only good thing David Attenborough ever did was Loch Ness monster and yeti programmes
before he became an dis info agent for international banks
and their climate change science fraud
David Attenborough should have remained a story teller of
genuine fiction like his Brother, and not a liar telling science fraud/ fiction – for corrupt international banksters coughing up yet more money for the vatican liars.
Will the real ‘W1A’ critically feature this aspect of the Islamisation of England?:-
“UK Shi’ite cleric broadcasts anti-Sunni rhetoric: ‘Fear is a load of angry Sunnis from Slough coming here and having a rumble.'”
By Robert Spencer.
[Opening excerpt]:-
“QHow far gone is Britain? This far gone. ‘Last week, Ofcom revealed it was powerless to stop the cleric’s incendiary broadcasts, which are said to stir up conflict between al-Habib’s Shia sect and rival Sunni Muslims.’ Meanwhile, in Fulmer, ‘what half of us fear is a load of angry Sunnis from Slough coming here and having a rumble.’ And who’s to stop them? Not the British authorities, who are work assiduously to bar foes of jihad such as Pamela Geller and me from the country, but are ‘powerless’ to stop this jihadist’s ‘incendiary’ broadcasts. Meanwhile, ‘Labour MP Khalid Mahmood described al-Habib’s rhetoric as ’10 times worse’ than Salman Rushdie’s novel The Satanic Verses, which drew death threats from Islamic extremists.’ That’s certain to calm the waters. Watch for those angry Sunnis any minute, Fulmer residents.”
Slough! Sweet Jesus what a place. I spent three years working on a burglary team in Slough, by far the busiest I have ever been in my life. On the plus side I did learn about 40 Urdu words for eff off when knocking on neighbours doors to see if they had seen anything.
I know its off topic and I apologise but any mention of Slough brings back memories so horrid I have to seek comfort in the arms of Mr Magners. Shudder.
‘So will it have changed anyone’s minds ahead of next year’s General Election then?’
Rache, treacle, I believe the timing has to do with the European elections in May OF THIS YEAR, but never mind.
I know yer think yer job is all about being a cutie putie silly billy gully wully and cacklingalonganikki. But yer hosting a current affairs programme try, yerno, reading a newspaper now and again.
One of the BBC’s many problems is the complete absence of quality control – which leads, unsurprisingly, to a complete lack of quality.
“BBC paid more than £50m to its 412 senior managers last year.
“Figures represent a small fall on last year as television and news divisions are shown to have the highest salary bills.”
“Pakistan: Christian sentenced to death for maligning Muhammad”
By Robert Spencer.
[Opening excerpt]:-
“Pakistan’s blasphemy laws are the occasion for numerous human rights abuses, as Muslims often use them against non-Muslims to settle scores, seize property, etc. But the global ‘human rights community’ remains largely indifferent. After all, it isn’t as if these people were victims of something serious like ‘Islamophobia’!”
Why would the bBC want to hide away the joint decision by the government & ATOS to end their contract for killing OOps assessing disabled people?
Could it be that a massive stick with which to beat the government with will be taken away as the greed mongers will not appoint a new euthanasia squad until after the next election?
No doubt if the Tories are re elected they will make sure all those idle dead people lying around all day are made to work, as well as family pets and anything else they think can make them a quick buck!
Gone are the days of Margaret Thatchers meritocracy where those who earned their money got to keep more of it, abandoned by todays rich boys for those whose great great great grandparents made some money being able to inherit all of it.
I was always under the impression that disabled people wanted to work and that the private sector was preventing them from doing so (copy write BBC & all points Left).
Are you now saying the disabled are lazy shysters who don’t want to work or that the government are forcing those who can’t work into unsuitable jobs?
I think that it might be more to do with the fact that it was Labour that introduced the Work Capability Assessments and the Employment and Support Allowance, and that it was Labour who engaged ATOS in the first place and established their delivery framework.
The BBC and Labour couldn’t shout too loud for fear of shooting themselves and Yvette Cooper (the minister at the time) in the foot.
Interesting. Delingpole understands that this is a culture war to the finish. Never give the liberal left a break and never argue on their terms.
Oh and never worry if you get the odd fact wrong. These things happen in a war.
I see andy Burnham is spouting about getting justice for the 96, he’d better be more concerned someone doesn’t come looking for justice for the fuckin 1200
Now on the 22:00 news obesity is becoming accepted blah blah too much “SUGAR” . Do you remember the good old days when it was just junk food? Who can be the first to spot when sugar is mentioned next?
Chief medical officer for England, Dame Sally Davies, has been given free rein to call for a ‘sugar tax’ without any challenge.
Should such a tax be introduced it will just add to Labour’s ‘Cost of Living Crisis’. Just as Miliband’s ‘green’ taxes allow him to talk about energy company greed the ‘sugar tax’ will allow political bricks to be thrown at profiteering supermarkets.
Our politicians must think we are stupid and we are because 30% of us vote for them.
Her indoors is a fan of that ‘Secret Eater’ programme.
Compares what fatties say they eat with what they actually eat. Suffice to say the fatties, to a person mystified why they’re so fat, have very selective memories.
The clear message to be drawn from the programme (though it is not a point they seek to make) is that it is not the fat/ sugar/ anything else constituent of their diets, it is the sheer quantity they consume.
Remember this next time you see some 20 stoner in a caff popping a couple of hermesetas in their tea having just had the full english twice with extra fried bread
QT – UKIP chap holding his own pretty well (even had some sporadic applause). Abbot acting like a petulant clown as usual. Mick Hucknall fairly balanced and quite amusing. Tory woman a bit of a nonentity.
Not quite the lefty/green mugging I had expected from Brighton…. so far.
Fatbot refuses to accept that the fact that the ‘housing bubble’ is caused by immigratiom, she preffers to lay the blame at the Tory’s right to buy policy…
The daemon drink can cause many a thought process to go spectacularly wrong but never that wrong. You are a sick individual who needs very expensive treatment immediately. Fortunately I am on hand to help. That’ll be £2000 for diagnosing the problem, which is a special half price offer to Biased BBC posters. I think a further 30 consultations should be booked ASAP – money up front please.
NB I hold no qualifications (at all) but I’m sure that will be no problem in today’s World.
I am NOT sick ! I am cured, and can refer to my former (very former) lust object as Fatbot, Our Lady Of The Pies etc etc without the slightest twitch or feeling of guilt.
Intriguing that you invoke a figure of £2,000 for your diagnosis, as this is precisely the hourly rate charged by my solicitors, Messrs Finedit, Screwit and Soo, whom I have this very minute ordered to start proceedings against you for the slur on my good name, viz “You are a sick individual who needs very expensive treatment immediately.
