Some unbelievable prat from that pillar of data-fiddling academe, the University of East Anglia on “Today” this morning bumbling on about the ozone hole, again. Not content with trying to keep climate change alarmism alive (and failing), they now try to dredge up old scares (with added spice) to frighten us about the ozone holes (which have probably been there for ever).
As one commenter observed: “Other scientists acknowledged that while the current concentrations of these gases are small and they don’t present an immediate concern, work would have to be done to identify their origin.”
In other words: “We’re for sale. Give us lots of money and we’ll point the finger at some aspect of civilization and ramp up the threat. Act now and we’ll throw in a hockey stick for free.”
Anthony Watts – you never hear of him on the BBC, you know.
The Polytec sorry University of East Anglia has nothing to contribute to the world of science or knowledge, so they dredge up headlines by parroting the same old propaganda that they know will get headlines on the BBC. To demonstrate the bias, consider how often Cambridge or Oxford gets a mention on the morning TV news for something they found, and then it has to be really something good, like a cure for cancer etc.
Bias there is but lets get facts right, the Univeristy of East Anglia at Norwich is NOT a former poly – and no its not my Alma Mater either, no direct interest! 😉
Fair play, my point is they produce no research and get extensive coverage for repeating warmist propaganda. Far better universities produce meaningful research and don’t get the coverage.
Radio London this morning, reparations for slavery. It’s all our fault, typical BBC guilt trip to start the week off. If you say, ‘well it was a long time ago and my ancestors didn’t own a plantation’ you are racist. Can’t win.
According to the left wing BBC and our left wing education system, slavery began and ended with the white man. Never a mention of the contemporaneous slave trafficking eastwards across Africa by Muslims nor the long history of slavery going back millennia.
“Mr. Martin is not on the staff of this organisation. He is a contributor – one of just under 7,000 listed – who has to date contributed this one article…”
I can’t find this on the bBBC but according to the Times (£), over 200 years after we ended slavery, it’s our fault that present-day people in the Caribbean have high rates of illiteracy and ill-health from diabetes and hypertension.
Still, no doubt a big helping of compensation will help cure them.
Second item on the Radio 4 flagship news this morning was an extended item concerning Labour’s new (actually very old) policy to impoverish the “rich” (well, pensioners and those demon-bankers) to subsidise Labour voters benefiterati through state-enforced taxpayer-funded “make-work” jobs (as if there aren’t enough of those already in the public sector). This is, more or less, “news” but it ain’t that important. Labour giving the impression of going down a similar route as the coalition in tackling the moral corruption of the benefit system is fairly interesting and worthy of discussion. However, it is not an excuse for the BBC to propagandise Labour’s next big idea and then claim “impartiality” by tacking on a phrase at the end of the item concerning possible coalition disagreement.
BTW just as “impartial” was the BBC editorial decision not to include in the same “news” any information about the latest storm of banking largesse concerning Labour’s very own bank. Funny, the BBC can’t get enough of Barclays’ bonuses (as well as RBS, of course but, for some justification, RBS is owned by the taxpayer) but when it’s the Co-op bank the BBC restricts itself to a very early look (at 0615) on Today and then AFAIAA silence.
I’ve heard this half-baked Balls policy touted on the BBC several times and never once have I heard them ask where the jobs will come from. But you bet your life if Labour are creating them, it’ll be the usual ‘5-a-day Co-Ordinator’ or ‘School Buses Behaviour Manager’ type the Guardian used to advertise week in week out at the peak of Labour’s jobs ‘boom’.
Yep, bring the public sector numbers back up.
Of course they’ll all do a great job while they’re on the payroll and might even join the union.
Ooh, I wonder who they’ll vote for next time?
A snoopers army of kids checking packed lunches, sampling bins to ensure EU compliance and anti-immigration comments.
Let`s call them the political arm of the British People shall we?…and give them the vote to create a state of emergency sine die.
Pollys Pioneers or PIEcorps?…Labour will text you to see if you give a xxxx or not!
People may get a little despondent thinking nothing ever changes where BBC bias is concerned. All its systems seem to progress as before, with the liberal metropolitan agenda still in charge – to the total exclusion of other voices.
We know that the salary and other scandals have hurt them, in so far as they fear it means the public’s supposed trust is diminished, which it is, but the arrogance remains unchecked.
I feel that arrogance can never diminish, as staff are entirely blind as to their prejudices and certainties (as is the public sector in general).
However the way the stories of the last few days have emerged and been treated tells me something radical has happened.
The notion of it no longer being a crime to fail to have a TV licence and of a possible subscription model have both entered public discourse as something close to givens, within 48 hours.
That would never have happened before. The world of the BBC has changed for ever and they are beginning to know it, not last by the near absence of reflex defences against such radical options.
No need for complacency however as the fightback will come and already has in the form of Nick Clegg. But Cleggie is not the coming man.
Think East Germany where collapse in an ideology came in a matter of weeks once the wall was breached.
Good argument, Framer, and I can see your reasoning, but until the huge bias towards Labour shows any sign of diminishing I won’t believe the BBC has changed at all (if anything it’s got much worse). It’s almost as if they’re betting the farm on a Labour victory in 2015.
One and a third million people refusing to pay the legally compulsory payment to the BBC. A criminal offence even if you visit a food bank, and only watch non-BBC television on Freeview, because of BBC left-wing bias.
The Daily Mail, Express and Telegraph should start a mass movement campaign for none-payment.
North West News headline item last night: yep, fracking protests again.
A march in central Manchester (police estimated 1000 people – wow) with our intrepid film crew and incurious interviewers. Allowed to spout the usual bollocks: ‘Clean sustainable technology is available now – it’s what we should be using without delay’ (er, wind turbine cost/reliability/sustainability interviewer? – nope); ‘I don’t want my water table poisoned’ (er, where’ve you got that one from, luv – any evidence? – nope).
Shots of the march – the great unworked and unwashed new age hippies with a few oddball lefties carrying ‘stop the cuts’ banners. Then all of 10 seconds of a quote from Cuadrilla proclaiming they can ensure fracking can be done safely.
The BBC tirelessly and unfailing grant Nick Clegg ample exposure every time he reminds the British electorate that UKIP stand to gain from the looming EU elections. The latest report – – is little more than a breathless panegyric (and anti-UKIP scare story) on the virtues of Britain’s staying within the liberal fascist EU state, with absolutely no counterfactual balancing commentary from anyone from UKIP invited to expose Clegg’s tunnel-vision propaganda for what it is.
Anyone else getting tired of the BBC’s complete lack of ‘impartiality’ when it comes to Nick Clegg and his blatant pro-EU propaganda push via the ever-willing common purpose trolls of the BBC?
Regardless of who you vote for in 2015, I sincerely believe as many of us (and our acquaintances) as we can muster should vote UKIP in the Euro elections in May.
It would be worth it just to see the faces on Aunty’s children having to announce the results!
I predict on a low turnout UKIP will do well. Last time they got 16.5% (on a turnout of 34.7%) and came 3rd. Although they are not very well right now (last poll was 12%), once the campaign starts properly they will pick up. it would be a poor result for them if they don’t beat the Conservatives. It would be an amazing result if they do beat Labour.
The key will be turnout. A low turnout favours UKIP whose vote is pretty solid.
BBC(and other MSM outlets) seem to think that warning of the dangers of the ‘waysist’ UKIP will reduce their electoral success
However, every time they try to belittle, smear and profess faux outrage at ‘revelations’ (mpost of which are completley unremarkable and certainly nothing like the serial corruption in the ‘grown-up’ parties) concerning UKIp it just emphasises to the great unwashed that a vote for UKIP really socks it to the Establishment
First sentence of Radio Four’s World at One News today referred to the claim that the two people with false passports on the missing Malaysian plane were not of Asian appearance. Phew. Glad to hear that. But I wonder what other appearances they did not possess.
Anything other than African (which apparently they are).
Not convinced they are responsible, but like 1,000’s of others they are making their way to Europe and probably ultimately this country. If nothing else this incident will highlight just how many false passports are circulating and the true scale of illegal immigration.
I have also read that Malaysian authorities have identified those with the false passports, and although they are not Malaysian they wouldn’t divulge their true nationality, what odds ‘British’ ?
Yep, nick an European’s passport, fly via Peking to Amsterdam and Bob’s your long lost Somalian uncle. Easy-peasey-EU-entry. How come the false papers were not noticed prior to the flight?
The Media’s Industrial Complex coverage of Ukraine has been nauseating, it reminded me of ”The allegory of the Cave ” by Plato.
The narrative being, Ukrainian students just wanted ‘fweedom’, when in reality the American government was behind the coup, they wanted a Western puppet instead of a Kremlin puppet in Kiev.
“…That the national broadcaster should have the power to level such a life-altering penalty for non-payment is completely anomalous with the provision of any other service (electricity, water, etc) in which non-payment is a purely civil matter between the provider and the consumer. Given the BBC’s proclivity – in every other context – for highlighting the problems of the poor, it is grotesque that its spokesmen should even try to defend such a system.”
Well, quite. It’s a national scandal.
Janet Daley remains a potent and important critic of the Bolshevik Brainwashing Comintern. I rather suspect, however, that her card is now marked by the petty-minded low-ranking commissars at the Politburo for daring to speak so out of turn – no more invites onto the excellent ‘Moral Maze’..?
‘Janet Daley remains a potent and important critic’
Female, American and holder of the ‘wrong kind’ of views for the party lines.
Can’t Helen, Chris, Tony, James, Stuart, Ian, Ed, Ed, Nick, Dave & Theresa just whip up a quick twitter mob they can defer to and get her banned from the country? ‘What planet, as they say, are these people on?’
Planet Marrakesh, where the bargaining theory of the Souk is hoped to apply, where they claim twice any possible value in hope of ending back after negotiation right back where they started.
Again, the argument seems to be more around how much and what means to still keep Mark Byford in slippers, Alan Yentob in Airmiles & Helen Boaden in gardening legal advice, rather than whether their little gravy train should be put up on blocks now it’s hit the buffers.
