I haven’t paid the Macpherson Report much attention, assuming its conclusions about ‘institutional racism’ to be knee jerk politically correct appeasement of the Black community.
Having started to read it nothing has so far disabused me of that…nor has anything reported about the police investigation….more corruption, incompetence and arse covering than racism by the Police.
The BBC of course are more than happy to unquestioningly label it all as ‘institutional racism’…..more on that when I have completed reading the report…but in the meantime some more police ‘racism’ to chew on……Stephen Lawrence’s murder was a tragedy but just one amongst many….and one amongst many where the police or the establishment failed the victims, black or white…..and yet only one gets the massive attention and the claims of game changing importance resulting from the case……seems that many more are forgotten…….
Is it because she was black?:
Horse trainer sues murder police who ‘framed her for murder’ over lover’s bonfire death
Why did the police refuse to accept this was a racist attack?:
Boy’s fight to prove attack by Asian gang was racist
And this….a 73 year old white gangsta?:
As said more incompetence and corruption than racism at the bottom of police failure.
From the Sunday Times in 2006 (£)….lest we forget in the deluge of coverage over Stephen Lawrence:
The hidden white victims of racism
Last week’s horrifying trial of three Asians is part of a worrying trend, says Brendan Montague
No one who saw Angela Donald giving her dignified statement that “justice had been done” outside the High Court in Edinburgh as the racist murderers of her 15-year-old son were jailed last week could feel anything but sympathy. For Margaret Massey there was more, though — a sense of fellow-feeling and anger.
Kriss Donald was snatched off the street by an Asian gang and subjected to a terrible ordeal: beaten, stabbed, doused in petrol and set ablaze. Massey’s son Lee, a rugby player, was also the subject of a racially motivated attack when he was set upon by a gang of Iraqi asylum seekers “out looking for someone” to hurt.
He and two friends were stabbed in a car park in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, in October 2003. Lee was then thrown into the air and suffered devastating brain injuries when one of the gang used a car to run him down. Three years later he has not fully recovered.
Massey still feels aggrieved that — in her view — the police inquiry was hindered by political correctness because officers feared that reporting that a white man had been so brutally attacked by asylum seekers would further fuel racial tensions following several such brawls in the area.
“The police didn’t charge 13 members of the gang even though I believe there was some evidence,” she says.
“If our Lee had run over one of the Iraqis he would have been arrested right away and sent to prison for the rest of his life. The police are nervous when white people are attacked. In this area this is happening more and more often.”
The killing of Stephen Lawrence 13 years ago sparked off an orgy of soul-searching throughout liberal Britain.
But we have never quite acknowledged that violence comes from both sides. Gavin Hopley, 19, was kicked to death by up to eight Asian men in Oldham in February 2002. Six men were convicted of violent disorder and theft offences but no one has been convicted of his murder.
An Asian gang was also responsible for the violent killing of 17-year-old Ross Parker, who was savagely stabbed with hunting knives during an attack in Peterborough in 2001. David Lees, 23, was run over and killed during a fight between whites and a gang of Asians in Prestwich, Manchester, only last month.
There has been numerous inquiries and new legislation since the Lawrence case and almost everyone concerned with race relations will confirm that policing in cases involving race has improved immeasurably since that tragic event.
However, the debate about the white victims of racist attacks seems to have progressed no further in the past 10 years — because of fears of “political correctness” and the threat of the far right making political capital out of personal tragedy.
Sir Ian Blair, Britain’s most senior police officer, even attacked the press as “institutionally racist” in January this year because cases such as the killing of Tom ap Rhys Pryce, the solicitor, had gained more publicity than the equally terrible death on the same day of Balbir Matharu, who had tried to stop thieves ripping the radio from his car.
An extensive search of national and regional newspaper reports, however, shows that cases involving black and minority ethnic victims are widely reported, while there is an almost total boycott of stories involving the white victims of similar attacks. Is this because newspapers fear their reports appearing on BNP leaflets, or because the police are less likely to issue appeals for help?
Peter Fahy, chief constable of Cheshire police and spokesman on race issues for the Association of Chief Police Officers, said: “A lot of police officers and other professionals feel almost the best thing to do is to try and avoid [discussing such attacks] for fear of being criticised. This is not healthy.”
The silence means it is impossible to know how many white people are victims of racist attacks in today’s multicultural Britain and whether they are right to feel aggrieved that the attacks they suffer do not appear to get the same recognition as those of black victims.
