Sue Townsend the author of the ‘Adrian Mole’ books has died, and as a whole hearted Labourite, and anti Fatcher activist the BBC has given her a nice obituary on the Today program, rather proudly pointing out it’s own promotion of her work, claiming the Adrian Mole started off as a radio 4 play before being popularised sufficiently to become a best seller when the book was launched.
I doubt that any other author who supported the Tories would even have a play accepted by the BBC let alone have the obit on the Today program.
She was still ‘coining it in’ under the tories ,I would have though such a devout socialist would have donated all her royalties to good socialist causes.
I do remember reading “Number Ten” by Sue Townsend, and she shafts New Labour mercilessly throughout it…Blair and his duplicity and his grasping wife crop up regularly, but the BBC would NOT choose to reference that one ,when the Royals can get the barbs of Evan Davis.
Remember also a South Banks Show or such, when she was seen writing with help of family as her sight was failing…brave, and honourable in the hideous circumstances.
Guess what I`m saying is that the BBC will use her as a canoe for their purposes-like Millie Dowler or Stephen Lawrence….but she was better than that.
If only her family would give the BBC some “Home Truths” about their rolling narrative which turns out to be a snake-but you just know she`ll get the liberal wicca coffin as suggestion box for more espousal of the Cause.
The BBC think they`re the Government, as well as the sluice pipe into our souls.
They have got to go.
And now we have a clip from the TV series, and the clip chosen? It’s the part where Pandora, Adrian’s girlfriend is campaigning for election for the Labour party !
Her passing (RIP) is news and her fealties matters of record. I was however unaware of them in favour of her creative creations, and these should surely be the focus. The choice of clip is intriguing if unsurprising. But guessing if challenged the BBC will hide behind the usual ‘all we had to hand and our decisions are secret and need not be explained’ spokesweasel.
It’s like when they do a post-war drama and have a TV or radio on in the background. It’s often the news and the news is either pro-Labour or anti-Tory. The rare occasions when it is not the news ten it will be some political drama and again the gist will be anti-tory.
When a character is depicted as scheming, fraudulent or exploitative, you can guarantee that a picture of Margaret Thatcher or Winston Churchill will be clearly visible hanging on the wall of their office, just to make a link between the character and the Tory party.
Guessing Mark, Katty, etc, are fingers crossed that the majority of folk here will stick with them rather than ‘googling the news’:
If there’s anything factually incorrect in her analysis, one is sure it will be highlighted.
Ps: I’d avoid the comments section. It deteriorates faster and lower than a BBC World News FaceBook post thread. Not to excuse this, but today BBC World News is plumbing depths of editorial skew that may find it coming up behind itself soon.
Now Radio 4 Today is promoting a mad feminist group objecting to women eating on the tube being photographed. The photographer who started a webpage observing them was quite good, explaining his position, while the feminist was the usual hysterical unreasonable person we’ve come to expect.
As usual everyone else was wrong and the women were right, through some very flawed arguments, and the point that the current law says that once you step into a public place, you’re fair game to any photographer.
The feminist suggesting that every woman photographed should be asked for a release before and after the image is taken illustrates the absurd word these people live in.
What is worse though is that the BBC considers giving these people airtime reasonable in the first place !
The BBC is surely in an odd place here on precedent.
I can’t recall a single ‘news’ clip they use not ‘illustrated’ by filler material, often uncomplimentary in association, of people on the street (thinking of land lardbergs to go with a weekly obesity story). I very much doubt these people have been pursued to sign waivers.
Careful what #prasnews you wish for, Aunty.
He was great wasn`t he?
My wife and I rowed about it too…so job done-it was art!
Our double barrelled Yank who took offence was a dream opponent-she`ll still have that smelly, rat rewarding, health and safety bustin` picnic of hers on Monday, even though hes stopped.
But the protest-the never-ending slut walk of aimless controversies-must go on.
Sarah and Jocasta were stumped by him ceaselessly, and the puff up by the BBC in creating this souffle was alluded to…but the airhears of the airwaves registered it not.
Funny though that the BBC like those racist rants being obtained without waivers and indemnities for the potty-mouthed lushes that create them….why so BBC?
Double standards as ever…..
Ian Hislop is doing a programme about Britain’s past. I suspect the agenda is Britain was always multicultural, something like Sir Christopher Wren had the idea of building St Pauls from his black nanny Betsy Mae, etc etc !! they make up this garbage as they go along.
Anyway I can’t watch smug Ian Hislop, he has an odd head shape, two thirds of it is his forehead and all his facial features are squashed down at the bottom.
To a point Hislop would be right if he talked about the multicultural background of this country, especially in the Dark Ages. In the Middle Ages there was much less, and into modern times right up until post war times when the feckless and stupid Labour party thought immigration was a good thing (and still continue to do so with all the evidence to the contrary).
What the BBC will always shy away from however is the conflicts and massacres caused by ‘multiculturalism’, such as Saint Brice’s day massacre, which the BBC would always seek to link to a kind of BNP mindset.
What the hell was his point?
That Arthur was a creation that changed over time?…that Alfred(although “boring” to use his phrase) started out the very idea and example of Wessex-of England-of Britan?
Thanks for nothing Hislop!…as Khaled from Hounslow says
He even got the Arthur thing wrong as I showed in the Monday thread. ARthur was not first mentioned by Geoffrey of Monmouth but in the poem Y Gododdin in the 6th century.
The tales of King Arthur were being told in Normandy well before the Norman invasion so another falsehood busted!
He did not say that Arthur was first mentioned by Geoffrey of Monmouth. He was right to draw attention to the importance of that fantasist in articulating the myth. I thought his programme was a waste of time, but his claim that Arthur was popular with the (French speaking) Normans and the (English speaking) Anglo-Saxons [and the Celtic speaking Welsh] for different reasons was about his only interesting point.
My impression is that the programme was commissioned to draw attention to some of the (historical) myths sustaining the Scottish independence argument, in which case this first programme was just a filler before the main event.
With the BBC there is usually a political agenda. Educating us to have correct views i.e. whatever accords with the intolerance and greed of the metropolitan tax funded middle class Left.
A message to Scotland
and the BBC from America.
Great Britain is one island, one people one border – the sea.
It went through two world wars and came through came through the greatest adversity – “divided we stand united we fall”
Correction: 40-odd Labour MPs sit in Westminster voting one thing for the English another for the Scots in their own devolved Parliament.
What were you saying about “one people one border”?
Not forgetting Pussy Riot and the Greenpeace pillocks who were arrested on that drilling platform. They must be running Israel a close second , especially as the USA is out of the running now that The One is in charge.
Despite womens hour getting into trouble aplenty in the past for the casual sexism ‘Oh if it was happening to men this would have been dealt with’, well they’ve been at it again today with the assertion that the female contraception pill messes with Hormones, and if men had to take it research would have been paid for into how to mitigate the effect.
There’s no evidence presented that no research has been undertaken, and the statement that more would have been undertaken if it was happening to men is provably false.
Years ago at the time of breast cancer and cervical cancer claims were made that ‘if this were happening to men then it would have been dealt with’ and yet men suffer testicular cancer and NOTHING had been done by the health agencies.
So easy for the fascists to attack those people lower down the hierarchy of ‘isms’ without any comeback, but try it the other way around and all hell will break loose.
A better comparison than testicular cancer is prostate cancer, which kills more men than breast cancer does women. Historically, breast cancer has received around 10 times the funding of prostate cancer, although the disparity has decreased considerably during the past decade. But all cancer research in the UK is heavily dependent upon charitable contributions. If the £4 billion annual tax extorted by the BBC was spent on cancer research…
“which kills more men than breast cancer does women.”
That isn’t actually true. According to Cancer UK in 2011 10,793 men died from prostate cancer, compared to 11,684 women.
Most cancers are linked to age (you have to die from something) but prostate cancer in particular is very strongly associated 73% of prostate cancer deaths were in men aged 75 years and over. However breast cancer is the most common cause of cancer death in women aged 15-49.
Testicular cancer is one of the few to affect younger men more – although mortality is fortunately very low (68 deaths in the UK in 2011)
“But all cancer research in the UK is heavily dependent upon charitable contributions.”
About 50% of oncological research is paid for by charitable donations in the UK. Any drug company that provides cures for cancers is sitting on a gold mine so there is a huge amount of money going into this.
According to Cancer UK in 2011 10,793 men died from prostate cancer, compared to 11,684 women
I wasn’t aware any women died of prostrate cancer, but this chart shows that more men (83711) die of cancer than women (75467) yet the spend ( fig 19 ) is greater for women than men.
In fact, apart from breast cancer, there isn’t a single cancer on that list that both men and women get, where the number of women dying is greater than the number of men.
The interesting comparison is not between breast cancer and prostrate cancer but between breast cancer and lung cancer. Lung cancer kills more women than breast cancer yet gets a quarter of the spend. Go figure.
Sadly, some men DO contract breast cancer, albeit very few. I am sure that there is a part of a woman’s waterworks that approximates the prostate and can be similarly prone to cancer.
I see Operation ‘Save The CPS’ is in full swing on the BBC.
We had a double header with the Toady Program: first up a patronising lecture on How The Law Works then a cosy all girls together chat with the head feminazi herself and all of it – ALL without exception – referring to the complainants as the ‘victims’?
What of? Conferring victimhood on accusers begs the question. If there’s a ‘victim’ there’s a ‘victimiser’. Who is that exactly?
Meanwhile, in the real world, the jury tossed the case out.
Compare and contrast this to the BBC’s treatment of the Lee Rigby murder, where the Cherry Vultures were anxious to claim that, until there had been an actual trial, the BBC was restricted to only being able to make oblique references to an ‘incident’ and other slippery euphemisms.
‘restricted to only being able to make oblique references to an ‘incident’ and other slippery euphemisms’
Oh for a Craig and/or a chart to track when the BBC heads to the ‘watertight oversight’ bunker and stays there for weeks on some stories that have legal connotations, but then damns the torpedoes of professional reporting integrity if the cause is just on others.
Given how many of these cases seem to end in acquittal, but in process the person accused is outed and damned (mainly by ‘guilty if we don’t like them’ or ‘no longer worth sparing in favour of ‘throwing-under bus-ratings’ media), the system seem less than trustworthy or competent as it stands.
Where, and who, the BBC stands behind in this is, as with all things BBC and tribal, interesting.
Of course, the university lobby for ever more immigrant students is particularly strong because their fees, and therefore the profits, are higher. University preference for foreign students over British students is not mentioned.
‘Daily Mail’-
“The truth about Britain’s bogus foreign students: They work illegally, claim benefits… and one ‘college’ had no teachers.
Home Office blitz against migrants and their colleges is being blocked by Nick Clegg and the Lib Dems.
At a single college, 397 students with no right to work in Britain were caught earning more than £20,000 a year.
At same private college, 62 students wrongly pocketed benefits.”
Apart from filling the Unviserties coffers, I struggle to understand why having as many students as possible from abroad is a good idea. Every place taken by a student from, say, Brazil or China, is one less place for a British student. I would have thought. But maybe I’m just dumb.
Think not so much of bona fide universities but more of bogus colleges, many of which don’t actually exist. I know someone who works in the Border Agency and it’s a massive, massive problem.
A specific and true incident seems relevant here -told by a lecturer of Economics at a London “university” shows the lengths to keep foreign students money flowing in to complete courses they are paying for . He was told to interview some students he had failed to try and give them a second chance in the interview. The exam papers had been so poorly completed and his interview confirmed why – they could barely communicate in English!
Evan Davis, this morning. Today Programme. Discussion with Alex Salmond. Salmond mentions the Guardian article regarding an unidentified government minister supposedly giving succour to Wee Nappy’s view that there just MUST be a currency union (as opposed to actually explaining what he will do if there’s no such agreement).
Wee Nappy used the phrase “Senior Cabinet Minister” when talking about the unidentified person more than once. I checked back to the original Guardian article, because I was pretty certain that they had never made any claim that the unidentified person was a senior Cabinet Minister. Guess what – it didn’t. So Salmond is claiming that this unknown source, some ‘unidentified’ coalition minister, has been promoted to become a Senior Minister now, and not only that, has joined the Cabinet at a Senior level as well ? Not only that, why does anyone believe that one so-called minister, alone, speaks the truth, even when faced with complete rejection of the fallacy by real, identified, ministers and Senior Ministers.
So why did Evan Davis not pick up on Wee Nappy’s propaganda, and demolish it ? It was clearly going to be part of the discussion, and Davis clearly doesn’t do his homework. Bias By Collaboration ?
‘News’ which is in fact disinformation via PR or ‘sources who say’ is obliterating the already pondbed level of credibility of most media, and the BBC especially.
Nic Robinson’s editorial way too often revolves around a scoop which is based on nothing more than a whisper in a Westminster corridor, which give his and the BBC’s farcical status as purveyors of trusted information often gets spun into fact between morning and evening.
Evan Davies, Jezza Vine & The Newsnight slipshod crew simply complements this in so-called ‘interviews’. ‘So why did Evan Davis not pick up on Wee Nappy’s propaganda, and demolish it ?’
Your question was of course rhetorical, but worthy of being answered.
They are propagandists, pure and simple.
from the “blink and you ll miss it” open thread
finally … sheeeeesh!
BBC starts to catch up a tad … on the Ayaan Hirsi Ali story
from earlier in the thread.
wait for it 😀 …
‘War on Islam’ advocate in college row ?
looks like the BBC and CAIR/Muslim Students Assoc all sing from the same hymn sheet eh!
Although the story is now growing, including the real reason why MB front groups in the states have been even more vociferous than usual,(hardly seems possible) …..
… still … BBC … nuthin to see!
Which is, Ayaan H A … promoting, and taking part in
a new movie doc “the honor diaries” a no holds barred expose on the growing mistreatment violence and oppression of muslim women in the west, featuring muslim women victims themselves.