Even quite normal BBc supporters , when tackled, are finding it hard to justify the tax and harder to justify it being a criminal offence not to pay.
The BBC is going to find it tough from now on . Good.
Most of the 12 members of the centenary review panel thought that from 2020 the BBC could become a subscription service rather than one financed through the licence fee.
One thing that keeps cropping up, and seems to exercise even the most faithful supporter, is the BBC’s resort to running repeats. Of course it need not just be leaving Dad’s Army on loop as they head off for the school hols…
Mr. Bowen’s, and the BBC’s accuracy in general now being a rather key aspect of current Future of the BBC deliberations…. one hopes.
How they get their money rather pales to insignificance if, once uniquely and unaccountably handed it, they fail on basic professional objectivity and integrity when spending it.
Headline news on BBC North West at lunchtime and its…….
………those fracking protestors again!
Sympathetic coverage of the great unworked and unwashed who wish chaos and death on Britain by divesting it of any form of reliable energy – the poor bastards have been told by a judge to up sticks from their squalid protest camp and eff off back to where they came from (a yurtish commune somewhere in the Wye valley, I’d wager).
BBC, through your continuing support of Big Green and your 28 gate mates, you will be culpable when old people start dying from lack of heat and social unrest gathers pace as the economy starts to fall about our ears, so better start getting your Labourite ‘get out of jail’ excuses ready now. But don’t panic, take comfort from the fact you have 70% news and current affairs coverage so you can spin pretty well any story you like – you might just get away with it despite Savile and all the other recent traumas.
Here’s a tip, BBC: start asking a few searching questions of these eternal wasters which might help you appear reasonably balanced in your coverage. The energy security issue would be a good start.
Funny the BBc never get to the bottom of how exactly the “protestors” would provide energy. Seems to be a fundamental question. They don’t like wind farms, they don’t like nuclear. They don’t like fracking.
INBBC’s hijabbed Lyse ‘the humanity of the Taliban’ DOUCET is still pushing her political chum, ex-CND, unelected E.U commissioner, hijabbed Catherine ASHTON, now in the Islamic Republic of Iran.
In her dangerous, misguided propaganda, Doucet wrongly describes the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Hassan Rouhani, as a ‘moderate’.
An alternative to cringing INBBC-EU dhimmitude-
“Is Hassan Rohani a Moderate or a Ruthless Murderer?”
By Manda Zand Ervin.
“As his background makes it quite clear, President Rohani is quite the opposite of a moderate, he is an extreme hard-line fundamentalist and radical Islamist. It is amazing that the U.S. and some European governments have decided to falsely present him as a moderate and a person who can act as a stabilizing factor.”
you know what,radio 5 live sunk to new depths of politacal correctness on the drive show today with peter allen and co at 4pm,phil the lefie mackie was reporting about this jihadist trojan horse plot by muslim extremists to take over childrens schools in birmingham,no mention of the word muslim extremists or jihadis by him,he did not even use the word militant to describe these muslim extremists,have a guess what word he is using now to describe these jihadists peddlars of hate,oh yes,they are now orthodox muslims,yes what a nice non pc word radio 5 live and there presenters have thought up to describe these muslim extremists,i bet phil mackie and co had a production meeting today and disccused at lenth today what is the most nicest word that does not offend muslims they can use to describe these jihadis and muslim extremists in birmingham.the word they have come up with is orthodox muslims,what a load of politacaly correct garbage from radio 5 live and the bbc.
In other news…. ‘Previous Newsnight editor Peter Rippon.. has dipped his toe in the tricky world of blog-writing again’
Yes, I recall that went so well on The Editors when it actually had any posts (but still closed PDQ when things went South).
That’s this ‘The Editors’:
Meanwhile, Newsnight has FaceBook:
Good to see they have awoken after the near fortnight since they last posted (on pining North Koreans), but interesting what, of all topics, has gripped them now.
Meanwhile, as petty politics is der rigger: ‘…the annual Royal Television Society journalism awards are continuing to demonstrate interesting voting patterns’
“interesting voting patterns. Yes, let’s call it that. Especially when the Beeb wins and all 147 PR guys go mental that they love them, they really love them….
I’m not sure of the relationship that the Radio Times has with the BBC nowadays, but here they are (via someone from the Mirror), bidding for an immediate increase in the Licence Fee to £200.
Avoided BBc all weekend But I came across this.
The polls say we don’t want immigration but hey what the public want counts for nothing. My friends on the south coast also confirm economy near 2008 levels only applies to a parallel universe
Interesting what the guy said about not be able to get a job on the railway and immigrants having “all their tickets payed for” 2min 44s
My guess is that he means Personal Track Safety certificate and CSCS card required for working on projects like cross-rail. I have heard elsewhere that immigrants do indeed have these paid for by government agency while same funding is not available to indigenous workers, But bourgeois liberal fauxcialists ,so divorced from every day working class life, would no nothing of this. Or care less.
A bit like Danny Howard’s thinking that eastern europeans being freely give tax exemption certificates (with the collusion of construction employers) so they work as bogus self employed (lumpers danny) are genuine immigrant start ups
And for any one who thought I was exaggerating about Mr Rainer’s comment in last weeks QT
I love that excuse, If I murdered someone in 1975 and I told the judge ” It was the 70s, we did things differently then,” do you think I could get away with it ? “”
Take another look at the clip and ignore what tripe he is saying and think about what you are looking at. The clappers are all together in a row, the sound man and camera is already there to record the event. Do the production staff have ESP or do they already know what will happen?
As could be expected Breakfast News treading the old Sol Campbell, ‘if I had been white I would have been England captain more’ rubbish.
If I had been born to a millionaire stock broker and a JP, gone to Eton then Oxford and married a millionaire baronets daughter, I might have been Prime Minister. Life just ain’t fair is it Sol?
Typical anti white diatribe from the bBC who seem to not only love winding up the indigenous, but the also the non indigenous, just keep fanning the chaps….
Oh I do have to laugh at all the leftie luvvies at the co op bank who are determined to drive it into bankruptcy because they cannot stomach the salary of the chief exec.
So the BBC report it with the usual one sided bias, and their horror that someone is paid a lot more than they are, and to be honest £3.5 million pa is an awfully high salary.
That’s not the point though, the new CEO is pissed because someone leaked his salary and although it would have been revealed in the annual accounts, undermining the CEO before he even starts work because of the crazy leftie beliefs is not the way to run a successful organisation.
Another leftie was interviewed on ‘Today’ and you can just tell that although they say that they don’t want the bank to go bust, they just can’t help letting their misguided view of reality pushing it right to the edge, and hoping it doesn’t fall over. Of course, when it does it won’t be their fault at all. It’ll be all those greedy bankers of some other spurious reason which bear only the most scant representation of reality.
Bbc breakfast also featured an item on the coop group.
Steph at great pains to point out that none of her negative comments about the banking arm are intended to drive it into run on the bank situation. Not intended, no of course not steph.
So, take your money out fast?
If he turns the Co-Op round then he will be worth every penny.
Funny how the Left don’t bat an eyelid at Wayne Rooney getting a contract worth upwards of £15 million a year whilst Man U’s share price heads south at a hundred miles an hour (it’s cos’ he’s working class, innit) yet someone who can potentially rescue a large company that in theory is worth a lot to the UK economy if only for the jobs it provides is seen as a greedy fat cat.
Like footballers, you pay market rate for the top talent, you Marxist dickheads.
Turned over to ITV’s The Agenda last night to see Harriet ‘PIE’ Harman, Martin ‘EU arselicker’ Sorrell, Biased BBC fave David Schneider and leggy, big-conked beeboid Julia Bradbury … I didn’t watch it but I’m struggling to see the balance on that panel … it’s straight from the Question Time book of ‘balanced’ panels, isn’t it?
I note that on last nights, BBC news, the Trojan Horse/Bham
schools issue was briefly mentioned … the narrative?
Time was spent explaining it has been considered by some a “hoax”? … not teachers who have already been displaced, or the Education Dept, or a local MP, or the Bham Council.
… oh who by? … well I ll give you one guess?.
… and laughably in a new slant by the BBC the actual letter in the issue, is apparently representative of ahem “orthodox Muslims?”
check … BBC West Mids news page today
note the highlighted sections –
“absurd claims” … hmmm
“The document is the basis of the many sensationalised and Islamophobic articles in the media which seek to defame and vilify respectable individuals and institutions”
Tahir Alam
Ding Dong, big Bob Crow has snuffed it, aged 52.
Black arm bands are being handed out as we speak.
Will be interested to see who will be the apologists who will be lining up to mourn this ‘great’ man.
Rather think they`ll shut the network down so we can all gather out thoughts on The Crow as He meets with the vultures.
I suggest forty days of hagiography…Ronnie Biggs?…Tony Benn?…Ralph Miliband/Hobsbawn…Stuart Hall(the sociologist, not the BBC sex addict)…Scargill and Heseltine?
Could be a good year to lose a few eh?….
Jeremy Vine describes it as sad news re Bob Crow. Tributes from all sides apparently. Jeremy and Ken Bruce agreed it wasn’t the time for partisan comments. just a pity the BBC couldn’t have applied the same respect for more than an hour or two for Mrs Thatcher. And Crow for that matter who said he wouldn’t be shedding a tear over Mrs Thatcher, well the same applies.
Sad news – death of RMT union leader Bob Crow just announced.
No doubt BBC will treat this in same manner as death of baroness Thatcher. Repeated mentions of how ‘divisive’ they were, and pictures of students singing the male equivalent of ‘ding dong the witch is dead’.
Doubtful however. It seems only the lib-left can be so unkind.
Bob Crow – “Margaret Thatcher? – I wont shed one single tear over her death”
“She destroyed the NHS and destroyed industry in this country and as far as I’m concerned she can rot in hell”
Kinda sums up my feelings about him – although substitute ‘Railways’ for ‘NHS’
Not if Comrade William Bragg of Burton Brigstocke…”wor Billy” to you proles could summon up a Stalinist ode to a Soviet March, so we could all sing it as Bob gets tipped into an old train furnace on The Flying Scotsman.