Take the case of Christopher Yates, who had been out celebrating a birthday with a group of friends in London and, concerned about their safety, insisted on taking some of the women he was with to a bus stop during a cool November evening two years ago.
Without warning, the 30-year-old office worker was viciously assaulted by a gang of drunken Asian men — Sajid Zulfiqar, Zahid Bashir and Imran Maqsood — who stamped on his head, smashing every bone in his face before killing him.
After the murder the attackers shouted in Urdu, “We have killed the white man — that will teach an Englishman to interfere in Paki business.” Despite this appalling racism, the three were never convicted for committing a race crime — which would have meant a heavier sentence.
This led to comparisons with the brutal and unprovoked murder of Anthony Walker, a young black man who was attacked when walking to a bus stop in Liverpool with a female friend. The 18-year-old was bludgeoned with an ice axe by Paul Taylor and Michael Barton, both white, and died later in hospital.
The attack was undoubtedly racially motivated, but the fact that Taylor and Barton received sentences nine and three years longer respectively than their equally racist counterparts in London has led to suspicions that racist attacks against whites and non-whites are treated differently in the courts.
At the same time there is growing concern that attacks by Asians and other ethnic minorities have been steadily increasing, leaving some white people feeling too scared to enter city areas dominated by Asians and other minority ethnic groups.
Figures recently published under the Freedom of Information Act seem to support such fears: of the 58 people killed because of the colour of their skin between 1995 and 2004, almost half were described as white.
The British Crime Survey reveals that in 2004, 87,000 people who described themselves as black or minority ethnic (BME) had been victims of what they believed was a racially motivated crime. They had suffered 49,000 violent attacks, with 4,000 being wounded.
At the same time a staggering 92,000 white people also said that racism was the cause of an attack or crime they had suffered. The number of violent attacks against whites reached 77,000, while the number of white people who reported being wounded was five times the number of black and minority ethnic victims at 20,000.
The truth is hard to get at: Jenny Bourne, of the Institute of Race Relations, says its figures show only eight white victims of racially motivated killings between 1995 and 2004: “The Kriss Donald case involved an Asian gang which had been involved in violence already. These cases are incredibly rare compared with the number of racist attacks on minorities which take place every day.”
What is clear is that unless the attacks on whites are reported and discussed, the truth about what is happening out there will remain hazy.
The lefties regard racism against whites as positive, and racism against blacks as negative.
This is possibly because left-wing white people identify themselves more closely with black people than their fellow whites, as is proved by the fact that left-wing whites always insist that they are equal to blacks in intelligence.
Given our colonial past, I believe it’s only right that the coloured folk should be able to kill the odd YT.
Perhaps a ‘three strikes’ rule, before the attacker gets a police warning?
Dont give the Lefties such ideas. They will think them quite moderate.
The left do not believe it is even possible to be racist against whites. In accordance with cultural Marxist dogma, ‘whitey’ is the elite, bourgeois, colonialist and oppressor, and any such hostility shown towards whites is fully justified, even encouraged.
These young white girls who’ve been abandoned by their parents and dumped in to care homes, need to check their privilege before whinging about being drugged and raped by gangs of vicious Paki savages.
One of the reasons, that the industrial gang rape of tens of thousands of vulnerable White girls over decades, was ignored, was due the fallout of the McPherson report.
The authorities will deny it, but this excuse is the best they can be hung for. They should accept it, as alternative reasons are too dreadful to comprehend, or forgive.
Oh by the by.
Terror plotter employed at school targeted by radicals: Extremist was jailed for involvement in cell that planned to behead British soldier
“Easy Meat”
Multiculturalism, Islam and Child Sex Slavery
Click to access Easy-Meat-Multiculturalism-Islam-and-Child-Sex-Slavery-05-03-2014.pdf
The report examines in detail:
What these gangs do
The chronology of the problem
Institutional failure and the abuse of the narrative of racism
The Islamic cultural background
The scale of the problem
It establishes that 20 years ago child-care professionals dealing with the victims made recommendations which could have protected the schoolgirl victims, but these steps have never been implemented.
The report is definitive – there is no analysis of this problem of this quality anywhere.
It goes into substantial detail, but anyone interested in the subject will find their time is well invested.
We are very grateful to Peter McLoughlin for the hundreds of hours he has devoted to this work. His selfless dedication is reflected in the quality of the research and writing.
