“Good morning, good morning..” Hope you slept the whole night through and here is an on-time brand NEW Open Thread for you to populate with instances of egregious BBC bias!
Another piece of subtle propaganda masquerading as “research” on the BBC website in an article entitled “UK becoming more local and global” by Mark Easton (see http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-26885743). The basic premise is that people are more interested in their local communities and the world at large than they are with their own country. Of course, such a message is very encouraging if you are a globalist or EU fanatic that believes countries need to be abolished. An example of the theme can be gathered from the following quote: ‘Nationality is not as central to our sense of self as sometimes suggested. Ask people “Who do we think we are?’ and the answer is as likely to be bird-watchers as Brits.’ An interesting viewpoint, based upon the statistic that nationality is most important to identity to 20% of people surveyed. Wonder why they chose that rather than gender (just 13%), religion (10%), class (7%), ethnicity (6%) or sexual orientation (2%)?
Have English people’s sense of Englishness been reduced because of some natural process or because the left wing media, which dominates the airwaves, denigrates the sense of Englishness – preferring to categorise it as something racist and best forgotten?
Here is the order of things considered important to identity, from the poll:
1) Leisure activities
2) Values
3) Views
5) Nationality
6) Music
7) Gender
8) Sports
Yet the BBC likes to give plenty of coverage to Music, Gender politics and sports but little to nationalist issues.
Given it’s position on the list then it isn’t that unimportant, is it BBC?
It may be buried in there, but given the context – ‘What is the most important to your identity? – I would love to know how the option ‘Interests & leisure activities’ was actually included as a meaningful option.
Because to get ‘identity’ first from such as trainspotting seems frankly bizarre.
The conflation of interests with ‘leisure activities’ also appears designed to be everything or nothing to taste, and is at best poorly constructed to have any value.
But yes, as with paper employees no one reads forming the majority of BBC green room guests, the driving obsessions of the national thought controller do appear oddly low on the totem.
Actually the chart I can see on the link provided does have Music & Sport midway, but at 2% the lowest registering might come as a bit of a blow to the BBC’s script directors.
I see the HYS comments kicked off as most were already en route to work.
It will again be interesting to see when the BBC pulls the plug give the high rated ones, such as:
20. Diana_France
14. Dragonwight I do hope you don’t want to silence those of us whose towns have actually become foreign countries? Most of us are sick of being silenced, of the denial which persists within government and the BBC. Just this once, allow us to speak our minds, it won’t last long (look at yesterday’s main debate, silenced by mods and curtailed when the trend was undeniable).
There are others, equally if not more uncomplimentary on everything from methodology to execution to modding.
It’s working out to be the latest daily footshooting.
Well, it’s almost 5.30pm and it’s still open.
Could be gripping.
Will they? Won’t they?
But I must give full marks to the BBC’s professional ‘news’ teams for this embodiment of all they stand for: Exploring identities BBC journalists think about who they are – by taking selfies
It’s like looking in a mirror, and liking what you see staring back.
Only heaps more expensive than a mirror.
Great comments after the BBC article. The contempt readers have for the BBC is good to see.
The last time a BBC article got such negative feedback all the comments were removed. I wonder if it will happen this time? I’ve done a screen grab just in case.
Despite the BBC admitting that their coverage of immigration is flawed – they continue as before. Their arrogance is astounding.
its interesting to see the Biased BBC try and “become” more “impartial”.
Watch the B BBC dont use it as evidence of “allowing people” their say.
Not using the website I dont know how often “truthful comment” or just plain old honest opinion is allowed, but I bet its infrequent. Listening to the Radio 4 is more than enough pro Nu libour ivory towered socialist propaganda I can stomach, thus i dont frequent the bbc web pages. For what little it would matter i dont want to up their page count so they can bang on about how incredibly important thier website is.
Notice they seem to change/”update” their stories, yes stories, all the time to up their chance of getting the top stop on google news. its always seems to be BBC story at the top stop A spot Im sure google is all to happy to ensure is taken by like minded friends and pals at the biased BBC.
Jeez, that was a bit confusing there for a moment, john doe, I thought you were sarcastically commenting that the Biased BBC website was trying to become more ‘impartial’. The capitals caused the confusion in the first sentence. Then the rest of your contribution helped it make sense !
I never, ever, want the ‘Biased BBC’ website to become impartial (that’s what the BBC reckons it is, and it’s a long way off being that).
Another week at BBc looks like more of the same. BBc Breakfast and “Who do we think we are? I suspect more like “who do the BBc wish to portray us as” Three “members of the public” the first one says, “I’m Northern Irish”, the second says “I’m Welsh” and the third says “I’m British NOT ENGLISH”. Odd seeing as us English make up the ethnic majority that they didn’t manage to find someone who says they are English. An acquaintance of Dave666 works in a call centre where they tell’ frequently when asked what ethnic group “I’m English. Am I allowed to say that?” SNAFU.
There’s a measure of the success of BBC propagada.
The BBC usually takes care to avoid explicit anti-Englishness. The sentiment does occasionally slip out. BBC 5 Live did air a report about some group looking into how we express Englishness. Tony Livesey scoffed and made a casual remark which laid bare the BBC office culture : ‘Why do we need to express “Englishness” – we’re only English be default’
In a survey of identity around 70% said they were ‘English only’. The BBC is quite clearly embarking on another campaign in an attempt to lie about how we feel.
At Dave666 Towers we are and always have been very “English”apart from Mrs Dave666 who is Welsh. , I have had several ‘Fights’ with bodies who omit English as an option on ethnic surveys. I remember the days not that long ago when anytime the St. George flown was flown the media went into overload. I certainly remember one company Dave666 worked for who banned their drivers from displaying flags in or on company vehicles. As chronicled I had a 3 year argument with the BBc with what Dave666 considered to be an anti-English position. They said they don’t…but they do.
I saw that too… “I’m British NOT ENGLISH” barked the woman. The BBC’s insidious anti Englishness is sickening. Let all the “English NOT BRITISH” stop paying their TV License (‘TV Tax’ we call it in our house) and see how the disgusting Balkanising Britain Corporation get on.
Most of us, I guess, used to be quite happy to say we were British; now we say we are English, or, if that is so, Welsh or Scottish or from Ulster. We understood it as a shared history, language and culture. But when anyone can arrive from anywhere in the world, not bother to learn the language, refer to the country they emmigrated from as “my country”, live in ghettos, and the BBC constantly refers to a “British Man” when talking about somone who most of the ethnic British feel nothing in common, nor he with us, asking us “who we think we are” is very insulting. But what we have come to expect.
Bid to bring forward GCSEs so Muslim pupils aren’t fasting for Ramadan while they take their exams
A story in the Mail which just shows the lengths fascists in control of public sector bodies are prepared to go to in order to – cheat basically, on behalf of Muslim students.
To be clear this is not the Muslims demanding changes, but stupid white people. They do this because of changes introduced during the BLiar years which have never been corrected by leftie Daves mob. They force public sector employees to be able to show what they have done for equal opportunities, and result in over zealous and desperate attempts by staff to be seen to be ‘doing something’, often outrageous and unnecessary actions.
Without this stupidity bosses cannot get bonuses, and staff are barred from promotion. It leads to madness such as attempts to install squat toilets, which the Muslims went nuts about, because the white fascists got it wrong as they didn’t understand the culture they were promoting.
I do wonder if this madness has permeated the bBC where every program has to have an eye to ‘equal opportunities’, which basically means bowing to Islamic demands, because no other group or religion makes demands like Islam does.
You wouldn’t mind with this particular insanity, but Muslims can stop fasting on the days when they need not to, they can make it up at a different time of year if necessary, so it’s a total red herring. Everything has to change to accommodate the Muslims, how is that in any way equal?
Yet, here in France, Marine Le Penn has suggested (or is suggesting) to schools, that if the Muslim contingent of children won’t eat pork, they can jolly well go hungry.
Forcing Muslim & Jewish children to eat pork is going too far, but equally Muslim demands that they will refuse to eat anything which has been cooked in a kitchen where pork or even non halal meat might have been cooked is too far.
Totally agree. Have you noticed how many Indian restaurants now advertise themselves as ‘halal’? I don’t want to eat halal. If it’s halal, I want it marked – in supermarkets, butchers or in restaurants. It’s the only way I can show MY preference for humanely killed meat.
Some of the meat is labelled halal. Some is not even though it is halal slaughtered. I am told although i have no evidence, by some of the animal cruelty sites, that the majority of lamb from New Zealand is haal slaughtered. I also entered into a prolonged complaint against the BBc when one of the participants announced halal meat was the best. Now again Dave666 has friends in the cattle business their view is that is not the case due to the method of slaughter. However as usual at the end of the day Dave666 was wrong again…(according to the BBc anyway).
The only way to be sure it is not Halal is to use your local butcher who you may know is not halal already, or if you shop at a supermarket, to ensure that is Morrison’s because they are the only main supermarket which actually label Halal meat (lamb and poultry) The vast majority of lamb in this country is halal.
Don’t be fooled Morrisons support the Islamic charity ZAKAT …
“MORRISONS has decided to fund the Islamic National Zakat Foundation on all selected purchases you make during the month of Ramadan. The Zakat money donated by MORRISONS will ONLY benefit the 4.8% Followers of Islam in Britain”
fudge says:
“It’s the only way I can show MY preference for humanely killed meat”
“Humanely killed”; there’s an oxymoron if ever there was one. If you cared about animal welfare so much you wouldn’t eat any sort of meat.
But never mind; at least you can convince yourself that you are morally superior to those “disgusting muslims” as you suck down another gobbet of almost twitching, mechanically recovered, pig sweepings.
Are you vegetarian, Dez? Nothing wrong in being vegetarian. I’ve not eaten meat since I paid a visit to my sister’s farm in Scotland and got to know the animals and their offspring as individuals. Now I realise that may sound overly sentimental coming from a hard boiled cynic like me, but I asked myself the question ” how can you eat these creatures after looking into their eyes and seeing more intelligence behind them than most of the population of this country?”
Just couldn’t abide the thought of meat in my mouth after that. Not touched meat for over twenty years. My own personal choice, but I wouldn’t dream of trying to persuade others to do the same.
However, I CAN see the difference between humanely killing an animal (stunning and then finishing them off with a bolt gun, although I couldn’t do that myself) and slashing their throats and allowing them to slowly bleed to death AND being aware of the fact. But then again, many Muzzies cut the throats of other human beings, as witnessed many times in Afghanistan and Syria, without batting an eyelid so doing it to some dumb goat or lamb would be a walk in the park for them.
Veggie sometimes, otherwise not. I don’t feel the need to tie myself to meaningless labels. However I don’t subscribe to the convenient myth that you can eat a pork sausage or drink a pint of milk without making animals suffer.
If all meat was made halal/kosher from tomorrow; would consumption go down? Of course it wouldn’t.
It’s no coincidence that the whole “anti-halal” campaign is being driven by people who just so happen to be “anti-muslim” at the same time; seemingly oblivious to the KFC kosher chicken nuggets they’ve been gorging on for years.
“But then again, many Muzzies cut the throats of other human beings… so doing it to some dumb goat or lamb would be a walk in the park for them.”
Ah yes, much better to burn other human beings alive using drone strikes and “targeted” laser guided missiles. Much more civilised. Much more “humane”.
“Veggie sometimes, otherwise not. I don’t feel the need to tie myself to meaningless labels.”
Is that what you trot out between the soup and the Steak Tartare? Your dinner colleagues must breathe a real sigh of relief conversation will not err on the meaningless.
“However I don’t subscribe to the convenient myth that you can… drink a pint of milk without making animals suffer.”
One can only presume you are doing it wrong.
Presumably, Dez, you have many enriching stories to tell of your experience of living in an Islamic society, given how much you seem to know about it and how you always consider it to be beyond criticism.
“Veggie sometimes,otherwise not.” Like to have your meatloaf and eat it, then Dez. You don’t half talk some tosh, Dez. You’re either a vegetarian or a meat eater,not a part timer in either. So the description of animal slaughter you gave in your comment above proves you don’t care what suffering an animal goes through as long as you can stuff your face with beef wellington or lamb kebab with your chatterati friends. Typical leftie hypocrite!
By the way, Dez, happily and enthusiastically slicing into a person’s throat, feeling the warm blood spray over your hands and hearing your victim gurgling his final breaths in
front of a braying audience takes more callousness and heartlessness than the relative anonymity of bombing or shooting someone from a helicopter
gunship. If you cannot see the difference then there’s something wrong with your moral outlook.
I do not eat curries now……local place was closed down…..implant chip from a pet found in a meal….Sikh friend assured me restaurants use the worst meat, cheap stuff, using spices to disguise any off-flavours…..many illegal immigrants work in them….last one i visited, friend ordered lamb, was given beef. Complained, they denied it, friend said he would take it home and have it tested, asked fora bag, they relented and changed the meal, lamb this time. These people hold us in contempt, sod their restaurants.
Muslim children are not being forced to eat pork. This is a lie put out by the left and has excited the UAF. All that has happened is that on days when pork is served in the schools, alternative halal will not be available.
From the article linked below:
“The mayor, who believes the school in Arveyres is not the only one in France facing such a dilemma, has vowed that the children will get all the protein they need saying vegetables, salads and lentils will be offered when pork is on the menu”.
They are not going to be hungry. In any case, the decision will be referred to the European Court and found to be in breach of Article 9, where religious rights trumps animal welfare or the economics of providing school meals. http://www.thelocal.fr/20140404/le-pen-says-no-more-pork
Muslims will not eat from a kitchen where Pork products have been prepared.
When they buy house from a non Muslim the first thing they do is rip the kitchen out as it’s ‘unclean’. Besides how else are they going to spend all that dirty drug money ?
Seen it happen so many times.
Thoughtful [sic] says:
“When they buy house from a non Muslim the first thing they do is rip the kitchen out as it’s ‘unclean’”
Blimey, the first thing some Muslims do when they buy a house is redecorate.
Bloody Muslims.
Only if the house has been owned by another Muslim Dez! Every single Muslim on our street has not moved into the house they bought until the kitchen has been replaced.
I speak from experience – not a fantasy of how I want life to be.
This assistant head( note-not deputy head, but a new breed of promoted nomarks allowed by Blair and the NUT) seems to think that “some Chrisitians” have been as “homophobic” as “some Muslims”!
I would love to get his figures on that-but being a primary teacher, he`s probably unaware of statistics save for homophobic events in his council ward.
My guess?…one Christian muttering something under her breath in 2004…as opposed to countless death threats and warnings via third parties left on the car windscreen!
Tell you what-until he gives us the proportions, I`ll assume he`s shilling for Islam even now.
Natives of Stockholm?…anybody who went into teaching September 2001 and after….
Works for Sayeeda Warsi, too, if you remember. That way she never has to worry, when she’s at a Hindu event, whether what she’s eating is halal. Eating lamb, goats and chicken all the time to offend nobody might be a choice, but then you have Jains and some strict Buddhist South Asians, too. Nobody apparently objects to her convenient vegetarianism.
a Jewish child is not forced to eat pork!
… as one knows that the parents would make full provision wilfully without the slightest concern … as should muslim parents.
I urge everyone here, not to buy into this constant Sharia rhetoric …
This is simply about Islamic imposition.
from the Institute for the Study of Political Islam …
re – necessity and obligation
So much of this Halal nonsense is generated by non muslim’s eager to please. Easter is not a Mohamidan festival, so why are Cadbury’s selling Halal compliant Easter Eggs?
Jewish children would not be forced to eat pork … as we know full well the parents would make full provision without the slightest of concerns …
as should ……. muslim parents.
good food is available, it is choice
whether to eat, or not to eat. For muslims their very own beloved “Sharia” has their answer
necessity and obligation … The Institute
for the Study of Political Islam
Prior to all these demands of Halal Muslim children simply avoided pork and ate every other food including non halal beef and chicken. Practising Jewish children did the same.
The stricter ones had the option of going vegetarian. That is how it should be.
The subject of Ramadan reminds me of a not too recent BBC Motorway Cops episode. The program featured a Muslim traffic cop who had spotted a stolen car and gave chase, the offender decamped and did a runner, the cop set chase after him but couldn’t keep up and had to quickly give up exhausted, as yes you’ve guessed he had been fasting for Ramadan…..
You couldn’t make it up could you? The tone of the program wasn’t “this isn’t good enough these guys are supposed to be protecting us, he’s not fit to work” more of “poor cop having to fast for his archaic religion…..”
AFAIK, fasting during Lent (for Christians) only applies to people between the ages of 18 and 59, and involves eating one full meal and two small meals per day.
It’s this Respect leftist pandering to the nuttiest imams which is the problem here.
Many of these changes are indeed being forced through by white people. Many of them are indeed stupid, or at least highly ignorant of Islamic practice. But many of them are not, and know exactly what they are doing and why. To the Left, Muslims can be used as proxy troops in their cultural war against the West. For their part, the committed Islamists are very happy to make use of the “useful idiots” in the Left, in the knowledge that they can be dispatched with at some future date with a sharp sword or length or rope.
George Galloway, MP for Bradford West, is a Muslim. He converted more than ten years ago in a ceremony at a hotel in Kilburn, north-west London, attended by members of the Muslim Association of Great Britain. Those close to him know this. The rest of the world, including his Muslim constituents, does not.
“I know someone who attended your shahadah [the Muslim conversion ceremony].”
I used to suffer very badly from hay fever during exam times, and the nuns simply said to me “too bad – you just have to get on with it”.
I would like to know if this is coming from muslims or from leftist do-gooders. Sharia law clearly states that if you cannot fast at the specified time, then you fast at another time instead – so the current exam timetable is no problem.The same with praying. Additionally, if halal is not available, it is permissible to eat non-halal.
Anyone who says otherwise is an outright liar, because this is straight from the sharia law manual, Umdat Al Salik.
This originates from left wing / public sector do gooders (or do good to get a bonus / promotion), and plenty of people have said that they are able to eat under Sharia law.
I disagree, although the hand wringers are all for it, Muslims want it because it means lucrative school and hospital contract deals go to Muslim butchers robbing ethnic British butchers of good business.
Under Islam, children are excused from complying with Ramadan if it would affect their health (participating in school sports lessons) or education (studying for, and taking, exams). Is this yet another attempt by Islamofascists to demand special privileges for themselves, even if it means inconvenienceding everybody else?
Once again Radio 4, backed up by a supportive non-interview by Humphrys with Starmer on Today, paraded another part of the Labour extended manifesto for the 2015 election – a “Victims Charter” no less (to deal with what I suppose will be called the “victim crisis”) – as “news”, worthy enough to be included, at length, as an item on the 8:00 am flagship Radio 4 News.
