From the BBC Duty Log….a listener complaint:
“I was annoyed that a report presented the ‘big bang’ theory as fact. It is only scientific fact, not what many Christians believe.”
“Sometimes I wish I was Jesus, I’d get my Air Max on and run across the sea for you”
Apparently that sentence in a song lyric was so offensive, or something, that the BBC banned it:
Good Evans! BBC bans Jesus from Radio 2
This of course is the same BBC that has aired programme after programme denouncing and undermining Christianity whilst protecting the Koran and Islam from similar treatment….Jerry Spring springs to mind.
The BBC loves programmes that are:
Rocking The Foundations
The foundations of Christianity of course.
The latest being this:
Bible Hunters – 1. The Search for Bible Truth
[Revealing] discoveries that would shed controversial new light on the Christian origins and the story of the Bible…..The finds threatened to shake the foundations of Christianity.
BBC survey: Viewers think broadcaster is anti-Christian
The BBC is widely regarded as displaying an anti-Christian attitude in its programming, according to the Corporation’s own research.
According to viewers, the BBC uses “derogatory stereotypes” of Christians which portray them as “weak” and “bigoted”.
The BBC report, carried out as part of the corporation’s diversity strategy, said: “In terms of religion, there were many who perceived the BBC to be anti-Christian and as such misrepresenting Christianity.”
In January this year [2011] a former BBC news anchor warned that Christians are “fair game” for insults at the broadcaster whilst Muslims must not be offended.
Peter Sissons, whose memoirs were being serialised in the Daily Mail, said: “Islam must not be offended at any price, although Christians are fair game because they do nothing about it if they are offended.”
Could be right as the Guardian reminds us:
F*** you, says BBC as 50,000 rage at Spr*ng*r
The BBC’s Big Read also featured an anti-Christian trilogy by an author who said ‘its purpose was to undermine the Christian faith’.
I’m not talking Lord of the Rings or the Chronicles of Narnia here.
I take it your referring to arch bishop basher Philip Pullman and his sub Tolkien rant against god?
As a reasoned atheist I wonder did the likes of Pullman get caught wanking by the verger, is that the route of their anger at a non-existent father figure?
Anyone who desperately feels the need to read some genuinely atheist fantasy , I recommend Karl Edward Wagner’s ‘Kane’ stories.
His ‘Conan’ style anti-hero pushes moral relativism to it inevitably limit
But then like his literary hero, the much underrated Robert E Howard ( more than just Conan), he committed suicide while still young ,unable to cope with the full implications of a reductionist universe I guess.
Reading Conan I’m reminded of the early Tarzan character in the attitude to religion. I think Pullman is mostly a polemicist. Pratchett is entertaining and thoughtful, and I say that as a semi-detached Christian. On the BBC for religious broadcasting Ed Stourton does a sterling job, but the over exposed Clare Balding and also Thought for the Day are more typical of the BBC’s attitude to religion.
Pratchett is a plagiarist who lifted ‘Disc World’ wholesale from the far more amusing and challenging ‘Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser’ stories by Fritz Leiber.
Edgar Rice Burroughs Ive never read so I don’t know whether he was as anti-Christian as the so called ‘Lovecraft circle’ What I like about K.E.Wagner is , that while his character is clearly designed as an attack on the bible, he is equally disparaging of all religions including new age ones. whereas Lovecraft, Howard and especially Clark Ashton Smith were less critical of faiths other than Christianity , though I guess that’s the one they knew.
Will INBBC censor this report on Islamic ‘Trojan Horse’ infiltration in Birmingham schools?:-
“Muslim extremists, and a worrying lesson for us all”
I noted the reticence by BBC news on this and preference for “hoax” status highlights in their reporting George, as always, with matters Islam the facts are much more insidious and disturbing.
You only need do a thought experiment and change the references to Islam to be references to Judaism or Christianity to imagine how the BBC would then react.
I heard the broadcast at the time, and thought that she HAD said Jesus-apparently not.
Didn`t make sense without that, as far as I recalled.
Did love the BBCs defence-they put no pressure on artists to change lyrics…which in brackets means their agents, managers and record companies get the BBCs “concerns”…with no chance of getting anything onto the BBC if they don`t “amend the artists content”.
Still-am “intensely relaxed ” about this…we know the BBC is a godless nest of vipers and will be Crowed and Benned before too long.
Jesus reigns…He mocks this BBC crap…and He`s a Jew of Israel as well.
Only the BBC and Mozzies with a death wish will take Him on…although(I grant you) it hardly looks that way if the BBC is all you get your “edutainment” from.
What the bbc bigots forget is that without Jesus Christ, they would not exist. If anyone takes the time to read the Koran and even the Talmud, we, the Gentiles (Goyim), Kafirs are less than cattle. We are not regarded as human beings. And atheists are even lower in their regard than us Christians. So, the bbc are ardently supportive of those who would destroy us and ironically, them. In my mind that kind of behaviour is of the completely lunatic.
It makes me very happy indeed to know how much those scumbags hate us atheists.
