Just a reminder that Tony Hall pledged to be tough on bullies and abusers after a hitherto ‘look the other way’ policy despite numerous complaints.
His idea of ‘being tough’ is moving accused to different departments. Must do great for company morale.
Our media led by the BBC is still unable to grasp much about the Crimea and Russia. All I hear is speculation so I can speculate as well.
The Crimea is where liberalism EU style hits reality. They just don’t seem to understand. Banging on about the rule of law and that this is the 21st century and these things are not supposed to happen etc etc.
Russia has demonstrated to the world that the EU is a weak useless collection of exactly what? You can hardly call them nations.
The US under Obama seems to want to abandon it’s great power role and leave it to the EU. And the world can see what the EU is made of.
Now I do not regard Russia as a long term existential threat to Europe. Quite the opposite really but there are other nations and groups of nations who will have seen just how weak Europe is. both militarily and more importantly in willpower.
Now that worries me . Will it worry the liberal ascendancy.? No . That bunch of fantasisits are more concerned with inventing the perfect liberal state in which the liberal rules of non discrimination between right and wrong, non judgemental thought and self expression rule.
No concept of reality and the possibility that there really are evil people in this world who wish us real harm.
Liberalism is like a child playing with it’s soft toys. Secure because the father and mother are there. But there is no father and mother for Europe now. We are on our own and had better start acting as if reality exists.
There is a quote from Solzhentisyn that goes like this. I think
“Life organised legalistically has always shown an inability to defend itself against the corrosion of evil”
Meaningless to a liberal. After all there is no such thing as evil in a liberal’s world.
‘ If you don’t like us you can always hold us to account’ is what the politicos constantly tell us. The truth is that we can’t, because when we vote them out of office in a bid to hold them to account they are simply found a nice cushy job where they don’t have to do very much, get paid a lot, and aren’t accountable at all.
Evan Davis challenged the Government’s position on fracking with the words: “The Government appear to be proposing some kind of community compensation, let’s call it a bribe, let’s call it a bribe shall we?”
If the bribe is in the form of taxpayers money, I agree, all forms of subsidy, using other peoples money are bribes.
But if the Government are forcing fracking companies to give a percentage of any profits to the local community, then that is morally superior to any taxpayer funded subsidies, such as those used for windmill bribes.
“Netanyahu slams Ashton: Ask Iran about its Gaza-bound arms boat.
“EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton in Tehran on landmark visit, meeting Rohani and Zarif, with Iran’s nuclear activities set to dominate discussions.”
It’s so she can display to the world her liberal humanity, her understanding and respect for the alien culture, amongst which she stands, so she is seen to be four square against the racists who infest the right, extreme right, or anywhere to the right of polpot.
Because after all her intelligence eclipses the plebs, she just KNOWS she is right.
Trouble is, those feelings will vapourise if she feels that cold steel of islam against her neck, but by then its too late.
“Can children be damaged by fundamentalist religions? ”
hmm “religions” plural … bit vague eh!
… jackbooted Jians? .
… hysterical Hindu s? perhaps
… how about pushy Presbyterians, no?
… now then, just who is damaging children
so that they may want to just for instance erm .. kill us?
or Jewish people? … or Gay people
or travel all the way to lets say … erm Syria to kill people?
or people from other religions, like in Nigeria Somalia, Egypt, or Libya etc.?
any ideas?,
on religious imperative? … no no clue?
how about warping minds to think you can just gang rape children? because who you misguidedly believe is a “Prophet”
did it soooo, … not an issue … all ok?
and to boot, because your ideology makes Hitler look like a shrinking violet … its nearly always non Muslim children too.
still not a clue?
all these questions about ahem! … “religions”
plural … deftly avoided live on the BBC.1
well …
N “Panto” Campbell … introduces the question by actually mentioning the “Trojan Horse Strategy” … promising?
…. then proceeds to give elongated time to a “damaged”
activist from … Boo Hiss! a Fundamentalist … Christian! background … then onto an Evangelical … Christian! who gets a few probing questions …
absurdly then onto whether homosexuality is genetic or a choice? in comes a Muslim participant, “because we have way up all the different perspectives” ?
another ex- muslim chap informs us he had terrible persecution, and now is taking a chance even being on the show … just to move things along “Panto” brings back ex Christian activist … crisis averted
thank-you and goodnight!
It was truly a warped representation of Britain. We had someone taught by extremist Christians and the most moderate Muslims the BBC could get their hands on.
That useless, bird-brained woman, Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, was on News 24 yesterday coming out with the most appalling anti-male, feminist crap. To be fare to the newsreader (though he was your typical lefty wimp) he did pluck up the courage to murmur a defense of the male population. I cannot stand immigrant feminists who come here and criticize Britain. If it’s so bad why are they here?
Actually, the saving political grace for Ms Alibhia-Brown is that she does speak out on the two issues of:
1.) female genital mutilation;
2.) honour killings.
“Yasmin Alibhai-Brown: The crimes that women commit against each other.
