ok here’s the complaint I’ve just submitted. Any one like to hazard a guess as to what the reply might be?
I really must complain about the breathtakingly biased piece I have just witnessed on BBC news about the UN report on “climate change”
A couple of weeks ago I complained about one sided reporting and received this reply “We can assure you of our commitment to impartial reporting. We seek to provide the information which will enable viewers to make up their own minds; to show the political reality and provide the forum for debate, giving full opportunity for all viewpoints to be heard.”
So where was the well established counter view? All I saw was Ed Davey on a self publicity exercise telling everyone what he has done.
Ref BBC News 13/4/14 UN Climate change report.
Can you please explain to me why only one side of this story was reported on, without using the previous reply as obviously all views on climate change were not represented.
Well at least you didn’t get the usual reply that they are allowed to show bias in a particular program so long as that bias is ironed out across the weeks output. This always prompts me to ask a question which they are unable (or don’t want) to answer.
Who monitors the output for overall bias and what are their results?
The answer is of course that no one is monitoring the overall output allowing several programs to be biased without anyone re balancing that bias and an answer to complaints that they are allowed to be biased so long as other programs redress that.
I assume the BBC have been advised by “the best Scientific experts” that a given attributional climate scientist such as Piers Corbyn, must not appear on the BBC.
On the other hand, if an environmental activist with qualifications in the Arts appears, then that could be one of the BBC’s “best scientific experts”.
After your complaint has been rejected, look on the Culture, Media and Sport Committee website, and write about your complaint to the inquiry about the future of the BBC.
The story of non-scientists at the BBC advising the BBC to censor scientists, science and scientific debate at the BBC, seems to be causing to stir up Mensa members into an unprecedented level of irritation about the accumulation of inferior middle-class morons at the BBC, as has been revealed by the W1A documentary.
It’s a key part of the BBC-NUJ political manifesto to increase the prices of, and oppose the use of: gas, oil and coal.
‘Renewables, renewables’ is the cry- whatever the cost to the British economy and to jobs.
‘Can you please explain to me why only one side of this story was reported on’
I suspect they could/can, but given past precedent they won’t.
But be assured that if it is about matters science, there’s a fair bet that anyone at the BBC assessing it will be a History, Arts or History of Arts grad from Oxford, as those are just the sort who do well there.
And they also have a keen appreciation of how well propaganda backed by censorship worked before, and are clearly working on avoiding the bits that messed with its effectiveness before.
Just hours after my prediction that the Tories were going to blame Maria Miller for their election failure in May, the first Tory blame mongering article appears!
The Daily Mail flag waver for the Tories and major UKIP opponents run this article:
Huge poll boost for UKIP as a fifth of voters say they will back anti-Europe party in wake of Maria Miller and ‘Sexminster’ scandals.
After all it couldn’t have anything to do with leftie Daves mad social policies could it? Can’t possibly question the Gay marriage thing could we? That would be an ‘ism’ or a ‘phobia’ and those criticisms are just for ‘bigots’ !
… Tory sleaze, crooked Tories, fiddling self serving Tories
… same old, old, story no difference … if they re not stabbing each other in the back, they have to find a scapegoat, the Libdumbs have foolishly been the dartboard, to allow these bastards to get away with the ideological lying, and mismanagement, they can blame
the erm “left” … but they only need to look in the mirror.
Nothing to do with Mrs Miller. Minds have been made up. We know that kicking the governing liberal class is an absolute necessity.
Just vote UKIP. Nothing to do with whether you like Farage. Just remember the vote is all we have against this appalling governing class. Oh and stuff the BBC as well.
I hope you don’t recommend voting Ukip at the General Election otherwise we will get the delightful far left (Marxist) Millipede as our Prime Minister and I really don’t think he will be very good at it.
I hope you don’t recommend voting Conservative at the General Election otherwise we will get the delightful far left (Marxist) Millipede as our Prime Minister and I really don’t think he will be very good at it.
The only way to insure that labour does not creep back into power is for Tory voters to vote tactically http://www.unitetheright.com/
Remember ‘country b4 party’
Yes I do. The Tory party needs to go or at least change itself completely. If that means a labour government so be it. Just look at the possible future cabinet and you just know they will not be able to govern satisfactorily.
The liberal elite needs to show itself for the incompetent, treacherous, facist bunch they really are so that we all can see.
Then the long awaited counter revolution against the 68ers and their acolytes can proceed. There is a culture war for the future of England. Sometimes harsh choices have to be made.
Our greatest weapon is the arrogance of the elite in both main parties. They cannot conceive of a country without them.
If Labour get in again not only will it be a disaster for the country but the Tories will lurch even further to the left in the belief that that is where the votes are. THAT is why Hug-a-Hoodie is doing what he is doing – he thinks that is what the country wants. He’s wrong, as he is about lots of things but that is not reason to allow those clowns in Labour back in.
Personally I feel that that is the attitude with which we have arrived at where we are today, voting tactically rather than with your heart.
It makes no odds be it Labour/Liberal/Tory are one and the same Tripartite all pro EU/Immigration/Mutlicult etc and pro more of the same, nothing will ever change.
UKIP are far from perfect and seemingly a one man outfit, but seriously can they really be any worse than the shower in power since the 50’s?
Since being old enough to understand what was going on around me things have I seen the country progressively decline (albeit a short renaissance in the mid 80’s under Mrs T). For that reason I will vote UKIP in the GE, it may turn out to be a disaster, but then again so will ‘more of the same’ Labour and Tory’s, whats to lose? Cameron offer a Referendum in 2017? where have I heard that before?
Vote ukip…..if it ‘lets in Labour ‘ then so be it!
The scare tactics no longer work on me, vote for what you want, not for what it may result in by default.
I have listened to the BBC quite a lot over the past few days – especially the coverage of the elections in India. It has struck me that, not for the first time, despite any evidence of incompetence, criminality, whatever, the BBC always seems to veer swiftly towards favouring political parties of the left around the world. This has been increasingly visible as Mr Modi heads towards potential victory in India, increasing the extent to which the BBC is taking a very partisan approach in reporting the politics of other countries, never mind our own.
I recall its coolness towards Frau Merkel in the German elections, its absolute fervour for Ms Gillard in Australia, and its elation for M Hollande’s election in France, its disappointment at John Key being elected in New Zealand, its complete antipathy towards M Berlusconi in Italy, and its sadness when the centre-right New Democracy party won the biggest share of the vote in the Greek elections. In addition, the BBC’s uncritical views of South American leftist parties (e.g. in Venezuela with Chavez/Maduaro, Argentina with Kirchner, and so on) are pretty obvious with its views on both internal and external policies. in South America.
Then there are its obvious sorrow at Mr Harper’s victory in Canada, grovelling worship of Mr Obama and his Democrats in the US, and its ‘never-shine-a-light’ attitude towards Labour in the UK, along with its hatred of the Conservative party in this country.
I’m sure there are many more examples of this, but just a test, if you will indulge me. I know of no right-leaning party in world politics which the BBC has ever favoured with its support, whether implicit, or explicit. Does anyone else have an example ?
My Damascus moment re the BBC and its world revolutionary advocacy was in 2007, when Segolene Royale was up against Sarkozy for President.
Wall-to wall crap craving for a woman…and a woman of the left( not Sarah Palin types who need perpetual bitchslaps and sanctioned sexist rants from such enlightened feminists like Bill Clinton!).
The BBC were truly despicable throughout-and this was after their John Kerry crap in 2004.
Seeds were sown…and Climategate 2009 led me to here and this site.
The excellent polling site http://ukpollingreport.co.uk/ has a list of 5 things ‘which will decide the next election’. The first two are very interesting indeed, but it’s far too in depth to copy & paste here. I do recommend you read it so that you might see the BBC working hard for Labour in these critical areas.
1) How will the growing economy effect the polls?
2) Will Ed Miliband’s unpopularity matter anymore than it does now?
3) What level of support will UKIP get at the general election
4) How resilient will Liberal Democrat incumbents be?
5) Will Scotland be voting?
For me the second item is truly intriguing, for never has a leader with such poor poll rating led a party to victory. People genuinely dislike Ed Milliband and appear to have no faith in his ability to run a bath let alone a country!
His rating are as low as those other forgettable leaders William Hague, IDS and Michael Howard. Put simply with a leader as unpopular as this, Labour should not be leading in the polls.
“If Labour win, the Conservatives should take home the message that leadership, economic competence and being preferred on policies really isn’t enough, that they have a serious issue with how people perceive their party and its values that needs to be addressed (I doubt they would learn that lesson, but there goes). ”
Can we expect more INBBC-Arabic TV staff to move to Austria, in the interests of continuity of its propaganda for the Muslim Brotherhood and for Al Jazeera?
I don’t think they moved in fear of Cameron’s investigation. More likely his announcement of an investigation was a warning to his MB comrades to move before British people became too aware of their activities. After all, not even Downing Street can order the arrest of everyone who protests about the MB in London.
The Hippocratic oath not really working its magic like it used to these days, is it? To those Glasgow Airport Departure charmers can now be added this.
