Wonder what you reckon to the interview that took place just after 7.34am on Today programme this morning? It relates into the investigation into those schools in Birmingham and the rampant Islamification that took place within them. The BBC, being fair and impartial, sought the views of Labour MP Khalid Mahmoud. And only Khalid Mahmoud. Guess what – Khalid thinks the investigation is confused. I wonder why Khalid never thought to raise the issue during those years it was happening – he was oblivious of it all this time but now he is suddenly an expert. Listen to John Humphyrs seek to excuse the proselytising of Wahhabism and do all he can to mock the notion of any plot.
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Hands up all those who are surprised!
Could one imagine the uproar at the BBC/Guardian/Channel 4 if one, JUST ONE, Christian school tried to discriminate against non-Christian pupils? Harriet Harman and the Ryvita and yoghurt-eating fraternity would be on full frontal assault armed with rolled-up copies of the Guardian and sandals.
“Islamic school hardliners ‘confiscated Easter eggs from pupils’ as head of Ofsted takes charge of inquiry into ‘Muslim Trojan Horse plot.’
“Schools being investigated over plot to introduce radical Islamic teaching.
“”Birmingham schools are allegedly being targeted by Muslim hardliners.
“‘Morality squads’ of older students allegedly smashed pupil’s Easter eggs.
“Mother of student claims talk of Christmas and non-Muslim festivals ‘banned.’
“Ofsted expected to place five schools in special measures after failings found.
“Sir Michael Wilshaw, Chief Inspector, will now take charge of the probe.
“Tahir Alam, governor allegedly at centre of plot, could be removed from post.
“Birmingham Perry Barr MP says plot affects ‘majority of Muslim community.'”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2609332/Islamic-school-hardliners-confiscated-Easter-eggs-pupils-head-Ofsted-takes-charge-inquiry-Muslim-Trojan-Horse-plot.html#ixzz2zY0GzpVX
The BBC-NUJ ‘report’ on this is largely presented from a pro-Islamic, National Union of Teachers, Labour Party position, of course; with the political BBC-NUJ ‘report’ throwing doubt on the integrity of Ofsted-
“Ofsted chief Wilshaw takes charge of Trojan Horse”
so now the very people aka sir albert bore the labour leader of birmingham city council and chris simms the cowardly chief constable of the west midlands who has buried the investigation to appease gerry adams and the sinn fein leadership of the 1974 ira murders of 21 innocent brummies have got eggs on there faces when just last week both of them denied there was a trojan horse plot islamist plot in birmingham schools by muslim jihadis ,my contacts in birmingham tell me that sir albert bore and the chief constable chris simms have gone to ground now and are hiding from the media,the bottem line is both of them ignored this trojan horse plot for politacaly correct reasons and appeasment of radical muslims in birmingham.thank god that the serious well respected journalist andrew gilligan and the daily telegraph exposed this trojan horse plot because these cowards sir albert bore and the ira appeaser chris simms would of carried on as usual buttering up to the radical muslim extremists and the ira sinn fein leadership all in the name of social cohesion and politacal evil correctness.
And do not forget that the liberal elite wants to neuter the press. Cowards and morons the lot of them.
The Jesuit motto “Give me a child until he is seven and I will give you the man”, which is based on a quotation by Francis Xavier.