“Good morning, good morning..” Hope you slept the whole night through and here is an on-time brand NEW Open Thread for you to populate with instances of egregious BBC bias!
Shock horror: the bBBC mentions the M word! Catch it before they change it. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-26941996 Michael Adebolajo, who was given a whole-life sentence for the murder of soldier Lee Rigby has launched an appeal against his sentence.
Adebolajo, 29, together with Michael Adebowale, 22, drove into Fusilier Rigby with a car before hacking him to death in Woolwich, south-east London.
At the time judge, Mr Justice Sweeney, said Adebolajo’s was a “rare case” which warranted a whole-life term.
The Muslim converts had “butchered” the 25-year-old soldier, he said.
They only allow the use of the ‘M’ word when followed by the word convert. This of course means they’re not the ‘real’ thing, and have some how allowed themselves to be radicalised, not the peace lovers that we’re constantly told by the bBC that the majority are ….
Within 35 minutes the bBBC had changed their description to ‘British-born Muslim converts’, to emphasise that they’re really British, just like the rest of us normal people.
Michael wants to be known by his Muslim name – why won’t the BBC do that? They do it for the trannie traitor Chelsea Manning, so maybe Mr Adebolajo should try wearing a skirt and make up to get his wish.
In what other industry could one be allowed the luxury of allowing five members of key staff holiday at the same time?
Only in the public funded sector, even more so in the luxury of the telly tax funded sector. Next week Radio 2 have five of their daytime ‘talent’ presenters off at the same time, Feltz, Evans, Bruce, Mayo and Whiley all off at the same time.
I guess in the private sector we’d have to source our replacements from Randstad and the like, but no the bBC has a wealth of highly paid ‘talent’ to choose from, so we have highly experienced ‘DJ’s’ such as Alex Jones from The One Show as replacements – WTF?
If I allowed five key members of staff off at the same time, I’d be hauled over the coals and that would be before the cost of replacements was discussed! What highly paid twat at bBC towers allowed this to happen?
BBC R4 PM leading with the Pistorius trial at length (is anyone still interested). Stories about Maria Miller, euthanasia in US etc.
Didn’t the IMF say something today about the UK economy being the fastest growing developed economy? I must have misheard that, as I’m sure the BBC would cover a major economic news story like that, especially the retreat it represents on the IMF’s earlier dire warnings about the UK’s ‘austerity’ programme.
I didn’t imagine it – it was on the BBC
“The International Monetary Fund (IMF) says the UK economy will be the fastest-growing in the G7 this year.”
Old hat now I suppose, as it was hours ago. Certainly not as important as a foreign murder trial is it?
Certainly the IMF news was the last item on the radio 4 6pm news. 10pm on BBC 1 and Milliband is featured as past of the IMF story to repeat ‘the cost of living crisis’.
I had to switch off – just too nauseous to listen to.
I can’t believe there is any significant UK interest in this story and what there is could wait until the verdict is announced.
A mate told me that would be site.He was not wrong.
Is it too much to ask for a * BRITISH * broadcasting company what defends * BRITISH people ?? I have my whole life waiting for a party like UKIP.I hate it when people say it is like BNP.No it is not.The BNP were just after a fight and its a joke when people called the BNP right wing.They are Socialists.
UKIP is the only hope our once great country has and the BBC and everyone else who hates this country knows that.That is why the BBC is so afraid of UKIP.
I am glad to have found this website.You have done all of you a great job.
The Tory leadership is more afraid of UKIP than the BBC. They know it could finish the party for good.
Make sure everyone you know is there for UKIP in May.
We can then start to put this land to rights.
Seeing the headline ‘Egypt jails four men for gay acts’ as the lead article in the BBC Mid-East section, I knew immediately there was going to be something to post here. Particularly as the BBC had ignored just a week ago the murder of 4 Christians by Muslim Brotherhood supporters. But as the BBC shows consistently with their insidious evil agenda, the murder of Christians by Muslim fanatics is nothing compared to the imprisonment of gays for 8 years by a society that doesn’t accept this behaviour.
Read the article first and then we’ll see some other things missing.
It’s gotten so that whenever any ‘Human Rights’ organisation is quoted in a BBC article it’s almost surely for what we would consider the benefit of the really bad guys. Sure enough, no mention in the article to see just how ‘severe’ this punishment is related to various neighbours.
Another related article on the BBC website is Where is it illegal to be gay?
Where we are told, The legal status of people in same-sex relationships depends very much on where they live. At one end of the spectrum there are those countries that punish homosexuality with the death penalty – Iran, Mauritania, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Yemen – as well as in parts of Nigeria and Somalia.
So shouldn’t that be mentioned in the article to show how far more lenient is Egypt compared to various neighbours?
There is also an interactive map on the webpage where one can see by the various colours just which countries also imprison homosexuals.
Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Syria, Senegal, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Togo, Ghana, Cameroon, Tanzania, Uganda, Burundi, Kenya, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Eritrea, Oman, Kuwait, Lebanon, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and quite a few more.
Lest anybody think that this story about gays makes the BBC favour those countries that are truly liberal, one only has to read how anti-Israel they are, which is the only country in the whole of that area where homosexuality is not only legal, but gays can also enter into a civil partnership, to know it’s not the case.
Anybody who has ever researched what really is going on in the Islamic world, especially related to Israel, will be familiar with the name Daniel Pipes.
Now it appears, just like Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller of Jihad Watch, for the UK they are all persona non gratis. Banned in the British Library
You can check out Hamas’s websites, but not the Middle East Forum’s.
By Daniel Pipes A number of prominent counter-jihadis, such as Geert Wilders, have the distinction of being banned from entry into the United Kingdom — and, now, Her Majesty’s Government, in its wisdom, appears to have banned on some public computers two websites connected to me.
It’s not quite the same, admittedly, and I am working to get this ban removed, but I also wear it as a perverse badge of honor given that government’s shameful record vis-à-vis Islamism.
Say you’re in the British Library, the national depository library and a government institution, roughly equivalent to the Library of Congress in the United States or the Bibliothèque nationale in France. Say you want to read what David Brog writes about declining Evangelical support for Israel in the latest Middle East Quarterly. You type in MEForum.org and get the following result:
Or perhaps you wish to learn why I distinguish between Islam and Islamism, or why I worry about Islamist aggression in Britain, so you type in DanielPipes.org only to find the same.
The distinction between the two sites particularly charms me. The British Library categorizes MEForum.org as “Religion, Intolerance” and DanielPipes.org as “Religion, Adult Sites, Intolerance, Blogs.” (It’s probably titles like “Arabian Sex Tourism” that won me the X-rating.) Oddly, both sites are blocked for the same reason: “Intolerance.”
Interesting. When the British Library starts to abandon the principle of free speech you know this country is in trouble.
Presumably this is a coalition directive.
But it could just be simple liberal fear motivating the library staff.
I imagine the BL and the BBC recruit from the same narrow gene pool.
Again it smacks of Middle Eastern interests being implemented and further reinforces the suspicion of money or promises of it being transferred at some future date.
Not just free speech, but intelligent and informed free speech.
As far as truth is concerned it’s ‘Bar-it ish’, both for our corporation and the library.
Both too stupid to understand there’s a price to pay for their stance, and they will ultimately pay it.
It could just as easily be some left-over from the Blair-Brown years of mis-rule who has decided to filter out a few inconvenient web-sites. There’s a lot of it about.
I am very pleased to announce that the British Library have now apologised to Daniel Pipes and removed the ban on his works following complaints to them from himself and other followers.
Must be nice to hunker down in convivial surroundings with a fellow alumnus of the BlairBrownCabal to chew the fat and ‘strategise’ on the future of the UK… er… national policy…er… the UK’s media… er.. the state broadcaster’s next funding round. ‘the glory days of the mid-90s when they were writing out the future’
Plus all those multi-billionaires and movers and shakers of the social media world.
The Jimmy Wales one was interesting.
Beyond Wikipedia seemingly being the ‘truthiness’ standard bearer of most BBC research, there is of course now that small poo in the pool of them thing being edited by too many white males. A bit like the BBC, then.
Danny Cohen will be simply livid.
Oh to be a fly on the wall at the next W1A market rate meeting of all the talents.
Meanwhile, between those in power, those wanting to get back in, and the media remoras trying to arrange it our of naked self (and conflict of) interest, I’d have to say the UK is looking pretty stuffed.
