The BBC finally get around to reporting this:
‘Islamic takeover plot’ in Birmingham schools investigated
Although the authorities have been aware of the alleged plot since November, the details have only become public now thanks to the letter which has been widely leaked.
We still don’t know whether it’s genuine or a fake, but that’s one of the questions the city council is attempting to answer with its investigation.
It’s clearly a sensitive subject and there will be great concerns about the effect on what the authorities euphemistically call “community cohesion”.
Finding anyone who is directly involved and prepared to go on the record has also proved difficult.
No-one wants to be called an “Islamaphobe” or a racist, nor do they wish to be labelled a right wing conspiracy theorist.
So the truth about such matters and open debate is suppressed because people don’t want to be labeled ‘islamophobes, racist or right wing conspiracy theorists’?…..guess Mehdi Hasan et al’s work is done then, they have succeeded in closing down criticism of Islam or Muslim actions based upon promoting that ideology…..all aided by the BBC…ironically one of those ‘authorities’ who suppress such criticism in the name of that euphemism ‘community cohesion’.
What’s going on in the Crimea should be a warning as to the dangers of having highly active political/ideological groups within separate communities and the ease with which they can change the facts on the ground.
What would the government do if fundamentalists urged a vote in a Muslim majority city to run it on Islamic principles and the community voted for that? What could the government do?
Couldn’t happen? Look at the Crimea and their vote to separate. If I was a Muslim ‘radical’ I would be looking at that and the West’s impotence and start thinking how easy it would be to annex a city using ‘democracy’ and politician’s fear of taking the necessary action….there’s no ‘Russia’ to back such a move but there is the Guardian and the BBC who would denounce any police action or ultimate military intervention…..ala Israel.
Russia controls the gas pipeline to Europe and the BBC controls the flow of information, anything it doesn’t like the BBC turns off that flow.
[Just been listening to 5Live presenter…apparently this isn’t Russia ‘ramping up its authority’ over the Ukraine]
Would the local Muslim community vote along those lines? Maybe, maybe not….this is what the BBC tells us about ‘Operation Trojan Horse’…..
It says that Salafi parents should be enlisted to help, because they are regarded as a more orthodox branch of Islam and would be more likely to be willing to help.
The BBC itself tells us that Muslims are identifying more and more with their religion and parents want their children to go to Islamic schools……how many would be tempted to press for a Muslim only area where they are in the majority if given the opportunity?
Which is why it is so important for organisations like the BBC to openly debate the implications and consequences of mass immigration and the importation of ideologies that are opposed to liberal, democratic principles and the social and cultural aspects of such a society.
Of course some would say it’s not a problem having areas of Britain run along Islamic principles…some ‘liberals’ have already suggested London be turned ‘Islamic’…but many more would object….it would be nice to have a say without being labeled ‘islamophobic, racist or right wing conspiracists’.
Nothing will be done about it because nothing ever is! The brown eyed boys are top of the hierarchy of ‘isms’ and their wants & needs simply trump everyone elses.
Want to kill a few gays? Certainly Sir we shall provide a mountain specifically for you to throw them off, and what’s more most of them will go willingly as they’re so dewy eyed to Political Correctness that they’d never want to offend a Muslim.
I simply can’t understand what the fuss is about. How many schools has this already happened to? Where Muslims are calling the shots because of their numbers, this document merely tells others how to do what has been done in plenty of other schools, the only difference is that it’s speeding the process up.
This is an example of seeing the red rag, and failing to see the matador waving it!
whether manipulating “free schools”
manipulating the education system, or
manipulating local council planning or
manipulating the “rights agenda” or
manipulating “religious privilege s” or
manipulating a “food agenda” or
“Trojan Horse Strategy” are the right words
but just to attribute it to Bham schools, is wilful blindness.
it will as they say “end in tears” … and much sooner than I envisaged … and it is pure cowardice, by our government and media …
Especially now!, look they are blatantly telling you … what they are up to, the Muslim agenda, and for the uninitiated … it has never been any different
“pure cowardice, by our government and media”
hmmm looks like a prime example could be seen on BBC1 – The Big Questions tomorrow
“Can children be damaged by fundamentalist religions? ”
hmm “religions” plural … bit vague eh!