They don’t report ”the knock out game” either, where a black man punches a white person so hard, he falls to the floor, the crime is random and motiveless. It’s sweeping America and it’s come to Britain. Another name for it is ”polar bear hunting”, the polar bear being the white guy.
This pass time has replaced the flash mob, where scores of black people would rush into shops and loot them, the owner, over whelmed by so many ‘people’ wouldn’t be able to do anything.
Some rather more intelligent analysis on so-called “knockout game” reporting:
Writer Abcarian quotes Addlespurger, the victim, “People are using it to push their own agendas, and that’s what people do.” Abcarian continues “Even the teenager who attacked him rejects the knockout game/race war narrative”
So that’s one crime– what about all the others?
But one can see where Abcarian is coming from: HuffPostLive showed Addlespurger a clip of (NOTE) Fox News host Bill O’Reilly spouting racist pseudo-sociology to explain the attack…. Ah. The Left’s favourite bogeyman.
Yes there are agendas. On both sides and this piece could comfortable fit on a BBC News website – also pushing an agenda…
Yes, but left-wing racism and bigotry isn’t racism and bigotry, it’s ‘progressivism’.
If you like intelligent analyses Scott, here’s one of Macpherson:
A Modern Witch Trial
Racism: the charge against which there is no defense
‘Perhaps the fact that the inquiry was open to the public had something to do with the nature of the resulting report. The public gallery regularly overflowed with activists and extremists, who did not hesitate to jeer and mock the witnesses with whom they disagreed; the head of the inquiry, Sir William Macpherson, rarely admonished these spectators, thus creating an officially sanctioned atmosphere of intimidation…’
Hmmmm. Reminds me of another kind of audience.
Now what would that be…….
No, can’t quite think….
I’ll get it in a minute….
Yes, appeal to the authority of a single quite probably partisan news report over the actual video evidence provided in two separate links.
Your definition of intelligence is not the same as that described in any dictionary ever published.
Scott, if you read many of the American news sites (not the MSM ones, which are ignoring the problem) there are numerous instances of the “knockout game” being caught on CCTV. ALL those shown have been committed by black youths on white victims – mostly of pensionable age. None of those few who have been caught have been charged with a hate crime – except ONE. He was a white lad in Texas who decided to thump an elderly black man in a misguided attempt at revenge for what all the black brothers had been doing throughout the land. The (black) Attorney General, Eric Holder, decided to get involved and ensured the white offender was charged with a racially motivated crime to ensure he received a longer prison sentence. Strange he didn’t seem so bothered when black thugs were thumping white folks.
The second link isn’t a white girl, she was Asian.
Colin Flaherty wrote a book about it ” White Girl Bleeds a Lot” about black on white crime and how the media ignores it.
Colin Flaherty ” The greatest letter on black mob violence.”
”Your book was delivered to my house yesterday via Amazon. I got home from work at 2:15 PM, and shortly thereafter began reading it.
I couldn’t put it down and finished it around 10 PM. I told my wife that she and our 26 year old son have to read it.
I know you’ve heard a million stories and personal accounts, here’s one more.
I’m a fifty something year old white male, born and raised in Baltimore City. I’m a retired Maryland State Trooper. After retirement, I became the owner of a small business.
In 1970′s, I began 7th grade at Herring Run Jr. High School in Baltimore. It was an integrated public school, with students bussed in from other districts. It was my first experience with blacks. There was daily harassment by black groups on soft whites.
Thefts, assaults, intimidation.
If I ever wrote a book, it would be titled “Gimme a nickel.” In a threatening/intimidating manner, this would be stated with a palm out – ”Gimme a nickel.”
The victim would reach in his pocket, pull out his lunch money, and the perps would usually then grab the entire handful of change from his or her hand. Teachers and administration turned a blind eye to all of it. White students quickly learned they were on their own.
I went to school there for three years and hated it. I was a jock/tough guy – they only targeted the weak, scared and vulnerable whites. We called it “Little Africa.” It truly was the law of the jungle there. Only the strong survived/were spared. Never, ever, once did I see an incident of white-on-black crime there. Countless black-on- white, however.”
Read the rest of the letter here.
“The New Face of Racism”
By Colin Flaherty.
