So Lenny Henry thinks we should boycott the licence fee in protest to get more minorities on our TV screens.
Quite ironic for someone who hasnt been funny since 1983 and has been happy taking money from license payers under false pretences ever since…
Personally I think there is a distinct lack of funny non pc white comedians on our screens ever since the arrival of Elton and co and would be far more willing to withhold my licence fee for the return of Jim Davidson and the like…
It may have escaped Mr Henry’s attention but percentage wise nearly every BBC production from news to dramas minorites are over represented to a degree where their presence is almost jokeworthy and embarrassing eg Guinevere in Merlin and Nancy in Oliver Twist.
“Stevie “Smudger” Smith and his wife Marie are both addicted to drugs; he’s also a dealer. The day he ‘deals with’ another dealer, she gives birth to a baby. The baby appears to be addicted too and Marie decides to give up the habit. Because Stevie doesn’t want to give up using and dealing drugs, they take Marie and the baby away from him. The new, tough, social worker Liam Kane tries to get Stevie in his group sessions, by using his violent approach and by telling him it’s the only way he’ll ever see Marie and the baby back. So there seems to be hope to get Stevie clean, if only he wants to himself. That things aren’t that easy is shown by the drugs addicted hooker Gail, who’s satisfied with the life she leads.”
heeeeey! … what no “kneeslapper”?
now come on guys ….
honestly … what more can a comedian, who s suffered deep depression, do to lighten the mood,
‘New Tricks’ is one of the BBCs most watched dramas apparently. It’s a lefty play ground of stereotypes and tropes the main one being the tough, younger female boss and the hard bitten, reactionary old coppers.
Funny then that they have replaced the actress who played the hard bitten bossette for a younger models isn’t it. The BBC do seem to do irony so well, don’t they?
Funny then that they have replaced the actress who played the hard bitten bossette for a younger models isn’t it. The BBC do seem to do irony so well, don’t they?
You could also point out that Alun Armstrong and James Bolam have also left the cast over the last couple of years, to be replaced by younger actors. But I guess including facts like that would make what meagre point you want to make even more shaky.
Why is it that Biased BBC commenters have such an arm’s length relationship with the truth, do you think? Desperation, perhaps?
She isn’t but it illustrated on a burden of legal proof that the BBC is operating an ageist agenda.
No doubt you will attempt to use the usual trite leftist argument that “they’re not all the same” but it won’t wash!
Oh & by the way I take your insults as a compliment. People on the left always use them to bully and to try to defend their weak arguments. Obviously you feel you’ve lost this one. – Again !
Well that about says it all doesn’t it? A whole 3 years younger! What a fool I’ve been.
Thank you Scott you are so dreamy and wonderful and, and, ooooh so clevererly weverly brill that every time you reply to one of my posts I get all excited and feel the need to, well you know?
Yes, that’s right. To point out that Redman is 13 years older than Outhewaite.
Looks like you’ve made a fool of yourself again. Better luck next time.
So Amanda Redman was 46 when she joined the cast, and has left after ten years in the same role.
Her replacement, fulfilling the same dramatic purpose within the drama, is of a similar age to Redman’s at the same point in the character’s career path.
Wow. You must be so proud at exposing such a heinous crime. Now why is it that you’re seemingly quite happy with Alun Armstrong being replaced by Nicholas Lyndhurst (a difference of 14 years) or 78-year-old James Bolam being replaced by 66-year-old Denis Lawson? When Armstrong and Bolam left, should they have been replaced by actors in their late 70s?
The ICM European poll has voting intentions of CON 22%, LAB 30%, LDEM 8%, UKIP 27%. Labour first, UKIP a close second, the Conservatives in third is the same sort of pattern that Survation, ComRes, YouGov and TNS have all been showing.
Survation also have another constituency poll done for Alan Bown, this time for Eastleigh, where UKIP came a close second in the by-election last year. Westminster voting intention in the Eastleigh poll stands at CON 28%, LAB 12%, LDEM 27%, UKIP 32%
Labour vote is tribal and made without thought. Excellent news about the decline in the Tory vote. Round my way the UKIP vote is getting very solid. Used to be solid Tory but we have had enough of Cameron’s playing to the libleft gallery.
Something unusual now, an item which the BBC has done well, and yet the reasons for the success cannot be analysed because the conclusion is not Politically Correct !
So Call the Midwife set in the 1950s is a big success story for the BBC, described by one reviewer as comforting as taking a warm bath on a Sunday evening.
But why is it so popular? It’s because it’s an escape back to a time and an England which wasn’t the Multi Cultural hell hole the fascists have turned the UK into. A time when people had standards, morals, and certainties. When they weren’t constantly looking over their shoulders to see if there was a Political Officer checking they were thinking the correct thoughts.
History dramas set in this period – like Heartbeat, are always going to do well but the BBC are NEVER EVER going to allow the analysis as to why, they prefer blandishments like a ‘large pensioner audience’ which is nonsense for Sunday evening peak time.
Many people are looking with longing to a Britain which has alas disappear, but they wish hadn’t.
A time when people had standards, morals, and certainties.
What a pity then that these are exactly the things that the BBC pisses on throughout the show via the faucet of the young midwife with the modern ideals …
Yet these are the same values, standards and morals openly mocked on their ‘comedy’ shows – hence the clip of pensioners every time a UKIP joke is referenced.
Robert Spencer :-
“The school scandal in Britain just keeps growing. Now it has come out that “schools in Birmingham are illegally segregating pupils, discriminating against non-Muslim students and restricting the GCSE syllabus to ‘comply with conservative Islamic teaching.’” And why not? When the entire government is in full appeasement mode, appealing abjectly to Islamic supremacists”
4000+ comments on the Gilligan piece, and counting.
I wonder at what point a BBC HYS would have quietly been closed, had the investigation even existed to inspire people to share?
BBC has a new erm “report” on this and yet still have a picture and highlighted … “Tahir Alam, chair of governors at Park View School, saying claims are “ridiculous” ….
hmmm denial is not an option BBC, sounds more like something another one of those muslim apologists would say, sheesh! more Islamic with every report
Biggest inquiry so far is the council’s, which is looking at 25 schools in Birmingham. The council says that it will also be talking to local authorities in Bradford and Manchester over 400 further complaints to investigate already, new revelations of muslim gender segregation
in private and state schools … abhorrent madrassa style teaching in state schools.
… tip of the icebeg …
………….. Islam IS the Trojan horse …..
“Leicester assistant mayor Vi Dempster said: ‘Council officers will be visiting the school after Easter to discuss the issue with the headteacher and governors.’
Madani, a faith academy accused of flouting the Equalities Act by insisting boys and girls were segregated and taught by a member of the same sex, has received £18 000 000 (WHAT!) of state funding.
Its chairman of governors, Hussein Suleman, said: ‘This poster has not existed in our premises. I don’t know who dreamt this hoax up.” … music haram?
Pakistan .. MMA MPA seeks law against music, dance women’s photos in ads …
how long before , its here … oops! too late
There are times when one feels all one can do is to cringe in the face of overwhelming BBC bias.
Then again there are moments of bias that move one to almost laugh out loud.
‘Some might say’ our national broadcaster’s first instinct has become to instigate, propagate and generally amplify previously almost unimagined greivance.
Today BBC News Channel attacks the Home Front in their Great war Anniversay.
At the outset I was braced for lashings of suffragette soccer (I was not disappointed) but I was somewhat taken aback to see coverage of the German Naval bombardment of Scarborough.
