny but there seems to be a total lack of outrage over the Islamic laws concerning homosexuality, or the ban on gay people travelling to see the World Cup, or the supposed tests they are proposing to undertake to tell if a few gays do try getting in.
But having a go at Putin for banning the promotion of homosexuality to children – well he’s not a Muslim is he?
“…Funny but there seems to be a total lack of outrage over the Islamic laws concerning homosexuality, or the ban on gay people travelling to see the World Cup, or the supposed tests they are proposing to undertake to tell if a few gays do try getting in.”
Cannot be emphasised enough, Thoughtful. The hypocrisy is staggering on the part of quisling liberal left commentators (especially in the BBC) – none of whom seem to want to comment on ‘the religion of peace’ and its barbarous medieval attitude to homosexuality. I don’t count Dame Stephen Fry pulling faces over a video of dead gay Iranian teenagers (executed for their ‘crime’) as anything more than cheap, ineffectual lip-service.
When will any one of these shameless media cowards find even a sliver of courage to call out the Saudis, Iranians or any number of other Sharia-loving mental cases around the world for their continuing crimes against innocent gay men and women?
I see the bBC is up in arms over how the PM and Nick Clegg have employed Foreign staff. Yes according to the ethical tampon users , it is wrong for the PM to use foriegn labour as it puts British people out of work. Cameron and Clegg under fire over foreign staff after ‘elite’ claim
This is the same bBC which had no problem the otherday telling me that immigrants have made no impact in putting British people out of work.
I don’t see why the BBC are making an issue of this. Surely they are doing those jobs that the “lazy Brits won’t do”. Or so they keep telling us.
I’m not quite sure, however, why IT experts/ brain surgeons/ nuclear physicists (delete as appropriate) would want jobs as domestic helps. These are the only type of migrants who come here these days I understand.
either a.)
-support the Islamic camp of Saudi Arabia which is in league with the jihadsits in Syria;
or b.)
-support the Qatar-Al Jazeera-Muslim Brotherhood Islamic side?
Of course, if BBC-NUJ took a position which reflected the interests of people in the West, it would see the political benefits to us of this latest split in the Islamic world.
The BBC Homepage has an item half way down called “Most Popular” – which then shows the 5 most popular “shared” items. But if you click on most popular “read”, you get 10 items. The top one at the moment is “Islamic School Takeover Threat probe” – but the only place you will find this is by clicking on the “read” page”. I would guess that many more items are read than shared, but that’s not how it goes on the Home Page.
I’m amazed they still enable this facility, as it often seems to get them in hot water between what the BBC gets excited about and what the public is actually interested in (Or not. Sorry Nelson).
There’s also the small matter of how such things can be and/or are manipulated, but that’s internal and would be a ‘purposes of obfuscation’ exclusion right there.
The BBC has total form in this, often ‘vanishing’ things that don’t suit, from comment threads to, on occasion, entire stories.
Ignoring this is very dangerous. What will happen is that white flight will accelerate. Because this is the only way the indigenous population can respond given the liberal hold over the media. You can start to see where the frontiers of a Balkanised England are going to be,
I assume this is what the ethnic minority really want. This separation. I see no evidence to the contrary.
Thjose liberals and neo cons responsible need to face up to what they have done to a once cohesive nation.
Yes, the white flight is well under way as UK’s political class (inc BBC-NUJ) campaigns for virtually unlimited mass immigration into Britain. Of course, the poorer white ethnic British are least able to afford to join the white flight.
Increasingly large areas of Britain are being donated to colonisers from Asia, Africa and Europe.
‘Daily Mail’, May 2013 –
“How rise of ‘white flight’ is creating a segregated UK: Study reveals white Britons are ‘retreating’ from areas dominated by ethnic minorities.
“Census figures show white Britons are leaving areas where they are minority.
“Think-tank says survey reveals ‘spiral of white British demographic decline.’
“Ex-Human Rights Commission chair says findings should make us ‘anxious.’
“Nearly half of ethnic minorities live where whites make up less than 50%.
“Just 800 of 8,850 council wards where population is 98 per cent white.”
warming? no, change? no, warming? no, change, no, warming? …. yep! its Roger “polar bears” Harribin,
He pops up on 5live Drive, to bleat absolute bollox for 5 mins …. farmers fault for the floods, some lecturer egghead
wagging a finger etc.
…………………… twat! ……………………………..
In 2008 the BBC paid for a large truck to tour central London displaying a giant version of Mann’s Hockey Stick as part of the promotion of its very pro CO2 warming mini series called “Climate Wars”.
Feedback’ this afternoon were apparently shadowing the Today programme earlier in the week.
One of its topics they chose to cover was Nigel Farage’s point about not hearing a word of English spoken whilst he was on a train journey through London.
So what kind of feedback does Today get? Well here’s one e-mail which very usefully informs us that there are areas in Southern Spain where you only hear English spoken (yawwwwn – not heard that one before, BBC).
But were there any e-mails in support of ‘Nigel’? asks our intrepid presenter (pause). Well there was one (semi-incredulous tone – what planet could such a person be on?) which accused the BBC (switches to light-heartedly dismissive tone) of peddling its own agenda on immigration.
The BBC – knows much, much better than you on immigration, you insignificant little voter
“an area in Southern Spain where you only hear English spoken”
Its called Gibraltar
But any emails in support of Farage would not pass the BBC Monitors censorship of comments policy, due to the fact that these comments would be written in English, and criticism of foreign language usage, violates the BBC rules on diversity.
Actually that is wrong. The dominant Asian group is Bangladeshi , Sylheti speakers, and there are very few Palistanis in Tower Hamlets, Somalis, Poles and Africans gradually adding to the mix though, and the indigenous ethnic British Cockney inhabitants almost entirely squeezed out apart from small numbers of middle class who love the ‘vibes’.
Have the Spanish complained ? It’s their country , their problem and they should have the right to deal with it in their way .
As you can see , I don’t believe in Moral Equivalence when it comes to immigration and cultural issues .
I no longer consider Feedback an independent programme holding the BBC to account. There are too many incidents that appear ‘inspired’ by current topics eg a couple of years ago when considering local radio it became part of the armour used by the Trust to claim there was huge support for local radio to be kept.
And that is why tens of thousands, who are not sure about ukip, will nevertheless vote for them at the Euro elections to send the cretins in the BBC, Metropolitan la la land, Westminster and Brussels a loud and clear message that they have had enough of their anti democratic, liberal, left wing bollox.
Or you insignificant little licence payer for that matter. Just shut up and give us the money. Six-figure salaries and expense accounts have to be funded from somewhere, you know.
Come on, BBC, crack a smile and open a bottle or two of your favourite bubbly (you know where they are – in the fridge labelled ‘May 2015’) because it looks like we’re not all going to fry in hell after all……
Updated Global Temperature: No global warming for 17 years, 6 months – (No Warming for 210 Months).
‘This graph is highly topical. It is right up to date. Remote Sensing Systems, Inc. (RSS) is one of the two satellite-based datasets (the other is the University of Alabama at Huntsville (UAH). And RSS is one of the five standard global temperature datasets, which include the two satellite datasets and the three terrestrial datasets – Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS); the Hadley Centre/CRU dataset, version 4 (HadCRUT4); and the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC). As this month, RSS is usually the first to report, and its latest monthly value, for February 2014, became available just hours ago….
The graph is news. Not only is it very recent: it is also something that the mainstream news media very seldom reveal. They tend to keep the now embarrassingly long hiatus in global warming secret*.’
In 2008 the BBC paid for a large truck to tour central London displaying a giant version of Mann’s Hockey Stick as part of the promotion of its very pro CO2 warming mini series called “Climate Wars”.
Very odd BBC global warming piece which appears to present both sides of the argument, but only presents both sides as they see it. It is a question of how much the earth is warming rather than is it warming at all & is it down to anthropogenic causes?
This is the science that is censored from the BBC.
With carbon dioxide warming falling from 5 Kelvin for a doubling to the now more accurate 0.028 Kelvin for a doubling (using the laps rate, thermodynamics, Unified Theory of Climate and the atmosphere of Venus as a proxy).
I have found out that Piers Corbyn understands this latest bit of evidence, but he does not like using the term “Greenhouse effect” for this.
But then correlations still point to cosmic ray induced Global warming turning into Global cooling from 2018, using the length of the last and predicted length of the next solar cycle.
In fact the paradox is that only sources not controlled by journalists, but controlled by scientists include this science, internet sites such as Weatheraction, Google Scholar or David Archibald’s site on the one hand, and publications such as the Mensa magazine and books written by and published by scientist who find new avenues to communicate with the general public by dodging the barriers of left-wing journalistic censorship.
In fact, I believe it is the main role of tax payer funded organisations such as the Tyndall Centre, simply to bully Editors and Journalists, to censor any science that produces facts, evidence, proof, correlations, observations and results from experiments that do not fit the man-made climate change scam.
BBC 5live Drive, tentatively broaches the Muslim “Trojan horse strategy” in Bham schools … (55mins).
lots of tutting … naaa … well? … any substance to it? … well we don t know? … you know … unclear?
why wait a week to even mention it?
Bham Schools, Education Dept and Bham Council are quote
“deeply concerned” … BBC?
