It’s selective and misleading articles such as the following that vex me the most. Generalised language such as ‘take away owners’ misleads us into thinking it’s a common multi-establishment problem across the nation but after a wee bit of reading between the lines we soon find out that it is a problem specific to kebab and curry take cafes in Birmingham and London… so in fact it is a mainly Muslim problem:
Even though I do like a kebab after a few pints of real ale, I stopped a few years back after I learned about the disgusting halal slaughter cruelty that is criminally allowed to take place here. Also took a few inches off the old wasteline 😉
Good for you, they use inferior, crappy meat, and they hate us, they really do. I never use these shitty establishments, and that includes so-called ‘top-end’ curry houses. The sort of people that use them are usually piss-heads that are racist anyway, how stupid is that, eating food that is ‘prepared’ by people they hate, and ‘cooked’ by people that hate them.
Even better reason to stop is that you just dont know what’s gone into them – very little lamb for sure, and almost certainly the bits you wouldnt want to eat!
Quite astonishing the level of Waycism and Hatred between Pakistanis and Bangladeshis, but it’s never spoken of by the fascists, because ethnics can’t be racist, so it doesn’t happen.
It is not racism, it is an inter-ethnic conflict that started with the formation of Pakistan, came to a head in 1971 with the secession of East Pakistan, and has simmered ever since.
This is no more a race dispute than that of east and west Ukraine.
“Another stunning denial of reality. display of ignorance.”
“This is no more a race dispute than that of east and west Ukraine.”
You might think that you sound as if you know what you are talking about, Danny, but clearly you have never been to Ukraine or followed events there over the last few years. My girlfriend is from Ukraine and I have been there three times and I can tell you that there is racist conflict there like anywhere else on the planet.
Like you see between the Scottish and English (although, thankfully it doesn’t involve guns yet), there is much racist antipathy felt by both east and west Ukrainians towards each other. Those from the east, who largely descend from Russian ancestry, often experience racial hatred from those from the west where there is much more of a racial mix of peoples including Jews, Slavs, Tatars, Romani and from further back Poles. Slavs, Tatars, Romani and Jews encounter racist attitudes from those in the East. In fact, Ukraine is riddled with racism and this is well known, so please before you unleash a trail of verbal diarrhea, check your facts.
‘You don’t really live up to your moniker do you?’
Raising the subject of living up to things is indeed brave as many, if not most, have enjoyed the combination of a welcome break and lovely weather to spend time with family or friends.
I was quite sorry to leave it behind, but at least an evening in a pub garden beckons later.
Just a quick moment over an aperitif to skip through the day’s emails, and who do I find more than any has been keeping stellar station on BBBC for the long weekend shift.
Irony of ironies, i……t’s Danny! Danny Howard says:
February 22, 2014 at 8:33 pm
Some of us have jobs, families and lives and do not share your obsession with the output of the BBC.
So, it was either a different time or one no one invited you on the Easter egg hunt at the work outing or home to explain the ob…. commitment here today?
That would indeed make you cranky.
ps: Quite a few BBC top talent hit the Tahir Square hotel balconies to report on the glories of the Arab Spring. Their passports may have got a natty stamp to wave around at the FCC, but they really didn’t seem to get to grips with the realities outside the mini-bar and room service.
We of course can only take your word that you were ‘there’, if possibly only crossing some ‘i’s’ and dotting some ‘t’s’ of the BBC’s latest knock-off Cowell copy, probably a WIA talent show complement called ‘Britain’s Got It About Right’.
No idea if ET’s claim is any more genuine of course, but given the two I’m erring on a fellow with real chums there than some air miles warrior passing through the airport duty free.
All points some can still miss even if others do not.
Have a very good evening and the best of luck.
Actually Danny, the genocide carried out by Urdu speaking West Pakistani on their so called Bengali East Pakistani brothers was racism.
This they started by forcing them to speak Urdu ! Then forcing them to pay much more into the kitty of the Pakistani Union. Then when East Pakistan won the majority of the vote, they disregarded it, thus forcing East Pakistan to cede from Empire, West Pakistan then sent in the troops who used the apostate card to murder anybody who didn’t want to be a Pakistani. Thus by killing people for being different and promoting the view that they were superiors is by default……racism.
Both Kosher & Halal meat can be pre-stunned prior to slaughter, and this is the way the majority of meat is produced.
The brutal way in the report is performed by a very few slaughter houses, and is yet another example of a spineless government completely incapable of standing up to Muslims who are to be honest, being damn awkward in their demands.
A proper government would stop this and tell those that demand it, that if it is so important they can obtain it in another country outside the EU !
Kosher meat can’t be pre-stunned. The jury is out on whether kosher slaughter is the least painful form of slaughter or not. There is an argument that when properly performed, severing the trachea, esophagus, carotid arteries, jugular veins and vagus nerve in a swift action using an extremely sharp blade (“chalef”) only by a qualified shochet (ritual slaughterer. This results in a rapid drop in blood pressure in the brain and loss of consciousness.
Pre stunning would appear to be irrelevant Temple Grandin (an American doctor of animal science, a professor at Colorado State University) claims that the way animals are handled and restrained prior to slaughter likely has a greater impact on their welfare than whether or not they are stunned.
BBC – 5Live your call
very very dodgy meat?
First 2 food standards guys … there is a very questionable area,
wait for for it …. Halal! and takeaways?, hmm any ideas?
oops! … a hasty thank you and goodnight from the BBC inquisition ….
Enter stage left some Brick Lane, “beardo” who runs 4 restaurants, lots of airtime, and how does he guarantee quality? … one word …. Halal? ….
Yep!, you couldn t make it up …
Our fuzzy faced friend then waxes on … the problem is? … wait for it … NZ Lamb?
Typical BBC being more than a little selective in their reporting. Just look on YouTube for examples of the inhumane treatment of animals during halal slaughter and also see the disgusting
filth conditions of premises and personnel involved
What a surprise!
Who would ever have thought it?
You just do not have to guess anymore!
Shock horror the BBC is again caught blatantly trying to avoid representing the majority of the Nation who pay their TV tax and they just cannot help themselves, whenever they think they can get away with it, of giving a left slant in their political reporting.
The BBC appears to have some sort of structural suicide bid to end its current model.
In my humble opinion the organisation no longer worries about meeting its statutory obligation to represent the majority of the nation and instead finds ways to subtly favour the left and progressive policies.
This type of ethos, I believe, has resulted in the BBCs moral laxness allowing heinous crimes, like Saville, being committed under it’s auspices and them even trying to avoid some of their employees not to pay PAYE and grossly overpay other executives etc, etc.
One can see the similarities with it’s favoured political organ, the Labour Party with flocks of chickens now coming home to roost like the PIE saga and the trashing of our Nations finances, immigration open doors, Chilcott Report on the horizon and how this favored minority of the population party has failed in almost every department of state under their watch.
One would think that any organisation benefiting from such ginormous public financing the BBC would automatically not wish to lose that by keep rubbing our noses in it.
Notwithstanding the Tories are generally hopeless at fighting their own corner with so many home goals, but one hopes they have finally seen the light and the 2016 BBC review reflects that.
Charlatans:“Notwithstanding the Tories are generally hopeless at fighting their own corner with so many home goals, but one hopes they have finally seen the light and the 2016 BBC review reflects that.”
If the Scots are still voting in 2015 it’ll be a Labour government when the charter review comes up in 2016. In which case the licence fee payers will be shafted again, as per usual.
It is never ending. Today, yet another BBC attempt comes to light to undermine the majority of taxpayers who pay this organisations wages so they can give us a left slant of the truth and rub our noses in it:
‘However, the popular press is where the BBC really gives the game away. Proportionally its consumption of the Mail is half that of the public and its consumption of the Sun is just a third that of the public. These are by some distance the two best-selling newspapers among the general population. Yet BBC consumption of the Mirror is proportionally double that of the Sun and 1.5 times that of the Mail.’
Does that make them ‘out of touch’ with most of the population?
Or is it the case that, because the BBC’s own market share of news and current affairs is around 70% they cannot fail to be in touch?
Does that count as a paradox or is it just rigging the market?
I’m afraid as with many things it isn’t that simple.
Suppose I was to ask you to go and find what was in the papers. The chances are you would buy one of each, what would be the point of buying more than one copy, but that would mean that your consumption of the lesser titles would be massively higher than the average, and massively lower for the higher selling papers.
To be fully representative you would have to buy one copy of the lowest selling and maybe 25 of the highest. But what would be the use of 25 copies?
thoughtful – point accepted – but it is not about the buying of the rag – but daily using content in such reporting like ‘What the papers say’ and reference to prioritizing other stories.
Nice try, but if the BBC represented the population, their consumption of newspapers would reflect the UK figures. They all read the Guardian, which most people consider out of touch and unrepresentative, that is the point.
At risk of unleashing the Candymen, this is the first posting of crucial, topical news I see on my FB feed from the BBC:
The Today Programme
The world’s first homoerotic stamps are to be produced in Finland. Estelle Lovatt and David Bailey discuss this “great statement”.
Interesting “quote”. I think I may in any case spare myself further info on whether they are self-adhesive of prepped for use old school.
The comments are shaping up well already, so may be worth a bookmarking.
Especially if certain other groups, not known for their tolerance, but keen on postal voting, see areas of concern worth voicing.
It may even require popcorn.
Maybe so. My point, though, was that the story was two years old yet still managed to score on the hit parade.
More incompetence than bias? Well how does it happen? No doubt the story has an id (in this case 16362975) which has a ‘hits’ counter against it for the day or week or whatever the time period is. How then does it get on the ‘most read’ list two years after it was written? Which story did it supplant I wonder?
The evidence strongly suggests (in fact everyone just knows) that the BBC choose or create stories that fit the Left narrative. The arts are a favourite area for the BBC to criticize the nasty Tories cuts as the arty-farty scene (especially scenes that include radical lesbian thespians, contemporary dance expressionists and creative performance writers) is saturated by lunatic lefties of all types, so they’ll keep pumping these non-stories up the website’s most popular stories even though no-one’s probably even looked at them.
I’ve recently discovered that the BBC in smug mode is even more annoying than their usual sanctimonious one.
This hit me with the coverage of the new gay marriage law. Dozens of smiling gay couples, congratulations from every major party leader (Except Ukip). There’s almost nobody left worth mocking from the “forces of conservatism”.
There’s also no sense from the Beeb at how weird it is for Cof E priests to be campaigning for LGBT rights, or in other words Anglican priests campaigning for sin.
That Ruthless Truth guy nails it in, “Dearly Beloved” at:
‘The Church of England is in the eternal verities game.
They’ve got a message that is two thousand years old, written in some of the most affecting English ever set down.
They have thousands of churches whose beauty is a visual testament to the power of that message on those score generations of believers that went before.
Sometimes that message will be out of step with the times, but the faithful won’t mind that because they are after all eternal truths not a matter of fashion.
If Anglicanism were alive, the Church’s former teaching on marriage would be part of an irreducible core, which its clergy would gladly die to defend.’
In a ‘different time’ this would most likely have caused a split of historical proportions.
But now, whether or not your are an Anglican, you just think ‘What next?’
The Cof E has no future now. The Catholic Church has always regarded it as a church only temporarily in schism . So it will split. Some to the Catholics and some to the Methodist side of things. The rump will quietly wither away.
It – the Cof E- will pay the price for putting fashion and the doings of the wortld above “eternal verities” ( as you say).
It has been a long time coming but it will happen now.
The doings of the world only satisfy for a while. In the end there are other things. It is soon to be Good Friday. A day for other things.
The Catholic priest and the C of E vicar were passing time on a railway journey by arguing the rights and wrongs of their different interpretations of Christian faith.
Finally, in exasperation, the Catholic priest called a stop and said that they should agree to disagree, “You worship God in your way and I’ll worship Him in His”!
[No doubt originally told better by Dave Allen]
The presenter of Newsnight and University Challenge is the latest BBC star to voice concerns about the way the broadcaster is run. John Humphrys, Jennifer Saunders and David Dimbleby have also spoken out in recent months.
In a newspaper interview, Paxman said that he was passionate about the BBC but had grown frustrated by its scale and corporate culture. He criticised the lavish payoffs given to former executives, suggested that the online news operation had overreached and even questioned the existence of Radio 1, its youth-oriented station.
He said that the BBC’s news website had an unfair advantage over commercial publishers, which include The Times. “And I don’t think that has really been sufficiently grasped at a senior level,” he said. “It just happened, in the same way as has the proliferation of extra television channels, the proliferation of extra radio channels — and going further back, the move into local radio.”
Surprisingly Paxman doesn’t seem to grasp what the BBC is actually about when he complains it is over reaching itself and seeking to grab a dominant slice of all new technologies etc and so crowding out commercial rivals.
The BBC’s mission is to proselytise for the liberal left. To do that to maximum effect it must, like any pernicious and invasive weed, suppress any other source of news or different opinions.
Either Paxman is dafter than he looks or he is beginning to realise that the License Fee game might be up and looking to a future post the BBC.
Reading the full article it would appear that the man had known mental health issues and these are probably the reason for his actions rather than any religious fervour.
Arthur wrote: Reading the full article it would appear that the man had known mental health issues
Mental issues which only surfaced after he received legal representation in which to support his claim for…..manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility.
I mean if the man was savy enough to warn the poor girl that if she ever left him he would post naughty pictures of her to her family.
Savy enough to be a violent bully
Savy enough to travel from Iraq and claim asylum.
In fact the prosecution had this to say about this evil man: He said he had ‘no history of mental illness’, adding: ‘He was able to function perfectly well – he held down a job, he lived on his own, he had his own flat and, it’s a self-evident truth, he had a girlfriend.’
So with that in mind do you not think , that there is something inherent in the way that men are not allowed to mix with women under the codex of the Koran that results in women being treated like dirt. I mean losing your head to a Muslim is a common occurrence.
But you continue to think along the lines that ‘Islam is peaceful faith’ I’m sure the hundreds of thousands of women who have had their bits chopped off, who are denied equality, who are forced to cover up will all agree with you.
I should have added something to my reference to the story of the ‘man’ responsible for the beheading. Insane or not, if he had been a Mormon, Fundamentalist Christian, or Buddhist, the BBC would have drawn attention to this, and no doubt adding – in the case of Buddhist – that despite their reputation for non violence there are many examples to the contrary. Fact is: the M word was not mentioned in any of the BBC’s coverage of this murder.
” There are often other reasons.”
Indeed there are, but the statistics may show a propensity for one particular ideology to be more violent than others.
Now I don’t have those statistics, but I have the feeling someone is going to attach a listing which gives some data.