Ken Livingston was already emotional on Sky News…bet the RMT have left him a tab at the Wheeltappers to go through for the coming forty days of Media Mourning for “the Greatest Train Driver of His Generation”.
One nice Council House going spare-two new bedrooms have come up on the market…as will a whole area of W11 when Benn scoots off…and it may well be worth a punt on queing up to take curtain measurements for Scargills old gaff( wig stand an optional extra).
The mcok Maggie-we get three old Commie poltroons to have a laugh at, when they head down the Tube to Hades….
“BREAKING NEWS: Firebrand rail union boss Bob Crow dies aged 52 after suspected heart attack.
“Rail, Maritime and Transport union leader is said to have died in hospital.
“Died at Whipps Cross hospital in Leystonstone, east London, early today.
“Mr Crow was one of highest profile left-wing union leaders of generation.
“Straight-talking south Londoner was a passionate supporter of Millwall FC.
“Ken Livingstone led tributes to Mr Crow and spoke of his shock at death.”
One thing in his favour was he was anti-Euro, wanted to be an MEP i believe……strewth, those pampered twits in Brussels wouldn’t know what was hitting them, Farage on the other flank, brilliant.
Really funny interview on Womans Hour, with a woman from Sweden talking about “Sex Workers” (prostitutes) and how Swedish law has changed to criminalise the punter and not the prostitute.
Obviously keen to push for a new law to criminalise the enemy Jane Garvey asks the leading question, ” And there hasn’t been a single murder of a ‘sex worker’ since this law was passed”? Yes comes the answer ” but then there hasn’t been a murder of a ‘sex worker’ in the past 40 years either ! Sweden is a country where the murder rate is very low”
Stunned silence follows as the leading question hasn’t led where Jane Garvey wanted it to, and she finished the piece by saying that “obviously it’s a complicated subject without easy answers”.
Typical of the preconceived notions that the left likes to hold, and so easy for them to be destroyed. If the interviewer had been far left harridan and horror bag Jenny Murray, she wouldn’t have accepted the answer, and imposed her own fascist views over the truth and reality the interviewee was telling.
Why are prostitutes referred to as “sex workers” these days? Presumably to de-stigmatise the women involved. So why, then, the push to criminalise “sex work” if it shouldn’t really have any stigma attached?
I thin k Orwell had a word for the type of mental contortions required.
“Sex workers” and drug users – two of the BBC’s pet subjects. With the first group those who provide the service and get paid are the victims, whilst those who use the service and pay are the villains. With the second group it’s the other way round. I could never understand that.
This is a difficult subject for the Left. Marx envisaged women as collective prostitutes, available to men for sexual purposes without the constraints of bourgeois marriage (it also neatly dovetailed into his own misogyny). Most BBC hacks never got past the first page of Das Kapital so they are a bit vague about the in-outs (if you’ll forgive the pun) of sexual politics. They just of sort of know it’s an issue and what position to take (no pun intended) without understanding why.
Disappointing second part to Evan’s “Mind the Gap” coverage of the apparently inordinate contribution of London to the nation’s wealth and income. In attempting to see where cities outside London could try to adopt the London model, Evan kept talking about “we” must do this, “we” must do that, “we” must avoid something else etc. The “we” of course are the taxpayers or, rather, the “planners” using taxpayers’ money. Evan cited the success of the BBC’s £1 billion+ expenditure in Salford as starting a virtuous circle of media agglomeration. He forgot to mention the possibility that when/if the BBC’s splurge of taxpayers’ cash stops the whole shooting match will (eventually) upsticks and move South.
Although Evan spent time on the West Brom arts centre failure, the point Evan avoided saying out loud in this programme was that this conspicuous failure was part of the consistent failure of “regional aid”, targetted tax breaks and state-inspired planning for enterprise deserts. It was obvious (to me anyway) that the surprise comparative success of Hebden Bridge is, precisely, that it was not planned nor subsidised and, despite the New Age patina, seems almost wholly devoid of state “initiative”. It was a further non-surprise that the “redevelopment” of Liverpool is mired in delay and boarded-up housing; another aspect of dysfunctional planning and incompetent government (local and national). BTW the vile (and apparently isolated) building overlooking Manchester put up by a property developer is not a tribute to the resurgence of Manchester’s economic welfare. Rather , it’s a trademark tribute to the ineffable tastelessness of, on the one side, a man who is rich enough to impose his flawed vision on his fellow-citizens and, on the other, a planning department desperate for more tax income and praise from the architectural establishment.
Oddly, although Evan dragged on BBC fave Ian McMillan (Why? He had nothing to contribute apart from his signature chippiness), Evan failed to mention Peter Ackroyd who is a devotee and admirer of London. Ackroyd’s repeated theme is that despite what planners (economic and development) either directly or indirectly backed by the state attempt in their efforts to “improve” London, London always reasserts itself – and this is seen as much in its economic impetus as in its street pattern.
Evan could have reoriented his survey by targetting specifically the endless attempts by the man in Whitehall (who, unfortunately, really doesn’t know better) to intervene as being the cause of London’s inordinate role in the nation’s economic and cultural affairs. Instead he reiterated that “we” (ie the “some” who reflect the BBC’s statist inclinations) must try harder.
Southerner here. I managed to get through most of the first episode without nodding off.
London-bashing is very fashionable, but it is hard not to get the impression that to most northerners moving the capital to magnetic North would still be too far south.
Listening to most of the media would lead you to suspect they’ll never be happy.
‘ He forgot to mention the possibility that when/if the BBC’s splurge of taxpayers’ cash stops the whole shooting match will (eventually) upsticks and move South.’
“BBC is grotesquely over-managed and has always had liberal bias, says Humphrys.
“Broadcaster says BBC is not ‘sceptical’ enough about some issues.
“But he says bias is down to broadcaster attracting ‘best and brightest.’
“He also says the BBC needs to be trimmed down in size.”
If I were him, I`d desist from getting any tattooes or piercings, whilst prancing around Canal St on the Paul Flowers Heritage Trail to commemorate three months of not folding up after Labours malice and incompetence.
The BBC’s hagiography mentions that ” Mr Crow was not a member of any political party, and was often equally critical of Labour – especially New Labour – as he was of the Conservatives” (see Of course, what it fails to mention is that he was a former member of the Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB) and then Arthur Scargill’s Socialist Labour Party (SLP). As recently as 2005 he endorsed the Communist Party candidate in Pontypridd. (see But he wasn’t a member at the time of his death so presumably none of that counts.
Worth remembering Bob Crow’s words when Mrs Thatcher died:
“I won’t shed one single tear over her death… She destroyed the NHS and destroyed industry in this country and as far as I’m concerned she can rot in hell.”
What goes around comes around.
…Which is, as you might already know, the title of an old Elvis Costello (another millionaire socialist) song from the 80s.
A lot of them were at it during the 80s – thanks mainly to the laughable ‘Red Wedge’ movement in British popular music at the time, including Morrissey, The Blow Monkeys, The Style Council and of course The Communards. There were many others.
The shame of it is that so much of that music now sounds so dated and regrettable. Multimillionaire ‘socialist’ popstars, eh? Gotta laugh.
Not completely dead and buried, Phil – the Right Rev Richard Coles who was one half of The Communards is still pushing his leftist tripe at licence-payers’ expense.
Comrade Coles is a fully signed-up card-carrying commissar, so naturally he gets a place at the Politburo table. Another tired old commie still welcome around the Corporation any time is comrade Bragg – when, of course, he can bear to tear himself away from his expansive Dorset estate.
Agreed-and that Bedroom Tax surely needs to kick in seeing as there`ll be plenty vulnerable young starter families who could do with that big council house he no longer needs to pay a peppercorn rent upon.
Hope his Council will make the necessary arrangements , seeing as Bob WAS an honest son of the proletariat, and would hate to deprive the less privileged from getting his spare room, now he no longer needs it…
Remember…The BBC work on the thesis that when one of their number kicks the bucket, they must whitewash away the darker side of that particular Comrades personality and replace it with a cuddly and delightful vision of a teddy bear……..See what I mean when Scargill kicks the bucket..
“terror plotter” ! well I … tsk tsk
they must mean the Al BBC s new moniker
“orthodox Muslims”
mentioned 4 times on BBC Midland news last night
re Trojan Horse/Bham Schools
There is a video clip to the story
now, with the mention of “orthodox Muslims”.
hilariously, all the newspapers headlines shown at the same time state “jihadists”
Bob Crow, RIP.
A not yet very old white man taken, some may say, before his time.
A shame Diane Abbott cannot be reached for comment on the hazards of stressful jobs, enjoying fruits of labours and long-distance travel to relax from them. But we wish her well too.
And yes, interesting that the BBC seems to have headed straight for more empathetic persons to offer the eulogies, where before they headed pretty much to the exact same folk to perhaps offer less respectful comments on the passing of political icons they were less keen on.
One must presume this to be another unique BBC ‘different time’ from the past? One could ask, but of course such oddly skewed editorial decisions are FoI exempted, luckily.
Robert Elms continues the eulogy on BBC Radio London with hearty Socialist send offs and emotional callers. Not something the station did this time last year…
There was an Iranian asylum seeker onboard that plane that’s gone missing..and absolutely the first and most important piece of information you must get in your head is that THERE IS NO REASON TO SUPPOSE THERE IS A TERRORIST LINK.
Is this kind of thing becoming normal nowadays to forestall the mythical anti-muslim backlash?
That headline must have come via Al bin to Eton Dave in No 10, who cannot see anything wrong in Islam. The BBC are once again pushing Dave’s policies, so why don’t they like the man?
I was no fan of Bob Crow’s views in general, but since he’s just died it is only fair to point out that he was a staunch opponent of the EU, albeit from the hard left.
Yes, that makes him OK in this one regard…Tony Benn used to be an opponent too…as indeed was Enoch!