… jackbooted Jians? .
… hysterical Hindu s? perhaps
… how about pushy Presbyterians, no?
… now then, just who is damaging children
so that they may want to just for instance erm .. kill us?
or Jewish people? … or Gay people
or travel all the way to lets say … erm Syria to kill people?
or people from other religions, like in Nigeria Somalia, Egypt, or Libya etc.?
any ideas?,
on religious imperative? … no no clue?
how about warping minds to think you can just gang rape children? because who you misguidedly believe is a “Prophet”
did it soooo, … not an issue … all ok?
and to boot, because your ideology makes Hitler look like a shrinking violet … its nearly always non Muslim children too.
still not a clue?
all these questions about ahem! … “religions”
plural … will be deftly avoided live on the BBC tomorrow.
If we want to survive as a nation I think the time will come when in order to do so, there will have to be a policy of only allowing Christians to be elected and employed in positions of power and influence.
Like the Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service perchance?
“manipulating “free schools” manipulating the education system”
despite … “Ofsted – having only a small number of pupils from minority ethnic groups”
or maybe this …
“Birmingham council investigates ‘Muslim fundamentalist plot to take over local schools.’
“Hardline Muslims attempted to wrest control of Birmingham schools by pushing them to adopt academy status, writes Paul Gallagher.”
Of course, INBBC is politically sympathetic to Muslim Brotherhood.
“Salafis and the Muslim Brotherhood: What is the difference?”
by Mark Durie
Of course, INBBC is politically sympathetic to Muslim Brotherhood.
“‘Birmingham – best place in Europe to be pure Muslim'”
By Ed West
We’ll have to see what Birmingham’s Labour Party Council (including its block of Muslim councillors) will do about this.
Breathe not held.
INBBC reports eagerly awaited.
All’s not well in the multicultural utopia of Tower Hamlets –
Trojan horse is one which duped victims willingly pull their nemesis within the city walls.
Our situation is far worse. The last Labour government deliberately, and with malice towards its own people, opened the city gates for an entire army of hostiles to enter.
Why the last Labour government did this, is open to discussion.
In my view, they did it as part of the continuing plot by communists/socialists to destroy the Christian world.
from open thread
BBC 5live Drive, tentatively broaches the Muslim “Trojan horse strategy” in Bham schools … (55mins).
lots of tutting … naaa … well? … any substance to it? … well we don t know? … you know … unclear?
why wait a week to even mention it?
Bham Schools, Education Dept and Bham Council are quote
“deeply concerned” … BBC?
naaaa … well
… unclear
… any substance to it … naaaa
yeah … well … we just don t know
The Sunday Times – Birmingham city council is deeply concerned about ‘Operation Trojan Horse’ strategy documents
New English Review -”Exposed Islamist plot to take over schools’
NationStatesNews – The Muslim Takeover Conspiracy – :How Muslims plan to convert schools
“Revealed: Islamist plot dubbed ‘Trojan Horse’ to replace teachers in Birmingham schools with radicals.
“Birmingham city council has warned of an alleged dirty tricks campaign.
“It has documents purporting that non-Muslim teachers are being targeted.
“Islamic fundamentalists allegedly want to replace them with radicals.
“Called Trojan Horse, the operation has reportedly succeeded in places.
“The documents reveal a plan for the operation to target other cities.”
concern in the news circles goes on …
Bham Mail –
now the International Business Times –
bbc? … after a bloody week!!!
bury this 2hrs in to a 3hr newscast.
(1hr 53 mins).
just listen to the disbelieving approach of the reporters, (compared to all of the above links, in posts above)
INBBC’s political attitude to this Islamic Trojan Horse in Birmingham needs to be seen in historical stages:-
Stage 1:
Beeboids pursue a policy of supporting Labour Party in campaign for open-door, mass immigration into U.K from Islamic countries for over a decade;
Stage 2.
Following on from Stage 1, Beeboids have engaged in propaganda phase of denying the extent and speed of Islamisation of Britain;
Stage 3.