Starmer propagandised on Today (faithfully repeated on the news) for a Labour-endorsed change to procedure in the English courts. The change would see victims of crime relieved from cross-examination in court by defence barristers to be replaced by an interview with a judge. This change is now, according to Starmer, “consensual” and thus, by extension and, by no coincidence whatsoever, in the same league as the “settled science” of global warming climate change.
Humphrys (a “journalist” apparently) failed to ask who “consented” to this proposed change. IMHO this proposal is at one with the belief (at Labour, the BBC and Feminist Central) that all men accused of rape or child abuse are guilty as charged. We’ve already seen the 800+ years old principle of “double jeopardy” abolished so that Baroness Lawrence can freely advertise for Marks & Sparks. This is just another step in the dismantling of the English legal system.
This is not to deny that there might be a case for such a change: not a good case, I’ll grant you, but a case. What it doesn’t deserve is to be given a fair wind by the BBC on the basis that everything spouted by a Labour apparatchik must be elevated to international news status and given a precious 10 minutes of airtime on Today.
You know that when a legal system becomes so expensive that even the state can’t afford to use it, something has gone wrong!
If you’ve ever seen the ridiculous mountains of paperwork – all in triplicate, requiring 5 juniors pulling carts full, which no one will ever reads, but which the archaic court system demands is supplied in hard copy, and costs a fortune to assemble.
When a document is in wide circulation it still cannot be referred to – it has to be supplied – in triplicate !
There are pre hearing / trial reviews which have to be attended, and if the whole mess was brought up to date then it could probably be run for a tenth of what it currently costs.
But who would lose out? Well it’s the greedy weasels, and seeing as it’s them who regulate their industry there are enough of them making mega money to prevent that change.
The legal aid strike is a joke when we consider their refusal to make any efficiency changes what so ever.
All that can happen is a little tinkering around the edges. We live in a state of anarchy anyway, only liveable because most people are law abiding. It really wouldn’t make much difference to our lives if the Police and courts didn’t exist.
Meanwhile Wavy Davy believes running a country is all about making ‘important’ speeches and giving little moues of disapproval when he hears how much nike can stripe mugs up for, for replica shirts.
And the key word there, uncle bup, is ‘mugs’ – if anyone is stupid enough to pay £90 each and every time someone changes ‘his/her’ team’s strip, then that’s their choice – absolutely no-one is forcing anyone to buy replica football shirts.
Unlike the BBC, of course….
And why the hell would we want our government to spend any time whatsoever getting mixed up in that decision anyway ?
If people just stopped buying the damned things these stupid prices, then the immutable law of ‘supply and demand’ would mean that the price would quickly slam downwards.
What would be interesting would be the right of a victim to be able to sue the judge/social worker/police service who lets a convicted criminal out on bail to commit a subsequent offence. This could also be extended to the Home Secretary who authorises the entry to this country of someone who subsequently goes on to commit acts of terrorism. There is no doubt in my mind that if these do-gooders were held personally responsible, re-offending rates would fall dramatically.
To defend the police for a moment here, the majority of charging decisions are made be the CPS, an absurd move created by Labour.
In court, Judges are going our of their way not to send people to prison, numerous examples are listed everyday. I have heard a judge in Court when sentencing two for GBH with Intent say ‘I thought we were supposed to be keeping them out of prison’ before he gave them 4 years each for ruining peoples lives.
Judicial independence got a huge kick in the balls from 1997 onwards and it would appear Judges are towing a party line.
Together with what was said above about the self regulation, the whole Judicial process merits a thorough investigation.
Head from 1 November 2008 to 1 November 2013 one Keir Starmer, a former Human Rights lawyer.
Starmer has recently started an inquiry into child abuse law for the Labour Party. According to The Independent (27 December 2013) he is keen to stand as a Labour candidate.
An interesting comment on Womens Hour, that Maria Miller would not still be in office if she hadn’t been a woman. Tacit acceptance that equality means superiority in reality.
Later this week the truly horrible IDS will bring proposals to attack benefit claimants further to the House. Why he doesn’t have the balls to just propose concentration camps where he could execute them all is beyond me, after all I’m sure he’d like to. Far too stupid to realise that ordinary people will at some point begin to think “that might happen to me” and react against it, or be so sickened at the reduction to penury and starvation, the fool will carry on until the Tories are booted out of office for decades again.
Let me ask people reading this. Would you prefer to see hundreds of thousands of starving people begging and stealing to survive, so very wealth people can keep their often ill gotten gains without inheritance tax, or the poor being able to just about get by, and the very rich paying their fair share?
There’s even a proposal to seize the homes of what IDS calls ‘benefit cheats’. Funny but there’s no proposals to sieze the homes of MPs who are expenses cheats. A great illustration of the gulf between the MPs and the people they are supposed to represent. So extreme are IDSs proposals that even the Mail readers top comments are all against them, quite an achievement !
Even serious criminals aren’t subject to such sanction !
Indeed it is. However, nothing in your comment concerns BBC bias: it’s just a rant about IDS. Whoever commented on Woman’s Hour spoke the undoubted – and unbiased – truth that, had she not been a woman, Maria Miller would now have been on the backbenches.
It’s not just a rant about IDS! It’s a comparison of what the evil man is prepared to visit on the poor and unfortunate, while no one is suggesting that cheating politicians should even pay the money back let alone have their homes seized to pay ‘fines’ (which they don’t incur’). It follows on from the Miller case.
So, thoughtful, what’s your proposal to get rid of what you clearly believe to be a double standard ?
a) …anyone and everyone be able to get away with defrauding the system ?
b) …nobody be allowed to get away with it ?
What you can’t do is complain about some abusing the system, and then also complain about others not being allowed to abuse the system, in what you see as clearly equivalent acts.
And perhaps slightly off-topic (unless ‘benefits cheat’ is considered part of the topic), but there may well be some justice after all !
The attached article describes how a benefits cheat had described herself as agoraphobic, and unable to walk more than 5 metres unaided, in order to claim all sorts of benefits, and traipse all round the world at her complete leisure, courtesy of the taxpayer….
As a result of being caught, she might well now face a prison sentence. Well, that should be no problem for her whatsoever – in fact, she’ll probably feel right at home, given her previous self-description.
Maria Miller won’t face a prison sentence though, and certainly won’t have her home seized. Neither will most of the serious criminals who have been convicted.
I’m not condoning anything here, merely pointing out the double standards and hypocrisy of those in power, and the readiness of IDS to attack those who have tried in life and bought a home with their earnings should not have it stolen by the state, when the scroungers will not face this sanction.
Besides all that, as some on the Mail forums have pointed out, how easy will it be for future governments to make further laws which take peoples property for what ever reason.
It’s the thin end of a very dangerous wedge which politicians are not applying to their own fraud and missclaiming.
Fine, thoughtful, no equivocation then, EVERYONE should obey the law, and should take the consequences of their actions – no matter what.
I’d agree with that. No excuses for anyone. No hypocrisy, no double standards.
But then you have to get around the fact that Maria Miller has apparently obeyed the law. That may call for a change in the law, but equally, it should not condone anyone else breaking the law.
An interesting article which appears to have gone unnoticed and unremarked by the BBC and the rest of the media.
Domenico Rancadore an alleged mafia boss escaped extradition to Italy on the grounds that ‘prison conditions there would breach his human rights’.
No one seems to have stopped to ask the question how it is possible for a country which is a signatory to the Human Rights Charter could possibly be operating a prison which does not conform to the treaty? (although the Mail has made a half hearted attempt).
The answer comes in the corrupt way which Tony BLiar integrated the ECtHR into British law where it takes supremacy over it, instead of simply signing the treaty which means that for other European countries, it merely provides guidance and can be ignored by their courts and government if they so wish.
Couldn’t have had anything to do with BLiars wife being a prominent human rights lawyer could it?
Worse than that the CPS which fouled up an industrial scale has been accused by a whistle blower insider to be so politically correct that it is unable to function properly.
“I was called to the Bar in 2006 and, as a British woman of Indian descent, I can hardly be accused of racism. So I feel freer to speak than some of my colleagues. But what we all see is the same thing: the race card being played in recruitment to legal firms and the Crown Prosecution Service.
‘The Bar is at least independent but the CPS is much more directly connected with the government and has to be seen to be a fair employer. In London, at least, the organisation seems to be stuffed with people from ethnic minorities.
It is worrying when you ring someone up about a case, often a serious one, and you have trouble understanding what they are saying.
Or you get documents drafted that simply make no sense and are written in pidgin English. In a system responsible for the administration of justice, that is alarming… but it just seems to be accepted.’
I have no idea whether the abysmal failure of the CPS in the case of the Mafia don was anything to do with such recruitment policies; and it would be wrong to make ‘political correctness’ the scapegoat for failures which seem endemic and which might also be connected to inadequacies within police evidence-taking.
But one thing is clear: we cannot go on like this.”
You’re not going to see any of this reported by the BBC, and none of it has been covered to date.
Amazing to see how the BBC insist on stoking and re-stoking the Maria Miller story for all it’s worth (apparently, quite a bit to the comrades at the BBC).
Funny how they never seemed quite so enthusiastic about keeping the Harriet Harperson/PIE story alive in the headlines, despite the much more serious and potentially career-ending subject matter…
Couldn`t the parties do an agreed swap?
You sack Harman-we`ll sack Miller!
In truth, Harman is the bigger menace, so if Labour lumped in Dromey…surely we could cut the deal.
Landfill scummards that we continue to prop up like cadavers at the bus stop…why so?
Seems the shared values have inspired some to wonder where Ms. Harman is: http://order-order.com/2014/04/07/where-is-harman/
Doubting it will inspire the BBC to join any more now than they did when it was her turn in the spotlight.
But she does seem to have been absent from our screens of late.
Sorely missed.
‘I worked on the London Evening Standard investigation that first exposed the Islington scandal. Along with a colleague, Stewart Payne, I spent three months in 1992 secretly interviewing terrified whistleblowing staff, parents and children before the newspaper published a damning investigation. It was promptly attacked by then-council leader Margaret Hodge as a “sensationalist piece of gutter journalism”. We were falsely accused of bribing children to make up their heartbreaking stories. Mrs Hodge has since apologised and explained that her officials lied to her……….
The arrest and death of fellow ringleader Bernie Bain, former superintendent of Islington’s home at 1 Elwood Street, made it possible to name him. Bain abused numerous boys in his care, including Demetrious Panton, whom Margaret Hodge secretly branded “extremely disturbed” to BBC bosses in an attempt to halt a documentary on what she knew of the scandal. Mr Panton – now a lawyer – forced her to apologise for this cruel slur in the High Court. ‘
Yep, THAT Margaret Hodge – the one the BBC can’t get enough of in her current heroic Parliamentary role.
The very fact that this question is being asked is an admission of the appalling failure (or success depending on how you view it) of the BLiar corruption and maladministration.
Years of Mass Immigration; Political Correctness; Multiculturalism; Islamophilia; and the criminalising of dissent have led to this point, and the biased BBC has played more of a part than a dispassionate observer.
I cannot imagine this question being asked in many countries around the world, including France and Germany where left wing idiocy has not been allowed to destroy their identity. The European Union is not to blame for this (for once!)
What does it mean to be British – imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever
Who do we think we are? You can besure that whoever we think we are, ie disgusted at this immigration cesspit, the lovely bbc will not report it accurately. And we must pay for this crap,
I cannot imagine this question being asked in many countries around the world, including France and Germany where left wing idiocy has not been allowed to destroy their identity. The European Union is not to blame for this (for once!)
I noticed BBC Breakfast this morning getting very excited because a black fella won “The Voice” – namely Jermaine Jackman. That a box ticked of course, but what really excited the Breakfast presenters was that he clearly supports Labour and wants to enter politics as a Labour MP. We were gleefully told that Ed Miliband has already been in contact with him. I bet a tiny little bit of wee came out of the beeboids when that was mentioned.
The Breakfast presenter then said something like ‘now you have won, that will open doors for you’ – no, what you really mean is ‘now you have declared your love of Labour, THAT will open doors and we, the BBC will assist as much as possible’.
Expect to see the guy, and his politics, appearing a lot more now on the BBC.
Lewis Hamilton is without doubt a fine driver, yet all we seem to hear is is about him. Jenson Button was running in forth yesterday until car problems forced him to retire, yet in the BBC highlights program we heard nothing about why he retired not even an interview, and to a lesser degree nothing about Max Chilton, the other British driver.
Hamilton has by far the best car in the field winning two of the tree races so far, but that fact is overlooked. When Jenson Button was in the same position in 2009, it was the car that won the championship for him, not his driving….
Either he or the Breakfast presenter mentioned ‘ambitions to be Britain’s first black PM’. Be afraid, be very afraid as I think the BBC wouldn’t mind a chance at making that happen!
Did I hear that aright?
Is Jenni Murray on Womans Hour looking for “gay changers”?
If so, may I propose the Tabernacle Church of Peckham( Kampala tradition)?…who seem to be quite proud of changing gays, given a little time and TLC.
Jenni Murray is a ferocious fascist and Politically correct monster of the worst possible kind.
When she announces she is looking for guests like this alarm bells should instantly start to ring, because it almost always has a sinister purpose, and this case is no different.
Norman Lamb asked whether GPs are making gay conversion referrals
Care services minister said the treatment would be ‘entirely wrong’
Pledged to eradicate it if any evidence came to light
So if you are gay, but don’t want to be, currently the NHS might help in that endeavour (maybe a futile attempt). However the fascists will take great offence at that and will force you to be gay & probably prosecute you if you don’t enjoy it either !
“In a debate on the issue on the Commons in November, Lib Dem MP Stephen Gilbert said: ‘In the 21st century, no lesbian, gay bisexual or transgender individual should be accessing this kind of voodoo psychology.
‘Instead we should be providing services which help them give confidence and support them with their sexuality.’ “
If Gay people or people that think they may be Gay want to seek therapy to see if they can actually be straight or at least come to terms with something that is obviously bothering them, then who the hell is the state to stick it’s oar in? The Gay lobby are quite a vicious intolerant bunch it seems to me.
Some grammatical error, I hear you wonder? A typo?
Or something a little more serious?
Well, in fact ,just the little matter of this offending phrase….
“Some Christian leaders were implicated in the violence.”
Funny what first pops into their minds before they realise they may have gone too far.
A later version shifts the blame… because blame there must be….
‘In an interview with the French-language weekly news magazine Jeune Afrique, Mr Kagame denounced the “direct role of Belgium and France in the political preparation for the genocide”. ‘
You see, as far as the BBC are concerned, someone other than the actual perpetrators must be to blame.
Christians, Colonialists, whoever. Thank goodness Britain never administered Rwanda or it would have been our fault.
Will BBC-NUJ go apoplectic over this quite sensible plan, (except that no money should go to Afghanistan)?:-
“Use the foreign aid budget to fund military projects abroad: Ministers want spending on training Afghan police to count towards commitment.
“Ministers privately seething at the ring-fencing of foreign aid budget.
“Prime Minister’s envoy to Nato has now drawn up detailed proposals.
“He suggests there is an overwhelming case for military spending to count toward the 0.7 per cent target – set to cost £12billion this year.”
I went to Aintree to the National. Great time and enlightening so bear with me. I was in the cheap enclosure and an old timer with the youngsters all dressed up to the nines. How the girls walk I do not know.
Everybody was very good to me. Huge quantities of drink and very very raucous. But so what this is the Grand National.
Now I come to the point. How a right on cameraman and producer would have managed I do not know.
Probably had a breakdown and taken away gibbering about multiculturalism etc.
The place was anything but. Ethnic English, Scottish, Irish . Welsh .to what looked like a figure of 99%. A very old British gathering in the real meaning of the word.
The 1% being of Caribbean heritage and obviously born here .
THe media like to pretend that these important national gatherings are multicultural. The National is not. If it was shown on TV as such then the camera lies. I suspect this is true throughout our national life. The Olympics looked a bit too white for the BBC’s taste.
We are being deliberately deceived. Maybe for the best of intentions but it is a lie and does not reflect reality.
I suggest we all stop listening to the media and the politicians. They need to , and I feel that now the old English words are the only appropriate ones. The need to F off and get out of the way of us.
Check out the crowd shot of the Everton v Arsenal game on Sunday in the Everton end. I froze the broadcast and could not see a non-white face. Statement of fact.
Sometimes the irony can be so delicious that even if it isn’t reported on the biased BBC it’s too good to miss !
Barton Moss anti-fracking protesters in urgent plea – for GAS
The camp’s supply ran out Sunday morning and they tweeted from their account @BartonMoss “#bartonmoss URGENTLY needs water and gas for the cooker if anyone can help”.
Between 10 and 20 people live there at the moment, with more people attending daily protests, and they use the gas for cooking.
The soap dodger predictably lied when the irony was pointed out:
“we use gas that has been obtained by conventional extraction methods.”
No! Bottled gas is propane (for cooking) or butane, and is obtained by some pretty non green industrial processing.
Next week: will there be a similar BBC-NUJ demonstration for American critics of Muslim Brotherhood, Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer who are banned from entering Britain? (Only kidding.)
Week after: BBC-NUJ demo for Christians persecuted by Islamic supremacists globally, including in Egypt?
Not sure they have really thought through the take-out of the visual imagery, as that of many here seeing these unobjective gobs for hire muted with a strip of Gaffer tape has been more ‘not before time’.
And BBC staff getting high horsey on matters of censorship is, of course, ‘brave’ considering their FOI-protected ‘editorial decisions’, HYS plug-pulls and CECUTT expeditings of any whose views they don not like and wish to see erased.
Hypocritically, BBC-NUJ censored out ‘Daily Mail’ front pages critical of Labour’s Harman, two months ago, and BBC
-NUJ opposes freedom of U.K press.
BUT, BBC-NUJ uses BBC facilities, time and licence money to politically demonstrate for Islamic al Jazeera, which supports Muslim Brotherhood, and is owned by undemocratic Emirate of Qatar!
I was watching MOTD on Saturday and every time Salah, the Egyptian international, touched the ball the commentator excitedly mentioned his full name, Mohamed Salah, with the emphasis on the ‘Mohamed’. I was wondering whether anyone else noticed this.
Anyway, talking of Mohammeds, did the BBC mention this rum bunch.
Ringleader Mohammed Zulficar, 33, a previously convicted heroin dealer, was sentenced to 24 years after a court heard he had begun the operation while still in prison.
His associates Adnan Lal, 27, Mohammed Ishaq, 39, Mohammed Faizan, 26, and Haidar Ali, 25, were jailed for 18 years, 16 years, 12 years and 12 years respectively.
Such was the fear they inspired, key witnesses would only testify in the trial after emigrating away from the UK.
Now there`a a poll in this.
The 10 most “influential” Muhammads(other spelling variants are-of course-acceptable.
*”Influential” can-of course-be good or bad-who`s to judge but Allah Yentob?