Let`s hope Benn doesn`t go before he posts his UKIP vote for Notting Hill Central… Postal voting ‘allows industrial scale fraud
Credit that it has been posted.
Shame it has no comments facility.
If, possibly, wise.
Such as Ms. Watson may struggle to justify why there is a need beyond her saying so.
One is sure she was tasked on this and it may be heard if taking the time to track down on the link.
The BBC news has just briefly mentioned ,amongst the outpourings of grief for Bob Crow that prescription charges have be increased again.
No mention of the fact that this only applies in ENGLAND ,Wales and Scotland meanwhile, still get free prescriptions on the backs of the English taxpayers
Hundreds gathered in Manchester, England for an anti-fracking march on Sunday in what is believed to be one of the largest anti-fracking rallies to take place in the UK. So should it matter if we do not frack for oil or gas?
“But nothing of this gets past our state broadcaster. Instead, it tells its lies. For the BBC, the future must be “green” and the idea of wind energy relying on dirty diesel back-up is not one that fits its narrative. Nor can we be allowed to know that it is costing us a fortune. And so the lie is told.
‘But nothing of this gets past our state broadcaster. Instead, it tells its lies’
As the future is mentioned, one rather hopes such input may waft into the the committee room of the ‘Future of the BBC’ inquiry.
I don’t see the national broadcaster’s remit, and the UK public well served on information and education that serves voting and hence policy, to be well served by telling lies.
Watched BBC coverage of Bob Crow and he is being given the same treatment as they gave Nelson but not like the coverage they gave Maggie. Strange that.
Heard the news that Crow the fat twat has kicked the bucket,
well for somebody who caused nothing but pain, who while earning over £145K a year lived in a council house , I hope the fat twat suffered for the last few hours of his life.
Anybody want to complain, well the champagne socialist was happy to see Maggie go and I happy to see the fat twat go.
Just goes to show the dangers of ‘winter sun’ to the eager skiver: a lesson for us all. Bugger off, Bob.
In a move which will no doubt surprise many, Telegraph comments are closed on every one of their numerous Crow articles. Maybe not everyone is mourning the late, now flightless corvid in the approved BBC/DT manner ?
Anyone else catch PM Song of Praise to St Bob of the RMT?
Fifteen minutes of unadulterated Bob hagiography with a final coda promised at the end. Once the vomiting had stopped I had to laugh at the point (frequently and seriously made) that St Bob did everything he possibly could to avoid strikes and serve the people. Yup, I kid you not. They also offered a poetic tribute to his political identity, self described as “socialist-communist”, whatever the fuck that means….
Sometimes the bias is so obvious that you simply marvel at their effrontery. Well, I guess they were born to rule eh?
JV at 12 on Radio came out with the question was Bob the best ever Trade Union Leader.
Yes the fat twat who while having no problem claiming all men are equal had no problem living in a council house whilst pocketing 145K a year. Talk about inequality anybody with an ounce of decency would have gone out and bought their own home freeing up that home for somebody who deserves it. You know like a refugee from Somalia, Syria or even…the Caribbean. (Well they are asking for £16 billion in reparations)
The bBC talks about Postal voting, mentions one story about somebody called Mohammed (Labour ) who lost out to another Mohamed (liberal) and found out it was due to Postal (voting) fraud . Other than the above the bBC doesn’t mention why and in which segments of the population is this act rife, however they do list the areas where it is a problem, here have a look and tell me if you can spot the common denominator: The 16 areas under extra scrutiny
Blackburn with Darwen
Tower Hamlets
Could be, as the bBC does come out with:
In Derby, a smartly turned out man in his 20s – who doesn’t want to be identified – has direct experience of how this works.
“Campaigners came to the house and they asked my mum to vote for them… one of the people put the cross in the box for her and said, ‘There you go, now you can just sign it and we will take it off you.'”
The man said his mother gave in to stop the activists repeatedly coming to her door, and that she cared more about making them go away in the end than who she voted for.
“That is not voting, is it? If someone is coming and physically putting a cross in a box for you, that is your right snatched away from you, isn’t it? It happens to the elderly and the vulnerable mainly, they are the easy targets – …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..those who don’t speak much English,” he added.
Ah I stand corrected the bBC have now inserted this:
“In different parts of the country, there have been Conservatives, there have been Liberal Democrats, there have been Labour activists arrested and charged over postal vote fraud, so this is not a problem which affects only one political party.
Richard North tells how the BBC ignores how our ‘green’ energy obligations are being met by burning ‘standby’ diesel while pretending that we are using ‘renewables’. Bang Goes The Theory fails to reveal why our bills are higher than they need be while sharp operators play the system.
As A. Journalist will tell you, it’s not news.
At least, if it does not suit the narrative.
That’s how it works in the modern #propagandavsnews studio.
And the best part is, if anyone dares ask why, they can simply invoke an FoI exclusion or up front draw the line on even being asked, especially Chris Patten.
ScrobleneFeb 27, 19:16 Midweek 26th February 2025 Just had a skim through the beeboid version of events… Ha ha ha, TTK is being tucked up like a…
ZephirFeb 27, 19:04 Midweek 26th February 2025 “We must stand up to Russia” “Mr President, Napoleon….” “Next question”
ScrobleneFeb 27, 18:57 Midweek 26th February 2025 I think the ‘silence’ was just exemplifying the fact that nobody had ever told them the absolute truth before! They…
ZephirFeb 27, 18:56 Midweek 26th February 2025 “We must stand up to Russia” “Mr President… Napoleon….” Next question”
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiFeb 27, 18:40 Midweek 26th February 2025 Just as well it isn’t some “Far Right” person like Mme Le Pen!
ZephirFeb 27, 18:30 Midweek 26th February 2025 Now there’s a caption competiton “Yes in our household, no arguments about the toilet seat being permanently up” “Nope, I…
Richard PinderFeb 27, 18:17 Midweek 26th February 2025 [img],h=450[/img] Nazi salute in support of the Ukraine
atlas_shruggedFeb 27, 18:03 Midweek 26th February 2025 Wimmin MPs are more cunning. They just claim they are ‘Pur timmerous defenceless wee beesties’ then the ‘man’ sent them…
Richard PinderFeb 27, 18:02 Midweek 26th February 2025 [img][/img] Reform UK Political Party Broadcast: Channel 3 – 6.20pm – ITV 1 Channel 1 – 6.55pm – BBC 1…
Reposted, as it was late in the weekend thread.
Some unbelievable prat from that pillar of data-fiddling academe, the University of East Anglia on “Today” this morning bumbling on about the ozone hole, again. Not content with trying to keep climate change alarmism alive (and failing), they now try to dredge up old scares (with added spice) to frighten us about the ozone holes (which have probably been there for ever).
Anthony Watts has the story:
As one commenter observed: “Other scientists acknowledged that while the current concentrations of these gases are small and they don’t present an immediate concern, work would have to be done to identify their origin.”
In other words: “We’re for sale. Give us lots of money and we’ll point the finger at some aspect of civilization and ramp up the threat. Act now and we’ll throw in a hockey stick for free.”
Anthony Watts – you never hear of him on the BBC, you know.
Oops, sorry – yes you do:
‘Australian Anthony Watts has become the 12th new signing for Widnes ahead of their return to Super League in 2012. ‘
The Polytec sorry University of East Anglia has nothing to contribute to the world of science or knowledge, so they dredge up headlines by parroting the same old propaganda that they know will get headlines on the BBC. To demonstrate the bias, consider how often Cambridge or Oxford gets a mention on the morning TV news for something they found, and then it has to be really something good, like a cure for cancer etc.
Bias there is but lets get facts right, the Univeristy of East Anglia at Norwich is NOT a former poly – and no its not my Alma Mater either, no direct interest! 😉
Fair play, my point is they produce no research and get extensive coverage for repeating warmist propaganda. Far better universities produce meaningful research and don’t get the coverage.
The only notable school at the Uni of East Anglia is on Creative Writing.
I am sure the climate stats-fiddlers attend those classes.
Radio London this morning, reparations for slavery. It’s all our fault, typical BBC guilt trip to start the week off. If you say, ‘well it was a long time ago and my ancestors didn’t own a plantation’ you are racist. Can’t win.
Does the “it was a different time” argument not apply in this case then ?
According to the left wing BBC and our left wing education system, slavery began and ended with the white man. Never a mention of the contemporaneous slave trafficking eastwards across Africa by Muslims nor the long history of slavery going back millennia.
And slaves were black the story goes. So we better not mention the 100,000 Irish children sold as slaves during the 17th century. That would spoil the narrative.
‘“From 1641 to 1652, over 500,000 Irish were killed by the English and another 300,000 were sold as slaves.’
Yeh, right.
Very unreliable source.
“Mr. Martin is not on the staff of this organisation. He is a contributor – one of just under 7,000 listed – who has to date contributed this one article…”
Sounds like simply anti English hate mongering.
I can’t find this on the bBBC but according to the Times (£), over 200 years after we ended slavery, it’s our fault that present-day people in the Caribbean have high rates of illiteracy and ill-health from diabetes and hypertension.
Still, no doubt a big helping of compensation will help cure them.
What is really interesting is how the lawyer who is behind this is well known for inventing events he wants the British to pay for.
It wouldn’t be Phil Shine or one of his accolites would it? It’s about time that shyster was deemed a vexatious litigant.
Second item on the Radio 4 flagship news this morning was an extended item concerning Labour’s new (actually very old) policy to impoverish the “rich” (well, pensioners and those demon-bankers) to subsidise
Labour votersbenefiterati through state-enforced taxpayer-funded “make-work” jobs (as if there aren’t enough of those already in the public sector). This is, more or less, “news” but it ain’t that important. Labour giving the impression of going down a similar route as the coalition in tackling the moral corruption of the benefit system is fairly interesting and worthy of discussion. However, it is not an excuse for the BBC to propagandise Labour’s next big idea and then claim “impartiality” by tacking on a phrase at the end of the item concerning possible coalition disagreement.BTW just as “impartial” was the BBC editorial decision not to include in the same “news” any information about the latest storm of banking largesse concerning Labour’s very own bank. Funny, the BBC can’t get enough of Barclays’ bonuses (as well as RBS, of course but, for some justification, RBS is owned by the taxpayer) but when it’s the Co-op bank the BBC restricts itself to a very early look (at 0615) on Today and then AFAIAA silence.
