A bit like the BBC’s genius idea for a demo of tolerance from RoP central, Dan’s piece was going so well until it didn’t. ‘The corporation has some serious explaining to do.’
Yes, it does.
However, FoI exclusions mean they don’t and won’t have to, but if twitter is involved some anonymous drone will be quoted as saying ‘the BBC is comfortable in the belief the BBc can do no wrong’, and that will be the end of it.
Until the next one.
That said, such things can erode a facade already crumbling fast, and such an overt clash of liberal top trumps around the notion of ‘free’ speech being a triumph of irony failure may even give the most loyal Graun CiFer pause to wonder just how up a certain creek they’d paddled before losing the thing.
Closing blogs and modding comments, even retroactively is one thing, but pulling plugs on live feeds based on muttered words in corridors that no one admits ever can happen or if they did, remember.. looks bad. Very bad indeed.
Yes, left-wing ideology is scary nasty evil and not very funny.
If the BBC was not so biased, they could get in touch with Libertarian organisations and UKIP to find people like George Orwell, who mocked it with satire.
Arthur Smith and his BBC/Labour party people are politicians not comedians, the BBC uses them as an excuse to exhibit the left-wing views of the BBC.
homosexuality debate?
The 2nd question according to the programs own most voted for list (5 mins in, check it ou), should have been :-
should more be done to protect female genital mutilation victims, and to prosecute those responsible?
well well BBC? … out of the mouth of
babes eh!
oh! BBC … where was it? pray tell?
must be … Al BBC … free speech?
slight correction.
the time (to the second) showing the “leader-board” questions for that particular show is at.
3mins 23 seconds … note the SECOND question!
Doubtless, any minute now the BBC will apologise for all those years spent claiming that you are a crazed Islamophobe if you claim Islam is incompatible with democracy.
In other news… http://tradingaswdr.blogspot.co.uk/2014/03/minutiae.html ‘Not much to learn from the latest set of BBC Trust minutes’
Shocked I tell you, shocked! It’s almost like stuff gets sorted in our transparent and trusted BBC mostly in corridors with no records or subsequent memories.
I wonder if at the next one will be discussed the small matter of top down caving to censorship demands that seems endemic? Or more the really meaty stuff one is greeted on the BBC complaints page as being looked into, like folk unhappy they can’t see their page neatly on their old Nokia?
Still, new media is here to stay. http://tradingaswdr.blogspot.co.uk/2014/03/portal.html
Certainly BBC3 has got itself back up the ‘getting noticed’ tree all on its own, if maybe not in the best of ways. ‘don’t make it look too good’
No real danger of that. But maybe get Stuart Hughes on the campaign trail. His deft touch always improves matters.
Do the bBC know something I don’t: Ed Balls ‘daunted’ by chancellor task Ed Balls has told me that he is “daunted” at the prospect of becoming Chancellor of the Exchequer, given the scale of cuts a future Labour government may have to make.
Got to love how the bBC allow Balls to end his piece: On the coalition: “I think David Cameron and George Osborne look so out of touch – they don’t understand what’s going on in Britain. I do. We do. We’ve been there and in the future we’ll sort things out for people.”
Why should Islam Not BBC (INBBC) report the following, given its unswerving political commitment to get 80 millions Muslim Turks into E.U, so as to speed up the Islamisation of Europe and U.K?
“Whoever wins Turkey’s power struggle, democracy is already a casualty.
“QWith mainstream media reluctant to cover it, the unfolding turmoil is being played out on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter”
“Look North” reported that the Yorkshire Region had the lowest Ofsted rating in the country. York is the highest rated council area in the region. Why highest? Because schools worked with the LEA & there were fewer foundation schools. No evidence was presented of a correlation between foundation status & low Ofsted rating – but I guess there must be??
The BBC news is completely misrepresenting the public pay review this evening. They claim that the people that keep us safe, etc, etc, etc will get 1%, ‘but some nurses will not even get that’
The reason they won’t get that, they ‘forget’ to tell us, is because they will be getting seniority increments instead. Increments that average around 3%, depending on grade.
22:00 news the BBc suddenly concerned about pay rises in the civil service. Funny they never gave a toss when Liebour were enforcing wage increases of similar percentages. I remember Numbnight doing a hatchet job when we were on strike once with a jackonory about a single parent desperately trying to make a claim after we had been on strike 1 day. Of course missing the things out like benefit by then was paid in arrears, so she would have to wait, and her claim would have been backdated to that day anyway.
