When the bombs went off in London on 7/7 we were told that the real victims were Muslims….not the 52 dead and 700 injured.
Seems the BBC still continues with that mentality.
The Central African Republic has been suffering for nearly a decade with a war started by Muslim militias.
The world and the BBC long ignored this war. Just as they ignored the 5 million killed in the Congo.
In 2012 the UN said this:
“The world doesn’t seem to notice that the Central African Republic is facing a catastrophic situation,” said Daniel Bekele, Africa director. “Seleka fighters are killing civilians and burning villages to the ground while some villagers are dying in the bush for lack of assistance.”
The Seleka are Muslim militias.
The Guardian reports this in November 2013:
Unspeakable horrors in a country on the verge of genocide
A massacre of the innocents is taking place in the heart of Africa as the world looks the other way.
Militias in the Central African Republic are slitting children’s throats, razing villages and throwing young men to the crocodiles. What needs to happen before the world intervenes?
Fear of the Seleka’s brutality can be seen in ghost villages that line a rutted dirt road running north of Bangui through a vast sprawl of lush green African bush. Mudbrick houses with thatched roofs stand empty beneath the trees, raising the question of where the residents have fled. The answer can be found in Bossangoa, where about 34,000 people have sought refuge at the St Antoine de Padoue Cathedral.
Everyone at the Catholic mission in Bossangoa is Christian.
The latest eruption began in March when the unpopular president, François Bozizé, fled by helicopter with five suitcases after being overthrown by a loose coalition of rebels, bandits and guns for hire known as the Seleka, meaning “alliance” in the local language. One of its leaders, Michel Djotodia, declared himself president — the first Muslim to rule this majority Christian nation of 4.6 million people. What Médecins sans Frontières termed “a crisis on top of a crisis” for the population accelerated considerably in September when Djotodia officially disbanded the Seleka. Many of the rebels refused to disarm and leave the militias as ordered but veered further out of control, killing, looting and burning villages. They also systematically stripped administrative offices down to the light fittings and destroyed public records.
The US estimates that nearly 400,000 people have been displaced – many hiding in the jungle without access to malaria or HIV treatment – and 68,000 have gone to neighbouring countries.
The Seleka are playing judge, jury and executioner without regard even for Djotodia.
The CAR has been in turmoil since Michel Djotodia ousted Francois Bozize in March and installed himself as the first Muslim leader in the Christian-majority country.
The mainly Muslim Seleka rebel coalition which brought him to power has been accused of atrocities against Christians.
But no dramatic headlines…no ‘34,000 Christians face slaughter’.
This was the best the BBC could come up with:
Central African Republic: French troops expand operations
Unlike the treatment they give Muslims:
CAR conflict: UN warns 19,000 Muslims ‘face slaughter’
‘I’ll be last Muslim in CAR’
The truth is the original violence starting in 2004 was begun by Muslim militias and the present violence, begun in 2012, was also started by Muslim militias….where they attempted to take control of the whole country…which has a Christian majority.
We are also deeply alarmed by the prospect of CAR becoming a safe haven for violent extremists.
That’ll be Islamic ‘extremists’.
The BBC has other ideas about where the blame lies:
Despite this recognition of the roots of the violence….
‘This phase of CAR’s troubles began when largely Muslim Seleka rebels stormed through the country last year.
They toppled the government in March and installed their leader as interim president.’
….it seems that when it comes to interpreting what that means we get a completely different picture from the BBC:
‘Across this chaotic nation, many thousands of Muslims are now under siege. Some families have found shelter in mosques or churches. A few are protected by French or African peacekeepers. Most are now desperately looking for ways to escape abroad.
After months of horrific violence, a once well-integrated society has divided sharply along religious lines. The Muslim minority finds itself splintered into an archipelago of isolation and terror.
Despite some heroic efforts at local mediation, the situation appears to be changing fast, and for the worse, with thousands of Muslims now abandoning towns that had been considered relatively safe.
There are simply not enough French or African peacekeepers to patrol this vast country, and almost no credible local institutions in place to intervene. Christian militias continue to operate roadblocks and openly warn of their determination to kill or expel all Muslims.’
So no mention of this…’The US estimates that nearly 400,000 people have been displaced – many hiding in the jungle without access to malaria or HIV treatment – and 68,000 have gone to neighbouring countries.’ as the result of Muslim attacks?
Just the Christians to blame then.
The BBC downplayed or ignored Christians being ‘ethnically cleansed’ by Muslims from the Middle East….even telling us that Christian communities were thriving there…even in Gaza.