“We feminists are pathologically unable to deal with the fact that females are, sometimes, more sadistic than men and viciously hurt their own sex.”
As featured on INBBC Radio 1, but a report for it to censor now:-
“‘The scum stole our cash’: ‘Hip hop jihadist’ who left £1m London home to fight in Syria complains on Twitter of being kidnapped, tortured and robbed by FELLOW Islamists.
“Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary left Maida Vale home last year to go to Syria.
“23-year-old’s cash, phones and guns allegedly stolen by other jihadists.
“Bary is an aspiring rapper whose music has featured on BBC Radio 1.”
“Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, 23, walked out of his family’s £1million home in Maida Vale, west London, last year to join militant groups, telling them he was ‘leaving everything for the sake of Allah’.
“Now Bary – whose music has featured on BBC Radio 1 – has posted on Twitter that he and another Briton were abducted and robbed, with their money, phones and guns stolen by other jihadists.”
Now come on George,
you know its … poverty, … and unfairness … and disenfranchisement, … and discrimination, … and … and … and etc …
that makes young Muslims want to rush, all the way over to Syria … to indiscriminately murder people, who have nothing to do with Maida Vale £1000.000 London pads.
for crying out loud man … keep up!
BBC Parliament is in fact the only BBC television channel not under left-wing censorship when it comes to issues such as Climate Change or a UKIP Conference. I have just seen the lovely Donna Laramboise on the telly for the first time ever, so do not knock BBC Parliament. The morons are very reluctant to censor its content.
BBC Parliament is in fact the only BBC television channel not under left-wing censorship when it comes to issues such as Climate Change or a UKIP Conference. I have just seen the lovely Donna Laframboise on the telly for the first time ever, so do not knock BBC Parliament. The BBC morons are very reluctant to censor its content.
So what is nick saying on the bBC news;
The Uk has benefited from the LD
The rest of Europe is evil,but we should remain in Europe
That nasty Muslims can only be victims
That the UK must keep our doors open in which to help those poor people to find safety, a home ,a pension and of course religious freedom
Under the LD gays can get married
That membership of the EU is allowing us to stand up to Russia
My proposal – BBC 1 and 2, and National Radio stations, 1 and 2 broadcast free via freesat, freeview and I player (or Yutube).
These channels to be funded by advertising and programme sales income. This income to be ringfenced for the above “Free” channels.
These “Premium” channels to be available advert free by subscription.
Everything else to be funded by a mix of subscription or advertising revenue as the BBC sees fit.
Licence fee to be abolished, BBC Charter to be rewritten.
All BBC staff salaries and full accounts to be published annually.
BBC pensions and redundancy terms to be brought into line with commercial practice.
BBC Charter to be updated, emphasising public service broadcaster statutory obligations and impartial role of BBC.
New body to be set up to oversee all BBC activities, with power to veto major decisions. 50% Co-opted and 50% to be elected by public.
Apparently A 12-strong panel established by James Purnell, the corporation’s director of strategy and digital, have proposed replacing the licence fee with a subscription scheme and is said to have made the recommendation to the BBC’s executive board. However, on Saturday night the BBC denied the claim.
The BBC often claims that according to their polls the majority of people would be happy to pay more for their services. If they really believed that why wouldn’t they opt for a subscription scheme, and let those who want it, pay for it. As the poll appearing on the Telegraph website with the article shows, so far that 77% of readers would prefer a subscription scheme over a licence fee.
The BBC claim “The report recommends that the BBC pursue an inflationary licence fee increase with greater commercial revenue,” a spokesman said. “No subscription model is recommended.”
So somebody’s lying, and I know who my money is on.
The BBC had told The Sunday Times: “This piece of work looked at how we would continue the BBC’s mission to inform, educate and entertain as we approach our centenary. “We are always keen to explore ways to serve licence fee payers better, and will continue to innovate.”
‘Innovate’ by just getting more money to provide the crap service they have been for years whilst vastly over-rewarding their pompous and arrogant egos and failing to abide by their charter.
If they want to really ‘explore ways to serve licence fee payers better’, make licence fee payers history, and let only those who want to pay for the BBC do so.
If you want to see where a great comedian can end up if he tilts at the UKIP windmill way beyond the point of where funny ends, just watch(if you can) the dreadful Stewart Lee and his “Comedy Vehicle”( 8/3/14, BBC 10.15p.m).
His show last week was excellent-but this one just stank.
A warning for any comic…and his card is now marked, as ” left imbecile” like Charlie Brookers.
The one occasion I watched Lee (and I count it as a misfortune) he was singing the praises of political correctness. I then concluded he was perfect material for BBC Radio 4.
The Chairman made clear that while he was willing to appear before the Committee, the BBC’s constitutional independence under its Charter must be protected and he will not be in a position to discuss BBC editorial decisions.’
Very wise. There will be no defence of the indefensible from Lord Threedaysaweekpluseupension.
‘he will not be in a position to discuss BBC editorial decisions.’
Sounds like he’s laid out the terms for what will be a truly tedious session, putting one in mind Mob Boss* testimony when they claim the 5th like a cracked record.