Now put that with, her outspoken stance, and the fact that she is an ex muslim …. and you get the picture
it turned into a right spanking for MB groups in the US
(example below) … and they re going all out to shut her up
if they can t … it ll just be yet, another death threat
Great post.
God speed the day when WE get this level of scrutiny of Tell Mama, Amnesty or the MCB.
And aren`t the CAIR bears funded by Wahhibis with MB leashes and backsheesh?
Why does nobody in Europe even show a gram( ounces now being illegal at times) of Kellys gojones when it comes to dealing with mendacious race hustling taqqiya artistes like “Ibrahim Hooper”?
What the hell was the point of sitting through all those Eurovision Contests, those Jeux Sans Frontieres if we have no European-wide response to the likes of CAIR/Tell Mama/MCB.
Jeux Sans Frontieres…that passes for our immigration policy with lots of fat Eurolawyers filling their buckets with our cash whilst wearing fatsuits in the mould of Heath or Jenkins.
And no Stuart Hall to laugh along any more…
That woman has an abundance of guts, beauty, intelligence and a powerful commitment to preserving the greatness of the US in the face of Islamic barbarism.
BBC – The Russian government withheld intelligence from the US on one of the Boston Marathon bomb suspects that may have led to further scrutiny before the attack?
“an attempt to displace blame for the FBI’s dropping the ball on watching Tamerlan Tsarnaev before the Boston Marathon jihad bombing from the FBI to the Russians. The problem with this attempt, however, is that while the report says that the Russians refused to give the FBI further information, it acknowledges that they told the feds that Tamerlan Tsarnaev “was a follower of radical Islam and a strong believer” and that he “had changed drastically since 2010 as he prepared to leave the United States for travel to the country’s region to join unspecified underground groups.”
Congrats to the BBC on ‘Don’t take my benefits’ – a massive own goal. I watched it with my “caring” Labour / Green-voting sister, and even she was spitting tacks after the third or fourth tribe of Somalian/Ethiopian/Palestinian scroungers ( or “British Citizens” as the BBC called them ) marched into the luxuriously appointed Brent Council Offices to demand the continuation of their £1000/week benefits for their 9 kids.
Own goal indeed, did the BBC really thing they could drum up any sympathy with the majority of viewers by using Brent and a selection of over fertile Fatima’s and Bogdans?
Had they used genuine indigenous types outside the Republic of Londonistan who really are feeling the brunt of theses cuts the point may well have been better made.
After watching both this, Question Time and a recording of ITV’s Exposure (worth a watch) it made for a bloody depressing evenings viewing and left a feeling of where the hell has the country that I grew up in gone ?
You`ll find it near Billy Braggs massive coastal estate down here in sunny Wessex.
No wonder he fears the floods that melting icecaps would bring…but wouldn`t survive a Year 8 science lessons investigating.
You might want to tell him this, but the footpaths are somewhat private nearby.
Still-his bellicose quack is soon to be heard at Hay on Wye( the lefts Davos)-and Tolpuddle( the old Stalingrad, but reduced now to Benns memorial garden party for the next couple of years).
Stansgate Villas?
You know something?
There may well be a book in this.
Some deep throat, right wing fascist has infiltrated the luvvie class and commissions stuff like this and Benefits Street-just to bring the revolution in a bit early. And in the guise of “passionate advocacy for the voiceless/legless”
If I tell Owen that its likely to be Polly…and you tell Polly that it`s Katz…we could divide, rule and get them up against the wall a little quicker.
Yes, an astonishing programme. It shows just how out of touch the BBC are if they think that this will garner any sympathy amongst the vast majority of the UK population. It was an indictment of both the benefits system, and immigration policy.
It was still disgracefully biased however, the BBC trying to attack the government for their welfare reforms, and blaming them for the housing crisis. As has been said elsewhere, but the BBC never mention despite their “mission to explain”, we don’t have a housing crisis, we have an immigration crisis.
When Duncan Smith was first advocating a £25k benefits cap the BBC had some woman Labour MP on complaining that it was discriminatory against Bangladeshis who typically have much larger families than the average Brits.
The problem is Dopey Dave has allowed immigration to carry on at the same pace and so the current immigration problem and its off-shoot problems can now be fully blamed on the “Tory led coalition party”, much to Ed Miliband’s delight. 1997 to May 2010 just didn’t happen.
I’ve just started watching it – it’s incredible.
People living on a level of unearned income that many working and taxpaying people don’t match. And these people on benefits, the ones carefully selected by the caring BBC, seem ungrateful.
And it’s true that Brent council offices would do credit to a major multi-national.
Only in London I guess.
Me too. Just got to the bit where the man on benefits with the 7 children is being told by the officer that “you only told us you had a part-time job yesterday” ie. when he realised he could keep his benefits if he admitted he had a job.
Just watched 20 mins of it…..had to stop, my blood pressure was going sky high… any one in charge of this country?….That Somali, here 23 years!… job, kids galore, what the hell? Did we really need six million plus immigrants? Like hell, enough of our own people are out of work, the infrastructure is creaking, and still these people pour in…..then you see the smug faces of Bragg and Harman on QT this week, moaning about lack of housing and low wages……why is that then?…..immigration you dummies, but they close their ears and eyes to the obvious….if i see Bragg[ too brown in Barking ] i swear i’ll punch the moron full in the face, the sneering, pathetic excuse of a man.
I think I’ve seen enough. A complaining chap who came from Palestine 16 years ago, now has 7 children, and gets £800 a week in benefits. What a mess, and the BBC thinks these people deserve sympathy? The BBC should instead do a programme on some of our working people, natives and immigrants, who earn a fraction of that, live in a bedsit, and pay income tax to pay for this guy’s benefits.
Gypsies On Benefits and Proud would NEVER have been made by the BBC. Interesting though that the BBC’s Look North had an item about this programme last night. I say “item” but it was more of a critical “spoiler” about another broadcaster’s programme. The main reason for the item was to let assorted “local” people say that they worried about “community cohesion” and that the programme would stir up tensions and create a backlash against the Roma in Rotherham where some of the programme was filmed. They then showed an obviously staged stunt where high visibility jacket wearing Eastern Europeans and local Roma were helping council workmen pick up litter in their street. All local white people interviewed were sympathetic to these benefit scroungers. No selective editing there, then. The whole tone of the item was that the programme was salacious and inflammatory. It didn’t seem to matter to the Beeb that those interviewed for the Channel 5 programme readily admitted they only came here for the benefits, housing and healthcare – all for free! Indeed, many of those interviewed gave the thumbs up sign and actually said “Thankyou England!”
Typical BBC, being sympathetic to work-shy immigrants ripping off the taxpayer!
Normally we would return people to their country of origin but unfortunately we can’t with Palestinians because the state of Israel won’t accept Palestinians back into the country once they’ve left.
The best thing we should do is to bill the state of Israel, and if they don’t pay, deduct if from any cash transactions sent there.
because the state of Israel won’t accept Palestinians back into the country once they’ve left.
I think you’re confusing Palestinian refugees who fled the country before previous wars, and those that obtained legal documents and migrated. Arabs from Israel are Israelis, and those from the Palestinian territories have their own travel documents. Either one has the right of return.
What makes you think he came here from Israel? If he arrived in 1998 he was more likely fleeing from Lebannon or Egypt. In fact, if he’d been living in Israel he’d of had no reason to flee since it’s about the only country in the region not wracked by corruption, terrorism and oppression and where Arabs can live freely protected by the rule of law.
What makes you think this Palestinian immigrant is the problem and that I need to tell you what I want ‘done with him’? It’s the benefits system that’s broken. He’s just a symptom. I don’t want anything ‘done with him’. I want the benefits system sorted.
I’d be interested in a BBC investigation into how many London landlords have got rich on housing benefit, and how many of them are related to, or friendly with, either their tenants or council housing and benefits officers.
Take a look at BBC’s Homes Under the Hammer to see in which direction all the cheap properties are heading, certainly not to Mr & Mrs Smith and their 2.4 children to turn into a nice family home….
Dhimmi Dave speaks up for Christians in his Easter broadcast, BBC reports. Wait for the BBC backlash where it links Cameron with Christianity’s faults. I do hope that Dave’s Islamic comrades will not be too disappointed.
If you’re a Christian and you truly believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, came down to Earth, was crucified for our sins ( in other words he wasn’t kidding about ) He didn’t die so that we could worship Hare Krishna or other religions. So there should be only one religion in this country, Christianity. Cameron has permitted the building of mosques, so he’s an apostate, and in another time, he would be executed !!
We are warned against judging others. But we are also told ‘by their fruits you shall know them.’
I think Cameron is basically a decent chap, but if he’d got the war he wanted with Syria that would have been disastrous for Syrian Christians now that the Syrian rebels seem under the spell of the jihadists.
To Geoff above!
Whilst your country seemed to be going up in flames of caant and lavender oil last night, this little gem was on BBC4 .
As quietly subversive a little piece of patriotism as you`ll see for a while yet.
Well done Michael Collins-and not the romantic Irish rebel either.
Even ends with Neil Hannons hymn to Wordsworth(Lucy)-I enclose the links to cheer you up!
Maybe the revolution will be found in the gardens as the liberalazis read their Priestlys and HG Wells instead!”
Thanks Chris thats something for the weekend was it diversity free? Maybe after Farage on Have I Got News For You, I wonder how the final edit will look…..
One piece of side news from UKIP has emerged today.
Lifelong Communist and Labour party member for 40 years Joe Fitzpatrick has joined UKIP in a fit a pique and will stand as a councillor in Oldham.
Now that might seem a little less than news until you consider that Fitzpatrick was the man behind the Phil Woolas debacle.
His input to the campaign consisted of ‘winding up white voters that Woolas faced a very real threat from Muslim extremists’.
He portrayed his Liberal opponent as someone who pandered to Muslims extremism in complete falsehood.
I have no doubt that the adoption of this man as a candidate will come back to bite UKIP as accusations of Anti Islamic, lying, racism, the list goes on & is a long one.
Perhaps people have forgotten the hearing which prohibited Phil Woolas from taking his seat, and his being banned from re election. At the time it was of course headline news, and it will be very easy for left wing mischief makers to manipulate this against UKIP.
Yes, the occasional nod to multiculti, but never out of context-so fair enough.
Michael Collins “History of the White Working Class” is a modern classic-and you can see how effective his book was by his enemies…the Guardian, the Independent, Laurie Taylor…they said he`s a BNP outrider too…so he`s done a great job!
Seems like she not going to shut up, anytime soon.
so after the threats, the scare tactics … the next best option for Islamic propaganda merchants … character assassination
Thanks for these.
Her Weekly Standard speech( that she won`t be allowed to give to Brandeis) is brilliant-and must be read.
No wonder she`s so hated and feared by that so called “Jewish-supporting University”.
Let`s hope that`s not our future.
And now wonder Womans Hour won`t have her on as a “game changer for women 2014”.
Right shade of skin-but wrong brain….not pickled in lime green whitewash or addled by Giles Fraser or the BBC.
This woman must be cherished and treasured-her fight is soon to be ours, I suspect.
At the time of posting this, BBC HYS has 3 available comment sites – all of which are now closed. And of course, all HYS are on topics selected for us anyway. And if the response is wrong, it is hatchetted by the “moderators” – who are they? How are they chosen?
One rather suspects that, like much with the transparent and trusted BBC, answers to such pertinent questions remain their little secret. Along with many others.
Watched an old episode of “The Antiques Roadshow ” on BBC 2 this afternoon. The show came from Cornwall ,with Michael Aspel , nice programme full of nice English people ,& “Hideously White” . I am now waiting for future shows to come from the “hoods” of Brixton or “The Bronx” with exhibits of stolen “bling”with lots of “M.F.” & ” Bitch ” words sprinkled liberally around.
And what a fine presenter Michael Aspel is – and was in that programme. Although it is said that comparisons are odious, I feel compelled, nevertheless, to draw a distinction between him and the preening Fiona ‘Its-all-about-me’ Bruce.
One story which is never going to make the BBC is that told to me by a friend last night.
He’s doing a course in Spanish at a local further education college, and last week one of the senior Muslim lecturers has been sacked.
Apparently he was caught having sex with one of the students, no crime in that as she was past the age of consent, but the pair were caught having their assignation inflagrante delicto in the Mosque !
Yes it’s utterly shocking!
That woman should be flogged at best, stoned at worst.
The man? Dont be silly! If she had dressed in a sack, he would never had been tempted.
Therefore. As the fault is all hers: death to her!
Sad to hear of the death of Richard Hoggart.
Sorry too that his son Simon died earlier than he did-and that dad won`t have known if his Alzheimers was in its advanced stage.
Sad too in that I just KNOW how the BBC and Last Word will play it…they`ll only consider his views and writings up to the late 80s..and then his uncomfortable attacks on how the old are treated and the hideous dumbing down of education by the media elites and progressive labour types will be ignored.
Just as they edited Sue Townsend.
The BBC will not let a dead body go by without planting their poncing, prancing fey flag into it.
And as I looked into all this-the bile of Guardian readers in regard of Simons last column(19/12/13) as evidenced in CiF was revealing.
It`s as if they`d not spent all their pus, bile and other unnecessary fluids and fleck , when they had Thatchers coffin in their sights….
We all know the mind of the Left now-we have no excuses.
Bloddy hell, this is the EU blueprint for Europe. Let alone the BBC propagandists. This is where the French Commies go for ‘shopping trips for new ideas’ which inevitably leave most of us speechless. The whole multi-cult trip is a total failure as we see in consequence in what was once a leading light of ‘liberal thinking’ is falling apart before our eyes. Of course the BBC would find this an entirely ‘enviable’ situation in ivory towers (not Tower Hamlets).
You must be joking. Anybody who questions Sweden’s descent into absurdity is never going to be heard.