The BBC pretty well ignored the conflict in the Congo until last year….but sprang into action when it was suggested that Christians were being massacred around the world by Muslims:
Are there really 100,000 new Christian martyrs every year?
As of course it did when the question of Muslim demographics was raised….trying to deny a high Muslim immigration and birth rate would lead to challenging social and cultural upheavals in Europe.
Somewhat undermined by the BBC’s very own favourite Muslim commentator Mo Ansar:
And for many conflicts such as this one in the Central African Republic the BBC has long tried to downplay the religious aspect to any fighting…preferring to categorise it as ‘tribal’ or a conflict merely about ‘land’…..Nigeria a case in point.
Until now…when it suddenly becomes ‘religious’, a land racked by Christian violence…much as Buddhists were solely to blame for violence in Burma…..as in the Middle East where Muslims are always the innocent victims…..”This is a new torpedo for the blame game.”…”Every week we hear new reports that this is a Jewish state, there will be a transfer of the Arab population, we will be sent into exile. We ignore them. We are staying steadfast in our land,”
Oh those Jews! What legendary torture for the Palestinians will they think up next?
Funny how a 60 year war by Muslims against the Jews is considered a fair and reasonable response whilst Christians battling Muslim militias trying to conquer their land are ‘ethnically cleansing the land and slaughtering thousands’.
The Jews were legitimately granted the land of Israel by the international community whilst that can’t be said of the Muslim militias in CAR who are attempting to conquer and colonise the land and impose their religion on the Christians, as in Nigeria.
Who, in those circumstances has more right to defend their land? And yet it is the Christians who are vilified by the BBC not the Palestinians.
Muslims pick a fight, and when they get their backsides kicked, the BBC rushes to defend them and report on their ‘victimisation’.
Perhaps, if as in this country, they didn’t go around killing non-Muslisms, beheading unarmed soldiers in the street, trying to force their religion upon everyone, they might not get so much ‘islamophobic’ attention.
Well said, Alan and it’s not racist or bigotted to deduce from the evidence in front of us that there is a concerted effort, internationally to destroy Christianity and promote islam.
Another part of Agenda21. Stir up intra-religious hatred and create a clash of civilisations which will have millions of what the global elite dub “useless eaters” killing each other, and their bloodied bodies will act as fertiliser and green the earth.
BBC? … and its not just central Africa?
its the Christians … Buddhists … Hindu s … Jews … Catholics etc “wot dun it!”
Raymond Ibrahim on the systematic persecution and murder of Christians
It’s noticeable that INBBC relegates the role of Muslims as perpetrators of violence against Christians in e.g. Syria.
In contrast, ‘Jihadwatch’ archive has, for 2014 alone:-
Not to belittle your article/blog post but lets be fair , anyone with half a brain can see what’s going on in front of their very eyes. That isn’t the issue , the issue is what can we do about it and there I am afraid we fall down flat. We as individuals or even voters can do absolutely nothing, we are powerless. We are up against powerful vested interests that will stop at nothing to get their way. Currently as a nation (are we still a nation?) we are far too divided to even put together a challenge and lets face it any political party/organisation that tries to address this issue is killed stone dead by the MSM. Eventually the only option on the table will be submission or something along the lines of Nazi Germany, either way not something to be desired.
How is this BBC bias? Well I’d say the BBC are one of the main peddlers of misinformation on this topic.
A right negative bugger aren’t I?
You do realise that your counsel of despair gives inspiration to our enemies? Christianity, at least outside the West, is vibrant, Communism is now largely history, Israel continues to survive and thrive. The West can still prosper as can it’s Enlightenment values.
Not unless the great climate change swindle is stopped – its agenda is to do precisely that.
Despite, or because of the British Prime Minister’s investigation into the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), Beeboid political sympathy for the MB will continue, as in this INBBC ‘report’ of the latest bombing at Cairo University, in which MB is depicted as possible victim, not perpetrator:-
“Deadly bomb blasts reported in Cairo”
“Bombs at Cairo University Hit Riot Police, 2 Dead”
“Two bombs exploded Wednesday outside the Cairo University’s engineering faculty, killing at least two people, a civilian and a senior police officer, security officials said.
“The bombs, which were planted by the roadside, went off second apart and targeted riot police routinely deployed at the location in anticipation of near-daily protests by students supporters of ousted Islamist President Mohammed Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood group.”
I don’t have the time at the moment to demolish another Alan Muslim diatribe.
But who told you this Alan?? Or did you just make that up again:
‘When the bombs went off in London on 7/7 we were told that the real victims were Muslims….not the 52 dead and 700 injured
Look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/7_July_2005_London_bombings
Go down to the end of “Videotaped statements”;
*Tanweer argued that the non-Muslims of Britain deserve such attacks because they voted for a government which “continues to oppress our mothers, children, brothers and sisters in Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq and Chechnya.”*
‘I don’t have the time at the moment to demolish another Alan Muslim diatribe.’
