Meant also to say that these types of blogs with this kind of sentiment serve to convince the BBC that they do follow an impartial line, even when the evidence to the contrary is so compelling.
It is beyond belief that Lefties can write such drivel…they cannot believe it!!! I will continue to write to my MP (A Tory) in the hope eventually the Tories will summon a bit of courage to actually stop the BBC behaving as they do. The current push to stop non payment of TV License (Tax) being a criminal offence does seem to have useful momentum. Fingers crossed.
I saw this article and thought that it should be mentioned here – and was glad to see you had posted the link.
I suppose he was bleating because he got his a**e kicked by Andrew Neil on Friday – he didn’t look a happy bunny.
I would suggest that if he went to a psychiatrist the diagnosis would be that little Owen was suffering from paranoid delusions brought about by a persecution complex.
What I have noticed is that those on the far left (like Jones) attack the BBC as being too right wing, people on the centre right to far right attack it as being too left wing. People in the centre do not say anything and those on the liberal left, who unerringly support the labour party, tend to defend the BBC the most vociferously.
This makes me conclude that the BBC staff are right when they claim that the BBC is a liberal left wing organisation with a distinct left wing bias.
I note that Andrew Marr’s comment that Scotland may find it difficult to join the EU, has been taken by the SNP as an example of the extreme bias of the BBC in favour of the Better Together campaign. It will be interesting to see if and how the BBC react.
Of course we all know that bias comments by BBC interviewers and commentators against the Tories and in favour of Labour, are much more extreme than Marr’s was and occur daily. Perhaps the Tories should have reacted as vigorously as the SNP have done, way back in the 80’s when this started.
Nicky Campbell is looking to the sky and scratching his head this morning, getting all, concerned voice/ interesting hair over the missing flight, such a mystery? .. on BBC5Live
breathless and perplexed they immediately cut to any snippet of news.
Zaharie Ahmad pilot of missing Malaysian airliner -fanatical supporter of MB linked-politician?
(cue “twilight zone” music, what! … how?)
Fariq Abdul Hamid, 27, second in command pilot of the aircraft, described by his family and imam as very devout Muslim?
(there has to be an answer? … what can it be?~)
how about
Pouria Nour Mohammad Mehrdad and Delavar Seyed Mohammadreza, booked by an Iranian agent under false passports. 18 and 19 year old.?
(hmmm … any link at all? … no! … no idea)
“Evidence of a plot by Malaysian Islamists to hijack a passenger jet in a 9/11-style attack is being investigated in connection with the disappearance of Flight MH370. Security experts said evidence from a convicted British terrorist was “credible”. The supergrass said that he had met the Malaysian jihadists – one of whom was a pilot – in Afghanistan and given them a shoe bomb to use to take control of an aircraft”
(what! why? … WHY!)
“Malaysian police and Interpol are “taking a close look at a 35-year-old passenger of Uighur descent” — that is, a member of the Muslim group in western China that has been waging jihad with increasing ferocity against the Chinese recently”,
“and Investigators were correct in honing in on the two fake-passport carrying Iranian passengers on the doomed flight, and they have wasted valuable time by exploring other leads”
(no matter how closely we look, can t just make a …….
no sorry! … no, no idea).
… planes/airlines/airports hmmm … is there any link?
American Airlines Flight 63 The “shoe bomb”, a failed al-Qaeda PETN bombing attempt in December 2001.
2004 Russian aircraft bombings Islamist terrorist attacks on two domestic Russian passenger aircraft flying from Moscow. The bombs were triggered by two female Chechen suicide bombers. Shamil Salmanovich Basayev militant leader of the Chechen terrorist movement claimed credit.
2006 transatlantic aircraft plot, al-Queda terrorist plot to detonate liquid explosives carried on board at least 10 airliners travelling from the United Kingdom to the United States and Canada.
followed the same general plan as the Bojinka plot.
Northwest Airlines Flight 253, the target of a failed al-Qaeda PETN bombing attempt in December 2009
2010 cargo plane bomb plot, failed
al-Qaeda PETN bombing attempt on two planes in October 2010
Ever helpful BBC – chips in with “10 mystery aviation disasters”.?
in latest BBC news
“Missing Malaysia Airlines plane ‘deliberately diverted’
with more helpful BBC highlighted
“I wouldn t believe it” palava, and that sometimes a pilot “gets depressed” or “has a family issue”
and might want to “consider suicide”.
IMHO it is on the ground – the authorities know that it is safe and are now negotiating with the hijackers while drip feeding the media with all sorts of misleading information
You can be certain that if it turns out to be an Islamic based hijacking, the BBC will describe the hijackers as men, and we can be sure that Cameron has already recorded his statement for BBC broadcasting that it has nothing to do with Islam. And this will be followed with a reading from the Koran by Clegg, and should there be – heaven forbid – .a massacre, the TUC will supply buses for UAF demonstrators to combat any who criticise the terrorists responsible.
Or it’s on the ground somewhere being kitted out with a nuke or a dirty bomb ready to fly into a western airport or airspace. Or tin foil hat off, it’s in the drink somewhere. One thing we can all agree on is that it’s a bloody mystery at the moment.
BBC news website has a front page story about Iraqi refuges trapped in Syria who want to emigrate to the US, and have now been advised to apply to emigrate to the UK. ( Good luck to them, but it seems to be assumed by the BBC that it’s reasonable for the US or UK to be the 2 options. What about Egypt, Kenya, Turkey, Brazil, India, Australia, Germany, Ukraine, Cyprus, Algeria, China etc. etc. ?
The BNP are banned from peddling their bile on university campus’s up and down this Country, to protect impressionable young minds from being indoctrinated with their thesis………Good!……..The big three parties are supposed to have some sort of silent agreement, that they will stay away too, whilst the teenagers explore adulthood for the very first time…
So why is it then, that groups like Hope not Hate are now openly crowing that they’re “Mobilising students” with their false slogan ‘vote hope”?
Hope Not Hate may not stand for elections, but they’re funded by the Labour party and the left wing unions…..If the Tories or UKIP were doing this, the BBC would have informed us all via several Panorama exclusives with Jeremy Vine……
Why are the Labour Party now exempt from manipulating young minds to do their dirty work for them via vile change agents such as Lowles’s “Hope not Hate”?
The more one reflects on this the worse the revealed bias appears
Retweeted by Rachel Burden
BBC Radio 5 live @bbc5live Mar 14
Tony Benn regularly went to @GlastoFest: “It almost persuades me anarchy would be possible” >
The BBC wants to limit the debate on its future to a choice between continuing with the licence tax (plus inflation !!) versus subscription funding. Nice to see that others have wider views – here comes Mr Blobby offering to buy the BBC to save it from itself :
My wife usually listen to this programme at 9.45 – a morning story. Today though there was a last minute change – how many guesses do you need to work out whose “story it was”
The Wedgie Benn himself.
I heard it.
Well worth a listen, in that the likes of Kinnock and Mandelson are still around…and we can now see the nature of the scum he had to deal with…and his character analyses are as true now as they were then….no wonder any praise for Benn had to be winkled out of them between their bitching comb overs and crab claws.
And one more thing-turns out that Benn was not against the EU in a Cash/Thatcher kind of way( she tried to make some cause with him as an anti-federalist, and was rebuffed)…but was against it for the same reason as Brown rejected the Euro.
Because his OWN empire, influence and plans to rule the country along Social Marxist lines would be threatened.
Glad I heard that from the horses mouth…
Final observation-Benn enjoyed chatting to Tories and not to his own side…for reasons that are now obvious, hence the gritted teeth equivocations from the Left/Labour re their erstwhile “brother and comrade”.
Bulingdon Berties United at the Durham Miners Phone Box Rally this July then?…Viscount Biscuit and an hour of Owen Jones trying Bob Crows cap for size?
Surely the Crimea will have to rerun that Referendum of theirs, now that Ashton has decided that it`s gone the wrong way.
Who knows?…those 95% voters might reconsider once they`ve been inspired by von Rumpoy and assorted Kinnocks…and if we include all those Derby Postal votes that they could stuff in their diplomatic sacks, the E.U might get the desired result.
How I pine for Soviet-style democracy these days….Putin at least allows a Referendum vote, unlike the EU….
Which would explain we we in the EU are not allowed a vote on whether we want to stick to the likes of Ashton…but Putins Russians/Crimeans/Ukrainians DO get a vote.
If anyone had told me that the former Soviet Union would be giving referendums to its citizens, as opposed to the so called “democratic West” that I was born into…within my lifetime in the last 30 years or less…I`d not have believed it.
But there again, I don`t believe a word the EU says(or for that matter its pension pisspots dotted throughout the BBC like scatter cushions).
Patten, Mandelson and Kinnock…Strasbourg slurry, too toxic to stay over there…
There couldn’t have been a better symbol of the EU’s meddling than our vote challenged Cath.
Not one of the BBC’s 10,000 journos seems willing for the EU to take the credit for the putsch in Ukraine. Funny that as they are usually so keen on trumpetting the EU’s successes.
There’s a great piece on what an utter screw up the EU has made of the Ukraine situation called: “Only Two Possibilities” at:
One thing I haven’t seen discussed (may have missed it) is a ‘flight 93’ scenario. In other words the plane was hijacked, diverted and then a little while later there was an attempt to restore control, resulting in the flight crashing (or it could even be that the inexperienced passengers tried to return but the plance had passed the point of no return over the Indian Ocean, ran out of fuel and crashed in the sea)
I can certainly imagine a scenario that the flight changed course without the passengers noticing (in the dark) at least initially – you could do it by performing the turn whilst simulating ‘air turbulance’.
‘The BBC – and this might sound pompous so forgive me – is owned by the viewers and the listeners, the licence payers. And they should be told what people who work for the BBC think about it.’
Ha ha ha!
Does that include the 70% of ‘viewers, listeners, licence fee payers’ who believe immigration should be stopped or severely reduced?
Wonder if Jeremy Vine learned a thing in the presence of the clearest philosophical defence of Christianity that I`ve just heard on his show?
Ann Widdicombe really did a good job, and trenchantly stuck Vines liberal musings up his fundament as she had to ( Vines Show 1pm Radio 2 today)…and I learned more about Christian apologetics from Ann than I have ever done from a BBC show before.
Hats off to her-and to be fair to Vine he was not his usual reflex idiot self…he may well have been learning, so let`s pray that he did!