We have found Dave666s complaint to BBc regarding their one sided reporting on X Factor’s Gamu. This was received at Dave666s communications centre on 16/10/10:
Thank you for your e-mail regarding.
I understand you were unhappy with the reporting of the Gamu Nheghu story as you felt it was biased.
It is not always possible or practical to reflect all the different opinions on a subject within individual programmes. Editors are charged to ensure that over a reasonable period they reflect the range of significant views, opinions and trends in their subject area. The BBC does not seek to denigrate any view, nor to promote any view. It seeks rather to identify all significant views, and to test them rigorously and fairly on behalf of the audience. Among other evidence, audience research indicates widespread confidence in the impartiality of the BBC’s reporting.
I appreciate you may continue to feel differently and so I’ve registered your comment on our audience log. This is a daily report of audience feedback that’s circulated to many BBC staff, including members of the BBC Executive Board, channel controllers and other senior managers.
The audience logs are seen as important documents that can help shape decisions about future programming and content.
Thank you again for taking the time to contact us.
Roughly the same as the reply posted on here this week but a 4 year gap. So the BBc neither has the time or ability to report in a balanced way and so just gives you one side of the story or so it would appear. Dave666 would have found this earlier but became side tracked and decided to play with madness instead. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocFxQjPeyiY
“Editors are charged to ensure that over a reasonable period they reflect the range of significant views, opinions and trends in their subject area.”
You need to ask how this is monitored, who does it, and what the results of that monitoring are. The answer is that it isn’t done and there are known in results.
Re-write needed, for accuracy, to this misleading INBBC final sentence above:
“In September, at least 67 people were killed after al-Shabab militants took control of the Westgate shopping mall in the capital Nairobi for four days.”
NO: re-write for accuracy needed, thus –
‘Islamic jihadists of Al Shabab massacred at least 63 innocent people in the Westgate shopping mall, Nairobi, last September’.
I don’t pretend to be knowledgeable on the scientific ins and outs related to climate and climate change, I just know when somebody is trying to pull the wool over my eyes, and I resent that.
So with the following story if anybody more knowledgeable than myself can correct my impression I’ll be happy for them to do so.
Now if you were expecting to read the BBC explain just what this GWPF report was referring to, you’d be very wrong. Instead they’ve nitpicked where they could to show just where anything that was written in this report affirmed the AGW agenda. Nothing to do with the body of the report.
Now another report has been produced by the GWPF titled CLIMATE CONTROL: Brainwashing in schools, but it appears that the BBC haven’t yet found a way to distort these finding as they are avoiding covering it.
James Delingpole at Breitbart encapsulates this report. See why the BBC want to avoid covering it, and how insidious it makes them for that.
Teddy, indoctrination of school kids is as old as totalitarianism and certainly nothing new to the self-appointed climate czars of the UN and EU – Agenda 21 is now over 20 years old and I don’t think there can be a clearer example of pre-planned brainwashing (paid for by the taxpayer, of course) in recent decades. The fact is that despite all the evidence – from Agenda 21 to the BBC’s unrelenting CAGW ‘nudging’ – people are generally dimwits and, in the end, they just don’t care.
Seems that parents, in the main, are quite happy for lefty schoolteachers to fill the heads of their kids with political propaganda, with scare stories and myths and unproven, faulty, bought-and-paid-for ‘science’ masquerading as an inconvenient ‘truth’…etc.
It’s a shame. It’s really a disgrace, but there you are; I guess as long as the slippery ‘progressives’ are permitted to call the shots in government and media there seems to be no way to expose the deception in a way that any average person might care to notice.
CAGW is a triumph of propaganda. The ‘science’ is all but forgotten, even if there ever was any; now the meme itself is far more powerful, far more effective. In the end, the science was always only ever secondary, any way. The politics always came first.
” Let the lie come into the world.Let it even triumph. But not through me”
I cannot repeat this too often.
Compared with the pygmies infesting our national life men like Solzhenitsyn are giants.
I agree 100% with what you write Phil.
I’m reminded of the saying “Oh what tangled webs we weave/ When first we practice to deceive
I doubt those involved in whatever form of deception we see perpetrated on our society by our government and BBC have any idea what forces they are creating. To those for whom truth is the leading light to guide them through life, it will be seen as a war – which it is.
So far history has shown it ultimately prevails. The lies are a worse force on our lives, and in so many dimensions, it has to be fought by all who would be free.
Robert Burns wrote :
“Truth is a child that cannot die
And cannot be disputed”
Gandhi – this is relevant to the BBC on global warming –
“An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it.”
Elvis Presley :
“Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain’t goin’ away.”
Why the BBC’s news dominance is dangerous –
Jack Kennedy –
“A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
These are good John…keep them coming!
“When you have chosen a great purpose, and are certain that you have chosen well and wisely. concentrate upon it.
Bend your best energies to it.Guard yourself against subtle and innumerable influences that tend to divert you from it”
Grenville Kleiser(as given to us by Margaret Thatcher via her granddaughter-yesterdays Telegraph)
Wow… Today we’ve seen disgusting Lefty Irish and Scottish nationalist bias in equal measure on the BBC. The BBC is now beyond any remote notions of impartiality. The License must be scrapped as the BBC is simply a Marxist mouthpiece. Also, this little toad is mouthing off again:
A Search the Ofcom site gets you to this statement …
“If your complaint relates to matters of due impartiality, due accuracy, bias or commercial references (with the exception of the relevant product placement rules: see Section Nine of Ofcom’s Broadcasting Code) in BBC programming, please make a complaint directly to the BBC.
The BBC Trust regulates these areas rather than Ofcom.”
Ofcom continues….
“The BBC Trust regulates these areas rather than Ofcom”.
Pay attention Trustees of the BBC -“You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time”.
I thought I would try to find the definition of the word he uses ‘antigazing’ as it’s one I haven’t heard used before.
I find that it is in fact an additive for transformer oil although it might well be a miss spelling of ‘antiglazing’.
I’m sure most people here will have had the misfortune to have been in the proximity of some youthful lefties talking between themselves, making up new ‘isms’ and ‘phobia’ and imagining the most insane policies some of which have unfortunately been implemented.
It seems to me that Owen Jones is no different and the usual rules of English language and grammar and indeed the slew of words contained in the Oxford English dictionary simply are of no use to him, and he can deviate and invent as he goes along.
The use of obscure words is of course a kind of one up manship, getting the better of someone by their ignorance of the meaning. Jones takes this to different level by using words he’s made up, and only he knows the definition of. This might be fun for him in a private conversation, but in a newspaper article, it renders it unintelligible.
A piece written by Stanley Unwin contains more meaning than one by Jones !
It is one of the more irritating aspects of modern life that new “words” and phrases keep cropping up =- latest fad word seems to be “selfie”.
Why oh why do we get a deluge of “On the Spin” and “On the Bounce” when what the speaker means is “in a row”. Football pundits are particularly prone to this – “Up Top”, “Boss the Park”, etc.
So now we have Owen Chav Jones and his new dictionary . Gawd help us!
Rant over.
They should keepie to the Queens Speechlode. Then goodly morlode with the deep joy. Oh yes..
A joy to have Mr Unwin channelled once again.
He is the very antidote to PC speech…and now you`ve got me thinking up HIS equivalent of “appropriate” “lessons will be learned” etc…
thank you
A newie drawn in languedoc hat beggone izzy nut?
More from Bham s “Trojan Horse” weekly
NOT on the BBC
Freedom of Speech/Truth at Bham Magistrates court yesterday? … BBC? ……………………………………….
just so happens that muslim intimidation tactics fell short
yesterday …………………………… radio silence?
just so happens that the BBC “go to guy” from “Tell LIES” is involved.
A question, do you think if this “whopper” outfit headed by Fiyaz Mughal was successful we might have heard about it?
and still no news from the BBC on this
Newshour – ‘Extremist’ Working As Psychiatrist For NHS”!
‘Extremist’ working as psychiatrist for NHS – LocalUKNews
‘Extremist’ working as psychiatrist for NHS
News National Headlines.co.uk
Press Report – ‘Extremist’ working as psychiatrist for NHS
One of the leaders of “Hizb ut-Tahrir … Dr. Imran Waheed who apparently specialises in obsessive compulsive disorders, (would that be 5 times a day?) 😀
and also provides advice to courts in criminal cases on … ahem … potentially dangerous individuals 😀
… irony? ….