In fact the public sector not really coping too well with those in its employ who see their professional or ethical obligations as secondary to other callings.
Maybe the BBC can second a Panorama researcher from the cubicle gardens to investigate?
Now there’s been an MP acquitted of the charges brought by the CPS there’s an outcry that he has been forced to spend his life savings to defend himself.
Now I’ve always held the view that if you are wrongly accused then you should not suffer any punishment, including the loss of capital, simply because the state screws up.
The situation we have now can be wrongly used by public sector employees or politicians to financially ruin people, and this has indeed been the case in the past with the John Stalker case.
These past few months we have seen several high profile people brought to court on misconceived charges by the CPS who have spent far more than Nigel Evans did. William Roache and Michael Le Vell spent an estimated £250K each. Where were the corrupt MPs then? Not a peep out of them! but one of their own gets in a similar fix and suddenly it’s a major issue that needs fixing.
No wonder people hold politicians in such low regard! It’s because that’s all they deserve!
According to my Telegraph today the State (ie we) provides you with a brief. If you want to choose your own brief the State will reimburse you the ‘legal expenses’ rate. If you want to hire your own more expensive brief you pay the difference.
The cap makes sense otherwise every defendant would go for the most expensive (in theory the most able) brief.
The State can hire who it wants and pay what it wants – there’s the side the problem’s on.
You are only provided with a brief if you fall within the remit of legal aid, if not then you receive nothing.
If your home is worth more than £350K you will be expected to sell it and use the fund to pay the greedy weasels.
As you say, spending more ‘should’ buy you a more capable lawyer, perhaps a specialist, but that means that justice in the UK is for sale to the highest bidder, and the rich receive a different form of justice to the poor.
As things stand, because we have a strange legal system, different to the rest of Europe, rich people can pay to change the law through continuing appeals until they get the judgement they want, usually setting precedent along the way.
Personally, I’m delighted Nigel Evans was cleared of all charges and acquitted. I find the fact he was forced to lose his life savings defending his name in the face of what were clearly opportunist chancers a disgraceful state of affairs. To anyone with even an ounce of sense it must have been obvious the trumped-up charges against Mr Evans never stood a chance in the cold analytical light of a courtroom where more considered minds reside – the real villain here are both the police (get the Tory!) and the CPS; an organisation, by now so discredited as to render itself little more than a pathetic laughing stock.
I wish Mr Evans all the best and although he may never get back the £100k+ he was forced to waste defending himself against spiteful, vindictive and (in my view) politically motivated lies, I do sincerely hope he can rebuild his life and continue to champion the issue of the professional and financial vulnerability of those incorrectly accused of heinous crimes (as well as issues of anonymity in such cases).
I think most of us would share your sentiments Phil, but the point is that none of our MPs said a damn thing until it happened to one of them.
If it was such an iniquity (and I happen to believe that it is), then why were they not speaking out when it happened to the more ordinary people, some of which have been forced to spend twice as much as Mr Evans.
Because it’s happened to an MP there is now talk of a ‘statute of limitations’ where historical cases are time limited.
Yet again though it’s only being discussed because it happened to an MP.
It’s yet more evidence of a political class wholly removed from the real world which they care little about. Most of them are in reality London based careerists who have little or no knowledge of life outside their little bubble, and that is a form of corruption.
We now hear of Tony BLiars son looking to take a safe Liverpool seat where he’s probably never been in his life, and where if the labout candidate said he wanted to torture them all slowly to death then they’d still vote for it !
Thoughtful, I take on board your comments and accept them completely. You are correct, of course, to point out that only since Mr Evans was acquitted have we heard a peep from other MPs about changes to the law – and that in itself reveals much about the supine moral and political cowardice of our current political class.
Still, as I suggested in my earlier post, Mr Evan’s acquittal may yet serve a greater good – to shine an uncompromising light on the present iniquities of law that award ‘victims’ instant anonymity, whilst subjecting (often) innocent accused to both the media and to quite possibly ruinous legal costs wasted in defence against entirely false charges.
If this is ‘justice’ it is clearly a very brutal, medieval justice and it urgently needs reform.
‘clearly opportunist chancers’
It was only by reading around outside the MSM dead zone that I discovered these opportunist chancers were not the usual Max Cliffy ‘victim’ variety, but our new breed of law and disorder guardians of justice, given a clear ride down the tribal muckraking slipway for either ratings or political point scoring by our venal media estate, at which I place the BBC near the top, especially when agenda can be served.
I was wondering where “Mo” came, after being all over the TV before the Marathon. BBc Breakfast missed him out entirely in the video & was only mentioned as an aside by the woman sports presenter who told us “He didn’t get his tactics quite right” finishing 8th.
When does a tax dodger in exile become “Our Mo”…the British lad Lewis” then?
When he is a “sports star”, whose colour must be “celebrated”; his “financial arrangements” not considered in these “difficult cases”.
As long as these two “Brits”(and watch out for the kind of people who use this to describe us)don`t get their coffees at Starbucks though eh?
The media are the massage…
Maybe she detoured to Northampton to ‘channel’ her inner Paula Radcliffe, and is taking ‘I’d give it 5 minutes’ to a whole new level?
On a more serious note, if darker forces are afoot, we can only hope and pray ((c) Dave & Barack Cookie Cutters To The Patronised) that she is safe and well.
It is odd the BBC seems currently unconcerned.
Funny though eh?
Like Forrest Gump running into Bethnal Green and never being seen again.
Bet the News Quiz/HIGNFY won`t be doing anything about it though….she was hardly applying to get FGM at a Mile End Polyclinic now was she?
And in other news, while the weekend can often be lighter fare, sometimes it can still be more than intriguing: http://tradingaswdr.blogspot.co.uk/2014/04/derivatives.html ‘Mark Linsey is on a package of £222k, and in the last published quarter claimed £658.32 in hospitality to “discuss new ideas”.’
That’s ‘entertainment supremo Mark Linsey’ who, on top of a healthy per annum wedge, clearly needs funding outside the office to do the job, albeit to a questionable standard in or out.
Turning the TV on to be faced by serious faces on BBc Breakfast. Is there another dead Z list celebrity. No it’s Ukraine again. People wanting the right to decide their own destiny, whatever next. Not like here where in this democracy we always are given the right to a referendum…Oh hang on that’s not right, is it?
interesting interviewee on the Today program this morning, an ex ambassador to Russia, he didn’t say what the drones were expecting.
Basically his position was that the West had been winding Russia up ever since the fall of the Berlin wall with aggressive approaches to former Eastern bloc countries more or less ignoring Russia in the process. He did do a small list of examples.
He used Putins recent speech as an example ‘ you push a spring so far and eventually it starts to push back’.
America in particular has had some amazingly aggressive ignorant and incompetent people in senior positions over the decades, who have behaved as if American jurisdiction extended over the entire globe. No small wonder that eventually they pushed the wrong kid in the playground !
Yes I noticed this U-turn.
His crave interviewer(was it Evan?) had no need to do a skid turn on the handbrake, seeing as the interview was winding up…but it surprised me that a British Ambassador of old could still actually think for himself.
How he got through is another matter-but to be fair Evan might have even given him a US quote by way of setting up…which was brave, given the BBCs craven approach to upsetting John Kerry and the EU.
Strange one this.
Some categories of story are preferred it seems…..
‘For BBC News, the focus has been flagging up particular types of story on Google +, Frankel explained. “We’ve always felt that the page’s great strength lies with science and technology stories and those about the environment.”
Posts on driver-less cars, global warming, and space have all done well, he explained. ‘
However, here’s one bit of citizen journalism you know the BBC wouldn’t touch with a barge pole.
Nicky Campbell signals his unsubtle support for all things Guardian and Lefty – just his own opinion, I’m sure.
Nicky Campbell @NickyAACampbell 11 hrs
Just finished ‘The Snowden Files’ by @lukeharding1968.The Inside Story of the World’s Most Wanted Man. Brilliant, enlightening and forensic
1:16 pm – 13 Apr 2014 · Details
Luke Harding @lukeharding1968 11 hrs
@NickyAACampbell thanks Nicky! I’m delighted you enjoyed.
Is it me or does anyone else sense that the BBC have changed their tune and are now bum-licking Russia in the whole Ukraine crisis? Can you remember the faux outrage from the BBC in Syria and Libya? If Ukraine was a Muslim country the BBC would be arming THE Ukrainians rolled up copies of the Guardian!
The BBC is a terrible media organization. Lies, bias, no consistency, pro-Muslim, deceit… you name it.
So the BBC has an ‘undercover’ investigation into the trade in stolen smartphones. Every picture it shows of those involved are Asian Muslims, one of the victims is a white male, and yet they just can’t manage to go that extra millimetre and make the connection which is screaming out at them!
He said: “You have got people so confident and so casual in dealing with what they believe to be stolen property – and encouraging robberies.
“I find it absolutely astounding.
“By providing a conduit for the thieves to be able to convert those stolen phones into money, they’re encouraging the commission of offences.”