Just like the hard left burrowed its way into and took over our education system in the 60’s.
The BBC will have an awful dilemma if someone they approve of is trying to muscle in on an education system controlled by another group that they approve of.
“Revealed: Islamist plot dubbed ‘Trojan Horse’ to replace teachers in Birmingham schools with radicals.
“Birmingham city council has warned of an alleged dirty tricks campaign.
“It has documents purporting that non-Muslim teachers are being targeted.
“Islamic fundamentalists allegedly want to replace them with radicals.
“Called Trojan Horse, the operation has reportedly succeeded in places.
“The documents reveal a plan for the operation to target other cities.”
bbc? … after a bloody week!!!
bury this 2hrs in to a 3hr newscast. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b03wnxd0
(1hr 53 mins).
just listen to the disbelieving approach of the reporters, (compared to all of the above links, in posts above)
Sounds good – thge main headline of Saturday’s Telegraph is :
“Dodging TV licence will not be a crime”
I bet that doesn’t get a mention when the Today programme reviews the morning papers.
But this is only a first step – the licence tax is monstrously regressive, worse than any other UK tax. It needs to be abolished entirely. That can’t be done yet – so any prolonged debate on the use of criminal law against people who can’t pay will keep the pot boiling.
If this goes through it could be the beginning of the end for the BBC. Light at the end of the tunnel.
I’m keeping my fingers crossed.
The BBC have responded with: A BBC spokesman said: “Legislation is a matter for the Government, however changing the law could lead to higher evasion. Just a 1 per cent increase in evasion would lead to the loss of around £35million, the equivalent of around 10 BBC Local Radio stations.”
Without the TV tax to fund it’s champagne socialist lifestyle it will be unable to survive as it will be incapable of providing balanced news from an impartial standpoint. There is an opinion expressed in the reporting of every single item on the BBC from Muslim atrocities to Children’s football.
Why should Beeboids mention, let alone criticise, global Islamic interests for banning the film ‘Noah’ because of its portrayal of Islam? After all, Beeboids themselves banned ‘Daily Mail’ from newspaper reviews because of its portrayal of Labour Party’s Ms Harman.
“Qatar, Bahrain, UAE ban ‘Noah’ film; Al Azhar says it violates Islam.”
[Opening excerpt]-
“This kind of censorship is routine when it comes to something deemed “un-Islamic” in a Muslim country. A far greater cause for concern is the self-censorship that the Western media increasingly practices in regard to things that offend Muslims: for example, the near-universal unwillingness to reprint the Muhammad cartoons, which despite the furor they caused were actually quite bland. A willingly Sharia-compliant media is the enemy of free people.”
the BBC will ignore it for a week or so in the hope that any furore will die down, if not will give it a cursory in passing mention somewhere.
PS … where s the 100s of reporters, 1000s of cameras from bloody Hollywood on this eh!
That bloody absolute fraud, protector “the future cannot belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam” from the Whitehouse has a lot to bloody answer for … remember Benghazi? … blaming that on a youtube sketch!
Never mind 12 years a slave how about 25 years a slave? Only the BBC are a little more reticent to talk about this as the real modern day slavers are not white!
Found buried deep in the bBC news pages with a very brief article just so they can say they didn’t completely ignore it.
…tucked away in a lost reverse Andy Warhol 15 minutes of obscurity somewhere on the BBC News Channel it declares that it presents and answers criticism from Licence Payers.
So let’s see how Newswatch performs.
The show asks the questions : Did the BBC get their coverage of news from Ukraine right and should the Corporation have flown 10 o’clock BBC1 news anchor Huw Edwards out there for two days?
A couple of comments from viewers about the BBC apparently picking sides caught my attention.
One began (I paraphrase very slightly) ‘although I support Pusy Riot and The Gays, I didn’t like the way the BBC towed the line behind “Western Leaders”.
To me this is typical BBC handling of criticism. Only comments from the Left are allowed. And the argument of this viewer is very thin. For one thing there is the sequence of events – in fact “Western Leaders” seemed to follow the BBC who brought the subject of Kiev to our attention in their reports that were gushing with sympathy for the ‘peaceful protesters’.
In offering “Western Leaders” up to pillory the BBC carefully – and for slightly different reasons – fails to name specifically either the EU (the instigator) or Obama (the flounderer).
When I hear the term “Western Leaders” (particularly one supposes on the lips of a Pusy Riot supporter) one can’t help but imagine that the viewer feels that Thatcher and Reagan are still in office. Does the BBC hone in on this comment as a chance to air those Left-liberal sentiments? Or does the BBC select this comment simply to demonstrate that it takes seriously all comments from the Left?
So why was our Huw parachuted onto some roof top with a dramatic atmopheric backdrop of…. a foggy evening…. which meant he may as well have been in Hackney Wick? Particularly we ask since his first (incestuous) interview is with Nick Robinson outside Number 10. (Why Nick Robinsion needs to be outside a closed door is another subject for another day).
‘No BBC Management Spokesperson was available for reply’ – but our charming Newswatch presenter – Samira Ahmed – had all the house arguments to hand and so happily she was able to take on the representative viewer (on a dodgy skype link… as per usual).
Seems it wasn’t a waste of cash because our Huw did other work out there that took presure off the others (poor lambs) and added value ‘for our viewers at home and abroad’.
I hat ed that… ‘viewers abroad’ get 100% chuffing added value! They don’t pay for a Licence!
And then the BBC fall back defence is that having Huw out there on the ground – or on the hotel balcony – ‘shows the viewer the importance of the news event’.
An interesting hostage to fortune perhaps? Or simply (and I answer why our Nick is in Downing Street here..) it’s because it is ENTERTAINMENT.
Newswatch = a tickbox exercise in airing (selectively) viewer comments which really simply reinforces the feeling that the BBC is Biased and Arrogant.
I think we could do with comments on the proposal to decriminalise failure to pay the BBC Licence Fee, supported by around 100 Members of Parliament. It seems to me a very imaginative idea. It will be interesting to see who opposes it and why.
As I have said many times no-one in the UK should require the State’s permission to receive broadcast news and entertainment. It is reminiscent of an authoritarian government. Short of it’s being abolished, this is a good solution.
Find out from your MP whether they support it, put pressure on them to do so, especially Labour and the LibDems.
It is not necessarily a good idea turning it into a civil offence because it would make it easier to proescute people, and you would get a County Court Judgement on your credit record for every year you didn’t pay it.
If only a campaign was taken up by a newspaper with a snappy ‘Scrap the Telly Tax’ strapline and loads of pictures of people using foodbanks because the ‘Telly Tax’
Yup, no stuff on Labour-luving Paedos, the unions finally getting round to one member one vote…it IS 2014 isn`t it?…it`s non-story on immigration figures or yet ANOTHER go at getting to “the truth” about Stephen Lawrence-and that only because the Daily Mail bothered their arses to name the killers.
Nothing either about Islamic infiltration of school governing bodies (better that the kids bodies, I grant you) or the never of the EU wanting “democracy”…but not that horrid referendum-type that the EU always lose first time around.
And nothing about the BBC types not liking that referendum…as opposed to the Scottish kind, which are just dandy with the Left.
The News Quiz is unfunny shit….and how the likes of Hardy, Toksvig get to hoover up the money of the poor to endlessly spiel off their 1975 Rag Week bollox is beyond me.
And-as ever NO jokes about reducing crime and the rate of re-offending, cost of court cases and clogging up the system for Legal Aid Survivors of Inns of Court(i.e those comical hard-pressed judges who went on strike!)….by removing criminal sanctions from BBC-license paying refusniks!
Noe of zees eez funny-wrong agenda…all of it…so F*** off Adolf!
BBC wit and repartee…
“Not paying the TV licence fee could become a civil offence, rather than a criminal one, under plans being considered by ministers.”
“Not paying the licence fee” is NOT an offence – watching LIVE broadcasts without a licence is an offence.
I do not pay the licence fee, because I do not receive live broadcasts in my home. I am not committing an offence.
Yet again, the BBC (aka TV Licensing Authority) classifies householders as either paying customers or evaders. They do not acknowledge those like me who are Legally Licence Free.
Licence fee enforcement has always been a litany of lies, false propaganda and disgraceful doorstep tactics which would be the object of a Watchdog-style investigation if conducted by any other organisation.
This article is maintaining the lies of BBC/TV Licensing.
Excellent point. It will be interesting if that gets stealth edited once it has done its job and truth or accuracy no longer get in the way of the narrative.
I also note the comments are not really going the BBC’s way again. At all.
Be interesting to see when it closes or the thread gets vanished.
I get the impression they were expecting to feel the love they keep telling everyone they have, and are coming away disappointed.
Unlikely but imagine a Christian bBC employee tweeting that he/she was going to ‘fill the air’ with anti gay marriage content tonight – instant dismissal!
Sack her, the bBC should be impartial in every respect…
‘But women don’t have to behave aggressively now to get noticed as they did under Thatcher, they are accepted for what they are’ (paraphrased).
What the f…………? What happened to ‘Farming Today’?
Uh, this is ‘Farming Today’.
Presenter, paraphrased: ‘Well some people have contacted the programme to complain that we are fabricating a feminist agenda by looking at the role of women in farming’.
