When the Coalition held back on regulating cigarette packaging the BBC launched a broadside against the Tories with relentless suggestions that the Tory advisor, Lynton Crosby, was behind the reluctance to bring in plain packaging because he had links to tobacco firms.
How different, and lacking, is the BBC’s rigour and investigative ardour when Miliband’s new advisor is known to have had links to energy companies creating adverts that made spurious justifications for price rises…something the BBC has been rather energetic in investigating here in the UK…but not now.
The BBC has maintained radio silence about Axelrod’s ‘previous’…..all the more intriguing because it is in direct oppostion to his new master’s policy of price freezes.
New Ed Miliband adviser David Axelrod helped campaign for energy price hikes
Mr Axelrod, known as one of the world’s best political strategists, ran ASK Public Strategies, which organised the advertising company for ComEd, the largest electricity company in Illinois.
The campaign in 2005 warned of an impending “energy crisis” in the state if electricity prices were not put up.
The disclosure could prove embarrassing for Mr Miliband, who has taken on the “Big Six” energy firms by pledging to freeze prices if he wins next year’s election.
So Miliband’s new guru was in the pay of ‘Big Energy’….hustling for higher prices….at odds with Miliband’s policy…and the BBC ignores the story.
And ignores that other embarrassment for Miliband that Axelrod is also at odds with his ‘heroic and brave’ stand on Syria….
After Iraq, folks are justifiably weary and leery. But this isn’t Iraq. In plain sight, Assad’s committed mass murder with hideous weapons. No response would be a green light to Assad, Iran, Hezbollah and others that the U.S. and world will look the other way. Grave mistake. A targeted strike on their delivery systems is right, just and proportionate. Failure to act would be another tragic legacy of Iraq war.
Is there an election coming?
Champagne on ice, party hats at the ready at the BBC?
Even Axlegrease can’t fix a wonky squeaky goon like Miliband.
“Labour hires Obama spin chief who backed higher energy bills: David Axelrod led campaign on behalf of power giant.
“David Axelrod came up with Barack Obama’s campaign slogan ‘Yes We Can.’
“Ed Miliband has not yet met Axelrod despite offering him six-figure salary.
“Axelrod’s company campaigned in the US calling for energy price hikes.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2608117/Labour-hires-Obama-spin-chief-backed-higher-energy-bills-Axelrod-led-campaign-behalf-power-giants.html#ixzz2zQslOGci
It comes to light that research suggests that having cigarettes with no branding will lead to a large increase in the number of fake brands and importing.
Labour’s policy must be to cause massive fuel price rises, producing more poverty, therefore producing more Labour votes, as poor people vote Labour.
Labour needs poverty, as much as Cancer charities need cancer.
So obviously, Labour must have chosen Axelrod for that purpose.