So there you have it. A group of people which the BBC knows is so out of control they have no regard for UK law, and are encouraging further crimes, yet the BBC political dogma means it is unable to actually tell us the truth of what is going on!
How come Michael Adebolajo (or whatever combo of Michael and Countdown tumble of letters he is) is still not being called Abu Hamza Jihadi Qatada Bin Laden Abdullah(or whatever list of offending names he has “chosen to go by” in his court case).
Given the fact that Bradley Manning immediately was deemed to be “Chelsea”(for that is his/er “inalienable right”) by Owen and Polly-how come the BBC won`t give Michael Bin Laden his new name-at least his was done in a courtroom, not slipped out in a breathless whisper as the traitors paddywagon swooshed by.
Let`s give Michale his new name-he`s worthy of them all…and more.
I myself would tattoo it all around his neck then send him to Tehran…
Why would anyone posting on this site consider it even remotely desirable to use a name glorifying and calling others to fight Jihad?
Honestly, you’d have to be certifiable to think that using the name Mujaheed Abu Hamza was in any way appropriate !
Do you even know what this name means of it’s significance? or are you just lashing out blindly because you want to attack someone from a group you don’t like?
I spent a lot of time writing to MPs the BBC and the minister for justice to get them to not use a name glorifying the slaughter of a British serviceman, you seriously need to have a long think about what you are asking for. Unless of course you think Jihad and the murder of British soldiers is a good thing?
By Contrast the Bradley Manning / Chelsea thing is completely different. It hurts no one, and has been done legally, in a foreign country which is happy to do it. I don’t see how this has any connection to a Jihadist.
I don’t think you are getting the point of the post. It is about the denial by the liberal elite of the reality of the enemy we face.
Nothing there about glorifying jihadists.
No I’m sorry Dave but you also don’t seem to understand the meaning of Mujahid Abu Hamza either.
Perhaps if you did you would realise that the name in itself glorifies Jihad and Jihadists. Therefore simply because you don’t understand it you don’t realise that it is a tool of war against us.
Using the name glorifies Jihad, if you don’t understand that then please just accept it as fact. It isn’t just some simple name like Eric, or Simon, or Akbahr ! It means something! Something people in the West don’t understand, and because you don’t see the trap you assume that it isn’t there.
The trouble is that even when people tell you it’s there you still won’t believe or accept it!
Would you be prepared to use his name if it was in language you did understand? Suppose he changed his name to ‘All Muslims arise and slaughter the infidels’.
Funny that you give credence to Michaels nom de guerre though eh thoughtful?
No-of course I don`t give a stuff about his name or what he means by it…I`m past caring about semantics-and especially with those dripping hands of his.
Only your like seem enchanted by it….and your lack of irony (and wilful brandishing of kebab skewers as offered you by the dhimmi at the BBC/Guardian) makes you a true convert to liberal platitudes and hypocrisies being served up(halal) to your like.
Dave s says it better than me -but the fact you see no connections between the two cases and the language used, consents granted makes you in need of a bit of Orwell.
thoughful eh?…think Trading Standards need to be told you`re hardly doing what it says on your tin helmet there eh?
With ignorant people in the West prepared to broadcast Jihad because they don’t understand it, and condemn those who oppose Jihad and do understand a little more than them as ‘liberals’ says it all !
Perhaps you’d enlighten us as to the meaning of Adebolajos ‘nom de Guerre’ and the significance of it to other Muslims contemplating Jihad?
Not sure he’s allowed for the awesome ‘make it go away’ power of uniqueness, but… http://order-order.com/2014/04/14/complaints-about-complaints-report/ ‘The best solution is always competition, consumers choosing to go elsewhere and taking their revenue with them’
Now in a fit of 2Bfairness I can see how that model can struggle with services such as defence, education, health (though the latter two can see those with choices on top of compulsion taking them) etc.
However, this poster does summarise the problem well responding to another who, amazingly, likes to be anonymous when trying and failing to redirect things away from some uncomfortable truths: ‘Badly run private organisations fail; badly run public ones don’t. That makes all the difference’
A difference that is endured and defended more than anything by a ‘public service’ that claims to present education and information that too often is more propaganda and censorship.
Which is what makes it so special.
Fit For Purpose is a new series on BBC Radio 4 which aims to remake Britain’s troubled institutions.
‘In this programme Anne McElvoy of The Economist and John Harris of the Guardian are joined by a team of experts and a studio audience in the search for a new vision for Britain’s Trade Unions.
Can the decline of recent years be left behind? ‘
Is compulsory force funding still the best way to speak for…to… at a nation?
Guessing ABC ratings were not a measure of representation for those joining no doubt carefully filtered experts.
In case they ever dare look in a mirror.
The BBC news full of the screw ups of NU Liebour and the lies to cover it all up.
So we hear from a spokes weasel from Birmingham council, over the ‘Trojan horse’ letter and schools, and never have I heard such dancing around the facts so as to avoid causing ‘offence’ to the Muslims ‘community’.
No facts could be stated even the letter might not be true, in fact there was nothing which could be pointed to as fact at all – even the paper the letter was printed on might not be genuine!
All of it of course went unchallenged, just comments about Muslism ‘hard liners’ (as if they’re in some way different) wanting segregation in secular state schools.
Now I cannot believe that this is the only reason the Fascists are getting wound up about a school full of Muslims being operated in accordance with the Muslim faith. There must be something else which they’re not telling.
Maybe they’re teaching that the Jews should be exterminated, or Gays should be thrown off high places? What ever it is they ain’t telling!
The point is though, that this is a deeply Islamophobic attack on Birminghams Muslims community who are simply wanted to exercise their faith freely. Or it would be if anyone other than a Fascists had decided that it’s wrong!
Who is in charge of deciding where that line in the sand is drawn? It seems that what is ‘unacceptable’ for me to say is completely reasonable when it’s spoken by a fascist !
The trouble is as with all of the ‘isms’ they have no definition, and are completely meaningless. That is exactly what is intended. They are bully words which are intended to entrap the innocent victims of the fascists. The only definition they have is that they mean what ever the fascist using it wants it to mean at that particular time.
Hopefully one day the fascists will be forced to define what these words actually mean (if anything). Islam has been fixed and firm for over 1500 years, it should be possible to tell them what is and is not acceptable within a Western society so that at least they know!
But that’s the whole point. If these words are ever defined, they will lose their power.
Thoughtful, it’s really very easy, when you think about it.
‘Islamophobia’ is nothing more than an excuse for liberal fascists to behave like cowards, whilst excusing the crimes and intolerance of Islam. We know this is true because there is no such thing as ‘Islamophobia’. There never has been, there is not now and there never will be. It was a useful word invented by progressives to act as a free pass for Islamists wishing to express sentiments of hate, bigotry, racism and terrorism towards they take offence at. As Douglas Murray writes, it would be far more accurate to rename Islamophobia as Islamophilia.
Andy Coulson is in the witness box today, and wow isn’t the BBC making a big deal of his connections to the Tory party and the Prime Minister.
Cameron showed weak leadership, stubbornness, and a total inability to foresee what was coming when he clung on desperately to Andy Coulson, and that weakness has now allowed his political enemies, such as the biased BBC to make capital out of it.
I can’t say I feel sorry for him, because he’s a hopeless Prime Minister in many ways, but it this had been a Labour Prime Minister then the BBC would not have been quite so enthusiastic in making those links so visible.
The main reason for voting UKIP is to stiffen the spine – if possible – of the Tory Party, especially on forcing the pace on a EU referendum and on controlling our borders.
On the referendum, the cutrrent Tory position is a fudge – “Trust us, we will try to negotiate some changes, then we will come back to you”. That leaves the mess continuing for too long. We want the problems sorted NOW, not postponing any talks until after an election. And we want no possible get-out from the Referendum. With or without “negotiations” which could be drawn out indefinitely.
That is – the people want their say soon – not postponed down the line, kicking the can down the road.
The second issue hot with the electorate is control of our borders – ie control of the rate of change of our culture. All the other parties have failed us totally on this – and things will not get better, whatever smooth promises the Tories make.
These are the main reasons for a huge UKIP vote next month. Plus the abiding issue of – we are sick of career politicians, Tweedledee and Tweedledum.
UKIP is out of step with BBC groupthink on these issues – which is why it gets such a hard time. HIGNFY last week was an appalling example of sustained BBC bias against UKIP. If the BBC truly believed in political impartiality it would have sacked the producer. Thankfully a lot of people can see through this BBC bile, and Farage came smiling through.
These are the main reasons for a huge UKIP vote next month. Plus the abiding issue of – we are sick of career politicians, Tweedledee and Tweedledum.
Pu-leeeese, Clegg came out with all that ‘new politics’ bollix four years ago. UKIP pols are/ will be the same as every other politician.
Sorry – I don’t agree. My impression at local level is that present councillors are very much of a mould – often working in public services, all happy to spend OUR money.
And at national level the Commons is a very different mix to what it was 30 years ago. Clegg himself epitomises the change – yes he was a fraud to try to make the case, but the case is mostly valid, far too many MPs these days do not have a clue about ordinary life and work. They are career politicians with no “bottom” or depth.
