God forbid a British Prime Minister should assert that this country has a clear CHRISTIAN heritage. The BBC were always going to jump all over this as Alan has already referenced. I caught Peter Tatchell being given free rein to attack Cameron and more importantly attack the idea that Britain is still at least nominally ‘Christian’. Isn’t this the same Peter Tatchell who is on record for urging that the age of consent be lowered to 14? Yes, I can see why the Comrades at the BBC turned to this fine upstanding person to diss over the Christians, esp at Easter. Of course, when ISLAM gets a hold, Tatchell, Dame Tuscany and the other secular zealots that write to the DT may find their options rather more limited. Christianity is an easy target and the BBC never miss a chance to rubbish it. I’m not saying any religion is above media critique but when I look at Islam, and how the BBC treat if with SUCH simpering reverence, it surely shows a massive double standard.
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interesting to see that the list of signatories is a role call of those who have benefitted from bbc presenter selection policy.
odd that none of them has sent a letter to the guardian condemning bbc leftie group think.
guido has just revealed that ed millibananas said britain is a Christian country on his recent visit to israel – cue deafening silence
Peter Tatchell – from Australia isn’t he? It’s noticeable how many of the signatories for the letter to the Daily Telegraph are – how shall we put it delicately? – are not of a traditional British background. Which in the BBC’s eyes makes them uniquely qualified to speak about this country of course.
“Peter Tatchell – from Australia isn’t he?”
As is faux rationalist and serial hypocrite Tim Minchin.
Is that the same Peter Thatchell who the bBC used to blame Islamic homophobic abuse on……..White British people
Why does Peter Tatchell get so much airplay? Anyone can hold a flag up and shout. I remember when he and a militant cohort of gay storm troopers hijacked a church ceremony and climbed up the pulpit during a sermon to shout anti-Christian slogans. I always wondered why they never did the same in East London mosques… oh that;s right they had have the S**t beaten out of them!
Peter Tatchell and the rest, attack Christianity, as it is the basis and foundation of Western civilisation. Islam is not.
In a round about way, by attacking the Christian faith, they actually recognize that fact.
He`s come a long way since Michael Foot disowned him as a Labour candidate for being gay in the early 80s.
Bob Mellish( a local Labour MP) said the kinds of things that would get Labour into court these days…and Simon Hughes and those loveable local liberals more that twisted that stiletto into Tatchell at that time too.
Yet he`s a Socialist shill with green lapels…
The personal is political but only when it suits the lefts groupthink.
When will the “right ” up at history distorted and denied…it`s as if George Wallace was not a Democrat in the USA, or that Martin Luther King was not Republican in most of his dealings?
If we `don`t get history truthful now, Richard Bacon will be writing it…if he can find the crayons…
So, a bunch of Guardianistas and fellow travellers get a letter published in the Telegraph which the Today programme can then pick up and run with without being accused of letting their agenda be set by what’s in the Guardian. Cleverl
I recognise a few of these signatories of left, former Maoist, Marxists, as young radicals from the new universities of the 1960’s and seventies.
Still around, still on the BBC address book, and I wonder how they feel about Arab funding for Islamic centres in their universities. Oh yes, and checking their Middle East affiliations, a few Pallie supporters too.
Love this – Thatchell & Fairbrass pop over to Moscow to force their gay agenda and flaunt their homosexuality in a confrontational manner. Thatchell gets one of the best bang square in the face I’ve seen but was disappointed in Fairbrass crapping out when he clearly fancies himself as a bit of a hardman.
yep! he was going to bleat “deeply dippy” as a defence … but as a “smack in the gob” often offends
well … 😀 he didn t!
as for …… “brave” P Tatchell (LGTG) …
buddying up with F Mughal (MGMTA)
…. FAIL!
…… and more from the BBC’s long- running comedy show – Radio 4’s ‘Today’ Programme – in which it spoofs the absurd world view of the metrosexual media elite. In today’s episode the editorial team ponder who would be the appropriate savant to bring in to the studio to respond to David Cameron’s recent assertion of our Christian heritage….Uum Uum, Oh I know says a promising young member of the team. What about Peter Tatchell? Yes, ABSOLUTELY…he’d be PERFECT they all chorus.in reply. You’ve got to admit it’s a funny show.
Yes, I have looked at the Daily Mail website and the best rated comments (ok it was a few hours ago but I am presuming things haven’t changed). Now who is most out of kilter with the great British public? The Daily Mail readers and Cameron who think this is still a Christian country or The Today programme on Radio 4 who agrees with the signatories of the Telegraph letter that calling the UK a Christian country is bad and damages multiculturalism. As a non Christian I just have to look at the damage to education in Birmingham to know which sort of country I would like to live in. Personally I think that some people will have heard the Today programme this morning and realised that it is getting further and further from the views of the man on the street.