*And others:
Good article here at the new ‘Conservative Women’ site…
Saturday’s programme, it turned out, was the culmination of a week-long campaign by the Beeb’s gender warriors to track down the oppressed of the farming industry. No, they were not seeking out migrant labourers at the mercy of gangmasters or poor peasants drowning on the Somerset levels, but women farmers. A barrage of emails during the week complaining that the BBC was making a fuss about nothing had not stopped them.
Why is the bBC promoting the view that the missing Malay airliner has turned back, while everybody else is looking at how 4 people boarded with false passports, thus linking into a n act of terrorism
funny how the bbc can be hot off the press when a `not really` `advisor to the queen` is involved and so reluctant when it was just harriet hoor-person and madam Hewitt
Just a little observation on journalism – BBC News Channel around 2.30pm or so UK time. Martine Croxall referred to Nick Clegg’s speech (Leader of the Liberal Democrats ) in which she said he had criticized ‘the backward looking’ policies of UKIP and the leader of the party Nigel Farage.
What she ought to have said to be impartial was that he criticized ‘as backward looking’ the policies of UKIP.
Maybe she doesn’t know the difference, or she was careless, or knows exactly, that the use of ‘the’ indicates that she and the BBC consider the policies are indeed backward looking.
I am not a member or supporter of UKIP. I just want honest, high quality and unbiased journalism and reporting which we no longer get from the BBC.
I can see how the resurrection of national democracy and freedoms would look “backward looking” to a pro-EU ideologue. But UKIP policies mix the best of the past such as the restoration of the Grammar Schools with forward looking policies relating to direct democracy, which where not possible in the past.
So Ben Brown (as noticed this morning having embedded himself with the ‘pro-Ukrainians’) is able to post his report with which the BBC News shouts ‘Ukrainians whipped by pro-Russians’.
However watch Ben’s report and we are told (full marks for honesty to our Ben here) a young Russian was the first to be knocked to the ground when tempers flared between rival (peaceful?) protesters.
Still the BBC headline edits puts the Russian side (the BBC’s chosen baddies) firmly in the wrong.
Glorious day, morning to dusk, at least hereabouts.
But with the sun dipping below the horizon time for a quick cuppa and catch-up on the overnights and day-longs.
I can only presume the weather at Flokker central was less clement, as it appears an entire Staffel made a suicide dive or two, including one whose family life clearly took second place to duty, at least this weekend.
Anyway, in other news, I also caught up with the ex-BBC insider who has offered up more than the odd interesting morsel. Of course, he can also offer an insight into ways of thinking that one may not agree with, but are still interesting. http://tradingaswdr.blogspot.co.uk/2014/03/dodgy.html
The reactions to this punt (concentrated on the thread dedicated to it here, and elsewhere) have offered a rich seam (see what I did there), and he has offered a new line to watch out for, witness the ‘This from a party…’ #2wrongs series he brings up.
One can only wish him well with the commercial ad model he favours for his blog. Because it can throw up tasty morsels too. So, in the spirit of balance… http://tradingaswdr.blogspot.co.uk/2014/03/jobs-lost-and-found.html
FoI has seemed a more productive route than CECUTT, but it would appear the BBC is getting ever more wise to the limitations and loopholes, and so again, to a not unreasonable question, they have used their own inefficiency to conjure up an exemption excuse. How handy.
I was going leave this one as mainly gossip, but one line did inspire the merest hint of a smile at the sheer inevitability of what was shared (beyond the cosy revolving door between the BBc and the Government Department dealing with it), especially… http://tradingaswdr.blogspot.co.uk/2014/03/bean-juice.html ”Jon and parter Ali taking some java in trendy Islington cafe/furniture shop”
Where else would they be? I wonder if it was that one owned by the £300k directorette of Lord knows what who couldn’t do late afternoons or Fridays thanks to her barista commitments?
I can see from the background scenes of countryfile that they have an item on halal slaughter, folk here, cant listen, need some feedback. It just has to be a load of whitewash bollocks.
You`ll not be surprised to know that Lyse Doucet and Catherine(Baroness) Ashton both wore headscarves and baggy shapeless coats as they told us of their time in Iran tonight( 7.30 pm News 24).
Utter craven liberal noises-but no illiterate Shi`ite there on the verge of hanging a few gays could escape the message that we send spineless unelected ciphers with baggy coats and headscarves to “negotiate” human rights or nuclear weapons…whereas they actually have MEN doing this kind of thing!
Who`s going to win that then?…and didn`t Ahmadinejadh mock us for sending women and kiddies with iPods out to the Hormuz Straits to defend British territorial waters in borrowed dinghies.
How to lose a war with Islam…send them Doucet or Ashton by way of “representatives of the West”!
And if we`re REALLY that crap-at least send then Jo Brand and the Eagle girls…a wrestling tag team, even Johnny Quango and Bill Logan would have hesitated to fight!