Arthur, muslims as a whole are a cost to this country, not a benefit……even their doctors and lawyers show incompetence and crookedness in greater measure than the indigenous ones. Everything is deemed ‘ as Allah wills it ‘, no original thought, no initiative, nothing, their wretched cult is all that matters.
have you noticed how radio 5 live and radio 4 this week have been feeding the muslim victimhood machine over this islamist trojan horse plot in birmingham on radiio 5 live and the stephen lawrence victimhood machine over his fathers attack on the met police accusing them of racism not for the first time on radio 4,by the way stephen lawrences father lives in jamaica now,he is not resident here anymore,but my point is this,the bbc always like to feed these victimhood machine like the lawrence family and the muslim commmuity,i wonder about this,why has the bbc and there victimhood machines and industry have not took up the cases of the policeman keith blakelock who was hacked to death by 20 black rioters 1987,yvonne fletcher the police officer mudrered by islamists in the libyan embassy siege 1984,the 21 dead murdered by the ira in the birmingham pub bombings in 1974,why have the familys and relatives of these victims not recieved no justice or campaigns on there behalf by the bbc and other media outlets
I worked with an officer who had retired and come back as a civvy investigator. He was in Tottenham CID who pursued the killers of PC Blakelock. he explained what they did to find the suspects and was in no doubt, absolutely no doubt, they had the right man first time.
Courts and Juries say otherwise and I respect their decisions, but the hatred for those rioters who tried to decapitate the poor bloody PC was evident and real so many years later.
“BBC is accused of ‘crass insensitivity’ towards family of murdered PC Blakelock after man cleared of killing him is allowed to talk about how his death was ‘celebration time.’
“BBC accused of ‘crass insensitivity’ towards the family of murdered officer.
“Nicky Jacobs, who was cleared of murder, accused police of ‘wickedness.’
“MP said interview will upset PC Blakelock’s family, who still seek justice.”
Marine Le Pen ripping Laura Kuenssberg a new one on Snoozenight – the subject is of course Islamism and Le Pen’s healthy attitude towards it. MLP sees it like it is, and tells it like it is – unlike our gutless shits.
Only shame is that it was Kuenssberg getting the shoeing – I’d have rathered it was Drearyshire.
And Laura is so so desperate to get Marine Le Pen to associate herself with Farage in the interview. I think I counted 9 separate leading questions. Of course she wasn’t biting. Laura practically begging on her knees for some ammo on Farage by the end. Quite transparently pathetic really.
Absolutely spot on from Marie Le Pen. If you had told me a few years back that the best hope for our values was the Russians and that I would agree with the French National Front, I would have laughed at you.
BBC 10 o clock news: Some left wing Columbian author has died of old age. ………how many of the millions of constantly abused licence payers watching this banal crap do they think gives a toss ?
Never heard of him either , & I can picture thousands of the Beeboid fuckwitts haven`t either . They are probably all burning the midnight oil, swotting up on him, so they can be ” on message ” ! If he is a leftie ” another one bites the dust ” & I don`t care .
Neither have I but I’m guessing the Beeboids/Guardianistas have and that’s what’s most important …to them.
Its what Oz shouts at Barry in “Auf Weidersen Pet”
It is always impressive to see a person unashamed to display his or her ignorance of the world.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez was a Nobel Laureate — like Rudyard Kipling, George Bernard Shaw, William Butler Yeats, Thomas Mann, Sinclair Lewis, TS Eliot, Herman Hesse, Andre Gide, Bertrand Russell, Ernest Hemmingway, Albert Camus, Boris Pasternak, Jean-Paul Sartre, Samuel Beckett, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Heinrich Boll, Saul Bellow, Isaac Bashevis Singer, William Golding, Naguib Mahfouz, Nadine Gordimer, Kenzaburo Oe, Dario Fo, V. S. Naipaul, J. M. Coetzee, Harold Pinter, Doris Lessing, Mario Vargas Llosa, Alice Munro to name but a few.
“It is always impressive to see a person unashamed to display his or her ignorance of the world.”
Yes, go into any pub in West Bromwich where I live and you can almost guarantee that the topic of conversation will be Nobel Literature Laureates.
I expect you have a picture of him on your bedroom wall. Sweet dreams.
It’d be interesting to find out how many of the winners in the past 50 years could be described as traditionalist, ‘right-wing’ or conservative, as opposed to progressive or left. But I can’t be bothered – I can just assume what the answer is.
Oldbob. Are you suggesting that the BBC only report on majority culture? How do you want to organise that? Sales because it is fair bet that Barbara Cartland has sold more than the winners of the last decade’s Nobel and Booker prizes combined? Some standard of majority approval because the paparback being read by the man on the Clapham Omnibus is likely more in tune with British culture than any Nobel Prize winner, including the British ones?
That the BBC still has some claims about reporting on excellence would seem to be one of the few reasons to pay any attention to it at all.
I should think he’s very famous and talked about amongst the liberal left chattering classes i.e. the echo chamber inhabited by the BBC, so by definition must be of world renown, meriting a news item.
I have read some of his stuff, but I have the feeling he got the big send-off from the beeboids because he was an on-message lefty who loved revolutionary Cuba. In my humble opinion, Mario Vargas Llosa is better. He also understands the true nature of Castro’s Cuba, and once famously punched Garcia Marquez. Now there’s a great Latin American author whom I encourage you to check out!
Most Tories are going to be holding hands with Liberals and Labour people, and vote UKIP. But it’s a pity that its only the European elections, but then, a UKIP landslide would encourage everyone to reject the LibLabCon Establishment at the General Election.
The fact is, only the Daily Express is supporting those who realise that the only way to get rid of Cameron before the election, is for all Tories who are not Pro-EU traitors, to vote UKIP in the European Elections.
Its the only way to save the Tory Party from destruction by the traitors.
‘Despite insisting he was ‘nowhere near’ the crime, Mr Jacobs did admit that, at the time, he wished he had been present. Interviewer Kurt Barling asked him: ‘Was there a moment in your mind at 16 where you thought “Ah, I’ve missed the main event”?’
What a totally inappropriate turn of phrase. BBC lefty student behaviour to the fore – again.
“France’s Front National party leader ‘opens arms’ to UKIP”
So says the BBC NEWS website headline this morning.
Its BBC smear of course. UKIP want absolutely nothing to do with FN. Quite right too. But by inference the headline paints UKIP as hard liners. It finishes the article with Nigel Farage being a “…charismatic leader” I think we know what the implication of that means.
The establishment really are putting the squeeze on UKIP.
But I don’t think it will wash anymore. The BEEB. MSM and LIBLABCON-artists are losing their power over the plebs and they hate it. The BBC have had it as an impartial news “service” and will be impossible for them to build up trust again.
As Uncle Bup and Amoorhouse above have noted, Katz slipshod market rate talent Laura K was pretty desperate to get a narrative established, and Ms. le Pen was not buying.
So it appears they have simply decided to skip past sorting it in post and running with a TIOE (tell it often enough) headline of their own creation anyway.
Propaganda backed by censorship.
One can see why the BBC does like packing its editorial top rankers with ex-Graun types.
But given Katz’ track record trying to rig voting patterns (Operation Clarke County) maybe he should be encouraged further?
The BBC lie through their teeth about global warming so why not UKIP? If there is no proof of any desire by UKIP to form an alliance with Le Pen, Farage should demand an apology.
I think the BBC really believe that Farage is some Pied Piper persuading us to vote UKIP against our better judgement. He is an outstanding politician but UKIP doesn’t depend on him.
A little bit of Good Friday porting (as Danny has rather messed with the long weekend crew again by claiming those who haunt these pages have no jobs or life, which makes the motivations of those who do so as a duty either professional or masochistic) on the old tablet whilst waking up over a cuppa in bed:
Alex says:
April 17, 2014 at 10:16 am
Restaurant owners? Care to narrow this down BBC? London and Birmingham? Oh, OK. You mean Muslim restaurant owners.
I always bookmark such stories when shared as it is rare to see an interactive, but when the topic is ‘interesting’ so can be the BBC response in terms of modding and, of course, closing:
17TH APRIL 2014 – 9:46
Oh dear, I always have a lamb curry.
Last: Letsaveitright
17TH APRIL 2014 – 13:57
Top Rated Comment:
Comment number 196. Philip C
17TH APRIL 2014 – 10:51
This comment was removed [along with several others high rated] because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.
So, open when most have gone to work and closed well early in case they get the afternoon off.
Given the way things were headed, shocked, I tell you.. shocked.
Funny how our capitalist corporations forsake Global Warming when they have something different to sell. But I’m not here to wave the red flag or to tear down the green one.
Just to ask how come our national broadcaster never asks ‘Is Mass Immigration robbing your child of a school place?’
‘The Department for Education published information showing how councils had “firm plans” for an extra 300,000 places – with a further 57,000 needed to meet the expected demand in the autumn of next year.’
‘It also said that the numbers in primary school rose from 3.9 million in 2012 to more than 4.01 million in 2013.’
‘And it revealed huge increases in some areas, such as Croydon, south London, where pupil numbers are expected to rise 44% between the summer of 2010 and autumn next year. In Barking & Dagenham there is an increase of 43%.’
‘But the figures also show how this population surge is not reflected across the whole country, with more than 430,000 vacant places last year.’
‘Have you been allocated a place for your child in your preferred primary school? If not, how will it affect you?’
‘If you would be happy to speak to the BBC please email using the subject ‘Primary Schools’.’
I’m afraid to say the Licence Payers are being a little unruly….
Is it against the law to show a picture of children in the uk where they are all white children? I mean a picture of several black or brown children is fine. A white child is not needed.
This subtle but repeated reinforcement that somehow white children are worth less in our society is something the BBC should look to address.
Since you have clearly missed the metaphors I will talk numbers. They are freely available. The best estimate – and since no one actually knows how many people have come into the UK in the last 17 years it can only be estimate – is a net figure of 3 million.
Enough for you?
Why so different in London? The article scratches at the surface, provides statistics, hints at what has caused this issue and then tries to tie it all to money
It appears no one told the last Labour Government that when they decided to let the world and his wife come and live here the world and his wife also had children.
Everything’s great, there aren’t any problems other than the ones the Tory’s bring. Thanks bbc for keeping us all so well informed!
up 44% in 12 mnths! …
couldn t have anything to do with families with 7 or even 9 children now being syphoned out of London as
viewed only last week on the BBC?
Not particularly BBC bias, but an insight into what is going on in the insane public sector world we rarely see.
Most people aren’t aware that there is a ‘political officer’ in ever single public sector department. They call them ‘diversity officer’ and they are there to monitor and report on anyone, just like in the old Soviet Union.
The politicisation of the civil service and much of the rest of the public sector including the BBC is fully politicised, and unfortunately leftie Dave has instead of making it better, made it worse !
I have a friend who has been a Magistrate for decades, but he has resigned recently. From a young age he was a member of the Communist party and to this day remains a card carrying Labour party member. The latest left wing nut casery has left him bewildered however.
If Magistrates have someone who has committed at least one offence, and has an issue with something like drugs or article, they are supposed to give them advice on how to live their lives in the style of a ‘best friend’.
As someone who knows all to well the nature of criminals whose lives are destroyed by drugs, he knows only too well that words from the bench are going to do nothing.
So out of touch and removed from reality are the people who impose this nonsense that they often cause infinitely more harm than good. They have no concept of real life, because safe in their indoctrinated London comfortable offices, they cannot see and have no concept of anyone else’s life. Worse, they don’t want to know, and will aggressively attack anyone who dares to tell them.
This I believe is what the BBC is also like. Insulated from the real world, they have no knowledge of what normal life is like. Their high salaries reinforce that insulation so that their private lives mirror their working ones, and give a distorted reality of what life is like for the majority of people in the UK today.
The BBC gives about as accurate a picture of life in the UK as EastEnders gives of life in London.
BBC productions are not simply fictional (and intellectually and imaginatively dead) they are ideological.
They give you an insight into the limited experience and impoverished imagination, and the greed, intolerance, and hypocrisy of the middle class (public sector) Left, and nothing else.
PS You are forced (by threat of imprisonment) to pay for it.
In Socialist ideology, feelings, emotion and art are very important.
That’s why they like to have giant pictures of people on the walls of government buildings, representing the ideological dream.
In the Soviet Socialist paradise you had giant images of men and women in boiler suits.
In the National Socialist paradise you had men and women in military uniforms.
In the Liberal Socialist paradise you have a white man in a boiler suit, a white woman dressed like a man and a black man dressed in a pinstriped suit.
“Brighton teenager killed in Syria” ….The tone of the story was sympathetic yet we find that Abdullah Deghayes went to Syria “without his family knowing” (yea?) and his uncle was once held at Guantánamo ….. umm something fishy here …
Do BBC news editors purposely try and wind us up by selling us a story which of the face of it is rather sad (Brighton teenager killed) yet then add just enough information to imply all is not as it seems….. Why no wider narrative?
Yes … heard this erm “grief stricken” jihadaddy
Who doesn t know anything, kids went to Syria against parents (who don t know anything) wishes,
Want any media to respect family wishes, at this time of grief … before using 😀 said media to spout propaganda
about son dying trying to free Syria from tyranny of Assad (bad) into hands of Islamist Jihadi s (good).
Thanks for that Imam … Allah Snackbar
Are these ‘British’ men fighting for multiculturalism, bbc? Or is multiculti only a good thing in the UK, whereas what Syria needs is hardline, medieval Sunni Wahabbism?
Yea, and his father called him a martyr……..pathetic….kick the whole family out, in fact, refuse re-entry to these imbeciles if they return, they have probably killed people or committed atrocities, have got the taste for it and will carry on here…..think government, think for once. These idiots are mercenaries, kick them and all their families out. Would they fight for this country? What do you think?
Robert there is a growing concern and not only here in the UK, that these Muslims could get home with much more terrorism know how to use on innocents here
-Islam IS … the Trojan Horse-
Some of the same people who were so vocal in warning of the alleged Islamophobic backlash now realise that the real threat is Islamic jihadist blowback. Has the British government previously turned a Nelson’s Eye to jihadists leaving for Syria as it gone them off our streets? How’s that working for you now PM eh?
Al Beeb reporting…
“William Hague urged British citizens not to travel to Syria”,
These “British citizens” see themselves about as “British”, as does the Man on the Moon!
The bBC, the so called death of a British Citizen inside Syria and…Half the story: Brighton teenager killed in Syria An 18-year-old British man has died in Syria, the Foreign Office has said. Sussex Police said they received information on Monday that the man had been killed “in recent weeks”. He is understood to be Abdullah Deghayes, from Brighton…Speaking to the BBC’s Ellie Price, Mr Deghayes’s father, Abubaker Deghayes, said he had thought his son was in Libya and he did not know of his trip to Syria. He said he had not seen his son for “two or three months”, but he now believed he had died in Syria.
