Just listened to the whole of the Today programme interview with Jack Straw and an MCB rep (Talha Ahmed?)
The question raised by John Humphrys asked that as many schools now have Muslim pupils in the majority ‘How should schools cope with that?’…..also asking……‘Do you see this as a problem?’
Ahmed naturally said no, no problem..in fact all the diversity (?) adds value to the wider society.
He said we couldn’t have a proper debate because it was taking place in a charged atmosphere about Muslims taking control.
Humphrys stepped in there and corrected him…it was surely ‘extremists’ taking control.
Ahmed changed ‘Muslims’ to militants and Humphrys gave a satisfied ‘yep’….nothing to see here about Islamic values and their possible ‘extremism’….couldn’t possibly be ‘real Muslims’ wanting to impose Islam upon schools!
Then Ahmed said something of note that Humphrys didn’t press despite his last intervention….there is no concrete definition of what is an extremist or an Islamist.
That’s very true but it suits the apologists for Islam and the likes of the MCB……if you define an extremist as someone who merely has strong religious beliefs then all devout Muslims are extremist and Islam itself is an extreme ideology.
Therefore dodging that question is essential for anyone who wants to protray Islam as ‘moderate’ and the Religion of Peace.
Humphrys did suggested that the debate is switching from talk of extremists to talk of Islamification of schools.
Straw came in and said yes, in the context that many schools have majority Muslim populations we have to understand that there are many tensions within the Muslim communities themselves…it is a power struggle.
Is there battle between ‘extremists’ and ‘moderates’…or just between different groups of Muslims, all similarly devout? The BBC always says there is a battle….the Islamists are always ‘extreme’.
However Ahmed said that there is not a battle between extremists and moderate Muslims….so perhaps he is suggesting that there is no such thing as extreme and moderate Islam…there is just Islam? Heard that before from the MCB.
If there is no battle between extremist and moderate Muslims why does the BBC portray the Islamification of schools as the imposition of the beliefs of Muslims with strongly held views upon Moderate Muslims? That is…the majority of Muslims don’t really want to follow ‘Islam’….they want Islam Lite….and as such pose no ‘threat’ to a secular democratic state.
Once again the BBC tries to downplay the true values that Islam teaches…and how many people follow them…religiously.
Straw then states that we must accept that we live in the UK and alongside religious values there has to be a clear understanding that there are a set of values which permeate our sense of citizenship.
Ahmed says that Muslims accept that…he knows of no Muslims who disagree with that…however….people should respect the space that Muslims need to practice their religion.
That last of course is where the problems begin…just how much slack do you give a religion to go its own way in society?
As said before such claims from Muslims about accepting ‘one law for all’ overriding Islamic law and culture are questionable….when Tariq Ramadan (who has a large following among Muslim youth in the UK..says the BBC) states that there is no such thing as a Western culture you have to recognise what he means and the threat such language poses to that ‘non-existent’ Western culture:
“But we have to also ask our fellow citizens [to remove the ghettos] by recognising European society has changed. We have to get rid of this idea that there is this homogenous European culture that Islam threatens.”
Throughout the BBC interview Ahmed, from the MCB, repeatedly suggested he went along with everything….no extremists, one law for all, segregation is bad….but on the MCB Twitter feed we get the real views:
So essentially we get the message from the MCB…we listen to your views with interest and agree with them all….except…..
Why the BBC continues to give the MCB credibility and airtime without challenging its real views is a mystery.
Didn’t Straw continually gerrymander the vote in his constituency by allowing constant immigration largely from the sub-continent or am I being too hard on the old goat? After all, once they’re here, they’re here. It would have been easier not to let them in in the first place so that we wouldn’t even have to worry about these things. It would also ease a lot of pressure on the greenbelt and housing and other infrastructure. But then nobody ever asked the people. We’re just supposed to shut up and take it.
It would be better if there were no quick quips about McCarthyism – if you read the later biographies it is clear that he was right about the Soviets – so those speaking about the perils of Muslims and their desire to take over the world are probably not Islamophobic but are in fact absolutely correct.
Yes that quip about McCarthy speaks volumes. Totalitarian cunts.
MCB? … Remember Iqbal “death is too good for him” Sacranie? … how about Daud Abdullah?
a right collection of terrorism supporting liars
in their own words
And Sacranie was given a knighthood weeks after 7/7. FFS……WHY ?
When muslims mention US Senator McCarthy, they should take care to understand what the man was doing. He was determined to expose the communist infiltration within the US establishment and it’s only the socialists in the US who have managed to denigrate this man because he had the measure of their wickedness. If anything, we need a McCarthy in our country to root out the wickedness of islam.