Has anyone else noticed how bloody lazy the BBC are on a Sunday? I’ve regularly checked their ‘news’ site and it hasn’t changed in hours. Just goes to show how they create the news agenda…
@OwenJones84: Ok, so I’ve got news. Really sad to leave the Independent, who I owe so much, and delighted to join the Guardian as a columnist
” A BBC spokesperson has confirmed this will make no difference at all to how frequently he is invited in by the BBC to speak for the nation.
This may of course not be accurate.”
“Welcome to the Guardian, Owen. Just to confirm that your salary will be paid in two parts; firstly we will pay you direct from our income from public service advertising, then your salary will be made up to the levels that the capitalist press pay from guaranteed appearances on our broadcasting arm, funded by the taxpayer also, clever eh?”
Trying to recall the episode of Top Gear where the lads stitched up a twilight years respresentative of an ideological foe on the basis of unsubstantiated testimony via a 3rd party contractor they use for wet work.
But yes, Kirsty, the real shame is and will always be the lack of enforced gender balance in light entertainment.
Got to give her credit for the strategy to make her unfireable when Katz again has to make difficult decisions juggling vast salaries to reach plummeting viewership.
‘Cohen hopes that change at the football highlights show will set an example for other programmes to follow.’
Why do BBC bigwigs make statements like this? Why do they assume gender and identity campaign politics are the natural way ahead for Britain?
Do not be fooled that it has anything to do with equal opportunity.
This weekend a Guardian sports reporter revealed on a commercial radio station that he was uneasy about this BBC trend toward ‘quotas’. He recalled the lead up to Jacqui Oatley (the BBC’s first female football commentator) making her first appearance. Instead of treating her as they would other commentators the BBC made a ‘huge fuss’ about her – ‘constantly telling the Guardian to watch out for her first show’.
My conclusion is that it is BBC office politics that demands their spokespeople be politically correct. A heavy imbalance of Leftist individuals have a strangle-hold on the workplace. From Corporate point of view the BBC have their fingers and toes crossed Labour win the next General Election.
Apparently he required the same policy for a staff Chippendale hen night. And the girls rioted. Some of the women too.
It’s possible some aspects of this story may not be accurate. Newsnight Rules apply.
This should really be in Monday’s edition, so I may repost it there when it opens.
Some unbelievable prat from that pillar of data-fiddling academe, the Universtity of East Anglia on “Today” this morning bumbling on about the ozone hole, again. Not content with trying to keep climate change alarmism alive (and failing), they now try to dredge up old scares (with added spice) to frighten us about the ozone holes (which have probably been there for ever).
JohnCFeb 27, 01:32 Midweek 26th February 2025 Nah – that has to be from a carry-on film. It just needs the Benny Hill theme tune over the…
taffmanFeb 27, 01:05 Midweek 26th February 2025 I think that Nigel Farage will be the nemesis of Starmer?
ZephirFeb 27, 00:09 Midweek 26th February 2025 Plently of pensioners around here now that know how to stop sniffles whilst cooking a rat, keeping a rifle warm…
ZephirFeb 27, 00:03 Midweek 26th February 2025 Ahh yes I think I saw this as well https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGbvctOg5l0
ZephirFeb 26, 23:56 Midweek 26th February 2025 @ Eddie your video deleted or something so, meanwhile Sherlocks in action https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ugn1_vQK26Q
JohnCFeb 26, 23:54 Midweek 26th February 2025 Large crowd seen greeting Palestinian prisoners in West Bank https://www.bbc.com/news/live/cm2n973y2ext Hooray !. How lovely. ‘It’s hard to get a scale…
Just a reminder that Tony Hall pledged to be tough on bullies and abusers after a hitherto ‘look the other way’ policy despite numerous complaints.
His idea of ‘being tough’ is moving accused to different departments. Must do great for company morale.
And licence fee payers are forced to pay for this crap.
Fury as BBC bully is promoted to plum job after being found guilty of abuse despite ‘zero tolerance’ vow
How will the banking and political preferences of Beeboids affect their reporting of this?:-
‘The Observer’, Page One headline story-
“New Co-op storm as board awards bosses huge pay and bonus deals”
I’ve heard this reported on 5 Live. They just state the bear facts without the usual accompanying banker bashing fest.
Beeboids: blatantly pushing their ‘black’ political agenda:-
“Voice UK’s Jermain Jackman bid to be first black UK PM”
Our media led by the BBC is still unable to grasp much about the Crimea and Russia. All I hear is speculation so I can speculate as well.
The Crimea is where liberalism EU style hits reality. They just don’t seem to understand. Banging on about the rule of law and that this is the 21st century and these things are not supposed to happen etc etc.
Russia has demonstrated to the world that the EU is a weak useless collection of exactly what? You can hardly call them nations.
The US under Obama seems to want to abandon it’s great power role and leave it to the EU. And the world can see what the EU is made of.
Now I do not regard Russia as a long term existential threat to Europe. Quite the opposite really but there are other nations and groups of nations who will have seen just how weak Europe is. both militarily and more importantly in willpower.
Now that worries me . Will it worry the liberal ascendancy.? No . That bunch of fantasisits are more concerned with inventing the perfect liberal state in which the liberal rules of non discrimination between right and wrong, non judgemental thought and self expression rule.