1. Morsi
2. Ali
3. Shiela Gibbons teddy bear of 2007…
and the other seven can be random scum from 9/11, Bali. Toulouse, Bombay, 7/7 or Oxford kebab shops or Booze Busters outlets in Rochdale etc..I`ll not bother to chaeck-there`s bound to be 7 or more Mo`s in THAT lot.
Is the BBC changing?
A long overdue expose of the shenanigans at Tower Hamlets (Eyes passim).
A decent fist of the second Farage/Clegg debate, even if it needed an audience from YouGov and example of how to do it from LBC.
Andrew Neil still in post.
Maybe all is not lost.
The BBC could learn from C4. Early coverage of the CAR. The excellent (so far) ‘Nigel Farage: Who are you?’. A drama series which seems to have some understanding and sympathy for the Puritans – ‘New World’. C4 is left wing editorially but I believe it is less biased overall than the BBC.
All is really lost. The BBC cannot change. Liberals just cannot. They have been bodysnatched.
You just have to accept it and hope the whole rotten edifice of liberalism collapses before it destroys old England.
for all at the BBC, please give special attention – especially 5Live … necessary due to their obsession, with equating justified critique of this dangerous ideology with racism!
No surprise … that Fiyaz (Pinocchio) Mujhal, of
infamous “whopper” outfit – Tell LIES, oops! I mean MAMA
is involved.
I was just about to post this, but you beat me to it.
I would not have been as kind in my description however.
Lets face it, this is a Political Show Trial straight from the worst totalitarian regimes, brought about by the CPS, which if you read my previous piece is an organisation so crippled by political correctness that it is unable to function correctly. Stuffed full of ethnics whose grasp of English is so poor they are unable to speak or write effectively. You can be sure they won’t make the balls up of this case which they did with alleged Mafioso Domenico Rancadore.
They know that they would be unable to secure a conviction if they’d brought a charge of Religiously aggravated harassment so they had a stab at the easier racially aggravated harassment.
The state cannot lose this case. The outcome is decided before Burton steps through the courtroom door just as it was for the guilty in the subsequent Lawrence trial.
Knowing what Magistrates are like, it’s not often they find anyone ‘not guilty’ let alone in a case like this.
This is not a trial about race or religion however. The Police, the CPS, and the State apparatus of the UK are on trial too. The point at issue is whether it is illegal to criticise Islam even if the criticism is valid, and provably true.
Whether Mughal was lying is not at issue, it is a proven fact, and the description Burton used is not particularly intemperate. Normally this would have been dealt with as a civil defamation case, were it not for the need for the state to prevent criticism of Islam.
Tomorrow I shall watch the inevitable outcome, and no doubt it will be reported as a triumph against ‘racism’ by the BBC and other fascist media, but the darkness will have grown a little deeper.
– (and Beeboid staff globally) in political demos on BBC property, in work-time, for Al Jazeera, Muslim Brotherhood and Qatar.
This political activity by BBC staff is unacceptable to BBC licence-payers on several counts:
1.) it shows political bias of BBC-NUJ staff in supporting Al Jazeera, and all it stands for;
2.) it is the antithesis of political impartiality;
3.) it shows a ‘group-think’ mentality, and is totally uncritically of Al Jazeera, Muslim Brotherhood and Emirate of Qatar;
3.) it seems as though the ‘leftist-Islamic’ alliance is using BBC property, and licence-payers’ money to undertake such political demonstrations;
4.)hypocritically, this pro-al-Jazeera demo contrasts with BBC censorship of ‘Daily Mail’-
“BBC’s censorship of paedophilia scandal ‘reveals its left-wing bias’: Corporation accused of refusing to report story to protect the Labour party.
“Failed to report Labour figures ‘link’ with Paedophile Information Exchange.
“Story has been on Mail’s front page three times – BBC cut all reference to it.
“It has prompted accusations of ‘left-wing bias’ be the corporation.”
One for the old ‘everything is relative’ file, as a popcorn-grabbing moment hoves into view down the old Newsnight slipway… http://order-order.com/2014/04/07/katz-attempting-to-force-out-paxman/
Now old Jezza has pulled enough BBC-typical stunts in his time for me to be hard-pressed on the empathy stakes, and indeed of late has appeared to be phoning it in professionally beyond toeing the corporate line.
However, it seems… ‘quaint’ that the one person who seems secure in all these movings and shakings is Mr. Katz, whose CV makes that of Capt. Edward John Smith of the Titanic positively seaworthy.
In other news, the current W1A trailer may seem… awkward in complement at this juncture.
Two quotes I am unsure how to prioritise, but may work as follows: “The question is why did the BBC use this map while giving the impression it was from the IPCC report”
“They seem to have taken a leaf out of Goebbel’s book.”
The BBC has actually taken that leaf, digitised it, turned it into Editor’s Guidelines, and is at every opportunity evolving stories based on often secret tracts (Pollard in his report mentions these) apparently known only to the inner sanctum.
Goebbels was a rank amateur in comparison.
The journalist is right – that’s not reporting, that’s blatant propaganda – the greatest shame of all is that no-one, absolutely no-one, in the BBC will ever admit to it – even to themselves.
Of course the perfect complement to propaganda is censorship:
This from a BBC HYS made me smile: 611. imemomeme
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If i was a beeb reporter, which I am not, i would take a picture of the above, which I can’t, as my selfie.
They may have little integrity, but they all have backward-facing iPhones.
Well bugger me! The BBC are ignoring blatant racism (whatever that be) in the United States, and in loony liberal left California to boot.
Nothing, not a whisper, not a peep from the BBC. Bunter Lardell is mute on the subject and not a word from the daft Katty Kay.
Chinese Americans along with Korean Americans are outraged that the democrats have tried to reintroduce the ludicrously titled ‘Affirmative Action’, code for racist selection into colleges and universities in California.
Belatedly the dummy party has worked out that they will lose 14% of the vote at the ballot box.
More from Bham s “Trojan Horse” weekly
Newshour – ‘Extremist’ Working As Psychiatrist For NHS”!
‘Extremist’ working as psychiatrist for NHS – LocalUKNews
‘Extremist’ working as psychiatrist for NHS
News National Headlines.co.uk
Press Report – ‘Extremist’ working as psychiatrist for NHS
One of the leaders of “Hizb ut-Tahrir … Dr. Imran Waheed who apparently specialises in obsessive compulsive disorders, (would that be 5 times a day?) 😀
and also provides advice to courts in criminal cases on … ahem … potentially dangerous individuals 😀
… irony? ….
Everything from now on, from Islam Not BBC (INBBC):
-on Al Jazeera-Muslim Brotherhood-Qatar, has to be dismissed as the blatant political propaganda it is.
The bBBC’s advertisements today for the final of University Challenge emphasised that the two teams were all men. This was obviously caused by discrimination: they didn’t want to tell us that the teams containing women weren’t as good, and had been knocked out earlier in the competition.
The sub-plot was revealed when the prize was presented by a lesbian.
There has been much speculation as to the biased broadcasters support for the Muslim Brotherhood, but I wonder how many people are aware that Dhimmi Dave has not only legalised membership of the Brotherhood, but has invited its members to the UK where they have now set up their worldwide headquarters in London.
I cannot imagine how this is in anyway in the UKs interest, and have suspicions that like Tony BLiar he is receiving payment or promises of payment from Muslim countries.
The fact the BBC also choose to support the Brotherhood also has to raise suspicion of undue influence from outside sources.
As Dave666 Ltd. (some would say very limited) prepares to embark on a new crusade for balance, following the latest crap response to my complaint I’ve just been down to the archives to see if I can find another copy of the template that they used in their previous replies. Still looking, although we all remember this story “The long-running media cover-up of the true extent of the Muslim grooming scandal continues. On the 3rd January 2012, in Liverpool Crown Court, 21 alleged Muslim groomers, all of whom are alleged to have been involved in a massive paedophile gang in the Manchester area were sent for a pre-trial hearing.” Now despite media and authority denials about this Dave666 knew that there was something going on some time ago. People said I was lying, people said I was making it up however now we know that just wasn’t the case. Bearing in mind the accused were from Manchester I was somewhat surprised(not!) the North West news team had not even mentioned it. It was all over the internet but the BBc remained in silence so I wrote to complain why there was no coverage I hope you will find it enlightening this was received by myself at Dave666 Communications centre on 08/2/12. : Thanks for contacting us about BBC News.
I understand you’re unhappy at the lack of coverage of a court case in Liverpool.
Choosing the stories to include in our bulletins; the order in which they appear and the length of time devoted to them is a subjective matter and one which we know not every viewer and listener will feel we get right every time.
Factors such as whether it’s news that has just come in and needs immediate coverage, how unusual the story is and how much national interest there is in the subject matter will all play a part in deciding the level of coverage and where it falls within a bulletin.
Essentially this is a judgement call rather than an exact science but BBC News does appreciate the feedback when viewers and listeners feel we may have overlooked or neglected a story.
I’d like to assure you that I’ve registered your complaint on our audience log. This is a daily report of audience feedback that’s made available to many BBC staff, including members of the BBC Executive Board, channel controllers and other senior managers.
The audience logs are seen as important documents that can help shape decisions about future programming and content.
Thanks again for taking the time to contact us. So keeping quiet on this issue was subjective. The conclusion you are left to draw is they didn’t think this story was important enough to run. Now bearing in mind those of us who still remember the secret agent program on BBc it’s doubly odd that the BBc would fail to shine a light into this sordid issue.
Interesting that you use the impersonal rather than a personal pronoun. I have noticed you have a tendency to do it quite frequently.
Illeism can be a personality disorder indicator, either narcissistic personality disorder (used for self-aggrandizement), or conversely a desire for subjugation and lack of self-worth (de-humanization).
Dave666 posts about his experience challenging the BBC’s reporting (or lack thereof ) probably the worst race crime in recent UK history.
That is, the organised and systematic sexual abuse of almost exclusively vulnerable young white girls by almost exclusively Muslim men on a truly industrial scale
Crimes who’s brutality and venality beggar belief.Who’s victims number in the thousands ,crimes that were well know to the police and those entrusted with the care of these young girls for decades, but were ignored for reasons of ‘social cohesion’
Crimes that first came to the public attention as the result of C4 documentary ‘Edge of the city’ in 2004.( C4 pulled ‘Edge of the city’ from prime time and broadcast it in the dead of night on the instance Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Colin Cramphorn and under pressure from the UAF.)
Despite being widely reported on the Internet. the main stream media ignored this virtual war crime until the first series of trials started in 2012 ( there were initially 50 defendants but many more have come to light since ) Trials that only happened because of campaigning by the so called far right
All through this shocking series of events the liberal media ,but most especially the BBC did all in their power to obfuscate and censor the facts (and continue to do so today)
Preferring to attack those that forced the issue into the light of day,denigrate the victims or minimise the the scale and nature of these horrendous crime by spurios attempts at equivalency
It is this one shameful act of hypocrisy and cowardice that has turned me and many others I know against the BBC so totally that we wish not for its reform but it’s annihilation. ( I personally would like to see those enablers of these crimes in the dock at the Hague, along with the perpetrators)
And your response to Dave’s post?
A seemingly arbitrary personal attack
Given the context of the subject ,that I find interesting
P.S. I note that even after 4 hours you have not even garnered a ‘like’ from the secret six. That should tell you something nameshifter.
I, and other colleagues, use this and a great many other sites to help understand some people’s issues.
Strong mono-thematic sites tend to attract a particular audience (typically older — they have the time to dedicate to their views; male — women tend to be less mono-thematic; and less-well educated — repeated re-voicing of strongly-held views is weakly negatively correlated to education). That audience often features contributors who display markers.
What makes this site (along with many others I should stress – I am not just using this site) useful is it has a small number of highly-engaged individuals, many with strong character attributes. That makes tracking a lot easier. That is why I asked about Dave666’s illeistic tendencies.
It is very interesting that you should talk about “likes”. That is a classic use of social reward and re-affirmation to engender community, and can be used to express disapprobation of thinking outside of herd norms. I have noticed a low like count is often commented on in posts as a form of social punishment. That is typical behaviour.
Other typical behaviours include: use of collective pronouns, belittling those who are perceived to be antagonistic to the herd, engendering a sense of victimhood and even as far as espousing visionary apocalypsim.
Understanding the interactions that take place in a digital agora like this helps us understand better the issues that some people have in real life. That in turn leads to a richer understanding of things like PDs and NPD in particular (an area of interest and one in which the internet is a strong enabler), Dunning–Kruger etc.
‘I, and other colleagues..’
And here I had you pegged as a distract, deny and denigrate merchant for the BBC, when in fact it has been Waitrose all along? Cool.
Have to also admire the honesty outlining (in some big-word detail, must be said – Danny Borg would have mixed feelings) that you have no interest whatsoever in addressing the actual topic of the site or threads (Dave666 in person, or 3rd, does).
For which there is a term online.
The tracking part does not surprise, but is a bit creepy.
Do you have a notebook?
You must know that UGC is a very rich source of information for studying interpersonal interactions. It can’t come as a surprise to you that sites such as this are read by many different people for many different reasons. This site is richer than many because of the narrowness of its theme. Some frequent contributors to this site operate on other sites using the same moniker.
I don’t understand the Waitrose, Danny Borg, and notebook comments, but I suspect I am not supposed to. Use of jargon is another way that groups self police.
Having read the site for a while I confess to unprofessional interjections into the site, we are all human after all. On a personal level I don’t agree with much of what you say, but the observations are not a research programme so I don’t think my interjections have contaminated the samples.
I probably shouldn’t, but just to hasten the descent to the single word column: ‘You must know that UGC..
Must I?
Possibly such use of acronyms** can often be a sign of TOOOA. ‘It can’t come as a surprise to you that sites such as this are read by many different people for many different reasons.
Does a bit, because I keep reading from your colleagues from Aisle Whine that no one pays it any heed even for what it is here for, so lurking for any other reason would seem downright perverse.
Oh… OK… carry on. ‘Some frequent contributors to this site operate on other sites using the same moniker.’
You have confirmed this how, exactly?
‘I don’t understand the Waitrose, Danny Borg*, and notebook comments..
Lack of understanding is a common affliction of BBBC Flokkers (you will have to look that one up), but it has been established that really there’s little more than can be done to help. ‘Having read the site for a while…’
*Clearly not very long or well. Making you rather pants at your job. Professionally. ‘…we are all human after all.’
Given the sophistication of bots now, as a fine fellow once said, ‘If you say so’ (you’ll need to look that one up too). ‘On a personal level I don’t agree with much of what you say..’
Shocked I tell you… shocked.
My body of work here tends to fall into two areas (which I am sure you, via your research, will subject to close scrutiny to verify):
1) URLs and direct or sourced quotes of examples of BBC staff straying in terms of professional accuracy, integrity or objectivity.
2) Teasing trolls.
I’d be keen to learn of any examples from these that you don’t agree with, unless they are from the latter, in which case I fully understand.
Hope this has been as good for you as it was for me.
Big talk here , l`il britches!
“repeated re-voicing of strongly held-views is weakly negatively correlated to education”
I think you`ll find that the Oxbridge cartels of progressive liberal opinion are prone to “revoicing” their views on global-warming, EU/immigration, need for Socialism in other guises, the need for Islam accommodation and the end of Israel by sly means….and do so quite a lot.
Indeed the BBC/Guardian and liberals everywhere do nothing else…male and mono-themed even!
And I don`t think that THEY are less well-educated…have you told them?
“I, and other colleagues, use this and a great many other sites to help understand some people’s issues.”
Really nameshifter?
And on other sites are you a member of MI5 ( under a different name of course ) ?
Calling all researchers working for the BBC !- A message from America …..
“You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time”.
Hwyl !
There’s no political coincidence in this:
-Beeboids give their political priority over recent years to organising campaigns in support of the likes of:
Binyam Mohamed;
Shaker Aamer;
and now, the three Al Jazeera people.
Beeboids have not campaigned for the freedom of people such as:
Ray Honeyford;
The UKIP foster parents in Labour-controlled Rotherham;
So, an untimely farewell to Peaches Geldof who died today from as yet unknown causes. What ever those causes are, and there’s a lot of speculation, it is a tragically young age.
Coming from such a left wing media family it was inevitable that Peaches would share their politics, so a quick search of the village she chose to make her home, and its demographics.
Population 1815
UK Born 95.9%
White 99%
Black 0.16%
Christian 75%
Muslim 0.2%
Hindu 0
Yet again we find them using their money to find places to live which aren’t the multicultural hell holes which they tell the rest of us are so ‘vibrant’.
Yeah? Well if they’re so good why do so many of you do everything you can not to live in them?
Turning British… On the home page the link is “Bid to free British Guantanamo man”. Click the link and it becomes “Bid to free last British resident held at Guantanamo”. Read the article and it says “The Saudi national has permission to live in the UK indefinitely because his wife is a British national”. So he’s not British, he’s a Saudi Arabian, but then an article entitled “Bid to free Saudi man from Guantanamo” is not going to pull on the heartstrings in quite the same way is it? See http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-26933512.
Let`s hope we can hang this round the neck of another vacant drug-fuelled gobshite.
The one who`s sneering all over her footage as if he himself was able to judge the worth of another minnow in the barrel.
Let`s hear what Bacon has to say for himself-did HE write this?..can he write?
Or is he tweeting his sad faces all over his shallow BBC-funded outlets.
Thanks for putting this up-and as for those talking heads who gave their quotes as written for them?…anybody even KNOW of them?
No matter what one may think of her as a person it has to be said that she was too young to die. Given her parents and her history the chances of her growing up ‘normal’ were slim so it is difficult to feel anything other than pity for her and those that loved her.
BINGO!!! Turned on the BBc it’s obesity again, Dave666 claims his prize for breakfast BBc roulette of sh**e stories.. Well now they are running a story on your lucky number, good grief. Dave666 has a lucky number it’s….666.
If that is true it explains a lot. A bodysnatched creature if ever there was one.
I wonder what happened to the original Clegg?
Or Cameron or Miilipede or any BBC/Guardian journo come to that.
Yet another IPCC “draft report” about climate change mitigation and adaptation, and Harrabin’s all over it.
It’s still all down to that nasty, poisonous, and inconvenient CO2 (without which, of course, we would all be stuffed, along with the rest of the planetary life). We MUST keep any temperature rise down to 2 degrees, max, or else. Or else what?
Apparently, instead of reducing emissions (emissions of what? – ah, yes, that naughty CO2), it seems emissions have trebled because nobody really takes this stuff seriously any more, and we really must reduce levels, urgently, because the IPCC said so, and if we don’t, so what?Well, Armageddon and catastrophe are just around the corner, that’s what.
So what’s to be done? Ah, yes, all governments MUST be told to pull their socks up and reduce these, er, “emissions”, or there’ll be trouble.