We can do this the easy, cheap(ish) way (I don’t recommend that, no, no, no), OR the hard, expensive way involving lengthy investigations, repeated meetings on the clock, three hour working lunches at Quaglino’s and so on (and on and on !) until we get bored bring the suit to an inevitable conclusion: this course of action I very heartily recommend unto you.
This sewage flooding London streets. Has anyone tried using a Daily Mail to soak it up? A single edition holds any amount of old shit.— Danny Baker (@prodnose) February 27, 2014
Good one, Danny. Where would the BBC be without Daily Mail jokes?
PS Sewage flooding London streets? Is Occupy back?
Even a million copies of the wretched DM couldn’t hold the massive amount of shit that Danny Baker contains. Should he one day split whilst tying his handmade brogues, there would be a veritable tsunami of shit that would engulf zones 1 and 2 in their entirety.
O/T but has anyone been watching Jon Snow’s reports from Greenland on Ch4 News this week? Unbelievable. Any pretence of unbiased news reporting is totally gone. Just total alarmist activism : Talking in a hushed, grave voice about the ‘threat to all humanity’, the ‘shattered ice’ and asking some brainwashed kid if he knew what ‘climate change’ meant. The low-light was probably seeing Comrade Snow acting as a cheerleader for Ban-ki-moon’s drivel with a comment something like ‘good to see you doing your bit for the cause’. WTF? This man is supposed to be a journalist reporting the news and holding the powerful to account – not acting as cheerleader for crony capitalists and corrupt bureaucrats.
Greenland was relatively warm between about 800-1300 AD due to the well-defined 1500 year solar cycle, as detailed by Singer and Avery in:
“Unstoppable global warming every 1500 years”.
We are currently in another upswing in the solar cycle, which started about 1750, and which will probably rise about another 0.5-1 degree C over the next few hundred years. Current T to the 21st century is entirely in line with this solar cyle trend. C02 is irrelevant to this cycle,it has been traced 600 times over the last 1 million years in ice cores, and is a result of an overlap between the 87 and 210 year solar cycles.
It is well documented, world wide, and climatologists have conveniently forgotten about it (see reference given above).
Greenland was settled by vikings during the last solar warming period, which is also why they travelled so far in general during this time period-the northern world was warm.
Radiocarbon dates of emergent organic remains along the western margin of Istorvet ice cap (70.8°N, 22.2°W) indicate a time when the ice cap was smaller than at present. This ice cap, similar to others in east Greenland, exhibits “historic” moraines ~1-2 km in front of the presently retreating ice margins….
Moreover, it indicates warm conditons at this latitude at the time of Norse colonization of Greenland.”
As soon as I heard, at the beginning of the week, that Jon Snow and Ban Ki Moon were doing a Greenland double act, and also their unpalatable interest in Gay marriage, I decided that Channel 4 news was a no-no for the rest of the week. A sound judgement, by the sound of it. What’s left, Russia Today?
Oh come on. There was some priceless television right there. Mister Snow asks a little boy all wrapped up what he thinks climate change is doing to his village. His marvellous reply?
” I don’t know about the climate but I’m FREEEEZING!”
Jon Snow’s reaction is brilliant. ” Well maybe we will ask the adults in the village” taking the mike away swiftly.
Never saw anything from Abbot who was there and was seen texting during the service. Irreverent? Not really. He may have been left wing but he was a whitey.
Another day dawns on the glorious BBc empire. Information suggests the changes to housing benefit have not achieved it’s aims. Yes what critics dub the “Bedroom tax”, they just cant stop themselves dragging that phrase in can they. Figures “suggest” only 6% of tenants have moved. Funny 2 people I’ve spoken to have told me they have had to move.
Which proves exactly what Liebour have been saying! This is a benefit cut dressed up as something else.
Although the coalition have tried to suggest that this is all about freeing up bedrooms for larger families, there just aren’t the one bed flats available for them to move to.
For years housing associations and councils have been building properties with a minimum of 2 bedrooms so now the coalition have seen a way of grasping money from the poor they have taken it because they know there is no escape.
Worse still they decided to miss out the worst offender – pensioners, why should a single adult living in a 3 or 4 bedroom house be allowed to stay there without having to pay extra when others are having to?
Some of these homes could accommodate a family of 8 people and yet there’s a sole pensioner living there. That’s how we can tell that the policy is not what the Tories have claimed it to be, but yet another attempt to bring third world poverty to the UK.
It’s not enough to champion Islam and ‘diversity’, the poor white people have to be ground into the dirt, and unfortunately there are enough naïve people on the right only too ready to help him.
Yes I was rather surprised this morning to hear for the first time ever on BBC an interview with a potential beneficiary of the ending in public housing of ‘the spare room subsidy’ (ended in the private sector two or three years ago without shrieking/ howling/ weeping funnily enough). To wit a family of five living in a two bed flat.
No surprise then as i listened on, to see that the interview was being used to attack the success or otherwise of the policy.
I have of course heard no end of droid interviews with people who needed the spare room for the family’s wheelchair collection and dad’s iron lung.
BBC – utterly corrupt.
Wavy Davy allows them to be corrupt – if it costs him the election he will have deserved it. He will have – we won’t have.
I guess the early morning local news bulletins are no longer 2 minutes, yet bBC Points West managed to fill one minute hailing a young Somalian girl who spoke out against FGM. Fair enough, but I do not want so be seeing or hearing this when eating my breakfast. Is nothing else happening in the West today? Oh and the other minute was taken up by the weather…
Is this the news, or is it some rolling Left-liberal propaganda channel and quangocrat job creation scheme being piped directly into my home?
Bedroom Tax – grrr BBC research has found….
Pantomime* Marriage will soon be here – yehhh!
[* = my phrase and to my mind the most appropriate description]
Anti- cigarette legislation – hurray!
Six-year-olds watching pornography – ahhhh, something must be done!
Give it rest BBC. We get your message loud and clear. Public sector = always well intentioned and a bloody good thing – so please put up our licence fee.
“Today” sends Humphrys to Sheffield to meet the Roma (only 250,000 arrived in the UK since 2007- well that’s OK then, you would hardly notice them in the job market) The assembled more established residents tell us that the Roma are different from previous inflows as they don’t integrate. This message comes in that distinctive Yorkshire accent common only to 2nd/3rd generation British Pakistanis. How is that accent so ubiquitous among only one part of the fully integrated community?
How odd it was to hear the biased bunch not spitting out their venom at people who failed to accept immigrants with beaming faces and being ready to turn over other peoples homes and belongings to them. Of course it’s always someone else who suffers never the lefties!