Let me see, the name Deghayes, linked with Brighton rung a bell and what do you know pounce comes up with: Brother cautious over Guantanamo news Libyan-born British resident Omar Deghayes, 38, is among four British residents set to be released from US custody at Guantanamo Bay. His brother Abubaker, 39, from Brighton,
So the father of the dead teenager from Brighton is also the brother of a man who was caught in Afghanistan, locked up in Gitmo and whom the left (including the bBC) spent a lot of time making out to be a victim. Now we could all say that his uncles incarceration could have turned this young man to the dark side, so on that note here is something from the Times from 2006: Imam backs terror attack against Blair
A RADICAL Muslim who ousted a leading moderate cleric from his mosque on the south coast with a campaign of violence has said he believes Tony Blair is a “legitimate target” for terrorists. Abubaker Deghayes, who now runs the mosque in Brighton and whose brother Omar is a detainee at Guantanamo Bay, told an undercover reporter that he endorsed the views of George Galloway, the Respect MP, who said an attack on the prime minister by a suicide bomber could be morally justified. Deghayes said he prayed for Allah to support anyone who attacked Blair. Court documents show Deghayes took over the mosque using violence, intimidation and threats. Dr Abduljalil Sajid, a leading imam and a government adviser on Islam, was forced out as head of the mosque by Deghayes and his supporters. It is understood Sussex police Special Branch held a number of meetings with Sajid about extremist elements at the site, but no overt action was taken. Sajid, chairman of the Muslim Council for Religious and Racial Harmony, is understood to have raised his concerns about the mosque with Blair. Police sources have confirmed that in the past extremist literature had been found at the site and that some of those attending the mosque were suspected of having fought as “mercenaries” abroad. The Charity Commission, which has jurisdiction over the mosque because it is run as a charity, said it did not know how the mosque was receiving and spending money and added that it was operating “in breach of legal requirements”. A reporter spent two weeks undercover at the Al-Quds mosque, which is in a detached house in Brighton. On Fridays, it can attract 100-200 worshippers. Deghayes made his extremist views clear while chatting to the reporter. Asked whether he shared Galloway’s view that the prime minister was a legitimate target for suicide bombers, he replied: “Yes, I do, I do.” In another conversation, Deghayes said: “He is a legitimate target. Him and Bush are part of all that we see now.” Later asked if he ever prayed for Blair to be attacked by a Muslim, he said: “I pray to Allah to support them. Of course, I know anybody who attacks in the name of Islam, Allah will take care of him.” Deghayes also said he was unconcerned about British troops being killed in Iraq because the issue was “all clear in international law”. “Under international law anybody who’s been invaded, they are entitled to self-defence,” he said.
Much as i loathe Islam, i would celebrate if one or others ‘despatched’ the idiot Blair creature, no remorse, he should look over his shoulder for the rest of his ill-gotten days, which i hope are few.
Got to love the bBC, its Easter, the holiest week in the Christian calender and they come out with an article about how important Jerusalem is to all faiths. never seen the bBC do likewise with Islam What makes Jerusalem so holy? According to most Christian traditions, Jesus was crucified there, on Golgotha, or the hill of Calvary, his tomb is located inside the sepulchre and this was also the site of his resurrection. According to, we know that somebody was crucified there, so the story is based on fact and then we have this? Muslims believe the Prophet Muhammad travelled here from Mecca during his night journey and prayed with the souls of all the prophets. A few steps away, the shrine of the Dome of the Rock holds the foundation stone, where Muslims believe Muhammad then ascended to heaven.
And what the bBC don’t tell you, but surreptitiously hide away to by writing ‘night journey’ is Mohammed never travelled to Jerusalem, he only dreamed he went there..
And on Good friday of all days. The bBC the traitors within our midst.
The BBC fail to mention that every year since the Babylonian exile of the Jews in 597 BC , Jews say as part of the Passover services in their homes ” Next year in Jerusalem”.
I wonder how the BBC decided on the order to present each group’s claims on Jerusalem?
This is a ‘colour; piece so perhaps we shouldn’t expect much. While Jerusalem is holy to the three major monotheist religions it is not equally important to each of them.
The BBC repeats the the third holiest site in Islam myth for Islam. As Prof. Daniel Pipes has noted the importance of Jerusalem varies according to who controls it. Under Jordanian control (1948-1967) not one world Muslim leader thought it important enough to visit and unlike Mecca and Medina there is no obligations towards it. Even the identification of Jerusalem as Al Quds is debateable. Al Quds means the furhtest mosque and there was no mosque in Jerusalem (the Arabs having not yet invaded and occupied it) during Mohammed’s lifetime.
Apparently there’s a demonstration at Regent’s Park Mosque, heard about it on Radio 2, indirectly that is on the travel report! Nothing on the preceding news bulletin at 3pm …
I think that school dinners should be banned, and parents forced to give the children breakfast before they attend, even if it means getting their kids up at 5:00 am and that the schools should not allow any kind of food or drinking during the day.
Parents can feed their kids an evening meal when they get home at night, if they work long hours then a meal at 10:00pm is acceptable.
We have 90,000 foreign-born doctors, too many of whom aren’t up to the job and that’s official, if racist, according to some desperate advocates for incompetency.
I notice the BBC hasn’t told us, and never would, that the government’s response earlier this year was to cut the intake of new British students to the UK’s medical schools. Yes I didn’t make this up.
What passes for ‘education’ in Islamic Republic of Pakistan and being imported into Birmingham and other places in England via ‘trojan horse’.
INBBC has a version of it, but doesn’t get the implications-
“Pakistan: Islamic seminary names library after bin Laden, contains only books about Islam”
Robert Spencer comments on INBBC report:-
“Now wait a minute. It is an unquestionable dogma in the mainstream media in the West, even in ‘conservative’ circles, that Osama bin Laden was a misunderstander of Islam — indeed, the world’s foremost misunderstander of Islam, a twister and hijacker of the Religion of Peace who actually misunderstood it in a way that led him to think that it mandated warfare against Infidels. So entrenched is the dogma that in 2007 I was in Berlin, speaking at a conference sponsored by the U.S. State Department and German Foreign Ministry, and got into a conversation with a State Department official who referred in passing to the jihad terrorists as ‘Muslims.’ Then, embarrassed, he stopped himself and said, ‘Well, I shouldn’t call them “Muslims”…’
“And his embarrassment and self-correction is shared by virtually all of American officialdom; if anything, it is even more entrenched now than it was in 2007. But in Pakistan, our friend and ally, not only is bin Laden not regarded as a misunderstander of Islam, but so revered is he in Islamic circles that now a library consisting entirely of Islamic books has been named after him.
“American officials, however, are certain not to ponder the implications of this. Instead, they will continue to cling to their dogma, no matter how disconfirmed by the facts it becomes.”
Beeboid Schofield is pro-left and pro-E.U, so he eulogises ‘Dany the Red’ Cohn-Bendit, a somewhat confused, bombastic anarchist(?!), greenie, and E.U federalist.
Contrast Beeboid treatment of Farage.
Feedback is a complete waste of time. A cosmetic attempt to exonerate the BBC from each and every complaint other than the truly minor. Give it no credence. I heard it and it was crystal clear that the BBC sees it as it’s duty to accept the “settled science” on climate change.
Don’t bother with the BBC.
Propaganda for the fading liberal elites. It overestimates it’s power and we should not .
Instead, INBBC wants continuing mass immigration from Islamic countries into Europe (and U.K), and puts out praise for Islamic jihadist murderers from U.K operating in Syria!
Aw………….how sweet……….and on Good Friday too………..hope she goes running back to Daddy to tell him it was all the fault of those nasty EDL upsetting the muslims and forcing them to rape her.
I bet she enjoyed the rough hands.
Look at the photos and see a white muslim with a reddish beard. I have seen this guy on many similar photos and swear I have seen him asking a question in the studio audience on Question Time.
Why has the BBC and the media in general gone ‘dark’ on Sri Lanka? Remember all those calls for investigations into government abuses in the war between the government and the LTTE? Maybe the peace is just too peaceful to be newsworthy?
Absolutely disgusting pro-Muslim BBC propaganda on the Ten O’Clock ‘News’ tonight. BBC sympathizing with the little jihadi scum-bag who went to fight in Syria. The BBC came out with the worst propaganda yet when they stated: “Thousands of British men are…”. No, BBC, it is MUSLIM IMMIGRANTS NOT BRITISH MEN who are going to Syria to blow themselves up or fight jihad.
I’m glad he was whacked as it’s one less extremist we have on our streets.
Agreed … did you catch that crock about
“Trojan Horse” on Newsnight last night …
lots of craven “socially conservative” Islam
“orthodox” islam etc …
“after all when does piety, and devotion become a worry”
…. (shakes head) obviously not read the Quran then? …
According to the Independent, around 400 “British Nationals” have gone to “fight” in Syria. Sadly, only 20 have so far been killed. The survivors will, of course, be welcomed back without restriction, thereby enabling them to continue their “fight” in Britain, like the Islamo-fascists “baying for blood” outside Regents Park Mosque on Good Friday.
They will use their standard procedure. Censor it , distort it, lie about it. If the story doesn’t die quickly they will come up with it all being down to a few fanatics, unrepresentative of Islam as a whole, this will be backed up by wise comments from fellow travelers of the liberal left and Muslims deemed ‘acceptable’ by the BBC et al. There will be a final blast that if we white folks don’t be more accommodating of other cultures, we will be nurturing these fanatics and it will be our fault if there are ‘incidents’ and a loss of social cohesion.
That’s one of the BBC’s problems, just endless repeats.
It is only reporting from the perspective of the Labour Party who have got a bit worried that the reality of Islamic entryism is getting some coverage.
Phase 1 report as a storm in a tea cup
Phase 2 attach the evil fachist Gove for ‘alarmism’*
Phase 3, Oops Labour have comented, re draft editorial approach…
Let us look at the BBC report….
“Mr Hunt will welcome Birmingham council’s investigation into the “so-called Trojan Horse conspiracy”
Well, it will be subject to the Birmingham City Council censors pen. I wonder how many entryist Councillors are on the ‘executive? I predict a “nothing to see here” whitewash. I notice he doesn’t welcome the DfE review – commissioned because Mr Gove DIDN’T TRUST the local council or local police to address the issue. After all who believed those girls who were serially abused by “men” when investigated by local councils**
But the claims about such “take-overs” have been strongly rejected by schools caught up in these claims.
Tahir Alam, chair of governors at Park View School, has warned of a “witch hunt” and has dismissed the “ridiculous assertions”.
Well he would wouldn’t he. The BBC fails to report……
“Park View and its chairman of governors, Tahir Alam, were named in the letter as being at the centre of the plot. Mr Alam and the school have furiously denied the claims as “fictitious”, “Islamophobic” and a “witch-hunt”.
However, the leaked report substantiates many of the claims made against the school. It accuses Park View of 20 separate breaches of the law, the schools’ funding agreement with the DfE, and the Academy Schools Handbook.”
“The inspectors found that, contrary to its denials, Park View did practise forced and discriminatory gender segregation.”
“The small number of Christian or non-Muslim pupils also suffered discrimination, the report says.”
“The core curriculum at the two secondary schools had been Islamised, with GCSE subjects “restricted to comply with conservative Islamic teaching”.
students at Park View encouraged to “begin and end each lesson with a prayer” and loudspeakers used to “broadcast the call for prayer across the school”.
The report added that the respected non-Muslim headteacher was marginalised, and female staff at one of the schools were treated in a “rude and dismissive” way. ”
Bird Identification for BBC Tweet of the Day:
If the bird has the following identifiable characteristics…
– Waddles
– Loves rainy weather
– Swims in pond
– Has loud resonant call “Quack”
– Answers to the name “Donald”
It is probably a duck.
*Naturally alarmism doesn’t apply to the ‘far right’ (TM BBC) or Global warmism, or the lies about ‘starving Britain’ or any other of the blatantly untrue memes the BBC propounds
**Grooming and abuse occurs in all races and cultural groups(TM BBC) this is a fact- but the BBC never quite gets to the ‘perhaps the incidence differs between groups’ bit.
“So what was the evidence that provoked such a serious intervention and the accompanying media frenzy?”
I refer Ms Yaqoob to the Daily Telegraph article cited above. I think that there are sufficient grounds for investigation. And as for the impact on community cohesion, I suspect mandatory Arabic lessons for 8yo kids (with no other languages on the curriculum) may be indicative of a utter rejection of the concept of cross-community cohesion by some.
As ever the comments on the article are a hoot. Despite the fact that the ‘anti-terrorist’ chap is no such thing and this has been pointed out numerous times there are still those posting foaming that there couldn’t ever possibly be any, whatsoever, connection between Muslim school governors and terrorism. Oh no siree!
There are a number of posters who, mostly gay, are reasonably clued in but, wow! The number of posts that try to deflect onto Christians or conservatives is also quite funny.
It’s the BBC solidified into one long hate-fest; and our resident trolls think this place is bad!
Here’s one suited very much to the connoisseur of – shall we say – the more nuanced of BBC phraseologly.
Nicky Campbell likes to ponce about on Twitter showing off to a small self-selecting group of lefty campaigners, oddball Mohamedans and infantile ‘diddle aminal’ lovers.
There was a time when sad cases mailed their starry heart throbs ill-fitting knitwear in vain hope – now they take to Twitter.
And on this social media Campbell recently received some praise for his ‘stepping aside’ (?) from that cataclysmically ill-timed BBC Jimmy Savile Tribute fiasco.
Egos being egos, how could a chap neglect to take a bow?
sonos @sonos7 Apr 16
@NickyAACampbell I salute you sir for not paying tribute to #jimmysavile on the #BBC Christmas Tribute show but kept your integrity
Nicky Campbell @NickyAACampbell Apr 16
@sonos7 thanks. But I don’t blame the people who did. The truth wasn’t properly put then.
‘The truth wasn’t properly put’
I can envisage that one being taken up by many an errant school boy.
Not to mention the nation’s brigade of criminal defence lawyers. “M’lud, before you pass down sentence I would just like to say in mitigation that despite the scathing remarks of my learned colleague my client’s case has really not been an evasive pack of lies and obfuscations – it’s just that the truth wasn’t properly put”
‘Today’ this morning – woke up to a long, dreary piece about poor “transpersons” (women who think they are men, or vice versa) whingeing about the lack of universal toilets (or “rest/bathrrom”) facilities for the poor dears in the UK. Glanced at the calendar, no, it isn’t April 1st. That was immediately followed by the poor people of the rainforests in Amazonia whingeing about eco-biodiverstity-oil drilling, or something, and it affecting the tourists – those same tourists, mind, who require oil in order to make the trip to the Amazon in the first place. (I may have misheard it, being half asleep), but I’m afraid I turned over to Classic FM, and dropped orf, again…
Whilst I have ever sympathy for those who are afflicted by these issues I do find the attempts by the extreme left to hijack the debate somewhat laughable, or at least I would if it wasn’t serious. I mean, what are they proposing three rooms labelled ‘Men, Women and unsure’? What symbol are they going to use to denote ‘trans-gender?’ Why three rooms and not four; surely there will be both male and female trans requiring the loo?