Turned over to Radio 4-and hear of the death of another doughty game bird of Albion-Clarissa Dixon-Wright-and reckon we`ve lost something great…as opposed to rentaBennery gestures we`ve seen of late….
Widdicombe is a fool whose entire worldview was torn to shreds in an embarrassing fashion during the intelligence squared debate. Christianity is nothing more than another Abrahamic cult like our favourite islam, that has been dragged into modernity by the rational forces of secularism.
How the bBC allows racist Islamic relgious bigots to play the victim-card: Haitham Al-Haddad says Islamophobia cancelled Legoland day “An imam who had planned a day out for Muslim families at Legoland in Windsor has blamed “extreme Islamophobia” for the event being cancelled. Haitham Al-Haddad said his group privately hired the theme park for a day of “halal food and no alcohol”.
So who is this Iman (Iman at the bBC automatically means a man of peace) well here are a few snippets from this victim of Islamophobia: ““I will tell you the truth about the fight between us and Jews who are the enemies of God and the descendants of apes and pigs.” That is the correct translation of a statement the controversial British-Palestinian Muslim cleric Haitham al-Haddad made in 2001, Arabic-speaking journalists at Radio Netherlands Worldwide confirm.
How about his views on Women: ” “A man should not be questioned why he hit his wife, because this is something between them.”
And “Dr al-Haddad, who gained a PhD at SOAS, has described homosexuality as a “criminal act” and said there is a “proper” way of performing FGM.,
and “women cannot debate wearing veil
Or how about this not so peaceful stance “A controversial Islamic preacher has called for 15,000 protesters to gather in Stratford tonight in support of a so called mega mosque in Newham. Sheikh Haitham Al-Haddad, who sits on the Islamic Sharia Council, has posted an internet video on YouTube urging families, including women and children, to congregate outside the Old Town Hall on Broadway ahead of a council meeting to decide on plans for the mosque in West Ham.which will be 3 times bigger than St Pauls”
You don’t really want to know what he thinks of Gay people.
And the bBC instead of mentioning any of the above, instead allow him to play the Islamophobia card.
The bBC, the propaganda arm of Sharia law in the UK
“Allah’s Sword of Terror.
“At last, let us understand that the heartbeat of the jihad — sex, violence, and rapine — has scarcely changed in nearly fourteen centuries, says Raymond Ibrahim, a rare authority on such matters. Be educated, be shocked.”
The BBC has apologised after failing to ensure students were aware of the risks involved in taking part in a Panorama programme on North Korea last year.
The BBC Trust’s editorial standards committee said the breaches amounted to “a serious failing.”
Reporter John Sweeney joined a group of former and current London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) students to gain access to North Korea.
This affair would appear to have originally followed the usual pattern of complaints against the BBC, i.e. no we are right, you are wrong
The father of “student X” and the LSE were dissatisfied with the BBC’s responses to their original complaints, which were subsequently accepted on appeal by the Trust’s Editorial Standards Committee.
Merely noting that, while the Trust does seem to have been moved to actually grant a failing, it was only after persistence pushed the complaint through the default, labyrinthine attrition system that is Complaints (and, guessing, possibly the ECU as you don’t get to the Trust unless through them).
As overseen and signed off upon originally by, one presumes… The Trust.
That’s a lot of deliberately created ‘we think we got it right again’ hurdles to have to deal with.
Hats off to the complainants.
Just not too clear what actual consequences there have been, are or will be to all taken to task, as it seems after several months and every hoop in the book, a quiet mea culpa online, slap wrist at the Xmas party and off to the next abuse they go with no more than a black star in the laugh-in log in the loos.
Auntie blowing yet more public money away from programming to prop its failing unique everythings up?
Shocked, I tells ya… shocked!
This one has to have sent a slight shiver across the Staffel hereabouts too.. ‘…why not scrap Auntie’s army of PR types and lobbyists who use millions of licence fee payers’ money every year to lobby against our interests.’
But Wedgie lived to be 88, despite smoking his pipe full of Holborn Shag up to a couple of years back.
Indeed he had to sit next to his own fire extinguisher at Tolpuddle, if the sun came out!
So-compulsory takeup of pipe smoking to go with Bob Crows cap….made Owen Jones look rather Left Bank…ooh!
Unlike Benn or Crow poor Clarissa seems to have been written out of BBC news as someone not worth reporting. Same applies to Channel 4 news. Guess that’s what happens if you are not politically in line with the BBC you are just cease to exist.
“During an interview with The Telegraph in 2012, to promote her book Clarissa’s England, she accused the BBC of dropping her and the show because she went too far in praise of hunting, angering then-Prime Minister Tony Blair.”
Incredible because I can’t actually believe that the BBC would allow this to be published.
Essentially, Peston claims that he was told that Russia asked China, during the 2008 financial crisis, to act in concert to blow up the US stockmarket (by crashing Freddie and Fannie).
The reason why this is huge news is that it lends a lot of insight (and perhaps even credence) to the Russian threat to dump UST in the event of sanctions.
Its probable that this plan of action would have been discussed with the Chinese, and Peston’s anecdote adds a lot of weight to this conjecture. If so, Russia is unlikely to have put this on the table so quickly if they didn’t think they could follow through (unlike Obama / the Eurocrats, Putin seems to understand that bluffs are often called and so it pays to be able to back up ultimatums with more than just hot air and ‘sanctions’ against 7 people etc).
This isn’t an issue of BBC bias, but I’m curious why such an incendiary article was allowed to be published at this fairly critical juncture in the evolving Ukraine stand-off.
This incident appears in To Big to Fail, when Paulson was at the Beijing Olympics, and the Chinese representatives tells him of the approach, and tells him they rebuffed it but warns him that America is carrying too much debt.
There was talk of China pushing Goldman Sachs over the edge by some sort of bonds chicanery centred around Malaysia or some such place. I’ve never been able to find out whether this was just conspiracy nut fodder or real.
Bias in the way the BBC report news is easy to spot, but the real gems of their bias is in what they choose NOT to report on.
Here’s just two examples:
Robert Mugabe demands pay rise after daughter’s expensive wedding.
After blowing about £3 million on his daughter’s wedding earlier this month, Zimbabwe’s president Robert Mugabe says he wants a pay rise
Ah, the black paradise in southern Africa. Can’t touch that.
Convicted terrorists, extremist preachers and dozens of other Islamist activists rallied in East London on Saturday, in a sure sign that the newly founded ‘Need4Khilafah’ group is becoming increasingly emboldened in its anti-Western agitation efforts in the UK.
Definitely off the agenda, smacks of that daft epithet “Islamophobia” what ever that is. Even my spellchecker spews that one back.
But wait what’s this from the BBC:
Haitham Al-Haddad says Islamophobia cancelled Legoland day
Long ago given up expecting the BBC@s news coverage to be full and fair. Now look at various other news organisations to get a fully rounded and less biased idea of what is going on in the world., Reuters has been really good at explaining the situation in the Ukraine, and Aljazeera actually gives far better and wider coverage of the middle east than the BBC, which does not report on things that reflect badly on Islam. The BBC still does not understand that we have so many other sources of news – none of which we have to pay a licence fee for.
Earlier, elsewhere, I asked if the MP tasking Ian Katz on the process leading to the new Economics Editor’s selection had had an answer.
In the spirit of disclosure, I have stumbled across something that suggest there was an answer of sorts, if not to him, and via the medium twitter, of course: ‘Katz responded via Twitter: “Afraid your duck won’t fly Louise. Job advertised externally. Dozens of applications. At least 10 interviewed. Night, night.”
That puts it all to bed, right? Well, sorry, not really. Because where the BBC, Newsnight and Mr. Katz are concerned, I have more faith in flying pigs.
Is there any more than this ‘it is ‘cos I say so’ claim? If so, why is more detail so coyly under wraps, still needing teasing from the living flesh?
As to BBC hiring policy in general, if it walks like a Labour activist, quacks like a Labour activist, it is of course widely respected on all sides of the political spectrum as fair and intelligent, at least as far as the BBC is concerned. BBC ducks do not bring duck views to the duck pond.
Ian, son, when you can demonstrate that you got the job on merit rather than as a favour from a chum/ boyfriend (as happens in the BBC); when the BBC has gone subscription, and you can demonstrate that your and your colleagues’ salaries are a function of the supply and demand for your product (rather than mates rates arising from a compulsory tax); and when you can demonstrate that you can actually find any viewers interested in your comedy hour, *then* you can crow.
“The BBC are using their team of expensive in-house lobbyists to cajole MPs into rejecting plans to decriminalise not paying the TV Licence Fee. In a briefing seen by Guido, smooth talking BBC lobbyist Alice Dickerson told MPs that “the BBC does not want people to go to prison,” before reminding MPs ……………
‘BBC lobbyist Alice Dickerson told MPs that “the BBC does not want people to go to prison,’” -even if there are some people who may want certain Beeboids to go to prison.
If you get placed on the Stuart Hall wing, it may well be worth your while bringing in your autograph book.
Sense there`s a few more yet to send through…and, of course; the advantage of NOT actually needing your own TV License.
The BBC-the prisoners friend, looking cow-eyed with concern as the poor get stuck into those paddy wagons of G4S…the Toynbee Look, as I think it`s called…
Ms. Dickerson’s statement is about as credible as anything TVL comes out with on what is or isn’t the law and the BBC does or doesn’t want.
Their entire House of Cards is founded on the fear they deliberately promote, so for her to try and claim otherwise is two-faced disingenuousness at best.
The BBC is also less than keen on people knowing that the only time a licence is required is when they watch live broadcast TV.
Doesn’t stop them pumping out misinformation PR to local papers up and down the country about the ‘excuses’ folk come out with before getting hauled to court.
Ms. D is misguided at best.
But does any one actually get sent to prison for not paying their TV Tax? Don’t those imprisoned get their chance to be raped in the showers for non payment of the fine they were given for not paying their TV Tax?
IIRC the BBC insisted on that separation for some reason.
Justin weighs in (Mr. Nazi would approve too).
I’m sure he’s thrilled at how it has gone so far. Douglas Carswell MP @DouglasCarswell
PANIC ATTACK! BBC lobbyists panic at threat to license fee …
justin webb @JustinOnWeb
@DouglasCarswell please Douglas as well as being a bargain it’s a noun – licence!