Annoying woman with an absurd accent and – for some odd reason only known to herself – wearing a scarf….
No, not Her Madge – God Bless Her…
It’s BBC favourite Lyse Doucet filing a report from the Islamic Republic of Iran
Or is it Oh-so-romantic-and-wonderful Persia
Plenty of lovely rugs in the souq but business is not good due to those beastly sanctions.
You would never know why there are Western sanctions on Iran – Lyse simply forgets to mention anything at all about the fact the buggers are building an Atom Bomb
“The city that Begg comes from, Birmingham, is a hub of far-right Salafi extremism. If you want to understand what he represents, you have to understand the extremist Islamist movement in Britain and in that city, and what he teaches, and the ideas it inculcates in Muslim youth in Britain. It teaches the inferiority of non Muslims, the superiority of Islam, it teaches jihad as an aspiration, it teaches racist anti-Semitism and paranoid conspiracies, it teaches hatred of secularism and democracy, it teaches misogyny and bigotry. It has an agenda to assert itself, to preach victimhood hysteria, to sanctify hatred as righteousness, and it feeds on the rhetoric of multiculturalism, identity politics, anti-racism etc. This is what Moazzam Begg is part of. Birmingham also is influenced by far-right Pakistani Jamat-e-Islami and Deobandi Islamist ideology, ”
And the BBC never does anything to try to expose this evil in our midst.
“Was Dimbleby told to go easy on Labour guest on Question Time?
” Leaked note reveals presenter was urged to ask more questions to Tory Lord Heseltine.”
Climate Change coming to an area near you this time next week. It will be interesting how the BBC handle the weather late next week. Here we are experiencing some lovely warm “summer” weather and all talk of climate change has subsided much like the water levels on the Somerset Levels. Funny how nature always seems to correct its own wrongs. Anyway, I digress. The cold air that has been sitting over Russia and Scandinavia for all of the winter (record low temperatures in many European countries) is on the move and still is cold enough to cause an Atlantic front to turn to snow once it becomes embedded in the cold air. Now, who would have thought, snow in March? Rock Salt, de-icer and shovels at he ready? Climate Change or should it be catastrophic Climate Change anyone, maybe even throw in some Global Warming to help the cause? I’ll be all ears BBC!
When the news was first announced on Radio 4’s Today
News headlines, Gavin Esler fawned about the ‘sad news’ of TB’s death.
I am sure we did not get the same from the toadies at Guardian Towers when Lady T left this world.
How the BBC ‘handles’ its complaints is always interesting, if inevitably predictable. http://bbcwatch.org/2014/03/14/bbcs-ecu-publishes-findings-on-complaint-about-r4-today-programme/
Of course the initial response was to wheel out a degree of separation drone to not have a problem and try to shut it down.
Only persistence got it moved beyond the attrition default, which will persist unless there is some accounting here. But of course the numbers mean the BBC is very happy to see this level intercept so many that may warrant serious consideration.
And as the piece points out, even if a grudging concession has been teased out of ECU, what then? Nothing of any consequence.
The BBC complaints system is a travesty. Pure and simple.
The trouble is with a complaint Guest Who, is that it is what it is, a complaint. The BBC or any other body do not have to do anything other than acknowledge the complaint, as much as one might find this irksome.
‘The BBC or any other body do not have to do anything other than acknowledge the complaint’
Actually, I do believe that they and ‘other bodies’ if publicly accountable are supposed to do a lot more than that if it is valid, but in reality indeed do all in their power to not live up to even their own created, written obligations, every time, no matter what.
As to irksome, their reaction to any highlighting of their own responses suggests they are the ones feeling the heat more and more.
Hence the value in doing so at every opportunity, even if it goes nowhere within their little labyrinth. For now.
Confronted by repeated public evidence they have a SOP policy of delusional denial to anything, there must come a point when even their woeful sense of professional integrity gets embarrassed enough by their little secret ways being consistently unique-but-not-in-a-good-way and consistently in the full glare of public exposure as a consequence.
Who knows, maybe even one these various committees or inquiries now a permanent fixture thanks to the unique way the BBC stuffs up weekly, will take note of this less than satisfactory default response to concerns expressed on how the BBC conducts its supposedly professional business using public funds.
I didn’t agree with much that Tony Benn had to say, but at least you knew where you stood with his politics and he was at least honest to his beliefs, unlike the shower we have in all parties at the moment.