No concept of reality and the possibility that there really are evil people in this world who wish us real harm.
Liberalism is like a child playing with it’s soft toys. Secure because the father and mother are there. But there is no father and mother for Europe now. We are on our own and had better start acting as if reality exists.
There is a quote from Solzhentisyn that goes like this. I think
“Life organised legalistically has always shown an inability to defend itself against the corrosion of evil”
Meaningless to a liberal. After all there is no such thing as evil in a liberal’s world.
Ben Brown for the BBC firmly embedded with ‘pro-Ukrainian’ protesters in Crimea this morning.
Seems they are going to be celebrating the anniversary of their national poet.
How quaint and how un-BBC.
Shakespeare, Milton, Wordsworth…. for the anti-Scots-Devolution campaign, I wonder?
How about Tennyson – ‘into the Valley of Death rode the 600 (EU bureacrats)’
Brown and his crew had to run today for fear of getting a whipping from cossacks, I’ll leave the comic anecdotes to your imagination……
‘ If you don’t like us you can always hold us to account’ is what the politicos constantly tell us. The truth is that we can’t, because when we vote them out of office in a bid to hold them to account they are simply found a nice cushy job where they don’t have to do very much, get paid a lot, and aren’t accountable at all.
Just like Chris Patten.
Well…… It all depends on what you mean by “accountable.”
It might have been worse, they could have been dragged of by the Bolsheviks.
“BBC’s Left-of-Centre viewpoint frustrates Conservative MP Phil Davies.
“The BBC is so politically biased it should lose taxpayer funding and be made into a voluntary pay subscription service, a senior MP said last night.”
Evan Davis challenged the Government’s position on fracking with the words: “The Government appear to be proposing some kind of community compensation, let’s call it a bribe, let’s call it a bribe shall we?”
If the bribe is in the form of taxpayers money, I agree, all forms of subsidy, using other peoples money are bribes.
But if the Government are forcing fracking companies to give a percentage of any profits to the local community, then that is morally superior to any taxpayer funded subsidies, such as those used for windmill bribes.
Beeboids’ new heroine?: ex-CND, unelected E.U’s Ms ASHTON-
“Catherine Ashton in landmark bridge-building trip to Iran”
By Lyse ‘the humanity of the Taliban,’ Doucet.
Also, on the real Islamic Republic of Iran regime:-
“Netanyahu slams Ashton: Ask Iran about its Gaza-bound arms boat.
“EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton in Tehran on landmark visit, meeting Rohani and Zarif, with Iran’s nuclear activities set to dominate discussions.”
Saw a BBC report by Lyse Doucet from Iran yesterday.
Strained jarring somewhat hectoring transatlantic tones as usaul and a Muslim headscarf – why?
Because the bBC wishes to soften the British attitude to sharia law
It’s so she can display to the world her liberal humanity, her understanding and respect for the alien culture, amongst which she stands, so she is seen to be four square against the racists who infest the right, extreme right, or anywhere to the right of polpot.
Because after all her intelligence eclipses the plebs, she just KNOWS she is right.
Trouble is, those feelings will vapourise if she feels that cold steel of islam against her neck, but by then its too late.
BBC1 – The Big Questions tomorrow
“Can children be damaged by fundamentalist religions? ”
hmm “religions” plural … bit vague eh!
… jackbooted Jians? .
… hysterical Hindu s? perhaps
… how about pushy Presbyterians, no?
… now then, just who is damaging children
so that they may want to just for instance erm .. kill us?
or Jewish people? … or Gay people
or travel all the way to lets say … erm Syria to kill people?
or people from other religions, like in Nigeria Somalia, Egypt, or Libya etc.?
any ideas?,
on religious imperative? … no no clue?
how about warping minds to think you can just gang rape children? because who you misguidedly believe is a “Prophet”
did it soooo, … not an issue … all ok?
and to boot, because your ideology makes Hitler look like a shrinking violet … its nearly always non Muslim children too.
still not a clue?
all these questions about ahem! … “religions”
plural … deftly avoided live on the BBC.1
well …
N “Panto” Campbell … introduces the question by actually mentioning the “Trojan Horse Strategy” … promising?
…. then proceeds to give elongated time to a “damaged”
activist from … Boo Hiss! a Fundamentalist … Christian! background … then onto an Evangelical … Christian! who gets a few probing questions …
absurdly then onto whether homosexuality is genetic or a choice? in comes a Muslim participant, “because we have way up all the different perspectives” ?
another ex- muslim chap informs us he had terrible persecution, and now is taking a chance even being on the show … just to move things along “Panto” brings back ex Christian activist … crisis averted
thank-you and goodnight!
It was truly a warped representation of Britain. We had someone taught by extremist Christians and the most moderate Muslims the BBC could get their hands on.
That useless, bird-brained woman, Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, was on News 24 yesterday coming out with the most appalling anti-male, feminist crap. To be fare to the newsreader (though he was your typical lefty wimp) he did pluck up the courage to murmur a defense of the male population. I cannot stand immigrant feminists who come here and criticize Britain. If it’s so bad why are they here?