Welly welly welly welly welly welly well. Knock me over with a feather.
Please, please, can you spare just one programme from your relentless student union agendas?
When it comes to right minded women of power (Thatcher, Palin, etc.), the Left (which includes the BBC of course) are misogynistic. I suspect this is to cover the otherwise self-evident contradiction in the theme of their propaganda.
So there’s a Boeing 777 gone missing in the South China Sea, it’s known that there were two passengers on board using stolen European passports from Italy & Austria.
Now there is a suspicion of terrorism, but of course as expected the BBC is steering away from even mentioning the name which must never be criticised, but yet has caused more air crashes than any other – Islam.
No matter where in the world Muslims are, there’s trouble, even in China, and it has to be a source of the greatest suspicion that they are again the perpetrators of yet another bloody outrage in the name of their violent & blood stained religion.
No doubt if this is confirmed, the BBC will commence it’s usual hand wringing and unwillingness to blame or to pass any judgement, until it’s found some dubious reason as to why it isn’t really the fault of Islam – just like they did with the Lee Rigby murder which was apparently the fault of the nasty white people not the Jihadists!
Yes, BBC-NUJ should run disclaimers on-screen, and on-line when ‘reporting’ with habitual favourable bias for e.g. Labour Party, E.U, Islam, global warming, mass immigration, Obama, etc.
The other day Obama fluffed the lyrics to Aretha Franklin’s “RESPECT” and Fox News had a bit of fun at the president’s expense. That was a little too much for BBC News online editor Daniel Nasaw who in turn mocked Fox:
LULZ HE CAN'T SPELL! RT @foxnation: Obama Misspells 'Respect' During 'Women of Soul' Tribute to Aretha Franklin
Imagine how Nasaw and the rest of his BBC colleagues would’ve treated Sarah Palin if she had misspelled the same famous refrain from that song? Would he, as a BBC Washington editor, be angry at others for mocking her? No – he’d make sure there was a 90 second cut for the 10 o’clock news and have a special online feature on previous Palin “gaffes”.
Ayn Rand once observed, in speaking about some academic philosophers delivering papers at a conference she had occasion to attend, that if, in order to speak, they were compelled to state all their basic assumptions explicitly and unequivocally, the room would clear out in a hurry, as nobody would speak, and nobody would stay there just to look at an empty stage.
Methinks after a while, if it didn’t happen instantly enough, something like that would occur in TV viewership too.
You are not paying for programmes when you pay the licence fee but for BBC staff’s gold-plated pensions. The BBC Pension Fund is in continuing deficit and last month the Beeb silently switched £400m into it from licence fee money. Two years ago they gave it £1b. But it won’t be mentioned in the campaign against this change.
Good that its announcement coincides with International Women’s Day as the vast majority of those taken to court are women.
Good article by Chris Booker in the Telegraph – partly about the EU’s madness in Ukraine (oh, and that of the USA), and partly about the BBC spending lots of other peoples dosh, having obtained it from the EU…
Excellent link .Worth a look if only for this in the second part of column.
“Just a few clicks soon revealed that between 2007 and 2012 the BBC in fact received some £20 million, including more than £4 million in 2012 alone; in other words, very much more than the BBC had admitted under that FOI request. “
It appears that Patten has now been convinced to attend a grilling by MP’s over pro-EU bias by the BBC.
Why the government should have ever put a Lord into the position of head of BBC Trust is strange, as he’s been using this status to avoid appearing before them on this matter till now.
He claims: The BBC Trust said: ‘The Chairman made clear that while he was willing to appear before the Committee, the BBC’s constitutional independence under its Charter must be protected and he will not be in a position to discuss BBC editorial decisions.’
Let’s remind ourselves that he is supposed to represent the licence fee payer, and the BBC also has a duty under the charter to be fair, balanced and impartial, and not just independent. We know even by the BBC’s own admission that they have been biased on this subject, and it’s outrageous to have this clearly biased person himself representing the public.
“Why did cruel Sally Bercow and the lying BBC ruin the last year of my father’s life? Lord McAlpine’s daughter breaks her silence on Twitter smears that shattered him.”
JohnCFeb 27, 01:32 Midweek 26th February 2025 Nah – that has to be from a carry-on film. It just needs the Benny Hill theme tune over the…
taffmanFeb 27, 01:05 Midweek 26th February 2025 I think that Nigel Farage will be the nemesis of Starmer?
ZephirFeb 27, 00:09 Midweek 26th February 2025 Plently of pensioners around here now that know how to stop sniffles whilst cooking a rat, keeping a rifle warm…
ZephirFeb 27, 00:03 Midweek 26th February 2025 Ahh yes I think I saw this as well https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGbvctOg5l0
ZephirFeb 26, 23:56 Midweek 26th February 2025 @ Eddie your video deleted or something so, meanwhile Sherlocks in action https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ugn1_vQK26Q
JohnCFeb 26, 23:54 Midweek 26th February 2025 Large crowd seen greeting Palestinian prisoners in West Bank https://www.bbc.com/news/live/cm2n973y2ext Hooray !. How lovely. ‘It’s hard to get a scale…
“Silence from the BBC over claims R4 star bullied staff: Petition signed by 15 employees accused Mark Lawson of ‘appalling behaviour.’
“Front Row host, 51, has stepped down from his Radio 4 programme.
£Petition accused him of ‘browbeating junior staff’ and ‘appalling behaviour.’
“He can not be fired by the BBC as he works as a self-employed freelancer.
“New series Mark Lawson Talks To… will go ahead as scheduled.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2575215/Silence-BBC-claims-R4-star-bullied-staff-Petition-signed-15-employees-accused-Mark-Lawson-appalling-behaviour.html#ixzz2vGpqskko
Is this anything we care about? I have no doubt staff relations at the BBC are not very happy. It is that sort of organisation. Vast pay at the top and everyone else just getting by.
I had heard Mark lawson was, how to put this gently?, very much the alpha male in the Front Row office. But I remember his interview with another ‘very alpha male’ – Russell Crowe – which ended badly for him. A lesson: never put two entertainment/arts alpha males in the same room alone. Unless you want fireworks.
My old Judo teacher (ah’m tha’ ‘ard) was one win away from a bronze medal at the Olympics at heavyweight.
A perfect gent in all his dealings with everyone.
I could not begin to describe the contempt I have, therefore, for soft fat middle-aged men on stents who strut around offices playing at ‘tough’. Ed Balls, Mark Lawson, Tom Watson, Bob Crowe looking at you. Andrew Mitchell for that matter.
Pathetic individuals.
Poor old Barry. He has really thrown his toys out of the pram this time. Cancelling visas, confiscating other peoples cash. He has even sent some planes to Poland. He really knows how to lay it on thick doesn’t he?
Just a little aside. Did you know that the Ukraine is about to become very rich from fracking for oil & gas? So if the East of Ukraine and the Crimea goes its own way and becomes part of Russia again Barry and the EU will miss out. No connection at all with Barry’s tantrum of course, no, no, no, not at all.
No it’s all about sovereignty, and rule of law, and respecting other countries, and democracy and…. I WANT YOUR OIL.
They, the EU and the US have engineered this coup and it’s backfiring.
The most telling picture of all to me was Herman Van Rumpuy, the unelected President of the European Union with José Manuel Durão Barroso, the unelected President of the European Commission, and Arseniy Yatsenyuk the new unelected Prime Minister of the Ukraine. They were very happy and smiling as they were pictured together in Brussels yesterday. Oh, and I nearly forgot Baroness Ashton was there to, the unelected Head of Foreign affairs for Europe. And how many unelected Prime Ministers have appointed by Brussels in Europe over the last couple of years?
Anyone else think there might be a pattern emerging. What do you think will happen here if we vote to leave the EU in 2017 or UKIP get a lot of parliamentary seats next year?
The BBC asks today on its web site “are you in the affected region, email us and have you say”?
I think we just might be in the affected region sooner than we think.
Fotunately Russia is strong enough to give two fingers to the EU. Also it is nation still and proud to be so.
If we look like rejecting the EU at the election and that is fervently to be hoped we will have to be re-educated and made to think again.
I have always said it. We leave the EU collapses. It just will and that is why Cameron and all the rest cannot be trusted to give us a vote.
Our only hope is a resouding UKIP victory in May. They prattle on about democracy these liberals . When it suits them. They will not be so keen after the EU election.
Chavez-McCluskey-Labour Party.
Did BBC-NUJ send a representative too?
Anybody read the latest from Venezuela via the bBC:
Venezuela expels Panama ambassador over ‘conspiracy’
Now unlike a lot of people here I have lived in Central America and understand a little more on the subject than most people. The above bBC article is a disgrace, for example when I first read this, i presumed incorrectly that V had called a meeting of OAS after booting out a number of Panamanian diplomat’s :
“Venezuela has expelled Panama’s ambassador and three other diplomats amid growing tensions over opposition protests. It comes a day after Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro broke diplomatic relations and froze economic ties with Panama. Mr Maduro has accused Panama of conspiring to bring down his government. The latest fallout comes after the Central American nation requested a meeting at the Organization of American States (OAS) to discuss Venezuela’s crisis. “
Then I read this from the Not so world renowned Denver post:There have been protests in Venezuela for a little over a month.