Well Mr Benn has gone into the cupboard, and this time he hasn’t come out, and don’t we know it !
The lead story of the news despite Russia and Crimea being important, it’s nothing like as important as the death of the darling of the left Viscount Stansgate.
The coverage is set to run and run in the vein of the Nelson Mandela coverage. No one from the right of centre politics has received this level of coverage. As predicted the bBC is showing its true colours.
I wonder if they’ll mention Benn closed twice as many coalmines with the loss of around twice as many jobs as Thatcher did? They let slip here back in 2011 but I suspect they thought they got away with it. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-15445418
Yup – and I waited with bated breath to hear the litany of legislation championed and brought to fruition by this paragon of Parliamentary affairs, perhaps the prototypical ‘champagne socialist’.
I did notice a mention that he’d worked for the BBC before entering parliament (well, surprise, surprise) but the only piece of legislation that I heard mentioned as being ‘hammered through’ by him was, of course, the completely self-serving legislation to allow him to stand for the House of Commons after his father died.
And then we had the sycophantic BBC announcer just before 9:00 a.m. this morning who declared that we just had to hear yet another clip from said Mr Benn, this time criticising Mrs Thatcher’s government in the mid-80’s. He then turned gushingly to Diane Abbott, that other champagne (and pies) socialist,words to the effect “That really gets you fired up, doesn’t it, Diane ?’.
I heard that in the car and didn’t pick up on which BBC host for the Today programme that was, but let’s face it, it could have been any one of the left-leaning bunch of them.
This morning, the only credentials that seem to have been uttered about Tony Benn were that he was an extreme left-winger and failed to get the Labour Party to follow his ideas – much to the sorrow, it would appear, of those BBC newsreaders from the Today programme.
I also noted that political opponents over the past few days have been gracious in their comments about both crypto-communists who have died recently – Messrs Crow and Benn – completely at odds with the way opponents of Mrs Thatcher (including those such as the aforementioned Mr Crow) behaved after the announcement of her death.
Not that the BBC would notice any bias in that, of course, a similar hatred has already been bred into them as well.
It is remarkable (or, in actual fact, not) that so far in none of the fulsome tributes to Tony Benn and sundry other comments on the Today programme has his principled opposition to the EU has not been mentioned. His view that it is an anti-democratic institution that has sucked democracy from the House of Commons and the UK which no-one can deny. So even at the last, the BBC has censored any mention of this important part of his life.
Ding dong the….. I notice the only interviews are with Labour people at the moment. Can’t remember the announcement of Mrs Thatcher’s death being limited to just Tory faces commenting.
The voice of the Syrian revolution. Yes it’s the BBc with the “pro-democracy” (really) refugees. After being told how terrible things are, ooh lets look shopping in Sainsbury’s with UN food vouchers. A pan round the camp, what’s that a satellite dish. Yes apparently a lot of this temporary accommodation now has toilets and running water. Back to the studio and a free ad for world vision.
I’m sad to hear of the death of Tony Benn, one of the last politicians it seems from any party to actually want to represent the people regardless of whether you agreed with his politics, and never sold out on his principles for a quick power trip unlike so many in recent years. However, the BBC running it as the main story is a massive stretch. I would have thought the helicopter crash, the new drugs access scheme, and that knife attack in China that’s left six innocent people dead would be more worthy of the top story than the natural causes death of an 88 year old man. Yes, Thatcher got loads of coverage as well but she was Prime Minister and it gave people a chance to argue about her for a few more weeks which is always good for viewing figures. What did Benn do to deserve taking preferential coverage over genuinely massive world events?
The BBC described Benn as a “commanding political figure” since the 1960s. I remember when he was Minsiter of Technology in Wilson’s Cabinet of 1969, and then in later Wilson and Callaghan cabinets in the 1970s. He was not seen as a “commanding figure”. He was seen as a disruptive egotistical fool.
Lots and lots of BBC airtime for tributes to Tony Benn this morning. ‘From across the political spectrum’.
To be fair our BBC did manage to use the ‘D-word’ in a question to Peter Hain ‘was he Devisive?’
Those who recall the BBC’s treatment of the passing of Margaret Thatcher will be very very familar with that word. ‘Divisive Figure’ was the keynote phrase of their coverage.
Anyway they’ve mentioned it once.
Then BBC News Channel begins a trend which I sincerely hope will not continue – they read out one-liner ‘tributes’ not from politicians but from the public.