Two baby sitters, put a kid in a washing machine, no prizes guessing what ethnicity they are, I like the Benny Hill theme, very apt, and also the bit when the guy jumps up and down in blind panic. One is just left speechless, what did Rudyard Kipling say ” The white man’s burden.”
Maybe they thought that if they stuck him in a washing machine he’d come out white.
“The white man’s burden”
Yes – the BBC
The ‘authorities ‘ do more than ignore it ,they actually condone it, does anybody imagine that Blair and Brown could not have foreseen this happening when they encouraged mass immigration from some of the most lawless savage parts of the world Somalia ,Columbia ,Pakistan,Iraq, to name but a few
You credit Brown and Blair with intelligence they do not possess, they blindly allowed this chaotic mass immigration without any thought to the consequences whatsoever, just as a nasty spite to the British people.
Whilst I totally agree, our Dopey David Cameron hasn’t done a fat lot to stop it has he.
Indeed given that most immigrants vote Labour he seems to WANT the Conservatives to be cast into the wilderness. Cameron is not stupid; he knows what he is doing, surely?
One possible difference is this: A black person who can be persuaded that they are a victim of racism can become alienated enough to become a race hustler, a Labour voter or at least an interesting case for social workers, probation officers, lawyers and other left-wing jobsworths. A white person who can be persuaded that they are a victim of racism might wonder why the perpetrators are in this country to begin with and begin to question to whole project of immigration, multi-culturalism, globalism, BBC propaganda and so on. Political awareness of such on any significant scale would be seen as an existential threat by the Establishment.
“Political awareness of such on any significant scale would be seen as an existential threat by the Establishment,” Brilliantly put Ian Rushlow.
Too few of us are actually aware of it, rathre the opposite due to the Liberal secular church given prominence in BBC and local government
Yes, but you are ignoring the BBCs wonderful way with language.
A black campaigner is an activist for social equality whilst a white campaigner is merely a racist.
Well here’s another for you:
In this second attack I used to know relatives of the elderly man, and the Police refused to treat the case as racism, and told the family that they had to drop the allegation. Of course the Pakistanis being prevented from battering white people went on the rampage in a week of rioting.
It is absolutely Police Policy not to prosecute ‘Asian’ which is a word now used to describe Pakistanis whose appalling behaviour has brought such negative connotations that the fascist left refuse to use it.
The next time you hear a fascist use it then I suggest you complain vociferously at the offence it causes you – deliberately confuse the meaning as Chinese or Thai etc etc who are of course ‘Asian’ and remind the fascist that there is currently a petition being circulated by non Pakistani Asians horrified at being wrapped up in the same descriptor as them given their appalling history.
My nephew was walking with his friend when 2 cars pulled up next to them and 8 pakistani youths armed with a wheel brace and other tools got out and set upon my nephew and his friend.
It turned out my nephew friend had some previous history with one of the youths and that they had been driving round looking for him.
The problem was my nephew is has hard as nails and took the wheel brace off one of the lads and started to defend himself and his friend and ended up chasing the Pakistanis away.
Somehow the Police got involved and my nephew was arrested and charged with ABH, lost his Apprenticeship through it, but ended up being fined for Breach of the Peace. The Pakistanis didn’t face any charges.
On as lighter note, someone stole my nephews moped and my nephews friends knew who it was an went round to his house. The boy said it’s a bit unfair 6 of you and one of me, they said they are not here to get him but to protect him from my nephew as he was on his way over to collect it.
The investigation into the Lawrence murder was inept and hindered by one of the main witnesses lying to the police a number of times. Macpherson would have had to be a very brave man to say what happened was the result of incompetence not racism so the result wanted was produced.
When you finish reading the McPhearson report, read this review of the whole “Stalinist show trial” as published by Civitas.
It’s chilling. The whole thing was a show trial. The concept of institutional racism is a politically motivated. Its hard left political ideology, the idea that institutions are racist by virtue of being made up of white people who are the “hegemonic class”. Racism basically means bourgeoisie.
Whats really funny, is the new report basically undermines the whole institutional racist crap. Thats why Black pressure groups have demanded the MET reaffirm that they are institutionally racist!
Click to access cs05.pdf
They can’t find any ‘waaycism’, so what do they ? smear the whole institution, you’re ALL guilty !! nice smear.
Black pressure groups and the Black Police Officers Association, are racist institutions, but apart from ethnic organisations, I don’t think it is legal for institutions like the Met to be institutionally racist, because they allow both white and black people to be police officers. Even the BNP has had to prove that it allows black people to join. So the evidence is that only black people in Britain can be members of an institutionally racist organisation, without upsetting the lefties or breaking the law.