But these were Pakistanis and as top of the hierarchy of isms cannot be criticised. The irony of them complaining about other groups failing to integrate was not lost. The same criticisms as are levelled at the Pakistanis were levelled by them against the Roma, and the Roma, having been got at by the fascists returned with the usual stock answers – ‘Oh they’re not all like that’; ‘There’s good & bad people in all communities’ etc etc. It won’t be long before they’re coming out with words they don’t understand (not surprising as they’re meaningless) like community cohesion, etc etc.
I do get the impression that the BBC has a particular hate of the Catholic Church. Endless mentions of paedophile priests. Nil mentions of godly priests serving the sick and poor. If the BBC took a similar approach to the gay community we’d hear endless tales of paedophile homosexuals – for some reason we don’t.
“The proportions of heterosexual and homosexual pedophiles among sex offenders against children: an exploratory study…. This suggests that the resulting proportion of true pedophiles among persons with a homosexual erotic development is greater than that in persons who develop heterosexually.” (
I’m just sayin’ …
Radio 4 ‘The Chinese Grand Tour’ and it’s another excuse for the fascists to bash the nasty white people over what happened hundreds of years ago.
Apparently we were nasty to them over the supply of tea. There’s no mention that the Chinese were equally nasty in jacking up their prices to levels which were unaffordable and that they restricted access to the places the tea was grown. That they wanted to sell to us, but refused to buy anything even if it might have benefitted them.
We were told that all this happened in the last 100 years which was a barefaced lie.
Also that the nasty white people ‘forced’ opium on the Chinese which again is a lie as the British wanted to be sole suppliers to a market which refused to allow foreigners to trade. The opium was already well established in China we may have forced trade upon them, but it doesn’t sound as outrageous as forcing opium on them.
This happened nearly 200 years ago not the 100 lied about on the program.
Then there was a whole list of calumnies the British had perpetrated against the Chinese, and how we hadn’t really got any better today. How we have to reassess our ‘waycist’ attitudes towards them.
Educate inform entertain?
Or Political re-education, disinformation, and entertainment only for fascists who swallow the lies with gusto!
Wikipedia articles on Chinese history have to treated with caution as the Chinese government have an army of people re-writing them to suit current ‘thought’. In much the same way that Irish Republicans re-write Wikis on Irish history (especially the NI Flag).
It would not surprise me to find that BBC churnalists are using Wikipedia as a main source. Hence the somewhat dubious ‘facts’ they spout.
‘I don’t know who ran the first chest of opium into China but he was a great man in his way. It was as though some imaginary trader had put into the Forth with a cargo of Glenlivet to discover that the Scots had never heard of whisky.’
Following watching Rip off Britain SUGAR is evil revelation yesterday I though I’d half watch it today whilst doing something else to see what this job creation time filler was about. OK a lecture about hidden salt in food, yes I think we’ve all heard this before. Then stopping people in the street to see how much they spend on coffee / sandwiches a day. Then multiplying that amount by the number of working days. Hey presto look at the amazed faces as they realise how much they are spending in a year, wow! Round it off with the revelation..are you ready for this…that you can make sandwiches more cheaply at home. Unmissable!
Must be a slow news day today for Labour as Jeremy Vine runs the wicked ‘bedroom tax’ story again.
Why do they never cover the Local Housing Allowance, introduced by Labour, which effectively performs the same purpose but for people in private rented housing?
Well aint education a wonderful thing.
I just disvovered on Daily Politics, there’s a new party of the left, called LEFT UNITY.
Shaheem someone is on describing it’s affiliated groups, and aims.
Cant wait to see their share of any electoral process.
I am in an office of 22 people which has a broad base and spectrum of British society, and we have played QT on the BBC iplayer from last night.
No-one here can believe that the ‘majority’ audience point of view is representative……….nearly everyone here has the polar extreme opinion of those expressed by the audience….
Farage is a game changer. The likes of the bBC and other lefty establishments have somewhat suppressed us in our views. Now to hear Farage speaking in a way we can both understand and and agree with, people are becoming less fearful of saying what they really believe. The castigation of racist or any other lefty buzz word is beginning to have little effect.
Note the brave blonde woman speaking out against gay marriage on last nights QT, and in Brighton as well, unthinkable not too long ago.
Yes, free speech is the opposite of the ideology of youcantsaythatism.
The BBC has meetings where they discus ways of producing Orwellian statements to justifying censoring science, scientists and scientific debate about climate science, under the left-wing ideology of youcantsaythatism.
Piers Corbyn, Andrew Montford, Richard Lindzen, Johnny Ball, David Bellamy, David Whitehouse, Christopher Booker, Philip Davis, Graham Stringer, Peter Lilley, Oliver Latham, Henrik Svensmark, Nir Shaviv, Jasper Kikby, Ned Nikolov, Karl Zeller and Donna Laframboise are amongst the many scientists and investigators censored by the BBC.
So, at the moment, science censorship still continues at the BBC.
Her eloquent explanation of her beliefs stood in stark contrast to the obvious frustration of the illiterate idiot sat next to her who had earlier spouted the usual airhead mantra about loving couples and equality etc.You could tell by her body language and the angry look on her face that she couldn’t understand a word the lady was saying, let alone get her head around the concept of the historical origins of marriage and the reasons for it being created and sanctified by ancient people far, far wiser than the liberal progressive cretins who mislead us today.
Big number/small number? I have just watched this discussion on the Daily Politics where Lord West & Bernard Jenkins agreed that the EU had made foolish advances to Ukraine & that the Russian response took the suggestion that we ditch a nuclear deterrent off the table. Trident is 6% of the defence budget (6% of 1.8% of GDP). That’s a very big number for the BBC. Whereas 6% of social housing tenants responding to losing some part of their housing benefit is a very small number (but only because it makes government policy a failure, of course)
Politically Correct Twitter flash-mob in action and BBC man Nicky Campbell is oh-so-very keen to stay on the side of the angels
Seems someone on BBC 5 Live upset someone ‘campaigning on belhalf of’ Downs Syndrome
I wonder what was said ? Nicky didn’t say it that’s for sure! And in that curious Beeboid way of thinking it is most vital to our Nicky that it be expunged from the record.
Nicky Campbell @NickyAACampbell 2 hrs
@wisteriacrafts @bbc5live @DSAInfo now please withdraw the tweet alleging I said it
Wisteria Crafts @wisteriacrafts 2 hrs
@NickyAACampbell @bbc5live @DSAInfo Tweet deleted but the rest still stands.Language so important. You have influence, help raise awareness!
Nicky didn’t say it! Got that!
Nicky Campbell @NickyAACampbell 4 hrs
@wisteriacrafts @bbc5live @DSAInfo no I did not. It was the Business Presenter. He later apologised. Please withdraw immediately
Wisteria Crafts @wisteriacrafts 2 hrs
@NickyAACampbell @bbc5live @DSAInfo Glad Business Presenter apologised. Help raise awareness that such language offensive & unacceptable.