Once again people with a genuine grievance are being used by the left as a sledgehammer. It will only end in tears. Again.
Well today I cought the second half of another session of Left-of-centre foreign journos and commentators shooting the breeze and looking out for some armchair revoultion.
It comes to a pretty pass when the only voice with anything interesting and even remotely off-message to offer was the guy from Voice of Russia.
For example, on religion : ‘people in the West are realising that I-pads and Miley Cyrus just don’t cut it’
Gavin Esler was of course having none of it : ‘But aren’t we – some poeple might say – in a “post-religious” phase?’
I suppose we should thank the BBC for letting him on air. But really we’re he not there I swear the chairman and panel might have disappeared in full agreement up their own diverse arseholes.
For INBBC: murderous Islamic jihadist = ‘misunderstood, young Briton’.
INBBC politically sympathetic to getting British soldiers to fight and die for Islamic jihad! Gets father of Islamic jihadist to put the case! -All paid for by we licencepayers!
Two reports:-
‘Daily Mail’-
“Father of British teenager, 18, killed as he fought ‘jihad’ in Syria with his brothers says he only discovered his son had died when he read it on Facebook.
“Abdullah Deghayes, 18, from Brighton, was killed during conflict in Syria.
“His family said they did not know he had travelled to the war-torn country.
“Abubaker Deghayes, 45, said he found out about son’s death on Facebook.
“He said his son is a ‘martyr’ and had tried to defend ‘those who are weak.’
“Tributes have been pouring in on Twitter and Facebook for the teenager.”
-And will INBBC support this Islamic campaign of the Islamic jihadist’s father to get our non-Muslim British soldiers to risk their lives fighting an Islamic jihad murderous cause in Syria, and elsewhere? Come on, Beeboids: you know you want to.
You’re already shown you political sympathy for Islamic jihad on ‘Today’ interview, referred to here-
“Father of teenage fighter killed in Syria calls on UK to arm rebels”
INBBC and ‘Today’ facilitate campaigns by relatives of Islamic jihadists, broadcasting political appeals FOR British non-Muslims soldiers to risk their lives in Syria for an Islamic jihad cause.
Will INBBC and ‘Today’ now facilitate a campaign by opponents of Islamic jihad broadcasting political appeals AGAINST British non-Muslim soldiers risking their lives in Syria for an Islamic jihad cause? E.g. by Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer, still banned from entry into U.K for their opposition to Islamic jihad.
It’s that lovely, tolerant and welcoming Religion of peace, again folks. How many more warning signs do the Left need in order to realize that Islam is a violent and supremacist ideology that will stop at nothing to achieve majority power.
INBBC ‘Education’ news section has not reported this further Islamisation of U.K.
Perhaps Beeboids need more time to put a pro-Islamic spin on their political presentation.
Radio 5 Dead this morning, from 5 a.m. onwards, decided to act as the mouthpiece of the teachers’ closed-shop unions. The lead item on the ‘news’ was a NUT survey that half of 7,000 teachers questioned knew of an ‘unqualified’ teacher.
Later, it was explained that this meant that actually some 3% of teachers in the public sector had not attended one of the social-engineering teacher-training colleges, and instead had done a real job and were now sharing their knowledge and experiences with children. The bBBC gave lots of opportunity for union leaders and loony-leftie teachers to say how terrible this was, but didn’t ask any children, parents or ‘unqualified’ teachers what they thought. Or indeed, compare the state-schools – dominated by unionised ‘qualified’ teachers – with public schools that have far more ‘unqualified’ staff.
Pure propaganda for the loony teachers’ unions. Typical bBBC.
You touch on an important matter. Teachers have great influence. The pods infesting the profession now are just that- bodysnatched pods.
No wonder our children are so badly educated now. Keep your children away from school as long as legally possible. At least then the conditioning is starting when the child is able to cope with it.
Absolutely right Dave S. This weekend’s NUT Conference provides a stall and discussion opportunity for the street thugs of the UAF, who they regularly support in their undemocratic and highly questionable activities.
One has to wonder whether or not the nuts at NUT ever considered if a qualification in teaching was necessary to teach. It never used to be and state education was better then than now.
I was taught at school by unqualified teachers and later took ‘A’ levels and was taught by at least two teachers who had failed the ‘A’ level. Thing is, they had learned their subject and could teach so most of us passed.
So what is the point of the qualification? Indoctrination. Most teachers I know know damn well that what they were taught on their PGCEs or degree causes was bullshit as none of it works. Most of them just play lip service and only use such methods when an Inspector is around. What choice to they have, their career depends on saying and being seen to do the ‘right’ things.
There are many teachers out there that loath the way they have to teach and know full well that state education fails children en masse. That is why the turnover rate for teachers is so high. Labour was proud of its ‘record’ on the number of teachers trained but what was never asked during the long night by the BBC was why so many teachers were needed when so few schools were being built. Because they were replacements …
Labour has destroyed the only chance of many working class kids of improving their lives. But then what is the use of an educated working man to Labour?
Another day and another radio presenter dies, sad for his family, but why do the BBC feel that their presenters are so nationally important that they merit an obituary in air?
It’s almost a kind of arrogant self important egotism, that they hold themselves in such high regard that they feel as prominent as people who actually achieve something in their lives, not someone who works in their job presenting programs.
Radio presenters, Bingo Callers, Train Announcers and many more have useful functions. In the name of equality either mention all or none. Come to think of it, of the three I have mentioned, only one of these professions are associated with bias and lies.
Everthing now makes a vote for UKIP that much more important. The political class has to be shaken to the core and this class now fears the worst. To stop this the liberal establishment wil do anything. That means the BBC as well. Trust nothing they say.
I want to see the Tory party decimated at the EU elections, the Libdems finished and Labour struggling ( they have a real tribal vote).
It could happen. It has to happen or this country could face disaster.
After such a big political shake up, if such a thing were to happen, I’d like to see some new parties being the norm :
1. An old aristocratic/church/tradition party.
2. A Nationalist party.
3. A Libertarian party.
If anyone doesn’t align themselves in any of those there’s always the monster raving loonies, currently covered by lab/lib/con.
The current ‘Conservatives’ should be thought of as far left as the SWP in my opinion.
This will not be news to some but LBC is available on DAB. They did such a good, balanced job of the first Clegg-Farage debate that I’ve started listening to them. It’s a novel experience, Talk Sport apart, for me to hear radio presenters with a point of view I sometimes share. I’ve listened to BBC R4 a lot but never listened to BBC R5 Live. Those here exasperated by R5 Live might like to listen to LBC. They do have El Clegg, but at least he’s not afraid to have a debate with Farage, even if he was embarrassingly inept.
Yes being from Essex , I `ve been lucky enough to be able to listen to the station since the 70`s ,although they lost their franchise in the 90`s,but GWR , bought the name, & the station was resurrected ,before eventually becoming part of Global Radio . I only ever listened to it because , they always dressed to the right . The only semi – speech BBC station worth a listen is BBC Essex , but I do vaguely know one of the presenters on there,is a friend, of a friend, likewise BBC Suffolk, one of my cousins knows one of the presenters.They do tend to be impartial as ,`I know where you live` comes into it on those stations , although , many other local BBC stations are not.
INBBC’s Lyse ‘the humanity of the Taliban’ DOUCET talks of Christian victims in Syria, but she censors out the word ‘Muslim’ to describe the perpetrators of the violence against the Christians.
After a long while she indicated the Christians were under attack from the Sunni rebels but she hastened to add it was not a targeted operation by the jihadis.
No INBBC report on this latest Islamic jihad murder of Christian priest in Central African Republic:-
“Central African Republic:
Islamic jihadists murder Catholic priest, mutilate corpse”
By Robert Spencer.
“The Seleka rebels are Muslims who ousted the country’s Christian president and replaced him with a Muslim, and terrorized the CAR’s Christian population until they formed ‘anti-balaka’ militias — the balaka was a kind of machete that the Muslims had used to kill Christians — and began to fight back. The international media has focused entirely on Muslims as victims of Christian atrocities. No atrocities by anyone are ever justified; the coverage has been astonishingly one-sided. Here, as in so many places, Islamic jihadists began the conflict, and there would be no conflict without them.”
Talking of Beeboid priorities, BBC licence-payers already have to finance INBBC Arabic TV and rest of World Service, which broadcasts for the virtually all the world’s people.
How soon will it be before Beeboids provide all its domestic output for British people in Arabic as well as in the English language?
Will INBBC use this from the front-page of ‘Sunday Telegraph,’ OR wait for the ‘The Observer’ Islamised version?:-
“Islamist plot: six schools face Ofsted special measures
Six schools implicated in the so-called ‘Trojan Horse’ plot by extremists to ‘Islamise’ secular state education face being placed in special measures”
tomoFeb 24, 09:24 Start the Week 24th February 2025 A conceited ideologue in government….
andyjsnapeFeb 24, 09:23 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Hello MarkyMark A bit like Indian landlords can buy up most houses in the UK, but foreigners cannot own land…
Fedup2Feb 24, 09:19 Start the Week 24th February 2025 The cash and Dan show will have a whole list of democrat Feds heading for the door….
MarkyMarkFeb 24, 09:16 Start the Week 24th February 2025 “”FUN, FRESH and THUMPING with ENERGY” – Jeff Kinney, bestselling author of Diary of a Wimpy Kid “MC Grammar is…
tomoFeb 24, 09:15 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Having followed Dan Bongino sporadically for several years that caused me to laugh out out 🙂 He know where a…
AsISeeItFeb 24, 09:12 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Nigel Farage would be wise to back off from his enthusiasm for proportional representation. The tendency – seen again and…
It’s selective and misleading articles such as the following that vex me the most. Generalised language such as ‘take away owners’ misleads us into thinking it’s a common multi-establishment problem across the nation but after a wee bit of reading between the lines we soon find out that it is a problem specific to kebab and curry take cafes in Birmingham and London… so in fact it is a mainly Muslim problem:
Even though I do like a kebab after a few pints of real ale, I stopped a few years back after I learned about the disgusting halal slaughter cruelty that is criminally allowed to take place here. Also took a few inches off the old wasteline 😉
extreme deceit and extreme cruelty …
wouldn t be Islam would it?
I wonder if the customers got charged for the extra ‘droppings’?
Good for you, they use inferior, crappy meat, and they hate us, they really do. I never use these shitty establishments, and that includes so-called ‘top-end’ curry houses. The sort of people that use them are usually piss-heads that are racist anyway, how stupid is that, eating food that is ‘prepared’ by people they hate, and ‘cooked’ by people that hate them.
Oh for Christ’s sake Robert Brown, do you ever stop bloody moaning you miserable, bigoted sod?
This is OUR country. PAKIS GO HOME.
Even better reason to stop is that you just dont know what’s gone into them – very little lamb for sure, and almost certainly the bits you wouldnt want to eat!
Those that wish to ‘dine’ in these shitholes, deserve to get served all the shit that comes their way.
In other news bear shits in woods etc etc.
What are usually, and loosely termed ‘Indian’ restaurants, in U.K, are, not all, but mainly Muslim-owned restaurants.
I think you will find the problem is mainly confined to Pakistani owned restaurants.
actually more Bangladeshi, I think ?
Don’t agree. Most Indian restaurants are Bangladeshi but they are generally more honest and hygenic than Pakistanis.
Quite astonishing the level of Waycism and Hatred between Pakistanis and Bangladeshis, but it’s never spoken of by the fascists, because ethnics can’t be racist, so it doesn’t happen.
Another stunning denial of reality.
You don’t really live up to your moniker do you?
It is not racism, it is an inter-ethnic conflict that started with the formation of Pakistan, came to a head in 1971 with the secession of East Pakistan, and has simmered ever since.
This is no more a race dispute than that of east and west Ukraine.
“Another stunning
denial of reality.display of ignorance.”“This is no more a race dispute than that of east and west Ukraine.”
You might think that you sound as if you know what you are talking about, Danny, but clearly you have never been to Ukraine or followed events there over the last few years. My girlfriend is from Ukraine and I have been there three times and I can tell you that there is racist conflict there like anywhere else on the planet.
Like you see between the Scottish and English (although, thankfully it doesn’t involve guns yet), there is much racist antipathy felt by both east and west Ukrainians towards each other. Those from the east, who largely descend from Russian ancestry, often experience racial hatred from those from the west where there is much more of a racial mix of peoples including Jews, Slavs, Tatars, Romani and from further back Poles. Slavs, Tatars, Romani and Jews encounter racist attitudes from those in the East. In fact, Ukraine is riddled with racism and this is well known, so please before you unleash a trail of verbal diarrhea, check your facts.
“but clearly you have never been to Ukraine ”
Bad luck. I was in Kiev in December and going again later this year.
Don’t rush back, now. There’s a good boy.
Fancy going to help your chums in Syria Danny?
‘You don’t really live up to your moniker do you?’
Raising the subject of living up to things is indeed brave as many, if not most, have enjoyed the combination of a welcome break and lovely weather to spend time with family or friends.
I was quite sorry to leave it behind, but at least an evening in a pub garden beckons later.
Just a quick moment over an aperitif to skip through the day’s emails, and who do I find more than any has been keeping stellar station on BBBC for the long weekend shift.
Irony of ironies, i……t’s Danny!
Danny Howard says:
February 22, 2014 at 8:33 pm
Some of us have jobs, families and lives and do not share your obsession with the output of the BBC.
So, it was either a different time or one no one invited you on the Easter egg hunt at the work outing or home to explain the ob…. commitment here today?
That would indeed make you cranky.
ps: Quite a few BBC top talent hit the Tahir Square hotel balconies to report on the glories of the Arab Spring. Their passports may have got a natty stamp to wave around at the FCC, but they really didn’t seem to get to grips with the realities outside the mini-bar and room service.
We of course can only take your word that you were ‘there’, if possibly only crossing some ‘i’s’ and dotting some ‘t’s’ of the BBC’s latest knock-off Cowell copy, probably a WIA talent show complement called ‘Britain’s Got It About Right’.
No idea if ET’s claim is any more genuine of course, but given the two I’m erring on a fellow with real chums there than some air miles warrior passing through the airport duty free.
All points some can still miss even if others do not.
