Labour MP Simon Danczuk, who lifted the lid on Cyril Smith’s crimes, has accused the BBC of ‘extraordinary bias’ in its coverage of the affair.
BBC News ignored the Mail’s Saturday front-page revelations, only to change tack 24 hours later, when Smith’s family said they were ‘saddened and concerned’ by its publication. In a hostile report, the BBC website said the family believed Mr Danczuk was ‘motivated by political and financial gain’.
The Labour MP, who is sending a formal complaint to Director General Tony Hall, said: ‘Here we have a book showing that Cyril Smith was a paedophile for more than 40 years, and the BBC’s first reaction is not to ask why it was covered up, or to look at the horrors his victims went through and the lives he ruined. Instead, they ask whether the bloke who wrote it is biased. I’m flabbergasted.’
Mr Danczuk added: ‘The fact that this story is being led by the Daily Mail has driven the BBC to take a particular view. It’s hugely disappointing. If this book had been serialised by the Guardian, it would be leading their news bulletins.’
A BBC spokesman said: ‘[Cyril Smith] is an ongoing story that we have covered extensively in the past, and will continue to report on as and when there are developments that warrant it.’
Now why does that not surprise me.
It’s the sheer arrogance they display in saying “…….. will continue to report on as and when there are developments that warrant it.”
I have a sneaking feeling that someone at the BBC knows where this story may lead hence their lack of curiosity, so it’s a road that they don’t want to go down. Its not just that so many of those roads may lead to the BBC’s Jimmy Savile, but also to PIE / NCCL / and certain politicians of whom they approve (some of whom are yet to be exposed by the ‘Daily Mail’).
Gee another anti_UKIP article from the bBC: Nigel Farage ‘facing expenses complaint’ over UKIP office costs UKIP leader Nigel Farage is facing a complaint about his use of EU expenses, it has been reported. The Times said a former party official had raised questions about how Mr Farage used his “general expenditure allowance” and as a result had taken the matter to the EU’s anti-fraud body.
Yesterday in the Guardian we had an article linking UKIP to the BNP, it seems to me the closer we get to the European elections the more dirt is been thrown at the only party which takes British interests to heart. Funny that
Just as I predicted here a few weeks back. The MSM establishment will go into overdrive to smear UKIP. Just under 40 days and night to go to the elections and by the end of that period expect a negative news item per day.
Their comment arrow system is being heavily manipulated on those UKIP stories too. Anti-UKIP comments are unexpectedly gaining five thousand plus green arrow as both the left and the Tories get their keyboard warrior active (or it’s the left-wing solely behind it all).
That was hillarious, somewhere online there is a before and after screen shot of the comments. Amazing that not one commentor was against her appointment!
I noticed that at the weekend, they must think we’re stupid! Only the top three comments were anti UKIP yet had ratings of four figures, all subsequent comments were pro UKIP…
You would also expect the opinion of ‘worst rated’ comments to be a direct reverse of the ‘best rated’ to give an impression of overall opinion, yet they weren’t. We had an anti UKIP comment as both the best rated and worst rated. Highly orchestrated stuff Tory HQ must have been busy deleting their cookies..
The HYS on the Farage story was open at 8 am and full of anti-BBC bias comments. By 8.30 the moderators had started work, and comments were being removed. By 9.15, with just under 300 comments, the HYSD was closed. Obviously the comments were not what the BBC wanted to hear.
These were the first 8 comments published on the Doreen Lawrence story, it proves that published comments are against the majority opinion (see the ratings)
Yes its happening again today! 1 hour ago green arrows for the fact that its a smear. Just a moment ago 1000’s of new green arrows rubbishing UKIP? Its so obvious its quite pathetic.
Eric you are right. Even Farage himself knew this dirt shower would be coming. I’ve seen anti UKIP stories appearing in the Telegraph, and now this in the Times. It’s clear that UKIP is now being seen as a real threat to the Establishment. Much more than Scottish or Irish Nationalism is.
Just imagine how the establishment would feel if the largest British group at the European Parliament was an anti EU Party. What sort of message would that send to Brussels (clue: two fingers – or if you prefer one finger).
Humiliation and embarrassment for the great and the good (sic) that rule over us.
Cue indignant sneering and abuse from Vivien Reding, Jose Manuel Barroso and the rest of that gang of unelected self serving seat polishers.
Our prissy national broadcaster with its finely-graded distinctions between ‘militants’, ‘rebels’ and ‘terrorists’ can’t tell the difference between ‘expenses’ and ‘allowances’.
Say, you don’t think they’re trying to pull a fast one, do you?
A lovely example of leftist hypocrisy on BBC last night.
The World at One presenter Martha Carney did a programme about bee keeping . It was interesting and most of it filmed in her very large and lovely garden set in the peaceful Suffolk countryside.
This advocate of mass immigration and ever greater government spending and taxation, lives far away from the awful effects of mass immigration and seems to have pots of money. A typical BBC presenter. They are as full of hypocrisy as a hive should be of honey.
Quite Right. Thankfully people are cottoning on to these hypocrites with their retreats away from the crap-holes they are so supportive of. Harriet Harperson has a second home in lovely “unspoiled” Woodbridge in Suffolk too so they say which is odd as its not a very “lively and diverse” kind of place so loved by the Liberal Left. Same with the Toynbee creature’s THIRD home in Lewes, Sussex. What’s it like? Erh its like Woodbridge…
I posted the demographic of the village where Peaches Geldoff lived. There was 1 black person and 1 Muslim in a population of close to 2000 people.
Odd how so many of these wealthy lefties who tell us how wonderful their vibrant multiculti hell holes are, but then when given the chance move as far away as they possibly can from them!
Right, 25 of our schools are looking like they are being hijacked by Muslim extremist scum (cue the wheeling out of Keith Daz to call for community cohesion), East Ukraine is fast approaching civil war and Christians are being blown to pieces in Nigeria and Syria…. but what does the finger-on-the-pulse BBC have as its main story this morning? The middle-class gloat-fest Pistorius pantomime! And Sky is no better.
The highly predictable situation whereby schools in Muslim areas (why are there Muslim-only areas in a multicultural country?) are being taken over by pyjama-wearing, spinach-chinned fanatics should be headline news with analyses and debates; if it were Christians there would be mass-hysteria from the Left! No, the BBC seem to take this story lightly with one reporter yesterday remarking, ‘well they are Muslim areas so this is to be expected, isn’t it?’ as my foot narrowly missed our sitting room TV. I despair, I really do!
Agreed. This story is a portent of what the future holds for us. The majority of Muslims adhere strictly to their religion and its teachings. They don’t make compromises on their religious values and worldwide they show no tolerance towards other beliefs. This is perfectly acceptable to me if they live in this way in their own countries. However, in my view it is unlikely that we will see a significant increase in those Muslims living in the UK, who like Mr Javid the new Culture Secretary, wear their religion lightly and accept our values. Rather the opposite is true. It is entirely predictable that Muslims will start to try to take over the institutions , such as schools and the courts, of those areas in which they are a majority. And once they have control they will impose strict Islamic values within those institutions and woe betide anyone, of whatever faith or race, who doesn’t accept them.
The left created this problem. The BBC refuses to accept that there is a problem, other than that we, the indigenous Brits, are not sufficiently tolerant of the needs of other races and faiths. If the BBC reported this and similar incidents truthfully, then the country would see what was really happening, the take over of large parts of the country by an alien religion. There then could be a honest debate of how to deal with this problem in a peaceful and controlled way and Muslims could understand that if they want to live here then they have to accept the way we live and our institutions and that they can’t live as though in a Muslim state.
But the BBC and the liberal left establishment would rather keep their fingers crossed and hope that the likely explosion of community tension , in which we all will suffer, never happens.
The country does know what is happening. I think this is why the Lb/left media is so panicky.
Having refused to confront reality for so long the situation terrifies them.
I travel a lot and in private, when they feel amongst friends, the English are well aware of what is going on.
This situation has been directly caused by the liberal left and their fellow travellers- the 68ers and the fantasists of the left.
By marginalising those who have tried to warn and speak against the attempted destruction of an ancient nation these fXXXXXX liberals have imperilled us all.
The promotion of multiculturalism and using the screaming threat of “racist thoughts’ against us English have ensured that the future is bleak.
I despise the left . I despise the BBC /liberal media. They have threatened the future of my grandchildren. For that there is no forgiveness.
“…Muslims could understand that if they want to live here then they have to accept the way we live and our institutions and that they can’t live as though in a Muslim state.”
Doublethinker, I’m going to have to report you to the nearest Community Cohesion Enforcement Squad. You’ve been tagged expressing unacceptable anti-multicultural thoughts – a Level One Misdemeanour – and will now have to face extensive re-education until such time as the State Authorities deem you are sufficiently socially and culturally reprogrammed as to be safe to allow back into The Big Society.
The Trojan Horse inquiry into Birmingham schools is not BBC approved. Man from the Met is wrong man for the job – should not have been a former investigation of terrorism. Muslim community, Labour MP, alleged accusations, blah blah.
I think the BBC is covering the Muslim Trojan Horse plot quite well, at least till along came Britain’s barmiest copper in the shape of West Midlands Chief Constable raving how bad it was that the person in charge of the investigation was known for his work countering terrorism and that this sends out the wrong message.
After all, what would a terrorism expert know about Muslim extremist infiltration and entryism eh?
Despite the gap between pay rises & inflation now getting to rounding error territory the BBC continue to obsess on the aspect
The fall in the rate of inflation means that the gap between average wage growth and the rise in prices has continued to narrow.
Average total earnings, including bonuses, rose 1.4% in the three months to January compared with a year earlier, according to ONS figures released last month. Excluding bonuses, wages grew by 1.3%
BBC business/economics expert Andrew Verity majored on this on “Today”, wanting his interlocutor to admit that retail sales growth was being funded by borrowing – he got no such joy.
High income BBC types are oblivious to the extra money in ordinary folks’ pockets as a result of the increase in the starting point for income tax (up 16% last April) £267pa before a pay rise
That will be someone from the editor’s gallery barking into her ear-piece as she started talking “don’t say that, the auto-cue is wrong, don’t say Muslim, whatever you do, don’t say radical Muslim…” oops, too late!
“Trojan horse news”
10 …. 15 … now 25 Bham area schools under investigation
over 400 complaints, spread out the investigation to areas like Bradfordistan.
The “nuthin to see” BBC … has started to talk about … “orthodox muslims” again. closely followed
new programme concerns over a “immigration street”
promo for Ch4 … that looks at how different communities are fitting in … big concerns … so they immediately retire the local mosque for dose of Tues morning “grievance mongering” … nuthin to see BBC … they re all ears
BBC can t help themselves, in the latest Trojan Horse
article … a photo with caption
Tahir Alam, chair of governors at Park View School, says claims are “ridiculous”, adorns centre stage …
I wonder if he s …”orthodox”,
hope he s informing parents there is no need to stop school for “prayer breaks”, or play call to prayer, as muslims can always use “make up prayers” at home in their own time.
As most of our laws are made in the EU I hope UKIP take every UK seat.Then the dear old Auntie Beeb will be lost for words,unable to rule the roost, and follow RED Ed’s views.
Just as soon as the BBC says that those people who voted for UKIP were wrong then more people will hate the BBC.
Cant wait……
It is a situation to be fervently hoped for. The removal of democratic legitimacy from this lot governing is essential. What price then Cameron’s so called promise of a referendum?
If you live in a Labour marginal ward in London, or a town in the Midlands or North England, postal voting might be an issue. I don’t so I think my local ballots are still quite fair.
As always with Islam, yet another fail, she s had much more exposure for her views, than she could have imagined … and double whammy.
Exposed the agenda of throwback muslim groups in the process.
Jeremy Vine in faux sobbing emotional overload at the commemoration of the Hillsborough Tragedy, with a somewhat cheapening of events with a “what were you doing on the day” phone in.
I can remember exactly where I was on that day – with a Baptist church group in Cumbria. I was 15. Now, I’m 40 and they’re still going on about it although it’s finally gone full circle – the fans were to blame, the fans aren’t to blame. So, who did all the pushing from the back, the ambulancemen or the police? I was sick and tired of this long ago but I suspect it’ll go on forever, a bit like ‘Bloody Sunday’, costing us millions in the process merely to absolve the fans of blame when it was them all along. Name another football club involved in two disasters? You can’t can you? … must be something to do with the mentality of Liverpool fans.
BTW, I expressed these exact same sentiments on the DM website and they didn’t publish them. Get ready for the heinous future crime of ‘Hillsborough denial.’
The heinous crime of ‘Hillsborough denial’ has been promoted by bBBC NorthWest for the last 25 years. We are not allowed to say that we feel sorry for the families of the 96 fans who had tickets and arrived in good time whilst condemning the thousands of Scousers who pushed them. I wonder how many of them will be called to the inquest.
I have also tried, twice, to publish (years apart) very carefully and sympathetically worded letters on the Daily Mail website. In both, I stated that the police had made errors, but also that the behaviour of the fans should be taken into account (a matter totally and surprisingly absent from the previous Inquiry). My first letter to the DM appeared briefly but was swiftly removed because of “a complaint”. The second never appeared. The Liverpool football mafia clearly keep a close eye on all newspaper reports, and fire off complaints if anyone has the temerity to put another point of view.
It is essential this latest Inquiry considers ALL aspects of these events.
Here’s another non-story about ‘Hillsborough’. The whinging Scousers, assisted by the bBBC, are now spreading the view that everyone else should stop whatever they are doing whenever they have yet another mawkish memorial.
Of course the bBBC love it as an excuse to knock a Conservative MP.
And a few others that seem to have been forgotten except by the families of those involved;
Valley Parade Bradford 1985 56 Dead
Ibrox Park Glasgow 1971 66 Dead
Burnden Park Bolton 1946 33 Dead
Hillsborough gets attention because (a) its Liverpool fans that are the victims and that city does victim hood and grievance better than any other and (b) the leftist media can use it as a means to attack two of their favourite targets – the Police and Murdoch.
I think it’s clear from the facts that the police were incompetent on the day, and it was covered up later. But it was an accident.
However there certainly is in this country a hierarchy of victims. Mid Staffs and IRA victims are at the bottom.
People should be capable, no matter where they come from, of entering an enclosed space en mass without killing each other. It’s not rocket science just orderly behaviour.
The police did, as they often do, try to sing from the same hymn sheet but the reason for that is simple. After years of the slightest discrepancy in police notebooks being taken as complicity in what ever crime was under investigation coppers became used to ensuring they all told the same tale. No attempt at a cover up just a desire not to end up being blamed, yet again, for something they had no culpability for.
This is a taped call between two American officials discussing the original Crimea crises where one says they should talk to the Ukrainians direct and ‘Fuck the EU’.
I very much doubt this will be on the BBC news, or website, or indeed ever!
Someone please remind all crocodilian tear shedders over the Hillsborough tragedy that it would not have happened as it did if the police had realised it was people escaping a dangerous overcrowding situation and not a riot a la Heysel. In the immediate moment, the difference between the two may have been lost on the cops, considering the form of the Liverpool FC fans. Absent Heysel and the fact that that’s probably what the police expected, it could all have very well happened much differently.
It will never be admitted by the Merseyside red-team fans (nor by their defenders in the media) that it may have been their known form in stadium behaviour preceding them which contributed to the death toll. Sorry, but there it is.
It seems to have been forgotten why barriers at the perimeter of grounds were installed and who’s actions brought about the need for them – easier to blame someone else eh?
Sorry, trgf, just posted a ‘Heysel’ comment above.
Agree with what you say – it coloured the view of many at the time (including Forest fans’ immediate reaction on the day) and still does, despite efforts to re-programme our thinking.
However few would deny that tragically it was the innocent fans who were the victims in both cases, and it’s a pity the weekend’s events couldn’t see fit to remembering those who died in Heysel as well as Hillsborough.
