“Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. The Qur’an is our law. Jihad is our way.
Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope. Allahu akbar!”
The Muslim Brotherhood….loveable rogues….or as Jeremy Bowen declared them:
“conservative, moderate and non-violent”.
Later updated, corrected, to this:
Though you might argue with the ‘non-violent’ bit as well……Hamas being a Muslim Brotherhood group.
And never mind this…..
The Muslim Brotherhood’s goal, as stated by Brotherhood founder Hassan al-Banna was to reclaim Islam’s manifest destiny, an empire, stretching from Spain to Indonesia…..
Muslim Brotherhood goal: Islamic world domination – “…the Islamic Ummah [nation]… can regain its power, be liberated and assume its rightful position which was intended by Allah, as the most exalted nation among men, as the teachers of humanity…”
– “…know your status, so that you firmly believe that you are the masters of the world, even if your enemies desire your degradation…”
– “It should be known that Jihad and preparation for Jihad are not only for the purpose of fending-off assaults and attacks against Muslims by Allah’s enemies, but are also for the purpose of realizing the great task of establishing an Islamic state, strengthening the religion and spreading it around the world…” [So not ‘defensive’ in the way you might interpret the word ‘defensive’…more along the lines of ‘pre-emptive attack is the best form of defence’]
– “…Jihad for Allah is not limited to the specific region of the Islamic countries. The Muslim homeland is one and is not divided. The banner of Jihad has already been raised in some of its parts, and it shall continue to be raised, with the help of Allah, until every inch of the land of Islam will be liberated, the State of Islam will be established…”
Means: Jihad – a mandatory religious duty. “This is followed by the power of arms and weapons… This is the role of Jihad.”
“You should be prepared to answer the call of Jihad whenever you are called, in any region of the Islamic world. Our Islam is universal not regional, and all Islamic countries are one homeland. Go out to battle, oh believers, young and old, by foot or on horseback, under all circumstances and conditions”
So non-violent?…..‘Go out to battle, oh believers…..‘
Sounds fairly unviolent…depends on the context I suppose!
Why is that of interest?
David Cameron orders review of Muslim Brotherhood
Prime Minister David Cameron has commissioned a review of the Muslim Brotherhood’s UK activity, No 10 says.
The Muslim Brotherhood is an Islamist movement which has been declared a terrorist group by Egypt’s government.
Number 10 said the review would examine the group’s philosophy and activities, and the government’s policy towards it.
The Prime Minister’s official spokesman said that the “main conclusions” of the review, which is due to be completed by the summer, would be made public.
The BBC still reports this:
‘Says it rejects use of violence and supports democratic principles’
and this:
Whitehall officials have suspected for some time that a small number of people belonging to the Muslim Brotherhood here in the UK also have links to violent extremism.
But these are believed to be individual cases rather than part of a collective policy.
Ahhh….so once again we’re being told the Muslim Brotherhood is really an organisation ‘of peace and tolerance’…and it’s just a small group, no doubt perverting the Muslim Bortherhood’s true beliefs.
Perhaps Frank Gardner, security expert, should read up a bit more on the Muslim Brotherhood and their beliefs and aims.
The BBC tells us that this is its most famous slogan:
“Islam is the solution.”
I might suggest that this is the more famous, or infamous one…curious the BBC doesn’t quote such a well known ‘slogan’:
“Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. The Qur’an is our law. Jihad is our way.
Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope. Allahu akbar!”
I look forward with interest to the government’s conclusions…though as ‘ No 10 has not provided any details on which bodies are to be involved in the review’ it is difficult to judge just how genuine the appraisal will be….certain groups will no doubt try to influence the outcome in favour of the Muslim Brotherhood and downplay their dangerous beliefs and activities.
And let’s not forget there are many that are happy to ignore such things if it gets them a vote or two…… the SNP were desperate to get Osama Saeed, a Muslim Association of Britain member (part of the Muslim brotherhood), as one of its MPs.
Talk about selling their soul for the ethnic vote.
Scottish National Party to endorse Islamist candidate
Later today, Friday 17 April [2009], Osama Saeed will be endorsed by the Scottish National Party (SNP) as their prospective parliamentary candidate for Glasgow Central by Alex Salmond and Angus Robertson MP at a rally at the SNP’s spring conference in Glasgow. If elected to Westminster, Saeed, a former spokesman for the Muslim Association of Britain (a front-group for the Muslim Brotherhood, the world’s largest Islamist movement), will be the UK’s first ever openly Islamist MP.
