The BBC give Labour a free pass as they propagate their ‘research’:
School places: Labour warns of primary school ‘crisis’ in England
One in four councils believe there is a “real crisis in primary school places” looming for this September in England, according to Labour’s shadow education secretary.
But why is there this ‘crisis’?
Could it be that it is Labour who created it by flinging open the borders and generously offering the world a free education?
Yes I think it might be…but not because the BBC mentions that….didn’t mention it in 2013 either when Labour again were allowed to get away with dodging the blame…..they mentioned this:
The demand for places has been driven by the birth rate rising more quickly than at any time since the 1950s.
….but not why the birthrate has shot up….or that immigrants bring in their children as well….though there is this clue:
London has the greatest need, accounting for 37% of the extra primary places required, according to the NAO.
London, with a massive inflow of immigrants.
The Telegraph tells the truth:
Up to 80,000 children face missing out on their first choice primary school next week amid warnings that the admissions process risks descending into “chaos”.
It is thought that one-in-eight infants across England will fail to secure their preferred reception place for September amid a huge surge in applications this year.
Competition has been intensified by a rise in the birth rate combined with an influx of migrants.
The BBC is quick to mention immigration in regard to education when it suits their pro-immigration agenda:
Immigration rhetoric putting off overseas students – peers
Not getting a school place for your child is not the only cost of mass immigration……another being the actual financial cost of this huge swamping/exploitation of the education system…
Highest ever number of school staff
The number of teachers and support staff working in England’s state schools has risen to a record level of 1.3 million people.
These annual census figures show there are about 220,000 more full-time-equivalent teaching and assistant posts in schools compared with 2005.
Essentially the cost of all those new recruits on the public payroll is the result of immigration.
Say £10,000 a year each, a very conservative estimate….that’s £2 billion every year just on the wages….never mind new classrooms or schools, free school meals, books, interpreters and so on.
But the BBC continues to give us a onesided narrative that immigration is hugely beneficial to us.
BBC/Labour :
‘school places crisis’ – ie surge in number of children
‘cost of living crisis’ – ie low wages
‘NHS crisis’ – ie surge in health service usage
‘housing crisis’ – ie surge in population
And yet curiously never any ‘immigration crisis’
The Tories haven’t curbed immigration in their 4 years so all of the above problems are solely down to them!
While your logic is utter bollocks, the truth about the Conservative’s failure to address immigration is undeniable.
Their commitment to reduce it to tens of thousands is total shite. They have done nothing and are just as bad as the previous lot.
I assumed our friend above was being ironic!
And your assumption is correct ChrisH.
I sought to emphasise the part of the argument that was 100% correct.
Apologies if my phrasing has given offence to you, Sir or Madam.
It is such a shame that the BBC wish to take this suicidal route. Nowadays one can bet ones bottom dollar that there will be an omission of relevant facts where the left are implicated in the story being reported.
Inevitably a tax from all sections of society for institutional bias, with subtle beneficial left slanted reporting will come under more and more pressure to be dismantled under a public service remit in this digital age where the truth will out very quickly in the plethora of other media outlets.
No-one wants to pay for that unless you are from the left of course.
Sit back and watch how the left try to find a way of perpetuating the BBC’s current dominance of the news agenda into the digital age. I don’t think they will be able to achieve the same level of domination but given the backing of the state they will certainly remain a major, if not the major, supplier of news. The Tories have got to stop the BBC getting a strong position in new technology. Restricting their income to the License Fee on TVs for another 5 or 10 years, without any increase of course, and stopping them spreading into to new ways of delivering content ,should leave them too far behind in the race for the under 30’s to catch up. This would be the easiest and least confrontational way of getting rid of the BBC.
And what is never mentioned is the school closures forced through by Labour in the early 2000s due to the falling birth rate.
I`ll look forward to this one.
How the BBC can dare to say that there`s a rising birth rate as old whitey is not even maintaining his 2.4 (average no of kids to keep the white race in existence) is one conundrum they have no choice but to delve into.
Rub their f***in noses in diversity!
Worked for Labour until 2010…let`s use it on them in turn, and the BBCs face is hardly out of Saviles laundry basket, so let`s get `em!
Clearly a decision has been taken recently at the top of the BBC indicating that this publicly financed global broadcaster should be even more politically biased from a ‘left’-Islam position.