Sweden is the harbinger of Europe’s futture. The first country in history to voluntarily abolish itself.
At least that is a claim of some sort. That is what endless years of liberalism leads to. Sad in a way but at least the rest of Europe will learn from it.
RIP Sweden.
Like many others here, I took up my Dorothy shoes and skipped down the yellow brick road at the Guardian.
I`ve decided that if they`re going to pay for Michael Rosen or Laurie Taylor etc, then they`re fair game.
Been a “learning curve”….they`re nasty down there aren`t they?
Mind you it`s a joy to be the anchovy in the central heating-lefties just aren`t used to argument are they?
Just abusing…and that incestuous lefty crap definitely reduces their immunity to memes that are other than Pollys.
Evolution in thought before your very eyes!
Poor trolls that come here…I feel their pain now!
Having found myself reluctantly drawn into a conversation with two lefties, one of whom knew of my admiration for Mrs T, the conversation went ahead.
Asking them what they thought Mrs T was wrong about, I asked the obvious Q about who closed more coal mines, Mrs T or Viscount Stansgate and Wilson.
Errr….neither of them knew, or if they did feigned ignorance.
So I suitably enlightened said pair, within earshot of other lefties.
Cue much disbelief by lefties, surely, Santa Claus is real?
Pair of arseholes totally fucked.
No counterargument about tonnages, manpower losses etc.
I quote:
” but Thatcher’s closures tore the heart out of communities”
Yeah? Sez me, so what did Wilsons do?
Like it! Another one I like to try out is when some lefty is spouting off about CO2 and fossil fuels , just say “So you think Maggie closing all those pits was a good thing then?”
They rarely have an answer.
Got into a lot of trouble re Michael Rosen.
So I was left up there until they removed ME for (presumably) inciting such attacks!
Quite a parable eh?…and very much how the Left see things.
Got a taste of what poor Ayaan, Douglas and Melanie etc get.
Maybe a Lefty could tell me why I`d incite such stuff, but if I were wearing a short skirt, and flinging bling by Stockwell tube at 1a.m, these would not be excuses to mug me or worse !
The Left run the game and make the rules us as they go along don`t they?
Although tonight’s programme was masquerading as HIGNFY, it was in fact just a shameless, witless, relentless, 30 minute UKIP bash. It’s inconceivable that the BBC would allow any other party leader – not even “no-votes” Clegg – to be subjected to such one-sided treatment. However, Farage, as he always does when sneered at by liberal/leftie tossers, took it all on the chin.
Yes, it was extreme, and probably this is something for Ofcom (even though they probably wouldn’t do much about it). However, Nigel Farage coped with it so admirably, that I rather think it did him no harm. Indeed, since most viewers would likely be fair-minded, he may justifiably look on it as a gain.
Interestingly have just had this conversation with wife and daughter (literally) who having independently watched HIGNFY came to the same conclusion ,that Farage had come out of it all the better
Further, daughter informs me that she was surprised to learn that the consensus of the gym she attends was overwhelmingly in favour of Farage.
So much for that demographic stereotype the UKIP haters console themselves with.
Doubt OFCOM would even consider it, much less do anything.
They would simply point you at an entity that has become a byword for interest-conflicted incompetence, trust me.
I had thought Mr. Farage was nuts going near HIGNFY since it gave up being funny (mainly by inviting on hapless pols to mock), but if he was well-briefed and prepared good luck to him. Sounds like the BBC couldn’t do much in post-production to ‘help’.
I think you’re right that Farage, by not reacting to the juvenile taunts and insults, probably did come out of it well. Nevertheless, the clear intention was to piss all over him, partly as a response to his recent trashing of Clegg, but also because UKIP looks like doing exceptionally well in next month’s European elections..
The HIGNFY team will be pissed off at Farage and UKIP’s latest opinion poll results – 20% if there was a general election tomorrow. The Tories were only 9 points ahead of them with Labour on 35%. Poor old Clegg’s Limp Dum Party languishing on 7% in the same poll.
Wavey Davey had better start holding out the olive branch to UKIP if he expects to form the next government.
I believe that Paul Merton has had treatment in the past for being a Looney, so that may account for his rather uncomfortable reaction to the childish humour about Loonies and Fruitcakes.
But his experience at being a Looney has helped him produce some good surreal humour in past editions of HIGNFY.
I watched for many years name shifter.
For along time it was one of the few programs I would make a point of watching.
Its left wing leanings were always evident , but it was honest in its intent being prepared to hold any to account regardless of ideology
In the last few years however it has degenerated into a court of auto-da-fe for the liberal inquisition ,to such an extent I now find it unwatchable
Perhaps I have changed , all things are relative but it strange that from my perspective only the BBC output that has ‘red shifted’.
I saw this on I-player. I never used to miss this programme, it used to be entertaining. Now its just the normal BBC crap. On hearing this remark about Prince George by that arse Mangolwurzel Knobhead and the shit hurled at Nigel Farage (who at the guts to appear on this crap ) and UKIP voters I will never bother with this left wing shite again.
I invite you to watch this, but without the sound or without reading the caption below the video. Simply marvel at the engineering and ignore the references to climate change.
I have found the only way to survive most documentary TV is to mute the sound and use subtitles. The background music now infesting everything is intolerable, and it’s constant even in programmes such as ‘Countryfile’ and any wildlife documentary where you might think it would enter a producer’s tiny mind that musak is highly inappropriate. How would Tom Heap or Steve Backshall react if they were compelled to listen to backround musak whilst they were out in the field for most of the time so as to match the viewer’s experience thrust upon them by the BBC?
Unfortunately now on some wildlife documentaries the commentary is so inane, anthropomorphic and even inaccurate that I wouldn’t bother with subtitles. There are exceptions – where the presenter knows his stuff such as the ever excellent and engaging Chris Packham, and isn’t someone just reading a script.
Though it’s rarely worth it much, I just popped by the Newsnight FB thread to see what was dribbling down the Katz slipway.
Seems this is the latest top topic:
Affable terrorist recruiters do not seem to prosper following BBC PR visits.
Once such folk make the connection, such propaganda briefing trips may prove riskier affairs.
Great though eh?
Paragraph 1…good old boy(affable) dies
Paragraph 2-heading-“Britain accused”.
Guess the BBC hope we all read the big bits and emote over the pictures…as opposed to knowing anything, reading history or checking their previous.
Remind me again-why aren`t License fee payers getting done for “funding and abetting terrorist acts”?
Evan, despite all the political spite he manages to insert into his work, knows his economics and his way around the financial world. This makes his failure to keep his inner Tax “Justice” Network manhood in his jeans even more obvious. Interviewing a genuine tax expert on the latest fascist proposals to relieve HMRC from the necessity to prove that “intent” is a part of committing a crime, Evan slipped in the “factoid” (well, egregious lie actually) that HMRC is “losing” £35 billion annually to tax evasion (which includes, according to Evan’s casual admission, tax avoidance). Evan also channelled his inner Margaret Hodge by stating that the sole reason any individual or business has an offshore bank account is to evade tax (he admitted that it might be to avoid tax which, in his lexicon of values, is just as criminal).
Later, when discussing Greece’s return to the financial markets, he interviewed two self-interested Greek politicians (a byword for corrupt dishonesty). The government rep from the Greek right-wing claimed that “it’s all over” and Greece is now back on the financial road to heaven. The opposition communist asked where all the money’s going: a reasonable thought but masking a desire to return to the good old days of bribing the electorate with their own and other mugs’ money.
What Evan missed completely – deliberately or otherwise – is that the Greek “success” in offloading this crap into the markets was driven by loose money desperately looking for a return, underpinned by the tacit admission by Europe’s central bank that it is happy to create money (“do what it takes”) to underpin the euro. This wasn’t a “success” for Greece: it was a symptom of general – particularly European and US – failure to return to fiscal virtue. Was this even alluded to? Were the little people out here given some insight into what is really happening here? Of course not: the real issue, discussion of which might be a mite uncomfortable for the political class and its BBC mouthpiece, was buried in an ersatz disagreement between two crooks.
Evan Davis has so much form with left bias. Often the red mist syndrome comes over him, where he really cannot help himself frothing diatribe targeting the right. Year after year there are examples:
BTW – credit to Today for (inadvertently) showing up Harriet Pieman for the hypocrite we know and love. Faced with a suggestion that, perhaps, the way to avoid Miller-type egregious troughing is to allow recall elections, Pieman couldn’t return to the microphone fast enough to speak against the notion that holding an MP to account between general elections might be effective. As was pointed out, Pieman’s preferred solution (another quango stuffed – you may be certain – with ornaments of the political class and the left-leaning nomenklatura) will not solve the problem. OTOH it will solve all Pieman’s problems concerning how to restrict power to her and her friends (on all sides of the Commons).
Funnily enough, I don`t mind this.
I happen to think that the Star Wars stuff (and that era) did divide us-I never took the slightest notice of it, so becoming a Christian seemed a lot easier for me than many others who fell for Yoda and all that ballox.
Case in point-they put the Hitchhikers crap on last week, and there are loads of people who seemed to like it-tedious, and unfunny to me.
But guess my Christianity is as much a closed book to THEM!
Reckon this stuff has moved many people further away from God..and bet Hawking/Dawkins etc love all this sci-fi crap…Doctor Who an `all!
I see it as the spiritual equivalent of the Goons re comedy…I`ll never get it, but lots of people either pretend to like it…or even do so! But God knows why?
Christianity tag line- love thy neighbour.
Islam tag line – kill the non-believer
As a reasoned atheist I know which one I would rather meet in a shopping centre
This story is bull. I know because I was there. I played Dungeons and Dragons in the 70s. I was involved in evangelical Christianity through the 80s. There was no panic about DnD but then as now there was some hysterical news reporting. If the BBC reports on matters you can remember directly its bias is clear.
Monstrous Cover-Up “- of Lib Dem, Cyril Smith’s child abuse-
Front page of ‘Daily Mail’, plus 4 pages inside, plus more on Monday:
-will Beeboids report it or censor it?
“Monstrous cover-up: How the Liberal party, police and MI5 concealed MP Cyril Smith’s industrial-scale child abuse.
“For four decades, 29st politician was free to prey on vulnerable children as young as eight.
“Police received at least 144 complaints from victims yet authorities blocked any prosecution.
“New book serialised in Daily Mail details how Smith – who died in 2010 aged 82 – was repeatedly protected despite being arrested for sex crimes.
“MI5 and Special Branch officers put pressure on police to drop investigations.
“Child porn was found in Smith’s car but police were ordered to release him.
“Liberal Party put his name forward for knighthood in 1988 in spite of rumours of his sordid activities swirling around Westminster.”
I wouldn’t get too excited about this as it seems pretty much evidence free and is from a book by a Labour MP – not the most reliable source when it comes to these stories.
If true it is appalling but I fail to see why Special Branch and MI5 would be involved. Protecting others in power perhaps? Then why not invite Smith for a ‘walk in the countryside’ like they have done with others before them? A much simpler way to silence the man surely?
You may well be right but Simon Danszuc(if that is him) has a fair bit of inside knowledge re Rochdales goings on…from Cyril Smith to the Muslim child groomers in his constituency last year.
So-for a Labour MP-one who seems to be doing some good in this area, so I`ll be kind for now.
Thanks George R. Shocking connections found within Liberal and Labour PIE network (links to Saville, Flowers and Smith show how Smith was given ‘immunity’ from prosecution despite well known ‘in Westminster’ ….
‘Labour’s deputy leader Harriet Harman, her MP husband Jack Dromey, and former Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt held key roles in the NCCL, which in 1975 granted ‘affiliate’ status to the group of predatory paedophiles.
Smith was friends with PIE founding member Peter Righton and Mr Danczuk said the NCCL’s backing for PIE helped Smith’s crimes remain secret. ‘
This shows that no child safe from a seedy politicians reach? The Liberals give a false front to Labour policies, a veneer of respectability but the same buggers underneath.
Cyril?..Harriet?…Jack and Patricia?
Maybe that was the Lib-Lab pact that they were hoping to cement for themselves in 1978-9?
Callaghan did a good job in resisting those types of “entryists” at that time…but to think that we`ve gone from Attlee to Harman within 60 years is as good a tracker for the moral death and decay of Socialist Labour types as I can think of at the moment.
All those “in the know” in politics knew what Cyril Smith was up to I found out a few years ago. It was gossip of the H.P. Any accusations made were bounced back apparently “as not in the public interest.” though the abuse of the vulnerable WAS and IS. Who advised this? The CPS? We need to know who was protecting “old Cyril”.
Why didn’t/doesn’t the BBC look in to this..? Ah yes they had their own disgusting predator on their premises, Jimmy Saville, and that might open up a whole can of worms. I assume these two low life monsters came across each other in their travels and had a hell giggle at the quiet complicity of the establishment.
And in other news…
Rebalancing by rigging things so Danny Cohen doesn’t have a meltdown in the foyer, and hope he doesn’t notice they don’t have the staff to do it to taste?
Shame W1A was only a four-parter.
Harriet (Lord Longford’s niece) Harperson trumping on about sexual harassment in the Commons, on the BBC website. But isn’t this the woman who had once promoted PIE?
All JaBeeBa keeping up its attack on the cuts. Today’s R4 service comes from Winton Green with a special mention for Winton Green’s ‘so called Benefits Street’.
BBC firing on all … “mo farrah” … narrative cylinders this morning … “just like the lympix again”.
After … “can he do it” ? … the recent sidestep of climate change, yay!, “global warming” is back with the Radio 4 bell of doom ringing.
All about wind power, renewables, needing to be increased at least a gazillion per cent to avoid “catastrophic consequences” …..
Keep people like Cameron s father dancing around the wind turbines eh!
hmm Warming? …. “don t we know a song about that” ?