Have a very good evening and the best of luck.
Actually Danny, the genocide carried out by Urdu speaking West Pakistani on their so called Bengali East Pakistani brothers was racism.
This they started by forcing them to speak Urdu ! Then forcing them to pay much more into the kitty of the Pakistani Union. Then when East Pakistan won the majority of the vote, they disregarded it, thus forcing East Pakistan to cede from Empire, West Pakistan then sent in the troops who used the apostate card to murder anybody who didn’t want to be a Pakistani. Thus by killing people for being different and promoting the view that they were superiors is by default……racism.
Hello, Danny.
Funny you should be talking about ignorance, because here’s something from the last open thread you need to be reminded of:
‘BBC, Ch4, Sky News and Classic FM news programmes are all biased (johnnythefish)’
Please provide a link to the relevant post as I don’t recall saying that.
Reply Report comment
johnnythefish says:
April 16, 2014 at 6:47 pm
Don’t bother, Danny, just found it above. In fact, the quote is your own:
‘Danny Howard says:
April 15, 2014 at 6:49 pm
In the last few weeks contributors to this site have claimed that Sky, the BBC, C4 and even Classic FM, news programmes are all biased.
Reply Report comment
johnnythefish says:
April 15, 2014 at 6:59 pm
Well spotted, Danny. It’s what a left-wing education system has eventually achieved.’
I think an apology might be in order.
Reply Report comment
johnnythefish says:
April 16, 2014 at 10:54 pm
Still waiting….. ‘
Can’t trust a word you say. You’re a bit like the BBC, really.
Both Kosher & Halal meat can be pre-stunned prior to slaughter, and this is the way the majority of meat is produced.
The brutal way in the report is performed by a very few slaughter houses, and is yet another example of a spineless government completely incapable of standing up to Muslims who are to be honest, being damn awkward in their demands.
A proper government would stop this and tell those that demand it, that if it is so important they can obtain it in another country outside the EU !
Kosher meat can’t be pre-stunned. The jury is out on whether kosher slaughter is the least painful form of slaughter or not. There is an argument that when properly performed, severing the trachea, esophagus, carotid arteries, jugular veins and vagus nerve in a swift action using an extremely sharp blade (“chalef”) only by a qualified shochet (ritual slaughterer. This results in a rapid drop in blood pressure in the brain and loss of consciousness.
Pre stunning would appear to be irrelevant Temple Grandin (an American doctor of animal science, a professor at Colorado State University) claims that the way animals are handled and restrained prior to slaughter likely has a greater impact on their welfare than whether or not they are stunned.
BBC – 5Live your call
very very dodgy meat?
First 2 food standards guys … there is a very questionable area,
wait for for it …. Halal! and takeaways?, hmm any ideas?
oops! … a hasty thank you and goodnight from the BBC inquisition ….
Enter stage left some Brick Lane, “beardo” who runs 4 restaurants, lots of airtime, and how does he guarantee quality? … one word …. Halal? ….
Yep!, you couldn t make it up …
Our fuzzy faced friend then waxes on … the problem is? … wait for it … NZ Lamb?
off switch!
just check out this sanitised BBC crock
Typical BBC being more than a little selective in their reporting. Just look on YouTube for examples of the inhumane treatment of animals during halal slaughter and also see the disgusting
filth conditions of premises and personnel involved
You have seen the BBC version. Here is the truth.
The first scene is of a NON Halal slaughter house.
That is disgusting, could only watch some of it. We truly are on a backward path.
Where are Animal Rights UK. when you need them ?
Same place women’s and homosexual rights advocates are .With their heads under the pillow hoping it will all be alright in the morning.
By Enza Ferreri.
This is OUR country. PAKIS GO HOME.
Excellent article from Guido showing the BBC bias in newspaper consumption –
What a surprise!
Who would ever have thought it?
You just do not have to guess anymore!
Shock horror the BBC is again caught blatantly trying to avoid representing the majority of the Nation who pay their TV tax and they just cannot help themselves, whenever they think they can get away with it, of giving a left slant in their political reporting.
The BBC appears to have some sort of structural suicide bid to end its current model.
In my humble opinion the organisation no longer worries about meeting its statutory obligation to represent the majority of the nation and instead finds ways to subtly favour the left and progressive policies.
This type of ethos, I believe, has resulted in the BBCs moral laxness allowing heinous crimes, like Saville, being committed under it’s auspices and them even trying to avoid some of their employees not to pay PAYE and grossly overpay other executives etc, etc.
One can see the similarities with it’s favoured political organ, the Labour Party with flocks of chickens now coming home to roost like the PIE saga and the trashing of our Nations finances, immigration open doors, Chilcott Report on the horizon and how this favored minority of the population party has failed in almost every department of state under their watch.
One would think that any organisation benefiting from such ginormous public financing the BBC would automatically not wish to lose that by keep rubbing our noses in it.
Notwithstanding the Tories are generally hopeless at fighting their own corner with so many home goals, but one hopes they have finally seen the light and the 2016 BBC review reflects that.
Charlatans: “Notwithstanding the Tories are generally hopeless at fighting their own corner with so many home goals, but one hopes they have finally seen the light and the 2016 BBC review reflects that.”
If the Scots are still voting in 2015 it’ll be a Labour government when the charter review comes up in 2016. In which case the licence fee payers will be shafted again, as per usual.
It is never ending. Today, yet another BBC attempt comes to light to undermine the majority of taxpayers who pay this organisations wages so they can give us a left slant of the truth and rub our noses in it:
‘However, the popular press is where the BBC really gives the game away. Proportionally its consumption of the Mail is half that of the public and its consumption of the Sun is just a third that of the public. These are by some distance the two best-selling newspapers among the general population. Yet BBC consumption of the Mirror is proportionally double that of the Sun and 1.5 times that of the Mail.’
Does that make them ‘out of touch’ with most of the population?
Or is it the case that, because the BBC’s own market share of news and current affairs is around 70% they cannot fail to be in touch?
Does that count as a paradox or is it just rigging the market?
I’m afraid as with many things it isn’t that simple.
Suppose I was to ask you to go and find what was in the papers. The chances are you would buy one of each, what would be the point of buying more than one copy, but that would mean that your consumption of the lesser titles would be massively higher than the average, and massively lower for the higher selling papers.
To be fully representative you would have to buy one copy of the lowest selling and maybe 25 of the highest. But what would be the use of 25 copies?
thoughtful – point accepted – but it is not about the buying of the rag – but daily using content in such reporting like ‘What the papers say’ and reference to prioritizing other stories.
Nice try, but if the BBC represented the population, their consumption of newspapers would reflect the UK figures. They all read the Guardian, which most people consider out of touch and unrepresentative, that is the point.
At risk of unleashing the Candymen, this is the first posting of crucial, topical news I see on my FB feed from the BBC:
The Today Programme
The world’s first homoerotic stamps are to be produced in Finland. Estelle Lovatt and David Bailey discuss this “great statement”.
Interesting “quote”. I think I may in any case spare myself further info on whether they are self-adhesive of prepped for use old school.
The comments are shaping up well already, so may be worth a bookmarking.
Especially if certain other groups, not known for their tolerance, but keen on postal voting, see areas of concern worth voicing.
It may even require popcorn.
‘world’s first homoerotic stamps’
presumably useful for those who prefer to lick the stamp on the other side
and I don’t mean ITV
The evil spreads. This story is currently and inexplicably number 6 in the ‘most read’ list on the BBC site.
No sign of the Mirror debacle …
He’s just bitter that no-one likes his ‘work’ these days.
Maybe so. My point, though, was that the story was two years old yet still managed to score on the hit parade.
More incompetence than bias? Well how does it happen? No doubt the story has an id (in this case 16362975) which has a ‘hits’ counter against it for the day or week or whatever the time period is. How then does it get on the ‘most read’ list two years after it was written? Which story did it supplant I wonder?
The evil spreads further!!
Now there are 3 zombie stories. One on the 2012 Asteroid DA14, yet another Facebook is bad related story and one about breast feeding from February.
It’s the day of undead all over again. Remember to double-tap.
The evidence strongly suggests (in fact everyone just knows) that the BBC choose or create stories that fit the Left narrative. The arts are a favourite area for the BBC to criticize the nasty Tories cuts as the arty-farty scene (especially scenes that include radical lesbian thespians, contemporary dance expressionists and creative performance writers) is saturated by lunatic lefties of all types, so they’ll keep pumping these non-stories up the website’s most popular stories even though no-one’s probably even looked at them.
I’ve recently discovered that the BBC in smug mode is even more annoying than their usual sanctimonious one.
This hit me with the coverage of the new gay marriage law. Dozens of smiling gay couples, congratulations from every major party leader (Except Ukip). There’s almost nobody left worth mocking from the “forces of conservatism”.
There’s also no sense from the Beeb at how weird it is for Cof E priests to be campaigning for LGBT rights, or in other words Anglican priests campaigning for sin.
That Ruthless Truth guy nails it in, “Dearly Beloved” at:
‘The Church of England is in the eternal verities game.
They’ve got a message that is two thousand years old, written in some of the most affecting English ever set down.
They have thousands of churches whose beauty is a visual testament to the power of that message on those score generations of believers that went before.
Sometimes that message will be out of step with the times, but the faithful won’t mind that because they are after all eternal truths not a matter of fashion.
If Anglicanism were alive, the Church’s former teaching on marriage would be part of an irreducible core, which its clergy would gladly die to defend.’
In a ‘different time’ this would most likely have caused a split of historical proportions.
But now, whether or not your are an Anglican, you just think ‘What next?’
The Cof E has no future now. The Catholic Church has always regarded it as a church only temporarily in schism . So it will split. Some to the Catholics and some to the Methodist side of things. The rump will quietly wither away.
It – the Cof E- will pay the price for putting fashion and the doings of the wortld above “eternal verities” ( as you say).
It has been a long time coming but it will happen now.
The doings of the world only satisfy for a while. In the end there are other things. It is soon to be Good Friday. A day for other things.
The Catholic priest and the C of E vicar were passing time on a railway journey by arguing the rights and wrongs of their different interpretations of Christian faith.
Finally, in exasperation, the Catholic priest called a stop and said that they should agree to disagree, “You worship God in your way and I’ll worship Him in His”!
[No doubt originally told better by Dave Allen]
The Cof E has no future now.
When a major religion attacks itself and then promotes a foreign and alien faith, extinction can be the only result.
Tell me, what are the odds against lightening striking the same place twice?
BBC News Channel at 2pm today and presenter Carol Walker stumbles over a headline.
Introducing the present anti-terror trial in New York she says ‘….Radical Cl…Cleric Abu Hamza….’
This is a strange mirror image of Alice Bhandhukravi’s recent BBC London News stumble :
‘the Radical Cleric…. Radical Muslim Cleric…’
Last minute editorial changes to the autocue throwing them off?
Read Goldfinger.
Paxman accuses the BBC of being smug and unfair (£)
Jeremy Paxman has attacked the BBC as complacent and accused it of exercising an unfair advantage over Britain’s online media.
The presenter of Newsnight and University Challenge is the latest BBC star to voice concerns about the way the broadcaster is run. John Humphrys, Jennifer Saunders and David Dimbleby have also spoken out in recent months.
In a newspaper interview, Paxman said that he was passionate about the BBC but had grown frustrated by its scale and corporate culture. He criticised the lavish payoffs given to former executives, suggested that the online news operation had overreached and even questioned the existence of Radio 1, its youth-oriented station.
He said that the BBC’s news website had an unfair advantage over commercial publishers, which include The Times. “And I don’t think that has really been sufficiently grasped at a senior level,” he said. “It just happened, in the same way as has the proliferation of extra television channels, the proliferation of extra radio channels — and going further back, the move into local radio.”
Surprisingly Paxman doesn’t seem to grasp what the BBC is actually about when he complains it is over reaching itself and seeking to grab a dominant slice of all new technologies etc and so crowding out commercial rivals.
The BBC’s mission is to proselytise for the liberal left. To do that to maximum effect it must, like any pernicious and invasive weed, suppress any other source of news or different opinions.
Either Paxman is dafter than he looks or he is beginning to realise that the License Fee game might be up and looking to a future post the BBC.
Woman beheaded by a man. Yes, its those men again.
Reading the full article it would appear that the man had known mental health issues and these are probably the reason for his actions rather than any religious fervour.
Yes that’s fair enough, Arthur. However the modus operandi is from the religion of peace.
Arthur wrote:
Reading the full article it would appear that the man had known mental health issues
Mental issues which only surfaced after he received legal representation in which to support his claim for…..manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility.
I mean if the man was savy enough to warn the poor girl that if she ever left him he would post naughty pictures of her to her family.
Savy enough to be a violent bully
Savy enough to travel from Iraq and claim asylum.
In fact the prosecution had this to say about this evil man:
He said he had ‘no history of mental illness’, adding: ‘He was able to function perfectly well – he held down a job, he lived on his own, he had his own flat and, it’s a self-evident truth, he had a girlfriend.’
So with that in mind do you not think , that there is something inherent in the way that men are not allowed to mix with women under the codex of the Koran that results in women being treated like dirt. I mean losing your head to a Muslim is a common occurrence.
But you continue to think along the lines that ‘Islam is peaceful faith’ I’m sure the hundreds of thousands of women who have had their bits chopped off, who are denied equality, who are forced to cover up will all agree with you.
I should have added something to my reference to the story of the ‘man’ responsible for the beheading. Insane or not, if he had been a Mormon, Fundamentalist Christian, or Buddhist, the BBC would have drawn attention to this, and no doubt adding – in the case of Buddhist – that despite their reputation for non violence there are many examples to the contrary. Fact is: the M word was not mentioned in any of the BBC’s coverage of this murder.
Have I ever said that Islam was a ‘peaceful faith’ or ever implied it?
I drew a point in the article and you provide contrary evidence – fair enough.
What I don’t want is this website and its members to attack Islam purely because the person involved was a muslim. There are often other reasons.
” There are often other reasons.”
Indeed there are, but the statistics may show a propensity for one particular ideology to be more violent than others.
Now I don’t have those statistics, but I have the feeling someone is going to attach a listing which gives some data.
Arthur, muslims as a whole are a cost to this country, not a benefit……even their doctors and lawyers show incompetence and crookedness in greater measure than the indigenous ones. Everything is deemed ‘ as Allah wills it ‘, no original thought, no initiative, nothing, their wretched cult is all that matters.
Yes, well said Robert.