Demonstrations are taking place across the country, with protesters angry over inflation, crime, and other issues in the post-Chavez era.
Here is what has been happening lately:
The UN wants answers from Venezuelan government
Six experts with the U.N.’s top human rights body wrote to the administration of President Nicolas Maduro about allegations of protesters being beaten and in some cases severely tortured by security forces, and taken to military facilities, cut off from communication and denied legal help, U.N. officials said.“The recent violence amid protests in Venezuela need to be urgently and thoroughly investigated, and perpetrators must be held accountable,” the experts said in a joint statement.
President Maduro went on CNN
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro blamed the month-old unrest shaking his country on a “minority” that has left the opposition in a difficult situation.
“Those who have started the violence are in the minority,” Maduro said.”It’s a tiny group belonging to the opposition and they have put the rest of the opposition in a dire situation.”
Maduro also renewed his call for establishing a new level of relations with the United States after years of frosty relations. CNN released only excerpts of the interview hosted by Christiane Amanpour, which it said would air in full Friday.
Venezuela severs ties with Panama, expels ambassador
The Venezuelan government ordered Panama’s ambassador Pedro Pereira, charge d’affaires Jaime Serrano and two other embassy officials to leave the country within 48 hours, a Panamanian official said Thursday, a day after Caracas broke ties with Panama City.
“We received a note from the foreign ministry of Venezuela that was delivered to our embassy in which it declared four diplomats working in our embassy as ‘persona non grata,’” Panama’s Deputy Foreign Minister Mayra Arosemena told reporters.
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro announced Wednesday he was breaking diplomatic ties with Panama after the country called a meeting of North and Latin American nations over weeks of sometimes violent protests in Caracas. Maduro also said he was freezing all trade and economic ties with the Central American nation.
Want to know more? Here’s a look at what’s already taken place.
The end of Carnival was marked with more protests. The government had been pushing for citizens to enjoy the holiday, in hopes it would diminish tension. (March 4, 2014)
An opposition leader turned himself in, with hopes it would spur the protests on. Things got heated after Leopoldo Lopez’s jailing, and a beauty queen was killed. (Feb 18, 2014)
There was a meeting with the UN and Venezuelan Foreign Minister Elias Jaua met with U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and defended the government’s actions before the U.N. Human Rights Council. Jaua said only three of those killed were due to illegal acts by the police. (March 3, 2014)
The basics
Who: Many of the protesters were originally students, but middle-class Venezuelans have also joined up.
Where: Protests have been happening all over Venezuela, with much of it focused on Caracas.
The origins: While the anger has been around awhile, a early February incident at University of the Andes in San Cristobal where students protested after a recent assault on campus may have been the spark. Local authorities responded to the protest, and furor was ignited at the harsh response.
Why: Food shortages, rising crime, and incredible inflation have made things rough for the country.
The players: President Nicolas Maduro, who was close to Hugo Chavez; Leopoldo López, a mayor and opposition leader; Maria Corina Machado, an opposition parliament member
Casulaties: Up to 20 have died.
As our favourite national broadcaster might say ‘We asked the BBC to comment, but they said no-one was available’.
The same BBC who were all over the communist Chavez like a sexually-transmitted disease.
Student union wankers.
For information the UK left charmers have set up a Solidarity Campaign in support of the oppressed regime in Venezuela. Yes. It is Kate Hudson, CND, and our freedom loving Trades unions like Unite. See the list, pick out the BBC favourites who will be there to put the case for socialism in Venezuela.
Yes, and the beeb has, of course ignored the labour mp’s who shilled for maduro at his election.
I note that the idiot called G. Monbiot was on radio4 Today programme (7 March 2014). This delusionalist was holding forth on the Somerset Levels farmers not doing what is best for the planet.
The bbC ran with something like that last night regards that farmers are to blame for the flooding , something about digging channels in peat in which to funnel water is counter productive. The irony here is those eco policies been promoted now, don’t dig,dredge etc is exactly what the EA was doing .
However one huge salient fact is during WW1 a huge explosives factory was built in the area because the making of explosives demanded a huge amount of water , that factory closed down a few years ago and since then, the water levels have risen.
Somerset has turned into the rural version of Benefits Street. Farmers want, and get, billions of pounds of our money, no strings attached, and use it to wash soil into the rivers. They, and a handful of stupid people who chose to live in the flood plain, then demand more of our money to dig their soil from the rivers and put it back on their fields.
Pure socialism in action: people take no responsibility for their actions and expect the state to pay for their stupidity. But why does the Conservative MP, and a Conservative government, and many right-leaning people, go along with this socialist view?
A two words: Liberal Democrats. The Tories don’t have enough MPs to be muscular in the Commons alone and they need the Lib Dems.
Ditch forty-odd Scottish Labour MPs at Westminster (they already have their own Parliament don’t they?) and there would be a Conservative majority in the English parliament. Oh dear Cameron wouldn’t like that. I wonder why?
Living on a so called flood plain is no problem until the EU tell you to stop maintaining the dykes ,ditches and pumping stations.
As I said, it’s socialism in action: the people choosing to live below the level of the rivers assume they can call on us to pay for the dykes, ditches and pumping stations to absolve them of any personal responsibility for their decisions.
But the poor old bBBC doesn’t know which way to turn. Support a natural environment (good)?; or government handouts (good)?; and state control (good)?; to help a few Conservative voters (bad)?
What could be construed as “best for the planet”, would be the removal of one George Moonbat, to another one.
7/3/2014 Radio 4 ‘Today’ programme news –
More alarmist screaming this moring with the fright of malaria spreading because of climate change.
The study is based on infomation from highlands of Africa and South America and
In other words this is hypothetical scenario but nowhere in the bbc Radio 4 report did they say this is so – no they report it as a given fact.
Online version of the story –
I wonder how the researchers feel about the FACT that malaria was endemic in many parts of Europe up until the beginning of the 20th century. Malaria is not in the more hospitable area of the planet because the use of powerful insectisides wiped out the mosquittoes that spread the disease.
For more info see –
Tom, it’s just the BBC’s CAGW agitprop department slipping in a ‘CAGW ‘nudge’ into the headlines. It’s no more than a propaganda piece designed solely to keep the CAGW agenda alive in an ever more indifferent population’s subconscious.
The BBC fully subscribe to the Dr Goebbels school of propaganda: if you repeat the same thing often enough, eventually it somehow becomes perceived as ‘fact’. This is what the BBC does with CAGW alarmism – despite the latest GSS satellite data recently revealing that for 17.5 years now (and still counting) there has been no ‘global warming’ of any significance at all:
But – hey – the actual observable science be damned! The BBC has a political agenda to serve and it won’t let anything like the actual scientific facts of the matter get in the way.
Malaria in the south of England. I think that one is straight out of the recycling bin I’ve heard that one before.
The best way to bring on malaria in the south of England would probably be to neglect the drainage ditches by allowing them to silt up!
It doesn’t make much sense, given that one of the biggest outbreaks of malaria last century happened in the cold north – Siberia, I seem to recall – which is a tad chilly.
Professor Paul Reiter has much to say about malaria and climate change – it’s why he resigned from the IPCC. He doesn’t believe it, either, and he IS an expert.
see http://www.scidev.net/global/policy/opinion/the-malaria-myths-of-climate-change-1.html
Interestingly the Bill Gates Foundation is at the forefront of eradicating malaria basing it’s funding and investment decisions on success – setting milestones and targets and bringing a results based approach to it’s work. Strong resistance to this ‘impure’ approach has come from parts of the ‘scientific community’ yet more progress has been made in this area than ever before and more money spent on research. The scientific establishment has become little more than a socialist propaganda machine that would rather people suffered rather than question their own self regarding mindsets and credo.
A typical short sighted approach. Gates sees a problem and wants to fix it, but sees no further than that. The problems which his fix creates (unintended consequences), are someone else’s problem to solve.
So he provides vaccination against various childhood diseases, but then fails to provide any contraception or family planning advice to a populace which are largely Muslim and forbidden to use it.
So the mother who has 10 kids of which only 4 survive will now have all 10 surviving, and they in their turn will have 10 more each. For each couple in two generations will produce 50 more mouths to feed, resulting in famine and death unless the West intervenes to keep the overpopulation alive.
It might seem like kindness. and I’m sure the fascists in their usual intolerant bullying way would attack anyone who speaks against it.
2 points:
One reason for the 10 kids is due to the high mortality – need to ensure enough to provide for old age.
Second more sinister is the love of socialists from Wells onwards for Social Darwinism leading ultimately to eugenics and the deaths of millions being secondary and ‘a price worth paying’ to secure their precious system ant their hegemony over the little people under the guise of caring.
erm so often that pap about infant mortality is trotted out by people either too ignorant to know, or those attempting to disguise the truth.
Why is it that when these people are brought to the UK they carry on having families of 10 or more when the child mortality is very low and there’s a whole state there to care for them in old age?
This is the crap trotted out by the NUT inspired far left wing indoctrination squad of teachers of the 1970s before they realised that ‘waycism’ was a more powerful lie.