I cannot believe that 3 disparate parties can have such similar policies that they are almost indistinguishable from each other.
I see the leader of the previous long term government become rich beyond the dreams of avarice, and I am forced to ask myself the question as to whether the policies of the three main parties is being decided by people beyond this countries borders.
When a different party takes over government but it’s main policies effectively remain the same and are often not in the countries best interests, that suspicion becomes even stronger.
When I look at the massive amounts of money being spent in the USA with the intention of influencing public opinion I would be surprised if that were not going on here, but it isn’t. At least not where it’s visible.
So I have this nagging feeling that all is not how it should be in our politics, and that Cameron has filled his cabinet with his Eton chums so they can all get their fat snouts in the trough and he can rely on them to keep quiet.
OK it’s only a suspicion and there is no proof, it’s unlikely any will ever be found either – they’re not that stupid! But it’s nagging away at me and as they say, the alarm bells ring for a reason usually.
‘HIGNFY last week was an appalling example of sustained BBC bias against UKIP’
I have a fairly high tolerance for politically-skewed humour, but to keep me loyal they do need to have the humour bit intact even if inevitably skewed.
Last night I was catching-up on my catch up and decided to scope the iPlayer best buys.
First I tried that Guess the point panel show but gave up as Rob Brydon was still working his way around the panel by halftime.
So I was pleased to see HIGNFY.
Crikey it was dire.
If the material is so tired you’d need a Kraken to get it out of bed, Mr. Mangan is not the best choice to try and warm it up.
No wonder Paul Merton has a permanent expression of ‘wish I wasn’t here’.
Frankly, the last edition of HIGNFY was a disgrace. As a UKIP supporter I felt I’d been (yet again) humiliated, slandered, etc, etc by the BBC. How Mr Farage kept his cool and somehow kept smiling I just don’t know, but all credit to him for doing so – he was by far the bigger man. The naked hate and bile displayed against UKIP (and Mr Farage in particular) on that edition surely puts to rest any vestigial doubt about the BBC’s complete lack of balance.
When the panellists weren’t sniping and insulting Mr Farage they were having a go at the Tories. This is really getting insufferable.
Did anyone complain to the BBC about this programme|, I wonder?
Hopefully the treatment of Mr Farage will rebound on them. The movement towards UKIP is well under way and looks unstoppable. about time. Let the elites and their minions do their worst. It really makes no difference. As for the BBC it is becoming irrelevant to this country’s future.
I too thought that Merton looked embarrassed to be there on HIGNFT. I think he thinks of the show as tired and clapped out, but it pays the bills.
I tuned in after several years just to see how Farage coped. He seemed to be doing ok, but I could only stick about 10 minutes. Like a once loved pet that now staggers and is in pain, someone needs to put HIGNFY out of our misery.
Israel sees a huge influx of immigrants from France – anti Semitism on Radio PM 2300 last year a 63% increase. Because Jews like Israel !
423 anti semitic incidents, and people making La Quenelle gesture.
But unemployment is 11% and 7% in Israel.
The comedian Dieudonne has played a part in anti Semitism
But the size of the threat is just a matter of perception.
But through all of there is absolutely no mention of the cause of the problem – Muslims! France has one of the highest populations of Muslims in all of Europe.
Christian Fraser reporting
Then we move onto Birmingham schools being hijacked by Muslim Hard liners, followed by bomb explosions in Northern Nigeria caused by guess who? Well you’ll have to guess because the BBC won’t mention the name of the Religion of Peace in a negative context !
Always a slight disappointment when the BBC’s very own ‘Face of London’ Rizla Teeth (that’s Riz Lateef) is away on her hols.
Never mind, we go over to Nick ‘Aren’t-you-worried rich people will-just-buy-everything’ Beake on the streets of the capital to explain for us what colour high viz jackets are – answer : orange and yellow. The poor lad must spend a fortune on hair gel – hope rich people don’t buy up all the supplies.
Anchor in the studio is Alice Ban Da Gravy (that’s Bhandhukravi) and steady on those high heels luv….
And a delicious moment when our Alice stumbles on a headline….
“The trial has begun in New York today of the Radical Cleric… er Radical Muslim Cleric… Abu Hamza…”
Yeah, fair play, I didn’t expect that word to be there either, luv.
For INBBC, on Nigeria:-
Robert Spencer:-
“Islamic supremacist groups such as the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) routinely claim victim status in the U.S., trying to curtail counter-terror efforts by charging that they victimize innocent Muslims. This, however, makes Nihad Awad and Ibrahim Hooper look like pikers. In a country in which Islamic jihadists murder Christians and others with impunity on a nearly daily basis, Islamic leaders are lamenting the ‘plight of Muslims’ and compelling President Goodluck Jonathan to appoint a ‘Special Adviser on Islamic Affairs.’
“As grotesquely opportunistic and manipulative as this is, it shows why Muslims so often claim victim status: it works.”
-from –
“Nigeria: Muslim leaders decry ‘plight of Muslims,’ get ‘Special Adviser on Islamic Affairs'”
More encouraging signs on the BBC R4 news.
They are giving prominence to the Islamic plot to takeover Birmingham schools.
The latest bombings in Nigeria are reported and linked with Islamists.
The Ukrainian president is described as ‘acting’ to show he has not been elected. In fact the whole Eastern Ukraine news reporting is becoming more balanced.
The BBC have not gone into the expected overdrive about the US white supremacist shooting Jews.
Crossing Continents has just done a good balanced piece on the CAR which does put the present massacres of Muslims in context of the preceding massacres of Christians. It’s just such a pity that it took the massacres to spread to Muslims for the BBC to discover an interest in the story.
So, some things are looking up.
Gang jailed after £28 million cigarette smuggling ring smashed
The gang – led by Kamaran Khader from Greenock and including Glasgow man Sirwan Hassan from Pollokshields – imported millions of low grade and counterfeit tobacco, which they sold across northern England and Scotland
Five other men were also imprisoned for their part in the smuggling ring by His Honour Judge Mansell QC.
They are Ahmed Salim Khezri, 24, of Rochdale who was sentenced to six years in prison and Ari Mohammed Rahimi, 23, of Oldham was sentenced to five years in prison after being found guilty by a jury of conspiracy to evade excise duty.
Khalim Khan, 31, from Walsall, pleaded guilty at Manchester Crown Court on 24 February 2014 to conspiracy to evade excise duty and was sentenced to eight months in prison.
Waleed Mohyi, 34, from Bolton, pleaded guilty at Manchester Crown Court on 11 March 2014 to money laundering and was sentenced to eight months in prison.
Domink Kamusinski, 28, of Slough pleaded guilty at Manchester Crown Court on 13 March 2014 to money laundering and was sentenced to eight months in prison.
Significant amounts of money lost to the treasury, and significant sentences, yet not a peep on the BBC website, not even the local ones. Wonder why?
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taffmanMar 6, 00:36 Midweek 5th March 2025 pugnazious The blame lays with the EU’s open borders.
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taffmanMar 6, 00:25 Midweek 5th March 2025 My often posted message to the BBC….. “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all…
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ok here’s the complaint I’ve just submitted. Any one like to hazard a guess as to what the reply might be?
I really must complain about the breathtakingly biased piece I have just witnessed on BBC news about the UN report on “climate change”
A couple of weeks ago I complained about one sided reporting and received this reply “We can assure you of our commitment to impartial reporting. We seek to provide the information which will enable viewers to make up their own minds; to show the political reality and provide the forum for debate, giving full opportunity for all viewpoints to be heard.”
So where was the well established counter view? All I saw was Ed Davey on a self publicity exercise telling everyone what he has done.
Ref BBC News 13/4/14 UN Climate change report.
Can you please explain to me why only one side of this story was reported on, without using the previous reply as obviously all views on climate change were not represented.
Well at least you didn’t get the usual reply that they are allowed to show bias in a particular program so long as that bias is ironed out across the weeks output. This always prompts me to ask a question which they are unable (or don’t want) to answer.
Who monitors the output for overall bias and what are their results?
The answer is of course that no one is monitoring the overall output allowing several programs to be biased without anyone re balancing that bias and an answer to complaints that they are allowed to be biased so long as other programs redress that.
I assume the BBC have been advised by “the best Scientific experts” that a given attributional climate scientist such as Piers Corbyn, must not appear on the BBC.
On the other hand, if an environmental activist with qualifications in the Arts appears, then that could be one of the BBC’s “best scientific experts”.
After your complaint has been rejected, look on the Culture, Media and Sport Committee website, and write about your complaint to the inquiry about the future of the BBC.
The story of non-scientists at the BBC advising the BBC to censor scientists, science and scientific debate at the BBC, seems to be causing to stir up Mensa members into an unprecedented level of irritation about the accumulation of inferior middle-class morons at the BBC, as has been revealed by the W1A documentary.
It’s a key part of the BBC-NUJ political manifesto to increase the prices of, and oppose the use of: gas, oil and coal.