After that hockey stick of hilarity …
Radio 4 moves swiftly on to … (pass around the after eights)
proudly announce that the church is to close certain diocese down, in a cost cutting exercise, including …
( jazz hands! in broadcasting house) … Bradfordistan.
… I thought at least The Big Questions had died a death!
but …
“the Marafon” is on, “Mo farah”, “just like the lympix”
The European & elections and how to bury your head in the sand rather than admit left wing idiocy led to defeat.
Apparently according to the Telegraph: ” Conservative sources privately concede that David Cameron has all but given up hope of beating the UK Independence Party when voters go to the polls next month to elect Members of the European Parliament. ”
Based the fact that most of us know that the real reason people are voting UKIP is that Dhimmy Dave is as left wing as any of the other party leader – my suspicion is an external influence providing or promising money post loss of office. How else can we describe the similarity of the party’s on certain issues?
So to complete the ostrich scenario, the Tories have decided that the fall guy for all this is going to be Maria Miller, despite the fact that the polls have showing this long before her expenses issue was known of, and all of the Polls indicating that her expenses did not affect voting intentions one iota.
It’s an excuse, and one the BBC will be only too happy to advance unquestioningly on behalf of the Tories. After all the other alternative is that people are reacting in large numbers against everything they hold dear, and I expect that there’s no way they can even imagine that people would reject their socialist workers paradise!
No! They must all be labelled with the usual meaningless bully words such as racist! Bigot! Islamophobe! (The list goes on).
This is my prediction of how the BBC will handle the Tories inevitable defeat. There will be no gloating as per usual, because the beneficiaries are a party they hate with a pathological loathing. They will unquestioningly accept that Maria Miller was the cause of their defeat, because reality is far too difficult for them to come to terms with.
It’s still a couple of months away, but we shall see if I’m right !
‘Mo Farah will attempt to be the first BRITISH man to win the London Marathon’
That’s what BBC News Channel is shrieking this morning.
Tell you what, as a fail safe, just in case he gets puffed out half way – let’s simply bung a UK Passport to any one of these lads…..
2003 Gezahegne Abera Ethiopia 2:07:56
2004 Evans Rutto Kenya 2:06:18
2005 Martin Lel Kenya 2:07:35
2006 Felix Limo Kenya 2:06:39
2007 Martin Lel Kenya 2:07:41 Second victory
2008 Martin Lel Kenya 2:05:15 Course record; third victory
2009 Samuel Wanjiru Kenya 2:05:10 Course record
2010 Tsegaye Kebede Ethiopia 2:05:19 Provisional Result
2011 Emmanuel Mutai Kenya 2:04:40 Course record
2012 Wilson Kipsang Kenya 2:04:44
2013 Tsegaye Kebede Ethiopia 2:06:04 Second victory
Far be it from me to point out Mr Farah’s little jaunts down lanes he would like everyone to believe he is in.
I noticed on one of the BBC broadcasts the other evening that Mr Farah was quoted as saying he wanted to win the London Marathon since this was his ‘home town’.
Much as he likes to have the British public in his back pocket, a few facts might not go amiss. Firstly, he was born in Mogadishu, Somalia. He spent most of his childhood in the Republic of Djibouti. He then re-located to the UK, but in 2011 moved his family and his home to Portland Oregon, where he now resides. Just at the start of this year, he expressed a desire to become a tax exile (thus avoiding paying taxes in the UK) since he now regards, and has duly informed HMRC, that his place of residence is in the US.
So – tell me again, how does he regard London as his ‘home town’ ?
Agree. Just because Labour were handing out UK passports to all and sundry ,doesn’t make any of the recipients British in my eyes. Mr Farah is a great Olympian but not a British one.
Of course in BBC are keen to use him as a successful symbol of multicultural Britain in pursuit of their multicultural Utopian vision. And sadly I have to admit that they are making headway. Recently a young member of the family was set some homework where they we asked to write about a great British sportsman. They chose Mr Farah. Propaganda works well with 9 year olds.
Deep despair. Getting rid of the BBC is the first step towards getting our country back.
Wonder if the good people of Turin continue to pepper the authorities for answers about what happened 29 years ago?
Surely Human Rights mongering and the Frankfurt agenda would not just stick to Britain would it?
Fillipo de Shineri and Sharia di Bliero really ought to be collaring a few of the Liverpool thugs who killed the Juventus fans….so why not?
True enough.
The BBC cared more about Egyptian “football fans” killing each other in Cairo.
If only that Bradford stadium had been a rally to ban Rushdies book…the BBC would STILL be looking for the one who left the fag there.
Wrong victims….
Dimwitted self-righteous prigs to busy being pleased with their self proclaimed enlightened attitude ( thats up their own arses in case you didn’t quite get it) to follow what is being said – As ‘Ko-Ko’ might say “they none of them be missed”
After a disgraceful barrage, of vitriol, from Islamic groups, and their “useful idiots” … on both TV and the internet.
including the wretched BBC with its
“War on Islam” advocate in college row”
The furore over a rights activists rescinded honorary degree
Everything from fraud – Islamaphobe – idiot – liar is banded around, about Ayaan Hirsi Ali.
So … this erm …. “fraud” woman, this “idiot”, what despicable “islamophobic” causes does, this “liar” support?
Ta noggin.
Talk about eliminating all reference or content as well as context.
No mention of FGM, death threats, being the first person in years who had to leave Europe for the USA just to stay alive…oh and Theo van Gogh!
As for Kushner sayong “things critical of Israel”?
What CAN they mean?…any quotes about rolling Israel into the sae maybe?
We`ll never know with the BBC,,,,which is why Islam continues to fill the BBC sandbag with pissed-upon sand, and the BBC take the bullets for them.
“Ghastly, spineless, jellyroll squishes, mendacious, race hustling, grievance farming taqqiya artistes?…perm any five from them-then add your own.
Allah AkhBeeb!
there’s an appalling FGM video on vladtepes blog that shows the full detail of what happens. For those who are are unaware, as a bloke, if you can imagine having the entire head of your penis (not just the foreskin) cut off, that’s what they do to a female.
You may have heard of ‘affordable housing’ and perhaps like me have scratched your head as to what exactly that term means – presumably ‘subsidised’ in some way?
Anyway, this morning dyed-in-the-wool young Beeboid trendy Nick Beake introduces us to ‘affordable art’ (simply a marketing term that one, surely?)
Seems some French artist in oh-so-cool East London has hit on a scheme to sell shares in art works that mean you can, for example, buy a quarter of the piece and hang it in your home for a quarter of the year – nice idea.
Nick Beake likes the idea but being a loyal Beeboid he can’t help but ask one wonderfully nutty lefty BBC question :
‘Aren’t you worried ‘rich people’ will simply buy all the paintings?’
Oh the humanity!
Next week Nick will get up early to venture down to New Covent Garden and ask a greengrocer : aren’t you worried ‘rich people’ will simply buy all your cox’s pippins?
‘Behemoth’ is always eye-catching, but the author’s core premise seems not to have missed the eagle eye of the commenters.
Love the notion that if the BBC’s impartiality is stated often enough, it must be so.
The notion of a saving of 25% to around £99, still by compulsion, to still get its unique news offering, still seems unappealling.
I wonder how many ‘how can the money spigot stay on?’ essays we’ll be treated to in the coming months?
I was under the impression that ritual slaughter without pre stunning was illegal, but apparently it is not.
There’s no chance of the fascist BBC allowing people to know what’s going on in their country, but the Daily Mail has done an undercover piece showing just how cruel this practice is.
There is one part I have an issue with and that is the statement “Britain’s halal market is now worth £2.6 billion”.
It should have read that Britains FORCED halal market, as many of the people eating this meat are not Muslim and could just as happily eat humanely killed meat.
Even more worrying is the scale of subsidy the useless and corrupt government is giving these places. We should all be supporting the president of the Veterinary Association in his campaign to force these places to pre stun animals prior to slaughter.
will there be a report on how many outlets use use ritually slaughtered meat and a recognition that the fact that it’s not jhatka (killed quickly) is an affront to the uk’s sikhs?
the fees for halal meat certification go to muslim brotherhood controlled front groups, and from there to fund Islamic terrorism. it’s a great source of money for them from Europe.
Can anyone spot a black or Asian face in the crowd in the London marathon?…Why is everyone white?….Why is the great multicultural dream not evident?….I constantly wonder that where sporting events are concerned..
Weren’t the first 20 places (or whatever) in every race taken up by African runners?
At one point, the commentator focused on one white woman, who was 14th or something, and said “she’s the leading European”.
What she really wanted to say was “she’s the leading white woman”
I personally see no problem in saying “black people are better at running than whites”, just like whites are better swimmers. It’s simply a cast-iron fact.
after a couple of months of using armed paramils (colectivos and tupamaros) and imported cuban thugs to beat the populace into submission, the bbc is still happy to be a shill for the bolivarian workers’ paradise and to let them put their side.
uk versions of the website barely get an article a week. never do these articles mention the lack of press freedom or widespread corruption and cronyism on the part of the government or the inflammatory words uttered by government representatives.
i can’t remember any tv news or documentary broadcast mentioning the civil unrest…
…nor has the bbc been pressing either owen jones or diane abbott to account for or recant their support for the maduro regime (although, had they been tories, i’m sure they’d have been tarred and feathered by the bbc by now)
Dave666 has arisen. Tuned on the TV to watch another classic piece of BBc propaganda. UN report on climate change blah blah blah. Anyone to put forward the point this is myth…..NO! Just Ed Davey telling us how he’s done this and he’s done that. Dave 666 would remind the BBc employees reading this of the reply to my last complaint on bias. “We can assure you of our commitment to impartial reporting”
Meanwhile in the Ukraine Russian activists/ militants/ separatists but never rebels………And so it goes on and on.
ScrobleneMar 5, 19:27 Midweek 5th March 2025 I sometimes wonder whether the poor/weak sort of politicians we have to bear here have any idea about proper negotiation…
Lucy PevenseyMar 5, 19:06 Midweek 5th March 2025 I can’t speak or understand Ukranian so can’t be certain but it’s being reported that Zelensky has backed out of…
vladMar 5, 18:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 2 -tier Justice to be enshrined in law. “Starmer Moves To PUNISH ‘White’ British People”
atlas_shruggedMar 5, 18:35 Midweek 5th March 2025 Definitely a loony, but German???
tomoMar 5, 18:32 Midweek 5th March 2025 Turdeau won’t just resign…
atlas_shruggedMar 5, 18:22 Midweek 5th March 2025 ‘extremely vulnerable’ girls is code for girls removed from their parents and raised by socialist services. Out of the frying…
tomoMar 5, 18:20 Midweek 5th March 2025 Let’s remember the BBC was on USAID payroll.
tomoMar 5, 18:17 Midweek 5th March 2025 Didn’t go far enough but still an all too rare piece of push back. Just Stop Oil (and others) are…
DoublethinkerMar 5, 18:11 Midweek 5th March 2025 Freddy Gray of the Spectator usually gives a fair assessment of US affairs and has only the faintest trace, almost…
Richard PinderMar 5, 18:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 [img][/img] Flag of the Dominion of Ukraine Mandatory conscription for those who put a little yellow and blue Ukrainian flag…
Well the Midweek thread didn’t last long! Hardly worth posting on it!
Theres no pleasing some
If a rather neat reminder of the ‘damned if you don’t, damned when you respond’ school of thought.
It’s a bit like buses, you wait for a new thread for ages and then 3 come along all at once.
The people who run this site do have lives and jobs outside the wonderful but demanding world of blogging, you know chaps!
Sue Townsend the author of the ‘Adrian Mole’ books has died, and as a whole hearted Labourite, and anti Fatcher activist the BBC has given her a nice obituary on the Today program, rather proudly pointing out it’s own promotion of her work, claiming the Adrian Mole started off as a radio 4 play before being popularised sufficiently to become a best seller when the book was launched.
I doubt that any other author who supported the Tories would even have a play accepted by the BBC let alone have the obit on the Today program.
She was still ‘coining it in’ under the tories ,I would have though such a devout socialist would have donated all her royalties to good socialist causes.
I do remember reading “Number Ten” by Sue Townsend, and she shafts New Labour mercilessly throughout it…Blair and his duplicity and his grasping wife crop up regularly, but the BBC would NOT choose to reference that one ,when the Royals can get the barbs of Evan Davis.
Remember also a South Banks Show or such, when she was seen writing with help of family as her sight was failing…brave, and honourable in the hideous circumstances.
Guess what I`m saying is that the BBC will use her as a canoe for their purposes-like Millie Dowler or Stephen Lawrence….but she was better than that.
If only her family would give the BBC some “Home Truths” about their rolling narrative which turns out to be a snake-but you just know she`ll get the liberal wicca coffin as suggestion box for more espousal of the Cause.
The BBC think they`re the Government, as well as the sluice pipe into our souls.
They have got to go.
And now we have a clip from the TV series, and the clip chosen? It’s the part where Pandora, Adrian’s girlfriend is campaigning for election for the Labour party !
Her passing (RIP) is news and her fealties matters of record. I was however unaware of them in favour of her creative creations, and these should surely be the focus. The choice of clip is intriguing if unsurprising. But guessing if challenged the BBC will hide behind the usual ‘all we had to hand and our decisions are secret and need not be explained’ spokesweasel.
It’s like when they do a post-war drama and have a TV or radio on in the background. It’s often the news and the news is either pro-Labour or anti-Tory. The rare occasions when it is not the news ten it will be some political drama and again the gist will be anti-tory.
They never miss an opportunity.
When a character is depicted as scheming, fraudulent or exploitative, you can guarantee that a picture of Margaret Thatcher or Winston Churchill will be clearly visible hanging on the wall of their office, just to make a link between the character and the Tory party.