Mark Wallace @wallaceme
@JustinOnWeb @douglascarswell let’s agree to call it “tax”
Douglas Carswell MP @DouglasCarswell 3m
@JustinOnWeb @wallaceme If it is such a bargain, you’ll have no difficulty selling subscriptions! As opposed to prosecuting unwilling buyers
Blimey, it’s perked up a bit from the sleepy backwater it became since it stopped sharing Editors’ insights (that were promptly slaughtered in comments, needing an early closing usually) to tedious deckchair rearranging technical updates (that get slaughtered in comments… 75!… needing a closing within a day). Progress indeed.
Time was, when the “BBC” received pronunciation accent was known and respected round the world, and you knew straight away you were connected to the BBC when you tuned in. Wibderful reporters like Mark Tully in India, knew the country well but were removed from local politics. Now the BBC wants to go “global”, and in so doing has lost its unique identity, and much more. For example, on Sunday morning, watching News channel at 9 am, report from Ukraine, English reporter in the Crimea, the report fro Kiev was given by a chap with transatlantic accent, no idea if he was a BBC reporter, or some agency chap. Next to Malaya for report on the disappearance of the plane. Young Chinese woman (fair enough, plenty of ethinic Chinese there), but with a strong American accent. Reporters from the Middle East, Africa and India are local, with strong accents, and we have no idea how neutral their reporting is. Why am I paying a licence fee for a “Global” news service of uncertain neutrality?
I do love the internet, as I can find opinions and occurrences that I otherwise would never have known about if I took my information from nowhere other than the BBC……
In my defence, I would not say the headline is a lie, it is eye catching to be sure but how else would you describe the police banning a memorial to a dead teenager purely because a group of violent Muslims demand it? Looks like a Shariah enforcement to me. The way that the Kriss Donald case was reported, especially by the BBC is an utter travesty of reporting.
Everytime I see the BBC featuring Doreen Lawrence I can’t help but think about all the other murders, including murders of innocent black men by Muslim thugs who the BBC are not making a fuss about.
What a coincidence, not even 3 weeks since Stephenson announced his intention to have more gay dramas, and the BBC have commissioned his gay lover to write and produce a new five part drama.
The BBC assure the public that Stephenson was at pains to keep his distance from the commissioning process for the series.
But wouldn’t you know it ‘A spokeswoman says London Spy was chosen by BBC2 controller Janice Hadlow and Polly Hill, the head of independent drama. Hill was appointed to her post the year after Stephenson joined the BBC from Granada Television, where they had both worked.’
But we are to believe that there’s no connection and this appointment was completely by chance.
When I saw the picture of Stephenson and his lover something occurred to me. I didn’t know who was who but I had a good guess and a quick Google search confirmed it.
When I saw the picture of Stephenson and his lover something occurred to me. I didn’t know who was who but I had a good guess and a quick Google search confirmed it.
“an ‘anti-social, enigmatic and brilliant’ MI6 agent, who falls for a ‘gregarious, hedonistic, romantic’ man from Vauxhall’s ‘self-styled’ gay village”
stephen nolan and the biased radio 5 live is really getting on my nerves just lately,did you hear him last night indulging in his favorite sport of christian baiting,his latest victim last night was some poor christian chap who has been taken to court by the christian hating equality and human rights commision (formely cre ) just because he does not want to have unmarried couples in his guest house in wales,of course nolan wheeled out that radical christian hating activist gay from the secular society keith portishead to attack him,the chap pointed out to nolan that the secular soceity and human rights bozos never go after muslims or any other group accussed of discrimination,its always christians,that got me thinking,why did nolan not have a big phone in about bbc 3s decision to ban free speech on a programme called free speech from the birmingham central mosque last thursday because the topic was called can muslims be gay in islam,no outcry from nolan or radio 5 live about that,just more christian bashing as usual from nolan and bbc radio 5 live.
“The British Broadcasting Corporation has denied censoring a debate over homosexuality and Islam, instead claiming that it was protecting its venue host, Birmingham Central mosque, and “its community”.”
To protect it from whom i would like to know,gays in pink uniforms or goats in tutu’s……
The BBC doesn’t care about the mainstream community only those that tick the BBC boxes.
Obama and Cameron has said the Crimean referendum is illegal !!
From what I saw they were actually using ballot paper and ballot boxes !! In some American states they use electronic voting, no trace of the votes and in Britain we have postal voting, no corruption there then. Just more hypocrisy.
Those poor Tatars, Stalin deported them all doncha know. History is important isn’t it especially when you’re using it to elicit sympathy … I wonder when they’re going to mention the ‘harvesting of the Steppe’.
Nary a mention that Stalin deported the entire Greek, Armenian and Bulgarian populations from the Crimea too. Mind you, they’re Christian so the BBC doesn’t bother about them.
Newsnight tonight. Why is the science story getting top billing?
Oh I see, Paxo has two dark-skinned female scientists as guests. You can bet if Newsnight was only able to invite two old white male scientists on, this story would be at the end of the programme. As per usual.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) seems to be politically sympathetic to Muslims who go to Syria as Islamic jihadists to massacre people there; INBBC gives extended, politically sympathetic interviews with the Muslim families of such Islamic jihadist perpetrators, with INBBC putting in the word ‘heroes,’ not the word ‘evil’.
In contrast, INBBC has no political sympathy for non-Muslims who criticise Islamic jihadists, such as the following, which INBBC typically censors:-
“Australian Muslims are 10 times more likely to die waging jihad in Syria than serving in the military ”
While INBBC censors, relegates, or obfuscates the nature of the Islamic jihad threat, Patrick Cockburn doesn’t:-
“Al-Qa’ida, the second act: Is Saudi Arabia regretting its support for terrorism?
“In the second part of his series, Patrick Cockburn examines the role of Saudi Arabia as the jihadists’ greatest ally – and asks whether the kingdom will be forced to change tack in the face of American impatience and anarchy in Syria.”
This mornings Reuters report “Most workers in Britain have seen their wages rise by more than inflation in recent years, the government said, seeking to counter a key argument of the opposition Labour party ahead of an election next year” the BBC is headling a survey they carried out claiming just the opposite-Why?
“the BBC is headling a survey they carried out claiming just the opposite”
Ah, things like this were ‘explained’ by a kind new visitor to the forum as how newsrooms have always worked.
Ironically, this was at the same time ignoring how the BBC newsroom rather consistently only ‘works’ in one direction.
Again, interesting what the BBC pays attention to, and how long it takes to respond, and to what extent, depending on all sorts of doubtless FoI exempted internal deliberations taking as long as it can streeeetched out.
Meanwhile, in other news, I have had a urgent email from the BBC that a Rolling Stones concert in Australia has been understandably cancelled due to the tragic death of the partner to the lead singer.
News for sure, I suppose, but quite why needing immediate delivery via special email to me here in the UK, I am less clear.
One is sure A. Newsroom can explain why one gets a grudging obscure correction torn from the living flesh, and the other appears the biggest thing in the BBC’s ‘news’ schedule.
‘A letter from the head of the BBC’s corporate affairs department, Andrew Scadding, to one Tory MP, says the proposal could damage services without delivering any demonstrable benefit to those who struggle to pay‘.
I would have thought that not being sent to prison might be a quite demonstrable benefit!
Albeeba breakfast and steffapotomous have spent over two hours this morning on a blatant Labour Party Broadcast concentrating on the faked cost of living crisis. Speaker after speaker queued up to say the mantra that wages lagging inflation have caused hardship.
“The BBC’s Question Time has been accused of giving its Labour guests an easier ride than Coalition politicians.
A leaked briefing note for host David Dimbleby revealed he was urged to ask many more questions of former Deputy Prime Minister, Lord Heseltine, than the Labour work and pensions spokesman Rachel Reeves.”
How long does it take each morning for the Today programme to make my blood boil? It was instantaneous today as the first item I heard. (6.50 am) was about the poor Muslims in Central African Republic being killed by the nasty Christians. To be honest I do feel sympathy for those being murdered in these conditions. But we were told that these murders were in response to atrocities that took place last year. But why didn’t the BBC report those atrocities? I think we know why.
… and a little later in the programme they’re getting knickers, y-fronts or unisex underwear in a twist because a pink-covered book of fairy tales with the name ‘The Little Book of Girl’s Fairy Tales’ has been published. The Today programme finds this ‘pernicious’: the BBC, always getting their priorities ‘just about right’.
Stupid question I know, but how the hell does the Rolling Stones cancelling their Perth concert tomorrow night make THIRD billing on the News at 8am on Today?
Yes, we know of it-like Alexander McQueen very sad( maybe we should ban fashion as a high risk mental health problem, until we`ve done more research)-but the fact that Antipodean fans of said “wrinkly rockers” think it “understandable and appropriate” that the Stones don`t beat the living hell out of once-good tunes , hardly merits anything does it?
As to the threat to the rest of the tour?…WGAF?….and let`s hope some old Stoners moan if Jagger overplays the grief and cancels a “mystifying and inappropriate” number of Meals on Steel Wheels pensioner singalongs.
Maybe if they did a few gigs featuring twenty minutes of silence that would do it…bloody Midnight Rambler and that interminable solo ought to cover it.
C4 did good coverage of the earlier atrocities in the CAR. At that time the BBC hordes were busy infesting Mandelafest and none of them was available to report on other African news.
They did, very briefly, mention that these were revenge attacks. But the bias is in the way those previous muslim on christian attacks were reported – ie without the outrage and pity for the victims shown in today’s report, and only very reluctantly mentioning the religious affiliations of the perpetrators and victims (which were insisted upon frequently in today’s report).
“Central African Republic: Muslim group threw 13 people into disused fuel tank and left them to die.”
(Feb, 2014.)
{Opening excerpt}:
“As far as the mainstream media is concerned, Christians in the Central African Republic are gratuitously targeting innocent Muslims. This story, however, will get little play. And they never mention how Muslims murdered 1,000 Christians over a two-day period. Or how 450,000 Christians fled their homes in the face of Muslim attacks. All that is fine; it’s only when Christians fight back that it becomes news…” (By Robert Spencer.)
Link is below-
Recent ‘Jihadwatch’ reports on C.A.R-
Muslim as victim narrative. Repeat after me … muslims are only victims never perps
Lookout for the Newsnight special on the Tatars and how the Russians are being beastly to them.
Following our great excitement at seeing BBC man Nick Robinson getting down with the kidz on Twitter : ‘hash tag – just asking’ it seems he’s picked sides in the Crimea story and he’s sticking with his chosen side.