You see, you have applied what you think institutional racism means to the issue. It dosen’t mean the institution is discriminatory to other races, it means the very existence of the institution is racist. Like “white privilege” basically means white people are born racist. They just are racist, because non white people “suffer” in white society. It’s identical to original sin in Catholism. You sin by virtue of being a human. You are racist by virtue of being white.
The Macpherson Report: “Anti-Racist” Hysteria and the Sovietization of the United Kingdom by Frank Ellis
”I want to explore, briefly, this totalitarian connection and explain why I consider the Soviet experiment to be relevant for our understanding of anti-racist hysteria. I hope my readers will find this interesting. They should also be alarmed.
Sovietization was the process by means of which all institutions, cultural activity, politics, sport, education, religion and family life were subject to strict surveillance and monitored in accordance with Marxism-Leninism. Censorship was routine and exceptionally severe. Civil society, in effect, ceased to exist.”
Last paragraph of the Ellis article
”What I argued then at a time when awareness of PC was just starting to grow in the United Kingdom has been well and truly vindicated. How else are we to explain the fact that a senior British judge can attack the British police both in the twisted language of, and on the terms set by, Neo-Marxists and other enemies of the West?
While one could argue that all is not well in the police, all is certainly not as bad as Macpherson and his hordes of special-interest advisers would have us believe. The real target of the Macpherson Report is Britain itself and this includes the naive judge who lent his name to this disgraceful document.”
This is just a little personal anecdote illustrating the attitude of the Cheshire Police at a time when their Chief Constable, Peter Fahy (now chief constable of Greater Manchester police), was spokesman on race issues for the Association of Chief Police Officers.
A few years ago my wife answered the door to an agitated young man, shouting that he wanted to find “that f***ing Paki”: he had obviously mistaken our house for that of our Kenyan-Indian neighbours, and appeared to have a dispute with their son about a girlfriend. I didn’t tell him where they lived and thought I had assuaged his anger, but a few minutes later he returned, holding a Stanley knife with an open blade, and used his steel-capped boots to put his foot through a panel of our door.
The Policeman who responded to my telephone call took a few details but was obviously not interested that an apparently drugged violent Scouser was wandering the streets wielding a knife, until he asked why we had been
attacked and I mentioned that he said he was looking for a ‘Paki’. The attitude of the Police immediately changed and they then sent two or three car-loads of officers to scour the area to try to find a perpetrator of a racist incident.
The Cheshire Police had obviously been taught that saying a naughty word was much more important than carrying a knife or causing criminal damage.
the establishment has known and has swept under the carpet the for at least the last 20 years since we had this tidal wave of mass immigration from third world countrys the level of anger and rage in the working class white communitys at the level of race related crimes and murders commited against white people by black and asian racists.this anger in the white communitys has been boiling over in the last few years hence the birth of libertarian groups like the edl and other nationist groups who formed as more or less self defence groups to defend white working class communitys who feel under threat in the big citys from this wave of hostile mainly muslim immigrants who have taken over there areas.now if any goverment or the establisment ignore the concerns or the white working class communitys about issues like race crimes commited against are people, i can see serious conflict breaking out in this country in the
coming generations,i hope that dont happen,but if you look across to what is happening in the ukraine and the crimea that is a result the majority feeling they are being abused by a vocal minority who want to dominate them,that is exactly what is happening in this country,time to wake up and be counted and not stand for this anymore in a peacefull loving manner of course.
“majority feeling they are being abused by a vocal minority who want to dominate them.” Well said Stuart
According to the BBC, a third meaning of jihad is the struggle to build a good society. Oh yes? Who for BBC?
Ignore my last post, wrong thread, oops. (Fast finger Freddie strikes again)
The fourth meaning of Jihad will need to be the struggle against IngSoc, the BBC, UN Agenda 21, EUSSR, and their friends in the Media, Universities and Charidees. The worst of these are frankly the Media. The rest are just filling their boots. The Fourth Estate was intended to protect us from the other three. Their betrayal is the worst.
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2283777/Boy-9-hanged-bullied-white.html….another white victim murdered by racists and ignored by the bbc and the left
Why was this never on the front pages of every national newspaper and constantly repeated on the BBC 24 and SKY news.