The reason lies squarely with certain religions banning the use of contraception, and that is just about the entire story I’m afraid.
The catholic church latched onto the same logic for centuries, ensuring a steady supply of future catholics.
The globalists like Bill Gates are very interested in depopulation, they’re going to do it by vaccines. Caring about malaria is a deception.
Goodness Gracious Me
‘To celebrate 50 years of comedy on BBC Two the original cast of the award winning Goodness Gracious Me are back for a special one off edition of the ground-breaking British Asian sketch show featuring new characters alongside some favourites from the original series in a wealth of brand new sketches.’
I have to say that I used to laugh at “Going for an English” and greatly enjoyed Mr “Everything Comes From India” (‘Superman? Indian! Two jobs and a bad haircut -see Indian!) and then there was “Smita Smitten, Showbiz Kitten”
However the mind boggles as to what will constitute the ‘wealth of new sketches’. Any thoughts about the ‘new characters’?
How about these ideas – straight off the top of my turban…
Mr Khan you get me out of this appaling BBC Asian sitcom?
Mr Everything is British : ‘Mahatma Gandhi? British! Well he once visited London and he spoke some English – see British!’
Ali Tube Train-Loader Self-exploder
A little lunchtime heavy reading:
This time it was the turn of radio bods to say their piece.
On a quick scan, I noted this from one of the impartial committee:
Q159 Mr Bradshaw: You go on about the things that you think the BBC should be doing, but do you not at least acknowledge the argument that the only way the BBC can do these things—the public value, the distinctiveness—is because of its funding through the licence fee, which is only justified because of its universal appeal, including Radio 1 and Radio 2? You are nodding, so you do agree with that.
Getting the impression the future of the BBC is pretty golden already.
Am I the only one imagining the discussions in bBBC editorial meetings, trying to decide how to cover the Ukraine/ Crimea?
The Crimean parliament has voted to hold a referendum on independence, without the rest of the Ukraine having a say. Remind you of anywhere closer to home? It’s a good thing if the Scots break up Britain because we’re anti-British. But the Crimeans …? Oh dear, what line shall we take on that?
The ‘ethnic’ Crimeans, Russian-speaking and of Russian stock, don’t want to be over-run with non-ethnic Ukrainians. Oooh, ‘ethnic’ purity. We’re definitely against that. Diversity, enrichment, Russian tanks, errr … hang on …
Obama is black, therefore he must be right, but he doesn’t even know where the Crimea is. We’d better wait until he finds a map and reads his history book.
Etcetera …
Into the valley rode the six hundred …
Anyone see question time? Aaronvitch insufferable as ever, berating the (ex) Ukraine leadership for going against the people’s wishes on the EU deal but advocating mass immigration against the will of the British people. Unfortunately the person in the audience speaking out aginst immigration was an easy strawman for the panel to deal with.
Yes a common thing now is to have all panelists proudly declaring that they are the off spring of immigrants regardless of where in the political spectrum they are, topic killed stone dead….
Platell was vomit inducing.
I started watching but its a bit late for me – got as far as that awful Rachel Reeveszzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
You really missed out then. There were some seriously beautiful young black men in the audience!
Well, i think she redeemed herself somewhat in standing up for the homeless guy in the audience and saying his voice is relevant as well. DA was atrocious, apart from needing a shave, [what is it with this stubble crap?] he was insensitive to that guy, and was just grandstanding to the audience ah la Galloway. The middle-class, leftist probably, comfortable, morons who clapped and cat-called the homeless guy were the scum of the earth.
Should have read ‘clapped the homeless guy as he left in disgust, or was booted out’, sorry, not much sleep last night.
Unfortunately the person in the audience speaking out aginst immigration was an easy strawman for the panel to deal with.
Although Aaronovich telling the man that his life experiences were mere “perceptions” was a prize example of the arrogance of our ruling class.
Aaronvitch also mentioned his ancestors from the early 1900s.
In the early 1900s Britain wasn’t a member of the “borderless” European Union. In the early 1900s a journey from India or Asia took weeks in a boat and was too expensive for the vast majority of people.
Note the cod ‘anger’ from Dimbleby when someone had the temerity to suggest that one of the questions was a plant.
Like three-quarters of the questions every effin week aren’t plants.
BBC Kiev correspondent David Stern considers the importance of Ukraine’s far right.
Amid the ocean of candles and flowers, at one of the dozens of shrines to dead anti-government protesters, shot during Kiev’s horrific violence, there was a small plastic Israeli flag.
It was for Alexander Scherbatyuk, a Jewish-Ukrainian Afghan war veteran.
Inside the columned central hall of Kiev’s city council, an activist base of operations, hung a giant banner with a Celtic cross, a symbol of “white power,” and an American confederate flag.
Over the doorway was an immense portrait of Stepan Bandera, the Ukrainian nationalist partisan leader during World War Two, who at one point was allied with the Nazis.
These two images illustrate how complex and contradictory is the subject of the far right in Ukraine’s mass protest movement, the Euromaidan.
Their role in ousting the president and establishing a new Euromaidan-led government should not be exaggerated.
But, as the second image shows, nor should their involvement be played down, especially now they have assumed key ministerial posts.
Euromaidan officials are not fascists, nor do fascists dominate the movement.
What is the reason for the inclusion of the reference to the Israeli flag?
Is it because to the BBC: White people, Nazis, Israelis, Nationalists and Confederates are all manifestations of the same wickedness that killed that poor Stephen Lawrence, doesn’t like mass immigration, deny Global Warming and want to slaughter Palestinians attending wedding parties and funerals?
Just a minute – yes, that about sums up the BBC. White can’t be right. (unless of course they are BBC white, middle-class left-wing pr*cks)
I guess the point is that the flag has remained there unmolested – In fairness an Israeli flag would probably not last that long as part of a street shrine in this country. the trotsckyite/islamofacist axis would not tolerate it
I think the Ukrainian situation is far to complex for the BBC to impose its usual narrative on. Early on they thought they had a dog in the fight ,now thier not so sure. As a result their reporting has become increasingly confused.
If they simply stuck to reporting the facts and gave the perspective of both sides we ,the paying public, might have a better understanding of whats going on .
And not just in the Ukraine
And equally confused by the pronunciation of ‘Sebastapol’
Just to emphasise the complexity
have just been linked these
From RT I know, but then no more selective than the BBC
http://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/jihadist-plot-take-over-birmingham-6782881…and birmingham just gets worse,thanks new labour and your mass immigration
Amazingly, the BBC is actually covering this:
Sheeeeela Foglegity on 5Live ….
Is shocked SHOCKED I tell you over Qatar
and its treatment of virtual slaves … oops! sorry I mean
migrant workers, for the World Cup …
Shut up in “labour camps” between 8 and 12 in a room, squalid, cramped, unsanitary conditions, searing heat, open or broken sewerage pipes, lack of decent food, virtually non existent cooking facilities, working overlong hours
and dubious pay.
hello … what did she expect? … is she totally ignorant?
she needs to get out more, wake up and smell the coffee.
Any idea of the prevailing ideology in Qatar?
Looking forward to Steve McQueen’s next film- “12 Years A Builder”.
Funny but there seems to be a total lack of outrage over the Islamic laws concerning homosexuality, or the ban on gay people travelling to see the World Cup, or the supposed tests they are proposing to undertake to tell if a few gays do try getting in.
But having a go at Putin for banning the promotion of homosexuality to children – well he’s not a Muslim is he?
“…Funny but there seems to be a total lack of outrage over the Islamic laws concerning homosexuality, or the ban on gay people travelling to see the World Cup, or the supposed tests they are proposing to undertake to tell if a few gays do try getting in.”
Cannot be emphasised enough, Thoughtful. The hypocrisy is staggering on the part of quisling liberal left commentators (especially in the BBC) – none of whom seem to want to comment on ‘the religion of peace’ and its barbarous medieval attitude to homosexuality. I don’t count Dame Stephen Fry pulling faces over a video of dead gay Iranian teenagers (executed for their ‘crime’) as anything more than cheap, ineffectual lip-service.
When will any one of these shameless media cowards find even a sliver of courage to call out the Saudis, Iranians or any number of other Sharia-loving mental cases around the world for their continuing crimes against innocent gay men and women?
Just the usual Leftist Top Trumps, Phil – Islam still the top card by a country mile..
Yes, the usual gay mafia Fry, Tatchell and all were very vociferous about Russia but the Muslim world, including Blighty ? Sod all.
12 years a illegal immigrant or 12 years a scrap-man, or 12 years a BBC reporter on 320,000 per year
I see the bBC is up in arms over how the PM and Nick Clegg have employed Foreign staff. Yes according to the ethical tampon users , it is wrong for the PM to use foriegn labour as it puts British people out of work.
Cameron and Clegg under fire over foreign staff after ‘elite’ claim
This is the same bBC which had no problem the otherday telling me that immigrants have made no impact in putting British people out of work.
I don’t see why the BBC are making an issue of this. Surely they are doing those jobs that the “lazy Brits won’t do”. Or so they keep telling us.
I’m not quite sure, however, why IT experts/ brain surgeons/ nuclear physicists (delete as appropriate) would want jobs as domestic helps. These are the only type of migrants who come here these days I understand.