And again…
have you noticed how radio 5 live and radio 4 this week have been feeding the muslim victimhood machine over this islamist trojan horse plot in birmingham on radiio 5 live and the stephen lawrence victimhood machine over his fathers attack on the met police accusing them of racism not for the first time on radio 4,by the way stephen lawrences father lives in jamaica now,he is not resident here anymore,but my point is this,the bbc always like to feed these victimhood machine like the lawrence family and the muslim commmuity,i wonder about this,why has the bbc and there victimhood machines and industry have not took up the cases of the policeman keith blakelock who was hacked to death by 20 black rioters 1987,yvonne fletcher the police officer mudrered by islamists in the libyan embassy siege 1984,the 21 dead murdered by the ira in the birmingham pub bombings in 1974,why have the familys and relatives of these victims not recieved no justice or campaigns on there behalf by the bbc and other media outlets
Well said Stuart.
I worked with an officer who had retired and come back as a civvy investigator. He was in Tottenham CID who pursued the killers of PC Blakelock. he explained what they did to find the suspects and was in no doubt, absolutely no doubt, they had the right man first time.
Courts and Juries say otherwise and I respect their decisions, but the hatred for those rioters who tried to decapitate the poor bloody PC was evident and real so many years later.
“BBC is accused of ‘crass insensitivity’ towards family of murdered PC Blakelock after man cleared of killing him is allowed to talk about how his death was ‘celebration time.’
“BBC accused of ‘crass insensitivity’ towards the family of murdered officer.
“Nicky Jacobs, who was cleared of murder, accused police of ‘wickedness.’
“MP said interview will upset PC Blakelock’s family, who still seek justice.”
Read more:
No justice no peace?
Marine Le Pen ripping Laura Kuenssberg a new one on Snoozenight – the subject is of course Islamism and Le Pen’s healthy attitude towards it. MLP sees it like it is, and tells it like it is – unlike our gutless shits.
Only shame is that it was Kuenssberg getting the shoeing – I’d have rathered it was Drearyshire.
And Laura is so so desperate to get Marine Le Pen to associate herself with Farage in the interview. I think I counted 9 separate leading questions. Of course she wasn’t biting. Laura practically begging on her knees for some ammo on Farage by the end. Quite transparently pathetic really.
Laura has always been pathetic. I thought I was a political lightweight, until she appeared on our screens.
Absolutely spot on from Marie Le Pen. If you had told me a few years back that the best hope for our values was the Russians and that I would agree with the French National Front, I would have laughed at you.
There were two voices screaming inside Kuenssberg’s head; the producer’s through the earpiece and her own, and they were both screaming…
BBC 10 o clock news: Some left wing Columbian author has died of old age. ………how many of the millions of constantly abused licence payers watching this banal crap do they think gives a toss ?
Never heard of him either , & I can picture thousands of the Beeboid fuckwitts haven`t either . They are probably all burning the midnight oil, swotting up on him, so they can be ” on message ” ! If he is a leftie ” another one bites the dust ” & I don`t care .
Neither have I but I’m guessing the Beeboids/Guardianistas have and that’s what’s most important …to them.
Its what Oz shouts at Barry in “Auf Weidersen Pet”
It is always impressive to see a person unashamed to display his or her ignorance of the world.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez was a Nobel Laureate — like Rudyard Kipling, George Bernard Shaw, William Butler Yeats, Thomas Mann, Sinclair Lewis, TS Eliot, Herman Hesse, Andre Gide, Bertrand Russell, Ernest Hemmingway, Albert Camus, Boris Pasternak, Jean-Paul Sartre, Samuel Beckett, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Heinrich Boll, Saul Bellow, Isaac Bashevis Singer, William Golding, Naguib Mahfouz, Nadine Gordimer, Kenzaburo Oe, Dario Fo, V. S. Naipaul, J. M. Coetzee, Harold Pinter, Doris Lessing, Mario Vargas Llosa, Alice Munro to name but a few.
Heard of any of them?
“It is always impressive to see a person unashamed to display his or her ignorance of the world.”
Yes, go into any pub in West Bromwich where I live and you can almost guarantee that the topic of conversation will be Nobel Literature Laureates.
I expect you have a picture of him on your bedroom wall. Sweet dreams.
Some of them wrote books worth reading. Not sure that the chap who has just died did, and if the BBC are in mourning then he probably didn’t!
Yes I have.
Haven’t you?
Heard of any of them?
I’ve heard of about all of them and read or memorised 😉 stuff by about 19 of them.
Well wikipedia’d bee tee dubs.
From the western shores of Gt Britain…. We have never heard of him until his name was mentioned on today’s BBC News ?
Do you like Kipling?
His cakes are wonderful, so yes I do like Kipling.
I don’t know, I’ve never kipled
It’d be interesting to find out how many of the winners in the past 50 years could be described as traditionalist, ‘right-wing’ or conservative, as opposed to progressive or left. But I can’t be bothered – I can just assume what the answer is.
Oldbob. Are you suggesting that the BBC only report on majority culture? How do you want to organise that? Sales because it is fair bet that Barbara Cartland has sold more than the winners of the last decade’s Nobel and Booker prizes combined? Some standard of majority approval because the paparback being read by the man on the Clapham Omnibus is likely more in tune with British culture than any Nobel Prize winner, including the British ones?
That the BBC still has some claims about reporting on excellence would seem to be one of the few reasons to pay any attention to it at all.
I should think he’s very famous and talked about amongst the liberal left chattering classes i.e. the echo chamber inhabited by the BBC, so by definition must be of world renown, meriting a news item.
Out of touch? You bet your bippy.
I have read a couple of his books. They were okayish just about.
Not interested that he has died though. A couple of seconds just stating that he had died would be quite enough not another wakefest.
Castro and Clinton knew him; they are photographed with him on the BBC site.
I have read some of his stuff, but I have the feeling he got the big send-off from the beeboids because he was an on-message lefty who loved revolutionary Cuba. In my humble opinion, Mario Vargas Llosa is better. He also understands the true nature of Castro’s Cuba, and once famously punched Garcia Marquez. Now there’s a great Latin American author whom I encourage you to check out!
Pro-E.U, anti-UKIP Beeboids do not see fit to publish this UKIP critique of ‘Times’ journalists and their anti-Farage campaign-
“Who are the Times journalists trying so desperately to undermine UKIP?”
“Vote Tory and get Labour” stick to UKIP
Most Tories are going to be holding hands with Liberals and Labour people, and vote UKIP. But it’s a pity that its only the European elections, but then, a UKIP landslide would encourage everyone to reject the LibLabCon Establishment at the General Election.
The fact is, only the Daily Express is supporting those who realise that the only way to get rid of Cameron before the election, is for all Tories who are not Pro-EU traitors, to vote UKIP in the European Elections.
Its the only way to save the Tory Party from destruction by the traitors.
If you’re black, Muslim, gay, Left-wing, SNP and so on then you get special treatment from the BBC:
‘Despite insisting he was ‘nowhere near’ the crime, Mr Jacobs did admit that, at the time, he wished he had been present. Interviewer Kurt Barling asked him: ‘Was there a moment in your mind at 16 where you thought “Ah, I’ve missed the main event”?’
What a totally inappropriate turn of phrase. BBC lefty student behaviour to the fore – again.
“France’s Front National party leader ‘opens arms’ to UKIP”
So says the BBC NEWS website headline this morning.
Its BBC smear of course. UKIP want absolutely nothing to do with FN. Quite right too. But by inference the headline paints UKIP as hard liners. It finishes the article with Nigel Farage being a “…charismatic leader” I think we know what the implication of that means.
The establishment really are putting the squeeze on UKIP.
But I don’t think it will wash anymore. The BEEB. MSM and LIBLABCON-artists are losing their power over the plebs and they hate it. The BBC have had it as an impartial news “service” and will be impossible for them to build up trust again.
As Uncle Bup and Amoorhouse above have noted, Katz slipshod market rate talent Laura K was pretty desperate to get a narrative established, and Ms. le Pen was not buying.
So it appears they have simply decided to skip past sorting it in post and running with a TIOE (tell it often enough) headline of their own creation anyway.
Propaganda backed by censorship.
One can see why the BBC does like packing its editorial top rankers with ex-Graun types.
But given Katz’ track record trying to rig voting patterns (Operation Clarke County) maybe he should be encouraged further?
The BBC lie through their teeth about global warming so why not UKIP? If there is no proof of any desire by UKIP to form an alliance with Le Pen, Farage should demand an apology.
I think the BBC really believe that Farage is some Pied Piper persuading us to vote UKIP against our better judgement. He is an outstanding politician but UKIP doesn’t depend on him.
A little bit of Good Friday porting (as Danny has rather messed with the long weekend crew again by claiming those who haunt these pages have no jobs or life, which makes the motivations of those who do so as a duty either professional or masochistic) on the old tablet whilst waking up over a cuppa in bed:
Alex says:
April 17, 2014 at 10:16 am
Restaurant owners? Care to narrow this down BBC? London and Birmingham? Oh, OK. You mean Muslim restaurant owners.
I always bookmark such stories when shared as it is rare to see an interactive, but when the topic is ‘interesting’ so can be the BBC response in terms of modding and, of course, closing:
17TH APRIL 2014 – 9:46
Oh dear, I always have a lamb curry.
Last: Letsaveitright
17TH APRIL 2014 – 13:57
Top Rated Comment:
Comment number 196. Philip C
17TH APRIL 2014 – 10:51
This comment was removed [along with several others high rated] because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.
So, open when most have gone to work and closed well early in case they get the afternoon off.
Given the way things were headed, shocked, I tell you.. shocked.
An advert broadcast on ITV asks : “Is the British weather robbing your child of Vitamin ‘D’?”
Funny how our capitalist corporations forsake Global Warming when they have something different to sell. But I’m not here to wave the red flag or to tear down the green one.
Just to ask how come our national broadcaster never asks ‘Is Mass Immigration robbing your child of a school place?’
‘The Department for Education published information showing how councils had “firm plans” for an extra 300,000 places – with a further 57,000 needed to meet the expected demand in the autumn of next year.’
‘It also said that the numbers in primary school rose from 3.9 million in 2012 to more than 4.01 million in 2013.’
‘And it revealed huge increases in some areas, such as Croydon, south London, where pupil numbers are expected to rise 44% between the summer of 2010 and autumn next year. In Barking & Dagenham there is an increase of 43%.’
‘But the figures also show how this population surge is not reflected across the whole country, with more than 430,000 vacant places last year.’
‘Have you been allocated a place for your child in your preferred primary school? If not, how will it affect you?’
‘If you would be happy to speak to the BBC please email using the subject ‘Primary Schools’.’
I’m afraid to say the Licence Payers are being a little unruly….
Is it against the law to show a picture of children in the uk where they are all white children? I mean a picture of several black or brown children is fine. A white child is not needed.
This subtle but repeated reinforcement that somehow white children are worth less in our society is something the BBC should look to address.
Since you have clearly missed the metaphors I will talk numbers. They are freely available. The best estimate – and since no one actually knows how many people have come into the UK in the last 17 years it can only be estimate – is a net figure of 3 million.
Enough for you?
Why so different in London? The article scratches at the surface, provides statistics, hints at what has caused this issue and then tries to tie it all to money
It appears no one told the last Labour Government that when they decided to let the world and his wife come and live here the world and his wife also had children.
Everything’s great, there aren’t any problems other than the ones the Tory’s bring. Thanks bbc for keeping us all so well informed!
up 44% in 12 mnths! …
couldn t have anything to do with families with 7 or even 9 children now being syphoned out of London as
viewed only last week on the BBC?
Does this particular growing population of children have any issues with lack of vitamin D? …. then again the magic words … “climate change”
Not particularly BBC bias, but an insight into what is going on in the insane public sector world we rarely see.
Most people aren’t aware that there is a ‘political officer’ in ever single public sector department. They call them ‘diversity officer’ and they are there to monitor and report on anyone, just like in the old Soviet Union.
The politicisation of the civil service and much of the rest of the public sector including the BBC is fully politicised, and unfortunately leftie Dave has instead of making it better, made it worse !
I have a friend who has been a Magistrate for decades, but he has resigned recently. From a young age he was a member of the Communist party and to this day remains a card carrying Labour party member. The latest left wing nut casery has left him bewildered however.
If Magistrates have someone who has committed at least one offence, and has an issue with something like drugs or article, they are supposed to give them advice on how to live their lives in the style of a ‘best friend’.
As someone who knows all to well the nature of criminals whose lives are destroyed by drugs, he knows only too well that words from the bench are going to do nothing.
So out of touch and removed from reality are the people who impose this nonsense that they often cause infinitely more harm than good. They have no concept of real life, because safe in their indoctrinated London comfortable offices, they cannot see and have no concept of anyone else’s life. Worse, they don’t want to know, and will aggressively attack anyone who dares to tell them.
This I believe is what the BBC is also like. Insulated from the real world, they have no knowledge of what normal life is like. Their high salaries reinforce that insulation so that their private lives mirror their working ones, and give a distorted reality of what life is like for the majority of people in the UK today.
The BBC gives about as accurate a picture of life in the UK as EastEnders gives of life in London.
BBC productions are not simply fictional (and intellectually and imaginatively dead) they are ideological.
They give you an insight into the limited experience and impoverished imagination, and the greed, intolerance, and hypocrisy of the middle class (public sector) Left, and nothing else.
PS You are forced (by threat of imprisonment) to pay for it.
In Socialist ideology, feelings, emotion and art are very important.
That’s why they like to have giant pictures of people on the walls of government buildings, representing the ideological dream.
In the Soviet Socialist paradise you had giant images of men and women in boiler suits.
In the National Socialist paradise you had men and women in military uniforms.
In the Liberal Socialist paradise you have a white man in a boiler suit, a white woman dressed like a man and a black man dressed in a pinstriped suit.
Superb post Thoughtful… send it to the Guardian and BBC, see if they respond.
Radio 2 10am News main story,
“Brighton teenager killed in Syria” ….The tone of the story was sympathetic yet we find that Abdullah Deghayes went to Syria “without his family knowing” (yea?) and his uncle was once held at Guantánamo ….. umm something fishy here …
Do BBC news editors purposely try and wind us up by selling us a story which of the face of it is rather sad (Brighton teenager killed) yet then add just enough information to imply all is not as it seems….. Why no wider narrative?
Yes … heard this erm “grief stricken” jihadaddy
Who doesn t know anything, kids went to Syria against parents (who don t know anything) wishes,
Want any media to respect family wishes, at this time of grief … before using 😀 said media to spout propaganda
about son dying trying to free Syria from tyranny of Assad (bad) into hands of Islamist Jihadi s (good).
Thanks for that Imam … Allah Snackbar
Are these ‘British’ men fighting for multiculturalism, bbc? Or is multiculti only a good thing in the UK, whereas what Syria needs is hardline, medieval Sunni Wahabbism?