‘Renewables, renewables’ is the cry- whatever the cost to the British economy and to jobs.
‘Can you please explain to me why only one side of this story was reported on’
I suspect they could/can, but given past precedent they won’t.
But be assured that if it is about matters science, there’s a fair bet that anyone at the BBC assessing it will be a History, Arts or History of Arts grad from Oxford, as those are just the sort who do well there.
And they also have a keen appreciation of how well propaganda backed by censorship worked before, and are clearly working on avoiding the bits that messed with its effectiveness before.
It didn’t take long!
Just hours after my prediction that the Tories were going to blame Maria Miller for their election failure in May, the first Tory blame mongering article appears!
The Daily Mail flag waver for the Tories and major UKIP opponents run this article:
Huge poll boost for UKIP as a fifth of voters say they will back anti-Europe party in wake of Maria Miller and ‘Sexminster’ scandals.
After all it couldn’t have anything to do with leftie Daves mad social policies could it? Can’t possibly question the Gay marriage thing could we? That would be an ‘ism’ or a ‘phobia’ and those criticisms are just for ‘bigots’ !
… Tory sleaze, crooked Tories, fiddling self serving Tories
… same old, old, story no difference … if they re not stabbing each other in the back, they have to find a scapegoat, the Libdumbs have foolishly been the dartboard, to allow these bastards to get away with the ideological lying, and mismanagement, they can blame
the erm “left” … but they only need to look in the mirror.
Its not just the Tories and Labour, but I saw somewhere that 55 percent of Liberals are considering voting UKIP.
You mean 55% of the 20% who aren’t going to vote labour?
Nothing to do with Mrs Miller. Minds have been made up. We know that kicking the governing liberal class is an absolute necessity.
Just vote UKIP. Nothing to do with whether you like Farage. Just remember the vote is all we have against this appalling governing class. Oh and stuff the BBC as well.
I hope you don’t recommend voting Ukip at the General Election otherwise we will get the delightful far left (Marxist) Millipede as our Prime Minister and I really don’t think he will be very good at it.
I hope you don’t recommend voting Conservative at the General Election otherwise we will get the delightful far left (Marxist) Millipede as our Prime Minister and I really don’t think he will be very good at it.
The only way to insure that labour does not creep back into power is for Tory voters to vote tactically
Remember ‘country b4 party’
Thankfully UKIP will ensure a Labour victory!
Want the country to be bankrupt do you? Well that will finish off the NHS.
you mean if the Tories can t sell it off first
… and bankrupt 😀 … remind me again … how much is that f-ckwit Osborne borrowing at present
And why has he to borrow so much – hint: google ‘end to boom and bust’
Sell it off? Really? Proof?
You should not swallow all the left wing bullsh*t from the Socialist Workers Party
As for your point about borrowing – Arthur Penney has said it all.
Milliband is a Marxist?
Don’t make me laugh.
You really are witless.
“Witless” says the pathetic troll posting under yet another name.
You missed out the T
Missed out the ‘t’? As in ‘wa’, ‘i’ and ‘cun’ ?
No other way to describe a spineless wa who posts under another’s name but can’t spell it right.
Where is the logic in that – vote Conservative and get Labour?
Yes I do. The Tory party needs to go or at least change itself completely. If that means a labour government so be it. Just look at the possible future cabinet and you just know they will not be able to govern satisfactorily.
The liberal elite needs to show itself for the incompetent, treacherous, facist bunch they really are so that we all can see.
Then the long awaited counter revolution against the 68ers and their acolytes can proceed. There is a culture war for the future of England. Sometimes harsh choices have to be made.
Our greatest weapon is the arrogance of the elite in both main parties. They cannot conceive of a country without them.
No! Definitely No!
If Labour get in again not only will it be a disaster for the country but the Tories will lurch even further to the left in the belief that that is where the votes are. THAT is why Hug-a-Hoodie is doing what he is doing – he thinks that is what the country wants. He’s wrong, as he is about lots of things but that is not reason to allow those clowns in Labour back in.
Personally I feel that that is the attitude with which we have arrived at where we are today, voting tactically rather than with your heart.
It makes no odds be it Labour/Liberal/Tory are one and the same Tripartite all pro EU/Immigration/Mutlicult etc and pro more of the same, nothing will ever change.
UKIP are far from perfect and seemingly a one man outfit, but seriously can they really be any worse than the shower in power since the 50’s?
Since being old enough to understand what was going on around me things have I seen the country progressively decline (albeit a short renaissance in the mid 80’s under Mrs T). For that reason I will vote UKIP in the GE, it may turn out to be a disaster, but then again so will ‘more of the same’ Labour and Tory’s, whats to lose? Cameron offer a Referendum in 2017? where have I heard that before?
Nothing to lose Geoff. Lib/Lab/Con all piss in the same pot.
Vote ukip…..if it ‘lets in Labour ‘ then so be it!
The scare tactics no longer work on me, vote for what you want, not for what it may result in by default.
I have listened to the BBC quite a lot over the past few days – especially the coverage of the elections in India. It has struck me that, not for the first time, despite any evidence of incompetence, criminality, whatever, the BBC always seems to veer swiftly towards favouring political parties of the left around the world. This has been increasingly visible as Mr Modi heads towards potential victory in India, increasing the extent to which the BBC is taking a very partisan approach in reporting the politics of other countries, never mind our own.
I recall its coolness towards Frau Merkel in the German elections, its absolute fervour for Ms Gillard in Australia, and its elation for M Hollande’s election in France, its disappointment at John Key being elected in New Zealand, its complete antipathy towards M Berlusconi in Italy, and its sadness when the centre-right New Democracy party won the biggest share of the vote in the Greek elections. In addition, the BBC’s uncritical views of South American leftist parties (e.g. in Venezuela with Chavez/Maduaro, Argentina with Kirchner, and so on) are pretty obvious with its views on both internal and external policies. in South America.
Then there are its obvious sorrow at Mr Harper’s victory in Canada, grovelling worship of Mr Obama and his Democrats in the US, and its ‘never-shine-a-light’ attitude towards Labour in the UK, along with its hatred of the Conservative party in this country.
I’m sure there are many more examples of this, but just a test, if you will indulge me. I know of no right-leaning party in world politics which the BBC has ever favoured with its support, whether implicit, or explicit. Does anyone else have an example ?
That is an excellent review of the BBC;s bias on overseas politics.
My Damascus moment re the BBC and its world revolutionary advocacy was in 2007, when Segolene Royale was up against Sarkozy for President.
Wall-to wall crap craving for a woman…and a woman of the left( not Sarah Palin types who need perpetual bitchslaps and sanctioned sexist rants from such enlightened feminists like Bill Clinton!).
The BBC were truly despicable throughout-and this was after their John Kerry crap in 2004.
Seeds were sown…and Climategate 2009 led me to here and this site.
The excellent polling site http://ukpollingreport.co.uk/ has a list of 5 things ‘which will decide the next election’. The first two are very interesting indeed, but it’s far too in depth to copy & paste here. I do recommend you read it so that you might see the BBC working hard for Labour in these critical areas.
1) How will the growing economy effect the polls?
2) Will Ed Miliband’s unpopularity matter anymore than it does now?
3) What level of support will UKIP get at the general election
4) How resilient will Liberal Democrat incumbents be?
5) Will Scotland be voting?
For me the second item is truly intriguing, for never has a leader with such poor poll rating led a party to victory. People genuinely dislike Ed Milliband and appear to have no faith in his ability to run a bath let alone a country!
His rating are as low as those other forgettable leaders William Hague, IDS and Michael Howard. Put simply with a leader as unpopular as this, Labour should not be leading in the polls.
“If Labour win, the Conservatives should take home the message that leadership, economic competence and being preferred on policies really isn’t enough, that they have a serious issue with how people perceive their party and its values that needs to be addressed (I doubt they would learn that lesson, but there goes). ”
“Is the barmy BBC beyond parody?”
By Danny Buckland.
INBBC hasn’t mentioned this yet on-line:
“Muslim Brotherhood moves headquarters from London to Austria after Cameron announces terror investigation”
Can we expect more INBBC-Arabic TV staff to move to Austria, in the interests of continuity of its propaganda for the Muslim Brotherhood and for Al Jazeera?
I don’t think they moved in fear of Cameron’s investigation. More likely his announcement of an investigation was a warning to his MB comrades to move before British people became too aware of their activities. After all, not even Downing Street can order the arrest of everyone who protests about the MB in London.
-Not on BBC News ‘Health’ page:-
“UK: Muslim NHS Doctor Gave List of Military Attaches in Muslim Countries’ UK Embassies to Islamic Supremacist Group”
– See more at: http://pamelageller.com/2014/04/uk-muslim-nhs-doctor-gave-list-military-attaches-muslim-countries-uk-embassies-islamic-supremacist-group.html/#sthash.1uP2Acuh.dpuf
The Hippocratic oath not really working its magic like it used to these days, is it? To those Glasgow Airport Departure charmers can now be added this.
In fact the public sector not really coping too well with those in its employ who see their professional or ethical obligations as secondary to other callings.