Which Islamic jihadists will BBC-NUJ support?:-
This poses a dilemma for BBC-NUJ politburo:-
Does it:
either a.)
-support the Islamic camp of Saudi Arabia which is in league with the jihadsits in Syria;
or b.)
-support the Qatar-Al Jazeera-Muslim Brotherhood Islamic side?
Of course, if BBC-NUJ took a position which reflected the interests of people in the West, it would see the political benefits to us of this latest split in the Islamic world.
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2574289/Migrants-DO-cost-UK-jobs-says-buried-report-BBC-attacked-claiming-document-suppressed-No-10.html…bbc at there biased best
The BBC Homepage has an item half way down called “Most Popular” – which then shows the 5 most popular “shared” items. But if you click on most popular “read”, you get 10 items. The top one at the moment is “Islamic School Takeover Threat probe” – but the only place you will find this is by clicking on the “read” page”. I would guess that many more items are read than shared, but that’s not how it goes on the Home Page.
I’m amazed they still enable this facility, as it often seems to get them in hot water between what the BBC gets excited about and what the public is actually interested in (Or not. Sorry Nelson).
There’s also the small matter of how such things can be and/or are manipulated, but that’s internal and would be a ‘purposes of obfuscation’ exclusion right there.
The BBC has total form in this, often ‘vanishing’ things that don’t suit, from comment threads to, on occasion, entire stories.
More about the Islamic threat to education in e.g. Birmingham:-
“‘Jihadist plot to take over Birmingham schools.’
“Secret documents allege extremist conspiracy to remove heads and staff through dirty tricks campaign.”
Even BBC-NUJ:-
“‘Islamic takeover plot’ in Birmingham schools investigated”
Note that the BBC-NUJ report above contains this comment on the atmosphere of fear which relates to such Islamic threats:-
[See bottom right of article, under “Analysis”]-
“Finding anyone who is directly involved and prepared to go on the record has also proved difficult.
“No-one wants to be called an ‘Islamaphobe’ or a racist, nor do they wish to be labelled a right wing conspiracy theorist.
“There’s also a sense of fear among potential whistleblowers that speaking publicly will mean an end to their careers.”
-So, from now on, can we expect a new attitude of understanding from BBC-NUJ to any non-Muslim critics of such Islamic threats inside Britain?
Ignoring this is very dangerous. What will happen is that white flight will accelerate. Because this is the only way the indigenous population can respond given the liberal hold over the media. You can start to see where the frontiers of a Balkanised England are going to be,
I assume this is what the ethnic minority really want. This separation. I see no evidence to the contrary.
Thjose liberals and neo cons responsible need to face up to what they have done to a once cohesive nation.
Yes, the white flight is well under way as UK’s political class (inc BBC-NUJ) campaigns for virtually unlimited mass immigration into Britain. Of course, the poorer white ethnic British are least able to afford to join the white flight.
Increasingly large areas of Britain are being donated to colonisers from Asia, Africa and Europe.
‘Daily Mail’, May 2013 –
“How rise of ‘white flight’ is creating a segregated UK: Study reveals white Britons are ‘retreating’ from areas dominated by ethnic minorities.
“Census figures show white Britons are leaving areas where they are minority.
“Think-tank says survey reveals ‘spiral of white British demographic decline.’
“Ex-Human Rights Commission chair says findings should make us ‘anxious.’
“Nearly half of ethnic minorities live where whites make up less than 50%.
“Just 800 of 8,850 council wards where population is 98 per cent white.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2320002/How-rise-white-flight-areas-dominated-ethnic-minorities-creating-segregated-UK.html#ixzz2vIyf3nP9
warming? no, change? no, warming? no, change, no, warming? …. yep! its Roger “polar bears” Harribin,
He pops up on 5live Drive, to bleat absolute bollox for 5 mins …. farmers fault for the floods, some lecturer egghead
wagging a finger etc.
…………………… twat! ……………………………..
Confirmed twat.
In 2008 the BBC paid for a large truck to tour central London displaying a giant version of Mann’s Hockey Stick as part of the promotion of its very pro CO2 warming mini series called “Climate Wars”.
there’s been sfa in terms of coverage when it comes down to mann’s impending court case against the brilliant mark steyn.
anyone would think that the whole ‘hockey stick’ thing was incontrovertible science.
Can’t wait for The News Quiz tonight for it surely, finally must be catch-up time on:
Labour’s Falkirk scandal.
Harriet Harman’s paedophile agenda in the 70s.
The Environment Agency’s deliberate flooding of the Somerset Levels.
The global warming monkeys stranded in the Antarctic.
Plus…..(add a favourite topic of your own which our intrepid panel and their producers/scriptwriters have studiously and mysteriously avoided so far).
how very odd that the bbc was happy to feature the daily mail’s reaction to he latest Stephen Lawrence findings but not to labour’s paedos?
Feedback’ this afternoon were apparently shadowing the Today programme earlier in the week.
One of its topics they chose to cover was Nigel Farage’s point about not hearing a word of English spoken whilst he was on a train journey through London.
So what kind of feedback does Today get? Well here’s one e-mail which very usefully informs us that there are areas in Southern Spain where you only hear English spoken (yawwwwn – not heard that one before, BBC).
But were there any e-mails in support of ‘Nigel’? asks our intrepid presenter (pause). Well there was one (semi-incredulous tone – what planet could such a person be on?) which accused the BBC (switches to light-heartedly dismissive tone) of peddling its own agenda on immigration.
The BBC – knows much, much better than you on immigration, you insignificant little voter
“an area in Southern Spain where you only hear English spoken”
Its called Gibraltar
But any emails in support of Farage would not pass the BBC Monitors censorship of comments policy, due to the fact that these comments would be written in English, and criticism of foreign language usage, violates the BBC rules on diversity.
Actually that is wrong. The dominant Asian group is Bangladeshi , Sylheti speakers, and there are very few Palistanis in Tower Hamlets, Somalis, Poles and Africans gradually adding to the mix though, and the indigenous ethnic British Cockney inhabitants almost entirely squeezed out apart from small numbers of middle class who love the ‘vibes’.
Have the Spanish complained ? It’s their country , their problem and they should have the right to deal with it in their way .
As you can see , I don’t believe in Moral Equivalence when it comes to immigration and cultural issues .
I no longer consider Feedback an independent programme holding the BBC to account. There are too many incidents that appear ‘inspired’ by current topics eg a couple of years ago when considering local radio it became part of the armour used by the Trust to claim there was huge support for local radio to be kept.
And that is why tens of thousands, who are not sure about ukip, will nevertheless vote for them at the Euro elections to send the cretins in the BBC, Metropolitan la la land, Westminster and Brussels a loud and clear message that they have had enough of their anti democratic, liberal, left wing bollox.
Or you insignificant little licence payer for that matter. Just shut up and give us the money. Six-figure salaries and expense accounts have to be funded from somewhere, you know.
Come on, BBC, crack a smile and open a bottle or two of your favourite bubbly (you know where they are – in the fridge labelled ‘May 2015’) because it looks like we’re not all going to fry in hell after all……
Updated Global Temperature: No global warming for 17 years, 6 months – (No Warming for 210 Months).
‘This graph is highly topical. It is right up to date. Remote Sensing Systems, Inc. (RSS) is one of the two satellite-based datasets (the other is the University of Alabama at Huntsville (UAH). And RSS is one of the five standard global temperature datasets, which include the two satellite datasets and the three terrestrial datasets – Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS); the Hadley Centre/CRU dataset, version 4 (HadCRUT4); and the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC). As this month, RSS is usually the first to report, and its latest monthly value, for February 2014, became available just hours ago….
The graph is news. Not only is it very recent: it is also something that the mainstream news media very seldom reveal. They tend to keep the now embarrassingly long hiatus in global warming secret*.’
*That includes you, BBC.
Sorry, forgot the link:
In 2008 the BBC paid for a large truck to tour central London displaying a giant version of Mann’s Hockey Stick as part of the promotion of its very pro CO2 warming mini series called “Climate Wars”.
I am sure that they wouldn’t therefore object to other organisations paying for large trucks to tour central London conveying information then.
Oh wait . . .
Very odd BBC global warming piece which appears to present both sides of the argument, but only presents both sides as they see it. It is a question of how much the earth is warming rather than is it warming at all & is it down to anthropogenic causes?
This is the science that is censored from the BBC.
With carbon dioxide warming falling from 5 Kelvin for a doubling to the now more accurate 0.028 Kelvin for a doubling (using the laps rate, thermodynamics, Unified Theory of Climate and the atmosphere of Venus as a proxy).
I have found out that Piers Corbyn understands this latest bit of evidence, but he does not like using the term “Greenhouse effect” for this.
But then correlations still point to cosmic ray induced Global warming turning into Global cooling from 2018, using the length of the last and predicted length of the next solar cycle.
In fact the paradox is that only sources not controlled by journalists, but controlled by scientists include this science, internet sites such as Weatheraction, Google Scholar or David Archibald’s site on the one hand, and publications such as the Mensa magazine and books written by and published by scientist who find new avenues to communicate with the general public by dodging the barriers of left-wing journalistic censorship.