Meanwhile BBC man Daniel Sandford tries to bring Nick back to his senses – but makes an awkward reference to ‘state media’
Daniel Sandford @BBCDanielS Mar 17
@bbcnickrobinson My analysis on the ground is that there was overwhelming support anyway, but obviously influenced by Russian state media
Nick Robinson @bbcnickrobinson Mar 17
My colleague @BBCDanielS points out “there was overwhelming support anyway”. The questions are about way done not inevitability of outcome
Ah, I think I see, Nick is raising what lawyers might call a technical objection.
Oh dear-Beeboid with kidz?
Not a good mix is it? Hence the need to roll uo BBC3 with future options on cBBC and Beebies surely to come.
The BBC hoped to be a dream catcher for the nations unformed minds…but turns out to be the Child Catcher of ChittyBang nightmares…without the redeeming tunes and Benny Hill.
When the BBC replace that f***in Rainbow flag , Sharia-compliant black flag and old pink Soviet one…and the obligatory EU one of course..with four CRB “stiffkits”( a La Steve Wright if needs be) up on poles outside the FuhrerBunker of Salford…..then I`d risk a kid in there as long as he was a karate one.
Couldn`t they get Ken Clark ro reprise his “Savilisation” series?…or are we condemned to simply get their Salivation out-takes and offcuts until we “firebrand” the whole lot of em
With apologies to Russell Brand and Owen Jones…and with reference to their only source of reference points…dear Wolfie Smith!)
The BBC keep telling me that the Crimean referendum was ‘illegal’, according to their friends in the EU. I’m struggling to see how the democratic will of over 95% of a country’s population – freely voting, not at gunpoint and able to abstain if they so wished under no penalty – can be interpreted as ‘illegal’ (as opposed, say, to the armed coup of an elected government which is somehow ‘democratic’ by the BBC’s standards).
Can anyone explain to me how the BBC have arrived at this pronouncement? I’m baffled.
I explored briefly the BBC website seeking some explanation of the use of the word “illegal” and what constituted legality in respect of this referendum. I arrived here in a page headed “Is Crimea’s Referendum Legal?” Unfortunately, in its “mission to explain” the BBC doesn’t actually explain on that page (or anywhere else on the BBC website that I can find using the BBC’s search facility) what exactly constitute’s legality or otherwise.
AFAIAA the only illegality here is that the referendum is against Crimean domestic law in that referendums there apparently have to involve all the population not just one province. Accordingly, although international law is rubbish anyway, it appears that there is no illegality in international law in holding a local referendum and (as Russia is) acting accordingly. Of course, Russian actions are deeply opportunistic and self-serving and the “choice” offered in the referendum purely illusory. But illegal?
IMHO “illegal” here is being used in the same way that, for instance, Lady Hodge uses the loaded word “evasion” to describe something legitimate if regrettable (ie “avoidance”) of she disapproves. In other words the EU and US disapprove of the Russian action (as do I as it happens) but there’s little they can do about it directly or, it seems, effectively. However, by squawking “it’s illegal” they seek to conceal the humiliation caused by their evident impotence on the basis that there’s some court in the sky (the ECHR or ICC or Harman’s “court of public opinion” for instance) which will brand Russia criminal and compel it by moral force to stop its takeover of the Crimea. Well, it ain’t going to happen. Even so, you’d think that the BBC – and the paper press – could make it crystal clear what (or what not) the legality is here.
“AFAIAA the only illegality here is that the referendum is against Crimean domestic law in that referendums there apparently have to involve all the population not just one province”
So how does that work regarding the Scottish Referendum? Or is that “different”?
Funny how Umbongo and Eric (below) both seem (independently) to have sussed out why the referendum should be deemed illegal where a whole army of ‘the world’s top investigative journalists’ have failed miserably.
Makes you wonder sometimes what they do with that £4bn p.a.
Speaking of which, I notice the BBC is still referring to the free and democratic decision of 97% of the Crimea’s population to rejoin Russia as a ‘crisis’.
When is a democratic process a crisis? When 97% of people willingly and without recourse to violence or bloodshed vote against the wishes of the EU and the BBC?
Must be that mythical BBC ‘impartiality’ at work again…
Why do the BBC keep forgetting to remind us that traditionally Crimea was always part of Russia – and it was only a silly move by Boris Yeltsin (sober ?) that transferred it to the Ukraine, With no reference to the wishes of the people of Crimea.
The referendum merely puts Crimea back where it belongs ?
It was Khrushchev, a Ukrainian, who transferred the Crimea in 1954. Supposedly for administrative reasons. I think John is referring to the Budapest memorandum of 1993 that recognised the Crimea in the Ukraine but with significant autonomy – it was all part of the deal to get rid of Ukraine’s nukes. You’re right about Yeltsin though, he was probably so pissed he didn’t know what he was signing.
Arab Spring?…Kosovo? at one end?…and Prescotts Palaces, congestion charges for Manchester, and Hartlepool Mayors dressed as monkeys?
Boy, it must be hard being a Beeboid trying to give us some principles and rules(guidelines, more like; suggestions if we comply?) that govern us all when a referendum is “populist and unsettling”…an Irish/Danish/Dutch/French one maybe?…and when it`s the demos, the cri de couer of the writhing disempowered masses…that` a regional assembly for Tyneside or whether Mancunians pay a congestion charge…much more important to the BBC and Labour, as it proves.
Good list Eric-we probably need a Referendum scale…as long as the EU, BBC or Labour can callibrate it and ban any other references to it….we know that Crimea is -0.99 at least now.
BBC Newswatch … on BBC 1, on the BBC News Breakfast
but no one is available from the BBC to comment/reply?
as BBC deny censorship, on its own show … on censorship!
Where cowardice, and preferential treatment get you with Islam.
‘The BBC is again comfortable in the delusion the BBC cannot find anyone in the BBC to talk about the BBC on the BBC’.
Taken responsibly, with a great deal of thought, and not about censorship in any way.
Taken responsibly, with a great deal of thought, and not about censorship in any way.
Taken responsibly, with a great deal of thought, and not about censorship in any way.
Taken responsibly, with a great deal of thought, and not about censorship in any way.
Taken responsibly, with a great deal of thought, and not about censorship in any way.
Taken responsibly, with a great deal of thought, and not about censorship in any way.
Taken responsibly, with a great deal of thought, and not about censorship in any way.
Taken responsibly, with a great deal of thought, and not about censorship in any way.
Got that?
And folk are still forced in 2014 by law to pay for this to have access to global broadcast content?
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Shouty Owen in this morning’s Guardian…
Clever how these lefties turn facts on their head..
Meant also to say that these types of blogs with this kind of sentiment serve to convince the BBC that they do follow an impartial line, even when the evidence to the contrary is so compelling.
All quite disingenuous really.
It is beyond belief that Lefties can write such drivel…they cannot believe it!!! I will continue to write to my MP (A Tory) in the hope eventually the Tories will summon a bit of courage to actually stop the BBC behaving as they do. The current push to stop non payment of TV License (Tax) being a criminal offence does seem to have useful momentum. Fingers crossed.
Suggests to me that some are worried about the amount of flak the BBC is getting.
Certainly looks like the circling of waggons.
I saw this article and thought that it should be mentioned here – and was glad to see you had posted the link.
I suppose he was bleating because he got his a**e kicked by Andrew Neil on Friday – he didn’t look a happy bunny.
I would suggest that if he went to a psychiatrist the diagnosis would be that little Owen was suffering from paranoid delusions brought about by a persecution complex.
For Socialists, it’s always an inferiority complex, brought on by the facts.
What I have noticed is that those on the far left (like Jones) attack the BBC as being too right wing, people on the centre right to far right attack it as being too left wing. People in the centre do not say anything and those on the liberal left, who unerringly support the labour party, tend to defend the BBC the most vociferously.
This makes me conclude that the BBC staff are right when they claim that the BBC is a liberal left wing organisation with a distinct left wing bias.
I note that Andrew Marr’s comment that Scotland may find it difficult to join the EU, has been taken by the SNP as an example of the extreme bias of the BBC in favour of the Better Together campaign. It will be interesting to see if and how the BBC react.
Of course we all know that bias comments by BBC interviewers and commentators against the Tories and in favour of Labour, are much more extreme than Marr’s was and occur daily. Perhaps the Tories should have reacted as vigorously as the SNP have done, way back in the 80’s when this started.
Nicky Campbell is looking to the sky and scratching his head this morning, getting all, concerned voice/ interesting hair over the missing flight, such a mystery? .. on BBC5Live
breathless and perplexed they immediately cut to any snippet of news.
Zaharie Ahmad pilot of missing Malaysian airliner -fanatical supporter of MB linked-politician?
(cue “twilight zone” music, what! … how?)
Fariq Abdul Hamid, 27, second in command pilot of the aircraft, described by his family and imam as very devout Muslim?
(there has to be an answer? … what can it be?~)
how about
Pouria Nour Mohammad Mehrdad and Delavar Seyed Mohammadreza, booked by an Iranian agent under false passports. 18 and 19 year old.?
(hmmm … any link at all? … no! … no idea)
“Evidence of a plot by Malaysian Islamists to hijack a passenger jet in a 9/11-style attack is being investigated in connection with the disappearance of Flight MH370. Security experts said evidence from a convicted British terrorist was “credible”. The supergrass said that he had met the Malaysian jihadists – one of whom was a pilot – in Afghanistan and given them a shoe bomb to use to take control of an aircraft”
(what! why? … WHY!)
“Malaysian police and Interpol are “taking a close look at a 35-year-old passenger of Uighur descent” — that is, a member of the Muslim group in western China that has been waging jihad with increasing ferocity against the Chinese recently”,
“and Investigators were correct in honing in on the two fake-passport carrying Iranian passengers on the doomed flight, and they have wasted valuable time by exploring other leads”
(no matter how closely we look, can t just make a …….
no sorry! … no, no idea).
… planes/airlines/airports hmmm … is there any link?
American Airlines Flight 63 The “shoe bomb”, a failed al-Qaeda PETN bombing attempt in December 2001.
2004 Russian aircraft bombings Islamist terrorist attacks on two domestic Russian passenger aircraft flying from Moscow. The bombs were triggered by two female Chechen suicide bombers. Shamil Salmanovich Basayev militant leader of the Chechen terrorist movement claimed credit.
2006 transatlantic aircraft plot, al-Queda terrorist plot to detonate liquid explosives carried on board at least 10 airliners travelling from the United Kingdom to the United States and Canada.
followed the same general plan as the Bojinka plot.