The determination with which the BBC constantly push the equality of outcome feminist/black/Muslim agenda is as disturbing as it is downright irritating. Common sense tells us that ability to do the job should be the main criteria but the Left and their social and cultural engineering fanatics will go to great lengths to impose their infantile world view on the rest of us. It was same old crap the other night when the BBC were heckling the Tories over the low number of females in the Cabinet; never mind ability to do the job, it comes down to Lefty-enforced gender quotas. No wonder this country is heading down the pan!
If this country ever faced an existential threat then God help us. The BBC/liberals would never get past ensuring that the right quotas were in place.
Can you imagine the BBC mentality in control in 1940?
The BBC is in a real mess. Time to send it on it’s way.
Apparently he’s also rewriting 9/11 to properly reflect minority claims it was a Mossad plot, under the title ‘Torah! Torah! Torah!’ The romantic subplot between the main characters has also been tweaked a bit. Ben & Josh back… Kate not so much.
Such was demonstrated in the latest BBC Sunday drama offering the Crimson Field.
Now as any good lefty would tell me British black soldiers did fight in WW1 which they did, but the percentage was minute. Yet in Sundays drama we saw at least two, I have never seen any footage depicting any.
Before any one screams racist at me, I’m not, its just that I like my historical dramas to be somewhat factual, and not full of transparent ‘tokenism’. We wouldn’t expect a white slave in ’12 Years a Slave’ would we? rightly there wasn’t and neither would we expect it.
I wonder what we can expect in the forthcoming adaptation of DuMauriers Jamaica Inn?
I won’t be bothering with the Crimson Field. The percentage of black British soldiers was less than miniscule. It would be nice to see some Indian faces as they did make a major contribution, but maybe that’s not the right minority for the BBC?
IIRC there were a lot of African soldiers involved in WW1. As in the US Army in WW2 most were used to man transports or as ‘bearers’. Some African brigades ended up in Flanders but most were involved in the costly East African campaign where close to 100k Africans died.
In the case of the Tory cabinet, I would have thought that a prerequisite was an inability to do the job, and they couldn’t find enough wholly inadequate incompetent wealthy women who wanted to impose their egos on everyone else.
Sometime Beeboid lefty and champagne socialist Dermot Murnaghan (here in Sky mode) making himself look a complete tit in a pathetic attempt to smear Nigel Farage re the latest MSM effort to discredit him.
By Jove, during that ideologically charged interview I had an overwhelming urge to punch that sneering prat Dermot square on the hooter! Did you see the contempt and disregard he had in his face? The utter hatred? Who the hell does he think he is?
Yes, but he is (was?) much better than the egregious Vine on that programme – who treats the contestants as though they are dim 12 year-olds or the intellectually limited who infest his Radio programme (hope I’m right about that, since I’ve not listened to the ‘Light Programme’ for 40 years).
Vine does pull up the appalling Daphne on her constant ‘guessing’, though.
“I dent know, Jer’my: I’ll haf to take a guess……Is it The Chemical Brothers ? My grand-daughetrs haf tol’ me awl abou’ them…….Oh, was I right ? Haehaehae. Three guesses in a row an’ awl correct. ” Bollox.
Does anyone else think that the vain old trout is sporting a bit of heavy ‘work’ around the eyes on the new series ?
Still not even close to the treatment he got on HIGNFY – I would love to grab the floppy hair of Stephen Mangan and punch him square in the pus. Stuck-up lefty toff prick.
He’s funny on ‘Elvenquest’ though. A genuinely funny radio comedy. Sometimes the BBC can do funny, just not when its written by/starring any of the usual eye wateringly unfunny suspects, Brigstocke etc.
I don’t think the ladies hired to fill space (hold that thought) on BBC comedy shows are selected on the basis of comedic ability, are they?
However, given Danny Cohen I thought was insisting on a 50:50 ‘split’ (conceding BBC maffs can make this anything from 1 to 99%) it seems she failed even here. Unless it was, as you suggest, on a per kilo basis.
Murnaghan, displaying in that single ‘interview’ with Mr Farage, everything that is p*sspoor about the state of current British TV ‘journalism’ (or should that be ‘churnalism’?). Petulant, faux-outraged, belligerent and ill-informed (not to mention clearly hostile), Murnaghan is a great advert for the very lowest possible standards of journalistic interview technique we are all so familiar with from the likes of the BBC, Channel 4 and (it pains me to say it) Sky News.
Kudos to Mr Farage – once again, polite, measured and absolutely in command of the facts in the face of such rank amateurishness. How he finds the patience to suffer these interminable fools I shall never quite understand. Perhaps he knows that every time the MSM play out this kind of idiocy in full public view another tranche of perceptive but undecided voters quietly make the switch to UKIP…
My partner a Liberal Democrat (yeah…I know) says the MSM deriding Farage just gets him more support as the Brits love the underdog. She’s right of course. The establishment are getting very desperate…and it shows.
The broadcast media is firmly in the hands of liberal fantasists.
The liberal media has been cultivating it’s own for many years.
Watch “Invasion of the Bodysnatchers” . You and the liberal ascendancy are just like the pod people.
I hope the long overdue counter revolution against the liberal world view has begun. A huge vote for UKIP will be a start. Deprive the ruling bunch of democratic legitimacy.
The 68ers and the liberal left have fxxxed my country. They have threatened my family’s future in a peaceful and stable England. This was our right after living here for untold generations.
In this culture war there can be no compromise or equivocating from now on.
I like classic FM, but I always wonder who does their news reports. Because it always mirrors the line up and language used on BBC radio. I wonder if their news is outsourced. Or has IRN become as rotten as the Beeb.
The main item on Radio 4 One o’clock news was a convoluted complaint that Peter Clarke, former national head of counter terrorism, is to lead the inquiry into 25 Birmingham schools over allegations of a hard-line Islamist takeover plot. Labour loonies were up in arms about it but none of the interviewers asked why, and none of the loonies explained.
So the big grey pachyderm remained unmentioned: he is the best man for the job because, in his previous role of working with terrorists, he has more experience of Muslims than anyone else.
Yes, Sir Arthur. On the early evening bulletin, the whole story of Muslim extremism in schools has been turned by the BBC, Labour and ‘community spokespeople’ into an attack on the man from the Met. How very dare the government appoint someone well versed in terrorism to this position. It is just so unfair to ‘label’ people who may be investigated.
This is craven, disgusting treachery from the right-on BBC.
Another chance for the BBC to peddle its misandry/feminazi bullshit. Strange as well that this is one of the few articles that’s open to comments despite not being an important story (some nobody gives biased opinions and refuses to even attempt to back them up with facts or logic).
Who ?
“Rashida Manjoo holds a part-time post as a Professor in the Department of Public Law of the University of Cape Town”
A bit like that Brazilian harridan lecturing us about social housing- And then some
Looking at her, I somehow doubt she has been the subject of many wolf whistles.
Whoops was that sexist?
I should really have confined my remarks to joking about Mrs T’s Alzheimers. Much more acceptable to the beeboids.
SO according to the BBC an anti terrorism officer has been appointed to over see the Muslim ‘hijacking’ of schools. Instantly left wing loony chief constable of West Midlands Police chirps up to call it a ‘desperately unfortunate appointment’ and that it might upset the Muslim community !
What an appeaser, and as thick as only a Police officer could be. Can he not see that the years of soft Policing has led to this, and sweeping the mess under the carpet is not going to make it go away.
But like him the hopelessly Islamophilic BBC is incapable of telling us of the implication of this ‘hijacking’. All we hear is far left extremist buzz words like community cohesion (in an almost 100% Muslim area???) How is that relevant when the community are all of the same view? Who is not cohesing ??
We hear in some reports that boys & girls have been ‘segregated’. Wow ! Segregated teaching ! We must send in an anti terrorism officer, and the council and the inspectors, Ofted!
And we are expected to believe that all this is over segregation of boys & girls in schools.
Lets face it, this is only what the BBC feels it is able to broadcast, and it’s a pathetic cover up of what we can expect from other schools which have been taken over by Muslim teachers.
So – Homophobia, Anti Semitism, Terrorism, Jihad, the denigration of women, denigration of people of other faiths, the list is a long one & I’m sure that I have only scratched the surface.
A massive cover up organised by the BBC with interviews carefully criticising the investigation before it even begins, and lots & lots of left wing fascists wheeled out to talk about community relations (read giving Muslims everything they want) and Community Cohesion (making other groups accept they have to give Muslims everything they want).
I’m watching this with interest because what we’re being told is the issue could not possibly warrant the level of reaction from the state organisations.
And so it starts…
Radio 4’s Six o’clock news now has it that there is ‘wide spread concern’ over the appointment of a competent police officer i.e. someone who actually knows something about the culture and agenda of the parties being investigated.
If the BBC tries hard enough we will be into riots and ‘anti-camera’-type protests.
Why wait for news when you can make it yourself?
TBH 5-live actually mentioned “Islamic extremists” – they didn’t say. “Muslim extremists” but they are getting closer – and I thought that the interviewer was not sympathetic to the interviewee complaining about the fact that the policeman is an expert in counter terrorism.
‘PM’ was also doing the same. The concerns about what the Islamists might be up to at these schools got lost in a debate over whether Clark is the right man for the job. There was more concern over upsetting ‘the community’ – in other words, yet another of the many no-go mini-Bangladeshes/Pakistans in our country – than the hijacking of our education system to spread radical Islam.
West Midlands’ top copper schooled the Common Purpose way. Frightening.
I believe that the American ‘Neighborhood’ was a left wing introduction too, and village was a hijacked word they used to try to increase the perception of a rough area.
So Manchester gained its ‘Gay Village’ which isn’t a village at all, and now because Muslim councillors HATE gay people, it’s simply called ‘the village’
“So Manchester gained its ‘Gay Village’ which isn’t a village at all, and now because Muslim councillors HATE gay people, it’s simply called ‘the village’”
Whilst all and sundry are free to call it what ever they will, Manchester council has gone through a phase of referring to it only as ‘the village’ (puts one in mind of the prisoner).
I have one or two acquaintances in the council who have separately told me that this is because of the offence it causes Muslim councillors who were in a position to have it changed.
Perhaps your “acquaintances” could have a word with Manchester City Council as obviously the memo has not got around to everyone.
“17 Jul 2013 – Manchester’s Gay Village is the home of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and … However, issues are impacting on the Gay Village, particularly in relation to crime.”
17 Jul 2013 – The Committee considered a report of the Deputy Chief Executive (Neighbourhoods) on Manchester’s Gay Village; the home of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and.
4 Feb 2014 – The ‘Big Weekend’ – a 4 day ticketed event in the Gay Village over the. August bank-holiday weekend
23 Feb 2014 – Gay Village. Responses from the floor included questions about how various agencies can work with the community to improve safety in the village; how GMP …
17 Feb 2014 – Committee were also concerned with the crime statistics referred to by Mr Gravett which included the Gay Village.
etc etc.
All of these taken from a quick search of
The preceding post by “Dick Arse” giving the lie to Scott’s claim to only posting under his own name. Look at the style and wording of his posts today – no attempt to disguise his style.
“Community” is a fraught word anyway, which can either mean a distinct physical geographic locality, if the population there is sufficiently homogeneous (i.e., observably overwhelmingly non-white) or in the event of more local heterogeneity, it connotes a “community” of interest (i.e., all Asians/blacks in a given radius which, depending on the issue, could conceivably even encompass the whole of Britain).
Of course, this is the sort of groupthink (“lumpthink”?) we are likely to find news media engaging in, as if Asians (what about Hindus and Sikhs?) all think the same way, as would all blacks (well-settled three- generation versus newly arrived, African versus Caribbean), as if all would have the same cultural references.
This of course need not even be confined to racial/religious minorities either; e.g., let some Eastern European be the vic/perp of an horrendous crime and one can hear reports on how “members of the so-and-so ‘community’ expressed horror at what happened…” When the crime takes place in some other adjoining or even far-flung neighbourhood to where the concentration of the population is, it can be confusing as to which is meant, geography or demography, since reports on the crime are bound to feature interviews from those in the ethnic enclave if the person was well-known enough.
‘Homophobia, Anti Semitism, Terrorism, Jihad, the denigration of women, denigration of people of other faiths, the list is a long one & I’m sure that I have only scratched the surface’
Superb description – send in the thought police but don’t tell them it’s Muslim correct phil mackie told by the bbc not to use the word islamist or extremist to describe the trojan horse islamists and extremists
BBC report from Eastern Ukraine yesterday and we are told that many people hereabouts have relatives across the Russian border, that they speak Russian and that they enjoy Russian culture and literatue – ‘and yet wanting to be part of Russia, well that is another matter’.
And, ironically enough, that is exactly the way many British people feel about the EU – but very rarely do the BBC allow any expression of that view.
I see the bBC continues its anti-British Mission statement: UK Falklands military exercises ‘provoke’ Argentina Argentina has accused the UK of provocation over plans to hold military exercises in the Falkland Islands. It said drills by British forces would include missile launches and were part of a “pattern” of “hostile acts”.
Once again the bBC reports with a pro Argentine bias. I mean
Just look at the caption under the top photo: The Falkland Islands are one of 14 remaining British overseas territories
Its written as if to say, well we are going to get rid of them. Then there’s how the bBC always reports the casualty figures: A total of 255 British servicemen and about 650 Argentines died in the conflict
Its as if the bBC message is 255 British servicemen died needlessly , I’m sure that in years to come the bBC will continue rewriting the history of the conflict and soon they will be teaching our children that the Argentina was right to invade and that the UK was a bullying imperialistic warmongering nation..
Maybe there lies the reason the f-ing bBC reported the fact that the British were marching on Goose Green, the traitorous bBC wanted to warn the Argentines and thus allow them to defeat the British. oh how the cock sucking child shaggers of the left would have danced in the street at that. Maybe we should change tack and promote the view that the bBC want to force homosexuality down the throat of Muslims, I for one would dance for joy at the news that bBC workers were getting beheaded by the people they defend left, right and centre as..peaceful.
Given near, and recent history, despite not being a military man I’d have thought having constant exercises would be seen as pretty sensible, and beyond normal compared to those more BBC-acceptable governments and regimes appear able to hold with Aunty’s blessing most of the time.
And given her sensitivity to not using words that could be seen as unhelpful, sticking ‘provoke’ in quotes is just about typical for the BBC sub-standards of today. It’s just what the Argentinians have claimed, not a fact.
Of course the Argentinians are going to use any excuse to whip up a PR propaganda whinge with friendly media if those they want to absorb stay alert to the threat.
It just seems all too typically bizarre that the leader of the pack channeling their BS is the state medium of the country who once already has had to fend off aggression by barking mad tinpot juntas with economic problems their banana republic macho population needs distracting from.
Guessing Gavin Esler is reconvening his sabre-rattling dream team of journos for Dateline London again?
The BBC is already sailing very close to a very dangerous line tacking such a stance.
Dunno what the Argentinians are worried about. According to the BBC we have hardly any navy army or air force any more, so all they have to do is wait a little longer and Dhimmi Dave will have sold everything off.
I do believe there were elements in the BBC in 1982 which would have welcomed our defeat by Argentina in the Falklands War if it had then led to the downfall of the Conservative government and the election of a Labour government.
“Its written as if to say, well we are going to get rid of them.” What exactly is it that leads you to think that? What words could the BBC have used that would have satisfied you?
“Its as if the bBC message is 255 British servicemen died needlessly.” And again, what leads you to think that from a purely factual statement? How would you have preferred the BBC to report the casualty figures?
Danny, have you forgotten how the BBC broadcast the story of the Argentinians using the wrong type of detonators on their anti-ship missiles and how that story led to the deaths of British military personnel when the Argentinians changed them as a result? Who in their right mind would openly broadcast information helpful to the enemy?
“I for one would dance for joy at the news that bBC workers were getting beheaded by the people they defend left, right and centre as..peaceful. ”
Well they’re not doing a right good job with the beheading of ‘apostate’ Labour MP Sadiq Kahn or any of the others.
I mean Peter Tatchell was helpful enough to have published a list of all the Muslim MPs who voted for Gay marriage and despite all the threats & bluster, they haven’t managed to even have a cross word with them, never mind behead them !