In fact, I believe it is the main role of tax payer funded organisations such as the Tyndall Centre, simply to bully Editors and Journalists, to censor any science that produces facts, evidence, proof, correlations, observations and results from experiments that do not fit the man-made climate change scam.
BBC 5live Drive, tentatively broaches the Muslim “Trojan horse strategy” in Bham schools … (55mins).
lots of tutting … naaa … well? … any substance to it? … well we don t know? … you know … unclear?
why wait a week to even mention it?
Bham Schools, Education Dept and Bham Council are quote
“deeply concerned” … BBC?
“We still don’t know whether it’s genuine or a fake, but that’s one of the questions the city council will be attempting to answer ”
naaaa … well
… unclear
… any substance to it … naaaa
yeah … well … we just don t know
The Sunday Times – Birmingham city council is deeply concerned about ‘Operation Trojan Horse’ strategy documents
New English Review -“Exposed Islamist plot to take over schools’
NationStatesNews – The Muslim Takeover Conspiracy – :How Muslims plan to convert schools
Just like the hard left burrowed its way into and took over our education system in the 60’s.
The BBC will have an awful dilemma if someone they approve of is trying to muscle in on an education system controlled by another group that they approve of.
“Revealed: Islamist plot dubbed ‘Trojan Horse’ to replace teachers in Birmingham schools with radicals.
“Birmingham city council has warned of an alleged dirty tricks campaign.
“It has documents purporting that non-Muslim teachers are being targeted.
“Islamic fundamentalists allegedly want to replace them with radicals.
“Called Trojan Horse, the operation has reportedly succeeded in places.
“The documents reveal a plan for the operation to target other cities.”
This is serious shit and should be news headlines not just on the BBC but in the press as well.
concern in the news circles goes on …
Bham Mail –
now the International Business Times –
bbc? … after a bloody week!!!
bury this 2hrs in to a 3hr newscast.
(1hr 53 mins).
just listen to the disbelieving approach of the reporters, (compared to all of the above links, in posts above)
“We still don’t know whether it’s genuine or a fake, but that’s one of the questions the city council will be attempting to answer ” .
… hmmm says everything
Muslims take over a few schools. Chickenshit; they took over the British Broadcasting Corporation. Beat that.
Now this is important to Beeboids:
Lead story on their ‘Science & Environment’ page-
“Cowboy ‘trick rope physics’ revealed”
By James Morgan
Science reporter, BBC News, Denver.
Did we licence-payers pay for him to go to Denver for this?!
It’s your average BBC male’s attraction to leather and whips.
I love this:
The reporter thinks that having “infidel” or “white hair” in his Somalian passport is a sign of affection.
Well, I suppose that’s one way of looking at it. Maybe his nickname shoule be “lamb to the slaughter”.
And further on he writes:
“Somalis can be quite a xenophobic lot and foreigners are frequently given short shrift.
The Chinese are known as Indha Yare (Small Eyes), while Arabs are Dhega Cas (Red Ears).”
Oh those loveable rogues, if only we had such vibrant diversity here!
Small Eyes, Slitty Eyes – what’s the difference?
‘“Somalis can be quite a xenophobic lot…’
By the BBC’s standards I would have thought ‘racist’ was more appropriate. Oh, hang on, they’re black…
What’s the Somalian word for “wanker”? More appropriate I feel.
They don’t have one. There are so many goats about the place it’s simply unheard of.
Sounds good – thge main headline of Saturday’s Telegraph is :
“Dodging TV licence will not be a crime”
I bet that doesn’t get a mention when the Today programme reviews the morning papers.
But this is only a first step – the licence tax is monstrously regressive, worse than any other UK tax. It needs to be abolished entirely. That can’t be done yet – so any prolonged debate on the use of criminal law against people who can’t pay will keep the pot boiling.
If this goes through it could be the beginning of the end for the BBC. Light at the end of the tunnel.
I’m keeping my fingers crossed.
The BBC have responded with:
A BBC spokesman said: “Legislation is a matter for the Government, however changing the law could lead to higher evasion. Just a 1 per cent increase in evasion would lead to the loss of around £35million, the equivalent of around 10 BBC Local Radio stations.”
The local media will be delighted.
Win Win!
Without the TV tax to fund it’s champagne socialist lifestyle it will be unable to survive as it will be incapable of providing balanced news from an impartial standpoint. There is an opinion expressed in the reporting of every single item on the BBC from Muslim atrocities to Children’s football.
Labour’s Newsnight at it again.
With no appetite to provide the public with any scrutiny of 2013 Labour, the BBC turn their fire on the LimpDems.
But after asking about Randy Reynard, Maitless suddenly chooses to ask Tim Farron, how he thinks the Tories handled the Patrick Rock affair.
WTF? What kind of a question was that?
BBC and Newsnight never miss an opportunity.
Ignore ‘Noah.’
Why should Beeboids mention, let alone criticise, global Islamic interests for banning the film ‘Noah’ because of its portrayal of Islam? After all, Beeboids themselves banned ‘Daily Mail’ from newspaper reviews because of its portrayal of Labour Party’s Ms Harman.
“Qatar, Bahrain, UAE ban ‘Noah’ film; Al Azhar says it violates Islam.”
[Opening excerpt]-
“This kind of censorship is routine when it comes to something deemed “un-Islamic” in a Muslim country. A far greater cause for concern is the self-censorship that the Western media increasingly practices in regard to things that offend Muslims: for example, the near-universal unwillingness to reprint the Muhammad cartoons, which despite the furor they caused were actually quite bland. A willingly Sharia-compliant media is the enemy of free people.”
the BBC will ignore it for a week or so in the hope that any furore will die down, if not will give it a cursory in passing mention somewhere.
PS … where s the 100s of reporters, 1000s of cameras from bloody Hollywood on this eh!
That bloody absolute fraud, protector “the future cannot belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam” from the Whitehouse has a lot to bloody answer for … remember Benghazi? … blaming that on a youtube sketch!
How strange! Radio 4’s midnight roundup of the press leads, breathlessly, on the Daily Mail’s headlines about police ‘spying’ on the Lawrence family.
And when the Mail was equally assiduous in exposing the links between senior Labour MPs and a paedophile organisation…?
Des? Scott? Albaman?
“Is this the BBC’s most risky comedy ever? Parody of incompetent Corporation returns to our screens with Twenty Twelve sequel”
By Christopher Stevens.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2575529/Is-BBCs-risky-comedy-ever.html#ixzz2vMSO7s8v
Never mind 12 years a slave how about 25 years a slave? Only the BBC are a little more reticent to talk about this as the real modern day slavers are not white!
Found buried deep in the bBC news pages with a very brief article just so they can say they didn’t completely ignore it.
Newswatch is a strange beast….
…tucked away in a lost reverse Andy Warhol 15 minutes of obscurity somewhere on the BBC News Channel it declares that it presents and answers criticism from Licence Payers.
So let’s see how Newswatch performs.
The show asks the questions : Did the BBC get their coverage of news from Ukraine right and should the Corporation have flown 10 o’clock BBC1 news anchor Huw Edwards out there for two days?
A couple of comments from viewers about the BBC apparently picking sides caught my attention.
One began (I paraphrase very slightly) ‘although I support Pusy Riot and The Gays, I didn’t like the way the BBC towed the line behind “Western Leaders”.
To me this is typical BBC handling of criticism. Only comments from the Left are allowed. And the argument of this viewer is very thin. For one thing there is the sequence of events – in fact “Western Leaders” seemed to follow the BBC who brought the subject of Kiev to our attention in their reports that were gushing with sympathy for the ‘peaceful protesters’.
In offering “Western Leaders” up to pillory the BBC carefully – and for slightly different reasons – fails to name specifically either the EU (the instigator) or Obama (the flounderer).
When I hear the term “Western Leaders” (particularly one supposes on the lips of a Pusy Riot supporter) one can’t help but imagine that the viewer feels that Thatcher and Reagan are still in office. Does the BBC hone in on this comment as a chance to air those Left-liberal sentiments? Or does the BBC select this comment simply to demonstrate that it takes seriously all comments from the Left?
So why was our Huw parachuted onto some roof top with a dramatic atmopheric backdrop of…. a foggy evening…. which meant he may as well have been in Hackney Wick? Particularly we ask since his first (incestuous) interview is with Nick Robinson outside Number 10. (Why Nick Robinsion needs to be outside a closed door is another subject for another day).
‘No BBC Management Spokesperson was available for reply’ – but our charming Newswatch presenter – Samira Ahmed – had all the house arguments to hand and so happily she was able to take on the representative viewer (on a dodgy skype link… as per usual).
Seems it wasn’t a waste of cash because our Huw did other work out there that took presure off the others (poor lambs) and added value ‘for our viewers at home and abroad’.
I hat ed that… ‘viewers abroad’ get 100% chuffing added value! They don’t pay for a Licence!
And then the BBC fall back defence is that having Huw out there on the ground – or on the hotel balcony – ‘shows the viewer the importance of the news event’.
An interesting hostage to fortune perhaps? Or simply (and I answer why our Nick is in Downing Street here..) it’s because it is ENTERTAINMENT.
Newswatch = a tickbox exercise in airing (selectively) viewer comments which really simply reinforces the feeling that the BBC is Biased and Arrogant.