Oh dear! Unless the case was heard in a higher court, and the case was ‘reported’ then the ‘concept of Taqqiya’ is definitely not ‘known’ in British law and cannot be referred to as case law.
This means that the useless brigade are free to bring as many ‘hate’ cases as they wish and each one will have to stand or fall on its merits without being able to use this case as guidance.
It’s good that they won, and extremely worrying that Birmingham useless brigade thought prosecution was viable, who ever brought this case should be sacked, but will probably be promoted.
I found this case rather confusing. It was essentially a harassment case, aggravated by racism. By its definition harassment has to be repeated. Here’s the CPS definition:
the offence was part of a pattern of offending by the offender
Or Wikipedia:
“Harassment (/həˈræsmənt/ or /ˈhærəsmənt/) covers a wide range of behaviours of an offensive nature. It is commonly understood as behaviour intended to disturb or upset, and it is characteristically repetitive.”
Again repetition is necessary, but from all reports the charge was occasioned by a single tweet.
I believe that in cases like this the useless police force should be held to account for its anti white political correctness, and I hope that Tim Burton makes a complaint against them, if not legal action, should it be realistic.
For all those people supporting the ‘bedroom tax’ in the delusional belief that it’s some how your money which is being saved.
Well just as I told you only a week ago, here is the evidence that white people are now being evicted to make way for immigrant families.
Well done guys, some of you are so greedy for money which you’ll never even see, you can’t see the sinister reasons behind the policy.
Support the Labour motion to scrap this iniquitous tax, and hopefully when they evil toffs of the Tory party realise even those who might support them can see through their schemes they might act a little more responsibly.
Its bloody hard to defend the bedroom tax when scum like Miller are ripping off the tax payer to the tune of tens of thousands of pounds, if not hundreds (and its just she and a few others that we get to hear about.) Its probably rife at SW1.
How the hell the Tory’s expect to stop benefit cheats when they can’t lead by example, I’m not sure, I guess they hope that they’ll stay tuned to The Voice and X Factor and are oblivious to their antics. What a crap country we live in.
benefit cheats?
as usual with tory lies, divide the poorest, the most vulnerable in our society, castigate them …
while the REAL thieves, the ones at the top,
of the grasping liars tree, who benefit
by every deceit and fiddle, every tax dodge
are eased along …
The ‘bedroom tax’ is just a continuation of Labour’s attempt at reducing housing benefit. The first stage was the adoption of Local Housing Allowance which varies depending on local rental costs and the housing need of the tennant.
The difference is that LHA applies to private rented houses only.
Labour identified the need to control benefit costs and to free up larger houses for the aging mixed-sex broods of its tribe of single mothers when it was in office. Now out of office it suddenly gains insights into the downside of its own policies.
Now that Maria Miller has fallen onto her sword, smug lefties across the BBC can delight in their victory – Evan Davis this morning was even more nauseating than usual (quite an achievement), so much so that it almost put me off my Cornflakes.
Miller’s fall was, of course, inevitable. Left wing commentariat had long since decided they were going for the jugular and they absolutely wanted their pound of flesh, come what may.
It’s a funny old world, full of upside down moral judgements from progressives driving their own twisted agendas, where the likes of Ms Millar (who absolutely was in the wrong, by the way) is forced out by a concerted media effort, whilst the likes of the sainted Harriet ‘the 70s was a different time’ Harmon not only escapes, by common consent, the attentions of the Politburo’s attack dogs, but looks set to fulfil her anticipated apotheosis as a future Dear Leader of The Party in due course.
So, where next will the totalitarian progressives strike? Farage? Time to ‘do’ for the electoral trouble maker once and for all? We can be certain even as I write this, some Labour hit squad is busy digging the dirt in the determined hope they’ll unearth some juicy ‘scandal’ with which to scupper his chances at the EU elections and beyond.
‘Democracy’, people, courtesy of the fascists in our midst – aided and abetted by our state broadcaster, as always.
Maybe not a woman, but another box ticked Sajid Javid replaces Mrs Mills as Culture secretary….
In fact lots of boxes ticked, married to a Christian, 2nd Gen and claims to be non religious yet brought up in a Muslim household (how is that supposed to work?) I guess the Asian Network won’t be leaving our airwaves anytime soon…..
Woman’s Hour has wasted more of our money in coming up with its ‘Power List’ for 2014, naming those it judges to be the UK’s 10 most important women. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-26935313
Hands up anyone who can recognise more than one or two of them.
Doreen Lawrence? Never heard of her. The BBC have never given her any airtime whatsoever and her case, whatever it is, has been totally ignored. Just like Bloody Sunday.
“10 ways the BBC is more ridiculous than W1A.
“As the Beeb-satirising mockumentary W1A finishes its four-episode run, we reveal 10 occasions where the the truth was stranger than spoof.”
So a former Nazi (Matthew Collins) and a former Islamist (Hanif Qadir) are using public and union funding to lecture the rest of we idiotic and put upon saps, as to how “waycist” we all are, whilst the BBC regularly use Nick Lowles to invent Panorama investigations into alleged hate hot spots…
Among the speakers was Dr Bernard Rourke, from Budapest, who gave a depressing insight into the plight of Roma people while the University of Amsterdam also gave a good insight into tracking and monitoring online hatred …
of who exactly? … Geert Wilders?
Ayan Hirsi Ali? …
how about R Spencer eh!
oops! … we know a song about that don t we?
Nick Lowles “hate not hope” – ass spanked
Marxist on Radio 4 ‘the industrial working class – I’ve never been that keen on, it’s a piece of Marxist dogma, but there you go.’
Well now you heard it from the horses mouth Marxists who don’t even like the people they’re supposedly wanting a revolution to save. Begs the question who they want the revolution for if not themselves.
I presume this is from Thinking Allowed (nearly as good a joke title as Beyond Belief). The End of Capitalism; Reforming Capitalism Capitalism – renewal or decline? Laurie Taylor explores the future of our market driven economy. He’s joined by David Harvey, Distinguished Professor of Anthropology and Geography at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York and Colin Crouch, Professor Emeritus in Sociology at the University of Warwick. Professor Harvey examines the contradictions at the heart of capitalism arguing that it’s far from being the permanent or only way of organising human life. Professor Crouch, conversely, suggests that only Capitalism can provide us with an efficient and innovative economy but it should be re-shaped to better fit a social democratic society.
Basically a pack of Marxists, having ruined, education, society and politics, think that the answer is more Marxism.
I was waiting for someone to say that ‘the market’ wasn’t broken and why does it matter if other people get rich, (as long as they don’t steal it from someone else), but as usual this programme is a debate-free zone. Tired out Marxists flogging a dead horse again and again. Where is the balance?
As I’m sure you’re well aware all Marxists follow the same delusion that previous Marxists just haven’t implemented it correctly, and only they have the answer.
If only they can wrest power – usually by violence because no one in their right mind would allow them near anything sharp let alone executive power ! Then everything would be wonderful and they wouldn’t need to kill anyone, or execute a large portion of the population either!
Whilst the students of York Uni and the like are out on the sports fields Wednesday afternoons, this Godawful apology of a programme-which is never at any threat of being axed-spouts its common room musings from New Society and Marxism Today(copies from 1968-71 only…PIE affiliated no doubt).
Not an original thinker in sight…if it`s not Chomsky or Marx, Alinsky or Owen Jones Bitesize then it fails to make the COBOL punch cards.
Laurie Taylor and his awful son are simply Prescotts of the airwaves…Laurie is a sewage surfer on Laskis backwash…and only the BBC would let this knitted nomark tail the day as Libby bloody Purvis starts it.
Bag o shite!
Good old Beeb eh?
Why do they tell us about the Brexit Award of E100,000 to the bloke who wrote the essay on “Life after the EU”?…if they don`t give us that figure he gave us.
Apparently we`ll save ourselves £1.3 billion if we leave the EU-and the “independent IEA” confirm this.
Yet on the Today programme this morning, we just hear that the essay only goes to show “how messy it would all be” were we to leave the EU.
Don`t like figures at the BBC do they?…and certainly not if it riles the plebs into leaving the EU.
