This show is arguably the worst thing that the BBC airs.
Have to laugh at this from the New Statesman, and the fact that it comes so soon after wee Owen Jones demands the Left defend the BBC:
Is the BBC’s “The Big Questions” the worst thing on television?
It’s one of the broadcaster’s flagship religious programmes, yet it makes religious people look unfairly crazy.
I’m sure you’re familiar with BBC’s The Big Questions. It’s that dreadful “ethics” show that sits awkwardly sandwiched between all of the political discussion programs on a Sunday morning. In case you haven’t seen it the format is basically Question Time, with added believers.
It’s dreadful, arguably the worst thing that the BBC airs. It has production values you’d expect from a small business’s Youtube video and is presented by Nicky Campbell, a man who displays all the charisma of an eggy fart on a packed commuter train.
Every time someone gets on the cusp of a decent argument, Campbell jumps in and cuts them off, and hands the mic to someone who will make a crazier, more televisual point.
That takes me on to the second huge problem with the show. Often, the guests – especially the religious guests – are picked because they have “controversial” (read: completely barking mad) views.
The archetypal Big Questions exchange is some crazed street preacher claiming they can cure cancer through prayer, a confused scientist saying “No you can’t”, and then a female CofE vicar with a nose piercing cutting across the two to say “Isn’t the truth half way between these two places?”, and then the audience applauding.
In case you thought I was making that exchange up for comic effect, it occurred on the 23 March this year.
“How long can you air an utterly charmless, insulting show before everyone agrees to stop tuning in and turning up to be insulted?”
But “The Big Questions” is dreadful, let’s face it. It invites on complete eejits who think they know everything, but whose knowledge comprises only that they know that they love the sound of their own voice.
One of the worst is that bald-head Ulsterman. His name escapes me. You know, the one who lives in the 19th century but thinks that because he runs a website that generates loads of page views from racists, sexists, homophobes and other bigots that the BBC would ignore the fact that he is on the losing side of every argument. Oh, what’s his name. Thank goodness he’ll never get elected to public office, anyway. Our existing Parliamentarians may be feckless and money-grabbing, but next to him they look like upright citizens. If only I could remember his name…
‘But “The Big Questions” is dreadful, let’s face it. It invites on complete eejits who think they know everything, but whose knowledge comprises only that they know that they love the sound of their own voice.’
You’ve never been invited on Scott? That does surprise me.
That’s odd. I could have sworn Kim Jong Un was supposed to have executed his uncle, but here the uncle is, posing as “Scott”.
Hi Gwen’, long time no see.
a website that generates loads of page views (29 million) from racists, sexists, homophobes and other bigots
Nothing like a bigoted opinion based on prejudice in that statement is there Scott? This site really must be pernicious it has affected you too….and on a topic not related to your usual obsession either.
Scratch a progressive lefty and you find a fascist.
They are no better than the people they condemn – hate filled bigots themselves.
Just like twenty-five of the BBC’s scientifically ignorant environmental activists, being passed off as “the best scientific experts” to fob off everyone outside of the BBC’s bubble of ignorance.
I don’t watch the program, but I suppose that because of BBC bias, a bald headed Ulsterman, would only be invited by the BBC, if he was an Anti-British-Racist, Catholic-Sexist-Homophobe, Irish-Nationalist type.
oohhhhhhh Scott you’re fit….have you got a fella? I’d run a marathon and cum 2nd for you
This site is to point out BBC bias and and to attack the over mighty corporation for its leftist hypocrisy, for doing untold damage to our country and undermining our democracy and its contempt for ordinary people’s views. It’s not for attacks on other contributors. The best way to deal with those who personalise issues is to ignore them.
That’s a great series of points there.
‘the guests – especially the religious guests – are picked because they have “controversial” (read: completely barking mad) views.’
So… like everything from Jezza’s radio bunfight to the Ian Katz trashfest?
‘Every time someone gets on the cusp of a decent argument, [the host] jumps in and cuts them off…
Possibly because that point will not square with the BBC narrative being spun?
‘…and hands the mic to someone who will make a crazier, more televisual point.’
Namely, the person they have invited into the studio to support their narrative. And likely kept on when the decent point maker has left the building and it’s safe for the host and said chum to snark all day long behind their backs with no chance of reply, which always makes for a nice top of the hour ‘edit’.
Blimmin’ right wing rags like the NS…. and their readers… grrrrr.
sick to my teeth of the big question hosted by the smarmy up his own backside nicky campbell,this programme is just like a socalist workers debating soceity with owen jones turning up as the regular middle class leftie guest spouting off all his marxist and revolutionary crap while earning £200.000 a year at his new job as a columist at the guardian which is a £50.000 pay rise from what he was earning at the so called independant,thats what you call socalism owen jones you plonker and boring moaning hypocrite.
My Understanding is that.
(1) David Cameron believes in God because he has faith.
(2) Nick Clegg does not believe in God because he doesn’t have faith.
(3) Ed Milliband does not believe in God, but has faith, but only in the one God religion called Judaism? So that means that Ed Milliband, not Benjamin Disraeli would be the first Jewish PM, because Disraeli did not believe in the Jewish one God, but Milliband does, but not God.
So according to Milliband, that means that God is not the Jewish one God, because God does not exist?
Or in other words this must mean that Milliband does not think that the Christian God exists, but he thinks the Jewish God does exist, I think?
Be fair on Ed. The lad was brought up by a communist, so maybe his Jewish heritage was denied and he is now discovering it. Maybe he will revise his politics too.