Harrabin is still out there smearing those who do not believe….
[Pickles has banned windfarms because of pressure from the right wing press suggests Harrabin…..]
Communities Secretary Eric Pickles has staged a minor coup over coalition energy policy.
Conservative newspapers have been demanding a cap on onshore wind farms, but the Lib Dems have refused to agree…..the Liberal Democrats, accused him of playing politics….
Unfortunately he offers no proof and the truth is that it is backbenchers who have been complaining…because their constituents, voters, don’t like windfarms…MPs are good with numbers, we know that, and can do the maths, especially in marginal seats…..any urgings from the Press will make little difference unless they are reporting what the voters are really thinking.
But nice of Harrabin to dismiss the concerns of the general public so readily to suit his own agenda.
One senior Conservative told me many of his backbench colleagues were heavily influenced by the Mail on Sunday’s campaign to define climate change as a con trick.
A ‘One senior Conservative’ says Harrabin, snitched on his not so green colleagues.
Let me guess….could he possibly be Tim Yeo, head of the Energy and Climate Change Committee with many vested interests in keeping the climate change narrative on the boil and an ardent fan of the green monster?
And where’s the proof again?…It is merely Harrabin peddling anonymous barbs that coincidentally, and happily, suit his own purposes.
Harrabin uses a choice selection of perjorative terms with not so subtle inferences….’Campaign’ and ‘con trick’.
The Mail frequently prints both sides of the AGW debate….but Harrabin’s use of ‘Campaign’ is meant to indicate that the Mail is attacking the science regardless of the truth and probably with some agenda. As for ‘con trick’….if any of the facts printed by the Mail indicate a deliberate attempt to mislead the public by scientists or politicians that can hardly be interpreted as the Mail trying to falsely claim it is a con trick….because it would be a con trick.
Just another couple of examples of Harrabin’s sly approach to undermining and denigrating those who want to actually examine the evidence and make judgements based on that rather than being force fed a ‘Received Wisdom’ that is based more on belief than scientific rigour.
if harrabin and these cretins at the bbc had there way, we would all have a wind turbines on tops of are roofs generating this imaginary electricity,i just wish harrabin and co at the bbc would just shut up with all this false flag propaganda over climate change and global warming,enough is enough of there bullshitting to the masses.
BBC, inc D.G. Tony HALL, has given Hampstead Harrabin the green light to continue to spread his biased political propaganda on climate. And Harrabin is taking his full political opportunity, before he retires.
‘…Conservative newspapers have been demanding a cap on onshore wind farms.’
So by the way of balance, Harrabin will tell us at some point that left wing newspapers are demanding an increase in ‘renewable’ sources of energy whilst also lying about how much cheaper they are.
No? Didn’t think so.
Even though the Daily Mail does not censor the Science, Scientists and Scientific debate in the way that the environmental activist Journalists at the BBC censor 21st century climate science.
I don’t remember ever discovering something new in science from the Daily Mail, even if I recall, it was an article written by the Atmospheric Physicist, Professor Richard Lindzen.
I buy the Daily Mail or maybe now the UKIP supporting Express, because unlike people who buy the Guardian, I do not want to buy a newspaper that uses censorship in Journalism, to produce a fantasy bubble of ignorance, produced from the growing number of Scientific subjects in Universities, that conflict with Socialist ideology, which now includes Astronomy.