And though Richard Bacon won`t be expected to do sums like these-you`d think that Dara O Briain might have something to say about it.
Well Hislop has started off by getting the story of King Arthur completely wrong!
HE claims that the stories of King Arthur were written and made up AFTER the Norman conquest, yet the stories were being told well before the invasion in Normandy.
The tale came from the story of the people called ‘The Gododdin’, you can look them up on Wikipedia.
Originally they were somewhere around Edinburgh but were displaced by invasion (beginning to sound familiar!)
‘they are best known as the subject of the 6th-century Welsh poem Y Gododdin, which memorializes the Battle of Catraeth and is attributed to Aneirin.’
As you can probably tell the names are very similar to the Welsh of today, and it is believed that they travelled down from Scotland and infested Wales.
The poem Y Gododdin contains the earliest reference to Arthur
‘He fed black ravens on the rampart of a fortress
Though he was no Arthur
Among the powerful ones in battle
In the front rank, Gwawrddur was a palisade’
Well said Thoughtful !
Hislop was born in Wales – he should have known better .
BBC undermining the history of Great Britain and her culture – the BBC at its best
Many cultures have legends. We have King Arhur, some native Americans have wishpoosh. Oh go on BBC, make a documentary mocking the legend of wishpoosh or the Yeti in Tibet.
I think they should make one about the legends of the Djinn in the Middle Eastern Deserts, but then as they’re quite prominent in the Qur’an I somehow doubt it.
“Well Hislop has started off by getting the story of King Arthur completely wrong! HE claims that the stories of King Arthur were written and made up AFTER the Norman conquest, yet the stories were being told well before the invasion in Normandy.”
From the programme:
Hislop; “The very first references [to Arthur] were a few obscure fragments depicting him as a wild Celtic warlord from Wales in perhaps the early 6th Century”.
The Battle of Catraeth in 595, was at Catterick in Yorkshire.
It was between the Bernician king Athelfrith, and Owain of Rheged, the Bernicians won, annihilating thousands of Britons, leaving only one survivor.
Athelfrith went on to add Rheged, and other territories of the Britons, with the other Kingdom of the Angles, Deira, to found the Northumbrian superstate.
There seems to have been two Arthurs at this time. (1) Arthur macaedan, Prince of Dal Riata, and Arthur, king of Dyfed. It seems to be these two Arthur’s that have been puffed up into the legendary King of Britain.
IIRC there are links between the Arthurian legends and the Merovingians (c. 450 -750 ), namely the story of Uther or Ursa and the deception of Igraine or Igerne. These are stories that probably come from Gaulic traditions considering the use of druidic magic.
No one knows where the stories originate and many like to claim them (IIRC there is even a Holy Grail on a mantelpiece in Shropshire) so take your pick.
One thing is certain, they are pre-Medieval and not just from obscure Welsh document fragments.
BBc getting all excited by womens cricket again on the BBC sports website…
“England captain Charlotte Edwards named Cricketer of Year”
The headline is most misleading it fails to mention that there are actually five Wisden cricketers of the year, one of which was Englands Joe Root, but that was just mentioned as an aside on the News 24 sports report.
Was anyone else reading this shocked at the hostility of the cross examination of Oscar Pistorius today?
I thought the guy went way over the top over a point which wasn’t even at issue. Pistorius has never said he didn’t shoot Reeva Steenkamp. Trying to force him to look at the photos of her dead body was sickening.
I thought a bit like that myself, thoughtful. The constant badgering and goading of Pistorius to say that he had shot and killed Ms Steenkamp may have been aimed at enhancing the reputation of the prosecutor as an ‘attack dog’, but it certainly added nothing to the knowledge of this situation, since it has never been denied that he, Pistorius, shot and killed Ms Steenkamp.
Posturing, nothing but vain posturing.
And then, of course, he just had to flash up an old piece of film showing Pistorius shooting at a watermelon, hinting that this would have been just like Ms Steenkamp’s head….. I sincerely hope he’s pleased to have drawn the analogy in front of Ms Steenkamp’s family.
Again, what on earth did that little escapade add to the search for truth in the court. The judge seems to have become over-awed by this prat’s self-indulgent showmanship. I wouldn’t be surprised if this guy doesn’t over-step the bounds at some point, providing Pistorius’ brief the opportunity to claim a mis-trial even if he is found guilty.
He’ll be a really little sick puppy if that happens.
I thought at first he might have been trying to create a psychological condition – anger, defensiveness, confusion, etc etc. Or that he might have been trying to get a ‘yes train’ going, where he gets a witness to admit to a string of unpleasant known truths and then throws in an unknown which can result in a witness admitting it without having time to think.
All he achieved though was to break his witness to such an extent an adjournment was called, and any ‘advantage’ his attack might have achieved was lost.
Just seen a programme about Alexander Blackman-the Marine who was convicted of murder for “killing” a wounded Taliban.
Anybody of a conspiratorial nature would have seen Phil Shiners glasses(Timmy Mallett meets John Lennon), or overweight blonde frumps in vivid lipstick as some kind of pisstake for their similarly-inclined members of the Human Rights Gang/ Islamic apologists from Oxbridge to enjoy.
This was a serious subject-the likes of Shiner and Bourk maybe want us all to laugh at soldiers in prison by way of their mocking appearances.
Shiner`s not got flat feet has he?…and Bourk could write her Geneva Convention essays on a clipboard out in the field could she not?
Why the hell does the BBC ask the likes of these two jihadi shills about the need for a soldier to kill his avowed opponent?
Only hope Shiner gets to meet a Taliban sometime soon…and Bourk changes back to being Bradley Manning after too many pies.
JohnCMar 10, 07:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As I posted earlier Marco, the BBC are celebrating his ‘appointment’ with such a fanfare in a ‘live update’ article…
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harry142857Mar 10, 07:31 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC approved type of enricher. Welcomed to the UK: Palestinian asylum seeker gunman who called on God to ‘kill all…
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andyjsnapeMar 10, 06:58 Start the Week 10th March 2025 bbc to go on and on about this… Lawyer probing Reform UK row contradicts MP Lowe https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c7430zw4zqyo Remember partygate, well…
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JohnCMar 10, 06:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Pro-Palestinian student protester detained by US immigration officials, says lawyer https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c0q1pl1eldno Just look at the length of the article the…
Shock horror: the bBBC mentions the M word! Catch it before they change it.
Michael Adebolajo, who was given a whole-life sentence for the murder of soldier Lee Rigby has launched an appeal against his sentence.
Adebolajo, 29, together with Michael Adebowale, 22, drove into Fusilier Rigby with a car before hacking him to death in Woolwich, south-east London.
At the time judge, Mr Justice Sweeney, said Adebolajo’s was a “rare case” which warranted a whole-life term.
The Muslim converts had “butchered” the 25-year-old soldier, he said.
They only allow the use of the ‘M’ word when followed by the word convert. This of course means they’re not the ‘real’ thing, and have some how allowed themselves to be radicalised, not the peace lovers that we’re constantly told by the bBC that the majority are ….
Within 35 minutes the bBBC had changed their description to ‘British-born Muslim converts’, to emphasise that they’re really British, just like the rest of us normal people.
Michael wants to be known by his Muslim name – why won’t the BBC do that? They do it for the trannie traitor Chelsea Manning, so maybe Mr Adebolajo should try wearing a skirt and make up to get his wish.
In what other industry could one be allowed the luxury of allowing five members of key staff holiday at the same time?
Only in the public funded sector, even more so in the luxury of the telly tax funded sector. Next week Radio 2 have five of their daytime ‘talent’ presenters off at the same time, Feltz, Evans, Bruce, Mayo and Whiley all off at the same time.
I guess in the private sector we’d have to source our replacements from Randstad and the like, but no the bBC has a wealth of highly paid ‘talent’ to choose from, so we have highly experienced ‘DJ’s’ such as Alex Jones from The One Show as replacements – WTF?
If I allowed five key members of staff off at the same time, I’d be hauled over the coals and that would be before the cost of replacements was discussed! What highly paid twat at bBC towers allowed this to happen?
The bBC, unique because of the way its funded ….
Cripes, wouldn’t be the school hols would it?
And being the BBC, they won’t be back ’til May.
BBC R4 PM leading with the Pistorius trial at length (is anyone still interested). Stories about Maria Miller, euthanasia in US etc.