Interestingly, the BBC, the IPCC , and the press in general continue to avoid the inconvenient fact that CO2 has NEVER been proved to be the cause of rising temperatures – there is zero evidence to support the idea, yet it still continues to be pushed as the main cause of climate change (which they would have us believe only started occurring a few years ago, rather than the 4.5 billion years in which there has been a climate).
It’s all OUR fault, according to the BBC, who, whenever someone tries to raise their head above the parapet of the deceit and yell “It’s a lie – we’re scientists, too, and can prove that the AGW religion is just that – a religion, and nothing to be frightened of”, the BBC actively ignores them, stick their collective fingers in their ears and yell “Lalalala – can’t hear you”.
Heard Ms Slingo, Chief Scientist at the Met Office (you know, THAT organisation she works for which couldn’t predict the local weather correctly for the next few minutes, but dogmatically believes that global climate can be accurately predicted over the next few decades using models which have almost universally and spectacularly failed to demonstrate that ability over the past 20 years or so – THAT Met Office).
The interview was on the ‘Today’ programme. Then at 9:00 a.m., I’m sure I heard that she was being promoted on yet another BBC radio programme later this morning. (No rebuttal allowed to any of her points, of course – the BBC is truly un-biased on this issue, of course.)
Apart from a host of other things, what really hacked me off about her was the way she constantly kept claiming, in as gentle an interview as I have ever heard, that the current IPCC report was ‘impartial’.
So, the report whose summary was being ‘adjusted’ over a period of weeks by the ‘scientists’ involved , in order to satisfy/appease those politicians interested in the message being communicated, and thus causing some prominent scientists to disown the IPCC report because of its incredible over-exaggeration of the real situation…is being claimed to be ‘impartial’ ?
OK – here’s an experiment somewhat in the same vein as the IPCC report :
‘Fly – pigs’ – there’s the basic data, let’s see if we can make something out of that to convey a coherent message in response to that claim of impartiality.
They did offer her the question as a turkey shoot, what about the forecasts your got wrong, which she was easily allowed to bat away saying that climatology forecasting is quite different to weather forecasting.
And, of course, Thoughtful, she’s right, they are different, but they both rely on modelling for any longer-term predictions (there’s absolutely NO definitive proof that man-made CO2 production is causing any specific climate change, so that cannot be used as an indicator). And modelling in both cases (weather and climate) has proved to be completely unreliable as a predictor.
Of course, what was not pointed out in the ‘Today’ programme was that Ms Slingo was a mouthpiece for the IPCC – having been a contributor to the IPCC’s Fourth report (which has been demolished 10 ways from Sunday) and to the hyped Stern Report (Stern is an economist, by the way) based on the IPCC Fourth Report. Cosy little cabal, no ?
After a program like that here’s an experiment somewhat in the same vein as the IPCC report : -)
A new theory, based on the best science available and confirmed by a consensus of 99% climatcatastrophist has shown that over use of radio and television transmitters (especially digital) causes radical and unpredictable changes in water movement in the atmosphere. To confirm this effect all bBC terrestrial transmitters are to be switched off for a minimum 12 months.
The bBC tax (aka license fee) will be refundable to those who are friends of the PM and certain mad-cow ministers. 😉
Ludicrously, deceitfully, ‘political impartial’ BBC staff indulge in political demonstration for Al Jazeera people in Egypt who are charged with supporting Muslim Brotherhood.
This is the BBC staff’s political activity and propaganda, which BBC licence-payers are now forced to fund:
-on behalf of Al Jazeera, Muslim Brotherhood and Emirate of Qatar–
“BBC journalists hold minute’s silence for Peter Greste – detained in Egypt for 100 days”
Horrocks, INBBC ‘head of values,’ and of pro-Islamic INBBC World Service, lays out here that the BBC is an overt political organisation which feels politically entitled to use the licence-payers’ money to broadcast, campaign and demonstrate for its favourite causes-Binyam Mohamed, Shaker Aamer, the three Al Jazeera people in Egypt.
There’s nothing in McDoom’s manner to suggest he was actually AT the match, which is probably why Raith were victorious.
Maybe there are posters of his unlovely fizzog all around Stark’s Park so that he can be prevented from entering when victory is needed, rather like the Mackem who years ago suggested that all football pitches in the northeast should be equipped with guard towers at the corners so as to be able to machine-gun Lawrie McMenemy if he should ever try to enter.
Apologies to the ‘Kircaldy Pimpernel’, as I see he was indeed in attendance (guessing Raith don’t pay him a salary or they’d never see again). Clearly somebody has put a curse even more powerful than the Brownian one onto Rangers (slickly covering the fact by letting them win their league undefeated), so any commenters living within about thirty miles of Ibrox had best start packing essentials as the end of the world is coming your way pronto. Or maybe Gordo’s moving in next door which amounts to the same thing.
When did the BBC website stop listing the run schedule for Today and restrict online access to “highlights” of the programme plus a few clips? You’d almost think that the BBC wants to restrict easily available information of who said what and leave the smell of unattributable bias in the air.
Oh and while I’m on, the editorial Aspergers at Radio 4 concerning every Labour press handout continues as Radio 4 News treats as major national “news” the very minor and un-newsy “news in the future” item concerning Miliband’s upcoming drone about the localism bit of the Labour 2015 election manifesto. FFS, in any definition of the word, this is not news. Miliband hasn’t said anything yet and it’s doubtful that anything he does say will cause any ripples beyond the Westminster bubble.
Oooh I’ve just seen a trailer for a Panorama special on Thursday “Don’t cap my benefits”. I’m sure a lot of people in work would be glad to get £500pw, how will the claimants cope? Now remember Dave666 has had the dubious pleasure of spending 18 years on the front line in DHSS/DSS/BA /DWP offices around the south of England & London ,so I know the score of how things really are. Dave666 used to rate & pay income support /Supplementry benefit & interview claimants. Wonder if the BBc are going to run a sob sob story. As usual there are a raft of exclusions https://www.gov.uk/benefit-cap the BBc sometimes omit to point these out. To be honest I gave up watching Panorama years ago but I think I’ll set the PVR for this one. Pass me my straitjacket Mrs Dave.
I wonder if Panorama will also point out that Labour are going along with the cap, but unlike the Tories, who will protect pensions, Labour have said that they will include the State Pension in the cap.
The implications of this could be devastating for people who have planned and saved for a pension.
” Wonder if the BBc are going to run a sob sob story.”
Hope you’ve recovered from putting your tongue through your cheek. 🙂
As we all know, there isn’t a snowball’s chance in a very hot place that the BBC is going to run a serious and unbiased analytical programme on this subject.
Unfortunately I have to work for a living but I did hear 30 seconds of this mornings Climate Change Service at the Cathedral of Global Warming presided over by Jim Al-Khalili, with the sermon delivered by Julia Slingo. The 30-second slot delivered pure religious scientific gold when Julia asserted that there’s global warming alright but it’s happening in the Great Deep of the oceans. Unfortunately, we can’t see it, feel it, hear it or measure it but it’s there and if you don’t believe her the BBC will enable another shyster masquerading as a “scientist” to tell you that the consensus is solid.
I don’t know why they bother any more. The religion gets more unbelievably, desperately stupid each day.
They must know that most of us sensible beings don’t believe a word of it, but still they keep pushing, pushing….
I suppose it’s in the knowledge that no scientific “deniers” will ever be allowed on the BBC to argue the case for their scepticism. The reason for that is patently because they know that the belief is built on a house of cards, and reasoned debate will merely expose the charade for what it truly is.
What is more amazing is, it seems, that there is no general warming signal in the upper portion of the oceans.. The deep ocean somehow obtained its warming by magic.
I got to the off button in 3 seconds flat, after the word Slingo was mentioned.
A ‘British’ ‘businessman’ has been arrested over accusations that he arranged the contract killing of his wife.
I had images of some besuited 50 something year old until I heard the name Shrien Dewani !
Apparantly he qualified as a chartered accountant and worked in London, before resigning and working for his Dads chain of old peoples homes. Does that count as a businessman? I think accountant would have been a better description.
Community activist more like!
He`d not have been sent to Cape Town had he been a race hustler for the BBC.
100 British though-aren`t they all?
Except we English-we`re Brits that live in the past or dodging extradition on the Costa Crimina.
The Times of India says: “Indian-origin British businessman accused of arranging wife’s murder extradited to South Africa”
Don’t forget that he had a ‘Swedish’ wife. The BBC certainly knows how to paint a picture in words.
This is scraping the bottom of the gender politics barrel even as far as the BBC’s normal output goes. It manages the distinction of being completely patronising and offensive to both men and women, the former by suggesting that they’re all sexists and trying to prevent women from breaking through, and the latter by suggesting they need protection from this mythical monster and should get their own division instead of having to ‘compete’ with the rest. All of it is devoid of facts and logic regarding the subject matter. There is literally nothing preventing women from editing Wikipedia articles. It’s all centred on a selective straw man example which actually has a completely rational explanation – namely, the article in question didn’t have enough information on it and was deleted for being too terse. This would have happened regardless of the gender of the person who created it – in fact, there’s nothing to even suggest that her gender was ever made public at the time.
It’s good to see that the commenters are not falling for it, even the female ones. Almost all of the top-rated comments are telling the BBC to grow up and stop trying to force parity into everything. It’s just a shame that not many people actually send complaints about this blatant pandering, because it’s been proven recently with Phil McNulty’s articles to occasionally be effective. After loads of people complained at his bias towards Manchester United, McNulty finally started publishing reports on the other 91 teams in the league. The only way we’re ever going to fight this banal, trashy feminista output that is damaging to both genders is to actively fight against it.
Lynsea a bit stumped on topics to keep her occupied in the cubicle gardens, or a market rate upstairs passed this fresh form the #prasnews bin? ‘Then Chelsea Tufarolo, a student at American University, decided to write her an article about her’
Anyway, post-Mozilla, Jimmy Wales best look out. ‘the list of pornographic actresses from the 1950s to the present is more than three times longer than the list of notable Native American women’
Guessing Ebony Ayes may create dilemmas at the sisters’ next editorial meeting.
Cracklingly good piece! Especially the steps that warmists should try harder with –
The fourteen easy steps
Step 1 – Stop making predictions that don’t come true.
Step 2 – When you make a prediction, don’t just say something “might” happen.
Step 3 – Don’t live your life like you don’t believe a word you’re saying.
Step 4 – Stop the hate.
Step 5 – Stop avoiding debate.
Step 6 – Answer questions.
Step 7 – Stop enjoying catastrophes.
Step 8 – Don’t use invalid arguments.
Step 9 – When you are wrong, admit it and apologise.
Step 10 – Stop claiming that 97% of scientists agree that humans are warming the globe significantly.
Step 11 – Stop lying. If you think it is okay to lie if it’s for a good cause, you are wrong.
Step 12 – Rebuke your fellow Warmists if they act in an unscientific way.
Step 13 – Stop blaming everything on Global Warming.
Step 14 – Why are the only solutions always big-government “progressive” policies?
Did anyone see that pic of Humphreys and Montague with tape over their mouths in support of the ‘journalists’ from Islamic terrorist PR organisation, Al Jazeera?
Would that we were ALL so caring and passionate about free speech eh?
Unless it`s Israel-the USA-true science-immigration-the fascist EU.
These fearless seekers after truth dare not even go to Bradford, let alone Egypt…not when Jocasta needs her nose flute tuition, and Dmitri needs to choose better olives for the salads.
And as for Harman and Dromey-oh the pariahs at the buffet come Labours next conference would be just too much.
Utter, utter ouanquers these two…Krankies unfit for pantomine even.
Heard the jocks talking in the locker room on Todays sports bit at 8.30 am this morning.
Well-Oxbridge graduate with the latte(BBC intern) talking to somebody hoping to sex up badminton.
Our Oxbridge BBC lad wonders who`s paying for the fluorescent racquets and floodlights by which to hit those new LED shuttlecocks that will raise awareness of the game.
The badminton bloke did give a name( Team England was it?)…but it boils down to the taxpayer.
Fine by the Beeb.
Next question-will the elite badminton get the dough, even though they won nothing in 2012?
Well of course-they`ll be getting nearly all of it!
Phew-the BBC jock seemed happy with these two answers….just how sport is meant to be!
Jonah Barrington….you still here?…we need you!
Isn’t the funding for sport paid from Lottery funds, which BLiar and Nu Liebour raided as general taxation despite the assurances when the lottery was set up that it would not be used for that?
excellent commentary is at 42 mins 50 …
The is trial today in Bham, seeing as “go to guy” for the BBC, yep! its that man again
Fiyaz (Pinocchio) Mujhal, of now infamous “whopper” outfit – Tell … LIES, oops! I mean MAMA is involved …
It strangely is very quiet on BBC Bham or England front.
Word, by the venerable on here is, it maybe a “done deal”
if so …. expect to see bunting going out at Al Beeb HQ.
In the early part of the piece we hear that Spencer & Geller have lost the first hearing of their case against the Home Secretary Teresa May. They expected to do so because as they state, the lower ranks of the judiciary are ‘thoroughly politicised’ and they don’t expect a fair hearing until their case is heard by a higher court.
I cannot believe that either Spencer or Geller have in depth knowledge of the state of the UKs legal system, so this information must have been given to them, and the most likely source is their UK legal team.
Unfortunately the Judiciary in the UK is widely open to political influence, from part time entry level judges who want to progress up the career ladder to the circuit judges who want the prestige and better pensions of the higher courts, and a corrupt and thoroughly discredited honours system which dangles baubles in front of the eyes of some extremely egotistical people.
Make the wrong decision – the ‘wrong’ verdict in a political case, and you won’t get that promotion, or nice pension pot, and you’re unlikely to be called ‘Sir’ or ‘Dame’ and certainly not ‘Lord’ when you might be allowed access to veto government business in the upper chamber !
Eddy BoothMar 10, 00:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Investor in Alastair Campbell’s son’s football betting syndicate ‘dies before receiving his £160,000 back’ after saying: ‘Are you just hoping…
JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/crknjgrd3geo ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
JohnCMar 10, 00:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c3d8n140mpjo An astonishing story of how deep the EU Leftist cancer has…
JohnCMar 9, 23:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney wins race to succeed Trudeau and vows to stand up to Trump https://www.bbc.com/news/live/cg4k2l204zqt Good God – I started…
Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOR8NhL09JQ&ab_channel=TheNewCultureForum
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
Another piece of subtle propaganda masquerading as “research” on the BBC website in an article entitled “UK becoming more local and global” by Mark Easton (see http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-26885743). The basic premise is that people are more interested in their local communities and the world at large than they are with their own country. Of course, such a message is very encouraging if you are a globalist or EU fanatic that believes countries need to be abolished. An example of the theme can be gathered from the following quote: ‘Nationality is not as central to our sense of self as sometimes suggested. Ask people “Who do we think we are?’ and the answer is as likely to be bird-watchers as Brits.’ An interesting viewpoint, based upon the statistic that nationality is most important to identity to 20% of people surveyed. Wonder why they chose that rather than gender (just 13%), religion (10%), class (7%), ethnicity (6%) or sexual orientation (2%)?
Have English people’s sense of Englishness been reduced because of some natural process or because the left wing media, which dominates the airwaves, denigrates the sense of Englishness – preferring to categorise it as something racist and best forgotten?
Here is the order of things considered important to identity, from the poll:
1) Leisure activities
2) Values
3) Views
5) Nationality
6) Music
7) Gender
8) Sports
Yet the BBC likes to give plenty of coverage to Music, Gender politics and sports but little to nationalist issues.
Given it’s position on the list then it isn’t that unimportant, is it BBC?
It may be buried in there, but given the context – ‘What is the most important to your identity? – I would love to know how the option ‘Interests & leisure activities’ was actually included as a meaningful option.
Because to get ‘identity’ first from such as trainspotting seems frankly bizarre.
The conflation of interests with ‘leisure activities’ also appears designed to be everything or nothing to taste, and is at best poorly constructed to have any value.
But yes, as with paper employees no one reads forming the majority of BBC green room guests, the driving obsessions of the national thought controller do appear oddly low on the totem.
Actually the chart I can see on the link provided does have Music & Sport midway, but at 2% the lowest registering might come as a bit of a blow to the BBC’s script directors.
I see the HYS comments kicked off as most were already en route to work.
It will again be interesting to see when the BBC pulls the plug give the high rated ones, such as:
20. Diana_France
14. Dragonwight I do hope you don’t want to silence those of us whose towns have actually become foreign countries? Most of us are sick of being silenced, of the denial which persists within government and the BBC. Just this once, allow us to speak our minds, it won’t last long (look at yesterday’s main debate, silenced by mods and curtailed when the trend was undeniable).
There are others, equally if not more uncomplimentary on everything from methodology to execution to modding.
It’s working out to be the latest daily footshooting.
Well, it’s almost 5.30pm and it’s still open.
Could be gripping.
Will they? Won’t they?
But I must give full marks to the BBC’s professional ‘news’ teams for this embodiment of all they stand for:
Exploring identities
BBC journalists think about who they are – by taking selfies
It’s like looking in a mirror, and liking what you see staring back.
Only heaps more expensive than a mirror.
Great comments after the BBC article. The contempt readers have for the BBC is good to see.
The last time a BBC article got such negative feedback all the comments were removed. I wonder if it will happen this time? I’ve done a screen grab just in case.
Despite the BBC admitting that their coverage of immigration is flawed – they continue as before. Their arrogance is astounding.
its interesting to see the Biased BBC try and “become” more “impartial”.
Watch the B BBC dont use it as evidence of “allowing people” their say.
Not using the website I dont know how often “truthful comment” or just plain old honest opinion is allowed, but I bet its infrequent. Listening to the Radio 4 is more than enough pro Nu libour ivory towered socialist propaganda I can stomach, thus i dont frequent the bbc web pages. For what little it would matter i dont want to up their page count so they can bang on about how incredibly important thier website is.
Notice they seem to change/”update” their stories, yes stories, all the time to up their chance of getting the top stop on google news. its always seems to be BBC story at the top stop A spot Im sure google is all to happy to ensure is taken by like minded friends and pals at the biased BBC.
Jeez, that was a bit confusing there for a moment, john doe, I thought you were sarcastically commenting that the Biased BBC website was trying to become more ‘impartial’. The capitals caused the confusion in the first sentence. Then the rest of your contribution helped it make sense !
I never, ever, want the ‘Biased BBC’ website to become impartial (that’s what the BBC reckons it is, and it’s a long way off being that).
Apologies, speedy typing is never a winner. I now see my grammatical and syntactical error/s.
Good spot!
Another week at BBc looks like more of the same. BBc Breakfast and “Who do we think we are? I suspect more like “who do the BBc wish to portray us as” Three “members of the public” the first one says, “I’m Northern Irish”, the second says “I’m Welsh” and the third says “I’m British NOT ENGLISH”. Odd seeing as us English make up the ethnic majority that they didn’t manage to find someone who says they are English. An acquaintance of Dave666 works in a call centre where they tell’ frequently when asked what ethnic group “I’m English. Am I allowed to say that?” SNAFU.