Northwest Airlines Flight 253, the target of a failed al-Qaeda PETN bombing attempt in December 2009
2010 cargo plane bomb plot, failed
al-Qaeda PETN bombing attempt on two planes in October 2010
Better recheck Israel and then the EDL.
‘Nothing to do with terrorism – they are asylum seekers’
Ever helpful BBC – chips in with “10 mystery aviation disasters”.?
in latest BBC news
“Missing Malaysia Airlines plane ‘deliberately diverted’
with more helpful BBC highlighted
“I wouldn t believe it” palava, and that sometimes a pilot “gets depressed” or “has a family issue”
and might want to “consider suicide”.
Well at least the passengers would have had a sublime feeling of cultural enrichment as they sped towards the ground.
It is an interesting issue
IMHO it is on the ground – the authorities know that it is safe and are now negotiating with the hijackers while drip feeding the media with all sorts of misleading information
I would look in the Caucasus
You can be certain that if it turns out to be an Islamic based hijacking, the BBC will describe the hijackers as men, and we can be sure that Cameron has already recorded his statement for BBC broadcasting that it has nothing to do with Islam. And this will be followed with a reading from the Koran by Clegg, and should there be – heaven forbid – .a massacre, the TUC will supply buses for UAF demonstrators to combat any who criticise the terrorists responsible.
Or it’s on the ground somewhere being kitted out with a nuke or a dirty bomb ready to fly into a western airport or airspace. Or tin foil hat off, it’s in the drink somewhere. One thing we can all agree on is that it’s a bloody mystery at the moment.
BBC news website has a front page story about Iraqi refuges trapped in Syria who want to emigrate to the US, and have now been advised to apply to emigrate to the UK. ( Good luck to them, but it seems to be assumed by the BBC that it’s reasonable for the US or UK to be the 2 options. What about Egypt, Kenya, Turkey, Brazil, India, Australia, Germany, Ukraine, Cyprus, Algeria, China etc. etc. ?
Can anyone shed light on this quandary for me?…….
The BNP are banned from peddling their bile on university campus’s up and down this Country, to protect impressionable young minds from being indoctrinated with their thesis………Good!……..The big three parties are supposed to have some sort of silent agreement, that they will stay away too, whilst the teenagers explore adulthood for the very first time…
So why is it then, that groups like Hope not Hate are now openly crowing that they’re “Mobilising students” with their false slogan ‘vote hope”?
Hope Not Hate may not stand for elections, but they’re funded by the Labour party and the left wing unions…..If the Tories or UKIP were doing this, the BBC would have informed us all via several Panorama exclusives with Jeremy Vine……
Why are the Labour Party now exempt from manipulating young minds to do their dirty work for them via vile change agents such as Lowles’s “Hope not Hate”?
“whilst the teenagers explore adulthood for the very first time”
ie: For many, getting rat arsed as often as possible and doing little work, as E Asian students would understand it.
It also falls under the term “finding yourself”.
Labour “Hope not Hate Tories”?
And I do not see how anything the BNP could say, could be so dangerous, that it would be essential to ban “Free Speech”.
There are very good speakers, but I am not aware that BNP speakers are that good, or the best speakers.
But then, I can understand why no one would want to ban speeches by Cameron, Clegg, Milliband or any other brain deadly boring speakers.
The more one reflects on this the worse the revealed bias appears
Retweeted by Rachel Burden
BBC Radio 5 live @bbc5live Mar 14
Tony Benn regularly went to @GlastoFest: “It almost persuades me anarchy would be possible” >
The BBC wants to limit the debate on its future to a choice between continuing with the licence tax (plus inflation !!) versus subscription funding. Nice to see that others have wider views – here comes Mr Blobby offering to buy the BBC to save it from itself :
My wife usually listen to this programme at 9.45 – a morning story. Today though there was a last minute change – how many guesses do you need to work out whose “story it was”
The Wedgie Benn himself.
They just can’t help it can they?
I heard it.
Well worth a listen, in that the likes of Kinnock and Mandelson are still around…and we can now see the nature of the scum he had to deal with…and his character analyses are as true now as they were then….no wonder any praise for Benn had to be winkled out of them between their bitching comb overs and crab claws.
And one more thing-turns out that Benn was not against the EU in a Cash/Thatcher kind of way( she tried to make some cause with him as an anti-federalist, and was rebuffed)…but was against it for the same reason as Brown rejected the Euro.
Because his OWN empire, influence and plans to rule the country along Social Marxist lines would be threatened.
Glad I heard that from the horses mouth…
Final observation-Benn enjoyed chatting to Tories and not to his own side…for reasons that are now obvious, hence the gritted teeth equivocations from the Left/Labour re their erstwhile “brother and comrade”.
Bulingdon Berties United at the Durham Miners Phone Box Rally this July then?…Viscount Biscuit and an hour of Owen Jones trying Bob Crows cap for size?
bBC news Cathy Ashton to assembled press ” I don’t need to remind you that the voting in Crimea was illegal”
Oh, I guess that means the storming of the government buildings in Kiev was ok then Katie?
What would she know about voting?
‘Voting is forbidden’ that perfectly sums up the EUSSR
Surely the Crimea will have to rerun that Referendum of theirs, now that Ashton has decided that it`s gone the wrong way.
Who knows?…those 95% voters might reconsider once they`ve been inspired by von Rumpoy and assorted Kinnocks…and if we include all those Derby Postal votes that they could stuff in their diplomatic sacks, the E.U might get the desired result.
How I pine for Soviet-style democracy these days….Putin at least allows a Referendum vote, unlike the EU….
Which would explain we we in the EU are not allowed a vote on whether we want to stick to the likes of Ashton…but Putins Russians/Crimeans/Ukrainians DO get a vote.
If anyone had told me that the former Soviet Union would be giving referendums to its citizens, as opposed to the so called “democratic West” that I was born into…within my lifetime in the last 30 years or less…I`d not have believed it.
But there again, I don`t believe a word the EU says(or for that matter its pension pisspots dotted throughout the BBC like scatter cushions).
Patten, Mandelson and Kinnock…Strasbourg slurry, too toxic to stay over there…
There couldn’t have been a better symbol of the EU’s meddling than our vote challenged Cath.
Not one of the BBC’s 10,000 journos seems willing for the EU to take the credit for the putsch in Ukraine. Funny that as they are usually so keen on trumpetting the EU’s successes.
There’s a great piece on what an utter screw up the EU has made of the Ukraine situation called: “Only Two Possibilities” at:
One thing I haven’t seen discussed (may have missed it) is a ‘flight 93’ scenario. In other words the plane was hijacked, diverted and then a little while later there was an attempt to restore control, resulting in the flight crashing (or it could even be that the inexperienced passengers tried to return but the plance had passed the point of no return over the Indian Ocean, ran out of fuel and crashed in the sea)
I can certainly imagine a scenario that the flight changed course without the passengers noticing (in the dark) at least initially – you could do it by performing the turn whilst simulating ‘air turbulance’.
“John Humphrys: Listeners have a right to know what I think of the BBC”
‘The BBC – and this might sound pompous so forgive me – is owned by the viewers and the listeners, the licence payers. And they should be told what people who work for the BBC think about it.’
Ha ha ha!
Does that include the 70% of ‘viewers, listeners, licence fee payers’ who believe immigration should be stopped or severely reduced?
The BBC, where self satire comes as standard.
Wonder if Jeremy Vine learned a thing in the presence of the clearest philosophical defence of Christianity that I`ve just heard on his show?
Ann Widdicombe really did a good job, and trenchantly stuck Vines liberal musings up his fundament as she had to ( Vines Show 1pm Radio 2 today)…and I learned more about Christian apologetics from Ann than I have ever done from a BBC show before.
Hats off to her-and to be fair to Vine he was not his usual reflex idiot self…he may well have been learning, so let`s pray that he did!
Turned over to Radio 4-and hear of the death of another doughty game bird of Albion-Clarissa Dixon-Wright-and reckon we`ve lost something great…as opposed to rentaBennery gestures we`ve seen of late….
Widdicombe is a fool whose entire worldview was torn to shreds in an embarrassing fashion during the intelligence squared debate. Christianity is nothing more than another Abrahamic cult like our favourite islam, that has been dragged into modernity by the rational forces of secularism.
‘….the rational forces of secularism’.
I’m an agnostic and all ears.
How the bBC allows racist Islamic relgious bigots to play the victim-card:
Haitham Al-Haddad says Islamophobia cancelled Legoland day
“An imam who had planned a day out for Muslim families at Legoland in Windsor has blamed “extreme Islamophobia” for the event being cancelled. Haitham Al-Haddad said his group privately hired the theme park for a day of “halal food and no alcohol”.
So who is this Iman (Iman at the bBC automatically means a man of peace) well here are a few snippets from this victim of Islamophobia:
““I will tell you the truth about the fight between us and Jews who are the enemies of God and the descendants of apes and pigs.” That is the correct translation of a statement the controversial British-Palestinian Muslim cleric Haitham al-Haddad made in 2001, Arabic-speaking journalists at
Radio Netherlands Worldwide confirm.
How about his views on Women:
” “A man should not be questioned why he hit his wife, because this is something between them.”
“Dr al-Haddad, who gained a PhD at SOAS, has described homosexuality as a “criminal act” and said there is a “proper” way of performing FGM.,
“women cannot debate wearing veil
Or how about this not so peaceful stance
“A controversial Islamic preacher has called for 15,000 protesters to gather in Stratford tonight in support of a so called mega mosque in Newham. Sheikh Haitham Al-Haddad, who sits on the Islamic Sharia Council, has posted an internet video on YouTube urging families, including women and children, to congregate outside the Old Town Hall on Broadway ahead of a council meeting to decide on plans for the mosque in West Ham.which will be 3 times bigger than St Pauls”
You don’t really want to know what he thinks of Gay people.
And the bBC instead of mentioning any of the above, instead allow him to play the Islamophobia card.
The bBC, the propaganda arm of Sharia law in the UK
“Allah’s Sword of Terror.
“At last, let us understand that the heartbeat of the jihad — sex, violence, and rapine — has scarcely changed in nearly fourteen centuries, says Raymond Ibrahim, a rare authority on such matters. Be educated, be shocked.”
“Sharia and the Virtue of Hate”
(6 min video)
By Bill Warner.