50 signatories? Wow, I am seriously unimpressed. I live in a tiny village (pop 185) and we have more than 50 voters on our church electoral roll, and that doesn’t include the Catholics, the Methodists and the rest.
Delingpole nails it, as usual…
Thankfully its not a choice between either the Christians or Muslim cults. Both are equal glimpses of the same untruth.
Christians don’t call for the beheading of ‘infidels’ or those who insult their faith, though.
With Mark on this! as a practicing atheist heathen I find in my day to day observance of my chosen faith that only one religious group actually threatens me and my’n with real world death !
A glib, totally inaccurate quip, based on an a priori presumption, and ignoring the evidence of Islamic jihad violence currently being carried out globally, with Syria as test-case.
Shouldn’t the title be:
‘Isn’t this the same Peter Tatchell who is on record for urging that the age of consent be lowered to 14? ‘
Dunno, but that wouldn’t seem to counter the substance of his argument about whether we are a Christian country. He may have recommended this, not quite the same as the Christians who put it into practice though.
Oh, and the BBC is now leading with:
David Cameron Christianity claim backed by religious groups:
So either you’re intial assertion was wrong or the BBC is schizophrenic.
“Cameron’s Christianity in a multi-culti Britain.
“The letter against David Cameron is just the latest expression of an infantile multi-culturalism that has done terrible damage to social cohesion precisely because it is too weak to create any substantial bonds of identity.”
David Cameron who claims to be a Christian, blah blah blah, wants a mosque built in his constituency, funny old Christian who practices apostasy. I suppose he’s after the islamic vote.
notice how peter thatchell and his media leftie mates never attack radical islam.why?
Maybe because when they do, the sources which people like you use to reinforce your own views don’t mention it?
As you mention Tatchell, he was talking about the risks of Islamic fundamentalism as far back as 1995. But try finding that out via Vance, Alan’s cut and pasting, or George R’s selective, bigoted link dumps. You won’t. Because truth is the enemy of the Biased BBC ego.
Tatchell goes to church to protest (his own account)
“When I staged my protest in Canterbury Cathedral on Easter Sunday, I was not aware that I was committing an offence.”
Tatchell goes to the mosque to protest … didn’t happen. He’s spoken about Muslim homophobia but he wouldn’t dare go in a mosque and protest.
He did also say this ..
“Postpone East London Gay Pride .. Peter Tatchell said: “The Peter Tatchell Foundation is not supporting East London Gay Pride, following the revelation of links between some of the organisers and the right-wing English Defence League (EDL). I have also withdrawn my personal support. We fear the march will be exploited and hijacked by the far right to create divisions and stir up intolerance against Muslim people,” he said.”
So he will make a scene and a nuisance in a Christian church, where he knows he is safe. But he wont try it on in a Muslim mosque. And he is more concerned to stand with the Muslim community than with the Gay community when it’s his left wing extremism that’s troubled.
Remind me, when did the EDL ever attack homosexuals?
link for above
And another link, which shows that Tatchell’s stand against Islamic extremism isn’t as non-existent as Biased BBC simpletons would like to believe:
Scott do you even read the crap you post;
the article is about making a stand agaisnt the EDL and where for some strange reason PT is abused by…Muslims I quote:
“I was surrounded several times throughout the day by angry Muslim youths who ordered me: “You must remove this placard … You can’t walk here with these words … We don’t allow gays in this area … Gays are not permitted here … We don’t have gays in Tower Hamlets.”
What PT and you don’t understand is that Muslims in the UK as a whole will never accept Homosexuality, no matter how much you say different.
Do you think Tatchell would have had any hassle for being gay if he’d marched with the EDL? I doubt it. Yet he did get hassle from Muslims protesting against ‘fascism’. He was in the wrong demonstration.
“BBC drops debate on homosexuality in Islam from ‘Free Speech’ program after mosque complaints”
(March, 2014).
The campaign for homosexuals to be Married in church was supported by tatchell. why, when he and his like have no respect for the followers of Christianity .Has he encouraged Muslims to allow Mosques to be used for the same same purpose. He seems to be troubled individual who needs to ignored. Fat chance with the BBC links.
Tatchell might have crazily ambivalent views about gay issues and Islam, but he’s not so daft as to risk having his head hacked off by an Islamist madman.