Storyville: 2013-2014: The Little Nation that Fought Back
Oscar-nominated film compiled from the film diary of an Israeli family which over six decades documented the Muslim attempts to erase their country from the map, and them along with it. David Shalit started filming following the birth of the new nation in 1948. Surrounded by hostile Muslim countries he filmed as they invaded and the new Israelis begin to resist the attacks.
Over 60 years his family continued to film the violent attempts to annihilate Israel as it struggled to create the only real democracy in the Middle East and turn it into an oasis of technology, invention , science and political and social inclusion shaped and forged from the empty, barren desert left behind after 1400 years of Muslim colonisation and occupation.
Despite the constant attacks by Muslims, the ever-present rockets fired from over the border by Palestinians at Israeli civilians, the terror threats and sniper fire that forced Israel to build a wall in self defence and the misleading and malign reporting by organisations such as the BBC which aim to cast the Israelis in the role of Nazis and attempt to de-legitimise the new land of Israel, it succeeds against the odds despite one attack after another and hostile media coverage.
Shalit’s family collaborate with Palestinian director Ibn Kelb to produce this powerful and moving documentary of over 60 years of resistance in the face of terrorism and war imposed upon them.
See here for BBC Watch’s critique of this fascinating BBC film that recognises the bravery, ingenuity and stubborn refusal to be erased from history of the Israeli nation.
One can only dream eh?
see here is the thing,the jew hating swp and uaf and there mates in the labour party who i wont name because they might sue me because i know they pretend they are anti zionist as a cover for being anti semitic dont fool me or anybody who reads this website,i did not mention george galloway once or any other labour mps in in this website because i am sure that they are fine decent people who support the state of isreal and are firmly against any radical islamist groups or jihadi neo nazi muslim fascist groups who want to undemine the only democrasy in the middle east called isreal.
oh bty,i hate and despise you left wing commie marxist middle class vermin in the media who have turned my city where i live into a vermin criminal infested hell hole of scum and filth from all over the third world and eastern europe in the last 15 years,thank you you evil bastards.
I don’t normally post comments, however I have to say that Stuart who is I know from reading his posts is very passionate in expressing his opinions has gone over the top with his latest post.
Many Eastern European (99% of them) are hard-working bi-lingual people, who in my opinion bring value to the UK. For immigrants from Pakistan and Parts of Africa my exposure to these people has also been positive, so again I think we have to be careful about accusing the majority for the crimes of the minority.
And the one’s that want to blow us up in the tube on buses in shopping malls in night clubs ?
But I was not referring to the 1% who would even consider blowing themselves or other people up, I was referring to the 99% who would never dream of carrying out such an appalling act.
In Stuarts original message he makes clear that he is unhappy with the large scale immigration into the country (which he is quite right to highlight), my point was that it is unfair to classify entire groups of people.
You seem to have read more into my comment than was actually there, I made no reference to terrorist so I find your response rather baffling.
But its not 1% is it Joe?
I tend to disagree with both Stuart and Joe, because the point is not whether these immigrants are nice people or not. The point is that socialist parties everywhere encourage immigration because they don’t have enough voters at home. I my view, they would rather do without democracy at all, but since forced to, they adjust the numbers.
Anat T, the reason behind the socialist mania for encouraging immigration is that societies which have a common identity and a common history which are also free, stable, happy and are living comfortably are unlikely to fall for the socialist mania of ripping everything up and accepting socialist style control over their lives by being made to believe that they cannot exist without the state controlling every aspect of their lives.
Yes, of course, but you must admit that in a democracy the socialists still need to be elected, and nowadays they cannot do it without the immigrants and especially those dependent on social security.
I agree that Stuart went too far. However, the whole thing about blaming the majority for the minority doesn’t really ring true. Saying 99% of immigrants are good for the country is, at best, an uneducated guess that isn’t backed up by employment figures or welfare and crime statistics. A more reasonable number would be somewhere between 70 and 80%, of which the overwhelming majority would have been before Labour came in and opened the floodgates to all and sundry. Even accounting for the many good eggs we get, each one represents a missed opportunity for someone already residing here – and at a time when we already have record levels of unemployment and massive relative poverty, even the most well-intended and hard-working immigrant is going to have a negative effect on society by pure virtue of being chosen over an indigenous Brit or even a third/fourth generation migrant Brit. It’s not their fault, it’s the fault of successive governments in ignoring the problems that are endemic with open door immigration because they want a cheap childminder and want their friends in the business sector to pay their staff less.