For the first time, however, I learn that : “compensation was slow in getting through”.
I feel sure this BBC barb was aimed not at the Imperial German Government or it’s successors.
I’m sorry, but I laughed at this ridiculous BBC reflex statement.
Was I meant to empathise? To say ‘grrr, bloody tight Coalition Government!’
Lazy Sunday afternoon and so I decided to read up a little on this: Remittance fees hurt Africans, says Comic Relief Communities in sub-Saharan Africa are being “hurt” by high fees charged by money transfer operators, charity Comic Relief has said. Restricted competition has helped push up charges, according to research by the Overseas Development Institute (ODI)….The research found that average fees of 12% to send $200 (£119) were twice the global average.
So i read the reportfrom independent think tank Overseas Development Institute
I noticed that there is a lot of smoke and mirrors in the report, for example the report uses £119 as the base line and that figure by both WU and MG entail a cost of 8%. However send £100 and you incur a cost of 4.7%. So the cost rises the more you send. Also the report uses 2 baselines with and without Sub Saharan African countries It transpires that the cost of sending money from one African country to another is on average 20%,
(there are ten countries in the region with remittance corridor charges for banks in excess of 20%: migrant workers
from Malawi remitting through banks in South Africa and
Ugandans sending money home from Tanzania pay one
quarter of the remittance in charges)
so by removing SSA the report arrives at a much lower baseline of around 10%. and allows the bBC to use a robbing bastard line in which to attack these lenders. Then there is how the report centres on WU, when sending money by Money Gram offers a better currency rate.
All in all this is nothing more than a sop by lilly faced liberals who haven’t a clue about anything and presume that immigrants sending money home are all fucking stupid and don’t know how to work the system.
It may be a straw in the wind. The past week I’ve noticed references to this blog in comments on both the Spectator and Telegraph websites.
The BBC news is losing mind share now. However in the UK it is still the 800lb gorilla thanks to the telly tax.
Then expect albeeba to redouble their efforts to discredit the site. Their teams will be beefed up, so expect more sudden appearances under new names. Editorial control will be strengthened, and new strategies developed. More false flag posts will appear.
A £4 billion pound protection racket will be totally pissed off at having their bias and low standards exposed, so they aint gonna go down without a fight.
A £4 billion pound protection racket will be totally pissed off at having their bias and low standards exposed, so they aint gonna go down without a fight.
I suspect you have far greater faith in Biased BBC’s reach than exists in the real world.
There is an old saying- if one person writes it a thousand think it.
Slowly the liberal fantasy world is crumbling. Time is on our side not theirs.
What appears monolithic and as strong as rock can collapse very swiftly. This is the way of the world down the ages.
“‘Nice’ BBC will cost Reverend his pay-off:
Former Co-op boss’s decision to talk publicly about dismissal is understood to have breached terms.
“Ex-Methodist minister said BBC has been ‘really nice’ to him.
“However, Newsnight interview may have breached the terms of his £95,000 pay-off from Co-operative Group.
“His former employers are now trying to get the cash back.”
What a sad tale. There is a way back for Flowers if he studies the faith he preached. The BBC will not offer redemption and he is deluded if he thinks it cares for him.
It was very good. But the BBC, predictably, had to find evidence of black babies, although in the eighteenth century they were described as ‘of tawny appearance’.
Here we see the BBC Comrades at Newsnight constantly attempt to link Marine Le Pen to UKIP and Nigel Farage…..It’s gonna be a long few weeks where the BBC are concerned, in attempting to destroy UKIP and have their viewers “vote labour”, for fear of being castigated as “ebil waycists”..
Most of the people I know are expecting a concerted effort by the BBC to smear UKIP. The campaign will reinforce the support for UKIP and will further undermine what little credibility the BBC still has.
Agreed. The more they slate UKIP the more people will see them for what they are and what they do. They do UKIP a favour and in turn it erodes BBC News credibility. They just hate it that the proles aren’t being influenced by them any more. Each loaded article is a small nail in the beeb’s coffin. I cant wait for its funeral.
Apparently a Local Rep in Birmingham, said he had not come across extremism in the city’s schools.
“I can say I’ve never had a concern raised from members who have said ‘In our school they are segregating the girls from the boys’.
soooo … was segregating going on, OR NOT? as muslim parents might well know and agree with it, NOT ACCEPTABLE ……….
the war of words eh!
John Kay and Naga Munchety nominated for a bbc award. Why? They managed to run thro’ a more than 5 minute piece, interviewing 3 people involved in last years Boston Marathon jihad attack.
Oops…..errr…no, ….not as they saw it. Only one mention of the jihadis, describing them as ” perpetrators”.
Any mention of jihad? Nope. It’s almost as if the bombs were responsible.
What a treacherous bunch of scum.
Apologists for myrdering bastards.
This week – and, of course, every other day of the year – the BBC set out it’s spiritual and cultural vision for Britain today and for the future. Not in a formal address to the nation but in a 101 little comments, asides, and off-the-cuff quips and remarks. Not from one named and responsible spokesperson who might be held to account but from 101 like-minded presenters, commentators and journalists who prefer not to be subjected to the rigours of market choice.
Our Western culture and society was now “post religious” (Gavin Esler). Our separate national indentity was no more, we were “only British by default” (Tony Livesey). In fact, reflecting on our history, the English specifically could only really be identified by their “diversity” (Michael Wood).
On a lighter note, what had once been a BBC spoof of reverse colonization on the licence fee – “I Rastus” (The Goodies) ought now to be rapidly to be brought into effect (Lenny Henry).
Reflecting on past failings within the BBC we were reassured that any mistakes had been simply the result of “The truth not properly put” (Nicky Campbell).
Today Program radio 4 08:30 and they’re talking about Islamisation of schools.
Jack Straw is being interviewed and talks about tensions within the Pakistani ‘community’, but of course you have to understand that is no different to the tensions in English communities between Protestant & Catholic.
Oh pipes up Humphries realising that it’s a weak comparison “in places like Northern Ireland”.
How long ago has there been ‘tensions’ in Christian communities in England? 300 years ? maybe?
The point is that the fascists will always attempt to draw comparisons between Muslims and the rest of the populace, it doesn’t matter how tenuous that link, it has to be made to ‘normalise’ Muslim extremism.
Yet again classroom segregation of boys & girls is trotted out, although a reference was made to one teacher glorifying the 9/11 bombers, it was quickly glossed over.
The Muslim spokes weasel (because he really was) came out with the usual stream of left wing meaningless words. ‘reinforce community structures’, ‘contribution to society’, the inevitable ‘community cohesion’, etc etc.
It is obvious this man has been primed with a load of gibberish by the fascists, at one point even Humphries had to stop him because his words were utterly meaningless. An explanation of what he meant was not given presumable because although he knew the buzz words, he didn’t know what they meant (do they actually have a real meaning?)
Like so many ‘newspeak’ gobbledygook bully words they have little or no meaning, but for anyone who admits to not using them or failing to understand or accept, means showing oneself as not being a fascist, and therefore open to attack.
Same pile of leftist gobbledygook from the fascistic NASUWT gen. sec. Chris Keates on Sky news this a.m. too. She had to get in a shot at ‘the extreme far right’ in her indecipherable waffle, although I’m sure that no ‘far right’ groups are attempting to force their vile ideology onto our children in schools other than the Islamic extremists we are hearing about now. I fear all popular media news outlets are all of the same ilk. Gonna have to stick to LBC on the radio I think.