Some Beeboid up in the North-East interviewing a small group of nutcases who are making a case for independence ‘because the North East is closer to Scotland than it is to London’.
One of them even made a case for aligning with Edinburgh for ‘infrastructure projects’ (yes, the separatists are planting those Euro money trees in the Lowlands as we speak…)
Still, the BBC are good at making sure these minorities have a voice – just as long as it fits the BBC agenda, of course (‘out of touch’ Tories, anybody?).
‘People in the North East have voted “no” in a referendum on whether to set up an elected regional assembly.
Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott admitted his plans for regional devolution had suffered an “emphatic defeat” on Thursday night. ‘
Ah, but they were ‘different times’ weren’t they, when the North-East was sucking at the bloated, debt-laden teat of Labour public spending largesse?
How a change of government can change a region’s sense of identity, eh?
But any mention of Prescott’s humiliation? No, sir – went down the memory hole a long time ago…
It still stings that 78% of people in County Durham voted against being made a Unitary Authority and Labour ran roughshod over them. (Thereby extending their influence from the North Sea up into the Pennines) – The same reason why we had devolution in Scotland and Wales – it was thought by Labour that their massive support in the Valleys and Glasgow could be used to extend their political control throughout the whole of the appropriate country.
Well they’ve cocked up Scotland and lost control to the SNP and they’ve cocked up Wales with a daily armada of ambulances taking poorly Welshmen (and women) across to England for treatment.
And in other news…
Guessing the public can look but not touch?
Making it a bit like a Royal garden party.
Speaking of the Trust, their firm hand remains on other tillers…
Still not too clear how the unique way the BBC is funded seems to involve getting money by force here AND commercial means anywhere else it can.
Still, one can always protest by withdrawing support. Oh, no, you can’t. At least not without unplugging everything yet still risking a knock at the door from a usually bald, thick thug in civvies who may or may not be from Capita.
I’d be interested if this latest charming power to snoop claim is any more valid than those previously, but the lame excuse offered here already has my BS detector twitching, as it seems primed to go straight from PR to news via some hapless sub in the nations local press.
will the biased bbc leftie islamophile phil mackie declare to all his leftie twitter buddies that he wil stop using the words far right and islamphobic to describe the edl the next time they pitch up in birmingham for a demo.will you phil ?
R Spencer on the ever widening Trojan Horse investigation :-
Council leader Sir Albert Bore said: “Peter Clarke will need to give careful consideration to building a strong relationship with us and, given his recent counter-terrorism responsibilities in London, ensure that his investigation does not undermine the confidence of our communities.” … Now wait just a minute, Bore.
This is a plot by Islamic supremacists to take over schools, and it is up to the investigator to win the confidence of Muslim communities? … Why isn’t it up to the Muslim communities to win the confidence of the investigator?
The BBC hatchets are ready, to instigate, obfuscate, and refuse to report truthfully to undermine .. public perception …
well … I got news, public perception is clear and getting clearer, and it is the craven media bubble which is failing them.
Talking of polls for the EU Geoff, in the latest UK polls the Fib Dems support has fallen to just 6%, the same as for the communist green party.
The Greens have just 2 MEPs for the whole of the UK so there’s a very real possibility that the Fib Dems might be wiped out come the next election.
By contrast UKIP are still doing very well with most polls putting them in second to Liebour.
(ICM) CON 25%(nc), LAB 36%(+1), LDEM 6%(-3), UKIP 20%(nc), GREEN 6%(-1).
(You Gov) CON 25%, LAB 33%, LDEM 11%, UKIP 24%
I can almost hear those questions of ‘what does this have to do with the bias of the BBC’ ! Well, there are those craven voices suggesting that UKIP should not be given equal airtime to any of the three ‘main’ parties, despite them being in second place (or tying for it).
The Polls strongly indicate that people will vote in large numbers for UKIP in the European elections, but the local ones? Well people seem to wish to revert back to the familiar usual parties and UKIP might not do as well. Having said that I don’t recall UKIP being strong on local issues !
But come the general election they are ahead of the Fib Dems so surely the question should be as to whether they should have any airtime and a seat on question time, not UKIP who now deserve a place with the other two.
I suspect that the Political Establishment have turned against democracy in a big way, by trying to stoke up a war with Russia as an excuse to postpone the European Elections, and stop any further referendums in the Ukraine and elsewhere.
Even the Scottish referendum would have to be cancelled if Britain has to send the Army to Stalingrad.
Wouldn’t take much to mobilise a few hundred people, and lets face it, once they’d been sent we’d never have to bring them back again!
All of Dhimmi Daves problems solved in one go.
It does make me wonder if following the potential coup against Harold Wilson, our hopeless politicos are living in fear of the general staff of the forces turning against them.
The real truth is that Europe would not last a month against the Russians. It would need the US as usual. That being very unlikely Putin has called our bluff and can act as he wishes.
I’ve got to admit that the BBC ten o’clock news had a masterclass in how to make Nigel Farage look guilty as sin to their acolytes & believers. They showed a minute of footage that saw him wandering across a plaza looking forlorn but they slowed the footage down as they do in Hollywood films for that momentous moment when the hero or villain has to live with the consequences of their decision. It portrayed a man who had lost the battle before it had even begun.
Heysel = violent attack by Liverpool supporters on Juventus fans. No Liverpool guys killed, loads of Juventus fans dead
Heysel – seldom if ever mentioned by the BBC – although it shamed British fottball
Hillsborough – not so deliverate except a mindless surge by Liverpool supporters into a tightly-fenced space, many late for the game and undoubtedly many of them drunk – so the BBC puts all the blame on incompetent policing
Whilst I do agree that the Hillsborough disaster is being smothered in sentimentality and the blame will never land where it should, Heysal is another thing altogether.
There is a clip, rarely shown, of Juventas fans on the pitch firing flares into the Liverpool fans before the wall collapsed. The Juventas fans were equally to blame for the deaths that occurred that night.
There’s going to be a lot of news today about parents finding out which primary school their children will attend. The lack of available places will undoubtedly come up a lot.
I wonder if the BBC will mention the main reasons for this: Mass immigration and the higher birthrate among immigrants?
They won’t mention it, but they are so used to using ‘diverse’ film stock school footage they made the error of using such to demonstrate this story. More votes for UKIP…
‘so used to using ‘diverse’ film stock school footage’
Maybe they should get the picture editor of the Daily Mirror in?
Though that can create all sorts of new problems.
Interesting contrast in the way Bill Turnbull’s BBC Breakfast treat two news items this morning.
1. Food Banks increased demand – we are given a suggested reason for this – the increase of ‘hunger’ in Britain. The BBC gives voice to those who are calling for the Government to ‘do’ something.
2. Primary School places increased demand – no reason or explanation is offered. A teacher from Wigan insists parents should not panic but ought to ‘make do’. An education lawyer (that’s a job creation right there) talks us through the appeals procedures.
Funny that, the BBC seems to think there is more we can do to change the weather.
This is the reason that the greedy ridden Tories will lose the next election. They just can’t understand that their privileged positions riding on the backs of the poor cannot be maintained by grinding the poor into the ground.
When people have nothing, most civilised people will not accept that their position has to be made even worse just so very very wealthy people can claim their undeserved and unearned inheritance without tax.
Osbourne is looking to cut billions more from the welfare budget in a move which is likely to affect almost every single person in the country.
To be honest I’m not surprised the Tories are going to lose the next election, and even I hope they do!
It’s astonishing that a no mark like Ed Millipede who almost no one trusts to be capable of running the country should be in such a position, yet so unacceptable are Tory policies, that it’s the lesser of two evils.
The sad thing is that the Tories are incapable and unable to change. The aged very wealthy widows do like a ‘charming young man’ from a private school background, and that’s now how Tory future leaders are selected. Rather than being a party of aspiration and merit, they have become a party of grasping rich boys who have no idea what it takes to actually earn money, and need the state to subsidise their tax free inheritances to keep their living standards.
Did you notice that BBC sponsored ‘politician and singer’ Billy Bragg turned up on the One Show last night?
Well, it’s an opportunity for him to plug his shows and his dvds.
And to lecture the nation on what a jolly good idea it is for 16- and 17-year-olds to have the vote.
Why, you ask.
Seems our Billy wasted his first vote when he was too busy being a punk rocker and has regretted it ever since – because look what happened : Thatcher won.
Predictable unadulterated unchallenged Lefty tosh courtesy the Licence Fee funded BBC.
Didn’t see it, but he was also on the Steve Wright show yesterday, predictably Thatcher was mentioned. Add in an appearance on Question Time, Brother Bragg has done well out the telly tax payer over the last few days…
I saw that woeful section. Unsurprising to hear Sir Billy talking bollocks as usual and the reaction of the 2 presenters was typical. They both nodded in agreement.
Al-JaBeeBa currently slagging off the 1.7% earnings increase just announced, concentrating instead on the 1.4% excluding bonuses. Quick switch to food banks and constant reference to Ed Bollox’ ‘flatlining’, since discredited by just about every reasoned economist, unlike the Beeb.
Just telephoned the ‘Trussell trust’ to ask for a breakdown of their clients by ethnicity, which they say they have.
When asked if they produce food parcels for Halal or Kosher diets, they seemed a little surprised. It seems that our ethnic cousins are (as suspected) unaffected by having their benefits stopped.
No doubt the fascists will tell us that it’s because they aren’t as lazy as white people and take their responsibilities to finding work more seriously.
I’m fast coming to the conclusion that the government are targeting white claimants because they know that having ground them into the dust they are unlikely to riot, and the fascists who organised the ‘poll tax’ riots, now hate the white (un) working class more than the Tories do !
Nice work, but playing devils advocate, could it not be the case that when it comes to free food, our ethnic cousins conveniently forget all about their religion?
They use their religion to their benefit when it suits them, and the libtards pander to their every need. I know I’ve experienced it in the work place, demands for long holidays abroad during religious festivals yet always happy to go down the pub after work….
No mention on listening/viewing BBC AFAIAA, let alone any exploration, that the increase in Trussel Trust etc clientele might have some connection with the increase in supply (from supermarkets etc) to these organisations. In other words, if there are more freebies around then the “demand” has risen to meet the supply. Of course, some of the clientele are quite genuine and manifestly have been left in the short-term lurch by incompetence at the DWP (“unheard of”, I hear you say, in respect of our glorious public sector angels).
However, all we are given from the BBC is an endless drone implying that the Conservatives are deliberately seeking to drive the masses into penury. Oddly, the opinion polls (not that one should pay those too much notice) indicate that the coalition attempts at cutting back life-styles based on permanent benefit hand-outs are popular and worse, for Labour and its BBC mouthpiece, vote-getters.
Billy Bragg has had 1 top ten hit.
The b-side of a wet wet wet, charity single.
Renee and Renata had a number one as did bombalerina, and yet you don’t give them tv tenure.
Could it be that our billy fits the beeb mindset.
He’s a second rate busker stuck in student mindset and the BBC encourages this dangerous pathology. Surely we should be encouraging the boy to grow up. If he was still eating Farleys risks we would be worried about him yet the beeb applaud his permanent Kevin and Perry style teenage persona.
Why does nobody on the beeb challenge him on why he doesn’t live in culturally vibrant Londonistan anymore.
Maybe he’s trying to find a New England in the leafy West Country. Well the body boarding isn’t so good in West Ham and there isn’t a ready supply of langoustine in Stratford.
Wolfie smith was meant to be a comedy character not a lifestyle choice.
The beebs perpetual infantilisation of politics shows how detached from the real world the beeboids are.
I went to a boarding school run by monks. No one could join the abbey unless they had spent 4 years in the real world. This is an eminently sensible precaution. Surely we should ask this of the beebs reporting staff. Think about it. Imagine if the beebs staff had had to earn a proper living before entering the hallowed halls of broadcasting house. maybe then they would know the real value of money and then they wouldn’t be so ready for the state to steal an over large proportion. Maybe then they would realise that Bragg isn’t some modern poet just a dickhead stuck in some post pubescent time warp.
He did write ‘A New England’ a sizeable Top Ten hit for Kirsty MacColl who incidentally was the daughter of communist and Labour activist and folk singer Ewan MacColl, very cliquey!
But yes his notoriety seems to exceed his success, all purely down to his politics which the BBC like….
BBC 5Live at present, has the “godawful” V Drearybyshire …
with the “Trojan Horse” subject …
only just started and the insinuation is that check this P Clarke guy out …
… not productive,
… need for greater understanding
… controversial appointment
We see once again the BBC trenchantly doing the work of dubious Islamic groups.
R Spencer on the ever widening Trojan Horse investigation :-
Council leader Sir Albert Bore said: “Peter Clarke will need to give careful consideration to building a strong relationship with us and, given his recent counter-terrorism responsibilities in London, ensure that his investigation does not undermine the confidence of our communities.” … Now wait just a minute, Bore.
This is a plot by Islamic supremacists to take over schools, and it is up to the investigator to win the confidence of Muslim communities? … Why isn’t it up to the Muslim communities to win the confidence of the investigator?
I always thought that when a trial is going on, the media have to refrain from commenting on the implications of the evidence.
In the Oscar Pistorius case, the BBC’s Andrew Harding seems to be doing just that. This morning, he says, “However well his forensic experts proceed to shore up his testimony in the coming days, Mr Pistorius’ credibility has been damaged”
Surely by saying “Mr Pistorius’ credibility has been damaged” Harding is acting in a way prejudicial to the trial.
Is this the American way creeping in?
While the Savile enquiry was underway, there was liberal use of the word ‘victims’ which assumes he was guilty before the enquiry finished. I phoned a barrister who used ‘victims’ in a TV interview, (rather than ‘alleged victims’), and received a written apology from the Head of Chambers. Anyone know why Harding is doing this?
‘I always thought that when a trial is going on, the media have to refrain from commenting on the implications of the evidence.’
Today’s word is ‘learning’, and it seems that we need to be aware that when the BBC does things that makes them about right no matter what they kick off on when others do the same thing and they don’t approve. Or when it messes with due legal process if they feel like it.
It’s all there under ‘unique’.
I thought that might be the case. Although it seems a rather unsavoury practice. I can imagine that, if I was on trial, I’d be pretty upset if some journo was pontificating about whether things were looking bad for me. I’d much rather leave it to the judge (in this case). And it doesn’t stop the BBC making pre-trial/pre-enquiry references to ‘victims’ rather than ‘alleged victims’ in UK cases.
1. BBC, Ch4, Sky News and Classic FM news programmes are all biased (johnnythefish) as are the Daily Telegraph, the Daily Mail (Geoff et al), and the New Scientist (Richard Pinder).
2. The EU deliberately provoked the conflict between Ukraine and Russia as an excuse to cancel the European elections. (Richard Pinder).
3. A revolution is about to start (Dave s). The Muslims are to blame (Doublethinker).
4. Hillsborough was the fault of the fans, but the “Liverpool football mafia” keep it quiet (MartinW).
5. There is a huge conspiracy (Common Purpose) undermining all of public life (johnnythefish).
6. Manchester council, under pressure from Muslim activists, now refers to the Gay Village district as simply “the village” (thoughtful).
7. The BBC will soon be supporting Argentina’s claim to the Falklands (Pounce). There existed a cabal in the BBC during the campaign that wanted the UK to lose the war.
8. There is a government conspiracy to target white claimants because they know they won’t riot (Thoughtful).
9. The CofE is full of people who don’t believe in God (Simon). Vicars these days often have no belief in God (Thoughtful) but use their position to promote the Labour party.
10. Dez is not an individual poster, but the cover for a team led BBC effort designed to counter this site (Dysgwr_Cymraeg).
11. CAGW is a conspiracy like something from The Body Snatchers or Village of the Damned (Phil Ford).
12. A second holocaust is going to happen (thoughtful).
Apologies if I have missed off any posters or any other conspiracy theories.
Well Danny you have learned more than you would have learnt from our national broadcaster and without having to pay an artificial tax for the priviledge ( if you are a tax payer of course the money paid for the license is out of taxed income so more than the £150 or whatever it is).