Maybe the BBC can second a Panorama researcher from the cubicle gardens to investigate?
Oh the corruption of our self seeking MPs !
Now there’s been an MP acquitted of the charges brought by the CPS there’s an outcry that he has been forced to spend his life savings to defend himself.
Now I’ve always held the view that if you are wrongly accused then you should not suffer any punishment, including the loss of capital, simply because the state screws up.
The situation we have now can be wrongly used by public sector employees or politicians to financially ruin people, and this has indeed been the case in the past with the John Stalker case.
These past few months we have seen several high profile people brought to court on misconceived charges by the CPS who have spent far more than Nigel Evans did. William Roache and Michael Le Vell spent an estimated £250K each. Where were the corrupt MPs then? Not a peep out of them! but one of their own gets in a similar fix and suddenly it’s a major issue that needs fixing.
No wonder people hold politicians in such low regard! It’s because that’s all they deserve!
According to my Telegraph today the State (ie we) provides you with a brief. If you want to choose your own brief the State will reimburse you the ‘legal expenses’ rate. If you want to hire your own more expensive brief you pay the difference.
The cap makes sense otherwise every defendant would go for the most expensive (in theory the most able) brief.
The State can hire who it wants and pay what it wants – there’s the side the problem’s on.
Over to you, Wavy Davy.
Shan’t hold my breath.
You are only provided with a brief if you fall within the remit of legal aid, if not then you receive nothing.
If your home is worth more than £350K you will be expected to sell it and use the fund to pay the greedy weasels.
As you say, spending more ‘should’ buy you a more capable lawyer, perhaps a specialist, but that means that justice in the UK is for sale to the highest bidder, and the rich receive a different form of justice to the poor.
As things stand, because we have a strange legal system, different to the rest of Europe, rich people can pay to change the law through continuing appeals until they get the judgement they want, usually setting precedent along the way.
Personally, I’m delighted Nigel Evans was cleared of all charges and acquitted. I find the fact he was forced to lose his life savings defending his name in the face of what were clearly opportunist chancers a disgraceful state of affairs. To anyone with even an ounce of sense it must have been obvious the trumped-up charges against Mr Evans never stood a chance in the cold analytical light of a courtroom where more considered minds reside – the real villain here are both the police (get the Tory!) and the CPS; an organisation, by now so discredited as to render itself little more than a pathetic laughing stock.
I wish Mr Evans all the best and although he may never get back the £100k+ he was forced to waste defending himself against spiteful, vindictive and (in my view) politically motivated lies, I do sincerely hope he can rebuild his life and continue to champion the issue of the professional and financial vulnerability of those incorrectly accused of heinous crimes (as well as issues of anonymity in such cases).
I think most of us would share your sentiments Phil, but the point is that none of our MPs said a damn thing until it happened to one of them.
If it was such an iniquity (and I happen to believe that it is), then why were they not speaking out when it happened to the more ordinary people, some of which have been forced to spend twice as much as Mr Evans.
Because it’s happened to an MP there is now talk of a ‘statute of limitations’ where historical cases are time limited.
Yet again though it’s only being discussed because it happened to an MP.
It’s yet more evidence of a political class wholly removed from the real world which they care little about. Most of them are in reality London based careerists who have little or no knowledge of life outside their little bubble, and that is a form of corruption.
We now hear of Tony BLiars son looking to take a safe Liverpool seat where he’s probably never been in his life, and where if the labout candidate said he wanted to torture them all slowly to death then they’d still vote for it !
Thoughtful, I take on board your comments and accept them completely. You are correct, of course, to point out that only since Mr Evans was acquitted have we heard a peep from other MPs about changes to the law – and that in itself reveals much about the supine moral and political cowardice of our current political class.
Still, as I suggested in my earlier post, Mr Evan’s acquittal may yet serve a greater good – to shine an uncompromising light on the present iniquities of law that award ‘victims’ instant anonymity, whilst subjecting (often) innocent accused to both the media and to quite possibly ruinous legal costs wasted in defence against entirely false charges.
If this is ‘justice’ it is clearly a very brutal, medieval justice and it urgently needs reform.
‘clearly opportunist chancers’
It was only by reading around outside the MSM dead zone that I discovered these opportunist chancers were not the usual Max Cliffy ‘victim’ variety, but our new breed of law and disorder guardians of justice, given a clear ride down the tribal muckraking slipway for either ratings or political point scoring by our venal media estate, at which I place the BBC near the top, especially when agenda can be served.
BBC athletics commentator Brendan Foster under fire for ”negative” comments on Mo Farah’s London Marathon debut
He should obviously be sent to the Tower for such treasonable comments, although it turns out that ‘under fire’ means that two people on Twitter disagreed with him.
Such comments would go by unnoticed if it were good ol’ Morris Farrish from Southwold …
bBC – your boy took a hell of a beating at the marathon today, hehe 🙂
… did he collapse again?
or have to stop for a sh-t break?
The marathon didn’t swing through Northampton did it?
I was wondering where “Mo” came, after being all over the TV before the Marathon. BBc Breakfast missed him out entirely in the video & was only mentioned as an aside by the woman sports presenter who told us “He didn’t get his tactics quite right” finishing 8th.
When does a tax dodger in exile become “Our Mo”…the British lad Lewis” then?
When he is a “sports star”, whose colour must be “celebrated”; his “financial arrangements” not considered in these “difficult cases”.
As long as these two “Brits”(and watch out for the kind of people who use this to describe us)don`t get their coffees at Starbucks though eh?
The media are the massage…
The bBBC ‘news’ doesn’t seem to have room to report that a professional runner from Sierra Leone has gone missing after finishing 20th in the women’s elite race at the London Marathon.
Maybe she detoured to Northampton to ‘channel’ her inner Paula Radcliffe, and is taking ‘I’d give it 5 minutes’ to a whole new level?
On a more serious note, if darker forces are afoot, we can only hope and pray ((c) Dave & Barack Cookie Cutters To The Patronised) that she is safe and well.
It is odd the BBC seems currently unconcerned.
Funny though eh?
Like Forrest Gump running into Bethnal Green and never being seen again.
Bet the News Quiz/HIGNFY won`t be doing anything about it though….she was hardly applying to get FGM at a Mile End Polyclinic now was she?
And in other news, while the weekend can often be lighter fare, sometimes it can still be more than intriguing:
‘Mark Linsey is on a package of £222k, and in the last published quarter claimed £658.32 in hospitality to “discuss new ideas”.’
That’s ‘entertainment supremo Mark Linsey’ who, on top of a healthy per annum wedge, clearly needs funding outside the office to do the job, albeit to a questionable standard in or out.
Turning the TV on to be faced by serious faces on BBc Breakfast. Is there another dead Z list celebrity. No it’s Ukraine again. People wanting the right to decide their own destiny, whatever next. Not like here where in this democracy we always are given the right to a referendum…Oh hang on that’s not right, is it?
interesting interviewee on the Today program this morning, an ex ambassador to Russia, he didn’t say what the drones were expecting.
Basically his position was that the West had been winding Russia up ever since the fall of the Berlin wall with aggressive approaches to former Eastern bloc countries more or less ignoring Russia in the process. He did do a small list of examples.
He used Putins recent speech as an example ‘ you push a spring so far and eventually it starts to push back’.
America in particular has had some amazingly aggressive ignorant and incompetent people in senior positions over the decades, who have behaved as if American jurisdiction extended over the entire globe. No small wonder that eventually they pushed the wrong kid in the playground !
Yes I noticed this U-turn.
His crave interviewer(was it Evan?) had no need to do a skid turn on the handbrake, seeing as the interview was winding up…but it surprised me that a British Ambassador of old could still actually think for himself.
How he got through is another matter-but to be fair Evan might have even given him a US quote by way of setting up…which was brave, given the BBCs craven approach to upsetting John Kerry and the EU.
Strange one this.
The BBC will tell you that it loves social media and so-called citizen journalism
Some categories of story are preferred it seems…..
‘For BBC News, the focus has been flagging up particular types of story on Google +, Frankel explained. “We’ve always felt that the page’s great strength lies with science and technology stories and those about the environment.”
Posts on driver-less cars, global warming, and space have all done well, he explained. ‘
However, here’s one bit of citizen journalism you know the BBC wouldn’t touch with a barge pole.
It’s our rainbow multiculturalism. What’s the matter with you?
Nicky Campbell signals his unsubtle support for all things Guardian and Lefty – just his own opinion, I’m sure.
Nicky Campbell @NickyAACampbell 11 hrs
Just finished ‘The Snowden Files’ by @lukeharding1968.The Inside Story of the World’s Most Wanted Man. Brilliant, enlightening and forensic
1:16 pm – 13 Apr 2014 · Details
Luke Harding @lukeharding1968 11 hrs
@NickyAACampbell thanks Nicky! I’m delighted you enjoyed.
Is it me or does anyone else sense that the BBC have changed their tune and are now bum-licking Russia in the whole Ukraine crisis? Can you remember the faux outrage from the BBC in Syria and Libya? If Ukraine was a Muslim country the BBC would be arming THE Ukrainians rolled up copies of the Guardian!