Nicky Campbell @NickyAACampbell 2 hrs
@wisteriacrafts @bbc5live @DSAInfo Thank you we did a superb hour on Downs last week and more soon
Wisteria Crafts @wisteriacrafts 2 hrs
@NickyAACampbell @bbc5live @DSAInfo Glad to hear it, well done! Happy to be contacted/interviewed about life with a teenager with Down’s.
And all is now sweetness and light in the garden – with a promise of some precious airtime.
Funny, I always had a hunch that Choudary worked for MI5 as a looney magnet. Notice how many of his followers are in prison on terror charges yet he is still free.
Serves the assholes right to be hoisted on their own petard. For years they’ve been bullying people with meaningless nonsense words, now the biter is being bitten !
claims that broadcasting Clarkson’s comment amounts to unlawful discrimination by a public body.
Yeah right, it’s just a ruse to make money and we can only hope that it isn’t being funded by legal aid, and that when they lose the bBC claims back every penny of costs from the shysters.
Usually when it looks like being a top trumps dilemma the BBC simply caves and hands over more money meant for programming to make the nasty decisiosn go away on a slipway of licence fee payer cash. Or the market rates hire a consultant. The only in-house we’ll hear from is A. Spokesweasel, who will say ‘The BBC thinks the BBC can do no wrong, thusly no wrong can be done”. ‘Miss Guha, of Tower Hamlets, east London, starred in 2006 sci-fi movie Children of Men’
Last 8 years not so kind, I’m guessing.
Still, the BBC can team her and Jo Brand up for an episode of W1A as two multi-culti PC-warriors vaulting Bolly bottles in corridors from White City to Salford, seeking the merest hint of an errant quip at 30 paces.
“To the Affrontobandwagon, Somi!”
Defo a #grabspopcorn must follow for the weekend.
Equal Justice, a firm specialising in discrimination cases, sounds like an outfit well worth looking out for. Shame they decided to make the BBC their highest profile target to date, given the spot that puts at least 20,000 ‘views my own’ twitterers in.
Maybe she could also point out that the BBC shamelessly also covered “slopestyle” skiing and “slopestyle” snow-boarding? And she could take on the IOC at the same time.
This one is a bit of a tail end Charlie (referring to the unpopular gunner position on WW2 bombers as opposed to any possibly inferred pejorative by attention seeking actresses from countries a a few thousand miles away from where the Vietnam War was conducted) as the thread handover looms: ‘a quaint belief that if something has been written or said by a journalist – any journalist – it must be true.”
And yet it persists.
Any used to dealing with the BBC ESC will smile wryly, if ruefully at this: ‘And yet the BBC Trust’s Editorial Standards Committee is not persuaded of “any shortcoming in the procedure itself“.
One day the wall will fall, and those files will be open to all. And there will be an accounting.
And in other news… ‘King of the Minicab Bal Samra’
Lucky he’s an ex-Beeboid now. That kind of thing could get Jo Brand down on you like a to… well, like Jo Brand. ‘Danny Cohen spent £40 on flowers for someone’
Hope it wasn’t for a woman, because, well… you know.
Still, it’s only money. Lots and lots of lovely, always-there… money.
Because, as A. BBCspokesweasel will doubtless be wheeled out anonymously to say, they are worth it.
Hope the budget cuts to the Flokker divisions to fund such largesse is not proving bad for internal morale.
MarkyMarkFeb 27, 15:30 Midweek 26th February 2025 “UK taxpayers were charged £194,183 for research on “gay ‘pig’ masculinities” which resulted in a film called OINK! Here’s a…
andyjsnapeFeb 27, 14:58 Midweek 26th February 2025 Hello Digg Won’t be a white chap then, as they haven’t mentioned the colour
diggFeb 27, 14:53 Midweek 26th February 2025 Metro gave me a smile, they report that the police are looking for a chap who raped a young bloke…
diggFeb 27, 14:42 Midweek 26th February 2025 The LABOUR MP who knocked a constituent to the ground then pummelled him has had his TEN WEEK sentence squashed.…
ZephirFeb 27, 14:19 Midweek 26th February 2025 There’s only one kind of a twat with a £4200 bicycle. You guessed it Eddy Never mind, he can console…
ZephirFeb 27, 13:59 Midweek 26th February 2025 Sent to the local labour liar: Good afternoon, could you please provide the required address for billing you for £600…
andyjsnapeFeb 27, 13:57 Midweek 26th February 2025 bbc doesn’t like this:- Thailand deports dozens of Uyghurs to China Well done Thailand I say, UK next to…
Eddy BoothFeb 27, 13:56 Midweek 26th February 2025 “Cyclist robbed of £4,200 bike by hammer-wielding thieves in Regent’s Park” Short video I’m probably wrong, but have a…
only good thing David Attenborough ever did was Loch Ness monster and yeti programmes
before he became an dis info agent for international banks
and their climate change science fraud
David Attenborough should have remained a story teller of
genuine fiction like his Brother, and not a liar telling science fraud/ fiction – for corrupt international banksters coughing up yet more money for the vatican liars.
Will the real ‘W1A’ critically feature this aspect of the Islamisation of England?:-
“UK Shi’ite cleric broadcasts anti-Sunni rhetoric: ‘Fear is a load of angry Sunnis from Slough coming here and having a rumble.'”
By Robert Spencer.
[Opening excerpt]:-
“QHow far gone is Britain? This far gone. ‘Last week, Ofcom revealed it was powerless to stop the cleric’s incendiary broadcasts, which are said to stir up conflict between al-Habib’s Shia sect and rival Sunni Muslims.’ Meanwhile, in Fulmer, ‘what half of us fear is a load of angry Sunnis from Slough coming here and having a rumble.’ And who’s to stop them? Not the British authorities, who are work assiduously to bar foes of jihad such as Pamela Geller and me from the country, but are ‘powerless’ to stop this jihadist’s ‘incendiary’ broadcasts. Meanwhile, ‘Labour MP Khalid Mahmood described al-Habib’s rhetoric as ’10 times worse’ than Salman Rushdie’s novel The Satanic Verses, which drew death threats from Islamic extremists.’ That’s certain to calm the waters. Watch for those angry Sunnis any minute, Fulmer residents.”
The residents of Fulmer better watch it. They will end up arrested on some bizarre charge or another.
Slough! Sweet Jesus what a place. I spent three years working on a burglary team in Slough, by far the busiest I have ever been in my life. On the plus side I did learn about 40 Urdu words for eff off when knocking on neighbours doors to see if they had seen anything.
I know its off topic and I apologise but any mention of Slough brings back memories so horrid I have to seek comfort in the arms of Mr Magners. Shudder.