Twitter, one imagines. Always useful to fill a gap and so enlightening to hear what ‘Derek’ or ‘Sharon’ has to say.
Oh and then look! What was that? You might have blinked and missed it – amid all the socialism a quick ten second clip that showed Tony Benn was Anti-EU
BBC Today Programme this morning attempted (and failed miserably) to address charges that the BBC/Mentorn ducked the issue of Islam’s murderous intolerance of homosexuality in it’s disastrous ‘Free Speech’ programme a few nights ago (like the intellectual and moral cowards they clearly are).
This was a classic example of ‘elephant in the room’ syndrome that quisling leftists within the Corporation practice so matter-of-factly. Whilst bothering some baffled, befuddled Imam on the line about exactly ‘which questions were agreed to’ ahead of the hilariously titled ‘Free Speech’ programme (and apparently the Imam and his henchmen were more than happy to ‘discuss immigration’ by all accounts), the BBC presenter – naturally – didn’t once broach the thorny (some might say essential) issue of whether or not it’s still okay for hardline Islam ‘religion of peace’ nations to routinely murder its gay teenagers for the heresy of being homosexual.
The BBC in a nutshell, folks: institutionally incapable of ever asking the right questions.
This isn’t intellectual and moral cowardice, it is downright fascism! In the same way the BBC and other leftists actively support anti Semitism, in fact going so far as to fail to condemn the RoPs requirement that Jews are slaughtered to the point of being eradicated.
As we’ve discussed before many gay support groups are also unprepared to condemn the murderous Islamic hatred of them.
There is no way the left is ever going to criticise Islam until it actively threatens them. They are as close today to the Nazi party as its possible to get.
The second elephant in the room was that – OK, the mosque objected to the gay issue being discussed, but the programme was being filmed in a tent outside the mosque, there was no need for the BBC or its production company Mentorn to agree to the objections from the mosque.
The mosque was pushing for censorship. But it was BBC/Mentorn that actually did the censoring.
Let’s not forget the biography of Tony Benn, authentic voice of the proletariat
Born into the political aristocracy, privately educated at Westminster and then on to Oxford. National Service, a stint at the BBC (shock, horror), then an MP for the rest of his working life. And although he renounced his title, he curiously chose not to renounce his large Essex estate and significant financial inheritance. “Voice of the working man”, my fat bottom.
I find the BBCs excessive coverage of the life of Tony Benn annoying and it makes me turn off, because they always do these things in a one sided way and would not (did not ) do the same for a more right wing politician. However, whilst I really disliked many of the things that Tony Benn (Sir Anthony Wedgewood Been in reality) stood for.
Such as
his inherited wealth combined with his socialism.
His wanting to take from the relatively poor and give to the even poorer while keeping his own inherited wealth.
His knowing how to spend other people’s money better than they did themselves. Etc.
I do not want to be associated with celebrating the death of another human being. He was a man who lived his life telling others the way he thought they ought to live. I do not personally think he followed the same principles but for this he will have to answer to his God when he meets his God not to us or me.
So please do not sink to the levels of the fascist left. Let us commiserate with his friends and family but say that I or you cannot share their sorrow beyond that of the loss of an elderly man.
It is interesting that the BBCs coverage of Benn’s death is both sober and uncritical, unlike their approach to Thatcher’s death. I wonder if lessons have been learned?
Either way at least the public are not so gullible. Despite the top coverage on all BBC news outlets on the web-site it is only the sixth most popular item. Beaten some bint getting a job in Dr Who …
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“Why did the BBC censor a debate about gay Muslims?”
By Dan Hodges .
A bit like the BBC’s genius idea for a demo of tolerance from RoP central, Dan’s piece was going so well until it didn’t.
‘The corporation has some serious explaining to do.’
Yes, it does.
However, FoI exclusions mean they don’t and won’t have to, but if twitter is involved some anonymous drone will be quoted as saying ‘the BBC is comfortable in the belief the BBc can do no wrong’, and that will be the end of it.
Until the next one.
That said, such things can erode a facade already crumbling fast, and such an overt clash of liberal top trumps around the notion of ‘free’ speech being a triumph of irony failure may even give the most loyal Graun CiFer pause to wonder just how up a certain creek they’d paddled before losing the thing.
Closing blogs and modding comments, even retroactively is one thing, but pulling plugs on live feeds based on muttered words in corridors that no one admits ever can happen or if they did, remember.. looks bad. Very bad indeed.
A program called ‘Free Speech’ being censored?