Beeboids engage in promoting Islamic interests which are afforded special positive treatment.
“Will Britain convert to Islam?”
written over 10 years ago-
“Might Islam become respectable among the politically correct middle classes, in a way that Christianity never really can, because Christianity is always associated in this country with the conservative, imperial past?”
Read more:
I wonder whether the BBC will ever report on the “grooming” gangs hanging around school gates as so exhaustively described in the report prepared by Gavin Boby and Peter McLoughlin?
[06/03/2014 15:06:12] gaia2600:
“’Easy Meat’: Child Sex Slavery in the UK”
All these countries with a mix of people. Tsk. I blame Marco Polo and Christopher Columbus
A mix of people is one thing, but deliberate social engineering to destroy a countries identity is another.
Equally the mass immigration on the principle that some diversity is good so more is better is akin to one Mars bar is very nice – so eating 20 Mars bars would be 20 times as nice !
Unfortunately we all know that the reverse is the case.
Excellent analagy Thoughtful.
Or that Mars bars are nice, of course, but much better eaten deep fried, so that’s how everyone should have them, whether they want to have them that way or not– oops, I forgot, that’s a subject for another thread…
‘Nobz’, you are Dez and I claim my five pounds.
‘…guess Mehdi Hasan et al’s work is done then, they have succeeded in closing down criticism of Islam’
Dez, you are Mehdi Hasan and I claim another five pounds.
Nobz confuses explorers with invaders.
Nobz by name….
Had any other group deliberately targeted head teachers that Islam, we`d not be hearing the end of it!
Witness the craven and pitiful handwringing of one Russell Hobby(the clue is in the name)…the Head Teachers “Unions Rep”…doubt if they`d use such working class words though these days.
Hobby was given a soundbite on the 6 pm News on radio 4 last night….he seemed intensely relaxed about his own members being shoehorned out or victimised, with OFSTED being sent in on the say so of “concerned citizens” from Bradford…which removed head teachers in Birmingham by some route or other.
No-this is Islam…and the likes of Hobby would rather roll their own headteachers heads down a ski slope than dare to mention the “Religion of Peace” doing its full entryism/column 88 bit via Obama, Alinsky, Degsy Hatton and Falkirk….
There are SOME things that Muslims are now learning in those rotten boroughs of Brum, Dewsbury and Mile End c/o our postal voting lefty traitors…and that they can share PIE contacts or get access to childrens homes these days only adds to their common “Third Way” on the march…Blair, Gadhaffi, Grayling, Saddam, Nasser, Mandelson…ALL of these cited this third way of theirs…and they both converge at hells gates…and soon.
Got to refer to the other post on “Trojan horse” 3/3/13.
When ref’ to the late Ray Honeyford was made by Cordwangeler, George R & ChrisH.
He warned us and for that he was crucified on the alter of political correctness.
Of course he was right, I’m not sure if the BBC are rubbing our noses in diversity, yet the latest series of ‘Traffic Cop’s’ follows the South Yorkshire Police ‘service’ in Bradford.
Every and I mean every transgression shown is by a non indigenous type. Driving whilst disqualified, uninsured, untaxed, drug dealing, you name it. Yet these are 2nd and 3rd generation types and whilst having a Yorkshire accent they still have an unmistakable Asian ‘lilt’ (innit) in their bared faced denials of any transgression.
One has to ask what have these particular criminals bought to this once great nation other other than a burden on our overstretched services?
To rub even more salt into the wounds, a taxi driver decides to do a u-turn straight into the path of a young lady wrecking her new car and really shaking her up, he refuses to get out of his car whilst still on the phone, and has to be extracted from his car and taken in an ambulance (he was perfectly OK) endless police and fire crew attending, makes hundreds late for work and what does he get? a £35 pound fine and 3 points. Yet I get a £100 fine for doing 34mph in a 30 with no reproach …..
For those who don’t know about Ray Honeyford
It’s call “taquiyya” you can lie to your back teeth to an infidel.