‘Apologies if I have missed off any posters or any other conspiracy theories’
One should be grateful for small mercies.
But, do you have a Philip Madoc notebook too?
These are, of course, theories, on a small forum. Unproven, and hence possibly true, not true, or yet to come to pass, or not.
As you are into compiling lists, while you were at it have you learned anything from the various factual misrepresentations by a £4Bpa force-funded state propaganda monopoly, for instance the allegations the BIJ/Newsnight spun up about LordMcAlpine? Plus a few others that have made it to these pages.
Or did these not make it past the censor’s filter your end?
Oh you missed out the one of an evil web of right wingers running the internet/world /universe and strangely according to your kind of bleating bed wetters the BBC as well ?
Oh and the one about the BBC covering up child/sexual abuse and then lying about it ! oh wait that true isn’t it ?
I got it the one where the BBC a failed in it’s care of duty to Dr David Kelly and Russell Joslin which ended in their suicides ! nope dam that ones true as well ?
Danny, your list makes for interesting reading, and speaking as one of the names on ‘your little list’, may I venture to enquire whether you consider my suggestion that CAGW is a ‘…conspiracy like something from The Body Snatchers or Village of the Damned …’ any more or less feasible than, say, entirely unproven prophecies of impending global climate catastrophe (think: a 20ft rise in global sea levels, the disappearance of the world’s glaciers and icecaps, whole coastlines disappearing, more and more ‘extreme weather events’, millions upon millions of ‘global climate refugees’, global ‘climate-induced conflicts’, climate-caused food shortages, the climate-forced extinction of thousands of plant and animal species, the collapse of entire national economies, etc, etc ad infinitum)..? Well, I think you get the drift.
Just asking, Danny, since you brought it up. Since we both know that there is no proof – none at all – for any of the claims made by CAGW zealots in the press and media, I just wondered if any of this bothers you as much as my little comment clearly did..?
Honoured to be mentioned in dispatches from the liberal elite’s mouthpiece. Actually I said a counter revolution was on the way. The revolution was the work of the 68ers and the fellow leftwing travellers of that time.
We will have to see who is right.
“1. BBC, Ch4, Sky News and Classic FM news programmes are all biased (johnnythefish) as are the Daily Telegraph, the Daily Mail (Geoff et al), and the New Scientist (Richard Pinder)”
Can’t speak for Classic FM as I don’t listen but if you can’t see the bias in the output of the rest you’re either 1) An employee of any of the above or 2) Thick….
‘There is a huge conspiracy (Common Purpose) undermining all of public life (johnnythefish).’
Rather than paraphrase to suit your own ‘conspiracy’ accusations, can you link to the precise quote, please?
And when you reply, you may as well (at last) give us your explanation for the BBC’s attempts to cover up their 28gate meeting. Was that another conspiracy, Danny Boy?
I list some of the conspiracy theories that have been outlined on this site and get a flurry of responses including the alas all too predictable insults, unintelligible replies, whatabout-ery comments, diversions, and another conspiracy.
I forwarded no argument and took no position yet regulars felt necessary to respond how they did. Very interesting. I wonder what that counsellor makes of all of this?
Anyone is entitled to hold whatever views they choose. However espousing them may have consequences, such as the credibility that others assign to those holding said views.
It is well established that conspiracy beliefs are strongly positively correlated with paranoid ideation and schizotypy. It is no surprise that contributors reacted as they did.
There is also research into conspiracist ideation and the rejection of science. That is worth Googling as it explains a lot. Responses on this site and others of a similar political viewpoint conform with the proposition.
Aww bless had to like your post as you must be one of only 3 utter morons who actually bought the Lewandowsky cr&p paper ! you know the one that has just been withdraw as the authors broke ethical and procedural codes !
The lefts dream everyone they hate is a conspiracy theorists which sadly just makes them conspiracy theorists !
I’m totally shocked ,shocked I tell you
Was your pretentious piece of puffery based on some miss-understood factoid cleaned from the Internet?
(Hows that gravity is a social construct thing going? )
I am impressed that you know of the Lewandowsky dispute. Frontiers explicitly stated it “did not identify any issues with the academic and ethical aspects of the study.” Your allegation would not appear to be backed by the findings of the investigation.
However the point is moot. All I said of his paper was there was interesting research and that views here conform to his proposition. Neither of those statements are rendered false.
As for conspiracy theories in general, I make no argument on conspiracy theories except to repeat that conspiracy beliefs are strongly positively correlated with paranoid ideation and schizotypy.
Danny Howard says: at 7:23 pm
” I forwarded no argument and took no position”
Uncategorized says: at 10:29 pm
. “As for conspiracy theories in general, I make no argument”
I find that interesting
All I did was list the conspiracies that posters had posited over the last few days. I didn’t make any claim as to their validity and yet it provoked a maelstrom of defensive posts, insults, diversions, and non-sequiturs.
And the reason I am “nowhere to be seen” is that unlike others on here, I have a job. I don’t spend all day listening to the BBC in the hope of being outraged.
‘There is also research into conspiracist ideation and the rejection of science.’
Rejection of what science, exactly? Surely you cannot be referring to the failed AGW hypothesis?
Lewandowsky is just another desperate member of the AGW rearguard action who will never debate the science but instead seek shelter in further screwball hypotheses (see ‘deep ocean warming’) and ad hominem attacks which attempt to discredit anybody who has the common sense to see through their crap agenda.
‘Conspiracy theorists’? – research 28gate and report back.
Dear Tranny =
Kennedy was killed by one man !
The we have been to the moon !
Elvis is dead !
The war in Iraq wasn’t about oil!
9/11 was done by evil terrorists!
Not a conspeorist am I yet I still believe your a jack ass shilling for a huge media Corp yet you claim not to be paid by them ? in fact you have to pay them ? moron !!!
You call them ‘conspiracy theories’. Posters on here call them well-substantiated accusations of bias.
Interesting, Danny Boy, when debates are in full flow on alleged ‘conspiracies’ you are nowhere to be seen. Rather, you choose to put in the occasional appearance when you find (at best) a minor factual inaccuracy or, as above with your ‘conspiracies’, you pen a factually incoherent catch-all (still waiting for an apology, by the way) which contains no cohesive argument whatsoever.
So, get with the debate when it happens and who knows, you might score a point for your beloved BBC (but somehow I doubt it).
That was quick. Apologies. I missed one off.
13. The BBC was complicit in the “Trojan Horse” situation deliberately keeping people in the dark (pat, noggin)
So Danny Howard you do not agree with an opinion expressed on these pages by Johnny the Fish or Geoff or Richard Pinder or Dave S or Doublethinker or Martin W or Thoughtful or Pounce or Simon or Dysgwr_Cymraeg or Phil Ford Things about Climate Science the EU or Islam or Hillsborough or The Falklands or the Church of England. Are we supposed to conclude from this that the BBC is not biased? If you (for example) were to claim that the BBC is not biased about anything (ever) that would indeed be a bizarre assertion, and so assuming that is not your position, what examples of BBC bias do you axknowledge? Do you detect any BBC bias (for example) in the way the BBC report Climate Science, the EU, Islam, Hillsborough, the Falklands War, and Church of England vicars who advocate Socialism rather than those who (say) disagree with homosexual marriage?
BBC radio 4 from Croydon as to why the Conservatives are not appealing to voters in this ‘most diverse borough’.
In fact it has a long history of diversity, this piece of music was about Samuel Taylor Coleridge who moved here.
The impression being given that Coleridge was an immigrant, when in fact he was born in Devon !
More revisionism to change the perceptions and reality of history.
“1. BBC, Ch4, Sky News and Classic FM news programmes are all biased (johnnythefish) as are the Daily Telegraph, the Daily Mail (Geoff et al), and the New Scientist (Richard Pinder).”
And your point is?
If you look up most of these media organs, and a lot of others on Wikipedia then you will often find their political allegiances openly stated. Understanding that they do have a bias and what that is helps to steer content back towards neutrality.
But you simply miss the bigger picture. I am not required to pay for the output of any of these media, except for one – the BBC.
Imagine a world where you were not allowed to buy the Guardian unless you had taken out a subscription to the Daily Mail, and if you were caught doing so, you could be arrested and imprisoned.
Imagine then a statute that required the Daily Mail to be impartial, but they carried on as they are now, and continually denied all and every criticism.
“…But you simply miss the bigger picture. I am not required to pay for the output of any of these media, except for one – the BBC.”
Yes, Thoughtful, that’s it in a nutshell. I couldn’t care less how biased the Guardian, or Sky News or any other commercial media outlet in print, online or broadcast is – the fact is I’m not forced (under threat of imprisonment for non-compliance) to pay for any of them unless I want to.
The BBC, for which I am forced to pay via my TV licence whether I like it or not, demands my money with menaces, whilst simultaneously breaching it’s chartered mandate to provide impartiality in all it does. I take issue with Channel 4 for broadly similar reasons – despite being a commercial channel it also receives public funding (our taxes). Both of them take money from the EU (our taxes).
Why should I not be entitled to an opinion, therefore, on what they broadcast and how they ‘game’ the message to suit a left wing progressive political agenda I fundamentally disagree with?
If I wasn’t forced to pay for any of it I wouldn’t care a jot – because I wouldn’t feel like I was being forced against my will to hand over money to prop up a rotten bunch of liberal fascist propagandists.
I choose to have a Sky subscription because, broadly speaking, I have far fewer issues with the broadcaster – but it’s a matter of choice and I can always choose again to cancel my payments at any time.
Sorry, Thoughtful, that’s where reading posts from the bottom up gets you. Didn’t realise you were quoting Danny Boy (who was misquoting me – see above).
We can predict the outcome. Either the Trust has let it be known that the findings they want shows that their big stars receive fair value or indeed slightly below the rate that these stars should expect. The alternative is that the review finds that stars are paid too much, the BBC will produce a press release to say that to cut costs these people will now be on lower contracts when they are renewed and as we are never told what people receive due to commercial confidentiality the BBC can then continue to pay inflation busting sums to retain ‘talent’.
BBC-NUJ continues to exploit the broadcasting outlets of the BBC for the political campaign on behalf of mass immigration, from Africa to Europe (and Britain)-
“Spain Melilla migrants: On a hill, in sight of Europe”
JohnCMar 11, 02:30 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Hard to disagree more with much of that. It’s my opinion that the globalist EU is at the root of…
JohnCMar 11, 01:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 They are cherished at the BBC harry. The only ones who can tick EVERY box.
harry142857Mar 11, 00:54 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Thanks John, sort of. I thought homosexual moslems ended up falling out of windows. What a freak. Expect old bill…
JohnCMar 11, 00:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img][/img] Are you surprised. His previous job: ‘Qadeer is chief diversity officer at Alexion Pharmaceuticals.’ And anyone who comes out…
harry142857Mar 11, 00:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC’s HR department is led by Uzair Qadeer (Chief People Officer) and has 121 employees. Yet can’t out perverts like…
JohnCMar 10, 23:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just when you think the BBC can’t get any more ridiculous and desperate in their attempts to discredit the Trump…
MarcoMar 10, 23:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve been listening to Scott Ritter on you tube and his take on trump is very interesting,he thinks trump is…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 23:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From the Daily Mail online: “… … … According to the Telegraph, figures from the most recent BBC annual report…
Labour MP slams BBC for brushing aside the expose of Cyril Smith’s behaviour as a predatory paedophile.
Labour MP Simon Danczuk, who lifted the lid on Cyril Smith’s crimes, has accused the BBC of ‘extraordinary bias’ in its coverage of the affair.
BBC News ignored the Mail’s Saturday front-page revelations, only to change tack 24 hours later, when Smith’s family said they were ‘saddened and concerned’ by its publication. In a hostile report, the BBC website said the family believed Mr Danczuk was ‘motivated by political and financial gain’.
The Labour MP, who is sending a formal complaint to Director General Tony Hall, said: ‘Here we have a book showing that Cyril Smith was a paedophile for more than 40 years, and the BBC’s first reaction is not to ask why it was covered up, or to look at the horrors his victims went through and the lives he ruined. Instead, they ask whether the bloke who wrote it is biased. I’m flabbergasted.’
Mr Danczuk added: ‘The fact that this story is being led by the Daily Mail has driven the BBC to take a particular view. It’s hugely disappointing. If this book had been serialised by the Guardian, it would be leading their news bulletins.’
A BBC spokesman said: ‘[Cyril Smith] is an ongoing story that we have covered extensively in the past, and will continue to report on as and when there are developments that warrant it.’
Now why does that not surprise me.
It’s the sheer arrogance they display in saying “…….. will continue to report on as and when there are developments that warrant it.”
comes to a fine pass when even Labour MPs are noticing the bias !
“BBC turns blind eye to predatory Paedophile”
Becoming quite a habit, isn’t it.
Why, it’s almost as if the intent is to dismiss or ignore any stories that pertain to this particular issue.
I guess these are awkward stories for both the corporation and its bosses…and the Labour party and its upper echelons.
Looking out for their own.
I have a sneaking feeling that someone at the BBC knows where this story may lead hence their lack of curiosity, so it’s a road that they don’t want to go down. Its not just that so many of those roads may lead to the BBC’s Jimmy Savile, but also to PIE / NCCL / and certain politicians of whom they approve (some of whom are yet to be exposed by the ‘Daily Mail’).
It’s clear from almost every statement the BBC makes that, though it may have its faults, being wrong is never one of them.
Gee another anti_UKIP article from the bBC:
Nigel Farage ‘facing expenses complaint’ over UKIP office costs
UKIP leader Nigel Farage is facing a complaint about his use of EU expenses, it has been reported. The Times said a former party official had raised questions about how Mr Farage used his “general expenditure allowance” and as a result had taken the matter to the EU’s anti-fraud body.
Yesterday in the Guardian we had an article linking UKIP to the BNP, it seems to me the closer we get to the European elections the more dirt is been thrown at the only party which takes British interests to heart.
Funny that
Just as I predicted here a few weeks back. The MSM establishment will go into overdrive to smear UKIP. Just under 40 days and night to go to the elections and by the end of that period expect a negative news item per day.
The Mail has been running at least one negative UKIP story every day for a while now.
Their comment arrow system is being heavily manipulated on those UKIP stories too. Anti-UKIP comments are unexpectedly gaining five thousand plus green arrow as both the left and the Tories get their keyboard warrior active (or it’s the left-wing solely behind it all).
Anyone remember the Mail’s comment board when Doreen Lawrence got her gong?
That was hillarious, somewhere online there is a before and after screen shot of the comments. Amazing that not one commentor was against her appointment!
And the only “green arrow” post was from someone commenting that they had never seen so many red arrows.
I noticed that at the weekend, they must think we’re stupid! Only the top three comments were anti UKIP yet had ratings of four figures, all subsequent comments were pro UKIP…
You would also expect the opinion of ‘worst rated’ comments to be a direct reverse of the ‘best rated’ to give an impression of overall opinion, yet they weren’t. We had an anti UKIP comment as both the best rated and worst rated. Highly orchestrated stuff Tory HQ must have been busy deleting their cookies..
Certainly the DM’s arrow system is heavily manipulated; even the most non contentious comments are often not published.
The HYS on the Farage story was open at 8 am and full of anti-BBC bias comments. By 8.30 the moderators had started work, and comments were being removed. By 9.15, with just under 300 comments, the HYSD was closed. Obviously the comments were not what the BBC wanted to hear.
I get 1 in 20 published, and don’t even go to the “Yorkshire Post” they must have a team on standby to down vote anything not to their liking.
These were the first 8 comments published on the Doreen Lawrence story, it proves that published comments are against the majority opinion (see the ratings)
…and here’s the right link…!
Yes its happening again today! 1 hour ago green arrows for the fact that its a smear. Just a moment ago 1000’s of new green arrows rubbishing UKIP? Its so obvious its quite pathetic.
Eric you are right. Even Farage himself knew this dirt shower would be coming. I’ve seen anti UKIP stories appearing in the Telegraph, and now this in the Times. It’s clear that UKIP is now being seen as a real threat to the Establishment. Much more than Scottish or Irish Nationalism is.