Yea, and his father called him a martyr……..pathetic….kick the whole family out, in fact, refuse re-entry to these imbeciles if they return, they have probably killed people or committed atrocities, have got the taste for it and will carry on here…..think government, think for once. These idiots are mercenaries, kick them and all their families out. Would they fight for this country? What do you think?
Robert there is a growing concern and not only here in the UK, that these Muslims could get home with much more terrorism know how to use on innocents here
-Islam IS … the Trojan Horse-
Some of the same people who were so vocal in warning of the alleged Islamophobic backlash now realise that the real threat is Islamic jihadist blowback. Has the British government previously turned a Nelson’s Eye to jihadists leaving for Syria as it gone them off our streets? How’s that working for you now PM eh?
Al Beeb reporting…
“William Hague urged British citizens not to travel to Syria”,
These “British citizens” see themselves about as “British”, as does the Man on the Moon!
As Bernard Manning once dryly observed – ‘just because a dog is born in a stable does not make it a horse’
The bBC, the so called death of a British Citizen inside Syria and…Half the story:
Brighton teenager killed in Syria
An 18-year-old British man has died in Syria, the Foreign Office has said. Sussex Police said they received information on Monday that the man had been killed “in recent weeks”. He is understood to be Abdullah Deghayes, from Brighton…Speaking to the BBC’s Ellie Price, Mr Deghayes’s father, Abubaker Deghayes, said he had thought his son was in Libya and he did not know of his trip to Syria. He said he had not seen his son for “two or three months”, but he now believed he had died in Syria.
Let me see, the name Deghayes, linked with Brighton rung a bell and what do you know pounce comes up with:
Brother cautious over Guantanamo news
Libyan-born British resident Omar Deghayes, 38, is among four British residents set to be released from US custody at Guantanamo Bay. His brother Abubaker, 39, from Brighton,
So the father of the dead teenager from Brighton is also the brother of a man who was caught in Afghanistan, locked up in Gitmo and whom the left (including the bBC) spent a lot of time making out to be a victim. Now we could all say that his uncles incarceration could have turned this young man to the dark side, so on that note here is something from the Times from 2006:
Imam backs terror attack against Blair
A RADICAL Muslim who ousted a leading moderate cleric from his mosque on the south coast with a campaign of violence has said he believes Tony Blair is a “legitimate target” for terrorists. Abubaker Deghayes, who now runs the mosque in Brighton and whose brother Omar is a detainee at Guantanamo Bay, told an undercover reporter that he endorsed the views of George Galloway, the Respect MP, who said an attack on the prime minister by a suicide bomber could be morally justified. Deghayes said he prayed for Allah to support anyone who attacked Blair. Court documents show Deghayes took over the mosque using violence, intimidation and threats. Dr Abduljalil Sajid, a leading imam and a government adviser on Islam, was forced out as head of the mosque by Deghayes and his supporters. It is understood Sussex police Special Branch held a number of meetings with Sajid about extremist elements at the site, but no overt action was taken. Sajid, chairman of the Muslim Council for Religious and Racial Harmony, is understood to have raised his concerns about the mosque with Blair. Police sources have confirmed that in the past extremist literature had been found at the site and that some of those attending the mosque were suspected of having fought as “mercenaries” abroad. The Charity Commission, which has jurisdiction over the mosque because it is run as a charity, said it did not know how the mosque was receiving and spending money and added that it was operating “in breach of legal requirements”. A reporter spent two weeks undercover at the Al-Quds mosque, which is in a detached house in Brighton. On Fridays, it can attract 100-200 worshippers. Deghayes made his extremist views clear while chatting to the reporter. Asked whether he shared Galloway’s view that the prime minister was a legitimate target for suicide bombers, he replied: “Yes, I do, I do.” In another conversation, Deghayes said: “He is a legitimate target. Him and Bush are part of all that we see now.” Later asked if he ever prayed for Blair to be attacked by a Muslim, he said: “I pray to Allah to support them. Of course, I know anybody who attacks in the name of Islam, Allah will take care of him.” Deghayes also said he was unconcerned about British troops being killed in Iraq because the issue was “all clear in international law”. “Under international law anybody who’s been invaded, they are entitled to self-defence,” he said.
I wonder why the bBC reporter didn’t know just how radical this family is and didn’t care to share it with the people who pay her wages?
Deport them all.
Children these days, they just blow up so quickly, don’t they? 🙂
I blame the parents.
Much as i loathe Islam, i would celebrate if one or others ‘despatched’ the idiot Blair creature, no remorse, he should look over his shoulder for the rest of his ill-gotten days, which i hope are few.
Got to love the bBC, its Easter, the holiest week in the Christian calender and they come out with an article about how important Jerusalem is to all faiths. never seen the bBC do likewise with Islam
What makes Jerusalem so holy?
According to most Christian traditions, Jesus was crucified there, on Golgotha, or the hill of Calvary, his tomb is located inside the sepulchre and this was also the site of his resurrection.
According to, we know that somebody was crucified there, so the story is based on fact and then we have this?
Muslims believe the Prophet Muhammad travelled here from Mecca during his night journey and prayed with the souls of all the prophets. A few steps away, the shrine of the Dome of the Rock holds the foundation stone, where Muslims believe Muhammad then ascended to heaven.
And what the bBC don’t tell you, but surreptitiously hide away to by writing ‘night journey’ is Mohammed never travelled to Jerusalem, he only dreamed he went there..
And on Good friday of all days. The bBC the traitors within our midst.
The BBC fail to mention that every year since the Babylonian exile of the Jews in 597 BC , Jews say as part of the Passover services in their homes ” Next year in Jerusalem”.
I wonder how the BBC decided on the order to present each group’s claims on Jerusalem?
This is a ‘colour; piece so perhaps we shouldn’t expect much. While Jerusalem is holy to the three major monotheist religions it is not equally important to each of them.
The BBC repeats the the third holiest site in Islam myth for Islam. As Prof. Daniel Pipes has noted the importance of Jerusalem varies according to who controls it. Under Jordanian control (1948-1967) not one world Muslim leader thought it important enough to visit and unlike Mecca and Medina there is no obligations towards it. Even the identification of Jerusalem as Al Quds is debateable. Al Quds means the furhtest mosque and there was no mosque in Jerusalem (the Arabs having not yet invaded and occupied it) during Mohammed’s lifetime.…like father like son,thanks new labour for your britianstan
Has been covered above..
Apparently there’s a demonstration at Regent’s Park Mosque, heard about it on Radio 2, indirectly that is on the travel report! Nothing on the preceding news bulletin at 3pm …
Droidnews always there with…
there’s a demo here (and psssst here’s how to get there and don’t forget yer balaclavas)
I think that school dinners should be banned, and parents forced to give the children breakfast before they attend, even if it means getting their kids up at 5:00 am and that the schools should not allow any kind of food or drinking during the day.
Parents can feed their kids an evening meal when they get home at night, if they work long hours then a meal at 10:00pm is acceptable.
Everyone else with me on this?
We have 90,000 foreign-born doctors, too many of whom aren’t up to the job and that’s official, if racist, according to some desperate advocates for incompetency.
I notice the BBC hasn’t told us, and never would, that the government’s response earlier this year was to cut the intake of new British students to the UK’s medical schools. Yes I didn’t make this up.
What passes for ‘education’ in Islamic Republic of Pakistan and being imported into Birmingham and other places in England via ‘trojan horse’.
INBBC has a version of it, but doesn’t get the implications-
“Pakistan: Islamic seminary names library after bin Laden, contains only books about Islam”
Robert Spencer comments on INBBC report:-
“Now wait a minute. It is an unquestionable dogma in the mainstream media in the West, even in ‘conservative’ circles, that Osama bin Laden was a misunderstander of Islam — indeed, the world’s foremost misunderstander of Islam, a twister and hijacker of the Religion of Peace who actually misunderstood it in a way that led him to think that it mandated warfare against Infidels. So entrenched is the dogma that in 2007 I was in Berlin, speaking at a conference sponsored by the U.S. State Department and German Foreign Ministry, and got into a conversation with a State Department official who referred in passing to the jihad terrorists as ‘Muslims.’ Then, embarrassed, he stopped himself and said, ‘Well, I shouldn’t call them “Muslims”…’
“And his embarrassment and self-correction is shared by virtually all of American officialdom; if anything, it is even more entrenched now than it was in 2007. But in Pakistan, our friend and ally, not only is bin Laden not regarded as a misunderstander of Islam, but so revered is he in Islamic circles that now a library consisting entirely of Islamic books has been named after him.
“American officials, however, are certain not to ponder the implications of this. Instead, they will continue to cling to their dogma, no matter how disconfirmed by the facts it becomes.”
Beeboid Schofield is pro-left and pro-E.U, so he eulogises ‘Dany the Red’ Cohn-Bendit, a somewhat confused, bombastic anarchist(?!), greenie, and E.U federalist.
Contrast Beeboid treatment of Farage.
“European elections: Bye bye Dany”
By Hugh Schofield.
I need somew help guys.
Someone tells me a caller on Radio 4’s Feedback today rang in to complain about the handling of climate change.
The editor’s response apparently was appalling if not sinister.
I want to run a post on this. If anyone has a transcript I would be grateful if he could send it to me at
Listen @ 8:29 on
Feedback is a complete waste of time. A cosmetic attempt to exonerate the BBC from each and every complaint other than the truly minor. Give it no credence. I heard it and it was crystal clear that the BBC sees it as it’s duty to accept the “settled science” on climate change.
Don’t bother with the BBC.
Propaganda for the fading liberal elites. It overestimates it’s power and we should not .
Not on INBBC’s radar:-
“European jihadists form ISIS brigades in Syria”
Instead, INBBC wants continuing mass immigration from Islamic countries into Europe (and U.K), and puts out praise for Islamic jihadist murderers from U.K operating in Syria!
Nor this:-
“Syria: Islamic jihadist threatens jihad attacks against Obama, Canada and the U.S.”
(video clip)-
Female BBC reporter attacked by camel-buggering jihadists outside Regents Park Mosque earlier today, according to this piece –
Aw………….how sweet……….and on Good Friday too………..hope she goes running back to Daddy to tell him it was all the fault of those nasty EDL upsetting the muslims and forcing them to rape her.
I bet she enjoyed the rough hands.
Look at the photos and see a white muslim with a reddish beard. I have seen this guy on many similar photos and swear I have seen him asking a question in the studio audience on Question Time.
Why has the BBC and the media in general gone ‘dark’ on Sri Lanka? Remember all those calls for investigations into government abuses in the war between the government and the LTTE? Maybe the peace is just too peaceful to be newsworthy?
Absolutely disgusting pro-Muslim BBC propaganda on the Ten O’Clock ‘News’ tonight. BBC sympathizing with the little jihadi scum-bag who went to fight in Syria. The BBC came out with the worst propaganda yet when they stated: “Thousands of British men are…”. No, BBC, it is MUSLIM IMMIGRANTS NOT BRITISH MEN who are going to Syria to blow themselves up or fight jihad.
I’m glad he was whacked as it’s one less extremist we have on our streets.
Agreed … did you catch that crock about
“Trojan Horse” on Newsnight last night …
lots of craven “socially conservative” Islam
“orthodox” islam etc …
“after all when does piety, and devotion become a worry”
…. (shakes head) obviously not read the Quran then? …
According to the Independent, around 400 “British Nationals” have gone to “fight” in Syria. Sadly, only 20 have so far been killed. The survivors will, of course, be welcomed back without restriction, thereby enabling them to continue their “fight” in Britain, like the Islamo-fascists “baying for blood” outside Regents Park Mosque on Good Friday.
Looks like <a href=""the s**t has hit the fan. Be VERY interesting to see how the BBC and Labour spin this
They will use their standard procedure. Censor it , distort it, lie about it. If the story doesn’t die quickly they will come up with it all being down to a few fanatics, unrepresentative of Islam as a whole, this will be backed up by wise comments from fellow travelers of the liberal left and Muslims deemed ‘acceptable’ by the BBC et al. There will be a final blast that if we white folks don’t be more accommodating of other cultures, we will be nurturing these fanatics and it will be our fault if there are ‘incidents’ and a loss of social cohesion.
That’s one of the BBC’s problems, just endless repeats.
I think we know the answer…
It is only reporting from the perspective of the Labour Party who have got a bit worried that the reality of Islamic entryism is getting some coverage.
Phase 1 report as a storm in a tea cup
Phase 2 attach the evil fachist Gove for ‘alarmism’*
Phase 3, Oops Labour have comented, re draft editorial approach…
Let us look at the BBC report….
“Mr Hunt will welcome Birmingham council’s investigation into the “so-called Trojan Horse conspiracy”
Well, it will be subject to the Birmingham City Council censors pen. I wonder how many entryist Councillors are on the ‘executive? I predict a “nothing to see here” whitewash. I notice he doesn’t welcome the DfE review – commissioned because Mr Gove DIDN’T TRUST the local council or local police to address the issue. After all who believed those girls who were serially abused by “men” when investigated by local councils**
But the claims about such “take-overs” have been strongly rejected by schools caught up in these claims.
Tahir Alam, chair of governors at Park View School, has warned of a “witch hunt” and has dismissed the “ridiculous assertions”.
Well he would wouldn’t he. The BBC fails to report……
“Park View and its chairman of governors, Tahir Alam, were named in the letter as being at the centre of the plot. Mr Alam and the school have furiously denied the claims as “fictitious”, “Islamophobic” and a “witch-hunt”.
However, the leaked report substantiates many of the claims made against the school. It accuses Park View of 20 separate breaches of the law, the schools’ funding agreement with the DfE, and the Academy Schools Handbook.”
“The inspectors found that, contrary to its denials, Park View did practise forced and discriminatory gender segregation.”
“The small number of Christian or non-Muslim pupils also suffered discrimination, the report says.”
“The core curriculum at the two secondary schools had been Islamised, with GCSE subjects “restricted to comply with conservative Islamic teaching”.
students at Park View encouraged to “begin and end each lesson with a prayer” and loudspeakers used to “broadcast the call for prayer across the school”.
The report added that the respected non-Muslim headteacher was marginalised, and female staff at one of the schools were treated in a “rude and dismissive” way. ”
Bird Identification for BBC Tweet of the Day:
If the bird has the following identifiable characteristics…
– Waddles
– Loves rainy weather
– Swims in pond
– Has loud resonant call “Quack”
– Answers to the name “Donald”
It is probably a duck.
*Naturally alarmism doesn’t apply to the ‘far right’ (TM BBC) or Global warmism, or the lies about ‘starving Britain’ or any other of the blatantly untrue memes the BBC propounds
**Grooming and abuse occurs in all races and cultural groups(TM BBC) this is a fact- but the BBC never quite gets to the ‘perhaps the incidence differs between groups’ bit.