Hall and Purnell know they can get away with it, whether it’s pro-Labour Party, pro-al Jazeera, pro-mass immigration, etc.
‘Daily Mail’-
“130,000 shortfall in primary school places as migration and birth rates soar.
“Steep rise in the number of applications to primary schools
Record number of families to miss out on their first choice school.
“Councils deploying emergency measures to deal with influx of children.
“Areas most under pressure include Bristol, Manchester and London.”
Read more:
Hang on, if immigrants bring a ‘net economic benefit’ to the country – as Those On The Left Including The BBC Keep Telling Us – how come they can’t even fund the extra school places needed for their kids? Or have we been spun yet more lies on the Left’s grand plan to change the face of Britain forever?
That second question was rhetorical, by the way.
More than a quarter of children born in the UK are born to foreign mothers. Hundreds of schools have white British minorities. School shortages are entirely due to mass immigration. As is the housing shortage.
The BBC are at their most biased when it comes to the problems caused by immigration. Mark Easton is the worst offender. He states on his BBC blog that “his ambition is to try to chronicle the story of changing Britain”, yet he ignores the massive demographic change occurring in the country. He is an embarrassment to journalism, even by BBC standards he stands out as someone who puts his personal political beliefs before journalistic standards.
The BBC is staffed by liberals. Easton and the rest have no concept of reality. Hence London becoming a majority minority city is not some thing the liberal can admit or cope with. The liberal cannot cope with the notion of white flight. To tell the truth the liberal lives as if what happens in this country is a fairy story. We are as children too stupid to understand that the guiding hand of the liberal is part of an historic movement towards paradise on this earth.
What has been done to my country is treason. No other word for it. Eventually accounts have to be settled with those liberals who have done this. I may well not live to see it but that it will happen is reality.
It’s all a bit of a conundrum isn’t it? You have over a decade of open door immigration that lets in about four million people and then discover that schools are full to bursting. I suppose that this immigration policy could also be the reason for the housing shortage. I wonder if that’s why it’s also almost impossible to get on a tube train in the morning, unless you’re a sardine and that we’re standing ten deep at the bus stop.
They’ll have to set up a think tank to work this one out.
Slight correction on the figures. 2.5 million from East Europe, 2.5 million from elsewhere especially Pakistan and Bangladesh and east Africa, plus an estimated 1 million illegals.
So – 6 million at least – not 4 million
At least- given that estimates of true population by both water treatment and food retail industries ( looked at from both ends as it were ) put it at 75mil+ -1mil illegals is massive under estimate
It an interesting situation. Good Primary schools are sought after and the ‘Ofsted’ ‘Good’ actually means ‘average’, ‘Outstanding’ means ‘above average’; and any other school choice according to your needs (or Bank balance). Private does not necessarily mean any better. I was surprised to lean that the state sector generally pays Teachers much more than a private (public) school due to ‘extra’ state demands put upon them i.e. 30+ in class and mountains of paperwork, local authority notices, department of education notices, state school ‘procedures’ i.e target monitoring, health and safety policies, state inclusion directives regarding children with issues from potty training to autistic spectrum and language barriers, huge varieties of ‘Special Needs’. In short it is a joke to teach in most (not all) state schools under polices which can prevent an ‘adequate’ education. I speak as a former home educator who was shocked at the poor level of progress of state schools (generally under local authorities) and the often ‘indifference’ of many state school teachers who are just worn out by the experience. Most children feel the same way and often play up with the lack of challenge and expectation (not necessarily academic or Sporting) in a narrow curriculum that does not suit the least able and ignores the most able. The problems of immigration just add to the bucket of woes and in some parts of London there are no English Children in the class. Not for nothing did Labour introduce ‘phonetics’ ‘wot u c is wot u git’ this laughable experiment on our (English speaking) children was against traditional Teachers who have to teach it. So kids cannot spell ‘korrectlie’ without any ‘difikulty’. So Ed Balls, we have you to thank for that, (supported by the BBC of course).
Besides the “immigration is good” mantra,warmist propoganda now seems to be the conventional wisdom
taught in class.My grandaughter is drip fed this agenda,so
it is necessary to offer an alternative perspective.
now seems to be the conventional wisdom taught in class.My
grandaughter is drip fed this agenda,so it is necessary to offer
her an alternative perspective.Test papers include questions
containing suspect “information”,which must be answered
using equally flawed material.