Just imagine how the establishment would feel if the largest British group at the European Parliament was an anti EU Party. What sort of message would that send to Brussels (clue: two fingers – or if you prefer one finger).
Humiliation and embarrassment for the great and the good (sic) that rule over us.
Cue indignant sneering and abuse from Vivien Reding, Jose Manuel Barroso and the rest of that gang of unelected self serving seat polishers.
The Guardian should be told that the BNP is a properly funded legal entity with representation at EU level.
By ‘eck, you could knock me down with a feather!
Our prissy national broadcaster with its finely-graded distinctions between ‘militants’, ‘rebels’ and ‘terrorists’ can’t tell the difference between ‘expenses’ and ‘allowances’.
Say, you don’t think they’re trying to pull a fast one, do you?
A lovely example of leftist hypocrisy on BBC last night.
The World at One presenter Martha Carney did a programme about bee keeping . It was interesting and most of it filmed in her very large and lovely garden set in the peaceful Suffolk countryside.
This advocate of mass immigration and ever greater government spending and taxation, lives far away from the awful effects of mass immigration and seems to have pots of money. A typical BBC presenter. They are as full of hypocrisy as a hive should be of honey.
Quite Right. Thankfully people are cottoning on to these hypocrites with their retreats away from the crap-holes they are so supportive of. Harriet Harperson has a second home in lovely “unspoiled” Woodbridge in Suffolk too so they say which is odd as its not a very “lively and diverse” kind of place so loved by the Liberal Left. Same with the Toynbee creature’s THIRD home in Lewes, Sussex. What’s it like? Erh its like Woodbridge…
The Left love “vibrant multiculturalism” – except when it comes to their own backyard.
I posted the demographic of the village where Peaches Geldoff lived. There was 1 black person and 1 Muslim in a population of close to 2000 people.
Odd how so many of these wealthy lefties who tell us how wonderful their vibrant multiculti hell holes are, but then when given the chance move as far away as they possibly can from them!
Right, 25 of our schools are looking like they are being hijacked by Muslim extremist scum (cue the wheeling out of Keith Daz to call for community cohesion), East Ukraine is fast approaching civil war and Christians are being blown to pieces in Nigeria and Syria…. but what does the finger-on-the-pulse BBC have as its main story this morning? The middle-class gloat-fest Pistorius pantomime! And Sky is no better.
The highly predictable situation whereby schools in Muslim areas (why are there Muslim-only areas in a multicultural country?) are being taken over by pyjama-wearing, spinach-chinned fanatics should be headline news with analyses and debates; if it were Christians there would be mass-hysteria from the Left! No, the BBC seem to take this story lightly with one reporter yesterday remarking, ‘well they are Muslim areas so this is to be expected, isn’t it?’ as my foot narrowly missed our sitting room TV. I despair, I really do!
Agreed. This story is a portent of what the future holds for us. The majority of Muslims adhere strictly to their religion and its teachings. They don’t make compromises on their religious values and worldwide they show no tolerance towards other beliefs. This is perfectly acceptable to me if they live in this way in their own countries. However, in my view it is unlikely that we will see a significant increase in those Muslims living in the UK, who like Mr Javid the new Culture Secretary, wear their religion lightly and accept our values. Rather the opposite is true. It is entirely predictable that Muslims will start to try to take over the institutions , such as schools and the courts, of those areas in which they are a majority. And once they have control they will impose strict Islamic values within those institutions and woe betide anyone, of whatever faith or race, who doesn’t accept them.
The left created this problem. The BBC refuses to accept that there is a problem, other than that we, the indigenous Brits, are not sufficiently tolerant of the needs of other races and faiths. If the BBC reported this and similar incidents truthfully, then the country would see what was really happening, the take over of large parts of the country by an alien religion. There then could be a honest debate of how to deal with this problem in a peaceful and controlled way and Muslims could understand that if they want to live here then they have to accept the way we live and our institutions and that they can’t live as though in a Muslim state.
But the BBC and the liberal left establishment would rather keep their fingers crossed and hope that the likely explosion of community tension , in which we all will suffer, never happens.
The country does know what is happening. I think this is why the Lb/left media is so panicky.
Having refused to confront reality for so long the situation terrifies them.
I travel a lot and in private, when they feel amongst friends, the English are well aware of what is going on.
This situation has been directly caused by the liberal left and their fellow travellers- the 68ers and the fantasists of the left.
By marginalising those who have tried to warn and speak against the attempted destruction of an ancient nation these fXXXXXX liberals have imperilled us all.
The promotion of multiculturalism and using the screaming threat of “racist thoughts’ against us English have ensured that the future is bleak.
I despise the left . I despise the BBC /liberal media. They have threatened the future of my grandchildren. For that there is no forgiveness.
Doublethinker well said! You’ve summed it up perfectly.
“…Muslims could understand that if they want to live here then they have to accept the way we live and our institutions and that they can’t live as though in a Muslim state.”
Doublethinker, I’m going to have to report you to the nearest Community Cohesion Enforcement Squad. You’ve been tagged expressing unacceptable anti-multicultural thoughts – a Level One Misdemeanour – and will now have to face extensive re-education until such time as the State Authorities deem you are sufficiently socially and culturally reprogrammed as to be safe to allow back into The Big Society.
I won’t go peacefully!!!
The Trojan Horse inquiry into Birmingham schools is not BBC approved. Man from the Met is wrong man for the job – should not have been a former investigation of terrorism. Muslim community, Labour MP, alleged accusations, blah blah.
Well said Alex and Doublethinker.
I think the BBC is covering the Muslim Trojan Horse plot quite well, at least till along came Britain’s barmiest copper in the shape of West Midlands Chief Constable raving how bad it was that the person in charge of the investigation was known for his work countering terrorism and that this sends out the wrong message.
After all, what would a terrorism expert know about Muslim extremist infiltration and entryism eh?
Despite the gap between pay rises & inflation now getting to rounding error territory the BBC continue to obsess on the aspect
The fall in the rate of inflation means that the gap between average wage growth and the rise in prices has continued to narrow.
Average total earnings, including bonuses, rose 1.4% in the three months to January compared with a year earlier, according to ONS figures released last month. Excluding bonuses, wages grew by 1.3%
BBC business/economics expert Andrew Verity majored on this on “Today”, wanting his interlocutor to admit that retail sales growth was being funded by borrowing – he got no such joy.
High income BBC types are oblivious to the extra money in ordinary folks’ pockets as a result of the increase in the starting point for income tax (up 16% last April) £267pa before a pay rise
With the excuse that it was so good it was worth sharing (again)….
BBC London News last night and Alice Ban Da Crazy gifts to us a delicious moment when she stumbles on an autocue headline….
“The trial has begun in New York today of the Radical Cleric… er… Radical Muslim Cleric… Abu Hamza…”
Yeah, fair play, I really didn’t expect that word to be there either, luv.
That will be someone from the editor’s gallery barking into her ear-piece as she started talking “don’t say that, the auto-cue is wrong, don’t say Muslim, whatever you do, don’t say radical Muslim…” oops, too late!
“Trojan horse news”
10 …. 15 … now 25 Bham area schools under investigation
over 400 complaints, spread out the investigation to areas like Bradfordistan.
The “nuthin to see” BBC … has started to talk about … “orthodox muslims” again. closely followed
new programme concerns over a “immigration street”
promo for Ch4 … that looks at how different communities are fitting in … big concerns … so they immediately retire the local mosque for dose of Tues morning “grievance mongering” … nuthin to see BBC … they re all ears
BBC can t help themselves, in the latest Trojan Horse
article … a photo with caption
Tahir Alam, chair of governors at Park View School, says claims are “ridiculous”, adorns centre stage …
I wonder if he s …”orthodox”,
hope he s informing parents there is no need to stop school for “prayer breaks”, or play call to prayer, as muslims can always use “make up prayers” at home in their own time.
As most of our laws are made in the EU I hope UKIP take every UK seat.Then the dear old Auntie Beeb will be lost for words,unable to rule the roost, and follow RED Ed’s views.
Just as soon as the BBC says that those people who voted for UKIP were wrong then more people will hate the BBC.
Cant wait……
It is a situation to be fervently hoped for. The removal of democratic legitimacy from this lot governing is essential. What price then Cameron’s so called promise of a referendum?
“…Cant wait…”
I got advance notice today that my Postal Vote for the May EU elections is scheduled to arrive by Friday 9th May (Central Bedfordshire district).
I really can’t wait. never has a vote felt so important – so crucial – as the one I intend to cast for UKIP.
Bring it! Come on, everyone – let’s make a real effort to ‘disrupt’ the BBC-EU ‘conversation’!
You didn’t notice large sacks being delivered anywhere did you? Certain high rise buildings,? Local Labour Party?
If you live in a Labour marginal ward in London, or a town in the Midlands or North England, postal voting might be an issue. I don’t so I think my local ballots are still quite fair.
Looking forward to “rubbing their noses in it”, as they say.
just as an update on this
The wretched BBC with its “War on Islam” advocate in college row”
do you recall “8500 people demanded”( it did sound like the whole Univ … didn t it?), she get refused the honour
Turns out it was just over 80 “MGMTA s” (Muslim Students Assoc?) with the added help of the Confederation American Islamic Radicals or CAIR, and another “herd mentality” petition.
As always with Islam, yet another fail, she s had much more exposure for her views, than she could have imagined … and double whammy.
Exposed the agenda of throwback muslim groups in the process.
The sad thing is that Brandeis was founded with Jewish money just after the war, commemorating the Holocaust.
Jeremy Vine in faux sobbing emotional overload at the commemoration of the Hillsborough Tragedy, with a somewhat cheapening of events with a “what were you doing on the day” phone in.
I can remember exactly where I was on that day – with a Baptist church group in Cumbria. I was 15. Now, I’m 40 and they’re still going on about it although it’s finally gone full circle – the fans were to blame, the fans aren’t to blame. So, who did all the pushing from the back, the ambulancemen or the police? I was sick and tired of this long ago but I suspect it’ll go on forever, a bit like ‘Bloody Sunday’, costing us millions in the process merely to absolve the fans of blame when it was them all along. Name another football club involved in two disasters? You can’t can you? … must be something to do with the mentality of Liverpool fans.
BTW, I expressed these exact same sentiments on the DM website and they didn’t publish them. Get ready for the heinous future crime of ‘Hillsborough denial.’
The heinous crime of ‘Hillsborough denial’ has been promoted by bBBC NorthWest for the last 25 years. We are not allowed to say that we feel sorry for the families of the 96 fans who had tickets and arrived in good time whilst condemning the thousands of Scousers who pushed them. I wonder how many of them will be called to the inquest.
I have also tried, twice, to publish (years apart) very carefully and sympathetically worded letters on the Daily Mail website. In both, I stated that the police had made errors, but also that the behaviour of the fans should be taken into account (a matter totally and surprisingly absent from the previous Inquiry). My first letter to the DM appeared briefly but was swiftly removed because of “a complaint”. The second never appeared. The Liverpool football mafia clearly keep a close eye on all newspaper reports, and fire off complaints if anyone has the temerity to put another point of view.
It is essential this latest Inquiry considers ALL aspects of these events.
Here’s another non-story about ‘Hillsborough’. The whinging Scousers, assisted by the bBBC, are now spreading the view that everyone else should stop whatever they are doing whenever they have yet another mawkish memorial.
Of course the bBBC love it as an excuse to knock a Conservative MP.
Meanwhile, Heysel has been consigned to The Memory Hole…
And a few others that seem to have been forgotten except by the families of those involved;
Valley Parade Bradford 1985 56 Dead
Ibrox Park Glasgow 1971 66 Dead
Burnden Park Bolton 1946 33 Dead
Hillsborough gets attention because (a) its Liverpool fans that are the victims and that city does victim hood and grievance better than any other and (b) the leftist media can use it as a means to attack two of their favourite targets – the Police and Murdoch.
I think it’s clear from the facts that the police were incompetent on the day, and it was covered up later. But it was an accident.
However there certainly is in this country a hierarchy of victims. Mid Staffs and IRA victims are at the bottom.
People should be capable, no matter where they come from, of entering an enclosed space en mass without killing each other. It’s not rocket science just orderly behaviour.
The police did, as they often do, try to sing from the same hymn sheet but the reason for that is simple. After years of the slightest discrepancy in police notebooks being taken as complicity in what ever crime was under investigation coppers became used to ensuring they all told the same tale. No attempt at a cover up just a desire not to end up being blamed, yet again, for something they had no culpability for.
This is a taped call between two American officials discussing the original Crimea crises where one says they should talk to the Ukrainians direct and ‘Fuck the EU’.
I very much doubt this will be on the BBC news, or website, or indeed ever!
Someone please remind all crocodilian tear shedders over the Hillsborough tragedy that it would not have happened as it did if the police had realised it was people escaping a dangerous overcrowding situation and not a riot a la Heysel. In the immediate moment, the difference between the two may have been lost on the cops, considering the form of the Liverpool FC fans. Absent Heysel and the fact that that’s probably what the police expected, it could all have very well happened much differently.
It will never be admitted by the Merseyside red-team fans (nor by their defenders in the media) that it may have been their known form in stadium behaviour preceding them which contributed to the death toll. Sorry, but there it is.
It seems to have been forgotten why barriers at the perimeter of grounds were installed and who’s actions brought about the need for them – easier to blame someone else eh?
Sorry, trgf, just posted a ‘Heysel’ comment above.
Agree with what you say – it coloured the view of many at the time (including Forest fans’ immediate reaction on the day) and still does, despite efforts to re-programme our thinking.
However few would deny that tragically it was the innocent fans who were the victims in both cases, and it’s a pity the weekend’s events couldn’t see fit to remembering those who died in Heysel as well as Hillsborough.
It is a tragedy…………..but no amount of public inquiries will bring these people back to life.
“At this point, what difference does it make?”
The determination with which the BBC constantly push the equality of outcome feminist/black/Muslim agenda is as disturbing as it is downright irritating. Common sense tells us that ability to do the job should be the main criteria but the Left and their social and cultural engineering fanatics will go to great lengths to impose their infantile world view on the rest of us. It was same old crap the other night when the BBC were heckling the Tories over the low number of females in the Cabinet; never mind ability to do the job, it comes down to Lefty-enforced gender quotas. No wonder this country is heading down the pan!
If this country ever faced an existential threat then God help us. The BBC/liberals would never get past ensuring that the right quotas were in place.
Can you imagine the BBC mentality in control in 1940?
The BBC is in a real mess. Time to send it on it’s way.
True, there was a shocking lack of lesbian fighter pilots in 1940, which can only be put down to institutional sexism by the RAF.
The bBBC would have insisted on the Dambusters raid being postponed while there was an official inquiry into Guy Gibson’s dog.
Apparently he’s also rewriting 9/11 to properly reflect minority claims it was a Mossad plot, under the title ‘Torah! Torah! Torah!’ The romantic subplot between the main characters has also been tweaked a bit. Ben & Josh back… Kate not so much.
Landing craft at D-Day failed Health & Safety guidelines.
Such was demonstrated in the latest BBC Sunday drama offering the Crimson Field.
Now as any good lefty would tell me British black soldiers did fight in WW1 which they did, but the percentage was minute. Yet in Sundays drama we saw at least two, I have never seen any footage depicting any.
Before any one screams racist at me, I’m not, its just that I like my historical dramas to be somewhat factual, and not full of transparent ‘tokenism’. We wouldn’t expect a white slave in ’12 Years a Slave’ would we? rightly there wasn’t and neither would we expect it.
I wonder what we can expect in the forthcoming adaptation of DuMauriers Jamaica Inn?
I won’t be bothering with the Crimson Field. The percentage of black British soldiers was less than miniscule. It would be nice to see some Indian faces as they did make a major contribution, but maybe that’s not the right minority for the BBC?
They could show the Muslim SS Divisions in some WW2 programmes too
IIRC there were a lot of African soldiers involved in WW1. As in the US Army in WW2 most were used to man transports or as ‘bearers’. Some African brigades ended up in Flanders but most were involved in the costly East African campaign where close to 100k Africans died.