I have this problem with reality. I think it exists.
To take an example. If a school is overwhelmingly Muslim then it is, by definition, not diverse. If an area of a city is likewise monocultural or dominated by a single racial group then it too is not diverse.
To claim that such schools and areas represent a triumph for diversity is perverse. Not to mention absurd.
Yet the liberal persists in ignoring reality.
Either I am wrong or the liberal is wrong. Sadly if I am wrong the state needs to re educate me to accept the liberal reality.
it has no other choice or the whole unreal edifice of liberalism starts to collapse.
The BBC pods know this and so every word or interview is unreal. Everything they say is to be taken lightly or ignored.
When in doubt shut your ears or close your eyes.
Well said. “Diversity” here is Orwellian and means exactly the opposite when used by left-wingers to what it really means.
If they want Muslim schools they should go back to Pakistan. We would be much better off without their type of diversity.
I am sick to f-ing death of how the left pander to certain ethnic minorities in which to excuse all the wrong-doing carried out by their members.
But there are other minorities out there who get on with life and don’t play the victim card in which to make this country a better place for everybody: Be it Hindus,Nepalese, Chinese, Africans, Eastern Europeans you never hear the left wax lyrical about them, yet when it comes to Muslims or certain Blacks then they can only be victims. You know usually those with a life of crime behind them, but instead of defending the former the bBC will always defend the latter.
Why am I not surprised about the link between this terrorism defender and bBC (And guess who also shows his face)
Police raid the home of a Muslim man who praised his brother for fighting ‘holy war’
Mustakim Jaman was on Newsnight in December to talk about his older sibling Ifthekar – who boasted of fighting a “five-star jihad”. Now he has been targeted by police amid fears he too may go to the Middle East. The Jaman family home was searched as part of an operation to stop young Muslims joining the Syrian conflict. Last week, Mustakim took to Twitter to complain about the raid which he claimed was done under the Terrorism Act…..After the raid, Mustakim and his family had a message of support from Jeremiah Adebolajo, brother of Lee Rigby’s killer Michael Adebolajo.
YUp to the bBC, only so called ex British squaddies can be racist and they will lie for Allah to promote that view.
To be fair it is not as if Newsnight has any journalistic reputation to loose.
But the BBC double-checks all of their sources. We saw that in Newsnight’s reports into Help Against Heroes and Lord MacAlpine. They are beyond scrupulous
This simply did not happen (c) Dez et al
A BBC spokesman said: “We take our editorial responsibilities very seriously and we check people out as far as we are able to before we put them on air.
£4Bpa does not seem to buy much ‘ability’ these days.
No wonder they’d prefer folk did not have the ability to hold them to account.
“To claim that such schools and areas represent a triumph for diversity is perverse.”
No it is just a lie. A lie motivated by hatred of the West by those (I am thinking of the middle class liberal Left) who live off its handouts.
Their opposition to the totalitarianism of the Medieval Church is that the wrong people were in charge. The right people of course being themselves. There is nothing liberal about the Left and there is nothing multicultural about Islam.
I well remember the cut and paste jobs done by OFSTED when last they were asked to revise their ” reports”.
Haringey…Baby P and Sharon Shoesmith.
Old reports binned, cut and paste, working through the night to find the Tippex…very MayDay at the Kremlin with Pravda reprtage.
Expect the same with Wilshaws OFSTED now re Brum…but to be fair to him, He did say Birminghams schools were a scandal last year.
But without naming any “faith perspectives”…and if he mentions Islam or Muslim, I`ll be surprised.
These cultural minorities, these enrichers of vibrant niceties…anything but Islamic taqqiya moles eating at schools from within.
Be good to watch the BBC and OFSTED stitch the Persian rug to come.
Why should Muslims get a better education that white kids anyway?…and to be fair to Islam, the content will at least be all too clearly structured.
No citizenship, no morning after pills here, thank Issa!
I think you’ve missed the point about tensions in the Islamic ‘community’.
Humphries in an effort to show that UK society was no different talked about tensions in the Christian ‘community’ between Catholic & Protestant. Perhaps realising that such tensions ended 3 or 400 years ago he quickly added ” in Northern Ireland for instance”.
This the way fascism works, by trying to compare what is happening in the Muslims ‘community’ to the mainstream British one, even though the link is non existent it has to be attempted.
But the Tension, as you have assumed, is not between extremists and moderates, but by different factions of Islam, and we all know what those result in.