“even the most well-intended and hard-working immigrant is going to have a negative effect on society by pure virtue of being chosen over an indigenous Brit”
Not if rather than taking a job, they create a job and then go on to create more by starting businesses etc. The coalition government introduced Tier 1 entrepreneur visas for exactly that purpose.
Ah, so they are all entrepreneurs now, are they, not the low-skilled who come here to do the jobs the ‘Brits don’t want’? I sense another myth has been created that we will now hear ad nauseam on the BBC.
So come on, which is it?
And what about the ‘new businesses’ of the restaurant/takeaway variety that employ illegal immigrants?
Until very recently the vast majority of new jobs created in the UK went to immigrants, so your agenda doesn’t stack up.
‘The new figures raise questions about whether the Government’s drive to get millions off benefits and into work can be achieved without further curbs on immigration. They will also increase pressure to reform the bloated benefits system.’
Read more:
Migrants set up one in seven companies in the UK, with people born abroad almost twice as likely to start a business
14% of companies in the UK were set up by people from abroad
17% of migrants in UK start a business, but just 10% of Brits do the same
Almost 500,000 people from 155 countries have started firms in the UK
Read more:
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Replete with no absolutely details of:
1/ What kind of businesses
2/ Number of employees
3/ Annual turnover
4/ Tax and NI contributions
5/ Failure rate
In other words, quite meaningless and of no use in the debate.
Spot on, but don’t expect a facts-based argument, GC. What’s important to the Left is they have a new mantra to browbeat us with every time immigration is discussed – a mantra I suspect the BBC won’t be trying too hard to challenge. The message is all – facts are irrelevant (a bit like that other sacred cow of the Left that begins with ‘climate’ and ends with ‘change’).
Here is the report and the facts: and if you scroll to the very bottom of the page you can down load the excel spreadsheet that gives you the official information from Companies House.
So immigrant and internationalist (Damian Kimmelman) sets up company with immigrant backing (Shakil Khan ) writes report that says immigrants are superior to indigenous people, at least as entrepreneurs (spivs)
And what is this revelation – Immigrants set up companies (mainly in service industries) to employ more immigrants ( and displacing existing companies to do it)
Boot strap capitalism
The biggest laugh was the graph on Romanians vast majority are in building and construction ie lumpers
that’s helping the economy and not at all forcing down wages for manual workers
You bourgeois fauxcialists ,so detached from every day reality you actually gulp down this rubbish.
So how is that “facts-based argument” going?
I particularly enjoyed the “entrepreneurs (spivs)” comment. Spivs like Sergei Brin, co-founder of the $400B Google – the son of an immigrant.
“About half of science, technology, and engineering workers in Silicon Valley are foreign-born, compared to a quarter in the rest of the United States, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.”
The facts based argument is going very well, thanks, Danny Boy:
And maybe this is the kind of ‘business’ you had in mind?
“And maybe this is the kind of ‘business’ you had in mind?”
No Johnny Boy because he was a sole trader. This data refers to limited companies as registered at Companies House. If you had read the report Johnny Boy you would know that. Try sticking to facts rather than diversions.
And, Johnny Boy, your other argument is a red herring. I didn’t say all immigrants are entrepreneurs (try sticking to the facts), I simply was responding to the claim that all immigration causes displacement. Not if an immigrant creates a job it doesn’t. Nor indeed if immigrants create 1.16 million jobs, Johnny Boy.
I am not arguing in favour of unlimited immigration, nor that all immigrants are a positive contribution to the economy. What the facts show is that many do contribute by starting their own companies — and at a higher rate than the indigenous population.
You may not like the facts, but there they are Johnny Boy.
Keep up with the name check, Danny Boy – it’ll help you remember next time.
And did I say anywhere there weren’t immigrant entrepreneurs in the UK?