His world vision:
The return of the caliphate
Yes, indeed, and all this from the same broadcaster that keeps trying to convince us that UKIP members are just one bad day away from beating gays to death with their golf clubs.
Clearly the answer is for Nigel Farage to ditch the demand for a referendum and instead announce that their new slogan will be ‘Behead Those Who Respect Brussels’.
Bowen is an imbecile who has ‘ gone native ‘. None so blind as those that will not see……
Bowen is a politically useful idiot for the Muslim Brotherhood, which is in league with Islamic jihadists of Hamas.
There are indications of political sympathy and support for the Muslim Brotherhood inside Islam Not BBC (INBBC), reflected in the INBBC’s politics being:-
1.) pro-Hamas; personified politically in line of Bowen;
2.) pro-Al Jazeera’s pro-Muslim Brotherhood journalists in Egypt; a pro-MB political line from INBBC cairo Bureau and INBBC Arabic TV;
3.) censoring of significance of Hillary Clinton’s employment of MB sympathiser, Abedin;
4.) censoring of both the violent and the infiltrating methods of MB throughout its history; and the omission of MB’s ‘Project’, a transitional programme to Islamise the West, via Sharia law and Islamic jihad.
A reference on 3.) above:-
Click to access Abedin_Affairs_with_Al_Saud_0813122.pdf
Last Friday, 4 Coptic Christians were attacked and killed in Egypt by Muslim Brotherhood supporters. This included the horrific murder of a young Coptic woman.
No mention of this so far by the BBC.
It’s inconceivable that if even one Palestinian would be killed by Israel that it wouldn’t immediately appear on the BBC website, even if a retaliatory action.
Here’s the graphic story the BBC prefer to ignore.
With our government doing a review of MB activities in the UK, it would have been fitting to have included recent actions of theirs in Egypt, but the BBC prefer to only tell us what’s been happening to them since they were ousted.
The BBC also have another article related to the trial of those Al-Jazeera journalists accused of aiding the Muslim Brotherhood, which the BBC quote one of them as saying this charge is ‘preposterous’.
I would say the BBC better watch out, they’re likely to find themselves on trial for the same.
If only!
Here’s what these vile MB scum did to this lovely Coptic woman, just to understand just who the BBC sees worthy of support by concealing their real nature.
Once they saw that she was a Christian [because of the cross hanging on her rear view mirror], they jumped on top of the car, to the point that the vehicle was no longer visible. The roof of the car collapsed in. When they realized that she was starting to die, they pulled her out of the car and started pounding on her and pulling her hair—to the point that portions of her hair and scalp came off. They kept beating her, kicking her, stabbing her with any object or weapon they could find…. Throughout [her ordeal] she tried to protect her face, giving her back to the attackers, till one of them came and stabbed her right in the back, near the heart, finishing her off. Then another came and grabbed her by the hair, shaking her head, and with the other hand slit her throat. Another pulled her pants off, to the point that she was totally naked.
Imagine if an Israeli crowd had done that to an Arab woman. She’d be martyr of the decade. Move over Rachel Corrie your time is up.
It’s soft racism. They don’t expect Egyptians to be have any better so it’s not newsworthy.
The only Israelis I can imagine doing something like this would be Arab.
In which case the BBC would likely bury the story as well.
To understand properly why Cameron has ordered this review I suggest this article from Breitbart London.
You’d never know it from the BBC.
I note that since PM Cameron’s announcement of a British investigation into the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), ‘The Guardian’ has already put up an article politically sympathetic to, and giving voice to MB activists in Egypt.
I expect Islam Not BBC (INBBC) to follow suit.
In contrast to INBBC, ‘Telegraph’ (£) has:-
“Banning the Muslim Brotherhood would be a welcome step in the war on militant Islam”
By Con Coughlin
To be censored by Islamic-Left political alliance (inc INBBC)?
“Exposed: The Muslim Brotherhood/Al-Qaeda Connection”
by Raymond Ibrahim.
That reminds me of a School teacher forced out of her school through plotting Islamic extremists. OfSted looking into it and department of Education. Reported in Mail and Telegraph in detail. Could happen in any Labour run borough using the same tactics. BBC ignored it as news item of course.