”I was annoyed that a report presented the ‘big bang’ theory as fact. It is only scientific fact, not what many Christians believe.”
O.K. slightly of topic but this high-lites for me a problem with the BBC’s reporting of science that shows up particularly in the area of climate change.
For the BBC science has become subordinate to its new one true faith ,moral relativism and only serves only to further it deconstructionist agenda. So certain theories are taken as articles of faith and those that question them or point out the contradictions they raise are heretics.
AGW , Darwinian Evolution ( especially the decent of man) quantum mechanics, relativity, black holes and the Big bang theory. These are all treated as revealed truths that only followers of the old god could possibly find fault with .
The joke is ( one among very many in this area ) that the Big bang theory ( in the west at least ) was first postulated by a catholic priest, Georges Lemaître, and many atheist scientist (not least astronomer royal Fred Hoyle) were reluctant to embrace it ,because of its theological implications, preferring the God proof steady state universe.
Even today it is very far from being a fully formed description ,but you would never know that from watching the BBC.
For the, admittedly short, period of about 45 years I, along with most (all?) Christians I’ve known, have believed in the Big Bang theory. It’s more consistent with the Bible than the steady state universe theory the prevailed previously anyway, but that’s not the point. The BB theory doesn’t explain the First Cause, but it doesn’t have to, and in that regard it’s analogous to the theory of evolution. The theory of evolution is also something I’ve never personally heard challenged in a church or by a Christian, I do remember the BBC got Dawkins to track down a couple of American Christians who didn’t believe it, but I can’t remember the point of that exercise other than being a demonstration of the straw man line of argument with the aim of undermining Christianity.
You tube is awash with christian fundamentalists challenging both evolution and the big bang on purely scientific grounds
You don’t have to accept their conclusions to realise that the debate about both is far from settled
Interestingly for the most part the fundamentalists (creationist and even Geo centrist’s) videos are the amusing and engaging ones and the atheist replies the tirade of bile laden invective.
All religion is the is for the deluded, there should be no place for it amongst educated people .
Stupid blind faith is the enemy of reason, all it has done is to entrap millions in poverty and ignorance for thousands of years.
The signs in the west are becoming more hopeful that the whole monstrous crock of crap is finally getting the contempt it deserves, as more of the vile perverted priests who’s sole reason for entering the priesthood was an opportunity to abuse small children are exposed.
Fancy a job with the BBC do you?
Funny how as “the west” get ride of the “crock of crap” it is going down some left wing liberal progressive shit hole.
It is a crock of crap, all the sky fairy ,mumbo jumbo , wailing, chanting burning incense , praying ,prostrating themselves ,munching holy biscuits,wearing of silly clothes will not stop the west going down the liberal lefty plughole .
The only thing that can do that is stand up to the ecolunatics ,the muslims, the EU commissars, the politically correct brainwashing of children in school.
The ever more risible church of England is one of the most vociferous champions of the lefty liberal progressive politics that we all despise.
which the BBC constantly support with their ceaseless left wing propaganda.
This time I agree with you – apart from praying – however the BBC gives a distorted view of what Anglicans believe and practice.
At the risk of incurring the wrath of others, I have to agree with you.
Are you Dick the Dawk by any chance ? You seem to be picking on one faith only.
No I am not , I can make him sound like the pope!
Even atheists can find value, goodness and beauty in religion. Dawkins and de Botton do. I also find truth. In religions there is sometimes claptrap and fairy tales, and even evil I think you’re referring to.
I only find bullshit
I’ve never been sure what atheism means. Is it that you believe there isn’t any kind of creator or just the religious sort? If the former, how can you be certain what was there before the Big Bang and what or who made it happen? Believing there is no creator is surely as illogical as believing in one, as nobody has any proof one way or the other. So isn’t agnostic the most logical position to take?
I’m agnostic but I had the fortune to visit Israel last year and visiting the holy places and watching the faithful I sometimes wish that I had that faith. With all I love and revere in England being battered daily by the legions of the left it would be nice to have a faith that one could turn to for strength.
Ultimately we will all find out of course.
It’s very easy to mock Christians….ver easy. And its a constant source of amusement.
Anyway, the whole point of the Mail’s ‘story’ is that the lyrics about ‘walking on water like Jesus’ were supposed to be about avoiding offence to Christians. It’s not supposed to be about removing the word ‘Jesus’.
But then Christians aren’t the sharpest; ‘What the bbc bigots forget is that without Jesus Christ, they would not exist.’
Are members of this particular cult not supposed to turn the other cheek? And forgive?
And they do,that’s why Ella finds it easy to mock them
Those others though, (you know the ones’ that might come round your house with a meat clever rather than the good news) their not so easy to mock.
I always wonder why Christians seem to think its so much to their credit that they don’t want to behead me or blow me up. How nice of them.
They never seem to extend their forgiveness to Muslims though. They don’t seem to love those neighbours.
Islam is admittedly easier to mock based on the content. Only marginially mind.