BBC-NUJ continues to exploit the broadcasting outlets of the BBC for the political campaign on behalf of mass immigration, from Africa to Europe (and Britain)-
“Spain Melilla migrants: On a hill, in sight of Europe”
To be fair they’re not actually illegal immigrants until they get here. However once they do they will almost certainly claim asylum and become asylum seekers until they are removed – which is never under a labour government !
The migrants beg on the streets of Nador, the main Moroccan city nearby, and their diet is predominantly bread.
One man tells us they sometimes resort to killing cats and dogs for meat.
Many say they are qualified: one has a diploma in cooking, another as a mechanic.
And lots of the migrants speak at least two languages.
Pulls on the heart strings don’t it … intentional of course. I can imagine your average Hampstead liberal working themselves into a lather about this … they’re starving! they’re eating dogs! … they’ve got qualifications! … they speak two languages! … let em all in, they’ll be an ‘asset’ (a dubious one but that doesn’t enter into the liberal mindset).
Just heard a Five Live news bulletin claiming that wages have ‘finally’ caught up with inflation ‘after 4 years’.
That’ll coincide with 4 years of Tory rule, the BBC will have us believe, the only problem being that living standards have been under pressure for much longer than that. In fact, if the BBC would care to check (only Brillo had the decency to point this out on the DP many months ago), wages have been falling since 2006 and inflation rising since 2003. So the squeeze has been going on for 8 years.
It was Brown and his numpties, Balls and Miliband, that set Britain on course for the biggest collapse of the economy in a hundred years and the inevitable fall in living standards. The BBC seems strangely ambivalent, however.
I see the bBC has had to eat humble pie: Al-Sweady Inquiry: MoD says murder claims are ‘conspiracy’ Allegations that British troops murdered Iraqis in the aftermath of an infamous 2004 battle were the result of a “conspiracy” to pervert the course of justice, the UK government has said. The Ministry of Defence told the Al-Sweady public inquiry claims that bodies were mutilated were also “dishonestly made” by witnesses. Lawyers for the Iraqis withdrew the murder and mutilation claims in March.
Gosh how it must have pained the bBC to admit to the fact that Terrorists are not victims and that their families lied so as to cash it in. But hang on this is the bBC so they finished with: Lawyers for the Iraqis told the inquiry that these outstanding allegations were “grave indeed”. Patrick O’Connor QC described them as: “Gross violations of the Geneva Conventions, inhuman and degrading treatment of wounded, broken and helpless young men, who were utterly at the mercy of their military handlers and interrogators.”
The MoD has admitted that one detainee was grabbed and shaken, and that another may have been slapped. It also concedes that the detainees should have been given a proper meal when they were first captured.
This would appear to be an actual proven “conspiracy” (what is it with the BBC and “quotes” when they want words to be viewed in odd BBC-enhanced ways), we have now learned. However before it would be the other kind of conspiracy, which cannot exist because the BBC and fellow travellers don’t, or don’t want to believe it. But the checkpoint where the battle was held and gave it its name does seem somehow apt.
Not excusing two wrongs at all, especially as they were resisted, but that quoted (in a way that makes sense) sentence by Patrick OβConnor QC regarding these delicate flowers on a state-supervised outing suggest a person who has truly had their moral equivalence centre surgically removed.
Ed balls crashes his car and drives away without reporting the accident. Does the BBC report the story? Yes it does. Where, on the front page? No, of course not.
Imagine if this was Osborn …
Incidentally, this is the 5th most popular story on the BBC site yet is only reported on the politics page. News 24 don’t appear to have even heard the story, never mind report it.
I noticed that as well, this from the man who is the shadow chancellor , which at a stroke speaks volumes of his honesty……hang on wasn’t there something about him getting caught flipping his home when the expenses scandal arose….Nah seeing as the bBC never ever brings up that salient fact, I can only presume its a bit of scaremongering from the likes of UKIP.
‘his brush with the shadow chancellor is unlikely to cost Mr Balls any votes ‘
Not sure that is true.