I’ve heard this half-baked Balls policy touted on the BBC several times and never once have I heard them ask where the jobs will come from. But you bet your life if Labour are creating them, it’ll be the usual ‘5-a-day Co-Ordinator’ or ‘School Buses Behaviour Manager’ type the Guardian used to advertise week in week out at the peak of Labour’s jobs ‘boom’.
Yep, bring the public sector numbers back up.
Of course they’ll all do a great job while they’re on the payroll and might even join the union.
Ooh, I wonder who they’ll vote for next time?
A snoopers army of kids checking packed lunches, sampling bins to ensure EU compliance and anti-immigration comments.
Let`s call them the political arm of the British People shall we?…and give them the vote to create a state of emergency sine die.
Pollys Pioneers or PIEcorps?…Labour will text you to see if you give a xxxx or not!
People may get a little despondent thinking nothing ever changes where BBC bias is concerned. All its systems seem to progress as before, with the liberal metropolitan agenda still in charge – to the total exclusion of other voices.
We know that the salary and other scandals have hurt them, in so far as they fear it means the public’s supposed trust is diminished, which it is, but the arrogance remains unchecked.
I feel that arrogance can never diminish, as staff are entirely blind as to their prejudices and certainties (as is the public sector in general).
However the way the stories of the last few days have emerged and been treated tells me something radical has happened.
The notion of it no longer being a crime to fail to have a TV licence and of a possible subscription model have both entered public discourse as something close to givens, within 48 hours.
That would never have happened before. The world of the BBC has changed for ever and they are beginning to know it, not last by the near absence of reflex defences against such radical options.
No need for complacency however as the fightback will come and already has in the form of Nick Clegg. But Cleggie is not the coming man.
Think East Germany where collapse in an ideology came in a matter of weeks once the wall was breached.
Good argument, Framer, and I can see your reasoning, but until the huge bias towards Labour shows any sign of diminishing I won’t believe the BBC has changed at all (if anything it’s got much worse). It’s almost as if they’re betting the farm on a Labour victory in 2015.
One and a third million people refusing to pay the legally compulsory payment to the BBC. A criminal offence even if you visit a food bank, and only watch non-BBC television on Freeview, because of BBC left-wing bias.
The Daily Mail, Express and Telegraph should start a mass movement campaign for none-payment.
Theyd be charged with inciting law breaking.
North West News headline item last night: yep, fracking protests again.
A march in central Manchester (police estimated 1000 people – wow) with our intrepid film crew and incurious interviewers. Allowed to spout the usual bollocks: ‘Clean sustainable technology is available now – it’s what we should be using without delay’ (er, wind turbine cost/reliability/sustainability interviewer? – nope); ‘I don’t want my water table poisoned’ (er, where’ve you got that one from, luv – any evidence? – nope).
Shots of the march – the great unworked and unwashed new age hippies with a few oddball lefties carrying ‘stop the cuts’ banners. Then all of 10 seconds of a quote from Cuadrilla proclaiming they can ensure fracking can be done safely.
Quality, BBC, pure quality.
Yes, no doubt anti-frackers at Media City were tipped off about mini-demo by their chums.
“Some anti-fracking protesters pack-up and leave”
By Peter Glover.
It’s Lancashire’s gas, independence now for Lancashire !!!!!!
The BBC tirelessly and unfailing grant Nick Clegg ample exposure every time he reminds the British electorate that UKIP stand to gain from the looming EU elections. The latest report – – is little more than a breathless panegyric (and anti-UKIP scare story) on the virtues of Britain’s staying within the liberal fascist EU state, with absolutely no counterfactual balancing commentary from anyone from UKIP invited to expose Clegg’s tunnel-vision propaganda for what it is.
Anyone else getting tired of the BBC’s complete lack of ‘impartiality’ when it comes to Nick Clegg and his blatant pro-EU propaganda push via the ever-willing common purpose trolls of the BBC?
Short answer – yes.
Regardless of who you vote for in 2015, I sincerely believe as many of us (and our acquaintances) as we can muster should vote UKIP in the Euro elections in May.
It would be worth it just to see the faces on Aunty’s children having to announce the results!
I predict on a low turnout UKIP will do well. Last time they got 16.5% (on a turnout of 34.7%) and came 3rd. Although they are not very well right now (last poll was 12%), once the campaign starts properly they will pick up. it would be a poor result for them if they don’t beat the Conservatives. It would be an amazing result if they do beat Labour.
The key will be turnout. A low turnout favours UKIP whose vote is pretty solid.
It does seem to be a self-fulfilling prophecy
BBC(and other MSM outlets) seem to think that warning of the dangers of the ‘waysist’ UKIP will reduce their electoral success
However, every time they try to belittle, smear and profess faux outrage at ‘revelations’ (mpost of which are completley unremarkable and certainly nothing like the serial corruption in the ‘grown-up’ parties) concerning UKIp it just emphasises to the great unwashed that a vote for UKIP really socks it to the Establishment
First sentence of Radio Four’s World at One News today referred to the claim that the two people with false passports on the missing Malaysian plane were not of Asian appearance. Phew. Glad to hear that. But I wonder what other appearances they did not possess.
Anything other than African (which apparently they are).
Not convinced they are responsible, but like 1,000’s of others they are making their way to Europe and probably ultimately this country. If nothing else this incident will highlight just how many false passports are circulating and the true scale of illegal immigration.
I have also read that Malaysian authorities have identified those with the false passports, and although they are not Malaysian they wouldn’t divulge their true nationality, what odds ‘British’ ?
Yep, nick an European’s passport, fly via Peking to Amsterdam and Bob’s your long lost Somalian uncle. Easy-peasey-EU-entry. How come the false papers were not noticed prior to the flight?
The Media’s Industrial Complex coverage of Ukraine has been nauseating, it reminded me of ”The allegory of the Cave ” by Plato.
The narrative being, Ukrainian students just wanted ‘fweedom’, when in reality the American government was behind the coup, they wanted a Western puppet instead of a Kremlin puppet in Kiev.
Baldric my child, don’t put yourself down.
‘Telegraph’ (£)-
The BBC wants even more money”
By Janet Daley.
“…That the national broadcaster should have the power to level such a life-altering penalty for non-payment is completely anomalous with the provision of any other service (electricity, water, etc) in which non-payment is a purely civil matter between the provider and the consumer. Given the BBC’s proclivity – in every other context – for highlighting the problems of the poor, it is grotesque that its spokesmen should even try to defend such a system.”
Well, quite. It’s a national scandal.
Janet Daley remains a potent and important critic of the Bolshevik Brainwashing Comintern. I rather suspect, however, that her card is now marked by the petty-minded low-ranking commissars at the Politburo for daring to speak so out of turn – no more invites onto the excellent ‘Moral Maze’..?
‘Janet Daley remains a potent and important critic’
Female, American and holder of the ‘wrong kind’ of views for the party lines.
Can’t Helen, Chris, Tony, James, Stuart, Ian, Ed, Ed, Nick, Dave & Theresa just whip up a quick twitter mob they can defer to and get her banned from the country?
‘What planet, as they say, are these people on?’
Planet Marrakesh, where the bargaining theory of the Souk is hoped to apply, where they claim twice any possible value in hope of ending back after negotiation right back where they started.
Again, the argument seems to be more around how much and what means to still keep Mark Byford in slippers, Alan Yentob in Airmiles & Helen Boaden in gardening legal advice, rather than whether their little gravy train should be put up on blocks now it’s hit the buffers.
Even quite normal BBc supporters , when tackled, are finding it hard to justify the tax and harder to justify it being a criminal offence not to pay.
The BBC is going to find it tough from now on . Good.
Labour have promised the Banker’s Bonus Tax on 11 different occasions
This must be the same money tree that Gordon Brown used to abolish boom and bust
He did, with the help of his lifelong friend prudence manage to abolish the boom……give the idiot some credit.
Most of the 12 members of the centenary review panel thought that from 2020 the BBC could become a subscription service rather than one financed through the licence fee.
One thing that keeps cropping up, and seems to exercise even the most faithful supporter, is the BBC’s resort to running repeats. Of course it need not just be leaving Dad’s Army on loop as they head off for the school hols…
Mr. Bowen’s, and the BBC’s accuracy in general now being a rather key aspect of current Future of the BBC deliberations…. one hopes.
How they get their money rather pales to insignificance if, once uniquely and unaccountably handed it, they fail on basic professional objectivity and integrity when spending it.
Headline news on BBC North West at lunchtime and its…….
………those fracking protestors again!
Sympathetic coverage of the great unworked and unwashed who wish chaos and death on Britain by divesting it of any form of reliable energy – the poor bastards have been told by a judge to up sticks from their squalid protest camp and eff off back to where they came from (a yurtish commune somewhere in the Wye valley, I’d wager).
BBC, through your continuing support of Big Green and your 28 gate mates, you will be culpable when old people start dying from lack of heat and social unrest gathers pace as the economy starts to fall about our ears, so better start getting your Labourite ‘get out of jail’ excuses ready now. But don’t panic, take comfort from the fact you have 70% news and current affairs coverage so you can spin pretty well any story you like – you might just get away with it despite Savile and all the other recent traumas.
Here’s a tip, BBC: start asking a few searching questions of these eternal wasters which might help you appear reasonably balanced in your coverage. The energy security issue would be a good start.
Funny the BBc never get to the bottom of how exactly the “protestors” would provide energy. Seems to be a fundamental question. They don’t like wind farms, they don’t like nuclear. They don’t like fracking.
INBBC’s hijabbed Lyse ‘the humanity of the Taliban’ DOUCET is still pushing her political chum, ex-CND, unelected E.U commissioner, hijabbed Catherine ASHTON, now in the Islamic Republic of Iran.