Meanwhile, the BBC’s approved comedians keep telling us they’re not leftists, it’s just they can’t find anything funny about liberalism…
Yes, left-wing ideology is scary nasty evil and not very funny.
If the BBC was not so biased, they could get in touch with Libertarian organisations and UKIP to find people like George Orwell, who mocked it with satire.
Arthur Smith and his BBC/Labour party people are politicians not comedians, the BBC uses them as an excuse to exhibit the left-wing views of the BBC.
By Raheem Kassam
“BBC drops homosexuality debate from ‘Free Speech’ show after objections from mosque”
homosexuality debate?
The 2nd question according to the programs own most voted for list (5 mins in, check it ou), should have been :-
should more be done to protect female genital mutilation victims, and to prosecute those responsible?
well well BBC? … out of the mouth of
babes eh!
oh! BBC … where was it? pray tell?
must be … Al BBC … free speech?
Biased Broad Crescent?
slight correction.
the time (to the second) showing the “leader-board” questions for that particular show is at.
3mins 23 seconds … note the SECOND question!
It’s never pretty when the BBC’s two most favorite groups in all the world clash….
Doubtless, any minute now the BBC will apologise for all those years spent claiming that you are a crazed Islamophobe if you claim Islam is incompatible with democracy.
Heh. Late to the party as always!
It really is ironic to have censorship by the BBC of a debate billed as “Free Speech” !
In other news…
‘Not much to learn from the latest set of BBC Trust minutes’
Shocked I tell you, shocked! It’s almost like stuff gets sorted in our transparent and trusted BBC mostly in corridors with no records or subsequent memories.
I wonder if at the next one will be discussed the small matter of top down caving to censorship demands that seems endemic? Or more the really meaty stuff one is greeted on the BBC complaints page as being looked into, like folk unhappy they can’t see their page neatly on their old Nokia?
Still, new media is here to stay.
Certainly BBC3 has got itself back up the ‘getting noticed’ tree all on its own, if maybe not in the best of ways.
‘don’t make it look too good’
No real danger of that. But maybe get Stuart Hughes on the campaign trail. His deft touch always improves matters.
Do the bBC know something I don’t:
Ed Balls ‘daunted’ by chancellor task
Ed Balls has told me that he is “daunted” at the prospect of becoming Chancellor of the Exchequer, given the scale of cuts a future Labour government may have to make.
Got to love how the bBC allow Balls to end his piece:
On the coalition: “I think David Cameron and George Osborne look so out of touch – they don’t understand what’s going on in Britain. I do. We do. We’ve been there and in the future we’ll sort things out for people.”
Yeah that went well last time Ed 🙁
Why should Islam Not BBC (INBBC) report the following, given its unswerving political commitment to get 80 millions Muslim Turks into E.U, so as to speed up the Islamisation of Europe and U.K?
“Whoever wins Turkey’s power struggle, democracy is already a casualty.
“QWith mainstream media reluctant to cover it, the unfolding turmoil is being played out on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter”
Interesting but hardly surprising to us over here on Biased BBC…
“Look North” reported that the Yorkshire Region had the lowest Ofsted rating in the country. York is the highest rated council area in the region. Why highest? Because schools worked with the LEA & there were fewer foundation schools. No evidence was presented of a correlation between foundation status & low Ofsted rating – but I guess there must be??
The leftist rent-a-mob handpicked QT audiences on full display here … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKf8d4Y-NlM
Free speech eh? the bBC dichotomy – pro gay, pro feminist yet pro muslim, something not quite right there…
The BBC news is completely misrepresenting the public pay review this evening. They claim that the people that keep us safe, etc, etc, etc will get 1%, ‘but some nurses will not even get that’
The reason they won’t get that, they ‘forget’ to tell us, is because they will be getting seniority increments instead. Increments that average around 3%, depending on grade.
BBC lying for Labour
22:00 news the BBc suddenly concerned about pay rises in the civil service. Funny they never gave a toss when Liebour were enforcing wage increases of similar percentages. I remember Numbnight doing a hatchet job when we were on strike once with a jackonory about a single parent desperately trying to make a claim after we had been on strike 1 day. Of course missing the things out like benefit by then was paid in arrears, so she would have to wait, and her claim would have been backdated to that day anyway.
Annoying woman with an absurd accent and – for some odd reason only known to herself – wearing a scarf….