To be outed as clearly venal and delusional in ways most career pols can only dream of trying in the age of social media, in such a way, may make quite a few others feel he is not to be trusted with anything in word or deed.
Reporting Islamisation of U.K:
non-Muslims pupils now to be forced to accommodate Ramadan-
(6 April, 2014)-
“UK teachersβ union to discuss changing UK exam timetable to accomodate Muslims and Ramadan”
By Robert Spencer.
β’If you run exams in the morning because of this, you may be disadvantaging a non-Muslim pupil who then has two exams in one day rather than one.’ But who cares about them? This is the brave new Submissive Britannia, eager as always to accommodate its new Muslim masters! Why doesnβt the Association of Teachers and Lecturers Union add to its agenda a discussion about making girls sit in the back of the class, so as not to offend Muslims?”
The reason the Taliban shot Malala Yusefzai was because she spoke out, not as the BBC have constantly lied that they did not want girls educated, but because they wanted segregation.
It’s pretty disgusting and troubling that there are fascists within the BBC who are prepared to support and protect the Talibans point of view.
More so when they have professed such support for her over the year.
And in other news…
All those screaming blue murder at the cuts may find the process by which the BBC’s market rates arrive at their decisions less than impressive.
At least they stuff themselves up just because they can internally as well, also without consequence.
But at least they are paid well to do it, and move in the right circles to ensure that once the correct folk are in charge, forgiveness will prevail. ‘elegant salons and dining rooms where, no doubt, the future of both the Labour Party and the BBC, were discussed in soirees featuring Peter Mandelson, James Purnell, Andrew Adonis and many more’
No doubt at all.
Funny how the BBC can manage to get out what is after all a small regional item when it involves the exoneration of a Labour councillor.
In the wake of the Rochdale sex abuse scandal the leader of Rochdale council Colin Lambert made a remark about private care homes in the borough not looking after kids properly.
Typical of Labour to blame someone trying to earn an honest buck, while avoiding blaming their favourite brown eyed boys, after all “Muslims must never be criticised no matter what they do”.
The two private home companies sued for libel, but lost today.
This is the kind of story which normally the BBC wouldn’t bother reporting, and they certainly don’t report far more serious items, especially when it’s far more serious mischief by their favourite brown eyed boys.
‘Staff at the central London studios have complained there are only four cookers available and queues can be 15 deep at times.’
‘The issue has become so serious that BBC management have even set up βProject Microwavesβ which aims to double the number, according to internal emails.’
‘Staff have complained that people can start lining up at a microwave at 11am to prepare their lunch and queues can last all day. ‘
As the BBC would surely say : we can understand their anger
It just shows what a mess the corporation is in when they have to have a ‘project’ to buy 4 microwave ovens. One assumes with the state of health & safety, that they aren’t allowed to even plug them it without a qualified electrician !
Not sure how to access the video, but Paxman, last night, closing off Newsnight, read out the headlines of today’s papers. When he got to the Times, his comment was around how UKIP were arguing with the Times about Farage expenses. Except the article was no-where to be seen on the front page that was shown on the screen, so he completely ignored the Times actual headlines for the chance of a dig at UKIP.
Malorie Blackman ,Breakfast favourite and childrens laureate again with her mission to get teenage boys to read more. Want to take a wild guess at the make up of the children she is talking to? Not the usual multicultural group we see on everything else.
Today it is bash Catholics day.
“Some Catholics want…..”
“Some Catholics do not uphold the Catechism and theology of Catholic Church”.
Compare and contrast the BBC stance on Muslim teachings.
“Some Catholics want the contents of the report made public”.
Compare and contrast the BBC stance on the Balen Report.
BBC – 5Live your call
very very dodgy meat?
first 2 food standards guys … there is a very questionable area, wait for for it …. Halal! and takeaways?, hmm any ideas
oops! … a hasty thank you and goodnight from the BBC inquisition ….