In her dangerous, misguided propaganda, Doucet wrongly describes the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Hassan Rouhani, as a ‘moderate’.
An alternative to cringing INBBC-EU dhimmitude-
“Is Hassan Rohani a Moderate or a Ruthless Murderer?”
By Manda Zand Ervin.
“As his background makes it quite clear, President Rohani is quite the opposite of a moderate, he is an extreme hard-line fundamentalist and radical Islamist. It is amazing that the U.S. and some European governments have decided to falsely present him as a moderate and a person who can act as a stabilizing factor.”
Lies from Lyse Doucet:-
“The election of Iranian moderate Hassan Rouhani as president last year…. ”
For Islam Not BBC (INBBC)-
On Doucet’s “moderate” Rouhani, and the Islamic Republic of Iran’s foreign policy:-
“Netanyahu blasts ‘hypocrisy’ of the West on Iranian arms cache”
Read more: Netanyahu blasts ‘hypocrisy’ of the West on Iranian arms cache | The Times of Israel
Better late than never:
INBBC picks up on this, late in the day –
“Israel attacks ‘hypocrisy’ of international community on Iran”
Did you note the following
“Ashton, who donned a hijab for meeting with Iranian representatives in Tehran,”
“Grovel, grovel, cringe, bow, stoop, fall
Worship, worship, beg, kneel, sponge, crawl “
When our women go to Islamic lands, they have to wear Islamic clothing.
When their women come here they insist on wearing………Islamic clothing.
Could have been worse I suppose, she might have gone to the meeting wearing a basque.
With her face a burkah would be in order, although I cannot see anybody getting aroused with her looks.
A political microcosm re-Iran:
The West’s political subservience to Islam personified:-
Hijabbed politico Ashton, and hijabbed hack Doucet.
And, of course INBBC’s Doucet was similarly dressed.
Here’s more about the pathetically weak Ashton, appeasing the Islamic Republic of Iran regime:
“EU Foreign Affairs Chief Denies Being ‘Forced’ To Wear Hijab to Iran Meetings”
I suppose you could describe Rouhani as a moderate in the same sense that Himmler was a moderate in comparison to Heydrich.
you know what,radio 5 live sunk to new depths of politacal correctness on the drive show today with peter allen and co at 4pm,phil the lefie mackie was reporting about this jihadist trojan horse plot by muslim extremists to take over childrens schools in birmingham,no mention of the word muslim extremists or jihadis by him,he did not even use the word militant to describe these muslim extremists,have a guess what word he is using now to describe these jihadists peddlars of hate,oh yes,they are now orthodox muslims,yes what a nice non pc word radio 5 live and there presenters have thought up to describe these muslim extremists,i bet phil mackie and co had a production meeting today and disccused at lenth today what is the most nicest word that does not offend muslims they can use to describe these jihadis and muslim extremists in birmingham.the word they have come up with is orthodox muslims,what a load of politacaly correct garbage from radio 5 live and the bbc.
The Mail front page headline this morning was “School head sacked by fanatics”.
The BBC did not mention this in any of the paper reviews.
I wonder why ?
Yes, INBBC’s pro-Islamic political stance is deeply engrained now, so it acts as state censor on any criticism of aspects of Islamic activity.
In other news….
‘Previous Newsnight editor Peter Rippon.. has dipped his toe in the tricky world of blog-writing again’
Yes, I recall that went so well on The Editors when it actually had any posts (but still closed PDQ when things went South).
That’s this ‘The Editors’:
Meanwhile, Newsnight has FaceBook:
Good to see they have awoken after the near fortnight since they last posted (on pining North Koreans), but interesting what, of all topics, has gripped them now.
Meanwhile, as petty politics is der rigger:
‘…the annual Royal Television Society journalism awards are continuing to demonstrate interesting voting patterns’
“interesting voting patterns. Yes, let’s call it that. Especially when the Beeb wins and all 147 PR guys go mental that they love them, they really love them….
I understand that using capitals is akin to shouting.
Here is the link again. Does not seem to work . Rise in licence fee proposed
I’m not sure of the relationship that the Radio Times has with the BBC nowadays, but here they are (via someone from the Mirror), bidding for an immediate increase in the Licence Fee to £200.
It’s genius.
Why had no one thought of it before.
Need more money? Just uniquely gouge as much as needed… on top of that already compelled.… < the bbcs favorite group the muslim council of britian links to trojan horse
According to the BBC, a third meaning of jihad is the struggle to build a good society. Oh yes? Who for BBC?
Avoided BBc all weekend But I came across this.
The polls say we don’t want immigration but hey what the public want counts for nothing. My friends on the south coast also confirm economy near 2008 levels only applies to a parallel universe
Interesting what the guy said about not be able to get a job on the railway and immigrants having “all their tickets payed for” 2min 44s
My guess is that he means Personal Track Safety certificate and CSCS card required for working on projects like cross-rail. I have heard elsewhere that immigrants do indeed have these paid for by government agency while same funding is not available to indigenous workers, But bourgeois liberal fauxcialists ,so divorced from every day working class life, would no nothing of this. Or care less.
A bit like Danny Howard’s thinking that eastern europeans being freely give tax exemption certificates (with the collusion of construction employers) so they work as bogus self employed (lumpers danny) are genuine immigrant start ups
And for any one who thought I was exaggerating about Mr Rainer’s comment in last weeks QT
So enthusiastically received too………..
” It was the 1970s ”
I love that excuse, If I murdered someone in 1975 and I told the judge ” It was the 70s, we did things differently then,” do you think I could get away with it ? “”
Jay Rayner is a pompous prick on Masterchef too.
At least he’s being consistent.
Take another look at the clip and ignore what tripe he is saying and think about what you are looking at. The clappers are all together in a row, the sound man and camera is already there to record the event. Do the production staff have ESP or do they already know what will happen?
Even more proof that QT is a complete setup.
Good point.
Another meeting of BBC-NUJ politburo needed before it decides whether to report this on the Islamic Republic of Iran?-
“Is Iran the link between Malaysia mystery flight and Lockerbie disaster?”
As could be expected Breakfast News treading the old Sol Campbell, ‘if I had been white I would have been England captain more’ rubbish.
If I had been born to a millionaire stock broker and a JP, gone to Eton then Oxford and married a millionaire baronets daughter, I might have been Prime Minister. Life just ain’t fair is it Sol?
Typical anti white diatribe from the bBC who seem to not only love winding up the indigenous, but the also the non indigenous, just keep fanning the chaps….
Oh I do have to laugh at all the leftie luvvies at the co op bank who are determined to drive it into bankruptcy because they cannot stomach the salary of the chief exec.
So the BBC report it with the usual one sided bias, and their horror that someone is paid a lot more than they are, and to be honest £3.5 million pa is an awfully high salary.
That’s not the point though, the new CEO is pissed because someone leaked his salary and although it would have been revealed in the annual accounts, undermining the CEO before he even starts work because of the crazy leftie beliefs is not the way to run a successful organisation.
Another leftie was interviewed on ‘Today’ and you can just tell that although they say that they don’t want the bank to go bust, they just can’t help letting their misguided view of reality pushing it right to the edge, and hoping it doesn’t fall over. Of course, when it does it won’t be their fault at all. It’ll be all those greedy bankers of some other spurious reason which bear only the most scant representation of reality.
Bbc breakfast also featured an item on the coop group.
Steph at great pains to point out that none of her negative comments about the banking arm are intended to drive it into run on the bank situation. Not intended, no of course not steph.
So, take your money out fast?
Northern Rock Revisited & rebranded possibly coming soon then “don’t take your money out there is no crisis!” So don’t panic don’t panic!
If he turns the Co-Op round then he will be worth every penny.
Funny how the Left don’t bat an eyelid at Wayne Rooney getting a contract worth upwards of £15 million a year whilst Man U’s share price heads south at a hundred miles an hour (it’s cos’ he’s working class, innit) yet someone who can potentially rescue a large company that in theory is worth a lot to the UK economy if only for the jobs it provides is seen as a greedy fat cat.
Like footballers, you pay market rate for the top talent, you Marxist dickheads.
Turned over to ITV’s The Agenda last night to see Harriet ‘PIE’ Harman, Martin ‘EU arselicker’ Sorrell, Biased BBC fave David Schneider and leggy, big-conked beeboid Julia Bradbury … I didn’t watch it but I’m struggling to see the balance on that panel … it’s straight from the Question Time book of ‘balanced’ panels, isn’t it?
I note that on last nights, BBC news, the Trojan Horse/Bham
schools issue was briefly mentioned … the narrative?
Time was spent explaining it has been considered by some a “hoax”? … not teachers who have already been displaced, or the Education Dept, or a local MP, or the Bham Council.
… oh who by? … well I ll give you one guess?.
… and laughably in a new slant by the BBC the actual letter in the issue, is apparently representative of ahem “orthodox Muslims?”
check … BBC West Mids news page today
note the highlighted sections –
“absurd claims” … hmmm
“The document is the basis of the many sensationalised and Islamophobic articles in the media which seek to defame and vilify respectable individuals and institutions”
Tahir Alam
A school governor!, who sadly doesn t understand that to use the absurd charge of “islamofauxbia”, is a complete misnomer … yep! a crock
while the BBC tries to distance blame …
quote bullshine – to obfuscate
others will not
Ding Dong, big Bob Crow has snuffed it, aged 52.
Black arm bands are being handed out as we speak.
Will be interested to see who will be the apologists who will be lining up to mourn this ‘great’ man.
Massive headline on the Al beeb’s website.
Does this mean the tube strike is off?
Rather think they`ll shut the network down so we can all gather out thoughts on The Crow as He meets with the vultures.
I suggest forty days of hagiography…Ronnie Biggs?…Tony Benn?…Ralph Miliband/Hobsbawn…Stuart Hall(the sociologist, not the BBC sex addict)…Scargill and Heseltine?
Could be a good year to lose a few eh?….
Nigel Farage it seems.