Guessing Mark, Katty, etc, are fingers crossed that the majority of folk here will stick with them rather than ‘googling the news’:
If there’s anything factually incorrect in her analysis, one is sure it will be highlighted.
Ps: I’d avoid the comments section. It deteriorates faster and lower than a BBC World News FaceBook post thread. Not to excuse this, but today BBC World News is plumbing depths of editorial skew that may find it coming up behind itself soon.
Now Radio 4 Today is promoting a mad feminist group objecting to women eating on the tube being photographed. The photographer who started a webpage observing them was quite good, explaining his position, while the feminist was the usual hysterical unreasonable person we’ve come to expect.
As usual everyone else was wrong and the women were right, through some very flawed arguments, and the point that the current law says that once you step into a public place, you’re fair game to any photographer.
The feminist suggesting that every woman photographed should be asked for a release before and after the image is taken illustrates the absurd word these people live in.
What is worse though is that the BBC considers giving these people airtime reasonable in the first place !
The BBC is surely in an odd place here on precedent.
I can’t recall a single ‘news’ clip they use not ‘illustrated’ by filler material, often uncomplimentary in association, of people on the street (thinking of land lardbergs to go with a weekly obesity story). I very much doubt these people have been pursued to sign waivers.
Careful what #prasnews you wish for, Aunty.
I like it when they eat a banana.
He was great wasn`t he?
My wife and I rowed about it too…so job done-it was art!
Our double barrelled Yank who took offence was a dream opponent-she`ll still have that smelly, rat rewarding, health and safety bustin` picnic of hers on Monday, even though hes stopped.
But the protest-the never-ending slut walk of aimless controversies-must go on.
Sarah and Jocasta were stumped by him ceaselessly, and the puff up by the BBC in creating this souffle was alluded to…but the airhears of the airwaves registered it not.
Funny though that the BBC like those racist rants being obtained without waivers and indemnities for the potty-mouthed lushes that create them….why so BBC?
Double standards as ever…..
Ian Hislop is doing a programme about Britain’s past. I suspect the agenda is Britain was always multicultural, something like Sir Christopher Wren had the idea of building St Pauls from his black nanny Betsy Mae, etc etc !! they make up this garbage as they go along.
Anyway I can’t watch smug Ian Hislop, he has an odd head shape, two thirds of it is his forehead and all his facial features are squashed down at the bottom.
Er, wasn’t Christopher Wren black himself? Most of his contemporaries were – Isaac Newton, Edmund Halley, Robert Hooke. Or if not, they soon will be 🙂
Yes, I saw this at the opening to the Olympics, so it must be true
Check this site out, they’ve invented everything from peanut butter to nuclear submarines.
To a point Hislop would be right if he talked about the multicultural background of this country, especially in the Dark Ages. In the Middle Ages there was much less, and into modern times right up until post war times when the feckless and stupid Labour party thought immigration was a good thing (and still continue to do so with all the evidence to the contrary).
What the BBC will always shy away from however is the conflicts and massacres caused by ‘multiculturalism’, such as Saint Brice’s day massacre, which the BBC would always seek to link to a kind of BNP mindset.
What the hell was his point?
That Arthur was a creation that changed over time?…that Alfred(although “boring” to use his phrase) started out the very idea and example of Wessex-of England-of Britan?
Thanks for nothing Hislop!…as Khaled from Hounslow says
He even got the Arthur thing wrong as I showed in the Monday thread. ARthur was not first mentioned by Geoffrey of Monmouth but in the poem Y Gododdin in the 6th century.
The tales of King Arthur were being told in Normandy well before the Norman invasion so another falsehood busted!
He did not say that Arthur was first mentioned by Geoffrey of Monmouth. He was right to draw attention to the importance of that fantasist in articulating the myth. I thought his programme was a waste of time, but his claim that Arthur was popular with the (French speaking) Normans and the (English speaking) Anglo-Saxons [and the Celtic speaking Welsh] for different reasons was about his only interesting point.
My impression is that the programme was commissioned to draw attention to some of the (historical) myths sustaining the Scottish independence argument, in which case this first programme was just a filler before the main event.
With the BBC there is usually a political agenda. Educating us to have correct views i.e. whatever accords with the intolerance and greed of the metropolitan tax funded middle class Left.
A message to Scotland
and the BBC from America.
Great Britain is one island, one people one border – the sea.
It went through two world wars and came through came through the greatest adversity – “divided we stand united we fall”
Correction: 40-odd Labour MPs sit in Westminster voting one thing for the English another for the Scots in their own devolved Parliament.
What were you saying about “one people one border”?
Since the Ukraine/Gay Olympics recent situations, BBC has decided that Russia is now global bogeyman for everything.
Not forgetting Pussy Riot and the Greenpeace pillocks who were arrested on that drilling platform. They must be running Israel a close second , especially as the USA is out of the running now that The One is in charge.
Despite womens hour getting into trouble aplenty in the past for the casual sexism ‘Oh if it was happening to men this would have been dealt with’, well they’ve been at it again today with the assertion that the female contraception pill messes with Hormones, and if men had to take it research would have been paid for into how to mitigate the effect.
There’s no evidence presented that no research has been undertaken, and the statement that more would have been undertaken if it was happening to men is provably false.
Years ago at the time of breast cancer and cervical cancer claims were made that ‘if this were happening to men then it would have been dealt with’ and yet men suffer testicular cancer and NOTHING had been done by the health agencies.
So easy for the fascists to attack those people lower down the hierarchy of ‘isms’ without any comeback, but try it the other way around and all hell will break loose.
A better comparison than testicular cancer is prostate cancer, which kills more men than breast cancer does women. Historically, breast cancer has received around 10 times the funding of prostate cancer, although the disparity has decreased considerably during the past decade. But all cancer research in the UK is heavily dependent upon charitable contributions. If the £4 billion annual tax extorted by the BBC was spent on cancer research…
“which kills more men than breast cancer does women.”
That isn’t actually true. According to Cancer UK in 2011 10,793 men died from prostate cancer, compared to 11,684 women.
Most cancers are linked to age (you have to die from something) but prostate cancer in particular is very strongly associated 73% of prostate cancer deaths were in men aged 75 years and over. However breast cancer is the most common cause of cancer death in women aged 15-49.
Testicular cancer is one of the few to affect younger men more – although mortality is fortunately very low (68 deaths in the UK in 2011)
“But all cancer research in the UK is heavily dependent upon charitable contributions.”
About 50% of oncological research is paid for by charitable donations in the UK. Any drug company that provides cures for cancers is sitting on a gold mine so there is a huge amount of money going into this.
According to Cancer UK in 2011 10,793 men died from prostate cancer, compared to 11,684 women
I wasn’t aware any women died of prostrate cancer, but this chart shows that more men (83711) die of cancer than women (75467) yet the spend ( fig 19 ) is greater for women than men.
In fact, apart from breast cancer, there isn’t a single cancer on that list that both men and women get, where the number of women dying is greater than the number of men.
The interesting comparison is not between breast cancer and prostrate cancer but between breast cancer and lung cancer. Lung cancer kills more women than breast cancer yet gets a quarter of the spend. Go figure.
“Lung cancer kills more women than breast cancer yet gets a quarter of the spend. Go figure.”
I would imagine because the cause of lung cancer is pretty well established.
Unlike the cure then.
Sadly Lung Cancer has a negligable survival rate, so pursuing it is either a priority, or not. Which?
Sadly, some men DO contract breast cancer, albeit very few. I am sure that there is a part of a woman’s waterworks that approximates the prostate and can be similarly prone to cancer.
Nearest thing is the bladder, which both men and women have, and cancer doesn’t discriminate there. Speaking from experience….
It’s around 0.6% of cases so not really surprising that it is poorly funded.
I see Operation ‘Save The CPS’ is in full swing on the BBC.
We had a double header with the Toady Program: first up a patronising lecture on How The Law Works then a cosy all girls together chat with the head feminazi herself and all of it – ALL without exception – referring to the complainants as the ‘victims’?
What of? Conferring victimhood on accusers begs the question. If there’s a ‘victim’ there’s a ‘victimiser’. Who is that exactly?
Meanwhile, in the real world, the jury tossed the case out.
Compare and contrast this to the BBC’s treatment of the Lee Rigby murder, where the Cherry Vultures were anxious to claim that, until there had been an actual trial, the BBC was restricted to only being able to make oblique references to an ‘incident’ and other slippery euphemisms.
‘restricted to only being able to make oblique references to an ‘incident’ and other slippery euphemisms’
Oh for a Craig and/or a chart to track when the BBC heads to the ‘watertight oversight’ bunker and stays there for weeks on some stories that have legal connotations, but then damns the torpedoes of professional reporting integrity if the cause is just on others.
Given how many of these cases seem to end in acquittal, but in process the person accused is outed and damned (mainly by ‘guilty if we don’t like them’ or ‘no longer worth sparing in favour of ‘throwing-under bus-ratings’ media), the system seem less than trustworthy or competent as it stands.
Where, and who, the BBC stands behind in this is, as with all things BBC and tribal, interesting.
BBC-NUJ supports UK universities’ self-serving lobby for ever more immigrant students.
“Immigration rhetoric putting off overseas students – peers”
Of course, the university lobby for ever more immigrant students is particularly strong because their fees, and therefore the profits, are higher. University preference for foreign students over British students is not mentioned.
‘Daily Mail’-
“The truth about Britain’s bogus foreign students: They work illegally, claim benefits… and one ‘college’ had no teachers.
Home Office blitz against migrants and their colleges is being blocked by Nick Clegg and the Lib Dems.
At a single college, 397 students with no right to work in Britain were caught earning more than £20,000 a year.
At same private college, 62 students wrongly pocketed benefits.”
Read more:
Apart from filling the Unviserties coffers, I struggle to understand why having as many students as possible from abroad is a good idea. Every place taken by a student from, say, Brazil or China, is one less place for a British student. I would have thought. But maybe I’m just dumb.
Think not so much of bona fide universities but more of bogus colleges, many of which don’t actually exist. I know someone who works in the Border Agency and it’s a massive, massive problem.
A specific and true incident seems relevant here -told by a lecturer of Economics at a London “university” shows the lengths to keep foreign students money flowing in to complete courses they are paying for . He was told to interview some students he had failed to try and give them a second chance in the interview. The exam papers had been so poorly completed and his interview confirmed why – they could barely communicate in English!
Evan Davis, this morning. Today Programme. Discussion with Alex Salmond. Salmond mentions the Guardian article regarding an unidentified government minister supposedly giving succour to Wee Nappy’s view that there just MUST be a currency union (as opposed to actually explaining what he will do if there’s no such agreement).
Wee Nappy used the phrase “Senior Cabinet Minister” when talking about the unidentified person more than once. I checked back to the original Guardian article, because I was pretty certain that they had never made any claim that the unidentified person was a senior Cabinet Minister. Guess what – it didn’t. So Salmond is claiming that this unknown source, some ‘unidentified’ coalition minister, has been promoted to become a Senior Minister now, and not only that, has joined the Cabinet at a Senior level as well ? Not only that, why does anyone believe that one so-called minister, alone, speaks the truth, even when faced with complete rejection of the fallacy by real, identified, ministers and Senior Ministers.
So why did Evan Davis not pick up on Wee Nappy’s propaganda, and demolish it ? It was clearly going to be part of the discussion, and Davis clearly doesn’t do his homework. Bias By Collaboration ?
‘News’ which is in fact disinformation via PR or ‘sources who say’ is obliterating the already pondbed level of credibility of most media, and the BBC especially.
Nic Robinson’s editorial way too often revolves around a scoop which is based on nothing more than a whisper in a Westminster corridor, which give his and the BBC’s farcical status as purveyors of trusted information often gets spun into fact between morning and evening.
Evan Davies, Jezza Vine & The Newsnight slipshod crew simply complements this in so-called ‘interviews’.
‘So why did Evan Davis not pick up on Wee Nappy’s propaganda, and demolish it ?’
Your question was of course rhetorical, but worthy of being answered.
They are propagandists, pure and simple.
from the “blink and you ll miss it” open thread
finally … sheeeeesh!
BBC starts to catch up a tad … on the Ayaan Hirsi Ali story
from earlier in the thread.
wait for it 😀 …
‘War on Islam’ advocate in college row ?
looks like the BBC and CAIR/Muslim Students Assoc all sing from the same hymn sheet eh!
Although the story is now growing, including the real reason why MB front groups in the states have been even more vociferous than usual,(hardly seems possible) …..
… still … BBC … nuthin to see!
Which is, Ayaan H A … promoting, and taking part in
a new movie doc “the honor diaries” a no holds barred expose on the growing mistreatment violence and oppression of muslim women in the west, featuring muslim women victims themselves.
Now put that with, her outspoken stance, and the fact that she is an ex muslim …. and you get the picture
it turned into a right spanking for MB groups in the US
(example below) … and they re going all out to shut her up
if they can t … it ll just be yet, another death threat
Great post.
God speed the day when WE get this level of scrutiny of Tell Mama, Amnesty or the MCB.
And aren`t the CAIR bears funded by Wahhibis with MB leashes and backsheesh?
… and now from Canada (video)
Why does nobody in Europe even show a gram( ounces now being illegal at times) of Kellys gojones when it comes to dealing with mendacious race hustling taqqiya artistes like “Ibrahim Hooper”?
What the hell was the point of sitting through all those Eurovision Contests, those Jeux Sans Frontieres if we have no European-wide response to the likes of CAIR/Tell Mama/MCB.
Jeux Sans Frontieres…that passes for our immigration policy with lots of fat Eurolawyers filling their buckets with our cash whilst wearing fatsuits in the mould of Heath or Jenkins.
And no Stuart Hall to laugh along any more…
That woman has an abundance of guts, beauty, intelligence and a powerful commitment to preserving the greatness of the US in the face of Islamic barbarism.