So let’s get it straight. Something like 2.4 million immigrants have taken jobs in the UK since 1997 – 70%-plus of all new jobs.
There are 400,000 currently on benefits.
We have 2 million+ unemployed.
Romanian refugee Big Issue sellers can claim housing benefit.
So the 1.16 million is very laudable but a drop in the ocean, me old mucka.
And by the way, your posts do have a bit of a campaigning tone to them – much like the report itself.
Ta-ra for now.
Did I say ‘campaigning’?
I forgot to mention ‘patronising’:
‘I’m also proud that we haven’t altered the
DNA of our foods. Our food is authentic –
that’s my biggest contribution. British food
was so different in the 1970s. Back then I
remember going to a dinner party and being
quite shocked that the host served boiled
vegetables. We couldn’t imagine doing that
in India! But now, people are so much more
adventurous in their cuisine.’
Someone should point out to her we still do, it’s part of our culture. Tsk, fancy that, an immigrant entrepreneur dissing part of the British way of life.
Still, you keep quoting it, Danny Boy.
FtB – spot on. None of the reports slanted in favour of mass immigration ever address the cost of infrastructure e.g. health, schooling, transport or the continuing benefits burden of the 2 million unemployed Brits.
Always interesting to see what, and who, can drive towards the one word column.
Guessing either a very indulgent employer or day off for certain lucky souls, though it is a shame they are neglecting family life at these precious times in service of duty.
‘Many Eastern European (99% of them) are hard-working bi-lingual people, who in my opinion bring value to the UK’
And you get your figures from where, exactly?
I find many Eastern Europeans in the service industries very pleasant and willing (much more so than our home-grown Can’t Be Arseds) but there is a large criminal element who are wreaking havoc (I know someone who works in the Border Agency) and, guess what, it’s multicultural havoc with all kinds of immigrant groups involved.
You need to open your eyes and also ask yourself whether as a country we can afford to solve Eastern Europe’s unemployment problems whilst still maintaining a huge one of our own.
1%, 10% or 33% is beside the point.
The point is that people in places like Bradford (been there?) never actually said that they wanted their city transformed beyond recognition.
I note that you refer to many Eastern Europeans as “hard-working”. Probably true of the ones that come here. Then, separately, you mention immigrants from Pakistan and parts of Africa. Was this intentional, I wonder?
Going back to the headline of this article, please please take heed because the attacks and threats that Israel has faced since 1948 will surely come to our shores.
The fifth column have started to assemble as we speak. As Stewart makes reference to, maybe only 1% plant the bombs, a very large percentage either agrees with the actions or looks the other way saying nothing to our authorities.
Israel is a beacon of freedom and democracy in a neighbourhood of medieval savages.
It was street thugs from Leeds responsible for 7/7 it was Doctors at Glasgow airport.
Wakey wakey.
Joe is displaying tne characteristics of the kind that declare, I have been following your blog for 6 months, and although I dont usually post…..etc …etc….
Perhaps I have been unfair here, and someone will point to previous posts by Joe, in whatever way, pro or anti bbc.
Or is Joe’s objective to sew the seeds of an argument then walk away laughing?
Only to pop up in a week as another one who has been observing for……etc….
Oh, and by the way, I agree with everything Stuart says.
I have never, EVER heard anything on the BBC of the three attempts by the Arab nations to wipe Israel off the face of the map.
Wonder why that could be.
Trolls, the floor is yours….
…and the BBC never ever broadcasts stories about the endless hate-filled indoctrination spewed out be Palestinian TV and fed to children from infant age. Glorification of suicide bombers and other murderers etc etc – non-stop filth.
One can only admire the Israeli bravery since 48 without having to support some its excesses but of course Alan is quiet on these.
Presume Alan will be equally effusive about another nation which has successfully defeated not one but two world superppwers who have both been utterly humiliated.
Step forward…..Afghanistan. Humiliated USSR and NATO.
But as they are Muslims they of course should have been destroyed not been allowed to maintain their independence and identity.
Alan’s constant bigotry brings a dark cloud to every occasion!
Maintain their independence ? like addicting the free world’s youth with heroin.