The BBC is a terrible media organization. Lies, bias, no consistency, pro-Muslim, deceit… you name it.
So the BBC has an ‘undercover’ investigation into the trade in stolen smartphones. Every picture it shows of those involved are Asian Muslims, one of the victims is a white male, and yet they just can’t manage to go that extra millimetre and make the connection which is screaming out at them!
He said: “You have got people so confident and so casual in dealing with what they believe to be stolen property – and encouraging robberies.
“I find it absolutely astounding.
“By providing a conduit for the thieves to be able to convert those stolen phones into money, they’re encouraging the commission of offences.”
So there you have it. A group of people which the BBC knows is so out of control they have no regard for UK law, and are encouraging further crimes, yet the BBC political dogma means it is unable to actually tell us the truth of what is going on!
How come Michael Adebolajo (or whatever combo of Michael and Countdown tumble of letters he is) is still not being called Abu Hamza Jihadi Qatada Bin Laden Abdullah(or whatever list of offending names he has “chosen to go by” in his court case).
Given the fact that Bradley Manning immediately was deemed to be “Chelsea”(for that is his/er “inalienable right”) by Owen and Polly-how come the BBC won`t give Michael Bin Laden his new name-at least his was done in a courtroom, not slipped out in a breathless whisper as the traitors paddywagon swooshed by.
Let`s give Michale his new name-he`s worthy of them all…and more.
I myself would tattoo it all around his neck then send him to Tehran…
Why would anyone posting on this site consider it even remotely desirable to use a name glorifying and calling others to fight Jihad?
Honestly, you’d have to be certifiable to think that using the name Mujaheed Abu Hamza was in any way appropriate !
Do you even know what this name means of it’s significance? or are you just lashing out blindly because you want to attack someone from a group you don’t like?
I spent a lot of time writing to MPs the BBC and the minister for justice to get them to not use a name glorifying the slaughter of a British serviceman, you seriously need to have a long think about what you are asking for. Unless of course you think Jihad and the murder of British soldiers is a good thing?
By Contrast the Bradley Manning / Chelsea thing is completely different. It hurts no one, and has been done legally, in a foreign country which is happy to do it. I don’t see how this has any connection to a Jihadist.
I don’t think you are getting the point of the post. It is about the denial by the liberal elite of the reality of the enemy we face.
Nothing there about glorifying jihadists.
No I’m sorry Dave but you also don’t seem to understand the meaning of Mujahid Abu Hamza either.
Perhaps if you did you would realise that the name in itself glorifies Jihad and Jihadists. Therefore simply because you don’t understand it you don’t realise that it is a tool of war against us.
Using the name glorifies Jihad, if you don’t understand that then please just accept it as fact. It isn’t just some simple name like Eric, or Simon, or Akbahr ! It means something! Something people in the West don’t understand, and because you don’t see the trap you assume that it isn’t there.
The trouble is that even when people tell you it’s there you still won’t believe or accept it!
Would you be prepared to use his name if it was in language you did understand? Suppose he changed his name to ‘All Muslims arise and slaughter the infidels’.
Would you be making the same point then?
Funny that you give credence to Michaels nom de guerre though eh thoughtful?
No-of course I don`t give a stuff about his name or what he means by it…I`m past caring about semantics-and especially with those dripping hands of his.
Only your like seem enchanted by it….and your lack of irony (and wilful brandishing of kebab skewers as offered you by the dhimmi at the BBC/Guardian) makes you a true convert to liberal platitudes and hypocrisies being served up(halal) to your like.
Dave s says it better than me -but the fact you see no connections between the two cases and the language used, consents granted makes you in need of a bit of Orwell.
thoughful eh?…think Trading Standards need to be told you`re hardly doing what it says on your tin helmet there eh?
All Muslims arise and slaughter the infidels !
With ignorant people in the West prepared to broadcast Jihad because they don’t understand it, and condemn those who oppose Jihad and do understand a little more than them as ‘liberals’ says it all !
Perhaps you’d enlighten us as to the meaning of Adebolajos ‘nom de Guerre’ and the significance of it to other Muslims contemplating Jihad?
Not sure he’s allowed for the awesome ‘make it go away’ power of uniqueness, but…
‘The best solution is always competition, consumers choosing to go elsewhere and taking their revenue with them’
Now in a fit of 2Bfairness I can see how that model can struggle with services such as defence, education, health (though the latter two can see those with choices on top of compulsion taking them) etc.
However, this poster does summarise the problem well responding to another who, amazingly, likes to be anonymous when trying and failing to redirect things away from some uncomfortable truths:
‘Badly run private organisations fail; badly run public ones don’t. That makes all the difference’
A difference that is endured and defended more than anything by a ‘public service’ that claims to present education and information that too often is more propaganda and censorship.
Which is what makes it so special.
Do you ever get the feeling that – just like the Guardian and the Co-op – the BBC too sees itself as part of a wider UK-based Leftist movement?
The BBC seems to think so
Fit For Purpose is a new series on BBC Radio 4 which aims to remake Britain’s troubled institutions.
‘In this programme Anne McElvoy of The Economist and John Harris of the Guardian are joined by a team of experts and a studio audience in the search for a new vision for Britain’s Trade Unions.
Can the decline of recent years be left behind? ‘
A new vision for the BBC perhaps?
Can the decline of recent years be left behind?
Is compulsory force funding still the best way to speak for…to… at a nation?
Guessing ABC ratings were not a measure of representation for those joining no doubt carefully filtered experts.
In case they ever dare look in a mirror.
The BBC news full of the screw ups of NU Liebour and the lies to cover it all up.
So we hear from a spokes weasel from Birmingham council, over the ‘Trojan horse’ letter and schools, and never have I heard such dancing around the facts so as to avoid causing ‘offence’ to the Muslims ‘community’.
No facts could be stated even the letter might not be true, in fact there was nothing which could be pointed to as fact at all – even the paper the letter was printed on might not be genuine!
All of it of course went unchallenged, just comments about Muslism ‘hard liners’ (as if they’re in some way different) wanting segregation in secular state schools.
Now I cannot believe that this is the only reason the Fascists are getting wound up about a school full of Muslims being operated in accordance with the Muslim faith. There must be something else which they’re not telling.
Maybe they’re teaching that the Jews should be exterminated, or Gays should be thrown off high places? What ever it is they ain’t telling!
The point is though, that this is a deeply Islamophobic attack on Birminghams Muslims community who are simply wanted to exercise their faith freely. Or it would be if anyone other than a Fascists had decided that it’s wrong!
Who is in charge of deciding where that line in the sand is drawn? It seems that what is ‘unacceptable’ for me to say is completely reasonable when it’s spoken by a fascist !
The trouble is as with all of the ‘isms’ they have no definition, and are completely meaningless. That is exactly what is intended. They are bully words which are intended to entrap the innocent victims of the fascists. The only definition they have is that they mean what ever the fascist using it wants it to mean at that particular time.
Hopefully one day the fascists will be forced to define what these words actually mean (if anything). Islam has been fixed and firm for over 1500 years, it should be possible to tell them what is and is not acceptable within a Western society so that at least they know!
But that’s the whole point. If these words are ever defined, they will lose their power.
Thoughtful, it’s really very easy, when you think about it.
‘Islamophobia’ is nothing more than an excuse for liberal fascists to behave like cowards, whilst excusing the crimes and intolerance of Islam. We know this is true because there is no such thing as ‘Islamophobia’. There never has been, there is not now and there never will be. It was a useful word invented by progressives to act as a free pass for Islamists wishing to express sentiments of hate, bigotry, racism and terrorism towards they take offence at. As Douglas Murray writes, it would be far more accurate to rename Islamophobia as Islamophilia.
Andy Coulson is in the witness box today, and wow isn’t the BBC making a big deal of his connections to the Tory party and the Prime Minister.
Cameron showed weak leadership, stubbornness, and a total inability to foresee what was coming when he clung on desperately to Andy Coulson, and that weakness has now allowed his political enemies, such as the biased BBC to make capital out of it.
I can’t say I feel sorry for him, because he’s a hopeless Prime Minister in many ways, but it this had been a Labour Prime Minister then the BBC would not have been quite so enthusiastic in making those links so visible.
Every other news outlet is reporting this story:
I can’t find it anywhere on the BBC… I ‘wonder’ why?
The main reason for voting UKIP is to stiffen the spine – if possible – of the Tory Party, especially on forcing the pace on a EU referendum and on controlling our borders.
On the referendum, the cutrrent Tory position is a fudge – “Trust us, we will try to negotiate some changes, then we will come back to you”. That leaves the mess continuing for too long. We want the problems sorted NOW, not postponing any talks until after an election. And we want no possible get-out from the Referendum. With or without “negotiations” which could be drawn out indefinitely.
That is – the people want their say soon – not postponed down the line, kicking the can down the road.
The second issue hot with the electorate is control of our borders – ie control of the rate of change of our culture. All the other parties have failed us totally on this – and things will not get better, whatever smooth promises the Tories make.