BBC : English by default
“I’m English. Am I allowed to say that?”
There’s a measure of the success of BBC propagada.
The BBC usually takes care to avoid explicit anti-Englishness. The sentiment does occasionally slip out. BBC 5 Live did air a report about some group looking into how we express Englishness. Tony Livesey scoffed and made a casual remark which laid bare the BBC office culture : ‘Why do we need to express “Englishness” – we’re only English be default’
In a survey of identity around 70% said they were ‘English only’. The BBC is quite clearly embarking on another campaign in an attempt to lie about how we feel.
At Dave666 Towers we are and always have been very “English”apart from Mrs Dave666 who is Welsh. , I have had several ‘Fights’ with bodies who omit English as an option on ethnic surveys. I remember the days not that long ago when anytime the St. George flown was flown the media went into overload. I certainly remember one company Dave666 worked for who banned their drivers from displaying flags in or on company vehicles. As chronicled I had a 3 year argument with the BBc with what Dave666 considered to be an anti-English position. They said they don’t…but they do.
I saw that too… “I’m British NOT ENGLISH” barked the woman. The BBC’s insidious anti Englishness is sickening. Let all the “English NOT BRITISH” stop paying their TV License (‘TV Tax’ we call it in our house) and see how the disgusting Balkanising Britain Corporation get on.
Can pay, won’t pay!
Most of us, I guess, used to be quite happy to say we were British; now we say we are English, or, if that is so, Welsh or Scottish or from Ulster. We understood it as a shared history, language and culture. But when anyone can arrive from anywhere in the world, not bother to learn the language, refer to the country they emmigrated from as “my country”, live in ghettos, and the BBC constantly refers to a “British Man” when talking about somone who most of the ethnic British feel nothing in common, nor he with us, asking us “who we think we are” is very insulting. But what we have come to expect.
Bid to bring forward GCSEs so Muslim pupils aren’t fasting for Ramadan while they take their exams
A story in the Mail which just shows the lengths fascists in control of public sector bodies are prepared to go to in order to – cheat basically, on behalf of Muslim students.
To be clear this is not the Muslims demanding changes, but stupid white people. They do this because of changes introduced during the BLiar years which have never been corrected by leftie Daves mob. They force public sector employees to be able to show what they have done for equal opportunities, and result in over zealous and desperate attempts by staff to be seen to be ‘doing something’, often outrageous and unnecessary actions.
Without this stupidity bosses cannot get bonuses, and staff are barred from promotion. It leads to madness such as attempts to install squat toilets, which the Muslims went nuts about, because the white fascists got it wrong as they didn’t understand the culture they were promoting.
I do wonder if this madness has permeated the bBC where every program has to have an eye to ‘equal opportunities’, which basically means bowing to Islamic demands, because no other group or religion makes demands like Islam does.
You wouldn’t mind with this particular insanity, but Muslims can stop fasting on the days when they need not to, they can make it up at a different time of year if necessary, so it’s a total red herring. Everything has to change to accommodate the Muslims, how is that in any way equal?
Yet, here in France, Marine Le Penn has suggested (or is suggesting) to schools, that if the Muslim contingent of children won’t eat pork, they can jolly well go hungry.
Now, that’s the kind of rhetoric I like to hear.
Forcing Muslim & Jewish children to eat pork is going too far, but equally Muslim demands that they will refuse to eat anything which has been cooked in a kitchen where pork or even non halal meat might have been cooked is too far.
Sort of agree, but on the other hand should be we forcing Christian children to eat halal meat? They don’t seem to be allowed the choice.
More to the point, other than pork how do we know for sure when shopping for meat that it isn’t halal?
Totally agree. Have you noticed how many Indian restaurants now advertise themselves as ‘halal’? I don’t want to eat halal. If it’s halal, I want it marked – in supermarkets, butchers or in restaurants. It’s the only way I can show MY preference for humanely killed meat.
Fudge, and I agree with you. But the counter argument to labelling is that it stigmatises muslims. So I hope your response will be the same as mine.
But how do Muslims make the choice when shopping for meat in their local supermarket if its not labeled?
Some of the meat is labelled halal. Some is not even though it is halal slaughtered. I am told although i have no evidence, by some of the animal cruelty sites, that the majority of lamb from New Zealand is haal slaughtered. I also entered into a prolonged complaint against the BBc when one of the participants announced halal meat was the best. Now again Dave666 has friends in the cattle business their view is that is not the case due to the method of slaughter. However as usual at the end of the day Dave666 was wrong again…(according to the BBc anyway).
The only way to be sure it is not Halal is to use your local butcher who you may know is not halal already, or if you shop at a supermarket, to ensure that is Morrison’s because they are the only main supermarket which actually label Halal meat (lamb and poultry) The vast majority of lamb in this country is halal.
Don’t be fooled Morrisons support the Islamic charity ZAKAT …
“MORRISONS has decided to fund the Islamic National Zakat Foundation on all selected purchases you make during the month of Ramadan. The Zakat money donated by MORRISONS will ONLY benefit the 4.8% Followers of Islam in Britain”
You will find a lot of Indian restaurants are not Indian. They are in fact Bangladeshi.
Pizza joints are another case in point. Many have phoney Italian names but are owned by Muslims and use halal ‘ham’ in their toppings.
They are easy to avoid, as they nearly always advertise burgers and kebabs as well.
And the “ham” and “pepperoni” is often made of turkey.
Any kind of food outlet such as that is avoided by Dave666 & his entourage whilst out on a trip from Dave666 Towers . things like this plucked at random from one of my operational areas might be why. http://shropshire.gov.uk/news/2011/02/food-hygiene-warning-following-prosecution/
fudge says:
“It’s the only way I can show MY preference for humanely killed meat”
“Humanely killed”; there’s an oxymoron if ever there was one. If you cared about animal welfare so much you wouldn’t eat any sort of meat.
But never mind; at least you can convince yourself that you are morally superior to those “disgusting muslims” as you suck down another gobbet of almost twitching, mechanically recovered, pig sweepings.
Are you vegetarian, Dez? Nothing wrong in being vegetarian. I’ve not eaten meat since I paid a visit to my sister’s farm in Scotland and got to know the animals and their offspring as individuals. Now I realise that may sound overly sentimental coming from a hard boiled cynic like me, but I asked myself the question ” how can you eat these creatures after looking into their eyes and seeing more intelligence behind them than most of the population of this country?”
Just couldn’t abide the thought of meat in my mouth after that. Not touched meat for over twenty years. My own personal choice, but I wouldn’t dream of trying to persuade others to do the same.
However, I CAN see the difference between humanely killing an animal (stunning and then finishing them off with a bolt gun, although I couldn’t do that myself) and slashing their throats and allowing them to slowly bleed to death AND being aware of the fact. But then again, many Muzzies cut the throats of other human beings, as witnessed many times in Afghanistan and Syria, without batting an eyelid so doing it to some dumb goat or lamb would be a walk in the park for them.
I do miss pork pies and bacon sarnies though!
Veggie sometimes, otherwise not. I don’t feel the need to tie myself to meaningless labels. However I don’t subscribe to the convenient myth that you can eat a pork sausage or drink a pint of milk without making animals suffer.
If all meat was made halal/kosher from tomorrow; would consumption go down? Of course it wouldn’t.
It’s no coincidence that the whole “anti-halal” campaign is being driven by people who just so happen to be “anti-muslim” at the same time; seemingly oblivious to the KFC kosher chicken nuggets they’ve been gorging on for years.
“But then again, many Muzzies cut the throats of other human beings… so doing it to some dumb goat or lamb would be a walk in the park for them.”
Ah yes, much better to burn other human beings alive using drone strikes and “targeted” laser guided missiles. Much more civilised. Much more “humane”.
“Veggie sometimes, otherwise not. I don’t feel the need to tie myself to meaningless labels.”
Is that what you trot out between the soup and the Steak Tartare? Your dinner colleagues must breathe a real sigh of relief conversation will not err on the meaningless.
“However I don’t subscribe to the convenient myth that you can… drink a pint of milk without making animals suffer.”
One can only presume you are doing it wrong.
KFC is kosher? Only in Israel and maybe Golders Green.
It’s actually halal! and uniformly tastes of cardboard.
Horrible stuff no matter how the chickens are slaughtered.
Presumably, Dez, you have many enriching stories to tell of your experience of living in an Islamic society, given how much you seem to know about it and how you always consider it to be beyond criticism.
As ever, the floor is yours….
“Veggie sometimes,otherwise not.” Like to have your meatloaf and eat it, then Dez. You don’t half talk some tosh, Dez. You’re either a vegetarian or a meat eater,not a part timer in either. So the description of animal slaughter you gave in your comment above proves you don’t care what suffering an animal goes through as long as you can stuff your face with beef wellington or lamb kebab with your chatterati friends. Typical leftie hypocrite!
By the way, Dez, happily and enthusiastically slicing into a person’s throat, feeling the warm blood spray over your hands and hearing your victim gurgling his final breaths in
front of a braying audience takes more callousness and heartlessness than the relative anonymity of bombing or shooting someone from a helicopter
gunship. If you cannot see the difference then there’s something wrong with your moral outlook.
I do not eat curries now……local place was closed down…..implant chip from a pet found in a meal….Sikh friend assured me restaurants use the worst meat, cheap stuff, using spices to disguise any off-flavours…..many illegal immigrants work in them….last one i visited, friend ordered lamb, was given beef. Complained, they denied it, friend said he would take it home and have it tested, asked fora bag, they relented and changed the meal, lamb this time. These people hold us in contempt, sod their restaurants.
Muslim children are not being forced to eat pork. This is a lie put out by the left and has excited the UAF. All that has happened is that on days when pork is served in the schools, alternative halal will not be available.
From the article linked below:
“The mayor, who believes the school in Arveyres is not the only one in France facing such a dilemma, has vowed that the children will get all the protein they need saying vegetables, salads and lentils will be offered when pork is on the menu”.
They are not going to be hungry. In any case, the decision will be referred to the European Court and found to be in breach of Article 9, where religious rights trumps animal welfare or the economics of providing school meals.
Muslims will not eat from a kitchen where Pork products have been prepared.
When they buy house from a non Muslim the first thing they do is rip the kitchen out as it’s ‘unclean’. Besides how else are they going to spend all that dirty drug money ?
Seen it happen so many times.
Thoughtful [sic] says:
“When they buy house from a non Muslim the first thing they do is rip the kitchen out as it’s ‘unclean’”
Blimey, the first thing some Muslims do when they buy a house is redecorate.
Bloody Muslims.
Only if the house has been owned by another Muslim Dez! Every single Muslim on our street has not moved into the house they bought until the kitchen has been replaced.
I speak from experience – not a fantasy of how I want life to be.
No point telling Dedz the truth.
He is just an ignorant kiddie
Note to self.
Start kitchen fitting business in area where there are lots of Muslims. A sure fire winner.
Only if you yourself are Muslim I suspect
Dammit, I knew it sounded too good to be true. ;p
This assistant head( note-not deputy head, but a new breed of promoted nomarks allowed by Blair and the NUT) seems to think that “some Chrisitians” have been as “homophobic” as “some Muslims”!
I would love to get his figures on that-but being a primary teacher, he`s probably unaware of statistics save for homophobic events in his council ward.
My guess?…one Christian muttering something under her breath in 2004…as opposed to countless death threats and warnings via third parties left on the car windscreen!
Tell you what-until he gives us the proportions, I`ll assume he`s shilling for Islam even now.
Natives of Stockholm?…anybody who went into teaching September 2001 and after….
If you don’t want to eat halal, go veggie. Works for me.
Works for Sayeeda Warsi, too, if you remember. That way she never has to worry, when she’s at a Hindu event, whether what she’s eating is halal. Eating lamb, goats and chicken all the time to offend nobody might be a choice, but then you have Jains and some strict Buddhist South Asians, too. Nobody apparently objects to her convenient vegetarianism.
a Jewish child is not forced to eat pork!
… as one knows that the parents would make full provision wilfully without the slightest concern … as should muslim parents.
I urge everyone here, not to buy into this constant Sharia rhetoric …
This is simply about Islamic imposition.
from the Institute for the Study of Political Islam …
re – necessity and obligation
So much of this Halal nonsense is generated by non muslim’s eager to please. Easter is not a Mohamidan festival, so why are Cadbury’s selling Halal compliant Easter Eggs?
Jewish children would not be forced to eat pork … as we know full well the parents would make full provision without the slightest of concerns …
as should ……. muslim parents.
good food is available, it is choice
whether to eat, or not to eat. For muslims their very own beloved “Sharia” has their answer
necessity and obligation … The Institute
for the Study of Political Islam
Are children Muslim, Jewish, Christian, Buddhist?
Or just children?
Obviously they are not just “children” are they Arthur?
Prior to all these demands of Halal Muslim children simply avoided pork and ate every other food including non halal beef and chicken. Practising Jewish children did the same.
The stricter ones had the option of going vegetarian. That is how it should be.
The subject of Ramadan reminds me of a not too recent BBC Motorway Cops episode. The program featured a Muslim traffic cop who had spotted a stolen car and gave chase, the offender decamped and did a runner, the cop set chase after him but couldn’t keep up and had to quickly give up exhausted, as yes you’ve guessed he had been fasting for Ramadan…..
You couldn’t make it up could you? The tone of the program wasn’t “this isn’t good enough these guys are supposed to be protecting us, he’s not fit to work” more of “poor cop having to fast for his archaic religion…..”
He should have been put on night shift when he could have drank & eaten – simples !
AFAIK, fasting during Lent (for Christians) only applies to people between the ages of 18 and 59, and involves eating one full meal and two small meals per day.
It’s this Respect leftist pandering to the nuttiest imams which is the problem here.
Many of these changes are indeed being forced through by white people. Many of them are indeed stupid, or at least highly ignorant of Islamic practice. But many of them are not, and know exactly what they are doing and why. To the Left, Muslims can be used as proxy troops in their cultural war against the West. For their part, the committed Islamists are very happy to make use of the “useful idiots” in the Left, in the knowledge that they can be dispatched with at some future date with a sharp sword or length or rope.
The most dangerous “useful idiot” of all is the odious George Galloway.
He’s dangerous because he’s no idiot when it comes to inciting the mob.
Galloway is a Muslim convert, far from being a ‘useful idiot’ he joined the other side!
Not that he`s ever said as much has he?
Classic taqqiya artist.
George Galloway, MP for Bradford West, is a Muslim. He converted more than ten years ago in a ceremony at a hotel in Kilburn, north-west London, attended by members of the Muslim Association of Great Britain. Those close to him know this. The rest of the world, including his Muslim constituents, does not.
“I know someone who attended your shahadah [the Muslim conversion ceremony].”
His reply to the question of his religion is always “God knows who is a Muslim”, so make your own mind up!
Remember this story? The comments are a laugh.
Big boys came! They did it! Ahem.
I used to suffer very badly from hay fever during exam times, and the nuns simply said to me “too bad – you just have to get on with it”.
I would like to know if this is coming from muslims or from leftist do-gooders. Sharia law clearly states that if you cannot fast at the specified time, then you fast at another time instead – so the current exam timetable is no problem.The same with praying. Additionally, if halal is not available, it is permissible to eat non-halal.
Anyone who says otherwise is an outright liar, because this is straight from the sharia law manual, Umdat Al Salik.
This originates from left wing / public sector do gooders (or do good to get a bonus / promotion), and plenty of people have said that they are able to eat under Sharia law.
I disagree, although the hand wringers are all for it, Muslims want it because it means lucrative school and hospital contract deals go to Muslim butchers robbing ethnic British butchers of good business.
Its disgusting.
Under Islam, children are excused from complying with Ramadan if it would affect their health (participating in school sports lessons) or education (studying for, and taking, exams). Is this yet another attempt by Islamofascists to demand special privileges for themselves, even if it means inconvenienceding everybody else?
A reprise from previous ‘Open Thread’-
“UK teachers’ union to discuss changing UK exam timetable to accommodate Muslims and Ramadan”
By Robert Spencer.
remember Ray Honeyford
the BBC state it … loud and clear
Once again Radio 4, backed up by a supportive non-interview by Humphrys with Starmer on Today, paraded another part of the Labour extended manifesto for the 2015 election – a “Victims Charter” no less (to deal with what I suppose will be called the “victim crisis”) – as “news”, worthy enough to be included, at length, as an item on the 8:00 am flagship Radio 4 News.
Starmer propagandised on Today (faithfully repeated on the news) for a Labour-endorsed change to procedure in the English courts. The change would see victims of crime relieved from cross-examination in court by defence barristers to be replaced by an interview with a judge. This change is now, according to Starmer, “consensual” and thus, by extension and, by no coincidence whatsoever, in the same league as the “settled science” of
global warmingclimate change.Humphrys (a “journalist” apparently) failed to ask who “consented” to this proposed change. IMHO this proposal is at one with the belief (at Labour, the BBC and Feminist Central) that all men accused of rape or child abuse are guilty as charged. We’ve already seen the 800+ years old principle of “double jeopardy” abolished so that Baroness Lawrence can freely advertise for Marks & Sparks. This is just another step in the dismantling of the English legal system.
This is not to deny that there might be a case for such a change: not a good case, I’ll grant you, but a case. What it doesn’t deserve is to be given a fair wind by the BBC on the basis that everything spouted by a Labour apparatchik must be elevated to international news status and given a precious 10 minutes of airtime on Today.
You know that when a legal system becomes so expensive that even the state can’t afford to use it, something has gone wrong!
If you’ve ever seen the ridiculous mountains of paperwork – all in triplicate, requiring 5 juniors pulling carts full, which no one will ever reads, but which the archaic court system demands is supplied in hard copy, and costs a fortune to assemble.
When a document is in wide circulation it still cannot be referred to – it has to be supplied – in triplicate !
There are pre hearing / trial reviews which have to be attended, and if the whole mess was brought up to date then it could probably be run for a tenth of what it currently costs.
But who would lose out? Well it’s the greedy weasels, and seeing as it’s them who regulate their industry there are enough of them making mega money to prevent that change.
The legal aid strike is a joke when we consider their refusal to make any efficiency changes what so ever.
All that can happen is a little tinkering around the edges. We live in a state of anarchy anyway, only liveable because most people are law abiding. It really wouldn’t make much difference to our lives if the Police and courts didn’t exist.
Meanwhile Wavy Davy believes running a country is all about making ‘important’ speeches and giving little moues of disapproval when he hears how much nike can stripe mugs up for, for replica shirts.
Sorting out the legal system – Boa. Ring.