Enter stage left some Brick Lane, “beardo” who runs 4 restaurants, lots of airtime, and how does he guarantee quality? … one word …. Halal? ….
Yep!, you couldn t make it up …
Our fuzzy faced friend then waxes on … the problem is … NZ Lamb?
pugnaziousMar 11, 18:33 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The old joke….in America you can always find a party…in the Soviet Union the Party always finds you. Not much…
pugnaziousMar 11, 18:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 ‘Construction workers started to dismantle the Black Lives Matter Plaza near the White House on Monday following threats by Republicans…
tomoMar 11, 17:54 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img][/img] well, Mike Wendling – a two jobber deep state mouthpiece writes up JD Vance. Most of us peons…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 17:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “As a candidate for prime minister, however, he said he intended to renounce his British and Irish citizenships. Carney told…
tomoMar 11, 17:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I posted earlier but it deserves some repetition
tomoMar 11, 17:09 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The fall of the Daily Telegraph…. [img][/img]
MarkyMarkMar 11, 17:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney’s Leadership Win Smells 60% of Party members didn’t vote, but media pretends that doesn’t matter. Mark Carney will…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 17:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 0 March 2025 261 5 0 …………………………………………… The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 16:55 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Why protest in China when you can wait for China to come to you …. HA HA HAH AH “Last…
AlthepalerpMar 11, 16:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The Great Replacement continues.. . . .
BBC-NUJ continues to exploit the broadcasting outlets of the BBC for the political campaign on behalf of mass immigration, from Africa to Europe (and Britain)-
“Spain Melilla migrants: On a hill, in sight of Europe”
By Tom Burridge.
Note: how Beeboids mislead by using the devious word ‘migrant,’ instead of accurate words, ‘illegal immigrants’.
Note: how viewpoints of European people are censored out by Beeboids here.
“Jean Raspail, author of Camp of the Saints: ‘Our civilisation is disappearing”:-
To be fair they’re not actually illegal immigrants until they get here. However once they do they will almost certainly claim asylum and become asylum seekers until they are removed – which is never under a labour government !
Note this part under the subheading hunger.
The migrants beg on the streets of Nador, the main Moroccan city nearby, and their diet is predominantly bread.
One man tells us they sometimes resort to killing cats and dogs for meat.
Many say they are qualified: one has a diploma in cooking, another as a mechanic.
And lots of the migrants speak at least two languages.
Pulls on the heart strings don’t it … intentional of course. I can imagine your average Hampstead liberal working themselves into a lather about this … they’re starving! they’re eating dogs! … they’ve got qualifications! … they speak two languages! … let em all in, they’ll be an ‘asset’ (a dubious one but that doesn’t enter into the liberal mindset).
Just heard a Five Live news bulletin claiming that wages have ‘finally’ caught up with inflation ‘after 4 years’.
That’ll coincide with 4 years of Tory rule, the BBC will have us believe, the only problem being that living standards have been under pressure for much longer than that. In fact, if the BBC would care to check (only Brillo had the decency to point this out on the DP many months ago), wages have been falling since 2006 and inflation rising since 2003. So the squeeze has been going on for 8 years.
It was Brown and his numpties, Balls and Miliband, that set Britain on course for the biggest collapse of the economy in a hundred years and the inevitable fall in living standards. The BBC seems strangely ambivalent, however.
I see the bBC has had to eat humble pie:
Al-Sweady Inquiry: MoD says murder claims are ‘conspiracy’
Allegations that British troops murdered Iraqis in the aftermath of an infamous 2004 battle were the result of a “conspiracy” to pervert the course of justice, the UK government has said. The Ministry of Defence told the Al-Sweady public inquiry claims that bodies were mutilated were also “dishonestly made” by witnesses. Lawyers for the Iraqis withdrew the murder and mutilation claims in March.