Didn’t the IMF say something today about the UK economy being the fastest growing developed economy? I must have misheard that, as I’m sure the BBC would cover a major economic news story like that, especially the retreat it represents on the IMF’s earlier dire warnings about the UK’s ‘austerity’ programme.
I didn’t imagine it – it was on the BBC
“The International Monetary Fund (IMF) says the UK economy will be the fastest-growing in the G7 this year.”
Old hat now I suppose, as it was hours ago. Certainly not as important as a foreign murder trial is it?
Certainly the IMF news was the last item on the radio 4 6pm news. 10pm on BBC 1 and Milliband is featured as past of the IMF story to repeat ‘the cost of living crisis’.
He said ‘Cost of Living Crisis’ four times in 2 minutes in crowd that resembled a street bazaar in Karachi.
I had to switch off – just too nauseous to listen to.
I can’t believe there is any significant UK interest in this story and what there is could wait until the verdict is announced.
A mate told me that would be site.He was not wrong.
Is it too much to ask for a * BRITISH * broadcasting company what defends * BRITISH people ?? I have my whole life waiting for a party like UKIP.I hate it when people say it is like BNP.No it is not.The BNP were just after a fight and its a joke when people called the BNP right wing.They are Socialists.
UKIP is the only hope our once great country has and the BBC and everyone else who hates this country knows that.That is why the BBC is so afraid of UKIP.
I am glad to have found this website.You have done all of you a great job.
The Tory leadership is more afraid of UKIP than the BBC. They know it could finish the party for good.
Make sure everyone you know is there for UKIP in May.
We can then start to put this land to rights.
Seeing the headline ‘Egypt jails four men for gay acts’ as the lead article in the BBC Mid-East section, I knew immediately there was going to be something to post here. Particularly as the BBC had ignored just a week ago the murder of 4 Christians by Muslim Brotherhood supporters. But as the BBC shows consistently with their insidious evil agenda, the murder of Christians by Muslim fanatics is nothing compared to the imprisonment of gays for 8 years by a society that doesn’t accept this behaviour.
Read the article first and then we’ll see some other things missing.
Egypt jails four men for gay acts
It’s gotten so that whenever any ‘Human Rights’ organisation is quoted in a BBC article it’s almost surely for what we would consider the benefit of the really bad guys. Sure enough, no mention in the article to see just how ‘severe’ this punishment is related to various neighbours.
Another related article on the BBC website is Where is it illegal to be gay?
Where we are told, The legal status of people in same-sex relationships depends very much on where they live. At one end of the spectrum there are those countries that punish homosexuality with the death penalty – Iran, Mauritania, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Yemen – as well as in parts of Nigeria and Somalia.
So shouldn’t that be mentioned in the article to show how far more lenient is Egypt compared to various neighbours?
There is also an interactive map on the webpage where one can see by the various colours just which countries also imprison homosexuals.
Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Syria, Senegal, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Togo, Ghana, Cameroon, Tanzania, Uganda, Burundi, Kenya, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Eritrea, Oman, Kuwait, Lebanon, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and quite a few more.
Lest anybody think that this story about gays makes the BBC favour those countries that are truly liberal, one only has to read how anti-Israel they are, which is the only country in the whole of that area where homosexuality is not only legal, but gays can also enter into a civil partnership, to know it’s not the case.
the result of this trial will be interesting …
… don t take a drink of tea whilst reading this 😀
Anybody who has ever researched what really is going on in the Islamic world, especially related to Israel, will be familiar with the name Daniel Pipes.
Now it appears, just like Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller of Jihad Watch, for the UK they are all persona non gratis.
Banned in the British Library
You can check out Hamas’s websites, but not the Middle East Forum’s.
By Daniel Pipes
A number of prominent counter-jihadis, such as Geert Wilders, have the distinction of being banned from entry into the United Kingdom — and, now, Her Majesty’s Government, in its wisdom, appears to have banned on some public computers two websites connected to me.
It’s not quite the same, admittedly, and I am working to get this ban removed, but I also wear it as a perverse badge of honor given that government’s shameful record vis-à-vis Islamism.
Say you’re in the British Library, the national depository library and a government institution, roughly equivalent to the Library of Congress in the United States or the Bibliothèque nationale in France. Say you want to read what David Brog writes about declining Evangelical support for Israel in the latest Middle East Quarterly. You type in MEForum.org and get the following result:

Or perhaps you wish to learn why I distinguish between Islam and Islamism, or why I worry about Islamist aggression in Britain, so you type in DanielPipes.org only to find the same.
The distinction between the two sites particularly charms me. The British Library categorizes MEForum.org as “Religion, Intolerance” and DanielPipes.org as “Religion, Adult Sites, Intolerance, Blogs.” (It’s probably titles like “Arabian Sex Tourism” that won me the X-rating.) Oddly, both sites are blocked for the same reason: “Intolerance.”
Interesting. When the British Library starts to abandon the principle of free speech you know this country is in trouble.
Presumably this is a coalition directive.
But it could just be simple liberal fear motivating the library staff.
I imagine the BL and the BBC recruit from the same narrow gene pool.
Again it smacks of Middle Eastern interests being implemented and further reinforces the suspicion of money or promises of it being transferred at some future date.
Not just free speech, but intelligent and informed free speech.
As far as truth is concerned it’s ‘Bar-it ish’, both for our corporation and the library.
Both too stupid to understand there’s a price to pay for their stance, and they will ultimately pay it.
It could just as easily be some left-over from the Blair-Brown years of mis-rule who has decided to filter out a few inconvenient web-sites. There’s a lot of it about.
I am very pleased to announce that the British Library have now apologised to Daniel Pipes and removed the ban on his works following complaints to them from himself and other followers.
No Longer Banned in the British Library!
If only the BBC were so responsive and responsible.
More on that story
Hopefully Mr Pipes has enough capital with the intelgensia to mkae ‘following it up’ more than a trip up a dead end
As the Conservative side of the coalition government does its best to get unelected on sleaze again despite the more promising news on the economy, in other news…
Must be nice to hunker down in convivial surroundings with a fellow alumnus of the BlairBrownCabal to chew the fat and ‘strategise’ on the future of the UK… er… national policy…er… the UK’s media… er.. the state broadcaster’s next funding round.
‘the glory days of the mid-90s when they were writing out the future’
Plus all those multi-billionaires and movers and shakers of the social media world.
The Jimmy Wales one was interesting.
Beyond Wikipedia seemingly being the ‘truthiness’ standard bearer of most BBC research, there is of course now that small poo in the pool of them thing being edited by too many white males. A bit like the BBC, then.
Danny Cohen will be simply livid.
Oh to be a fly on the wall at the next W1A market rate meeting of all the talents.
Meanwhile, between those in power, those wanting to get back in, and the media remoras trying to arrange it our of naked self (and conflict of) interest, I’d have to say the UK is looking pretty stuffed.
We have found Dave666s complaint to BBc regarding their one sided reporting on X Factor’s Gamu. This was received at Dave666s communications centre on 16/10/10:
Thank you for your e-mail regarding.
I understand you were unhappy with the reporting of the Gamu Nheghu story as you felt it was biased.
It is not always possible or practical to reflect all the different opinions on a subject within individual programmes. Editors are charged to ensure that over a reasonable period they reflect the range of significant views, opinions and trends in their subject area. The BBC does not seek to denigrate any view, nor to promote any view. It seeks rather to identify all significant views, and to test them rigorously and fairly on behalf of the audience. Among other evidence, audience research indicates widespread confidence in the impartiality of the BBC’s reporting.
I appreciate you may continue to feel differently and so I’ve registered your comment on our audience log. This is a daily report of audience feedback that’s circulated to many BBC staff, including members of the BBC Executive Board, channel controllers and other senior managers.
The audience logs are seen as important documents that can help shape decisions about future programming and content.
Thank you again for taking the time to contact us.
Roughly the same as the reply posted on here this week but a 4 year gap. So the BBc neither has the time or ability to report in a balanced way and so just gives you one side of the story or so it would appear. Dave666 would have found this earlier but became side tracked and decided to play with madness instead. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocFxQjPeyiY
“Editors are charged to ensure that over a reasonable period they reflect the range of significant views, opinions and trends in their subject area.”
You need to ask how this is monitored, who does it, and what the results of that monitoring are. The answer is that it isn’t done and there are known in results.