Because the left in Britain tell them it is their right to do so, while they remain silent on;
Honour killings
Actually, the saving political grace for Ms Alibhia-Brown is that she does speak out on the two issues of:
1.) female genital mutilation;
2.) honour killings.
“Yasmin Alibhai-Brown: The crimes that women commit against each other.
“We feminists are pathologically unable to deal with the fact that females are, sometimes, more sadistic than men and viciously hurt their own sex.”
Of course, as a Muslim she shows little curiosity as to why such practices are particularly common in certain Islamic societies.
Notice she didn’t go live in a muslim country when she was “kicked out” ( and that’s debatable ) of Africa.
None of them do!
Beeboid Katty Kay’s predictable profundity:-
“International Women’s Day celebrated in Google doodle.
Tweets by KattyKayBBC
Beeboid Katty Kay’s predictable profundity:-
“International Women’s Day celebrated in Google doodle.”
As featured on INBBC Radio 1, but a report for it to censor now:-
“‘The scum stole our cash’: ‘Hip hop jihadist’ who left £1m London home to fight in Syria complains on Twitter of being kidnapped, tortured and robbed by FELLOW Islamists.
“Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary left Maida Vale home last year to go to Syria.
“23-year-old’s cash, phones and guns allegedly stolen by other jihadists.
“Bary is an aspiring rapper whose music has featured on BBC Radio 1.”
“Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, 23, walked out of his family’s £1million home in Maida Vale, west London, last year to join militant groups, telling them he was ‘leaving everything for the sake of Allah’.
“Now Bary – whose music has featured on BBC Radio 1 – has posted on Twitter that he and another Briton were abducted and robbed, with their money, phones and guns stolen by other jihadists.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2576695/Hip-hop-jihadist-claims-kidnapped-tortured-robbed-fellow-Islamists.html#ixzz2vT2Eguig
Now come on George,
you know its … poverty, … and unfairness … and disenfranchisement, … and discrimination, … and … and … and etc …
that makes young Muslims want to rush, all the way over to Syria … to indiscriminately murder people, who have nothing to do with Maida Vale £1000.000 London pads.
for crying out loud man … keep up!
Can somebody please explain why the bBC has a parliment channel and why they can’t shove nick clegg and his party of yellow bellies on there.
BBC Parliament is in fact the only BBC television channel not under left-wing censorship when it comes to issues such as Climate Change or a UKIP Conference. I have just seen the lovely Donna Laramboise on the telly for the first time ever, so do not knock BBC Parliament. The morons are very reluctant to censor its content.
BBC Parliament is in fact the only BBC television channel not under left-wing censorship when it comes to issues such as Climate Change or a UKIP Conference. I have just seen the lovely Donna Laframboise on the telly for the first time ever, so do not knock BBC Parliament. The BBC morons are very reluctant to censor its content.
So what is nick saying on the bBC news;
The Uk has benefited from the LD
The rest of Europe is evil,but we should remain in Europe
That nasty Muslims can only be victims
That the UK must keep our doors open in which to help those poor people to find safety, a home ,a pension and of course religious freedom
Under the LD gays can get married
That membership of the EU is allowing us to stand up to Russia
BBC report ‘proposes scrapping licence fee’ – http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/tvandradio/bbc/10685761/BBC-report-proposes-scrapping-licence-fee.html
Vote in the poll in the above article!
My proposal – BBC 1 and 2, and National Radio stations, 1 and 2 broadcast free via freesat, freeview and I player (or Yutube).
These channels to be funded by advertising and programme sales income. This income to be ringfenced for the above “Free” channels.
These “Premium” channels to be available advert free by subscription.
Everything else to be funded by a mix of subscription or advertising revenue as the BBC sees fit.
Licence fee to be abolished, BBC Charter to be rewritten.
All BBC staff salaries and full accounts to be published annually.
BBC pensions and redundancy terms to be brought into line with commercial practice.
BBC Charter to be updated, emphasising public service broadcaster statutory obligations and impartial role of BBC.
New body to be set up to oversee all BBC activities, with power to veto major decisions. 50% Co-opted and 50% to be elected by public.
Sounds like a plan
By the way current voting in telegraph poll
“Should the TV licence fee be scrapped in favour of a subscription?”
Yes 77.6% (575 votes)
No 17.81% (132 votes)
Makes no difference to me 4.59% (34 votes)
A 12-strong panel established by James Purnell, the corporation’s director of strategy and digital, have proposed replacing the licence fee with a subscription scheme and is said to have made the recommendation to the BBC’s executive board. However, on Saturday night the BBC denied the claim.
The BBC often claims that according to their polls the majority of people would be happy to pay more for their services. If they really believed that why wouldn’t they opt for a subscription scheme, and let those who want it, pay for it. As the poll appearing on the Telegraph website with the article shows, so far that 77% of readers would prefer a subscription scheme over a licence fee.