Gosh how it must have pained the bBC to admit to the fact that Terrorists are not victims and that their families lied so as to cash it in. But hang on this is the bBC so they finished with:
Lawyers for the Iraqis told the inquiry that these outstanding allegations were “grave indeed”. Patrick O’Connor QC described them as: “Gross violations of the Geneva Conventions, inhuman and degrading treatment of wounded, broken and helpless young men, who were utterly at the mercy of their military handlers and interrogators.”
The MoD has admitted that one detainee was grabbed and shaken, and that another may have been slapped. It also concedes that the detainees should have been given a proper meal when they were first captured.
Poor Islamic terrorists. eh bBC?
This would appear to be an actual proven “conspiracy” (what is it with the BBC and “quotes” when they want words to be viewed in odd BBC-enhanced ways), we have now learned. However before it would be the other kind of conspiracy, which cannot exist because the BBC and fellow travellers don’t, or don’t want to believe it. But the checkpoint where the battle was held and gave it its name does seem somehow apt.
Not excusing two wrongs at all, especially as they were resisted, but that quoted (in a way that makes sense) sentence by Patrick OβConnor QC regarding these delicate flowers on a state-supervised outing suggest a person who has truly had their moral equivalence centre surgically removed.
Ed balls crashes his car and drives away without reporting the accident. Does the BBC report the story? Yes it does. Where, on the front page? No, of course not.
Imagine if this was Osborn …
Incidentally, this is the 5th most popular story on the BBC site yet is only reported on the politics page. News 24 don’t appear to have even heard the story, never mind report it.
I noticed that as well, this from the man who is the shadow chancellor , which at a stroke speaks volumes of his honesty……hang on wasn’t there something about him getting caught flipping his home when the expenses scandal arose….Nah seeing as the bBC never ever brings up that salient fact, I can only presume its a bit of scaremongering from the likes of UKIP.
So when Cameron said don’t give the keys back to the Labour lot who crashed the car, Balls just had to go out and prove him wrong.
Same result, but it looks like Balls won’t admit it.
No change there then.
‘his brush with the shadow chancellor is unlikely to cost Mr Balls any votes ‘
Not sure that is true.
To be outed as clearly venal and delusional in ways most career pols can only dream of trying in the age of social media, in such a way, may make quite a few others feel he is not to be trusted with anything in word or deed.
“As soon as I was made aware of what had happened, I took full responsibility for any damage caused”
π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π
Where to begin with that statement eh – where to begin.
I’ll just leave it to the ‘banter and edgy humour’ of HIGNFY.
Maybe he’ll say Mrs Balls was driving.
And then she can pop up on the BBC when released from jail
Islamic jihad in NIGERIA: reports on child sex slaves.
1.) ‘Jihadwatch’-
“Nigeria: Islamic jihadists abduct 100 schoolgirls as sex slaves”
By Robert Spencer.
2.) INBBC:-
“Nigeria unrest: Huge search for abducted schoolgirls”
Reporting Islamisation of U.K:
non-Muslims pupils now to be forced to accommodate Ramadan-
(6 April, 2014)-
“UK teachersβ union to discuss changing UK exam timetable to accomodate Muslims and Ramadan”
By Robert Spencer.
β’If you run exams in the morning because of this, you may be disadvantaging a non-Muslim pupil who then has two exams in one day rather than one.’ But who cares about them? This is the brave new Submissive Britannia, eager as always to accommodate its new Muslim masters! Why doesnβt the Association of Teachers and Lecturers Union add to its agenda a discussion about making girls sit in the back of the class, so as not to offend Muslims?”
2.) INBBC ‘Education’-
-an INBBC ‘report’ written entirely from Muslim viewpoint-
“Examiners ‘may accommodate Ramadan fasting'”
By Katherine Sellgren.
The reason the Taliban shot Malala Yusefzai was because she spoke out, not as the BBC have constantly lied that they did not want girls educated, but because they wanted segregation.
It’s pretty disgusting and troubling that there are fascists within the BBC who are prepared to support and protect the Talibans point of view.
More so when they have professed such support for her over the year.
… and of course the worldsmosttrustednewsroom sided with the Iraqis in the Gulf War but there you go.