In other words it’s a complete cop out.
Reporting Islamic jihad in KENYA.
“Kenya: Imams tell mosquegoers to ‘cleanse Mombasa of infidels,’ behead kuffar”
By Robert Spencer.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC)-
“UNHCR ‘concerned’ over mass Kenya arrests”
-A note on UNHCR –
“UN bias against Israel continues.
“The UNHRC is blatantly an anti-Israeli organisation. Why, then, do people continue to take it seriously?”
By Michael Curtis.
Re-write needed, for accuracy, to this misleading INBBC final sentence above:
“In September, at least 67 people were killed after al-Shabab militants took control of the Westgate shopping mall in the capital Nairobi for four days.”
NO: re-write for accuracy needed, thus –
‘Islamic jihadists of Al Shabab massacred at least 63 innocent people in the Westgate shopping mall, Nairobi, last September’.
I don’t pretend to be knowledgeable on the scientific ins and outs related to climate and climate change, I just know when somebody is trying to pull the wool over my eyes, and I resent that.
So with the following story if anybody more knowledgeable than myself can correct my impression I’ll be happy for them to do so.
A month ago the BBC ran a story headlined Taking the war out of global warming, in which the subject matter is a report by the Global Warming Policy Foundation titled A SENSITIVE MATTER: HOW THE IPCC BURIED EVIDENCE SHOWING GOOD NEWS ABOUT GLOBAL WARMING
Now if you were expecting to read the BBC explain just what this GWPF report was referring to, you’d be very wrong. Instead they’ve nitpicked where they could to show just where anything that was written in this report affirmed the AGW agenda. Nothing to do with the body of the report.
Now another report has been produced by the GWPF titled CLIMATE CONTROL: Brainwashing in schools, but it appears that the BBC haven’t yet found a way to distort these finding as they are avoiding covering it.
James Delingpole at Breitbart encapsulates this report. See why the BBC want to avoid covering it, and how insidious it makes them for that.
Teddy, indoctrination of school kids is as old as totalitarianism and certainly nothing new to the self-appointed climate czars of the UN and EU – Agenda 21 is now over 20 years old and I don’t think there can be a clearer example of pre-planned brainwashing (paid for by the taxpayer, of course) in recent decades. The fact is that despite all the evidence – from Agenda 21 to the BBC’s unrelenting CAGW ‘nudging’ – people are generally dimwits and, in the end, they just don’t care.
Seems that parents, in the main, are quite happy for lefty schoolteachers to fill the heads of their kids with political propaganda, with scare stories and myths and unproven, faulty, bought-and-paid-for ‘science’ masquerading as an inconvenient ‘truth’…etc.
It’s a shame. It’s really a disgrace, but there you are; I guess as long as the slippery ‘progressives’ are permitted to call the shots in government and media there seems to be no way to expose the deception in a way that any average person might care to notice.
CAGW is a triumph of propaganda. The ‘science’ is all but forgotten, even if there ever was any; now the meme itself is far more powerful, far more effective. In the end, the science was always only ever secondary, any way. The politics always came first.
And they still do.
” Let the lie come into the world.Let it even triumph. But not through me”
I cannot repeat this too often.
Compared with the pygmies infesting our national life men like Solzhenitsyn are giants.
I agree 100% with what you write Phil.
I’m reminded of the saying “Oh what tangled webs we weave/ When first we practice to deceive
I doubt those involved in whatever form of deception we see perpetrated on our society by our government and BBC have any idea what forces they are creating. To those for whom truth is the leading light to guide them through life, it will be seen as a war – which it is.
So far history has shown it ultimately prevails. The lies are a worse force on our lives, and in so many dimensions, it has to be fought by all who would be free.
Robert Burns wrote :
“Truth is a child that cannot die
And cannot be disputed”
Gandhi – this is relevant to the BBC on global warming –
“An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it.”
Elvis Presley :
“Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain’t goin’ away.”
Why the BBC’s news dominance is dangerous –
Jack Kennedy –
“A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
These are good John…keep them coming!
“When you have chosen a great purpose, and are certain that you have chosen well and wisely. concentrate upon it.
Bend your best energies to it.Guard yourself against subtle and innumerable influences that tend to divert you from it”
Grenville Kleiser(as given to us by Margaret Thatcher via her granddaughter-yesterdays Telegraph)
Raymond Ibrahim continues his monthly series of accounts of Christian persecution in the Islamic world. This one on last Christmas.
‘They Are Slaughtering Us Like Chickens’: Muslim Persecution of Christians, December 2013
Wow… Today we’ve seen disgusting Lefty Irish and Scottish nationalist bias in equal measure on the BBC. The BBC is now beyond any remote notions of impartiality. The License must be scrapped as the BBC is simply a Marxist mouthpiece. Also, this little toad is mouthing off again:
Just what does this organisation do about the conduct of the BBC ?…
In a nutshell – OfCom does sod-all. Just another Quango with shedloads of staff
A Search the Ofcom site gets you to this statement …
“If your complaint relates to matters of due impartiality, due accuracy, bias or commercial references (with the exception of the relevant product placement rules: see Section Nine of Ofcom’s Broadcasting Code) in BBC programming, please make a complaint directly to the BBC.
The BBC Trust regulates these areas rather than Ofcom.”
In effect The BBC monitor themselves !
Ofcom continues….
“The BBC Trust regulates these areas rather than Ofcom”.
Pay attention Trustees of the BBC -“You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time”.
I thought I would try to find the definition of the word he uses ‘antigazing’ as it’s one I haven’t heard used before.
I find that it is in fact an additive for transformer oil although it might well be a miss spelling of ‘antiglazing’.
I’m sure most people here will have had the misfortune to have been in the proximity of some youthful lefties talking between themselves, making up new ‘isms’ and ‘phobia’ and imagining the most insane policies some of which have unfortunately been implemented.
It seems to me that Owen Jones is no different and the usual rules of English language and grammar and indeed the slew of words contained in the Oxford English dictionary simply are of no use to him, and he can deviate and invent as he goes along.
The use of obscure words is of course a kind of one up manship, getting the better of someone by their ignorance of the meaning. Jones takes this to different level by using words he’s made up, and only he knows the definition of. This might be fun for him in a private conversation, but in a newspaper article, it renders it unintelligible.
A piece written by Stanley Unwin contains more meaning than one by Jones !
Deep Joy to the eardroves !
It is one of the more irritating aspects of modern life that new “words” and phrases keep cropping up =- latest fad word seems to be “selfie”.
Why oh why do we get a deluge of “On the Spin” and “On the Bounce” when what the speaker means is “in a row”. Football pundits are particularly prone to this – “Up Top”, “Boss the Park”, etc.
So now we have Owen Chav Jones and his new dictionary . Gawd help us!
Rant over.
They should keepie to the Queens Speechlode. Then goodly morlode with the deep joy. Oh yes..
A joy to have Mr Unwin channelled once again.
He is the very antidote to PC speech…and now you`ve got me thinking up HIS equivalent of “appropriate” “lessons will be learned” etc…
thank you
A newie drawn in languedoc hat beggone izzy nut?
So why was Lord Robertson parachuted into the NATO job?
And what information on him is being hidden from us under the 100 years rule?
One could hardly think of a man less appropriate for Labour to choose to lecture the Scots on probity.
It would appear that Mr Humphries (Today programme, Radio 4) still thinks that David Miliband is leader of the opposition. 😎
More from Bham s “Trojan Horse” weekly
NOT on the BBC
Freedom of Speech/Truth at Bham Magistrates court yesterday? … BBC? ……………………………………….
just so happens that muslim intimidation tactics fell short
yesterday …………………………… radio silence?
just so happens that the BBC “go to guy” from “Tell LIES” is involved.
A question, do you think if this “whopper” outfit headed by Fiyaz Mughal was successful we might have heard about it?
and still no news from the BBC on this
Newshour – ‘Extremist’ Working As Psychiatrist For NHS”!
‘Extremist’ working as psychiatrist for NHS – LocalUKNews
‘Extremist’ working as psychiatrist for NHS
News National Headlines.co.uk
Press Report – ‘Extremist’ working as psychiatrist for NHS
One of the leaders of “Hizb ut-Tahrir … Dr. Imran Waheed who apparently specialises in obsessive compulsive disorders, (would that be 5 times a day?) 😀
and also provides advice to courts in criminal cases on … ahem … potentially dangerous individuals 😀
… irony? ….
so … BBC? …………………………………….
still never mind eh!