Jeremy Vine describes it as sad news re Bob Crow. Tributes from all sides apparently. Jeremy and Ken Bruce agreed it wasn’t the time for partisan comments. just a pity the BBC couldn’t have applied the same respect for more than an hour or two for Mrs Thatcher. And Crow for that matter who said he wouldn’t be shedding a tear over Mrs Thatcher, well the same applies.
Great man indeed.
The comfort and support he has given to millions of London commuters over the years…..
Sad news – death of RMT union leader Bob Crow just announced.
No doubt BBC will treat this in same manner as death of baroness Thatcher. Repeated mentions of how ‘divisive’ they were, and pictures of students singing the male equivalent of ‘ding dong the witch is dead’.
Doubtful however. It seems only the lib-left can be so unkind.
Methinks anything less than a Mandelathon of coverage should surely be seen as disrespectful to Comrade Crow.
Bob Crow – “Margaret Thatcher? – I wont shed one single tear over her death”
“She destroyed the NHS and destroyed industry in this country and as far as I’m concerned she can rot in hell”
Kinda sums up my feelings about him – although substitute ‘Railways’ for ‘NHS’
It’s good of him to do his bit for the housing crisis by freeing up a council house.
Funny, I thought the NHS was still going – partly thanks to Thatcher increasing its funding in real terms.
Perhaps Bob didn’t know that.
Give him the benefit of the doubt.
Second thoughts….
He said Margaret Thatcher can rot in hell. I never liked him or respected him but I’m not going to descend to that level.
He’ll be forgotten soon enough. That’ll do.
Well said.
The BBC are having to fight off all their ‘comedians’ who all want to use Crow’s grave as a urinal.
Not if Comrade William Bragg of Burton Brigstocke…”wor Billy” to you proles could summon up a Stalinist ode to a Soviet March, so we could all sing it as Bob gets tipped into an old train furnace on The Flying Scotsman.
Ken Livingston was already emotional on Sky News…bet the RMT have left him a tab at the Wheeltappers to go through for the coming forty days of Media Mourning for “the Greatest Train Driver of His Generation”.
One nice Council House going spare-two new bedrooms have come up on the market…as will a whole area of W11 when Benn scoots off…and it may well be worth a punt on queing up to take curtain measurements for Scargills old gaff( wig stand an optional extra).
The mcok Maggie-we get three old Commie poltroons to have a laugh at, when they head down the Tube to Hades….
“BREAKING NEWS: Firebrand rail union boss Bob Crow dies aged 52 after suspected heart attack.
“Rail, Maritime and Transport union leader is said to have died in hospital.
“Died at Whipps Cross hospital in Leystonstone, east London, early today.
“Mr Crow was one of highest profile left-wing union leaders of generation.
“Straight-talking south Londoner was a passionate supporter of Millwall FC.
“Ken Livingstone led tributes to Mr Crow and spoke of his shock at death.”
Read more:
I remember seeing him give an interview standing in front of a placard saying: “Rail cuts can kill.”
Oh well, he predicted something correctly.
He missed out the ‘n’
One thing in his favour was he was anti-Euro, wanted to be an MEP i believe……strewth, those pampered twits in Brussels wouldn’t know what was hitting them, Farage on the other flank, brilliant.
Really funny interview on Womans Hour, with a woman from Sweden talking about “Sex Workers” (prostitutes) and how Swedish law has changed to criminalise the punter and not the prostitute.
Obviously keen to push for a new law to criminalise the enemy Jane Garvey asks the leading question, ” And there hasn’t been a single murder of a ‘sex worker’ since this law was passed”? Yes comes the answer ” but then there hasn’t been a murder of a ‘sex worker’ in the past 40 years either ! Sweden is a country where the murder rate is very low”
Stunned silence follows as the leading question hasn’t led where Jane Garvey wanted it to, and she finished the piece by saying that “obviously it’s a complicated subject without easy answers”.
Typical of the preconceived notions that the left likes to hold, and so easy for them to be destroyed. If the interviewer had been far left harridan and horror bag Jenny Murray, she wouldn’t have accepted the answer, and imposed her own fascist views over the truth and reality the interviewee was telling.
Why are prostitutes referred to as “sex workers” these days? Presumably to de-stigmatise the women involved. So why, then, the push to criminalise “sex work” if it shouldn’t really have any stigma attached?
I thin k Orwell had a word for the type of mental contortions required.
“Sex workers” and drug users – two of the BBC’s pet subjects. With the first group those who provide the service and get paid are the victims, whilst those who use the service and pay are the villains. With the second group it’s the other way round. I could never understand that.
This is a difficult subject for the Left. Marx envisaged women as collective prostitutes, available to men for sexual purposes without the constraints of bourgeois marriage (it also neatly dovetailed into his own misogyny). Most BBC hacks never got past the first page of Das Kapital so they are a bit vague about the in-outs (if you’ll forgive the pun) of sexual politics. They just of sort of know it’s an issue and what position to take (no pun intended) without understanding why.
Disappointing second part to Evan’s “Mind the Gap” coverage of the apparently inordinate contribution of London to the nation’s wealth and income. In attempting to see where cities outside London could try to adopt the London model, Evan kept talking about “we” must do this, “we” must do that, “we” must avoid something else etc. The “we” of course are the taxpayers or, rather, the “planners” using taxpayers’ money. Evan cited the success of the BBC’s £1 billion+ expenditure in Salford as starting a virtuous circle of media agglomeration. He forgot to mention the possibility that when/if the BBC’s splurge of taxpayers’ cash stops the whole shooting match will (eventually) upsticks and move South.
Although Evan spent time on the West Brom arts centre failure, the point Evan avoided saying out loud in this programme was that this conspicuous failure was part of the consistent failure of “regional aid”, targetted tax breaks and state-inspired planning for enterprise deserts. It was obvious (to me anyway) that the surprise comparative success of Hebden Bridge is, precisely, that it was not planned nor subsidised and, despite the New Age patina, seems almost wholly devoid of state “initiative”. It was a further non-surprise that the “redevelopment” of Liverpool is mired in delay and boarded-up housing; another aspect of dysfunctional planning and incompetent government (local and national). BTW the vile (and apparently isolated) building overlooking Manchester put up by a property developer is not a tribute to the resurgence of Manchester’s economic welfare. Rather , it’s a trademark tribute to the ineffable tastelessness of, on the one side, a man who is rich enough to impose his flawed vision on his fellow-citizens and, on the other, a planning department desperate for more tax income and praise from the architectural establishment.
Oddly, although Evan dragged on BBC fave Ian McMillan (Why? He had nothing to contribute apart from his signature chippiness), Evan failed to mention Peter Ackroyd who is a devotee and admirer of London. Ackroyd’s repeated theme is that despite what planners (economic and development) either directly or indirectly backed by the state attempt in their efforts to “improve” London, London always reasserts itself – and this is seen as much in its economic impetus as in its street pattern.
Evan could have reoriented his survey by targetting specifically the endless attempts by the man in Whitehall (who, unfortunately, really doesn’t know better) to intervene as being the cause of London’s inordinate role in the nation’s economic and cultural affairs. Instead he reiterated that “we” (ie the “some” who reflect the BBC’s statist inclinations) must try harder.
Southerner here. I managed to get through most of the first episode without nodding off.
London-bashing is very fashionable, but it is hard not to get the impression that to most northerners moving the capital to magnetic North would still be too far south.
Listening to most of the media would lead you to suspect they’ll never be happy.
“London-bashing is very fashionable”
Always has been. Grew up with it – and left.
‘ He forgot to mention the possibility that when/if the BBC’s splurge of taxpayers’ cash stops the whole shooting match will (eventually) upsticks and move South.’
Yep, Moss Side will do nicely.
“BBC is grotesquely over-managed and has always had liberal bias, says Humphrys.
“Broadcaster says BBC is not ‘sceptical’ enough about some issues.
“But he says bias is down to broadcaster attracting ‘best and brightest.’
“He also says the BBC needs to be trimmed down in size.”
Read more:
now watch the news decks get cleared for endless hagiographic stories about Comrade Bob Crow, the socialist icon
INBBC: ‘we see no jihadists’.
“Muslim families are begging anti-terror police to arrest their sons and prevent them from joining jihadists in Syria, says top Scotland Yard officer”
Read more:
“‘Go back to London!’ BBC presenter Evan Davis slammed for being ‘London-centric’ after saying Salford should change its name to Manchester”
Read more:
If I were him, I`d desist from getting any tattooes or piercings, whilst prancing around Canal St on the Paul Flowers Heritage Trail to commemorate three months of not folding up after Labours malice and incompetence.
Birds of a feather?
Will BBC-NUJ, which is soft on illegal immigrants, report this?:-
“Top judge who was soft on foreign criminals sacked after it emerged he was living with an illegal immigrant”
Read more:
The BBC have got a running tributes page to Comrade Bob Crow of all people…
The BBC’s hagiography mentions that ” Mr Crow was not a member of any political party, and was often equally critical of Labour – especially New Labour – as he was of the Conservatives” (see Of course, what it fails to mention is that he was a former member of the Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB) and then Arthur Scargill’s Socialist Labour Party (SLP). As recently as 2005 he endorsed the Communist Party candidate in Pontypridd. (see But he wasn’t a member at the time of his death so presumably none of that counts.
Worth remembering Bob Crow’s words when Mrs Thatcher died:
“I won’t shed one single tear over her death… She destroyed the NHS and destroyed industry in this country and as far as I’m concerned she can rot in hell.”
What goes around comes around.
Seems to be the popular quote of the day.
Can anyone help me with names of others who rejoiced publicly in Lady Thatcher’s death? I want to see if my voodoo doll will work again
George Galloway said “Tramp the Dirt Down” about her death.
…Which is, as you might already know, the title of an old Elvis Costello (another millionaire socialist) song from the 80s.
A lot of them were at it during the 80s – thanks mainly to the laughable ‘Red Wedge’ movement in British popular music at the time, including Morrissey, The Blow Monkeys, The Style Council and of course The Communards. There were many others.