Turned the news on at 8am this morning, some podgy spotty haired youth and that chatrabarty girl, so they discussed:
1) Boston Marathon, yet for the 10 minutes they discussed the events of last year didn’t mention just who carried out that ugly act. Its as if the bombs just grew out of the ground.
2) Queens Birthbay: dickhead asked the girl how many she had, she replied..castles. Oh how they all f-ing laughed.
3)Skin Cancer, apparently cases of Skin cancer have risen since 1970. but the one salient fact (people living longer) was left out.
And the left bemoan the Dail Mail. IMHO the bBC is a lot worse. Which is when I turned the telly off.
I see the bBC can’t report fast enough or even loud enough about how a bunch of self proclaimed experts have claimed that what the PM said about the UK being a Christian country and we should be proud could be deemed as…Racist and could cause … “alienation”
You mean like how Muslims in the Uk live in their own ghettos, like how in those enclaves they force non muslims out, like how they attack anybody drinking (while selling the stuff) how they openly attack Gays, how they oppress women, gerry mander elections, favour their own, murder in the name of their paedophile founder, go around raping white girls, sell drugs, demand we change our way of life so as not to offend them.
And the cocksuckinglittleboyrapingarsebanditsofthleft claim that the PM may have offended these vulnerable wannabe terrorists.
Ah Bless, on that note I wonder why none of the above ever, ever question ‘Islam’?
The list of leftwing arse holes:
Professor Jim Al-Khalil
Philip Pullman
Tim Minchin
Dr Simon Singh
Ken Follett
Dr Adam Rutherford
Sir John Sulston
Sir David Smith
Professor Jonathan Glover
Professor Anthony Grayling
Nick Ross
Virginia Ironside
Professor Steven Rose
Natalie Haynes
Peter Tatchell
Professor Raymond Tallis
Dr Iolo ap Gwynn
Stephen Volk
Professor Steve Jones
Sir Terry Pratchett
Dr Evan Harris
Dr Richard Bartle
Sian Berry
C J De Mooi
Professor John A Lee
Professor Richard Norman
Zoe Margolis
Joan Smith
Michael Gore
Derek McAuley
Lorraine Barratt
Dr Susan Blackmore
Dr Harry Stopes-Roe
Sir Geoffrey Bindman QC
Adele Anderson
Dr Helena Cronin
Professor Alice Roberts
Professor Chris French
Sir Tom Blundell
Maureen Duffy
Baroness Whitaker
Lord Avebury
Richard Herring
Martin Rowson
Tony Hawks
Peter Cave
Diane Munday
Professor Norman MacLean
Professor Sir Harold Kroto
Sir Richard Dalton
Sir David Blatherwick
Michael Rubenstein
Polly Toynbee
Lord O’Neill
Dr Simon Singh
Dan Snow
The Golden Age of Science, Politics, Media, Comedy and Literature well represented here.
Might put them in wank order later on(to quote Jonathan Jenkins of Hillhead).
Who`s the unfunniest, but gets most media time(by which I mean the BBC/Channel 4 and Guardian/Indy?).
My Jupitus-Hardy Index is 100…
Boy do I miss the Askeys, Ted Rodgers and Dickie Hendersons, the Bunty James and Clement Freuds,the Magnus Pykes and the like.
They turn out to be giants compared to this shower of shemens….
Some of these people are quite decent and they are welcome to express their view. Some like la Toynbee are airheads and Pullman is a propagandist but Simon Singh and Jim Al-Khalil I respect for example.
I doubt that Britain is a Christian country, but I welcome a debate. How refreshing it is not to live in a Muslim country, as the BBC constantly reminds us 😉
Meanwhile in Birmingham: Islamic school militants ‘confiscated Easter eggs’ A mother of a pupil alleges “morality squads” of older boys confiscated chocolate and toys from younger children.The woman, who asked not be named for fear of reprisals, told the Daily Express: “Older boys are going round in these morality squads telling off girls if they do not wear veils.“They bully the girls and stop them mingling with boys in the playground.”And she said gangs have clamped down on Easter celebrations. She said: “My daughter tried to bring in an Easter egg for a friend and one boy grabbed it and smashed it against a wall.“Another girl of about 11 brought in a little Easter bunny toy that she wanted to show her friends. They grabbed that off her too.“All talk of Christmas and other non-Muslim festivals is banned. The teachers just turn a blind eye to it.”
And the cock suckers of the left remain ever so silent on the above, why chief cock sucker Tatchell not only dropped his trousers and stuck his arse in the air for the bBC in which to defend Islamic racist bigots, (while blaming the EDL) he has thrown off all his kit and jumped into bed with those truthful people at ‘Tell Mamma’ in which to try and spread the message that Muslims can only be victims. (Yes peter like that poor Muslim girl who was beheaded by her Iraqi boyfriend)
The problem with the left is they will continue to fiddle while the people they defend as victims: rape,pillage and murder their way into power. The bBC, the traitors within our midst
55 people are upset at Cameron suggesting that Christian values are worthwhile, the signatories suggest that the petition was got up in the BBC dining room, “Jim” Al-Khalili, Alice Roberts, Dan Snow, Polly Toynbee etc etc
Meanwhile in Gaza, the only faith decides to celebrate Christian ‘Easter’ as only Islamic Terrorists can: Gaza rockets land in southern Israel Three rockets from Gaza were fired into Israel on Monday morning, the IDF Spokesperson’s office said.The projectile struck uninhabited areas in the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council and set off sirens.
Minchin is British born and lives here. I’ve heard him speak and he seems likeable enough, but he is an unfunny comedian. Tatchell is irritating but at least he took on Mugabe.
That said, any signature list including Polyfiller Toynbee is unlikely to convince me.
I also suspect that Dan Snow is patriotic, which is nice to see. Though if he is I’d understand how he’d keep it low key so as to not offend the BBC. And he is another example of the rampant nepotism in the Beeb empire.
Lenny Henry and our very own Scott must be most pleased with last nights WW1 drama which featured a minority character and also introduced a homosexual character, a storyline which looks like running for the rest of the series.
Of course it, but did I’m really not interested. I want to know about the life my Grandfather and the absolute majority of WW1 soldiers suffered in the trenches, of which this typical bbc ‘drama’ seems to want to avoid.
I see twinkle toes has arrived to speak out on the blog he hates the most. Err Bigears remembering the people who fell should be just that, just because somebody is different doesn’t make him any more special than anybody else. They were (are) all heroes) and should be remembered accordingly .
Oh and dick splash, the next time you write on my blog as David Vance, ensure you use a proxy server which will make sure I can’t trace the message back to a Apple computer in East London.
Your first point makes no sense (as usual) – are you saying that a character’s homosexuality precludes him from being a hero, or that including such a character reduces the heroism of other characters? Must admit I haven’t watched The Crimson Field yet but have the eps downloaded on iPlayer. Will be intrigued to see if there is any justification to your outburst – on your previous history, I’d guess not.
As for the rest of your rant:
1) leave your potty mouth at home.
2) I don’t even know what your blog is or where to find it, and if I did post there, I would do so under my own name.
3) I don’t live anywhere near East London.
Maybe next time you’d be a little more sure of your facts before accusing people, eh? Oh what am I talking about , this is Biased BBC – full of sad men who prioritise their own fictions over the truth.
Big Ears wrote:
“Your first point makes no sense (as usual)”
Really? I don’t think I could have made it any clearer. Tell you what ..why don’t you pretend to be David Vance again in which to call me a racist. I’m sure the next time a racist bigot Islamic gang prowls outside where you live, you’ll thank the lord that so called idiots like me are prepared to stand up to pricks like that, in which to ensure that everybody can live in peace in the UK. No wait….