BBC – The Russian government withheld intelligence from the US on one of the Boston Marathon bomb suspects that may have led to further scrutiny before the attack?
“an attempt to displace blame for the FBI’s dropping the ball on watching Tamerlan Tsarnaev before the Boston Marathon jihad bombing from the FBI to the Russians. The problem with this attempt, however, is that while the report says that the Russians refused to give the FBI further information, it acknowledges that they told the feds that Tamerlan Tsarnaev “was a follower of radical Islam and a strong believer” and that he “had changed drastically since 2010 as he prepared to leave the United States for travel to the country’s region to join unspecified underground groups.”
BBC – the world turned upside down
Russia – Boooooooogeyman
Congrats to the BBC on ‘Don’t take my benefits’ – a massive own goal. I watched it with my “caring” Labour / Green-voting sister, and even she was spitting tacks after the third or fourth tribe of Somalian/Ethiopian/Palestinian scroungers ( or “British Citizens” as the BBC called them ) marched into the luxuriously appointed Brent Council Offices to demand the continuation of their £1000/week benefits for their 9 kids.
Own goal indeed, did the BBC really thing they could drum up any sympathy with the majority of viewers by using Brent and a selection of over fertile Fatima’s and Bogdans?
Had they used genuine indigenous types outside the Republic of Londonistan who really are feeling the brunt of theses cuts the point may well have been better made.
After watching both this, Question Time and a recording of ITV’s Exposure (worth a watch) it made for a bloody depressing evenings viewing and left a feeling of where the hell has the country that I grew up in gone ?
You`ll find it near Billy Braggs massive coastal estate down here in sunny Wessex.
No wonder he fears the floods that melting icecaps would bring…but wouldn`t survive a Year 8 science lessons investigating.
You might want to tell him this, but the footpaths are somewhat private nearby.
Still-his bellicose quack is soon to be heard at Hay on Wye( the lefts Davos)-and Tolpuddle( the old Stalingrad, but reduced now to Benns memorial garden party for the next couple of years).
Stansgate Villas?
You know something?
There may well be a book in this.
Some deep throat, right wing fascist has infiltrated the luvvie class and commissions stuff like this and Benefits Street-just to bring the revolution in a bit early. And in the guise of “passionate advocacy for the voiceless/legless”
If I tell Owen that its likely to be Polly…and you tell Polly that it`s Katz…we could divide, rule and get them up against the wall a little quicker.
Great comment. I think the liberal class is just plain stupid.
Keep it up chaps. Just brings the counter revolution that much closer.
Yes, an astonishing programme. It shows just how out of touch the BBC are if they think that this will garner any sympathy amongst the vast majority of the UK population. It was an indictment of both the benefits system, and immigration policy.
It was still disgracefully biased however, the BBC trying to attack the government for their welfare reforms, and blaming them for the housing crisis. As has been said elsewhere, but the BBC never mention despite their “mission to explain”, we don’t have a housing crisis, we have an immigration crisis.
When Duncan Smith was first advocating a £25k benefits cap the BBC had some woman Labour MP on complaining that it was discriminatory against Bangladeshis who typically have much larger families than the average Brits.
The problem is Dopey Dave has allowed immigration to carry on at the same pace and so the current immigration problem and its off-shoot problems can now be fully blamed on the “Tory led coalition party”, much to Ed Miliband’s delight. 1997 to May 2010 just didn’t happen.
I’ve just started watching it – it’s incredible.
People living on a level of unearned income that many working and taxpaying people don’t match. And these people on benefits, the ones carefully selected by the caring BBC, seem ungrateful.
And it’s true that Brent council offices would do credit to a major multi-national.
Only in London I guess.
Me too. Just got to the bit where the man on benefits with the 7 children is being told by the officer that “you only told us you had a part-time job yesterday” ie. when he realised he could keep his benefits if he admitted he had a job.
Just watched 20 mins of it…..had to stop, my blood pressure was going sky high… any one in charge of this country?….That Somali, here 23 years!… job, kids galore, what the hell? Did we really need six million plus immigrants? Like hell, enough of our own people are out of work, the infrastructure is creaking, and still these people pour in…..then you see the smug faces of Bragg and Harman on QT this week, moaning about lack of housing and low wages……why is that then?…..immigration you dummies, but they close their ears and eyes to the obvious….if i see Bragg[ too brown in Barking ] i swear i’ll punch the moron full in the face, the sneering, pathetic excuse of a man.
I think I’ve seen enough. A complaining chap who came from Palestine 16 years ago, now has 7 children, and gets £800 a week in benefits. What a mess, and the BBC thinks these people deserve sympathy? The BBC should instead do a programme on some of our working people, natives and immigrants, who earn a fraction of that, live in a bedsit, and pay income tax to pay for this guy’s benefits.
What peed me off more was that the ungrateful b’stard was moaning about the steep stairs and the general state of the house ‘given’ him.
What sort of accomodation would he be living in back in Palestine? Note also how the kids were used both by him and the bbc as emotional blackmail…
After watching try watching Exposure on the ITV player for more ‘benefits’ of enrichment…..
And then follow that with Gypsies on Benefits CH5, but anyone with high blood pressure should avoid…….
Maybe Chris is right and right wingers have infiltrated our media…
Gypsies On Benefits and Proud would NEVER have been made by the BBC. Interesting though that the BBC’s Look North had an item about this programme last night. I say “item” but it was more of a critical “spoiler” about another broadcaster’s programme. The main reason for the item was to let assorted “local” people say that they worried about “community cohesion” and that the programme would stir up tensions and create a backlash against the Roma in Rotherham where some of the programme was filmed. They then showed an obviously staged stunt where high visibility jacket wearing Eastern Europeans and local Roma were helping council workmen pick up litter in their street. All local white people interviewed were sympathetic to these benefit scroungers. No selective editing there, then. The whole tone of the item was that the programme was salacious and inflammatory. It didn’t seem to matter to the Beeb that those interviewed for the Channel 5 programme readily admitted they only came here for the benefits, housing and healthcare – all for free! Indeed, many of those interviewed gave the thumbs up sign and actually said “Thankyou England!”
Typical BBC, being sympathetic to work-shy immigrants ripping off the taxpayer!
And what would you like to be done with him?
Normally we would return people to their country of origin but unfortunately we can’t with Palestinians because the state of Israel won’t accept Palestinians back into the country once they’ve left.
The best thing we should do is to bill the state of Israel, and if they don’t pay, deduct if from any cash transactions sent there.
because the state of Israel won’t accept Palestinians back into the country once they’ve left.
I think you’re confusing Palestinian refugees who fled the country before previous wars, and those that obtained legal documents and migrated. Arabs from Israel are Israelis, and those from the Palestinian territories have their own travel documents. Either one has the right of return.
What makes you think he came here from Israel? If he arrived in 1998 he was more likely fleeing from Lebannon or Egypt. In fact, if he’d been living in Israel he’d of had no reason to flee since it’s about the only country in the region not wracked by corruption, terrorism and oppression and where Arabs can live freely protected by the rule of law.
What makes you think this Palestinian immigrant is the problem and that I need to tell you what I want ‘done with him’? It’s the benefits system that’s broken. He’s just a symptom. I don’t want anything ‘done with him’. I want the benefits system sorted.
I’d be interested in a BBC investigation into how many London landlords have got rich on housing benefit, and how many of them are related to, or friendly with, either their tenants or council housing and benefits officers.
Take a look at BBC’s Homes Under the Hammer to see in which direction all the cheap properties are heading, certainly not to Mr & Mrs Smith and their 2.4 children to turn into a nice family home….
Oi! I appeared on HUTH in October and I don’t fit that criteria!
Dhimmi Dave speaks up for Christians in his Easter broadcast, BBC reports. Wait for the BBC backlash where it links Cameron with Christianity’s faults. I do hope that Dave’s Islamic comrades will not be too disappointed.
If you’re a Christian and you truly believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, came down to Earth, was crucified for our sins ( in other words he wasn’t kidding about ) He didn’t die so that we could worship Hare Krishna or other religions. So there should be only one religion in this country, Christianity. Cameron has permitted the building of mosques, so he’s an apostate, and in another time, he would be executed !!
Prince Charles is another apostate when he said he wanted to be called ” Defender of ALL faiths.”
We are warned against judging others. But we are also told ‘by their fruits you shall know them.’
I think Cameron is basically a decent chap, but if he’d got the war he wanted with Syria that would have been disastrous for Syrian Christians now that the Syrian rebels seem under the spell of the jihadists.
To Geoff above!
Whilst your country seemed to be going up in flames of caant and lavender oil last night, this little gem was on BBC4 .
As quietly subversive a little piece of patriotism as you`ll see for a while yet.
Well done Michael Collins-and not the romantic Irish rebel either.
Even ends with Neil Hannons hymn to Wordsworth(Lucy)-I enclose the links to cheer you up!
Maybe the revolution will be found in the gardens as the liberalazis read their Priestlys and HG Wells instead!”
Thanks Chris thats something for the weekend was it diversity free? Maybe after Farage on Have I Got News For You, I wonder how the final edit will look…..
One piece of side news from UKIP has emerged today.
Lifelong Communist and Labour party member for 40 years Joe Fitzpatrick has joined UKIP in a fit a pique and will stand as a councillor in Oldham.
Now that might seem a little less than news until you consider that Fitzpatrick was the man behind the Phil Woolas debacle.
His input to the campaign consisted of ‘winding up white voters that Woolas faced a very real threat from Muslim extremists’.
He portrayed his Liberal opponent as someone who pandered to Muslims extremism in complete falsehood.
I have no doubt that the adoption of this man as a candidate will come back to bite UKIP as accusations of Anti Islamic, lying, racism, the list goes on & is a long one.
Perhaps people have forgotten the hearing which prohibited Phil Woolas from taking his seat, and his being banned from re election. At the time it was of course headline news, and it will be very easy for left wing mischief makers to manipulate this against UKIP.
Yes, the occasional nod to multiculti, but never out of context-so fair enough.
Michael Collins “History of the White Working Class” is a modern classic-and you can see how effective his book was by his enemies…the Guardian, the Independent, Laurie Taylor…they said he`s a BNP outrider too…so he`s done a great job!
this story keeps growing … Sun TV News the great Ezra Levant
… BBC ……………….. nuthin to see!
this movie doc “honor diaries” has been shown at the house of commons!
the Wall St Journal …
The Weekly Standard
D Murray at Gatestone Institute
Seems like she not going to shut up, anytime soon.
so after the threats, the scare tactics … the next best option for Islamic propaganda merchants … character assassination
Thanks for these.
Her Weekly Standard speech( that she won`t be allowed to give to Brandeis) is brilliant-and must be read.
No wonder she`s so hated and feared by that so called “Jewish-supporting University”.
Let`s hope that`s not our future.
And now wonder Womans Hour won`t have her on as a “game changer for women 2014”.
Right shade of skin-but wrong brain….not pickled in lime green whitewash or addled by Giles Fraser or the BBC.
This woman must be cherished and treasured-her fight is soon to be ours, I suspect.
She is a remarkable woman and I hope her voice will not be silenced. On the BBC silence is all you will hear.
Did i say next if the threats and the bullying don t work … next will be …. “character assassination” ?
Ayaan Hirsi Ali
Hirsi Ali Liar! …. Lies exposed! … Islamophobe!
…H Ali Fraud! etc etc.
Moderate Imam Suhaib … Hirsi Ali “Idiot”
CAIR reacts to H Ali “honor” degree
… “many a truth spoke in jest” hmmmm
At least the BBC bias is subtler than this Kremlin propaganda channel. Things could be a lot worse her. But then subtlety is more effective.
At the time of posting this, BBC HYS has 3 available comment sites – all of which are now closed. And of course, all HYS are on topics selected for us anyway. And if the response is wrong, it is hatchetted by the “moderators” – who are they? How are they chosen?
Perhaps these people can tell us?
One rather suspects that, like much with the transparent and trusted BBC, answers to such pertinent questions remain their little secret. Along with many others.
Will BBC-NUJ have another pro-Al Jazeera demo outside BBC W1A over this?:-
“Dozens Laid Off at Al Jazeera America”
I hear that the BBC have contacted the UAF and Hope Not Hate to protest march against this neo Nazi swan…..And it’s hideously white…
White wing takes on a new meaning now.
Watched an old episode of “The Antiques Roadshow ” on BBC 2 this afternoon. The show came from Cornwall ,with Michael Aspel , nice programme full of nice English people ,& “Hideously White” . I am now waiting for future shows to come from the “hoods” of Brixton or “The Bronx” with exhibits of stolen “bling”with lots of “M.F.” & ” Bitch ” words sprinkled liberally around.
And what a fine presenter Michael Aspel is – and was in that programme. Although it is said that comparisons are odious, I feel compelled, nevertheless, to draw a distinction between him and the preening Fiona ‘Its-all-about-me’ Bruce.
BBC-NUJ: -not reporting France.
“Native French under Attack in Muslim Areas”
One story which is never going to make the BBC is that told to me by a friend last night.
He’s doing a course in Spanish at a local further education college, and last week one of the senior Muslim lecturers has been sacked.
Apparently he was caught having sex with one of the students, no crime in that as she was past the age of consent, but the pair were caught having their assignation inflagrante delicto in the Mosque !
Now that is a scandal !
Yes it’s utterly shocking!
That woman should be flogged at best, stoned at worst.
The man? Dont be silly! If she had dressed in a sack, he would never had been tempted.
Therefore. As the fault is all hers: death to her!
The logic of c##*s
Sad to hear of the death of Richard Hoggart.
Sorry too that his son Simon died earlier than he did-and that dad won`t have known if his Alzheimers was in its advanced stage.
Sad too in that I just KNOW how the BBC and Last Word will play it…they`ll only consider his views and writings up to the late 80s..and then his uncomfortable attacks on how the old are treated and the hideous dumbing down of education by the media elites and progressive labour types will be ignored.