The shame of it is that so much of that music now sounds so dated and regrettable. Multimillionaire ‘socialist’ popstars, eh? Gotta laugh.
Not completely dead and buried, Phil – the Right Rev Richard Coles who was one half of The Communards is still pushing his leftist tripe at licence-payers’ expense.
Comrade Coles is a fully signed-up card-carrying commissar, so naturally he gets a place at the Politburo table. Another tired old commie still welcome around the Corporation any time is comrade Bragg – when, of course, he can bear to tear himself away from his expansive Dorset estate.
I bet Prickstocke did! Stab away anyway, Alan, just in case.
Thank you Eric, for that quote, I have used it to remind my facebook pals of his true character.
Agreed-and that Bedroom Tax surely needs to kick in seeing as there`ll be plenty vulnerable young starter families who could do with that big council house he no longer needs to pay a peppercorn rent upon.
Hope his Council will make the necessary arrangements , seeing as Bob WAS an honest son of the proletariat, and would hate to deprive the less privileged from getting his spare room, now he no longer needs it…
Remember…The BBC work on the thesis that when one of their number kicks the bucket, they must whitewash away the darker side of that particular Comrades personality and replace it with a cuddly and delightful vision of a teddy bear……..See what I mean when Scargill kicks the bucket..
But Scargill will rise again, as he walks on water and is a God of sorts.
INBBC seem to have lost the Birmingham Trojan Horse; the ‘Daily Mail’ hasn’t:-
“Terror plotter employed at school targeted by radicals: Extremist was jailed for involvement in cell that planned to behead British soldier”
Read more:
“terror plotter” ! well I … tsk tsk
they must mean the Al BBC s new moniker
“orthodox Muslims”
mentioned 4 times on BBC Midland news last night
re Trojan Horse/Bham Schools
There is a video clip to the story
now, with the mention of “orthodox Muslims”.
hilariously, all the newspapers headlines shown at the same time state “jihadists”
Radio London in full on Pravda mode this morning. Interviews with Owen Jones and Mark Steel. Need I say any more.
Bob Crow, RIP.
A not yet very old white man taken, some may say, before his time.
A shame Diane Abbott cannot be reached for comment on the hazards of stressful jobs, enjoying fruits of labours and long-distance travel to relax from them. But we wish her well too.
And yes, interesting that the BBC seems to have headed straight for more empathetic persons to offer the eulogies, where before they headed pretty much to the exact same folk to perhaps offer less respectful comments on the passing of political icons they were less keen on.
One must presume this to be another unique BBC ‘different time’ from the past? One could ask, but of course such oddly skewed editorial decisions are FoI exempted, luckily.
Robert Elms continues the eulogy on BBC Radio London with hearty Socialist send offs and emotional callers. Not something the station did this time last year…
There was an Iranian asylum seeker onboard that plane that’s gone missing..and absolutely the first and most important piece of information you must get in your head is that THERE IS NO REASON TO SUPPOSE THERE IS A TERRORIST LINK.
Is this kind of thing becoming normal nowadays to forestall the mythical anti-muslim backlash?
That headline must have come via Al bin to Eton Dave in No 10, who cannot see anything wrong in Islam. The BBC are once again pushing Dave’s policies, so why don’t they like the man?
I just find it a bit suss that Lockerbie and the Iranian connection has also hit the news today…
Both called ‘Mohammed’ using stolen passports whilst previously used their own passports to fly from Quatar. How fucking obvious does it have to be?
Bob Crow dead. Sorry and all that. Hope his comrades in the Venezuelan regime will come to his funeral.
Sincere sympathy to his friends and family.
BBC in full eulogizing mode. No word from the BBC as yet about him being a ‘divisive’ figure.
Apparently his enemies ‘in the right-wing press’ treated him as a ‘pantomime villan’.
Spitting Image/BBC comedians et al and Margaret Thatcher anyone?
I was no fan of Bob Crow’s views in general, but since he’s just died it is only fair to point out that he was a staunch opponent of the EU, albeit from the hard left.
Yes, that makes him OK in this one regard…Tony Benn used to be an opponent too…as indeed was Enoch!
Let`s hope Benn doesn`t go before he posts his UKIP vote for Notting Hill Central…
Postal voting ‘allows industrial scale fraud
Credit that it has been posted.
Shame it has no comments facility.
If, possibly, wise.
Such as Ms. Watson may struggle to justify why there is a need beyond her saying so.
One is sure she was tasked on this and it may be heard if taking the time to track down on the link.
The introduction of unrestricted postal voting by Labour was done in the full knowledge that they would have most to gain by the ensuing fraud .
The BBC news has just briefly mentioned ,amongst the outpourings of grief for Bob Crow that prescription charges have be increased again.
No mention of the fact that this only applies in ENGLAND ,Wales and Scotland meanwhile, still get free prescriptions on the backs of the English taxpayers
Putin must be delighted.
Hundreds gathered in Manchester, England for an anti-fracking march on Sunday in what is believed to be one of the largest anti-fracking rallies to take place in the UK. So should it matter if we do not frack for oil or gas?
Media: lying by omission – again
“But nothing of this gets past our state broadcaster. Instead, it tells its lies. For the BBC, the future must be “green” and the idea of wind energy relying on dirty diesel back-up is not one that fits its narrative. Nor can we be allowed to know that it is costing us a fortune. And so the lie is told.
‘But nothing of this gets past our state broadcaster. Instead, it tells its lies’
As the future is mentioned, one rather hopes such input may waft into the the committee room of the ‘Future of the BBC’ inquiry.
I don’t see the national broadcaster’s remit, and the UK public well served on information and education that serves voting and hence policy, to be well served by telling lies.
Evasiveness and outright lies – first on 28gate and now on EU funding.
When is someone going to get a grip of this corrupt pile of leftist shite?
When dear old Bob is traveling on the conveyor belt in the church,some one should shout ‘ Mind The Gap ‘ just before the doors close.
Is it a driver operated conveyor, or a fully automatic one? If it’s the latter, Bob ain’t going nowhere.
Watched BBC coverage of Bob Crow and he is being given the same treatment as they gave Nelson but not like the coverage they gave Maggie. Strange that.
World wide reaction to the death of Bob Crow.
Heard the news that Crow the fat twat has kicked the bucket,
well for somebody who caused nothing but pain, who while earning over £145K a year lived in a council house , I hope the fat twat suffered for the last few hours of his life.
Anybody want to complain, well the champagne socialist was happy to see Maggie go and I happy to see the fat twat go.
Just goes to show the dangers of ‘winter sun’ to the eager skiver: a lesson for us all. Bugger off, Bob.
In a move which will no doubt surprise many, Telegraph comments are closed on every one of their numerous Crow articles. Maybe not everyone is mourning the late, now flightless corvid in the approved BBC/DT manner ?
Anybody read this article from the bBC regards the Madrid Bombings 10 years ago.
Spain remembers Madrid train bombings 10 years on
Anybody else notice that not once does the bBC mention who carried out this terrorist attack which killed 191 people and injured another 1800 people.
That people is why the bBC can no longer be trusted and why it has become a traitor to Britain.
Anyone else catch PM Song of Praise to St Bob of the RMT?
Fifteen minutes of unadulterated Bob hagiography with a final coda promised at the end. Once the vomiting had stopped I had to laugh at the point (frequently and seriously made) that St Bob did everything he possibly could to avoid strikes and serve the people. Yup, I kid you not. They also offered a poetic tribute to his political identity, self described as “socialist-communist”, whatever the fuck that means….
Sometimes the bias is so obvious that you simply marvel at their effrontery. Well, I guess they were born to rule eh?
JV at 12 on Radio came out with the question was Bob the best ever Trade Union Leader.
Yes the fat twat who while having no problem claiming all men are equal had no problem living in a council house whilst pocketing 145K a year. Talk about inequality anybody with an ounce of decency would have gone out and bought their own home freeing up that home for somebody who deserves it. You know like a refugee from Somalia, Syria or even…the Caribbean. (Well they are asking for £16 billion in reparations)
The bBC talks about Postal voting, mentions one story about somebody called Mohammed (Labour ) who lost out to another Mohamed (liberal) and found out it was due to Postal (voting) fraud . Other than the above the bBC doesn’t mention why and in which segments of the population is this act rife, however they do list the areas where it is a problem, here have a look and tell me if you can spot the common denominator:
The 16 areas under extra scrutiny
Blackburn with Darwen
Tower Hamlets
Could be, as the bBC does come out with:
In Derby, a smartly turned out man in his 20s – who doesn’t want to be identified – has direct experience of how this works.
“Campaigners came to the house and they asked my mum to vote for them… one of the people put the cross in the box for her and said, ‘There you go, now you can just sign it and we will take it off you.'”
The man said his mother gave in to stop the activists repeatedly coming to her door, and that she cared more about making them go away in the end than who she voted for.
“That is not voting, is it? If someone is coming and physically putting a cross in a box for you, that is your right snatched away from you, isn’t it? It happens to the elderly and the vulnerable mainly, they are the easy targets – …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..those who don’t speak much English,” he added.
Ah I stand corrected the bBC have now inserted this:
“In different parts of the country, there have been Conservatives, there have been Liberal Democrats, there have been Labour activists arrested and charged over postal vote fraud, so this is not a problem which affects only one political party.
Answers all my questions.
Postal vote fraud is the almost exclusive preserve of our muslim and indian/pakistani ‘friends’. They can’t help themselves, it’s in their DNA.
Richard North tells how the BBC ignores how our ‘green’ energy obligations are being met by burning ‘standby’ diesel while pretending that we are using ‘renewables’. Bang Goes The Theory fails to reveal why our bills are higher than they need be while sharp operators play the system.
Why has the BBC not done in-depth reporting on the situation in Venezuela?
As A. Journalist will tell you, it’s not news.
At least, if it does not suit the narrative.
That’s how it works in the modern #propagandavsnews studio.
And the best part is, if anyone dares ask why, they can simply invoke an FoI exclusion or up front draw the line on even being asked, especially Chris Patten.