Well, it was Cameron who said “we had a lot to learn” from islamb. He’s certainly be picking up a few tips! 🙂
At that speed you should of got the choice of a `Speed Awareness Course` or as I coined it a `Grovel Course` . When I mentioned Eastern European truck drivers side swiping motorists & falling asleep on M25 , they quickly tried to change the subject ,& tried to imply I was being wycist . I told them not be so bloody stupid , these are facts , & pulled a `health & safety ` card , which pissed them off big time !
The course still costs £100!
Ive done one it reeked of Common Purpose.
As even Alan admits nobody knows if this is true or just a ‘popish plot’ invention or wishful thinking by some deadheads.
In fact it is impoosible under the current inspection regime to take over schools without anyone noticing. Witness the closure of the islamic free School as an example.
Not much of a Tojan Horse then, is it!
Take your head out of the sand. You’ll find the sand is that stuff covering your arse.
For those in denial about Islamic Trojan Horse:-
“‘Islamist takeover’ of Birmingham schools: what the letter says”
Read more:
Trojan Horse 35, Tootle 1.
A preemptive strike on my part here, concerning the loss of the Boeing 777. It has now been confirmed that two names on the passenger manifest were not on the plane but were of people who had had their passport stolen some months ago. The plane enroute to China with many Chinese on board simply disappeared from radar contact at 35,000 ft with, as yet no confirmed Mayday call or other distress squawk code. It was only a few days ago that many Chinese were knifed to death at a railway station by peoples of the *religion of peace*. Poor show to speculate I know, but………..
Yes, too early to speculate.
But Beeboids do not even report on Islamic aspect of China rail station massacre, where there is evidence.
“Western media downplay jihad in China mass-murder attack”
By Robert Spencer.
[Opening excerpt]-
“The denial is near-total. The governments of the West determinedly insist that every jihad attack has nothing to do with Islam, even when the perpetrators invoke Islamic texts and teachings in order to explain and justify their actions. The FBI has scrubbed all mention of Islam and jihad from counter-terror training materials. The mainstream media portrays jihad attacks as the fault of their victims, and writes handwringing stories about the fear of a ‘backlash’ against innocent Muslims.
Meanwhile, the jihad continues.”
It’s quite obviously the EDL/BNP.
I wish these Islamofascists had taken over my school when I was there , I might have taken notice of what was going on, on the days I turned up .
Also, for INBBC not to report, on speeding up Islamisation of U.K-
“UK: School bans all pork products from menu, replaces them with halal meat”
By Robert Spencer.
[Opening excerpt]:-
“The school has only a small number of Muslims, but that doesn’t matter: the principle is constantly reinforced that wherever Islamic law and custom conflicts with Western law and custom, it is the latter that must give way. No one in today’s thoroughly cowed and terrified Britain would dream of saying to parents of Muslim students in this school that their children are free not to eat the pork or the non-halal meat, but that both were still going to be offered. That would be ‘Islamophobic.’
“This is the dhimmi Britain that banned Pamela Geller and me from entering the country: a country in steep decline that is every day reinforcing the proposition that when it comes to Muslims and Islam, the proper attitude of non-Muslims in Britain is solicitude and subservience.”
“Head teacher ‘forced out by Muslim zealots’”
Has INBBC hidden the Trojan Horse?
Update for Beeboids:-
“Muslim school headmistress reveals she was driven out of job by fanatics who ‘saw her as the enemy, because she was too moderate.'”
Read more:
but as usual the muslims in birmingham are in denial about this jihadi takeover of english schools in birmigham,in denial is the buzzword from these self appointed so called muslim community leaders when there racism and fascism is exposed,it was the same with terrorism,they was in denial about that and told us all how peacefull islam is,that was proved a lie,then we had the muslim child grooming rings raping and abusing underage white schoolchildren,they was in denial about that and islam does not allow underage sex in there religion,that was also proved a lie,now we have this jihadist trojan horse plot in birmingham.have a guess what the so called muslim community leaders in birmingham are in denial about that as well,they are even saying to cover there tracks on the bbc today that they they think the media have made this all up and it is a big conspriracy theory against islam,do you know what,i have come to the conclusion.i dont beileve a word any muslim organisation or community leader says any more.simple as that.….< trojan horse in rotherham