That’s shorthand for ‘can’t’.
Unless you’ve got a couple of minutes to demolish this one: the BBC reported ‘After months of horrific violence, a once well-integrated society has divided sharply along religious lines. The Muslim minority finds itself splintered into an archipelago of isolation and terror’. So the well-documented slaughter of Christians which has been continuing since 2004 is where exactly in the BBC’s ‘well-integrated society’? How can they say it was not divided along religious lines until the last few months? What is it about the BBC’s attempt at erasing recent history that you’ve failed to grasp?
Everything faded into mist. The past was erased. The erasure was forgotten. The lie became the truth. (1984)
‘shorthand for ‘can’t’
Six hours since and counting. Could there be a self-imposed ‘closed for comment’ for Flokkers too?
‘I don’t have the time at the moment..
Maybe it was a different one?
Still, perhaps not the best opening line if weighing in all jerk guns blazing with, so far, still, nothing to actually contribute.
Very BBC mind.
The civil war in the Ivory Coast is also a Muslim-North vs. Christian-South affair that the BBC largely fails to report on, probably for the same reasons as the fail to mention the Christian victims in the Congo.
‘Ivory Coast is another Muslim-inspired civil war’
Channel 4 gave good reporting of events in the CAR at a time when Muslims persecuted Christians. The BBC with much greater resources than Channel 4 ignored the CAR until the Christians began to persecute the Muslims.
Thanks for putting up Mo Ansars tweets.
Heard this scummer get time on Newsnight to air his taqqiya a week or so ago.
Him, Medhi Hasan and Paxman against the LibDem Muslim who wasn`t offended by the Jesus and Mo cartoon-the infidel!
Disgusting telly-but the BBC to a tee.
Love the idea of we white westerners being somehow ripe for that tub of guts to convert irreversibly.
Sorry fatty-you`ve had your 72 grapes and your fifteen minutes.
The idea of these barbarians being able to scare us is a joke-we`re not Gavin Eslers, despite all that the BBC tell them.
Ansar and Hasan think they`re the coming wave-they`re nothing more than spent condoms washed up here, because they`d not last a minute in Saudi.
If we could bring sown the BBC, I think we`d have common cause with most Muslims..but the BBC prefer the weekend taqqiya scummies like Anjem and Medhi, Mo and Tariq.
Good stuff you guys. The BBC is renting property financed by the Saudis (Salford Quays) and their offshore companies paying as little as 10% corporation tax and that appear to be closely linked to ‘Labour’ development Company (PEELS). The BBC sailed past Hodge scrutiny.
The BBC political trustees seem hell bent on NOT ‘upsetting’ the Saudis in controversial BBC news stories. What we do here, is act as witness to bribery and corruption at the very top. It’s our money the BBC are using to finance a propaganda war on the population of England. And lot more ordinary English folk are more aware of the BBC ‘bias’ (and don’t trust the BBC), even the BBC staff don’t trust the BBC.
islam is just the brown skinned non muslim,kaffir,infidel hatig majority in the world version of the kkk,you cant take this cult called islam as a serious religion anymore,the kkk and islam are so similar in there hate filled ideology that i even read that in america that the leader of the racist kkk david duke and the nation of islams leader thec racist louis farrakhan mohammed meet regular to discuss there hatred and how to destroy there commen enemy the jews and isreal,the kkk hate blacks and jews,the nation of islam hate whites and jews and non muslims,what strange bedfellows duke and farrakhan are,islam for me is just a cult and no religion.
1/. power – Islam is a totalitarian political ideology
ie communism- fascism- Islamism.
its moniker is submission … to allah and for everyone else to muslims … its aim is power, absolute power
2/. religion? – nearly everything in its texts are simply
perverted often incorrect cut and pastes from other older texts, only compiled to reinforce 1/.
This ideology has been lying since its inception to gain 1/.
and thus has become both insidious and accomplished at it.
It has lied and infiltrated its way into positions of power (it is doing that here, now) and everywhere else it has set up.
Its adherents are so brainwashed by it, they will swear black is white, despite glaring fact and evidence … and die easily for its lies (doing that here, now)… breed like rabbits for it, (doing that here, now).
It IS the most dangerous ideology on this planet … that is not militant islam, orthodox islam, Islamism, salafi, or the wahab, sunni or the shi …
it is Islam.
Trojan Horse? …. sheeesh! 😀
where have you all been eh!