Just as they edited Sue Townsend.
The BBC will not let a dead body go by without planting their poncing, prancing fey flag into it.
And as I looked into all this-the bile of Guardian readers in regard of Simons last column(19/12/13) as evidenced in CiF was revealing.
It`s as if they`d not spent all their pus, bile and other unnecessary fluids and fleck , when they had Thatchers coffin in their sights….
We all know the mind of the Left now-we have no excuses.
Will BBC-NUJ support this Swedish journalist?:-
“Sweden’s Totalitarian Face”
Bloddy hell, this is the EU blueprint for Europe. Let alone the BBC propagandists. This is where the French Commies go for ‘shopping trips for new ideas’ which inevitably leave most of us speechless. The whole multi-cult trip is a total failure as we see in consequence in what was once a leading light of ‘liberal thinking’ is falling apart before our eyes. Of course the BBC would find this an entirely ‘enviable’ situation in ivory towers (not Tower Hamlets).
You must be joking. Anybody who questions Sweden’s descent into absurdity is never going to be heard.
Sweden is the harbinger of Europe’s futture. The first country in history to voluntarily abolish itself.
At least that is a claim of some sort. That is what endless years of liberalism leads to. Sad in a way but at least the rest of Europe will learn from it.
RIP Sweden.
Like many others here, I took up my Dorothy shoes and skipped down the yellow brick road at the Guardian.
I`ve decided that if they`re going to pay for Michael Rosen or Laurie Taylor etc, then they`re fair game.
Been a “learning curve”….they`re nasty down there aren`t they?
Mind you it`s a joy to be the anchovy in the central heating-lefties just aren`t used to argument are they?
Just abusing…and that incestuous lefty crap definitely reduces their immunity to memes that are other than Pollys.
Evolution in thought before your very eyes!
Poor trolls that come here…I feel their pain now!
Having found myself reluctantly drawn into a conversation with two lefties, one of whom knew of my admiration for Mrs T, the conversation went ahead.
Asking them what they thought Mrs T was wrong about, I asked the obvious Q about who closed more coal mines, Mrs T or Viscount Stansgate and Wilson.
Errr….neither of them knew, or if they did feigned ignorance.
So I suitably enlightened said pair, within earshot of other lefties.
Cue much disbelief by lefties, surely, Santa Claus is real?
Pair of arseholes totally fucked.
No counterargument about tonnages, manpower losses etc.
I quote:
” but Thatcher’s closures tore the heart out of communities”
Yeah? Sez me, so what did Wilsons do?
Prejudice for them trumps facts any day.
Like it! Another one I like to try out is when some lefty is spouting off about CO2 and fossil fuels , just say “So you think Maggie closing all those pits was a good thing then?”
They rarely have an answer.
I just wonder how many trendy lefties have actually been down a coal mine ?
Got into a lot of trouble re Michael Rosen.
So I was left up there until they removed ME for (presumably) inciting such attacks!
Quite a parable eh?…and very much how the Left see things.
Got a taste of what poor Ayaan, Douglas and Melanie etc get.
Maybe a Lefty could tell me why I`d incite such stuff, but if I were wearing a short skirt, and flinging bling by Stockwell tube at 1a.m, these would not be excuses to mug me or worse !
The Left run the game and make the rules us as they go along don`t they?
On HIGNIFY just now, we have Prince George, grandchild of the Queen, described as “just a fucking baby”.
Let’s entertain ourselves by thinking of other members of society the BBC would describe as “just another fucking…”
Philip Seymour Hoffman – just another fucking druggie.
Tony Benn – just another fucking rich socialist
Polly Toynbee – ditto
Billy Bragg – ditto
Lobster – just another fucking poster
Biased BBC – just another fucking website
Danny Howard – just another, another fucking poster.
Danny Howard – just another fucking troll. You wouldn’t be the first one we’ve batted away with ease.
Doyle – just another fucking poster with a misplaced sense of his own importance.
how dare he?-thats your job
Although tonight’s programme was masquerading as HIGNFY, it was in fact just a shameless, witless, relentless, 30 minute UKIP bash. It’s inconceivable that the BBC would allow any other party leader – not even “no-votes” Clegg – to be subjected to such one-sided treatment. However, Farage, as he always does when sneered at by liberal/leftie tossers, took it all on the chin.
Yes, it was extreme, and probably this is something for Ofcom (even though they probably wouldn’t do much about it). However, Nigel Farage coped with it so admirably, that I rather think it did him no harm. Indeed, since most viewers would likely be fair-minded, he may justifiably look on it as a gain.
Interestingly have just had this conversation with wife and daughter (literally) who having independently watched HIGNFY came to the same conclusion ,that Farage had come out of it all the better
Further, daughter informs me that she was surprised to learn that the consensus of the gym she attends was overwhelmingly in favour of Farage.
So much for that demographic stereotype the UKIP haters console themselves with.
Doubt OFCOM would even consider it, much less do anything.
They would simply point you at an entity that has become a byword for interest-conflicted incompetence, trust me.
I had thought Mr. Farage was nuts going near HIGNFY since it gave up being funny (mainly by inviting on hapless pols to mock), but if he was well-briefed and prepared good luck to him. Sounds like the BBC couldn’t do much in post-production to ‘help’.
I think you’re right that Farage, by not reacting to the juvenile taunts and insults, probably did come out of it well. Nevertheless, the clear intention was to piss all over him, partly as a response to his recent trashing of Clegg, but also because UKIP looks like doing exceptionally well in next month’s European elections..
The HIGNFY team will be pissed off at Farage and UKIP’s latest opinion poll results – 20% if there was a general election tomorrow. The Tories were only 9 points ahead of them with Labour on 35%. Poor old Clegg’s Limp Dum Party languishing on 7% in the same poll.
Wavey Davey had better start holding out the olive branch to UKIP if he expects to form the next government.
You would think ,having got Boris Johnson elected mayor of London, that HIGNFY would have learnt their lesson
BBC is not governed by OFCOM, it is governed by the BBC Trust.
But OFCOM director Ed Richards was a senior adviser to Tony Blair and Gordon Brown so you are correct that they wouldn’t do anything about it.
I believe that Paul Merton has had treatment in the past for being a Looney, so that may account for his rather uncomfortable reaction to the childish humour about Loonies and Fruitcakes.
But his experience at being a Looney has helped him produce some good surreal humour in past editions of HIGNFY.
You’ve never seen the show before then?
I watched for many years name shifter.
For along time it was one of the few programs I would make a point of watching.
Its left wing leanings were always evident , but it was honest in its intent being prepared to hold any to account regardless of ideology
In the last few years however it has degenerated into a court of auto-da-fe for the liberal inquisition ,to such an extent I now find it unwatchable
Perhaps I have changed , all things are relative but it strange that from my perspective only the BBC output that has ‘red shifted’.
What do these Trustees think about the above comment on HIGNIFY ?
I saw this on I-player. I never used to miss this programme, it used to be entertaining. Now its just the normal BBC crap. On hearing this remark about Prince George by that arse Mangolwurzel Knobhead and the shit hurled at Nigel Farage (who at the guts to appear on this crap ) and UKIP voters I will never bother with this left wing shite again.
What would the weekend be without the topical input of a Hellwig, Howard or Scott?
I invite you to watch this, but without the sound or without reading the caption below the video. Simply marvel at the engineering and ignore the references to climate change.
I have found the only way to survive most documentary TV is to mute the sound and use subtitles. The background music now infesting everything is intolerable, and it’s constant even in programmes such as ‘Countryfile’ and any wildlife documentary where you might think it would enter a producer’s tiny mind that musak is highly inappropriate. How would Tom Heap or Steve Backshall react if they were compelled to listen to backround musak whilst they were out in the field for most of the time so as to match the viewer’s experience thrust upon them by the BBC?
Unfortunately now on some wildlife documentaries the commentary is so inane, anthropomorphic and even inaccurate that I wouldn’t bother with subtitles. There are exceptions – where the presenter knows his stuff such as the ever excellent and engaging Chris Packham, and isn’t someone just reading a script.
Though it’s rarely worth it much, I just popped by the Newsnight FB thread to see what was dribbling down the Katz slipway.
Seems this is the latest top topic:
Affable terrorist recruiters do not seem to prosper following BBC PR visits.
Once such folk make the connection, such propaganda briefing trips may prove riskier affairs.
Great though eh?
Paragraph 1…good old boy(affable) dies
Paragraph 2-heading-“Britain accused”.
Guess the BBC hope we all read the big bits and emote over the pictures…as opposed to knowing anything, reading history or checking their previous.
Remind me again-why aren`t License fee payers getting done for “funding and abetting terrorist acts”?
Evan, despite all the political spite he manages to insert into his work, knows his economics and his way around the financial world. This makes his failure to keep his inner Tax “Justice” Network manhood in his jeans even more obvious. Interviewing a genuine tax expert on the latest fascist proposals to relieve HMRC from the necessity to prove that “intent” is a part of committing a crime, Evan slipped in the “factoid” (well, egregious lie actually) that HMRC is “losing” £35 billion annually to tax evasion (which includes, according to Evan’s casual admission, tax avoidance). Evan also channelled his inner Margaret Hodge by stating that the sole reason any individual or business has an offshore bank account is to evade tax (he admitted that it might be to avoid tax which, in his lexicon of values, is just as criminal).
Later, when discussing Greece’s return to the financial markets, he interviewed two self-interested Greek politicians (a byword for corrupt dishonesty). The government rep from the Greek right-wing claimed that “it’s all over” and Greece is now back on the financial road to heaven. The opposition communist asked where all the money’s going: a reasonable thought but masking a desire to return to the good old days of bribing the electorate with their own and other mugs’ money.
What Evan missed completely – deliberately or otherwise – is that the Greek “success” in offloading this crap into the markets was driven by loose money desperately looking for a return, underpinned by the tacit admission by Europe’s central bank that it is happy to create money (“do what it takes”) to underpin the euro. This wasn’t a “success” for Greece: it was a symptom of general – particularly European and US – failure to return to fiscal virtue. Was this even alluded to? Were the little people out here given some insight into what is really happening here? Of course not: the real issue, discussion of which might be a mite uncomfortable for the political class and its BBC mouthpiece, was buried in an ersatz disagreement between two crooks.
Evan Davis has so much form with left bias. Often the red mist syndrome comes over him, where he really cannot help himself frothing diatribe targeting the right. Year after year there are examples:
Oops broken link above e corrected:
BTW – credit to Today for (inadvertently) showing up Harriet Pieman for the hypocrite we know and love. Faced with a suggestion that, perhaps, the way to avoid Miller-type egregious troughing is to allow recall elections, Pieman couldn’t return to the microphone fast enough to speak against the notion that holding an MP to account between general elections might be effective. As was pointed out, Pieman’s preferred solution (another quango stuffed – you may be certain – with ornaments of the political class and the left-leaning nomenklatura) will not solve the problem. OTOH it will solve all Pieman’s problems concerning how to restrict power to her and her friends (on all sides of the Commons).
The BBC showing how they hate Christianity – ludicrously biased reporting (story-telling):
Funnily enough, I don`t mind this.
I happen to think that the Star Wars stuff (and that era) did divide us-I never took the slightest notice of it, so becoming a Christian seemed a lot easier for me than many others who fell for Yoda and all that ballox.
Case in point-they put the Hitchhikers crap on last week, and there are loads of people who seemed to like it-tedious, and unfunny to me.
But guess my Christianity is as much a closed book to THEM!
Reckon this stuff has moved many people further away from God..and bet Hawking/Dawkins etc love all this sci-fi crap…Doctor Who an `all!
I see it as the spiritual equivalent of the Goons re comedy…I`ll never get it, but lots of people either pretend to like it…or even do so! But God knows why?
Christians by their nature are a bit crazy.
Yes they go around turning the other cheek and forgiving those that persecute them.
Truly mad
Unless they’re Muslims of course.
Christianity tag line- love thy neighbour.
Islam tag line – kill the non-believer
As a reasoned atheist I know which one I would rather meet in a shopping centre
Or an airport.
This story is bull. I know because I was there. I played Dungeons and Dragons in the 70s. I was involved in evangelical Christianity through the 80s. There was no panic about DnD but then as now there was some hysterical news reporting. If the BBC reports on matters you can remember directly its bias is clear.
Monstrous Cover-Up “- of Lib Dem, Cyril Smith’s child abuse-
Front page of ‘Daily Mail’, plus 4 pages inside, plus more on Monday:
-will Beeboids report it or censor it?
“Monstrous cover-up: How the Liberal party, police and MI5 concealed MP Cyril Smith’s industrial-scale child abuse.
“For four decades, 29st politician was free to prey on vulnerable children as young as eight.
“Police received at least 144 complaints from victims yet authorities blocked any prosecution.
“New book serialised in Daily Mail details how Smith – who died in 2010 aged 82 – was repeatedly protected despite being arrested for sex crimes.
“MI5 and Special Branch officers put pressure on police to drop investigations.
“Child porn was found in Smith’s car but police were ordered to release him.
“Liberal Party put his name forward for knighthood in 1988 in spite of rumours of his sordid activities swirling around Westminster.”
Read more:
I wouldn’t get too excited about this as it seems pretty much evidence free and is from a book by a Labour MP – not the most reliable source when it comes to these stories.
If true it is appalling but I fail to see why Special Branch and MI5 would be involved. Protecting others in power perhaps? Then why not invite Smith for a ‘walk in the countryside’ like they have done with others before them? A much simpler way to silence the man surely?
You may well be right but Simon Danszuc(if that is him) has a fair bit of inside knowledge re Rochdales goings on…from Cyril Smith to the Muslim child groomers in his constituency last year.
So-for a Labour MP-one who seems to be doing some good in this area, so I`ll be kind for now.