It was John Betjeman, Poet Laureate, who wrote
“Come friendly bombs, and fall on Slough…………”
Who are the true nasty party now? (and not for the first time!!)
nowt on beebeesee site about it!
they’d be all over it if say, Gove called Abbot “a big fat minger”!
Droid O’ Donoghue was asked this morning
‘So who won the debate?’ And answered,
‘Well each of them would say he won it’.
(not the question asked but never mind)
Having been further prompted he said,
‘The YouGov poll seemed to suggest…’
Gottalurve that, ‘seemed to suggest’.
Rachel Boredom went on with…
‘So will it have changed anyone’s minds ahead of next year’s General Election then?’
Rache, treacle, I believe the timing has to do with the European elections in May OF THIS YEAR, but never mind.
I know yer think yer job is all about being a cutie putie silly billy gully wully and cacklingalonganikki. But yer hosting a current affairs programme try, yerno, reading a newspaper now and again.
One of the BBC’s many problems is the complete absence of quality control – which leads, unsurprisingly, to a complete lack of quality.
“BBC paid more than £50m to its 412 senior managers last year.
“Figures represent a small fall on last year as television and news divisions are shown to have the highest salary bills.”
By Mark Sweney.
Islamic Republic of PAKISTAN.
For Islam Not BBC (INBBC) to censor?:-
“Pakistan: Christian sentenced to death for maligning Muhammad”
By Robert Spencer.
[Opening excerpt]:-
“Pakistan’s blasphemy laws are the occasion for numerous human rights abuses, as Muslims often use them against non-Muslims to settle scores, seize property, etc. But the global ‘human rights community’ remains largely indifferent. After all, it isn’t as if these people were victims of something serious like ‘Islamophobia’!”
INBBC censors this, because for INBBC:
– Islam trumps death sentence on working-class Christian-
“Blasphemy death sentence for Christian road sweeper in Pakistan.”
Even now a BBC journalist can still be reduced to the level of squealing teenage fangirl by the presence of the Beloved One:
Why would the bBC want to hide away the joint decision by the government & ATOS to end their contract for killing OOps assessing disabled people?
Could it be that a massive stick with which to beat the government with will be taken away as the greed mongers will not appoint a new euthanasia squad until after the next election?
No doubt if the Tories are re elected they will make sure all those idle dead people lying around all day are made to work, as well as family pets and anything else they think can make them a quick buck!
Gone are the days of Margaret Thatchers meritocracy where those who earned their money got to keep more of it, abandoned by todays rich boys for those whose great great great grandparents made some money being able to inherit all of it.
I was always under the impression that disabled people wanted to work and that the private sector was preventing them from doing so (copy write BBC & all points Left).
Are you now saying the disabled are lazy shysters who don’t want to work or that the government are forcing those who can’t work into unsuitable jobs?
I think that it might be more to do with the fact that it was Labour that introduced the Work Capability Assessments and the Employment and Support Allowance, and that it was Labour who engaged ATOS in the first place and established their delivery framework.
The BBC and Labour couldn’t shout too loud for fear of shooting themselves and Yvette Cooper (the minister at the time) in the foot.
should have added the link
This will not disturb INBBC’s Islamophilia:-
By Abe Katsman.
-An interview relevant to anyone interested in:- (a) British establishment, (b) online trends in political journalism-
“Interview: Andrew Gimson meets James Delingpole, a conservative who thinks the British Establishment stinks”
Interesting. Delingpole understands that this is a culture war to the finish. Never give the liberal left a break and never argue on their terms.
Oh and never worry if you get the odd fact wrong. These things happen in a war.
I see andy Burnham is spouting about getting justice for the 96, he’d better be more concerned someone doesn’t come looking for justice for the fuckin 1200
Now on the 22:00 news obesity is becoming accepted blah blah too much “SUGAR” . Do you remember the good old days when it was just junk food? Who can be the first to spot when sugar is mentioned next?
Chief medical officer for England, Dame Sally Davies, has been given free rein to call for a ‘sugar tax’ without any challenge.
Should such a tax be introduced it will just add to Labour’s ‘Cost of Living Crisis’. Just as Miliband’s ‘green’ taxes allow him to talk about energy company greed the ‘sugar tax’ will allow political bricks to be thrown at profiteering supermarkets.
Our politicians must think we are stupid and we are because 30% of us vote for them.
Her indoors is a fan of that ‘Secret Eater’ programme.
Compares what fatties say they eat with what they actually eat. Suffice to say the fatties, to a person mystified why they’re so fat, have very selective memories.
The clear message to be drawn from the programme (though it is not a point they seek to make) is that it is not the fat/ sugar/ anything else constituent of their diets, it is the sheer quantity they consume.
Remember this next time you see some 20 stoner in a caff popping a couple of hermesetas in their tea having just had the full english twice with extra fried bread
Newsnight’s first story is about British people not “getting” gay marriage. 1 in 5 people say they won’t attend a gay marriage.
Oh well, nice prioritising. Of course, Newsnight think the people are in the wrong and we all need to be taught the BBC way.
Refusing to attend a gay marriage should be punished as a race hate crime. Er… Got my equality plug in the wrong way.
QT – UKIP chap holding his own pretty well (even had some sporadic applause). Abbot acting like a petulant clown as usual. Mick Hucknall fairly balanced and quite amusing. Tory woman a bit of a nonentity.
Not quite the lefty/green mugging I had expected from Brighton…. so far.
Fatbot refuses to accept that the fact that the ‘housing bubble’ is caused by immigratiom, she preffers to lay the blame at the Tory’s right to buy policy…
Abbot cannot countenance anything that goes against her blind, entrenched dogma.
And she appears to be going bald.
Every time I see her I know what a relief it must be to be a recovering alcoholic. What WAS I thinking to fancy her and defend her in public ?
Gosh! When was that then? I’m intrigued.
The daemon drink can cause many a thought process to go spectacularly wrong but never that wrong. You are a sick individual who needs very expensive treatment immediately. Fortunately I am on hand to help. That’ll be £2000 for diagnosing the problem, which is a special half price offer to Biased BBC posters. I think a further 30 consultations should be booked ASAP – money up front please.
NB I hold no qualifications (at all) but I’m sure that will be no problem in today’s World.
I am NOT sick ! I am cured, and can refer to my former (very former) lust object as Fatbot, Our Lady Of The Pies etc etc without the slightest twitch or feeling of guilt.
Intriguing that you invoke a figure of £2,000 for your diagnosis, as this is precisely the hourly rate charged by my solicitors, Messrs Finedit, Screwit and Soo, whom I have this very minute ordered to start proceedings against you for the slur on my good name, viz “You are a sick individual who needs very expensive treatment immediately.