Well done Pounce on exposing the real thoughts of these mulims and the BBC’s choice not to
The BBC has apologised after failing to ensure students were aware of the risks involved in taking part in a Panorama programme on North Korea last year.
The BBC Trust’s editorial standards committee said the breaches amounted to “a serious failing.”
Reporter John Sweeney joined a group of former and current London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) students to gain access to North Korea.
This affair would appear to have originally followed the usual pattern of complaints against the BBC, i.e. no we are right, you are wrong
The father of “student X” and the LSE were dissatisfied with the BBC’s responses to their original complaints, which were subsequently accepted on appeal by the Trust’s Editorial Standards Committee.
Fancy having to spend a week in Sweeney’s company. Ugh!
Merely noting that, while the Trust does seem to have been moved to actually grant a failing, it was only after persistence pushed the complaint through the default, labyrinthine attrition system that is Complaints (and, guessing, possibly the ECU as you don’t get to the Trust unless through them).
As overseen and signed off upon originally by, one presumes… The Trust.
That’s a lot of deliberately created ‘we think we got it right again’ hurdles to have to deal with.
Hats off to the complainants.
Just not too clear what actual consequences there have been, are or will be to all taken to task, as it seems after several months and every hoop in the book, a quiet mea culpa online, slap wrist at the Xmas party and off to the next abuse they go with no more than a black star in the laugh-in log in the loos.
Beeboids censor out reporting of student censorship of UKIP.
Presumably because UKIP insisted the audience be segregated on gender lines?
Auntie blowing yet more public money away from programming to prop its failing unique everythings up?
Shocked, I tells ya… shocked!
This one has to have sent a slight shiver across the Staffel hereabouts too..
‘…why not scrap Auntie’s army of PR types and lobbyists who use millions of licence fee payers’ money every year to lobby against our interests.’
TV chef Clarissa Dickson Wright dies
The remaining half of the screen culinary duo Two Fat Ladies has died in hospital in Edinburgh aged 66
A strong ‘health warning’ from BBC News Channel :
“Her cooking was as old school as her attitudes”
ie ‘Don’t you go taking any notice of anything she might have said – whereas Tony Benn loved Glasto boys and girls!
But Wedgie lived to be 88, despite smoking his pipe full of Holborn Shag up to a couple of years back.
Indeed he had to sit next to his own fire extinguisher at Tolpuddle, if the sun came out!
So-compulsory takeup of pipe smoking to go with Bob Crows cap….made Owen Jones look rather Left Bank…ooh!
Unlike Benn or Crow poor Clarissa seems to have been written out of BBC news as someone not worth reporting. Same applies to Channel 4 news. Guess that’s what happens if you are not politically in line with the BBC you are just cease to exist.
Short obituary here:
“During an interview with The Telegraph in 2012, to promote her book Clarissa’s England, she accused the BBC of dropping her and the show because she went too far in praise of hunting, angering then-Prime Minister Tony Blair.”
Clarissa represents everything the BBC hates.
Tony ‘Miranda’ Blair – as she said he was called in his early days in the legal profession?
Is that the same person known as Charles Lynton whose police files mysteriously disappeared shortly after 1 May 1997?
An incredible article from Peston:
Incredible because I can’t actually believe that the BBC would allow this to be published.
Essentially, Peston claims that he was told that Russia asked China, during the 2008 financial crisis, to act in concert to blow up the US stockmarket (by crashing Freddie and Fannie).
The reason why this is huge news is that it lends a lot of insight (and perhaps even credence) to the Russian threat to dump UST in the event of sanctions.
Its probable that this plan of action would have been discussed with the Chinese, and Peston’s anecdote adds a lot of weight to this conjecture. If so, Russia is unlikely to have put this on the table so quickly if they didn’t think they could follow through (unlike Obama / the Eurocrats, Putin seems to understand that bluffs are often called and so it pays to be able to back up ultimatums with more than just hot air and ‘sanctions’ against 7 people etc).
This isn’t an issue of BBC bias, but I’m curious why such an incendiary article was allowed to be published at this fairly critical juncture in the evolving Ukraine stand-off.
This incident appears in To Big to Fail, when Paulson was at the Beijing Olympics, and the Chinese representatives tells him of the approach, and tells him they rebuffed it but warns him that America is carrying too much debt.
There was talk of China pushing Goldman Sachs over the edge by some sort of bonds chicanery centred around Malaysia or some such place. I’ve never been able to find out whether this was just conspiracy nut fodder or real.
Maybe there was some truth in it after all.
According to the urban dictionary it’s Unresolved Sexual Tension !
Bias in the way the BBC report news is easy to spot, but the real gems of their bias is in what they choose NOT to report on.
Here’s just two examples:
Robert Mugabe demands pay rise after daughter’s expensive wedding.
After blowing about £3 million on his daughter’s wedding earlier this month, Zimbabwe’s president Robert Mugabe says he wants a pay rise
Ah, the black paradise in southern Africa. Can’t touch that.
Convicted terrorists, extremist preachers and dozens of other Islamist activists rallied in East London on Saturday, in a sure sign that the newly founded ‘Need4Khilafah’ group is becoming increasingly emboldened in its anti-Western agitation efforts in the UK.
Definitely off the agenda, smacks of that daft epithet “Islamophobia” what ever that is. Even my spellchecker spews that one back.
But wait what’s this from the BBC:
Haitham Al-Haddad says Islamophobia cancelled Legoland day
Are they still banging on about that.
Long ago given up expecting the BBC@s news coverage to be full and fair. Now look at various other news organisations to get a fully rounded and less biased idea of what is going on in the world., Reuters has been really good at explaining the situation in the Ukraine, and Aljazeera actually gives far better and wider coverage of the middle east than the BBC, which does not report on things that reflect badly on Islam. The BBC still does not understand that we have so many other sources of news – none of which we have to pay a licence fee for.
Earlier, elsewhere, I asked if the MP tasking Ian Katz on the process leading to the new Economics Editor’s selection had had an answer.
In the spirit of disclosure, I have stumbled across something that suggest there was an answer of sorts, if not to him, and via the medium twitter, of course:
‘Katz responded via Twitter: “Afraid your duck won’t fly Louise. Job advertised externally. Dozens of applications. At least 10 interviewed. Night, night.”
That puts it all to bed, right? Well, sorry, not really. Because where the BBC, Newsnight and Mr. Katz are concerned, I have more faith in flying pigs.
Is there any more than this ‘it is ‘cos I say so’ claim? If so, why is more detail so coyly under wraps, still needing teasing from the living flesh?
As to BBC hiring policy in general, if it walks like a Labour activist, quacks like a Labour activist, it is of course widely respected on all sides of the political spectrum as fair and intelligent, at least as far as the BBC is concerned. BBC ducks do not bring duck views to the duck pond.
‘Night, night’.
Oh the arrogance of the fellow.
Ian, son, when you can demonstrate that you got the job on merit rather than as a favour from a chum/ boyfriend (as happens in the BBC); when the BBC has gone subscription, and you can demonstrate that your and your colleagues’ salaries are a function of the supply and demand for your product (rather than mates rates arising from a compulsory tax); and when you can demonstrate that you can actually find any viewers interested in your comedy hour, *then* you can crow.
Until then, why don’t you just STFU.
Censored by INBBC:-
Islamic jihadists behead mother of two girls and her cousin after discovering they were Christians”
By Robert Spencer.
From Guido Fawkes:
BBC Spin Machine Lobbying MPs on Licence Fee
“The BBC are using their team of expensive in-house lobbyists to cajole MPs into rejecting plans to decriminalise not paying the TV Licence Fee. In a briefing seen by Guido, smooth talking BBC lobbyist Alice Dickerson told MPs that “the BBC does not want people to go to prison,” before reminding MPs ……………
Read more here
‘BBC lobbyist Alice Dickerson told MPs that “the BBC does not want people to go to prison,’” -even if there are some people who may want certain Beeboids to go to prison.
If you get placed on the Stuart Hall wing, it may well be worth your while bringing in your autograph book.
Sense there`s a few more yet to send through…and, of course; the advantage of NOT actually needing your own TV License.
The BBC-the prisoners friend, looking cow-eyed with concern as the poor get stuck into those paddy wagons of G4S…the Toynbee Look, as I think it`s called…
Ms. Dickerson’s statement is about as credible as anything TVL comes out with on what is or isn’t the law and the BBC does or doesn’t want.
Their entire House of Cards is founded on the fear they deliberately promote, so for her to try and claim otherwise is two-faced disingenuousness at best.
The BBC is also less than keen on people knowing that the only time a licence is required is when they watch live broadcast TV.
Doesn’t stop them pumping out misinformation PR to local papers up and down the country about the ‘excuses’ folk come out with before getting hauled to court.
Ms. D is misguided at best.
But does any one actually get sent to prison for not paying their TV Tax? Don’t those imprisoned get their chance to be raped in the showers for non payment of the fine they were given for not paying their TV Tax?
IIRC the BBC insisted on that separation for some reason.
Justin weighs in (Mr. Nazi would approve too).
I’m sure he’s thrilled at how it has gone so far.
Douglas Carswell MP @DouglasCarswell
PANIC ATTACK! BBC lobbyists panic at threat to license fee …
justin webb @JustinOnWeb
@DouglasCarswell please Douglas as well as being a bargain it’s a noun – licence!
Mark Wallace @wallaceme
@JustinOnWeb @douglascarswell let’s agree to call it “tax”
justin webb @JustinOnWeb
@wallaceme @DouglasCarswell an elegant solution. Oh, wait …
Douglas Carswell MP @DouglasCarswell 3m
@JustinOnWeb @wallaceme If it is such a bargain, you’ll have no difficulty selling subscriptions! As opposed to prosecuting unwilling buyers
Can we go any easier on Obama?
Newsniffer reveals the ‘developing’ BBC response to their favourite President of their least favourite nation.
Version 0
#BBCtrending: Did US President’s Two Ferns viral video really help Obamacare?
‘#BBCtrending asks: did it really work?’
Or, to put it another way…..
Version 1
‘ #BBCtrending asks if it has had an impact? ‘
Beeboids’ Global Broadcasting Empire serves its colonials worldwide with output, paid for by British licence-payers, of such vital minutiae as this:-
“BBC News website changes for Asia and Pacific readers”
By Angus Foster
Acting World Editor, BBC News Online.
Who says the Beeboid world is over-staffed?