Not a minute involvement at all.
In the case of the Tory cabinet, I would have thought that a prerequisite was an inability to do the job, and they couldn’t find enough wholly inadequate incompetent wealthy women who wanted to impose their egos on everyone else.
Well not after Maria Miller left anyway !
Sometime Beeboid lefty and champagne socialist Dermot Murnaghan (here in Sky mode) making himself look a complete tit in a pathetic attempt to smear Nigel Farage re the latest MSM effort to discredit him.
By Jove, during that ideologically charged interview I had an overwhelming urge to punch that sneering prat Dermot square on the hooter! Did you see the contempt and disregard he had in his face? The utter hatred? Who the hell does he think he is?
I got the measure of Murnaghan on Eggheads and his constant baiting of Judith Kepple and her ‘poshness’.
Yes, but he is (was?) much better than the egregious Vine on that programme – who treats the contestants as though they are dim 12 year-olds or the intellectually limited who infest his Radio programme (hope I’m right about that, since I’ve not listened to the ‘Light Programme’ for 40 years).
Vine does pull up the appalling Daphne on her constant ‘guessing’, though.
“I dent know, Jer’my: I’ll haf to take a guess……Is it The Chemical Brothers ? My grand-daughetrs haf tol’ me awl abou’ them…….Oh, was I right ? Haehaehae. Three guesses in a row an’ awl correct. ” Bollox.
Does anyone else think that the vain old trout is sporting a bit of heavy ‘work’ around the eyes on the new series ?
Still not even close to the treatment he got on HIGNFY – I would love to grab the floppy hair of Stephen Mangan and punch him square in the pus. Stuck-up lefty toff prick.
He’s funny on ‘Elvenquest’ though. A genuinely funny radio comedy. Sometimes the BBC can do funny, just not when its written by/starring any of the usual eye wateringly unfunny suspects, Brigstocke etc.
How unfunny was the fat blonde girl on HIGNFY? Even Hislop’s laughter was forced.
I don’t think the ladies hired to fill space (hold that thought) on BBC comedy shows are selected on the basis of comedic ability, are they?
However, given Danny Cohen I thought was insisting on a 50:50 ‘split’ (conceding BBC maffs can make this anything from 1 to 99%) it seems she failed even here. Unless it was, as you suggest, on a per kilo basis.
Murnaghan, displaying in that single ‘interview’ with Mr Farage, everything that is p*sspoor about the state of current British TV ‘journalism’ (or should that be ‘churnalism’?). Petulant, faux-outraged, belligerent and ill-informed (not to mention clearly hostile), Murnaghan is a great advert for the very lowest possible standards of journalistic interview technique we are all so familiar with from the likes of the BBC, Channel 4 and (it pains me to say it) Sky News.
Kudos to Mr Farage – once again, polite, measured and absolutely in command of the facts in the face of such rank amateurishness. How he finds the patience to suffer these interminable fools I shall never quite understand. Perhaps he knows that every time the MSM play out this kind of idiocy in full public view another tranche of perceptive but undecided voters quietly make the switch to UKIP…
My partner a Liberal Democrat (yeah…I know) says the MSM deriding Farage just gets him more support as the Brits love the underdog. She’s right of course. The establishment are getting very desperate…and it shows.
“….that’s how the European Union works, it’s one of the reasons I don’t want us to be a member of it!”
Back of the ‘own goal’ net!!!
‘king brilliant.
In the last few weeks contributors to this site have claimed that Sky, the BBC, C4 and even Classic FM, news programmes are all biased.
Well spotted, Danny. It’s what a left-wing education system has eventually achieved.
The broadcast media is firmly in the hands of liberal fantasists.
The liberal media has been cultivating it’s own for many years.
Watch “Invasion of the Bodysnatchers” . You and the liberal ascendancy are just like the pod people.
I hope the long overdue counter revolution against the liberal world view has begun. A huge vote for UKIP will be a start. Deprive the ruling bunch of democratic legitimacy.
The 68ers and the liberal left have fxxxed my country. They have threatened my family’s future in a peaceful and stable England. This was our right after living here for untold generations.
In this culture war there can be no compromise or equivocating from now on.
I like classic FM, but I always wonder who does their news reports. Because it always mirrors the line up and language used on BBC radio. I wonder if their news is outsourced. Or has IRN become as rotten as the Beeb.
I thought Classic FM got their news from Sky… maybe my memory!
Farage comes across so well as the Establishment’s attack dogs are loosed on him. Good man.
The main item on Radio 4 One o’clock news was a convoluted complaint that Peter Clarke, former national head of counter terrorism, is to lead the inquiry into 25 Birmingham schools over allegations of a hard-line Islamist takeover plot. Labour loonies were up in arms about it but none of the interviewers asked why, and none of the loonies explained.
So the big grey pachyderm remained unmentioned: he is the best man for the job because, in his previous role of working with terrorists, he has more experience of Muslims than anyone else.
Yes, Sir Arthur. On the early evening bulletin, the whole story of Muslim extremism in schools has been turned by the BBC, Labour and ‘community spokespeople’ into an attack on the man from the Met. How very dare the government appoint someone well versed in terrorism to this position. It is just so unfair to ‘label’ people who may be investigated.
This is craven, disgusting treachery from the right-on BBC.
One has to admit the BBC does have at least one prominent political commentator who consistently gives us unbiased political reporting:
Another chance for the BBC to peddle its misandry/feminazi bullshit. Strange as well that this is one of the few articles that’s open to comments despite not being an important story (some nobody gives biased opinions and refuses to even attempt to back them up with facts or logic).
Who ?
“Rashida Manjoo holds a part-time post as a Professor in the Department of Public Law of the University of Cape Town”
A bit like that Brazilian harridan lecturing us about social housing- And then some
Looking at her, I somehow doubt she has been the subject of many wolf whistles.
Whoops was that sexist?
I should really have confined my remarks to joking about Mrs T’s Alzheimers. Much more acceptable to the beeboids.
“(some nobody gives biased opinions and refuses to even attempt to back them up with facts or logic). ”
So where are our favourite sockpuppets tonight – busy fire-fighting elsewhere?
SO according to the BBC an anti terrorism officer has been appointed to over see the Muslim ‘hijacking’ of schools. Instantly left wing loony chief constable of West Midlands Police chirps up to call it a ‘desperately unfortunate appointment’ and that it might upset the Muslim community !
What an appeaser, and as thick as only a Police officer could be. Can he not see that the years of soft Policing has led to this, and sweeping the mess under the carpet is not going to make it go away.
But like him the hopelessly Islamophilic BBC is incapable of telling us of the implication of this ‘hijacking’. All we hear is far left extremist buzz words like community cohesion (in an almost 100% Muslim area???) How is that relevant when the community are all of the same view? Who is not cohesing ??
We hear in some reports that boys & girls have been ‘segregated’. Wow ! Segregated teaching ! We must send in an anti terrorism officer, and the council and the inspectors, Ofted!
And we are expected to believe that all this is over segregation of boys & girls in schools.
Lets face it, this is only what the BBC feels it is able to broadcast, and it’s a pathetic cover up of what we can expect from other schools which have been taken over by Muslim teachers.
So – Homophobia, Anti Semitism, Terrorism, Jihad, the denigration of women, denigration of people of other faiths, the list is a long one & I’m sure that I have only scratched the surface.
A massive cover up organised by the BBC with interviews carefully criticising the investigation before it even begins, and lots & lots of left wing fascists wheeled out to talk about community relations (read giving Muslims everything they want) and Community Cohesion (making other groups accept they have to give Muslims everything they want).
I’m watching this with interest because what we’re being told is the issue could not possibly warrant the level of reaction from the state organisations.
“…Community Cohesion (making other groups accept they have to give Muslims everything they want).”
Nice. Funnily enough, I doubt that’s the definition which will find its way into the Oxford Dictionary, though. We truly live in Orwellian times.
And so it starts…
Radio 4’s Six o’clock news now has it that there is ‘wide spread concern’ over the appointment of a competent police officer i.e. someone who actually knows something about the culture and agenda of the parties being investigated.
If the BBC tries hard enough we will be into riots and ‘anti-camera’-type protests.
Why wait for news when you can make it yourself?
TBH 5-live actually mentioned “Islamic extremists” – they didn’t say. “Muslim extremists” but they are getting closer – and I thought that the interviewer was not sympathetic to the interviewee complaining about the fact that the policeman is an expert in counter terrorism.
‘PM’ was also doing the same. The concerns about what the Islamists might be up to at these schools got lost in a debate over whether Clark is the right man for the job. There was more concern over upsetting ‘the community’ – in other words, yet another of the many no-go mini-Bangladeshes/Pakistans in our country – than the hijacking of our education system to spread radical Islam.
West Midlands’ top copper schooled the Common Purpose way. Frightening.
Remember the days when ‘the community’ meant all of us?
In all honesty, DB, I don’t recall ‘community’ being used until The New Labour Cultural Revolution.
It was always ‘neighbourhood’, or ‘street’, or ‘village’ etc – you know, proper inclusive words. But then, I am a child of the fifties!
I believe that the American ‘Neighborhood’ was a left wing introduction too, and village was a hijacked word they used to try to increase the perception of a rough area.
So Manchester gained its ‘Gay Village’ which isn’t a village at all, and now because Muslim councillors HATE gay people, it’s simply called ‘the village’
“So Manchester gained its ‘Gay Village’ which isn’t a village at all, and now because Muslim councillors HATE gay people, it’s simply called ‘the village’”
Are you certain?
If I put more than 3 links it will be blocked.
Obviously I should have been more specific !
Whilst all and sundry are free to call it what ever they will, Manchester council has gone through a phase of referring to it only as ‘the village’ (puts one in mind of the prisoner).
I have one or two acquaintances in the council who have separately told me that this is because of the offence it causes Muslim councillors who were in a position to have it changed.
Perhaps your “acquaintances” could have a word with Manchester City Council as obviously the memo has not got around to everyone.
“17 Jul 2013 – Manchester’s Gay Village is the home of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and … However, issues are impacting on the Gay Village, particularly in relation to crime.”
17 Jul 2013 – The Committee considered a report of the Deputy Chief Executive (Neighbourhoods) on Manchester’s Gay Village; the home of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and.
4 Feb 2014 – The ‘Big Weekend’ – a 4 day ticketed event in the Gay Village over the. August bank-holiday weekend
23 Feb 2014 – Gay Village. Responses from the floor included questions about how various agencies can work with the community to improve safety in the village; how GMP …
17 Feb 2014 – Committee were also concerned with the crime statistics referred to by Mr Gravett which included the Gay Village.
etc etc.
All of these taken from a quick search of
The preceding post by “Dick Arse” giving the lie to Scott’s claim to only posting under his own name. Look at the style and wording of his posts today – no attempt to disguise his style.
“Community” is a fraught word anyway, which can either mean a distinct physical geographic locality, if the population there is sufficiently homogeneous (i.e., observably overwhelmingly non-white) or in the event of more local heterogeneity, it connotes a “community” of interest (i.e., all Asians/blacks in a given radius which, depending on the issue, could conceivably even encompass the whole of Britain).
Of course, this is the sort of groupthink (“lumpthink”?) we are likely to find news media engaging in, as if Asians (what about Hindus and Sikhs?) all think the same way, as would all blacks (well-settled three- generation versus newly arrived, African versus Caribbean), as if all would have the same cultural references.
This of course need not even be confined to racial/religious minorities either; e.g., let some Eastern European be the vic/perp of an horrendous crime and one can hear reports on how “members of the so-and-so ‘community’ expressed horror at what happened…” When the crime takes place in some other adjoining or even far-flung neighbourhood to where the concentration of the population is, it can be confusing as to which is meant, geography or demography, since reports on the crime are bound to feature interviews from those in the ethnic enclave if the person was well-known enough.
‘Homophobia, Anti Semitism, Terrorism, Jihad, the denigration of women, denigration of people of other faiths, the list is a long one & I’m sure that I have only scratched the surface’
Superb description – send in the thought police but don’t tell them it’s Muslim correct phil mackie told by the bbc not to use the word islamist or extremist to describe the trojan horse islamists and extremists
Typical BBC reporter, whose comments don’t actually make sense !
“absolutely – instead of being called racist & Islamophobe now they can be called paranoid too”
Instead of being as well as being?
What a load of nonsense. And we pay this man?
Out of the mouths of Beeboids
(sadly can’t recall the name of the reporter)
BBC report from Eastern Ukraine yesterday and we are told that many people hereabouts have relatives across the Russian border, that they speak Russian and that they enjoy Russian culture and literatue – ‘and yet wanting to be part of Russia, well that is another matter’.
And, ironically enough, that is exactly the way many British people feel about the EU – but very rarely do the BBC allow any expression of that view.
Don’t worry they’ll be using that the other way around when the majority of Birmingham’s residents want to be a part of Pakistan.
I see the bBC continues its anti-British Mission statement:
UK Falklands military exercises ‘provoke’ Argentina
Argentina has accused the UK of provocation over plans to hold military exercises in the Falkland Islands. It said drills by British forces would include missile launches and were part of a “pattern” of “hostile acts”.
Once again the bBC reports with a pro Argentine bias. I mean
Just look at the caption under the top photo:
The Falkland Islands are one of 14 remaining British overseas territories
Its written as if to say, well we are going to get rid of them. Then there’s how the bBC always reports the casualty figures:
A total of 255 British servicemen and about 650 Argentines died in the conflict
Its as if the bBC message is 255 British servicemen died needlessly , I’m sure that in years to come the bBC will continue rewriting the history of the conflict and soon they will be teaching our children that the Argentina was right to invade and that the UK was a bullying imperialistic warmongering nation..
Maybe there lies the reason the f-ing bBC reported the fact that the British were marching on Goose Green, the traitorous bBC wanted to warn the Argentines and thus allow them to defeat the British. oh how the cock sucking child shaggers of the left would have danced in the street at that. Maybe we should change tack and promote the view that the bBC want to force homosexuality down the throat of Muslims, I for one would dance for joy at the news that bBC workers were getting beheaded by the people they defend left, right and centre as..peaceful.
Given near, and recent history, despite not being a military man I’d have thought having constant exercises would be seen as pretty sensible, and beyond normal compared to those more BBC-acceptable governments and regimes appear able to hold with Aunty’s blessing most of the time.
And given her sensitivity to not using words that could be seen as unhelpful, sticking ‘provoke’ in quotes is just about typical for the BBC sub-standards of today. It’s just what the Argentinians have claimed, not a fact.
Of course the Argentinians are going to use any excuse to whip up a PR propaganda whinge with friendly media if those they want to absorb stay alert to the threat.
It just seems all too typically bizarre that the leader of the pack channeling their BS is the state medium of the country who once already has had to fend off aggression by barking mad tinpot juntas with economic problems their banana republic macho population needs distracting from.
Guessing Gavin Esler is reconvening his sabre-rattling dream team of journos for Dateline London again?
The BBC is already sailing very close to a very dangerous line tacking such a stance.
Dunno what the Argentinians are worried about. According to the BBC we have hardly any navy army or air force any more, so all they have to do is wait a little longer and Dhimmi Dave will have sold everything off.
I do believe there were elements in the BBC in 1982 which would have welcomed our defeat by Argentina in the Falklands War if it had then led to the downfall of the Conservative government and the election of a Labour government.
“Its written as if to say, well we are going to get rid of them.” What exactly is it that leads you to think that? What words could the BBC have used that would have satisfied you?
“Its as if the bBC message is 255 British servicemen died needlessly.” And again, what leads you to think that from a purely factual statement? How would you have preferred the BBC to report the casualty figures?
Why did they need to report them at all?
Danny, have you forgotten how the BBC broadcast the story of the Argentinians using the wrong type of detonators on their anti-ship missiles and how that story led to the deaths of British military personnel when the Argentinians changed them as a result? Who in their right mind would openly broadcast information helpful to the enemy?
