All the usual suspects are coming out of the woodwork….
The BBC has certainly turned rightward since Mason left…..because he left.
Glenn Greenwald…flogging state secrets to a newspaper. State secrets stolen by Snowden who was probably a Russian agent and is now safely back in the USSR.
Nice work Glenn.
Yes Mehdi, you did write the same in 2009…hope you got some royalties from the boy wonder.
And look…the opportunistic issues junky has no shame:
Looks like Crow was equally impressed by the young whippersnapper…or is that indigestion?
Still someone is impressed by Jones….
The same Billy Bragg who thought Wedgie Benn wasn’t a Marxist…..never mind that Benn thought Benn was a Marxist:
‘….after Caroline Benn gave him a copy of the Communist Manifesto, Benn wrote: “Without having read any Communist text, I had come to Marx’s view.” ‘
Guess that sums up the problem….people who think Benn wasn’t a Marxist and people who think the BBC isn’t leftwing.
Who is telling who fairytales?
Owen Jones keeps posting these photos of him with iconic leftwing figures hoping some of their glory will rub off on him no doubt…..all I can say is don’t sit next to Owen Jones……
You can take the man out of the BBC Editorial, but you can’t take the BBC Editorial dodges away from the man.
Guessing in Mr. Mason’s tweet there was not room to go beyond to what other qualities this ‘economist’ had and/or did not possess that may have further informed and educated any reader credulous on the controversy enough to take anything he comes out with seriously without checking it first.
Mason, Owen, Bragg all RT’ing each other’s fact-free pram toy ejections hardly suggests much more than a very rattled inbred cage.
Has it ever sunk in to them that beyond their hive it is unlikely most in the UK feel that Owen Jones is a likely Moyles-Channeling saviour of the BBC outside the aspiring Wolfies of a student union bar in some upgraded-to-Uni Poly?
And in complement, this just down the slipway…
‘I find much of what he has written as a prolific economics and politics blogger very difficult to understand’
Must have been this that saw Mr. Katz single him out as perfect over all the other interviewed candidates to explain economics objectively to the Newsnight audience (in triple digits by now).
‘…if James Purnell can get away with it, so can Duncan’
The consequences of such a comparison can, of course, work out both ways. And badly.
In other news:
Trust is the foundation of the BBC: we are independent, impartial and honest.
As a great Flokker once said, ‘if you say so’.
I think some may prefer other summaries.
‘a gargantuan “project”, festooned in b*llocky phrases’
For the lefties, its all about emotion and feelings, that is why the morons dominate the arts, while intelligent people dominate the sciences.
The BBC appoints another lefty to Newsnight, and then it seems that the left-wing morons want to abolish the BBC because its too right-wing.
But then when the left-wing morons calm down, they might start thinking, instead of bouncing against the wall like ranting loonies.
They might then wonder why the right-wing, wants to abolish the BBC, if the BBC is also right-wing.
Only then will the lefties support the BBC in its war against the right-wing media, again, after realising that the facts are that the BBC is left-wing, while the illusion that the BBC is right-wing was caused by their brains being confused by emotion and feelings.
The BBC is well over to the left, but when they knock Cameron is it because he is more to the left than the Beeb on social issues? For those who are confused – as I am – watching the BBC knocking Cameron is seeing right of centre broadcasters attacking a multiculty, Islamophile, pro EU, opponent of most of the conservative party, who is a supporter of gay marriage and founder member of the Trotskiest dominated street thugs of the UAF.
Owen Jones..I see dead people.
Who else is Owen going to curse next, can we get a picture of him sat next to Millipede or Mehdi Hassan or how about a groups photo 🙂
Don’t be photographed next to Owen Jones and don’t even let him near your photograph. Look what it did for Chavez
The Curse of Owen Jones then….does he drink the blood of those he gets sat next to?
Maybe we could get a game of Musical Chairs with a Sue McGregor “Reunion” of the Labour NEC of 2009….wipeout!
And the artist taxi driver slams the BBC for its right wing bias.
God bless him.
Please tell me he’s being sarcastic ?
David, I take this man very seriously for he provides a good example of current left thinking. You cannot argue against this, cannot assess his political standpoint, but somewhere he is pro green, pro NHS, anti monarchy, pro Palestinian, for the left perspective in general. This is the collapse of reason which precipitates totalitarianism.
“BBC accused of ‘left-wing bias’ for employing ex-Labour adviser as economics reporter.
“BBC’S Newsnight programme has found itself the centre of a political row after its new economics correspondent was revealed to be a former adviser to Labour’s deputy leader Harriet Harman.”
By Owen Bennett.
It was probably the BBC themselves that commissioned the loathsome Jones to write the piece for their print arm the Guardian…
There’s elections on the horizon you see, and the BBC need to prove they’re not a right wing entity by backing red Ed at every given opportunity…..(Again)
The BBC cunningly disguise their love for UKIP and the Conservative Party by slavishly promoting every Left of centre agenda going. What a devilishly cunning plan.
Time for all Leftists to rise up and abolish the BBC. The funny thing is nobody on the Left wants to abolish the BBC. At least I cannot recall any protests. When do we want the BBC to go, now!!!
So what is it about this bit of the Tory pro-capitalist establishment that makes them want to keep it? It is almost as if the Left are lying.
what a bunch of self superior up there own backsides left wing rabble these lot are,but i vent my anger towards 2 of these odious 2 faced hypocrites,in second place is the posh middle class boy oxbridge educated from leafy end of stockport owen jones who has never done a hard days work in his life but puts himself up as the spokeman of the working classes,huh not in my name mate,in first place is the king of double standards and hypocrisy billy bragg the millionaire self confessed preacher of the greatness of multi culturism and diversity but strangely chose to live in the least diverse and multi cultural leafy gated end of all white devon,very nice indeed billy boy,thats the left for you,sick inducing hypocrites.
I the final sentences of Jones’s Wikipedia entry sum him up nicely:
In November 2013 he delivered the Royal Television Society Huw Wheldon Memorial Lecture entitled ‘Totally Shameless: How TV Portrays the Working Class’.[28] In March 2014, Jones left The Independent and began a regular column for The Guardian.
Jones is gay[29] and lives in London.[30]
The fact that he is so Naieve as to call his book Chavs, the demonization of the working class is also indicative of how far removed from reality he is. Chavs are of course the not working class !
Of course the bBC leapt to promote the book at the first opportunity, although the article does appear to admit that the fascist left have deliberately misused the word in order to fight ‘class war’.
The Spectator does a nice piece citing the people at the bBC who Jones might be referring to as ‘right wing’ whilst neglecting to mention the 26 000 other staff who aren’t!
As someone who grew up with parents who were members of the Trotskyist ‘Militant Tendancy’ I imagine that anyone to the right of Uncle Joe Stalin must look pretty right wing, and with a distorted view of the world like that it’s no wonder he’s as mad as a fruit bat !
Is Jones sat on – ahem – Bob Crow’s – cough – lap?
Was it a ventriloquist’s convention or is there some other explanation for Bob’s expression?
I will give Mr. Chivers credit for at least engaging in the comments.
That his efforts there are more predictable and even less convincing than the logic of his piece makes the duration of the ensuing car crash even more painful.…owen jones needs psychiatric help if he thinks the bbc is right wing
“To Owen Jones and other middle-class Leftists, horny-handed working people are an exotic tribe to be fawned over and photographed”
The superficiality of socialists, a pretty young face makes them go all gooey such that they’ll promote as wisdom all the vacuous bilge they care to spout. God help him when he’s lost his youthfulness because his commie mates will have moved onto the next (not so) bright young thing.