The BBC claim “The report recommends that the BBC pursue an inflationary licence fee increase with greater commercial revenue,” a spokesman said. “No subscription model is recommended.”
So somebody’s lying, and I know who my money is on.
The BBC had told The Sunday Times: “This piece of work looked at how we would continue the BBC’s mission to inform, educate and entertain as we approach our centenary. “We are always keen to explore ways to serve licence fee payers better, and will continue to innovate.”
‘Innovate’ by just getting more money to provide the crap service they have been for years whilst vastly over-rewarding their pompous and arrogant egos and failing to abide by their charter.
If they want to really ‘explore ways to serve licence fee payers better’, make licence fee payers history, and let only those who want to pay for the BBC do so.
The British Bullshit Corruption.
If you want to see where a great comedian can end up if he tilts at the UKIP windmill way beyond the point of where funny ends, just watch(if you can) the dreadful Stewart Lee and his “Comedy Vehicle”( 8/3/14, BBC 10.15p.m).
His show last week was excellent-but this one just stank.
A warning for any comic…and his card is now marked, as ” left imbecile” like Charlie Brookers.
The one occasion I watched Lee (and I count it as a misfortune) he was singing the praises of political correctness. I then concluded he was perfect material for BBC Radio 4.
Patten surrenders, but…
The Chairman made clear that while he was willing to appear before the Committee, the BBC’s constitutional independence under its Charter must be protected and he will not be in a position to discuss BBC editorial decisions.’
Very wise. There will be no defence of the indefensible from Lord Threedaysaweekpluseupension.
‘he will not be in a position to discuss BBC editorial decisions.’
Sounds like he’s laid out the terms for what will be a truly tedious session, putting one in mind Mob Boss* testimony when they claim the 5th like a cracked record.
*And others:
Good article here at the new ‘Conservative Women’ site…
Saturday’s programme, it turned out, was the culmination of a week-long campaign by the Beeb’s gender warriors to track down the oppressed of the farming industry. No, they were not seeking out migrant labourers at the mercy of gangmasters or poor peasants drowning on the Somerset levels, but women farmers. A barrage of emails during the week complaining that the BBC was making a fuss about nothing had not stopped them.
Why is the bBC promoting the view that the missing Malay airliner has turned back, while everybody else is looking at how 4 people boarded with false passports, thus linking into a n act of terrorism
Horrific Islamikaze massacre in IRAQ: will INBBC report it online?
“Suicide car bomb, attacks kill at least 42 in Iraq”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/ap/article-2576653/Suicide-car-bomb-attacks-kill-42-Iraq.html#ixzz2vTVrIg9c
“Suicide bomber kills 34 in Iraq as PM accuses Saudi Arabia and Qatar of fuelling bloodshed”
paedo bbc
funny how the bbc can be hot off the press when a `not really` `advisor to the queen` is involved and so reluctant when it was just harriet hoor-person and madam Hewitt
Just a little observation on journalism – BBC News Channel around 2.30pm or so UK time. Martine Croxall referred to Nick Clegg’s speech (Leader of the Liberal Democrats ) in which she said he had criticized ‘the backward looking’ policies of UKIP and the leader of the party Nigel Farage.
What she ought to have said to be impartial was that he criticized ‘as backward looking’ the policies of UKIP.
Maybe she doesn’t know the difference, or she was careless, or knows exactly, that the use of ‘the’ indicates that she and the BBC consider the policies are indeed backward looking.
I am not a member or supporter of UKIP. I just want honest, high quality and unbiased journalism and reporting which we no longer get from the BBC.
I can see how the resurrection of national democracy and freedoms would look “backward looking” to a pro-EU ideologue. But UKIP policies mix the best of the past such as the restoration of the Grammar Schools with forward looking policies relating to direct democracy, which where not possible in the past.
‘backward’ ? Depends which way you are facing. Or in Clegg’s case, which face?
So Ben Brown (as noticed this morning having embedded himself with the ‘pro-Ukrainians’) is able to post his report with which the BBC News shouts ‘Ukrainians whipped by pro-Russians’.
However watch Ben’s report and we are told (full marks for honesty to our Ben here) a young Russian was the first to be knocked to the ground when tempers flared between rival (peaceful?) protesters.
Still the BBC headline edits puts the Russian side (the BBC’s chosen baddies) firmly in the wrong.
I wonder how often that happens?
Glorious day, morning to dusk, at least hereabouts.
But with the sun dipping below the horizon time for a quick cuppa and catch-up on the overnights and day-longs.
I can only presume the weather at Flokker central was less clement, as it appears an entire Staffel made a suicide dive or two, including one whose family life clearly took second place to duty, at least this weekend.
Anyway, in other news, I also caught up with the ex-BBC insider who has offered up more than the odd interesting morsel. Of course, he can also offer an insight into ways of thinking that one may not agree with, but are still interesting.
The reactions to this punt (concentrated on the thread dedicated to it here, and elsewhere) have offered a rich seam (see what I did there), and he has offered a new line to watch out for, witness the ‘This from a party…’ #2wrongs series he brings up.