No, not Her Madge – God Bless Her…
It’s BBC favourite Lyse Doucet filing a report from the Islamic Republic of Iran
Or is it Oh-so-romantic-and-wonderful Persia
Plenty of lovely rugs in the souq but business is not good due to those beastly sanctions.
You would never know why there are Western sanctions on Iran – Lyse simply forgets to mention anything at all about the fact the buggers are building an Atom Bomb
Off topic, but apparently there is a pigeon flapping around the hall where the BBC’s Question Time is being held.
I hope it doesn’t “dive bomb” Douglas Alexander, Nadhim Zahawi and Baroness Cramer…
…really, I don’t!!
It’s turned into the dooogie alexander show it seems.
The hypocrite is complaining about being interrupted.
Nick Hewer appears to have been teleported into a Dickensian London.
What a knob.
A bit of a long read – but this gives a clear account of BBC favourite Moazzem Begg and attacks the leftists who always seek to defend him :
I liked one of the comments :
“The city that Begg comes from, Birmingham, is a hub of far-right Salafi extremism. If you want to understand what he represents, you have to understand the extremist Islamist movement in Britain and in that city, and what he teaches, and the ideas it inculcates in Muslim youth in Britain. It teaches the inferiority of non Muslims, the superiority of Islam, it teaches jihad as an aspiration, it teaches racist anti-Semitism and paranoid conspiracies, it teaches hatred of secularism and democracy, it teaches misogyny and bigotry. It has an agenda to assert itself, to preach victimhood hysteria, to sanctify hatred as righteousness, and it feeds on the rhetoric of multiculturalism, identity politics, anti-racism etc. This is what Moazzam Begg is part of. Birmingham also is influenced by far-right Pakistani Jamat-e-Islami and Deobandi Islamist ideology, ”
And the BBC never does anything to try to expose this evil in our midst.
“Was Dimbleby told to go easy on Labour guest on Question Time?
” Leaked note reveals presenter was urged to ask more questions to Tory Lord Heseltine.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2579619/Was-Dimbleby-told-easy-Labour-guest-Question-Time-Leaked-note-reveals-presenter-urged-ask-questions-Tory-Lord-Heseltine.html#ixzz2vtP8WpVO
Climate Change coming to an area near you this time next week. It will be interesting how the BBC handle the weather late next week. Here we are experiencing some lovely warm “summer” weather and all talk of climate change has subsided much like the water levels on the Somerset Levels. Funny how nature always seems to correct its own wrongs. Anyway, I digress. The cold air that has been sitting over Russia and Scandinavia for all of the winter (record low temperatures in many European countries) is on the move and still is cold enough to cause an Atlantic front to turn to snow once it becomes embedded in the cold air. Now, who would have thought, snow in March? Rock Salt, de-icer and shovels at he ready? Climate Change or should it be catastrophic Climate Change anyone, maybe even throw in some Global Warming to help the cause? I’ll be all ears BBC!
Oh god!! Tony Benn has shuffled off this mortal coil! Cue much wailing and gnashing of teeth at the bloated Corporation. I can’t wait!
When the news was first announced on Radio 4’s Today
News headlines, Gavin Esler fawned about the ‘sad news’ of TB’s death.
I am sure we did not get the same from the toadies at Guardian Towers when Lady T left this world.
How the BBC ‘handles’ its complaints is always interesting, if inevitably predictable.
Of course the initial response was to wheel out a degree of separation drone to not have a problem and try to shut it down.
Only persistence got it moved beyond the attrition default, which will persist unless there is some accounting here. But of course the numbers mean the BBC is very happy to see this level intercept so many that may warrant serious consideration.
And as the piece points out, even if a grudging concession has been teased out of ECU, what then? Nothing of any consequence.
The BBC complaints system is a travesty. Pure and simple.
The trouble is with a complaint Guest Who, is that it is what it is, a complaint. The BBC or any other body do not have to do anything other than acknowledge the complaint, as much as one might find this irksome.
‘The BBC or any other body do not have to do anything other than acknowledge the complaint’
Actually, I do believe that they and ‘other bodies’ if publicly accountable are supposed to do a lot more than that if it is valid, but in reality indeed do all in their power to not live up to even their own created, written obligations, every time, no matter what.
As to irksome, their reaction to any highlighting of their own responses suggests they are the ones feeling the heat more and more.
Hence the value in doing so at every opportunity, even if it goes nowhere within their little labyrinth. For now.