Perhaps I need to balance that report with this one
“So what was the evidence that provoked such a serious intervention and the accompanying media frenzy?”
I refer Ms Yaqoob to the Daily Telegraph article cited above. I think that there are sufficient grounds for investigation. And as for the impact on community cohesion, I suspect mandatory Arabic lessons for 8yo kids (with no other languages on the curriculum) may be indicative of a utter rejection of the concept of cross-community cohesion by some.
As ever the comments on the article are a hoot. Despite the fact that the ‘anti-terrorist’ chap is no such thing and this has been pointed out numerous times there are still those posting foaming that there couldn’t ever possibly be any, whatsoever, connection between Muslim school governors and terrorism. Oh no siree!
There are a number of posters who, mostly gay, are reasonably clued in but, wow! The number of posts that try to deflect onto Christians or conservatives is also quite funny.
It’s the BBC solidified into one long hate-fest; and our resident trolls think this place is bad!
BBC understandably very upset at the death of ‘prominent dissident republican’ Tommy Crossan. He was obviously such a nice chap.
Any man’s death diminishes me.
Tommy’s – meh, not so much.
The truth wasn’t properly put
Here’s one suited very much to the connoisseur of – shall we say – the more nuanced of BBC phraseologly.
Nicky Campbell likes to ponce about on Twitter showing off to a small self-selecting group of lefty campaigners, oddball Mohamedans and infantile ‘diddle aminal’ lovers.
There was a time when sad cases mailed their starry heart throbs ill-fitting knitwear in vain hope – now they take to Twitter.
And on this social media Campbell recently received some praise for his ‘stepping aside’ (?) from that cataclysmically ill-timed BBC Jimmy Savile Tribute fiasco.
Egos being egos, how could a chap neglect to take a bow?
sonos @sonos7 Apr 16
@NickyAACampbell I salute you sir for not paying tribute to #jimmysavile on the #BBC Christmas Tribute show but kept your integrity
Nicky Campbell @NickyAACampbell Apr 16
@sonos7 thanks. But I don’t blame the people who did. The truth wasn’t properly put then.
‘The truth wasn’t properly put’
I can envisage that one being taken up by many an errant school boy.
Not to mention the nation’s brigade of criminal defence lawyers. “M’lud, before you pass down sentence I would just like to say in mitigation that despite the scathing remarks of my learned colleague my client’s case has really not been an evasive pack of lies and obfuscations – it’s just that the truth wasn’t properly put”
Is that the same as ‘mis-spoke’, I wonder? (Copyright H. Clinton.)
My favourite Gameshow Nikki tweet is (I paraphrase)
@dmiliband – David, could you DM me your email address, I’ve lost it and need to contact you.
(thinly-veiled ‘yoohoo everyone david miliband, great guy and great mate of mine yoohoo’)
My second favourite Gameshow tweet is
@Beverleyknight – boohoo beverley, why have you blocked me? boohoo
Parental Advisory
I found that Nicki Campbell clip somewhat disagreeable.
Radio 4 Priest’s tweets redirect followers to ‘’
Strange didn’t think slappers were his type, would have expected the sort of website favoured by Mr Pieman Dromeny…..
‘Today’ this morning – woke up to a long, dreary piece about poor “transpersons” (women who think they are men, or vice versa) whingeing about the lack of universal toilets (or “rest/bathrrom”) facilities for the poor dears in the UK. Glanced at the calendar, no, it isn’t April 1st. That was immediately followed by the poor people of the rainforests in Amazonia whingeing about eco-biodiverstity-oil drilling, or something, and it affecting the tourists – those same tourists, mind, who require oil in order to make the trip to the Amazon in the first place. (I may have misheard it, being half asleep), but I’m afraid I turned over to Classic FM, and dropped orf, again…
Whilst I have ever sympathy for those who are afflicted by these issues I do find the attempts by the extreme left to hijack the debate somewhat laughable, or at least I would if it wasn’t serious. I mean, what are they proposing three rooms labelled ‘Men, Women and unsure’? What symbol are they going to use to denote ‘trans-gender?’ Why three rooms and not four; surely there will be both male and female trans requiring the loo?
Once again people with a genuine grievance are being used by the left as a sledgehammer. It will only end in tears. Again.
The Beeb are always ready to bore you with one or other of their hard-done-by minority whinge-fests.
Whenever I think of the World Service I have an instant mental picture of an African woman, outside a mud-hut, panhandling for more Western aid.
‘You say you want a revolution,
Well, you know we all wanna change the worold’
Gavin Esler and BBC Dateline London.
Where to begin?
Our old mate Craig has crunched the numbers on the anti-Israel BBC bias
And he’s not the only one…
Well today I cought the second half of another session of Left-of-centre foreign journos and commentators shooting the breeze and looking out for some armchair revoultion.
It comes to a pretty pass when the only voice with anything interesting and even remotely off-message to offer was the guy from Voice of Russia.
For example, on religion : ‘people in the West are realising that I-pads and Miley Cyrus just don’t cut it’
Gavin Esler was of course having none of it : ‘But aren’t we – some poeple might say – in a “post-religious” phase?’
I suppose we should thank the BBC for letting him on air. But really we’re he not there I swear the chairman and panel might have disappeared in full agreement up their own diverse arseholes.
For INBBC: murderous Islamic jihadist = ‘misunderstood, young Briton’.
INBBC politically sympathetic to getting British soldiers to fight and die for Islamic jihad! Gets father of Islamic jihadist to put the case! -All paid for by we licencepayers!
Two reports:-
‘Daily Mail’-
“Father of British teenager, 18, killed as he fought ‘jihad’ in Syria with his brothers says he only discovered his son had died when he read it on Facebook.
“Abdullah Deghayes, 18, from Brighton, was killed during conflict in Syria.
“His family said they did not know he had travelled to the war-torn country.
“Abubaker Deghayes, 45, said he found out about son’s death on Facebook.
“He said his son is a ‘martyr’ and had tried to defend ‘those who are weak.’
“Tributes have been pouring in on Twitter and Facebook for the teenager.”
Read more:
2.) Islam Not BBC (INBBC) –
“Brighton teenager Abdullah Deghayes killed in Syria”
-And will INBBC support this Islamic campaign of the Islamic jihadist’s father to get our non-Muslim British soldiers to risk their lives fighting an Islamic jihad murderous cause in Syria, and elsewhere? Come on, Beeboids: you know you want to.
You’re already shown you political sympathy for Islamic jihad on ‘Today’ interview, referred to here-
“Father of teenage fighter killed in Syria calls on UK to arm rebels”
apparently went out there with his twin brother and younger cousin.
all, allegedly, quite ‘well known’ locally. i believe the official police term is ‘scrote’.
and in other news, apples don’t fall far from the tree.
INBBC and ‘Today’ facilitate campaigns by relatives of Islamic jihadists, broadcasting political appeals FOR British non-Muslims soldiers to risk their lives in Syria for an Islamic jihad cause.
Will INBBC and ‘Today’ now facilitate a campaign by opponents of Islamic jihad broadcasting political appeals AGAINST British non-Muslim soldiers risking their lives in Syria for an Islamic jihad cause? E.g. by Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer, still banned from entry into U.K for their opposition to Islamic jihad.
concerns about jihadi would be mass murderers returning, and not only here in blighty either …
this from Canada
‘His family said they did not know he had travelled to the war-torn country.
“Abubaker Deghayes, 45, said he found out about son’s death on Facebook.’
The BBC will be petrified over the publishing of this report:
It’s that lovely, tolerant and welcoming Religion of peace, again folks. How many more warning signs do the Left need in order to realize that Islam is a violent and supremacist ideology that will stop at nothing to achieve majority power.
INBBC ‘Education’ news section has not reported this further Islamisation of U.K.
Perhaps Beeboids need more time to put a pro-Islamic spin on their political presentation.
Islam IS the Trojan Horse
Radio 5 Dead this morning, from 5 a.m. onwards, decided to act as the mouthpiece of the teachers’ closed-shop unions. The lead item on the ‘news’ was a NUT survey that half of 7,000 teachers questioned knew of an ‘unqualified’ teacher.
Later, it was explained that this meant that actually some 3% of teachers in the public sector had not attended one of the social-engineering teacher-training colleges, and instead had done a real job and were now sharing their knowledge and experiences with children. The bBBC gave lots of opportunity for union leaders and loony-leftie teachers to say how terrible this was, but didn’t ask any children, parents or ‘unqualified’ teachers what they thought. Or indeed, compare the state-schools – dominated by unionised ‘qualified’ teachers – with public schools that have far more ‘unqualified’ staff.
Pure propaganda for the loony teachers’ unions. Typical bBBC.
You touch on an important matter. Teachers have great influence. The pods infesting the profession now are just that- bodysnatched pods.
No wonder our children are so badly educated now. Keep your children away from school as long as legally possible. At least then the conditioning is starting when the child is able to cope with it.
Absolutely right Dave S. This weekend’s NUT Conference provides a stall and discussion opportunity for the street thugs of the UAF, who they regularly support in their undemocratic and highly questionable activities.
One has to wonder whether or not the nuts at NUT ever considered if a qualification in teaching was necessary to teach. It never used to be and state education was better then than now.
I was taught at school by unqualified teachers and later took ‘A’ levels and was taught by at least two teachers who had failed the ‘A’ level. Thing is, they had learned their subject and could teach so most of us passed.
So what is the point of the qualification? Indoctrination. Most teachers I know know damn well that what they were taught on their PGCEs or degree causes was bullshit as none of it works. Most of them just play lip service and only use such methods when an Inspector is around. What choice to they have, their career depends on saying and being seen to do the ‘right’ things.
There are many teachers out there that loath the way they have to teach and know full well that state education fails children en masse. That is why the turnover rate for teachers is so high. Labour was proud of its ‘record’ on the number of teachers trained but what was never asked during the long night by the BBC was why so many teachers were needed when so few schools were being built. Because they were replacements …
Labour has destroyed the only chance of many working class kids of improving their lives. But then what is the use of an educated working man to Labour?
After the miners, Thatcher should have done the teachers.
Another day and another radio presenter dies, sad for his family, but why do the BBC feel that their presenters are so nationally important that they merit an obituary in air?
It’s almost a kind of arrogant self important egotism, that they hold themselves in such high regard that they feel as prominent as people who actually achieve something in their lives, not someone who works in their job presenting programs.
Radio presenters, Bingo Callers, Train Announcers and many more have useful functions. In the name of equality either mention all or none. Come to think of it, of the three I have mentioned, only one of these professions are associated with bias and lies.
A £180 Million drug money laundering gang sentenced, yet even with this vast amount of money the BBC turns a wilfully blind eye.
Could it be because they is Muslims ?
This article, though pointing in the right direction, is still way too polite,
What the hell is an ‘Islamist’ ?
Made up word to protect Muslims !
Everthing now makes a vote for UKIP that much more important. The political class has to be shaken to the core and this class now fears the worst. To stop this the liberal establishment wil do anything. That means the BBC as well. Trust nothing they say.
I want to see the Tory party decimated at the EU elections, the Libdems finished and Labour struggling ( they have a real tribal vote).
It could happen. It has to happen or this country could face disaster.
After such a big political shake up, if such a thing were to happen, I’d like to see some new parties being the norm :
1. An old aristocratic/church/tradition party.
2. A Nationalist party.
3. A Libertarian party.
If anyone doesn’t align themselves in any of those there’s always the monster raving loonies, currently covered by lab/lib/con.
The current ‘Conservatives’ should be thought of as far left as the SWP in my opinion.
This will not be news to some but LBC is available on DAB. They did such a good, balanced job of the first Clegg-Farage debate that I’ve started listening to them. It’s a novel experience, Talk Sport apart, for me to hear radio presenters with a point of view I sometimes share. I’ve listened to BBC R4 a lot but never listened to BBC R5 Live. Those here exasperated by R5 Live might like to listen to LBC. They do have El Clegg, but at least he’s not afraid to have a debate with Farage, even if he was embarrassingly inept.
Julia Hartley-Brewer is worth a listen.
I heard a bit of her the other week inviting people to phone in with…
‘What’s the point of the European Union (I can’t think of one can you)?’
You would never hear that question on Droid Broadcasting.
Yes being from Essex , I `ve been lucky enough to be able to listen to the station since the 70`s ,although they lost their franchise in the 90`s,but GWR , bought the name, & the station was resurrected ,before eventually becoming part of Global Radio . I only ever listened to it because , they always dressed to the right . The only semi – speech BBC station worth a listen is BBC Essex , but I do vaguely know one of the presenters on there,is a friend, of a friend, likewise BBC Suffolk, one of my cousins knows one of the presenters.They do tend to be impartial as ,`I know where you live` comes into it on those stations , although , many other local BBC stations are not.
INBBC’s Lyse ‘the humanity of the Taliban’ DOUCET talks of Christian victims in Syria, but she censors out the word ‘Muslim’ to describe the perpetrators of the violence against the Christians.
(3 min video)-
“Anxious time for Syria’s Christians amid Easter”
After a long while she indicated the Christians were under attack from the Sunni rebels but she hastened to add it was not a targeted operation by the jihadis.
No INBBC report on this latest Islamic jihad murder of Christian priest in Central African Republic:-
“Central African Republic:
Islamic jihadists murder Catholic priest, mutilate corpse”
By Robert Spencer.
“The Seleka rebels are Muslims who ousted the country’s Christian president and replaced him with a Muslim, and terrorized the CAR’s Christian population until they formed ‘anti-balaka’ militias — the balaka was a kind of machete that the Muslims had used to kill Christians — and began to fight back. The international media has focused entirely on Muslims as victims of Christian atrocities. No atrocities by anyone are ever justified; the coverage has been astonishingly one-sided. Here, as in so many places, Islamic jihadists began the conflict, and there would be no conflict without them.”
BBC broadcasting in Arabic.
Talking of Beeboid priorities, BBC licence-payers already have to finance INBBC Arabic TV and rest of World Service, which broadcasts for the virtually all the world’s people.
How soon will it be before Beeboids provide all its domestic output for British people in Arabic as well as in the English language?
“Does the Arabic Language Encourage Radical Islam?”
by James Coffman.
In France, where Muslims comprise about 10% of the population, ‘France 24’ already broadcasts in Arabic, as well as in French.
(See top right of home web-page.)
Will INBBC use this from the front-page of ‘Sunday Telegraph,’ OR wait for the ‘The Observer’ Islamised version?:-
“Islamist plot: six schools face Ofsted special measures
Six schools implicated in the so-called ‘Trojan Horse’ plot by extremists to ‘Islamise’ secular state education face being placed in special measures”
By Andrew Gilligan.
Are these ‘Trustees’ to be trusted with our nationally funded media?