Perhaps the BBC are hoping for a second war? Obviously the first one was a while ago. and making the news instead of reporting it is a great way to waste taxpayers money !
They don’t get it, “to have Muslim pupils in the majority” is not “diversity”. It is segregation and ghettoisation and it is a problem.
It’s called multi culturalism.
Alec, really we are anything but multi-cultural, we just have a collection of mono-cultures. Never has the saying, ‘birds of a feather flock together’ rung so true as in the cities of this country. The dreadful increase in the muslim birthrate is horrible to behold. I predict that in my time left, maybe 20-30 years, we will see gunships killing hundreds in the festering muslim areas, as they riot and try to take control of other areas, i kid you not.
Seen World war Z?. Britain in 2050 on……with rabid, zombie like muslims killing and raping us indigenous souls and those other non-muslims……..fantasy? I do hope so, but with our coward leaders, it is a sure-fire bet……
I understand that certain US law enforcement agencies use ‘zombie outbreak control’ as a euphemistic name for *ahem* urban unrest pacification exercises.
You have a point me old son. Failing to address problems in their multi cultural “project” will eventually cause serious trouble (well we have already seen it). And it will be spread across Europe. Yet they fail to see it.
Progressives want to destroy our county and undermine its culture and re cast its history with a leftists bias.
For the moment they just want to shout down anyone that opposes, criticises or fails to buy into their brave new world. And they call others intolerant, bigoted and fascist.
Sadly I suspect that you are probably right. It is difficult to put a timeframe on it and for that reason I wouldn’t go along with your ’20-30 years’ assessment, but essentially I agree. It must be well over ten years ago that I wrote to a friend in America that there is great potential for civil war in this country. Nothing that has happened in the interim has caused me to change my mind.
Michael Gove wrote in his book “Celsius 7/7” (published 2006):
“When a senior Law Lord such as Leonard Hoffmann can say of attempts to restrain the liberty of Islamist ideologues that ‘the real threat to the life of the nation comes not from terrorism but from laws such as these’, then we know we are living in a land that has still not woken up to the challenge we face.”
“That means a leadership prepared to recognize the essential link between the display of weakness in the past and the Islamist advance we face today.”
“We need an ideological effort to move away from moral relativism and towards moral clarity, as well as a commitment to build a truly inclusive model of British citizenship in which divisive separatist identities are challenged, and rejected.”
What has Gove been doing about it in our schools during the last four years?
Nothing. So a vote for UKIp is the only way to restore sense to our politicians.
Sadly there never will be an inclusive model of British citizenship. The Scots are demonstrating that .
Isn`t Hoffmann the one who ruled on keeping Pinochet here in Britain to face a trial back in 1999?
Only to find that he was a CND/Amnesty International stooge-and therefore hardly impartial in his judgement.
The rot goes deep-and the likes of Jack Straw and Charles Clarke never did get much above student politics.
That we have these pothead pixies swarming all over our law and politics tells us why we`re so broken-backed as a nation.
Reckon we need to make Margaret Hilda Thatcher a saint…and create a Church Militant specifically to shaft the liberal elite with her “believing community”
I would sure like to hear what the 7/7 victims think about diversity. Oh no hang on, they can’t tell us can they.
Unless it creeps into the schools of a BBC/Guardian journalist
it simply does not exist. GET IT!!!!!!
The BBC probably see Operation Trojan Horse as a success.
Saltley School, one of the alleged targets, is the home of the extinct Saltley Grammar School, of which former UKIP member, (and forever damned), Robert Kilroy-Silk was a Head Boy.
Its conversion from 100% white, Rugby Football-playing, grammar school to 100% Asian, Blairite-academy ticks all the BBC boxes and stomping on Kilroy-Silk’s origins is just a bonus!
Last week I discovered that my old primary school in a town I had better not name was now 95% and rising ethnic minority.
If anyone had foretold this in those far off days he would have been dismissed as a fantasist.
And the liberal tells us that this land has not changed. That it always was a land of immigrants. They lie.
Yes, I think Powell predicted it and he was roundly dismissed. He has been proved right, though. I still remember him – a Conservative at a time when nobody saw the collapse of the Soviet Union coming – saying that Russia, not the U.S.A. was our natural ally and that we could live with Communism provided it was their communism and they didn’t try to export it. Now our idiot leaders have picked a fight with Russia over nothing that we can’t win, threatening them with sanctions when we are more dependent on them than they are on us. We’ve had it.
politacal correctness has screwed uk plc up.its up to us to start the fightback now