Confronted by repeated public evidence they have a SOP policy of delusional denial to anything, there must come a point when even their woeful sense of professional integrity gets embarrassed enough by their little secret ways being consistently unique-but-not-in-a-good-way and consistently in the full glare of public exposure as a consequence.
Who knows, maybe even one these various committees or inquiries now a permanent fixture thanks to the unique way the BBC stuffs up weekly, will take note of this less than satisfactory default response to concerns expressed on how the BBC conducts its supposedly professional business using public funds.
I didn’t agree with much that Tony Benn had to say, but at least you knew where you stood with his politics and he was at least honest to his beliefs, unlike the shower we have in all parties at the moment.
Yep and unlike that git Crow and his thugs on the left Benn showed some respect and restraint over Thatchers death!
Well Mr Benn has gone into the cupboard, and this time he hasn’t come out, and don’t we know it !
The lead story of the news despite Russia and Crimea being important, it’s nothing like as important as the death of the darling of the left Viscount Stansgate.
The coverage is set to run and run in the vein of the Nelson Mandela coverage. No one from the right of centre politics has received this level of coverage. As predicted the bBC is showing its true colours.
I wonder if they’ll mention Benn closed twice as many coalmines with the loss of around twice as many jobs as Thatcher did? They let slip here back in 2011 but I suspect they thought they got away with it.
Yup – and I waited with bated breath to hear the litany of legislation championed and brought to fruition by this paragon of Parliamentary affairs, perhaps the prototypical ‘champagne socialist’.
I did notice a mention that he’d worked for the BBC before entering parliament (well, surprise, surprise) but the only piece of legislation that I heard mentioned as being ‘hammered through’ by him was, of course, the completely self-serving legislation to allow him to stand for the House of Commons after his father died.
And then we had the sycophantic BBC announcer just before 9:00 a.m. this morning who declared that we just had to hear yet another clip from said Mr Benn, this time criticising Mrs Thatcher’s government in the mid-80’s. He then turned gushingly to Diane Abbott, that other champagne (and pies) socialist,words to the effect “That really gets you fired up, doesn’t it, Diane ?’.
I heard that in the car and didn’t pick up on which BBC host for the Today programme that was, but let’s face it, it could have been any one of the left-leaning bunch of them.
This morning, the only credentials that seem to have been uttered about Tony Benn were that he was an extreme left-winger and failed to get the Labour Party to follow his ideas – much to the sorrow, it would appear, of those BBC newsreaders from the Today programme.
I also noted that political opponents over the past few days have been gracious in their comments about both crypto-communists who have died recently – Messrs Crow and Benn – completely at odds with the way opponents of Mrs Thatcher (including those such as the aforementioned Mr Crow) behaved after the announcement of her death.
Not that the BBC would notice any bias in that, of course, a similar hatred has already been bred into them as well.
It is remarkable (or, in actual fact, not) that so far in none of the fulsome tributes to Tony Benn and sundry other comments on the Today programme has his principled opposition to the EU has not been mentioned. His view that it is an anti-democratic institution that has sucked democracy from the House of Commons and the UK which no-one can deny. So even at the last, the BBC has censored any mention of this important part of his life.
Ding dong the….. I notice the only interviews are with Labour people at the moment. Can’t remember the announcement of Mrs Thatcher’s death being limited to just Tory faces commenting.
The voice of the Syrian revolution. Yes it’s the BBc with the “pro-democracy” (really) refugees. After being told how terrible things are, ooh lets look shopping in Sainsbury’s with UN food vouchers. A pan round the camp, what’s that a satellite dish. Yes apparently a lot of this temporary accommodation now has toilets and running water. Back to the studio and a free ad for world vision.
Not a word on Tony Benn’s antipathy to the “undemocratic” EU: “If you can’t vote them in or out, they don’t represent you.” Surprise, surprise!
I’m sad to hear of the death of Tony Benn, one of the last politicians it seems from any party to actually want to represent the people regardless of whether you agreed with his politics, and never sold out on his principles for a quick power trip unlike so many in recent years. However, the BBC running it as the main story is a massive stretch. I would have thought the helicopter crash, the new drugs access scheme, and that knife attack in China that’s left six innocent people dead would be more worthy of the top story than the natural causes death of an 88 year old man. Yes, Thatcher got loads of coverage as well but she was Prime Minister and it gave people a chance to argue about her for a few more weeks which is always good for viewing figures. What did Benn do to deserve taking preferential coverage over genuinely massive world events?
The BBC described Benn as a “commanding political figure” since the 1960s. I remember when he was Minsiter of Technology in Wilson’s Cabinet of 1969, and then in later Wilson and Callaghan cabinets in the 1970s. He was not seen as a “commanding figure”. He was seen as a disruptive egotistical fool.
Lots and lots of BBC airtime for tributes to Tony Benn this morning. ‘From across the political spectrum’.
To be fair our BBC did manage to use the ‘D-word’ in a question to Peter Hain ‘was he Devisive?’
Those who recall the BBC’s treatment of the passing of Margaret Thatcher will be very very familar with that word. ‘Divisive Figure’ was the keynote phrase of their coverage.
Anyway they’ve mentioned it once.
Then BBC News Channel begins a trend which I sincerely hope will not continue – they read out one-liner ‘tributes’ not from politicians but from the public.
Twitter, one imagines. Always useful to fill a gap and so enlightening to hear what ‘Derek’ or ‘Sharon’ has to say.
Oh and then look! What was that? You might have blinked and missed it – amid all the socialism a quick ten second clip that showed Tony Benn was Anti-EU
The BBC is irredeemably biased.
BBC Today Programme this morning attempted (and failed miserably) to address charges that the BBC/Mentorn ducked the issue of Islam’s murderous intolerance of homosexuality in it’s disastrous ‘Free Speech’ programme a few nights ago (like the intellectual and moral cowards they clearly are).
This was a classic example of ‘elephant in the room’ syndrome that quisling leftists within the Corporation practice so matter-of-factly. Whilst bothering some baffled, befuddled Imam on the line about exactly ‘which questions were agreed to’ ahead of the hilariously titled ‘Free Speech’ programme (and apparently the Imam and his henchmen were more than happy to ‘discuss immigration’ by all accounts), the BBC presenter – naturally – didn’t once broach the thorny (some might say essential) issue of whether or not it’s still okay for
hardline Islam‘religion of peace’ nations to routinely murder its gay teenagers for the heresy of being homosexual.The BBC in a nutshell, folks: institutionally incapable of ever asking the right questions.
This isn’t intellectual and moral cowardice, it is downright fascism! In the same way the BBC and other leftists actively support anti Semitism, in fact going so far as to fail to condemn the RoPs requirement that Jews are slaughtered to the point of being eradicated.
As we’ve discussed before many gay support groups are also unprepared to condemn the murderous Islamic hatred of them.
There is no way the left is ever going to criticise Islam until it actively threatens them. They are as close today to the Nazi party as its possible to get.
The second elephant in the room was that – OK, the mosque objected to the gay issue being discussed, but the programme was being filmed in a tent outside the mosque, there was no need for the BBC or its production company Mentorn to agree to the objections from the mosque.
The mosque was pushing for censorship. But it was BBC/Mentorn that actually did the censoring.
Let’s not forget the biography of Tony Benn, authentic voice of the proletariat
Born into the political aristocracy, privately educated at Westminster and then on to Oxford. National Service, a stint at the BBC (shock, horror), then an MP for the rest of his working life. And although he renounced his title, he curiously chose not to renounce his large Essex estate and significant financial inheritance. “Voice of the working man”, my fat bottom.
I find the BBCs excessive coverage of the life of Tony Benn annoying and it makes me turn off, because they always do these things in a one sided way and would not (did not ) do the same for a more right wing politician. However, whilst I really disliked many of the things that Tony Benn (Sir Anthony Wedgewood Been in reality) stood for.
Such as
his inherited wealth combined with his socialism.
His wanting to take from the relatively poor and give to the even poorer while keeping his own inherited wealth.
His knowing how to spend other people’s money better than they did themselves. Etc.
I do not want to be associated with celebrating the death of another human being. He was a man who lived his life telling others the way he thought they ought to live. I do not personally think he followed the same principles but for this he will have to answer to his God when he meets his God not to us or me.
So please do not sink to the levels of the fascist left. Let us commiserate with his friends and family but say that I or you cannot share their sorrow beyond that of the loss of an elderly man.
Bloody Hell I must stop playing with that voodoo doll…………Owen Jones watch out!
It is interesting that the BBCs coverage of Benn’s death is both sober and uncritical, unlike their approach to Thatcher’s death. I wonder if lessons have been learned?
Either way at least the public are not so gullible. Despite the top coverage on all BBC news outlets on the web-site it is only the sixth most popular item. Beaten some bint getting a job in Dr Who …
But was he “divisive”?
I certainly think he was.
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