I have never pretended to be David Vance or anybody else, pounce. I hardly need to – you do a good enough job of making yourself look ridiculous without anybody else joining in.
Are you going to take back your lies and apologise?
And the problem with idiots like you, is you have no sense of humour, cannot take a joke and see yourselves as perpetual victims. I mean come on, what the fuck do you think asking somebody for an apology means. Would you have an endorphin rush that somebody apologised (while knowing full well it wasn’t required or even meant) People like you live in a parallel universe where left is right and right is left. to you victims are wrong and the guilty can only be victims.
Tell you what twinkle toes, how about bitching about that poor Islamic girl beheaded in Sheffield, how Tower Hamlets is being run as an Islamic fiefdom , how Halal meat is rife, How Gays are victims by Muslims around the world and just not in London.
That’s the problems with shirt buttons like you, far easier to complain against somebody who won’t hurt you, than those who will.
Now do us all a favour and take your head for a shit.
Some note-takers from the duty roster have on occasion taken to highlighting my interest in BBC FoI requests.
I am not sure why they think this serves their, or the BBC’s cases very well. It is simply factual information. Created by a publicly-funded institution, albeit ‘uniquely’. That release of such data is resisted, and its discussion so feared by the BBC and its fellow travellers, can only pose questions as to why.
On the subject of such information, derived from what seems an entirely reasonable interest in a significant aspect of the BBC ‘service’, there is now this tale and associated analysis, related to another interest, that of the BBC complaints system.
It seems meticulously even-handed and fair. I also presume accurate in interpretation simply on an objective basis, if some subjectivity on the policies dopes creep in. Fair enough, all things considered. Certainly when the BBC unleashes the threat of legal attrition using its limitless financial resources.
If the marauding squads of Flokkers infesting this site over the long weekend have any comment (that involves more than ‘it isn’t ‘cos we say so’, ad homs or other distractions), I’d be interested to learn what they make of it. Presuming getting on the topic of how the BBC handles criticism on a factual basis is not something that would lead to immediate system shut down.
The Socialist Workers Party infiltration of the CofE has made attendance as popular as the Guardian!
People don’t want to be hectored all week by the TV and Radio, and then spend their Sunday being hectored from the pulpit, then they do what they can’t with the BBC, walk away.
My image is of a Beehive in orbit around the first circle of hell.
Full of drones, no workers and loads of queens.
Lots of lavender-but not one of them sweet enough to give a drop of honey-just bile.
Bertrand Russell and his celestial teapot was more on-the -button that I`d thought!
Isn`t Polly going to be in Tuscany at this time…so how did SHE get her name on it, unless they`re using C02 in electronic communications?
Given the fact she lives at the BBC, this is savagery of Gaia if she did that!
“Nuthin to see – BBC” … softly, softly on the old Jihadaddy
oops apologies I mean grieving parents
and not on BBC anytime soon T Fatah/Ezra Levant
“Homegrown Terrorism”
Another example of bias leavened with ignorance on Today this morning: Vince’s new proposals to create more transparency concerning the ownership and control of UK registered companies were “discussed” by Prem Sikka (lefty academic, noisy lobbyist and anti-capitalist loonie – no wonder he’s on the Today speed-dial) and some dildo whose name I failed to catch (if it was, in fact, thrown). The “discussion” was chaired by a strictly impartial Evan who talked to “Prem” like the old friends they undoubtably are. The substance of the discussion was, basically, “has Vince gone far enough?” Prem, of course, said he hadn’t – the dildo said he had although there’s more to do.
What everybody missed was that the 2006 Companies Act already deals to a large extent with the problem of “hidden” control. The solution, embedded in existing law, is the shadow director rules. Not, I would suggest, that the shadow director rules couldn’t be tightened up (and properly enforced) but they’re there and could be used for just the purposes Vince suggests. But, oh no, because Vince is a both a socialist and an ignoramus (not mutually exclusive) we must have a whole new raft of unnecessary legislation to deal with these outrages.
Coming to the BBC’s role here: if the BBC is going to do analytic journalism, questions which might be asked are: “is there a problem?”, “how big is the problem?”, “do the proposed new rules deal with the problem?”, “is this overkill?” Of course, the BBC default position on regulation of anything (except its complaints procedures) is that it’s never enough and the participants in any broadcast discussion will comprise a dildoic defender of the new rules and a critic from the left egged on by a BBC “journalist”. An interesting – even enlightening discussion – would have included someone who has practical knowledge of corporate law and practice and (by virtue of that knowledge) considers Vince’s proposals as bullshit PR by legislation.
Another meaningless Today discussion this morning concerned education and comprised contributions from Jack Straw (treading on eggs not to cause offence to any “new Britons” out there) and some taqqiya-spouting mouthpiece from the Muslim Council or another self-styled Islamic representative body. Luckily Jack, John and the mouthpiece agreed that the conversion of primary schools in Moslem-dominated areas into madrassahs is not only not happening but, if it is, is due to a “tiny” minority of misguided believers. On that note of agreement the item was brought to a satisfactory conclusion (excepting that the ritual demonisation of Michael Gove was, unusually, not broadcast. Rest assured someone at the BBC will have his card marked for that omission).
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Excellent article by Christopher Booker on BBC –
in today’s ‘Sunday Telegraph’ (£):-
“The BBC’s groupthink is an enemy to free speech.
On pretty well every issue, the BBC has its ‘party line’, dictating what can and cannot be said.”
So Lenny Henry thinks we should boycott the licence fee in protest to get more minorities on our TV screens.
Quite ironic for someone who hasnt been funny since 1983 and has been happy taking money from license payers under false pretences ever since…
Personally I think there is a distinct lack of funny non pc white comedians on our screens ever since the arrival of Elton and co and would be far more willing to withhold my licence fee for the return of Jim Davidson and the like…
It may have escaped Mr Henry’s attention but percentage wise nearly every BBC production from news to dramas minorites are over represented to a degree where their presence is almost jokeworthy and embarrassing eg Guinevere in Merlin and Nancy in Oliver Twist.
Yes, it’s just more lobbying and self-interest.
“Lenny Henry hasn’t been funny since 1983…”
How dare you!
You clearly haven’t seen him playing Othello…
“Stevie “Smudger” Smith and his wife Marie are both addicted to drugs; he’s also a dealer. The day he ‘deals with’ another dealer, she gives birth to a baby. The baby appears to be addicted too and Marie decides to give up the habit. Because Stevie doesn’t want to give up using and dealing drugs, they take Marie and the baby away from him. The new, tough, social worker Liam Kane tries to get Stevie in his group sessions, by using his violent approach and by telling him it’s the only way he’ll ever see Marie and the baby back. So there seems to be hope to get Stevie clean, if only he wants to himself. That things aren’t that easy is shown by the drugs addicted hooker Gail, who’s satisfied with the life she leads.”
heeeeey! … what no “kneeslapper”?
now come on guys ….
honestly … what more can a comedian, who s suffered deep depression, do to lighten the mood,
hope it isn t because he is black
Henry should be ashamed of himself, playing up to the stereotypes of black men as criminals and drug users …
I only heard him do Othello on the radio, but thought he was excellent.
As a comedian though he’s never been funny.
… and in another universe.
‘New Tricks’ is one of the BBCs most watched dramas apparently. It’s a lefty play ground of stereotypes and tropes the main one being the tough, younger female boss and the hard bitten, reactionary old coppers.