“I for one would dance for joy at the news that bBC workers were getting beheaded by the people they defend left, right and centre as..peaceful. ”
Well they’re not doing a right good job with the beheading of ‘apostate’ Labour MP Sadiq Kahn or any of the others.
I mean Peter Tatchell was helpful enough to have published a list of all the Muslim MPs who voted for Gay marriage and despite all the threats & bluster, they haven’t managed to even have a cross word with them, never mind behead them !
you know it makes sense
Er sorry wrong place ,not sure how it got here
A truly bizarre piece on ‘PM’ tonight.
Some Beeboid up in the North-East interviewing a small group of nutcases who are making a case for independence ‘because the North East is closer to Scotland than it is to London’.
One of them even made a case for aligning with Edinburgh for ‘infrastructure projects’ (yes, the separatists are planting those Euro money trees in the Lowlands as we speak…)
Still, the BBC are good at making sure these minorities have a voice – just as long as it fits the BBC agenda, of course (‘out of touch’ Tories, anybody?).
Oh, but hang on, there was this wasn’t there?
‘People in the North East have voted “no” in a referendum on whether to set up an elected regional assembly.
Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott admitted his plans for regional devolution had suffered an “emphatic defeat” on Thursday night. ‘
Ah, but they were ‘different times’ weren’t they, when the North-East was sucking at the bloated, debt-laden teat of Labour public spending largesse?
How a change of government can change a region’s sense of identity, eh?
But any mention of Prescott’s humiliation? No, sir – went down the memory hole a long time ago…
It still stings that 78% of people in County Durham voted against being made a Unitary Authority and Labour ran roughshod over them. (Thereby extending their influence from the North Sea up into the Pennines) – The same reason why we had devolution in Scotland and Wales – it was thought by Labour that their massive support in the Valleys and Glasgow could be used to extend their political control throughout the whole of the appropriate country.
Well they’ve cocked up Scotland and lost control to the SNP and they’ve cocked up Wales with a daily armada of ambulances taking poorly Welshmen (and women) across to England for treatment.
And in other news…
Guessing the public can look but not touch?
Making it a bit like a Royal garden party.
Speaking of the Trust, their firm hand remains on other tillers…
Still not too clear how the unique way the BBC is funded seems to involve getting money by force here AND commercial means anywhere else it can.
Still, one can always protest by withdrawing support. Oh, no, you can’t. At least not without unplugging everything yet still risking a knock at the door from a usually bald, thick thug in civvies who may or may not be from Capita.
I’d be interested if this latest charming power to snoop claim is any more valid than those previously, but the lame excuse offered here already has my BS detector twitching, as it seems primed to go straight from PR to news via some hapless sub in the nations local press.
The BBC are taking their time to report this story:
I wonder why?
Same with this one too:
will the biased bbc leftie islamophile phil mackie declare to all his leftie twitter buddies that he wil stop using the words far right and islamphobic to describe the edl the next time they pitch up in birmingham for a demo.will you phil ?
R Spencer on the ever widening Trojan Horse investigation :-
Council leader Sir Albert Bore said: “Peter Clarke will need to give careful consideration to building a strong relationship with us and, given his recent counter-terrorism responsibilities in London, ensure that his investigation does not undermine the confidence of our communities.” … Now wait just a minute, Bore.
This is a plot by Islamic supremacists to take over schools, and it is up to the investigator to win the confidence of Muslim communities? … Why isn’t it up to the Muslim communities to win the confidence of the investigator?
The BBC hatchets are ready, to instigate, obfuscate, and refuse to report truthfully to undermine .. public perception …
well … I got news, public perception is clear and getting clearer, and it is the craven media bubble which is failing them.
No mention on the BBC news website of the latest French polls for the EU elections next month, wonder why?
Talking of polls for the EU Geoff, in the latest UK polls the Fib Dems support has fallen to just 6%, the same as for the communist green party.
The Greens have just 2 MEPs for the whole of the UK so there’s a very real possibility that the Fib Dems might be wiped out come the next election.
By contrast UKIP are still doing very well with most polls putting them in second to Liebour.
(ICM) CON 25%(nc), LAB 36%(+1), LDEM 6%(-3), UKIP 20%(nc), GREEN 6%(-1).
(You Gov) CON 25%, LAB 33%, LDEM 11%, UKIP 24%
I can almost hear those questions of ‘what does this have to do with the bias of the BBC’ ! Well, there are those craven voices suggesting that UKIP should not be given equal airtime to any of the three ‘main’ parties, despite them being in second place (or tying for it).
The Polls strongly indicate that people will vote in large numbers for UKIP in the European elections, but the local ones? Well people seem to wish to revert back to the familiar usual parties and UKIP might not do as well. Having said that I don’t recall UKIP being strong on local issues !
But come the general election they are ahead of the Fib Dems so surely the question should be as to whether they should have any airtime and a seat on question time, not UKIP who now deserve a place with the other two.
UKIP;s local position is very straightforward :
Stop wasting money
Strong priority to LOCAL people for any social housing and other services
Break the mould – stuff the established power cliques
I suspect that the Political Establishment have turned against democracy in a big way, by trying to stoke up a war with Russia as an excuse to postpone the European Elections, and stop any further referendums in the Ukraine and elsewhere.
Even the Scottish referendum would have to be cancelled if Britain has to send the Army to Stalingrad.
Wouldn’t take much to mobilise a few hundred people, and lets face it, once they’d been sent we’d never have to bring them back again!
All of Dhimmi Daves problems solved in one go.
It does make me wonder if following the potential coup against Harold Wilson, our hopeless politicos are living in fear of the general staff of the forces turning against them.
The real truth is that Europe would not last a month against the Russians. It would need the US as usual. That being very unlikely Putin has called our bluff and can act as he wishes.
Those figures show that the left is doing very badly. Whatever happens there is a real swing to the right now.
Perhaps now the new the message should be. “Vote UKIP because if you vote Conservative, you will get get Labour”?
Should have been here
And heres another for free
I’ve got to admit that the BBC ten o’clock news had a masterclass in how to make Nigel Farage look guilty as sin to their acolytes & believers. They showed a minute of footage that saw him wandering across a plaza looking forlorn but they slowed the footage down as they do in Hollywood films for that momentous moment when the hero or villain has to live with the consequences of their decision. It portrayed a man who had lost the battle before it had even begun.
BBC scum!
Just watched that again on Iplayer & it was only twenty seconds of footage. Sorry about getting that fact wrong.
Heysel = violent attack by Liverpool supporters on Juventus fans. No Liverpool guys killed, loads of Juventus fans dead
Heysel – seldom if ever mentioned by the BBC – although it shamed British fottball
Hillsborough – not so deliverate except a mindless surge by Liverpool supporters into a tightly-fenced space, many late for the game and undoubtedly many of them drunk – so the BBC puts all the blame on incompetent policing
Bias – what bias ?
Whilst I do agree that the Hillsborough disaster is being smothered in sentimentality and the blame will never land where it should, Heysal is another thing altogether.
There is a clip, rarely shown, of Juventas fans on the pitch firing flares into the Liverpool fans before the wall collapsed. The Juventas fans were equally to blame for the deaths that occurred that night.
There’s going to be a lot of news today about parents finding out which primary school their children will attend. The lack of available places will undoubtedly come up a lot.
I wonder if the BBC will mention the main reasons for this: Mass immigration and the higher birthrate among immigrants?
Any bets?
They won’t mention it, but they are so used to using ‘diverse’ film stock school footage they made the error of using such to demonstrate this story. More votes for UKIP…
‘so used to using ‘diverse’ film stock school footage’
Maybe they should get the picture editor of the Daily Mirror in?
Though that can create all sorts of new problems.
Interesting contrast in the way Bill Turnbull’s BBC Breakfast treat two news items this morning.
1. Food Banks increased demand – we are given a suggested reason for this – the increase of ‘hunger’ in Britain. The BBC gives voice to those who are calling for the Government to ‘do’ something.
2. Primary School places increased demand – no reason or explanation is offered. A teacher from Wigan insists parents should not panic but ought to ‘make do’. An education lawyer (that’s a job creation right there) talks us through the appeals procedures.
Funny that, the BBC seems to think there is more we can do to change the weather.
This is the reason that the greedy ridden Tories will lose the next election. They just can’t understand that their privileged positions riding on the backs of the poor cannot be maintained by grinding the poor into the ground.
When people have nothing, most civilised people will not accept that their position has to be made even worse just so very very wealthy people can claim their undeserved and unearned inheritance without tax.
Osbourne is looking to cut billions more from the welfare budget in a move which is likely to affect almost every single person in the country.
To be honest I’m not surprised the Tories are going to lose the next election, and even I hope they do!
It’s astonishing that a no mark like Ed Millipede who almost no one trusts to be capable of running the country should be in such a position, yet so unacceptable are Tory policies, that it’s the lesser of two evils.
The sad thing is that the Tories are incapable and unable to change. The aged very wealthy widows do like a ‘charming young man’ from a private school background, and that’s now how Tory future leaders are selected. Rather than being a party of aspiration and merit, they have become a party of grasping rich boys who have no idea what it takes to actually earn money, and need the state to subsidise their tax free inheritances to keep their living standards.
Oh shocking that it is costing African migrants more money to send money back home to Africa.
Despite the hand wringing over the problems of Africans, it’s an admission that they are impoverishing the UK by invisible imports.
Money that leaves our economy in this way has to be replaced either by exporting goods & services or by people working abroad sending money back here.
Typical of the BBC to be only concerned with the issues of migrants whilst turning a wilfully blind eye to the problems caused to the UK.
Did you notice that BBC sponsored ‘politician and singer’ Billy Bragg turned up on the One Show last night?
Well, it’s an opportunity for him to plug his shows and his dvds.
And to lecture the nation on what a jolly good idea it is for 16- and 17-year-olds to have the vote.
Why, you ask.
Seems our Billy wasted his first vote when he was too busy being a punk rocker and has regretted it ever since – because look what happened : Thatcher won.
Predictable unadulterated unchallenged Lefty tosh courtesy the Licence Fee funded BBC.
Didn’t see it, but he was also on the Steve Wright show yesterday, predictably Thatcher was mentioned. Add in an appearance on Question Time, Brother Bragg has done well out the telly tax payer over the last few days…
He can’t sing. Murdered that song .
I saw that woeful section. Unsurprising to hear Sir Billy talking bollocks as usual and the reaction of the 2 presenters was typical. They both nodded in agreement.
Unintentionally (I’m sure) amusingly worded disclaimer to Beeboid Jenny Culshaw’s Twitter….
Tweets by SportJenny
‘Work for BBC Sport news. Former Business news pres – hence previous name. My views, not those of my wage payer you understand… Manchester’
Her ‘wage payer’ is of course us unenlightened unprogessive plebs.
Al-JaBeeBa currently slagging off the 1.7% earnings increase just announced, concentrating instead on the 1.4% excluding bonuses. Quick switch to food banks and constant reference to Ed Bollox’ ‘flatlining’, since discredited by just about every reasoned economist, unlike the Beeb.
The droids at their absolutely most disgusting today on this.
How they have the neck to call themselves ‘journalists’ is beyond me.
Just telephoned the ‘Trussell trust’ to ask for a breakdown of their clients by ethnicity, which they say they have.
When asked if they produce food parcels for Halal or Kosher diets, they seemed a little surprised. It seems that our ethnic cousins are (as suspected) unaffected by having their benefits stopped.
No doubt the fascists will tell us that it’s because they aren’t as lazy as white people and take their responsibilities to finding work more seriously.
I’m fast coming to the conclusion that the government are targeting white claimants because they know that having ground them into the dust they are unlikely to riot, and the fascists who organised the ‘poll tax’ riots, now hate the white (un) working class more than the Tories do !
Nice work, but playing devils advocate, could it not be the case that when it comes to free food, our ethnic cousins conveniently forget all about their religion?
They use their religion to their benefit when it suits them, and the libtards pander to their every need. I know I’ve experienced it in the work place, demands for long holidays abroad during religious festivals yet always happy to go down the pub after work….
No mention on listening/viewing BBC AFAIAA, let alone any exploration, that the increase in Trussel Trust etc clientele might have some connection with the increase in supply (from supermarkets etc) to these organisations. In other words, if there are more freebies around then the “demand” has risen to meet the supply. Of course, some of the clientele are quite genuine and manifestly have been left in the short-term lurch by incompetence at the DWP (“unheard of”, I hear you say, in respect of our glorious public sector angels).
However, all we are given from the BBC is an endless drone implying that the Conservatives are deliberately seeking to drive the masses into penury. Oddly, the opinion polls (not that one should pay those too much notice) indicate that the coalition attempts at cutting back life-styles based on permanent benefit hand-outs are popular and worse, for Labour and its BBC mouthpiece, vote-getters.
Billy Bragg has had 1 top ten hit.
The b-side of a wet wet wet, charity single.
Renee and Renata had a number one as did bombalerina, and yet you don’t give them tv tenure.
Could it be that our billy fits the beeb mindset.
He’s a second rate busker stuck in student mindset and the BBC encourages this dangerous pathology. Surely we should be encouraging the boy to grow up. If he was still eating Farleys risks we would be worried about him yet the beeb applaud his permanent Kevin and Perry style teenage persona.
Why does nobody on the beeb challenge him on why he doesn’t live in culturally vibrant Londonistan anymore.
Maybe he’s trying to find a New England in the leafy West Country. Well the body boarding isn’t so good in West Ham and there isn’t a ready supply of langoustine in Stratford.
Wolfie smith was meant to be a comedy character not a lifestyle choice.
The beebs perpetual infantilisation of politics shows how detached from the real world the beeboids are.
I went to a boarding school run by monks. No one could join the abbey unless they had spent 4 years in the real world. This is an eminently sensible precaution. Surely we should ask this of the beebs reporting staff. Think about it. Imagine if the beebs staff had had to earn a proper living before entering the hallowed halls of broadcasting house. maybe then they would know the real value of money and then they wouldn’t be so ready for the state to steal an over large proportion. Maybe then they would realise that Bragg isn’t some modern poet just a dickhead stuck in some post pubescent time warp.
He did write ‘A New England’ a sizeable Top Ten hit for Kirsty MacColl who incidentally was the daughter of communist and Labour activist and folk singer Ewan MacColl, very cliquey!
But yes his notoriety seems to exceed his success, all purely down to his politics which the BBC like….
Yep but she could sing and looked like my ex so win on 2 counts Bully Bragg is just a caring but not sharing creep !
Is that 2 or 3 BBC radio/TV appearances in a week for Bragg?
Is there a right-wing equivalent on the BBC who gets so much airtime?
quality post toplad 🙂
I actually have a Bragg double (double ffs) album upstairs, dating back to my follk days.
Dunno what to do with it.
Possibly stand outside my local Labour club and try and Oddjob someone’s noodle off with it.
well said Paddytoplad
BBC Nick Sutton condoning Mirror new papers fake image !
Then again as he works for a bunch of fakers hardly a shock !
It seems to be going for him too about as well as Danny’s new ‘what I lerned today’ spotting hobby.
Don’t tell ‘im Pike!
BBC 5Live at present, has the “godawful” V Drearybyshire …
with the “Trojan Horse” subject …
only just started and the insinuation is that check this P Clarke guy out …
… not productive,
… need for greater understanding
… controversial appointment
We see once again the BBC trenchantly doing the work of dubious Islamic groups.
R Spencer on the ever widening Trojan Horse investigation :-
Council leader Sir Albert Bore said: “Peter Clarke will need to give careful consideration to building a strong relationship with us and, given his recent counter-terrorism responsibilities in London, ensure that his investigation does not undermine the confidence of our communities.” … Now wait just a minute, Bore.
This is a plot by Islamic supremacists to take over schools, and it is up to the investigator to win the confidence of Muslim communities? … Why isn’t it up to the Muslim communities to win the confidence of the investigator?
I always thought that when a trial is going on, the media have to refrain from commenting on the implications of the evidence.
In the Oscar Pistorius case, the BBC’s Andrew Harding seems to be doing just that. This morning, he says, “However well his forensic experts proceed to shore up his testimony in the coming days, Mr Pistorius’ credibility has been damaged”
Surely by saying “Mr Pistorius’ credibility has been damaged” Harding is acting in a way prejudicial to the trial.