We can do this the easy, cheap(ish) way (I don’t recommend that, no, no, no), OR the hard, expensive way involving lengthy investigations, repeated meetings on the clock, three hour working lunches at Quaglino’s and so on (and on and on !) until we
get boredbring the suit to an inevitable conclusion: this course of action I very heartily recommend unto you.LOL.
My fee is now £4999.87 ex VAT. 🙂
Are you sure you’r not a climate scientist who is trying a bit of diversity ?
Unsurprisingly, the QT audience seems to be full of rug munchers, well said the blonde lady.
Hmm. I couldn’t help but notice a preponderance of severe-looking middle aged lesbians in bad knitwear.
How very dare you !
Made a nice change from an an audience full of whooping baboons to one full of gay whooping baboons though, don’t you think ?
Yes, be grateful for small mercies.
Good one, Danny. Where would the BBC be without Daily Mail jokes?
PS Sewage flooding London streets? Is Occupy back?
Even a million copies of the wretched DM couldn’t hold the massive amount of shit that Danny Baker contains. Should he one day split whilst tying his handmade brogues, there would be a veritable tsunami of shit that would engulf zones 1 and 2 in their entirety.
This is almost as distasteful as the Vicky Derbyshire enema/orgasm stuff to be found elsewhere. Almost.
Oh. I was unaware of that. I don’t think I’ll bother Googling Vicky Derbyshire enema/orgasm, thanks.
Page one of this ‘ere very thread.
O/T but has anyone been watching Jon Snow’s reports from Greenland on Ch4 News this week? Unbelievable. Any pretence of unbiased news reporting is totally gone. Just total alarmist activism : Talking in a hushed, grave voice about the ‘threat to all humanity’, the ‘shattered ice’ and asking some brainwashed kid if he knew what ‘climate change’ meant. The low-light was probably seeing Comrade Snow acting as a cheerleader for Ban-ki-moon’s drivel with a comment something like ‘good to see you doing your bit for the cause’. WTF? This man is supposed to be a journalist reporting the news and holding the powerful to account – not acting as cheerleader for crony capitalists and corrupt bureaucrats.
Greenland was relatively warm between about 800-1300 AD due to the well-defined 1500 year solar cycle, as detailed by Singer and Avery in:
“Unstoppable global warming every 1500 years”.
We are currently in another upswing in the solar cycle, which started about 1750, and which will probably rise about another 0.5-1 degree C over the next few hundred years. Current T to the 21st century is entirely in line with this solar cyle trend. C02 is irrelevant to this cycle,it has been traced 600 times over the last 1 million years in ice cores, and is a result of an overlap between the 87 and 210 year solar cycles.
It is well documented, world wide, and climatologists have conveniently forgotten about it (see reference given above).
Greenland was settled by vikings during the last solar warming period, which is also why they travelled so far in general during this time period-the northern world was warm.
Radiocarbon dates of emergent organic remains along the western margin of Istorvet ice cap (70.8°N, 22.2°W) indicate a time when the ice cap was smaller than at present. This ice cap, similar to others in east Greenland, exhibits “historic” moraines ~1-2 km in front of the presently retreating ice margins….
Moreover, it indicates warm conditons at this latitude at the time of Norse colonization of Greenland.”
Antarctica: Rising sea ice ‘hurts’ elephant seal breeding
As soon as I heard, at the beginning of the week, that Jon Snow and Ban Ki Moon were doing a Greenland double act, and also their unpalatable interest in Gay marriage, I decided that Channel 4 news was a no-no for the rest of the week. A sound judgement, by the sound of it. What’s left, Russia Today?
Oh come on. There was some priceless television right there. Mister Snow asks a little boy all wrapped up what he thinks climate change is doing to his village. His marvellous reply?
” I don’t know about the climate but I’m FREEEEZING!”
Jon Snow’s reaction is brilliant. ” Well maybe we will ask the adults in the village” taking the mike away swiftly.
How many Syrian refugees are Greenland taking?
Stumbled across this, worth a scroll down:
Thanks OldBloke, I have clicked ‘like’ but what a ghastly lot of people. I hope Mr Benn comes back and haunts the lot of them.
Never saw anything from Abbot who was there and was seen texting during the service. Irreverent? Not really. He may have been left wing but he was a whitey.
Another day dawns on the glorious BBc empire. Information suggests the changes to housing benefit have not achieved it’s aims. Yes what critics dub the “Bedroom tax”, they just cant stop themselves dragging that phrase in can they. Figures “suggest” only 6% of tenants have moved. Funny 2 people I’ve spoken to have told me they have had to move.
All becomes clear as North West report on the increasing amount of rent arrears, due to changes in the housing benefit system.
Which proves exactly what Liebour have been saying! This is a benefit cut dressed up as something else.
Although the coalition have tried to suggest that this is all about freeing up bedrooms for larger families, there just aren’t the one bed flats available for them to move to.
For years housing associations and councils have been building properties with a minimum of 2 bedrooms so now the coalition have seen a way of grasping money from the poor they have taken it because they know there is no escape.
Worse still they decided to miss out the worst offender – pensioners, why should a single adult living in a 3 or 4 bedroom house be allowed to stay there without having to pay extra when others are having to?
Some of these homes could accommodate a family of 8 people and yet there’s a sole pensioner living there. That’s how we can tell that the policy is not what the Tories have claimed it to be, but yet another attempt to bring third world poverty to the UK.
It’s not enough to champion Islam and ‘diversity’, the poor white people have to be ground into the dirt, and unfortunately there are enough naïve people on the right only too ready to help him.
Yes I was rather surprised this morning to hear for the first time ever on BBC an interview with a potential beneficiary of the ending in public housing of ‘the spare room subsidy’ (ended in the private sector two or three years ago without shrieking/ howling/ weeping funnily enough). To wit a family of five living in a two bed flat.
No surprise then as i listened on, to see that the interview was being used to attack the success or otherwise of the policy.
I have of course heard no end of droid interviews with people who needed the spare room for the family’s wheelchair collection and dad’s iron lung.
BBC – utterly corrupt.
Wavy Davy allows them to be corrupt – if it costs him the election he will have deserved it. He will have – we won’t have.
I guess the early morning local news bulletins are no longer 2 minutes, yet bBC Points West managed to fill one minute hailing a young Somalian girl who spoke out against FGM. Fair enough, but I do not want so be seeing or hearing this when eating my breakfast. Is nothing else happening in the West today? Oh and the other minute was taken up by the weather…
Agenda, agenda, agenda……
Local news for local people. We’ll have no trouble here. Get used to it it’s gonna get worse, a lot worse.
Trust me, in Bristol FGM is very much local news.
Is this the news, or is it some rolling Left-liberal propaganda channel and quangocrat job creation scheme being piped directly into my home?
