Have to laugh at the way in which the BBC instantly turns on one of its more usual favourites, the pro EU CBI, the nano-second it take a view they oppose. In Scotland, the CBI has chosen to oppose Scotland leaving the UK and this has caused those quangos who belong to the Scottish Government and who are also members of the CBI, to resign from the BBC. Listen to the hard time the CBI D-G is given by Evan Davies at at 1.14mins into the programme today.
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It’s funny the SNP spend their entire time saying that the UK Better Together campaign is negative, that the UK Government is ‘bullying’ the Scots and basically shout down anyone with opposing views all because they cannot handle anyone with opposing views. Gives you a little insight and a foresight into how a Nationalist Scotland would work. It’s like all of the other Leftist groups: we are tolerant until you oppose our views. Then we just call you names and gang up to bully.
“Gives you a little insight…into how a Nationalist Scotland would work.”
Really – in what way?
There is no guarantee that the SNP would be in power following the elections that would follow a Yes vote. You never know, perhaps freed from the shackles of Westminster, the Tory Party may once again become a force in Scottish Politics and recover the many voters they have lost to the SNP especially in the more rural areas of Angus, Aberdeenshire and Perthshire.
I doubt it: SNP, LD and SC are much of a muchness; Labour are clearly the only problem probably due to giving most away: averaging 60% plus in all Glasgow constituencies isn’t going to change easily unless another party offers to give away more money.
Freed from the shackles of Westminster?
Dear life. Scotland does extremely well out of Westminster. It has it’s own parliament, sets its own laws. It is not a prisoner but a lauded, kept in clover mistress.
I am Scottish and acknowledge it is a Socialist country. We would vote for dogshit with a Labour rosette on it.
“Then we just call you names and gang up to bully. ”
Seems an apt description of many who post here on a regular basis. Does that make you all “leftists”?
Of course David, in his own biased way, has missed the key point. The CBI (a member organisation) has not provided any evidence that their stated view represents that of the membership or that they even canvassed their members before making the announcement.
Seems an apt description of many who post here on a regular basis
I see your ‘so’s yer face’ cut and paste zinger comeback and raise you one.
Would you include any posting colleagues of yours these last few days in this… or not?
But leaving the thread actual topic to last, as one does, is providing evidence of stated views as representative a precedent one can also expect from the BBC in it’s ‘reporting’ in future, or is it simply one of those many uniques they enjoy to use ‘sources who say’ or ‘critics’, etc?
If cornered, at least a BBC spokesperson can announce they do try not to be inaccurate, lack objectivity or professional integrity, and will promise to look hard at it internally. In secret.
Reassuring values indeed to engender trust and belief in transparency.
“Would you include any posting colleagues of yours these last few days…………………..”
I do not have any “posting colleagues” – but if thinking I am working in concert with others makes you happy so be it.
In addition to your early onset narcolepsy it appears you are also afflicted with the selective Alzheimers that the BBC top brass often suffer from.
You choose to make generic comment on BBBC posters and I simply point out that the facts of this weekend show it to be as skewed as most of your disruption attempts. You and Scott tag-teamed much of it, including your being very much in the vicinity of all you accuse others of being.
And given your recent daft attempt at claiming I should not comment on the BBC here or anywhere because your records show I am not a licence fee extortee, I am seriously doubting your grasp of reality.
The inability to answer the simple question on the precedent of the BBC also skirting evidence to suit allusion when it suits is all too typical.
In short I can conclude that you have no evidence that I have “posting colleagues”.
You and Scott tag-teamed
Yes, another unwritten rule of Biased BBC’s more deranged elements: if more than one dissenter is present on a thread, they must be in cahoots.
Of course, such a theory is reliant upon, and feeds into, the ego of the accuser – he is the most important person in the world in his eyes, so of course those who disagree with him are joining forces against him.
Your jumping into the ring as soon as Ally jumps out dont help Scott,it dont help
So Guest Who can mention me by name, but I’m not allowed to comment?
That’s bizarre, even by Biased BBC nutcase commenters’ warped excuses for standards.
Oh dear
It was only an observation I thought you might find useful
It’s fairly clear you are allowed to comment. It’s just possible you don’t react well when others comment on your commentary.
Spoils the flow, but there you go.
A quick reminder on what kicked off this little detour…
“βThen we just call you names and gang up to bully. β
Seems an apt description of many who post here on a regular basis.”
And those who gang together whilst often conjuring up names like Gusset Who to please the cheap seats?
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The future of an independent west albania/ scotland
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