“Selfie-with-an-egg contest begins in Hampstead” … gay day ahead to keep Harribin happy.
…oh! and BBC Bham? ………………………………..
“Stourbridge on track to host model railway exhibition”
looks like the BBC is fully signed up this ….
oh! … and Dr Imran
here he is,
demonstrating his bedside manner?
by the look of all of those jihad flags…..
… I think its a patients day out
… “the lunatics are taking over the asylum” …
Oh dear! Unless the case was heard in a higher court, and the case was ‘reported’ then the ‘concept of Taqqiya’ is definitely not ‘known’ in British law and cannot be referred to as case law.
This means that the useless brigade are free to bring as many ‘hate’ cases as they wish and each one will have to stand or fall on its merits without being able to use this case as guidance.
It’s good that they won, and extremely worrying that Birmingham useless brigade thought prosecution was viable, who ever brought this case should be sacked, but will probably be promoted.
I found this case rather confusing. It was essentially a harassment case, aggravated by racism. By its definition harassment has to be repeated. Here’s the CPS definition:
the offence was part of a pattern of offending by the offender
Or Wikipedia:
“Harassment (/həˈræsmənt/ or /ˈhærəsmənt/) covers a wide range of behaviours of an offensive nature. It is commonly understood as behaviour intended to disturb or upset, and it is characteristically repetitive.”
Again repetition is necessary, but from all reports the charge was occasioned by a single tweet.
I believe that in cases like this the useless police force should be held to account for its anti white political correctness, and I hope that Tim Burton makes a complaint against them, if not legal action, should it be realistic.
For all those people supporting the ‘bedroom tax’ in the delusional belief that it’s some how your money which is being saved.
Well just as I told you only a week ago, here is the evidence that white people are now being evicted to make way for immigrant families.
Well done guys, some of you are so greedy for money which you’ll never even see, you can’t see the sinister reasons behind the policy.
Support the Labour motion to scrap this iniquitous tax, and hopefully when they evil toffs of the Tory party realise even those who might support them can see through their schemes they might act a little more responsibly.
Its bloody hard to defend the bedroom tax when scum like Miller are ripping off the tax payer to the tune of tens of thousands of pounds, if not hundreds (and its just she and a few others that we get to hear about.) Its probably rife at SW1.
How the hell the Tory’s expect to stop benefit cheats when they can’t lead by example, I’m not sure, I guess they hope that they’ll stay tuned to The Voice and X Factor and are oblivious to their antics. What a crap country we live in.
benefit cheats?
as usual with tory lies, divide the poorest, the most vulnerable in our society, castigate them …
while the REAL thieves, the ones at the top,
of the grasping liars tree, who benefit
by every deceit and fiddle, every tax dodge
are eased along …
The ‘bedroom tax’ is just a continuation of Labour’s attempt at reducing housing benefit. The first stage was the adoption of Local Housing Allowance which varies depending on local rental costs and the housing need of the tennant.
The difference is that LHA applies to private rented houses only.
Labour identified the need to control benefit costs and to free up larger houses for the aging mixed-sex broods of its tribe of single mothers when it was in office. Now out of office it suddenly gains insights into the downside of its own policies.
Now that Maria Miller has fallen onto her sword, smug lefties across the BBC can delight in their victory – Evan Davis this morning was even more nauseating than usual (quite an achievement), so much so that it almost put me off my Cornflakes.
Miller’s fall was, of course, inevitable. Left wing commentariat had long since decided they were going for the jugular and they absolutely wanted their pound of flesh, come what may.
It’s a funny old world, full of upside down moral judgements from progressives driving their own twisted agendas, where the likes of Ms Millar (who absolutely was in the wrong, by the way) is forced out by a concerted media effort, whilst the likes of the sainted Harriet ‘the 70s was a different time’ Harmon not only escapes, by common consent, the attentions of the Politburo’s attack dogs, but looks set to fulfil her anticipated apotheosis as a future Dear Leader of The Party in due course.
So, where next will the totalitarian progressives strike? Farage? Time to ‘do’ for the electoral trouble maker once and for all? We can be certain even as I write this, some Labour hit squad is busy digging the dirt in the determined hope they’ll unearth some juicy ‘scandal’ with which to scupper his chances at the EU elections and beyond.
‘Democracy’, people, courtesy of the fascists in our midst – aided and abetted by our state broadcaster, as always.
Where’s the midweek thread? No ones posting anything !
The BBC , I imagine will be jubilant at the idea of an Asian Culture Secretary !!!
Maybe not a woman, but another box ticked Sajid Javid replaces Mrs Mills as Culture secretary….
In fact lots of boxes ticked, married to a Christian, 2nd Gen and claims to be non religious yet brought up in a Muslim household (how is that supposed to work?) I guess the Asian Network won’t be leaving our airwaves anytime soon…..
Also a Eurosceptic.
He’s what’s called an apostate. Expect death to come calling just as soon as they’ve sorted out Sadiq Khan.
I like the sound of him. Necessity has forced the PM to make a worthwhile appointment. He is not ‘Asian’ though.
If he’s not Asian I’m a Martian ….
Woman’s Hour has wasted more of our money in coming up with its ‘Power List’ for 2014, naming those it judges to be the UK’s 10 most important women.
Hands up anyone who can recognise more than one or two of them.
Only the obvious one, infamous more than famous, a game changer? Seriously?
Note the liberal scattering of lefties …
‘liberal scattering of lefties’
Hardly surprising given that a liberal scattering of 5 lefties chose the 10 on the list.
As usual with the BBC the message here is not about actual achievement by women but about ‘campaigning’ – ie getting the approved messages out there.
Doreen Lawrence? Never heard of her. The BBC have never given her any airtime whatsoever and her case, whatever it is, has been totally ignored. Just like Bloody Sunday.
They forgot Mrs Keith Blakelock.
I was going to pour scorn on this until I saw Julie Baileys name.
If she`s on it-I`ll let them off, much as it annoys me.
I’m sure the BBC will be celebrating Mr Jacobs acquittal at the earliest opportunity.
‘Telegraph’ (£)-
“10 ways the BBC is more ridiculous than W1A.
“As the Beeb-satirising mockumentary W1A finishes its four-episode run, we reveal 10 occasions where the the truth was stranger than spoof.”
By Michael Hogan.
A primer for Islam Not BBC (INBBC):-
“’Islam for Journalists’: Journalists for Sharia censorship”
Richard Bacon will be talking about mathematics this afternoon !!! ” It’s a lot of numbers and stuff.”
I suspect this was the producers idea, Richard I suspect would prefer to talk about last nights telly.
Richard Bacon to Alex Bellos ” What’s your favourite number ? ”
I suspect the BBC’s favourite number is 5 Billion, they get it every year.
So a former Nazi (Matthew Collins) and a former Islamist (Hanif Qadir) are using public and union funding to lecture the rest of we idiotic and put upon saps, as to how “waycist” we all are, whilst the BBC regularly use Nick Lowles to invent Panorama investigations into alleged hate hot spots…
Something somewhere has got to give….
“Hope not Hate”!…Are you having a giraffe?
From “Hope not Hate”
The correct title for that loathsome organisation is ‘Hate not Hope’ since they do a lot of hating of the indigenous inhabitants of this country.
Hate: the white working class,
Hope they dont find us out
You are aware that one of the founding signatories of Hate not Hope is lefty Dave?
Where do I sign up for UKIP ?
Among the speakers was Dr Bernard Rourke, from Budapest, who gave a depressing insight into the plight of Roma people while the University of Amsterdam also gave a good insight into tracking and monitoring online hatred …
of who exactly? … Geert Wilders?
Ayan Hirsi Ali? …
how about R Spencer eh!
oops! … we know a song about that don t we?
Nick Lowles “hate not hope” – ass spanked
Marxist on Radio 4 ‘the industrial working class – I’ve never been that keen on, it’s a piece of Marxist dogma, but there you go.’
Well now you heard it from the horses mouth Marxists who don’t even like the people they’re supposedly wanting a revolution to save. Begs the question who they want the revolution for if not themselves.
I presume this is from Thinking Allowed (nearly as good a joke title as Beyond Belief).