Bedroom Tax – grrr BBC research has found….
Pantomime* Marriage will soon be here – yehhh!
[* = my phrase and to my mind the most appropriate description]
Anti- cigarette legislation – hurray!
Six-year-olds watching pornography – ahhhh, something must be done!
Give it rest BBC. We get your message loud and clear. Public sector = always well intentioned and a bloody good thing – so please put up our licence fee.
“Today” sends Humphrys to Sheffield to meet the Roma (only 250,000 arrived in the UK since 2007- well that’s OK then, you would hardly notice them in the job market) The assembled more established residents tell us that the Roma are different from previous inflows as they don’t integrate. This message comes in that distinctive Yorkshire accent common only to 2nd/3rd generation British Pakistanis. How is that accent so ubiquitous among only one part of the fully integrated community?
How odd it was to hear the biased bunch not spitting out their venom at people who failed to accept immigrants with beaming faces and being ready to turn over other peoples homes and belongings to them. Of course it’s always someone else who suffers never the lefties!
But these were Pakistanis and as top of the hierarchy of isms cannot be criticised. The irony of them complaining about other groups failing to integrate was not lost. The same criticisms as are levelled at the Pakistanis were levelled by them against the Roma, and the Roma, having been got at by the fascists returned with the usual stock answers – ‘Oh they’re not all like that’; ‘There’s good & bad people in all communities’ etc etc. It won’t be long before they’re coming out with words they don’t understand (not surprising as they’re meaningless) like community cohesion, etc etc.
The Romas have collapsed Scotland/ West Albania’s largest export market – Big Issue salesmen.
Plenty of mentions for the Catholic church and its opposition to gay marriage. But not a peep about Islam
I do get the impression that the BBC has a particular hate of the Catholic Church. Endless mentions of paedophile priests. Nil mentions of godly priests serving the sick and poor. If the BBC took a similar approach to the gay community we’d hear endless tales of paedophile homosexuals – for some reason we don’t.
“The proportions of heterosexual and homosexual pedophiles among sex offenders against children: an exploratory study…. This suggests that the resulting proportion of true pedophiles among persons with a homosexual erotic development is greater than that in persons who develop heterosexually.” (
I’m just sayin’ …
Radio 4 ‘The Chinese Grand Tour’ and it’s another excuse for the fascists to bash the nasty white people over what happened hundreds of years ago.
Apparently we were nasty to them over the supply of tea. There’s no mention that the Chinese were equally nasty in jacking up their prices to levels which were unaffordable and that they restricted access to the places the tea was grown. That they wanted to sell to us, but refused to buy anything even if it might have benefitted them.
We were told that all this happened in the last 100 years which was a barefaced lie.
Also that the nasty white people ‘forced’ opium on the Chinese which again is a lie as the British wanted to be sole suppliers to a market which refused to allow foreigners to trade. The opium was already well established in China we may have forced trade upon them, but it doesn’t sound as outrageous as forcing opium on them.
This happened nearly 200 years ago not the 100 lied about on the program.
Then there was a whole list of calumnies the British had perpetrated against the Chinese, and how we hadn’t really got any better today. How we have to reassess our ‘waycist’ attitudes towards them.
Educate inform entertain?
Or Political re-education, disinformation, and entertainment only for fascists who swallow the lies with gusto!
Wikipedia articles on Chinese history have to treated with caution as the Chinese government have an army of people re-writing them to suit current ‘thought’. In much the same way that Irish Republicans re-write Wikis on Irish history (especially the NI Flag).
It would not surprise me to find that BBC churnalists are using Wikipedia as a main source. Hence the somewhat dubious ‘facts’ they spout.
Using Wikipedia and updating it. You are spot on about Irish Republicans by the way.
Selling opium to John Chinaman.
From the very wonderful Flashman and the Dragon…
‘I don’t know who ran the first chest of opium into China but he was a great man in his way. It was as though some imaginary trader had put into the Forth with a cargo of Glenlivet to discover that the Scots had never heard of whisky.’
Will INBBC dare to criticise unelected Muslim, Minister for Faith, Baroness WARSI, on her promotion of Sharia law in Britain?:-
“Baroness Warsi’s sharia priorities”
“Warsi Praises ‘Jihad’ Jenny Tonge’s Israel’Expertise.'”
Following watching Rip off Britain SUGAR is evil revelation yesterday I though I’d half watch it today whilst doing something else to see what this job creation time filler was about. OK a lecture about hidden salt in food, yes I think we’ve all heard this before. Then stopping people in the street to see how much they spend on coffee / sandwiches a day. Then multiplying that amount by the number of working days. Hey presto look at the amazed faces as they realise how much they are spending in a year, wow! Round it off with the revelation..are you ready for this…that you can make sandwiches more cheaply at home. Unmissable!
Must be a slow news day today for Labour as Jeremy Vine runs the wicked ‘bedroom tax’ story again.
Why do they never cover the Local Housing Allowance, introduced by Labour, which effectively performs the same purpose but for people in private rented housing?
BBC news ticker: “Critics of the ‘bedroom tax’ …”
Anything to mention the phrase regardless of the veracity of the critics’ comments.
Yup, that’s the BBC.
What about the ‘telly tax’? Why not call the TV licence that?
Have listen to this @ 3 mins 15, Jeremy Vine is almost vomit inducing in his sycophancy to Tony Benn. Can’t recall him saying the same about Mrs T.
” and bless Tony Benn, he was on this show so many times”
No bias there then
Well aint education a wonderful thing.
I just disvovered on Daily Politics, there’s a new party of the left, called LEFT UNITY.
Shaheem someone is on describing it’s affiliated groups, and aims.
Cant wait to see their share of any electoral process.
I am in an office of 22 people which has a broad base and spectrum of British society, and we have played QT on the BBC iplayer from last night.
No-one here can believe that the ‘majority’ audience point of view is representative……….nearly everyone here has the polar extreme opinion of those expressed by the audience….
But do you live in Brighton?
Farage is a game changer. The likes of the bBC and other lefty establishments have somewhat suppressed us in our views. Now to hear Farage speaking in a way we can both understand and and agree with, people are becoming less fearful of saying what they really believe. The castigation of racist or any other lefty buzz word is beginning to have little effect.
Note the brave blonde woman speaking out against gay marriage on last nights QT, and in Brighton as well, unthinkable not too long ago.
Yes, free speech is the opposite of the ideology of youcantsaythatism.
The BBC has meetings where they discus ways of producing Orwellian statements to justifying censoring science, scientists and scientific debate about climate science, under the left-wing ideology of youcantsaythatism.