Funny then that they have replaced the actress who played the hard bitten bossette for a younger models isn’t it. The BBC do seem to do irony so well, don’t they?
Funny then that they have replaced the actress who played the hard bitten bossette for a younger models isn’t it. The BBC do seem to do irony so well, don’t they?
You could also point out that Alun Armstrong and James Bolam have also left the cast over the last couple of years, to be replaced by younger actors. But I guess including facts like that would make what meagre point you want to make even more shaky.
Why is it that Biased BBC commenters have such an arm’s length relationship with the truth, do you think? Desperation, perhaps?
Oh, and at 43, Tamzin Outhwaite is just 3 years younger than Amanda Redman was when she starred in the show’s first series. Such shocking ageism!
One name Scott Miriam O’Reilly.
Blows your point apart really.
I wasn’t aware Miriam O’Reilly was an actor on the series that pah chose to whine about.
“Thoughtful” is an ironic nickname, isn’t it?
She isn’t but it illustrated on a burden of legal proof that the BBC is operating an ageist agenda.
No doubt you will attempt to use the usual trite leftist argument that “they’re not all the same” but it won’t wash!
Oh & by the way I take your insults as a compliment. People on the left always use them to bully and to try to defend their weak arguments. Obviously you feel you’ve lost this one. – Again !
By that token, I should thank all of Biased BBC’s regular commenters for all the compliments they insist on flinging in my direction…
Well that about says it all doesn’t it? A whole 3 years younger! What a fool I’ve been.
Thank you Scott you are so dreamy and wonderful and, and, ooooh so clevererly weverly brill that every time you reply to one of my posts I get all excited and feel the need to, well you know?
Yes, that’s right. To point out that Redman is 13 years older than Outhewaite.
Looks like you’ve made a fool of yourself again. Better luck next time.
So Amanda Redman was 46 when she joined the cast, and has left after ten years in the same role.
Her replacement, fulfilling the same dramatic purpose within the drama, is of a similar age to Redman’s at the same point in the character’s career path.
Wow. You must be so proud at exposing such a heinous crime. Now why is it that you’re seemingly quite happy with Alun Armstrong being replaced by Nicholas Lyndhurst (a difference of 14 years) or 78-year-old James Bolam being replaced by 66-year-old Denis Lawson? When Armstrong and Bolam left, should they have been replaced by actors in their late 70s?
An Lenny hasn’t been unintentionally funny since 1991
Though Lenny was really great in Skyfall
Ricky Gervais said it about our Len
Just for information:
The ICM European poll has voting intentions of CON 22%, LAB 30%, LDEM 8%, UKIP 27%. Labour first, UKIP a close second, the Conservatives in third is the same sort of pattern that Survation, ComRes, YouGov and TNS have all been showing.
Survation also have another constituency poll done for Alan Bown, this time for Eastleigh, where UKIP came a close second in the by-election last year. Westminster voting intention in the Eastleigh poll stands at CON 28%, LAB 12%, LDEM 27%, UKIP 32%
“Vote Tory and get Labour” – stay with UKIP
Labour vote is tribal and made without thought. Excellent news about the decline in the Tory vote. Round my way the UKIP vote is getting very solid. Used to be solid Tory but we have had enough of Cameron’s playing to the libleft gallery.
Something unusual now, an item which the BBC has done well, and yet the reasons for the success cannot be analysed because the conclusion is not Politically Correct !
So Call the Midwife set in the 1950s is a big success story for the BBC, described by one reviewer as comforting as taking a warm bath on a Sunday evening.
But why is it so popular? It’s because it’s an escape back to a time and an England which wasn’t the Multi Cultural hell hole the fascists have turned the UK into. A time when people had standards, morals, and certainties. When they weren’t constantly looking over their shoulders to see if there was a Political Officer checking they were thinking the correct thoughts.
History dramas set in this period – like Heartbeat, are always going to do well but the BBC are NEVER EVER going to allow the analysis as to why, they prefer blandishments like a ‘large pensioner audience’ which is nonsense for Sunday evening peak time.
Many people are looking with longing to a Britain which has alas disappear, but they wish hadn’t.
A time when people had standards, morals, and certainties.
What a pity then that these are exactly the things that the BBC pisses on throughout the show via the faucet of the young midwife with the modern ideals …
Yet these are the same values, standards and morals openly mocked on their ‘comedy’ shows – hence the clip of pensioners every time a UKIP joke is referenced.
Trojan Horse news
Remember the BBC reports highlighting “I wouldn t believe it” and its chairman of governors, furiously denying the claims as “fictitious”. This growing issue.
Robert Spencer :-
“The school scandal in Britain just keeps growing. Now it has come out that “schools in Birmingham are illegally segregating pupils, discriminating against non-Muslim students and restricting the GCSE syllabus to ‘comply with conservative Islamic teaching.’” And why not? When the entire government is in full appeasement mode, appealing abjectly to Islamic supremacists”
4000+ comments on the Gilligan piece, and counting.
I wonder at what point a BBC HYS would have quietly been closed, had the investigation even existed to inspire people to share?
BBC has a new erm “report” on this and yet still have a picture and highlighted … “Tahir Alam, chair of governors at Park View School, saying claims are “ridiculous” ….
hmmm denial is not an option BBC, sounds more like something another one of those muslim apologists would say, sheesh! more Islamic with every report
Biggest inquiry so far is the council’s, which is looking at 25 schools in Birmingham. The council says that it will also be talking to local authorities in Bradford and Manchester over 400 further complaints to investigate already, new revelations of muslim gender segregation
in private and state schools … abhorrent madrassa style teaching in state schools.
… tip of the icebeg …
………….. Islam IS the Trojan horse …..
icebeg 😀 … iceberg!
the health dangers of having a massive arse
odd that there’s no mention of diane abbott!
It’s pathetic the way in which the BBC and Guardian ignore these stories until they have no choice but to report them:
“Leicester assistant mayor Vi Dempster said: ‘Council officers will be visiting the school after Easter to discuss the issue with the headteacher and governors.’
Madani, a faith academy accused of flouting the Equalities Act by insisting boys and girls were segregated and taught by a member of the same sex, has received £18 000 000 (WHAT!) of state funding.
Its chairman of governors, Hussein Suleman, said: ‘This poster has not existed in our premises. I don’t know who dreamt this hoax up.” … music haram?
Pakistan .. MMA MPA seeks law against music, dance women’s photos in ads …
how long before , its here … oops! too late
There are times when one feels all one can do is to cringe in the face of overwhelming BBC bias.
Then again there are moments of bias that move one to almost laugh out loud.
‘Some might say’ our national broadcaster’s first instinct has become to instigate, propagate and generally amplify previously almost unimagined greivance.
Today BBC News Channel attacks the Home Front in their Great war Anniversay.
At the outset I was braced for lashings of suffragette soccer (I was not disappointed) but I was somewhat taken aback to see coverage of the German Naval bombardment of Scarborough.
For the first time, however, I learn that : “compensation was slow in getting through”.
I feel sure this BBC barb was aimed not at the Imperial German Government or it’s successors.
I’m sorry, but I laughed at this ridiculous BBC reflex statement.
Was I meant to empathise? To say ‘grrr, bloody tight Coalition Government!’
Lazy Sunday afternoon and so I decided to read up a little on this:
Remittance fees hurt Africans, says Comic Relief
Communities in sub-Saharan Africa are being “hurt” by high fees charged by money transfer operators, charity Comic Relief has said. Restricted competition has helped push up charges, according to research by the Overseas Development Institute (ODI)….The research found that average fees of 12% to send $200 (£119) were twice the global average.