And the key word there, uncle bup, is ‘mugs’ – if anyone is stupid enough to pay £90 each and every time someone changes ‘his/her’ team’s strip, then that’s their choice – absolutely no-one is forcing anyone to buy replica football shirts.
Unlike the BBC, of course….
And why the hell would we want our government to spend any time whatsoever getting mixed up in that decision anyway ?
If people just stopped buying the damned things these stupid prices, then the immutable law of ‘supply and demand’ would mean that the price would quickly slam downwards.
What would be interesting would be the right of a victim to be able to sue the judge/social worker/police service who lets a convicted criminal out on bail to commit a subsequent offence. This could also be extended to the Home Secretary who authorises the entry to this country of someone who subsequently goes on to commit acts of terrorism. There is no doubt in my mind that if these do-gooders were held personally responsible, re-offending rates would fall dramatically.
To defend the police for a moment here, the majority of charging decisions are made be the CPS, an absurd move created by Labour.
In court, Judges are going our of their way not to send people to prison, numerous examples are listed everyday. I have heard a judge in Court when sentencing two for GBH with Intent say ‘I thought we were supposed to be keeping them out of prison’ before he gave them 4 years each for ruining peoples lives.
Judicial independence got a huge kick in the balls from 1997 onwards and it would appear Judges are towing a party line.
Together with what was said above about the self regulation, the whole Judicial process merits a thorough investigation.
Wither the BBC?
The CPS.
Head from 1 November 2008 to 1 November 2013 one Keir Starmer, a former Human Rights lawyer.
Starmer has recently started an inquiry into child abuse law for the Labour Party. According to The Independent (27 December 2013) he is keen to stand as a Labour candidate.
Just fancy that.
An interesting comment on Womens Hour, that Maria Miller would not still be in office if she hadn’t been a woman. Tacit acceptance that equality means superiority in reality.
Later this week the truly horrible IDS will bring proposals to attack benefit claimants further to the House. Why he doesn’t have the balls to just propose concentration camps where he could execute them all is beyond me, after all I’m sure he’d like to. Far too stupid to realise that ordinary people will at some point begin to think “that might happen to me” and react against it, or be so sickened at the reduction to penury and starvation, the fool will carry on until the Tories are booted out of office for decades again.
Let me ask people reading this. Would you prefer to see hundreds of thousands of starving people begging and stealing to survive, so very wealth people can keep their often ill gotten gains without inheritance tax, or the poor being able to just about get by, and the very rich paying their fair share?
There’s even a proposal to seize the homes of what IDS calls ‘benefit cheats’. Funny but there’s no proposals to sieze the homes of MPs who are expenses cheats. A great illustration of the gulf between the MPs and the people they are supposed to represent. So extreme are IDSs proposals that even the Mail readers top comments are all against them, quite an achievement !
Even serious criminals aren’t subject to such sanction !
. . . and precisely how is your comment related to BBC bias?
You might not be aware that Woman’s hour is a BBC program, but you have my assurance that it is !
Indeed it is. However, nothing in your comment concerns BBC bias: it’s just a rant about IDS. Whoever commented on Woman’s Hour spoke the undoubted – and unbiased – truth that, had she not been a woman, Maria Miller would now have been on the backbenches.
It’s not just a rant about IDS! It’s a comparison of what the evil man is prepared to visit on the poor and unfortunate, while no one is suggesting that cheating politicians should even pay the money back let alone have their homes seized to pay ‘fines’ (which they don’t incur’). It follows on from the Miller case.
So, thoughtful, what’s your proposal to get rid of what you clearly believe to be a double standard ?
a) …anyone and everyone be able to get away with defrauding the system ?
b) …nobody be allowed to get away with it ?
What you can’t do is complain about some abusing the system, and then also complain about others not being allowed to abuse the system, in what you see as clearly equivalent acts.
And perhaps slightly off-topic (unless ‘benefits cheat’ is considered part of the topic), but there may well be some justice after all !
The attached article describes how a benefits cheat had described herself as agoraphobic, and unable to walk more than 5 metres unaided, in order to claim all sorts of benefits, and traipse all round the world at her complete leisure, courtesy of the taxpayer….
As a result of being caught, she might well now face a prison sentence. Well, that should be no problem for her whatsoever – in fact, she’ll probably feel right at home, given her previous self-description.
Maria Miller won’t face a prison sentence though, and certainly won’t have her home seized. Neither will most of the serious criminals who have been convicted.
I’m not condoning anything here, merely pointing out the double standards and hypocrisy of those in power, and the readiness of IDS to attack those who have tried in life and bought a home with their earnings should not have it stolen by the state, when the scroungers will not face this sanction.
Besides all that, as some on the Mail forums have pointed out, how easy will it be for future governments to make further laws which take peoples property for what ever reason.
It’s the thin end of a very dangerous wedge which politicians are not applying to their own fraud and missclaiming.
Fine, thoughtful, no equivocation then, EVERYONE should obey the law, and should take the consequences of their actions – no matter what.
I’d agree with that. No excuses for anyone. No hypocrisy, no double standards.
But then you have to get around the fact that Maria Miller has apparently obeyed the law. That may call for a change in the law, but equally, it should not condone anyone else breaking the law.
Capping benefits at £25k p.a. – scandalous. How will the poor buggers manage? No wonder we have an explosion of food banks and cardboard cities.
An interesting article which appears to have gone unnoticed and unremarked by the BBC and the rest of the media.
Domenico Rancadore an alleged mafia boss escaped extradition to Italy on the grounds that ‘prison conditions there would breach his human rights’.
No one seems to have stopped to ask the question how it is possible for a country which is a signatory to the Human Rights Charter could possibly be operating a prison which does not conform to the treaty? (although the Mail has made a half hearted attempt).
The answer comes in the corrupt way which Tony BLiar integrated the ECtHR into British law where it takes supremacy over it, instead of simply signing the treaty which means that for other European countries, it merely provides guidance and can be ignored by their courts and government if they so wish.
Couldn’t have had anything to do with BLiars wife being a prominent human rights lawyer could it?
Worse than that the CPS which fouled up an industrial scale has been accused by a whistle blower insider to be so politically correct that it is unable to function properly.
“I was called to the Bar in 2006 and, as a British woman of Indian descent, I can hardly be accused of racism. So I feel freer to speak than some of my colleagues. But what we all see is the same thing: the race card being played in recruitment to legal firms and the Crown Prosecution Service.
‘The Bar is at least independent but the CPS is much more directly connected with the government and has to be seen to be a fair employer. In London, at least, the organisation seems to be stuffed with people from ethnic minorities.
It is worrying when you ring someone up about a case, often a serious one, and you have trouble understanding what they are saying.
Or you get documents drafted that simply make no sense and are written in pidgin English. In a system responsible for the administration of justice, that is alarming… but it just seems to be accepted.’
I have no idea whether the abysmal failure of the CPS in the case of the Mafia don was anything to do with such recruitment policies; and it would be wrong to make ‘political correctness’ the scapegoat for failures which seem endemic and which might also be connected to inadequacies within police evidence-taking.
But one thing is clear: we cannot go on like this.”
You’re not going to see any of this reported by the BBC, and none of it has been covered to date.
Amazing to see how the BBC insist on stoking and re-stoking the Maria Miller story for all it’s worth (apparently, quite a bit to the comrades at the BBC).
Funny how they never seemed quite so enthusiastic about keeping the Harriet Harperson/PIE story alive in the headlines, despite the much more serious and potentially career-ending subject matter…
Couldn`t the parties do an agreed swap?
You sack Harman-we`ll sack Miller!
In truth, Harman is the bigger menace, so if Labour lumped in Dromey…surely we could cut the deal.
Landfill scummards that we continue to prop up like cadavers at the bus stop…why so?
“In truth, Harman is the bigger menace,”
Yep Miller is responsible for expenses fiddling
Harman is responsible for………
Shall we just say there is more than one kind of fiddling.
Seems the shared values have inspired some to wonder where Ms. Harman is:
Doubting it will inspire the BBC to join any more now than they did when it was her turn in the spotlight.
But she does seem to have been absent from our screens of late.
Sorely missed.
Seems as far as the BBC is concerned one is Miller Time.
The other has joined many other from ‘it was an another’ Time.
Add Hodge to that list of swaps:
‘I worked on the London Evening Standard investigation that first exposed the Islington scandal. Along with a colleague, Stewart Payne, I spent three months in 1992 secretly interviewing terrified whistleblowing staff, parents and children before the newspaper published a damning investigation. It was promptly attacked by then-council leader Margaret Hodge as a “sensationalist piece of gutter journalism”. We were falsely accused of bribing children to make up their heartbreaking stories. Mrs Hodge has since apologised and explained that her officials lied to her……….
The arrest and death of fellow ringleader Bernie Bain, former superintendent of Islington’s home at 1 Elwood Street, made it possible to name him. Bain abused numerous boys in his care, including Demetrious Panton, whom Margaret Hodge secretly branded “extremely disturbed” to BBC bosses in an attempt to halt a documentary on what she knew of the scandal. Mr Panton – now a lawyer – forced her to apologise for this cruel slur in the High Court. ‘
Yep, THAT Margaret Hodge – the one the BBC can’t get enough of in her current heroic Parliamentary role.
Mark Easton (Home Editor) asks Who Do We Think We Are?
The very fact that this question is being asked is an admission of the appalling failure (or success depending on how you view it) of the BLiar corruption and maladministration.
Years of Mass Immigration; Political Correctness; Multiculturalism; Islamophilia; and the criminalising of dissent have led to this point, and the biased BBC has played more of a part than a dispassionate observer.
I cannot imagine this question being asked in many countries around the world, including France and Germany where left wing idiocy has not been allowed to destroy their identity. The European Union is not to blame for this (for once!)
What does it mean to be British – imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever
Who do we think we are? You can besure that whoever we think we are, ie disgusted at this immigration cesspit, the lovely bbc will not report it accurately. And we must pay for this crap,
Then who do you consider IS to blame?
I noticed BBC Breakfast this morning getting very excited because a black fella won “The Voice” – namely Jermaine Jackman. That a box ticked of course, but what really excited the Breakfast presenters was that he clearly supports Labour and wants to enter politics as a Labour MP. We were gleefully told that Ed Miliband has already been in contact with him. I bet a tiny little bit of wee came out of the beeboids when that was mentioned.
The Breakfast presenter then said something like ‘now you have won, that will open doors for you’ – no, what you really mean is ‘now you have declared your love of Labour, THAT will open doors and we, the BBC will assist as much as possible’.
Expect to see the guy, and his politics, appearing a lot more now on the BBC.
Keep the love in the family, hey BBC.
Not too dissimilar with Formula One.
Lewis Hamilton is without doubt a fine driver, yet all we seem to hear is is about him. Jenson Button was running in forth yesterday until car problems forced him to retire, yet in the BBC highlights program we heard nothing about why he retired not even an interview, and to a lesser degree nothing about Max Chilton, the other British driver.
Hamilton has by far the best car in the field winning two of the tree races so far, but that fact is overlooked. When Jenson Button was in the same position in 2009, it was the car that won the championship for him, not his driving….
Wow when I first read that I thought this guy was going to stand for Labour!
Jermaine Jackson Michaels brother
Either he or the Breakfast presenter mentioned ‘ambitions to be Britain’s first black PM’. Be afraid, be very afraid as I think the BBC wouldn’t mind a chance at making that happen!
they have already started, sheesh! …
have you heard him squawk
‘First black (and Labour) PM? Why not? The first black US President has worked out pretty well.
What could possibly go wrong?
You cant say that it’s racist!
Sarc sarc sarc.
Jermaine Jackson is also, like many black British, a Christian. I wonder if the BBC has interest in that? I doubt it.
Did I hear that aright?
Is Jenni Murray on Womans Hour looking for “gay changers”?
If so, may I propose the Tabernacle Church of Peckham( Kampala tradition)?…who seem to be quite proud of changing gays, given a little time and TLC.
Jenni Murray is a ferocious fascist and Politically correct monster of the worst possible kind.
When she announces she is looking for guests like this alarm bells should instantly start to ring, because it almost always has a sinister purpose, and this case is no different.
Norman Lamb asked whether GPs are making gay conversion referrals
Care services minister said the treatment would be ‘entirely wrong’
Pledged to eradicate it if any evidence came to light
So if you are gay, but don’t want to be, currently the NHS might help in that endeavour (maybe a futile attempt). However the fascists will take great offence at that and will force you to be gay & probably prosecute you if you don’t enjoy it either !
“In a debate on the issue on the Commons in November, Lib Dem MP Stephen Gilbert said: ‘In the 21st century, no lesbian, gay bisexual or transgender individual should be accessing this kind of voodoo psychology.
‘Instead we should be providing services which help them give confidence and support them with their sexuality.’ “
If Gay people or people that think they may be Gay want to seek therapy to see if they can actually be straight or at least come to terms with something that is obviously bothering them, then who the hell is the state to stick it’s oar in? The Gay lobby are quite a vicious intolerant bunch it seems to me.
On second thoughts, strike that from the record….
Newsniffer catches the BBC’s decision to cut a phrase from their initial version of an on-line report on the Rwanda Genocide Anniversary
Some grammatical error, I hear you wonder? A typo?
Or something a little more serious?
Well, in fact ,just the little matter of this offending phrase….
“Some Christian leaders were implicated in the violence.”
Funny what first pops into their minds before they realise they may have gone too far.
A later version shifts the blame… because blame there must be….
‘In an interview with the French-language weekly news magazine Jeune Afrique, Mr Kagame denounced the “direct role of Belgium and France in the political preparation for the genocide”. ‘
You see, as far as the BBC are concerned, someone other than the actual perpetrators must be to blame.
Christians, Colonialists, whoever. Thank goodness Britain never administered Rwanda or it would have been our fault.
‘Were you in Rwanda in 1994.’
Plenty of them here … maybe we should ask this fella.
Don’t be ‘modest’, tell us all about it.
Good advice for the BBC?
Will BBC-NUJ go apoplectic over this quite sensible plan, (except that no money should go to Afghanistan)?:-
“Use the foreign aid budget to fund military projects abroad: Ministers want spending on training Afghan police to count towards commitment.
“Ministers privately seething at the ring-fencing of foreign aid budget.
“Prime Minister’s envoy to Nato has now drawn up detailed proposals.
“He suggests there is an overwhelming case for military spending to count toward the 0.7 per cent target – set to cost £12billion this year.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2598440/Use-foreign-aid-budget-fund-military-projects-abroad-Ministers-want-spending-training-Afghan-police-count-commitment.html#ixzz2yCgwtZMK
‘News’ of how we licence-payers finance Beeboid broadcasting empire in Burma-
“BBC Burmese news bulletins come to MNTV in Myanmar”
I went to Aintree to the National. Great time and enlightening so bear with me. I was in the cheap enclosure and an old timer with the youngsters all dressed up to the nines. How the girls walk I do not know.
Everybody was very good to me. Huge quantities of drink and very very raucous. But so what this is the Grand National.
Now I come to the point. How a right on cameraman and producer would have managed I do not know.
Probably had a breakdown and taken away gibbering about multiculturalism etc.
The place was anything but. Ethnic English, Scottish, Irish . Welsh .to what looked like a figure of 99%. A very old British gathering in the real meaning of the word.
The 1% being of Caribbean heritage and obviously born here .
THe media like to pretend that these important national gatherings are multicultural. The National is not. If it was shown on TV as such then the camera lies. I suspect this is true throughout our national life. The Olympics looked a bit too white for the BBC’s taste.
We are being deliberately deceived. Maybe for the best of intentions but it is a lie and does not reflect reality.
I suggest we all stop listening to the media and the politicians. They need to , and I feel that now the old English words are the only appropriate ones. The need to F off and get out of the way of us.
Check out the crowd shot of the Everton v Arsenal game on Sunday in the Everton end. I froze the broadcast and could not see a non-white face. Statement of fact.
Bit like Leicester’s home games, then, despite ‘ethnics’ now being in the majority in that fair city.
Still, I’m sure at BBC Towers they still believe that harmonious integration continues apace…
The Boat Race Too ,but Bbc did have wimmins footy on the red button, at various times during the weekend.
Have you heard the one about the UKIP poster………
Sometimes the irony can be so delicious that even if it isn’t reported on the biased BBC it’s too good to miss !
Barton Moss anti-fracking protesters in urgent plea – for GAS
The camp’s supply ran out Sunday morning and they tweeted from their account @BartonMoss “#bartonmoss URGENTLY needs water and gas for the cooker if anyone can help”.
Between 10 and 20 people live there at the moment, with more people attending daily protests, and they use the gas for cooking.
The soap dodger predictably lied when the irony was pointed out:
“we use gas that has been obtained by conventional extraction methods.”
No! Bottled gas is propane (for cooking) or butane, and is obtained by some pretty non green industrial processing.
And of course propane is high up there on the “evil co2 ” culprit list.
I never cease to wonder how these idiots become exponentially ever more stupid.
‘King of the hill, Ma! King of the hill!”
BBC-NUJ’s mass political line-up (in work time?) with:-
Muslim Brotherhood – Al Jazeera – Emirate of Qatar.
(Check out the photos of tghe giggling schoolchildren’s time-out gag.)
“Egypt al-Jazeera case: Fresh calls” [by BBC-NUJ] “to free reporters” [and friends of Muslim Brotherhood].
Next week: will there be a similar BBC-NUJ demonstration for American critics of Muslim Brotherhood, Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer who are banned from entering Britain? (Only kidding.)
Week after: BBC-NUJ demo for Christians persecuted by Islamic supremacists globally, including in Egypt?
(Only kidding.)
Not sure they have really thought through the take-out of the visual imagery, as that of many here seeing these unobjective gobs for hire muted with a strip of Gaffer tape has been more ‘not before time’.
And BBC staff getting high horsey on matters of censorship is, of course, ‘brave’ considering their FOI-protected ‘editorial decisions’, HYS plug-pulls and CECUTT expeditings of any whose views they don not like and wish to see erased.
Hypocritically, BBC-NUJ censored out ‘Daily Mail’ front pages critical of Labour’s Harman, two months ago, and BBC
-NUJ opposes freedom of U.K press.
BUT, BBC-NUJ uses BBC facilities, time and licence money to politically demonstrate for Islamic al Jazeera, which supports Muslim Brotherhood, and is owned by undemocratic Emirate of Qatar!
No Charter for BBC.
I was watching MOTD on Saturday and every time Salah, the Egyptian international, touched the ball the commentator excitedly mentioned his full name, Mohamed Salah, with the emphasis on the ‘Mohamed’. I was wondering whether anyone else noticed this.
Anyway, talking of Mohammeds, did the BBC mention this rum bunch.
Ringleader Mohammed Zulficar, 33, a previously convicted heroin dealer, was sentenced to 24 years after a court heard he had begun the operation while still in prison.