Blimey, it’s perked up a bit from the sleepy backwater it became since it stopped sharing Editors’ insights (that were promptly slaughtered in comments, needing an early closing usually) to tedious deckchair rearranging technical updates (that get slaughtered in comments… 75!… needing a closing within a day). Progress indeed.
Of course, in the Beeboid online world, Australia has been made part of ‘Asia’.
Good grief! Do you mean all those “Asian men” grooming young girls might be Australians?
The BBC’s Agenda21-adaptive keyboards have a mind of their own….
Time was, when the “BBC” received pronunciation accent was known and respected round the world, and you knew straight away you were connected to the BBC when you tuned in. Wibderful reporters like Mark Tully in India, knew the country well but were removed from local politics. Now the BBC wants to go “global”, and in so doing has lost its unique identity, and much more. For example, on Sunday morning, watching News channel at 9 am, report from Ukraine, English reporter in the Crimea, the report fro Kiev was given by a chap with transatlantic accent, no idea if he was a BBC reporter, or some agency chap. Next to Malaya for report on the disappearance of the plane. Young Chinese woman (fair enough, plenty of ethinic Chinese there), but with a strong American accent. Reporters from the Middle East, Africa and India are local, with strong accents, and we have no idea how neutral their reporting is. Why am I paying a licence fee for a “Global” news service of uncertain neutrality?
Oops, that should be Wonderful not “wiberful”!
And all too frequently in barely intelligible English!
I do love the internet, as I can find opinions and occurrences that I otherwise would never have known about if I took my information from nowhere other than the BBC……
Anybody heard anything about this until now?
The headline is a bit of a lie but… Nulabour while in power were keen to allow sharia law in certain areas. Luckily a General Election intervened.
In my defence, I would not say the headline is a lie, it is eye catching to be sure but how else would you describe the police banning a memorial to a dead teenager purely because a group of violent Muslims demand it? Looks like a Shariah enforcement to me. The way that the Kriss Donald case was reported, especially by the BBC is an utter travesty of reporting.
Everytime I see the BBC featuring Doreen Lawrence I can’t help but think about all the other murders, including murders of innocent black men by Muslim thugs who the BBC are not making a fuss about.
As not seen on the state broadcaster…
As has been said on here before, it’s often what the BBC chooses not to report…..
What a coincidence, not even 3 weeks since Stephenson announced his intention to have more gay dramas, and the BBC have commissioned his gay lover to write and produce a new five part drama.
The BBC assure the public that Stephenson was at pains to keep his distance from the commissioning process for the series.
But wouldn’t you know it
‘A spokeswoman says London Spy was chosen by BBC2 controller Janice Hadlow and Polly Hill, the head of independent drama. Hill was appointed to her post the year after Stephenson joined the BBC from Granada Television, where they had both worked.’
But we are to believe that there’s no connection and this appointment was completely by chance.
When I saw the picture of Stephenson and his lover something occurred to me. I didn’t know who was who but I had a good guess and a quick Google search confirmed it.
See if you can tell 😕
SEBASTIAN SHAKESPEARE: BBC Chief’s lover handed a five-part drama deal
LOL Very good spot!
Please please stop..far too much gayness on the bbc.
Take it like a man, ducky!
“an ‘anti-social, enigmatic and brilliant’ MI6 agent, who falls for a ‘gregarious, hedonistic, romantic’ man from Vauxhall’s ‘self-styled’ gay village”
… obviously designated for the BBC 3 “dustbin”?
stephen nolan and the biased radio 5 live is really getting on my nerves just lately,did you hear him last night indulging in his favorite sport of christian baiting,his latest victim last night was some poor christian chap who has been taken to court by the christian hating equality and human rights commision (formely cre ) just because he does not want to have unmarried couples in his guest house in wales,of course nolan wheeled out that radical christian hating activist gay from the secular society keith portishead to attack him,the chap pointed out to nolan that the secular soceity and human rights bozos never go after muslims or any other group accussed of discrimination,its always christians,that got me thinking,why did nolan not have a big phone in about bbc 3s decision to ban free speech on a programme called free speech from the birmingham central mosque last thursday because the topic was called can muslims be gay in islam,no outcry from nolan or radio 5 live about that,just more christian bashing as usual from nolan and bbc radio 5 live.
Meant to attach my comment below to yours.
The BBC excusing itself again:
BBC Denies Censoring ‘Free Speech’ Debate, Claims it Acted to Protect Mosque
“The British Broadcasting Corporation has denied censoring a debate over homosexuality and Islam, instead claiming that it was protecting its venue host, Birmingham Central mosque, and “its community”.”
Pity they didn’t think about that back in 2005
“Springer protests pour in to BBC ”
Protecting the mosque and “its community” from what or from whom? Surely it’s a religion of peace.
It’s all about making Muslim aggressors into victims again, something the bBC does quite often if not all the time.
To protect it from whom i would like to know,gays in pink uniforms or goats in tutu’s……
The BBC doesn’t care about the mainstream community only those that tick the BBC boxes.
What do you think concerned the BBC most about the Crimea referendum ?
A. Russians
C. Ukrainians
Obama and Cameron has said the Crimean referendum is illegal !!
From what I saw they were actually using ballot paper and ballot boxes !! In some American states they use electronic voting, no trace of the votes and in Britain we have postal voting, no corruption there then. Just more hypocrisy.
Clearly islamic potatoes
Those poor Tatars, Stalin deported them all doncha know. History is important isn’t it especially when you’re using it to elicit sympathy … I wonder when they’re going to mention the ‘harvesting of the Steppe’.
Nary a mention that Stalin deported the entire Greek, Armenian and Bulgarian populations from the Crimea too. Mind you, they’re Christian so the BBC doesn’t bother about them.
INBBC, the Islam-‘Political Left’ alliance V. ISRAEL
“BBC upholds complaint over biased Israel reporting”
“Fighting back against Biased Boycotters of Israel”
Newsnight tonight. Why is the science story getting top billing?
Oh I see, Paxo has two dark-skinned female scientists as guests. You can bet if Newsnight was only able to invite two old white male scientists on, this story would be at the end of the programme. As per usual.
INBBC and Islamic jihadists.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) seems to be politically sympathetic to Muslims who go to Syria as Islamic jihadists to massacre people there; INBBC gives extended, politically sympathetic interviews with the Muslim families of such Islamic jihadist perpetrators, with INBBC putting in the word ‘heroes,’ not the word ‘evil’.
In contrast, INBBC has no political sympathy for non-Muslims who criticise Islamic jihadists, such as the following, which INBBC typically censors:-
“Australian Muslims are 10 times more likely to die waging jihad in Syria than serving in the military ”
– See more at:
While INBBC censors, relegates, or obfuscates the nature of the Islamic jihad threat, Patrick Cockburn doesn’t:-
“Al-Qa’ida, the second act: Is Saudi Arabia regretting its support for terrorism?
“In the second part of his series, Patrick Cockburn examines the role of Saudi Arabia as the jihadists’ greatest ally – and asks whether the kingdom will be forced to change tack in the face of American impatience and anarchy in Syria.”
LIBYA and the media now.
“Three years after Gaddafi, Libya is imploding into chaos and violence”
“Navy Seals board rogue Libya oil tanker Morning Glory”
Surely this can’t be true the BBC told us the Arab Spring was a wonderful thing.
When will we ever learn to keep our noses out of other people’s business
This mornings Reuters report “Most workers in Britain have seen their wages rise by more than inflation in recent years, the government said, seeking to counter a key argument of the opposition Labour party ahead of an election next year” the BBC is headling a survey they carried out claiming just the opposite-Why?
“the BBC is headling a survey they carried out claiming just the opposite”
Ah, things like this were ‘explained’ by a kind new visitor to the forum as how newsrooms have always worked.
Ironically, this was at the same time ignoring how the BBC newsroom rather consistently only ‘works’ in one direction.
Again, interesting what the BBC pays attention to, and how long it takes to respond, and to what extent, depending on all sorts of doubtless FoI exempted internal deliberations taking as long as it can streeeetched out.
Meanwhile, in other news, I have had a urgent email from the BBC that a Rolling Stones concert in Australia has been understandably cancelled due to the tragic death of the partner to the lead singer.
News for sure, I suppose, but quite why needing immediate delivery via special email to me here in the UK, I am less clear.
One is sure A. Newsroom can explain why one gets a grudging obscure correction torn from the living flesh, and the other appears the biggest thing in the BBC’s ‘news’ schedule.
Kind of funny to see the BBC on the wrong end of one of its own favoured ‘accused of’ headline treatments.
And here’s ‘the BBC’ in full blob mode explaining why ‘the BBC’ is not happy..
It appears open for comments. For now. Shame I need to get the kids to school.
I loved this quote from the BBC:
‘A letter from the head of the BBC’s corporate affairs department, Andrew Scadding, to one Tory MP, says the proposal could damage services without delivering any demonstrable benefit to those who struggle to pay‘.
I would have thought that not being sent to prison might be a quite demonstrable benefit!
Albeeba breakfast and steffapotomous have spent over two hours this morning on a blatant Labour Party Broadcast concentrating on the faked cost of living crisis. Speaker after speaker queued up to say the mantra that wages lagging inflation have caused hardship.
Ah, yes, and what preceded this ‘wages lagging behind inflation’?
Wouldn’t have been ‘spending wildly beyond one’s income’ by any chance?
No way. Not on the BBC.
“spending wildly beyond one’s income’ by any chance?.” Precisely.
Good point johnnythefish.
Dimbleby told to go easy on Rachel Reeves!
Isn’t she up to the the job?
“The BBC’s Question Time has been accused of giving its Labour guests an easier ride than Coalition politicians.
A leaked briefing note for host David Dimbleby revealed he was urged to ask many more questions of former Deputy Prime Minister, Lord Heseltine, than the Labour work and pensions spokesman Rachel Reeves.”
Dimbleby was at his most obnoxious last week when the Tory, Zimdah Natawi (wotevs) tried to put him back in his box.
Can give it.
Can’t take it.
How long does it take each morning for the Today programme to make my blood boil? It was instantaneous today as the first item I heard. (6.50 am) was about the poor Muslims in Central African Republic being killed by the nasty Christians. To be honest I do feel sympathy for those being murdered in these conditions. But we were told that these murders were in response to atrocities that took place last year. But why didn’t the BBC report those atrocities? I think we know why.
… and a little later in the programme they’re getting knickers, y-fronts or unisex underwear in a twist because a pink-covered book of fairy tales with the name ‘The Little Book of Girl’s Fairy Tales’ has been published. The Today programme finds this ‘pernicious’: the BBC, always getting their priorities ‘just about right’.