So i read the reportfrom independent think tank Overseas Development Institute
I noticed that there is a lot of smoke and mirrors in the report, for example the report uses £119 as the base line and that figure by both WU and MG entail a cost of 8%. However send £100 and you incur a cost of 4.7%. So the cost rises the more you send. Also the report uses 2 baselines with and without Sub Saharan African countries It transpires that the cost of sending money from one African country to another is on average 20%,
(there are ten countries in the region with remittance corridor charges for banks in excess of 20%: migrant workers
from Malawi remitting through banks in South Africa and
Ugandans sending money home from Tanzania pay one
quarter of the remittance in charges)
so by removing SSA the report arrives at a much lower baseline of around 10%. and allows the bBC to use a robbing bastard line in which to attack these lenders. Then there is how the report centres on WU, when sending money by Money Gram offers a better currency rate.
All in all this is nothing more than a sop by lilly faced liberals who haven’t a clue about anything and presume that immigrants sending money home are all fucking stupid and don’t know how to work the system.
It may be a straw in the wind. The past week I’ve noticed references to this blog in comments on both the Spectator and Telegraph websites.
The BBC news is losing mind share now. However in the UK it is still the 800lb gorilla thanks to the telly tax.
Then expect albeeba to redouble their efforts to discredit the site. Their teams will be beefed up, so expect more sudden appearances under new names. Editorial control will be strengthened, and new strategies developed. More false flag posts will appear.
A £4 billion pound protection racket will be totally pissed off at having their bias and low standards exposed, so they aint gonna go down without a fight.
A £4 billion pound protection racket will be totally pissed off at having their bias and low standards exposed, so they aint gonna go down without a fight.
I suspect you have far greater faith in Biased BBC’s reach than exists in the real world.
My faith is in the corrupt nature of the bbc me ole china.
And of course you’ll continue to find conspiracy where none exists, with no proof, and then proclaim that you’re right.
Because if there’s one thing that Biased BBC loves more than making shit up, it’s making shit up to reinforce their own, fictional view of themselves.
There is an old saying- if one person writes it a thousand think it.
Slowly the liberal fantasy world is crumbling. Time is on our side not theirs.
What appears monolithic and as strong as rock can collapse very swiftly. This is the way of the world down the ages.
“‘Nice’ BBC will cost Reverend his pay-off:
Former Co-op boss’s decision to talk publicly about dismissal is understood to have breached terms.
“Ex-Methodist minister said BBC has been ‘really nice’ to him.
“However, Newsnight interview may have breached the terms of his £95,000 pay-off from Co-operative Group.
“His former employers are now trying to get the cash back.”
Read more:
What a sad tale. There is a way back for Flowers if he studies the faith he preached. The BBC will not offer redemption and he is deluded if he thinks it cares for him.
The listening project
Two Muslims discussing their love of film making
“Why do you think that the Muslim community hate the arts?”
So there you have it, straight from the horses mouth that the Muslim community hate the arts !
But ‘we must have more of them in the BBC working in the arts and can’t understand why we can’t find them’ !
Artists certainly fear the Muslim community.
Did anyone watch ‘Messiah at the Foundling Hospital’? It was wonderful.
It was very good. But the BBC, predictably, had to find evidence of black babies, although in the eighteenth century they were described as ‘of tawny appearance’.
Here we see the BBC Comrades at Newsnight constantly attempt to link Marine Le Pen to UKIP and Nigel Farage…..It’s gonna be a long few weeks where the BBC are concerned, in attempting to destroy UKIP and have their viewers “vote labour”, for fear of being castigated as “ebil waycists”..
Most of the people I know are expecting a concerted effort by the BBC to smear UKIP. The campaign will reinforce the support for UKIP and will further undermine what little credibility the BBC still has.
Agreed. The more they slate UKIP the more people will see them for what they are and what they do. They do UKIP a favour and in turn it erodes BBC News credibility. They just hate it that the proles aren’t being influenced by them any more. Each loaded article is a small nail in the beeb’s coffin. I cant wait for its funeral.
These anti-UKIP attempts by the BBC really are quite dismal and pathetic. Mind you, Cameron set the tone with his ‘racists’ remark.
latest on Trojan Horse News
Apparently a Local Rep in Birmingham, said he had not come across extremism in the city’s schools.
“I can say I’ve never had a concern raised from members who have said ‘In our school they are segregating the girls from the boys’.
soooo … was segregating going on, OR NOT? as muslim parents might well know and agree with it, NOT ACCEPTABLE ……….
the war of words eh!
Its all about our ‘multiculti’ society
John Kay and Naga Munchety nominated for a bbc award. Why? They managed to run thro’ a more than 5 minute piece, interviewing 3 people involved in last years Boston Marathon jihad attack.
Oops…..errr…no, ….not as they saw it. Only one mention of the jihadis, describing them as ” perpetrators”.
Any mention of jihad? Nope. It’s almost as if the bombs were responsible.
What a treacherous bunch of scum.
Apologists for myrdering bastards.
This week – and, of course, every other day of the year – the BBC set out it’s spiritual and cultural vision for Britain today and for the future. Not in a formal address to the nation but in a 101 little comments, asides, and off-the-cuff quips and remarks. Not from one named and responsible spokesperson who might be held to account but from 101 like-minded presenters, commentators and journalists who prefer not to be subjected to the rigours of market choice.
Our Western culture and society was now “post religious” (Gavin Esler). Our separate national indentity was no more, we were “only British by default” (Tony Livesey). In fact, reflecting on our history, the English specifically could only really be identified by their “diversity” (Michael Wood).
On a lighter note, what had once been a BBC spoof of reverse colonization on the licence fee – “I Rastus” (The Goodies) ought now to be rapidly to be brought into effect (Lenny Henry).
Reflecting on past failings within the BBC we were reassured that any mistakes had been simply the result of “The truth not properly put” (Nicky Campbell).
Today Program radio 4 08:30 and they’re talking about Islamisation of schools.
Jack Straw is being interviewed and talks about tensions within the Pakistani ‘community’, but of course you have to understand that is no different to the tensions in English communities between Protestant & Catholic.
Oh pipes up Humphries realising that it’s a weak comparison “in places like Northern Ireland”.
How long ago has there been ‘tensions’ in Christian communities in England? 300 years ? maybe?
The point is that the fascists will always attempt to draw comparisons between Muslims and the rest of the populace, it doesn’t matter how tenuous that link, it has to be made to ‘normalise’ Muslim extremism.
Yet again classroom segregation of boys & girls is trotted out, although a reference was made to one teacher glorifying the 9/11 bombers, it was quickly glossed over.
The Muslim spokes weasel (because he really was) came out with the usual stream of left wing meaningless words. ‘reinforce community structures’, ‘contribution to society’, the inevitable ‘community cohesion’, etc etc.
It is obvious this man has been primed with a load of gibberish by the fascists, at one point even Humphries had to stop him because his words were utterly meaningless. An explanation of what he meant was not given presumable because although he knew the buzz words, he didn’t know what they meant (do they actually have a real meaning?)
Like so many ‘newspeak’ gobbledygook bully words they have little or no meaning, but for anyone who admits to not using them or failing to understand or accept, means showing oneself as not being a fascist, and therefore open to attack.