Is this the American way creeping in?
While the Savile enquiry was underway, there was liberal use of the word ‘victims’ which assumes he was guilty before the enquiry finished. I phoned a barrister who used ‘victims’ in a TV interview, (rather than ‘alleged victims’), and received a written apology from the Head of Chambers. Anyone know why Harding is doing this?
‘I always thought that when a trial is going on, the media have to refrain from commenting on the implications of the evidence.’
Today’s word is ‘learning’, and it seems that we need to be aware that when the BBC does things that makes them about right no matter what they kick off on when others do the same thing and they don’t approve. Or when it messes with due legal process if they feel like it.
It’s all there under ‘unique’.
Because he is an arrogant dickhead like all the rest of his ilk at the BBC
The word you missed out is ‘in the UK’.
The trial is not in the UK so therefore they can comment on it if they wish to, coverage is unlikely to affect witnesses so far away.
I thought that might be the case. Although it seems a rather unsavoury practice. I can imagine that, if I was on trial, I’d be pretty upset if some journo was pontificating about whether things were looking bad for me. I’d much rather leave it to the judge (in this case). And it doesn’t stop the BBC making pre-trial/pre-enquiry references to ‘victims’ rather than ‘alleged victims’ in UK cases.
Things I have learned on this site recently:
1. BBC, Ch4, Sky News and Classic FM news programmes are all biased (johnnythefish) as are the Daily Telegraph, the Daily Mail (Geoff et al), and the New Scientist (Richard Pinder).
2. The EU deliberately provoked the conflict between Ukraine and Russia as an excuse to cancel the European elections. (Richard Pinder).
3. A revolution is about to start (Dave s). The Muslims are to blame (Doublethinker).
4. Hillsborough was the fault of the fans, but the “Liverpool football mafia” keep it quiet (MartinW).
5. There is a huge conspiracy (Common Purpose) undermining all of public life (johnnythefish).
6. Manchester council, under pressure from Muslim activists, now refers to the Gay Village district as simply “the village” (thoughtful).
7. The BBC will soon be supporting Argentina’s claim to the Falklands (Pounce). There existed a cabal in the BBC during the campaign that wanted the UK to lose the war.
8. There is a government conspiracy to target white claimants because they know they won’t riot (Thoughtful).
9. The CofE is full of people who don’t believe in God (Simon). Vicars these days often have no belief in God (Thoughtful) but use their position to promote the Labour party.
10. Dez is not an individual poster, but the cover for a team led BBC effort designed to counter this site (Dysgwr_Cymraeg).
11. CAGW is a conspiracy like something from The Body Snatchers or Village of the Damned (Phil Ford).
12. A second holocaust is going to happen (thoughtful).
Apologies if I have missed off any posters or any other conspiracy theories.
Well Danny you have learned more than you would have learnt from our national broadcaster and without having to pay an artificial tax for the priviledge ( if you are a tax payer of course the money paid for the license is out of taxed income so more than the £150 or whatever it is).
‘Apologies if I have missed off any posters or any other conspiracy theories’
One should be grateful for small mercies.
But, do you have a Philip Madoc notebook too?
These are, of course, theories, on a small forum. Unproven, and hence possibly true, not true, or yet to come to pass, or not.
As you are into compiling lists, while you were at it have you learned anything from the various factual misrepresentations by a £4Bpa force-funded state propaganda monopoly, for instance the allegations the BIJ/Newsnight spun up about LordMcAlpine? Plus a few others that have made it to these pages.
Or did these not make it past the censor’s filter your end?
Of course, in the spirit of balance, I should share that some do feel that BBC Newsnight does a bang up job.
Possibly more on an empathetic fellow-traveller basis, mind.
On on the subject of professional news media, especially those gracing the BBC’s sofas more often than their ABC ratings really warrant, here’s a Graun story to add to the Mirror one today…
Amazing what you learn outside the BBC bubble.
Oh you missed out the one of an evil web of right wingers running the internet/world /universe and strangely according to your kind of bleating bed wetters the BBC as well ?
Oh and the one about the BBC covering up child/sexual abuse and then lying about it ! oh wait that true isn’t it ?
I got it the one where the BBC a failed in it’s care of duty to Dr David Kelly and Russell Joslin which ended in their suicides ! nope dam that ones true as well ?
Things I have learned on this site recently:
Danny Howard is a cunt.
Danny, your list makes for interesting reading, and speaking as one of the names on ‘your little list’, may I venture to enquire whether you consider my suggestion that CAGW is a ‘…conspiracy like something from The Body Snatchers or Village of the Damned …’ any more or less feasible than, say, entirely unproven prophecies of impending global climate catastrophe (think: a 20ft rise in global sea levels, the disappearance of the world’s glaciers and icecaps, whole coastlines disappearing, more and more ‘extreme weather events’, millions upon millions of ‘global climate refugees’, global ‘climate-induced conflicts’, climate-caused food shortages, the climate-forced extinction of thousands of plant and animal species, the collapse of entire national economies, etc, etc ad infinitum)..? Well, I think you get the drift.
Just asking, Danny, since you brought it up. Since we both know that there is no proof – none at all – for any of the claims made by CAGW zealots in the press and media, I just wondered if any of this bothers you as much as my little comment clearly did..?
Honoured to be mentioned in dispatches from the liberal elite’s mouthpiece. Actually I said a counter revolution was on the way. The revolution was the work of the 68ers and the fellow leftwing travellers of that time.
We will have to see who is right.
“1. BBC, Ch4, Sky News and Classic FM news programmes are all biased (johnnythefish) as are the Daily Telegraph, the Daily Mail (Geoff et al), and the New Scientist (Richard Pinder)”
Can’t speak for Classic FM as I don’t listen but if you can’t see the bias in the output of the rest you’re either 1) An employee of any of the above or 2) Thick….
Well me ole china, you got number 10 right!
‘BBC, Ch4, Sky News and Classic FM news programmes are all biased (johnnythefish)’
Please provide a link to the relevant post as I don’t recall saying that.
Don’t bother, Danny, just found it above. In fact, the quote is your own:
‘Danny Howard says:
April 15, 2014 at 6:49 pm
In the last few weeks contributors to this site have claimed that Sky, the BBC, C4 and even Classic FM, news programmes are all biased.
Reply Report comment
johnnythefish says:
April 15, 2014 at 6:59 pm
Well spotted, Danny. It’s what a left-wing education system has eventually achieved.’
I think an apology might be in order.
Still waiting…..
‘There is a huge conspiracy (Common Purpose) undermining all of public life (johnnythefish).’
Rather than paraphrase to suit your own ‘conspiracy’ accusations, can you link to the precise quote, please?
And when you reply, you may as well (at last) give us your explanation for the BBC’s attempts to cover up their 28gate meeting. Was that another conspiracy, Danny Boy?
What a fascinating response.
I list some of the conspiracy theories that have been outlined on this site and get a flurry of responses including the alas all too predictable insults, unintelligible replies, whatabout-ery comments, diversions, and another conspiracy.
I forwarded no argument and took no position yet regulars felt necessary to respond how they did. Very interesting. I wonder what that counsellor makes of all of this?
Anyone is entitled to hold whatever views they choose. However espousing them may have consequences, such as the credibility that others assign to those holding said views.
It is well established that conspiracy beliefs are strongly positively correlated with paranoid ideation and schizotypy. It is no surprise that contributors reacted as they did.
There is also research into conspiracist ideation and the rejection of science. That is worth Googling as it explains a lot. Responses on this site and others of a similar political viewpoint conform with the proposition.
Is that the official position from inside your hollowed out volcano ,special agent name-shifter?
Aww bless had to like your post as you must be one of only 3 utter morons who actually bought the Lewandowsky cr&p paper ! you know the one that has just been withdraw as the authors broke ethical and procedural codes !
The lefts dream everyone they hate is a conspiracy theorists which sadly just makes them conspiracy theorists !
Agent name-shifter can it be true ?
I’m totally shocked ,shocked I tell you
Was your pretentious piece of puffery based on some miss-understood factoid cleaned from the Internet?
(Hows that gravity is a social construct thing going? )
I am impressed that you know of the Lewandowsky dispute. Frontiers explicitly stated it “did not identify any issues with the academic and ethical aspects of the study.” Your allegation would not appear to be backed by the findings of the investigation.
However the point is moot. All I said of his paper was there was interesting research and that views here conform to his proposition. Neither of those statements are rendered false.
As for conspiracy theories in general, I make no argument on conspiracy theories except to repeat that conspiracy beliefs are strongly positively correlated with paranoid ideation and schizotypy.
You know damn well that the Lewandowski paper has been utterly discredited.
Danny Howard says: at 7:23 pm
” I forwarded no argument and took no position”
Uncategorized says: at 10:29 pm
. “As for conspiracy theories in general, I make no argument”
I find that interesting
Any yet another conspiracy theory.
All I did was list the conspiracies that posters had posited over the last few days. I didn’t make any claim as to their validity and yet it provoked a maelstrom of defensive posts, insults, diversions, and non-sequiturs.
And the reason I am “nowhere to be seen” is that unlike others on here, I have a job. I don’t spend all day listening to the BBC in the hope of being outraged.
Just the usual distraction tactics.
Yeah right.
“Any yet another conspiracy theory.”
Why I don’t know what you mean ,I simply drew attention to the coincidence.
Hey clever-clogs Danny
Please stop using smart-arse words like maelstrom that you clearly don’t understand
‘There is also research into conspiracist ideation and the rejection of science.’
Rejection of what science, exactly? Surely you cannot be referring to the failed AGW hypothesis?
Lewandowsky is just another desperate member of the AGW rearguard action who will never debate the science but instead seek shelter in further screwball hypotheses (see ‘deep ocean warming’) and ad hominem attacks which attempt to discredit anybody who has the common sense to see through their crap agenda.
‘Conspiracy theorists’? – research 28gate and report back.
Dear Tranny =
Kennedy was killed by one man !
The we have been to the moon !
Elvis is dead !
The war in Iraq wasn’t about oil!
9/11 was done by evil terrorists!
Not a conspeorist am I yet I still believe your a jack ass shilling for a huge media Corp yet you claim not to be paid by them ? in fact you have to pay them ? moron !!!
You call them ‘conspiracy theories’. Posters on here call them well-substantiated accusations of bias.
Interesting, Danny Boy, when debates are in full flow on alleged ‘conspiracies’ you are nowhere to be seen. Rather, you choose to put in the occasional appearance when you find (at best) a minor factual inaccuracy or, as above with your ‘conspiracies’, you pen a factually incoherent catch-all (still waiting for an apology, by the way) which contains no cohesive argument whatsoever.
So, get with the debate when it happens and who knows, you might score a point for your beloved BBC (but somehow I doubt it).
Any luck with 28gate yet, by the way?
Yeah they all happen to be true strangely enough.
My word Danny. You must have spent some time researching this sad ol’ site to come up with that list. Why is that?
If things here are as ridiculous as you believe why (a) waste your time (b) come here at all?
That was quick. Apologies. I missed one off.
13. The BBC was complicit in the “Trojan Horse” situation deliberately keeping people in the dark (pat, noggin)
Awww the one trick phoney has a new game !
Nah, he’s just an attention seeker.
Either that or it’s the time of year to show some metrics to his boss to prove he’s meeting his objective to disrupt this site.
They are part of the whole ‘destabilisation of the country plot’ , muslim infiltration, although a massively important part is just one aspect .
’10. Dez is not an individual poster, but the cover for a team led BBC effort designed to counter this site (Dysgwr_Cymraeg).’
So you definitely know that not to be true?
So Danny Howard you do not agree with an opinion expressed on these pages by Johnny the Fish or Geoff or Richard Pinder or Dave S or Doublethinker or Martin W or Thoughtful or Pounce or Simon or Dysgwr_Cymraeg or Phil Ford Things about Climate Science the EU or Islam or Hillsborough or The Falklands or the Church of England. Are we supposed to conclude from this that the BBC is not biased? If you (for example) were to claim that the BBC is not biased about anything (ever) that would indeed be a bizarre assertion, and so assuming that is not your position, what examples of BBC bias do you axknowledge? Do you detect any BBC bias (for example) in the way the BBC report Climate Science, the EU, Islam, Hillsborough, the Falklands War, and Church of England vicars who advocate Socialism rather than those who (say) disagree with homosexual marriage?
BBC radio 4 from Croydon as to why the Conservatives are not appealing to voters in this ‘most diverse borough’.
In fact it has a long history of diversity, this piece of music was about Samuel Taylor Coleridge who moved here.
The impression being given that Coleridge was an immigrant, when in fact he was born in Devon !
More revisionism to change the perceptions and reality of history.
Just to begin a new post.
“1. BBC, Ch4, Sky News and Classic FM news programmes are all biased (johnnythefish) as are the Daily Telegraph, the Daily Mail (Geoff et al), and the New Scientist (Richard Pinder).”
And your point is?
If you look up most of these media organs, and a lot of others on Wikipedia then you will often find their political allegiances openly stated. Understanding that they do have a bias and what that is helps to steer content back towards neutrality.
But you simply miss the bigger picture. I am not required to pay for the output of any of these media, except for one – the BBC.
Imagine a world where you were not allowed to buy the Guardian unless you had taken out a subscription to the Daily Mail, and if you were caught doing so, you could be arrested and imprisoned.
Imagine then a statute that required the Daily Mail to be impartial, but they carried on as they are now, and continually denied all and every criticism.
That is the issue which you seem to have missed !
It’s the elephant in the room which they tend to ignore!
“…But you simply miss the bigger picture. I am not required to pay for the output of any of these media, except for one – the BBC.”
Yes, Thoughtful, that’s it in a nutshell. I couldn’t care less how biased the Guardian, or Sky News or any other commercial media outlet in print, online or broadcast is – the fact is I’m not forced (under threat of imprisonment for non-compliance) to pay for any of them unless I want to.
The BBC, for which I am forced to pay via my TV licence whether I like it or not, demands my money with menaces, whilst simultaneously breaching it’s chartered mandate to provide impartiality in all it does. I take issue with Channel 4 for broadly similar reasons – despite being a commercial channel it also receives public funding (our taxes). Both of them take money from the EU (our taxes).
Why should I not be entitled to an opinion, therefore, on what they broadcast and how they ‘game’ the message to suit a left wing progressive political agenda I fundamentally disagree with?
If I wasn’t forced to pay for any of it I wouldn’t care a jot – because I wouldn’t feel like I was being forced against my will to hand over money to prop up a rotten bunch of liberal fascist propagandists.
I choose to have a Sky subscription because, broadly speaking, I have far fewer issues with the broadcaster – but it’s a matter of choice and I can always choose again to cancel my payments at any time.
I don’t remember saying that. Do you have a link?
Sorry, Thoughtful, that’s where reading posts from the bottom up gets you. Didn’t realise you were quoting Danny Boy (who was misquoting me – see above).
We shall see what happens, if the information on outcomes is provided by Hall & co:-:-
“BBC Trust to conduct fresh review into how much it pays biggest stars”
We can predict the outcome. Either the Trust has let it be known that the findings they want shows that their big stars receive fair value or indeed slightly below the rate that these stars should expect. The alternative is that the review finds that stars are paid too much, the BBC will produce a press release to say that to cut costs these people will now be on lower contracts when they are renewed and as we are never told what people receive due to commercial confidentiality the BBC can then continue to pay inflation busting sums to retain ‘talent’.
BBC-NUJ continues to exploit the broadcasting outlets of the BBC for the political campaign on behalf of mass immigration, from Africa to Europe (and Britain)-
“Spain Melilla migrants: On a hill, in sight of Europe”
By Tom Burridge.
Note: how Beeboids mislead by using the devious word ‘migrant,’ instead of accurate words, ‘illegal immigrants’.
Note: how viewpoints of European people are censored out by Beeeboids here.
“Jean Raspail, author of Camp of the Saints: ‘Our civilisation is disappearing”:-