Stupid question I know, but how the hell does the Rolling Stones cancelling their Perth concert tomorrow night make THIRD billing on the News at 8am on Today?
Yes, we know of it-like Alexander McQueen very sad( maybe we should ban fashion as a high risk mental health problem, until we`ve done more research)-but the fact that Antipodean fans of said “wrinkly rockers” think it “understandable and appropriate” that the Stones don`t beat the living hell out of once-good tunes , hardly merits anything does it?
As to the threat to the rest of the tour?…WGAF?….and let`s hope some old Stoners moan if Jagger overplays the grief and cancels a “mystifying and inappropriate” number of Meals on Steel Wheels pensioner singalongs.
Maybe if they did a few gigs featuring twenty minutes of silence that would do it…bloody Midnight Rambler and that interminable solo ought to cover it.
C4 did good coverage of the earlier atrocities in the CAR. At that time the BBC hordes were busy infesting Mandelafest and none of them was available to report on other African news.
They did, very briefly, mention that these were revenge attacks. But the bias is in the way those previous muslim on christian attacks were reported – ie without the outrage and pity for the victims shown in today’s report, and only very reluctantly mentioning the religious affiliations of the perpetrators and victims (which were insisted upon frequently in today’s report).
“Central African Republic: Muslim group threw 13 people into disused fuel tank and left them to die.”
(Feb, 2014.)
{Opening excerpt}:
“As far as the mainstream media is concerned, Christians in the Central African Republic are gratuitously targeting innocent Muslims. This story, however, will get little play. And they never mention how Muslims murdered 1,000 Christians over a two-day period. Or how 450,000 Christians fled their homes in the face of Muslim attacks. All that is fine; it’s only when Christians fight back that it becomes news…” (By Robert Spencer.)
Link is below-
Recent ‘Jihadwatch’ reports on C.A.R-
Muslim as victim narrative. Repeat after me … muslims are only victims never perps
Lookout for the Newsnight special on the Tatars and how the Russians are being beastly to them.
Following our great excitement at seeing BBC man Nick Robinson getting down with the kidz on Twitter : ‘hash tag – just asking’ it seems he’s picked sides in the Crimea story and he’s sticking with his chosen side.
Meanwhile BBC man Daniel Sandford tries to bring Nick back to his senses – but makes an awkward reference to ‘state media’
Daniel Sandford @BBCDanielS Mar 17
@bbcnickrobinson My analysis on the ground is that there was overwhelming support anyway, but obviously influenced by Russian state media
Nick Robinson @bbcnickrobinson Mar 17
My colleague @BBCDanielS points out “there was overwhelming support anyway”. The questions are about way done not inevitability of outcome
Ah, I think I see, Nick is raising what lawyers might call a technical objection.
Oh dear-Beeboid with kidz?
Not a good mix is it? Hence the need to roll uo BBC3 with future options on cBBC and Beebies surely to come.
The BBC hoped to be a dream catcher for the nations unformed minds…but turns out to be the Child Catcher of ChittyBang nightmares…without the redeeming tunes and Benny Hill.
When the BBC replace that f***in Rainbow flag , Sharia-compliant black flag and old pink Soviet one…and the obligatory EU one of course..with four CRB “stiffkits”( a La Steve Wright if needs be) up on poles outside the FuhrerBunker of Salford…..then I`d risk a kid in there as long as he was a karate one.
Couldn`t they get Ken Clark ro reprise his “Savilisation” series?…or are we condemned to simply get their Salivation out-takes and offcuts until we “firebrand” the whole lot of em
With apologies to Russell Brand and Owen Jones…and with reference to their only source of reference points…dear Wolfie Smith!)
Beeboid DOUCET: moves on from acting as PR for EU’s Ashton, to now acting as tourism guide for Islamic Republic of Iran:
“Four days in Tehran”
Pollyanna Doucet seems to have missed these recent events relating to the Islamic Republic of Iran:
Wonder whether the ‘four days in Tehran’ took in a stones tour?
The BBC keep telling me that the Crimean referendum was ‘illegal’, according to their friends in the EU. I’m struggling to see how the democratic will of over 95% of a country’s population – freely voting, not at gunpoint and able to abstain if they so wished under no penalty – can be interpreted as ‘illegal’ (as opposed, say, to the armed coup of an elected government which is somehow ‘democratic’ by the BBC’s standards).
Can anyone explain to me how the BBC have arrived at this pronouncement? I’m baffled.
I explored briefly the BBC website seeking some explanation of the use of the word “illegal” and what constituted legality in respect of this referendum. I arrived here in a page headed “Is Crimea’s Referendum Legal?” Unfortunately, in its “mission to explain” the BBC doesn’t actually explain on that page (or anywhere else on the BBC website that I can find using the BBC’s search facility) what exactly constitute’s legality or otherwise.
AFAIAA the only illegality here is that the referendum is against Crimean domestic law in that referendums there apparently have to involve all the population not just one province. Accordingly, although international law is rubbish anyway, it appears that there is no illegality in international law in holding a local referendum and (as Russia is) acting accordingly. Of course, Russian actions are deeply opportunistic and self-serving and the “choice” offered in the referendum purely illusory. But illegal?
IMHO “illegal” here is being used in the same way that, for instance, Lady Hodge uses the loaded word “evasion” to describe something legitimate if regrettable (ie “avoidance”) of she disapproves. In other words the EU and US disapprove of the Russian action (as do I as it happens) but there’s little they can do about it directly or, it seems, effectively. However, by squawking “it’s illegal” they seek to conceal the humiliation caused by their evident impotence on the basis that there’s some court in the sky (the ECHR or ICC or Harman’s “court of public opinion” for instance) which will brand Russia criminal and compel it by moral force to stop its takeover of the Crimea. Well, it ain’t going to happen. Even so, you’d think that the BBC – and the paper press – could make it crystal clear what (or what not) the legality is here.
Thank you, Umbongo. More explanation there, for you, than I’ve had in endless hours of BBC
reportingdissembling.Of course I meant ‘from you’. Damn this ‘no edit’ commenting!
“AFAIAA the only illegality here is that the referendum is against Crimean domestic law in that referendums there apparently have to involve all the population not just one province”
So how does that work regarding the Scottish Referendum? Or is that “different”?
Funny how Umbongo and Eric (below) both seem (independently) to have sussed out why the referendum should be deemed illegal where a whole army of ‘the world’s top investigative journalists’ have failed miserably.
Makes you wonder sometimes what they do with that £4bn p.a.
Speaking of which, I notice the BBC is still referring to the free and democratic decision of 97% of the Crimea’s population to rejoin Russia as a ‘crisis’.
Ukraine crisis: Putin signs Russia-Crimea treaty
When is a democratic process a crisis? When 97% of people willingly and without recourse to violence or bloodshed vote against the wishes of the EU and the BBC?
Must be that mythical BBC ‘impartiality’ at work again…
Why do the BBC keep forgetting to remind us that traditionally Crimea was always part of Russia – and it was only a silly move by Boris Yeltsin (sober ?) that transferred it to the Ukraine, With no reference to the wishes of the people of Crimea.
The referendum merely puts Crimea back where it belongs ?
I am sure it was Kruschev. He no doubt assumed the USSR would last for a thousand years. Your point is nevertheless true.
It was Khrushchev, a Ukrainian, who transferred the Crimea in 1954. Supposedly for administrative reasons. I think John is referring to the Budapest memorandum of 1993 that recognised the Crimea in the Ukraine but with significant autonomy – it was all part of the deal to get rid of Ukraine’s nukes. You’re right about Yeltsin though, he was probably so pissed he didn’t know what he was signing.
Oops, 1994 Budapest Memorandum … only one year out.
Thanks for the correction
I guess it’s illegal if it is deemed to be so by the Court of Public Opinion (Leftist Branch) – as in ‘illegal Israeli settlements’.
Something to do with it not being in accordance with the Ukrainian constitution. Removing a democratically elected government through mob rule is OK.
Russian involvement in the affairs of Ukraine is not OK, but unelected unaccountable EU bureaucrats sticking their nose in is OK.
For Scotland to hold a referendum that will impact on a country of which it is a part is OK, but not for the Crimea to do it.
It comes down to whatever “we” (the US the EU, the UK) say is right is right.
Its all quite simple just don’t define what you mean by democracy.
Arab Spring?…Kosovo? at one end?…and Prescotts Palaces, congestion charges for Manchester, and Hartlepool Mayors dressed as monkeys?
Boy, it must be hard being a Beeboid trying to give us some principles and rules(guidelines, more like; suggestions if we comply?) that govern us all when a referendum is “populist and unsettling”…an Irish/Danish/Dutch/French one maybe?…and when it`s the demos, the cri de couer of the writhing disempowered masses…that` a regional assembly for Tyneside or whether Mancunians pay a congestion charge…much more important to the BBC and Labour, as it proves.
Good list Eric-we probably need a Referendum scale…as long as the EU, BBC or Labour can callibrate it and ban any other references to it….we know that Crimea is -0.99 at least now.
And funny how Prescott’s ‘regional assemblies’ coincided with how a Balkanised England would look under the EU.
BBC Newswatch … on BBC 1, on the BBC News Breakfast
but no one is available from the BBC to comment/reply?
as BBC deny censorship, on its own show … on censorship!
Where cowardice, and preferential treatment get you with Islam.
‘The BBC is again comfortable in the delusion the BBC cannot find anyone in the BBC to talk about the BBC on the BBC’.
Taken responsibly, with a great deal of thought, and not about censorship in any way.
Taken responsibly, with a great deal of thought, and not about censorship in any way.
Taken responsibly, with a great deal of thought, and not about censorship in any way.
Taken responsibly, with a great deal of thought, and not about censorship in any way.
Taken responsibly, with a great deal of thought, and not about censorship in any way.
Taken responsibly, with a great deal of thought, and not about censorship in any way.
Taken responsibly, with a great deal of thought, and not about censorship in any way.
Taken responsibly, with a great deal of thought, and not about censorship in any way.
Got that?
And folk are still forced in 2014 by law to pay for this to have access to global broadcast content?
Unique indeed.
Funny, I took it as caving in to fascism.
But then maybe it’s the ‘right kind’ of fascism – the sort that goes away all by itself.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC)’s First Commandment:-
‘Thou shalt not politically annoy or disagree with Islamic interests.’