These are the main reasons for a huge UKIP vote next month. Plus the abiding issue of – we are sick of career politicians, Tweedledee and Tweedledum.
UKIP is out of step with BBC groupthink on these issues – which is why it gets such a hard time. HIGNFY last week was an appalling example of sustained BBC bias against UKIP. If the BBC truly believed in political impartiality it would have sacked the producer. Thankfully a lot of people can see through this BBC bile, and Farage came smiling through.
These are the main reasons for a huge UKIP vote next month. Plus the abiding issue of – we are sick of career politicians, Tweedledee and Tweedledum.
Pu-leeeese, Clegg came out with all that ‘new politics’ bollix four years ago. UKIP pols are/ will be the same as every other politician.
Sorry – I don’t agree. My impression at local level is that present councillors are very much of a mould – often working in public services, all happy to spend OUR money.
And at national level the Commons is a very different mix to what it was 30 years ago. Clegg himself epitomises the change – yes he was a fraud to try to make the case, but the case is mostly valid, far too many MPs these days do not have a clue about ordinary life and work. They are career politicians with no “bottom” or depth.
I see a much more sinister picture than you do.
I cannot believe that 3 disparate parties can have such similar policies that they are almost indistinguishable from each other.
I see the leader of the previous long term government become rich beyond the dreams of avarice, and I am forced to ask myself the question as to whether the policies of the three main parties is being decided by people beyond this countries borders.
When a different party takes over government but it’s main policies effectively remain the same and are often not in the countries best interests, that suspicion becomes even stronger.
When I look at the massive amounts of money being spent in the USA with the intention of influencing public opinion I would be surprised if that were not going on here, but it isn’t. At least not where it’s visible.
So I have this nagging feeling that all is not how it should be in our politics, and that Cameron has filled his cabinet with his Eton chums so they can all get their fat snouts in the trough and he can rely on them to keep quiet.
OK it’s only a suspicion and there is no proof, it’s unlikely any will ever be found either – they’re not that stupid! But it’s nagging away at me and as they say, the alarm bells ring for a reason usually.
‘HIGNFY last week was an appalling example of sustained BBC bias against UKIP’
I have a fairly high tolerance for politically-skewed humour, but to keep me loyal they do need to have the humour bit intact even if inevitably skewed.
Last night I was catching-up on my catch up and decided to scope the iPlayer best buys.
First I tried that Guess the point panel show but gave up as Rob Brydon was still working his way around the panel by halftime.
So I was pleased to see HIGNFY.
Crikey it was dire.
If the material is so tired you’d need a Kraken to get it out of bed, Mr. Mangan is not the best choice to try and warm it up.
No wonder Paul Merton has a permanent expression of ‘wish I wasn’t here’.
Frankly, the last edition of HIGNFY was a disgrace. As a UKIP supporter I felt I’d been (yet again) humiliated, slandered, etc, etc by the BBC. How Mr Farage kept his cool and somehow kept smiling I just don’t know, but all credit to him for doing so – he was by far the bigger man. The naked hate and bile displayed against UKIP (and Mr Farage in particular) on that edition surely puts to rest any vestigial doubt about the BBC’s complete lack of balance.
When the panellists weren’t sniping and insulting Mr Farage they were having a go at the Tories. This is really getting insufferable.
Did anyone complain to the BBC about this programme|, I wonder?
Hopefully the treatment of Mr Farage will rebound on them. The movement towards UKIP is well under way and looks unstoppable. about time. Let the elites and their minions do their worst. It really makes no difference. As for the BBC it is becoming irrelevant to this country’s future.
I too thought that Merton looked embarrassed to be there on HIGNFT. I think he thinks of the show as tired and clapped out, but it pays the bills.
I tuned in after several years just to see how Farage coped. He seemed to be doing ok, but I could only stick about 10 minutes. Like a once loved pet that now staggers and is in pain, someone needs to put HIGNFY out of our misery.
I do hope that the Trustees of the BBC are reading this – that is what they are chosen for – monitoring public opinion and ensuring impartiality ?
Israel sees a huge influx of immigrants from France – anti Semitism on Radio PM 2300 last year a 63% increase. Because Jews like Israel !
423 anti semitic incidents, and people making La Quenelle gesture.
But unemployment is 11% and 7% in Israel.
The comedian Dieudonne has played a part in anti Semitism
But the size of the threat is just a matter of perception.
But through all of there is absolutely no mention of the cause of the problem – Muslims! France has one of the highest populations of Muslims in all of Europe.
Christian Fraser reporting
Then we move onto Birmingham schools being hijacked by Muslim Hard liners, followed by bomb explosions in Northern Nigeria caused by guess who? Well you’ll have to guess because the BBC won’t mention the name of the Religion of Peace in a negative context !
Shocking bias !
…and the news where you are….
Always a slight disappointment when the BBC’s very own ‘Face of London’ Rizla Teeth (that’s Riz Lateef) is away on her hols.
Never mind, we go over to Nick ‘Aren’t-you-worried rich people will-just-buy-everything’ Beake on the streets of the capital to explain for us what colour high viz jackets are – answer : orange and yellow. The poor lad must spend a fortune on hair gel – hope rich people don’t buy up all the supplies.
Anchor in the studio is Alice Ban Da Gravy (that’s Bhandhukravi) and steady on those high heels luv….
And a delicious moment when our Alice stumbles on a headline….
“The trial has begun in New York today of the Radical Cleric… er Radical Muslim Cleric… Abu Hamza…”
Yeah, fair play, I didn’t expect that word to be there either, luv.
Reporting latest ISLAMIC JIHAD massacre in NIGERIA:-
1.) a clear headline from ‘Jihadwatch’:-
“Nigeria: Islamic jihadists murder 71 with bombs at bus station”
2.) a vague INBBC headline, omitting reference to Islamic jihadists :-
“Nigeria violence: More than 70 killed in Abuja bus blast”
For INBBC, on Nigeria:-
Robert Spencer:-
“Islamic supremacist groups such as the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) routinely claim victim status in the U.S., trying to curtail counter-terror efforts by charging that they victimize innocent Muslims. This, however, makes Nihad Awad and Ibrahim Hooper look like pikers. In a country in which Islamic jihadists murder Christians and others with impunity on a nearly daily basis, Islamic leaders are lamenting the ‘plight of Muslims’ and compelling President Goodluck Jonathan to appoint a ‘Special Adviser on Islamic Affairs.’
“As grotesquely opportunistic and manipulative as this is, it shows why Muslims so often claim victim status: it works.”
-from –
“Nigeria: Muslim leaders decry ‘plight of Muslims,’ get ‘Special Adviser on Islamic Affairs'”
More encouraging signs on the BBC R4 news.
They are giving prominence to the Islamic plot to takeover Birmingham schools.
The latest bombings in Nigeria are reported and linked with Islamists.
The Ukrainian president is described as ‘acting’ to show he has not been elected. In fact the whole Eastern Ukraine news reporting is becoming more balanced.
The BBC have not gone into the expected overdrive about the US white supremacist shooting Jews.
Crossing Continents has just done a good balanced piece on the CAR which does put the present massacres of Muslims in context of the preceding massacres of Christians. It’s just such a pity that it took the massacres to spread to Muslims for the BBC to discover an interest in the story.
So, some things are looking up.
Beeboid SCHOFIELD’s political cynicism against French middle class and nation state.
Beeboid Schofield reveals his political line with cynical remarks about a French political party (DLR), with has friendly links with Farage and UKIP:-
…” it [DLR] does have a niche – among respectable middle-class types who believe in the nation state. ”
Is Beeboid Schofield an unrespected middle-class type who is opposed to the nation state, and committed to the E.U’s federal Europe plans?
Reported in several papers covering the UK :
Gang jailed after £28 million cigarette smuggling ring smashed
The gang – led by Kamaran Khader from Greenock and including Glasgow man Sirwan Hassan from Pollokshields – imported millions of low grade and counterfeit tobacco, which they sold across northern England and Scotland
Five other men were also imprisoned for their part in the smuggling ring by His Honour Judge Mansell QC.
They are Ahmed Salim Khezri, 24, of Rochdale who was sentenced to six years in prison and Ari Mohammed Rahimi, 23, of Oldham was sentenced to five years in prison after being found guilty by a jury of conspiracy to evade excise duty.
Khalim Khan, 31, from Walsall, pleaded guilty at Manchester Crown Court on 24 February 2014 to conspiracy to evade excise duty and was sentenced to eight months in prison.
Waleed Mohyi, 34, from Bolton, pleaded guilty at Manchester Crown Court on 11 March 2014 to money laundering and was sentenced to eight months in prison.
Domink Kamusinski, 28, of Slough pleaded guilty at Manchester Crown Court on 13 March 2014 to money laundering and was sentenced to eight months in prison.
Significant amounts of money lost to the treasury, and significant sentences, yet not a peep on the BBC website, not even the local ones. Wonder why?
Probably the reason it is not mentioned is “community cohesion” – whatever that means.