“making girls sit in the back of the class, so as not to offend Muslims?β
It’s on the way George!
Can we have a new board please?
And in other news…
All those screaming blue murder at the cuts may find the process by which the BBC’s market rates arrive at their decisions less than impressive.
At least they stuff themselves up just because they can internally as well, also without consequence.
But at least they are paid well to do it, and move in the right circles to ensure that once the correct folk are in charge, forgiveness will prevail.
‘elegant salons and dining rooms where, no doubt, the future of both the Labour Party and the BBC, were discussed in soirees featuring Peter Mandelson, James Purnell, Andrew Adonis and many more’
No doubt at all.
Doesn’t take long for the BBC to get onto the subject of those nasty Tory cuts in this article which is unrelated…
Pro-Labour every time!
Funny how the BBC can manage to get out what is after all a small regional item when it involves the exoneration of a Labour councillor.
In the wake of the Rochdale sex abuse scandal the leader of Rochdale council Colin Lambert made a remark about private care homes in the borough not looking after kids properly.
Typical of Labour to blame someone trying to earn an honest buck, while avoiding blaming their favourite brown eyed boys, after all “Muslims must never be criticised no matter what they do”.
The two private home companies sued for libel, but lost today.
This is the kind of story which normally the BBC wouldn’t bother reporting, and they certainly don’t report far more serious items, especially when it’s far more serious mischief by their favourite brown eyed boys.
Project Microwaves
‘Staff at the central London studios have complained there are only four cookers available and queues can be 15 deep at times.’
‘The issue has become so serious that BBC management have even set up βProject Microwavesβ which aims to double the number, according to internal emails.’
‘Staff have complained that people can start lining up at a microwave at 11am to prepare their lunch and queues can last all day. ‘
As the BBC would surely say : we can understand their anger
If they can stand in queues like that they obviously have sweet FA to do.
It just shows what a mess the corporation is in when they have to have a ‘project’ to buy 4 microwave ovens. One assumes with the state of health & safety, that they aren’t allowed to even plug them it without a qualified electrician !
The BBC ran a trailer for their new earlier on the basis of : ‘hey, want to hear about this Korean ferry disaster?’
The coverage itself is as mawkish and predictable as ever : ‘questions being asked yada yada yada….’
Not sure how to access the video, but Paxman, last night, closing off Newsnight, read out the headlines of today’s papers. When he got to the Times, his comment was around how UKIP were arguing with the Times about Farage expenses. Except the article was no-where to be seen on the front page that was shown on the screen, so he completely ignored the Times actual headlines for the chance of a dig at UKIP.
Malorie Blackman ,Breakfast favourite and childrens laureate again with her mission to get teenage boys to read more. Want to take a wild guess at the make up of the children she is talking to? Not the usual multicultural group we see on everything else.
Today it is bash Catholics day.
“Some Catholics want…..”
“Some Catholics do not uphold the Catechism and theology of Catholic Church”.
Compare and contrast the BBC stance on Muslim teachings.
“Some Catholics want the contents of the report made public”.
Compare and contrast the BBC stance on the Balen Report.
BBC – 5Live your call
very very dodgy meat?
first 2 food standards guys … there is a very questionable area, wait for for it …. Halal! and takeaways?, hmm any ideas
oops! … a hasty thank you and goodnight from the BBC inquisition ….
Enter stage left some Brick Lane, “beardo” who runs 4 restaurants, lots of airtime, and how does he guarantee quality? … one word …. Halal? ….
Yep!, you couldn t make it up …
Our fuzzy faced friend then waxes on … the problem is … NZ Lamb?
off switch!
Who would have thought it?
Such a surprise!
You would never have guessed:
Restaurant owners? Care to narrow this down BBC? London and Birmingham? Oh, OK. You mean Muslim restaurant owners.
Interesting there’s an open HYS to this.
Not sure for how long.
Of the current top 5 highest rated comments, 4 have been modded out.