His associates Adnan Lal, 27, Mohammed Ishaq, 39, Mohammed Faizan, 26, and Haidar Ali, 25, were jailed for 18 years, 16 years, 12 years and 12 years respectively.
Such was the fear they inspired, key witnesses would only testify in the trial after emigrating away from the UK.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2596430/Gang-jailed-total-82-years-masterminding-125million-heroin-cocaine-plot-drugs-factory-hidden-leafy-Yorkshire-suburb.html#ixzz2yCrKhAHw
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Now there`a a poll in this.
The 10 most “influential” Muhammads(other spelling variants are-of course-acceptable.
*”Influential” can-of course-be good or bad-who`s to judge but Allah Yentob?
1. Morsi
2. Ali
3. Shiela Gibbons teddy bear of 2007…
and the other seven can be random scum from 9/11, Bali. Toulouse, Bombay, 7/7 or Oxford kebab shops or Booze Busters outlets in Rochdale etc..I`ll not bother to chaeck-there`s bound to be 7 or more Mo`s in THAT lot.
Is the BBC changing?
A long overdue expose of the shenanigans at Tower Hamlets (Eyes passim).
A decent fist of the second Farage/Clegg debate, even if it needed an audience from YouGov and example of how to do it from LBC.
Andrew Neil still in post.
Maybe all is not lost.
The BBC could learn from C4. Early coverage of the CAR. The excellent (so far) ‘Nigel Farage: Who are you?’. A drama series which seems to have some understanding and sympathy for the Puritans – ‘New World’. C4 is left wing editorially but I believe it is less biased overall than the BBC.
All is really lost. The BBC cannot change. Liberals just cannot. They have been bodysnatched.
You just have to accept it and hope the whole rotten edifice of liberalism collapses before it destroys old England.
If you want it to collapse you will have to push a bit.
for all at the BBC, please give special attention – especially 5Live … necessary due to their obsession, with equating justified critique of this dangerous ideology with racism!
No surprise … that Fiyaz (Pinocchio) Mujhal, of
infamous “whopper” outfit – Tell LIES, oops! I mean MAMA
is involved.
I was just about to post this, but you beat me to it.
I would not have been as kind in my description however.
Lets face it, this is a Political Show Trial straight from the worst totalitarian regimes, brought about by the CPS, which if you read my previous piece is an organisation so crippled by political correctness that it is unable to function correctly. Stuffed full of ethnics whose grasp of English is so poor they are unable to speak or write effectively. You can be sure they won’t make the balls up of this case which they did with alleged Mafioso Domenico Rancadore.
They know that they would be unable to secure a conviction if they’d brought a charge of Religiously aggravated harassment so they had a stab at the easier racially aggravated harassment.
The state cannot lose this case. The outcome is decided before Burton steps through the courtroom door just as it was for the guilty in the subsequent Lawrence trial.
Knowing what Magistrates are like, it’s not often they find anyone ‘not guilty’ let alone in a case like this.
This is not a trial about race or religion however. The Police, the CPS, and the State apparatus of the UK are on trial too. The point at issue is whether it is illegal to criticise Islam even if the criticism is valid, and provably true.
Whether Mughal was lying is not at issue, it is a proven fact, and the description Burton used is not particularly intemperate. Normally this would have been dealt with as a civil defamation case, were it not for the need for the state to prevent criticism of Islam.
Tomorrow I shall watch the inevitable outcome, and no doubt it will be reported as a triumph against ‘racism’ by the BBC and other fascist media, but the darkness will have grown a little deeper.
sadly I could not agree more …
Robert Spencer – Liberty GB – Tim Burton host
note – 38mins 45
Thank you for posting this video – very interesting.
– (and Beeboid staff globally) in political demos on BBC property, in work-time, for Al Jazeera, Muslim Brotherhood and Qatar.
This political activity by BBC staff is unacceptable to BBC licence-payers on several counts:
1.) it shows political bias of BBC-NUJ staff in supporting Al Jazeera, and all it stands for;
2.) it is the antithesis of political impartiality;
3.) it shows a ‘group-think’ mentality, and is totally uncritically of Al Jazeera, Muslim Brotherhood and Emirate of Qatar;
3.) it seems as though the ‘leftist-Islamic’ alliance is using BBC property, and licence-payers’ money to undertake such political demonstrations;
4.)hypocritically, this pro-al-Jazeera demo contrasts with BBC censorship of ‘Daily Mail’-
“BBC’s censorship of paedophilia scandal ‘reveals its left-wing bias’: Corporation accused of refusing to report story to protect the Labour party.
“Failed to report Labour figures ‘link’ with Paedophile Information Exchange.
“Story has been on Mail’s front page three times – BBC cut all reference to it.
“It has prompted accusations of ‘left-wing bias’ be the corporation.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2567110/BBCs-censorship-paedophilia-scandal-reveals-left-wing-bias-Corporation-accused-refusing-report-story-protect-Labour-party.html#ixzz2yDLyKdTu
“Al Jazeera’s Muslim Brotherhood Problem”
By Bob Dreyfuss.
(July, 2013.)
“Al Jazeera and the Qatar squabble”
For Islam Not BBC (INBBC):-
“The Two Faces of Al Jazeera”
by Oren Kessler,
Middle East Quarterly,
Winter 2012.
Link to above-
The Two Beeboid Faces of Al Jazeera-
By Pamela Geller.
(Aug 2013.)
“4 Al Jazeera Reporters Charged w/Belonging to a Terrorist Group”
By Daniel Greenfield.
(Feb 2014.)
“An Al Jazeera Muslim Brotherhood-tied News Anchor’s Bloody Call”
– See more at: http://pamelageller.com/2014/02/al-jazeera-muslim-brotherhood-tied-news-anchors-bloody-call.html/#sthash.L9jBCrHV.dpuf
One for the old ‘everything is relative’ file, as a popcorn-grabbing moment hoves into view down the old Newsnight slipway…
Now old Jezza has pulled enough BBC-typical stunts in his time for me to be hard-pressed on the empathy stakes, and indeed of late has appeared to be phoning it in professionally beyond toeing the corporate line.
However, it seems… ‘quaint’ that the one person who seems secure in all these movings and shakings is Mr. Katz, whose CV makes that of Capt. Edward John Smith of the Titanic positively seaworthy.
In other news, the current W1A trailer may seem… awkward in complement at this juncture.
Another nail in the coffin of balanced BBC reporting!
Two quotes I am unsure how to prioritise, but may work as follows:
“The question is why did the BBC use this map while giving the impression it was from the IPCC report”
“They seem to have taken a leaf out of Goebbel’s book.”
The BBC has actually taken that leaf, digitised it, turned it into Editor’s Guidelines, and is at every opportunity evolving stories based on often secret tracts (Pollard in his report mentions these) apparently known only to the inner sanctum.
Goebbels was a rank amateur in comparison.
The journalist is right – that’s not reporting, that’s blatant propaganda – the greatest shame of all is that no-one, absolutely no-one, in the BBC will ever admit to it – even to themselves.
Of course the perfect complement to propaganda is censorship:
This from a BBC HYS made me smile:
611. imemomeme
This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.
This comment has been referred for further consideration. Explain.
If i was a beeb reporter, which I am not, i would take a picture of the above, which I can’t, as my selfie.
They may have little integrity, but they all have backward-facing iPhones.
Propaganda, Backed By Censorship.
As in BBC News.
Well bugger me! The BBC are ignoring blatant racism (whatever that be) in the United States, and in loony liberal left California to boot.
Nothing, not a whisper, not a peep from the BBC. Bunter Lardell is mute on the subject and not a word from the daft Katty Kay.
Chinese Americans along with Korean Americans are outraged that the democrats have tried to reintroduce the ludicrously titled ‘Affirmative Action’, code for racist selection into colleges and universities in California.
Belatedly the dummy party has worked out that they will lose 14% of the vote at the ballot box.
From the BBC nothing but a deathly hush. As usual, highly selective news coverage.
Where is David Preiser when you need him? Has he given up on this blog?
More from Bham s “Trojan Horse” weekly
Newshour – ‘Extremist’ Working As Psychiatrist For NHS”!
‘Extremist’ working as psychiatrist for NHS – LocalUKNews
‘Extremist’ working as psychiatrist for NHS
News National Headlines.co.uk
Press Report – ‘Extremist’ working as psychiatrist for NHS
One of the leaders of “Hizb ut-Tahrir … Dr. Imran Waheed who apparently specialises in obsessive compulsive disorders, (would that be 5 times a day?) 😀
and also provides advice to courts in criminal cases on … ahem … potentially dangerous individuals 😀
… irony? ….
so … BBC? …………………………………….
still never mind eh!
“Selfie-with-an-egg contest begins in Hampstead” … gay day ahead to keep Harribin happy.
…oh! and BBC Bham? ………………………………..
“Stourbridge on track to host model railway exhibition”
here he is,
demonstrating his bedside manner?
by the look of all of those jihad flags…..
… I think its a patients day out
… “the lunatics are taking over the asylum” …
Everything from now on, from Islam Not BBC (INBBC):
-on Al Jazeera-Muslim Brotherhood-Qatar, has to be dismissed as the blatant political propaganda it is.
The bBBC’s advertisements today for the final of University Challenge emphasised that the two teams were all men. This was obviously caused by discrimination: they didn’t want to tell us that the teams containing women weren’t as good, and had been knocked out earlier in the competition.
The sub-plot was revealed when the prize was presented by a lesbian.
There has been much speculation as to the biased broadcasters support for the Muslim Brotherhood, but I wonder how many people are aware that Dhimmi Dave has not only legalised membership of the Brotherhood, but has invited its members to the UK where they have now set up their worldwide headquarters in London.
I cannot imagine how this is in anyway in the UKs interest, and have suspicions that like Tony BLiar he is receiving payment or promises of payment from Muslim countries.
The fact the BBC also choose to support the Brotherhood also has to raise suspicion of undue influence from outside sources.
don t ban us Dave … OR ELSE!
sheesh! just wait till they set up a political party here
IFE, MB, HT, OIC ….. “Trojan Horse” anybody?
what do you think Sayeeda?, should Dave worry? … will you advise him dear? 😀
If, as Beeboids claim, they are interested in ‘freedom’ why don’t they politically campaign for these British individuals?:-
“Taqiyya and Blasphemy Laws in the UK”
“Peaceful Muslim Brotherhood protesters in Cairo streets”
As Dave666 Ltd. (some would say very limited) prepares to embark on a new crusade for balance, following the latest crap response to my complaint I’ve just been down to the archives to see if I can find another copy of the template that they used in their previous replies. Still looking, although we all remember this story “The long-running media cover-up of the true extent of the Muslim grooming scandal continues. On the 3rd January 2012, in Liverpool Crown Court, 21 alleged Muslim groomers, all of whom are alleged to have been involved in a massive paedophile gang in the Manchester area were sent for a pre-trial hearing.” Now despite media and authority denials about this Dave666 knew that there was something going on some time ago. People said I was lying, people said I was making it up however now we know that just wasn’t the case. Bearing in mind the accused were from Manchester I was somewhat surprised(not!) the North West news team had not even mentioned it. It was all over the internet but the BBc remained in silence so I wrote to complain why there was no coverage I hope you will find it enlightening this was received by myself at Dave666 Communications centre on 08/2/12. : Thanks for contacting us about BBC News.
I understand you’re unhappy at the lack of coverage of a court case in Liverpool.
Choosing the stories to include in our bulletins; the order in which they appear and the length of time devoted to them is a subjective matter and one which we know not every viewer and listener will feel we get right every time.
Factors such as whether it’s news that has just come in and needs immediate coverage, how unusual the story is and how much national interest there is in the subject matter will all play a part in deciding the level of coverage and where it falls within a bulletin.
Essentially this is a judgement call rather than an exact science but BBC News does appreciate the feedback when viewers and listeners feel we may have overlooked or neglected a story.
I’d like to assure you that I’ve registered your complaint on our audience log. This is a daily report of audience feedback that’s made available to many BBC staff, including members of the BBC Executive Board, channel controllers and other senior managers.
The audience logs are seen as important documents that can help shape decisions about future programming and content.
Thanks again for taking the time to contact us. So keeping quiet on this issue was subjective. The conclusion you are left to draw is they didn’t think this story was important enough to run. Now bearing in mind those of us who still remember the secret agent program on BBc it’s doubly odd that the BBc would fail to shine a light into this sordid issue.
Why do you talk about yourself in the third person?
Because Dave666 can.
Interesting that you use the impersonal rather than a personal pronoun. I have noticed you have a tendency to do it quite frequently.
Illeism can be a personality disorder indicator, either narcissistic personality disorder (used for self-aggrandizement), or conversely a desire for subjugation and lack of self-worth (de-humanization).
Dave666 posts about his experience challenging the BBC’s reporting (or lack thereof ) probably the worst race crime in recent UK history.
That is, the organised and systematic sexual abuse of almost exclusively vulnerable young white girls by almost exclusively Muslim men on a truly industrial scale
Crimes who’s brutality and venality beggar belief.Who’s victims number in the thousands ,crimes that were well know to the police and those entrusted with the care of these young girls for decades, but were ignored for reasons of ‘social cohesion’
Crimes that first came to the public attention as the result of C4 documentary ‘Edge of the city’ in 2004.( C4 pulled ‘Edge of the city’ from prime time and broadcast it in the dead of night on the instance Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Colin Cramphorn and under pressure from the UAF.)
Despite being widely reported on the Internet. the main stream media ignored this virtual war crime until the first series of trials started in 2012 ( there were initially 50 defendants but many more have come to light since ) Trials that only happened because of campaigning by the so called far right
All through this shocking series of events the liberal media ,but most especially the BBC did all in their power to obfuscate and censor the facts (and continue to do so today)
Preferring to attack those that forced the issue into the light of day,denigrate the victims or minimise the the scale and nature of these horrendous crime by spurios attempts at equivalency
It is this one shameful act of hypocrisy and cowardice that has turned me and many others I know against the BBC so totally that we wish not for its reform but it’s annihilation. ( I personally would like to see those enablers of these crimes in the dock at the Hague, along with the perpetrators)
And your response to Dave’s post?
A seemingly arbitrary personal attack
Given the context of the subject ,that I find interesting
P.S. I note that even after 4 hours you have not even garnered a ‘like’ from the secret six. That should tell you something nameshifter.
Attacks on Dave666 and his sanity is water off a ducks back. If such comments are being made then Dave666 is having an effect.
I, and other colleagues, use this and a great many other sites to help understand some people’s issues.
Strong mono-thematic sites tend to attract a particular audience (typically older — they have the time to dedicate to their views; male — women tend to be less mono-thematic; and less-well educated — repeated re-voicing of strongly-held views is weakly negatively correlated to education). That audience often features contributors who display markers.
What makes this site (along with many others I should stress – I am not just using this site) useful is it has a small number of highly-engaged individuals, many with strong character attributes. That makes tracking a lot easier. That is why I asked about Dave666’s illeistic tendencies.
It is very interesting that you should talk about “likes”. That is a classic use of social reward and re-affirmation to engender community, and can be used to express disapprobation of thinking outside of herd norms. I have noticed a low like count is often commented on in posts as a form of social punishment. That is typical behaviour.
Other typical behaviours include: use of collective pronouns, belittling those who are perceived to be antagonistic to the herd, engendering a sense of victimhood and even as far as espousing visionary apocalypsim.
Understanding the interactions that take place in a digital agora like this helps us understand better the issues that some people have in real life. That in turn leads to a richer understanding of things like PDs and NPD in particular (an area of interest and one in which the internet is a strong enabler), Dunning–Kruger etc.
‘I, and other colleagues..’
And here I had you pegged as a distract, deny and denigrate merchant for the BBC, when in fact it has been Waitrose all along? Cool.
Have to also admire the honesty outlining (in some big-word detail, must be said – Danny Borg would have mixed feelings) that you have no interest whatsoever in addressing the actual topic of the site or threads (Dave666 in person, or 3rd, does).
For which there is a term online.
The tracking part does not surprise, but is a bit creepy.
Do you have a notebook?
You must know that UGC is a very rich source of information for studying interpersonal interactions. It can’t come as a surprise to you that sites such as this are read by many different people for many different reasons. This site is richer than many because of the narrowness of its theme. Some frequent contributors to this site operate on other sites using the same moniker.
I don’t understand the Waitrose, Danny Borg, and notebook comments, but I suspect I am not supposed to. Use of jargon is another way that groups self police.
Having read the site for a while I confess to unprofessional interjections into the site, we are all human after all. On a personal level I don’t agree with much of what you say, but the observations are not a research programme so I don’t think my interjections have contaminated the samples.
I probably shouldn’t, but just to hasten the descent to the single word column:
‘You must know that UGC..
Must I?
Possibly such use of acronyms** can often be a sign of TOOOA.
‘It can’t come as a surprise to you that sites such as this are read by many different people for many different reasons.
Does a bit, because I keep reading from your colleagues from Aisle Whine that no one pays it any heed even for what it is here for, so lurking for any other reason would seem downright perverse.
Oh… OK… carry on.
‘Some frequent contributors to this site operate on other sites using the same moniker.’
You have confirmed this how, exactly?
‘I don’t understand the Waitrose, Danny Borg*, and notebook comments..
Lack of understanding is a common affliction of BBBC Flokkers (you will have to look that one up), but it has been established that really there’s little more than can be done to help.
‘Having read the site for a while…’
*Clearly not very long or well. Making you rather pants at your job. Professionally.
‘…we are all human after all.’
Given the sophistication of bots now, as a fine fellow once said, ‘If you say so’ (you’ll need to look that one up too).
‘On a personal level I don’t agree with much of what you say..’
Shocked I tell you… shocked.
My body of work here tends to fall into two areas (which I am sure you, via your research, will subject to close scrutiny to verify):
1) URLs and direct or sourced quotes of examples of BBC staff straying in terms of professional accuracy, integrity or objectivity.
2) Teasing trolls.
I’d be keen to learn of any examples from these that you don’t agree with, unless they are from the latter, in which case I fully understand.
Hope this has been as good for you as it was for me.
So you are ‘only obeying orders’ then? How refreshing.
Big talk here , l`il britches!
“repeated re-voicing of strongly held-views is weakly negatively correlated to education”
I think you`ll find that the Oxbridge cartels of progressive liberal opinion are prone to “revoicing” their views on global-warming, EU/immigration, need for Socialism in other guises, the need for Islam accommodation and the end of Israel by sly means….and do so quite a lot.
Indeed the BBC/Guardian and liberals everywhere do nothing else…male and mono-themed even!
And I don`t think that THEY are less well-educated…have you told them?
Do you want to be Dave666 as well?
“I, and other colleagues, use this and a great many other sites to help understand some people’s issues.”
Really nameshifter?
And on other sites are you a member of MI5 ( under a different name of course ) ?