I think we could do with comments on the proposal to decriminalise failure to pay the BBC Licence Fee, supported by around 100 Members of Parliament. It seems to me a very imaginative idea. It will be interesting to see who opposes it and why.
As I have said many times no-one in the UK should require the State’s permission to receive broadcast news and entertainment. It is reminiscent of an authoritarian government. Short of it’s being abolished, this is a good solution.
Find out from your MP whether they support it, put pressure on them to do so, especially Labour and the LibDems.
See the comments in the post on this subject.
It is not necessarily a good idea turning it into a civil offence because it would make it easier to proescute people, and you would get a County Court Judgement on your credit record for every year you didn’t pay it.
If only a campaign was taken up by a newspaper with a snappy ‘Scrap the Telly Tax’ strapline and loads of pictures of people using foodbanks because the ‘Telly Tax’
The news quiz this week is just a party political broadcast against the Conservative party – nothing much new to report – yawn.
Yup, no stuff on Labour-luving Paedos, the unions finally getting round to one member one vote…it IS 2014 isn`t it?…it`s non-story on immigration figures or yet ANOTHER go at getting to “the truth” about Stephen Lawrence-and that only because the Daily Mail bothered their arses to name the killers.
Nothing either about Islamic infiltration of school governing bodies (better that the kids bodies, I grant you) or the never of the EU wanting “democracy”…but not that horrid referendum-type that the EU always lose first time around.
And nothing about the BBC types not liking that referendum…as opposed to the Scottish kind, which are just dandy with the Left.
The News Quiz is unfunny shit….and how the likes of Hardy, Toksvig get to hoover up the money of the poor to endlessly spiel off their 1975 Rag Week bollox is beyond me.
And-as ever NO jokes about reducing crime and the rate of re-offending, cost of court cases and clogging up the system for Legal Aid Survivors of Inns of Court(i.e those comical hard-pressed judges who went on strike!)….by removing criminal sanctions from BBC-license paying refusniks!
Noe of zees eez funny-wrong agenda…all of it…so F*** off Adolf!
BBC wit and repartee…
Katie’s take on International Wimmin’s Day – on the bBC?, not bleeding likely.
Great link, good old Katie, telling it as it is in the Real World! (And she is on my patch)
I see the BBC continues to lie in pursuit of its TV Licence enforcement:
“Not paying the TV licence fee could become a civil offence, rather than a criminal one, under plans being considered by ministers.”
“Not paying the licence fee” is NOT an offence – watching LIVE broadcasts without a licence is an offence.
I do not pay the licence fee, because I do not receive live broadcasts in my home. I am not committing an offence.
Yet again, the BBC (aka TV Licensing Authority) classifies householders as either paying customers or evaders. They do not acknowledge those like me who are Legally Licence Free.
Licence fee enforcement has always been a litany of lies, false propaganda and disgraceful doorstep tactics which would be the object of a Watchdog-style investigation if conducted by any other organisation.
This article is maintaining the lies of BBC/TV Licensing.
Excellent point. It will be interesting if that gets stealth edited once it has done its job and truth or accuracy no longer get in the way of the narrative.
I also note the comments are not really going the BBC’s way again. At all.
Be interesting to see when it closes or the thread gets vanished.
I get the impression they were expecting to feel the love they keep telling everyone they have, and are coming away disappointed.
Comment error ?
BBC journo Claire Thompson:
Unlikely but imagine a Christian bBC employee tweeting that he/she was going to ‘fill the air’ with anti gay marriage content tonight – instant dismissal!
Sack her, the bBC should be impartial in every respect…
And yet another BBC journalist’s tweet gets deleted after I draw attention to it.
Tuned in to Radio 4 at approx. 6.40 am.
‘But women don’t have to behave aggressively now to get noticed as they did under Thatcher, they are accepted for what they are’ (paraphrased).
What the f…………? What happened to ‘Farming Today’?
Uh, this is ‘Farming Today’.
Presenter, paraphrased: ‘Well some people have contacted the programme to complain that we are fabricating a feminist agenda by looking at the role of women in farming’.
Welly welly welly welly welly welly well. Knock me over with a feather.
Please, please, can you spare just one programme from your relentless student union agendas?
And in the meantime…..
Big clunking fist.
‘Off’ button.
Kathy Gyngell’s article “Britain’s land girls refuse to dance to the BBC’s gender equality tune” has a write up of this:
“Britain’s women farmers, Farming Today was confident, would be found to be still in the grip of patriarchal oppression and prejudice. All it needed was to track them down. The only trouble was, having been lined up for interview, that Britain’s female farmers, from the Welsh uplands to the Scottish Highlands, refused to play ball. They were either bemused or having none of it.”
When it comes to right minded women of power (Thatcher, Palin, etc.), the Left (which includes the BBC of course) are misogynistic. I suspect this is to cover the otherwise self-evident contradiction in the theme of their propaganda.
So there’s a Boeing 777 gone missing in the South China Sea, it’s known that there were two passengers on board using stolen European passports from Italy & Austria.
Now there is a suspicion of terrorism, but of course as expected the BBC is steering away from even mentioning the name which must never be criticised, but yet has caused more air crashes than any other – Islam.
No matter where in the world Muslims are, there’s trouble, even in China, and it has to be a source of the greatest suspicion that they are again the perpetrators of yet another bloody outrage in the name of their violent & blood stained religion.
No doubt if this is confirmed, the BBC will commence it’s usual hand wringing and unwillingness to blame or to pass any judgement, until it’s found some dubious reason as to why it isn’t really the fault of Islam – just like they did with the Lee Rigby murder which was apparently the fault of the nasty white people not the Jihadists!
Brings to mind the saying ” Not all muslims are terrorists” etc., etc.
Wonder when TPTB are going to sit up, take notice and actually do something to protect the western world from the growing scourge these people are?
(incoming in 3…..2…..)
BBC-NUJ ears should be burning at this:-
Yes, BBC-NUJ should run disclaimers on-screen, and on-line when ‘reporting’ with habitual favourable bias for e.g. Labour Party, E.U, Islam, global warming, mass immigration, Obama, etc.
The other day Obama fluffed the lyrics to Aretha Franklin’s “RESPECT” and Fox News had a bit of fun at the president’s expense. That was a little too much for BBC News online editor Daniel Nasaw who in turn mocked Fox:
Imagine how Nasaw and the rest of his BBC colleagues would’ve treated Sarah Palin if she had misspelled the same famous refrain from that song? Would he, as a BBC Washington editor, be angry at others for mocking her? No – he’d make sure there was a 90 second cut for the 10 o’clock news and have a special online feature on previous Palin “gaffes”.
Daniel Nasaw is a fucking areshole.
Ayn Rand once observed, in speaking about some academic philosophers delivering papers at a conference she had occasion to attend, that if, in order to speak, they were compelled to state all their basic assumptions explicitly and unequivocally, the room would clear out in a hurry, as nobody would speak, and nobody would stay there just to look at an empty stage.
Methinks after a while, if it didn’t happen instantly enough, something like that would occur in TV viewership too.
You are not paying for programmes when you pay the licence fee but for BBC staff’s gold-plated pensions. The BBC Pension Fund is in continuing deficit and last month the Beeb silently switched £400m into it from licence fee money. Two years ago they gave it £1b. But it won’t be mentioned in the campaign against this change.
Good that its announcement coincides with International Women’s Day as the vast majority of those taken to court are women.
prince harry heckled
practically a lie but you can imagine that a more positive headline wouldn’t count as clickbate for the bbc’s preferred viewer type
Good article by Chris Booker in the Telegraph – partly about the EU’s madness in Ukraine (oh, and that of the USA), and partly about the BBC spending lots of other peoples dosh, having obtained it from the EU…
Excellent link .Worth a look if only for this in the second part of column.
“Just a few clicks soon revealed that between 2007 and 2012 the BBC in fact received some £20 million, including more than £4 million in 2012 alone; in other words, very much more than the BBC had admitted under that FOI request. “
It appears that Patten has now been convinced to attend a grilling by MP’s over pro-EU bias by the BBC.
Why the government should have ever put a Lord into the position of head of BBC Trust is strange, as he’s been using this status to avoid appearing before them on this matter till now.
He claims:
The BBC Trust said: ‘The Chairman made clear that while he was willing to appear before the Committee, the BBC’s constitutional independence under its Charter must be protected and he will not be in a position to discuss BBC editorial decisions.’
Let’s remind ourselves that he is supposed to represent the licence fee payer, and the BBC also has a duty under the charter to be fair, balanced and impartial, and not just independent. We know even by the BBC’s own admission that they have been biased on this subject, and it’s outrageous to have this clearly biased person himself representing the public.
BBC chief is forced to face MPs over claims of pro-EU bias in news coverage
“Why did cruel Sally Bercow and the lying BBC ruin the last year of my father’s life? Lord McAlpine’s daughter breaks her silence on Twitter smears that shattered him.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2576453/Why-did-cruel-Sally-Bercow-lying-BBC-ruin-year-fathers-life-Lord-McAlpines-daughter-breaks-silence-Twitter-smears-shattered-him.html#ixzz2vPpmiIHn