Sue at ‘Is the BBC biased’ has posted on this from the ‘Life Scientific’:
I listened to the delightful Anne Glover, professor of molecular and cell biology at Aberdeen University amongst other things, and one thing in particular resonated with me, and stayed in my mind. The strap line to her episode states:
“Opposing GM crops is a form of madness”
I heard the interview as well and that was a stand out phrase…though not BBC bias it does illustrate perfectly the arrogant assumption that ‘they’ know best….and of course that attitude is reflected in how climate change sceptics are in fact treated by the BBC.
Interesting though…bit of a quandary for the Green Party who have been demanding all climate change sceptics be banned from the Public discourse, and indeed political positions…..doesn’t that position lead to the same demand for Greens who oppose GM crops against the scientific consensus?
Logic demands….?
Another example of the arrogant assumption of God’s mantle is Matthew Parris….again not strictly BBC bias but closely related….Parris is an oft employed zero hours contractor for the BBC and a Tory wet…possibly closely related to Justin Webb.
Tory James Brokenshire raised the idea that the ‘metropolitan elite’ are to blame for mass immigration…and of course they are…it was the Labour Party’s very own ‘metropolitan elite’ who opened the borders and flooded the UK with immigrants whilst deliberately hiding the fact by lying about the numbers expected and the effects such an influx would have on wages and jobs.
Parris harrumphed loudly in indignation in the Times (paywalled):
Panicked Tories are attacking their own voters
James Brokenshire blames the ‘metropolitan elite’ for fuelling immigration. He’s either suffered a brainstorm or gone rogue.
Panicking Tory wet attacks panicking Tories?
He calls Brokenshire ”pitiable’ and a ‘demented ferret’ rampaging against the guilty.
Brokenshire’s speech, he tell us, is ‘half-witted, disjointed, cliche ridden nonsense’…the stock in trade of the likes of rancid populists such as Juan Peron or Nigel Farrage……
Apparently it’s all ‘cab driver’ speak….so there you have it….Parris, member of the metropolitan elite has come out….don’t listen to the working class man….f**k the rancid views of the plebs.
Noting cliche ridden about Parris then.
Parris goes on to say that opposing immigration is insane and uncivilised….why didn’t the PM disown these ‘ravings’, these dog whistling to UKIP inclined Tory voter ideas? he asks.
An EU referendum? Cameron must have had a brainstorm that makes him susceptible to the grubby fascist entreaties from the Terrible Tory Right.
He clings to the hope that Cameron, when he regains his rationality and liberal mindedness, will reject controls on immigration.
Finally he suggests we all just shut up about immigration.
Sounds an awful lot like Mark Easton who told us we must just learn to love immigration and reap the benefits.
You can see why the BBC likes him.
“Opposing GM crops is a form of madness”
The dogmatic morons at the BBC also bring on the psychiatrists, to denounce Atmospheric Physicists who don’t agree with the environMENTAL activists of that BBC seminar.
I do not oppose GM crops, but there are a lot of unknowns, when it comes to whether individuals will suffer from allergies, or other problems when new foods come on the market.
But with evolution, some life forms always fall by the wayside when something new comes around, and GM crops are a highly accelerated form of evolution.
So there are no guarantees, but it does look as though the problems are exaggerated, and would only effect a small minority.
Also, you would think that the Green Party would oppose mass immigration as regards the pressures to concrete over the countryside.
The fascistic outpourings of the ‘metropolitan elite’, on Europe, ‘climate change’, immigration and press regulation are getting more frequent and more strident.
A conspiracy theorist might think there was something afoot, like an eco-socialist plan for destabilising western society, massive global re-distribution of wealth, de-industrialisation of chaos-inducing proportions and a totalitarian world government.
Hell, you could even give it a sinister thriller novel-like title, such as Agenda 21.
That’s a good idea. I think the basic premise is already being trialled in the States, as the Kenyan muslim slowly but subtly dismantles the constitution
My thoughts recently exactly the same on this topic. The Green warmists say we must listen exclusively to the ‘Climate Scientists’, but it’s a different story when the specialist scientists throughout the world agree that GM foodstufs are safe and desirable to eat – ‘Green piece ‘ disagree of course! Brilliant precis johnythefish!