The trolls are constantly amongst us but find slim pickings.
And in case proof were needed, along comes Uncategorized….
Well said Dave666
Calling all researchers working for the BBC !- A message from America …..
“You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time”.
Hwyl !
Da iawn Merched Becca
Diolch !
Does Dave66 annoy you?
Al Gore
Al Jazeera
Muslim Brotherhood
How BBC-NUJ sees Al Jazeera:-
“NUJ delighted by recognition agreement at Al Jazeera”
There’s no political coincidence in this:
-Beeboids give their political priority over recent years to organising campaigns in support of the likes of:
Binyam Mohamed;
Shaker Aamer;
and now, the three Al Jazeera people.
Beeboids have not campaigned for the freedom of people such as:
Ray Honeyford;
The UKIP foster parents in Labour-controlled Rotherham;
Americans, Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer.
You have nailed it. All we need to know about the wretched bunch of liberal fantasists.
So, an untimely farewell to Peaches Geldof who died today from as yet unknown causes. What ever those causes are, and there’s a lot of speculation, it is a tragically young age.
Coming from such a left wing media family it was inevitable that Peaches would share their politics, so a quick search of the village she chose to make her home, and its demographics.
Population 1815
UK Born 95.9%
White 99%
Black 0.16%
Christian 75%
Muslim 0.2%
Hindu 0
Yet again we find them using their money to find places to live which aren’t the multicultural hell holes which they tell the rest of us are so ‘vibrant’.
Yeah? Well if they’re so good why do so many of you do everything you can not to live in them?
Turning British… On the home page the link is “Bid to free British Guantanamo man”. Click the link and it becomes “Bid to free last British resident held at Guantanamo”. Read the article and it says “The Saudi national has permission to live in the UK indefinitely because his wife is a British national”. So he’s not British, he’s a Saudi Arabian, but then an article entitled “Bid to free Saudi man from Guantanamo” is not going to pull on the heartstrings in quite the same way is it? See http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-26933512.
Well spotted
Nobody is fooled. The BBc is quite stupid at times. Most of the times.
“No matter how much we want Peaches to go away, she’s in it for the long haul”
BBC statement, 2010
Link to above:
Narrated by all time most annoying talentless celebrity Richard ‘cocaine’ Bacon no less.
Let`s hope we can hang this round the neck of another vacant drug-fuelled gobshite.
The one who`s sneering all over her footage as if he himself was able to judge the worth of another minnow in the barrel.
Let`s hear what Bacon has to say for himself-did HE write this?..can he write?
Or is he tweeting his sad faces all over his shallow BBC-funded outlets.
Thanks for putting this up-and as for those talking heads who gave their quotes as written for them?…anybody even KNOW of them?
No matter what one may think of her as a person it has to be said that she was too young to die. Given her parents and her history the chances of her growing up ‘normal’ were slim so it is difficult to feel anything other than pity for her and those that loved her.
A sad end to a wasted life.
Yer dont say
The BBC talks about primary school lunches and (so far) had no comment to make about this report:
BINGO!!! Turned on the BBc it’s obesity again, Dave666 claims his prize for breakfast BBc roulette of sh**e stories.. Well now they are running a story on your lucky number, good grief. Dave666 has a lucky number it’s….666.
Radio 4 Today plugging a book about ‘liberalism’ along with a bigging up of Nick Clegg who is a true liberal (apparently)
If that is true it explains a lot. A bodysnatched creature if ever there was one.
I wonder what happened to the original Clegg?
Or Cameron or Miilipede or any BBC/Guardian journo come to that.
Dave s.
“bodysnatched creature ,’ superb description.
Yet another IPCC “draft report” about climate change mitigation and adaptation, and Harrabin’s all over it.
It’s still all down to that nasty, poisonous, and inconvenient CO2 (without which, of course, we would all be stuffed, along with the rest of the planetary life). We MUST keep any temperature rise down to 2 degrees, max, or else. Or else what?
Apparently, instead of reducing emissions (emissions of what? – ah, yes, that naughty CO2), it seems emissions have trebled because nobody really takes this stuff seriously any more, and we really must reduce levels, urgently, because the IPCC said so, and if we don’t, so what?Well, Armageddon and catastrophe are just around the corner, that’s what.
So what’s to be done? Ah, yes, all governments MUST be told to pull their socks up and reduce these, er, “emissions”, or there’ll be trouble.
Interestingly, the BBC, the IPCC , and the press in general continue to avoid the inconvenient fact that CO2 has NEVER been proved to be the cause of rising temperatures – there is zero evidence to support the idea, yet it still continues to be pushed as the main cause of climate change (which they would have us believe only started occurring a few years ago, rather than the 4.5 billion years in which there has been a climate).
It’s all OUR fault, according to the BBC, who, whenever someone tries to raise their head above the parapet of the deceit and yell “It’s a lie – we’re scientists, too, and can prove that the AGW religion is just that – a religion, and nothing to be frightened of”, the BBC actively ignores them, stick their collective fingers in their ears and yell “Lalalala – can’t hear you”.
Heard Ms Slingo, Chief Scientist at the Met Office (you know, THAT organisation she works for which couldn’t predict the local weather correctly for the next few minutes, but dogmatically believes that global climate can be accurately predicted over the next few decades using models which have almost universally and spectacularly failed to demonstrate that ability over the past 20 years or so – THAT Met Office).
The interview was on the ‘Today’ programme. Then at 9:00 a.m., I’m sure I heard that she was being promoted on yet another BBC radio programme later this morning. (No rebuttal allowed to any of her points, of course – the BBC is truly un-biased on this issue, of course.)
Apart from a host of other things, what really hacked me off about her was the way she constantly kept claiming, in as gentle an interview as I have ever heard, that the current IPCC report was ‘impartial’.
So, the report whose summary was being ‘adjusted’ over a period of weeks by the ‘scientists’ involved , in order to satisfy/appease those politicians interested in the message being communicated, and thus causing some prominent scientists to disown the IPCC report because of its incredible over-exaggeration of the real situation…is being claimed to be ‘impartial’ ?
OK – here’s an experiment somewhat in the same vein as the IPCC report :
‘Fly – pigs’ – there’s the basic data, let’s see if we can make something out of that to convey a coherent message in response to that claim of impartiality.
They did offer her the question as a turkey shoot, what about the forecasts your got wrong, which she was easily allowed to bat away saying that climatology forecasting is quite different to weather forecasting.
And, of course, Thoughtful, she’s right, they are different, but they both rely on modelling for any longer-term predictions (there’s absolutely NO definitive proof that man-made CO2 production is causing any specific climate change, so that cannot be used as an indicator). And modelling in both cases (weather and climate) has proved to be completely unreliable as a predictor.
Of course, what was not pointed out in the ‘Today’ programme was that Ms Slingo was a mouthpiece for the IPCC – having been a contributor to the IPCC’s Fourth report (which has been demolished 10 ways from Sunday) and to the hyped Stern Report (Stern is an economist, by the way) based on the IPCC Fourth Report. Cosy little cabal, no ?
After a program like that here’s an experiment somewhat in the same vein as the IPCC report : -)
A new theory, based on the best science available and confirmed by a consensus of 99% climatcatastrophist has shown that over use of radio and television transmitters (especially digital) causes radical and unpredictable changes in water movement in the atmosphere. To confirm this effect all bBC terrestrial transmitters are to be switched off for a minimum 12 months.
The bBC tax (aka license fee) will be refundable to those who are friends of the PM and certain mad-cow ministers. 😉
Ludicrously, deceitfully, ‘political impartial’ BBC staff indulge in political demonstration for Al Jazeera people in Egypt who are charged with supporting Muslim Brotherhood.
This is the BBC staff’s political activity and propaganda, which BBC licence-payers are now forced to fund:
-on behalf of Al Jazeera, Muslim Brotherhood and Emirate of Qatar–
“BBC journalists hold minute’s silence for Peter Greste – detained in Egypt for 100 days”
Horrocks, INBBC ‘head of values,’ and of pro-Islamic INBBC World Service, lays out here that the BBC is an overt political organisation which feels politically entitled to use the licence-payers’ money to broadcast, campaign and demonstrate for its favourite causes-Binyam Mohamed, Shaker Aamer, the three Al Jazeera people in Egypt.
Hallelujah praise the Labour Party…Look who the BBC are pushing on their alleged sports pages….It’s an old hero of theirs..
While they had him to hand I wonder if they asked him how many times he’s turned up at his place of work since May 2010?
Aaaaaaargh! Couldn’t you just described the horror? Now their website has another hit and I’m off for some mind bleach.
There’s nothing in McDoom’s manner to suggest he was actually AT the match, which is probably why Raith were victorious.
Maybe there are posters of his unlovely fizzog all around Stark’s Park so that he can be prevented from entering when victory is needed, rather like the Mackem who years ago suggested that all football pitches in the northeast should be equipped with guard towers at the corners so as to be able to machine-gun Lawrie McMenemy if he should ever try to enter.
Apologies to the ‘Kircaldy Pimpernel’, as I see he was indeed in attendance (guessing Raith don’t pay him a salary or they’d never see again). Clearly somebody has put a curse even more powerful than the Brownian one onto Rangers (slickly covering the fact by letting them win their league undefeated), so any commenters living within about thirty miles of Ibrox had best start packing essentials as the end of the world is coming your way pronto. Or maybe Gordo’s moving in next door which amounts to the same thing.
When did the BBC website stop listing the run schedule for Today and restrict online access to “highlights” of the programme plus a few clips? You’d almost think that the BBC wants to restrict easily available information of who said what and leave the smell of unattributable bias in the air.
Oh and while I’m on, the editorial Aspergers at Radio 4 concerning every Labour press handout continues as Radio 4 News treats as major national “news” the very minor and un-newsy “news in the future” item concerning Miliband’s upcoming drone about the localism bit of the Labour 2015 election manifesto. FFS, in any definition of the word, this is not news. Miliband hasn’t said anything yet and it’s doubtful that anything he does say will cause any ripples beyond the Westminster bubble.
Oooh I’ve just seen a trailer for a Panorama special on Thursday “Don’t cap my benefits”. I’m sure a lot of people in work would be glad to get £500pw, how will the claimants cope? Now remember Dave666 has had the dubious pleasure of spending 18 years on the front line in DHSS/DSS/BA /DWP offices around the south of England & London ,so I know the score of how things really are. Dave666 used to rate & pay income support /Supplementry benefit & interview claimants. Wonder if the BBc are going to run a sob sob story. As usual there are a raft of exclusions https://www.gov.uk/benefit-cap the BBc sometimes omit to point these out. To be honest I gave up watching Panorama years ago but I think I’ll set the PVR for this one. Pass me my straitjacket Mrs Dave.
I wonder if Panorama will also point out that Labour are going along with the cap, but unlike the Tories, who will protect pensions, Labour have said that they will include the State Pension in the cap.
The implications of this could be devastating for people who have planned and saved for a pension.
” Wonder if the BBc are going to run a sob sob story.”
Hope you’ve recovered from putting your tongue through your cheek. 🙂
As we all know, there isn’t a snowball’s chance in a very hot place that the BBC is going to run a serious and unbiased analytical programme on this subject.
Not one chance in £4 billion.
Unfortunately I have to work for a living but I did hear 30 seconds of this mornings Climate Change Service at the Cathedral of Global Warming presided over by Jim Al-Khalili, with the sermon delivered by Julia Slingo. The 30-second slot delivered pure
religiousscientific gold when Julia asserted that there’s global warming alright but it’s happening in the Great Deep of the oceans. Unfortunately, we can’t see it, feel it, hear it or measure it but it’s there and if you don’t believe her the BBC will enable another shyster masquerading as a “scientist” to tell you that the consensus is solid.I don’t know why they bother any more. The religion gets more unbelievably, desperately stupid each day.
They must know that most of us sensible beings don’t believe a word of it, but still they keep pushing, pushing….
I suppose it’s in the knowledge that no scientific “deniers” will ever be allowed on the BBC to argue the case for their scepticism. The reason for that is patently because they know that the belief is built on a house of cards, and reasoned debate will merely expose the charade for what it truly is.
Typical lefties – try and silence the opposition.
What is more amazing is, it seems, that there is no general warming signal in the upper portion of the oceans.. The deep ocean somehow obtained its warming by magic.
I got to the off button in 3 seconds flat, after the word Slingo was mentioned.
A ‘British’ ‘businessman’ has been arrested over accusations that he arranged the contract killing of his wife.
I had images of some besuited 50 something year old until I heard the name Shrien Dewani !
Apparantly he qualified as a chartered accountant and worked in London, before resigning and working for his Dads chain of old peoples homes. Does that count as a businessman? I think accountant would have been a better description.
Community activist more like!
He`d not have been sent to Cape Town had he been a race hustler for the BBC.
100 British though-aren`t they all?
Except we English-we`re Brits that live in the past or dodging extradition on the Costa Crimina.
100%…line 3
The Times of India says:
“Indian-origin British businessman accused of arranging wife’s murder extradited to South Africa”
Don’t forget that he had a ‘Swedish’ wife. The BBC certainly knows how to paint a picture in words.
This is scraping the bottom of the gender politics barrel even as far as the BBC’s normal output goes. It manages the distinction of being completely patronising and offensive to both men and women, the former by suggesting that they’re all sexists and trying to prevent women from breaking through, and the latter by suggesting they need protection from this mythical monster and should get their own division instead of having to ‘compete’ with the rest. All of it is devoid of facts and logic regarding the subject matter. There is literally nothing preventing women from editing Wikipedia articles. It’s all centred on a selective straw man example which actually has a completely rational explanation – namely, the article in question didn’t have enough information on it and was deleted for being too terse. This would have happened regardless of the gender of the person who created it – in fact, there’s nothing to even suggest that her gender was ever made public at the time.
It’s good to see that the commenters are not falling for it, even the female ones. Almost all of the top-rated comments are telling the BBC to grow up and stop trying to force parity into everything. It’s just a shame that not many people actually send complaints about this blatant pandering, because it’s been proven recently with Phil McNulty’s articles to occasionally be effective. After loads of people complained at his bias towards Manchester United, McNulty finally started publishing reports on the other 91 teams in the league. The only way we’re ever going to fight this banal, trashy feminista output that is damaging to both genders is to actively fight against it.
Lynsea a bit stumped on topics to keep her occupied in the cubicle gardens, or a market rate upstairs passed this fresh form the #prasnews bin?
‘Then Chelsea Tufarolo, a student at American University, decided to write her an article about her’
Anyway, post-Mozilla, Jimmy Wales best look out.
‘the list of pornographic actresses from the 1950s to the present is more than three times longer than the list of notable Native American women’
Guessing Ebony Ayes may create dilemmas at the sisters’ next editorial meeting.
Maybe the AGW aficionados at the BBC (and elsewhere) could find time to give this a read, then consider how (and if) they might “covert” we “deniers”:
Cracklingly good piece! Especially the steps that warmists should try harder with –
The fourteen easy steps
Step 1 – Stop making predictions that don’t come true.
Step 2 – When you make a prediction, don’t just say something “might” happen.
Step 3 – Don’t live your life like you don’t believe a word you’re saying.
Step 4 – Stop the hate.
Step 5 – Stop avoiding debate.
Step 6 – Answer questions.
Step 7 – Stop enjoying catastrophes.
Step 8 – Don’t use invalid arguments.
Step 9 – When you are wrong, admit it and apologise.
Step 10 – Stop claiming that 97% of scientists agree that humans are warming the globe significantly.
Step 11 – Stop lying. If you think it is okay to lie if it’s for a good cause, you are wrong.
Step 12 – Rebuke your fellow Warmists if they act in an unscientific way.
Step 13 – Stop blaming everything on Global Warming.
Step 14 – Why are the only solutions always big-government “progressive” policies?
Did anyone see that pic of Humphreys and Montague with tape over their mouths in support of the ‘journalists’ from Islamic terrorist PR organisation, Al Jazeera?
Could it be a permanent feature, please?
Would that we were ALL so caring and passionate about free speech eh?
Unless it`s Israel-the USA-true science-immigration-the fascist EU.
These fearless seekers after truth dare not even go to Bradford, let alone Egypt…not when Jocasta needs her nose flute tuition, and Dmitri needs to choose better olives for the salads.
And as for Harman and Dromey-oh the pariahs at the buffet come Labours next conference would be just too much.
Utter, utter ouanquers these two…Krankies unfit for pantomine even.
Heard the jocks talking in the locker room on Todays sports bit at 8.30 am this morning.
Well-Oxbridge graduate with the latte(BBC intern) talking to somebody hoping to sex up badminton.
Our Oxbridge BBC lad wonders who`s paying for the fluorescent racquets and floodlights by which to hit those new LED shuttlecocks that will raise awareness of the game.
The badminton bloke did give a name( Team England was it?)…but it boils down to the taxpayer.
Fine by the Beeb.
Next question-will the elite badminton get the dough, even though they won nothing in 2012?
Well of course-they`ll be getting nearly all of it!
Phew-the BBC jock seemed happy with these two answers….just how sport is meant to be!
Jonah Barrington….you still here?…we need you!
Isn’t the funding for sport paid from Lottery funds, which BLiar and Nu Liebour raided as general taxation despite the assurances when the lottery was set up that it would not be used for that?
excellent commentary is at 42 mins 50 …
The is trial today in Bham, seeing as “go to guy” for the BBC, yep! its that man again
Fiyaz (Pinocchio) Mujhal, of now infamous “whopper” outfit – Tell … LIES, oops! I mean MAMA is involved …
It strangely is very quiet on BBC Bham or England front.
Word, by the venerable on here is, it maybe a “done deal”
if so …. expect to see bunting going out at Al Beeb HQ.
In the early part of the piece we hear that Spencer & Geller have lost the first hearing of their case against the Home Secretary Teresa May. They expected to do so because as they state, the lower ranks of the judiciary are ‘thoroughly politicised’ and they don’t expect a fair hearing until their case is heard by a higher court.
I cannot believe that either Spencer or Geller have in depth knowledge of the state of the UKs legal system, so this information must have been given to them, and the most likely source is their UK legal team.
Unfortunately the Judiciary in the UK is widely open to political influence, from part time entry level judges who want to progress up the career ladder to the circuit judges who want the prestige and better pensions of the higher courts, and a corrupt and thoroughly discredited honours system which dangles baubles in front of the eyes of some extremely egotistical people.
Make the wrong decision – the ‘wrong’ verdict in a political case, and you won’t get that promotion, or nice pension pot, and you’re unlikely to be called ‘Sir’ or ‘Dame’ and certainly not ‘Lord’ when you might be allowed access to veto government business in the upper chamber !
I wonder just how many of the ‘Society of Labour Lawyers’ were promoted between 1997 and 2010?
Just like in the Met, being ‘on message’ had it’s own ‘unique’ advantages.
the result of this trial will be interesting …