One can only wish him well with the commercial ad model he favours for his blog. Because it can throw up tasty morsels too. So, in the spirit of balance…
FoI has seemed a more productive route than CECUTT, but it would appear the BBC is getting ever more wise to the limitations and loopholes, and so again, to a not unreasonable question, they have used their own inefficiency to conjure up an exemption excuse. How handy.
I was going leave this one as mainly gossip, but one line did inspire the merest hint of a smile at the sheer inevitability of what was shared (beyond the cosy revolving door between the BBc and the Government Department dealing with it), especially…
”Jon and parter Ali taking some java in trendy Islington cafe/furniture shop”
Where else would they be? I wonder if it was that one owned by the £300k directorette of Lord knows what who couldn’t do late afternoons or Fridays thanks to her barista commitments?
I can see from the background scenes of countryfile that they have an item on halal slaughter, folk here, cant listen, need some feedback. It just has to be a load of whitewash bollocks.
It’s on again, so its a two parter.
Tom Heap, if this is not a blackwash, my dick’s a bloater.
You`ll not be surprised to know that Lyse Doucet and Catherine(Baroness) Ashton both wore headscarves and baggy shapeless coats as they told us of their time in Iran tonight( 7.30 pm News 24).
Utter craven liberal noises-but no illiterate Shi`ite there on the verge of hanging a few gays could escape the message that we send spineless unelected ciphers with baggy coats and headscarves to “negotiate” human rights or nuclear weapons…whereas they actually have MEN doing this kind of thing!
Who`s going to win that then?…and didn`t Ahmadinejadh mock us for sending women and kiddies with iPods out to the Hormuz Straits to defend British territorial waters in borrowed dinghies.
How to lose a war with Islam…send them Doucet or Ashton by way of “representatives of the West”!
And if we`re REALLY that crap-at least send then Jo Brand and the Eagle girls…a wrestling tag team, even Johnny Quango and Bill Logan would have hesitated to fight!
Has anyone else noticed how bloody lazy the BBC are on a Sunday? I’ve regularly checked their ‘news’ site and it hasn’t changed in hours. Just goes to show how they create the news agenda…
Yes, e.g. INBBC only put up report of Iraq Islamikaze massacre online about 9 or more hours after main global news outlets.
@OwenJones84: Ok, so I’ve got news. Really sad to leave the Independent, who I owe so much, and delighted to join the Guardian as a columnist
” A BBC spokesperson has confirmed this will make no difference at all to how frequently he is invited in by the BBC to speak for the nation.
This may of course not be accurate.”
Difficult to see how much more air time the beeb could give him
“Welcome to the Guardian, Owen. Just to confirm that your salary will be paid in two parts; firstly we will pay you direct from our income from public service advertising, then your salary will be made up to the levels that the capitalist press pay from guaranteed appearances on our broadcasting arm, funded by the taxpayer also, clever eh?”
“Top Gear makes Saudis look liberal, says BBC’s Kirsty Wark”
Newsnight makes Islam look like a religion of peace.
“Newsnight“ makes “Top Gear” look like an unbiased, uncensored and therefore informative satirical geopolitical comedy show.
Trying to recall the episode of Top Gear where the lads stitched up a twilight years respresentative of an ideological foe on the basis of unsubstantiated testimony via a 3rd party contractor they use for wet work.
But yes, Kirsty, the real shame is and will always be the lack of enforced gender balance in light entertainment.
Got to give her credit for the strategy to make her unfireable when Katz again has to make difficult decisions juggling vast salaries to reach plummeting viewership.
BBC : Match of the Day must be more Diverse
‘Cohen hopes that change at the football highlights show will set an example for other programmes to follow.’
Why do BBC bigwigs make statements like this? Why do they assume gender and identity campaign politics are the natural way ahead for Britain?
Do not be fooled that it has anything to do with equal opportunity.
This weekend a Guardian sports reporter revealed on a commercial radio station that he was uneasy about this BBC trend toward ‘quotas’. He recalled the lead up to Jacqui Oatley (the BBC’s first female football commentator) making her first appearance. Instead of treating her as they would other commentators the BBC made a ‘huge fuss’ about her – ‘constantly telling the Guardian to watch out for her first show’.
My conclusion is that it is BBC office politics that demands their spokespeople be politically correct. A heavy imbalance of Leftist individuals have a strangle-hold on the workplace. From Corporate point of view the BBC have their fingers and toes crossed Labour win the next General Election.
Apparently he required the same policy for a staff Chippendale hen night. And the girls rioted. Some of the women too.
It’s possible some aspects of this story may not be accurate. Newsnight Rules apply.
This should really be in Monday’s edition, so I may repost it there when it opens.
Some unbelievable prat from that pillar of data-fiddling academe, the Universtity of East Anglia on “Today” this morning bumbling on about the ozone hole, again. Not content with trying to keep climate change alarmism alive (and failing), they now try to dredge up old scares (with added spice) to frighten us about the ozone holes (which have probably been there for ever).
Anthony Watts has the story: