‘A 2009 poll by Gallup found that British Muslims have zero tolerance towards homosexuality. “None of the 500 British Muslims interviewed believed that homosexual acts were morally acceptable,” the Guardian reported in May that year.’ Mehdi Hasan
Dan Hodges in the Telegraph asks:
Why did the BBC censor a debate about gay Muslims?
The programme was conducting a live debate last night in the Birmingham Mosque, in which people are invited to submit video clips on various current affairs issues, which are then debated by an invited panel.
One of the questions was from Asifa Lahore, who self-describes as “Britain’s first and only gay Muslim drag queen”. The question Asifa wanted answered was: “When will it be accepted to be Muslim and gay?”
The question was shown, and then just as the panel appeared to be preparing to debate the issue, the BBC presenter Rick Edwards announced, “We were going to debate that question but today after speaking to the mosque they have expressed deep concerns with having this discussion here… so we’ll move on to our next question.”
The program is called “Free Speech”. Its website boasts that “Britain is a democracy where we can say what we want. So let’s say it”.
Let’s say it? Let’s say it unless you’re a gay Muslim appearing on the BBC.
Dan Hodges obviously never watches the BBC [As indicated by this article: The BBC isn’t anti-Tory. It’s anti-government] as he finishes with this:
It’s not the BBC’s job to pander to censorship or prejudice. The corporation has some serious explaining to do.
And as Raheem Kassam noted:
No one batted an eye-lid. Even amongst the predominantly ‘liberal left’ panel, no one said a word. Not the Liberal Democrat peer, not the Huffington Post editor, not the left-wing comedian, and not even the transgender rights activist.
All appeasers and apologists….the old cultural cringe….or as ‘Jim Watford’ says in the comments to Kassam’s article:
What do you expect? liberals have a strict order in which they place their victim groups, Muslims come at the top so they’re free to abuse gays and women who are lower down the list.
And by coincidence……From Craig at ‘Is the BBC biased’:
‘Free Speech’ at the BBC? Yeah right!
The BBC’s relationship with the concept of ‘free speech’ obviously remains as questionable as ever.
Another dirty secret of Islam is sex slavery.
Robert Spencer: “Prosperous are the believers who in their prayers are humble and from idle talk turn away and at almsgiving are active and guard their private parts save from their wives and what their right hands own then being not blameworthy.” (23:1-6)
Those whom their “right hands own” are slaves, and inextricable from the concept of Islamic slavery as a whole is the concept of sex slavery, which is rooted in Islam’s devaluation of the lives of non-Muslims. The Qur’an stipulates that a man many take four wives as well as hold slave girls as sex slaves. These women are captured in wartime and are considered the spoils of war. Islam avoids the appearance of impropriety, declaring that the taking of these sex slaves does not constitute adultery if the women are already married, for their marriages are ended at the moment of their capture. A manual of Islamic law directs: “When a child or a woman is taken captive, they become slaves by the fact of capture, and the woman’s previous marriage is immediately annulled” (Reliance of the Traveller, o9.13).
This is by no means an eccentric or unorthodox view in Islam….
This is the root of the operation of sex slave gangs in Britain and Europe.
It is rife in their own countries also. Me and my Ethiopian girl friend rescued and hid an Ethiopian girl from her ’employer’ and got her safely out of the country back to her own home. She weighed about 4 stone, had been kept locked away and and sexually abused daily by the male members of the family she worked for. She was an Ethiopian Christian. Her employer harassed my girl friend and threatened her until I had a quiet word with the people I was employed by who in turn had a quiet word with him.
2nd question according to the programs own most voted for list should have been :-
should more be done to protect female genital mutilation victims, and to prosecute those responsible?
oh! BBC … where was it?
The time (to the second) showing the “leader-board” questions for that particular show is at.
3mins 23 seconds … note the SECOND question!
What do you expect? liberals have a strict order in which they place their victim groups, Muslims come at the top so they’re free to abuse gays and women who are lower down the list.
Hmmm blacks on top IMO!
Other Visible Ethnic Minorities
Other ethnic minorities
I think you’re wrong – most Muslims despise Blacks.
Within the Muslim world, the order is:
* white Arabs from MENA
* brown Arabs from Mena
* then all Asian Muslims
* then all non MENA African Muslims
(To the administrator: I mistakenly clicked on the ‘Report’ link – sorry)
To be honest this says it all….Muslims that have renounced Islam understand too…
A reprise:-
By Raheem Kassam.
“BBC accused of censorship in row over Free Speech show from mosque”
By John Plunkett.
“BBC criticised for preventing debate on homosexuality in Islam to take place in Birmingham mosque”
By Ian Burrell.
Who’s complaining to the bBBC (and their MP) about this?
Surely not even the looniest of the lefties can say the BBC ‘got it about right’ this time?
see the leftist and commie journalists who infest the media are not interested in the homophoboc and racist views of musims,more to the point they go out of there way not to offend them even though muslims offend non muslims on a daily basis with there behaviour,the bbc and there stalwarts are only interested in attacking christians or demonising them when they want to display there love for there christian faith,example like the amount of time the bbc and the dan hodges of this world never defend christians when there faith comes under attack like wearing the crucifix in public or at work,this unholy alliance that the leftists including the bbc journalists who many are gay have with a faith that if ever come in power would hang them from cranes just baffles me.
“BBC drops debate on homosexuality in Islam from ‘Free Speech’ program after mosque complaints”
By Robert Spencer.
“This is what ‘free speech’ means in Dhimmi Britannia today: speech that is as free as Muslims want it to be, and that stops at the point at which they begin to feel as if they are not being accorded the proper amount of ‘respect.’ As Britain goes gently into that good night and submits ever more fully to Islamic supremacism every day, there are occasional moments of high comedy, as in the ‘Free Speech’ program censoring itself for fear of offending Muslims. But no comedian in the once-sceptered isle would dare have a crack at it — for fear of offending Muslims.
“These clowns at the BBC and the others like them in Britain (and there are so very many) should just make Anjem Choudary Prime Minister and be done with it. All Prime Minister Choudary would do would keep them on the road to Sharia, down which they’re already so willingly traveling.”
What is funniest about this is that the bbc has a lot of gay people working for it. The people who work there are basically damning themselves in the future when England finally becomes islamic
They clearly said they’d discuss the subject on the next show, as the venue declined to have it discussed.
And your opinion if a Christian church were to do the same?
Move on, or “homophobic” Christians?
I know the answer, you know the answer, don’t pretend you don’t.
In the spirit of compromise, maybe they could have suggested, Universities UK (UUK)-style, to simply move those not deemed acceptable by the hosts across the aisle?
Or, better yet, in homage to different times, park ’em back of the hall.
Just lucky it wasn’t a B&B, or there would have been hell to pay.
Why is Scotty not in on this thread?
You would have thought it would be right up his……Street.
Come on Scotty, give us your views about homophobia in this context please.
“‘Britain’s first and only Muslim drag queen’ banned from discussing homosexuality in BBC ‘Free Speech’ debate in mosque”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2580999/Britains-Muslim-drag-queen-banned-discussing-homosexuality-BBC-Free-Speech-debate-mosque.html#ixzz2vymTgA8F
You don’t have to be a muslim to consider buggery repugnant.