Thanks George R. Shocking connections found within Liberal and Labour PIE network (links to Saville, Flowers and Smith show how Smith was given ‘immunity’ from prosecution despite well known ‘in Westminster’ ….
‘Labour’s deputy leader Harriet Harman, her MP husband Jack Dromey, and former Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt held key roles in the NCCL, which in 1975 granted ‘affiliate’ status to the group of predatory paedophiles.
Smith was friends with PIE founding member Peter Righton and Mr Danczuk said the NCCL’s backing for PIE helped Smith’s crimes remain secret. ‘
This shows that no child safe from a seedy politicians reach? The Liberals give a false front to Labour policies, a veneer of respectability but the same buggers underneath.
Cyril?..Harriet?…Jack and Patricia?
Maybe that was the Lib-Lab pact that they were hoping to cement for themselves in 1978-9?
Callaghan did a good job in resisting those types of “entryists” at that time…but to think that we`ve gone from Attlee to Harman within 60 years is as good a tracker for the moral death and decay of Socialist Labour types as I can think of at the moment.
All those “in the know” in politics knew what Cyril Smith was up to I found out a few years ago. It was gossip of the H.P. Any accusations made were bounced back apparently “as not in the public interest.” though the abuse of the vulnerable WAS and IS. Who advised this? The CPS? We need to know who was protecting “old Cyril”.
Why didn’t/doesn’t the BBC look in to this..? Ah yes they had their own disgusting predator on their premises, Jimmy Saville, and that might open up a whole can of worms. I assume these two low life monsters came across each other in their travels and had a hell giggle at the quiet complicity of the establishment.
And in other news…
Rebalancing by rigging things so Danny Cohen doesn’t have a meltdown in the foyer, and hope he doesn’t notice they don’t have the staff to do it to taste?
Shame W1A was only a four-parter.
Harriet (Lord Longford’s niece) Harperson trumping on about sexual harassment in the Commons, on the BBC website. But isn’t this the woman who had once promoted PIE?
All JaBeeBa keeping up its attack on the cuts. Today’s R4 service comes from Winton Green with a special mention for Winton Green’s ‘so called Benefits Street’.
BBC firing on all … “mo farrah” … narrative cylinders this morning … “just like the lympix again”.
After … “can he do it” ? … the recent sidestep of climate change, yay!, “global warming” is back with the Radio 4 bell of doom ringing.
All about wind power, renewables, needing to be increased at least a gazillion per cent to avoid “catastrophic consequences” …..
Keep people like Cameron s father dancing around the wind turbines eh!
hmm Warming? …. “don t we know a song about that” ?
After that hockey stick of hilarity …
Radio 4 moves swiftly on to … (pass around the after eights)
proudly announce that the church is to close certain diocese down, in a cost cutting exercise, including …
( jazz hands! in broadcasting house) … Bradfordistan.
… I thought at least The Big Questions had died a death!
but …
“the Marafon” is on, “Mo farah”, “just like the lympix”
off switch
Oh, God.
The BBC – keeping the sheeple happy with lots of sport and razzmatazz, whilst quietly playing an active part in the destruction of the Former UK.
I’m well off out of it, languishing in Hollande’s failing country at the moment (still my preference, I have to say).
I wish upon wish that UKIP will knock those in the UK government sideways when the time comes – they deserve it.
Likewise, Marine Le Pen here, though I’m not so sure about my future, should she sweep to power.
Oh, well, who cares – I’m nearly at my three score years and ten allocation, the future is academic.
Thank god that Somali tax exile didn’t take Steve Jones’ marathon record. British Record for a British Athlete.
The European & elections and how to bury your head in the sand rather than admit left wing idiocy led to defeat.
Apparently according to the Telegraph: ” Conservative sources privately concede that David Cameron has all but given up hope of beating the UK Independence Party when voters go to the polls next month to elect Members of the European Parliament. ”
Based the fact that most of us know that the real reason people are voting UKIP is that Dhimmy Dave is as left wing as any of the other party leader – my suspicion is an external influence providing or promising money post loss of office. How else can we describe the similarity of the party’s on certain issues?
So to complete the ostrich scenario, the Tories have decided that the fall guy for all this is going to be Maria Miller, despite the fact that the polls have showing this long before her expenses issue was known of, and all of the Polls indicating that her expenses did not affect voting intentions one iota.
It’s an excuse, and one the BBC will be only too happy to advance unquestioningly on behalf of the Tories. After all the other alternative is that people are reacting in large numbers against everything they hold dear, and I expect that there’s no way they can even imagine that people would reject their socialist workers paradise!
No! They must all be labelled with the usual meaningless bully words such as racist! Bigot! Islamophobe! (The list goes on).
This is my prediction of how the BBC will handle the Tories inevitable defeat. There will be no gloating as per usual, because the beneficiaries are a party they hate with a pathological loathing. They will unquestioningly accept that Maria Miller was the cause of their defeat, because reality is far too difficult for them to come to terms with.
It’s still a couple of months away, but we shall see if I’m right !
‘Mo Farah will attempt to be the first BRITISH man to win the London Marathon’
That’s what BBC News Channel is shrieking this morning.
Tell you what, as a fail safe, just in case he gets puffed out half way – let’s simply bung a UK Passport to any one of these lads…..
2003 Gezahegne Abera Ethiopia 2:07:56
2004 Evans Rutto Kenya 2:06:18
2005 Martin Lel Kenya 2:07:35
2006 Felix Limo Kenya 2:06:39
2007 Martin Lel Kenya 2:07:41 Second victory
2008 Martin Lel Kenya 2:05:15 Course record; third victory
2009 Samuel Wanjiru Kenya 2:05:10 Course record
2010 Tsegaye Kebede Ethiopia 2:05:19 Provisional Result
2011 Emmanuel Mutai Kenya 2:04:40 Course record
2012 Wilson Kipsang Kenya 2:04:44
2013 Tsegaye Kebede Ethiopia 2:06:04 Second victory
Far be it from me to point out Mr Farah’s little jaunts down lanes he would like everyone to believe he is in.
I noticed on one of the BBC broadcasts the other evening that Mr Farah was quoted as saying he wanted to win the London Marathon since this was his ‘home town’.
Much as he likes to have the British public in his back pocket, a few facts might not go amiss. Firstly, he was born in Mogadishu, Somalia. He spent most of his childhood in the Republic of Djibouti. He then re-located to the UK, but in 2011 moved his family and his home to Portland Oregon, where he now resides. Just at the start of this year, he expressed a desire to become a tax exile (thus avoiding paying taxes in the UK) since he now regards, and has duly informed HMRC, that his place of residence is in the US.
So – tell me again, how does he regard London as his ‘home town’ ?
Agree. Just because Labour were handing out UK passports to all and sundry ,doesn’t make any of the recipients British in my eyes. Mr Farah is a great Olympian but not a British one.
Of course in BBC are keen to use him as a successful symbol of multicultural Britain in pursuit of their multicultural Utopian vision. And sadly I have to admit that they are making headway. Recently a young member of the family was set some homework where they we asked to write about a great British sportsman. They chose Mr Farah. Propaganda works well with 9 year olds.
Deep despair. Getting rid of the BBC is the first step towards getting our country back.
Talking of sport, how about a minute’s silence to remember the victims of the Heysel Stadium disaster…?
What? Can’t be blamed on the Police or ‘Thatch’?
Ok, let’s forget it then.
Wonder if the good people of Turin continue to pepper the authorities for answers about what happened 29 years ago?
Surely Human Rights mongering and the Frankfurt agenda would not just stick to Britain would it?
Fillipo de Shineri and Sharia di Bliero really ought to be collaring a few of the Liverpool thugs who killed the Juventus fans….so why not?
Or the Valley Parade fire. 56 dead. Hardly ever gets a mention.
True enough.
The BBC cared more about Egyptian “football fans” killing each other in Cairo.
If only that Bradford stadium had been a rally to ban Rushdies book…the BBC would STILL be looking for the one who left the fag there.
Wrong victims….
Black people, and dead Liverpool fans. Who’s next on the list?
Dimwitted self-righteous prigs to busy being pleased with their self proclaimed enlightened attitude ( thats up their own arses in case you didn’t quite get it) to follow what is being said – As ‘Ko-Ko’ might say “they none of them be missed”
off Topic but
After a disgraceful barrage, of vitriol, from Islamic groups, and their “useful idiots” … on both TV and the internet.
including the wretched BBC with its
“War on Islam” advocate in college row”
The furore over a rights activists rescinded honorary degree
Everything from fraud – Islamaphobe – idiot – liar is banded around, about Ayaan Hirsi Ali.
So … this erm …. “fraud” woman, this “idiot”, what despicable “islamophobic” causes does, this “liar” support?
Mark Steyn On Brandeis University’s Disgraceful Treatment Of Ayaan Hirsi Ali
Ta noggin.
Talk about eliminating all reference or content as well as context.
No mention of FGM, death threats, being the first person in years who had to leave Europe for the USA just to stay alive…oh and Theo van Gogh!
As for Kushner sayong “things critical of Israel”?
What CAN they mean?…any quotes about rolling Israel into the sae maybe?
We`ll never know with the BBC,,,,which is why Islam continues to fill the BBC sandbag with pissed-upon sand, and the BBC take the bullets for them.
“Ghastly, spineless, jellyroll squishes, mendacious, race hustling, grievance farming taqqiya artistes?…perm any five from them-then add your own.
Allah AkhBeeb!
there’s an appalling FGM video on vladtepes blog that shows the full detail of what happens. For those who are are unaware, as a bloke, if you can imagine having the entire head of your penis (not just the foreskin) cut off, that’s what they do to a female.
You may have heard of ‘affordable housing’ and perhaps like me have scratched your head as to what exactly that term means – presumably ‘subsidised’ in some way?
Anyway, this morning dyed-in-the-wool young Beeboid trendy Nick Beake introduces us to ‘affordable art’ (simply a marketing term that one, surely?)
Seems some French artist in oh-so-cool East London has hit on a scheme to sell shares in art works that mean you can, for example, buy a quarter of the piece and hang it in your home for a quarter of the year – nice idea.
Nick Beake likes the idea but being a loyal Beeboid he can’t help but ask one wonderfully nutty lefty BBC question :
‘Aren’t you worried ‘rich people’ will simply buy all the paintings?’
Oh the humanity!
Next week Nick will get up early to venture down to New Covent Garden and ask a greengrocer : aren’t you worried ‘rich people’ will simply buy all your cox’s pippins?
‘Behemoth’ is always eye-catching, but the author’s core premise seems not to have missed the eagle eye of the commenters.
Love the notion that if the BBC’s impartiality is stated often enough, it must be so.
The notion of a saving of 25% to around £99, still by compulsion, to still get its unique news offering, still seems unappealling.
I wonder how many ‘how can the money spigot stay on?’ essays we’ll be treated to in the coming months?
I was under the impression that ritual slaughter without pre stunning was illegal, but apparently it is not.
There’s no chance of the fascist BBC allowing people to know what’s going on in their country, but the Daily Mail has done an undercover piece showing just how cruel this practice is.
There is one part I have an issue with and that is the statement “Britain’s halal market is now worth £2.6 billion”.
It should have read that Britains FORCED halal market, as many of the people eating this meat are not Muslim and could just as happily eat humanely killed meat.
Even more worrying is the scale of subsidy the useless and corrupt government is giving these places. We should all be supporting the president of the Veterinary Association in his campaign to force these places to pre stun animals prior to slaughter.
Where are the BBC and the Animal Rights UK, when you need them ?
will there be a report on how many outlets use use ritually slaughtered meat and a recognition that the fact that it’s not jhatka (killed quickly) is an affront to the uk’s sikhs?
the fees for halal meat certification go to muslim brotherhood controlled front groups, and from there to fund Islamic terrorism. it’s a great source of money for them from Europe.
Can anyone spot a black or Asian face in the crowd in the London marathon?…Why is everyone white?….Why is the great multicultural dream not evident?….I constantly wonder that where sporting events are concerned..
As a spectator sport The Marathon ain’t the most thrilling! Another wet dream BBC event, personally l’d rather watch paint dry!
On the BBC website the ‘British’ win seems to have been downgraded to maybe a ‘British’ record? BTW are there any other British male athletes running?
Lots of empty homes along the marathon route right now, and attention elsewhere.
Weren’t the first 20 places (or whatever) in every race taken up by African runners?
At one point, the commentator focused on one white woman, who was 14th or something, and said “she’s the leading European”.
What she really wanted to say was “she’s the leading white woman”
I personally see no problem in saying “black people are better at running than whites”, just like whites are better swimmers. It’s simply a cast-iron fact.
Sorry, just realised you’re talking about the crowd. Anyway, my comments still stand.
Too busy planting a bomb at the fucking finish line!
here’s one for yer…
after a couple of months of using armed paramils (colectivos and tupamaros) and imported cuban thugs to beat the populace into submission, the bbc is still happy to be a shill for the bolivarian workers’ paradise and to let them put their side.
uk versions of the website barely get an article a week. never do these articles mention the lack of press freedom or widespread corruption and cronyism on the part of the government or the inflammatory words uttered by government representatives.
i can’t remember any tv news or documentary broadcast mentioning the civil unrest…
…nor has the bbc been pressing either owen jones or diane abbott to account for or recant their support for the maduro regime (although, had they been tories, i’m sure they’d have been tarred and feathered by the bbc by now)
Dave666 has arisen. Tuned on the TV to watch another classic piece of BBc propaganda. UN report on climate change blah blah blah. Anyone to put forward the point this is myth…..NO! Just Ed Davey telling us how he’s done this and he’s done that. Dave 666 would remind the BBc employees reading this of the reply to my last complaint on bias. “We can assure you of our commitment to impartial reporting”
Meanwhile in the Ukraine Russian activists/ militants/ separatists but never rebels………And so it goes on and on.