Same pile of leftist gobbledygook from the fascistic NASUWT gen. sec. Chris Keates on Sky news this a.m. too. She had to get in a shot at ‘the extreme far right’ in her indecipherable waffle, although I’m sure that no ‘far right’ groups are attempting to force their vile ideology onto our children in schools other than the Islamic extremists we are hearing about now. I fear all popular media news outlets are all of the same ilk. Gonna have to stick to LBC on the radio I think.
Turned the news on at 8am this morning, some podgy spotty haired youth and that chatrabarty girl, so they discussed:
1) Boston Marathon, yet for the 10 minutes they discussed the events of last year didn’t mention just who carried out that ugly act. Its as if the bombs just grew out of the ground.
2) Queens Birthbay: dickhead asked the girl how many she had, she replied..castles. Oh how they all f-ing laughed.
3)Skin Cancer, apparently cases of Skin cancer have risen since 1970. but the one salient fact (people living longer) was left out.
And the left bemoan the Dail Mail. IMHO the bBC is a lot worse. Which is when I turned the telly off.
I could never, ever, watch BBC news (especially on the Breakfast programme) on the telly – I would break it.
It’s quite bad enough on the wireless.
I see the bBC can’t report fast enough or even loud enough about how a bunch of self proclaimed experts have claimed that what the PM said about the UK being a Christian country and we should be proud could be deemed as…Racist and could cause … “alienation”
You mean like how Muslims in the Uk live in their own ghettos, like how in those enclaves they force non muslims out, like how they attack anybody drinking (while selling the stuff) how they openly attack Gays, how they oppress women, gerry mander elections, favour their own, murder in the name of their paedophile founder, go around raping white girls, sell drugs, demand we change our way of life so as not to offend them.
And the cocksuckinglittleboyrapingarsebanditsofthleft claim that the PM may have offended these vulnerable wannabe terrorists.
Ah Bless, on that note I wonder why none of the above ever, ever question ‘Islam’?
The list of leftwing arse holes:
Professor Jim Al-Khalil
Philip Pullman
Tim Minchin
Dr Simon Singh
Ken Follett
Dr Adam Rutherford
Sir John Sulston
Sir David Smith
Professor Jonathan Glover
Professor Anthony Grayling
Nick Ross
Virginia Ironside
Professor Steven Rose
Natalie Haynes
Peter Tatchell
Professor Raymond Tallis
Dr Iolo ap Gwynn
Stephen Volk
Professor Steve Jones
Sir Terry Pratchett
Dr Evan Harris
Dr Richard Bartle
Sian Berry
C J De Mooi
Professor John A Lee
Professor Richard Norman
Zoe Margolis
Joan Smith
Michael Gore
Derek McAuley
Lorraine Barratt
Dr Susan Blackmore
Dr Harry Stopes-Roe
Sir Geoffrey Bindman QC
Adele Anderson
Dr Helena Cronin
Professor Alice Roberts
Professor Chris French
Sir Tom Blundell
Maureen Duffy
Baroness Whitaker
Lord Avebury
Richard Herring
Martin Rowson
Tony Hawks
Peter Cave
Diane Munday
Professor Norman MacLean
Professor Sir Harold Kroto
Sir Richard Dalton
Sir David Blatherwick
Michael Rubenstein
Polly Toynbee
Lord O’Neill
Dr Simon Singh
Dan Snow
The Golden Age of Science, Politics, Media, Comedy and Literature well represented here.
Might put them in wank order later on(to quote Jonathan Jenkins of Hillhead).
Who`s the unfunniest, but gets most media time(by which I mean the BBC/Channel 4 and Guardian/Indy?).
My Jupitus-Hardy Index is 100…
Boy do I miss the Askeys, Ted Rodgers and Dickie Hendersons, the Bunty James and Clement Freuds,the Magnus Pykes and the like.
They turn out to be giants compared to this shower of shemens….
Some of these people are quite decent and they are welcome to express their view. Some like la Toynbee are airheads and Pullman is a propagandist but Simon Singh and Jim Al-Khalil I respect for example.
I doubt that Britain is a Christian country, but I welcome a debate. How refreshing it is not to live in a Muslim country, as the BBC constantly reminds us 😉
Meanwhile in Birmingham:
Islamic school militants ‘confiscated Easter eggs’
A mother of a pupil alleges “morality squads” of older boys confiscated chocolate and toys from younger children.The woman, who asked not be named for fear of reprisals, told the Daily Express: “Older boys are going round in these morality squads telling off girls if they do not wear veils.“They bully the girls and stop them mingling with boys in the playground.”And she said gangs have clamped down on Easter celebrations. She said: “My daughter tried to bring in an Easter egg for a friend and one boy grabbed it and smashed it against a wall.“Another girl of about 11 brought in a little Easter bunny toy that she wanted to show her friends. They grabbed that off her too.“All talk of Christmas and other non-Muslim festivals is banned. The teachers just turn a blind eye to it.”
And the cock suckers of the left remain ever so silent on the above, why chief cock sucker Tatchell not only dropped his trousers and stuck his arse in the air for the bBC in which to defend Islamic racist bigots, (while blaming the EDL) he has thrown off all his kit and jumped into bed with those truthful people at ‘Tell Mamma’ in which to try and spread the message that Muslims can only be victims. (Yes peter like that poor Muslim girl who was beheaded by her Iraqi boyfriend)
The problem with the left is they will continue to fiddle while the people they defend as victims: rape,pillage and murder their way into power.
The bBC, the traitors within our midst
could be deemed as racist? A nebulous weasel phrase. On that basis it could be deemed as a message for aliens from outer space to invade the Earth.
It’s either Waycist or it isn’t, and if they’re not prepared to put their necks on the line then why bother saying it?
55 people are upset at Cameron suggesting that Christian values are worthwhile, the signatories suggest that the petition was got up in the BBC dining room, “Jim” Al-Khalili, Alice Roberts, Dan Snow, Polly Toynbee etc etc
Two of the signatories aren’t even British:
Gay Thatchell and dickhead Mitchin.
Meanwhile in Gaza, the only faith decides to celebrate Christian ‘Easter’ as only Islamic Terrorists can:
Gaza rockets land in southern Israel
Three rockets from Gaza were fired into Israel on Monday morning, the IDF Spokesperson’s office said.The projectile struck uninhabited areas in the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council and set off sirens.
Minchin is British born and lives here. I’ve heard him speak and he seems likeable enough, but he is an unfunny comedian. Tatchell is irritating but at least he took on Mugabe.
That said, any signature list including Polyfiller Toynbee is unlikely to convince me.
I also suspect that Dan Snow is patriotic, which is nice to see. Though if he is I’d understand how he’d keep it low key so as to not offend the BBC. And he is another example of the rampant nepotism in the Beeb empire.
Also Nick Ross – the thinking man’s Andrew Castle.
CJ De Mooi (Jeremy s mate from Eggheads)
Radio 4 favs Richard Herring and Tony Hawks
Nick Ross – ‘Don’t have nightmares’
Lenny Henry and our very own Scott must be most pleased with last nights WW1 drama which featured a minority character and also introduced a homosexual character, a storyline which looks like running for the rest of the series.
introduced a homosexual character,
Did he stab somebody from behind?
Dreadful. After all, homosexuality couldn’t have possibly existed in 1914, could it?
Of course it, but did I’m really not interested. I want to know about the life my Grandfather and the absolute majority of WW1 soldiers suffered in the trenches, of which this typical bbc ‘drama’ seems to want to avoid.
Most of the time Homosexuality was heavily disguised because it was illegal. Trying to normalise it in that context is revisionism.
BTW Scott are you Gay?