The End of Capitalism; Reforming Capitalism Capitalism – renewal or decline? Laurie Taylor explores the future of our market driven economy. He’s joined by David Harvey, Distinguished Professor of Anthropology and Geography at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York and Colin Crouch, Professor Emeritus in Sociology at the University of Warwick. Professor Harvey examines the contradictions at the heart of capitalism arguing that it’s far from being the permanent or only way of organising human life. Professor Crouch, conversely, suggests that only Capitalism can provide us with an efficient and innovative economy but it should be re-shaped to better fit a social democratic society.
Basically a pack of Marxists, having ruined, education, society and politics, think that the answer is more Marxism.
I was waiting for someone to say that ‘the market’ wasn’t broken and why does it matter if other people get rich, (as long as they don’t steal it from someone else), but as usual this programme is a debate-free zone. Tired out Marxists flogging a dead horse again and again. Where is the balance?
As I’m sure you’re well aware all Marxists follow the same delusion that previous Marxists just haven’t implemented it correctly, and only they have the answer.
If only they can wrest power – usually by violence because no one in their right mind would allow them near anything sharp let alone executive power ! Then everything would be wonderful and they wouldn’t need to kill anyone, or execute a large portion of the population either!
I note that David Harvey is a ‘distinguished’ professor of Anthropology and Geography. So that’s alright then.
Whilst the students of York Uni and the like are out on the sports fields Wednesday afternoons, this Godawful apology of a programme-which is never at any threat of being axed-spouts its common room musings from New Society and Marxism Today(copies from 1968-71 only…PIE affiliated no doubt).
Not an original thinker in sight…if it`s not Chomsky or Marx, Alinsky or Owen Jones Bitesize then it fails to make the COBOL punch cards.
Laurie Taylor and his awful son are simply Prescotts of the airwaves…Laurie is a sewage surfer on Laskis backwash…and only the BBC would let this knitted nomark tail the day as Libby bloody Purvis starts it.
Bag o shite!
It’s time for the midweek thread !
I feel like I’m stuck in a timewarp (cue music) with stories I’m not going to post & waste on a thread which could die any minute !
Good old Beeb eh?
Why do they tell us about the Brexit Award of E100,000 to the bloke who wrote the essay on “Life after the EU”?…if they don`t give us that figure he gave us.
Apparently we`ll save ourselves £1.3 billion if we leave the EU-and the “independent IEA” confirm this.
Yet on the Today programme this morning, we just hear that the essay only goes to show “how messy it would all be” were we to leave the EU.
Don`t like figures at the BBC do they?…and certainly not if it riles the plebs into leaving the EU.
And though Richard Bacon won`t be expected to do sums like these-you`d think that Dara O Briain might have something to say about it.
Well Hislop has started off by getting the story of King Arthur completely wrong!
HE claims that the stories of King Arthur were written and made up AFTER the Norman conquest, yet the stories were being told well before the invasion in Normandy.
The tale came from the story of the people called ‘The Gododdin’, you can look them up on Wikipedia.
Originally they were somewhere around Edinburgh but were displaced by invasion (beginning to sound familiar!)
‘they are best known as the subject of the 6th-century Welsh poem Y Gododdin, which memorializes the Battle of Catraeth and is attributed to Aneirin.’
As you can probably tell the names are very similar to the Welsh of today, and it is believed that they travelled down from Scotland and infested Wales.
The poem Y Gododdin contains the earliest reference to Arthur
‘He fed black ravens on the rampart of a fortress
Though he was no Arthur
Among the powerful ones in battle
In the front rank, Gwawrddur was a palisade’
So there Hislop ! You posh know all !
Well said Thoughtful !
Hislop was born in Wales – he should have known better .
BBC undermining the history of Great Britain and her culture – the BBC at its best
Many cultures have legends. We have King Arhur, some native Americans have wishpoosh. Oh go on BBC, make a documentary mocking the legend of wishpoosh or the Yeti in Tibet.
I think they should make one about the legends of the Djinn in the Middle Eastern Deserts, but then as they’re quite prominent in the Qur’an I somehow doubt it.
“Well Hislop has started off by getting the story of King Arthur completely wrong! HE claims that the stories of King Arthur were written and made up AFTER the Norman conquest, yet the stories were being told well before the invasion in Normandy.”
From the programme:
Hislop; “The very first references [to Arthur] were a few obscure fragments depicting him as a wild Celtic warlord from Wales in perhaps the early 6th Century”.
Obscure ?
The Battle of Catraeth in 595, was at Catterick in Yorkshire.
It was between the Bernician king Athelfrith, and Owain of Rheged, the Bernicians won, annihilating thousands of Britons, leaving only one survivor.
Athelfrith went on to add Rheged, and other territories of the Britons, with the other Kingdom of the Angles, Deira, to found the Northumbrian superstate.
There seems to have been two Arthurs at this time. (1) Arthur macaedan, Prince of Dal Riata, and Arthur, king of Dyfed. It seems to be these two Arthur’s that have been puffed up into the legendary King of Britain.
The British Army now owns Catterick Garrison.
IIRC there are links between the Arthurian legends and the Merovingians (c. 450 -750 ), namely the story of Uther or Ursa and the deception of Igraine or Igerne. These are stories that probably come from Gaulic traditions considering the use of druidic magic.
No one knows where the stories originate and many like to claim them (IIRC there is even a Holy Grail on a mantelpiece in Shropshire) so take your pick.
One thing is certain, they are pre-Medieval and not just from obscure Welsh document fragments.
BBc getting all excited by womens cricket again on the BBC sports website…
“England captain Charlotte Edwards named Cricketer of Year”
The headline is most misleading it fails to mention that there are actually five Wisden cricketers of the year, one of which was Englands Joe Root, but that was just mentioned as an aside on the News 24 sports report.
Can I ask a Question unrelated to bias?
Was anyone else reading this shocked at the hostility of the cross examination of Oscar Pistorius today?
I thought the guy went way over the top over a point which wasn’t even at issue. Pistorius has never said he didn’t shoot Reeva Steenkamp. Trying to force him to look at the photos of her dead body was sickening.
I thought a bit like that myself, thoughtful. The constant badgering and goading of Pistorius to say that he had shot and killed Ms Steenkamp may have been aimed at enhancing the reputation of the prosecutor as an ‘attack dog’, but it certainly added nothing to the knowledge of this situation, since it has never been denied that he, Pistorius, shot and killed Ms Steenkamp.
Posturing, nothing but vain posturing.
And then, of course, he just had to flash up an old piece of film showing Pistorius shooting at a watermelon, hinting that this would have been just like Ms Steenkamp’s head….. I sincerely hope he’s pleased to have drawn the analogy in front of Ms Steenkamp’s family.
Again, what on earth did that little escapade add to the search for truth in the court. The judge seems to have become over-awed by this prat’s self-indulgent showmanship. I wouldn’t be surprised if this guy doesn’t over-step the bounds at some point, providing Pistorius’ brief the opportunity to claim a mis-trial even if he is found guilty.
He’ll be a really little sick puppy if that happens.
I thought at first he might have been trying to create a psychological condition – anger, defensiveness, confusion, etc etc. Or that he might have been trying to get a ‘yes train’ going, where he gets a witness to admit to a string of unpleasant known truths and then throws in an unknown which can result in a witness admitting it without having time to think.
All he achieved though was to break his witness to such an extent an adjournment was called, and any ‘advantage’ his attack might have achieved was lost.
A strange way to open a cross examination
Just seen a programme about Alexander Blackman-the Marine who was convicted of murder for “killing” a wounded Taliban.
Anybody of a conspiratorial nature would have seen Phil Shiners glasses(Timmy Mallett meets John Lennon), or overweight blonde frumps in vivid lipstick as some kind of pisstake for their similarly-inclined members of the Human Rights Gang/ Islamic apologists from Oxbridge to enjoy.
This was a serious subject-the likes of Shiner and Bourk maybe want us all to laugh at soldiers in prison by way of their mocking appearances.
Shiner`s not got flat feet has he?…and Bourk could write her Geneva Convention essays on a clipboard out in the field could she not?
Why the hell does the BBC ask the likes of these two jihadi shills about the need for a soldier to kill his avowed opponent?
Only hope Shiner gets to meet a Taliban sometime soon…and Bourk changes back to being Bradley Manning after too many pies.