Piers Corbyn, Andrew Montford, Richard Lindzen, Johnny Ball, David Bellamy, David Whitehouse, Christopher Booker, Philip Davis, Graham Stringer, Peter Lilley, Oliver Latham, Henrik Svensmark, Nir Shaviv, Jasper Kikby, Ned Nikolov, Karl Zeller and Donna Laframboise are amongst the many scientists and investigators censored by the BBC.
So, at the moment, science censorship still continues at the BBC.
Her eloquent explanation of her beliefs stood in stark contrast to the obvious frustration of the illiterate idiot sat next to her who had earlier spouted the usual airhead mantra about loving couples and equality etc.You could tell by her body language and the angry look on her face that she couldn’t understand a word the lady was saying, let alone get her head around the concept of the historical origins of marriage and the reasons for it being created and sanctified by ancient people far, far wiser than the liberal progressive cretins who mislead us today.
Any chance we could have a new open thread please?
Big number/small number? I have just watched this discussion on the Daily Politics where Lord West & Bernard Jenkins agreed that the EU had made foolish advances to Ukraine & that the Russian response took the suggestion that we ditch a nuclear deterrent off the table. Trident is 6% of the defence budget (6% of 1.8% of GDP). That’s a very big number for the BBC. Whereas 6% of social housing tenants responding to losing some part of their housing benefit is a very small number (but only because it makes government policy a failure, of course)
Re Farage on the Ukraine.
Despite the “shock” affected by Clegg and trumpeted by the BBC it seems that Farage’s view resonates favourably with the guardianistas ( Just look at the recommended comments.
And on Breitbart, Delingpole is very pro, too:
Politically Correct Twitter flash-mob in action and BBC man Nicky Campbell is oh-so-very keen to stay on the side of the angels
Seems someone on BBC 5 Live upset someone ‘campaigning on belhalf of’ Downs Syndrome
I wonder what was said ? Nicky didn’t say it that’s for sure! And in that curious Beeboid way of thinking it is most vital to our Nicky that it be expunged from the record.
Nicky Campbell @NickyAACampbell 2 hrs
@wisteriacrafts @bbc5live @DSAInfo now please withdraw the tweet alleging I said it
Wisteria Crafts @wisteriacrafts 2 hrs
@NickyAACampbell @bbc5live @DSAInfo Tweet deleted but the rest still stands.Language so important. You have influence, help raise awareness!
Nicky didn’t say it! Got that!
Nicky Campbell @NickyAACampbell 4 hrs
@wisteriacrafts @bbc5live @DSAInfo no I did not. It was the Business Presenter. He later apologised. Please withdraw immediately
Wisteria Crafts @wisteriacrafts 2 hrs
@NickyAACampbell @bbc5live @DSAInfo Glad Business Presenter apologised. Help raise awareness that such language offensive & unacceptable.
Nicky Campbell @NickyAACampbell 2 hrs
@wisteriacrafts @bbc5live @DSAInfo Thank you we did a superb hour on Downs last week and more soon
Wisteria Crafts @wisteriacrafts 2 hrs
@NickyAACampbell @bbc5live @DSAInfo Glad to hear it, well done! Happy to be contacted/interviewed about life with a teenager with Down’s.
And all is now sweetness and light in the garden – with a promise of some precious airtime.
Nicky Campbell seems to think that Anjem Choudary works for M.I.5…
Funny, I always had a hunch that Choudary worked for MI5 as a looney magnet. Notice how many of his followers are in prison on terror charges yet he is still free.
There’s a common misconception (among christians at any rate) that hell is all about devils, pitchforks, sulphur, and fire.
Nah – hell is actually being chained to a radiator and force-fed a loop of Nikki’n’Rache’s kwollibanna* 24/7/365.
‘Quality banter’ (sic)
NO doubt I’ll be last on the thread again, but this is too good to miss !
Serves the assholes right to be hoisted on their own petard. For years they’ve been bullying people with meaningless nonsense words, now the biter is being bitten !
claims that broadcasting Clarkson’s comment amounts to unlawful discrimination by a public body.
Yeah right, it’s just a ruse to make money and we can only hope that it isn’t being funded by legal aid, and that when they lose the bBC claims back every penny of costs from the shysters.
Usually when it looks like being a top trumps dilemma the BBC simply caves and hands over more money meant for programming to make the nasty decisiosn go away on a slipway of licence fee payer cash. Or the market rates hire a consultant. The only in-house we’ll hear from is A. Spokesweasel, who will say ‘The BBC thinks the BBC can do no wrong, thusly no wrong can be done”.
‘Miss Guha, of Tower Hamlets, east London, starred in 2006 sci-fi movie Children of Men’
Last 8 years not so kind, I’m guessing.
Still, the BBC can team her and Jo Brand up for an episode of W1A as two multi-culti PC-warriors vaulting Bolly bottles in corridors from White City to Salford, seeking the merest hint of an errant quip at 30 paces.
“To the Affrontobandwagon, Somi!”
Defo a #grabspopcorn must follow for the weekend.
Equal Justice, a firm specialising in discrimination cases, sounds like an outfit well worth looking out for. Shame they decided to make the BBC their highest profile target to date, given the spot that puts at least 20,000 ‘views my own’ twitterers in.
Maybe she could also point out that the BBC shamelessly also covered “slopestyle” skiing and “slopestyle” snow-boarding? And she could take on the IOC at the same time.
How the hell can you prove that what was said was meant in the way these terminally offened types have taken it?
Naive old me had never the term before.
Could it not be just a ruse to get the bBC’s least PC program off air?
Meanwhile, in a land far, far away, the law of unintended consequences is having its boots put on by karma…
Seems they were only joking, or had got hacked, or….
This one is a bit of a tail end Charlie (referring to the unpopular gunner position on WW2 bombers as opposed to any possibly inferred pejorative by attention seeking actresses from countries a a few thousand miles away from where the Vietnam War was conducted) as the thread handover looms:
‘a quaint belief that if something has been written or said by a journalist – any journalist – it must be true.”
And yet it persists.
Any used to dealing with the BBC ESC will smile wryly, if ruefully at this:
‘And yet the BBC Trust’s Editorial Standards Committee is not persuaded of “any shortcoming in the procedure itself“.
One day the wall will fall, and those files will be open to all. And there will be an accounting.
And in other news…
‘King of the Minicab Bal Samra’
Lucky he’s an ex-Beeboid now. That kind of thing could get Jo Brand down on you like a to… well, like Jo Brand.
‘Danny Cohen spent £40 on flowers for someone’
Hope it wasn’t for a woman, because, well… you know.
Still, it’s only money. Lots and lots of lovely, always-there… money.
Because, as A. BBCspokesweasel will doubtless be wheeled out anonymously to say, they are worth it.
Hope the budget cuts to the Flokker divisions to fund such largesse is not proving bad for internal morale.