I see twinkle toes has arrived to speak out on the blog he hates the most. Err Bigears remembering the people who fell should be just that, just because somebody is different doesn’t make him any more special than anybody else. They were (are) all heroes) and should be remembered accordingly .
Oh and dick splash, the next time you write on my blog as David Vance, ensure you use a proxy server which will make sure I can’t trace the message back to a Apple computer in East London.
Your first point makes no sense (as usual) – are you saying that a character’s homosexuality precludes him from being a hero, or that including such a character reduces the heroism of other characters? Must admit I haven’t watched The Crimson Field yet but have the eps downloaded on iPlayer. Will be intrigued to see if there is any justification to your outburst – on your previous history, I’d guess not.
As for the rest of your rant:
1) leave your potty mouth at home.
2) I don’t even know what your blog is or where to find it, and if I did post there, I would do so under my own name.
3) I don’t live anywhere near East London.
Maybe next time you’d be a little more sure of your facts before accusing people, eh? Oh what am I talking about , this is Biased BBC – full of sad men who prioritise their own fictions over the truth.
Big Ears wrote:
“Your first point makes no sense (as usual)”
Really? I don’t think I could have made it any clearer. Tell you what ..why don’t you pretend to be David Vance again in which to call me a racist. I’m sure the next time a racist bigot Islamic gang prowls outside where you live, you’ll thank the lord that so called idiots like me are prepared to stand up to pricks like that, in which to ensure that everybody can live in peace in the UK. No wait….
I have never pretended to be David Vance or anybody else, pounce. I hardly need to – you do a good enough job of making yourself look ridiculous without anybody else joining in.
Are you going to take back your lies and apologise?
Are you going to take back your lies and apologise?
I’ll take that as a “I know I’m in the wrong, but I’m too much of a coward to say so,” then…
And the problem with idiots like you, is you have no sense of humour, cannot take a joke and see yourselves as perpetual victims. I mean come on, what the fuck do you think asking somebody for an apology means. Would you have an endorphin rush that somebody apologised (while knowing full well it wasn’t required or even meant) People like you live in a parallel universe where left is right and right is left. to you victims are wrong and the guilty can only be victims.
Tell you what twinkle toes, how about bitching about that poor Islamic girl beheaded in Sheffield, how Tower Hamlets is being run as an Islamic fiefdom , how Halal meat is rife, How Gays are victims by Muslims around the world and just not in London.
That’s the problems with shirt buttons like you, far easier to complain against somebody who won’t hurt you, than those who will.
Now do us all a favour and take your head for a shit.
You made a false accusation, with no proof to back it up.
A reasonable adult would realise that sort of action warrants an apology, rather than going off on one again.
Now, the question is – are you capable of behaving like a reasonable adult?
Some note-takers from the duty roster have on occasion taken to highlighting my interest in BBC FoI requests.
I am not sure why they think this serves their, or the BBC’s cases very well. It is simply factual information. Created by a publicly-funded institution, albeit ‘uniquely’. That release of such data is resisted, and its discussion so feared by the BBC and its fellow travellers, can only pose questions as to why.
On the subject of such information, derived from what seems an entirely reasonable interest in a significant aspect of the BBC ‘service’, there is now this tale and associated analysis, related to another interest, that of the BBC complaints system.
It seems meticulously even-handed and fair. I also presume accurate in interpretation simply on an objective basis, if some subjectivity on the policies dopes creep in. Fair enough, all things considered. Certainly when the BBC unleashes the threat of legal attrition using its limitless financial resources.
If the marauding squads of Flokkers infesting this site over the long weekend have any comment (that involves more than ‘it isn’t ‘cos we say so’, ad homs or other distractions), I’d be interested to learn what they make of it. Presuming getting on the topic of how the BBC handles criticism on a factual basis is not something that would lead to immediate system shut down.
The BBC just love this:
Right up their street… anything with that snooty left-winger Toynbee in it will always get a nod from the comrades.
The Socialist Workers Party infiltration of the CofE has made attendance as popular as the Guardian!
People don’t want to be hectored all week by the TV and Radio, and then spend their Sunday being hectored from the pulpit, then they do what they can’t with the BBC, walk away.
My image is of a Beehive in orbit around the first circle of hell.
Full of drones, no workers and loads of queens.
Lots of lavender-but not one of them sweet enough to give a drop of honey-just bile.
Bertrand Russell and his celestial teapot was more on-the -button that I`d thought!
Isn`t Polly going to be in Tuscany at this time…so how did SHE get her name on it, unless they`re using C02 in electronic communications?
Given the fact she lives at the BBC, this is savagery of Gaia if she did that!
“Yet another wise and well thought-out policy from that wisest of all Western governments, the British”
Tarek Fatah “Looks like UK is in a race to be named the first Islamic Madcap circus in the world.”
I do hope that D Camerimam, consulted S Warsi, and got advice from T Ramadan on the best way to proceed. eh!
R Spencer :-
“These young jihadis are being stopped from going to Syria. They might then cast about for opportunities to wage jihad at home … but at least they won’t be waging jihad in Syria!”
“Nuthin to see – BBC” … softly, softly on the old Jihadaddy
oops apologies I mean grieving parents
and not on BBC anytime soon T Fatah/Ezra Levant
“Homegrown Terrorism”
Another example of bias leavened with ignorance on Today this morning: Vince’s new proposals to create more transparency concerning the ownership and control of UK registered companies were “discussed” by Prem Sikka (lefty academic, noisy lobbyist and anti-capitalist loonie – no wonder he’s on the Today speed-dial) and some dildo whose name I failed to catch (if it was, in fact, thrown). The “discussion” was chaired by a strictly impartial Evan who talked to “Prem” like the old friends they undoubtably are. The substance of the discussion was, basically, “has Vince gone far enough?” Prem, of course, said he hadn’t – the dildo said he had although there’s more to do.
What everybody missed was that the 2006 Companies Act already deals to a large extent with the problem of “hidden” control. The solution, embedded in existing law, is the shadow director rules. Not, I would suggest, that the shadow director rules couldn’t be tightened up (and properly enforced) but they’re there and could be used for just the purposes Vince suggests. But, oh no, because Vince is a both a socialist and an ignoramus (not mutually exclusive) we must have a whole new raft of unnecessary legislation to deal with these outrages.
Coming to the BBC’s role here: if the BBC is going to do analytic journalism, questions which might be asked are: “is there a problem?”, “how big is the problem?”, “do the proposed new rules deal with the problem?”, “is this overkill?” Of course, the BBC default position on regulation of anything (except its complaints procedures) is that it’s never enough and the participants in any broadcast discussion will comprise a dildoic defender of the new rules and a critic from the left egged on by a BBC “journalist”. An interesting – even enlightening discussion – would have included someone who has practical knowledge of corporate law and practice and (by virtue of that knowledge) considers Vince’s proposals as bullshit PR by legislation.
Another meaningless Today discussion this morning concerned education and comprised contributions from Jack Straw (treading on eggs not to cause offence to any “new Britons” out there) and some taqqiya-spouting mouthpiece from the Muslim Council or another self-styled Islamic representative body. Luckily Jack, John and the mouthpiece agreed that the conversion of primary schools in Moslem-dominated areas into madrassahs is not only not happening but, if it is, is due to a “tiny” minority of misguided believers. On that note of agreement the item was brought to a satisfactory conclusion (excepting that the ritual demonisation of Michael Gove was, unusually, not broadcast. Rest assured someone at the BBC will have his card marked for that omission).